1975/0131.txt:4:I and my brothers who are visiting this planet at this time are not strangers to this planet. We have been here many, many times in your past, and we will continue to visit your planet, and we will continue to work with your peoples. We are working with your peoples at this time in many ways. It is not necessary that we communicate with your people in this fashion to help them. Most of our work is done in a manner that you would call below the level of consciousness. Most of your people are not aware of our contacts. We simply present ideas. These ideas may be accepted or rejected by your people. We hope that in time we will be able to lead your people out of the darkness in which they dwell. This darkness is not necessary. Your peoples may join ours in the light of the infinite Father, as you would call that state of consciousness which is the oneness of the creation. 1975/1228.txt:6:Let us again observe the teachings of the one known as Jesus. If you do these things to the least of these, my brethren, you do them unto me. The kingdom is all about you, and the Creator is within the face that is across from you, on the street, and in your house. Each stranger, each friend, and each enemy is the Creator. Know ye not that all men are brothers? You seek love, you seek to know the Father, and yet the Father is in each face that you see. 1975/1228.txt:8:It is very possible for you to become one with this vibration. And, my friends, this vibration of love, this vibration of compassion will transform your life into that of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a matter of balancing between two opposite attitudes in your seeking. There are two dangers, and we [say] this with a sense of humor, for the dangers are not real. It is the balancing between them that causes your progress. These two dangers, my friends, are pride and humility. Woe be unto the man who begins to feel that it is his love that is setting those about him on the path of light, that [it] is his compassion that is such a light to others. Woe be unto this man, for the love of the personality is limited. It will run out, and in its wake will come much sadness. 1976/1031.txt:11:It is for this reason that we have so often said to this group that the most important thing that we can say to you is that you must form a habit of meditation. It is only when you allow your intellectual mind to become quieted so that your inner self may begin to function that you may begin to realize your connection with the infinite love of the Creator. That you may begin to feel that love flowing through you and making a mind of unity between you and your brothers, be they your friends, your enemies or even total strangers. In meditation you may begin to feel that strength of that unity. You may begin to feel your own power as a perfect child of the Creator. Only in meditation can you find these things, for they are not apparent in your waking consciousness. 1977/0413.txt:15:Yet, we say to you also, beware of the opposite. Do not care too little for your physical vehicle and its needs. You must look upon your physical vehicle as just that: it is a vehicle. It is functioning well for you and like a good fruit tree, it has grown, it has come into its youth, it has borne truth. Perhaps it has grown a little gnarled, a little bent, and as the years go on it will become increasingly gnarled and it will [have] served its time. All of its fruit will have been given up and it will be cut down. This is your physical body. You may accept it as a good and faithful servant. The circumstances of your being here, of the type and condition of your life, are intended and are offered to you so that you make take your conditions and learn. You may take your body and be of service to others. Your body has hands with which to reach out to others; a mouth with which to smile, my friends; a mind to function well for you and to think well of others. It is not you, but it is no stranger to you. It is yours for a time. Keep this in balance, neither rejecting or being overly fond of those portions of your identity which are only temporary. 1978/0703.txt:42:The thing which is right, feels right. This means that this individual must be in touch with his feelings and of course, as always, this goes back to a daily period, brief as it may be, of meditation. When the one known as G met with the entities who became the group which now sits in circle with us, they were strangers but there was a feeling of appropriateness, the feeling perhaps, shall we say, of rightness. And this feeling was shared by all those who were long intended to work together in this group. It was a natural and spontaneous feeling from within, as all spiritual stages occur. All the one known as G did was to act on her feelings. First by going to a class and then by attending a meeting that she had heard about, and then attempting in sincerity and some humility to follow what was to her and still is to her a sometimes strange discipline. This takes being in touch with what feels like the right thing to do. It is a subtle feeling, that of rightness. And we can only suggest that each of you meditate and allow harmony to reign within yourself so that you may speak to yourself and know that feeling of what is right and what is appropriate. Does this answer your question, my brother? 1978/0703.txt:50:We offer our presence, as we said, not to dictate but only to give the brotherhood and the love of all of us to you. We are not strangers, my friends, though we come from far. We are brothers no matter what star our home revolves around. There is no doubt in our hearts that we are all part of love. 1978/0904.txt:49:What you are is being brought to the catalyst of a situation in which you must then discover the best way of showing love. It is not an easy vibration, the one in which you now live. But it is one in which the learning is greatly intensified. We have in our vibration a greatly extended life span. This is due, my friends, to the fact that when one is aware of all one’s own thoughts and all the thoughts of others, then one cannot feel separation. Therefore, the stimulus for emotional displacement by sorrow and grief, frustration and anger, is almost never felt to any great extent, and we have very little choice but to vibrate in love and in unity. 1979/0906.txt:2:I am Latwii, and I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. It is a great privilege to speak with you this evening, and we have been requested to do so by the group consciousness known to you as Hatonn, who again at this time has been stationed over your Oriental skies, as you would call them, in order to attempt to send vibrations of love and peace to the leaders of those nations, for there is some danger at this time to your peoples that national tempers will rise to the point of armed conflict. Thus, the entity known as Hatonn and we of the Confederation ask that you meditate upon the peace and harmony of the creation of the Father and send those vibrations into the planetary consciousness at the end of each meditation, for the world needs your love at this time very much. The entity known as Hatonn also wishes to thank those in this group who have meditated at times upon the calming of the waters, as it was asked previously that you do. For indeed it has helped to avert even worse disasters in the oceans and storms of those oceans. 1979/0918.txt:41:Which country is it that [is possibly endangered] [inaudible] nuclear? 1979/0918.txt:43:There is also a desire by the chosen people, as they are called, to ignore their great heritage. For it has been written in your holy work, called the Old Testament, that the Jewish nation should always love the stranger in their midst, for were they not strangers in the land of Egypt? This quotation they have apparently removed from their holy book for they have such fierce hatred for a group of people who are genetically very like them, known as Palestinians, that there are those among those called Israelis that would, if they thought they could, use nuclear weapons. 1979/0918.txt:47:We are attempting to tell you just how widespread and difficult this situation is, for it is not impossible to build a nuclear device. The greatest difficulty is in formulating what this instrument would call a detonating device to detonate the nuclear device. We are sorry we cannot be more specific through this instrument, but she does not have the knowledge. Thus, among people who have not the ethical and spiritual consideration to think their position through on behalf of all mankind, you have great danger to your planet at this time. And we are working specifically at this time with the leaders of China, for we find their leaders to be quite devoid of scruples. 1979/0918.txt:71:We were there and no one was lost. The effect otherwise would have been to destroy souls. We were able to neutralize the portion of the explosion which disturbed the inner planes of your planet. We did not see fit to remove or neutralize the physical destruction. For, among other things, we felt that your people would then see what they had done and perhaps not do it again. However, we did not lose any souls in those explosions. Our only danger was in not being here in force when the first testing began. It was a matter of luck that we did not lose anyone in the early stages of that development. 1979/0918.txt:96:We ask you to look upon these times as you would a movie. Say you have some inside information. Very well then, use it as such. Nudge somebody on the bus and say, “I told you so”; they won’t know what you mean. When the next tidal wave hits, when the next diplomat storms out in anger, you may nod your head knowingly for you have heard it here first. But it is meaningless, my friends, unless you understand it in terms of time. 1979/1103.txt:37:Among nations who are ruled by those who do not have the mental capacity to understand what they might unleash, but only understand the prestige of owning a nuclear device, this so-called nuclear proliferation is very dangerous. And each new source of nuclear attack increases the potential for this becoming a reality. Thus, Hatonn, who is one of our Confederation’s most strongly loving entities, has turned its planetary consciousness entirely several times towards these leaders and at times those of Russia. 1979/1216.txt:49:That which is to be feared is that which mankind may do to mankind. There is nothing in the creation which is called Earth by your peoples that would willingly kill for no apparent reason, but your species is capable of killing as a matter of what you may call policy. This is dangerous, and because your weapons far outrun your morality as a people there is the potential for almost total annihilation. There is no timetable for this for your people are unpredictable. We ask only that in your own way you yourself may love your enemies as best you can, for loving your friends is easy, but to lighten a planet that is torn in discontent, in greed, and in lust for power over others the most important weapon is the unifying strength of love itself. 1980/1.txt:3: [overview] Hatonn: Tonight, my friends, I am impressing this instrument with the subject that has not often been dealt with in these meetings, but we feel it would be of help to those of you here at this time, and so we would like to share some thoughts with you upon the anger that you may feel at times towards your Creator. 1980/1207.txt:21:Unfortunately, many of your peoples, their tempers sharpened through many, many generations of wars and territorial arguments, contribute to the negative quality of the forces of darkness. Anger, intense frustration, and the negative emotions associated with greed and envy add also to the aid that the etheric thought forms that are forces of darkness may draw upon and so the battle plan stands arrayed. 1980/1214.txt:2:I am with this instrument. I am Hatonn, and I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator, of whom we are all one of an infinite number of parts. Tonight, my friends, I am impressing this instrument with the subject that has not often been dealt with in these meetings, but we feel it would be of help to those of you here at this time, and so we would like to share some thoughts with you upon the anger that you may feel at times towards your Creator. 1980/1214.txt:4:It is only natural that you should become angry, but to whom should you direct your anger? You can only direct it at the Creator, and we would suggest to you that, at times, it is healthy to do so, to express your anger and your frustration and your grief, to remove it from your system, to purge it as if it were an unhealthy substance, for the Creator is able to absorb this energy. As this instrument would say, “He can take it.” You cannot damage the Creator. 1980/1214.txt:5:Now that we have said that, let us work a bit with these feelings. Who is the Creator, my friends? He is, of course, yourself, ourselves, this instrument, your friends, those whom you prefer not to associate with—all of those who are conscious upon your planet, all of those who share consciousness in the creation. In short, yourself—the creator is yourself. As you are angry at the Creator, so you become angry at yourself. And again we say to you, be angry at yourself, you can take it. It is well to purge yourself, with the fullest conscious understanding of the nature of your anger and of the source to which you must direct that anger. 1980/1214.txt:40:I am Hatonn, and I am aware of your question. As you know, my brother, we do not give specific information. However, perhaps we could share a thought with you which might be helpful, in a general sense. Most of the imbalances that manifest in your physical vehicle as pains, limitations, etc., are the result of some form of tension, fear and anxiety, anger or resentment. It is not to your discredit that these things occur. That is why you are in the physical body, so that you may go through the catalyst of the experience of these things, and from them learn. However, it would be well to examine your tensions and the other expressions which we listed, going from the most ethereal manifestation of these to the most physical. The nervous system is only the lowest manifestation of the several bodies that make up your physical being. 1981/1115.txt:18:I am Hatonn, and am aware of your question, my brother. In this regard we might once again recommend that the meditative state be used for visualization of this anger and the one to whom it is being sent and for whom it is being generated. In your visualization see this entity receiving your anger and see the effect upon this entity of such a reception. See in your mind your own identification with this entity. See this entity as yourself as you receive the anger which you have generated for this entity. See this anger entering this entity’s being which is now your own being as well. Feel the effects of this emotion which you call anger within your being. Experience its nature. Carry it to its logical, as you would say, conclusion in your mind and in your visualization. Allow this image to remain within your mind for a period of time. Determine by the intensity of the anger [inaudible]. 1981/1115.txt:19:When you feel that your anger has been spent and has been felt in full, then for a moment in your mind image its opposite. Then let that image disappear and let it be, shall we say, a small beacon which you shall approach by a process of what we will call natural discovery. Remaining in the meditative state, continue to see in your mind the entity for which you feel anger and, seeing this entity still in a dual nature, being the other and being your self. 1981/1115.txt:20:As you see this image make no attempt to guide it either toward the anger or its opposite, towards love, but allow your being to proceed through this natural discovery, until you feel the love which you imaged momentarily filling your being, which is also the being of the other. Allow this feeling of love to overwhelm your senses in the same manner and degree in which the anger did so. When this has been achieved, see both emotions, the anger and the love, in your mind as imbalance. See the imbalance of anger, but see the balance of anger and love. Then accept yourself and forgive yourself and see yourself as whole and complete as is the Creator, which you are, and see yourself experiencing both emotions as means by which the Creator might know Itself. 1981/1206.txt:13:I am again with this instrument. My friends, we thank you for the great symphony of your harmonized circle of vibration. We ask that if you think of us, you think not of who we are, but of only the Creator. We care not what impression we may offer, nor do we wish authority among your peoples, for reputation is a stranger to meaning. We ask only that you consider the love that is the original Thought of the infinite Creator, and we ask that you consider seeking that love in meditation. 1981/1206.txt:18:You, my friends, are in exile. All upon your planet are in a strange land. There is no comfort for the spirit in the spirit of your culture. The planet that man has made is a strange and barbarous territory. You are in exile in your bodies. There is within you a knowledge, a remembrance, a memory of the light and the infinite life of your true existence and of your true body. But here you are, my friends, cast away and what have you done, my friends, you exiles of the soul? Have you banded together defensively to protect yourselves against the pain of living? Have you attempted to convince yourselves that exile is home? Examine the actions that you take and the thoughts that you think and you may find in yourself many, many traces of the behavior of a stranger in a strange land. 1981/2.txt:2: [overview] Hatonn: At this time we feel the need to share with you the thought of your identity. This identity is very easily lost, for you are strangers in a strange land, as this instrument would put it, dealing with many foolish and petty occasions, words and thoughts generated by yourself for your learning and by those about you for their learning. This is a confusing density, we can make no bones about it. It is a difficult one in which to remember your identity. But there is, shall we say, a master and you are his children. And the mark within you is that as his children, you are children of light. And the light within you marks you as the Creator’s own. No circumstance, no thought, no behavior, no error, no difficulty, no limitation can remove this mark from your very being and you rest in the arms of the Creator. There is no moment in eternity when this is not so. 1982/1114.txt:68:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. As the strength of the seeking increases, for each entity each shall find seeming coincidences crossing the path of the seeking so that a book, a friend, a stranger, an event may lend yet one more piece to the puzzle of the mystery of being and make more sense, shall we say, out of what was confusion. When you seek you are as the magnet attracting the filings of iron. Never forget you are one with all of creation. Therefore, when you seek that which you seek is a portion of yourself and as you seek that portion of yourself it, being yourself, is aware of that seeking and shall reveal itself unto you through whatever means is understandable to you at that time, be it a book, a song, a sign in the sky, a conversation, a chance encounter. There are many, many ways by which the mystery of your being is revealed to you each moment in which you seek. Truly it has been said there are no accidents. 1982/1121.txt:11:There is, however, one way which cannot fail to aid an other self, and we present it to you in all of its stark simplicity, knowing that it is the simple things that are the hardest to grasp and attain. If you can be who you are clearly and lucidly, with each petal of your own bloom open to the world, you are then by your presence manifesting your totally unique and utterly personal love. Who you are may be cranky, judgmental, difficult or angry, but if that is who you are, and if that is what you show, then you are living; and as you open, those angers, those uncomfortable configurations of mind and emotions are flicked away by the clean waters of experience. Very few people, my friends, feel free to be, and yet only out of that being, that which you see as imperfect and possibly implausible to love, can come the spontaneity in which you catch a moment for love as a dewdrop catches the sun. 1982/1128.txt:16:It may seem to be a relationship with [inaudible], with a friend, with a stranger, or that strangest of all concepts, [inaudible]. But we say to you that it is a relationship with the Creator. It was written that the one known as Jesus said, “My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives do I give unto you. My peace is [not understood].” As you gaze about you, you will find a considerable amount of the absence of strife. You will find those who have accepted the cooperative silence of the [inaudible]. We ask you to look further; we ask you to begin with yourself; we ask you to encounter a storm so great and so powerful that it changes that personality that is capable of indifference. We ask you to encounter your own caring self, that first great ring of eternity, for only in full conscience—we correct this instrument—[inaudible] of your self can you become [aware] of the [course] of relationships with others. And when that storm has left you, you will find [effective] peace, a finely-tuned [inaudible], a means of perception which includes both discrimination and sympathy. 1982/1212_01.txt:27:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find in this instance the opportunity being offered to these two entities to channel an entity which is less than purely positive. You are familiar with the greetings which the work of this group has produced from the entities which enjoy the darker portion of the one infinite Creator. It is not an easy task to purely channel entities which are beyond your ken. It is a task which requires great vigilance, for you may look upon each instrument as likened unto a crystal of your precious stones. Each instrument in the configuration of mind presents a structure or latticework which transmits that similar to light that is the thoughts of another of Confederation origin according to the tuning. Be there thoughts of separation—such as anger, frustration, jealousy—then there is the break in the regularity of the crystalline structure which causes a distortion in that structure and allows an opening for other entities to utilize. 1982/1225.txt:5:Within that daily routine there are many, many chances for the seeker to feel isolated and alienated in the illusion which surrounds [him]. How many times on this holyday, as you call this day, have you felt in full strength the power and the inevitability of the one original Thought? How many times have you centered yourself within the Creator? It is difficult to imagine turning yourself towards the Creator, as you may find the Creator in any quarter within, without, north and south, east and west, in the faces of strangers and of the most dearly beloved. And yet the Creator’s original Thought is most often missed even upon the feast celebrating the growth of the spirit, a spirit new within you, new, indeed, each day as each day you turn towards that Creator, that original Thought of love, and offer that day, that moment, to the service of the Creator, to the service of the Creator in others and in yourself. 1982/1226.txt:8:I am Oxal, and I greet you, my friends, in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. We thank you for the privilege of sharing with you concepts related to those subjects so familiar to you having to do with the birth of the one you call Jesus. We would like you to consider the passage from your holy book, the Bible, which speaks of the Word which was made flesh and dwelt among you. It then compared that happening to the light that shines in darkness. The darkness does not know the light, but it cannot overcome the light. There is much to consider in these phrases concerning each entity’s spiritual birth within incarnational experience. Each at some point within the incarnation consciously chose to be born in spirit or each would not be within this circle. For we are called by a harmonious and unified circle of those who seek. In the same sense that the light came into the darkness does the spiritual self consciously come into being within, that manifestation of being which is each entity within the illusion. And so each of you experienced the conscious acceptance of a portion of the self being born that was not there before and that is to the remainder of the conscious self as a light in the darkness. Further, the incarnational experience within the illusion is designed to challenge that light. Growth of the light does not occur except by intent. It may not be the conscious intent to grow spiritually. It may simply be the dogged intent to survive without harming another. Many are the souls that have been harvested whose concept of the truth was never articulated, yet whose lives became radiant because the light shone in the darkness and the darkness could not overcome it. When each period or portion or phase of the spiritual or metaphysical journey commences, turn again to the experience of the one known as Mary, the mother of Jesus. Each mother physically experiences the nurturing of that in darkness which will be delivered forth into the light. However, when viewed in the spiritual or metaphysical sense, you may see this deliverance as one which is pondered, as it is written in the same holy work, in the heart as you nurture your own infant spirits, and indeed, each new phase of our journey renders you an infant again, it is well to ponder all things in your heart. For yours is the responsibility for your spirit and some care may well be taken, therefore. It has been written, although mythically rather than literally, that the one known as Jesus was forced to flee to the desert as a young child to escape death at the hand of that which may be called a negative influence. Have you given yourselves time and place for constant spiritual birthing and then careful nurturing in the desert or dry place where all things may best be made plain within while remaining secret from the external illusion? The external illusion challenges each entity in its journey constantly. Therefore, a portion of this holiday or holy day which you know as Christmas may well be devoted to the consideration of these movements or dynamics in the life of the growing spirit within. That which comes from you must needs first come to you. The desert is the perfect sequel to the poverty and simplicity of the manger. In all humility console yourself in secret as each new phase of being begins its development. And only when it can stand and walk within you may you then go forth in the manifestation of illusion and speak of those things which you have realized. We are with you as you continuously begin a great story of birth and death and transformation. May your learning be filled with light. We can only give you our opinion that darkness shall never overcome that light. But that opinion we do give. Arise and shine in good time and know that you are not in any sense alone. For all who seek, seek one thing. All are one thing. In the beginning was love. What is your incarnation? Love. How may you manifest it? That, my friends, is worth some work. I am Oxal. I leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai. 1982/1226.txt:73:No. I don’t want to get into semantics. It’s just, I have noticed previously sometimes that when people are really angry with you, it’s basically a distorted expression of love. But when you’re looking at blank indifference, you’re really looking at unconditional denial of your being practically. Not that it’s a negative denial, it’s just that you don’t exist. And it’s far harder to deal lovingly with that sort of a person or to make some kind of a communication with that kind of a person than to deal with a person who is honestly upset with something that you’ve said or done or if there’s a problem of communication because of the fact that anger, even though it seems like a negative thing, usually comes out rebounding into a very positive thing, whereas indifference doesn’t have much of a snap to it. 1982/3.txt:1: [overview] Hatonn: My friends, we speak to you of the beauties and the opportunities of living a full and generous life, and indeed that is the great first part of the lesson of love—to apprehend the nature of your surroundings, of your environment, of your opportunities and of yourself; to apprehend the one infinite Creator in all that lies about you from the smallest particle to the farthest sound of the distant car driven by a stranger to a place unknown to you. Wherever that stranger goes, so do you go. You are with all beings. You are a part of all that there is, yet the opportunities for the learning of the lessons of love are inexhaustible. 1982/4.txt:1: [overview] Hatonn: We would speak through this instrument in order to express your compassion and that of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator for your planet. We are aware as we look into the thoughts of this instrument that this day has meaning to your nation. It is a day called Independence Day, won, my friends, as so many things have been won upon your planet, by killing and forcing one group’s opinion upon another in what seems to be a planetary love of hostile struggle. We know that you as well grieve for those strangers who you have never met, who die violently in unknown lands mouthing the ideals that have been taught them. We know that within your thoughts there lies great concern for those who have killed but have not been killed. 1983/0828.txt:38:I promise I’ll only ask one, and it’s probably a stupid one, but it has been rattling round in my mind for a couple of days. Jim and I were talking about the mated relationship, and all the red-ray activity, and I said that I thought I was probably too rigid in my thinking of other mated relationships. When I really thought about how active my own libido is, and how often I am sexually aroused by total strangers, and I never think about it, because I’ve found through dating and through mated relationships that I am more comfortable with one man than several, so it never really occurred to me to question. But Jim’s response was, “Well, whatever all that red-ray stuff is about, I want to have catalyst, and to progress in my evolution, and I’m greedy, and so I choose the mated relationship consciously because I know that that is the most efficient way available to progress.” 1983/1023.txt:18:It has occurred to me partly by suggestion, but partly by my own thinking, that it is in many ways a dangerous situation for a person attempting work such as we do to have a physical negative pull on one, and might well be worth the entire five thousand “samolians” simply to remove the negative pull. It is difficult for me to weight this set of circumstances. I have my grief; I think I have conquered my desire to be right and my desire of revenge. Could you comment? 1983/1023.txt:26:Those treasures, my sister, as you know, are always a greater acceptance and love of the one Creator. You may consider such a situation as a great opportunity and a great responsibility, for each act of service to the one Creator bears a price. If there are great fruits to be reaped, a great harvest, shall we say, available to the expanded point of view, then there is also the responsibility to manifest that love in the greatest possible degree. We do not say there is danger in such a situation, but there is great responsibility. 1983/1030.txt:53:If you will examine many of these techniques of curing that called cancer you will discover a general tendency or attitude that is contained within most of these techniques. That attitude has many of the attributes of that which you may call forgiveness or acceptance. When an entity is able to express the love of the Creator which it receives daily to each entity whom it meets, and is able to feel that same love within its own being for itself as well, then it is often the case that the entity sees the creation about it, and, indeed, itself through new eyes. The eyes of love, acceptance and forgiveness are the eyes which heal. That known as cancer as has been discussed by those known as Ra, which is a disease which is the result of an inability to forgive, is a disease which grows from the angers which have not found their balance in love. 1983/4.txt:5: [overview] Hatonn: One of your members asked about anger at your meeting, and I would like to discuss it. There are many types of angers. Sometimes it is very good. In an emergency, if you need to protect yourself, anger is very helpful. Even in an emergency when you have to do something. If you expect company and you have to get ready, then knowing the company coming at the last minute sometimes gives you the energy to accomplish what you need to accomplish. But I would like to talk a little about another type of anger. Some people build tension within them, but yet the anger is not productive. Sometimes it is the release of tension. If one is angry about insignificant things oftentimes it is really a form of letting off steam and this can be very dangerous. If you can filter this tension through another entity, you can distill some of this tension. 1984/1118.txt:4:One day an ill-garbed man came to her court. He was not a courtier or a peasant. He was a stranger. His home was the road. He did not understand why his journey had brought him to this place but when he saw what lay before him, there grew within his heart a great desire to speak his mind and his heart, as all were allowed to do on this great feast day. Having no cap for his head, he tugged at his hair in order to make respect and bowed his knees and in rough words made his plea. “Milady,” he said, “I can give you nothing but my days, my nights, my love, and my road. My feeling for you is such that I am blinded. I cannot see any other and so you shall have to help me if we are to be together, for the blind need guides, and I offer you my need as well as my love, for I shall be confused. To share my road is a strange thing indeed. Milady,” he continued, “I do not know where I shall be tomorrow, next week, or next year. I have nothing but my flesh and my heart, my mind and my honor, and I give these into your hands. Whether you accept them or not, you are and will always have been my love.” 1984/1118.txt:5:The princess, who for years had turned down treasure upon treasure, came slowly from her high throne and reached her hand to the stranger who stood below her. “You must help me, too,” she said, “For I do not know that I have a road; I only know that I wish to find one. I do not that I love; I only wish to find love.” He took her and placed her upon the earth and looked down upon her, as he was taller than she. “Milady,” he said, “that is the way of all love. Each gives, each takes. I have not loved but I know this to be so.” “I have not loved either,” she said, “but I know that I am no longer lonely.” 1984/1118.txt:6:The ill-paired couple did not stop for retainers or for chairs to carry them or for any of the panoply or pomp of her circumstance, for that was not his road. They began to walk, and within the hour they were out of sight even to the keenest eye of those in the kingdom at the great fair. Strangely enough, this princess and this stranger were never seen again. Though many told of her years of coldness and haughtiness, there were none to sing the praises of her love, for as she became open to love, just so she became invisible to a great deal of that which mortals may see and mortal ears may hear. 1984/1125.txt:38:The distortions of perception are each colored in a certain way so that yet another means is presented to you by which you may learn the lesson of love, for as you examine each distortion each in its turn will yield the opposite response: for patience, you will find impatience; for anger, you will find acceptance; for the various kinds of distortions you will discover that when the balance is achieved, the yield of this process will be an increase in the ability to love. 1984/1202.txt:3:We of Hatonn desire to share with you this night a simple tale concerning a young child who chose to travel among others of his nation. The child of whom we speak was young, yet not afraid, for the child in truth had yet to learn to fear his other selves, as we know this is an acquired trait. The child then was able to wander fearlessly through forest, through city, to experience many new sensations, for in being young and without fear, the child perceived no distinction between himself and the other occupants of his world, both of second and third dimension. To the child, with untrained mind, the blessings of this world were shared equally by both second and third density creatures, although to the child, those of the second density seemed much less resistant to accepting that bounty which was their own. The child then was peacefully able to extend and receive that love which is available to and from all things and was able to travel peacefully and unendangered through the expanses referred to as wilderness. 1984/1216.txt:6:Ultimately, he put his ship to anchor and started up what was considered to be a holy mountain in South America. He walked and walked and walked. After weeks of walking and many near escapes with dangerous animals and those who lived in the area and were not pleased with white men, he came to a simple, beautiful mountain tarn, a lake so placid that one could not see that it was not glass. How he had thirsted for such clean and pure water during his dusty trek. He took off his clothing and bathed, thanking the Creator for such a gift, for the water, indeed, seemed somehow blessed and blessing to him. 1984/1216.txt:7:When he came out of the water, his clothing had disappeared. All the colors had changed before his eyes. There were gems in everything—the grass was now emeralds, the sky, the blue of an amethyst, the very far mountains, opals and the lavender and the purple amethyst, and brilliant and deep with color he had never before seen. Instead of his clothing, there was a simple white garment. He put it on and began to walk up a trail which he had not previously noticed. The trail led ever upward. It was dangerous and there were many times that the young man did not know if he was going to be able to continue upwards. But there was the trail. Someone had made that trail; someone had gone before him, and he continued, inching along bare edges, hanging to the sheer cliff, and finally he had reached the mesa, atop the beautiful mountain. 1984/1223.txt:35:I am Amira. I am with you in the love and the light of the Father. O, precious the moment, all glorious the hour, when first you are born. All that is old, my children, may now be put away. The manger of your light is ready for the babe. Now you are new. My children, my children, this is always true. Do not forget, but turn and rejoice. Peace. 1985/0818.txt:43:Well, I get very angry at myself sometimes. And I enjoy the anger, but then I know that I’ve done something wrong. Does that still mean that I can correct that anger? 1985/1006.txt:5:Picture if you will a mountain stream gushing forth from a living spring, ever fresh, ever beautiful, moving and singing along its bed and refreshing all that lives therein. Such is the living wellspring of your spirits, my friends. Where can one go to find such a wellspring, such a fountainhead? Can one go into the city and find it there amidst the crowds and the cries of those who barter and sell, and the angers and disappointments of those who have come in second in a trade, and [the] vainglory and folly of those who believe they have won in the trade? It would take a special person to find sanctuary and nourishment in a city. 1985/1103.txt:9:Pretend for a moment that you are a small child. You walk along the path kicking pebbles and gazing at the leaves on the trees, catching acorns in your hand and feeding them to the squirrels. The sun of childhood’s fall is warm and golden. The path grows circuitous as one gains in incarnational experience. It winds and turns and the golden sun of childhood seems to become sickly and wan under the bruising influence of experience. And yet this is in no way necessary. One may retain that golden childhood, one merely needs to surrender the bruises, the anger, the hurt and pain which have grown up around various circumstances and experiences which seemed quite negative. These experiences are a great deal like old and heavy clothing. They have become tattered; they have done their service and it is time to shed these garments and put on fresh linen and go forth into that golden sunlight once again. 1985/1103.txt:64:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. Within the structure known as the pyramid, that [is] a pyramid of the 76 degree apex angle, may be found a position known to your peoples as the King’s chamber position. This is the position which from days of old has been utilized for healing. However, those who were responsible for the giving of this form to this planetary influence were of a naive enough nature to be unable to see the danger of this position within this structure to those who entered into this position seeking not healing and the desire to serve others as a result, but who entered this position desiring power, as you may call it, over others, and seeking to coerce others to serve the self. Thus, the danger to any entity residing within this King’s chamber position is that the more disharmonious elements within one’s being may become intensified and the entity may leave such a structure more rather than less distorted. 1985/1110.txt:25:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. The angle of 76 degrees and 18 minutes, approximately, is the angle of the apex of the so-called great pyramid at Giza, and is the angle which allows the formation of the King’s Chamber, as it has been called by your peoples, and this location was the location used in days of old for the healing. Yet it is the position which has been suggested to be of a potentially dangerous nature for those entering it who are in any degree distorted towards the distortion of power of others, shall we say. The lack of purity in the desire to utilize this position can be further distorted by the apex angle that is greater than 76 degrees. 1985/1215.txt:10:Finally, exasperated, the son said, “Well, then, shall I become a hobo, to walk along the streets and the roads of the country and the city and get my living by asking for money from strangers?” 1985/5.txt:3: [overview] Hatonn: This evening, we would speak of meditation and of love. Let us approach the subject from the standpoint of love being offered as a goal, as some proper name like a town or a city. Within this instrument’s mind we find many popular songs which use this term. “All you need is love,” is the one we find most firmly etched in this instrument’s memory. This is indeed so, my friends, for there is nothing but love, therefore all you need, regardless of what it is, is love. The tremendous danger in looking in love as a goal is that it becomes a kind of deity unto itself, one which is drawn within the imagination of man’s mind, not that of the Creator. 1986/0105.txt:6:There is a danger to the seeker within the resting and the healing, and that is that there is a temptation for a seeker to feel that the cabin and the meadow and pleasantness and rest are the end of the path of seeking. Indeed, we say to you that that which you know as the Kingdom of Heaven is often harsh and abrasive and may seem decisive, for as you continue urging yourself forward and experiencing the great joy of seeking the one original Thought... 1986/0105.txt:10:As one seeks the one original Thought, there is the danger that one may decide that one has found what he has been seeking, and we say to you that in an infinite journey there are pauses between learning experiences, but never the full stop where one may lie back, rest upon one’s laurels and say, “Now—now I understand. Now redemption is complete and all that I seek I have,” for there is the next learning always. 1986/0126.txt:5:Once, as most stories begin, there was a young woman who was quite sure of herself and of her abilities, for many had praised both her and her abilities throughout her young and developing years. She was able to converse easily with not only peers but with her elders upon subjects of a wide-ranging variety. She was one easily able to solve the new and unique problems of her immediate surroundings, the management of her personal affairs, her business affairs, and was one who found an easy comfort in the friends and social intercourse of friends and strangers. 1986/0223.txt:89:I am Latwii. I am aware of your question. My sister, the wanderer, if we correctly construe your question, might be described as “at a loss for worlds1,” and spends an early portion or perhaps of the entirely of their life in a state of confusion or puzzlement, the role of that which on your world is referred to as the “stranger in a strange land.” The attainment of the wanderer’s bearings, so to speak, is arrived at with the realization that one has landed oneself within an unfamiliar situation, and that there is no Scotty to beam one back up. At this point, should the wanderer decide to advance along the path of positive polarity, then the wanderer would tend to seek personal development. 1986/0223.txt:102:[footnote start]Carla: In this case, Latwii is perfectly capable of having made a pun. The stranger in a strange land is definitely at a loss for the right world!↩[footnote end] 1986/0413.txt:6:You do not each have the same time to spend; you do not each have the same money to spend. What you have in common is the ability to look inward and to discover consciously within yourself that about which you feel the most strongly. Some of you have incarnated with a special love for the second density of your planet. We suggest to you that this is not only a chance for you to rejoice in the beauties of the outdoors but may well also be a suggestion made to your conscious self through roots of mind to aid the environment in which you find yourselves and in which you enjoy your days and nights. Some may have a special feeling for the plights of those who are hungry. One may then give thanksgiving that one has fed one’s family, but more than that, one may discover the suggestion that stewardship regarding the feeding of strangers in need might be appropriated. 1986/0504.txt:8:You people have many idols. They include those things which your peoples think of as idols and recognize as dangerous, spiritually speaking. We may name money, power, and worldly addictions such as lust, gross eating, and other excesses as being those idols which the world recognizes very well. There are other less recognizable idols. One of these idols is the man known as Jesus. Another is the man known as Gautama Buddha, another, Lao Tsu, another Confucius, another Mohammed, and so forth. None of these men hollowed themselves out to be worshipped, but rather to become the messengers, channels and wayfarers sharing a consciousness, the consciousness of the Creator. 1986/0615.txt:12:Thus, there is no time that is too insignificant of enhancing green ray and therefore becoming a nurturing and healing person. Each word that is spoken to mate or colleague, friend, stranger or seeming foe vibrates with intention. If the intentions are persistently compassionate, so you shall enhance development of green-ray crystallization and power as well as working oftimes upon higher energy centers. 1986/0629.txt:15:We ask you to glance back over your life experiences within this incarnation and look at the fruits of the seeking of personal happiness as “master of your fate and captain of your ship.” We suggest that some of these fruits may include anger, frustration, jealousy, licentiousness, quarrelsomeness and dejection. 1986/0706.txt:65:I am Q’uo. This is basically correct, my brother, for within your illusion of seeming separateness and limitation there is much which offers the challenge to be accepted, much which seems traumatic, tragic and filled with sorrow, distaste, horror, anger, jealousy and so forth. Yet, each entity and event is the Creator knowing Itself in a way mysterious to most. Yet, each in any portion of the experience may increase its evolutionary progress by finding the joy, the love, and the light of the Creator within that person, that moment, that event, that thought. When this can be done in a relationship then the relationship has served as a means by which the continuing ability to expand the point of view and the acceptance, the love, and the compassion for that which falls within the point of view then is also increased and the entity has moved itself further along its chosen path of evolution. 1986/0713.txt:58:Yes, please, Latwii, one more. Last month our dear friend M, whom you had contact with on our Thursday night meetings—I seem to be going through some changes, I think it’s a combination of guilt—you see, as you’re aware, she’s blind and has other disabilities, and we’ve been very close, and I’m having a real sense of guilt and anger because I know I’ll be going out west and I’ll be leaving her and yet she relies so heavily on me. And I almost feel like there’s something I’m supposed to teach her or make aware to her or bring forth in her that she’s not aware of before I leave because, there’s just not that much time left, and as I said, I get nervous about it, of the guilt and anger, and once I move out west, it won’t be the same again and I’m just wondering why we were supposed to be together in the first place, and like I said, what it is that I’m supposed to teach her or maybe she’s supposed to teach me something in the short time I have left physically at her side. 1986/0810.txt:9:For example, if one discovers within the being an anger or frustration, shall we say, that surfaces when one is unable to make its mark upon the world and the events in it in a fashion that is of one’s own design, then one may see that there is a bias of frustration and disharmony that emanates frequently as a portion of the being when the events of the world do not fall in such and such a fashion. One might note other facets of being, such as impatience and the desire to control people and events, as being corollaries to the basic anger and frustration. If one is able to look without emotion and judgment upon this basic bias or distortion of anger and its corollary attributes, one may begin to discover the potential that is shut up within one’s being by the presence of that known as anger. 1986/0810.txt:10:It may be, for example, that an entity wishes to learn more of compassion, more of acceptance, and more of forgiveness, and wishes to place these concepts more firmly within the true self, that which you may call the soul. This may be done by programming the seeming opposite attribute within the incarnation in order to provide opportunity after opportunity after opportunity, one upon the other for the self to experience the lack of love, the lack of forgiveness, the lack of acceptance, and these are terms which describe that which you call anger, frustration, control and so forth. 1986/0810.txt:11:Thus, by finding these attributes within the incarnational pattern, one may through conscious and non-judgmental study of the self become aware that in each release of anger there is the potential to accept, to love, to show mercy, and to have patience. As this becomes apparent, one then notes with more and more frequency and accuracy those moments in which this lesson is being offered. And as one is able to be more aware of the root or primary cause and potential set up by the expression of anger, then one is able to take advantage, shall we say, of that opportunity, and in a fashion to transmute or transform the situation in which anger might normally be generated, and instead generate the loving acceptance which was the original intention and which was achieved by constructing the basic personality to respond in the manner called angry or frustrated. 1986/0907.txt:7:We are third density, harvestable for fourth, and we believe, and it has been agreed by the Confederation entities that are about you now, that we perhaps can give some information from a point of view helpful concerning the question of the function of the nature and the correction in time and space of the seemingly petty negative mood, the transient melancholy, the sudden irritation, the quick anger, that which does not last in the perception, yet lingers along in the perceptions of those about one and in the actual effect in a cumulative sense on the spiritual journey itself. 1986/0921.txt:11:What little angers have you had today that pulled you away from consciousness into unconscious negativity? How much of this day did you lose? How much of this day did you fail to function because of confusion, anxiety, worry, irritation or distraction? 1986/0921.txt:45:When there has been a period of what you call disharmony amongst various portions of a planet’s population and this period of disharmony, even unto the bellicose actions of war, has lasted a significant length of what you call time, then this heat of anger radiates into the planetary surface itself and seeks release in various ways. 1986/1005.txt:13:Remember also to take yourself seriously enough to realize that this creation is more and more created by you as co-Creator, for during the third density man becomes more and more the true captain of the craft which is his consciousness, becoming more and more self-conscious, self-aware, self-sensitive and aggressive towards the environment which previously has been molded by love alone. More and more the third-density illusion becomes a metaphor for the self as you subjectively see yourselves to be. Thus, at this point in your third density, as it moves into fourth, you find yourselves at bitter odds, torn between compassion and comfort, between patriotism and peace, between love and anger. And your creation is reflecting this. 1986/1005.txt:30:We are told by our scientists that the buildup of ice in Antarctica is becoming almost at a danger level, in that it accelerates or increases the wobble of the Earth about its axis in space and as this wobble increases, the impetus alone as the mass of ice builds up in Antarctica will eventually lead to a pole shift. Does this logic sound correct to you? Can you comment on that? 1986/5.txt:1: [overview] Hatonn: There is within the heart of each of you, my friends, a pathway. There is within the heart of each of you, my friends, a home. These are one and the same. Very often because of your illusion the seeker believes that the journey he is on is of a certain nature which among other things leaves him homeless. This has been the description of the seeker’s quest in many a spiritual metaphor—the road that stretches ever onward, the straight and narrow path, the craggy mountain trail, the dangerous, rock-strewn road, the endless desert. As these are all aspects of your own selves, these are aspects of the journey upon which you have set out by choice and from which you shall not return, therefore some feel homeless and others who know that they are in an oasis, comfortable, surrounded by support and love, almost feel as if they have left the path. 1987/0104.txt:7:If one were to look upon your planet as a house, the special spiritually oriented events could be seen as the attempt to clean house in one day. Moreover, because of the complexities within your planetary subcultures, the belligerent actions and intentions of many among your peoples served as those who caroused, drank and destroyed the very house which was being cleaned. Further, these same aggressions continue each of your days. Long in your history is the march of days in which shots and missiles have been fired in anger and hatred, whether the missiles be of lead, stone, mud, or those subtle missiles called words. 1987/0104.txt:17:My question to you is the question, if a so-called dangerous weapon, such that a gun could be—[could] draw to the entity using it danger, also, or a negativity because of possessions that could be used for harm? 1987/0104.txt:18:I am Q’uo, and we respond by suggesting that there is no artifact of your culture, including the weapons of which you speak, which in itself may bring to an entity a situation which you would describe as dangerous or negative, rather one may look to the intentions of the one who possesses the artifact and query as to the nature of those intentions, for though your world is one composed of many things and seems concrete and solid about you, indeed, that which moves it and has effect upon it is of the world of thought. As you direct your thoughts, so you draw unto you that which resonates in harmony with those thoughts. 1987/0208.txt:9:We turn to look at some practical matters. We realize that, as we scan this instrument, we look at two providers whose families are dependent upon money earned by one potentially not able to provide. We would speak to those who fear that there is not a plentiousness of all things—the remembrance of friends, strangers who smile, individuals who unpredictably but generously may aid an unknown person. It is well to put one’s thoughts not on the lacks of one’s incarnation, especially when these lacks are beyond one’s control, but to focus one’s interest and energy upon the assets of the same situation. 1987/0208.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and we find that this disease is one which is late to join the experience of your peoples upon this planetary sphere and, being of recent influence, has found its first roots within those cultures which are of a more individualized nature, shall we say. By this we mean that those entities which comprise the cultures which are most susceptible to utilizing this disease are those cultures in which the identity of the individual is more firmly fixed and exercised, so that the relationships which develop from such strongly characterized traits that form the personal identity are those relationships which partake less fully of cultural or tribal or primitive traditions and more fully of those situations in which emotional exercise, shall we say, is determined and amplified by individual choice. Thus, the difficulties, as you call them, which bring about the heated feelings of anger and the venting of that emotion in an uncontrolled fashion and the failure to heal those wounds which it brings about are those conditions which are most salubrious for the fostering of the condition which you call cancer. 1987/0215.txt:7:What we are attempting to do is to indicate to you our feelings concerning prophecy. The mark of the beast is one of many symbols used within an inspired work of channeling done by the one named John. Much of this entity’s effort was involved not in offering universal symbology, but rather in sending covert information concerning specific events and entities to those known to the one known as John. The work has inspired and over-awed many, yet seldom has the deeper symbology been penetrated to discover the balance of the present moment. Such is the greatest danger of prophecy and symbology. Whatever one thinks about evil, one must cause one’s thinking to become twisted and biased in order to accommodate the eccentric symbology of the beast, its mark, its unusual body design, and its various foes. Perhaps this has kept some from gazing upon the essence of the beast. 1987/0222.txt:1: [overview] Concerning the uses of anger, how anger can be used in the metaphysical search. 1987/0308.txt:17:There is, in the relationship with the Father, a dependency, a perceived dependency which angers, or at best, irritates most third-density entities, unable because of perceived solitude to see that you and the Father are one, that there is no difference in identity between yourself and the divine, but only a difference in the degree of blindness of all the inner senses which may be available to you, but open and viable to the Creator within. For if the Creator is far away, yet is the Father also near, far nearer than your breath or your bones, far more able to speak than your own limited self, equipped with a far wider and wiser grasp of actual priorities, advantages, disadvantages and right action. 1987/0412.txt:18:Your monasteries are built for just such purpose, yet you will notice that they are walled, and do not permit the entrance of strangers for the most part, but rather live a self-contained life, praying and offering in service to the Creator. Some of you have been called to such a solitary and worshipful existence. However, it is well that each consider what he or she may feel encouraged within to attempt or accomplish, for not all who are, shall we say, spiritually oriented as most, would wish to manifest as such, but would rather instead manifest without the identity, the authority, and the respect that is given to those who are considered to be more devout. Many are called to be parents, homemakers, mechanics, factory workers and all the other careers, professions and jobs, all the ways to sustain life with your money and to enrich life with love. There is no circumstance which is better or best for the furthering of service to others at this time. You must listen, each to his own subjective consciousness, with discrimination and with care, but also, in the end, with trust and faith. 1987/0419.txt:28:Well, I had one on my own hook. I was trying to listen to the channeling while I was channeling, which is always dangerous, in that you don’t get it, but it just... I was asking myself, was the message to stop doing the things which were not lasting, or to change the mind so that in doing the same things, you thought you were doing a different thing? Is that a clear enough question? 1987/0621.txt:9:It is thought patterns that have always been part of the vocabulary of humankind, but year by year these thoughts become more powerful. Thus, more than ever before, we find it is good to stress the precious nature of positive affirmation. When the mind despairs, grieves, feels anger or has resentment, it causes the mind complex a certain amount of difficulty. More than that, as you have experienced with new diseases, it can cause physical illness and death. 1987/0621.txt:43:Then, this would presumably extend to psychic danger? If someone threw himself on a psychic grenade it would balance suicide more, wouldn’t it? 1987/0715.txt:12:One day, as the young man was working about his accustomed tasks in the shipyard, he saw a strange ship appear over the horizon and come into the port. It was tall and had red sails, and the people were at first afraid, for they feared an attack. And being a warlike nation themselves, the took up their arms and stood ready to defend themselves. But when the ship landed, they could see that there was no danger to fear, for the men aboard the ship carried no weapons. It was a merchant ship, the cargo of goods the like of which many, indeed most, had not seen before, for it carried fine cloth and spices from far different lands—we correct this instrument—far distant lands to which the ships of the north had not yet ventured. The merchants on the ship were interested in trade and in discovering new lands and new markets for their trade. And as the young shipbuilder watched and listened, he knew that his opportunity had come to see distant parts of the world without having to be a pirate. And so when the foreign ship sailed again, he sailed with them as part of their crew, and set forth into the world to discover what he might. 1987/0717.txt:76:I have a number of questions, but once I get started I [inaudible]. Well, I would like to ask for comment—this may not be of interest to anyone—on the process of attempting to channel during the last year, on the style and approach, which is a lot different from this in the setting in which it has been done, the manner in which it has been done. Are there inherently difficult things, or dangers, or opportunities to be misguided as we have been practicing channeling? 1987/0812.txt:56:I’m somewhat puzzled by that idea of challenging, and I’ve gotten some explanation of it from Carla, but I feel—my intuition tells me that one’s own alignment is generally sufficient, that one intuitively or unconsciously accepts or rejects the incoming energy. Maybe that’s easy for me to say because I’ve never experienced, to my knowledge, a negative entity’s attempted contact. But I just seem to feel no interest in that aspect of the challenging. Can you make any comments about that attitude and whether it’s erroneous or dangerous? 1987/0910.txt:26:After many sleepless nights Jamie became aware of something [inaudible], something that felt quite dangerous. His inward eye seemed to open and as he gazed about his darkened room, he saw the wild whirling of his bedclothes and a strenuous heaving of the [inaudible]. He saw the light whirling and swirling in infinitely various patterns [inaudible]. He saw his own skin leap and rejoice, for he had asked and had been given the vision of the purpose of life. 1987/0920.txt:17:It is always dangerous to desire without understanding the responsibilities of that desire, for that which you desire, you shall get. This is nothing more than simple metaphysical arithmetic. If any entity finds itself lost, regardless of material status or position, then is the time not to push further, but to sit and allow the self to recollect the intended path. It is difficult, but not impossible to move significantly off of a life path. Once off the life path, there will be the need for an honest surrender to that will which was yours as you come into incarnation. This is not a surrender to an outside, impersonal and unfriendly Creator, but rather a surrender in trust to yourself and those helpers with whom you have worked. 1987/1004.txt:20:It is rare, in these latter days of your cycle, that any two mated entities are together for the first time. Often the two are together, one to challenge the other and the other to challenge the first, for those things which are the most difficult within physical incarnation are indeed the expressing of a clear love energy to the entity closest to one. This has nothing to do in general as a principle with the relative pleasantness or unpleasantness of the personality with whom you are involved. It has to do rather with the dailiness of experience and that great tendency of the personal self to form attachments to the outcome of one’s behavior. It is, if not easy, certainly easier to love the stranger, the acquaintance, or the friend whom one sees only socially, to share with that person all love and all light, than it is to express that full-fruited, open-hearted song of joy to one who has not fulfilled your expectations. 1987/1004.txt:63:I am Latwii, and we have shown this instrument a variety of colors, for we are experimenting, shall we say, with the blending of various subtle, what you could call, plum, with the apple green and tangerine, in order that the subtler energies that produce these vibratory oscillations that are perceived as colors might be available for study of their correlations within your planetary population, as it seeks to move from the individualized self that corresponds to the orange or tangerine and begins its movement into the all-compassionate love of the heart or green-ray energy center, and through further catalyst and processing of such begins the transformation that affects the Buddhic body or that which is of the violet ray. We study the color emanations, for within these vibrations there is contained much information of a nature that cannot be discerned by the outward eye. It is within our own citadel that we study in this manner. 1987/1009.txt:10:It is a frame of mind which has the pointed lesson within it, for is not all of manifestation within your illusion benefited and enriched by the most relaxed and most focused point of view, the very point of view which instruments attempt to attain? One great fallacy of channeling theory is that the message is apart and other from and than the messanger. Yet, we say to you, the channel, the message, and the creator of that link ‘twixt teacher and student partake of one self, one mind, one heart. We move certainly from a point external to your incarnate self to find our place nestled as a part of your enlarged self. This involves the laying down of the barriers which keeps self from self. We cannot come without invitation. Once asked and once there, we are an extension of your self, and both of us are an extension of the Creator, a cooperative instrument to share helpful thoughts with those who may find them of use. 1987/1011.txt:7:As you have been through many, many lifetimes, you have also evaluated many, many experiences. And each lifetime of experience gives you its harvest of biases. These biases or distortions of the great original Thought often seem unlovely, for many there are who have the biases of prejudice, meanness of thought, selfishness, anger and all those ways of being and doing which seem not at all to reflect the Creator that is love. 1987/1025.txt:7:By the self in this axis we intend to convey not the whole self but that self which obtains and values tangible possessions, useful friendships, and advantageous arrangements of social, economic and political influences. It is written in the holy work known as the Holy Bible that the master known as Jesus, when asked what it was important to do, that is, which commandments were the greatest within this master’s tradition, the reply was, first to love the Creator with all the heart, the mind, and strength, and secondly to love the neighbor, the associate, the intimate, the stranger, the enemy as the self. 1987/1030.txt:14:Penelope was most grateful for the understanding of the stranger and developed a great desire to be with this young palmist, for palmist he was, working with the hand and seeing within each line the clear sketch of natural beingness and potential development. Little by little Penelope and the palmist, Jonathan, became greater and greater friends. Penelope grew to be a young woman and Jonathan was always there to aid her when otherwise her father would have done so. When Penelope was sixteen, all in her family besides herself were struck with diphtheria and taken from her life in a matter of days. Penelope was on her own, quite penniless, with no dowry, no station in life other than mother’s helper, and no prospects for the future. Again, Penelope in the darker recesses of her mind began to think more and more of suicide. Only Jonathan could comfort her, and comfort her he did. 1987/1030.txt:33:...under which you labor. If the assumptions include the feelings of solitude within the spiritual search, then we say this is a true perception. But if one of these assumptions is that one is truly alone, then we suggest that this assumption is grossly in error. For each Penelope there is not only an outward Jonathan, but an inward and compelling Jonathan, a presence to comfort, to love, and to aid and counsel when requested. These inner seers, these Jonathans of the soul, are called by your peoples such things as the higher self, the inner guides, the guardian angels, and it is largely in catastrophe, in times of peril, and in danger that the soul first becomes truly aware of the strength and comfort available from within the self. 1987/1101.txt:7:When your consciousness has reached that point where the lessons of unity are being well studied, this self turns and reaches back to the third-density self, to the self that is confused, puzzled and insecure. It is the most loving of presences, for by the middle of sixth density you shall have learned to love yourself, to embrace yourself, to protect yourself in light and love rather than with weapons of defense, words of anger and gestures of fear. This self is to you a great resource, dwelling within your consciousness, within those deep areas of consciousness where time is simultaneous and the great issues of love and service are always in incredible and lambent focus. 1987/1115.txt:5:With this said, we wish to acknowledge first of all our compassion for the deep ache and loneliness of those who feel that they are strangers in a strange land. It is in no way a cowardly thing to feel the pangs of being where home is not. It is not an act of cowardice to wish for the climate and the friendly faces of a family half-remembered. Yet we speak to those who wish not merely to receive sympathy for their plight, but to learn more about how to celebrate that challenge and to rejoice in the time ahead. 1987/1220.txt:61:I am Amira. I greet you in the love, the light, and the life of the Father. How plunged you are into the mystery of day and night, good and evil. How clear are the eyes of those who search out my face in every situation. Yet, we would not ask you to search out a physical face, for the physical face of the Son of Man is beside you, is looking at you from the mirror, is your stranger, your friend, your child. I and others have come to comfort you, to leave the comfort of love behind. May you release the discomfort of worldly doubt and turn and return to those glories of the Father which enter by eye or mouth or thought or death. You who come with me, you who share my steps, you shall share them all. May your journey be transfigured by the joy of your countenance, as with perfect faith you reach at last that place from which there are no more steps, no more false divisions, that place where you begin to feel yourself falling, falling and falling, more and more deeper and deeper into an unmeasured and eternal sea of creative, divine love. I reach out my wounded hands to bless and sanctify the wounds you bear, that they too may be marks of past courage, never scars of pain. I leave you in the full sun, the glorious light and infinite love of the Father. Farewell and peace. 1987/6.txt:5: [overview] Concerning the uses of anger, how anger can be used in the metaphysical search. 1988/0103.txt:10:A great deal of the work of your people at this time is what this instrument would call orange-ray work. The orange-ray energy center deals, in our opinion, with personal relationships and difficulties of the person within the self. When that orange ray becomes blocked in relationship to another, the negative feelings can be very intense. We speak at first, of course, of those who know each other, those who have said they love each other, and now can find no positivity. Yet the orange-ray bias that is blocked is blocked within the individual self first. Therefore, when it is infringed upon by a stranger, it may well receive a very unwelcome mirrored picture of the negative blockage, and thus it is that the stranger is disliked upon sight. 