Some Prophecies

compiled by Andrii Logan Zvorygin (

March 27, 2025

Be the comforter, be the Great Genius, let God work through you to help the world. We love you, we are One.

1 Bible

John 14:26 and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and remind you of all things that I said to you.

John 15:26 ‘And when the Comforter may come, whom I will send to you from the Father – the Spirit of truth, who from the Father doth come forth, he will testify of me

2 L/L Research

1990/0701.txt:16:Graduation to sixth density is very difficult for the negative polarity, for sixth density is the density of unity. When negative entities reach the point in sixth density at which they fully understand the lessons of sixth density, that is, that all things are One, they find that their negative path is at an end, they are at a standstill, unable to evolve one iota more. Using every bit of determination, will and faith that they have, they cause themselves to switch polarity in order that they may go on evolving. This seems at the time to be a service-to-self choice, for one thing that may be said of all densities is that there is an undeniable drive towards evolution. However, when the negative entity has switched polarity, it quickly discovers the sweetness of its choice. It must review a great deal of material it has missed, but it is the convert that is more fervent, if anything, than the one who has always been positive. It is the most positive of positive entities, the most loving, the most desirous of service, for it knows that it has finally discovered the truth that will continue its evolution. 1

1985/12/29: ”There are very few—but it is notable enough that we mention this—who are so efficient in processing catalyst in the present moment that space begins to buckle inward under the burden of successfully approached and used catalyst. In that case, the entity who seeks will find itself in the creation in a true sense for the first time, for when time begins its full operation there is the possibility of spacelessness or the unity of all space. In this distortion lies a compassion which cannot be approached except by those few among your peoples who have used catalyst with a fervor and enthusiasm and a conscious knowledge of the probity of such an exercise.” 2

3 Nostradamus

Based on excerpts from ”Convserations with Nostradamus” Volumes 1, 2 and 3 by Dolores Cannon.

3.1 Uncataloged Quatrain Number 13

A new ruler anointed, rises from the 50th latitude; renews the once great fish. Peace for a millennium. Rome rebuilds and the divine hand at the ruler’s side departs. Earth in renewal, but the scars heal slowly.

B: He says this quatrain is from one of his better students, and it refers to events that take place after the Anti-Christ has been conquered. He says it refers to the rebuilding and recovering from the warfare.
D: What does that mean, the new ruler ”rising from the 50th latitude”?
B: He says that refers to the part of the world the Great Genius will come from.
D: I thought that might refer to him, but I wasn’t sure if this quatrain was his. ”The peaceful millennium,” would fit in with the Great Genius. ”Rome rebuilds,” would be after the destruction, wouldn’t it?
B: Yes, that’s what he said. He says throughout the first thousand years institutions will try to rebuild, although their nature will be changed forever, due to the nature of the things revealed during the war.”3

Kyiv is located at latitude 50.45466 and longitude 30.5238


La sacree pompe viendra baisser les aisles,

Par la venue du grand legislateur:

Humble haulsera vexera’ les rebelles,

Naistra sur terre aucun oemulateur.


The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings at the coming of the great lawgiver. He will raise the humble and trouble the rebellious; his like will not again appear on Earth.


N: [Nina] That sounds like Jesus, but there is another. This is a time in the future when we will have communication with other galaxies. This group will come and have our world in awe; with such truth that people will believe this is the Messiah. And that is the time of great awareness, of great new peace.

D: Does this refer to an individual?

N: This means an individual, but with many followers who have learned to live by these universal laws. They are bringing them to us.

D: When this individual comes; will people think he is Christ?

N: No. This will be different. This individual will come as another person who can walk among you, to remind you that Jesus has done this before. They are His brothers in spirit, who live by those laws in their world, on their planet. They have come to let us know we can also live that way.

D: Then you mean this person will come from another planet. Will he come as a child and be raised here?

N: No. This time that I am seeing is a communication from another galaxy, when they appear on our Earth to share information with us, to show us what we can accomplish as a group. This will be an adult person.

D: Will this man be considered a ruler?

N: He does not want this. He wants to be a teacher.

D: If someone like that were to come, people might think he wants to take over the world.

N: No, this will be made clear. This is not the purpose. This is someone who will help. I see him teaching new ways to live, universal brotherhood, universal law, universal citizenship-showing us other places where there is life, where there is abundance. Places where people can live with peace and plenty. He will teach us how we on our Earth can do this also. I believe there are many similar to him that will be sent out as teachers to help during this time period. He is not the only one with this knowledge. Most of the people from his planet have the knowledge and philosophy.

