Greetings in the Love and in the Light of the One Infinite Creator. We are meeting here today to create a covenant of marriage between Samantha Iris Begley and Andrii Logan Zvorygin.**\ \ Invocation**\ \ We call upon the stars and the Confederation of Planets. We call upon Jesus the Christ. We call upon the One Infinite Creator that encompasses all and pervades all. May they preside over this ceremony and the covenant that is made.\ \ **Introduction\ \ **To become mated is to become one---one flesh, one line, and one spirit. Where one is able to commit one's respect and admiration, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The true nature of the mated relationship is that each may help the other upon the spiritual path that they are making through the time span of their lives. That is what each of you does. You walk one step at a time down a road whose end you can not and will not ever see. And to have a comrade at your side to share the dust of the road with, to share the enjoyment of nourishment and water when the oasis is found, simply to go through the same experiences and catalysts together, is a very, very great service from each to each, for each has much to teach and much to learn.\ \ For yours are not the lessons of reason, yours are the lessons of love. Encourage that self to be that self, to nourish and enrich that self, knowing that the self is accepted unconditionally as it is, with no desire for any change or variation. In this way, the mirror one holds up to the other becomes clear and still and accurate.\ \ You may now say your vows.\ \ **Vows\ \ **Andrii Vows:\ I do solemnly declare that I do not know of any lawful impediment why I, Andrii may not be joined in matrimony to Samantha.**\ \ **I vow to encourage and uplift you. I vow that we who were two cleave together as one flesh. And I vow to keep us whole, even amongst trials and tribulations. I vow to respect your free will and love you unconditionally.\ \ I call upon these persons here present to witness that I Andrii, do take you, Samantha, to be my lawful wedded wife.\ \ Samantha Vows:\ I do solemnly declare that I do not know of any lawful impediment why I, Samantha may not be joined in matrimony to Andrii.**\ \ **I vow to encourage and uplift you. I vow that we who were two cleave together as one flesh. And I vow to keep us whole, even amongst trials and tribulations. I vow to respect your free will and love you unconditionally.\ \ I call upon these persons here present to witness that I Samantha, do take you, Andrii, to be my lawful wedded husband. **Ring Ceremony\ \ **The wedding ring is a symbol of unbroken unity. It portrays completeness and eternity. May the imperishable substance of these rings reflect a love shining with increasing radiance throughout your years together. May God bless these rings, which you give to each other as the sign of your love, trust, and devotion.\ \ Ring vows:\ Samantha, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my eternal love. Whenever you look at it, may it remind you of the vows we make today.\ \ Andrii, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my eternal love. Whenever you look at it, may it remind you of the vows we make today.\ \ **Kiss**\ \ Samantha and Andrii, you may seal your promises with a kiss.\ \ **Blessing\ \ **God, we ask that You please make Samantha and Andrii's relationship a great and sacred adventure. May their joining be a sacred space. May the two of them find rest here, a haven for their souls. Remove from them any temptation to judge one another or to direct one another. They surrender to you their conflicts and their burdens. They know you are their answer and their rock. Help them to not forget. Bring them together in heart and mind as well as body. Remove from them the temptation to criticize or be cruel. May they not be tempted by fantasies and projections. But guide them in the ways of holiness.\ \ May this relationship be a burst of light. May it be a fount of love and wisdom for them, for their family, for their community, for the world. May this bond be a channel for your love and healing, a vehicle of Your grace and power. As lessons come and challenges grow, let them not be tempted to forsake each other. Let them always remember that in each other they have the most beautiful woman, the most beautiful man, The strongest one, The sacred one in whose arms they are repaired.\ \ Now as one flesh, they work together in service to God.\ \ God, May this relationship remain whole. Bring them what You desire for them, and show them how You would have them be. Thank You, dear God, you who are the cement between them.\ \ Amen.\ \ **Signing of paperwork**\ \ The covenant of marriage has now been signed and sealed.**\ \ Presentation\ \ **Andrii and Samantha you have exchanged vows, promises and rings linking your destinies before God, family and friends.\ I, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ by the virtue of the powers vested in me by the Marriage Act, do hereby pronounce you, Samantha and Andrii Zvorygin to be Married.\ \ We close this meeting in the Love and in the Light of the One Infinite Creator.\ Go forth therefore rejoicing in the Power and in the Peace of the One Infinite Creator.