1988/0117.txt:15:We are speaking to those who have already made the choice to serve others as a means of learning to know the Creator, as a means of experiencing relationship with the Creator. Therefore, we may freely and joyfully urge each to know the self as one who may be a channel of light, a channel of love, not by your own Earthly energies, for they fail, but by becoming through meditation aware of that which comes through one from the infinite creation, that which is infinite love. Thus, more and more you may become a light to those about you, not so much by what you do as by the smile in your eye, the peace of your expression, the gentleness of the reply to a hard rebuke, the kindness to a stranger. And each time that you attempt to serve, you run the risk of failure, and when you feel that you have failed, it is a temptation to think poorly of oneself. We ask you never to feel such sad feelings, but simply to pick oneself up and continue, for you are an harmonious part of an infinite plan whereby the Creator in its infinity learns more and more about Itself, for each of us who are companions upon the path back to the Source in our relationships with each other express the Creator’s thoughts to the Creator, for each of you is a spark, an infinite part of an infinite Father. 1988/0207.txt:8:A note about the practice of moving out of the body at will. Most entities which do so are not highly polarized, and are therefore not in particular danger by confrontation with those entities which do not like the light when it is used for compassion, and wish instead to use that light in a controlling and service-to-self manner. Thus, it is well in this instance when a gift has been given, to ask in meditation, not anxiously, but eagerly and with sincerity, “What may I do to serve the Creator with this gift?” Or, indeed, if this seeming gift in reality affects the entity as a limitation, the question should be, “What may I give as a result of those things which I learn from this condition?” 1988/0213.txt:16:It is easy to remember the bliss and forget that desire to be more full of positivity and service when one is within the illusion. Entities remember selected things and forget others. If they are healthy, their deep memories are blissful. And so you seem strangers in a strange land, yet we urge you to nurture yourselves within your sorrow, nursing the faith within the heart that even if joy cannot be seen through long seasons of living, yet still the light within moves forward, experiences and learns what it can and moves ever closer to supernal joy. 1988/0214.txt:15:We are those of Q’uo, and greet you again in love and light. This instrument was moving dangerously close to trance, and we felt it necessary that we waken the instrument and position the body contact betwixt this instrument and the one known as Jim in a more satisfactory manner. We shall continue exercising the instrument for a few seconds while the trance state recedes somewhat. 1988/0214.txt:54:I am Q’uo. It is often an aid in the amplification of the energy direction [finder], shall we say, for other entities to be present with some form of healing, especially those utilizing visualization or the production of sound vibration. However, in those types of healings which require the one serving as healer to make a contact with intelligent infinity in some form, it is not necessary that others be present, and indeed it may not be efficacious for the actual transmission of the healing energy. It is not a service which endangers, shall we say, either the one to be healed or the one serving as healer, as long as the one serving as healer has developed the necessary preparation of the self and observed those practices which have formed its art, that the careful building of the crystallized personality and the careful use of this personality are within the domain of the one serving as healer and when used in a responsible manner, shall we say, do not cause risk to either the healer or the one to be healed. 1988/0228.txt:11:We may gaze upon many, many sources of negativity, many clouds of negative thought-forms. The difficulties which lie behind, beneath and around the waking experience of those upon your planet at this time have caused those entities younger in your years to experience a speeding effect mentally and emotionally, and sometimes physically also, so that there are those who have experienced your culture’s more painful problems of stress and importance put upon relatively unimportant things. Even those who are young in years have become no stranger to despair, no stranger to pain, and thus no stranger at all to those thought-forms which dwell upon depression, anxiety and fear, so that depression itself becomes food and the thoughtforms become stronger, and other vulnerable entities are then, shall we say, infected and encouraged by such vampiric entities. 1988/0316.txt:17:I’d like to just say first of all that you take my doubts and my impatience with myself and my anger with myself and perceive it in a much more elevated way than I am able to and it’s a great help to me when you raise my perspective up to yours by reinterpreting, insofar as you can, by reinterpreting those feeling that I have in times like this, that I am very grateful for that. I really don’t feel like I have any specific questions at this point. I’m a little bit disturbed by the course of this session but as you say it’s permissible, I suppose, to stumble on the path. [Inaudible]. I have no questions. Thank you. 1988/0403.txt:5:We are minded to discuss a suffering life that all within your culture are aware exists, that of a teacher, master and Christ known to you as Jesus of Nazareth. When we examine the life pattern of this individual we see an entity thrown apart, even within childhood, suffering the loneliness and lack of companionship which accompanies the unusual and serious student in the small child’s body, for by the age of what you call your teens, the one known as Jesus was very learned, speaking as a rabbi would, knowledgeably of much literature, much memorization, much insight. This lonely entity walked in his curiosity into many places, always the stranger, seeking information, seeking guidance, seeking understanding, and suffering always the loneliness of the stranger. 1988/0410.txt:1: [overview] (From H1.) Has to do with nuclear warfare, and the cause of the tensions that build toward the feeling of separation and anger that are strong enough to lead to warfare, and to—since we have the nuclear bombs at our disposal—the chances of using them. What kinds of energies are necessary for us to understand in order to back away from the kind of confrontation that might bring about the use of nuclear weapons? What type of growth would signify the understanding that we would rather preserve our environment and illusion than destroy it? 1988/0802.txt:11:Why would any who wishes to be of service to others choose a sacrificial way of giving? In the beginning many things seem like sacrifice. When a mated pair has a child, the father sacrifices his freedom. He must provide now for a small and fragile entity, a stranger, so he thinks. And what of the mother? Ah, what freedom she loses, what sacrifices she makes, yet the joy of knowing, loving and sending forth into the world a small being is so far from describable that it would make most parents laugh, for the joy they have received is inestimable. 1988/0802.txt:19:Do you wish to be of service by channeling? By teaching? By offering the self in the deepest way that is important to you, that is the essence of yourself? We encourage you to the ordeal, for no matter what you give to others—and you cannot judge that—you shall daily be working upon that self which in its being is love itself. It may seem selfish to continue working upon self-realization, to continue working until the self feels entirely self-worthy, self-forgiven and self-esteemed. Yet, must you not love yourself to love your neighbor enough to give all that you have sacrificially, that that neighbor, that perfect stranger, that face of the Creator which is another part of yourself—to give to this entity is surely a wonder and a blessing. And yet that entity shall give back to you more than you give away, so the end of the suffering is always joy. 1988/0814.txt:70:We might encourage each new instrument which seeks to learn the vocal channeling process by suggesting that the process itself is quite simple. The protection, as well, is quite simple. However, the clear understanding within the heart and mind of each student that partakes in this process is necessary in order that these simple procedures be accomplished in a pure fashion. The desire and the motivations of each student must be examined by each student in a most careful fashion in order that the channel within the being is open in as clear and simple a fashion as possible. When these protections and motivations are thus accomplished, the process may be expected to proceed with little risk or danger to the student. 1988/0918.txt:7:All of these hard edges that we described, these overassurances, pomposities, rash assumptions and manipulations, create catalyst for those about them, catalysts in which they may experience the infringement upon the free will in one way or another, and they then make their own choices as to how to react. There are, in fact, two perfectly acceptable ways to react, one being service to self, one being service to others. Due to the nature of your illusion, it is far easier to react in service to self than it is in service to others. It is not easy to love those who are discriminating against you, causing you difficulty, or creating pain by catalyst in your existence. Consequently, many people there are who inadvertently do polarize by becoming enangered by the selfish reactions of another person. It is well to remember that each entity creates its own universe by its reaction to the catalyst it receives. You may choose to create a positive, though challenging, universe, faced with just such a relationship. This, however, is certainly a challenge, as it always a challenge to love those, as it says in the holy work, your Bible, who despitefully use you. 1988/1009.txt:5:That which is hatred and that which is anger, and all of those emotions which may be called negative, are distortions of love. They manifest through the distorted individual by blocking energy and trapping this energy in the center involved in the changing, confusing difficulty which is catalyst for distorted love. This catalyst may be extreme. However, may we say that that which the questioner considers hatred it does not know in full intensity, for it is incapable of achieving the purity of negative emotion which would be necessary for those which wish to polarize negatively. Nevertheless, we in no way disregard or lessen any of those emotions which are beyond the control of the entity at this time. 1988/1009.txt:6:When an entity is extremely positive, as each within this circle is, that which may be seen by others to be unimportant or non-catalytic, upon the contrary sensitive entities which seek will certainly use this catalyst and experience painfully negative emotions. Thus, hatred is love which has been hurt badly. Anger is that which comes of hatred. Beneath the hatred is what this instrument would call the orange-ray blockage. This is especially painful when the entity who is in pain has some difficulty in experiencing self-worth and self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and self-love. 1988/1009.txt:25:Let not these things be a stumbling block before your search for unconditional love any longer than necessary. The first order of business is forgiveness of self. Do not attempt forgiveness beyond the self at first, but only work upon the self. We find that each expresses its positive aspect, so we need not encourage this aspect of behavior. We do not encourage false behavior. We find each to be by nature friendly towards other entities and compassionate. Exercise your nature in this regard whenever you can, giving each passing stranger, into whose eyes you smile, a smile a bit longer, a bit wider, and from the heart. You will never know how many lives you touch by the gentle word, the kindly gesture, the gentle smile. 1988/2.txt:3: [overview] (From H1.) Has to do with nuclear warfare, and the cause of the tensions that build toward the feeling of separation and anger that are strong enough to lead to warfare, and to—since we have the nuclear bombs at our disposal—the chances of using them. What kinds of energies are necessary for us to understand in order to back away from the kind of confrontation that might bring about the use of nuclear weapons? What type of growth would signify the understanding that we would rather preserve our environment and illusion than destroy it? 1989/0115.txt:15:There are those things which block this simple process from gaining in momentum. When one is distracted from the natural creation of the Father and when one has great difficulty seeing the Creator in each pair of eyes upon which one looks, one begins to move off of one’s center, away from one’s remembrance of love, and passion dies and numbness sets in, or anger or another negative emotion, but, indeed, we find that among your people the quality of numbness is marked. We ask you by a slow process of daily meditation to allow these layers of protection from that against which you do not need to be protected, to drop, simply to be let go. Then, with that done, call to remembrance that natural reaction which one may have to being loved so deeply that one becomes absolutely necessary for another’s existence. 1989/0115.txt:48:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. The process of learning which is accomplished by the utilization of lifetime after lifetime within this illusion of forgetting is one which, for many, is quite difficult, for as one enters into this illusion, one must forget that the unity of all creation exists for each entity, and, indeed, for the self. One must forget the exact programming of lessons that one has set for the self and operate within the illusion only by the smallest and simplest of impulses, that which has been called by many of your peoples, “the still small voice within.” One must forget that there is, in truth, no danger or difficulty so great that one cannot find the necessary love to overcome all. 1989/0115.txt:71:I am Latwii. We find that there is little of the physical danger for most of your entities that would seek to explore previous incarnational experiences using the tool of hypnotic regression. The greatest danger, or, should we call it, difficulty, that we have noticed experienced by most entities is what we might call an over-interest or preoccupation with the concept of previous incarnational experiences and the attempt to discover what these experiences were and what exactly transpired in these experiences. 1989/0125.txt:38:When the channel is open anything is possible according to one’s gifts, and the possibility of serving the Creator becomes almost certain. The life pattern may be such that beyond the simple vibratory nature of the self no dramatic work is expected. Simply the loving of those which are hard to love, the smile to stranger as a charity to those who need it. Others have more dramatic ways of being channels of love and life. All ways of service to others are equal. 1989/0212.txt:38:That was very thought provoking. There is one small query, and it’s just because of the fact that I know that I have a real strong bias towards the belief that most of the people that I’ve worked with over the years, their biggest single problem, besides the fact that they were willing to live chaotic lives in terms of relationships, was that they carried around a lot of anger and guilt and stuff about themselves towards themselves, so they basically felt unworthy or had fairly low self esteem. And it seemed like this was the greatest real impediment to seeing the rest of the world compassionately. As a matter of fact, they tended to be better at seeing the rest of the world compassionately than themselves, but on a very subtle level it was keeping them from doing work in consciousness, and, actually, it happens to be my problem too, and I have a very strong bias towards working on that problem with my people, and I know that the help that I get is probably oriented according to that bias. Would [you] confirm if it is a good bias, or comment if you feel there is some thought I might take? 1989/0219.txt:17:Each option, then, would be gazed at with an eye for compassion and wisdom. Some of your philosophers have suggested ways to evaluate wisely. Each way of evaluation has virtues and desperately dangerous faults. We would not advise any to be an “ist,” that is, what this instruments calls those which are Marxists or Communists or Creationists. We do not feel we need to go on. We suggest strongly that one interested in true ethical considerations be aware that there are no two situations alike, and that ethics are, indeed, personal. We do suggest, when one is dealing in relationship, that no matter what the status of the relationship with regard to those expensive pieces of paper—which we find this instrument calls the wedding certificate—the ethics of the native contract rely upon agreements made. Changes may occur if talks between the two within the relationship reveal to both that it is time to change. Thus, one is not permanently tied to an agreement, but one is tied ethically to an agreement one has made until such time as one has expressed the need to change the agreement. This is an ethical guideline which is very helpful in determining those actions in relationship. 1989/0308.txt:9:We feel with the instrument, the danger to the integrated personality of forcing the self to live with the intensity necessary to be with the Creator, it is, or could be, dangerous enough to the integrated self that the self moves apart and the mental balance is lost. 1989/0311.txt:14:About the lower energy centers and their blockages we could speak for many, many hours, yet much has already been spoken about these blockages. We can only say that there is no body of philosophical or spiritual material upon your planet, of which we are aware, that has not within it some good insights into the voyager’s search for the peaceful inner self. Thus, it is not a matter of pointing you in this direction or that, this religious system or that, but rather, perhaps, we may say in a very general sense that those things which keep energy from pouring at full volume into the heart energy center are those things which are not of love, but are distortions of love, seen in the faces and voices of those who have experienced pain. The essence of that which robs the heart of energy is separation. Thus, if you anger yourself, you must sit down and find that self within you which may forgive, find the grace within the self which redeems and makes one new. When the difficulty is perceived as being another, let it be clear that in some way you gaze upon the Creator and the self. From this you may learn if you are capable of remaining faithful and abiding in an inner peace which allows one the larger point of view. 1989/0312.txt:9:On another level, it is well to remember that you are gazing at yourself. You may well not love yourself. Therefore, you will not be pleased with the face of another, the conversation of another, or the actions or thoughts of another. The more disturbed or upset that face is able to create the catalyst for you to become, the more that self has to teach. We do not suggest that any learning difficult lessons attempt for any length of time to remain consciously the God-self, for it is a dangerous choice of personas, a risky choice of masks. The risks to one who walks incautiously upon the path of learning [are such that one] finds that one has been waylaid almost inevitably, for one’s energy, unless taken from what you may call the world full time, is most usually not equal to the task of remembering who you really are. 1989/0319.txt:61:I have one. If a person is, in their heart, interested in helping others, and the particular area they’re trying to help in is dangerous, is putting their mind on the level of a criminal mind, is following in those directions to help our society from becoming victims, so to speak, of these people, what does a person need to do to protect themselves or to look at? 1989/0325.txt:18:Thus, eventually each is healed, each moves to a portion of the creation which has the light density which is comfortable for it, and from this vantage point, with its higher self, and, we always add, with that which we can only call grace, the entity judges its incarnation. The entity gazes back and leafs through the pages, or to use another metaphor, looks closely at the woven tapestry of emotion and thought and action which made up a life. Is your tapestry beautiful? Have you used rich colors and loving emotions? Is it stark with cold emotions or disturbing with anger? How are you making the tapestry of your life? It is you who will judge yourself. Please yourself today. Then judgment will not be so difficult. 1989/0412.txt:25:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The significance, in general, for entities which appear in the dream are—we correct this instrument—is that the entity represents some aspect of the self. That this can be the case with a stranger underlines the quality of the self that has been seen, or as you might say, projected, upon the entity that is the stranger. In this instance, we would suggest that the unconscious mind is able to perceive a quality within the stranger that is obvious enough in importance to the conscious mind, being a significant aspect of the self, to bring to the attention of the self this quality. The quality may be felt rather than defined by the unconscious mind, therefore the strange entity, one unknown to the conscious self, is chosen in order that this feeling tone might be easily made apparent rather than finding this quality within a known entity and risking the coloration of the quality with what is already known in the familiar friend. 1989/0430.txt:21:Some entities require a very simple myth of a personal nature, and those within the so-called New Age movement demonstrate the simplistic nature of the path to infinity. It is, however, a path which is difficult to remain upon, for the nature of the illusion is to challenge and test the growing entity again and again. Those who feel that there is naught but love and light may be most distressed and confused by that which happens in the life experience which may be called traumatic or devastating. The impulse is to remove the faith and replace it with anger. Avoid such impulses, for the Creator is not simplistic. The Creator and you, together, have designed quite carefully the kind of lessons of love that you are to attempt to study within this life experience. To study them as a materialistic entity who lives and dies is, perhaps, all too often to remain asleep to the possibilities of challenge. 1989/0507.txt:39:Then there is the journey of the hero that symbolizes the life pattern through which the hero moves, encountering difficulties and dangers, as it would seem, as these are the means by which the desire of the hero is strengthened, then tested, then strengthened again, and tested once again as those riddles of the life pattern begin to [be] answered in a small degree, and by the answering reveal yet more mystery which remains unsolved and which draws the hero onward upon this journey. 1989/0514.txt:7:Now, we must do a bit further background work in establishing the actuality of this adversity. Within the illusion, adversity is most real, and, for the most part, normal. It impinges on one, and one reacts to it. In actuality, it is part of a plan set up by your deeper self and the Creator, and it has a sense about it which, when one has lived long enough, yields to inspection. There is always the pattern of the incarnational experience. Over and over again has come the same experience, the same disappointment, or the same betrayal, the same anger or the same love, the same difficulty or the same needs. And after a time one may begin to see an incarnational pattern. Perhaps one is learning patience; perhaps one is learning to love without expectation of return. 1989/0514.txt:93:I feel that anger and hatred and things like that are very destructive, but I can see that they would help the individual if they helped them, but only if they could be intelligent enough to become aware of what happened and how they can learn from the situation. But if the person’s not intelligent enough, I guess, or doesn’t want to be aware of the situation, is wont to display the dramatic emotions, I feel that that may be self-centered, but I’m not sure if it is, because it may have some effects, I guess. I don’t know. I guess that’s what I want to know. 1989/0514.txt:94:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The ability of the seeker to consciously recognize catalyst is primary to any learning in a conscious sense. Most entities within your illusion have only the barest conscious glimpse of the value of the emotions which mark their biases and growth potential, shall we say. Such entities must experience the same catalyst, whether it is intensely felt anger or blandly experienced boredom, over and over again before the catalyst makes its mark within the conscious mind strongly enough to draw the attention there to discover the possibility of balancing that exists within every bias. Whether the emotion is small and superficial or deep and [perceived as dangerous], the lesson that is possible within any situation remains as a function of the intensity of the bias. 1989/0514.txt:95:There may, indeed, be emotions within your illusion, as you are well aware, that are quite mentally or physically destructive. All of these ramifications of interaction are significant portions of the learning process. The more important the lesson or the transformation of point of view, the greater will be the price or the sacrifice that the entity shall need to make in order to purchase that which may, indeed, be a pearl of great price. Thus, great anger can teach as great a measure of compassion. However, each learning does, indeed, have its price. 1989/0528.txt:43:Thus, one may experience a good deal of frustration and anger pointed toward the self within an incarnational pattern as a result of various what an entity may call mistakes and ineffective application in order that a greater love and compassion might eventually replace the anger and frustration which were the first distortions or biases with which the entity began. Thus, the continued experience of this anger pointed toward the self may eventually attract the attention of the entity to the degree that the entity begins to consider why such anger exists and what use may be made of it, all the while building the potential for eventual acceptance and compassion for the self and then for others about the self. 1989/0621.txt:29:In conclusion, we would like to say that there are many angelic spirits upon your Earth who live with entities most difficult to bear and who are untouched by any pain or grief or frustration or anger, simply because they do not identify what the person says with who that person is. We would not want to lead you astray, and so we wish to state at this time that we are not suggesting that any leave a mate because of difficulties. We are simply suggesting that a thought process available to the analytical part of the mind may come in useful as the life experience moves into a pattern. 1989/0625.txt:16:We think, perhaps, that there is no way to escape low self-esteem, given the willfulness of the natural entity. Even the most disciplined entity will from time to time be unable to deal with the spiritual path because of exhaustion or confusion or anger or fear. And then we say to that person, remember you are not alone. You have support. You may call us angels, you may call us UFO contactees. We do not care what you call those of the inner planes who wish to help. It is enough for you to know that you are never, never without comfort if you ask for it. And if you ask for it, you shall find it—a comfort that you cannot give yourself because you are limited, but a comfort that can be given to you because the nature of the Creator is love and compassion. 1989/0702.txt:6:Now, in the Western systems—and we will allow the danger of over-generalization to occur for the sake of time—the Creator is sometimes barely noticed because of the devotion many put upon the guru of this particular religion, that being the one known as the teacher, Jesus. It was his intent to create a guru that would live and speak within each as the spirit within and that would give guidance, that would have a higher self, so that the situation between those who work with the kundalini in the Eastern way are those who are working with the multiplicity of divinities, but one teacher, whereas those in your Western religion claim a three-in-one Creator and many, many saints, yet one entity stands out as the guru. 1989/0702.txt:12:The greatest danger we find in those upon your sphere is that of the attempt to open the higher energy centers without dealing first with whatever material the seeker has brought into his life as he lives it in the present. Many times the early childhood or the failed marriage, the groom left at the altar or the death of a parent, may completely confuse and befuddle the seeker and the seeker must rest. In this situation it is not well to go forward, for in confusion can come biases that are false and you wish to find out what you are, not what you are not. 1989/0703.txt:14:Therefore, the open mind, the attempt of new things, will, of course, bring changes within the conscious mind and the programming of the subconscious mind as well, and this, as always, will be experienced as times of discomfort, frustration, sorrow, anger or some other negative stress. From within the illusion that is the picture that the eyes carry to the brain. This is not an accurate picture, for in retrospect one may always discover that where there was catalyst for change and the difficulty of changing in order to be of more service to others, there has also been the balance of learning that intensifies during traumatic events. 1989/0703.txt:23:A paradox, too, is the result of a life lived in faith and service, for as one serves, one is served a dozen-fold, a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold. As one gives, one receives in plenty. Thus, the paradox is that compassionate feelings and actions in service to other entities by loving, by supporting, by sharing or by a brief smile to a stranger, these things commend you as a servant of the one infinite Creator, yet what you receive back from the creation is a thousand-fold that which [you] have expressed. 1989/0716.txt:35:It is also, we feel, a great blessing. For we find it a blessing to be conscious, to be able to make our choices. We are building, shall we say, the skyscraper that is based upon the firm foundation you now are laying, the foundation of accepting the unacceptable, of loving the unlovable, of changing the insult into the light touch. You have the control to make these choices at will. Each of you has this within, but how difficult, my friends, it is to call upon it. As always, we move to the suggestion of persistent daily meditation, the listening within, the learning of who you really are, the centering of oneself within the creation, so that no thing is strange and no one a stranger. Nothing threatens, but only challenges. 1989/0723.txt:26:Daily meditation, as always, is something which we feel is at the heart of one’s acceleration of spiritual growth, but never think that you are being moved about by destiny. This is not so. The free choice is always your own. If you do not wish a lesson, if you are too weary, you may simply sit by the side of the road and let others go by for awhile. And when you are refreshed, you simply begin again where you stopped. There is no hurry, there is no worry, there is no concern, there is no attachment. There is only the challenge of the chase for the Grail and the infinite satisfaction of spending time with the one infinite Creator. Indeed, each time the mind turns to the Creator with a word of praise or thanksgiving, the service rendered thereby is incalculable. Each time that each may smile at the stranger, or comfort, or help one who needs it, each is expressing a kind of consciousness that one is attempting to learn, that is, unconditional love. 1989/0723.txt:38:If one is able to move in harmony with these feelings and contemplative products of meditation and a prayerful attitude, one will be moving as quickly as it is well for one to move, for there is within each entity a rhythm, shall we say, of awareness that presents itself as a kind of pattern that offers the surest and most stable growth possible. If one attempts to move more quickly than one may successfully assimilate lessons and learning and service to the heart of one’s being, there is danger of overloading, shall we say, the spiritual and mental emotional circuitry of the mind/body/spirit complex. It is well, therefore, to move with some stability as well as with [the] eagerness of the seeker which sees, if only faintly, the goal which is in reach. 1989/0730.txt:12:Each entity will feel the presence of the one infinite Creator in a different way. Some feel it in the heart, some feel it more cerebrally, some feel it with a deep emotion tone that cannot be described. But once this direct experience of being with the Creator has been recognized, acknowledged and praised—and this is available to any who are able to make love—the journey is well begun and it simply requires a steady, persistent effort to observe the thoughts which move through your mind complex, to discard those which do not seem proper, or if unable to discharge them, to experience them, knowing it is a part of the catalyst of your particular lesson and feeling neither anger nor disappointment at the Creator or at yourself for becoming stuck in the mire of every day and loosing the contact of the heart with the Creator within. 1989/0806.txt:18:Therefore, we suggest that the greatest tool in working with relationship is silent meditation, sitting together in silence. Also are exercises appropriate by which each recognizes the other as the Creator. It is a matter of turning the will to the welfare of another entity above and in preference to the will of your own self. If there is no judgment of error, but merely a disagreement, then we always would suggest that all be talked out, resolution come and unity restored in the diurnal cycle in which it was disturbed. Do not allow difficult and unhappy feelings about the mate to extend past the time limit of one daytime period, for once one begins to refrain from saying those things that bother it, from then on it becomes more and more and more difficult to communicate until finally it is almost impossible within the perceptions of those who are attempting the communication. There is anger and fear and guilt instead of love and joy and peace. 1989/0813.txt:22:Consequently, we ask each who wishes to be a servant to find that passionate surety that service to the Creator is perfect freedom. If one experiences one’s need to be of service to others as a kind of job or chore it will never be done with a light heart and a merry tongue. Know you must take the light touch and the patient attitude and allow situations to develop until you see and are asked for a chance to be of service. Anything that may help you [help] another upon its path, any comfort for the discouraged, any consolation for the bereaved, any company for the lonely, any balm for the sick person, any visit to one who has not been visited. All of these things, even if you visit a stranger, are pure acts of love and service to others in the name of the one infinite Creator. 1989/0917.txt:4:The subject which you approach is a symptom rather than it’s a basic cause; that is, stress is not free-floating but rather has its roots in the undisciplined personality. Therefore, we shall speak about personality and its discipline as a kind of base of information before we discuss the question of stress, the great difficulty of your culture with its speedy changes and cultural dangers. 1989/0917.txt:18:The concept of money, rather than barter, or simply each being able to take what one needs and to give back what one does not, is so far from the pattern in your culture that it is remarkable. Rather than seeing spouses, children, co-workers, friends, acquaintances and strangers as the Creator, one who has not spent a moment upon holy ground lately is liable to view many or all of these entities antagonistically and confrontively. For, each feels that each has the right idea and therefore wishes to be of service by promulgating that right idea. This is a most stressful act. It is much, much kinder in a situation where one in whom you are in relationship with has difficulties, to sympathize and to await the giving of advice until it is asked. Simple sympathy and consolation and the expression of sure forgiveness of both self and other self is that which will lighten the load that each carries. 1989/1022.txt:10:Each of you would be unable to incarnate at this time upon this particular sphere, were it not possible for each and every entity to graduate either service to self or service to others, third density; that is, each has the opportunity of learning to use a denser and much enhanced cohesion of light. In this atmosphere, as the instrument has often said, thoughts become things. And as you are entering at this time into fourth-density space/time, thoughts are becoming things, over and over again. The negative emotions involved with lifestyles that are not helpful to the entity through anger, through feelings of rejection and so forth, cause much illness, much unhappiness. 1989/1022.txt:38:It is very important that there be negativity and difficult experiences that one may learn the humility of one who allows, observes and then acts, rather than reacts. To take the life into one’s own hands is not to take control of what one wishes by affirmations and prayers unceasing. It is rather to realize that the plan has already been made, the pattern has been set. It is the best pattern you and your higher self could create for you, and all that you need do this time is allow yourself to be upon the path upon which you are, keeping your eyes open, watching your feelings, finding ways to manifest love, the smile upon the street, the kind word to a stranger. 1989/1105.txt:38:Gaze at the entity which is the Creator but is distorting itself in a way which expresses anger or hostility or other negative emotions and remove that entity’s clothes. Put this image in the mind so that all the gesticulations, all the pomp, all the mannerisms are those done by an entity in his underwear. It is well, perhaps, to imagine how someone would look with big green spots or a third eye or blue skin. Work at thinking ridiculous thoughts. For the spiritual path is not serious, precisely. The spiritual path is all that there is. 1989/1112.txt:13:Perhaps the road to experiencing emotions more clearly and more deeply begins with the contemplation of the astounding, generous and infinite love of the one Creator. The Creator’s nature Itself is love infinite. Each of you is likewise imperishable and infinite, but in terms of the experience you now enjoy, you within the body are finite, limited and fooled by the illusion which is to teach you. Therefore, we suggest a daily alignment of affirmation and closeness with the love within one’s self which is infinite. Many negative emotions disturb the hearts of those who have not found pure emotion, and, instead of being uplifted by love, they feel judged, inadequate and unloving. This is because the surface healing emotions come from one rather than through one, [and] are easily exhausted or transformed into negative emotions of frustration, anger and guilt. 1989/1112.txt:18:There is danger, as in any other pursuit, in working at the discovery of one’s emotions. The nature of the deep self is subtle, and is not to be manipulated from without. Rather, it is a matter of seeking faithfully and persistently in meditation and in action, to begin to observe the resonances of deep emotion which lie between the lines of the pages of everyday life. Emotion wells up within, the gift of the nature of the one infinite Creator to its infinite family, its heirs of glory. 1989/1112.txt:24:The instrument informs us that we must cut short our unfortunately prolix dissertation. We are sorry for being unaware of the passage of time, but within your dimension the realization of the time you experience is most difficult for us, and there is much to say upon this subject. We shall simply say to each that the release of negative emotion such as guilt, anger, humiliation and resentment is an incredible healing which is only possible through the infinite love of the one Creator, and through one’s identification with that love, and one’s dedication to seeking in the deepest and most aesthetically beautiful way possible, to be truth incarnate, to express love divine, to allow oneself to be a channel of compassion and nonjudgmental aid. 1989/1126.txt:11:As entities are given physical vehicles at birth and move into the world, their first emotion is anger, their second, love. So begins the dynamic of a lifetime: anger at change, and love at being fed. The anger, that of change, that of moving from the safety and quiet of the womb to the harsh illusion of your world is extremely traumatic, and it creates in the entity, even so small a one, that desire so to use emotion so as to control that which occurs. One cries if one feels hungry, and one is fed. One cries if one is uncomfortable, and one’s diapers are changed. This is the beginning of each incarnation, the duality being present from the beginning of hatred of change and love of the ideal. 1989/1203.txt:17:How can one find glory when one has not perceived glory? One may meditate upon glory. But perhaps the best way to approach the understanding of the word glory is to strip [away] all adjectives and gaze at the great noun, “I,” the great verb, “AM.” To exist is glory. To be conscious is potentially to live in the Kingdom of the Father. Why should a relationship with a father whose love for each is infinite produce anger, confusion and disputation? These things are a portion of your illusion. If you are able to silence your mind, silence your doubts and to open the door to the inner room in private and devout meditation, that silence for you may be a great voyage of discovery, for you will find more and more to like about the self, more and more to see as accomplishments as each entity moves through the life experience and becomes more mature. 1989/1231.txt:25:We suggest that each begin a magical personality meditation with that which has been the call of a white, or positive, magician from time immemorial: “I desire to know in order to serve. I desire to use my subconscious mind to enrich, enliven, enable and engage this third-density mind and heart.” It is impossible for most to keep this clarity over an extended period of time, and there is danger in attempting to do so. 1989/1231.txt:64:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The nexus of this experience is likened to the crossing of paths or of opportunities that have been noted by those entities who have been your companions for some time upon this journey, of that which you call the negative polarity. The cycle of the adept is such that within your own experience there was noted a particular sensitivity, as has been noted on previous occasions by these entities and one in particular. Added to this cyclical sensitivity were the chemical medications that further enhanced your receptivity, or susceptibility, to impressions, shall we say. The state or nature of the mind complex when under the influence of these various medications provided an opportunity which then took advantage of the dysfunction of the otic portions of your physical vehicle that were damaged from youth, so that it was possible to render a certain degree of what you would call dizziness that would have the potential of rendering you unconscious for a brief portion of time. This effort was offered more as an attempt to enter fear into your experience than to enter true difficulty or danger. 1990/0107.txt:12:You must see yourselves as heroes. You are mythical characters. You are not mundane. That is the illusion. The pain that you feel is within the illusion. Far worse is it to feel the spiritual pain of rejection, low self-worth, frustration and anger. These things cannot be avoided, for you are of humankind, but in the controlled situation of recovery from serious illness, it is good to attempt to pray without ceasing, giving thanks for all that you can think of—for those who love you, for the Creator which nurtures you, for the skill of those healers which work with you. Repetition is a good and useful tool for the learning of a habit, and that is what a positive attitude is—it is a habit. You may complain, or you may count your blessings. It is difficult to do both in the same breath. 1990/0211.txt:22:Yes, Q’uo, you mentioned that we have natural protection when we sleep. We are, in that case, in a state of unity which involves having passed through the veil. In some sense as we study consciously the systems of the deep mind, we attempt in a partial way to do the same thing, but one quickly learns of the necessity for protection in doing so. If one were to take the first step on the path, for example, of the study of the Kabbala, one passes through the dark night of the soul, the Malkuth, through Yesod, I wonder if that involves passing through the veil, entering what is sometimes called the light body, and if so, if there is a danger in doing so, what is one’s best protection in doing so? 1990/0225.txt:16:Each of you has read many, many texts which attempt to aid in the process of accelerating the evolution of mind, body and spirit. The catalyst for the discipline of personality is joyful remembering of who you are. As you remember who you are, more and more of that which you may willfully seem to be, but which you are not, is no longer needed and falls away. The effort is not in pushing away the things of this world, as this instrument would say. The effort is in creating within the self a joyful remembrance of love as the nature of the true self, which creates an atmosphere in which gradually, and in a rhythmic, appropriate time, one after another, those things which are hindrances to joy fall away. Anger is not overcome, it is simply no longer needed to express the passion of the self. Distress, despair, all negative emotion is distorted love. It is passion turned and bent and unrecognizable. But as love is all there is, so with your free will you may create ponderous illusion upon illusion, finding perverse comfort in negative emotion, for it is familiar, and that which is familiar is safe, and that which is unfamiliar is not. When one is mindful one finds oneself slowly able to release the fear that has caused the distortion that has created for the self an armor against that which is perceived as a threat. To one continuously aware of the self as love there are no threats, there is only remembrance of the truth of love. 1990/0313.txt:61:Yes. So the danger is in allowing some greeting to take place before one gets a chance to register the challenge, is that right? 1990/0318.txt:5:You ask this evening a question which bears with it some dangers, and of these dangers we would speak first. To assume that one knows one’s limitations and one’s abilities, to assume that one has the intelligence to control one’s destiny by thought and reasoning, is to assume a grandeur that you do not possess. And we say to you straight out that you who are guided by intellectual evaluations of situations, and respect for authority of any kind whatsoever, are hag-ridden and living in a nightmare. 1990/0318.txt:45:Yes, I have two. First of all, I’ve had a considerable amount of anger that this should be happening to me just when I was beginning to be more effective, in my own way of thinking, to the community of Christ which I serve. It seems to me—you mentioned the process of grieving, and (how) do I find a way to forgive that anger and that despair as a process of grieving which is acceptable? 1990/0325.txt:6:Some may say, indeed, that this was an orange-ray blockage, a difficulty in relationship, but because of this instrument’s, shall we say, spiritual circuitry, all such imbalances are, in truth, those of green ray. When this anger, frustration and pain, feeling of betrayal and abandonment was released, there opened in the being a chakra full of unconditional love which excluded no part of humankind. 1990/0401.txt:25:Be ye mindful pilgrims, be ye open to change, be ye not content to stay at home, but move into challenging and unknown ways, freely to examine, to sample and to experience the nuances of the choice that you must make in this density. Nations have made this choice, entities have made this choice. Shall you serve others or shall you serve yourself? In both nations and individuals the answer is usually that of the brother that stays at home where it is safe. Live dangerously, my friends. As this instrument would put it, die behind the wheel. In your content, find the divine discontent of one who seeks always the wider viewpoint, the clearer, more lucid expression of the gemlike self which is the Christ, the great One within. And keep your quest and your questions before you. 1990/0415.txt:18:You carry upon your backs, unless you forgive yourself every day, a terrible, terrible burden. The variousness of catalyst and experience among your peoples is intended and is guaranteed to create within the experience a subjective concept and opinion of the self as having come up short, of having failed in some way. Where, then, is salvation? It is within you, each of you. Roll the stone away from the tomb of low self-esteem, of self-doubt, of prejudice against the self. Think of yourself as an object other than yourself. Gaze upon the self as upon a stranger, and you will find that your opinion of yourself is changed, for you do not judge others as you judge yourself. 1990/0429.txt:4:Each of you has suffered in this week, each of you has rejoiced in this week. Have you noticed? Have you grasped your life in any one moment, and turned to the central sun of your being in praise and thanksgiving and joy? Where is your joy, my children? Where is your passion? Where is your thanksgiving? You are upon a road, and each stranger that you meet may open to you the book of your life, the meaning of your moment. Do you listen to every stranger? You are strangers to yourself, each of you. Do you know how your heart yearns to dwell in joy? Do you know the passion that lies within you to follow with a single mind and a single heart that trail you can sense, that dusty road that you know is better than it feels, finer than it seems, more wonderful than it apparently could ever be? What ties you to this illusion, my children, you who are in such an advantageous position, you who have made such firm commitments? 1990/0527.txt:1: [overview] The question this evening has to do with how preincarnative choices are put into motion in the incarnation. It seems very likely that the childhood experiences at an early age—at the age of seven, or ten, or somewhere around there—have the effect of influencing the child in the direction of the preincarnative choice, so that the child may be imbued with self-confidence, or a lack of self-confidence, with anger, or with compassion, with the ability to work with other people in groups, or the lack of that ability. It seems that there is a series of experiences, usually with the parents, or with brothers or sisters, or neighbors, at that age that imprints so strongly upon the child that the child then carries that imprint throughout the life, and uses that effect to work on himself either consciously or unconsciously, so that the desires and choices before the incarnation are focused on because they’re set in motion during childhood. Is this a correct assumption, and if it is, could you elaborate on how this works? 1990/0623.txt:8:You see that you have all possible mental, emotional, spiritual and physical states within you in potentiation—not potentiated, but able to be potentiated should circumstances have caused your patterns of distortion and confusion to move into the difficult times of discontent and anger and hard-heartedness that precipitate a lack of forgiveness. But since you are between incarnations at that point, nothing can be done at that point in terms of correcting the situation and balancing, by forgiveness, that intransigent and inevitable movement on the wheel of karma. Only one thing stops the wheel of karma, and that is total forgiveness. 1990/0623.txt:15:Whatever your conceptions of yourself, if they be negative, release them. If you say to yourself, as this instrument does, “I am not pretty,” there is a hardness of heart that will spill over into karmic situations with others, into a lack of ability to forgive others. If one says, “I am not worthy,” there is a lack of awareness of one’s birthright. Moving from the temporary to the eternal, and gazing at yourself as would a most loving mother, forgive yourself, accept yourself, allow yourself to be yourself, and lead the concern for the self away from center stage, for it is as dangerous as the blinders upon the horse to those who can see but will not. Soften, allow, forgive and turn, and ask to be in a tabernacle in the immediate presence of the infinite Creator. Ask, though you feel unworthy, to be that person who experiences unconditional love. Let love fill you, which you naturally wish to return, and as you more and more perceive yourselves as children of the great Father and Mother of the universe, you can come to treasure yourself, for you are all treasures. 1990/0623.txt:21:Forgiving entities does not mean that it is necessary for the forgiving entity to continue to accept acts upon the part of the other self which are subjectively seen to be abusive and destructive enough that the self—or those young selves for whom you are responsible—[is] in danger of any kind, be it mental, or physical, but as you do those things that you must, as you decide upon the separation because you see that union is impossible, as the other entity cannot do the work that you are doing in forgiveness, you simply do that which you have to do, with love and compassion and peace, staying within the forgiveness, accepting the unacceptable that may occur, loving the unlovable that has brought about the current situation by its catalyst. 1990/0623.txt:28:We have spoken overlong, and we apologize, but we wished so much to be with the one known as S especially, as we so seldom are able to speak with this soul in the voice that has words, but may we say to this beautiful and beloved child, that we are the clouds overhead, that we are the stars at night, that we are the familiar things that you touch day by day, that we are in the smiles of strangers, we are always with you. We wish for the one known as S to be aware of this, in a deep, and abiding, and trusting way, for we are of the vibration which causes us to be with this instrument of light as comforter, or what this instrument would call the Holy Spirit. 1990/0624.txt:11:Secondly, we would talk about the resource of [inaudible]. When one is not aiding, caring for, and loving the selves about it, family, friends, strangers and humankind, one may do all manner of things and yet not [inaudible] oneself at all engaged in the joyful possibility of living. There is tremendous spiritual help in having an attitude of servanthood to all those about you. Let your thoughts run towards what you might do to be of service to all those who cross your path. How twisted and convoluted are so many entities’ feelings towards those whom they meet. How very often in judging and biased opinion the content of one’s thoughts instead of the realization of each person as precisely as important as you, and every other being within your density that you now enjoy. We do not mean that you should doff all other priorities and simply follow other people’s instructions. That is not the kind of servanthood that we mean. As a matter of fact, we may suggest that often you will find yourself in a position, as you attempt to be of service, in which you are being unpleasing to the entity whom you wish to serve. Now, as you can see that another is addicted to some strain of thought or action that is unhelpful and self-destructive, and you are then asked to aid in this addiction, the one who wishes to be of true service is the one who will refuse, but never without compassion, never without clear communication, and never without forgiveness. 1990/0624.txt:14:One does not need to act out one’s own nature with anger and trauma, for one is quite aware, having done the work, of what is actualizing, or causing the entity, yourself, to be thus and so. So you not only nurture yourself, in, of yourself, and by yourself, but you nurture yourself in relation to others, by offering, through your simple attitude, a sort of atmosphere of helpfulness, a relaxed and welcoming aura which invites entities to feel safety and peace when they are around you. In that atmosphere, then perhaps you may be of further service by the talking, the speaking together, they enjoyment of laughing, friendship and love. For to be of service to others you must needs have some sort of idea as to who you are, and you need to have given up and surrendered that childhood need to protect oneself by behaving. [Inaudible] not behavior. Your actions are spontaneous moment by moment. [Inaudible] invulnerable, [inaudible] as has been said this evening, or as [inaudible], are girdled, so that we may include women, to be of service in whatever way you can. No service should ever be put down by the self, or [inaudible] anything that is done for the love of the one infinite Creator is equal to anything else that is done in that love. 1990/0715.txt:27:But to do work upon yourself, you must move through the green, and blue, into the brow chakra, the indigo center in which all work in consciousness is done. In your sessions, prepare yourself for them, and when they are over, release the power which you have gained by this working, for you deal, in dealing with your metaphysical self, with a magic, if we may use that over-used word, that is very dangerous to attempt to hold in a steady state. 1990/0715.txt:31:We have spoken to you now, as much as we can within this time period, of the healing of the self by forgiveness and by the choosing of the path of service. In short, the path of service consists of doing that which is before your vision at this time with as much love as you can. Most paths of service are anything but dramatic, and all paths of service are equal. The quieting of a crying child, the smile to a stranger upon the street, the sharing of the self, of food, of shelter, of listening, the doing of a job which seems to lack an opportunity for service, with faith that indeed it is of service that you have not yet penetrated, these attitudes will keep you in a positive and loving relationship to yourself. Each needs a path of service. Each needs a high self-esteem. These are gifts you give to yourself in will, in faith, and in constant self-forgiveness. 1990/0802.txt:6:The services you perform are many and yet they are one. They are many in that they manifest through a variety of activities which you perform throughout your days and these activities may seem to be largely different, one from the other. Your service may vary with a smile given to a stranger you pass on the street, to a look of love exchanged with one who is close, to the more obvious form of teaching and the vocal challenge which exists. 1990/0812.txt:15:It is at this time critical upon your planet that those entities of good faith and good will realize the importance that they have and the ability that they have to be responsible for lifting this heavy and powerful state of mind so that the entire planet is not engulfed in this dark tide of anger and grief. 1990/0923.txt:11:There are many other stresses through which one may put the body because of concern of an overactive imagination of a personality that swings in its attitudes and needs to a greater extent than is comfortably handled by the physical vehicle. Thusly, it is quite obvious that in many cases the mind is the parent of the illness, and the illness is the acting out of that which was refused as catalyst by the mental/emotional complex of the self. There is the cancer of anger that grows upon itself. There are the lung diseases of those who have not said the words that they must say to be healthy, have not told the truths that must be told to be free of misunderstanding at a deep level in relationship. There is the acidic condition brought about by sheer overwork, which ruins your gastrointestinal tracts. Many are the illnesses that are the outworking of mental imbalance or emotional imbalance. We do not use the word unhappiness, because we, in our experience, have not found that concept helpful. Joy, not happiness, is a spiritual concept. 1990/0930.txt:14:So, if you have experienced anger, and intensified it, and forgiven yourself for that feeling, you spontaneously begin to feel forgiveness, and caring. Prayers may be said for the one who has acted in a way you would describe as hateful, and all is forgiven, the other self, your self, and the transaction between the two of you. 1990/0930.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As a general rule, for most effective use of catalyst in the life experience, it is well to allow one’s spontaneous feelings and thoughts to be spoken if they are not of such a severe nature as to be damaging to another entity. In most cases, the thoughts and feelings are well to speak, as well as one is willing to take the responsibility of continuing the communication until there is a resolution of difficulty, realizing that all difficulty is but a means toward an harmonious end. It is not well to remain within the condition of anger, and oftentimes it is only through the communication of such anger that one is able to allow its movement through one’s being in a manner that will allow resolution in an harmonious fashion to result. 1990/1108.txt:11:Sometimes, balance is never restored within the seeker, who then, as it is said, loses faith and never consciously returns to a path of seeking. For the undaunted, however, those who continue on the path despite their feelings of disillusionment, discouragement, despair, anger, pain and confusion, balance is eventually restored and the seeker begins to realize that truths, like faith, are not objective but subjective. As this concept is assimilated more and more, the seeker continues on its journey, developing more and more surely the ability to discern those truths which have the greatest degree of congruency for itself at that particular time. The capacity of faith is also further developed as a part of the same process, so that the seeker rests comfortably with the truth it finds, and grows with, and grows beyond, and finds others which it grows into. 1990/1116.txt:14:...as this instrument was most scrupulous in its challenging procedures. This is all to the good. For it is one of the great dangers of the beginning instrument to leave oneself open to those energies which have not been examined and scrutinized as to their origin and their polarity. We find in this instrument a willing student and rejoice that this is the case. For the creation abounds plentifully with those who would take pleasure in the tuning instruments, such as this one, who have earnestly dedicated themselves to the fight of the positive path. The practice of channeling is like any art, in so far as a certain skill is obtained in maintaining a dutiful and watchful state of attention which is sustained by a confidence that one’s activities are adequate to the task at hand. No channel who channels truly is ever fully familiar with the contents of that which is to be channeled. And it is a mark of a channel that begins to make some progress that a willingness to allow what is unexpected to come within the area of the mind to be spoken out, plays a greater and greater role in the process of the vocal channeling. The practice of channeling is a constant succession of re-centering and re-tuning, as a myriad of distractions are available for those within your density. [And] every cell of the body, it sometimes seems, rebels at being put through the task which is not well understood by that second-density vehicle which carries you about. The increasing dedication to the art of channeling is at the same time a commitment to spiritual growth in all of its facets as, indeed, the process of tuning is a process which is analogous to the disciplines of the personality which are essential to spiritual growth in all of its energies. 1990/1125.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that there have been for many, many years attempts by various individuals and groups upon your planetary surface to bring about the healing within this planetary vibration, a healing which would seek to mend that which has been broken and distorted by the careless and violent upheavals within so many of your cultures for so much of your history. Those angers and acts of disrespect for self, for other selves, and for your planetary entity itself, have the accumulated effect of causing these disharmonious vibrations to be accepted by the planet itself, and these vibrations then build up a kind of karma, if you will, that which is the wound within the planet. This is also added to by the carelessness of the manner with which the planet and its resources are utilized within the human process of evolution, industrialization, standardization and the large scale manufacture of items for convenience. 1990/1202.txt:5:And so we move, hopefully without breaking the seamless thought, into the question you have asked this evening. The first temptation to a channel is the temptation to channel before the creation of a mythical pathway that one holds personally sacred, that one holds to with passion, with dedication, and if necessary, with life effort, for all of you strive and age and die in your senses and your physical vehicle. Yet only those who know why they are living, and for whom, or for what undying principle they would stand firm, [can endure] against every temptation, every deceit, every anger, every grudge, every human emotion that rips the positive polarity from the soul of the minister of the word. It is essential to the achieving and the continuation of a contact which has a lifelong integrity, or any duration whatsoever on a stable basis, that the instrument be an instrument who is an advocate of the mystery, and is no longer struggling terribly with “why.” 1990/1230.txt:7:These are your days of what you call Christ’s mass, in which you kneel, strong, supple and able as each is, before a helpless, dumb, blind infant, placed in the roughest and most animalistic of shelters, the home of the animals. Let us consider this. This story is, in our opinion, an excellent myth, as are many in your cultures. It is filled with, as are many, symbols which offer to the spiritual seeker and student lessons carefully to be considered. You may see the new transformation, the new realizations, as being like the infant in the manger, endlessly beautiful, infinitely loving, and utterly vulnerable. Because of the intensity of the birth of this infant self within—and all are nurturing this spiritual being, which is born in third density, by choice—all feel that they have no problem in expressing such strong feelings, emotions and beliefs to others. How you mistake infant faith. To cast the pearls before the swine is the teacher known as Jesus’ analogy of speaking of one’s own hard learned spiritual lessons to those who have no inclination or request to hear those wise and compassionate words which the spirit has offered to you in this realization, symbolized by the helpless child. 1990/1230.txt:22:To begin again, to begin again, to begin again—how the human spirit rebels. Yet within the present moment there is only beginning, and there is nothing but the present moment in any spiritual consideration. So look to the loving and acceptance of the higher power which you may call as you wish. Look to your relationship with that love that created you. Allow within yourself the birth in the manger of your heart of your own spiritual beingness, true, imperishable, consciousness. Guard it, just as the story speaks of this infant’s mother and father fleeing to protect their child. Protect this child as lovingly, and with as much feeling of honor. 1990/1230.txt:38:To read, to view, to converse with new sources of information is one means by which any entity may refresh those opinions which have settled, and the excitation which has settled with them. In such a way does one not only add information and experience and opportunity to the life pattern, but one may also find that there is the opportunity to refine, even to reconstruct, that which seems to have been settled within the being, for it is a danger, shall we say, or a temptation for each seeker who has traveled for some time upon the spiritual path, to feel that there are settled areas that need no further examination. 1990/5.txt:4: [overview] The question this evening has to do with how preincarnative choices are put into motion in the incarnation. It seems very likely that the childhood experiences at an early age—at the age of seven, or ten, or somewhere around there—have the effect of influencing the child in the direction of the preincarnative choice, so that the child may be imbued with self-confidence, or a lack of self-confidence, with anger, or with compassion, with the ability to work with other people in groups, or the lack of that ability. It seems that there is a series of experiences, usually with the parents, or with brothers or sisters, or neighbors, at that age that imprints so strongly upon the child that the child then carries that imprint throughout the life, and uses that effect to work on himself either consciously or unconsciously, so that the desires and choices before the incarnation are focused on because they’re set in motion during childhood. Is this a correct assumption, and if it is, could you elaborate on how this works? 1991/0113.txt:14:Why would a woman or man in third density experience jealousy? The experience of jealousy is linked to the fear of loss, which creates anger, which creates guilt, which creates a host of echoing and re-echoing discordant emotions within the self. Let us look at the entity who has attracted this negative emotion. Let us say that this entity is innocent. Why is this entity experiencing the adversarial negative emotion? Largely, the innocent entity who is experiencing jealousy is experiencing the fear of being utterly misunderstood and misjudged. It is angry because it does not like to be kept in a cage, and the emotion of jealousy in an active phase is the making of a very small prison for an entity. 1991/0113.txt:15:If the entity is guilty of that action because of which the mate is jealous, that entity is also fearful. What is it afraid of? Perhaps it is afraid of losing that which has been comfortable, useful and kindly in its life experience, the settled home, the children, the family experience, and this fear creates anger and frustration and the feeling of being alone. Indeed, the feeling of being alone, bereft, stranded, abandoned and forgotten is at the heart of the great majority of the day-to-day fears which create in entities an adversarial inner relationship between the portion of the self that is devoted to unity, peace and concord, and the part of the self that is devoted to protecting its boundaries, enlarging its fortune, creating greater comfort or happiness, however petty or great. 1991/0113.txt:23:Within the illusion, this is what change and transformation feel like. It does not feel good to release the portions of the self that are not able to come into harmony with portions of the other self. This does not mean that entities need to change in order the be active and powerful co-Creators of beautiful, service-filled lives. It simply means that each entity has its lessons to learn, and although it can learn them through the random catalyst of strangers, acquaintances and the indifferent friends and family, yet the more intimacy that is in any relationship, the more the opportunities for disagreement, debate, confusion, hurt, guilt and many other seemingly negative experiences which may, by the free choice of an entity who is spiritually aware, be perceived as opportunities for service, for learning and for growth. 1991/0127.txt:8:In other words, if one were aware that one were viewing a three dimensional movie, and then one saw the car coming at one, one would scream, but with delight mixed with the fear, for one would be aware that this was a special effect, an illusion created by technological and advanced methods. However, if instead this same vehicle rushes towards the entity within the illusion which is called the incarnational life, this auto is perceived not as illusory, but as real and dangerous, and the illusory physical vehicle instinctively jumps out of the way. No thought need be taken, for the instinctual physical vehicle moves on fear, away from discomfort, far more than it moves toward truth or beauty, dignity or grace, in existence. It asks only that it not be hurt, and that it be fed and maintained. This is the portion of the self that fears. It fears because it does not perceive itself as an illusion. 1991/0127.txt:17:The vibrations of negative emotion are most uncomfortable, especially to that portion of the self that is attempting to become more loving. But one cannot move from fear to love and expect love to overcome anything. This is a misunderstanding of the suggestion that love does cast out fear that is found in your holy works. Love is not aggressive. Love does not cast out. Anger may cast out, but that is not clear, openhearted love, but rather a blocked, and incorrectly or inexpertly expressed love, even if the one to whom you refer is known to you as Jesus, as the entity is recorded to have thrown over tables upon which lay money made by priests, not for the glory of the Creator, but for the betterment of the priests’ pockets. It must be understood that this entity was capable of error. This entity acted out of a kind of fear called anger. It is a kind of moral or ethical feeling common to those with ideals when dealing with that which your peoples call politics. 