D: Will he meet opposition?

N: Yes. But at this point they have enough power, enough strength, enough telepathy, that even his strongest enemies will be turned around.

D: Can Nostradamus see a time period when this might happen?

N: A year? I see at first glance two thousand fifty (2050).


I asked for his description .


N: He might be in human form on our Earth. He seems to be human-like in appearance.

3.2 Century IV-31

The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain, The new sage with a lone brain sees it: By his disciples invited to be immortal, Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.

He’s going to explain this in prose which means the explanation of the lines will not necessarily be in the same order as they were written down. He says in the future there will be this man, who will be one of the highest, most developed geniuses ever to appear in our present history of man. He says this gentle man made the decision to use his genius to help rather than to hurt mankind, so he is always inventing and envisioning things that will help man. Since he’s such a genius there are many people who study under him to try to comprehend the great fount of ideas that come forth from him. One of the things he envisions to help alleviate the miseries of mankind on earth is self-contained, self-supporting space stations. They will be like space colonies and will be large enough to be seen from the Earth as small moons. He envisions this to help relieve the poverty, crowding and things of that nature that could be alleviated if there were more space and cheap energy resources available for mankind in general. These stations he visualizes will be practical to build. He envisions them in such a way that the technology of the time would easily be able to handle building them. And the way he presents the ideas they are attractive to the politicians as well as to the scientists, so he’s successful in getting these things done. As a corollary to this development, another thing he envisions is a way of transplanting some of his genius and knowledge into a type of organic computer so it will still be there to serve mankind after his body has aged and died. He develops it to the highest point possible to transfer his genius, or rather duplicate his genius and his knowledge, so he still has it but it’s also in this organic computer. That is the meaning of the lines ”his eyes pointing south-ward, his hands on top the breast, his body in the fire.” For part of the process of doing this he must be engulfed by a particular piece of medical machinery that sends energy along all of his nerve passages to stimulate the brain in such a way as to be able to project the essential parts of the psyche that are needed for this organic computer. And it will feel like the body is on fire.

D: I was thinking if something was organic it could die, so to speak.

B: This is true. However, the way this is developed through this man’s genius, it is self-renewing like the cells of your body. Some of the organic parts will eventually wear out and get old. But meanwhile it will have replicated itself, so there will be organic parts sloughing off from this device but there won’t be any loss of knowledge because it will be continually self-renewing. He says applications of this computer will be applied wider and wider to where it would totally alter the technology of mankind.

B: He envisions the 2 ist century, perhaps the 2 2nd. He says even though it seems very fantastic to us, it will not be as far in the future as one would think. Because of this man’s genius he will speed up the process immensely in developing things that seem very fantastic to us now. It wa.s

easy for him to spot this man along the nexus of time paths because he creates such a large ultimate effect. He’s at a nexus of time lines, but anything he does will affect the various futures the Earth could travel along. So he was a prominent light-that’s the way he’s describing it-he was a prominent light on the landscape of time. He says he’s a very knowledgeable person, and he decided to apply his remarkability through science rather than through philosophy, so he could help mankind materially rather than just mentally. He says this man is one of the major forces that will help the Earth recover from the scars of war it will have gone through. He will help heal the Earth so mankind in general can be whole and happy and living well again.

He will appear after the Anti-Christ This man will be able to see how the Earth is scarred and how it could be healed, and he decides to apply his life to that. He’s the main antidote to the Anti-Christ.

D: That’s good because the Ainti-Christ sounded so final. This shows that we do have some hope for thefuture.

B: He says, yes, the universe has to keep things balanced. You can’t tip the scales all the way one way without them swinging back the other way. And this man, due to the nature of his genius, causes the scales to swing back toward a good phenomenon happening. He will apply himself in such a way that things will balance and even out and be better all the way around.

3.3 Century I-56

Sooner and later you will see great changes made, dreadful horrors and vengeances. For as the moon is thus led by its angel the heavens draw near to the Balance.

B: He says this relates to the earlier refrain about the man who is a genius.

He has already mentioned that after the horrors of the Anti-Christ and such the scales will have to swing back the other way to balance things ouL The ”moon drawing near led by its angel,” is the space colonies developed by this genius. The way its computers are organized and developed into organic computers are guided by him and led by him, the inventor of this and the head of the research in this. Through his efforts things will be balanced out again and brought back to normal.

D: Then many times when he refers to a moon he is referring to these space colonies.

B: He says with the concepts he had in his own mind and the words he knew, that was the only word he could come up with. Communicating with you like this through this vessel’s mind with its more advanced technological concepts, he can see it was space colonies and space stations that he was seeing.

D: In the first part it says ”great changes, dreadful horrors and vengeances.” Those will come before?

B: Yes, he says the great changes and the horrors and vengeances will be from the Anti-Christ and from the rise and fall of the governments, the sects and such.

3.4 Century VII-14

He will come to expose the false topography, the urns of the tombs will be opened. Sect and holy philosophy to thrive, black for white and the new for the old.

B: He says this is another quatrain that has more than one interpretation since it refers to more than one event One interpretation refers to the man who will rise as an antidote to the Anti-Christ. This genius that has been mentioned before. The phrase ”he will expose the false topography” means he will show that the way things are looked upon, they have a false appearance. That the philosophies and sciences have been built upon mistaken premises, thereby building a mistaken picture of the universe. What he discovers and what he develops will help people come closer to the true appearance of the universe, of how it really is, in relation to the life force that permeates everything. He says a lot of this knowledge will affect the philosophies in religions, but it will also help explain discoveries of old documents that had been shunted aside due to people’s way of looking at things. He says various documents, such as those found in some of the tombs of Egypt and at Qumran, and various other documents that will be found are examples of this. They will be linked together in a cohesive manner to explain earlier versions of major religions that will seem totally topsy-turvy to the way they’ve been interpreted through the years, thereby appearing to be black for white. He says the new interpretations of these, based on the new understanding of old writings that had been obscure before, will make so much more sense to people it will replace the old way, the narrow-minded way, of looking at things. He says this will cause a sweeping change in the world, particularly in matters of religion and philosophy. Simply because this discovery that is initially pictured as being a discovery in science will be more metaphysical than is first realized. And it will make clear the connections between the physical universe and the metaphysical universe as dealt with by religions.

History moves in spirals.

B: But the major event he thought was important to the well-being of mankind was the one he expounded upon the most-the first event that has not yet taken place from your time point of view, this genius, the antidote to the Anti-Christ. The developments he does and the effects it will have upon the world and the population in general will be those foretold by people envisioning the Age of Aquarius. He says as a result of this, world-wide peace will be imminent. People will be able to free their inner selves and open themselves up to the higher powers and the higher levels of the universe. In effect, it will make every person a philosopher as they will be open to these things, whereas before only philosophers were. As a result, the sects and religions that embrace these newly-discovered true principles will be very widespread as people will want to get together and share their experiences in exploring these upper regions.

He says he wanted to make sure it was clear that he was not meaning to imply the genius will discover the documents himself. The documents will have been discovered by others. But through the discoveries this man makes regarding the basic structure of the universe and the nature of God, he is able to make sense of a lot of things that did not make sense before. And things will come together as a whole.

3.5 Century III-2

The divine word will give to the sustenance, Including heaven, earth, gold hidden in the mystic milk: Body, soul, spirit having all power, As much under its feet as the Heavenly see.

D: This one they have listed as an ”alchemistic” quatrain.

B: He is familiar with the word. He says the phrase ”alchemistic” quatrain is accurate because this quatrain refers once again to the genius that will be the savior of mankind after the Anti-Christ has ravaged and gone. What seems to be fantastic claims of alchemy will become realistic and possible because of the discoveries this genius makes and the concepts he perceives. The new philosophy engendered by this man’s discoveries will encourage the development of mental powers and anything will seem possible because there will be a greater unity of mind, soul, body, and emotions than there ever was before. So people will be able to manipulate the basic forces of the universe in a way that will seem utterly fantastic to those not involved with the occult. He says that up to that time such manipulations were performed by people closely involved with occultic and psychic things that deal with these forces anyhow, even though they do not fully understand what they are dealing with. But in this future time understanding will be there as well which will make the dealings a lot more effective. Thus, many amazing and wondrous things will be done in an everv-day sort of way.

3.6 Century III-94

For five hundred years more one will keep count of him Who was the ornament of his time: Then suddenly great light will he give, He who for this century will render them very satisfied.

B: He says this has a double meaning. The major meaning he was wanting people to know is that the man being referred to here is the genius that has been previously mentioned. What he discovers and what he establishes wvill make positive and sweeping changes for mankind in general, and it will stand. Through the succeeding centuries people wxill grow up and live under the light of his discoveries and continue to develop themselves. Then, after the allotted time has passed, another discovery will be made that will be just as awe-inspiring and sweeping as the genius’ discovery. It will intermesh so well people will be able to burst free from all physical bounds and there will be no limit to their positive development. He says that is the major interpretation of this quatrain. Once again, showing how history will move in spirals, there was another man in the past, Leonardo da Vinci, that was considered a bright light of his time and well regarded in succeeding centuries. Some of the things this genius will discover will bring to light even more the greatness that was Leonardo da Vinci. He says it is most interesting how it all interrelates in this manner.