1991/0228_02.txt:52:I would like you all to visualize your energy as I see it. When you are feeling loving and allowing your own energy to be channeled to others without distortion, there is still minimal distortion, the distortion which is essential to the human form because as a human there could not be a complete absence of distortion. When you each allow that energy to be channeled within the distortion, the pattern of energy I see coming from the body looks like the concentric circles that appear when a pebble is thrown into a pond, each one of the circles radiating out. When there is any anger, greed, resentment, hate, visually what I see are sharp spikes like a child’s image of the sun. When there is a mixture of love and resentment, I see both. This is why, when you are in a room with another being and feel the presence of that being’s anger, that one need not be talking to you for you to know that anger. When you feel the presence of love, there need be no words. You simply walk into the room and you feel it. The anger and love are tangible. Now visualize, if you will, what happens when those spikes of anger or fear hit these concentric circles of love. The sharp tips are softened, gently, each time they make contact, until they slowly wear down and smooth out into a circle. 1991/0228_02.txt:53:When I speak of being versus doing, one of the best ways that you can serve another being is simply in sending out those concentric circles of light which will soften another being’s anger or fear. You are in a position, Carla, where people are writing to you, so it’s very difficult to send that love out through the mail and feel assured that they will feel it. You can send it out and know some beings are capable of feeling it. But a simple few words from you, “I love you. Thank you for your letter. Thank you,” would be felt by some beings but others would misunderstand it. You are right, there. 1991/0228_02.txt:66:I perceive a normal amount of energy within you but it is partially blocked below the heart chakra by the anger, so the energy flow is restricted. So let’s talk about anger. There is the misunderstanding of assuming one has only two choices in dealing with anger, or any heavy emotion: that one express it and talk about it, or that one suppress it. There is a third choice, and that’s just to notice it. When you notice something quietly and touch it with your gentleness, very often it dissolves. It simply doesn’t have the same solidity, the same hold over you. It’s not necessary to practice your anger, to express it verbally or through such a practice as throwing pillows. This practice, in a sense, enhances the anger. It does allow the being to recognize it; and for some beings who have a great deal of trouble recognizing it, it may be used as a useful first step. I prefer simply treating it as one treats the stubbed toe. 1991/0228_02.txt:67:Will you try an experiment with me here? Picture yourself sitting on a mountaintop. It is a beautiful day. There is a clear view. The sun is shining with a lovely warmth, as a warm cloak on your shoulders, and a cool breeze touches your face. In the distance you see a cloud, and then turn your back to it and go back to enjoy the view. That cloud approaches, but you’re totally unaware of its presence until suddenly it sweeps over the top of the mountaintop, enclosing you completely within it, shutting off the sun. You can’t see your hands six inches in front of your face. The air feels cold and clammy. There is a sense of panic, thinking, “How will I find the path to get down?” There is a sense of anger, of wanting this cloud to go away. Can you feel that need to push it away, feel how hard it is to just sit there and let it be there? Can you feel how strong the aversion is to it? 1991/0228_02.txt:69:Your anger is like that. It becomes solid when you struggle with it, when there’s a sense of needing it or needing to make it go away or to do anything special with it. When you can simply allow it as a cloud passing through and let go of your struggle with it, then there’s no need to react to it. Certain conditions prompt the anger to arise, it’s noticed, and it dissolves and goes its way. It’s not the anger that’s a problem, it’s your reaction to the anger. That is what solidifies the anger. 1991/0228_02.txt:70:So how do you work with this? It is truly just a skill that may be developed, and it has two parts. One is noticing the arising of anger as quickly as you can, each time it comes, even beginning to notice the situations that may provoke anger and saying, “I wonder if anger will arise next?” And the second is noticing your reaction to the anger, asking, “Is there judgment against it? Is there hatred of it? Or can I simply hold it, holding myself in my arms as I would mentally with that stubbed toe? Can I respond to this anger the way I would respond to a child who came inside crying and saying, ‘A bully pushed me down’? Would I tell that child, ‘Well, don’t be angry,’ or would I more skillfully hold that child in my arms and say, ‘I see how angry you’re feeling,’ and reassure it that it’s still loved despite the anger, that the anger has nothing to do with its lovability, with its soul’s perfection?” 1991/0228_02.txt:71:It is so easy for all of you to have compassion for others but not for yourselves. So I ask you, can you begin to relate to this anger in a more open and loving way? I am not suggesting here that it’s skillful to walk around angry; but anger does arise, just like clouds do come over. As long as you are here in a physical body, there are going to be feelings. Even the most highly evolved being incarnate in a human body still has feelings but there is no longer attachment or aversion to those feelings. There is no longer a need to get rid of them or to struggle with them. And it is through that relaxation of the struggle that one finds a deeper peacefulness. Anger and love are not mutually exclusive. It all depends on how you relate to the anger. 1991/0228_02.txt:72:In purely practical terms, I would suggest that it would be useful to play a game with yourself to help you loosen up and relate more lovingly and openly to anger. Take a notebook with you, a small notebook, and for a day, or several days as seems practical to you, every time you see anger arise just jot down a line. Be a cat at a mouse-hole and think, “Aha! There’s anger; I caught it; I see it this time. I’m getting faster. I can see it faster and faster.” See if you can lighten up a little, “Oh my, here’s anger!” 1991/0228_02.txt:73:The second thing I would suggest that might be helpful is to begin to observe the pattern of how you relate to your anger—to start to note, every time you do note anger arise, that little voice that says, “I shouldn’t be angry,” and ask that voice, “Why shouldn’t I?” There is a big difference [between] using your anger as a reason to act unskillfully toward another and in simply feeling anger. 1991/0301_01.txt:36:I have talked in another channeling5 of a tunnel, a very safe place; and you are comfortable in this womb. Perhaps you will wish to think of it as a cave with only one end open, and across that end you’ve put strands of cobwebs to protect yourself from that which you feel will harm you, to protect yourself from another’s anger and also your own anger, to protect yourself from the pain of feeling separation, to protect yourself from grief. And each strand that you have put up has served a purpose, because you felt you needed that protection. And yet, it is dark in your tunnel and on the outside it is light; and you’ve reached a place where you want to allow in that light. Can you feel the brutality if one were to reach in a hand and tear out all of those cobwebs, all of those strands, and how you would cower in terror against tearing all of that protection away? 1991/0301_01.txt:37:Yet gently and with full awareness, you can reach out, lift one strand at a time, and examine it. What is this fear? Have I still need of this? Whence is it arising? How long must I hold on to it? Seeing a strand, perhaps of anger or greed, one notes how that greed or anger arises out of fear and out of a sense of separation. One sees the ways that fear has enhanced the sense of separation. The self, which then perceives itself to be separate, feels a need to protect and allows the arising of anger or greed as its protection: “What if my needs are not met? What if I’m harmed?” 1991/0301_01.txt:38:But this can only come from a sense of self and other self. Where there is no separation, there can be no anger. Can you begin to see how fear leads to that sense of separation which leads to the first distortion of self-awareness? This distortion provokes one not yet fully immersed in separation but experiencing a distinction between self and other self to cultivate that distortion which first allows fears. Observing, you can begin to understand how this process works in yourself. Then as fear or separation arise, you can gently lift that strand of anger from where it blocks the light, look at it, and ask yourself, “Do I still need this or am I able now to put it aside?” Always do this with gentleness and never with force, never asking the self to be what it is not ready to be, but accepting the self as it is so that the being will always be challenged, but always simultaneously accepted and loved. In this way the emotional body is not something with which one fights, but is part of your integral, harmonious self. 1991/0301_01.txt:47:With regard to working skillfully with anger, I understand the concept of noticing, feeling and allowing anger to pass as it comes up in the day-to-day life. I’m not sure what to do with the angers that have been there for many years—the angers that I can tap into at any moment just by recalling any of many situations. In each case, I suppose the anger has to do with my feeling that I have been wronged somehow; and I know that what I need to do is to be able to accept and forgive myself fully, as well as whatever other person is involved in the situation. But this seems to me to be the work of an entire lifetime, at least, and leaves me feeling pretty hopeless about dealing in any significant way with those long-term angers. Can you comment on this? 1991/0301_01.txt:49:You say that this seems to be the work of a lifetime, and that leaves you feeling hopeless; and yet, this is the healing for which you took birth, because in past lifetimes you have held anger in much the same way, learning slowly to let it go, reaching an understanding that anger is just anger. And now you’ve arrived at a point where you understand the usefulness of moving beyond that anger, of letting it drop away, and it is the work of a lifetime; and yet you are working on it and making progress. You are in that tunnel that I just spoke of with all these strands across. And when present anger arises, you’ve learned skillfully to look at that and not necessarily need to attach it across the entrance. But there are still all those strands from the past. 1991/0301_01.txt:50:I suggest that it would be useful in meditation, as you feel the courage and readiness, to lift each strand and examine it. Don’t start with the heaviest ones. Build up your strength with the lighter ones. As you recall some moment of intense anger where the self felt attacked in some way by another self and felt that it was wronged, just gently look at that strand and the feelings that came, asking yourself, “What is this anger? Why is it here? What was its function? Do I still need it, or am I ready to set it down?” Always know that if you feel vulnerable and afraid, you may put it back again [into place] if you need to, trusting that as you grow you will have less and less need to do that. 1991/0301_01.txt:51:Each of you is here to learn to love yourself and others more fully, to learn faith and love. The anger is quite simply one of your learning tools. It’s very easy to love unconditionally in a situation where there is nothing that arises to provoke any feeling but love. But how do you love when you are provoked to defend yourself, when that separation arises? Can you continue to love when noticing the fears, when noticing the separation and how anger arises from that? As you become more skillful with doing that with each small resentment that arises in your present life, you will find the faith and love to go back [to loving in the moments of larger resentment]. 1991/0302.txt:7:Fear is rather paralyzing to many of you. It distorts your way of seeing. It creates confusion and chaos within you. Because of the turbulence that it creates within you, it easily moves out of control. It is even harder than anger to step back from to get some perspective, because of the ways it paralyzes you. As with any emotion, it is not fear that is the problem but your reaction to it. Fear in itself is just a mind/body experience, but it does lead to all these reactions within the physical body and in the spiritual body as well. 1991/0302.txt:11:Let’s take a purely emotional situation. Somebody is walking toward you and his face looks very angry. The last time that you had an encounter with that person, he raged and snarled at you; he led you to feel small and humiliated, and so both anger and fear arise. The fear is not based on this present moment, but only on your past experience. 1991/0302.txt:12:Let us move from this to both Carla’s, J’s and K’s questions. Looking at K’s question of fear of her own inner authority versus an outer authority, of trusting herself, I remind you again that there is no fear in the present moment. K, when you are feeling this, can you take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Where is this fear?” Begin to gain that perspective that allows you to know that you are creating an outcome if you act in a certain way or remembering an outcome when you did act in a certain way; but that each moment is fresh, and you are not the same being who was in that situation before. You have learned not to trust your own inner authority, and now you are trying to learn to trust. And yet there is a sense of wanting to know that you are right before you claim that authority; there is that in you which says, “Maybe I’m not right,” and gets caught up in those fears and angers. Then it moves to resentment of that other being who feels more self-assurance that it is right. So you have fear and anger mixed together here: anger that you don’t have that same self-assurance, resentment against that being for its assurance, and a fear that maybe you’re not right. The fear itself diminishes the sense of inner knowing. 1991/0302.txt:29:There are two kinds of separation that occur here. One is the illusion of being separate so that there is a self and an other, and one is the separation from the self. Let us address these separately. Let us firstly come back to that being approaching you with an angry face, and the sense of fear that perhaps that being will attack or harm you in some way. There is, of course, the need to protect the self. As Q’uo has pointed out, this physical body desires to continue itself; yet that being approaching you is not an other, it is just an aspect of the one heart and mind as you are, an aspect of the Creator as you are. Then this slips into fear because one perceives another about to harm it. One way to approach it in a more skillful and creative way would be to remind the self that this is an angry aspect of yourself and to treat that angry aspect that approaches you as you would treat your own anger. If you have learned to deal more skillfully with your own anger; [you know] that just as your own anger cannot harm you, another being’s anger cannot harm you. It is the illusion of separation that creates the defensiveness that escalates the anger into a spectre of harm. 1991/0302.txt:30:We come back here to the visualization I asked you to make yesterday morning of love as these concentric circles, of fear and anger as sharp points emerging. When you can see those sharp points emerging and know that this is not an other but simply an aspect of yourself, that it is not that being’s anger or fear but just anger or fear, you can remain enfolded by those concentric circles and send them out to that angry being. Each sharp point hits these softening circles that you send out. As soon as you pull back and begin that sense of separation that allows you to feel attacked, then you begin to send out your own sharp points. From my point of view, I simply see a sword fight of light—sharp points are stabbing at each other and nothing exists to soften them. 1991/0302.txt:33:Often you think of fear as being a useful emotion in that it protects you. You are crossing a street and suddenly see a truck coming toward you. There is that instant of terror, of, “What if it hits me?” And you move quickly. It’s true that the physical body responds to that fear in a chemical manner that allows a fast reaction. But fear is not necessary and in fact works counter to the most appropriate reaction. Let me explain: While it is true that the being does move out of the way of the truck and that you would not want to stand there in the middle of the street and send love to that fear when the appropriate action is to move, the movement does not grow out of fear but out of love that respects the physical body enough to preserve it. Fear is paralyzing and love is enabling. You cannot take the time to analyze danger. The physical being must act to preserve itself in a certain way. But this does not need to be a matter of fear, simply a matter of wisdom; and here again, wisdom grows out of love. 1991/0302.txt:35:There is one more thing that I would add, which is that fear can be balanced by loving-kindness to oneself and others. This is a quality in the self that can be nurtured. It is helpful to remind oneself each time one feels fear, that one is fearing a delusion when one sees part of the self as a separate self. You may acknowledge that delusion, and then send love not only to the self that is fearing but to that which is feared. Beyond that, begin to notice all the times one does not feel fear. When one is in a situation that is in some way threatening, often one responds with love to that situation. Truly, each of you do that far more than you respond with fear or anger or separation. And you don’t notice that response; it goes by. But it is a small, tender sprout, that of loving-kindness; and it must be nurtured. Can you begin to bring your attention to each time you respond in a loving way to a situation that might goad you toward separation? You do this not to pat yourself pridefully on the back for that loving response but to nurture that sprout of love within you and encourage it to blossom. 1991/0303_01.txt:25:When you make a choice, and it turns out to be an unskillful choice and brings harm to another because there was fear or anger or greed as part of that choice, there is that in the being that declines responsibility for that choice, that says, “I couldn’t help it.” But as you evolve to the point that all in this group today have reached, you have learned that you are always responsible. Can you see how difficult this is? You used to be able to make your choices in a less judgmental way, though they were less skillful, and there was more anger and blame. But now you truly know that you are responsible; it feels like a burden and not a joy. The question, then, becomes how to make that sense of responsibility appear as it really is, a joy and a gift, so that even your unskillful choices can be met with love and not self-denigration. 1991/0303_01.txt:26:This is where we come back to what I spoke of earlier, about allowing rather than forcing. When you come to a place of choice and understand the responsibility for making a skillful choice, and yet at times don’t see the fear or greed or anger until it is too late, that distorts that choice so that another feels pain from it. When you come to that place and there is a sense of fear, of, “What if I make the wrong choice?”—that fear shuts out the flow of energy, shuts out the flow of knowledge within the spirit. When you can come to that place with a prayer, opening yourself to all the love coming from within the self and coming to the self from without, then the voices of fear or anger or greed are heard as voiceless echoes. Then there is a joyousness about that responsibility because you see that it is leading you into being a mature being, into blossoming into the light. 1991/0303_01.txt:27:Q’uo spoke of the separation of self from self. All of you, at one time or another, fail to notice the positivity within the self, the generosity, the patience and loving-kindness; all of those beautiful qualities which are part of this beautiful being that you are. Then you judge yourself and focus on all of the qualities that you judge as negative: the impatience, the anger, the greed. I would suggest that two practices may be helpful for you. One is to begin to notice more and more carefully all those times when you are loving and patient and kind, to begin to allow this beautiful self to move into the sunshine of its own love. This is not pride. It is reality. Also, it is useful, when one perceives oneself as love and will not allow that this is so, to ask why you will not allow it. Why does one pay attention only to those qualities that are perceived as negative? One must then begin to see that there is something in the self that wants to cling to those qualities that are felt as negative, even while it begins to move on into the light. There is a yearning for that light and for the full knowing of oneness, and yet there is that within the self which feels unworthy. In the book with which I think most of you are familiar, called Dark Night of the Soul, St. John of the Cross suggests that the soul feels itself to be unworthy of God and yet yearns toward connection with God. And although it feels itself to be unworthy, the force of its love is what gives it the courage to seek that connection. 1991/0303_01.txt:28:How can you allow the force of your love to come to the forefront of your awareness so that it can lead you into the full knowledge of all that you are and always have been, to lead you past that fear that calls the self unworthy? You are both. As long as you are human, you are not intended to be perfect. What you perceive as limitations are not limitations at all, but merely the teaching tools offered by this density. You do not have to get rid of fear or anger or greed. All you need to do is to allow what beauty is there to flourish and bloom. And the fear and anger and greed will fall away, because the knowledge that was gained from them is no longer needed. 1991/0303_01.txt:29:The most important tool here is awareness: knowing always what is being felt; and if anger or greed are being felt, touching those, not with judgment but with an acceptance that allows the being not to need to act on those emotions. It is not the emotions themselves that are a problem. You don’t harm another by feeling greed. You harm another by taking what belongs to another. 1991/0303_02.txt:2:I would like to know how to draw anger out of my son and reestablish a calm relationship with him. There is a lot of pent-up anger and it comes out in inappropriate behaviors. He is a very sensitive, bright child. He never felt that he fit in anywhere. He has never felt like he belonged anyplace that he’s been. He’s never been able to adapt to just functioning in the everyday world. He tends to be off in his own world quite a bit, and he can’t reconcile the two and it comes out in anger which is expressed physically and that type of thing. 1991/0303_02.txt:6:This question of working with anger in another, of helping another truly in any way, is a difficult one. You love your son and don’t want to see him in pain. Each of you wants so much for your children, and yet each of you can only learn for yourself. 1991/0303_02.txt:7:You cannot learn for him. It becomes useful to begin to differentiate where you hope to learn for yourself through your son’s anger and where it becomes a matter of wanting to take away his anger because it is painful to you. 1991/0303_02.txt:8:I am going to start here with something that you all know; but sometimes it is very hard to accept, especially when the one involved is one you love. You cannot take away another’s pain. You cannot deprive them of the experience of that pain, nor can you know why they have moved into such experience. That knowing is for the wisdom of their own soul. You can create the learning situations and the loving and accepting environment that will allow that which is not angry in your son to flourish. You can nurture all that is not angry within him, but only he can work with his own anger. I don’t mean that to sound hopeless. There is much that you can do. I only want to point out here that to try to take away his anger is a form of violence to him. You say he has always been very sensitive. He, in his wisdom, has created certain situations in his life, including choosing you to be his father so that he might work with that which most needs to be healed within the spirit. 1991/0303_02.txt:9:First, try to separate your discomfort at his anger, knowing that that is work that needs to be done not on him but on you. In short, if he needs to be angry, can you simple let him be angry? Can you reach that place in yourself where he feels from you only complete acceptance, that there’s not that within him that is unacceptable to you? This may help him more than anything else you can give him, because surely he already judges his own anger; and if he finds that unacceptable to you, it will increase the depth with which it is unacceptable to him. 1991/0303_02.txt:10:How well do you accept your own anger? This is another way that you can teach him. I seem to be saying this a lot this weekend. There is nothing wrong with anger; there is nothing bad about the emotion of anger. It’s just a feeling. When you use that anger as a reason to act in an unskillful way toward another, then you have a problem. Then you are creating disharmony and adhering karma. But the emotion of anger is simply the emotion of anger. It’s not the anger that’s a problem, but your relationship to the anger. Moving into yourself, then, are you totally loving and accepting when anger arises, not needing to get rid of it or do anything with it but just to watch it? So many of you feel that anger must either be suppressed or acted upon, but there is this third choice, just to observe it: “Here comes anger... I wonder how long it will stay... there it goes... ” 1991/0303_02.txt:11:One of the things that all of you are here to learn is to approach—not to attain but to approach—non-judgmental and unconditional love for yourself and what you perceive as other selves. As long as there is that within you which feels unacceptable, then you judge the same to be unacceptable in others. I am not denying that anger causes you pain or that your son’s anger causes him pain. But he will need to work with that pain on his own. So, the best gift you can give him is first to begin to look closer into your own anger and to reach a point where you truly can accept your own anger. Then you can begin to accept his anger, so that when he is angry he still feels love from you. In this way, he can begin to let that anger drop away, to be honest with himself about it, and to understand it more clearly. 1991/0303_02.txt:12:The second gift that you can give him is to nurture all those qualities that are beautiful in him and help him to nurture that in himself. How much has his anger or sensitivity made him see himself as different and feel himself to be unworthy? While assuring him that neither his anger nor anything in him is unworthy, can you also nurture what is beautiful in him, including that sensitivity you spoke of, letting yourself feel how much you cherish that in him so that he may begin to cherish it in himself? 1991/0303_02.txt:13:There is one more issue here that needs to be looked at. Why does a being choose to incarnate into a situation where he will feel different in any way, where he will become angry? Why does he choose to subject himself to those catalysts? It would seem to me that it is likely that you both have this issue of self-acceptance. Sometimes one needs the catalyst of anger in order to be challenged to look at one’s feelings more deeply, to uncover the love, and to nurture that. 1991/0303_02.txt:15:One who chooses to incarnate into a situation where one lives with anger is choosing that situation to prod oneself, one might say, to learn a deeper level of forgiveness and compassion. Of course, one starts with the self, finding acceptance for that anger in the self so that one may not judge that in others, but may love that, and all aspects of all beings. How does one love another’s anger? It is not the anger that one is loving, it is the spirit of the being itself, which is pure and holy and beautiful. The being is not its anger nor its greed nor its fear. And yet you constantly create this duality, and so much of your work is to move beyond that. 1991/0303_02.txt:16:There is one more specific thing I want to say about your son. Please remember that each being is always exactly where it needs to be, regardless of surface appearances. For a parent with a child, this idea takes a high level of trust. You can open doors for him, but you cannot push him through those doors. You can do nothing with his anger but to love him and to love yourself. As you create that doorway through your own power of love, when he is ready he will walk through it. 1991/0303_02.txt:17:There is a great deal more that could be said on this subject of anger and the specific question about the son. We prefer to end this teaching and allow Q’uo to speak, and listen to your further questions about this. That is all. 1991/0303_02.txt:21:One such concept is the spiritual truth that all are one, and that within each one there is all of the universe of possibilities of attitudes and biases. Thusly, when one experiences another’s anger, one is, in truth, in terms of one’s spiritual growth, gazing at the self. What one has not come to forgive in one’s self, one feels far more keenly when the mirrors of intimate family members and friends express in any way. The son’s anger then becomes a mirror held ruthlessly and clearly up to the face of the parent. The parent, in assuming that the child is separated from the self, is cheating the self of the valuable, accurate mirroring of the self to the self through the catalyst of another. 1991/0303_02.txt:22:Let us gaze at anger towards the self, for this is truly the spiritual situation. Has this seeker allowed an awareness of its own anger to ripen and mature until it can look at that anger it feels without judgment? If all entities possess in potentiation all qualities, should it surprise one when a seemingly negative quality appears in the mirror? Must you turn away from the mirror because it is too painful to see the self which is that behavior and painful experience of the other self? The best teacher of accepting the negative aspect of the self is the drawing of the attention, as the one known as Aaron has so rightly said, to those many times when one is experiencing, either in one’s own mirror of self to self or in the mirror held up by another to the self, all the loving, compassionate, helpful and wise portions of the self. The beginning of the healing of self-judgment is the awareness that the mirror does not always show the negative or negatively perceived aspects of consciousness. 1991/0303_02.txt:25:Always, infinity is at the behest of one which chooses to remember the infinite Creator and the love the entity has experienced from this great source of love. Thusly, in healing the self-judgment, the parent is then able to express itself as an healed and whole entity, and is thus able to give whatever it may find possible to give out of a fullness of heart, a total and 360-degree acceptance of the self, knowing that the self is indeed all things, positive and negative, as is perceived within the illusion. When this healing is complete, then the entity may simply sit with this anger from another and see it as a catalyst which has done its job already. 1991/0303_02.txt:31:What baggage creates anger? What is it that is picked up and held and cherished that creates the anger of the self? Perhaps we may suggest that anger, at base, is anger at the lack of complete acceptance of the self. Thusly, to work upon one’s own anger, it is well to perceive the benefits of not striving to become anything, not trying to advance, but simply trying to allow an awareness of the full nature of the self, to be held in the gentle arms of that nurturing portion of the self. Once one’s own inner child, which is often angry because of lack of control, has been clearly perceived, then the attempts of a young soul—that is, young within this incarnation—to control the environment in order to make the self heard or in some way more secure can be accepted as the spiritual process it truly is. 1991/0303_02.txt:42:I see a number of possibilities here, and would ask you to choose what seems most appropriate to yourself and discard what doesn’t fit. One possibility is that while such intimacy is desired, there is also that in yourself which feels unworthy and is afraid to open itself so closely to another for fear that another would recognize that unworthiness. I spoke of this earlier today to a friend, saying that within each being there is what I call the what-if-someone-found-out? space. You see yourself as a loving being. You have work to do, yes, but [are] still a loving being, a spiritual seeker, and a good and caring person. And yet within the self there are so many emotions, so many forces that you can’t accept, that each of you cannot accept. You are each like an iceberg with what is acceptable being that small bit that shows above the surface and so much buried that you have not been able to accept. As you progress on your path and become mature and responsible and more highly evolved, you become harder with yourself. When there is anger, rage, greed, jealousy, or fear, there is a strong “I shouldn’t”; but you can’t keep this separate from the self. 1991/0303_02.txt:46:I am not implying that your learning must be painful. Pain doesn’t teach you anything. Pain is, if Carla will excuse a bad pun, a pain in the neck. But pain screams, “Pay attention!” and paying attention teaches you. When you can learn to pay attention without pain, you will need far less pain to learn. When you can pay attention to the ways in which you feel separate and move past that wall of pain and anger that enhances the sense of separation, finding acceptance and forgiveness for all of that in yourself which has created the illusion of separation, then you will no longer need that illusion. 1991/0303_02.txt:47:There is one further thing I would say here. So often you seem to hear two voices within you. One, that comes from the heart, is a voice of love, and one, that we would call the voice of the brain or of reason, is often a voice of fear. You have one voice within you that asks you to trust yourself and trust others, to allow yourself to open, to cherish that beautiful self within as a bud, bringing it into the sunlight of your love. And then there is the voice of fear, and it says, “Well I have work to do on myself. Maybe I’m not ready for a relationship.” Do you see the excuses there? Can you see the avoidance? There is always work to do on oneself, no matter how evolved you become. You are never complete but always in progress. Do you wait for perfection? Can you begin to see that it is the voice of fear that suggests that you wait and to ask yourself with some compassion, “What am I afraid of? What is this fear?”—not to track it down analytically as it grows out of this or that event of childhood, but to begin to see all the anger and lack of self-acceptance behind it and to relate to that with love and compassion? 1991/0303_02.txt:54:There is always much to forgive when the self perceives the self. We suggest that each entity may helpfully see all the dross of self, not as shameful but as inevitable—as, to use the one known as Ram Dass’s phrase, grist for the mill. Thus, one can refrain from fear of one’s own fears, anger at one’s angers, judgment at one’s own unskillful judgments, so that the process may be seen mercifully, that the self may see that the self plunges into the furnace by choice. Yet we would suggest that loving-kindness and mercy be a portion of self-awareness, so that one is able to move into the refiner’s fire only when it will not do violence to the young, precious spiritual self that was born immaculately within when the first decision was made of how to serve the infinite Creator. The choice to serve others is not a conclusion; it is the cornerstone or beginning of a process of distillation that will continue for a long, long time, as you understand time. 1991/0303_02.txt:58:I am Aaron, and it is with love and joy that I share this process of responding to your questions with the principle known as Q’uo. I speak for both of us when I say that it enhances our understanding as well to listen to each other and to your own thoughts, and to investigate these questions more fully. We have by no means exhausted any discussion of fear or anger; and yet, perhaps enough has been said for tonight. 1991/0303_02.txt:63:I am Aaron. I am troubled by the question because of the place of self-judgment from which it comes. We have spoken with R and find much anger within him at the self. His assumption is correct, and yet, he must be helped to understand the desire within him to use that assumption to simply blame himself further; that it will become simply another object of anger, another source of that anger. Can you see how easily this is distorted? It is necessary to be truthful with him. And yet, if I were speaking to him in person, I would stress instead the healing that is needed, the opening more compassionately to the self. Rather than putting the focus of the attention on what has not been done, I would put the focus of the attention on what it is possible to do. Is this answer sufficient, or would you prefer me to speak on it? 1991/0303_02.txt:72:What I want you to begin to look at is the difference between the pure physical sensation of discomfort that you call pain and that within you that hates the pain, that wants to put the arm down, that says, “This is enough”—the struggle to make it go away. As you begin to sense that struggle, whether it be with physical pain, with an emotional pain, with anything in your lives that brings intense discomfort, when you begin to see aversion to that discomfort, that fear is what you need to soften around. First, you notice the aversion, the wanting it to be different, the hating it the way it is, and you allow yourself permission to grieve for that which could not be. In its most simplistic terms, you wake up on the day of the picnic and see it pouring. You stub your toe and feel the pain, and know that because of that pain you won’t be able to continue to walk, that your life will be uncomfortable for several weeks. Then you move into a space of anger and judgment. Finally, especially those of you who are more advanced spiritually, you say, “I shouldn’t be judging; I shouldn’t be angry,” and that just increases the suffering. 1991/0303_02.txt:84:This heart, whether male or female, can be imagined as a womb which is full, soft, and pregnant with unlimited fullness. Each time that one experiences the tightening of any portion of the physical vehicle, it is well to move gently, slowly, down this tree of mind and heart to the full heart, which gives a fullness without diminishing itself. Feel the tension in all of the body, but especially in this womb-heart and literally in the way the abdomen is tensed. One may even push at the abdomen to feel the degree of tension and explore this as a physical sensation. Then one may guide one’s breath ever deeper, breathing in mercy and loving-kindness, allowing that rigid belly to be soft, literally soft. You will find that as soon as the attention wanders from the softness of that abdomen, of that womb, the belly begins once again to tense. The entire body, when facing the catalyst of pain, reacts quite literally in defense by tensing against a danger. Thus, it is very, very healing to work continually with patience at the unending task of relaxing that creature of mind which is the body, and especially allowing the breath to flow into the heart-womb, bringing its gentleness and its healing to dissolve tension, and breathing out all that tension in deep, spontaneous breathing, not to attempt to breath deeper than usual but simply to breath in visualized love, nurturing light, and spaciousness in which the self may relax. 1991/0324.txt:9:Gazing at the strictures of the ten commandments given to Moses, he prayed for years to know the truths of what he found as shadows in those laws. And as he prayed, so did guidance come to him who prayed so deeply, so that he was able to say what he felt that new covenant was, not a list of things that were not to be done, the tale complex and infinitely separating one from another of the children of the Creator. This entity chose to place these same laws in a simpler and positively oriented perspective. The first commandment remained the same, to love the Creator with all of one’s energies and talents, gifts and abilities. But in the second law, he erased a dark, gauze veil of warning and fear that had hung over spiritual teachings within his culture for a millennium and more. The second commandment dispensed with all the “do nots,” and offered two things to do: to love the neighbor, be that neighbor a stranger, a friend, or an enemy, under all circumstances, just as an entity loved himself. He specifically said that these two commandments, love of God, and love of all other selves as the self, fulfilled and replaced all the law and the prophets. 1991/0327.txt:8:Therefore, it depends completely upon the sensitivities of one who is attempting to become a carpenter in words, building with these structural members an area around those infinite concepts and possibilities that can never be put into words. There is another reason of why it is not necessary, unless it is simply desired to alter the truth of that which you know at this time. Entities who are not ready for this particular material, even if they find it helpful, will assume it to be fiction. For it is stranger than things that are created in the mind of man. 1991/0331.txt:14:The one tool that an entity going through change has is blind faith. Let us imagine that there is an operation to take place. Doctors tell the patient that it is necessary to become unconscious and to be cut upon, something, perhaps, removed that was not healthy. Certainly something altered. There are dangers in becoming unconscious. A few in ten thousand do not wake up, [ending] their incarnations during that procedure, perhaps leaving the physical body unviable, perhaps leaving it in the suspension of eternal coma. Yet the brave soul who wishes to embrace life to the fullest accepts these dangers and risks and moves through that very physical three days of change knowing only by faith that it will wake up and that the change will be for the better. 1991/0421.txt:48:Is it important to accept our sensuality and sexuality in this density or illusion in order to develop a sense of wholeness? In other words, is there a danger in denying that aspect of this illusion and thereby missing the lessons that the sensuality and sexuality of this density have to offer? 1991/0630.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with the concept of how we deal with our emotions such as fear and anger, jealousy, feeling unworthy, feeling inept, any negative feeling that we have that has been with us for quite awhile and we’ve been working with. We’re wondering if, according to what Q’uo and Aaron had to say to us, that the most appropriate way of dealing with these negative emotions is to be able to accept the self and the emotion that we have when we have them so that there is no longer any feeding into the emotion by holding on to it longer, hoping that eventually, by being able to accept ourselves and the emotions when we have them, that there will be a falling away of these negative emotions. Is this the most skillful or appropriate way of dealing with negative emotions so that we are able to be more harmonious and more productive and feel more whole and complete in our small selves in this illusion? 1991/0630.txt:13:So in our quest to gaze at the most appropriate way to aid ourselves in our seeking for an attitude not skin deep but within the very marrow of each bone, within each pore that opens to the sunlight and the rain, within each sense that tells you of beauty, destruction, peace and confusion, consequently, the seeker must gaze beyond, beneath and around the negative emotions such as anger or fear. Gaze at them unblinkingly. Gaze at them lovingly. Yet how can an entity, no matter how much meditation, study, desire and training, really have a certainty and a surety that there will more and more be the feelings of wholeness and harmony of which you have spoken? 1991/0630.txt:31:We have focused today on the details of perception, for your query has to do with the process of perception. Entities realize, for the most part, that they cannot anticipate or understand other entities’ every action and word. However, in terms of you within this physical incarnation, you are in the position of attempting to understand and accept an entity that is noticeably distanced from your true self. This standpoint or point of view is not helpful in terms of its being used as a tool to create the desisting and the ceasing of painful emotions so that one may somehow come out upon the pleasant valley of enlightenment. Can you see now what folly it is to expect or even consider the possibility of, by taking any thought whatsoever, releasing the self from the fears and the anger with which it has fueled its very seeking? 1991/0630.txt:32:Thus we may say yet consciously observe the anger, the temper, the emotional dyspepsia. But at the same time open the door of the threshold of the deep mind by whatever means creates in you the sense of approaching and going through a door that is holy, a door wherein you are protected, bathed in light. And whether you can feel it or not, be healed little by little of each and every perceived pain. Keep that door open. De-emphasize to the extent appropriate for the individual personality all consciously received data and move beyond words, beyond judgment, and beyond the self into the point of view that sees all things as acceptable and not only acceptable but glorious. Each of you is an epic. Each within third density chooses some form of drama. Some are stuck with charades for they know not how to be but only to behave. 1991/0707.txt:1: [overview] This is a continuation of the session from last week in which we were discussing the query of how to proceed on the path of, shall we say, perfecting the self: working to the point where we’re able to accept the self and the distortion—whatever feeling one has—whether it be anger, jealousy, depression, covetousness, greediness, laziness, overachieving... We’ll stop there, and proceed into the area of a certain attitude or perception that Q’uo talked about last week, where we see the world around us as a blessing, as a means by which we learn what we need to learn. How do we now proceed when we’ve begun to accept ourselves and the distortions that we feel? What is the next step in order that we can more easily and fully achieve the balancing of all of these distortions, so that the light moves through us in a way that allows us to radiate it to others, rather than hold it in the distorted form in one particular energy center? 1991/0712.txt:1: [overview] The question we will deal with this morning has to do with anger. Where does anger come from? How can we use it and how can we heal from it? There is a feeling of being out of control that people who are sensitive to other people’s feelings fear. There’s the fear of the injury that would be caused by the anger. There’s the fear of the actual feeling of the anger, the feeling of not being able to control it, that there would be some damage done. There’s the great unknown of where does it come from within ourselves. Is there a value to anger? Can we use it constructively after the anger has passed? How can we use it to heal up whatever wounds were caused before or during the anger? 1991/0712.txt:4:You request information this morning about anger. Each in this group has given much thought to this subject and has done work in this area and there have been queries upon this subject both directed to ourselves and to the one known as Aaron who has also worked with this group in this area. 1991/0712.txt:6:There may be consternation experienced by the seeker when a subject such as anger is studied in that depth of the self hitherto unknown well plumbed. The resultant knowledge is not always experienced as either pleasant or comfortable to the one who seeks, either because the information thus uncovered is judged to be of an unacceptable quality to the seeker or simply because it is unfamiliar to the seeker as being part of the self and thus the immediate response is one of rejection and judging it unacceptable. 1991/0712.txt:7:This process of discovery of the self and of accepting the unacceptable is known to each in this group as part of the seeker’s lot. However, it is always disconcerting to discover these things close to home, shall we say, rather than dealing with perhaps the same subject in what you perceive of as an other self at what may seem to be a safer distance. The reality is that there is no distance and whether anger or any other uncomfortable or undesirable emotion is discovered in an other self or in the depths of the self is no different. It is always the self that is being explored and experienced. 1991/0712.txt:10:You wish to know about the source of anger. The source of anger or any other emotion which the service-to-others seeker may be tempted to judge as negative or unacceptable lies in the misperception of the separateness of entities. For in order to feel the emotion of anger there must needs be an object of the anger and this object is necessarily seen as being separate from the self. Therefore a very simplistic answer would be that if all things were realized in their true unified form there would be no anger for there would be no separate objects. 1991/0712.txt:12:However, if anger or other such disquieting emotions is the subject of discomfort at the time then we may suggest that meditations on the true nature of each, that is, the unity beyond the illusion, may be helpful in both the understanding and the dissolving of the same. The dissolving not being a process of elimination or eradication but of absorption and acceptance of the existence within the self and the other self and the acknowledgement that there is a place for this within the self that does not of necessity bring harm. It is the concentration of such matter that may be used in what is perceived to be a harmful manner. 1991/0712.txt:13:In a similar way that a concentration of what you may view as a harmful chemical that may exist harmoniously in nature is brought into a concentrated form and as such is considered to be what your peoples would call a toxin and may then be used to bring harm to different types of entities, this is a same type of process that operates with emotions such as anger. 1991/0712.txt:14:The uses of purposes of anger and of other such emotions may be varied according to the desire of the one experiencing them. Their primary use to the seeker is of course to foster further investigation of a knowledge of the self. The uses of the outward expression of such anger may be used also variously. So the expression of such usually takes place in a concentrated form as we spoke of. They are most often utilized by those on the negative path for they are very useful in affecting a greater separation in situations of manipulation and control. So [anger is] that which the negative path uses. 1991/0712.txt:15:For the positive entity we would suggest that the deliberate and intentional use of such anger would be most probably realized by the positive entity to be not of a helpful nature and therefore would not be likely to be chosen as a manner of expression but more likely would occur as a spontaneous expression of that which is felt within the self in an overwhelming manner. We would suggest that the most likely cause of such a concentration and eruption of this substance, shall we say, would be the lack of awareness of its existence within the self in its more quiet and nontoxic form, shall we say, and that a greater awareness and acceptance of the existence of this emotion in its more natural and absorbed, shall we say, state would be most helpful in the work of the seeker that has concern about the possibility of the uncontrolled expression of such. 1991/0712.txt:16:The question of control is another issue altogether and quite separate from the process of anger or other emotions. We are aware that control is one of the primary tools of the negative path. Yet to the positive seeker chaos is surely not the desired state. Therefore this is an issue also that will certainly be investigated by any who delve deep enough into the self. We would suggest that the issue for the positive seeker is not so much one of control but one of choice. That choice is only possible when there is awareness and that therefore the path to the availability of choices lies once again through the ever-deepening knowledge of the self and the subsequent awareness and acceptance of what is found in the self. 1991/0712.txt:17:When the seeker has reached a point of awareness of, to use the current example, the anger that exists within the self and has accepted that as being a part of the self even as the various chemical components run through your various strata of rock then the seeker will have also a greater awareness of the process of concentration of these substances. These processes then may be observed and the choice will be available as to the continuation of the process and the various means of expressing the same. 1991/0712.txt:18:You ask also about a process of cooling what damage may be caused when such an eruption may occur. The healing of each entity is again another subject which may be plumbed in depth and we shall comment but briefly at this time. Each entity serves as catalyst for the other and the process of knowing itself. When entities, especially those such as are in this group which are embarked upon the conscious efforts of knowing the self, act as catalyst upon each other the results are never, shall we say, completely unasked for. That is to say, the entity receiving the catalyst is aware of the need for such although this may not be a conscious awareness and is thus given the opportunity for greater knowledge of and acceptance of the self. This is not to attempt to foster any sense of irresponsibility but we feel no danger with that with those of this group for each here is most conscientious about such matters. 1991/0712.txt:25:First of all, thank you. There is an aspect that especially interests me because I’m used to being very honest, even to the point of bluntness and I discovered that when the anger hit me that I had two choices, either to sulk and pout and be silent and repress it. I mean I couldn’t keep it in check. There was no way I could do that [inaudible] but I wanted to say things because I wanted to express my opinion on it. I wanted to hurt somebody else. It’s a real foreign feeling for me. And there was nothing true that I could say that would do this for me so the only thing that I could do was to think things that I virtually knew at the time were untrue and I played the victim but it was a means of taking this thing that felt like a real poison and getting it out of my system. When the communication is definitely not going to be true in terms of the [inaudible] it seems like it’s better to say false things than to say nothing and let it go on longer. What is the best way not to tell the truth if you don’t have any choices but to tell a falsehood if you’re angry because whatever your trying [inaudible] true. Is that still better? It seems to be still better than being silent and sulking and not being able to [inaudible]. But why is there a need to say lying hurtful things when the anger is there? Why doesn’t the truth, which is just that a person’s upset, why doesn’t that satisfy the [inaudible]? 1991/0712.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. The emotions that culminated in the expression of anger for you yesterday are emotions that have taken some time to find their fullest flower, shall we say. It was not just the experience of just a moment but the experience of a lifetime of feeling that you had been abandoned and that there was no other entity that could give you the comfort that you sought. 1991/0712.txt:28:It is well of course in such situations that one have at one’s disposal or at one’s service an other self which is willing to work with the self in this matter. The great fear of each of your experiences of anger is that there will be a further enraging of the experience, not only for the self but for the other self, and a further confusing of the catalyst that has brought the both of you together in this culmination of emotion. It is very, very helpful to be able to express freely to another self that which is upon the mind or of one’s heart, shall we say, and to explore the ramifications. For in almost every instance your conversation and thought processes proceed upon a symbolic or surface level so that what is really the genesis of the feelings may be hidden both to the one who speaks and to the one who listens. This is the great value of communication and dedication: perseverance of communication. 1991/0712.txt:29:This will allow you to uncover other areas of your experience that are more fundamental that have been sown with a certain seed that has not been fully exposed to the light of the sun that it might grow in a natural way and produce a fruit that is obvious and easy to appreciate. The emotions that are deeper and which are often the true cause of an outburst of anger are those seeds which have not received the full light of the sun, the full light of one’s conscious attention and recognition of the kind of seed that has been planted. Who has planted the seed and who has tended the seed as the gardener? Thus, we do not recommend the repressing any emotional experience, even that of anger unless the entity with whom one is expressing these energies is, because of being a stranger or being too young to understand, unable to partake in the experience without suffering on its part great confusion or misapprehension of a gross nature. 1991/0712.txt:30:We find that the experience of the anger is fortunately in this case that which is experienced with those that are more closely known to and aligned with the self as the self and other selves seek to relate in a manner which is intimate and compassionate and is so on a stable basis. Thus, we would recommend that the spontaneous expression of all emotions is that which is most helpful in what you call the long run so that these expressions of emotion become the point at which you begin to delve more deeply into the experience with an other self that is compassionate and understanding concerning your needs and your fears. 1991/0712.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that in your illusion it is difficult in the great coloration of emotion called anger to operate at such a rational level as to be able to discern that which is true and that which is not true in the moment that the anger is experienced. Or if one were able to do this, the great energy of the anger would be blunted insofar as the realization of what was being said was untrue. Whether what is felt and said is true or not is relatively unimportant in the moment of the expression of the anger. It is well to express that which is, shall we say, on the tip of the tongue and that which wishes to rush from the mouth and from the heart. Then the process of sorting and evaluation may begin by looking at all that was said, even those areas of expression which one later determines to be untrue. For that moment of anger in that particular experience may yet hold some value for the self as one relates these speakings to earlier experiences or other experiences within the incarnation, so that there may be a kind of following of a trail of that which was spoken so that there might be a possibility of gaining greater understanding as this trail is followed and discussed and shared in open fashion with the other self. 1991/1.txt:8: [overview] The question we will deal with this morning has to do with anger. Where does anger come from? How can we use it and how can we heal from it? There is a feeling of being out of control that people who are sensitive to other people’s feelings fear. There’s the fear of the injury that would be caused by the anger. There’s the fear of the actual feeling of the anger, the feeling of not being able to control it, that there would be some damage done. There’s the great unknown of where does it come from within ourselves. Is there a value to anger? Can we use it constructively after the anger has passed? How can we use it to heal up whatever wounds were caused before or during the anger? 1991/1.txt:9: [overview] This is a continuation of the session from last week in which we were discussing the query of how to proceed on the path of, shall we say, perfecting the self: working to the point where we’re able to accept the self and the distortion—whatever feeling one has—whether it be anger, jealousy, depression, covetousness, greediness, laziness, overachieving... We’ll stop there, and proceed into the area of a certain attitude or perception that Q’uo talked about last week, where we see the world around us as a blessing, as a means by which we learn what we need to learn. How do we now proceed when we’ve begun to accept ourselves and the distortions that we feel? What is the next step in order that we can more easily and fully achieve the balancing of all of these distortions, so that the light moves through us in a way that allows us to radiate it to others, rather than hold it in the distorted form in one particular energy center? 1991/1.txt:10: [overview] The question today has to do with the concept of how we deal with our emotions such as fear and anger, jealousy, feeling unworthy, feeling inept, any negative feeling that we have that has been with us for quite awhile and we’ve been working with. We’re wondering if, according to what Q’uo and Aaron had to say to us, that the most appropriate way of dealing with these negative emotions is to be able to accept the self and the emotion that we have when we have them so that there is no longer any feeding into the emotion by holding on to it longer, hoping that eventually, by being able to accept ourselves and the emotions when we have them, that there will be a falling away of these negative emotions. Is this the most skillful or appropriate way of dealing with negative emotions so that we are able to be more harmonious and more productive and feel more whole and complete in our small selves in this illusion? 1991/3.txt:5: [overview] C: I would like to know how to draw anger out of my son and re-establish a calm relationship with him. There is a lot of pent-up anger and it comes out in inappropriate behaviors. He is a very sensitive, bright child. He never felt that he fit in anywhere. He has never felt like he belonged anyplace that he’s been. He’s never been able to adapt to just functioning in the everyday world. He tends to be off in his own world quite a bit, and he can’t reconcile the two and it comes out in anger which is expressed physically and that type of thing. 1992/0307.txt:85:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. To refine our previous statement, may we say that each moment in your existence is part of the one Creator, as is each entity. Each seeks the union with the Creator. Each moment then does present an opportunity to make the self available for the sharing of that which is most dear to the self with an other self, [and] is that which is most helpful to the growth of both. To become the evangelist which requests and requires the open ear and mind is that activity which shall prove to provide more results. To make the self available at each opportunity is most helpful, whether the opportunity be a simple smile, the granting of the right of way at one of your intersections, the listening to the sorrows of a friend or stranger, the sharing of your deepest insights, or the offering of a simple piece of advice when asked for. Each is an opportunity to share that which is the love and compassion for the self and each that the self will meet. 1992/0405.txt:1: [overview] The topic this afternoon has to do with communication, especially communication between partners or people who are very close in their relationships, where we would expect that such a situation would lend itself to clearer and easier communication than one with perhaps a stranger. What occurs frequently is that there is a difficulty or a baffling in the communication, where even though both people try to their best abilities to communicate clearly, there is something that injects itself in the communication that causes a difficulty or a muddying of the communication. What would be the advice in such a situation? Would it be better if we attempted to stick it out and work as hard as we can with the person and to finally achieve a mutually agreed-upon clear communication? Or, when you find such difficulties and they recur, perhaps as a pattern, is it better to look at yourself in the contemplative or the meditative state to see if there might be some kind of an internal blockage or problem that you are working with in that particular area where the communication is unclear? Would that be an avenue that might provide clarification, not only to that particular communication, but in your ability to communicate in general? What would be the advice in such a situation as a way by which we could clear our communication? 1992/0405.txt:4:As we speak of communication in this light, it is well we begin by pointing out that the difficulties of communication with strangers are far more easily addressed by linear linguistic analysis than those difficulties in clear communication harbored by those whose interactions are numerous and have taken place over a substantial period of what you call your time. If there is a misunderstood word betwixt oneself and another self which is a stranger, there is either the prejudice which is generic—the one not knowing the word feeling the other is a snob, the one knowing the word feeling that the other is ignorant—or there is a querying as to the meaning of the not-understood word, and communication resumes quickly. If there is a point of view that does not make sense to another’s point of view, strangers may well say they do not understand. Again, communication breakdown is not at all probable, for it is more obvious that there needs to be a question for information. 1992/0405.txt:22:Neither way is more correct than the other. How one deals with special circumstances, how one deals with self-pity, with sorrow, with all of the tragic sentimental and enfeebling emotions connected with the reactions of loss, pain, and limitation are equally acceptable. The less self-destructive that they are, may we say, the more efficient. Consequently, if one perceives oneself to need to cry, to feel self-pity, to feel weak, and to feel helpless, then by all means we suggest feeling this way; but feeling this way when it does not infringe on communication with others. And if one must feel this way in the company of another, it is well to communicate simply that one is incapable of clear thinking, thus again taking responsibility for the inability to communicate clearly before difficulties have arisen because of these special circumstances. Some entities need very badly to act out all of the anger, pain and frustration of loss, whatever it may be. Others find themselves more invigorated by distracting the self, and moving positively in any direction while allowing the work of change to be done more or less subconsciously. 1992/0409.txt:56:Now, she does not say that. She sits him down on her lap and she looks at it, but she is feeling that impatience. And then she feels anger at herself and says, “Who am I serving here? Am I ignoring my family to serve others?” 1992/0410.txt:12:That one child hung back. He was a young boy of nine or ten years; emaciated and with sores on his body. This being that was known as Jesus simply got up and walked toward the boy. The boy was frightened because he had been told to leave and here was this stranger walking toward him. And Jesus said gently to him, “Do not be afraid, I will not hurt you. Do you want food?” And he offered him that bowl. And while the boy ate, he asked for cloth and water and washed his sores. And then he came back very simply to his seat and took another bowl. 1992/0410.txt:23:That which you think of another, you think also of the self. If there is judgment, turn it upon yourself and analyze the root cause within the self. Here is material for this day’s budget of work in inner consciousness: nervousness, irritation, impatience, anger, resentment, disappointment. 1992/0410.txt:41:I would like to take this thought around now to a very real, practical application. You are all beings who aspire to serve. You are all beings who aspire to offer love and non-harm to all else, and yet you constantly find arising within you old patterns of conditioned mind leading to fear, self-hatred, negativity, greed, jealousy and anger. 1992/0426.txt:11:In actuality, whether one who is served is a parent, a child, a member of the family or of the extended family of friendship, or of the nature of complete strangers, service is always service if it is given purely. The challenge is to love others as one loves the self. 1992/0426.txt:17:That extreme good judgment of offering only the excellent service is a butterfly too elusive to catch. Better it is to gaze at one’s duties, one’s responsibilities, one’s honors, and the ever present strangers in one’s midst as perfect opportunities for service to the Creator Self so that service is not scattered among people and places and categories but, rather, service is a way of life expressing the spiritual principle of offering love to one’s Creator and Preserver, offering the self to the Creator Self, and in return feeling the Creator Self pouring through the self in infinite energy so that there is always energy for more service, until this way of life becomes, may we say, self-perpetuating and the life glows with love reflected in love. 1992/0510.txt:39:In such situations, it is easiest to respond in a manner which is, shall we say, of the world, in that there is the expression of hostility for hostility, anger for anger. When you become aware of any situation which is not as you would have it be, look carefully for the place that your love may be put so that that which is the highest and best of your offering may be that which you give freely. Look at those who seem separate from you, and see not only the Creator there, but see yourself there as well, and feel the compassion for that entity that you would feel for any honest and sincere seeker of truth that has for the moment closed its eyes to the heart of love. 1992/0614.txt:14:As one forgives one’s self, one then is able to forgive all. As the negative greeting is seen, then it is visualized and made materially real within the metaphysical world of thought as a creature of the night, a mythical creature which then is lovingly absorbed, accepted and forgiven. The forgiven selfishness becomes harmless. This alone is enough to dissuade most negative third density entities who are wishing to control others, for most are not particularly skillful. Being accepted is [inaudible] to a negatively oriented entity, who gains power by causing fear, anger, hatred, disgust and other negative reactions of emotion. 1992/0705.txt:55:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Each of you has a number of aspects to your being. Perhaps it could be described as portions of personality that have been gathered about you from different times, during this incarnation especially, and perhaps previous ones as well. You look at these facets of your being if you look with the broad view, as the parent looks at the child or the children that are in its care. At some portion of your life experience there has been that imprinting of experience which has caused whatever kind of resistance you feel, whether it be the stubbornness to accomplish the task, the anger at being forced, the sadness at the not understanding, or whatever the resistance might be, there is that imprint which carries a charge, a power, shall we say, within your being. 1992/0712.txt:1: [overview] The question this afternoon deals with the concept of change and transformation, and the confusion, the anger, the frustration that comes when we don’t feel that we’re changing in the way that we wish to change. Most students of their own evolution look at their lives, and, at some time, attempt to match the life with the ideals that they hold, and feel that there are certain things that they can do. But most of us look at our attempts to change and feel that we are inadequate in our change and that we are perhaps not even moving in the right direction. And as we begin to change and have this confusion and anger, we become further befuddled when we don’t move as we wish. 1992/0712.txt:6:Earlier this day, this instrument was thinking of a story within its holy work. It is an apt tale to share at this time. It concerns a traveler who was robbed, beaten and left upon the road. He was passed by a very well-placed gentleman who had an appointment. The man left the traveler on the road, as did another wealthy man. But there was a stranger who found the man, and although he was not from this particular region, the stranger took up the robbed and beaten man, carried him to a place of safety and succor, and made sure the beaten traveler had what he needed to recover. 1992/0712.txt:10:How much better to respect the work in consciousness which has been done, and then to see the self as the first neighbor, the nearest one to the observing portion of the self. The conscious seeker moving through the frustration, pain and anger of not yet understood changes is a weary, broken, tired and needy traveler. Yet, there is a portion of the self which may remember to forget the rush towards the next appointment, to let go of the control of happenstance, because there is a neighbor, a self—which happens to be the self, rather than an other—which needs aid and comfort in his travail. 1992/0712.txt:19:One thing we do recommend for all who experience confusion is a very well-encouraged sense of humor. The most helpful point of view for a changing spiritual seeker is light-hearted irreverence. Play with that which is occurring. Be playful. Allow the vision to relax, the eyesight to become less than entirely single-mindedly keen when the pressure mounts and the anxiety builds, when frustration and anger begin to accumulate. Lighten your own load with laughter. And if you can laugh with another, the strength of this joy is doubled. Part of the service spiritual seekers may be to each other is to exhort and encourage each other to take it easier with the situation and the self. 1992/0712.txt:22:In this group there is not the holding of the fear to the self, for which we would need to request correction; there is only the judgment of the self by the self as the self sees that it has fear. May we say that, in our opinion, fear is a normal and healthy reaction to pain. When you were small you recoiled from the touch to the oven. This was wise. Now you put yourself to more subtle testing of the boundaries and nature of your journey. You will frequently touch something very “hot” and have the healthy fear which allows you to recoil and remove the self from spiritual or mental pain. Allow yourself to move naturally and vulnerably through the unknown. Accept and love the fear, the frustration, the anger. Note them. Honor them. Comfort the self experiencing them, but do not deny them their appropriateness. 1992/0712.txt:23:Why should you not feel the difficult process happening? Why should the changes not cause many bumps, stops and starts, and discomforts, which express themselves in manifestations of fear, anger and frustration? When the unknown has been penetrated by desire, the new country cannot even be seen. A transforming individual is mapping for the first of many times the new and changing territory of its road. The way is mazed and muddled, and, in many ways, the sensing self is blinded by so much incoming data concerning a novel situation. The computer mind of the physical body gives many, many alarms when receiving this kind of data from the meta-program. The resulting fear, anger or frustration is completely understandable and acceptable, at least to us. 1992/0712.txt:24:We hope we have enabled you to have compassion upon yourselves. You have asked a question which can only be asked by those who are consciously working within themselves and who have accomplished to have purified the desire and begun to co-create a life in faith. We speak to experienced wayfarers and we say to you: When did you expect to be perfect, comfortable or settled if you wish to be a pilgrim on this particular road to infinity? You know well you expected none of those things. Comfort yourself, therefore, through the frustration. Love yourself through the anger. And cherish yourself through the depression and the grieving at the loss of the old, familiar ways. Above all, release the spirit pilgrim from the strictures of perceived time and know with every fiber of the being that the Creator’s time will become your time at the absolute moment of manifestation of transformation. Watch, wait, pray, praise and give thanks. Always give thanks. And this thanks and praise will inform to a great degree the attitude that must lighten up the load of negative emotion. 1992/0906.txt:7:The love coming to you can be thought of as the light of stars. The light of the nearby star which is your sun burns hotly from such a relatively close distance, and, perhaps, within the wisdom of this light, there seems also a danger. But the light from the distant stars is cool and moves through your time to shine upon your upturned face years after that star has disappeared. 1992/0913.txt:11:When you allow the self to move on, choosing and feeling very intensely and continuing not to resist the seeming flow of catalyst, the spirit is often weary and battered. However, when the catalyst is resisted, the resulting confusion and pain is far worse and less helpful. So, we do not advise the moving back from the situation as a kind of “doppleganger” that is wiser than the actor in the midst of the catalyst simply because neither point of view is more revealing of deeper wisdom than the other. 1992/0913.txt:28:Sometimes cancer is said to be caused by holding anger. I wonder if there is some cause, in general, for colds? 1992/1004.txt:12:The danger here is that those who do not yet value or respect the incarnation may yearn so to be spirits that the emphasis upon finding holiness and worship within the physically bounded experience is lost or tossed away, and instead the entity simply wishes to escape the bounds of the physical body. We encourage each to contemplate the manifold opportunities within the confines of the physical vehicle to be a spirit, that the house of flesh involved does not limit the desire to experience as a spiritual entity, a magical entity, but rather offers to such spiritual questing the sharpness and substance of experience which cannot be had outside of the physical body. This incarnation which each now enjoys is a rare gift. We encourage each to respect and love this gift of intense time, of intensive actions, of deeply difficult choices made perforce in the darkness of illusion. To escape the bounds of body is also to deeply blunt the efficacy of precious incarnational time, space and time where the questing spirit may make blind choices. This blindness, this darkness is precious, for choices made herein strike deeply into the infinite self. 1992/1029.txt:25:Your mindfulness of your reactions to fear is a way of opening the closet door and inviting in light, a statement, “Fear is not who I am. I am experiencing fear at this moment, experiencing confusion, experiencing perhaps the outgrowths of fear as anger or greed, but that is not who I am.” As you learn to do this, you start to see that each of those catalysts is in fact a gift offering you the chance to practice just what you most need to practice, which is how to be with a painful catalyst without pulling the closet door closed behind yourself, without needing to seek that protection; in essence, how to allow yourself to stay open and vulnerable. This is your deepest connection with the light, this deep knowing: “In essence, I am spirit. I am divine and connected with the Divine. The body may be vulnerable, but I cannot be harmed if my heart is open and loving.” 1992/1029.txt:26:This is the way of opening the door: remembering your connection. Through countless times of practice, you deepen your ability to keep your heart open no matter what comes. When you heart is open, you no longer have the illusion of being in darkness. Rather, the turmoil, the anger or greed is seen more clearly as the illusion that deepens the sense of separation. 1992/1029.txt:43:This is Aaron. I wish to return to Q’uo’s clear statement that your heart understands and your brain, the human incarnation, cannot follow. It is this precisely that gives you such grief, because in the wisdom of your heart you understand your connection, that this, what Q’uo has called, metaprogram is the reality and that the brain’s frantic fear is illusion. And yet, you find yourself moving to the illusion. At that point anger often arises at the self. At some level there is a knowing: “I am responding to this mindless illusion. I am like a mouse on a treadmill and I cannot get off.” The only way to reconnect yourself with reality is to notice the judgment that is arising and return love to the self, to have love for this being that is running around on a fear-created treadmill so that it cannot hear the deeper wisdom, that small, still voice within. 1992/1029.txt:68:With this light filling you, bring to your heart and mind the image of a being who is suffering. It may be someone you know or a stranger across the globe; not a whole world of suffering, just one person or one life-form of whatever sort you choose. Breathing in this time, allow that light and loving energy to move to the heart center; and then, breathing out, direct it to that being who is suffering. Breathe in light and love ... direct it out to the being who is suffering. Inhale light. Exhale to where it is most needed, just allowing that light and loving energy to channel through you ... allowing that being’s suffering to touch your heart with the wish, “You are suffering. May you find peace. May you find an end to your suffering. May you be healed,” allowing yourself to be a channel for that loving energy. Please try it for a moment on your own and then we will go on to the last step. 1992/1101.txt:12:How can we express to you the importance of your accepting the gifts of both intellect and heart’s intuition and wisdom except to suggest that if one trusts one’s destiny enough and if one trusts one’s basic universal nature enough the balances will be offered in ways which engage both the intellect and the heart. Therefore, we suggest to you several things. Firstly, we suggest the entity respecting both tools, the intelligences of the mind, both shallow and limited, and deeper and broader, and the wisdom of the heart. Also, we suggest the focusing upon the worshipful side of the human, shall we say, nature. How natural it is to respond to the beauty about one, to flower under the kind attentions or smiles of friends or acquaintances or strangers. The more that trust in one’s destiny and one’s validity as an eternal and infinite being are taken as sure, the more sure-footed the entity shall be at utilizing in a skillful and graceful manner all of the assets which it has. The mistrust of self and circumstance create very nearly all of the confusions within one’s incarnation. With enough trust and faith, that which is becomes transparently joyful and vital. 1992/1108.txt:15:It may be seen that the lack of skill possessed by most at accepting a feeling of vulnerability to another or alien energy creates in both sexes a fear: the fear of the unknown, the fear of the different or alien. This fear is only intensified by the maturing of the physical bodies of male and female if the physical bodies of the entities adjoining in physical—we look for the correct word and find there is not one. We shall begin the sentence again. If female or male carry these fears into their sexual relationships these fears will become deepened and more and more fixed, for the power of sexual attraction is such that both male and female feel at risk and vulnerable at this insistent demand for nearness which the body complex has. Insofar as this nearness disturbs, the intimate experience shall be accounted a dangerous one, and its fruits, to an extent, will be squandered because of the profound fear of, shall we say, losing control, not only of the situation but of the very self. 1992/1115.txt:16:In brief, we may say to control the attitudes is a poor idea. To note them and pay attention to them is an excellent idea. When fear is part of the thought, do not hold that fear unless you need it. Whatever you can look at and accept makes your faith and will larger and the lack or limitation smaller. Then turn the self towards the Creator at every possible moment, simply allowing the momentary burst of praise and thanksgiving to rise. This refreshes in the present and has fruit in the future. And finally, when you do perceive a need, find the way to express abundance as regards that need in service to others, for that which you feel is that which all feel in some way. All are of one family. There are no true strangers. Nothing is alien to you. Allow the self to relax its boundaries of thinking and this shall sharpen the observational skills. 1992/2.txt:12: [overview] The question this afternoon deals with the concept of change and transformation, and the confusion, the anger, the frustration that comes when we don’t feel that we’re changing in the way that we wish to change. Most students of their own evolution look at their lives, and, at some time, attempt to match the life with the ideals that they hold, and feel that there are certain things that they can do. But most of us look at our attempts to change and feel that we are inadequate in our change and that we are perhaps not even moving in the right direction. And as we begin to change and have this confusion and anger, we become further befuddled when we don’t move as we wish. 1992/4.txt:7: [overview] The topic this afternoon has to do with communication, especially communication between partners or people who are very close in their relationships, where we would expect that such a situation would lend itself to clearer and easier communication than one with perhaps a stranger. What occurs frequently is that there is a difficulty or a baffling in the communication, where even though both people try to their best abilities to communicate clearly, there is something that injects itself in the communication that causes a difficulty or a muddying of the communication. What would be the advice in such a situation? Would it be better if we attempted to stick it out and work as hard as we can with the person and to finally achieve a mutually agreed-upon clear communication? Or, when you find such difficulties and they recur, perhaps as a pattern, is it better to look at yourself in the contemplative or the meditative state to see if there might be some kind of an internal blockage or problem that you are working with in that particular area where the communication is unclear? Would that be an avenue that might provide clarification, not only to that particular communication, but in your ability to communicate in general? What would be the advice in such a situation as a way by which we could clear our communication? 1993/0117.txt:17:At first it seems almost impossible to change it, to say no. There is self-discipline involved here. At some point, as you look at the patterns which seem discouraging to you, you need to ask yourself, “What if I just say no,” and then watch very, very carefully to see what happens. Now here is another area of confusion, of distortion perhaps, because many of you do get this far and decide, “I am going to say no,” but you are not really aware what it is you are saying no to. In your mind, you think you are saying no to the other and to their uncomfortable demands. That no, then, has arisen from a place of anger. You still do not see that what you are saying no to is your own fear. 1993/0117.txt:18:For this mother I just described, she might say no finally to that child: “No, you must sit down and entertain yourself. Here are crayons. Here is a book. Here are blocks. I am not to be disturbed for half an hour.” But it does not come out that way. Instead it comes out as, “No! You sit down and play with your toys! I have had enough!” That kind of anger pours out. Who is she really angry at? What is the anger really about? 1993/0117.txt:19:When you are very clear in yourselves that you need to do something a certain way and that your choice is not harmful to another, it is not hard to say no. It becomes hard when there is no clarity, because you do not know whether you want to say no and end the behavior or whether you want to allow the behavior to continue. So, some of you get to the point of saying no but your no is said in anger, which escalates the tension between you, rather than speaking with love. 1993/0118_01.txt:4:The arising of desire to serve another grows out of aspiration to be of loving service. There is a pureness and love to that aspiration, yet you find yourselves in a situation where others are making unskillful demands upon you. Perhaps they are releasing their anger to you or are asking you to do that which you know they could do for themselves. 1993/0118_01.txt:5:Yesterday I spoke of the places where you allow their anger to be thrown on you or where you do for them rather than asking them to do for themselves, out of a place of fear in yourself. That is one segment of the confusion. A different segment grows out of the heart that truly wishes to serve but does not understand where that service lies. When you see another stumble, your instinct is to reach out and help; and that is a loving gesture. What of the one who stumbles, continually stumbles, because he does not want to walk on his own feet? 1993/0118_01.txt:15:This being that is you, the seeker incarnate and manifest as human, finds itself awash in its human characteristics. The desire to control situations for an increase in comfort and security often prompts you into actions and reactions seemingly lacking in compassion. And when two together are so functioning, the term for what occurs is sometimes codependent behavior. We would like to focus in upon the seeker you are and begin to gaze at resources which one may find useful in dealing with the pain of that desire which is not fully grasped or well stated, which involves you so often in these feelings of fear and then anger and guilt at the beholding of the unskillful expression of humanity. 1993/0118_01.txt:29:To make this concrete, I will use an example of partners of either sex. But please fit this into your own life in whatever situations you find yourself. One being strives to be ready to go out at an agreed time. The other being is always late. Let us call them being A and being B. I do not want to assign the lateness or promptness to one sex or the other. A understands that B is irritated when A says, “It is getting late. Why aren’t you ready?” A sees B’s need to go at its own pace and not be rushed. At first A feels anger about this because hosts and hostesses are a bit perturbed by the late arrival, and A feels, “I am being blamed and it is B’s fault.” At first A may make excuses and say, “Well, I was ready but I was waiting for B.” 1993/0118_01.txt:33:What happens when there is a bit of a shift in this pattern? As A has become comfortable with B’s choice and able to leave B alone with its choice, B begins to be later and later. B is looking for a reaction. It wants someone to light a fire under it, to get it going; and A has refused to do that any more. So B becomes aware, “I must do something to provoke A.” Perhaps B is even later. Perhaps A is fully dressed and ready to go and comes to see where B is, and B is still reading the paper and says, “Well, I will go shower now.” At that point, A feels the arising of anger again. Perhaps B has a different approach and is almost ready but then picks an argument with A, for example. Perhaps A is the last one out the door; or as they are going out the driveway, A asks B, “Did you lock the door?” and B explodes, “You were ready all this time. Why did not you see the door was locked?!” In some way or another, A is attempting to provoke B. 1993/0118_01.txt:37:I would suggest that the line is drawn not in the act itself but in the intention behind the act. If A gets into the car and drives away in anger, that is strong provocation. If A says to B an hour before the time needed to leave, “I understand you need a lot of time. We need to leave in an hour, which you have told me before is the time you need to get ready. At 8 o’clock I will be driving out the driveway. I hope that you are in the car with me. There is no anger in me as I say this. Here is ten dollars that I am leaving on the desk so that you can call a cab if you need to, but I feel a need to be on time.” 1993/0118_01.txt:38:In loving, non-violent movement with another being there must be a willingness to suffer the anger of another and ask another to consider your viewpoint. The strength of the soul speaks its truth, be it a major issue or a very small one. It does not speak it in hostility to another, but with the deepest compassion for the pain of the other. Nevertheless, it says, “This cannot continue. Your actions cause pain to other people, be it lateness, drinking, helplessness or displays of rage with cursing or throwing.” 1993/0118_01.txt:39:It is not the action of saying no, but the way no is said that is most important. If there is any intention to enrage the other further, to provoke or find revenge for past pain, no matter how that no is said, that seed of anger is still planted. You must look deeply into your own hearts. You must also remember that it cannot be 100% pure, but see if it is largely pure. 1993/0118_01.txt:40:If you look and uncover some anger for past humiliation, for past discomfort, then you may ask yourself, “Is my real intention in saying no to seek revenge for that past by creating discomfort in the other? Or is my real intention to serve us, the other and myself, and lead us both into learning?” Having uncovered those subtle, unskillful intentions in yourself, you are far less likely to act on them. You may rest assured that there will be a greater amount of purity to your choice. 1993/0118_01.txt:41:So what does A do here? It first must become aware of its own anger. B is abusing it. If it is able to release that anger sufficiently, it may point out that abuse to B. In some situations that may be enough, but rarely. If B had that need to abuse, unless B is very clear, it is going to repeat the situation of verbal abuse for not locking the door, or by being later and later and later to see when it finally provokes A. With the saying of no in the example we gave, saying, “I am leaving at this time. You have adequate time to be ready,” A is making a clear statement of its intention from a place of non-fear. 1993/0118_01.txt:42:Perhaps A might even have brought it up the day before in saying, “I think this is an awkward situation that we need to move past and this is what I plan to do,” so as to give B warning. B may be threatened by that warning. And part of the next afternoon before the leaving, B may be hostile to A. Can A have compassion for that hostility it has provoked? This is part of that willingness to accept another’s anger, to ask another to consider your viewpoint when you feel so strongly that your viewpoint is more skillful and love-based. It is the only way you can ask another to consider your viewpoint without doing violence to the other. 1993/0118_02.txt:9:Knowing that your relationships are of one nature, whether they are with the Creator, discarnate entities, strangers, friends or your nearest and dearest ones, you may perhaps see that both within the illusion and within your own internal cosmology there exist many models for nurturing. When the moment of suffering occurs, your nurturing part can say within you, “I hold you with deepest love and rock you in the cradle of my love.” The parent does not only hold and comfort the quiet or good child, but offers nurturing and comfort in difficulty as well. 1993/0118_02.txt:22:Coming back to a concrete example, suppose there is one who makes requests of you that seem, in your mind, to lead you to deny your own need. There you are with one foot on each side of the threshold, one foot in the illusion, saying, “I can’t do this!” or, “Why does he or she keep demanding this of me?” Back to our A and B—it is simpler than constantly saying he/she, and I do not wish to assign any specific role to one sex or the other.1 “B keeps asking this of me. B is so frightened. Why does not B do it itself? If I keep serving B, I will not have any time left for me.” Anger arises, fear arises and, like that fish out of water, it just plops about. On the other side of the threshold is that level of clear seeing that says, “This is illusion. I am spirit. I am connected.” Compassion arises for B. But there is distortion because there is no connection seen between the two perspectives. It becomes an either/or proposition to give or to receive. 1993/0118_02.txt:35:None of these three modes of communication necessarily offer a solution, but then the solution would be momentary anyway. Experience moves on. Perhaps that which we would leave you with before we turn back to the one known as Aaron would be simply to suggest that when suffering arises, the clear communicator will turn to the one with whom it has transacted that suffering and begin a sentence with the word I, not allowing the suffering to sour and bleed and become the fine wine of old anger. If you can keep the utterance of the ego self current, you are giving yourself the maximum opportunities to become more and more clear. 1993/0118_02.txt:42:In step two, knowing your anger, knowing your fear, knowing your feeling, is urgent as Q’uo has suggested. But is there any desire to twist that again into blame so as to absent yourself from responsibility because of your own fear? Do this work with careful awareness, watching for the arising of the fear in yourself, for the arising of desire to protect. Can you greet that, too, with non-judgment? Can you smile at it as just part of the whole drama? Step back a step, remember who you are and then dive back in with a bit more clarity. Know that this fear is okay: “I need not be reactive to the situation. I need not be reactive to B’s fear of the situation, should that occur. And I need not be afraid or reactive of my own fear.” There is room for it all to float, space for it all. 1993/0119.txt:27:There is a wonderful story about a Tibetan saint, Milarepa. He sat at the mouth of his cave meditating and, as the story goes, the demons of anger, of rage, of fear, of greed, appeared. They were hideous creatures. They exuded a foul smell. They dangled bloody knives and swords. Their bodies were made of decaying flesh and bones that rattled with a hideous sound. Milarepa took one look at them and said, “Come in. Come sit by my fire.” They said, “Aren’t you afraid of us?” “No,” he replied. “Your hideous appearance only reminds me to be aware, to have mercy. Come, sit by my fire.” 1993/0119.txt:41:I am Aaron. May I offer you a bit of homework with which to practice until we meet again? Watch the arising of fear. See the process as clearly as you can. First, there is sense consciousness of that perceived threat. You may feel it in the physical body as tension in the belly, the throat or elsewhere. Note it as “tension, tension ... ” If it is a seen or heard perceived threat, know there is seeing or hearing. From that perceived threat, a sense of fear arises. Then comes need to defend. See that the need to defend is not the same as the fear itself. Watch it very carefully. The need to defend is reaction to the fear. Fear is so uncomfortable. There is the desire to get rid of fear, and out of that aversion arises either need to defend or need to fling the fear on another ... anger, resentment, blame. Bring this wise teacher, Milarepa, into your heart. When you see fear arise, take his hand quite literally and say, “Fear, come in and sit by my fire.” Just that. Begin to observe what difference awareness makes, that it is not fear, but fear of fear that leads to your defending and thereby being pulled into this unwholesome codependence. Watch it very carefully, even take notes if you wish. Do it as an experiment in consciousness. 1993/0321.txt:48:I know that these sessions will be continued, that we will have three more sessions in the next two days and do not need to cover this whole matter now. In essence, what Q’uo and I are doing today is laying the groundwork. I want to speak at length about how you work with fear, speaking in two directions: mindfulness of all the heavy physical and emotional experiences—working with your anger, your jealousy, all of that which tends to close you and create the illusion of separation—and also how you may nurture the angel. 1993/0322_01.txt:11:If your own personal cloud in some moment involves another being that is angry at you, raging at you even because of a self-perceived threat to itself, your fear leads you to strike back at that being verbally or even physically, or to move to protect yourself in a way that connotes your own anger. When instead you can see that being’s fear and pain, you may still, figuratively, put up your umbrella. You may step back out of its reach. You may choose to leave the room or the vicinity of this angry being without reacting with fear. 1993/0322_01.txt:12:There is that one moment where the self begins to solidify and you experience perceived threat. “I could be hurt. My needs might not be met,” whatever the fear is about. There must be attention to that moment when there is suddenly self and other, and the other perceived as threatening to the self. There must be attention to the arising of anger, should it be there, against that perceived threat. With strong mindfulness, that first perception of solidified self, of fear and of any other heavy emotion becomes like a waving warning flag: Pay attention! Can there be compassion for this seeming self that is feeling fear? “Turn to the light within me, open up to the Divine within me, remember the sun is still shining.” 1993/0322_01.txt:13:This is a tremendously powerful tool. It takes much practice to learn to do it skillfully. And before you even begin the practice, it takes much honesty to look at the places in the self that want to respond with anger so as to get even with that which seems to threaten. Once you do that work and can pay attention to the arising of fear, and even pay attention to that which wants revenge and just treat that as more fear, give yourself a literal hug with the thought, “It’s okay. Whatever I’m feeling is okay.” As you offer that compassion to yourself, you begin to be able to offer it to the catalyst. Then self and other dissolve, not immediately but slowly. The more practiced you get at it, the faster the dissolution of separation. And it is no longer my fear, but our fear, our pain. In this way, the first arising of fear becomes a catalyst, not for hatred, but for compassion. A reminder: The heart is at risk of closing; keep it open; remember the light is still shining. 1993/0322_01.txt:15:As you come out of your meditation and re-enter the active stages of your life, watch carefully. What happens when there is a catalyst which seems to threaten? Can you see the sun seeming to be cut off and the petals closing? If you remember, “This is illusion. Fear is illusion. It seems solid, but it is created out of my own delusion of a separate self,” then you can ask yourself, “Is there a desire to get caught up in this fear?” Sometimes that is easier. It is very beautiful to feel your connection with all that is, but it takes a great deal of responsibility to live that connection constantly without giving in to your anger. You are human. I am not condoning giving in to anger, only suggesting that for the human there is a constant struggle to remember your connection and ask yourself to express that connection in your choices rather than to express separation. 1993/0322_01.txt:24:We wish to borrow a tale this instrument has read to illustrate what we intend to mean. There was once an old sage who dwelt in one simple room, meditating and praying. So this sage lived for all of its fullness of years. In the twilight of its incarnation, a young, beautiful stranger burst into its humble room with a newborn child, naming the old sage as the child’s father. The sage did not spend time and energy attempting to make it known that it was not the truth. Rather, the sage took the babe and straightway began to work as a shipyard laborer so that it could feed the child. Several years went by with the old man creaking and suffering as he worked the long hours. The babe grew to be a small child. One day this woman, the child’s mother, entered again this sage’s dwelling place and took the child away, saying that it was, after all, her child. Again, the sage did not argue with the woman but simply began again its interrupted life of meditation and prayer. 1993/0322_01.txt:40:Thus, instead of asking, “How can I get rid of my fear? I must become a more loving person, which means getting rid of my fear, getting rid of my anger” ... Instead of that dialogue with fear, when your focus becomes, “How can I express this energy that I have in service to all beings and for the greatest good of all beings?”—that focus allows the experience of fear or anger or jealousy if that is what is present. There is no need to get rid of anything then. If your learning to express your energy more purely involves, at this moment in time, the experience of discomforting physical or emotional stimuli, so be it. You do not have to like that stimulus. Can you simply allow the presence of it and send love to the being that is experiencing it? 1993/0322_02.txt:14:When you consider the blockages of the lower chakras, what comes to your minds are the heavy emotions, the desires for power or control, anger or greed or jealousy. You wonder how you may clarify those energies in yourselves. The common distortion among earnest seekers is that you must get rid of all of those desires and fears in order for the heart to open and in order for the lower chakras to be clear. But that very desire to be rid of this or that in your experience backfires. This is what closes the chakras. 1993/0322_02.txt:15:It is not the arising of fear and its attendant emotions of anger or greed or need to control that close the chakras, but your moving in one direction or the other from that first sensation of fear: either into action upon those desires or angers, or into need to get rid of them. Both are distortions. The arising of emotion in the human is not a distortion. It is not the fear nor the anger nor greed that keeps you returning to third-density experience, but your relationship with those emotions. 1993/0322_02.txt:18:You are not here in human incarnation to cease experiencing physical sensations or emotions. You understand that for the physical body. You know that if you stub your toe, it is going to hurt. When there is such pain, you do not try to deny the pain. You do not feel it is bad that there is pain. There is just pain. You may dislike the pain, but you do not judge it. There is simply aversion to it because it is uncomfortable. When you stub your emotional toe and there is anger or greed, you label it as “bad”: “I should get rid of this or that and then I will be pure.” The emotions that grow out of fear are uncomfortable. Part of your work is to learn to relate to those emotions with the same openheartedness with which you relate to that stubbed toe, without judgment of the self that is experiencing them and consequently without judgment to the other selves that are experiencing such emotions. 1993/0322_02.txt:20:This brings us back to the human living this life, feeling the closing lower chakras, feeling the arising of fear, anger, greed, prejudice, jealousy, whatever the emotion may be. Increasingly, you allow the perspective which finds compassion for the human tossed into emotions by the continuing catalysts of the incarnation. You become less and less reactive, more able to keep the heart open. 1993/0322_02.txt:26:Obviously, that does not give you free rein to be reactive to those emotions and harm others. But the reaction to the emotion and the experiencing of the emotion itself are two vastly different things. You are here not to learn never to be angry, but to find compassion for the human when anger arises, to find space for all your humanness. 1993/0322_02.txt:43:Unconditional love is very difficult. The human feels hurt and wants to fight back, feels betrayed and wants revenge. The human sometimes does not feel ready to be as responsible as some judgmental inner voice suggests that it should be. You have habitually used this pattern of moving into dislike of the self as an escape from the direct experience of the heavy emotions and the need to be responsible for them with kindness. It is uncomfortable not to like the self, but it perhaps is even more uncomfortable to recognize the true divinity of your nature and that you are capable of unconditional love. Here is the child pouting, “I want to get even!” The child wants to get in that one good kick. The child that is loved despite its pain and anger is far less likely to need to kick. When unworthiness arises, ask yourself, “If I were not feeling unworthiness, what might I be feeling?” What heavy emotions which are so terribly discomforting does the unworthiness mask? Can you see how much ego there is in unworthiness? 1993/0322_02.txt:49:Please notice that there is a difference between the sense of unworthiness itself and the relationship to it. When you experience unworthiness, you may then watch the arising of aversion to it and attend first to that aversion, asking yourself, “Can I just be present with the unworthiness and watch it? Can I be present with any emotions, voices, fears, memories within me which prompted the arising of unworthiness? Can I let the whole thing be and just watch it?” This gentleness brings in light and space. The heart opens. There may still be the remnants of the anger, jealousy or greed that prompted the unworthiness. There may still be an aversion to all of that, the unworthiness and the emotion, because they are uncomfortable. But they are attended to skillfully. 1993/0322_02.txt:65:To begin this process, I would like you to invite one for whom you feel love into your heart and mind, just holding them there before you. No matter how much love there may be between you, you have also caused pain to one another. Speaking that being’s name silently and saying, “I love you, so it is hard to express my anger to you, but you have hurt me by something you did or said or even thought. Intentionally or unintentionally, you have caused me pain. When I look into your heart, I see that you have also known pain. I do not wish to put you out of my heart. I forgive you. I love you, even if there may still be some anger or hurt about that which was said or done. I wish to reconnect our hearts with these words and thoughts. I forgive you. I accept your pain out of which those words or acts arose. I love you.” 1993/0322_02.txt:71:Feel that one’s welcomed forgiveness. Feel your energies rejoin. Gently let that being go. Into the space that is left there, please invite yourself—this human that you are, whom you have so often judged so harshly, condemned and put out of your heart. It is so terribly painful to put yourself out of your heart in that way. So much anger, so much fear resides in this human who you are. The loving heart has room for it all. It is the fearful brain that judges and creates separation. The heart welcomes the self back in. 1993/0323.txt:79:Remembering this allows you to find more tolerance for the negativity that is seemingly external to you in the world, and for your own fear, anger and other heavy emotions. When you create the duality of good and evil and see the darkness as a spiraling downward, it enhances not just resistance, but a lack of compassion for that darkness. It enhances the fear that closes the heart. When you see negative distortion in illness of the physical body or the loss of a loved one, or some other great grief or pain, remember: “This is part of the spiral to the light. Can I embrace even this distortion and offer love to it? Can I just be patient with the experience of it? I don’t even have to understand it, just to allow its presence without hatred. The presence of negative distortion does not need to be a catalyst for hatred in me. It can be a catalyst for remembering to offer love.” 1993/0506.txt:79:OK, I just need a moment here to review. I want to recover some stuff to do with that session. Is there a degree of illness so progressed that it’s wise for a beginner such as myself to refrain from attempting to give energetic healing? Are there danger signs one should heed during these treatments to avoid, well, I’m going to mix that question, I’m just going to say is there a point in which a healer should refrain from attempting to give energy to another who is in either terminal illness or very, very ill and the energy levels are very, very low, or is it perfectly acceptable to give healing right up until to the point of their passing through this incarnation, strictly due to the fact that you are offering that energy to the patient and it their choice no matter what they choose to do with it, therefore there should be no harm to you. I’m trying to determine whether or not there are certain levels that are too dangerous to work with, or whether you are really buffered by the intent of what you are doing throughout the entire process no matter who you work on? 1993/0506.txt:84:I am concerned about the degree a patient may have, is there any danger to working with any patient with any degree of illness whatsoever, or does the entire procedure working with intent and understanding intelligent energy as it exists, does that buffer the healer from any negativity or darkness from the illness that may be within a patient? 1993/0516.txt:7:I am Hatonn. I greet you now through this instrument once more in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. We shall continue through this instrument. Let us compare perception of other selves by consciousness as a type of mirror. The type of mirror which the illusion surrounding you provides for your use is the type which is used in your carnivals. Far from receiving an adequate reflection, each mirror is purposefully warped in order that an imperfect and distorted image is seen by the one who goes to the carnival. Some mirrors seem to reflect a jolly and harmonious image, and cause one to laugh. Other mirrors seem to reflect to us a looming and menacing shape. And so you go through the illusion, day by day perceiving and categorizing the images from the mirrors as good and as evil, as friend and stranger and enemy, as harmonious and inharmonious. And you do not realize that you are in a carnival and that, my friends, is the only reason that the carnival mirrors are in place. The more emphasis that is placed upon the distortions by the carnival-goer, the more distorted the images will become, the more complex, the more interesting. Each carnival-goer chooses the nature of his entertainment by choosing to see the image he prefers to see, by watching for it, by finding it, by naming it and calling it his own. 1993/0613.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The second designation of the conditions that one may experience that would cause the seeking of solitude is that in which the entity is greatly sensitive to the movement of the world about it and feels, in a sense, easily jostled by the disharmonious vibrations, and which seeks the condition of solitude as a means whereby a refuge can be taken and the life pattern explored in a less threatening environment. The condition of depression, as you have called it, is a special example of this sensitivity that has been distorted by an imbalance of personal experience and the difficulty in processing a catalyst to clear the, shall we say, line to the inner self. When an entity experience—we correct this instrument—experiences the condition of depression, there is [at] the one time over-sensitivity and yet there is the distancing or numbness, shall we say, to hope and to faith which causes the entity to feel the despair that will, at some point, cause the entity to retreat into a smaller, safer and solitary environment, much as the turtle retreats into the shell when danger is perceived. An entity with the feeling of despair in the mental and emotional energy systems oftentimes attempts to lick its wounds, shall we say, by seeking solitude. 1993/0621.txt:10:Do we then suggest you rejoice at the new awareness that bites like a sword at the consciousness? Yes, my friends, indeed, we ask you to turn to the one infinite Creator and offer thanks and praise. Then we ask further, that the seeker be aware that in addition to thanks and to praise there are those communications which the one infinite Creator delights in hearing. These are those confessions of anger, of disappointment, of sorrow, and of suffering. To share these gifts with infinite One, it is to give to this mystery the most precious of gifts, for as each emotion whatsoever goes through the continuing process of refining and purification, so does the infinite One become infinitely more than It was. This is the greatest gift, to share all things, seemingly positive and seemingly negative, in a continuing and honest, heartfelt dialogue with the infinite One. 1993/0621.txt:12:We wish each of you to do this now. Focus the attention upon this energy center. Touch, if you will, into that pool of sorrow. You are a stranger in a strange land. You seek amidst the deepest illusion. You are lost in solitude of spirit, feeling abandoned, stranded upon an alien shore. Allow this sorrow to become intense and then give it to the infinite One. 1993/0627.txt:10:We are also encouraged to fill ourselves with inner joy. To maintain a state of inner joy whilst entombed in the physical body and being constantly inundated with horrific scenes of worldwide death and destruction is far from easy. Would it be correct to say that we must endeavor to convert our feelings of anger and despair to those of compassion, for we do not experience these dreadful acts directly and we upset our equilibrium by becoming emotionally involved? 1993/0718.txt:16:It takes much pain out of dealing with another if you can take responsible realization in the knowledge that that which you say to another is also true of the self. The more you are able to see and hold this dear the more clearly and purely may your service flow from you, for then if you are angry or upset, that issue lies within yourself, and you have removed from your speaking and actions to the other self the bitterness and the judgment. And that which flows from you then, even if it is a (home) truth, flows shiningly and clearly without the taint of anger or disappointment. 1993/0905.txt:15:We do encourage each not only to partake in this speeding up process of conscious living, but we encourage and exhort each to find within the attitude a growing awareness of how love felt within is a channel through which the infinite love of the Creator may flow to others. Let that light within be. Let the self open and flow consciously, so that you may be part of the good in the lives of those whom you touch. Sometimes it is nothing more than a supportive smile to a stranger that makes the difference for that stranger that particular moment. As you are given grace to lift away from the stains of sorrow and toil into the ethereal beauty of that ever flowing love which is the Creator, remember to be generous, and know that that which comes through you is in utter abundance—completely unlimited in supply. 1993/0924.txt:16:Each of you is like a pebble tossed into a giant, still sea, an infinite sea. Each time a pebble splashes, it touches everything around it and sends out waves that affect all the other pebbles. When you send out loving energy, your inter-reaction/interrelationship with the world is far different than when you send out hateful or fearful energy. And yet you are aware (and many of you have often heard me say), as long as you are human, you are going to have emotions. Fear is sometimes going to arise—anger, greed, jealousy ... You cannot stop their arising, but you can change your relationship to what arises. 1993/0924.txt:17:From my perspective, there is a vast difference between the being who feels fear as the foundation for anger or greed and then either becomes reactive and acts in anger or in greed, or becomes hateful to itself because those emotions have arisen; there is a vast difference between that and the being who sees fear arising, sees the anger or greed or other emotion that grows out of the fear and just relaxes and smiles at it and says, “Oh, you again. Here’s jealousy. Here’s desire. Here’s rage.” The difference in what I am speaking of here is in the ownership of what arises. 1993/0924.txt:19:Brer Rabbit saw the Tar Baby, thought it was mocking him, so he punched it. He reacted to his anger and then he got stuck in it. He said, “Let me go,” and he punched it again. Two hands stuck! “Let’s try a foot, two feet” ... all his limbs stuck. Here is one very stuck rabbit! When you see an emotion arising or a thought, and there is aversion or attachment, and you grasp and try to hold on to it or kick and punch it to try to get rid of it, you begin to think that there is somebody who owns it. Then you are stuck in this concept. 1993/0924.txt:25:That, to me, is the spiritual path. As to, “How do we live it?”—that is what we will spend the weekend questioning. How do we live with our fear, our anger, our pain, our desires? How do we make space for all of that humanness in our hearts and find deep love for all of us as we exhibit that humanness? How do we let go of judgment? At the same time, we must be aware that while we aspire to let go of judgment, we are still responsible for our choices. We have here a relative reality and an ultimate reality. There is much that I wish to say about that, but will hold it until tomorrow. 1993/0925_02.txt:50:So, one part of it is A’s reluctance to be honest with itself about the realities in its situation, it is clinging to what love was offered rather than having the faith to say no. This is a hard one. So many of you have a hard time saying no with love. You aspire to be “spiritual,” to be good and kind and loving, but sometimes you interpret that kindness to mean being a doormat to others. When you offer yourself as doormat, you are going to be walked on. Then rage builds in you and you erupt. And then you say, “Oh, I’m bad for having erupted,” and you go back to doormat once again. But there is a place in between, when you have self-respect through faith in who you really are and in the loving-kindness of your heart, even while knowing that this is only part of what is there, that there is also fear and anger, jealousy and greed. But when you have faith in that segment of your heart that is loving and respect that in yourself, then you find respect for that which is loving in another. When you have compassionate non-judgment for that in yourself which is less than loving, you find compassionate non-judgment for that in others When you learn to say no kindly to yourself when the impulse is grounded in fear, then you learn to recognize that fearful impulse in others and say no to it with the same kindness. Living with non-harm to others does not mean never saying no; quite the contrary. It can be very harmful to another to allow them to use you as a doormat. 1993/0925_02.txt:131:I will tell her when there is something that could be dangerous. For instance, in a car, at one point she had begun to move from the left lane into the right lane because there was a car behind her that wished to pass. As she began to pull into the right lane, the car that was behind her speeded up and started to pull beside her into that same right lane to pass her on the right, the driver driving erratically, angrily. He honked his horn, but of course Barbara did not hear that. Here I did step in, simply saying, “Left, left,” and Barbara trusted my voice enough not to pull into the right lane but to swerve back left again, and the driver sped past. 1993/0925_02.txt:194:So, some of the beings from the council (it is not a governing council but a voluntary council, like a service group) came to Earth. They came, not as incarnate beings, but as shape changers, which is a way of simulating incarnation here in the physical but being able to leave at will and not be subject to the karma here. So, they were hoping that by simulating the negatively polarized extraterrestrials, they could give a different message of love instead of a negative one of fear. But what they didn’t realize was that by taking the form of these negative beings, they had to copy them so precisely that they had the capability to even emulate the emotional body to such an extent they could not separate from the negative polarity as well. 1993/0926_01.txt:32:You are faced with great suffering throughout your world. Those of you who are aware and openhearted are attuned to the suffering around you and have deep desire to work to alleviate that suffering: the suffering of those who starve or are homeless or suffer great disease or hardship; the sufferings of the Earth—the polluted rivers and lakes, the dying forests, the species of plants and animals endangered and facing extinction. You know that you must keep your heart open to this suffering and work in whatever ways you can to alleviate suffering. And so you become involved in these relative practices, both spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer, and quasi-spiritual practices such as volunteering your time to help others. When I say “quasi,” I do not mean that it is any less a spiritual practice, only that one moves inward and one extends the energy out into the world. They are both important. Unless one moves deeply into the meditative space where one recognizes the emptiness of self in the doing, the offering of one’s energy, one can solidify self by one’s very work to help others because there becomes a doer and a receiver. If I am helping you, we are separate. Can I serve you without trying to fix you, without any attachment to fixing you as long as we are separate? 1993/0926_01.txt:56:Let me begin by saying that you have a wide gamut of emotions, but they can basically be broken down into fear and love. Within fear there are two basic kinds of fear: that you will be hurt and that your needs will not be met. The fear that you might be hurt brings up emotions of anger at that which might hurt you. This is a kind of defense. The fear that your needs may not be met brings up greed, sometimes seen as jealousy or grasping anger and desire, both offshoots of fear. Of course, there are many other emotions and they each can be fit into different places. Grief is a mixture of love and fear—a fear that your needs will not be met, that you will be hurt through this loss—and also a sense of deep sorrow which grows out of love for that which has been lost. Part of grief is not fear, but an expression of the depth of your love. It does not manifest itself in wishing to hold on, but it is an expression of the depth of joy that was there in the connection with that which seems to be lost. So, we want to be careful not to pigeon-hole too rigidly here, not to simply say, “This is love; this is fear.” There is always a blending of the two. 1993/0926_01.txt:66:There were many senior dharma teachers at this retreat, by which I would mean highly experienced teachers in her tradition. So, the first few days as she sat next to these famous teachers, there arose in her mind a sense of comparing herself. And then she would look at that thought: “What is this thought? Where did it come from? From my old-mind patterns of unworthiness.” And then I would ask her to ask herself, “In this moment, sitting here, all of us in this room, all seventy of us, is there anyone here who is unworthy? No. Am I unworthy? No. Have I ever been unworthy? No. Then what is this arising of a sense of unworthiness?” And in asking that question she could see that it was old-mind’s way of handling a sense of separation or aloneness, perhaps an arising of anger because she couldn’t hear or some other discomfort, and a way of old-mind’s explaining it to itself. It was a way of dealing with her pain, a story of the mind which seemed to separate her from the direct experience of some pain. She could see that it had been more comfortable to simply put on the cloak “unworthy” than to look at the awareness of the pain. Unworthiness became an escape from that which was more painful to be with than the sense of unworthiness. It was very clear to her each time she looked that in that moment, looking with bare perception of the sense experiences of that moment, unworthiness was illusion. And yet, it yawned before her as a giant chasm. 1993/0926_01.txt:72:Let us, then, look at what unworthiness does mask. There are many possibilities and I cannot cover the full range of them. I want to speak to two of the most common. One of the main catalysts that leads many of you into a sense of unworthiness is parental neglect or other abuse in your early childhoods. This does not need to be monumental abuse. Even the baby that is loved may be greeted by a grouchy parent at 3 a.m. The baby may feel the difference between that parent that greets it with love and dries it, feeds it, and that parent that stumbles in yawning, feeling a deep irritation because it is exhausted and its sleep is interrupted. The baby will feel the withholding of love at that time. Feeling the anger directed at it, the baby will often return a sense of anger. 1993/0926_01.txt:73:So, we are not just talking about what you term abuse, but the distortion that occurs with the infant’s or child’s anger. The child is helpless and fully dependent on the adult. It needs to form a bond of love with that adult which parents it, singular or plural. It learns early that when it responds to the adult with anger, the adult, who was often less than fully cognizant of its own reactions, reacts with anger. 1993/0926_01.txt:76:So, unworthiness becomes the armor over the rage. Even in those cases of non-abuse, the same pattern is true, but it is harder to see. The child does feel rage toward that adult and it is usually not permitted the expression of that rage. It is told, “Your anger is bad.” That is a pattern of your culture, the distortion of your culture. 1993/0926_01.txt:80:Another reason for the arising of a sense of unworthiness is that fear, “Will my needs be met?” teamed with the solidifying of the ego self, the arising of jealousy or greed, and the harsh self-judgment that arises when one experiences that jealousy or greed. This, too, has been learned from the adult who said, “You shouldn’t be selfish. You should share.” Is there anybody here who didn’t hear that as a child? Yes, of course, it would be good if we could all share. But to enforce on the child, “You shouldn’t be selfish,” is to tell the child that its feelings are bad. How much better if the wise adult can tell the child, “I know you’re afraid that your needs won’t be met. I know you feel anger and fear about giving this.” Then, the child can make the decision with support to move beyond its fear, without judging its own fear. 1993/0926_01.txt:82:Instead of waging war with those incarnative experiences which you have moved into, can you begin to embrace them? They are not garbage to be gotten rid of. They are, perhaps, the waste products to be turned back into the soil and become the nutrients for growth; not garbage, but compost. How can you make your sense of unworthiness into compost instead of trying to throw it out? How can you transmute your anger so that it becomes the catalyst for compassion? 1993/0926_01.txt:91:How does this organ of reason you call the brain work, which you are so desiring to work to your spiritual benefit? We have described the birth of consciousness of light within as the little Christ child, nurtured in the manger of your heart. Now let us describe this same situation using other ways of description. 1994/0116.txt:18:[Inaudible] in the deeper and deepening consciousness of the witness self that watches all change yet remains the self within the rock, the self within the Creator and all points between. Then may you be tossed about by experience only a little, only to the extent that you accept with a high and courageous heart. We feel you cry out in this change’s occurrence. We feel the pain within the voices that ask “Why?” and we do not wish to be cold-hearted. Yet, it is the perception of the animal within that change is dangerous, and that mind which is the mind of the second-density animal which carries your consciousness about in this lifetime resists and demands a cessation of change, for it does not have faith, is not self-conscious. Its instinct rule and its intellect rationalizes instinct. Yet, you are not this life-form but another. You are consciousness, and you have accepted partnership with this entity which walks and talks and moves about. 1994/0130.txt:12:Before your incarnational experience begins, already you are isolated from the truth because you have self-consciousness as a spirit or entity with a soul. Before you entered your mother’s womb, already you were a stranger to truth, hungering to return to that vibratory configuration in which truth is known but the self is lost. And then, illusion already completely surrounding and filling you, you entered into a heavy chemical body, a physical vehicle which moves your consciousness around and generously supplies that consciousness with that which the senses pick up and report to the brain. Each impression is a true one, yet each impression is biased by your perception of it. 1994/0410.txt:13:Do we need to say that often this love is in deep disguise? Therefore, may you always have the patience to wend your way through the dry and brittle valleys of difficult communication-clearing. May you have the faith to continue communicating past anger, past tears, until the words you speak are shapes that again harmonize with love. 1994/0612.txt:23:The world does seem such a dangerous place and it does seem folly to expose one to it with the fullness of intent we are recommending. But it is just this folly which is at the core of the creation itself, for in the creation the Creator has exposed Itself in a way which is inconceivable and utterly unpredictable. Within the chaos of a seething creation the one steady factor is the intent. Your intent is a power which accrues to you as your birthright in the Creator, and it is through your intent that you participate, for better or for worse, in the drama that is the creation. 1994/0619.txt:12:The path of sorrow, then, is that path which nearly all experience nearly all the time within incarnation. Misery, anger, grief—all the uncomfortable emotional and mental states—create a necessity for seeking some means of relief. The limitations are there because the nature of the choice is such that the surface illusion can be seen by the seeker to be an illusion. And it is through the growing discomfort of catalyst, of loss and limitation, that the wayward spirit is finally alert to the need for discipline. 1994/0918.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with the concepts of anger and sorrow since they seem to be so common to our experience. We’re wondering if there’s any good way of opening ourselves and allowing the processes of anger and sorrow to pass through, to be broken by the experience and to be healed so that afterwards, we are stronger or wiser or more loving or will somehow benefit from having had this experience. Could you talk to us about anger and sorrow? 1994/0918.txt:12:In addition to the services which each came to offer, there are, indeed, tools which one may use to work with one’s own grief, anger, disappointment and rage. The first tool is the one around which we have been throwing up a structure of words to rather enclose. That reason is a stubborn faith that you came here to work, so now, let us work. The first tool, we are saying, to use when you are working with negative emotions, is simply remembering who you are and why you came here, why you are here now. For there is, in each case, good reason for you to be precisely where you are. As the one known as Ra has said, there may be surprises, however there are no mistakes. 1994/0918.txt:13:The knowledge that you, yourself, judged these lessons possible to be learned can be a cheerful knowledge to recall. Not only would the Creator not offer you more than you could bear, also neither would you, yourself, before this experience place yourself in that kind of situation. Therefore, if you are to be overwhelmed by these negative experiences, we encourage the allowing of this being overwhelmed. If there are the tears, cry them—cry them all and respect each drop, respect and love those mute expressions of grief, anger, sorrow and rage. Accept the excesses of feeling that shake and seemingly hurt you. Know that these feelings are justified, that these feelings are protected, that there is time for these feelings to express. And work with the self to encourage the eventual completion of expression of the feelings involved. 1994/0918.txt:15:So, attempt, if you would be good to yourself, not to turn and run from painful feelings, but rather to choose a time to nurture the self and within that nurturing time alone look at, accept, and offer respect to the bruises, the hurt feelings, the pain that is going on. For these emotions, when accepted and respected, can scour and scrub much material that is ready to be taken off of one’s shoulders, emotionally speaking, and rinse those ripened, matured evidences of pain away. In many ways, sorrow and its tears, anger and its loud voices, are healing to the troubled soul. The anger, the sorrow, these are not things to fear; they are experiences to go through in the way that is most true and real for each. 1994/0918.txt:16:The second tool, which may be used when these feelings are seen, is the turning to the one infinite Creator, for these feelings are taking place in an infinite creation. Within this infinite creation there is one thing that is true. That thing is love. Love expressing as truth, as beauty, as goodness, love expressing as mystery. It is not necessary, you see, to remain in the sea of confusion, paddling about in the frail barque of flesh that is your own upon this infinite voyage. Once the reality within the illusion is addressed, once the sorrow and anger have been owned, accepted, respected and the entity within all that feeling nurtured, then is there wisdom in turning to praise and thanksgiving of the one infinite Creator, to turning once again to love. 1994/0918.txt:18:When the object of anger or sorrow is another, there is a type of meditation or experience this instrument would call prayer, in which prayers are offered for the entity which has been catalyst for this sorrow or anger. Praying for that entity which has harmed you also reorients the deeper mind and biases the deeper mind more towards truth. 1994/0918.txt:19:The last of the tools we shall speak of this day is the tool of the one Self. When the mind can settle upon the unity of each self with all other selves, then it can more readily be seen that each entity outside of the self is simply a mirror reflecting your self back to you. Those things which anger you are angering you about yourself within some portion of your inner, larger, self. The sorrow felt for others is sorrow felt for the self. It only seems to involve others. Taken upon the surface, this statement seems patently false. However, in the deeper sense, and certainly in the sense of working spiritually with emotions, it is true, as far as we know, that all that you see is your Self. You are in common with all that there is. 1994/0918.txt:32:When dealing with others who express their anger for me, or directed to me, other than prayer for that person, is there any—the question has to do with other people’s anger and other people’s sorrow, that seems so overwhelming to them, that to share what I understand, hurts, rather than helps, and, other than prayer, is there anything that can be done with those people, for those people? 1994/0918.txt:35:The process of growth is one in which all entities participate. Whether one experiences the anger of another or of the self, the experience is of anger and the spontaneous response instead of, shall we say, the studied response is most helpful to all concerned as this process continues, for the spontaneous response is that which is nearest to matching the ability of an entity to give or receive [the] love in a particular moment. 1994/0924_01.txt:36:As Q’uo stated, there is no barrier between the third and fourth densities. As you find more spaciousness around the judgments and opinions of the emotional body, as you find equanimity within yourself when fear, anger or greed arise, and a lack of judgment of others when such states arise in others, then you lower your barriers. With the barriers lowered and judgment falling away, you are ready to enter the fourth-density experience. 1994/0924_02.txt:15:As with every catalyst on the earth plane, this increasing judgment and push toward self-perfectionism is both painful and useful. When there is minor discomfort, you squirm a little. When you begin to feel yourself bashed by that proverbial “four by four,” you finally need to pay attention. The very pain of your self-and-other judgment pushes you to pay attention. It is only then that you become truly ready to see that what you have viewed as imperfection is another side of the perfection of your being. This does not mean that you practice greed, reactivity, anger toward others; but when these arise within you, you begin to treat them differently—not with that hard-heartedness which would drive them out so that you can be perfect, but with a kind acknowledgment, “Here is human fear manifesting itself again. I offer it my love.” It is this constant practice of offering love to that which you have judged negative which frees you. 1994/0924_02.txt:33:There are two aspects to your incarnative work. First is the work with that which you perceive as shadow arising in yourself: the angers; the desires; fear and all of its manifestations and the judgments about those manifestations. The greatest gift of the physical plane is that you must learn to work skillfully with this arising. No matter how much you may wish to deny anger or greed, you cannot do so. To deny it is to bury it and torment yourself to prevent its re-arising someplace else. To act it out is not a viable option past a certain place in your spiritual path. You forget that you have a third choice, which is to find a spacious presence with this difficult energy, neither denying it nor manifesting it further. You see it as a result and bring attention to the causes, to fear itself and to the delusion of separation, but with compassion for the human who knows fear, who is caught in the illusion. 1994/0924_02.txt:41:Wrinkled. Let us call them wrinkles of anger, of greed, of jealousy, of impatience, all the familiar wrinkles of your lives. Can you see that the perfect, unwrinkled sheet still exists? It is right here. Where would it go? Your perfection is not something that you find when all the wrinkles are gone. Your perfection is something that is constantly within you—your divinity. Look once more before you settle back down and be sure that you can see the perfect, unwrinkled sheet that lies within the wrinkled sheet. 1994/0924_02.txt:104:I would speak a bit further. The move from pleasant/unpleasant to like/dislike is common. If you watch carefully you can begin to observe how your energy reaches out to grasp and hold on to that which is pleasant and to push away that which is unpleasant. There is nothing wrong with this. It is very natural to you. If, in that grasping and aversion you are pulled out of the present moment and into old-mind condition, then you are no longer free to respond directly to the object, thought or emotion with which you have been presented. For example, if as a child you often experienced rejection by your peers, if you were in a situation where you came into a coffee shop and saw friends sitting at a table together, you walked to the table and they said hello but did not invite you to sit down, old-mind conditioning might move you into gear, into a sense of being rejected. Anger may arise, judgment at that anger may arise and you become ensnared in all of these heavy emotions. 1994/0924_02.txt:146:I said this is a magical cave. You are fed. There is air. Your needs are met. You are enclosed. You spend eons dreaming in this softness. Finally the light comes to your awareness. A very dim light within this cocoon touches memories of a brilliance you had known. There arises the desire to remember and re-experience that brilliance. Tentatively you reach out to the mouth of this cocoon, remembering how the walls will expand with your touch and hold that expansion, but with the magical quality that as soon as you say, “Close,” it snaps shut. Reach out from this place of utter safety. Touch that doorway and allow it to open just the smallest amount. Allow light to stream in. It is springtime. Allow the sweet smell of the air to enter. How long has it been since you have opened yourself to that freshness? What made you close yourself off here in the first place? There is the dim memory of danger. What if that being with his rocks is still there? But it has been an eternity. 1994/0924_02.txt:148:Can you see how terrifying it would be if someone were to slice into this cocoon with a magic sword, cutting it in half so it fell apart? You would be free but you would be in terror. It would be a violence to you. One is not freed by being forced into freedom, but by choosing freedom when one sees that the armor which was chosen for its safety is no longer needed. We honor that armor. It served a purpose; but we recognize, “I do not need this anymore. Whatever illusion of danger there was from which I sought safety, it no longer exists. I am safe. 1994/0925_02.txt:1: [overview] Group question: The question this afternoon has to deal with the comparison of the concept of the wanderer, an entity from a more harmonious illusion, moving into this one to be of service to those here, and the Fool, the twenty-second archetype, which walks off the cliff with the eyes covered and with seemingly a lot of danger on all sides, and we would like to know if there is a way that you could compare these two, if they have relationships and if there is some information that might be helpful for us to consider in applying to our daily lives as we wander about and appear to be fools. 