3.7 Century IX-73

The Blue Turban King entered into Foix, And he will reign less than an evolution of Saturn: The White Turban King Byzantium heart banished, Sun, Mars and Mercury near Aquarius.

B: He says the Anti-Christ will take over Europe and begin to take over the world with the idea of establishing some sort of dynasty. This person, due to his cultural background, is very conscious of the influence of families rather than the influence of certain individuals. That a family which is powerfully placed can have a major effect on the flow of history. As he likes the game of power and he’s obsessed with power, to him, one of the ultimate power plays is to be able to manipulate power across a long span of time through the influence of his familial line. However, this is not to be, for he will be overthrown by Ogmios and then the great genius will come to balance the forces, the energies, and to heal the Earth.
D: ’Which one is the Anti-Christ, the blue turban or the white turban?
B: Blue. The white turban refers to the great genius.


The sudden death of the first personage Will have caused a change and put another in the sovereignty: Soon, late come so high and of low age, Such by land and sea that it will be necessary to fear him.

J: He says this quatrain refers to the first Anti-Christ, Napoleon, and how he will come at a time when France will have trouble changing from the monarchy into a republic. He says it also could apply to the future as well. There will be a leader born after the time of troubles who will be young for his age, but an advanced being. He will be feared, but it won’t be the same sense of fear you have at the present time. He is the embodiment of a great spirit. It will be like the return of Christ. Nostradamus says he’s not like Jesus, the Christ, but the situation is very similar.
D: Would this relate to the figure we’ve spoken of before, the Great Genius?
J: Yes. This quatrain refers to both Napoleon and him. But the Great Genius won’t be feared, he will be respected. He says that’s how the quatrain would be translated for him.


J: It Ogmios’ horoscope it shows he was born under the new moon of Libra, taking place in 1952, with Saturn close to this planetary align-ment. To me, this shows he is an old soul. He’s done battle with nega-tiveforces in his previous lifetimes.
B: Yes. This man is well prepared spiritually to take on this task, for his opponent will be very powerful and have negative spiritual forces around him. He will need to be well girded for battle on all planes. He will be of the people, as he is a man who will have worked his way up through the ranks, so to speak. He came from a simple background, and what he has attained he did by working for it honestly. He has some technical training, but the primary skill he relies upon is his prac-ticality. He is able to see to the root of matters. This man is an old soul, and he has his priorities straight. He knows what is and what is not important for the final outcome. He is one of those people who will help pave the way for the Great Genius who comes after the Anti-Christ, for this man realizes that he is not the one to lead the world to ultimate peace. But he is the one to help bring down those who would destroy the world, leaving room for the one who will guide the world to ultimate peace.

3.9 Century II-64

The people of Geneva drying up with hunger, with thirst, Hope at hand will come to fail: On the point of trembling will be the law of him of the Cevennes, Fleet at the great port cannot be received. — D. Is that what it means by ”the law of Cevennes will be at the breaking point”?
B: Yes, he says that Cevennes is an anagram for the name of the man who developed the basic economic structure that your economy is currently based upon. And as with all such constructs, it has its faults.
This situation will reach the breaking point, so that the entire thing breaks down and a new economic and banking system will have to be constructed. But he says, even at that, it will be only a temporary solution. After the Anti-Christ is subdued and the great genius comes, that problem will be solved and will no longer apply because the way of doing things in the world will be so much different than they are now.
The only person I could find that might possibly be the one referred to by the anagram of Cevennes was John Maynard Keynes. He was an economist who is credited with influencing our modern way of life.

3.10 Revelation

Chapters 14 and 15 of Revelation speak of a man who comes to help against the beast, and some of the verses could symbolically refer to the underground movement. During this time there are seven plagues delivered upon the Earth, each more terrible than the last, which create more and more turmoil upon the citizens of Earth. There seems to be no hope for mankind until the last plague is delivered at a place called Armageddon when a great voice from heaven cries out, ”It is done.”
The chapters after this refer to the doing away of the old world and the establishment of the 1000 years of peace which could refer to Nostradamus’ description of the reign of the Great Genius who he sees coming.

/footnote”Conversations with Nostradamus, Volume 2” by Dolores Cannon