1994/0925_02.txt:5:This instrument asked for tears. They are that which the heart feels when the seeker opens itself completely to those about it. It is painful, my friends, to feel with a whole heart in your illusion for there is much that seems dangerous and threatening and yet, when the seeker looks within its own heart and finds that there is love there that is a gift of the one Creator, the seeker is filled with joy to give that which has been found if but the fear to open can be overcome. There is much in your illusion, my friends, which causes you to believe that it is well to remain closed to those emotions which are available to those who live a full and open life and who are willing to share the essence of their being with their brothers and their sisters about them. 1994/0925_02.txt:43:We have been speaking this day of the choice that is represented by the twenty-second archetype, known as the Fool. The entire process of seeking within your third-density illusion is one in which you become that fool. It is a process which contains the, as your Bible has called it, the valley of the shadow of death. There is in this process a rod and a staff which comforts those who walk through the valley of the shadow of death. These are the will and the faith components that ring throughout each archetypical image and are as the guiding star, for the faith that this process will end well must be fueled by the will to persevere. Thus, there is the threat of the falling to one’s death, the being eaten alive by the illusion, the inability to see the danger about one, for it is all about one in darkness, it would seem. 1994/1002.txt:7:This is not a simple or short project. However, the beginning is one word long and that word is “accept.” The first job of one who comes to work in consciousness is to accept the 360 degrees of selfhood. This 360 degrees of complete humanity is also a 360 degrees of complete divinity. The energies of each are necessary to the other at this time and this space. This intersection is your selfhood. Thusly, you are accepting yourself as you murder, steal, lie, commit adultery, take holy things in vain, and all the other heinous crimes connected with grocery shopping, doing chores, and living the day to day life. There is much catalyst for anger, irritation, even rage, in the bumping up against other entities which mirror back to the self the self’s dark side. 1994/1002.txt:49:I am Q’uo, and we feel that we have exhausted the queries for the nonce, and we would at this time take this opportunity to once again thank each present for the great honor of being invited to join your circle of seeking. We are always overjoyed with this opportunity for we are allowed at these times to move more closely with you upon your journeys and to experience that which you experience through your questions, your comments, your concerns. This allows us to see the action of the one Creator knowing Itself through Its many portions in a way which we are not usually privy to. It is a valiant effort that you make in accomplishing your daily round of activities, remembering the one Creator as you move each foot in front of the other. We know, my brothers and sisters, that this is not an easy task, for the illusion in which you move has been so constructed to obscure the unity and love which binds all things and which is an easy reminder for those such as ourselves. We realize that this experience of the third-density illusion is one which is most confusion—we correct this instrument—most confusing to many of your peoples, for it works so well, does it not, my friends, to hide the one Creator where one would not think of looking—into the eyes of a friend, a stranger, a situation which seems most out of harmony. Yet, there the Creator also resides, my friends, waiting for your seeking, waiting to reach a hand as you reach yours, waiting to respond to each moment, to each breath. We commend your persistence and take courage from your efforts. 1994/1023.txt:5:To begin a discussion of anger within your density one might well move backwards in your historical time to the time when the physical vehicles which carry you about were developing to be opportunities for consciousness of third density but had not yet achieved that third-density link and were completely instinctually second-density beings. You would call these the animal and it is that physical vehicle which transports you and gives you sensual input that is the source of what you call anger, and the source, too, of negative emotion in general. 1994/1023.txt:7:Immersed in this web of flesh, this field of instinctual consciousness, is an eternal awareness. Sitting as the bird in the cage, the awareness that you are and that you will be in ten thousand or ten million years sits rather placidly, for the most part rather unaware of the extent of its confinement in the world of sensual input. This awareness attempts to express its true nature. The awareness that is you shall always attempt to express its true nature. However, this nature has no anger, has no fear, and is free. 1994/1023.txt:8:Contrariwise, the mind of the body has instincts towards anger which exist because they are needed, or so that animal within is certain. The instincts, those instantaneous responses, ungoverned by logical, reasonable awareness, work usually quite well, landing the seeking pilgrim repeatedly off the beaten track of devotion and lovely thoughts, taking that awareness and flinging it aside in the rush to defend territory. For that animal which you are, which carries your awareness about, is territorial. It measures and sifts. “This is good.” “This is mine.” “That is bad.” “That is not mine.” “That should be mine.” “That will be mine because I deserve it.” 1994/1023.txt:9:There the anger comes in—the hunger for possession, the hunger for safety, the desire to defend. The search for peace, dear ones, is a search for true identity. Who are you? Are you that limited mind that must protect against unseen danger with the same gusto that was used to defend the self from a predator? Or are you that awareness that gazes unblinking on the human scene, knowing all things as love? 1994/1023.txt:11:Each path will have to deal with this issue of suffering. In dealing with the self and the self’s anger we encourage each seeker to be patient and to realize and re-seat within the deep mind, over and over again, the dichotomy betwixt the temporal and the eternal. Have mercy upon yourselves for your anger, for indeed that which you see is the mirror, the anger directed at you is within you, like the werewolf baying at the moon that only comes out when the moon is full. Know and accept this part of the dark side of self. There is a price to life. That price often is that one wishes to prolong life, and, therefore, attempts to control all elements so that life is safe, secure and protected. See this within the self. Love this self which has so little time to live, and when it is seen in another, attempt that same degree of understanding. See the fear, the true desire to protect, in the negative emotions of others, for however distorted these emotions are, they are distortions of love. 1994/1023.txt:12:The energy within anger is so close to the positive extreme of freeing the self that it actually tends to feel good to be angry, for it is in this kind of fire that life is created. The creative principle of love is also the destroying principle of death. Passion has its inevitable counterpoint in tragedy. Life and death go together as concepts. Anger is the other side of the coin of love within limitation. 1994/1023.txt:39:In the moment when you feel the anger pulsing through you, is there anything that you can do to benefit from the anger or to deal with it? 1994/1023.txt:40:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. It is our suggestion that as you experience all of the emotions including anger which are available to you that you allow them to spontaneously ... 1994/1023.txt:43:...Only if the expression of your anger has the possibility of injuring another person would we recommend that you damp it down, shall we say. Far better is it to experience the emotions as they occur and then to work with them later in your meditative times, balancing the anger with the love that naturally replaces it when one sees the object of the anger as the other self and as the Creator as well. 1994/1023.txt:44:It is well at that time to investigate the complete ramifications of the situation which brought about the anger and to use the mental faculties then. To do so at the time of the experiencing of the anger is to confuse the process that is moving through you and is to pull the reins too tightly upon the animal upon which you ride. Far better, as we have said, to do this analysis at a later time which, as the process continues, may allow you to find more harmonious means of relating to the entity for which you experienced the anger previously. 1994/1120.txt:8:However, there is a clear and lucid path towards aiding one’s self in the balancing of an incarnation. That way is the way of faith. The most vivid blossoms along that path are those of self-forgiveness, forgiveness of the Creator and forgiveness of all those whom the heart has held in thrall with anger. Once these dusty cobwebs of past negative emotion are swept from that subconscious place then forgiveness may blossom and then the seeker discovers almost by reflex that the circumstances of the incarnation have been transformed. The first few epiphanies or times of transformation within a seeker’s experience are those which free portions of the self so that various energies are sequentially set free within the individual, clearing the channel on a higher and higher level. 1994/1211.txt:9:In other words, when there is an entity which has, over a period of time, continually created aggravation as catalyst for you then it is well to gaze at that feeling complex regarding that entity with the eye to see where the true source of pain and fear is that is creating the need within to make the separating judgment, for one cannot truly judge another or the self. However, it is a portion of the seeker’s life work to attempt to discriminate for the self, avoiding judgment in the pejorative sense if possible, but focusing carefully to attempt to draw the inner picture which has the least distortion in it. However, when one experiences the reactions within to that which a stranger or a passerby might do one is doing work where there is no work to do. For the truth, whatever that mysterious word is, is not within the chances of desire-driven destiny. 1994/2.txt:4: [overview] Group question: The question this afternoon has to deal with the comparison of the concept of the wanderer, an entity from a more harmonious illusion, moving into this one to be of service to those here, and the Fool, the twenty-second archetype, which walks off the cliff with the eyes covered and with seemingly a lot of danger on all sides, and we would like to know if there is a way that you could compare these two, if they have relationships and if there is some information that might be helpful for us to consider in applying to our daily lives as we wander about and appear to be fools. 1994/2.txt:8: [overview] The question today has to do with the concepts of anger and sorrow since they seem to be so common to our experience. We’re wondering if there’s any good way of opening ourselves and allowing the processes of anger and sorrow to pass through, to be broken by the experience and to be healed so that afterwards, we are stronger or wiser or more loving or will somehow benefit from having had this experience. Could you talk to us about anger and sorrow? 1995/0129.txt:20:[I am Q’uo.] We find that this particular entity is not a stranger to that which she experiences at this time and indeed from time to time periodically. Whenever an entity feels the weight of the incarnation upon the shoulders and is able to bear such weight in good humor, [with] faith for the effort and the next opportunity, then an entity has become aware of more of the nature of the incarnative state, for too often are the senses dulled to that which is of importance, being the central focus of an incarnation. Entities are easily distracted and incarnations are often used less than optimally by such avoidance of the catalyst placed for the progress preincarnatively. 1995/0219.txt:17:So that it is very fruitful to move back into inner work gazing at those things which grab the attention throughout each day, and working with that harvest of daily knowledge of self by observing and contemplating what has been observed. Much healing might be done by the entity who goes back into those early experiences which biased the program, discovering those centers of pain, anger, disappointment or whatever negative complex of emotions caused that crystallization which distorted the programming in the first place. And we encourage those efforts to know the self by working with the memory and with the dreams which may offer memories which have been forgotten. However, it is equally helpful to surrender all knowledge of self as being utterly irrelevant to the self that wishes to become one with the one infinite Creator, who wishes only to lose itself in that presence, who seeks to tabernacle with the infinite love that is the one Creator. 1995/0312.txt:6:Now, the second-density animals from which you sprang in terms of your physical vehicle does indeed have ways in which it responds to threats from other selves. These responses are part of a genetic imprinting, and, shall we say, a cultural imprinting on top of the genetic base, for the mothers of the great apes and the fathers do indeed teach the young which they have born between them that this species is a threat but this one is not. And so there is for the animal, for that physical vehicle, a fairly clear-cut response: those who are not to be feared yet who are not a portion of the clan are simply ignored; those who are to be feared are avoided. Yet this response is not one in which there is the concept of the self and the other self. Rather, responses are made instinctively and appropriately. Thusly, you may see that the physical vehicle which carries your consciousness about has gone quite beyond that sensing of those which are dangerous and sensing those which are not. 1995/0312.txt:11:There is that anxiety, that tension of the unanswered question, for each entity remains a mystery-clad being, as this instrument would say. Even, perhaps especially, to itself. This creates a primal discomfort which in some becomes anger, in some becomes pride, in some becomes an illness, or a perceived limitation, and in almost all entities defenses begin to mount. Walls to hide behind begin to seem comfortable and entire sections of the family of humankind are judged not as useful, not as important, not as good, not as smart, not as wise as the self or some group which the self identifies with. 1995/0312.txt:12:This primal anxiety, this hunger to know the self, has within it the seeds of many densities of progressive learning and harmonizing and coming to an ever more full blooming, yet along the way humankind and all its peoples have, shall we say, legislated the necessity of projecting upon others that anxiety, that inner anger of not knowing, which is truly the business of the self with the self. Therefore, perhaps it can be seen that it is well to do whatever the individual might find useful to bring that anger, that judgment, that not-this-but-that, not-that-but-this back to the interior of the self. Those who seek peace amongst peoples first must go into the cave of the self and take the fight to the place where the arena is prepared, for the heart within is wise. And when an entity ceases judging others and accepts the responsibility of living with the dynamic of not knowing then much may be learned, much may be healed. 1995/0312.txt:15:When the self has become content to study itself within itself, when there is no longer that running wild of the desire to protect the self from danger from without the self, then shall there be the dawning of the next density of experience for those entities who wish to move forward in their spiritual evolution at this time, for the great genius of humankind, the great gift of self-awareness is the talent, the gift, the endowment of the one infinite Creator for connection. The desire to connect, the desire to communicate, the desire to enter into communion with others, other selves, and other groups, this is the instinct, this is the true instinct of humankind, and this instinct has been trampled upon and tossed in the corner in order that entities may play those games in which masks are worn, sides are taken, and the conflicts within are given overt expression with other selves standing in for those dynamics within the self which the self has not yet accepted. 1995/0326.txt:13:As this concern or galaxy of concerns matures and ripens within the seeker’s mind and heart the inner landscape becomes ever more lucid and full of clarity, and as the seeker makes one mistake upon another and continues undiscouraged, layers of confusion seem to fall away within the seeker and that which is true is dimly sensed. Yet, in that dimmest sensing lies a great faith and a heightened awareness of the reality of the concept of truth. And so each as he matures spiritually and emotionally becomes more and more that which contains truth, that which holds precious gems within the earthen vessel which is the physical life. There is something about this process which makes those who would be strangers intimates upon meeting for the first time, as those who have begun to inhabit the truth, shall we say, find themselves recognizing fellow travelers whatever their background, whatever their diversity of story. 1995/0409.txt:10:Now, how does one work upon the red ray? First, one simply has to become able to express to the self precisely what the attitude is, for we find among your peoples a great ability to gloss over uncomfortable subjects with generalities and half thought out concepts. There is inevitable damage done, if one would call it that. There is, shall we say, inevitable distortion that has taken place for each and every entity within incarnation, for, like the rest of the incarnational tools and resources, sex is intended to cause great catalyst, to cause entities to feel all kinds of befuddlement, anger, grief and so forth. That is one of the great virtues of sexual intercourse and the relationship between two entities concerning their sexuality and their expression, one with the other. One is intended to find this a difficult thing, at least from time to time, for the journey from head to heart must be taught at every level of energy. 1995/0409.txt:21:When there is discord at this level, much energy is blocked, and it is usual for students of metaphysics that they will be blocked to some extent at this level. We have spoken to you before concerning the dangers of working in consciousness without first clearing those lower energies, and we remind each again: the first work is that work which is the lowest, the basest, and the most fundamental. The first holiness is here, where feet meet earth, where spirit meets flesh. Here, at the level where entities are born. Here, where entities express their deepest physical nature. Here is the beginning of a good work. 1995/0514.txt:6:Now, if each of you were obviously congruent with each other, there would be no way for information to pass. However, since the very essence of manifestation is duality and therefore illusion, this is not a problem. The illusion is intended to be a thick soup of confusion. And we encourage each to drink as heartily as he can, with good appetite. But also, we indeed do confirm that that which you have called the dark side is the hero, or perhaps we should say the anti-hero, of the play. For all the characters which you have within, it is the villain that places the soul in the situation into which faith may come and be the deliverer, and hope the handmaiden of that deliverance. You are steeped in duality. And all that is in manifestation is steeped in that duality. As this instrument was saying earlier, it is you that label the sweet and sunny side of personality as the good side or the light side, and the bad-tempered and ugly and mean and hateful the dark side or the negative side. This is an illusion. That which is truly negative is not those angers, those frustrations or those sorrows. But rather how the entity chooses consciously to express those bitter feelings, those strong passions that are indeed dark. 1995/0706.txt:71:I am Q’uo. This is basically correct, my brother, for within your illusion of seeming separateness and limitation there is much which offers the challenge to be accepted, much which seems traumatic, tragic and filled with sorrow, distaste horror, anger, jealousy and so forth. Yet, each entity and event is the Creator, knowing Itself in a way mysterious to most. Yet, each in any portion of the experience may increase its evolutionary progress by finding the joy, the love and the light of the Creator within that person, that moment, that event, that thought. When this can be done in a relationship, then the relationship has served as the means by which the continuing ability to expand the point of view and the acceptance, the love and the compassion for that which falls within the point of view then is also increased and the entity has moved itself further along its chosen path of evolution. 1995/1.txt:10: [overview] We are wondering how change and new growth seem to come from confusion, pain, anger and all sorts of negative emotions frequently. How can we open ourselves up to such difficult circumstances to aid positive change? 1995/1105.txt:1: [overview] We are wondering how change and new growth seem to come from confusion, pain, anger and all sorts of negative emotions frequently. How can we open ourselves up to such difficult circumstances to aid positive change? 1995/1117.txt:35:“Who seeks the devotional life?” asked our brother Aaron. Who, indeed, should stand up and say, “I am the real person”? What portion of self can represent that seeker? We ask each to look within and estimate how much the self has been included as an object worthy of devotion. Those who seek along the path of service to others can more easily see and recognize those efforts poured out upon friend and stranger far more so than they can look within and see there, those portions of the self that need support, comfort, reassurance, and that ineffable quality you often call mercy. 1995/1117.txt:46:My brother/sister/friend of Q’uo has spoken eloquently of what happens when that which is being expressed in the self is that upon which judgment arises. For example, when that which has arisen is anger or fear or greed, Q’uo has suggested that you are pulled out of the experience that you are living the devotional life. When fear solidifies as judgment and in effect closes you into that box which I described earlier, from which place you lose perception of your divinity, then you cease to see the larger Self which is no self and how self is offered these myriad expressions as part of its learning opportunity. And instead, you move into a pattern of fixation on what arose in experience and into a relationship with that expression in which you must either call it good or bad, to be kept or to be gotten rid of. 1995/1117.txt:49:I want to ask that you begin to observe this contraction of the energy field. When a fear arises—anger, desire, impatience, pride—then, as Q’uo pointed out, judgment arises that says, “I shouldn’t be feeling this,” and with that judgment you move into a space of strong self-condemnation: “Fix it. Get rid of what’s broken.” But, my dear ones, nothing was ever broken. 1995/1118_01.txt:35:If you walked across a graveled driveway strewn with rocks and your feet were bare, many of them would prick your feet and there would be pain and contraction. You would not say, “There should not be contraction,” but you, out of kindness to the body, might feel anger towards the driveway. “Why does it have to have sharp rocks?” You might think, “Next time I will bring shoes to cross this road,” but you do not think, “I shouldn’t feel pain.” You do not think, “My body should not contract. My body should like the pain.” There is kindness to the body. 1995/1118_01.txt:37:As you nurture that higher perspective, you begin to keep the door open so that you can come into painful catalyst, observe the painful contraction, and not fixate on doing anything about the contraction—not getting rid of it or flinging your anger about it on another, but just noting, “Here is contraction,” and dancing with it. 1995/1118_01.txt:65:I have been working with anger in my partner. I understand his pain and why he lashes out at me, and yet am hurt by this. I don’t understand why, if I can see with compassion that his road is different and I can learn from him ... how can I be hurt? When I think about this it makes me sad and teary. That’s my question. 1995/1118_01.txt:67:We are those of Q’uo. My sister, was it the immortal bard which asked, “If you prick me, do I not bleed?” It is appropriate to hurt or to be hurt when there are negative emotions directed upon your hapless head. This is his gift to you. To the world it is a kind of abuse to be tolerated. To the spirit it represents, as do all catalysts, an opportunity to respond rather than react, to allow the self to feel mourning, grieving, returning anger and resentment, and every iota of reaction. And at the same time it remains a viable option to decide to create a response that bears feeling from the heart and that turns from pity of self to peace in the end, and from anger to the sender of these errors to an embrace of the arrows that wound and the anger that smites. Until that entire energy is seen as the self, confusedly striking out at its own self, this friction seems hot and very physical; yet the issues underlying this catalyst are old and cold as stone. The challenge is to warm—with your allowing—that system of karmic friction, by your honoring of pain and your utter willingness to suffer until all is balanced. 1995/1118_01.txt:71:The partner offers its anger in seemingly inappropriate ways. There is indeed real compassion seeing the fear, the pain, and tightness out of which the partner’s hateful words have grown. There is the understanding that the partner’s highest intention is not to hurt you but to defend itself, and that it simply does not know how to defend itself without hurting you. As Q’uo has clearly stated, of course there is hurt, especially as you grow in understanding and in ability to control that which would fling out of yourself in harm to others. The hurt is that the partner is not willing or able to grow in that way and so perpetuates its own pattern of offering hurt to you. 1995/1118_01.txt:75:When you say to your partner, “I understand that you are angry, but your statements do cause pain. Is that what you want to do? Is your priority here to defend yourself and cause pain in me, or is your priority to help us learn to communicate better? But you see that neither of us knows how best to allow that communication at this time. If your real wish is to communicate, can we wait until your anger settles itself a bit? And can we then attempt that communication?” 1995/1118_01.txt:76:In such a way you begin to allow the partner the right to its anger, the right to its fear. There is a certain respect for its processes. But there is a clear statement, “While you have a right to your own processes, you do not have the right to pour the energy of those processes on me in hurtful ways.” 1995/1118_02.txt:4:If there is perceived threat, there is desire to pinpoint the cause of that threat so as to feel safe. If there is blame, there is desire to explain the self and cast blame elsewhere. If there is hurt which has come to the self through another’s words or actions, there is desire to raise the shielding of anger. These are all natural responses of the human. They are not necessary responses, such as the response of the body to bleed if the skin is punctured, but still they are natural accompaniments of the emotional body. 1995/1118_02.txt:5:To feel anger is not the same as to hold on to that anger. To wish to defend is not the same as to attack another as enactment of that defense. To hold another out of your heart insures the continuance of the karma around which the issue revolved. To live in devotion is to be willing to reflect upon your fear, your anger, your pain, and the ways that the holding of these have served to solidify the ego self and allow it to feel safe. 1995/1118_02.txt:6:To reflect upon the attachment of maintaining the anger is the beginning of the consideration that anger or blame might be released. To release that blame and anger is to forgive. To live the devotional life is to learn how to forgive. Forgiveness cuts karma, dissolves it entirely. 1995/1118_02.txt:19:Perhaps you have noticed that we have not given you a set of instructions, a doctrine of things to do in order to live the spiritually directed life. This is because it is our opinion that there are as many ways to live a spiritually directed life as there are people who wish to do so. We cannot tell you to spend this number of hours in meditation or that number of hours in prayer, because for one seeker two minutes would be the conservative estimate of how much is necessary to maintain the attitude desired, whereas for another the time would be twenty or thirty or sixty minutes. Indeed, we offer you our thought that there is a very real danger to those who go overboard, as this instrument would say, with spiritual disciplines. 1995/1118_02.txt:101:Can you feel the wonder of the healing when that wall between you comes down? There is so much space in forgiveness. We now turn to someone harder to forgive, which is the self. Please look at the self as you just looked at this loved one. What needs to be forgiven: the manifestations of fear as need to control, as anger, as greed, as pride? Observe the way the fearful self has moved on the basis of that fear and caused pain, not only to others but to the self. Observe the ways that self has hurt itself by not manifesting the fullness of self, but hiding instead in a small place. 1995/1119.txt:22:If somebody lifts these microscope glasses for a moment, you look out and say, “Wow! There is all that space.” Then the glasses slip back. How quickly you forget that space. When you practice entering that space regularly through any spiritual practice, you learn to rest very stably; but the knots still need to be tied and untied. If someone has stepped on you and asked your pardon, you still need to work with the pain and hurt and come to the place where the human can offer forgiveness, can let go of its fear, anger, and separation. 1995/1119.txt:43:I am Aaron. I hear your question, my sister. To be clothed in pride is just to be clothed in pride, just as to feel anger arise is just to feel anger arise, just as to step on a tack until the blood flows from your foot is just to step on a tack and have blood flow. Certain conditions give rise to certain inner circumstances. Yes, eventually you will reach a point where anger and pride do not arise, at least not nearly so often or forcefully, but this is not done through will power. 1995/1119.txt:45:Pride is part of the distortion of fear, part of that which wants to be somebody, to be safe and in control. How can the loving heart not open to the human who wants to feel safe and in control? When you embrace the fearful self that does not feel safe, the circumstances that gave rise to pride begin to diminish. And in that way, pride begins to dissolve. When there is nobody left who feels unsafe, then pride and anger and other such emotions will cease to arise. May I pass this further to Q’uo? I pause. 1996/0303.txt:46:We are those of Q’uo, and shall attempt to do so, my brother. Picture, if you will, the color and energy of anger. Not anger at an object, but that emotion. Perhaps you might even see within a certain color—or complement of the color—this is the coloration which you as an entity at present give to a truth which is called emotion. Picture, then, that color and texture which is the shape of love, of joy, of healing, of grief, and so forth. These deep feelings, shall we call them, are truths. And they are not in their pure state either limited in any way, or of negative connotation, or positive connotation. 1996/0310.txt:7:If your shadow self could be objectified, what animal would you choose to represent it? Perhaps we might suggest that to the naked eye, to the uninformed person, the dark side might be seen as a dangerous wolf, ready to savage and to tear those treasures which the seeker would protect. To the more informed eye, the dark side might perhaps have become half wolf and half dog and well-trained. That which feels like the dark side has tremendous, infinite vitality. It blesses the spiritual seeker with that night which envelopes as an eggshell does an egg, the newborn spirit, velvet, soft and black as midnight. It couches and sustains eternity and gives its gift to time by allowing the separation of light from dark. The evolution of spirit takes place within that night and as graduation dawns, so dawns that spiritual night at last. 1996/0414.txt:14:The way to climb the steps of light to a fullness that is fourth density is actually not to take on learning but to release learning, to release those strictures of contraction which you have placed upon consciousness in order to defend the self. When entities pull themselves away from the fully open heart it is usually not from a motive of anger, bitterness or offense but rather it is a move to defend the vulnerable self within. Little by little, then, the path towards graduation into fourth density involves discovering, balancing and releasing those things from which one pulls back and contracts the self in order to survive. 1996/0414.txt:15:You see, each is as the note, tone or complex of tones which makes up an harmonic. Each is a perfect yet unique jewel, a gem with facets that have been cleaned and polished and shaped by the tempering of those furnaces which consume distortion. These furnaces burn brightest during times of initiation into lessons, when all seems dark and there is challenge and struggle within. In these times we say to you, “Rejoice, for you have joined forces with your destiny. You have come to a time of transformation. Take courage and know that sorrow, sadness, suffering and grief, anger, rage, disappointment and all the negative emotions that are felt are gifts which hold in their hands hours of despair, days, months, even years of isolation and pain and tempering.” The oven of the alchemist is one designed to refine gold, to cleanse from it those things which are not gold. You may see the alchemical process working with consciousness as that refining fire in which dross is burned away, leaving that precious original Thought, pure, shining and untouched. You carry within you the sea of consciousness. All that there is within you. All that you seek lies waiting to be rediscovered. 1996/1006.txt:4:At this session you wish to have some thoughts from us concerning the darker emotions, more especially anger. We are aware at even this remove from your density at the power and attraction of that magnetic emotion that you call anger. If we needed to put a more accurate term to it we would call it a kind of fear. However, upon the surface that emotion is anger. It is... as we say, we do remember that it is very uncomfortable. It is extremely difficult to ignore, for regardless of whence the anger has come, its base is in the survival chakra, the red-ray energy center. One who is enraged is fighting for survival. That is, the body and the second-density brain of the creature that carries your consciousness about is honestly, genuinely concerned for its survival. 1996/1006.txt:5:The second density is not a density in which reason has a great part. And those instinctual angers that come from a feeling of being invaded or threatened have as the natural response deeply held emotional consequences to the individual moving through incarnation. Anger and the darker side in general are not things which we would encourage you simply to ignore or to brush aside, for you cannot tell your physical and emotional second-density body not to be angry because it is not spiritual. This does not make sense. It is only in that consciousness which is abstracted from the incarnation that one has either the ability or the right to work deeply with this dark side. 1996/1006.txt:7:Now, let us look at what we said earlier, that anger is a kind of fear. In your language you use words that are approximate and we cannot find words in your language that satisfy us in speaking through this instrument to distinguish between various aspects of anger and fear. However, generally we would say that love, that original Thought that created all that there is, is of a nature that is purely expansive, moving outward and radiating in all directions from every point. It is the great celebration that lasts to infinity. When that love pours through the vehicle—physical, emotional and mental of the entity within incarnation—that love moves into the field of the body at the base or red-ray chakra, that survival chakra, and if it is blocked there by contraction, by fear, not much energy can come through to move into higher energy centers. The same is true for each energy center. 1996/1006.txt:8:Therefore, the first work upon the self having to do with anger is to see its place and to forgive the self for having this nature, this nature that contracts against threats, that defends against the enemy. That which is not love is illusion, yet that which is love is also illusion within your density. So when you as a seeker find yourself radiating within in hostility, aggression, anger, rage or resentment your first duty is to yourself and it is to validate and support that dark side, for that dark side is very concerned with your health and welfare and it needs to be reassured, comforted and held as gently and lovingly as the baby at the breast. 1996/1006.txt:9:The response of the seeker to its own dark side needs to be, in the beginning, an acceptance of what seems to be a less attractive portion of the self. The objects of anger and resentment, spiritually speaking, only seem to be other selves. Actually, you may look at each other self with whom you interact as a mirror which reflects to you those things you like about yourself and those things you do not wish were a part of yourself, and the angrier that you are at that other entity, the more a part of yourself you are recognizing and responding to. 1996/1006.txt:10:It is as though the anger were a vampire type of spirit threatening to take you over, to suck from you your life and strength. And yet how does one cause vampiric activity to cease? There is only one way, and that way is to accept into the heart that vampiric energy, to cradle it and to know it as the self, and to say in compassion, “This, too, is me.” Yes, you shall have fear. Yes, you are worthwhile. Your illusion was created so that you could not but help but respond blindly to incoming catalyst. It was not intended that an incarnation in third density be without conflict and suffering. Indeed, that portion of you which is your higher self rejoices when you feel that catalyst of rage, resentment or anger, for now you are doing the work that you came to do. 1996/1006.txt:11:The source of a great deal of anger is the dynamic betwixt two entities, yourself and another, and so although all fear has a red-ray blockage, many feelings of anger also are generating orange-ray blockage, as that is the ray in which you an working with yourself and one other self. That is the relationship chakra, the belly chakra, the chakra where many entities will try to control from. The person that has a lower belly tension is often reacting to another being who is attempting to control or is reacting because the self is attempting to control another. In either case, not only the red-ray but also the orange energy center is experiencing some blockage and when the anger has to do with anger at society or at the culture or at groups, this anger is also generating yellow-ray blockage. 1996/1006.txt:12:What this means is that you as an energy user are put suddenly on short, short rations so that although the energy coming to you is infinite, the energy that is making it up to the heart chakra where it can open the heart is much diminished, so once you have accepted yourself for having this dark side you have the basis for a long program of work doing what we might call coming out of a hidden place. We gave this instrument the vision of a closet. It is as though your fear, your blockage, as you experience the catalyst that creates anger, contracts you into a crowded, small space and you feel that you would explode if you could to make that place larger, yet the skillful way to work with this anger once it has been identified, accepted and forgiven in the self is to see that there is a real concern which can only be addressed by love itself. 1996/1006.txt:14:It takes faith to gaze at a situation in which you have gotten angry again and again and still be able to say, “I will open the door just a little more. I will not try to become a person without anger, but I will try to become a little more light, a little more lifted from fear, a little freer than I was a year ago, a month ago, a week ago, or an hour ago.” Do not try for the dramatic breakthrough. These things do occur, but they cannot be forced. Try, instead, to pour your compassion into that closed place and allow the compassion itself gently to move the being back into the light. Baby step by baby step. See the darker emotions as a darker color and the peace of compassion of service as the light, and see your being moving gently and slowly two steps forward, one step back, throughout the lifetime, and feel good about that, for work in consciousness is a maintenance program. It is not a college one graduates from. 1996/1006.txt:21:How can we help another person who is enraged with anger? 1996/1006.txt:22:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. It is a situation in which one’s intuitive capacities are often called into play, for it is a most fluid situation to experience the anger of another, especially if one is the focus of such anger. We can recommend that one attempt to accept the other entity for having such anger and through this acceptance to seek communication that might clarify not only the present situation in which the anger is being expressed but which might also move more deeply into the origin of the anger within the other entity. This kind of communication is that which is most easily accomplished with those who are close friends and those who are willing to explore with you a portion of the self that is not pleasant to expose. If the entity does not wish to speak of the anger at the moment it is being expressed then it is well to wait until there is a time in which the entity is willing to speak upon this matter, the emotions having been drained away concerning the situation. We recommend, first and foremost, however, that acceptance is the foundation upon which all further communication and interaction may be undertaken. 1996/1006.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The most effective means by which we have found that one may deal with such a situation is to work internally upon the self for the building of the confidence that one has not truly generated such feeling but that the entity experiencing the anger has the responsibility of generating that anger, for as those known to this group as Ra have mentioned, there is truly no emotionally charged situation. There are only emotionally charged responses, and each entity will respond to each situation in the way that the entity has biased itself in consciousness previously to this incarnation. 1996/1006.txt:27:Thus, the one experiencing the anger and expressing the anger has the responsibility of dealing with that anger and its causes. The one feeling the anger has the responsibility of dealing with the emotions that come up as a result of experiencing the anger. Thus, if it can be kept in mind and in perspective as to who is responsible for what, it is most helpful, for if the entity that is around another expressing anger takes that anger into the self and feels one way or another, the feelings are this entity’s with which to deal. 1996/1006.txt:33:I’m just concerned for P, who is a strong person and who is reduced to rubble when exposed to the anger of her spouse. 1996/1006.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your concern and your query, my sister. This is the stuff of the third density illusion, the interacting of entities whose motivations, intentions and talents are varied, whose paths cross and re-cross bringing into play all of the pre-incarnative catalyst that was intended to be looked at in each incarnation. There is confusion, there is anger, there is doubt. There are many emotions that come into play as each relates to another and to others. There is in one sense no safety, for one is vulnerable at all times when one opens the heart in love to another. And in another sense there is only safety, and no damage can be done, for each is an eternal entity and all seeming damage is only that which exists in the moment to be worked upon as catalyst for future growth and the strengthening of the concept of the self. 1996/1122.txt:26:First, you must allow that both voices are going to be present. You are this angel in an earthsuit. While the angel’s voice may come through loud and clear, the human voice also must be present or else you are not having a human experience. Perhaps the angel’s voice says, “I think I can do this. If I move very carefully, I think I can do this.” Then you hear ego’s voice saying, “Oh, won’t everybody make a fuss over me when we get safely to the bottom.” Hearing that second thought, you may surmise, “This is not my deepest truth that says it can lead the descent. This is only ego.” If you strike out in anger against that ego’s voice, then you cannot hear love’s voice. You become so much at war with the small-self aspect of you that you shut out the existence of anything else. 1996/1122.txt:35:The work is to cease to fixate on getting rid of anything—fear, jealousy, greed, anger—but instead to draw all of these emotions and the causes for them into the loving heart. Then you can watch these patterns come and go in yourself; and a loving heart knows what to do. As Q’uo said, the brain stops directing the show and the heart becomes the ruler. 1996/1122.txt:40:We would like to describe for you an entry into that portion of self that has its selfness in faith. It lies within the heart center, is literally and figuratively at the heart and of the heart. As the energy moves into the physical body through the feet up into the root chakra or energy center at the joining of the legs, it encounters a beautiful, crystalline ... we give this instrument a picture of a geodesic dome, a structure in time/space that enabled that energy of red ray to express the energy from the red through that co-Creator’s ready energy center. And as the energy gathers, that energy becomes more crystalline and transparent to that love/light that is expressing into manifestation from unmoved love. Moving upwards it encounters another beautiful crystalline structure that resides in the belly itself, that contracts against dangers of association with the self and with the complexity of dual and triple, completely unusual and conflicting needs of the self and one other self. As the seeker gathers experience, the choices made can more and more energize this nexus of energy; and the energy allowed through moves up to that place where belly meets chest, that omphalos of power. This is the plane of your Earth. This is the social energy center where the self deals with society and its associations, whether experiencing as a member of a family, as a citizen of a country, in any group in which you are working with distortions of the yellow-ray energy center; and again, the choices that you make can, through the incarnative experience, help to crystallize and make transparent this center. 1996/1122.txt:45:I am back to the same point. The wrinkles will come and go. You are human. If you step on a tack, there is going to be pain and contraction of the physical and emotional bodies. If somebody screams at you insultingly, rudely, there is going to be a contraction of the emotional body. If you are very hungry and somebody takes away your meal, there is going to be fear. These movements do not prevent you from resting in that light nor manifesting from that brilliant and loving heart. They are simply fear, desire, anger, confusion. They need no reaction from you. 1996/1123.txt:63:Today may I offer my energy in a loving-kindness to all beings, including myself. If judgment, fear, greed, anger, or any such contracted emotion arises within me today, may I greet it with love and invite it into the heart where kindness may soften and transform it. I offer myself fully as a servant of the light. To be a servant is not to be somebody but to be nobody. I simply offer my energy that the divine may make use of it in ways that the divine itself determines, not the ways which I determine. As much as possible, I offer my energy in that spirit and my whole being in service of God, of love, of light. I ask for whatever help may be offered to me by all loving beings on every plane to help me express and nurture this resolve. Through allowing myself to be an instrument of light, may I help to bring more light into the universe so that increasingly all beings everywhere may be free of suffering, may be happy, may find perfect peace. 1996/1123.txt:73:The three of them spent a number of hours talking together about what he calls his righteous anger and need to denounce these others who had done him harm. The women were able to hear his pain. He was not really able to hear them and their suggestions that he bring love rather than hatred to these places of perceived harm. 1996/1123.txt:87:As you experience that pure water moving through you, you bring different ingredients into it. Figuratively speaking, you bring chemical pollutants into the stream of Pure Awareness through fear, greed and anger. If you do not attend to the pollutants, do not then filter them out, the person downstream who wishes a drink will receive water that is chemically impure. The pure water is there, but somebody has got to filter out the pollutants. 1996/1123.txt:97:You clean it up in very simple ways. You observe the source of the pollutant and close it off. If the source is great anger, you close off the anger by opening your heart to it, making a bigger container for it within you so it does not need to pour out of you into the world. 1996/1123.txt:98:Anger is not bad; anger is just energy. When there is a lot of it, it needs a big space. If the source of the pollutant is seen as pride or jealousy or greed, you attend to each of those in the same way. There are many specific practices that are available to help you create this bigger container. One of my favorite comes from the teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.5 It is very simple: “Breathing in, I am aware of my anger; breathing out, I smile to my anger ...” and again and again until you feel that space enlarging. 1996/1123.txt:120:When you work conscientiously in this way, instead of each distorted expression becoming something that grabs at your energy so you must frantically go and fix it, each distorted expression just becomes a reminder to ask, as Q’uo suggested, “Where is the love? Where is God in this fear, in this anger, in this judgment? Can I find God right here?” If you look, you will find you can. 1996/1123.txt:128:I would ask of you during your afternoon and evening to watch closely something which arises in your experience. In very simple physical terms, if there is a loud noise, such as a shout, “Hey!” do you feel your body energy contract around that noise? Fear and the energy of fear contract. There is nothing bad or good about the contraction; it is simply a knee-jerk kind of reaction of the body. You may feel the reverberations of that contraction for a bit, and then eventually it will dissolve again. If, instead of a physical noise like a shout, what you experience is an energy catalyst such as somebody else’s sorrow or anger, there will also be response. You have emotional nerve endings as well as physical nerve endings. Your energy field will contract. 1996/1124.txt:9:There is a different possible scenario. If the other is grasping, punishing, in order to shame you into giving the apple, there may be anger but also a fear that says, “I must give this apple in order to feel good, feel generous.” Here the primary fear is not whether one’s needs will be met but is the desire to be “good,” to please another. One need not be slave to that fear. “I must give” is a harsh judgment which considers the self to be less worthy to receive than is another. That is also a fear which love can transform. Here the outcome is to say no to fear and to the asker, to keep and eat the apple, or perhaps to share it. One does not act to punish the other but to affirm that the self’s needs are also to be honored. There is nothing wrong with this response. It is a different practice of generosity, responding lovingly to the fear by kindness to the self. The point is that when fear is not the master, the innate generous heart will know how to respond. Fear is the catalyst offered to the human, which prompts it to learn how to transform that fear into loving-kindness or generosity. 1996/1124.txt:26:On the astral plane there is never a sense of being unsafe in the way that the human experiences such danger. It is clear on the astral plane that there is nothing that needs to be ordered or controlled, but that disorder has its own delicate and lovely order, and you can just let it flow. 1996/1124.txt:66:At first there was anger when she observed the circles. “I am wasting my time,” she thought. She was not concerned about getting into serious trouble. She knew she could push through the dense thorns to the beach and simply come out with some scratched skin. She knew if she did not return by nightfall, people would set out to look for her. By morning she would be found; but the night would be very cold, and all she wore was a bathing suit. 1997/0119.txt:13:How can a sensible, sane person, gazing upon a rather dangerous world, feel no fear? This is the crux. Here is the center. Just here, where fear shuts the door of the heart, here lies the opportunity to learn. This instrument has moved past the death experience and returned. Consequently, this instrument’s life since that experience has been relatively fearless. We bring this up to emphasize that what each fears in an archetypical sense is the cessation of being. When one feels threatened those emotions which do not have intelligence but are simply instinctual rise up to defend and protect. And it takes a great deal of care and discipline and perseverance to teach the self to lay down its arms and to be peaceful with the self. 1997/0406.txt:6:We encourage each in this questioning. We encourage each to work upon the relationship with deity as you would any other relationship, for to engage the Creator in deep conversation is a practice most beneficial and productive of clarity. The Creator does not flinch at those who express anger. Indeed, the Creator welcomes the strong emotions, both positive and negative, that each self develops while wrestling with the angels of life and death, good and evil, the road taken and the road not taken. The more visceral and muscular that wrestling with deity, the more deeply the subconscious mind becomes alerted to the needs of the personality shell which float above the threshold of consciousness, for each is, in addition to that self that the world sees, a substantial and complex personality that bears the fruit of many, many incarnations. 1997/0406.txt:22:So, too, must each seeker who finds itself in travail begin to turn the inner self so that this inner self is able to see some light once again, is able to see hope on its path that the journey might proceed with more ease and with more harmony. The inner strength and the seeking for the light within are the rod and the staff which comfort the seeker as the seeker walks in that valley wherein lies many shadows and much darkness—danger it would seem, and confusion it is certain. 1998/0118.txt:5:Intellectual questioning into the issue of, “Is this Thy will or mine?” almost always involves one in a tautological circle, like the dragon eating its tail. It is forever eating and forever unfinished. However, now that we have taken away the habitual and normal use of mind, what have we left for you to work with in this particular kind of larger decision? We have left your consciousness. Let us look at that which remains when logic and mind and intellect are, if not removed entirely, certainly placed in a less conspicuous and influential position in respect to decision-making. We have an entity whose resources are infinite, whose citizenry is of the universe, who does not belong in space and time. We have a stranger in a strange land. Indeed, were we to pull back to see where the self is in self, we would find each of you and all of your affections in the illusion that you now enjoy to be but the merest shell, your personality shell, that expresses perhaps one or two percent of the total beingness and experience which you possess within the deeper reaches of the roots of mind. 1998/0301.txt:6:Let us look at this concern of pride. What is the general concept of pride? When someone is proud it is generally of some thing. A person may take pride in many things: his physical strength, her physical delicacy, the abundance of supply, or the lack of dependence upon supply, the work that one does, or the work that one will not do, the relationships that one has, or the barrier to relationships. In all these things one may take a certain pride, may say, “I feel that this is a strong point of my being. I feel I can be proud of this accomplishment, this relationship, this situation.” And there is nothing more distorted about pride than there is about the illusion in general. However, in general the illusion is very dense, and this illusion creates the distortion that it is what one does that is the avenue for pride, for feeling worthwhile. The conversation of strangers tends to begin in your culture with an examination of the work that each is accomplishing in order to make money or in order to express self. Whether the work is routine or creative, it is a starting point that people recognize in each other, the place of comfort where one can divulge something about the self and be receptive to hearing something trustably understandable from others. It is very awkward to go up to a stranger and say, “What sort of vibration do you have? What kind of being are you?” Entities tend not to take pride in who they are, in the being that they express moment to moment. So you may see all of spiritual pride as a thing basically one with mental and emotional pride and physical pride. 1998/0419.txt:6:What is the spirit that it should be mindful of such things as praise and thanksgiving? It is at this very basic level that so many among your peoples cannot grapple with the issue of life itself. What is the spirit within that it must take flesh and be thrust into a world of sensation that overstimulates with glorious disarray and confusion? The spirit, from the instant that it awakens into the Earth plane until that moment when the last breath leaves the body, what is this entity that it should feel anything, positive or negative? It is in facing this question of identity that the search for true thankfulness must begin. For just here, just upon that spot where the slide is under the microscope, there at that first glimpse of light of that which changes, we get the first scent of the dangers and the glories of this ephemeral and all-to-short process of incarnation. Each of you begins with that spark of light that is your essence and your core. It is in no way different from or lesser than the Creator Itself, for it, as all things, is infinite and divine love. 1998/0419.txt:14:Why is this gratitude so powerful? Simply because it is the truth. In truth everything that occurs to you is a gift. Each situation delivers to you the sisters and brothers of experience, Sister Sorrow, Brother Pain. The list is different for each entity. Brother Anger. Sister Depression. Each spirit will have its own guests that seem to be difficult indeed to be hospitable towards, and yet each of these guests comes with great gifts to give you. There is a natural rebellion against having to see things from such a deep perspective. The mind does not want to move to this level where it can be seen that all things are gifts. The mind wants to distinguish between things. The mind wants to make choices and stack everything in neat and orderly piles. “This is that. This is the other. This is something else entirely.” But that spark of true self within you is ever ready to spread and illuminate the spirit within, the heart within. 1998/0920.txt:21:...in your faith, in your serenity, and as you go about this work to remain aware of those about you. For they too are moving through crises of faith, initiations that cause them to be up at night, to be concerned and disturbed. For each of you can be to others that bright light that remains faithful and steady, and remember the unknown stranger as well. Turn your mind to the crisis of faith of those many, many of your tribe of human that you know not, that you shall never know within incarnation and who are yet a part of you, and you them. And lend them your faith, let it wing where it will, where it is needed, for just in such a manner can you love and serve without leaving your chair, without moving a muscle, and serve right well, and in a very important way. You are not the only entity adrift on this sea of confusion. The archipelago is crowded, my dear brothers and sisters, with many frail barques, with many wandering souls, and each of you is to the other an anchor, a mast for sail, a rudder for direction. You know not when you shall be able to be used to aid another. 1998/1.txt:5: [overview] The question today concerns anger and frustration which we feel for ourselves, and we would like Q’uo to tell us how we can use these feelings to lead us along the path towards compassion for ourselves. Is there hope that we can change ourselves, or should we concentrate on accepting ourselves with the anger and all? 1998/1115.txt:1: [overview] The question today concerns anger and frustration which we feel for ourselves, and we would like Q’uo to tell us how we can use these feelings to lead us along the path towards compassion for ourselves. Is there hope that we can change ourselves, or should we concentrate on accepting ourselves with the anger and all? 1998/1115.txt:8:And so if you are doing what you came to do, then why do you have these feelings of frustration and anger? Let us look at this. There are many who have no trouble expressing anger, frustration or other negative emotions, nor have they any trouble assigning the blame and responsibility for these emotions to forces outside themselves. However, each of you has become aware that nothing is truly outside of you, that you cannot impute responsibility for your feelings to other people, to outside forces of any kind. More and more, each of you has begun to take spiritual responsibility for yourself, and so when these emotions occur they are turned inward. This is actually, in terms of metaphysical work, a significant advance to imputing responsibility to forces outside the self. 1998/1115.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. To look at that which one has accomplished and to see if there was love contained in that moment is well, for this is the way in which one becomes familiar with the workings of the incarnation, shall we say. Whatever the amount or lack of love contained it is well to accept the self for the effort made. For in the truth of the incarnation and the experience of each entity within the incarnation, each movement made is a step of the Creator and by the Creator in Its process of discovering Itself within your experience and of you discovering the Creator in your experience. That this journey might occasionally be uneven, filled with confusion and anger, is the inevitable product of forgetting the harmony of all that is and moving within the illusion that you now inhabit. To accept the self as it now is is to bless this process of experience, of discovery, of movement not only towards love but a movement within love that has yet to be perceived. For all about you, my brother, is filled with love. When one is able to speak from love one is able then also to speak to love. If it is necessary to stop the activity, retire to meditation, contemplation or prayer in order to find even the slightest iota of love within a situation that seems devoid of any possibility of love, this is well to do. However, we encourage you always to value the self, its activity, and the direction in which you move at all times. 1998/1220.txt:10:At this time where the world experiences the shortest of days and the longest of nights, at your Christmastide, your light festival, know that the baby that lies within the manger in the story in your Bible is alive and lying in the manger in your heart. Know that that consciousness of Christ that the one known as Jesus carried is carried by others as well. That there are always Christs within your inner planes, those who dwell in that state of consciousness that is so fruitful and helpful for those within the Earth planes, but know most of all that the savior and redeemer of the world lies within the single unified heart. For each of you has in perfect accomplishment the awareness and the ability to be Christed. And as destiny rules, each of you shall be given your times to express perfect love. 1999/0117.txt:13:Remember that expectations are dangerous things; desires are powerful things. Dangerous and powerful because they create an energy that will not be balanced until you achieve your expectations and your desires. And yet nothing is as it seems within your illusion. Consequently, each desire that is granted will bring with it great catalyst, for it will not be what you thought it would be. 1999/0321.txt:31:Not on that subject. I do have a question of my own and it’s OK if you can’t comment, because it is specific. I have noticed this week my own anger very strongly, and I wondered if there were any psychosomatic connection between cleansings that I have done with my body this week and the more easily felt negative emotion of anger? 1999/0321.txt:32:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As you have surmised, we must tread carefully that we do not infringe upon your free will. We may suggest that those experiences that have been yours this week in the way of cleansing have accentuated the continuing tendency for the transparency of the self, as we may put it. That is to say, the physical condition that you have experienced concerning pain for a great portion of your incarnation has had the effect, shall we say, of wearing the nerves thin so that there is a more easily recognized emotional response to the environment about you. The fragility of your own physical vehicle has as its analog within the mind a psychology [of] the feeling that one must take care and be careful, and when there is another within the life experience that seems to be careless in regards [to] relationships with you—for example, the entity pulling in front of your automobile in a careless fashion—then there is as a result within your physical and emotional being a tendency towards the defensive reaction: the fear, the anger, and so forth. 1999/0418.txt:26:I have been struggling with a tendency to be angry and go on the defensive, but I don’t know how to get out of that feeling from the inside out. I find it almost impossible to claim myself as anything other than the anger that I feel at that time. Could you make any comments or suggestions? 1999/0912.txt:25:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There may be nothing that will satisfy one that feels bitter to the point of quitting, wishing to quit, laying down the desire and withering upon the spot. And, yet, when one feels such desperation and anger to this point of bitterness, perhaps being heard is all that is necessary, and yet one wishes to give more, to share what is in one’s heart the difficulties that you have experienced, the frustrations that you share in common... 1999/1.txt:3: [overview] The question today has to do with the situation of when we find ourselves being of service, whether it is the work we do for our living or it is just a favor that we do for friends, and we do it over and over, how do we deal with the anger and the frustration and the negative emotions that come into our minds when we feel like we are being pushed beyond our limits, that there are so many people pulling us in so many different directions that we don’t feel that we are really able to serve without feeling anger, frustration, doubt and being stopped in one way or another? 1999/1107.txt:43:I’d like to ask about this concept of self in the present moment being a rebel or subversive agent in regards to time. I was surprised at the energy that was in those concepts as I was channeling, almost as if there was an anger for the seduction of time. Could you speak to that a little bit? I had never thought of moving into the present moment as an act of rebellion or subversion. 1999/1121.txt:12:There are several alternatives to this. One is that choice of anger which, in a blaze of truth, blasts both self and other self in a fire of destruction, offering further catalyst to both entities. This is an acceptable way to work with the catalyst of irritation 1999/1121.txt:14:There is the choice that this instrument has repeatedly made in such a situation of maintaining a silence concerning the inner processes of irritation and anger and so forth. This can be a somewhat skillful choice if it is combined with a very light touch. The instinct of most entities in this situation is towards a heavier and heavier and ever more earnest and deeply felt concern. Whereas the more skillful approach to suffering in silence is to suffer in silence while amusing the self, finding inner laughter, and achieving a point of view that puts the entire foolish quarrel of humans and other humans into perspective as the blind leading the blind, both falling into the ditch. 1999/1219.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with the situation of when we find ourselves being of service, whether it is the work we do for our living or it is just a favor that we do for friends, and we do it over and over, how do we deal with the anger and the frustration and the negative emotions that come into our minds when we feel like we are being pushed beyond our limits, that there are so many people pulling us in so many different directions that we don’t feel that we are really able to serve without feeling anger, frustration, doubt and being stopped in one way or another? 2000/0102.txt:12:There are many circumstances within your experience, and, certainly, within all third-density experience in which the self is very uncomfortable, in which there are many negative feelings of alienation, isolation, anguish, grief, anger and disappointment. And, yet, it is especially [important] in these times to cling to the same attitude of praise and thanksgiving with which the high points, the good days, of an incarnation are naturally greeted. It is when it makes the least sense to be thankful, to offer praise, and to have an open and flowing heart, that there is the most skill in choosing this response to life itself. For if each of you is a thought, and if that thought is love, then shall you not be at your most skillful in attempting to keep open a channel for that love that you are? It is as though the situations of life try to silence and make dumb that clarion love within. And, yet, they cannot silence you if you will not be silenced, for it is always your choice to cling to hope, to believe and have faith when there is no evidence to support such thoughts, such attitudes. It is when all seems darkest that you may, with the most direct apprehension, know and feel and sense that truth within, that unconditional and absolute love that created you and sustains you. 2000/0102.txt:19:About a recent experience that I had, I had attempted to meet a relative’s questions over many years on the subject of channeling with patience and tolerance and although this has seemed to be the right way to handle things in actuality, during this last Christmas I became unable to be tolerant and patient and expressed strong emotions such as anger and pain at this objecting that my relative was doing to me. It seemed to create a much more rapid and healing response from him than all my patience and tolerance had and this surprised me very much. I wondered if you could comment on this process? 2000/0116.txt:16:To us, each entity has already ascended. For to us the energy which is you is already perfect. We encourage each of you to seek in whatever way is helpful to you. As always, we encourage meditation. Simply lighting the candle and sitting with the candle is a life-changing habit if it be prosecuted through time. And we encourage all the other avenues of seeking as well. Most of all, we encourage you to believe in your own rightness, for that which inspires you may not inspire others. But that does not matter. That does not signify anything for you. Whatever moves you to think upon who you are, why you are here, where you are going, of these things we greatly approve. And because each entity is very much, and of necessity, alone in the seeking within, become more and more aware of the great aid you may be to each other by offering support and understanding wherever you can, by sharing honest emotion and opinion whenever you are asked, and by simply being there to give a smile to a stranger, or to simply interact as you go about your chores. Each of you with your many, many chores are all a’ bustle, and we do enjoy tuning into groups such as this one and seeing all of the colors of your desires and hopes, your ambitions and your fears. Know that you are loved for who you are. We consider each of you our friends. 2000/0206.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with the various frustrations and angers, all the various difficulties that come around in our lives periodically and seem to be part of our catalyst. What can Q’uo tell us about what it is possible to do intellectually, logically and consciously in learning from the catalyst, and when it is necessary to do something different, to give it up, to accept the situation, to have faith that everything is as it should be? What can Q’uo tell us about the different approaches, the intellectual, the acceptance, doing something different, giving ourselves a break? How can we know what is best for us to do at any certain time in our life experience? 2000/0220.txt:7:That leap looks very foolish and feels very dangerous. And, yet, we say to you that if you can hold the essence of faith which is that all is well and that all will be well, if you can hold to this attitude, that faith will grow and flourish and bloom in amazing ways. And if you become overwhelmed with a lack of faith you have but to start over to take that leap again and the journey accelerates once more. There is never a failure that faith will not be recovered from. There is never a desert that is too wide for faith to cross. In faith, then, when you wish to seek guidance, you may approach this search in various ways. 2000/0220.txt:11:Thusly, in order to prepare the ground for connecting with guidance it is a very skillful idea to place the self in the act of meditation. This is a tremendous commitment and it is a life-changer. This entity, for instance, is fond of saying that she does not meditate well. What she means is that she cannot completely shut off her earthly brain. Bits of conversations and music continue to filter through all efforts to shut down the noise of the mind. However [true], this objective concept of the self as not being good at meditating [is], this instrument would be the first to express the powerful work that meditation on a daily basis has wrought in her life experience. And indeed, any entity who has meditated for any length of time is aware that even a little of this silence of mind is a powerful accelerant of the process of spiritual transformation. 2000/0305.txt:9:Within the solar plexus is the yellow-ray chakra or energy center and to this energy center come the issues of the self with regard to groups. You will find many family difficulties depending from this center as opposed to the orange-ray center because within the mind the family members are given a different kind of concern, attention and energy sharing than one gives acquaintances or strangers. 2000/0305.txt:12:What you ponder, what you hope, what your dream: these are more real than the day-to-day experiences on the deep level of work done in consciousness. Thusly, when you receive catalyst that seems to take your power away from you, to drain you, or seems to hurt the feelings, the first process, then, has nothing to do with any other person but, rather, has to do with working with the self to reestablish the feeling of wholeness of self that, in a metaphysical sense, implies safety. Sometimes there is fear connected with such a difficult relationship exchange. Sometimes there is anger, but, whatever the emotions are, the experience of being out of control and left to twist in the wind, shall we say, without any power, is that which needs to be looked at carefully. Think about the exchange that has taken place and, in the privacy of your own time, ask for the forgiveness that lies within you to come to aid you. You are a powerful being. Within you lie conduits that move deeper and deeper in mind until you eventually merge with the one infinite Creator. Nothing outside of you can destroy this wholeness. However, depending upon the circumstances, a difficult experience with another entity can make you feel like you are no longer whole, entire, intact or safe. 2000/0305.txt:20:Feel those feelings of helplessness, anger, grief, pain and puzzlement. Allow all of those strong emotions to wash through you, for they are cleansing to you. Moan and cry if you need to in the privacy of your own chambers. Do what you need to do to validate this experience that you are having. Don’t say that it doesn’t matter, because it does. These energies that you are experiencing as being drained are very real. But also move onto the next process. Invoke faith, forgiveness, and faith again. Surround and permeate yourself with faith. 2000/0402.txt:7:May we say in this regard, then, that it is efficacious to call upon those entities, energies and essences to which an entity relates as ideas or ideals that are esteemed and admired. Calling for help sets up a dynamic within the inner planes as does any prayer. Indeed, we may include in this category specific worries which come repeatedly to the mind and begin to take over the mind. If these worries can be reformed into a more prayerful rendition so that help is asked this is an efficacious thing to do. However, you may note here that in this way of asking for protection danger is seen as “out there” and the protection against the danger is also seen as “out there”; that is, beyond the confines of the physical body and its thoughts and feelings and spiritual nature. 2000/0402.txt:13:When that moment came, when their little retreat was filled with soldiers suddenly, his students sprang to defend him. But he shook his head, “No,” he said. “Put away your swords. My kingdom is not of this world. No fighting, please.” He gave himself up to the authorities immediately and he walked willingly and sacrificially into his destiny. There must have been a thousand times in the next twenty-four hours before his death when he was tempted to say something in his own defense, to call upon powerful friends, or his heavenly Father, or some kind of angelic fix, but he never prayed, “Get me out of here.” He was too busy watching for one more opportunity to love. When he was upon the cross at last, in the worst of his misery he kept finding little ways to show love. He saw his mother and suggested that one of his disciples take care of her and that she take care of him. He prayed for those who were murdering him, asking that his Father forgive them. No excuses. No anger. Just one more way to extend love, and when one of the two who were crucified with him mocked him and the other rebuked the first thief and said to Jesus, “Sorry about that. As for myself, do you suppose if you make it you could bring me along?” Jesus said “This day you will be with me in paradise.” Anyone who hears this story knows two things for sure. Jesus the Christ loved and that thief was in paradise that day. 2000/0402.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The young entity of which you speak is one who feels the need to express its own individuality in a manner which not only carries the nature of its own unique identity but also an emotional charge as well, for as this entity was encouraged to partake in the pursuance of its own individuality it was, shall we say, set upon this journey in a manner in which it was in some disagreement with and now seeks to express its own anger and sense of self in the refusal to communicate with you and the one known as C. We cannot speak in a specific sense for we are not privy to the details, shall we say, of this entity’s experience but can give the report that it is well and is pursuing its own journey in its own way. 2000/0507.txt:9:If you can gaze at the panoply and scope of your life experience, you can see a definite progression and coherent trail of emotions that are difficult and emotions that are wonderful. Both kinds of emotions have cropped up within the life experience in response to the difficulties and challenges of the incarnation and in response to the gifts and joys that are spontaneously given to the heart, whether it be the song of a bird, the smile of a child, a thought that is read in a favorite book or any other thing which has enlarged joy and encouraged faith within you as a spiritual seeker. For the most part it well may seem that the difficult emotions—anger, guilt, remorse, fear, grief, jealously, pride, alienation—are very much in the majority, and that the joyful emotions are given out with the miser’s hand. And, indeed, this seems unfair. What is the justification for the surfeit of suffering that each awakening spiritual seeker seems to face? 2000/0507.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The purified emotion is closely related to that which we spoke of in your first query, and this is the untangling process which each of you goes through as you utilize the catalyst which is given to you in your daily round of activities. As you are able to see where catalyst originates, to see its effect upon you, to see your response to it, to see those responses which you have made previously—this ability to see the nature of your experience is also the process of untangling those emotions which are fused together, perhaps in a confusing fashion, so that you are able to separate anger from jealousy, from disappointment, from doubt, from hilarity, from rage, from all the various sources which may be a portion of your experience, so that when you have discovered the sources of your feelings you will have found the various threads that together form the fabric or tapestry of your lives. You will see what part each emotion plays. A purified emotion is an emotion that stands alone, that is itself pure, that has one source and one effect in your being. It is not blended with any other emotion. It is not confused with any other emotion. It is itself a thing in itself. 2000/0521.txt:6:We give this instrument the picture of the ship out on the ocean that the introductory song was singing about. In the spiritual sense each of us, we as well as you, is a wayfarer on a medium that seems far more watery than earthen in that there are no graven roads. There is no path in the pathless wilderness of the ocean except that which is laid down by the sextant and the other instruments of navigation. On a cloudy night such navigational aids may not be effective and so often each seeker is as the ship without a useful rudder. There is the yearning for the end of the journey, the desire for the home, but there is not the conscious awareness at the particular time of how to get there, what direction to take, or how to prepare for the weather upon the ocean. As that song said, each is in this sense a stranger, a single entity following the yearnings of the heart and attempting to make the journey that is before it. In this basic environment information is worth its weight in gold, and, in a way, when the entity who wishes to polarize service to others attempts to be of service to another entity that person is offering to a friendly ship information on the road, the weather, the state of the stars, the direction of home. The help may be very physical. It may be food to eat on the journey or warm covers for a chilly day or an ocean night, may be supply of some kind or gifts of goods. And in this way parents have for countless centuries of recorded and unrecorded history helped their children in a continuing round of a movement of the energy of goods and supply. And, for the most part, this is seen by both parties as a genuine gift of service that is appreciated and not considered to be an infringement. 2000/0521.txt:7:The gifts of information as from a friend to a friend or from a teacher to a pupil can certainly be seen by most on that trackless main as a genuinely helpful gift. And in that category we would put such information as the weather and the stars and so forth. Each of you often has good opinions [for] the others that are sailing in the sea alongside you. Certainly, one key question when it comes to the dividing line between service to others that is well given and service that extends into infringement is the consideration of whether that stranger on the boat near yours has actually asked for such information. When needs are physical it is somewhat easier to see a need and to supply that need. There is a fairly clear, well drawn knowledge that each has of what it takes to keep the body and soul together during an incarnation. 2000/1001.txt:5:The song1 asked the question, “What if God was one of us? Just a slob, like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home?” My friends, this is your situation. Each of you, in the core of your energetic body, is the Creator. Each of you is completely and wholly at the heart the Creator. You are one with all that there is. At the level of the heart of your being there is no difference between you and the Creator and all that there is. There is only an infinite amount of difference in each part of the Creator’s view or perception of the scenery. There are infinite illusions. There are infinite impressions to be gathered within each creation. Consequently, the entire journey of awareness, from the first expression of light through all densities of an octave until light itself becomes absorbed once again in spiritual gravity, it is a journey home, and each of you is an energy system centered upon the Creator but full of your personality shell, your experiences, and the incoming catalyst that has your attention, and [each] is attempting, in her own way, to make her way home. It is a journey that will transcend this particular period of time that you experience now, the entire lifetime in which each of you now enjoys the dance of life, and all lifetimes and experiences between lifetimes that add up to the circle dance of becoming, being and being absorbed once again into absolute unity. 2000/1001.txt:17:It is possible, if it is desired by a seeker, to enter into what this instrument would call body work and with a practitioner it is possible for a seeker to locate the places within the body’s system of muscular and skeletal connections and skin and all else, those places of disharmony and conflict within the body. For the body carries memory in each of its cells, and each time that there is pain and sorrow, each time that there is anger and resentment, each time that there is any emotion that we could name to you, it is generally not so clearly expressed or not so completely acknowledged that it simply moves through the energy system and out. Usually a portion of the suffering of a moment will, indeed, move into the cellular structure of the body. For many entities it will settle in parts of the body that will talk to the body about what is occurring. If there is a sore back, it is sore from bearing the burden. If there are sore arms, they are sore from carrying too much. If there is the sore jaw that this instrument experiences, perhaps it is biting down on those things that it would say if it decided to allow itself to express itself in an unpleasant manner. 2000/1119.txt:47:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would agree in principle with that statement which you have made, though we would not use the word “understanding,” for, as we mentioned previously, especially for those within this third-density illusion, there is little that is understood, yet there is much that is desired to be understood. And it is that heart which desires to know the one Creator, that heart which sees the Creator in the friend, the family, the stranger, and in the mirror that is open to the graduation, the harvest that now beckons into fourth density. It is not what one knows or thinks one knows that will achieve the harvest, but it is the desire to know. The desire to serve and the desire to be the one Creator. 2000/1203.txt:11:For the entity with what may be called spiritual ambition, as well as for the entity who burns with one single flame or thirst, the dangers involved include coming to take this quest so seriously that the perspective of that ground of being is lost, and the seeker becomes overwhelmed with the details of whatever present situation has occupied the interest in mind, the emotions, and the time of the seeker. 2000/1203.txt:13:There is no such thing as sequence. Space is an illusion. The bones, the flesh, and the mass of this particular incarnation are of an illusory nature that is very deep. Nothing that seems to be occurring upon the physical level has that kind of deep meaning that engenders fear, guilt, anger, remorse and all the other emotions that this incarnation creates as an illusion for the learning of the student. In other words, each seeker has put itself in a school of illusion in which things happen that are very strenuous, difficult and uncomfortable in many ways. And, yet, in the execution of these processes of suffering there is no animus, judgment or anger upon the part of the one infinite Creator. 2000/1217.txt:10:Each spirit enters the world to bring and to share, to bless and to transduce the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. In order for this to be a meaningful activity, there need be that backdrop of darkness. On the second level, the level of the purely metaphysical, the concept of each spirit’s being as Jesus the Christ becomes more focused because here it may be seen that as each spirit awakens within incarnation to the basic nature of the experience and of the self each is awakening as an infant into a manger in a stable, not into a comfortable and secure place, but into a most humble and sparing abode. For each infant spirit is helpless and brand new, and it needs a great deal of help. 2000/2.txt:8: [overview] The question today has to do with the various frustrations and angers, all the various difficulties that come around in our lives periodically and seem to be part of our catalyst. What can Q’uo tell us about what it is possible to do intellectually, logically and consciously in learning from the catalyst, and when it is necessary to do something different, to give it up, to accept the situation, to have faith that everything is as it should be? What can Q’uo tell us about the different approaches, the intellectual, the acceptance, doing something different, giving ourselves a break? How can we know what is best for us to do at any certain time in our life experience? 2001/0106.txt:15:You have just passed through that season known to you as Christmas and we would suggest to you that each of you has moved through this Christmas season welcoming not only Jesus the Christ but also that Christ consciousness within yourself that yearns to be born and to be nurtured and to grow and mature. Each of you has within your heart a manger in which lies your own spiritual being, and it is a young being in need of protection, in need of encouragement, and in need of love. Any time that you can spend within your mind and within your heart acknowledging this child that is truly the heart of yourself is worthwhile. Time spent in the heart rocking this cradle is worthwhile. Coming into the heart and seeing the self as a spiritual being of which the fleshly being is a kind of parent we feel is worthwhile. 2001/0304.txt:13:This instrument works with her own energy balancing in this way very seldom because the technique involves looking at each emotion, allowing it to intensify to the point of really heavy intensity, and then allowing that emotion’s exact opposite to enter into the equation until both sides of, say, impatience and patience can be seen in a balanced fashion. However, this instrument does use a visualization technique in order to balance its energies. This is helpful for those whose visualization abilities are dull enough that there is not the danger of over-intensification or over-dramatization of emotion which would sweep away the possibility of balancing. In this visualization technique there is simply the request for help from guidance, and when that guidance has been secured, there is the request that this guidance help in seeing in an inner or intuitive sense the actual colors of the chakra centers to see if they are at the same color tone, the same color intensity, and the same degree of lightness of tone within each color. This way, it can be seen intuitively if an energy center seems muddy or dark or weak or attenuated. 2001/0401.txt:6:In some cases there is no recourse upon the level of the physical illusion from seeing relationships end before the self is ready for them to end, before the expression has been or is felt to be complete. The other entity in the relationship may well have passed from this physical illusion, thus ending the direct chance of communication. There may be such a separation between the two entities from the impact of circumstances and differences of opinion that there is no longer the opportunity to communicate. Certainly many emotions can come between two entities, making it impossible for them to be successful at speaking with each other, whether because of anger and guilt or simple misunderstanding. 2001/0401.txt:14:When there has been a great deal of trauma, emotionally and mentally, it may not seem to the self that there has been any blame attached to the self. It may seem that all has been done beautifully and with a perfectly intended positive outcome hoped for. And we do not say that these things are not true. We only say that they are true for each entity, so that if one were to speak to the other in the relationship in this situation where two cannot speak together it may be that an entirely different story would come forth, a story unrecognizable from the standpoint of the self, so changed are the events that actually took place between the two by the viewpoints of the two different people. However, spiritually speaking it is perfectly possible and very highly recommended by us to pursue the closure of such a relationship until the heart within the self is completely satisfied and the processes of healing then can progress. Once all blame, anger and so forth have been lifted from the other person and the focus has shifted to the heart within the self, then it is that the true work can be done with much more helpfulness and efficiency. There are no issues within the self of infringing on the free will for it is the own free will of the self that is involved, and you can decide that which you wish to do without fearing that you have trodden on sore feet. 2001/0916.txt:1: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, as I am sure that you already know, concerns the recent acts of terrorism that have come to the United States. Many people have died, and much property has been destroyed and there is a lot of talk about retribution, about war, and a lot of fear and anger, a lot of confusion. And we are wondering what this situation looks like from Q’uo’s point of view. We are told that this world is an illusion. It is a place where we come to learn to love. From our point of view, right here, right now, it is a very difficult place to learn to love. We are wondering what Q’uo can add to our knowledge of just exactly what has occurred, what does it mean to us in the spiritual sense, and what can we as individuals do to help the situation? 2001/0916.txt:22:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. That this event would be seen and experienced as that which is catastrophic is as you have correctly surmised, a necessary culmination of those energies which have, for many of your millennia, been in motion upon your planet, and this present expression of anger and hatred is that which can be seen in one of two ways: as that which demands retribution and a continuation of those energies of which it was born, or it can be seen as the alarm which rings the alert to those observing that there is something tremendously dislocated, shall we say, in the relationship between the various members of the family of humanity upon your planet and which needs attention, which needs understanding, which needs love and compassion. So difficult is it to look beneath the surface of events to see the genesis of such that most of your peoples do not make this effort. It is far easier to rest upon the simple and quick assessment of things. 2001/0923.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The entity which you call Earth, or Gaia, is one which is in the process of its own evolution as is each entity upon it. The Earth entity at this time, realizing that it is preparing to move into a more intense portion of the birthing of a new Earth is, as we have mentioned previously, particularly vulnerable as is any woman who is about to give birth to new life. The experience of many thousands of years of difficulties between the populations of this planet has caused the entity of Earth to be, shall we say, infected with a great deal of anger and hostility, the vibrations of the bellicose actions of your peoples over a great portion of your time. This heat of anger has caused the entity of Earth to release the excess heat in various places in various manners. Those geophysical eruptions of your volcanoes, the earthquakes, and so forth have been able to release some of this buildup of heat so that the mantle of the Earth, in some places, is rearranged in a fashion which causes a great deal of physical destruction. Yet the alignment possible after such rearrangements is that which welcomes the newer vibrations of love and compassion which are now moving more fully into expression within some portions of, not only the Earth entity, but large portions of the Earth’s populations. Thus the entity of Earth has begun to vibrate more fully in harmony with both the newer vibrations of love and compassion and those of the population of this planet which has also sought to harmonize with these vibrations as well. Thus there is, within the Earth entity, a feeling of excitement at this opportunity, of distress at the difficulty of the birth, of compassion for those who suffer, and a kind of maternal disapproval of those who yet linger in the ways of war. Is there a further query, my sister? 2001/1.txt:8: [overview] The question today has to do with the healing meditations that you recommended a couple of weeks ago in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and various other places on the planet which are full of anger and war and hatred, famine, poverty, disease and so forth. We would like to know a couple of more ways that a person could use to send love and light to all the areas, the people, the places that need it. 2001/1.txt:10: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, as I am sure that you already know, concerns the recent acts of terrorism that have come to the United States. Many people have died, and much property has been destroyed and there is a lot of talk about retribution, about war, and a lot of fear and anger, a lot of confusion. And we are wondering what this situation looks like from Q’uo’s point of view. We are told that this world is an illusion. It is a place where we come to learn to love. From our point of view, right here, right now, it is a very difficult place to learn to love. We are wondering what Q’uo can add to our knowledge of just exactly what has occurred, what does it mean to us in the spiritual sense, and what can we as individuals do to help the situation? 2001/1007.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with the healing meditations that you recommended a couple of weeks ago in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and various other places on the planet which are full of anger and war and hatred, famine, poverty, disease and so forth. We would like to know a couple of more ways that a person could use to send love and light to all the areas, the people, the places that need it. 2001/1007.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We, again, would recommend the meditative state for any such effort to be of service to those who may be seen to be of a service-to-self nature. Those who are seen as such may also be seen as the same as those who were seen in distress; that is, there may be engendered this quality of love/light which may then be seen to be sent to these entities who are of the negative polarity so that they also are engulfed in the radiance of the noonday sun. Then this quality of love and light may also be seen to be surrounding and protecting those areas or persons that are felt to be endangered by such entities. Thus the quality of love and light may be utilized both as a healing and as protection. Is there a further query, my sister? 2001/1223.txt:9:These qualities of forgiveness and forgetting and moving on are sweet indeed, metaphysically speaking, because they free up the energy system, the energy body. The one known as T was asking about fear and whether that is an improvement upon anger which is an overlay of fear. And we would say that all overlays being taken away are improvements. The fear now is exposed because of the practice of the one known as T. He now is able to see and be aware of what that underlying emotion truly is, and indeed, no matter what the negatively oriented emotion, we assure you that it is a type of fear. Whether it is anger, grief or any other negatively perceived emotion, the dynamic is always between love and fear. 2002/0210.txt:9:For you see, to come into an acceptance of the she-wolf that runs with you, to come into an acceptance of the liar whose dazzling footsteps dance one out of trouble, to love that self that is able to aim, group at three inches, and polish off a target at twenty yards that happens to be a human that is attempting to cause damage to a loved one... This instrument has certainly experienced the feelings of a murderer when a loved one was apparently struck and perhaps killed. There is no length of time between the sight of someone that needs defense in the mind of the perceiver and the feelings of murder. And it is a pure, clean, crisp and powerful emotion, not unlike anger but with deadly intent. Would any say that this instrument had an unintegrated murderer within her? No. And yet it is in this instrument’s inner thoughts that she does indeed have a murderer alive and well and living in the hospitality of the temple of the body, the mind, and her spirit. And so each contains all that there is, and within your density the very fabric of your illusion is very much the ying and the yang, the give and the take, and it is a great achievement indeed when that dark side of self is seen as an asset by the self and as that she-wolf bares its fangs and seems to come at one as a werewolf, as a predator, as one that wants to tear out the heart, that is when you embrace that she-wolf and know that that is your powerful, brave heart that is capable of anything but that chooses to be your she-wolf, to be your totem, to be your seeker of truth that prowls in dreams and comes back with news of elsewhere. 2002/0317.txt:13:Trust then, when there is concern, to turn it from anger, grief or whatever other emotion does not feel as if it were the emotion of the true heart, to prayer. For turning to prayer, turning to hope that another individual’s suffering may be alleviated, is a turning to that love within the self and the worth within the other self that is not expressing at the moment but remains the truth of that entity. It is not always necessary that all entities know the truth. This instrument heard just yesterday that the subconscious works, psychologically speaking, without the necessity for words; that is, if one person knows something and is able to make a subconscious contact with another person, what one person knows will become what another person knows also. Trust this level of metaphysical reality because it forms that reality which you speak of as the physical illusion or maya. 2002/0317.txt:20:In this instance, where there has been the emotional tear in a relationship, it would seem that the effort to assist has failed. And yet, is this true? If an entity, in this case the brother of the one known as C, moves himself to a point of distress and expresses this distress in a public fashion, as was done, perhaps there is in this expression a movement of energy which was necessary, yet difficult, aided by those around this entity so that this entity might experience what you would call a traumatic experience and share this trauma with the one known as C, and with others as well, then can one say that there has been no movement in this entity’s growth and in the growth of those about it? For indeed, there has been movement. There has been experience and the sharing of intense emotions. That there has not been a resolution in your terms at this time may be interpreted as failure. Yet is this true? It cannot be said with certainty, not even by those of Q’uo, for the future is mazed by free will. We see possibilities. We see possibilities for great growth for all concerned, depending upon current and future choices. The stage has been set. Parts have been assigned. Roles are being played. Ancient energies are being expressed. There is the opportunity for further efforts in this endeavor. Do not ever feel that failure is all that is possible to determine from a situation in which anger has played a large part. Growth comes in many packages, my brother. Keep the heart open, the mind clear, the effort ever strengthened by the will to serve wherever possible. 2002/0407.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with some of the finer aspects of service. If we wish to be of service and offer ourselves in that way, is there any danger that we could distort the service or make it less than it could be by being proud of our service, by making it public, by doing it in a way that is not hidden, not pure. We would like for Q’uo to talk to us about the optimum way of really being of service to others in a way that does serve other people and doesn’t activate our egos. 2002/0505.txt:8:We find that in groups such as this one which gather in homes and are unofficial and spontaneous, the likelihood of fresh energy is higher because there is no reason to come to a group such as this one to express a social or a political or an economic kind of feeling or beingness, but rather, the only reason to come is that sense of a spiritual family that together may more efficiently and effectively seek than each by himself alone. We would say that this is extremely true and is a great help to remembering who one is, for there is within the earth plane at this time a tremendous number of people who have incarnated in large groups of people to serve together and much of the joys of spiritual community are involved in re-linking with those entities with whom you have spent lifetimes in the past serving together and learning together. Each time that you reconnect and re-link with these beloved strangers that are very much a part of your energy of being, there is laid another golden strand of connection within the net of love which surrounds the Earth and is glowing brighter with every day. We are rejoicing at this point to see the outburst of newly awakening people. There is a tremendous, shall we say, population explosion of those who are awakening at this time. It makes us feel most blessed to see entities taking hold of their being and knowing themselves and their power for the first time. 2002/0519.txt:12:The birth is that of the planet beneath your feet, and the marriage is that between the self and the fourth-density portion of yourself which you have brought within you into this incarnation to be activated by this light at this time. It is a marriage of self with a higher aspect of self. And yet this new aspect of self is a stranger, a new portion of the self that has yet to be fully recognized. Under the influence of this light, at the cellular level, your genetic structure is being offered the opportunity to become more organized. This instrument’s scientific knowledge is slim but we find within her mind the concept of DNA and we say that at this time, each of you is capable of creating new strands of DNA which allow a far more open door between the contents of the conscious mind and the treasures of the subconscious mind. 2002/0621.txt:1: [overview] This question is from T1, and his first question is concerning the possibility that Earth might be about to experience some major catastrophes in the next eight to ten months. He’s seen a number of prophesies that suggest that this could be so, and he feels that, well, if that is so, then he should be spending his time helping people to discover this and take part in the evolutionary process, and get out and be diligent and serious about his service, but, if it’s not true, if Earth is not in great danger, then he wonders should he continue to do what he likes in this life: playing games, seeing movies, going dancing in the pub. The second question is, he would like Q’uo’s comment on his current progress in soul development, and perhaps some general advice as to how to be more in harmony with the Law of One. 2002/0621.txt:5:Let us for a few minutes focus upon the concerns of the one known as T1: that many sources have expressed in recent months the concern that there is a pivotal period in the beginning of 2003 beyond which humankind shall not be able to pass without a planetary catastrophe occurring. To address this concern head-on, we sort through this instrument’s recollections of a period of some decades of experience with such predictions. This instrument has long noticed that the predictions of urgent and critical time periods have never manifested at the predicted time period with the predicted effect upon planet Earth in the physical realm. We have said through this instrument before that it is not that these critical times do not occur but that they are a part of a metaphysical process having to do with the entities upon planet Earth. This metaphysical process has its shadows within the physical consensus reality of your shared outer world, but the depth and profundity of danger of a physical nature is in every case—as it turns out—greatly overestimated and inaccurate. 2002/0704.txt:5:How to understand a relationship in which one mirrors to the other light, the other mirrors darkness? It cannot be taken literally or in a linear manner because the energies involved are more subtle and more profound than those energies produced by an imbalance in a previous incarnation of an earthly nature. Rather, it is as though one of angelic energy were being pursued through various dimensions that only peripherally extend into the physical dimension by that which could be reasonably described as a negative entity of that which this instrument would call fifth-density origin. It is unlikely that such a thing would occur for it is dangerous to those of the origin of fifth density to incarnate into the physical and especially dangerous to the entity who incarnates into the physical and then does not manage to contain or control that energy of light that lives with angelic wings in bone and blood and body. 2002/0704.txt:6:We can say that [in terms of] such karma as previous experiences between these two entities [is] concerned, there is now a balance and an end of adhering karma of the metaphysical nature. The one known as K is as the entity who is at some level aware that it has failed and yet at other levels much more concerned with the physical body, is unable to realize or process the information or the finality of this failure. Thusly, it is as the maddened bull or the unreasoning anger that possesses entities so that, as the entity known as K lives through its days it is as though the entity were in a dream where the actual personality remains asleep and the metaphysical portion of this entity acts out in a cycling and continuous loop of energy that it is at this time unaware of how to release. This is why the one known as V has not found forgiveness and compassion to be useful tools or resources to use in this relationship. For this entity is as the unreasoning and maddened beast which knows no human behavior but only its instinct and since these instincts are baffling from a linear standpoint and only understandable from, shall we say, a more historical standpoint, it is a situation which this entity has the possibility of resolving within itself but not the likelihood. 2002/0809.txt:39:Each entity’s pain is unique to it. Not all entities suffer physical pain, but we assure the one known as T1 that all of those within incarnation are no strangers to negative catalyst or to the suffering that is the inevitable concomitant of life within third density. 2002/0901.txt:42:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As we mentioned previously, this is the time of harvest, the time of the change of cycles for not only each entity upon this planet but for the planet itself. For all move in the upward spiraling line of light as if in accordance with the hands of a clock striking the hour of change. The time grows short. There is much work yet to do. This planet has for many of your millennia suffered the difficulties of factions warring one against the other. This anger of war and bellicose action has seeped as heat into the crust of the planet, heat which must be released. Each entity, as well as the planet itself, is therefore asked in the spiritual sense to take a larger share of the ability to transmute this heat and anger. Those who have no firm foundation of spiritual seeking or outlet of sharing in a metaphysical manner take this extra share of energy and transfer it as anger. Thus, those who are aware of the change occurring upon the planetary and the cosmic level which reaches into each individual heart, do well to see in their meditations and their prayers hearts that begin to open, minds that begin to open, arms that begin to open, so that there is acceptance and love, compassion and forgiveness, in place of competition and anger, confusion and ignorance. Therefore, we recommend most heartily that the prayers and visualizations be added to you meditations in order to aid other entities in their attempt to open their hearts, which is the purpose for each entity here on the planet at this time. Some are more, shall we say, effective, more able to do this than others. Those who are able to open their hearts first then teach others by example and in their meditations. 2002/0929.txt:6:Each of you is already doing this work by breathing in and breathing out. Whether you feel you are in balance or whether you feel that you are riding the crest of chaos! In fact, the very breath that you share, when shared with an open heart, is of fundamental assistance to the planetary sphere upon which you dwell at this time and to the population of that planet, which is one body, of which each of you is an essential part. Therefore, truly it is said that there are no mistakes, and we simply ask you to realize that, in that context, what we have to say is subjective truth. That concept of truth is a dangerous one for your peoples, and we encourage you to think of our ideas only insofar as they attract you, as they resonate to you, and as they help you to focus with those things with which you are working at this time. We ask you not to see us as authorities or to retain any thoughts of ours which do not seem resonant. With this freedom of will preserved on the part of each of you, then we can feel free to share our opinions with you for what they’re worth. And each of you will find different things about that which we say to keep and different things to allow to remain behind. We would encourage this, for, truly, your sense of personal discrimination is a tremendous, powerful and valid resource for each of you. You will know that which is resonant to you. It will come to you as if you were remembering it after a long time of forgetting. It will not feel as new as it will feel familiar and positive. If you do not have this kind of chemical reaction, shall we say, to these thoughts, then leave them behind without a second thought, for the universe, the creation on all levels is full of messages. It does not matter if you miss a message, for another one will be there to take its place. The creation is incredibly, infinitely full of opportunity, and, the more it is realized that the creation is a plastic and even a fluid thing, the more possible it will be for each of you to mine the rich field of experience for the gems that it does contain. 2002/1.txt:4: [overview] (Question from J1) Can the source of anger, seeming this is the source of the cancer, be inherited? Can it be from past-life programming, or could it be deliberately implanted or consciously created to create a learning opportunity during the incarnation? 2002/1020.txt:15:The political and social history of your peoples—as you were speaking earlier of Atlantis and ancient cultures and then those that are more modern—have been these generations of those whose fear, terror, anger, hostility and pain have been offered up as food to the forces that enjoy that world of dark shadows and negative emotions. Consequently, there is almost no true negative polarity in the sense of an organized group of people that work together for the graduation into fourth-density negative of the planet or even of a group of its people. Those who have truly found the possibility of graduation in the negative sense within this particular harvest have been those whose focus has been extremely self-absorbed and unassociated with the energies that look, from the outside in, like negative polarity. The creators of your present global situation, then, are not entities of tremendous negative polarity but rather are those entities who have been most effective in shaping the society towards maximum degrees of control over others through the uses of what this instrument would call the media, so that these are not terrifying dragons but rather dupes for fifth-density entities who are using them as well as all others within the planetary system insofar as they can be taught to hate, to covet, to control. These are the energies that are encouraged along with the fear that lies beneath such policies. 2002/1127.txt:47:We ask each, brothers and sisters: is it well to dwell on anything in fear when the matter with which each concerns itself helps to shape the future? Is it well, then, to dwell on danger even by way of preparing for it, or is it better to dwell in a universe in which there is no danger and thus affirm that which you wish and desire? The way that entities speak to themselves creates an amalgamated future in what you term consensus reality. Therefore, any attention paid to survival beyond the usual preparation for your power outages and so forth is a way of expressing fear. 2002/1127.txt:48:There is no portion of the creation which can be labeled safe nor is there any which can be labeled unsafe in terms of the continuation and the thriving and the progression of consciousness. There is no danger; the physical illusion is an illusion. The harvest is only physical in the sense that it is creating effects upon the surface of your planet because of the decidedly lagging vibrations of the third-density population which is creating a kind of resistance of the incoming density. The Earth is, as a planet, as Gaia, far into its labor, and it needs the pouring of light into that which this entity calls the Christ grid and which others have called the fourth-density grid or the ascension grid. 2002/1219_01.txt:9:Although the inner service is the central service, it is often the least easy to accomplish because of its very simplicity and its nature of being essence rather than form. Consequently, it is often the more efficient route to rest within one’s outer gifts while one is becoming more aware of the beauty of the inner self. There is, as this instrument has often said, a process which this instrument calls falling in love with the self. Until this moment occurs, the self will be seen as imperfect and error-prone. Within the illusion which you enjoy at this time, this is inevitable. However, there is a process of moving beneath the personality shell’s turbulence that we encourage each to invite, through silence and listening and the immersion of self in the creation of second density and first density, where the vibrations are without the veil, and there is much grounding and reaffirmation coming from the energetic beings that dwell within air, fire, earth, water and within each plant that blossoms and each animal that shares breath with those upon this planet. This first and second-density entity is extremely helpful to those who are attempting to get a sense of themselves as beautiful and worthy, for each animal, no matter how humble, each plant, no matter if it be called a weed or a flower, has its youth and its blooming and its happy old age and its natural sinking again into the earth. Does the leaf grow concerned because its structure has been somewhat eaten by insects? Does the doe in the forest lose faith in the rightness of things because there is not enough to eat? Indeed, each plant and each animal spends its time in surety, confidence and peace, for it is not troubled by attempting to justify its existence. It is not troubled by its perceived imperfections. Rather, [such entities are] just as the very aged kitty on the instrument’s lap. As it struggles with difficult and stertorous breathing it has absolutely no feelings of inadequacy, guilt, anger or fear, but rather takes each breath as it comes while enjoying the most positive and safe and comfortable situation that it can find which, in this cat’s case, is to be within the aura of its favorite human. 2002/1219_01.txt:27:Already the one known as R sees the self as a light. The question always with the light is, where to put it? Shall it be placed upon the top of a building and become a light in a lighthouse that warns those of dangerous reefs? Shall it be a light of hope that is cast into those lives which have been darkened by pain? Is [it] the particular kind of light that is the flame of passion? This is the question that each may ask the self when hoping to serve one’s very best. Where is the passion, where is the desire, and where, when one opens one’s eyes, is the opportunity? 2002/1222.txt:1: [overview] (Question from J1) Can the source of anger, seeming this is the source of the cancer, be inherited? Can it be from past-life programming, or could it be deliberately implanted or consciously created to create a learning opportunity during the incarnation? 2002/1222.txt:9:The shape of unprocessed emotion within the incarnational energy vehicle most closely associated with the physical vehicle has a much more accurate and clear concept of where the opportunity of an ending to the incarnation is coming from in terms of cause. Only the entity and, perhaps, sometimes not even that entity is fully aware of what sorrows upon the heart, what unbalanced emotion upon the emotional body, have created a situation of imbalance which has reached the point where the mind complex of an entity cannot balance it. When this occurs the natural evolution of the distortion known as disease is to move from those difficulties within the mind to the more obvious hints and clues offered by the analogous condition which has been given to the body, for it to, shall we say, act out its distress, sorrow, anger, grief or whatever the imbalanced emotion or unrefined emotion that has been causing the distortion to be chronic within the energy body of the individual. 2002/1222.txt:10:The query specifically moves to question the three possible causes of the arising of cancer from anger, that is: the predisposition of the genetic makeup of the vehicle, the carry over from past life distortions, and the placing of the illness or condition within the life experience as a response to those things which occur within incarnation, and we would take these one at a time after simply saying that we would agree with the one known as J1 that relating the emotions of unrefined anger to the condition cancer is quite often correct as a solution to the linkage between mind and body in the arising of that particular disease. 2002/1222.txt:11:Firstly, there is the possibility of genetic predisposition, and while we completely agree that this predisposition is a portion of many entities within your density who do experience the arising of this disease, it is entirely possible for two entities with the same genetic makeup to respond quite differently to stress when it takes the form of the hot and fiery distortions of anger. One entity may be able to allow the refining of that anger by not resisting it or holding on to it but simply sitting with that anger in utter compassion for the reasons for that anger, the hurt and pain and sorrow behind that anger, the entity feeling threatened, fearful, abandoned or unworthy and thus creating the experience of a confused anger that then can be placed in the tempering fire of patience and waiting so that that anger is given time to be refined by the enduring fire of experience. 2002/1222.txt:12:When that which is creating distortion is allowed to express itself completely in the inner energetic system of the vehicle then it is that the physical distortions that might arise, the cause of genetic predisposition, will not arise since there is not an imbalance penetrating or chronic enough to trigger the stimulus to which cancer is a response. Consequently, the thinking system and the perception system of each entity has the responsibility for determining what is the truth of any particular occurrence and when an entity’s information system is able to deliver, shall we say, a less distorted truth concerning the evolution of the emotion of anger, the skill of this draws the sting out of the otherwise triggering perception that the entity is no longer safe and must become one who is on guard and protecting oneself. 2002/1222.txt:13:This contracting or defending choice when faced with one’s own anger defines the perception that the cells of the body will receive. If anger is perceived and yet it is perceived from a viewpoint of safety, compassion and nurturing it will not constitute a trigger for a physical vehicle to produce that which is cancer. 2002/1222.txt:15:The second suggestion as to causes of the cancer, that is, the cause of how the anger expresses itself in cancer, is that which is carried over into a present incarnation from a past incarnation. Often there is in the experience of older souls upon your planet—that is, those who have been through multiple lifetimes upon your planetary sphere—that there is a carry over especially of those experiences that have been involved in a pervious death: the place of a fatal blow, the chakra involved in a mortal emotional dysfunction, even the primary and secondary energy centers associated with certain relationships distortions and imbalances. When such a relationship is central to the incarnation pattern [it] may well constitute an imbalance that expresses even through an entirely new body and energy system the cause of the strength of the previous distortion. Often in the case of wanderers this does not apply because such entities have balanced karma moving into the earth plane and therefore have only the energies of the present incarnation to balance. 2002/1222.txt:19:The third suggestion of the one known as J1 was that such anger may create opportunities for such a disease as cancer from inside the incarnation or from just prior to incarnation during the planning stages. And we would say that often this is the cause which is the, shall we say, the efficient cause of cancer among your peoples. For many are the people who are very eager to cleanse and purify their energy body of all imbalance and the guidance before incarnation encourages the self to put in place a possibility of illness in order that should the incarnation not be going as planned there may be set in place the predetermined tendency to form illnesses which create the opportunity for inner work. 2002/1226.txt:6:The situation of third density is that of the falling through midair. The entity is aware of the danger inherent in falling while at the same time being completely unable to affect the direction of the fall. This is the perceived situation within which the consciousness of an individual is very tempted to feel itself [a part]. 2002/2.txt:10: [overview] This question is from T1, and his first question is concerning the possibility that Earth might be about to experience some major catastrophes in the next eight to ten months. He’s seen a number of prophesies that suggest that this could be so, and he feels that, well, if that is so, then he should be spending his time helping people to discover this and take part in the evolutionary process, and get out and be diligent and serious about his service, but, if it’s not true, if Earth is not in great danger, then he wonders should he continue to do what he likes in this life: playing games, seeing movies, going dancing in the pub. The second question is, he would like Q’uo’s comment on his current progress in soul development, and perhaps some general advice as to how to be more in harmony with the Law of One. 2002/3.txt:6: [overview] The question today has to do with some of the finer aspects of service. If we wish to be of service and offer ourselves in that way, is there any danger that we could distort the service or make it less than it could be by being proud of our service, by making it public, by doing it in a way that is not hidden, not pure. We would like for Q’uo to talk to us about the optimum way of really being of service to others in a way that does serve other people and doesn’t activate our egos. 2003/0126.txt:19:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We would respond by suggesting that, though it is well to send positive thoughts and thought forms to those whom you feel have an emotional attachment to you or, should we say, you to them, it is also well to be able to accept the self, for having this flow of charged catalyst moving through one is much like the meditation in which you attempt to focus single-pointedly upon a concept, a thought, or a feeling or perhaps upon nothing itself, and while you are doing this, many thoughts of all kinds move through your mind and to address them most efficiently with your goal of single-pointed focus in mind, it is well to observe them and let them go. Thus, in your daily round of activities, as you experience these moments of negativity in which you feel anger or frustration or doubt or fear, any of the emotions which would cause you concern, that you also observe these; that you let them move through your being and let them continue through your being unless you feel there is some quality or concept which a particularly recurring thought may have for you. This you may determine by feeling the emotion within you in its, shall we say, aftereffects or long-run impact upon your mind and your emotions. When you feel there is something of importance within the origination of such a thought or the form in which it takes and expresses itself to you, then this also may be examined. However, if you feel there is no emotion that is connected to the thoughts in a personal sense, it is well to allow the thoughts to pass their way and to continue on your way. Is there a further query, my brother? 2003/0202.txt:22:As the self begins to lose the need to armor, the self becomes semi-permeable, and, for the first time, this vulnerable, undefended self is able to suffer, and this is an achievement, in our humble opinion. The achievement of a self-acknowledged suffering is a great achievement among your peoples. When that crystalline moment comes that the self knows its suffering and sees its sorrow, in that moment is born the opportunity to lift, transform and energize that portion of self which has become deadened, that it may once again become enlivened. The process occurs through this simple process of permeability that allows one tributary, and then another, and then another to spring up in that desert of defense until the self becomes fallow and open to the rain of pain; to that which is causing anger, jealousy, envy, covetousness or any other feeling which causes one to feel an adversity. 2003/0202.txt:27:The heart awaits the birth of your own spiritual self, realized for the first time as a being of integrity, eternity and infinity that you cradle within the manger of your heart. This seed, this child must be protected, loved, cared for, nurtured, encouraged and paid attention to. In this Christ child dwells all of those things which the one known as David’s Guidance System was describing as that house of cards which is the build-up of accreted crystallization of pain. Once one crystal is dissolved, it is easier to collapse the rest of those crystals, which become as the ice that melts into the water or the cards that collapse the space between them. In this presentation, the one known as Jesus was brought, as an infant forty days old, to the temple to be given to the Creator, as is the custom of this particular entity’s culture. 2003/0206.txt:45:One particular possibility is to have a dissatisfied business man who has perhaps suffered a loss of a loved one who has the chance to risk his life to save another and this other was not really in danger but was a means by which an ancient brotherhood contacts him and through this interaction between the brotherhood and the man many aspects of love [inaudible] are brought out. Could you comment on this particular approach to the project? 2003/0209.txt:32:When the Son of man shall come in His glory, before Him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them... as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on His left. Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was an hungered and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in.1 2003/0209.txt:71:There may be fear, doubt, confusion, anger, grief, jealousy and so forth. Each instance of the challenging of beliefs gives the seeker of truth an opportunity to call upon a more, shall we say, nebulous feeling, that being the quality of faith, that is slowly, quietly and assuredly developing as the seeking continues, as the attempt to answer these queries continues, as the facing of difficult catalyst continues. 2003/0209.txt:72:Therefore, this quality of faith is powered by what you may call the exercise of will; the continuing to seek, the renewing of the thirst, the asking again of questions, the getting up when catalyst brings one to one’s knees. To continue, seek relentlessly, persistently, without fail. Even if there is failure to seek at one time, there is the renewal of the seeking at another. Thus, the exercising of the will is that which builds this quality of faith within each seeker; that which will nourish the seeker when the catalyst is fierce, when the doubts rage, when the anger boils, when harsh words are spoken, when relationships are shattered. 2003/0302.txt:22:We ask you to see that the negative elites in your sphere of American influence are seeking to find anything they can possibly get their hands on to justify bombing Iraq. Your “global village” as a whole is seeing that these [justifications] are ludicrous and certainly inconsistent with any chain of logical thinking. Therefore, the situation that now occurs, with this country desiring to bomb Iraq so strongly, is very similar in many ways to the situations that occur in your own life when you have found your own Saddam Hussein, your own petty tyrant, someone in your sphere whom you have labeled as being the cause of your ills. And that you seek to find any small inconsistency in their behavior that would allow you to feel that you have now the claim ticket, the right, to lash out, to drop your bombs of fury and anger and hatred, to cause that scalding, with the hope that, after you have duly caused shock and awe to occur and your bombing campaign is complete, that you will then have unconditional surrender, and all the petty things that you have wanted will be given to you without conditions and that the white flag will be duly raised before the scorched battlefield. 2003/0316.txt:9:What a flower does to praise the Creator is blossom. And what each of you may do to praise the Creator is allow yourself to blossom. Those elements of cultural thinking which have infected each mind to whom we speak will show themselves to you with their thorns, their warts, and their scars. And you will gaze upon them and they will not be fair. There will be thoughts of anger, jealousy, retribution. These will not be true thoughts, yet these are thoughts that are pressed upon you daily, and have been since your youth. There is no judgment in thinking these thoughts, and we would not ask you to judge yourself for finding yourself with the capacity to think them. But indeed, you have the capacity to be conscious of them, to evaluate them and if you find them to be those thoughts which do not allow you to blossom then you may, by choice, pluck that thought from ready memory and replace it with one that is more close to the heart of that which you truly feel to be the spiritual truth of the situation. Each shadow that you remove from your own flowering being is one less barrier betwixt you and the sun that gives you life, the Logos that sends the energy that creates each moment. As the crisis period continues you may find yourself in any number of situations in which there will be the choice of moving from the militaristic rind of thought that infects the planetary thought at this time at the level of those in power or choosing to think from a spiritual point of view in which all entities are seen as souls in the service of the one infinite Creator in various ways. 2003/0406.txt:1: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, has to do with what it seems like a lot of people are feeling these days, because the United States is engaged in a very destructive war with Iraq, and times just seem like they’re full of stress. There’s more to do than there’s time to do. A lot of people are feeling sadness, anger, frustration and doubt. These things just seem to come bubbling out. We’re wondering if there is a way of maintaining one’s harmony in such times; if there is a way of dealing with these difficulties that will bring us back to harmony? We appreciate anything that you might have to say about how we can deal with the difficult times that are within us and about us. 2003/0406.txt:17:So it is too with the mass media, the television and the newspapers, those agents of consciousness of which J was speaking, that tend toward creating cookies of the right shape out of the dough of entities’ thoughts so that entities’ opinions upon certain subjects bear a remarkable similarity. They have been listening to one source and in that source lies a structure which seems to explain or justify actions. And [yet] in the details of these actions there is no end to the shades of gray, the ethical questions, the causes for sorrow or anger or concern of one kind or another. 2003/0503.txt:20:Before we leave this instrument, we would wish to be sure to speak concerning the state of mind of the boiling and turbulent anger and so forth which you experience when you wish to meditate deeply. 2003/0511.txt:22:And this instrument has also seen that there was an entity who was forced to mutilate itself by removing its own arm, for it had been trapped in the mountains by a boulder upon its arm. This entity also, in the powerful and challenging situation of pain and survival that this entity faced, prayed. And when it did so, it also reported the same vision of all of the souls that were like lights, millions and millions of lights, that were lighting the planet keeping watch in the room of prayer that is common to each of you in this circle; common to every entity upon the planet; common to princes and paupers, Afghanis and Iraqis, and wealthy, wealthy Americans, and every other entity: intelligent, barely sentient, and everything in between, that lives and breathes and has taken a body so that the ensouled entity within may gain experience, may go into the furnace and may come out of that furnace with a gift for the infinite Creator of dearly bought and precious experience, and more than that, dearly bought and infinitely precious emotion. Never doubt the importance of those emotions that move beneath the surface of the situation, beneath the anger, beneath the grief, beneath the emotions of any descriptions which are easy and come immediately to mind. And indeed, simply sit with those first shallow reactions watching the self at work, watching the triggers go off, watching all of the playacting that you have learned to do in order to cope with a very difficult environment and a heavy illusion. 2003/0518.txt:57:[footnote start]This refers to the fact that we “see” through a digital process within our biocomputer minds which assumes, from general details of the sight presented to the eyes, the background to be of a certain place, and places that in our sight only vaguely, zeroing in only on details such as the identity of people in the eyesight range, what they are wearing or holding, and whether there is danger in the scene.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Plural of “basis.”↩[footnote end] 2003/0525.txt:10:Each of those awakening upon your planet at this time, and there are many, is awakening at a time when the aura of fear, terror and discomfort has never been greater among your peoples. Even under this barrage of fear and negativity, entities are awakening because of the service of those who are already awake, those who find ways to express the thoughts that encourage, and cheer, hearten, and strengthen the light within those with whom they come in contact in one way or another. It is easy to think very quickly of the performers, the singers, the dancers, those who are very visible in public situations as being good examples of those who use their power well. Yet, each time that the one known as G, for instance, offers heart and car ride and help to an entity whose name is not known but whose heart is, the universe has become a sweeter place. Each time that each of you smiles at the stranger who frowns at you, who offers a soft word in response to a harsh one, each gentle or loving act of friend to friend, as in the one known as J, who generously offers her bodywork to this instrument’s most accepting vehicle, is making the world a more tuned and peaceful place in which to dwell. 2003/0824.txt:5:The days begin to grow shorter at this time, and your planet turns on its axis in such a way that the seasons turn with it, the days grow shorter, and the dark grows larger until winter comes to your planet. And in the heart of that winter there is always that moment of what this instrument calls Christmas when attention is paid to a tiny child that is love made visible within this instrument’s religion, that time when Jesus, the Christ, comes into the world as a tiny, helpless baby. We ask each of you here to open your heart and to see yourself in a manger, a new being, my friends, a soul, fresh, untouched, inviolate, waiting, hoping to be loved, to be recognized, to be swaddled and nurtured and held and taken care of and protected. This child within you is the spiritual self that you came into this world to find, to embrace, and to nourish and nurture with your outer life and your inner life, always opening to the vibration of unconditional love that floods the heart when there is no resistance, that waits within the heart, that is surrounding the manger of spirit within you. Pay attention to that child that is your spiritual self, for it is tender and young, and while you have become experienced and wise in the ways of the world, perhaps that has caused defenses to rise within each of you so that you are defended and armored against those who would hurt you. Yet, to those who dwell in unconditional love, there is no man, no woman, who is an enemy. There is no entity whatsoever that is not part of those souls which are yours to love, to help, and to wish well on their way if they perhaps do not agree, but never to armor against, to defend against, or to harden the self against. For the gift of the heart, the gift of love, is that it is fearless. It does not need to defend; it does not need to protect, for it rests in the vibration of unconditional love. 2003/1005.txt:13:Let the sun be away when it seems to be night and let the moon be that witness that says to you that the sun is a reality that shall cycle into the awareness once again, in its time. Allow the roll of the pain that you are experiencing to continue so that the night hours are spent in an engaged and embracing way that enables one to be grateful for the sleeplessness of the dark night of the soul. Know, by the moonlight, that there is a sun that is still reflected into your node of catalyst. And let that reflection, dim though it may be, be that witness for the light and love of the infinite Creator and the rightness of the plan of the Creator for you. Then you are able to release the fear of the night and the fear of the water and the fear of being at the mercy of an ocean that seems, at least on the surface, to be a dangerous place to be. This instrument would say, “life is hardball.” There are no soft pitches for the school of love on planet Earth. 2003/1116.txt:11:Beyond that time, there comes a time of reintegration, the dream and prison coming together to form a new picture, which is that of the kingdom, a realm, a magical place. We find that this is where many of you within this circle are attempting to live at this time and we commend you for having moved along the path of seeking, through so many bends and curves and difficulties in the road, that your spiritual maturity has begun to allow you to see the riches of the illusion, the tremendous richness of the environment that has been provided for this school of life that you experience during incarnation. It is a time when the bitterness begins to dissolve. There is no longer anger at having to work for a living or feed the body or cleanse the body or take of the environment that one has chosen. The prison doors open because there is freedom to see the blessing of everything. There is no need to justify suffering and duty and all of the unpleasantness of life because it is finally seen not as that which limits and narrows the light, not as that which may be attended to but not taken seriously, but that which has been given as a tremendous gift, each gift, each moment coming fresh from the Creator. That is the time of kingdom. That is the time of jubilee. And it is truly the first place, shall we say, within the mind from which a point of view may be taken that has great depth, so that you may survive those realizations which shall come when you have become unafraid of the prison and unafraid of the dream. 2003/1116.txt:27:My sister, we feel that you have illuminated it very well. The only thing that we could add is an encouragement to play with this awareness that you are a creator, a co-creator and that, as you think, as you actually begin to train yourself to think, you do not narrow that which you comprehend. You are as able to see the thoughts of cynicism, sarcasm, anger and so forth as you were before, perhaps more able. What you are doing as you use the discipline is shaping your heart or— we correct this instrument—shaping your mind to be able to contain the thoughts of the heart, rather than simply the thoughts of the mind. It is not incorrect, we feel, to be aware of the ridiculousness, the sorry-ness or the wretchedness of any particular situation. It is not wrong to have sarcastic thoughts or to react naturally, and fervently even, to those things which make one uncomfortable or create catalyst. The heart, however, thinks substantially differently from the mind, the thoughts of the heart coming from that vertical part of living, that time/space or metaphysical portion where the thoughts are the thoughts beyond incarnation, beyond circumstance or estate. Those thoughts are the thoughts of the infinite being that you are. They are the thoughts of the consciousness within and that consciousness is safe within your heart. It is a matter of opening your own doors into that heart, sitting there and gazing from that heart out into the world. One still may have all of the inner opportunities for making the self laugh to the self with cynical thoughts, such as this instrument does as a hobby, we should say! But allowing the shape of the heart’s thoughts to be the shape of the thought as it evolves in the awareness of the inner self gives one grace and distance and remembrance of who you are, so that your expression, even to the self, is a kinder and gentler thing. And certainly the expression to the outer world carries with it that maturity of thought that keeps that heart open and does not consider the imperfection of things as a reason to lose faith or to become embittered. 2003/1206.txt:13:If we might, we would pause to note at this time the length of time that the one known as Jesus had walked through wilderness, talked to all those men of wisdom that he could find and went through the purification of the pilgrimage wherein there is no provision made for food or comfort but only two feet upon a dusty road and strangers at the end of the day. Such training is essential if one wishes to create the life which has depth and power. And this was done by the one known as Jesus, not because he felt it was right but because the thirst and hunger for truth drew him ever onward and the beauty of the search was irresistible, so that there was both the stick of his hunger and the carrot of the beauty of those spaces within which he found himself able to occupy because of the long acquaintance with silence, the long discipline of the body, and the long times of listening, both to others and to what they had to say, and to the voice of his own thoughts. 2003/1206.txt:23:These are some highlights, some notable parts of this entity’s being, that really stand out to us as we gaze at this entity’s incarnation. The cloak of Christhood was not always light. The one known as Jesus suffered and indeed laid his arms out upon that tree of which the one known as Dave Matthews sang,6 and gave up the life, the cloak, and all. As we gaze at that moment of sacrifice, we offer the words, “Not my will, but Thine,” to indicate the strength of this entity’s dedication. It was not that he had no ego. It was not that he was not human. He had personality, humor, anger, all of the emotions. He was a normal entity, within the parameters of normalcy, shall we say. He was fortunate in his gifts and pure and thorough in his dedication. 2003/1206.txt:27:Q’uo, was Jesus aware of his status of being a wanderer to planet Earth? And how did the one known as Jesus approach his suffering? What did he tell himself when he felt the emotions of anger, or doubt, or frustration, or pain, and so on? 2003/1206.txt:29:In terms of how this entity dealt with its own ego when facing suffering, this entity moved almost entirely upon what this instrument would call resonance. When faced with suffering, this entity would step into a place within its consciousness in which he was able to drift in silence and wait for resonance. And when that resonance would come, it almost never would come with words but rather with purified emotions, as this instrument would call them, those feelings that move far beyond the surface feelings of anger or pain, those feelings that are of connection and lightness, so that the one known as Jesus was able simply to disconnect from the suffering that it was going through, not denying it or repressing it but allowing it and even leaning into it and dedicating that very suffering to the infinite One in total faith that it was the perfect place to be. 2003/1221.txt:7:Let us look at the story of Christmas, in that it is a story with darkness within it. The biblical story that this instrument knows from its Sunday school has a beauty to it, the beauty of innocent birth and angelic visitors and wise men of the Earth who also come to honor a tiny child. Yet, it is perhaps not emphasized, but certainly part of the story, that the mother of this entity, the one known as Jesus, was brought to childbed without the convenience or the respect of having been married first. Further, this entity was then asked to marry an older gentlemen who was not particularly amused by the pregnancy that presumably happened by spirit’s hand alone. And further, in the very last extremities of pregnancy, this odd couple was forced to travel in the middle of winter, in inclement weather, to a place where there was no bed waiting for them at the other end, so that when the one known as Mary gave birth, it was in a stable and the infant Jesus slept in a manger that was full of hay. These details speak of the physical and the metaphysical darkness of the season, the inconvenience of spirit, the demands of the spiritual life, the demand of this infant to be born—not waiting for marriage, not waiting for propriety, but insisting upon being born, in the darkness, in the cold, in the stable—without convenience, or planning, or foresight. Simply, “It is time, and now I shall appear.” 2003/2.txt:9: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, has to do with what it seems like a lot of people are feeling these days, because the United States is engaged in a very destructive war with Iraq, and times just seem like they’re full of stress. There’s more to do than there’s time to do. A lot of people are feeling sadness, anger, frustration and doubt. These things just seem to come bubbling out. We’re wondering if there is a way of maintaining one’s harmony in such times; if there is a way of dealing with these difficulties that will bring us back to harmony? We appreciate anything that you might have to say about how we can deal with the difficult times that are within us and about us. 2004/0112.txt:17:Fear is a word that entities use upon your planet as though it were fear of something, as though fears had a reality only in contact with a certain vector, and this is not accurate. It is helpful in working with one’s deeper fears to realize that fear is a state of contraction away from love. It is not, in its essence, connected with a source or a cause; it is the instinctual contraction around information that concerns one. When the feelings of contraction occur, the emotional body is moving away from love and towards fear. Fear does not always look like fear. More often than not among your peoples, fear is experienced as anger. Whatever the muddied emotional set which is the product of this feeling of fear, its message is always unitary. It acts as a siren that says, “Look out, there is an emergency”; it acts as the watchman ringing a tocsin that says, “There’s someone breaking into the storehouse.” 2004/0112.txt:26:We are the Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We may speak to some extent and will attempt to shape our answer in ways that will guard your free will. The crucial injury to the mind/body/spirit of the one known as G is preexistent to the ingestion of any chemicals, as you have put it. There is a situation in which the emotional body became convinced at a very tender age within incarnation that there were great dangers involved in feeling and experiencing deeply within incarnation. The role of the ingested substances then was not to initiate a wound within the psyche, as this instrument would call it, but rather to elucidate for the conscious mind the depth and extent of wounds already experienced but as yet unknown by the body. 2004/0502.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with catalyst and determining what our catalyst is. We would like to have some information upon how we can determine what it is that is catalyst in our life and what we should be focusing on. The second part of the question has to do with the way catalyst can be processed: when it is successful, it seems as though the success comes from being able to look at the catalyst with a light touch; being able to look at it as catalyst and develop a certain sort of tolerance and patience with it as you work with it. And catalyst which has gone awry, as Ra said, tends to cause in us the feelings of frustration and anger and doubt and depression. So we would like for Q’uo to give us a bit of information about how to stay on the track where we develop the qualities of tolerance and patience and how to avoid the frustration and anger. 2004/0804.txt:20:The advantages of being a wanderer are that your memories of how things can be are much clearer, much closer to the surface and less veiled by the veil of forgetting than those who are native to the planet and are simply waking up for the first time. You have awakened once, you have done the work once, you are now in boot camp trying to get it back. “Where is that memory? What did I know before that I have lost?” These are the questions you are asking. But you do not have to reach for this knowledge. As with all wanderers, that knowledge is fairly close to the surface. You do remember better times; you do know how to love. It is just so dangerous in the way it feels to be so vulnerable and so open to criticism as to love without expectation of return in a world which is very cruel to those who love in such a way. Be prepared to feel the slings and arrows of those who would be cruel to idealists who refuse to become cynical. Be proud when you are reviled because you are an idealist, because you love when one could so easily judge, when one could so easily move into a separate and safe mental configuration where all is judgment and all is cynicism. 2004/0804.txt:30:We are those of Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. Ah, my brother, to speak of loneliness, how we would wish to be able to express ourselves to the extent that you would know that we truly understand the agony of a wanderer who wanders in a strange land and who is often unable to speak words that resonate to those who would be able to hear that resonance and confirm the usefulness of such thoughts. How blessed it is when one simply feels understood and loved, encouraged and supported. It is part of the wanderer’s suffering to feel isolated. And why should a wanderer not feel isolated? For he is the one known, as Heinlein phrased it, as “a stranger in a strange land.” Of course you shall feel alienated by things that make no sense and that is all around you, my brother. We can only encourage you to move within and to begin to sense into the tremendous strength and power of the network of unseen entities that accompany you at all times. It is a crowded universe. No entity who is consciously attempting to stand close to the love and the light of the one infinite Creator shall ever be without a tremendous body of helpers. To this instrument, who is steeped in the Christian tradition, her mind goes to angels and archangels, seraphim and cherubim and all the hosts of heaven, and yet to one who is involved in other means of [religious] expression, it is just as valid to look at the animals who surround you, the elements of earth, air, wind and fire that surround you; to name those same energies and essences which this instrument would call angelic [thusly]. And, for those who worship the ancestors, for instance, in the process of acknowledging the enormous body of the roots of the physical being, the ancestors, the place from which one came and so forth, these essences and energies, in their own way, move into the same body of those who serve the Creator by serving those of the Godhead principle which are incarnate and sentient such as yourself, this instrument, or those within this circle and any living human being that is doing the work of third density. 2004/0822.txt:4:Before we take queries, we would simply suggest to each of you that you are the light of the world. There is illumination coming into this room from several sources and we would use some of these images to talk about how you are light. If you gaze behind this instrument, there is a decoration made of a tree into which there are pinned Christmas lights. It is a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing decoration. But more than that, it is a beautiful image of your planet and its people. Each of you is a radiant source of energy. When you are plugged in, how you shine! And you are connected one to the other, not visibly. Visibly, each entity is separate, each entity has limits, places where flesh and clothing meet the air, feet meet the ground. It is obvious that in the physical illusion each is separate. And yet you have, common to this incarnation, families, not nuclear or physical families alone, but spiritual families, larger groups of entities than you might suspect, who have chosen to come into incarnation to work in tandem with those whom they meet and with whom they seem to feel kinship and affinity and much more than that. With the extended families of each of you, who in many cases share relatives, shall we say, on the unseen planes, you are connected in so many ways which you cannot see but can only feel. So know that, as you look into the eyes of those whom you have not yet touched into in terms of energy, with whom you have not exchanged energy, yet you do not look into the eyes of strangers. For beneath the surface of this seeming separateness of the physicality, you are strongly and powerfully connected by those families from which you came and to which you shall return. 2004/0830.txt:12:It was also so, for the one known as Carla, that great alarm and dismay was felt before the incarnation properly began. In this instrument’s case, the alarm was deep enough that it prolonged the pregnancy so that this instrument was born only after ten months in the womb. However, this instrument did not choose to create for herself that safe place that she would have had by deciding to reject some portion of the environment about her after birth. Rather, it created for her a deep sense of what this instrument would call resentment. It, therefore, can be seen that this instrument’s personality shell is actually more warlike or warrior-like than the personality shell of the one known as G; it turned not towards flight but, in the end, towards fight, whereas the one known as G simply turned aside and slipped away from the danger it had perceived. 2004/0830.txt:16:So, moving back into this space of darkness, it is perhaps not simply desert but more: the womb itself, that true darkness that has never seen any light. Realize that, to the one known as G, the womb itself was a dangerous place. There was no safety anywhere. The entity which carried the one known as G was angry and unhappy. This communicated itself, especially when this entity engaged in conversation with the one known as G’s father. We do not suggest that either of these two parents were negative entities. Indeed, those who are parents to the one known as G are, as is he, beautiful, loving souls seeking to learn and to serve. However, they were chosen by the one known as G as part of a setup for an incarnational lesson that was designed to open the heart. And, indeed, this has, to some extent, misfired from the beginning because of this initial decision. 2004/0905.txt:9:Your Earth, left to itself, would be fine. It would be going through this process with ease and rhythm. And indeed, the heart of the Earth is healthy and is attempting to do so, to follow its nature, to follow the signals of time and space and its own process. It is having difficulties because of generation upon generation and empire upon empire which holds the value of fear, possession, aggression, conquering and the willingness to pursue ends regardless of the means for the sake of result. These disharmonies have produced a tremendous burden among the peoples of the Earth who have experienced fear and anger and all of the harvest of a warlike and predatory culture. 2004/0905.txt:19:This is the energy that is coming into your physical vehicle and into your emotional and mental and spiritual vehicles as well. You can shape the way that you receive the catalyst that comes to you by how you choose to work with the energy body in responding to that catalyst. It is the most sensible and understandable thing in the world to react to incoming perceptions of anger and insult and difficulty by constricting and contracting the energy of the self in defensive and protective ways. Oftentimes, habits of defense and protection begin very early in one’s incarnation as a response to the disharmonious experiences within the the birth family. That birth family may well have been chosen partially because of the disharmony within its system, for this sets up the arena for a lesson of incarnational level, whether it be patience, the learning to love without expectation of return, or any of the other incarnational lessons with which each of you may be working this time around, shall we say. 2004/0905.txt:44:How dangerous it may seem to commit the self to one shining gem. It may indeed be a costly choice. It may well be that that one gem does not touch all of the possible ramifications of beauty that are possible to be recorded and appreciated by that incredibly sensitive instrument that is you as a person, as a mind/body/spirit complex, as the one known as Carla tends to call it. And yet, that choice opens the door to a higher way, a way which can be endlessly refined. It is difficult to be of service to a whole necklace full of entities, for each has its beauty, its flaws, its ways of relating, and its ways of resisting. Each is a conundrum, a mystery, with which one can only offer one’s own conundrum, one’s own mystery. Each, in that varied and beautiful necklace, could take up all of your attention and you would not be bored, nor would you stop learning. Yet, you have not the time to investigate deeply the many gems of this wonderful necklace. And so you look at the beautiful colors and you see the variety. And you enjoy this particular piece of jewelry that you have chosen as a way in which you honor and love the one infinite Creator. Yet there is a restlessness there, because there is not the ability to dive deep into the waters of another human soul. There is not the possibility of exploring how one may be devoted to the soul and the heart of another, not to the appearance, or the surface behavior. Those things will often challenge and puzzle any entity attempting to love. But they are those things that allow one to do deep work and to take the time to move more and more deeply into that house of mirrors that is the relationship between the self and the other self. 2004/0919.txt:46:I have a question, Q’uo, concerning a catalyst expressed in the physical body as a cancer. I remember reading some explanation of it in the Law of One book. I wanted to ask whether this cancer is in all cases the result of unprocessed catalyst and anger that expresses in the physical body as a growth of cells? 2004/0919.txt:47:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The query itself is difficult to get hold of because there are so many different kinds of anger. Some of them are obvious, some of them are very difficult to pin down and are almost a portion of the personality shell itself rather than being connected to certain situations or catalyst. 2004/0919.txt:52:Let’s speak about an incarnation where an entity is offered catalyst of various kinds and finds an anger. I cannot describe the anger in more detail because it is a query that is partly hypothetical, but would it be correct to say that the cancer would be the result of unprocessed anger within that one’s incarnation, discounting the effects of the previous one? 2004/1003.txt:27:We ask you as well to be clever, to work with the limitations and distortions of the culture about you rather than attempting to leave them behind. Attempt to work within them so that the very things that are designed to be limiting become those things that are freeing. This is the work of an immense amount of subtlety and cleverness and yet each of you has a good mind, a good power of reasoning and imagination, and a gift of creativity. We suggest that you add to those things humor, patience and an endless supply of thankfulness. How can you be joyful and peaceful within if your life is not grounded in the thankfulness that you are here, that you have this impossible task in front of you, and the time to address the purposes for which you entered incarnation? Keep that ground of thankfulness and that awareness of the self as just the beginning that opens to you the Creator that you are and see every door that is shut as a temporary thing, lifting away from anger, disappointment and hostility to embrace hope, faith and love. 2004/1011.txt:15:Now, in this regard, let us look at two different levels of emotion, for working with the instant, easy surface emotions is one thing, working with the deeper emotions is another. First of all, let us gaze at the easy and surface emotions. Immediately coming into this instrument’s mind when we speak of surface emotions are those irritations that she experiences, for instance, in her car when she is in traffic. It is very easy to feel upset when one is cut off in traffic. This is a good emotion to look at and it teaches, but what it teaches is significantly different from what the deeper emotions may teach. For a surface reaction, that which comes instantly and dives away quickly, is as a newspaper. It speaks of what is occurring at this particular moment. It does not speak of the deeper processes that are taking place within incarnation within your being. It is simply the momentary disturbance of the surface of the water. Yet, each disturbance is worth looking at. For in each disturbance there is a separation of self from other self and in each occurrence this separation can fruitfully be examined to determine that which pulled you apart from your fellow being and then to find ways to heal that separation; to find unity once again with that stranger or friend which has pulled you off balance. 2004/1128.txt:19:We are not encouraging you to lose all fear in dangerous situations. We are not encouraging you to stop steering your car away from an oncoming vehicle simply because you are not afraid. We would encourage you to avoid the oncoming vehicle, certainly. It is at the level of being concerned the next time you get in your vehicle that this will happen again, that we encourage you to choose to trust the moment and not to project into an uncertain future. At this moment all is well and if you must look into the future then look with hope. Think to yourself, I might be surprised at how well this will go. Visualize positively, if you must go into the future and whenever possible we encourage you to remain at peace and at rest and very alert and watchful for the universe is speaking to you. 2004/1128.txt:54:Health is abundant in the Earth itself. Its labor is ongoing but the birth is going well. Perhaps you have noticed many significant catastrophes occurring upon the Earth plane. This is the labor of Earth. It is attempting to move into fourth density without having to express, all at once, the incompatibility between third-density thought, as it exists upon the Earth at this time, and the fourth-density vibration that has been coming. It is attempting to vent the fear and the anger and the narrow-mindedness of humankind in little bits, in a volcano erupting but not so as to split the Earth, or a tsunami or a hurricane that destroys a good deal but does not destroy the globe, or an earthquake which expresses the distress of mother Earth but not in such a way as to destroy the planet as a whole. 2004/1128.txt:55:We feel very hopeful that this grass roots upswelling from the soul level, of yearning for a world of love and peace, is powerful enough to continue to create the atmosphere in which the Earth may continue its final process of labor by venting these incompatible energies. Meanwhile you may well have noticed that there is an almost runaway experience of many within your plane at this time, of conditions such as cancer which seem to take people from their lives before their time. In many cases, these are situations in which entities have become hardened and set in their habits of thinking these habits being habitual and repetitive in terms of there being anger, fear and aggression. These entities are predisposing their physical vehicles to end the incarnation because the difficulties of dealing with such a mismatch in vibration between the third-density thought and the fourth-density incoming, unseen reality, is simply too great. You will find that there are many who depart their incarnations within the next few years because of their inability to welcome the expansive and healing vibrations of fourth density. 2004/2.txt:7: [overview] The question today has to do with catalyst and determining what our catalyst is. We would like to have some information upon how we can determine what it is that is catalyst in our life and what we should be focusing on. The second part of the question has to do with the way catalyst can be processed: when it is successful, it seems as though the success comes from being able to look at the catalyst with a light touch; being able to look at it as catalyst and develop a certain sort of tolerance and patience with it as you work with it. And catalyst which has gone awry, as Ra said, tends to cause in us the feelings of frustration and anger and doubt and depression. So we would like for Q’uo to give us a bit of information about how to stay on the track where we develop the qualities of tolerance and patience and how to avoid the frustration and anger. 2005/0102.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with the catastrophe that occurred a week ago this morning in south Asia. Ra has mentioned that during the transition into the fourth density, the Earth would be releasing heat, the pent-up heat of the anger, war and disharmony that has been so prevalent on this planet for most of its recorded history, human history. We’re wondering if this earthquake and tsunami in south Asia is simply a part of that releasing of the heat? Is it a significant event that might signal a certain portion of this releasing of heat is completed? Could Q’uo give us an idea of what the real causes of such a catastrophe might be and what we might expect from our future in relation to further such catastrophes? 2005/0224.txt:6:As service is rendered to the one infinite Creator, there begins to be established a rhythm of synchronicity and questions asked and answered, whether by bird or beast or wind or rain or the Earth or the fire or by a street sign or by a passing conversation or by a song heard on the radio. Information begins to burst out of every hedge and sound and event. And again, as this rhythm intensifies, one must ask the self to be more patient, more tolerant, and more compassionate towards the self. Please understand that what is asked of a physical body in incarnation is that it carry the consciousness. To most entities working within your third-density illusion, the burden of this consciousness is relatively light. There has not been the level or degree of work done that is sufficient in its intensity to threaten the structure of the physical or the emotional bodies. When, over a period of time, again and again, there have been realizations so that the consciousness that is collected into conscious mind grows in its integrity and in its fullness of being, this physical structure can be pressed. And more than that, the mental and emotional energies connected with the chakra body or the energy body, as this instrument often calls it, increases accordingly. This is not to say that you are in any danger of being overburdened by the fullness of your awareness. It is rather to say that it becomes ever more important to do the work that you have come to do and that you are doing, slowly, with infinite patience and with a great deal of lightness of spirit and a sense of humor concerning the garments of human roles that you play, of peoples’ perceptions of you, of your perception of your self, and of the multi-layered tangle that you pass through as a conscious being in the everyday world of consensus reality. 2005/0224.txt:22:My sister, this instrument is smiling because she is aware that we were using one of her favorite phrases, “Elvis has now left the building.” In a way, that is what we are asking you to do: to see the Christ Consciousness that is within you as what it is. It is your true self but it is a stranger in strange land within ordinary life and to bring it through it is necessary for you to have a foot firmly planted in both worlds. That kind of balance comes and goes in the best as well as the worst of seekers. 2005/0304.txt:8:Polarization is a matter of choice and of repeated choice and we find in gazing at your energy that you grasp this basic fact very well and that you have been working on the basic choice of service to others or service to self and not for a short length of time but for some time within your incarnation. The subtleties of choice, especially the repetitions of choice, are sometimes more of a challenge than others. Some choices seem very obvious: whether to respond in anger to anger or whether to respond in love. That is an obvious choice. Yet let us examine this example for subtlety and nuance. When someone speaks with you in a way that feels angry or hostile or jangling to you, certainly your first impulse is to, as this instrument would say, clean up your act as far as the response is concerned. And may we say that we feel that you do a fairly good job for the most part in your responses. Of course, one could find ways to criticize the self. But 95% of the time, shall we say, your basic work in this area is sound and we congratulate you on the kind of full-body effort that you are making to be a gentle spirit, one who does return love, who does not ask to be loved but rather seeks to love. This is the heart of the polarization for fourth-density graduation. 2005/0304.txt:16:You begin, as you refine your own system of energy and the corresponding emotional capacity of that crystalline being that you are, to enter into the system of archetypal mind in such a way that you are in a larger company, with more people who have done more work, just as you have done more work. What you are aiming for here is not to remove emotions but to refine and purify emotions. You are looking for a deeper and deeper truth about yourself. Now, just as all water systems do, when the stream becomes a creek and the creek becomes a river, the river widens and develops energy and power and finally it reaches the ocean. The ocean of the archetypal consciousness is unconditional love. You cannot rush or hurry the sail that you are on. You can mend your sails on your boat; you can correct and re-correct your readings of the stars; you can check your rudder for strength, but you must sail as the truth of your being is ready to sail. Penetrating too quickly into the water system and especially into the ocean of the archetypal mind is dangerous for you. It may swamp your boat. And it will certainly land you in a world of confusion that you cannot sort out by yourself. So as you do this work of attempting to increase your polarization, we encourage you to respect and honor every truth that each emotion offers to you, noting it down. And if you cannot handle working with it at this time, yet still honor and respect your truth, your color, and your brilliance. 2005/0306.txt:21:These entities are what this instrument would describe as vampiric in nature. They are looking to feed upon your love and to turn it into fear. The path of their ingress into your system of awareness has to do with those deeply buried spaces of pain, which are usually embedded during childhood but may have been embedded more recently, in the adulthood, as well. Usually the deepest pockets of pain and suffering within an entity’s psyche are those that have been buried since childhood and have been well covered over. If you have distortions involving anger, for instance, such an entity can find a roost deep within you. And if you become interesting to such an entity because you have begun to seek the light and have therefore polarized and begun to accrue power to your being within incarnation, you will attract such entities’ attention. And they will look throughout your armor of light, shall we say, throughout your energy body, to see where there is a hidden pocket of pain that is unknown or unaccepted by the conscious mind and unloved by the conscious heart. And into this pocket they will come and perch and wait for the opportunity to create fear, pain, division and so forth. 2005/0320.txt:14:Now, this instrument is aware that the group which has inspired the one known as B to ask this question is a group called “The Rangers.” The Rangers is a name that is part of another literary composition, in this case a television play which was developed as a five-year story which was very consciously undertaken by its creators as that which would delve into the deeper aspects of groups and why they come together and what their goals are. In this television play, which is called Babylon 5, the Anla’shok or the Rangers are those who come from many different traditions, drawn together as a group by the desire to be of service to others. It is a kind of knighthood whose values are concerned with service to others, love for others, love of honor and duty and faithfulness to the cause that they choose to undertake. 2005/0320.txt:17:What we would like to do is use this instrument’s own awareness and offer some ideas which we can pluck from her somewhat broad stream of consciousness in attempting to offer different ways to think about, not so much the name as the symbolic system underlying the name, or the icon that would support the name, of such a group. It is possible, for instance, that the name, Rangers, is perfectly satisfactory. The reason we suggest that the name you have chosen so far may not be adequate is not so much the name as it is in the meaning that underlies the name and [this] is that that name was created by an entity whose desire was to put forth a concept in a certain colored and biased way that may not satisfy that need of the group to create a unique name which has layers of meaning that can be discussed and strengthened as the group develops. 2005/0320.txt:34:The discussion of this instrument’s various symbolic representations and so forth need not go further for we do not intend to suggest in any way that the symbol for the group known as the Rangers contains any of these ideas. We wish only to suggest that, beginning with the bare essences of things that this group finds remarkable or interesting, [there] lies a richness that can be trusted. And we wish further to suggest that the mythical representations such as [are found within] this instrument’s deeply felt and beloved Christianity are fruitful ground for digging into and uncovering relationships that may enrich and enliven and create resonances for the basic ideas that create the icon. 2005/0320.txt:39:And lastly, we suggest that because of the nature of the Rangers, there may need to be an overreaching or surrounding image that contains the symbol of angelic aid or wings, because of the fact that this group has as part of its value system the awareness that all things are conscious and alive and that those energies that surround one, whether in first density, second density, or so forth, are sentient and helpful, each element helping each. It is this energy which suggests to us the basic personification of, say, an angel or any winged figure from mythical systems that are seemingly helpful, as discussion mounts concerning such a design. 2005/0320.txt:69:We are those of Q’uo, and we may say very little about your query, my brother. For in part it is a myth and in part it was an actual relic. It was designed to be that which contained power and as a transformational apport,8 shall we say, is that which came into the possession of an entity which called it forth by his spiritual nature, namely the one known as Moses. It was a literal, bodily, earthly object which was carried about and placed in temples and buried. Its reality, however, is mythical. As a relic, it is simply dust. In its time and in its place, it had a certain meaning to a certain people. Just as the pyramid, it is a shape that is no longer helpful, in our opinion. And so we would ask you to lift this symbol from its stricture and see that when one receives one’s law, rule of life, or, as the Rangers have done recently, developed a code of ethics, and one places them in a certain structure, then that structure can be imaged out forth into the world, but is a valuable focus for one time, one place, and one group. 2005/0403.txt:17:Q’uo, we have some questions from the group we call the Rangers. One of them is: “Could you comment on this question: ‘If one cannot be a monk of just one thing, can one be a monk of all things?’ This question is really about how to deal with the desire to live in a spiritually potent manner without leaving society.” 2005/0403.txt:19:In light of the preceding discussion of the nature of such a group as this present circle of seeking, it becomes obvious that any rule of life is easier to think about, articulate and explore when there is a group of like-minded entities which creates that sacred space where each is helping each to bring each other home. A group such as the Rangers has indeed the potential for creating such a group without the necessity for being in one place at one time; for the communication system of your internet and e-mail creates another kind of immediacy in which questions common to all can be explored. 2005/0403.txt:21:We welcome further questions upon these points from those known as the Rangers, but shall not attempt to anticipate them. 2005/0403.txt:24:There are two further queries from the Rangers. One of them asks if Q’uo would comment on any connections between counter-culture movements of various decades such as the 50’s beat generation, the 60’s flower children and the 80’s techno-rave movement? 2005/0403.txt:32:The last Ranger question is whether you would comment on the architect, LeCorbusier? I suspect he is of wanderer origins and would like to know if it is possible to share why his work manifested through architecture? 2005/0417.txt:14:Thank you, Q’uo. We do have three queries from the Rangers. The first of them is: “What is the nature of that pairing between two beings who find in each other that love and wisdom that connects them ‘not for a day, a week, or even a year, but for all eternity’?”1 2005/0417.txt:26:Thank you Q’uo. The Rangers’ next query asks, “In the higher densities, how does sexual attraction and companionship play out?” 2005/0417.txt:35:Yes, the Rangers’ third query reads, “Of the worlds Q’uo evolved from, how did they typically enter into fourth-density service? Namely, what cultures and sociological constructions did they move through on their way towards living in love?” 2005/0417.txt:47:Q’uo, that’s all from the Rangers. 2005/0501.txt:40:I had another thought. I hate to take so much time but it occurred to me, while you were speaking there, of course, a very good way to get beyond those bad feelings would be to develop a true sense of appreciation for the catalyst that was coming your way and causing this depression or whatever it may be. But it also occurred to me that deep down, maybe a person harbors anger about the incarnation that they’ve come into in this life and if one is able to forgive one’s true self for the cards that were dealt in a particular incarnation, to truly forgive, this would help the entire situation. Could you comment briefly on that? 2005/0624.txt:23:It is helpful, may we say, at the end of the day perhaps, or whenever you find it useful, to go back through the thoughts that you have taken this day. What thoughts have occupied your minds this day? What patterns of thoughts have caused for you concern, mental or emotional suffering and what triggered those reactions? Was it anger? Was it feelings of unworthiness? Was it jealousy? What is happening? 2005/0624.txt:44:Thank you, Q’uo. We have a friend who is a devout Christian and deeply dogmatic in her beliefs. She is fearful for her friends’ well-being, especially concerning channeling and the interests outside the Christian church. Can you give us some guidance on how to deal with this, and, in fact, how to deal with [our feelings of] anger? 2005/0716.txt:5:We’re setting out on kind of an adventure ourselves between Avalon and our Rangers. I was wondering if you have some history on the Confederation and their founding? 2005/0716.txt:7:Each of you, as you sit in this circle of seeking today, represents not only you, yourself, an unique and precious flower in the field of the Creator. You carry with you a family of unseen presences. Within this circle, for instance, there are overlapping groups. More than one entity within this group is not only an individual but also a family member of the community which is represented in fifth density and in sixth density families from which you came to serve upon planet Earth as wanderers offering, at great risk to yourselves, your very self in the hope that by your very being living in flesh and bone, strangers in a strange land indeed, you would be able to offer that energy of unconditional love that would help to anchor the fourth-density energies that now are being seated within the planet that is being born as we speak, that Gaia that is a fourth-density, positively-oriented planet. 2005/0716.txt:29:...and hearts in fear, in anger, in aggression, and in fear-based actions such as attempting to control resources. The seductive qualities of these energies lie in the simple facts of high second-density values such as those known to the great apes which are that type of second-density vehicle within which each of you now experiences life. These service-to-self oriented entities are well aware that their stated values echo instinctual values of the great-ape body and, in and of themselves, do not trigger a warning to the mind of the second-density body. It is perfectly naturally and entirely instinctual behavior within the great ape to protect the clan and the family, to gather resources that it will need and to defend against those who would disturb it. To awaken into third density itself is the challenge for the consciousness carried by this second-density body. 2005/0716.txt:40:We are those known to you as Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. What we would say to you is, perhaps, seemingly unhelpful, yet it is the heart of our message to all and that is that the work that you came here to do is work upon yourself. You are an individual. You are a member of the group of Rangers. You are a member of the tribe of humankind and you are a member of the creative principle. When you act, you act for and by yourself and yet, at the same time, you act as a Ranger and as a human and as the Creator. All of these aspects of yourself are equally true. 2005/0716.txt:41:The aspect upon which you consciously can do work is the individual aspect. We would encourage you, therefore, to work within yourself, bringing yourself each day and each moment to the most sharp focus you can, to the highest tuning that you can carry in a stable and conscious manner, to the highest picture of dedication and service that you are comfortably able to achieve. You cannot know, nor does it matter, that you are, at the same time as you work on yourself, working on your group, the Rangers, working on your tribe of humankind and working as the Creator. It is not necessary that you see into these deeper and wider parts of yourself. It is important simply to keep the focus of consciousness bright so that you are a candle. We have said many times through this instrument that it would seem that one candle is a very weak thing, yet one candle can be seen for well over a mile if a line of sight is unobstructed. And a candle in the darkness is hope. So you represent, knowingly, one person and one process and one offering of love to the infinite Creator; yet you also are the candle that the wind cannot snuff out, that the darkness cannot overcome, and that no amount of denial by those who would embrace the dark can deny. You exist, a point of light and love. Simply know that as you do your work, as you breath in love and breath it out again, consciously blessing that energy as it moves through you, you are affecting your group, your tribe, and the Creator Itself. 2005/0716.txt:42:We would encourage you, in fact, not to crusade for those ideas which we offer you this day. It is not a matter of the sharing of information, this matter of awakening the heart of humankind. It is more of an infective process. You are the secret agent of energies such as faith and hope. As entities about you see that you are undismayed by the apparent chaos around you, that you are hopeful in the face of all that you do not at all deny but instead, embrace, there comes to light within entities which dared not hope before the attractive possibility of hope. As entities see you launching yourself into the mid-air of a fool, leaping into the abyss by faith alone and then, as they notice that you are riding that abyss in joy, there awakens within breasts to which faith was previous a stranger that possibility of another way of looking at the illusion of planet Earth. As you penetrate the illusion, your eyes seeing clearly the light and love of the one infinite Creator, those who look into your eyes know what they cannot express and see what they cannot describe, and, for the first time, they believe in the possibility of faith. 2005/0824.txt:6:We would also say to you that these characteristics have been achieved at some cost. As you continue on your path, we would encourage you simply to continue to follow the threads that are offered to you in the moment, whether they be treats of the eye, visitations by, shall we say, your totem, or those many synchronicities of number, name and word that one discovers in moving through the normal day-to-day experiences of, as this instrument would say, the street signs, the billboards, and the conversations with strangers as one goes about one’s chores. 2005/0824.txt:66:As this attitude opened the way to service to others on one level, just so did it close some perceptual doors on other levels, making it nearly impossible for this entity later in life to abandon caution and open those doors which would allow him to experience the full range of emotions further. The deep wells of compassion that were within him were blocked from his own ability to experience them because, rather than allowing himself to experience anger, frustration, and even rage at the necessities of his life his conscious desire was to serve others and by that he intended to mean his family group. 2005/0824.txt:69:We hope that this will give you some feeling about how, with great care and patience, to move back into some of those earlier decisions and experiences and give yourself permission at last to experience the rage, the anger, the fury and the concomitant guilt at having those feelings that may have indeed caused you to block your own perception of the great range of emotions to which you indeed do have access and which you have used throughout your life in a very full manner on the unconscious level. 2005/0904.txt:69:We can say that all of those who are wanderers are also people of Earth. In a sense all who draw breath have wandered far from their native land. All are “strangers in a strange land” as the one known as Robert Heinlein said. All are spirits which have come into flesh and are having a physical experience. Yet your physical beingness is one more mask, which you are wearing with style and grace, we may add. 2005/0905.txt:7:There is a tremendous burden, shall we say, of grief [that] this decision has created as catalyst for this instrument to use as a gift as she works through it and acknowledges and processes her legitimate and authentic feelings and emotions. Change is difficult to accommodate. This instrument, herself, is not yet aware on a conscious level of this burden or gift of grief or the other attendant and seemingly negative emotions connected with this decision to change churches. There is anger and frustration and it is directed not at others, but at herself. How could she be so foolish as to become weak in the body? How could she be so poor in worth as to be unable to carry on with a pattern that fit her life and suited her personality for thirty-seven years? 2005/0905.txt:14:Change and all of its concomitant gifts of struggle, pondering, adjustment and all of its emotional burdens or gifts such as frustration and anger at having to change and that lack of self-confidence as to whether one will be able to weather the change satisfactorily, do not feel either helpful or comfortable. One is very tempted to ask the self why one must go through these changes. The basic question here, my sister, is why life is all about repeated times of change. We would answer that by asking you to consider yourself in a way that you perhaps have not considered yourself before. 2005/1009.txt:34:It is important not to scorn the company of those who do not seem to be awake and seeking. All entities are moved by the tides of creation and whether or not they have any knowledge of being a part of your guidance system, as they pass you they are, by virtue of their being, for that moment, a part of your guidance system. Honor, respect and cherish these strangers and listen for that ping. 2005/1016.txt:52:Indeed, surface emotions are energies that we might wish for another word to use to describe! Because emotion itself is enormously valuable. As you are able to purify the emotions of anger, love, discouragement, despair, grief, jealousy and so forth, you begin to enter archetypal rivers that flow deep within your mind, taking you to truer and truer places within your being and to places where power is gathered as water is gathered into a cistern. 2005/1016.txt:58:Q’uo, I have a question from the one known as F, who is experiencing a kundalini awakening. Can you advise on how best she can cope with these intense energies she experiences in the head and crown chakra and the pain from intense headaches? Is there any change, is there any danger to the physical vehicle? 2005/1106.txt:30:It is that place from which your inspiration comes. Your heart dwells at all times in this metaphysical world. The safe place that you need in order to move through these cyclical times of difficulty lies within you. And yet you must journey to you as if you were a stranger coming from afar to the city gates of your own heart. 2005/1120.txt:36:However, in this instrument’s humble opinion, the ideals for which the organization stands and which it holds dear are sturdy and are in no danger of being torn down by criticism. 2005/1121.txt:54:In the face of anger, remember compassion. 2005/1212.txt:10:That which you have achieved is excellent and we do not warn you in the sense of feeling that there is some great danger that you may fall below harvestable grade. We simply wish to make the point that the lifetime continues on, moment by moment, until that point at which the pattern is finished at last. And it is that tuning, at the point where the pattern is finished, which shall be the tuning with which you enter the process of graduation. 2005/1218.txt:30:We speak in extremely non-literal terms here, and are basically speaking of all of those energies of self that have escaped your attention up until now. Perhaps they did not so much escape your attention as that you felt that they were unworthy of attention. There are energies such as shame, guilt, jealousy and anger that are systematically and ritually downplayed and discouraged in terms of outer expression within your culture. Nevertheless, these too need to be taken up, brought up into the light of attention, and given respect. These, too, are ways that you feel. These, too, are worthy to be examined, inspected, analyzed and accompanied in whatever amount of time it takes for you to begin to be able to see their virtue and their value. 2005/1218.txt:32:The quality of anger, for instance, once translated into unquenchable stubbornness in dedication to service, can become the powerhouse that it was intended to be, but this cannot occur until the virtue of anger is seen straight on, for its own self and its own essence. 2005/1219.txt:31:We realize that gazing at this situation, there is the possibility of creating within oneself an easy and seductive anger, or even rage. We would encourage each of you to take this entire situation lightly, to let it slide off your back. This is not a burden for you to pick up. This is not something for which you can be responsible or over which you have any control. 2005/2.txt:10: [overview] Question from B: We’re setting out on kind of an adventure ourselves between Avalon and our Rangers. I was wondering if you have some history on the Confederation and their founding? 2005/4.txt:11: [overview] The question today has to do with the catastrophe that occurred a week ago this morning in south Asia. Ra has mentioned that during the transition into the fourth density, the Earth would be releasing heat, the pent-up heat of the anger, war and disharmony that has been so prevalent on this planet for most of its recorded history, human history. We’re wondering if this earthquake and tsunami in south Asia is simply a part of that releasing of the heat? Is it a significant event that might signal a certain portion of this releasing of heat is completed? Could Q’uo give us an idea of what the real causes of such a catastrophe might be and what we might expect from our future in relation to further such catastrophes? 2006/0123.txt:57:When you are involved with a transaction with a stranger in a store, my sister, stop just a moment and look at that person with new eyes. Here is the Creator. Here is the Creator. Where is the love in this transaction? If you do not feel it from the other entity, then you shall need to be the author of what love there is in the situation. 2006/0212.txt:14:Or is it instead, my friends, a manger? And does the Creator await you as a child or an infant lying in the straw, waiting for you to swaddle it with your recognition of the Christ within? 2006/0328.txt:12:Games such as this have a mixed polarity in terms of their effect upon the people who play them. In one sense, there is something to be said for a person who is aware that, within the heart, she has many hostile and aggressive feelings which she cannot, in good conscience, express in the normal course of everyday life. Such a seeker may consciously choose to play such an aggressive game in order to express the shadow side of the self in terms of negative emotions like anger, impatience, judgment and resentment in a way that does not infringe on anyone’s free will. [When] played in a conscious way, where the time is dedicated to expressing such feelings in a non-harmful manner, such an entity may experience a psychological release from the opportunity which has been taken to unload the harmful and toxic emotions and remove [them] from the interior emotional system of the self. 2006/0328.txt:26:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. There is very little net gain or loss of polarity because of gaming. Certainly, in some entities who are already negatively polarized, some of the more aggressive and hostile games help them to hone the edge of their anger and rage. But for the most part the net result of these games is distraction and sleep, along the lines of your television, your movies, and your other entertainment. 2006/0416.txt:26:We do feel that there is little or no danger that the Earth herself, in her movement into full fourth-density existence, shall need to express a global catastrophe that would cause a physical rapture to occur. As we have said before through this instrument, what we see as we gaze into the mind and the heart of your people as a global tribe is a troubling tendency to seek aggression and war instead of diplomacy and conversation. This tendency multiplied throughout a power-hungry world could result in your nation-states acting aggressively in such a manner as to set off a true doomsday with their bombs. This is possible. 2006/0418.txt:13:Your remaining query had to do with the dangers that might possibly be involved in penetrating the veil of forgetting. We believe that we have expressed a sufficient degree of caution concerning this avenue of exploration. It is entirely up to you as to whether you wish to move forward with this investigation. Certainly it is fascinating to discover details of past lives and to muse and ponder upon the information that you have gained. There are times that spontaneous information will come to you—we correct this instrument—there are times when such information will come to you spontaneously. When it comes to [you] spontaneously and organically, it is part of the flow of your natural process of spiritual evolution. It is an indication that your higher self feels that you are capable of being responsible for this information and putting it to excellent use. 2006/0707.txt:45:It is not usually a one-to-one or linear relationship between pain or suffering and the metaphysical reason for the pain. It is a comfortable and easy thing for outsiders to look at someone with a bad back or an ulcer or a cancer and say, “Oh, that person may be carrying too much, and that’s why the back hurts,” or “Oh, that person must be worrying too much and that’s why the ulcer is there,” or “That person must be feeling great anger inside and that is why the cancer is there.” 2006/0825.txt:31:When we translate that reality back into your question, we say that within you lie rivers and oceans of purified emotion that constitute an archetypical world. You can touch into emotion that has moved through all of its more shallow expressions and into that which is beautiful and pure of its kind, leached of pity and impurity, sorrow and anger, until the emotion you experience is the essence of sorrow, the essence of pain, the essence of impatience. 2006/0926.txt:25:Speaking of fear is a different matter, my brother. Fear is that contraction which occurs when one feels that one is at risk. Since life itself is a bad risk, ending surely in death, it is the human condition to experience fear. The universe is unfathomable and uncontrolable. Why should there not be fear within the heart of all beings who are able to watch while difficult and challenging situations occur all around them? It seems a dangerous place to be, planet Earth, does it not? 2006/1112.txt:51:I am concerned that people on planet Earth do not have good information and that their ignorance could jeopardize the entire planet. Ra said of those unawakened beings in their third-density experience that, “To those who wish to sleep we could only offer those comforts designed for the sleeping.” What if Earth’s sleepers endangered the entire planet by creating the conditions which could precipitate nuclear war by failing to counteract the control that the service-to-self leadership exercises on such a wide and pervasive scale? 2006/1116.txt:7:The main question is, I’m seeking to understand the dynamics involved in relating to my indigo child. It seems to me that my child has such a powerful psychic link to me that even slight variations in my mood and in my ability to tolerate frustration are reflected in my son’s sometimes challenging moods of anger and frustration. Is this an accurate perception? If so, are there metaphors, fields of inquiry, images, analogies or spiritual principles which come into play in this developing relationship, which will help me experience this relationship and treat my son in the most loving and skillful way? 2006/1210.txt:22:But within the deep mind of each entity lies many a doorway into fear. And fear has many friends. Fear can produce anger. It can produce unworthiness. It can produce guilt. It can produce many difficult and dark emotions and feelings. 2006/1210.txt:55:It does not muddy the experience but rather enriches the experience of positive emotion. Because of the nature of darker emotions there is the tendency to find a muddying effect in emotions like anger and fear. Consequently, those working on the path of service to self have a real disadvantage at this time for they must, with exquisite care, find the true heart of those purified emotions. However, for those on the path of service to others, the differences are seen as articulations or waterfalls or linns or cascades. And as you watch the water flowing from these linns and catching the light, you may see the rainbows of different effects as they fall through you and you become one with these purified rivers and streams of emotion. 2007/0121.txt:6:Most entities involved in violence, whether personally or on behalf of a group such as a nation-state, are not habitually in a state of rage, anger or other violent emotions. Most have responded to the need to defend that which they hold dear. In the end, many involved in violence on behalf of their nation-state die attempting to protect their loved ones at home and the safety of the home environment. 2007/0408.txt:26:When you are tuning your thoughts towards thankfulness, joy and worship, your vibration is moving upwards. Your frequency of vibration is increasing. When you allow thoughts of depression, disappointment, grief, anger, resentment and other such negative emotions to persist in your consciousness, and especially when you allow them to become habitual, you begin to vibrate at a lower rate of vibration. You simply cannot enjoy fourth-density vibrations. They seem to be attacking the body. 2007/0408.txt:36:When you face the darkness within you, you can ask it to work for you. You can say, “I need you. I need you, anger. I need you, grief. I need you, all seemingly negative emotions, because I need to persevere. I need to keep going. And you are my grit. You are my resolve. You are the iron that strengthens my will and encourages me to return to my faith. Come with me on this journey. Let us, dark and light side, worship and love the one infinite Creator in its mystery.” 2007/0408.txt:44:And so this entity, too, has broken through a kind of barrier that, once broken through, opens up a vista that is infinite. When realizations of this nature occur, there is a mark left in the pond of local time. It is as if each realization is a pebble being dropped into that local, personal time experience, so that there are waves and ripples and disturbances. They are local. They are not dangerous. But they are definitely there. And they will only be found or be perceived by entities who are able to tune into the warp and woof of space/time. 2007/0422.txt:21:At the end of each day, therefore, it is very helpful to review the catalyst that you have picked up that day. What has moved you towards the positive? What has made you experience negative emotions, so-called in your society, such as anger, guilt and resentment? 2007/0731.txt:76:What wanderers usually do not realize is that that which is so obvious and easy from the other side of the veil is impossible to read and difficult to bear within the thick veiling of the third density of Earth, with its free will and its extremely thick veil. The danger always is that the wanderer will not wake up, or, if it is partially awake, that it will awaken only to complain that it is not comfortable, that it wants to go home, that it must leave this place that is so polluted and dirty. 2007/0807.txt:20:For those who take this purgative way and allow it to shape them, it will certainly result in your graduation. And the fruit of your being shall be delicious to the Creator as you pour out to this source and ending all that you have felt and thought, everything at which you have laughed, and all of those experiences in which you sobbed and wept and despaired. Even your angers, your jealousies, your lust, your greed, and every vice has its information for the Creator. 2007/0812.txt:23:They may seem to be like wild animals when first you take them up, for indeed you have powers within you that are very strong and seem ultimately negative. When they are not developed by the light within you, they may act out as murder, war, jealousy, anger, hatred, guilt, resentment and all the brothers and sisters of these energies. 2007/0812.txt:83:[footnote start]This channeling session closed the L/L Research Gathering on Mackinac Island, which took place on August 11-13, 2007. The two speeches which Carla L. Rueckert offered at this Gathering can be found in “Carla’s Niche” under “Speeches” on our archive site, www.llresearch.org.↩[footnote end][footnote start]William Henry offered two talks at the Mackinac Island Gathering. To look further into his material, go to his web site, www.williamhenry.net.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Here the Q’uo group refers to Donald T. Elkins, co-founder with Carla of L/L Research. Don passed into larger life in 1984.↩[footnote end][footnote start]The story, in its original form, seen here, is not credited to a source. The text is:An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil. He is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is good. He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humanity, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. The same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person too.”The grandson thought about it for a minute and asked the grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Holy Bible, Matthew 5:14-16: “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]This phrase is from a poem written by E. A. Cummins in 1922. It was set to music by A. G. H. Bode in 1941 and is a hymn in the Episcopal Hymnal. It reads, in part, “I know not where the road will lead I follow day by day, or where it ends; I only know I walk the King’s Highway. The way is truth, the way is love. For light and strength I pray. And through the years of life, to God, I walk the King’s Highway. Through light and dark the road leads on ‘til dawns the endless day, when I shall know why, in this life, I walk the King’s Highway.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Rudolph Steiner created a body of teachings called Anthroposophy which was quite in harmony with the Law of One teachings. He posited that all of creation is unified. The O\L\O\R\O\N\O exercises are part of his teachings called Eurhythmy. A good web site to seek for further information is www.rsarchive.org/Eurhythmy/.↩[footnote end] 2007/0902.txt:1: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, has to do with channeling. We have a group of people who would like to learn how to channel in order to be of service to others, starting next year when Carla initiates a channeling circle. They have some concerns about the dangers of channeling, about one’s will being affected by a strong channeling source, and about getting holes in one’s aura. Are there some spiritual principles which you could share with us that would help those who wish to channel to protect themselves and to be of service to others in this endeavor? 2007/0902.txt:6:We have watched with interest as this instrument has gone about the process of choosing to offer a channeling circle once again. We find it interesting that the alarm bells are ringing on an emergency vehicle in the vicinity of this house1 as we take up the question of whether or not there are dangers involved in introducing yourself and your personality shell to the service of channeling thoughts from entities such as we. 2007/0902.txt:7:On one level the answer is unknown, for events fall according to a rhythm that cannot be known ahead of time. However, we may speak in generalities and say that it would be an extremely rare event, and indeed one that has not occurred in the experience of this instrument, that entities working within a channeling circle were vulnerable to any physical, mental or emotional danger at all. 2007/0902.txt:23:This instrument has talked to this group about the dangers inherent in opening a channel to outside energies such as we. And so we would speak about this to a certain extent. 2007/0902.txt:25:The crystal that you are may be tuned. As a new instrument begins to try its wings, shall we say, it quickly becomes familiar with the feeling of that particular contact which it has been able to receive. The danger lies in assuming that because an energy coming in feels right, that this energy is necessarily the energy which you wish to receive. This is why this instrument’s use of the challenging process is effective. And it is that which we shall discuss with those who wish to learn to be instruments for us in some depth and detail. 2007/0907.txt:63:This instrument likes to look at such refraining from responding to anger with anger as a Beatitude because of this instrument’s Christian background. The Beatitudes are those sentences in the New Testament which have to do with being blessed when you mourn or when you are poor in spirit and so forth.1 They are blessings because they are grist for the mill for that one who is focused, not on the self but on the Creator; not on fear, but on love; not on maintaining an ego, but on becoming an ever more pure radiation of the one infinite Creator. 2007/0908.txt:5:There is always that danger, when a seemingly advanced entity speaks. One feels one ought to listen. We encourage you not to feel that you ought to do anything whatsoever but follow your heart. 2007/0922.txt:32:Yet accepting the self goes beyond describing oneself as a wretch, as does the old hymn Amazing Grace.6 It is almost, in this song, as if grace were the Lone Ranger that comes riding into town and saves the wretch from whatever peccadilloes or villains the Western desert has brought forth to threaten or to condemn. There is, in accepting the self, the necessity to move beyond the need for others’ acceptance of you and, likewise, to move beyond the need to beg acceptance of a higher power. For if one depends forever upon a higher power to be acceptable or to achieve acceptance or goodness as a spirit, then one can never become the Creator, but shall always remain a beggar at the Lord’s table. 2007/0922.txt:74:[footnote start]Ra, The Law of One, Book II, Session 74, October 28, 1981: “The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold. One, know your self. Two, accept your self. Three, become the Creator.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]The Homecoming 2007 curriculum was based on a study of the chakras. This curriculum and its supporting materials can be found on the L/L Research site, in the “Library” section, under “Homecomings and Gatherings.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]A leitmotif is defined by www.dictionary.com as “a theme associated throughout a music drama with a particular person, situation, or idea.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Holy Bible, Matthew 25: 34-40: “Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]From the album, “Mystic Journey,” the partial lyrics of the song, “Moon Dance,” Copyright Arlo Guthrie, all rights reserved, are: [lyrics start] “As the seabird flies above 2007/1006.txt:26:This particular group has had a practice at the winter solstice of setting the bonfire and giving to the dark all of those things that they would wish to be gone from their world—poverty, illness, anger and war and all of those difficult and intransigent4 energies of violence and greed. And this is a good practice, we feel. It is good to mark these points within your cycle of the year and cooperate as fully as you can with the special energies of those times. 2007/1013.txt:10:They were walking along the dusty road to a town called Emmaus. Part way through the day they were joined by a stranger who joined their conversation. Soon the stranger was offering them thoughts upon the scriptures which they were discussing that seemed most inspiring. It was not until later, when they had stopped for the evening, prepared a fire, and were cooking fish to eat for their supper, that they became aware that this stranger was the risen Lord, Jesus the Christ, among them and speaking with them as if he were still alive, earthly and with them in flesh as well as spirit. 2007/1124.txt:31:Ask yourself what thoughts you may have had this day where your even tenor and your open heart were interrupted even momentarily. And then move to those points of departure from the even keel of an open and flowing energy body. If some issue has arisen that has closed the heart even for a second, it is well to move into that emotion once again, relive it, and even exaggerate it so that you have a very conscious and thoughtful awareness of just what happened, just what it was that caused that feeling of, say, impatience, anger, jealousy or even great joy. Anything that takes you away from the open heart and stops the flow of energy is deserving of an examination. 2007/1215.txt:11:Firstly, we would suggest that each of you is that element which is light born into darkness. Whatever your natural day of birth, you share the birthday of Jesus the Christ in terms of what some among you would call the time of being born again. You are each the infant Jesus the Christ, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in the rough manger which holds the hay for the cows to eat. 2007/1215.txt:14:It is a poignant moment. And it says a good deal about the human condition. It evokes, as the one known as Jim said to this instrument recently, contemplation of the nature of relationships. For the one known as Jesus, this precious point of light coming into the world, could not have survived infanthood had it not been for the web of relationships he had with his parents and with the owner of the inn that allowed Mary a place to rest her head on the night of his birth, while the shepherds flocked to that manger and formed a deep relationship with this infant. 2007/1229.txt:61:[footnote start]This phrase refers to a book by Ram Dass, titled Be Here Now. It was published in 1971 in San Cristobal, NM, by the Lama Foundation, ISBN 0-517-54305-2. It is still in print.↩[footnote end][footnote start]This phrase had been used in the round-robin discussion which preceded this channeling.↩[footnote end][footnote start]nexus: a means of connection; a tie; a link.↩[footnote end][footnote start]The song to which the Q’uo refers is Frank Sinatra’s recording of “Strangers In The Night,” a 1966 song composed by Bert Kaempfert, © Bert Kaempfert, all rights reserved. The lyrics themselves have nothing to do with Q’uo’s comment. In most printed versions of the lyrics, the part to which Q’uo refers is considered “scat” and rendered “dooby dooby do.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]The Q’uo group refers to Rick Pitino. He uses the phrase, “the precious present” in his motivational writing. He takes the phrase from the eponymous book by Spencer Johnson.↩[footnote end][footnote start]miscible: an adjective meaning “that can be mixed in all proportions. Used of liquids.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]transduce: to convert (energy) from one form into another.↩[footnote end] 2007/2.txt:3: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, has to do with channeling. We have a group of people who would like to learn how to channel in order to be of service to others, starting next year when Carla initiates a channeling circle. They have some concerns about the dangers of channeling, about one’s will being affected by a strong channeling source, and about getting holes in one’s aura. Are there some spiritual principles which you could share with us that would help those who wish to channel to protect themselves and to be of service to others in this endeavor? 2008/0107.txt:1: [overview] S: “All my life I’ve been dealing with the feeling of not being good enough and with anger. I feel the anger very strongly in [dealing with] my mother and I can feel it in [dealing with] my children too. What are the spiritual principles involved in not feeling “good enough,” ending in anger? What am I supposed to learn from these feelings? Does this have something to do with self-acceptance?” 2008/0107.txt:3:We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. The speaker this evening is the one known as Hatonn.1 We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this day. Thank you, my brothers and my sisters, for creating this sacred time for seeking the truth. It is a joy to join your circle of seeking and to be a part of this session of working. We especially thank the one known as S for requesting information regarding feelings of unworthiness and anger. It is a privilege to be asked for our opinion and a joy to offer our humble thoughts. 2008/0107.txt:7:The two emotions of which the one known as S speaks, unworthiness and anger, are part of what most seekers would call the dark side or the shadow side of the self. 2008/0107.txt:13:Certainly the journey from discovering that one feels unworthy or one feels angry to the place in the journey where one embraces the unworthiness and the anger and loves it unconditionally, is a long journey. Yet, my sister, it is a worthwhile journey and one that has a sweetness to it. For each time you are able to move into a position of greater understanding of your own trigger points and reactions, you have gained part of that fragmented self that has been lost to the shadow side of self. And as you bring it into the light of your own attention, you are able to work with it and to help this feeling to become matured and ripened and begin to have more and more of a clarity and a purity. 2008/0107.txt:36:Anger is generally a byproduct of judgment, and that is why we say it is dependent upon the feeling of unworthiness. We would differentiate between the emotion of righteous anger, which is involved with a sense of justice and fair play, and the anger that springs up seemingly out of nothing in response to something someone says or the small unfairnesses of life. 2008/0107.txt:37:It is not necessary for a person to experience a relationship with another person in order to feel anger. Anger can be generated by the self all alone, because of the rich array of triggers there are buried in everyday experiences. Say one has a hammer and a nail and one takes the hammer and tries to pound the nail, but instead hits the thumb. Anger arises right on the [tail] of judgment. The first feeling is an instantaneous judgment of the self: “I’m not worthwhile, I can’t hit the nail.” Then comes the anger. Perhaps the seeker is not even aware of that judgment of unworthiness that has preceded the anger, for anger arises so swiftly. Yet it arises because of the self-judgment. 2008/0107.txt:38:Do we suggest that one becomes impervious to anger and no longer has that impulse toward anger after working with anger for a long period of time? No, we do not suggest that. Again, the human makeup is such that there will always be those imperfections that remain. There is no virtue in thinking, “I can stamp this out of my nature. I can move beyond this. I can rise above this.” 2008/0107.txt:39:My sister, we would never suggest that you rise above your anger or your sense of unworthiness, for that would be leaving a part of yourself behind. Not that you are an unworthy or an angry being, but that is part of the complete array of positive and negative, light and dark, radiant and magnetic parts of the self. And it is your whole self that the one infinite Creator loves above all telling; not the good self or the worthy self or the peaceful self but the self who is all things worthy and unworthy, peaceful and every other dynamic that can be thought of. 2008/0107.txt:41:We would ask you to woo yourself as if you were your own lover. At first the self is shy and you, the healer, must say, “Oh, please, I will not be offended. I want to hear about your unworthiness. I want to hear about your anger. Please come and tell me your story and I will listen and I will not judge. I will love you and I will have compassion on you.” 2008/0107.txt:42:Gradually, then, you begin to create for yourself the feeling of being healed, so that when you are triggered you know that you are triggered and you are not swept up in the surface feelings any longer. Your feelings begin to have a depth to them because you have the impulse that is triggered and then you have the awareness that you have worked so hard to gain: “Ah, here is unworthiness. Ah, here is anger.” And you love your unworthiness, you love your anger, you love the emotions that make you who you are. And love gradually dissolves the bitterness that is your instinctive reaction to these surface impulses that do not please you as a spiritual seeker and do not seem to ring true. 2008/0322.txt:20:To the first entity, there is little danger of being swept up in an overmasteringly beautiful religion or spiritual system. For the second type of entity there is the danger of losing the self and becoming instead identified in his own mind with that one way of thought. 2008/0426.txt:77:And talking of negative polarity metaphysically speaking, you are not looking so much at the outer estate as you are looking at the possibilities of employing the path-that-is-not. Employing the path-that-is-not means denying that you and the other are one. Whether a negatively polarized entity is on top or on the bottom in terms of the estate he enjoys in society, he is equally capable of honing the edge of his anger and his separation from all others. 2008/0513.txt:43:Even the darkest of emotions may become part of your very grit and determination. That energy that was used for anger can become that energy that is unwilling to give up the dream, the hope, the prayer, the intention. Meet yourself in every conversation, not only as you speak, but as others speak to you, and contemplate at your leisure the many facets of yourself. 2008/0913.txt:45:Another way that the heart can be defended is with anger and resentment, which builds concrete walls about the heart in order that it shall not be harmed again. Many years may go into the building of these walls. How can they be taken down? The world is a dangerous place. 2008/1011.txt:77:We are those of Q’uo, my brother. To answer that query we must put you into the negative mindset. To the negative mindset, karma is delicious. The building up of it is delicious. There is joy in creating more karma because this is the by-product of control over others and manipulation of others. Consequently, there is no attempt to alleviate karma in the service-to-self path, but only to hone the edge of rage and anger until it is ever more penetrating and ever more effective. 2008/1025.txt:82:[footnote start]Ra, June 12, 1981, Session 57. Here is more of the quote, for aid in seeing the context: “You are aware of the concept of initiation and realize that it demands the centering of the being upon the seeking of the Creator. We have hoped to balance this understanding by enunciating the Law of One; that is, that all things are the one Creator. Thus seeking the Creator is done not just in meditation and in the work of an adept but in the experiential nexus of each moment. “The initiation of the Queen’s Chamber has to do with the abandoning of self to such desire to know the Creator in full that the purified in-streaming light is drawn in balanced fashion through all energy centers, meeting in indigo and opening the gate to intelligent infinity. Thus the entity experiences true life or, as your people call it, resurrection.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Ra, February 4, 1981, Session 18.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Ra, April 22, 1981, Session 48. The surrounding quotation is: “There are adepts who have penetrated many, many of the energy centers and several of the true colors. This must be done with utmost care while in the physical body for as we noted when speaking of the dangers of linking red/orange/yellow circuitry with true color blue circuitry the potential for disarrangement of the mind/body/spirit complex is great. However, the entity who penetrates intelligent infinity is basically capable of walking the universe with unfettered tread.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Ra, January 28, 1981, Session 11:↩[footnote end] 2008/1213.txt:55:We attempted to describe some of the parameters which you may consider. The reason that we do not warn you against it is that were such a channeling circle to be ineffective, it, nevertheless, would not place those attempting to receive our transmissions in a difficult or dangerous place. 2008/2.txt:12: [overview] S: “All my life I’ve been dealing with the feeling of not being good enough and with anger. I feel the anger very strongly in [dealing with] my mother and I can feel it in [dealing with] my children too. What are the spiritual principles involved in not feeling “good enough,” ending in anger? What am I supposed to learn from these feelings? Does this have something to do with self-acceptance?” 2009/0110.txt:19:We give you the example of this instrument it spoke of earlier in the round-robin talk that preceded this meditation, of being in the hospital and experiencing a fairly long period of discomfort that seemed to her to be completely unnecessary. It would have been very easy for this instrument to listen to those insidious voices, to feel self pity, to feel anger, to feel self-judgment. However, this instrument chose, and well she chose, to give thanks, knowing from experience that such times of challenge are gifts hard to open but sweet in the opening. 2009/0110.txt:23:The beauty of this obviously distorted choice is that while fourth density wages this war, it bleeds away the harshest of the fear, anger and other negative emotions which lie within the red-ray’s inner planes, which constitute a great engine of fear which pops out in third density as geysers of negativity coming up through the mud of the subconscious and into the mind. 2009/0124.txt:19:We say this to point out that the mind of the world can take you only so far, whereas the mind of the heart, that consciousness of love, can transform your world into a beautiful place. It can transform the daily grind into a great adventure. Say that you are attempting to deal with a family member that seems to be intractably determined to avoid coming into harmony with you. The challenge then is to re-see that family member. See that entity as the Christ and watch your defensiveness and anger subside. 2009/0214.txt:18:The entity who drives a car poorly and surges into your lane on the interstate highway can trigger negative emotions; that is, emotions that have a negative vibe. They might include fear, rage and anger. That triggering catalyst has therefore caused your energy body to narrow so that the full flow of the Creator’s prana or light/love is not getting through to the heart chakra. It is a totally understandable bias to have these feelings concerning the stranger who didn’t even see you, and who almost, or so it feels, took your life. As you look at these moments of being triggered away from balance you are able to effect a kind of healing of that imbalance by virtue of allowing your original emotion to intensify and then asking the dynamic opposite of those feelings to appear. 2009/0314.txt:19:Yet, how easy it is, when you know somebody very well, to be careless with your words. You know the other’s weaknesses. You know the other’s suffering. You know those points that are painful to contemplate. You know those memories, the reminder of which shall cause another pain. And when there is anger or resentment because of catalyst that has not yet been processed, how easy it is to push a button, to evoke a sad memory, or otherwise to cause pain by your words. 2009/0314.txt:23:Self-knowledge then leads you to a greater awareness of yourself. All things that are challenging to you are those things which promote spiritual maturity in those who are willing to work with the catalyst that has been given. It is against the ways of your culture to give thanks for the challenges of insult and injury through words. It is the way of your culture to respond in words of anger. 2009/0314.txt:25:Do the work that anger offers you, that resentment offers you, that suffering offers you, within yourself. Give yourself time to work through difficult emotions. But insofar as you are able, refrain from sharing those difficulties with those about you. Realize that it is a delicate thing to determine what is a just communication and what is a bullying or a manipulative conversation. 2009/0425.txt:35:Yet, we do feel that as the spiritual journey moves forward and the spirit within becomes a more mature one within a seeker, the danger of lack of humility does fade. It does not disappear, but it becomes clearer to one, as one goes forward, when one has gotten off that beam of love and light and service to others and has become involved within the self once again. 2009/0811.txt:1: [overview] Question from G: In Session 52 of The Law of One series, Ra says there is great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger, for it may be used even subconsciously in a way reducing the polarity of the entity.1 2009/0811.txt:53:[footnote start]Here is that quote in context: “Ra: Acceptance of self, forgiveness of self, and the direction of the will; this is the path towards the disciplined personality. Your faculty of will is that which is powerful within you as co-Creator. You cannot ascribe to this faculty too much importance. Thus it must be carefully used and directed in service to others for those upon the positively oriented path.“There is great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger, for it may be used even subconsciously in ways reducing the polarity of the entity.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]This quotation is a paraphrase of Jesus Christ’s words in the Garden of Gethsemane, the night before He was crucified. The reference is, Holy Bible, Mark 14:36, “And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]When consulted for his interpretation of this “brickbat,” K wrote, “A brickbat is a very blunt criticism, a meaning derived from the analogy of using bricks as weapons. To be candid, I give the infinite Creator a lot of verbal abuse, apart from praise and worship.”↩[footnote end] 2009/0906.txt:7:The energy spiked a great deal because of the fact that many of you do not have the opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions freely with those about you in your home milieu. For some of you more than others, then, it will feel as though, when you leave here and go back to your home, you are actually leaving your home and going back to a place where you are a stranger in a strange land. 2009/0906.txt:41:There are inevitably many things that move you from this pleasant, poised position in the center of your own integrity. Your child will feel you assessing and responding to those moments of catalyst that pull you away from the tuning you would prefer and she will experience you as you discipline your personality to lift off of irritation and anger, disappointment and other negative emotions, and settle again upon an awareness that all is well. 2009/0906.txt:42:We speak now of simple faith, faith that cannot be explained or justified, for faith is not faith in anything. It is simply faith. When you know that all is well and that everything you receive is a gift from the infinite Creator, then you can focus on how to unwrap that gift, whatever it is and however negative it may seem. When you are absorbed in unwrapping that gift, your irritation turns to thoughtfulness. Your anger turns to contemplation. And you transform your little world as you respond to this catalyst. Your child will feel all of that and this process will continually underscore her feeling of safety and security. 2009/0912.txt:36:There is a spiritual process going on within the life of each of you. It is infinitely complex, intricate and subtle. The outer catalyst comes into your energy field and impinges upon it according to your biases, giving you feelings of discomfort, grief, anger and other seemingly negative emotions. 2009/1.txt:3: [overview] Jim: The question this evening has to do with emotions. We recognize love and fear as being polar opposites and we’re wondering if all the other emotions, such as jealousy, anger, doubt, greed, gluttony and so forth are some sort of a mixture of fear with love and if there is positive use that we can make of these supposedly negative emotions. Is there some benefit we can get from working with these emotions? What spiritual principles can we use to look at the various emotions that we come across in our daily lives? 2009/1013.txt:14:You see, the catalyst is not so much about anyone else as it is about you. The work that you do spiritually is not so much about others as it is about yourself. When you become able to gaze into such catalyst with gratitude and thanksgiving, you are free of the fear and the anger and other negative emotions that will close your heart. And as you love that shadow in yourself, you find that you can gaze for the first time at such an entity that is attempting to harm you, and you are then able to see past the mirroring effect to the unity betwixt you and the other self and the Creator. 2009/1128.txt:8:Therefore, we suggest neither that one rely completely upon the intellect and the use of the logical mind nor that one rely only upon the energies and essences of faith and direct apprehension or gnosis. Rather, we suggest that you become aware of the situation in which you have placed yourself as a stranger in a strange land, and as a native of that land within the body of bone and muscle, that chemical distillery that carries you so well through your physical incarnation. 2009/1128.txt:22:It is as though one asked an old person what he had lost by becoming old. He could say, “I have lost my looks, my teeth, my sense, my ability to go four hours without going to the bathroom,” or he could say, “I have lost my fears, my worries, my anger, my prejudice, and my self-imposed limitations.” There is no question, my friends, that in the process of becoming a more mature entity, spiritually speaking, things shall fall away from you and that which you are shall bear less distortion and more love. 2009/1128.txt:37:To ask the self to allow emotions to be refined and purified is to ask the self to walk into the fire of suffering. For if one defends against pain of an emotional type or a spiritual type, one ceases to be able to go deeper within those many, many levels of self that move into the archetypal mind. Indeed, it is through repeated experiences with such deeply painful emotions such as grief, anger, jealousy and rage that one, oh so slowly, becomes able to bear the beauty of pure emotion. 2009/1219.txt:38:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your queries, my brother. We thank you for asking. It would not be precisely accurate to say that wanderers would choose to adapt to the Earth environment by choosing consciously to have energy imbalances or difficulties within the energy body that would cause the so-called medical doctors of your world to create diagnoses of mental illness. We would say, however, that each and every wanderer, insofar as he remembers what this instrument would call “better times,” is more vulnerable than an entity which is purely of third density in its antecedents to finding it very difficult to handle some of the more seemingly chaotic and dangerous energies that swirl and eddy about third density as it is experienced from the outside in, especially at this time of the shift of consciousness from third to fourth density. 2009/1219.txt:41:We are saying, my brother, that it is not a strategy that causes entities from higher densities to experience personality disorders so-called. Rather it is honest, spontaneous and heart-felt distaste and revulsion and a refusal to allow those energies to touch the self that then objectify these energies as thought forms because of the fact that the particular entity experiencing that particular distortion of anger or predation or whatever negative essence or energy has entered into the environment the best defense mechanism for that entity, to attempt to build walls around those holes that have been made in the energy body. 2009/1226.txt:1: [overview] Jim: The question this evening has to do with emotions. We recognize love and fear as being polar opposites and we’re wondering if all the other emotions, such as jealousy, anger, doubt, greed, gluttony and so forth are some sort of a mixture of fear with love and if there is positive use that we can make of these supposedly negative emotions. Is there some benefit we can get from working with these emotions? What spiritual principles can we use to look at the various emotions that we come across in our daily lives? 2009/1226.txt:26:The one known as L was saying earlier that there were those she met in the course of doing her job and her service to others who called up from within her feelings of really bright anger. What was she to do with this sudden and impulsive anger? Was she to attempt to squash it or to repress it? Was she to give it so much honor that she expressed that anger in ways that were not of service to others? How was she to handle feeling this sudden, impulsive anger? This occurs time and time again in the course of each and every day for each and every spiritual seeker. 2009/1226.txt:30:As we have said through this instrument many times, it is the darker emotions, such as anger, that when allowed to become refined and purified create the grit, the muscle, the determination, the energy of enduring and persevering and winning through to the goals of your incarnation. If you do not have that driving energy that is expressed in anger within you in a more purified and refined state, you do not have the energy to be patient with the self as it is refined in the athanor or the furnace of experience. 2009/2.txt:4: [overview] Question from G: In Session 52 of The Law of One series, Ra says there is great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger, for it may be used even subconsciously in a way reducing the polarity of the entity. 2010/0123.txt:21:For you do carry within you that love, that light, that Christ, if you will. Indeed, within your heart, that energy blazes and awaits your reaching. It is not that you must call the Creator to you, for the Creator is nearer to you than your breath, closer to you than your very bones. That love waits for you just as the one known as Jesus awaited the priests who followed the star. You have within you a manger. And in that manger lies love itself. That love is the love of you and your neighbor and all that is within the one infinite Creation. So you are in a position to come into a stable of your own heart and take up that infant self that is your maturing soul. You have the capacity to cradle, nourish and nurture that child within. 2010/0130.txt:30:Being a person of power and having these experiences, the seeker takes the self seriously enough to gaze at that which threw him off balance during the day and to ask himself, “What happened? What reveals itself to me of myself in [my] being triggered and being thrown off balance?” Functionally speaking, it is well to do this work in order to keep the energy body open. When one digs up the memory of that which occurred this day—say, for instance, someone cut you off in traffic and your energy body closed like a fist—it is normal and natural that when the physical body is jostled there is an immediate reaction. There is startlement. There is anger. There is the shadow side floating up from its lair deep within your personality. So you look at that when you have the time to contemplate it and you see why you were thrown off balance, why you were triggered into shutting down your energy body. It was shut down in your red ray because of your fear concerning survival. It was shut down in your orange ray because you resented the agent of that startlement and that danger. And you could not possibly open your heart to this entity until you realize what caused that moment of being off-balance. 2010/0213.txt:18:Being born into physical incarnation is that which is done responsibly and carefully, with great thought and for a reason. Entities such as those to whom we speak do not tumble into life with no thought for the shape and texture of the life to come. Many of those, indeed virtually all of those who have come into incarnation in the past little while have done so with the great hope of being able to be part of the good upon Planet Earth at this time. It is a time when, as this instrument would put it, “the fields are ripe with harvest.”2 And as incarnation is contemplated, there is the hope in each breast that they may be harvesters, that they may know and see and understand the centrality of love, that they may reach out during their time here to change darkness to light, sadness to joy, fear to love, dissention to unity, anger to peace, that they may be agents of the truth which every cell of every body carries within it and which, within the illusion of third-density Earth, is veiled from the conscious awareness of each person who has chosen to come into incarnation. 2010/0227.txt:9:You may think to yourself, “But my heart is not always stayed on love. There are many feelings that come from my heart that do not seem to be full of love. They seem to be full of grief, sorrow, anger and fear.” We can only encourage you to persist in paying attention to your feelings. And as you honor them and allow them their sway within your process, you will find that you are able to let those feelings go down into parts of you that are as the refining fire that purifies even the most dark feelings, gradually, over a period of time in your incarnation, until you are as supple and understanding with your feelings as you are with your intellectual processes. 2010/0227.txt:58:[footnote start]Izzy and Iz are nicknames for the Hawaiian singer Israel Ka’ano’i Kamakawiwo’ole, whose medley of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “What a Wonderful World,” from his 1993 album Facing Future, was a hit in the USA and Great Britain.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Harold Arlen paired with E. Y. Harburg to write “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” as part of the score for the film, The Wizard of Oz. It is likely that Q’uo chose Arlen to mention because the particular phrase was created by him, although Harburg is given credit for the lyrics. “What a Wonderful World” was written by George Douglas and George David Weiss and recorded in 1967 by Louis Armstrong.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Q’uo here refers to St. Paul, who wrote in the Holy Bible I Corinthians: 1-12, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]The instrument first read this phrase when reading a book by Ram Dass and Steven Levine called Grist for the Mill: The Mellow Drama, Dying: An Opportunity for Awakening, Freeing the Mind, Karmuppance, God & Beyond. It was published in 1995 and is still in print.↩[footnote end][footnote start]It surprises us, when we first encountered this phrase, to see Q’uo call the physical body a chemical distillery. However the phrase describes accurately what the body does with food. When we eat food, the organs of the body distill the good which the body can use from the food and keeps it. The useless remainder is then eliminated from the body.↩[footnote end] 2010/0313.txt:38:When one cries because of anger, it clears the energy centers which are affected by that anger. There are different types of anger. Generally, there is an overcharging rather than a blockage in the chakra which the tears are clearing, so it bursts the dam of intensity within an energy center, be it red, orange or yellow, and expresses that energy. 2010/0904_01.txt:111:You dwell in a time that is coming to an end. And yet in your body, in your mind and in your heart you carry the seeds of the future within you. As you live your life, breathe in and breathe out, you are planting seeds which shall be reaped by those that come after you. We ask you to plant the seeds of love and faith with a happy heart and a peaceful mind.This is the hour in which you can choose another way.In the face of fear, remember love.In the face of anger, remember compassion.In the face of disunity, remember union. For are you not part of everyone and everything that you meet?In the face of seeming dearth, lack and limitation of resources we ask you to dwell, in thanksgiving and joy, upon the unlimited possibilities that dwell within your imagination. 2010/0904_02.txt:40:Here we are in the Density of Choice. We’re at the end of a long line of empires. We’re not the first and, if what Q’uo called the space pirates would have their way, we wouldn’t be last. What they had in mind was for us just to keep fighting forever and keep learning how to better heal ourselves so we can patch up the soldiers, then send them right back to fight some more. Meanwhile [the space pirates are] feasting off of the terror, the anger, the hostility and all those dark emotions, unembarrassed for it. 2010/0905_01.txt:127:To increase our polarity we work with our energy bodies. We observe our feelings, thoughts, and impulsive actions and we balance those impulses and those actions day by day so that we are more and more cohesive. We become laser-light instead of incoherent light. And you do that at the end of every day, by asking yourself, “What triggered me?” and then allowing [the] remembering [of] that anger, that road rage, that jealously or whatever, letting it just take you over and just express until it’s glorious, and then letting that die down and asking for its antithesis and then allowing that antithesis. 2010/0905_02.txt:74:At this time we would thank each present for taking the time and energy to seek our presence, to ask our service, and to take this offering, humble though it be, and use it as you will. Each here is strong in seeking, and shall continue to serve in a way which is most helpful to the transition of this planet, and of those about each, the friends, the family, the strangers met upon the street, who seek assistance at what might seem to be inopportune moments. And yet, as each responds to these requests for service, the Creator is served, the Creator is seen, the Creator is loved. 2010/1016.txt:70:There have always, from the beginning of third density, been those characteristic tensions that may occur that create inner sound, whether in the ears, in the face, in the head, or immediately surrounding the physical vehicle. Some characteristic kinds of tension may be seen to be excellent and positive, such as visions, dreams, insights and epiphanies. Other sources of characteristic tension may be seen to be negative or difficult or challenging, such as nervousness, dread and fear, anger and frustration. What all of these have in common is a characteristic resistance to that which is occurring. 2010/1016.txt:75:In this way, anger becomes stubbornness—the ability to stick to a plan, the ability to continue to love, and so forth. It is the work of a lifetime to interiorize, bless and redeem the shadow side of the self which is out-pictured in the shadows of your planet, its people, and its behavior at the personal level and at the level of nation states and all levels in between. But it is work which you will find to be very rewarding, because as you reduce the distortions within yourself, as you become more balanced and able to see love, hope, faith and consolation, so you are more able to offer to those whose eyes you meet an awareness of them as loved, consoled and forgiven. 2010/1113.txt:54:You can school your behavior to imitate loving others, but you cannot force yourself to love others for you become exhausted. However, if you open your heart against all odds sometimes, against the resistance of the surrounding ambiance, and simply rest in the open heart, love can flow through you on a continuing basis. Then your job simply becomes the reopening of a closed heart—and a heart can close in a heartbeat, shall we say, because there is fear, because there is danger, because there is destruction, because of so many things, whether the problems are with yourself, with others, with your job, with something that irritates you, with something that causes you pain, with suffering that you’ve had to endure. 2010/1218.txt:18:The world would have you judge it. Jesus the Christ would have you love it. There is nothing further from the minds of those who rule the political scene than encouraging love, opening the heart, and nourishing the soul of love within every human being. And yet, at this particular time of year, people all over the globe are seized by the infectious image of the infant Christ, Lord of Love, utterly dependent upon Mary mild, lying in the rough straw of a manger, sharing [the stable] with the beasts of the field and the shepherds, while above that stable floats the star of hope. 2010/1218.txt:19:What is hope? The one known as Paul said that hope is the knowledge of things unseen.4 Do you seek for that which is unseen? Do you turn to the silence? Do you go into that manger and kneel in the straw and say, “Lord, I am empty at last of every pretense. I have true poverty. I do not have imagination in my heart but only the will to serve you.” 2010/1218.txt:22:Yes, they were startled, but yes, they agreed, taken in by a wild and almost unbelievable concept; the concept of unconditional love. How long had it been since the fishermen and the tax collector had given real value to the interior life? How many years had they lived without thinking of themselves as “spiritual”? It took one charismatic figure to awaken them. And through the centuries nothing has awakened more people than the infant Jesus lying in a manger, bathed by the light of the star of hope. 2011/0212.txt:31:It is to be noted that all of these effects, both positive and seemingly negative, are temporary. The [chemicals in marijuana] are chemicals which have an effect, here and there and here and there, and then within a month’s time they are gone. Consequently, it is a relatively transparent, recreational mood changer. And as this instrument can attest, that particular substance has medicinal qualities that are very appreciated by those who have chronic pain and chronic nausea. There would be no reason for us to encourage people to think of marijuana as evil or as an agent that will lead people astray. However, in terms of improving the spiritual life, its uses are very limited. 2011/0305.txt:12:Perhaps you have seen the film Pay It Forward. One teenager got the idea of serving others and this teenager in the film infected a whole town with that energy. It may seem to be entertainment and fiction, yet each year when the birth of Jesus is remembered, people all over the globe participating in the spirit of Christmas open their hearts, take notice of their neighbors and reach out to be of service. That is not fiction nor is it fiction to recall each time there is a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina or the earthquake that hit Haiti recently. In those cases people opened their hearts and found that they truly cared for strangers, realizing that there is no such thing as a stranger in the tribe of humankind. 2011/0319.txt:7:Firstly, we would say to you that you will find that there is a natural spike in the natural disasters of your planet that began perhaps a half century ago or more, and that this spike is continuing into the present day because of the need for your planet to process the heat of aggression, anger and violence that has been pounded down into the Earth in various of its bodies within third density throughout the greater part of your third-density experience. Perhaps you have a good understanding of this because of the way anger and violent emotions cause you to process and go through a great deal of heavy emotional feelings. If you attempt to stifle them or talk yourself out of them, you soon find that it is useless. These feelings need to be processed. 2015/0919.txt:10:So, if we may begin by looking at the red ray energy center, as we have called it, which you may find at the base of your spine. This is the center at which energy is first taken up into the more etheric body and while work of a more individual or particular sort may not be done at the red ray level, it is yet an important consideration to have this energy center open, for it gives the entire system the initial fusion—infusion, we correct this instrument—of energy that comes in from below. The factors that tend to close off the red ray are those of fear, those of excessive anger, those of excessive lust. Such factors as these can so overwhelm the energy system that no further work may meaningfully be done while they prevail. So, a bright and cheerful attitude toward spiritual work is, what we may call, the best beginning. 2015/0919.txt:16:With the open heart one gazes, for the first time, with new eyes upon the creation, with eyes of innocence and joy. It is with this energy that one may begin to make a springboard attempt into the higher energy centers. The danger—of which some have become aware—of an attempt to open the higher energy centers without a full investiture of the heart center is that one carries a polarity of a different sort than is the one desired into these centers, and if the polarity chosen is not fully consistent with itself, an imbalance of significant proportions can be the result. 2015/0919.txt:39:Nobody? Years ago I created a race of extra-terrestrial beings in a story I was writing, and years later I've encountered people that I didn’t know at all who claimed to have seen and interacted with these beings in a way that seems very real. I was thinking of how this type of thing in general might pertain to inspiration or possibly just the creation of a thought-form. And I'm kind of wondering, would it be better in that type of circumstance to consider the idea of inspiration of information having come through and in related fiction? Or is it possible to create a thought-form of that depth to where it can impact complete strangers and how one might care for a thought-form like that? I'm not sure if that's a clear question. 2015/1121.txt:11:It is the great test of your planet’s population at this time that one may liken to the final examination which many undergo within your educational system at the end of the school year. This, my friends, is the great examination of the heart; whether it can be opened to those who are called strangers, to those some would call dangers; whether it can be seen that—indeed, as the tuning song played before this session began—is God truly one of us?3 Is the Creator somewhere observing all of this occurring, or is the Creator here amongst you, within you, experiencing all that you feel, see, and imagine? 2015/1121.txt:25:Such a possessing energy, if we may so call it, is very likely to put up a resistance when it is being asked to release that domain which it has so long jealously guarded, and it is quite capable of behaving in ways that are anti-social, in ways that are counter-productive, apparently, in relation to the total welfare of the organism. It is quite capable of sending out danger signals, and of attempting to convince the larger self that to change in this area that the larger self has already resolved to change, would, in fact, be quite a risky proposition, would in fact be quite dangerous, not only for the self, but for perhaps others around it, and for the social life as a whole. 2015/1121.txt:37:So it is one affair when one encounters the hungry stranger, the stranger who is cold, the stranger who is lost, the stranger who is forlorn, to open the door and provide sustenance, warmth, and acceptance. And it is another affair to contend with those who have the intention not of accepting in good grace the welcome you have to offer, but of defeating the master of the house, of overturning the existing order, of achieving domination over others, of introducing the dark stranger of fear into the body politic. 2015/1121.txt:44:The principle most important in this regard is the simple one that negativity begets negativity; judgment begets judgment; and so when a friend, a companion, a fellow seeker is thrown into a condition of reactiveness, of anger, of horror, of hate, the worst thing that you can do is to react to the reaction, to hate the hate, for that merely allows emotions in the negative register to continue to reverberate down through the ages, as indeed they have done in your social energy complex. 2016/0102.txt:4:We would ask of you, before we begin, one small favor. It is the same favor that we ask at each session in order to help us in sharing with you that which is our service. It would be helpful if you would use your own powers of discrimination and take only those words from us that have meaning for you, leaving behind all others, for we wish to serve as best we can, and do not wish to appear to be authorities that are infallible, for indeed we have walked, and continue to walk, the same path as you walk. We have felt the same feelings, the joys, the sorrow, confusion, frustration, anger and so forth, and have made our way through this dense forest of emotions in our own third density. We are very appreciative that you have taken the time from your day to work through the various catalysts that are yours to make your way here to this circle of seeking where each joins with each other, in love and in light and in seeking, to be of service, and of seeking to know more of the love and light of the One Creator in order that your service may be enhanced. 2016/0305.txt:27:We find that many times in your life experience and in the history of the interactions among your peoples that there have been well meaning souls who earnestly and honestly have devised systems of remediation for the suffering of others, and made these available to others only to discover that these gifts are not welcome. All too often it has occurred that those who have sincerely made great efforts on behalf of their fellow human beings only to discover that these efforts are not welcome, have therefore recoiled in hurt, recoiled in anger, recoiled in despair, and have felt that if their gifts are thus to be despised, that they will simply withhold their gifts altogether and withdraw and allow the suffering, allow the weeping, the wailing, and the gnashing of teeth to be the order of the day. “They must then deserve their fate,” it is said in the heart, “since they have not been able to recognize the great gift of the love which I have made available for them.” 2016/0305.txt:29:That is a most precarious bridge, my friends. It is a bridge that is here today and gone tomorrow, and so one finds that the patterns of aid one has put on offer for the young is no longer welcome for the old, that what one has discovered works for some, does not work for others. Sometimes one is asked for something today that tomorrow will be thrown back in anger in one’s face. The challenge under these circumstances is to find a place within the desire to be of service that is sufficient unto itself to the point that one does not take a rejection too much to heart, but in all humility allows one’s service to adapt to the changing circumstances that call it forth from one. 2016/0326.txt:15:Now, over the course of time, interests of these sorts have typically accumulated, and collectively go to the makeup of what you think of as yourself, and this functions as a kind of motivator. In fact, in many ways it is essential to have this motivator—and we almost would say—this filtering mechanism in place, as a survival mechanism essential for dealing with the complexities of your daily lives. However, the very mechanism which it can seem to be the better part of wisdom to perpetuate and routinely employ, is a mechanism which can block your access to open-hearted communication, and therefore, when upon one occasion or another, it seems sometimes quite suddenly possible for you to communicate in a way that is unexpected, in a way that is even perhaps unwanted, but as you perceive, needed; that it is possible to open your heart to another. This can seem a little bit dangerous. It can seem so far off the expected pattern of interaction that, on the whole, it would be wiser not to go there, it would be wiser to remain within the protective parameters of a well-traveled and well-understood way of being a self in your social structures, shall we say. 2016/0326.txt:19:One is like the springtime flower opening on the first days of bright sunshine and warmth, but doing so in a manner which is tentative, which tests the air to see whether there is, after all, a hint of frost, a hint a danger lurking. But the flower must open to fulfill its destiny, and it must do so without full realization of what the day will bring, and when it finally comes to see that its glory will lie in being fully opened, even if this glory subjects it to the possibility of damage, then it realizes that destiny which is uniquely its own. 2016/0507.txt:14:The more you are able to discover within even those situations which give difficulty, even those situations which tend to elicit from you a rejection—a feeling of being hurt, a feeling of anger, a feeling of hate—even these we say, can, if allowed to develop into a deeper sense of love which one does achieve through acceptance, suggest that the catalyst that has been on offer is indeed serving its function well. We would say to you that catalyst that is allowed its play in such a way that it inspires you to response is catalyst that is properly received, and you should not despise your inspiration in the response that you come to in relation to your catalyst, which can often take the form of seeking to improve the circumstances of your life, in seeking to improve the circumstances of the lives around you, and in seeking to improve the conditions of the social complex of which you are a part. All of those activities which reflect the inspiration to betterment, the inspiration to expression of love, the inspiration to a resolve to heal—all of these are indications of a good and proper use of catalyst. 2016/0917.txt:97:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, the heat of the anger, the heat and destructive nature of the bellicose actions, these energies are embedded within the crust of your planet’s surface, and are at this time being released in a, shall we say, periodic fashion through the volcanic eruptions, through the earthquakes, and through the general release of heat in a more intense fashion which has created what you would call the global warming effect. Thus, all such energies are embedded within the planet itself, and these energies must needs be released before the planet will be able to make a full healing and transition into the fourth density in which it finds itself now at the beginning fringes. 2016/1.txt:3: [overview] Today, we’d like to discuss the topic of anger. What is the role of anger on the spiritual seekers path? How can we understand the root causes of our anger? How can we balance this anger and utilize it as catalyst for our spiritual growth? 2016/1119.txt:18:It is so easy, my friends, to be drawn out from your center, to be caught up in the turmoil of the events of the day, to find one’s anger rising when one sees injustice, when one sees intolerance, when one sees hate having its way with other souls seemingly not able or willing to reach the condition of the open heart. The world is a vast place, my friends, and it cannot be set right by any action that merely conforms to the principles of right action. 2016/1119.txt:22:Now, having said that, we will not say that you should inevitably withdraw from all interactions with what you may call, the larger social movements, which may be underway and which may have the opportunity to change the course of events as they unfold upon your planet. We have simply spoken to the need for each individual to consider well, to consider often, and to consider deeply, what energy you are contributing to the flow or the current represented by these movements. If you bring anger, you will find that anger begets anger. If you bring fear, you will find that fear begets fear. If you bring love, you may find that love reaches out in love and finds itself in response to love offered back. And as predictable as anger is in its response, and as predictable as fear is in its response, even in a completely opposite way is it unpredictable how love will respond to love that has been offered. For it is love that is the creator of energy and it is the energies of anger, of fear, and of judgment, that are restrictive, that are destructive. 2016/1203.txt:30:Okay, our friend E sent in a question that says: “In 49.5 Ra says to attempt to raise the locus of this kundalini meeting without realizing the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this depends, is to invite great imbalance.” My question is: how does one know that he or she has done enough work and is ready to explore kundalini energy? When someone feels various energy flows, specifically ones that are induced by breathing and movement meditative practices, what would be a way to explore and study these energies safely and without inviting imbalance, and what would be signs of danger?” 2016/1203.txt:36:This is the rising of the kundalini to its height, where the entity realizes itself as the One Creator. However, if at any lower energy center— most especially the magnetically charged in the, shall we say, negative sense, of the negative pole of drawing unto the entity energies of the red, orange or yellow centers— [have] not been balanced sufficiently to withstand the impact of the rising of the energy to the indigo center, then there will be imbalances in the experience of this energy as it moves into the indigo-ray energy center. These imbalances may be detected by an entity which has experienced some anomaly, shall we say, in the experience of the rising of the kundalini. The anomaly may be that which is confusing, is surprising, unexpected, and which gives one doubt. This is the sign of, not necessarily danger, but of imbalance. 2016/1217.txt:1: [overview] Today, we’d like to discuss the topic of anger. What is the role of anger on the spiritual seekers path? How can we understand the root causes of our anger? How can we balance this anger and utilize it as catalyst for our spiritual growth? 2016/1217.txt:6:You wish, in many cases, to improve your appreciation of compassion, of love, of understanding. These are all facets of the same quality, my friends. And how do you do this? May we say first of all you do not program more love, more compassion—you program the opposite, my friends, you program the lack of compassion, the lack of love, the lack of understanding, the lack of sympathy, for by so doing, you set into motion within your own soul’s being the desire to solve these riddles; anger being one of the great riddles of your illusion; anger being that which is not possible in the higher densities, for only unity, joy, peace and understanding are possible there. But here, in your third-density illusion, it is possible to experience anger, for it is possible to see one as separate from another self and to feel an emotion that is not love for another self, or perhaps even for the self, for your anger may be pointed in any direction. For the conscious entity who is aware of the process of seeking within the third-density illusion, if there is the desire to achieve more love, more compassion, [then] the lack of that love and compassion—in the form of anger, or non-acceptance of other selves, or irritation, or impatience, whatever form your anger may take—is pointed toward yourself. 2016/1217.txt:7:Thus, as you move through your daily round of activities you find various forms of catalyst that offer you the opportunity to see the anger sprout forth within your consciousness, within your experience, and for the moment of that sprouting forth, you are at its mercy. The anger rages freely, like a fire within you, and burns that which it touches, which is your consciousness, and perhaps the consciousness of others about you. However, as we said, positively oriented entities usually program this anger for the self so that as the one known as J discovered, it is quite effective to take that anger that you feel for another and realize that you feel it for yourself in the guise of another. 2016/1217.txt:8:And what do you do with this anger that you feel towards yourself, and why would you feel it in the way that you do, tripped, shall we say, by catalyst of a surprising nature, of an unseen nature, of a repeating nature. May we say if you see certain types of catalyst repeating, you may see this as one of your basic lessons, programmed by you, before the incarnation began, with hopes that during the incarnation you would discover the pattern and see where the anger was, what kind of catalyst trips it. 2016/1217.txt:9:In this regard, my friends, we use the word catalyst as that which is a neutral factor in causing, shall we say, an emotional response within your being. In this case we are discussing anger, so the catalyst could be anything: it could be a flat tire on the road, it could be a sharp word of criticism from another person, it could be a family member who repeats certain behaviors that begin to, as you may say, get under your skin, to irritate you. And yet, when you look at the true cause of the anger rising up within you, look at it within the meditative state, you see, if you see clearly, that the cause is your inability to accept some feature of your own being that has been reflect to you by another. This mirroring effect is what makes the interaction with other selves most important within your illusion, for it is other selves that reflect to you those portions of yourself of which you do not approve. In this case, it would be anger. Perhaps you could make a case, “Well, so-and-so behaved in such-and-such a fashion, and wouldn’t you get angry too?” Such a response might be “Well, I would get angry too if I were attempting to learn the lessons of compassion.” 2016/1217.txt:11:So as you look from a distance and see the Creator experiencing itself, for the moment that you are no longer attached to that image and that experience, you feel love, you feel compassion, you feel understanding, you feel acceptance, and then you move again, placing yourself in the role in which the anger has been experienced, and you lose that distant perspective, you lose the knowledge of the Creator experiencing itself, and this is not a bad thing, my friends—this is why you came here, this is what this illusion offers you. Do not feel bad that you have what you call anger or other distortions. These are the methods by which you learn what you wish to learn. When you are experiencing such catalyst know in your heart and in your soul you are doing what you came to do. 2016/1217.txt:12:Now, my friends, what shall you do with the anger, besides feel it for the moment and then the remorse later. We recommend that which those known to you as Ra suggest as a balancing exercise, for in this exercise you take the anger that has disbursed itself about you and colored your emotions with its very being, and you use it in a fashion which can result in the diminishing of the anger and in the increasing of love for yourself and for all the Creation about you. 2016/1217.txt:13:Those of Ra have said that it is the nature of distortion, in this case, anger, that in order to balance distortion, one must first accentuate it. This is the way of all distortions, of all learning, so when you feel anger, at the end of your day, in your meditation (and we strongly recommend meditation), at the end of your day for this very purpose, relive again that experience that brought forth anger from you. See it as it developed. Feel again that anger mentally, then increase the anger to what you might call a ridiculous proportion so that it is overwhelmingly powerful within your mind as you meditate upon it. And then, at the height of its power, for just an instant, image its opposite, that is, the love that you wish to develop in this incarnation. As you image that love, rest back and observe it growing within your consciousness, larger and larger, within the inward mental picture, until it equals the ferocity of the anger that you have just created. 2016/1217.txt:15:This is not a quick or easy program, my friends, but if there is no balancing to your distortions, if there is no balancing to your anger in this instance, it shall continue for the rest of your incarnation, and the learning of love will come very, very slowly. It will come eventually, but not in the degree to which you had hoped. 2016/1217.txt:21:Q’uo, on the topic of anger specifically, Ra calls it a “random energy” a couple of times. In 46.9, they say, “Random and undirected energy,” and “random energy of anger.” Do you know why they would associate that adjective with anger? 2016/1217.txt:23:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The emotion of anger is one of such intensity that it is quite easy for the entity experiencing it to lose control, shall we say, to not be able to master the anger, not be able to corral it, to tame it, but to be at its mercy. In this regard, it is random in its effect upon the mind/body/spirit complex, for most of the emotions that you will encounter in your balancing process are not so, shall we say, violent in their expression within the mind and the emotions of the seeker. 2016/1217.txt:52:[footnote start]Into that category the questioner includes substances like ayahuasca, psilocybin, and LSD, among potential others. Those natural or synthesized chemicals which are powerful and, if not used carefully and conscientiously with proper control and guidance, can be quite dangerous; but, if used appropriately, have the potential to precipitate healing, self-understanding, integration of the fragmented self, opportunity to face the shadow, to uncover subconscious material, and so forth, without the addictive or self-destructive risks of other intoxicants and narcotics. While there is objective data on the matter, what is expressed here is the questioner’s subjective understanding and opinion only, of course.↩[footnote end] 2017/0107.txt:10:For it is that time now, within your third density experience, that the harvest comes nigh. It is the time that many feel is a darkened time, a confused time, a perilous time, a dangerous time, and yet, my friends, we tell you it is said truly that it is darkest before the dawn—and my friends, the dawn does come. It is slowly appearing now within the hearts of those such as yourselves that speak of these things, that seek these things, for it is that which is meant to be. All cycles end and new cycles begin. And thus, you are upon this planet at this time ending the third density experience that has been for the purpose of providing each a choice, a choice of how to seek the Creator beyond this third density. You have weathered the difficulties of existing on the other side of the veil of forgetting, not being able to see with clarity the unity of all Creation, the power of love that has formed it, the light out of which it has made it. And yet you have prevailed, because with this veil of forgetting you are required to make an effort to seek that which it hides, and you have made that effort. And that effort you may see as growth of a spiritual sense, a polarization in your consciousness that would not have been possible to make as effectively without that veil. Though it may seem to stand between you and that which is most beloved, it is that which gives you the opportunity to realize the beloved in your own life, and in the lives of those about you. 2017/0204.txt:21:It is a natural expression of this attempt to heal upon a cultural level that those presently embodied in female form might reach out in anger and attempt to claim their rightful place in the center in a way that can seem strident. Sometimes a certain amount of stridency is necessary in order to capture the attention of one who is, shall we say, asleep to a problem, who is not aware of the nature of the problem, of the scope of the problem, of the reach of that problem. 2017/0226.txt:36:This planetary sphere, then, has the need to adjust the vibratory complexes of fourth density with the remnants of the third-density population’s degradations, shall we describe it. There has been much of what you would call war, bellicose activity, and the slaughtering of millions and millions of the population of this planet. This vibration of anger, of separation, has embedded itself within the crust of the planet, so that there is the need for a physical release of this vibration of alienation, of separation, of war, so that the planet itself might proceed in a more harmonious manner as the home for the fourth-density population which shall inhabit it. Thus, the rupturing of various portions of the planetary surface has been occurring for a number of your years. These are the inconveniences which those of Ra spoke about. 2017/0226.txt:57:You mentioned that the veiling is still very much present in the dual-activated entity between its mind and body, but a characteristic of the fourth density is that the veiling is removed. So, again, it seems to me that the movement, the timing, the speed into fourth density is linked to the choices and attitudes, and vibrations, of those here in Earth, on the ground. That includes the physical release of war and anger from the planet itself, and as mentioned, the choices that the entities make themselves, and insofar as this process moves forward, then the veil is gradually lifted, then the dual-activated entities have greater access to, and awareness of, who and what they are and their purpose here. Would you comment on that welter of a statement? 2017/0226.txt:60:The factors which you mention which are, at this time, inhibiting or retarding the process, are those factors which can indeed be expressed as anger, and can also be expressed as fear, and can also be expressed as a kind of denial, or refusal as mind/body/spirit complexes become more and more intuitively aware that something is being required of them at this time, that the universe essentially vibrates in expectation of the making of their choice. And the longer they put off the making of this choice, the longer they refuse the call to the making of the choice, the more delayed will the transition be, up to the point that it is no longer possible to resist the overwhelming character of the new energies that beckon. And we will say, with some sorrow, that there will, at that point, be a weeping and a wailing and a gnashing of teeth on the part of those who feel that they have not succeeded in their mission which had hoped to render the choice foundational in such a way that it could serve as the point of departure into a new realm of being. 2017/0318.txt:15:Thus, when you find you have been thrown from your one-pointed center, that still point of unity, then, in a portion of your meditation for the evening, it is well to take this experience, to relive it again in the meditative state that you may expand it and allow it to become larger than it was in real life, to become ridiculously large, so that you experience it to the fullest, you experience all of the power of seeming separation, of disharmony, of doubt, of confusion, of jealousy, of rage, of anger, whatever the emotion, whatever the experience that has taken you away from your unity, may be utilized to find that unity deep within the self once again. For when you experience it in a ridiculously large manner, and then see the opposite coming toward you, if you are angry, seeing love coming toward you, and allow it to become as large in proportion as was the anger to begin with, then this process of balancing will give you an even keel, shall we say, according to that situation so that you see it as an opportunity for you to know yourself more fully, for you to know the Creator more fully, and for the Creator to know itself more fully. That is the purpose of the creation, my friends, that the Creator may know itself in greater depth and greater intensity and greater variety. 2017/0401.txt:4:Your query today is one which has great relevance to your world as it exists in this present moment, and has existed for a great period of time. Thousands of your years have passed as one civilization after another has risen to the heights of the third-density illusion by traveling the path of bellicosity, of adversary relationships, of wars, and death, and destruction. This has been quite harmful to your Mother Earth in that it has passed on to her the heat of the anger, the seeming separation of the battles, the confusion of the deaths that result inevitably from such conflicts. 2017/0401.txt:15:When you reflect upon the fates of those who have been given the opportunity to leave this planetary experience, you are perhaps overcome by sorrow, perhaps overcome by grief, perhaps overcome by horror, by anger, by a sense of the complete loss and wastefulness that so often attends careless human conduct, that you find it difficult to harmonize all of these different responses in your effort to reach out and be of help. 2017/0430_01.txt:22:Now, if you allow processes like this to have their free play ... and we will say that it’s also very easy not to so allow, it’s also very easy to block that self-reflective moment, because it might seem inconvenient. But, if you do allow this process to announce itself, to be a portion of the catalyst that you work with on a daily basis, you will be given the opportunity to engage in a kind of reflexive movement of purification of intent. And, we will say that the experience tends to be, in the best of times, uncomfortable, and perhaps in the worst of times, quite agonizing. It is always a difficult undertaking, to work upon the wellsprings of intention, because there are many, many factors that are always in play, and there are many, many perceived dangers, perceived difficulties, perceived vulnerabilities that always come up in circumstances in which this work is undertaken. 2017/0520.txt:6:And yet, my friends, depending upon how you view such moments, each contains a great revelation for you: an opportunity for you to take that which is dark and make it light, to take that which is anger and make it acceptance, to take that which is confusion, and make it a sure path to the heart of love that resides in each soul on this planet, and indeed upon all planets in the infinite creation. 2017/0520.txt:8:For this, my friends, is not only true for us, but true for you as well. You advance yourselves by giving of yourselves to others when asked, when you see the opportunity. It need not be a great or grand opportunity of saving a life or putting out a fire, it may be something as simple as listening for a few moments with compassion to a friend, or even a stranger, who has a tale of woe to share, who is confused as to what to do next in the life pattern. It is not often even necessary that you solve another person’s problems. Simply by opening your heart and your mind to that person, by listening to what they say, you can give them a sense of acceptance that they are a valuable human being, that what they have to share is worthwhile, it is worth your while to listen. And then, if you have a suggestion, then you have frosting on the cake, shall we say. 2017/0903.txt:11:Now, it has been pointed out that there is, upon your planet now, a good deal of manifestation of what we might call chaotic energies, and sometimes, in fact, all too frequently, these chaotic energies find expression at the negative end of the emotional register. At this negative end you find fear, you find anger, you find hatred, you find misunderstandings that tend to get expressed in terms of various modes of prejudice. Now, when these emotions, which can be stored up in the mind/body/spirit complexes, not only of individuals, but of groups, you often get violent outbursts that create hostile situations and tend to provoke, on the other side, hostile responses, and it is almost impossible for citizens of your planet to avoid identifying with one side or another of many a conflict that arises to public attention. There is that side which is regarded as the evil; there is that side which is regarded as the good. Now, in some cases, we would not deny that there is a larger portion of negativity on one side than another, but that is not where we would like to place our thought at this time. For we would begin with the observation that the mere fact that an individual or group finds the need to express itself in negative terms, in hostile terms, or even in violent terms, does not necessarily indicate an underlying commitment to the negative polarity. As we have suggested, in fact, there is, on your planet, so much confusion that, for the most part, it is extremely difficult to ascertain even where the primary propensity lies in many cases. So, it is most definitely premature to judge an individual as one who is polarizing on the path of service to self on the basis of certain manifest actions which are redolent, shall we say, of that polarity, without necessarily having embraced it full and complete. 2017/0903.txt:12:So, let us say this: there are indeed emotions, and anger perhaps is amongst the most prominent among them, that if reinforced, if embraced, if built upon, if made the focus and the pivot of a commitment, can, in the fullness of time, lead to a polarization toward the negative that is of an harvestable quality. However, we would point out that anger, in its random expressions—anger as hostility as you suggest in demonstrations—you do not have the kind of focused service-to-self development that even remotely approaches harvestable quality. In fact, outbursts of this kind tend to characterize individuals who, in the root choice have already tended toward service to others but are having difficulty in manifesting that choice in a consistent fashion, in a fashion that reaches down to the root of their being. 2017/0903.txt:24:So, we cannot tell you that you should not circle the wagons in a defensive gesture when such defense is necessary to preserve the integrity of the seeking of individuals, the seeking of positively oriented groups. But, we will say, that within many, many a positively oriented group, there will be the expression of negative emotions that can seem like they come from a service-to-self place, but in reality, at bottom, do not. So, even within circled wagons you will find apparent hostility, and we ask that you consider carefully whether these negative expressions—expressions of anger, hostility, prejudice, ill-feeling—could not, after all, be healed, could not, after all be offered the love which it is your best and highest gift to be able to offer, and with that thought, we would return the contact to the one known as Jim. I am Q’uo. Adonai, my friends, Adonai. 2017/0916.txt:40:I have a query. It occurs to me that in the case of a negative entity, there is still an instinct for unity working, but it just seems that the unity is something the negative entity wants to arrogate to itself. It seems that in doing so it is rejecting its own vulnerability, and one could see that rejection as grounded in fear, but at the higher levels of negative polarization, it seems as if the driving energy is no longer that of fear, but is something more like anger, or I don’t quite know what the word would be, but can you tell me whether the driving energy behind negative polarization continues to be fear throughout, or whether there is something else, perhaps newly discovered, in the course of negative polarization, that would be the driving energy. 2017/0916.txt:43:The drive towards a certain kind of harmony of which you spoke, or unity, not necessarily harmony, is that which is utilized only up to a certain point for negatively-oriented entities, for there is seeing in the beginning fourth density experience of the formation of the social memory complex of negative polarity that there is a reason to begin an alliance, shall we say, a means by which further power may be gained when one back is scratched and promises made to scratch your back, shall we say. This type of joining together in a common purpose has only limited value for the negatively-oriented entity as it climbs the steps of gaining polarity, for at some point the anger, which you have described, or the dissatisfaction with others selves to the point of separation, domination, and control is replaced by that which you would call greed, or the desire for more power, greater power, power of a certain kind, power that leads to recognition, adoration, submission, and the various degradations of the self that are willingly undertaken and described by the negative entity as worthwhile, up to a point. 2017/0916.txt:44:Each entity which has been so dominated then, may use the anger at being dominated to rise within the levels of negative polarization until those levels have been achieved to a height where there is no longer the need for anger, for there is great success at domination. Therefore, the greed then is the more prevalent force that is utilized by such successful negative entities in their process of polarization. There is also a kind of desire to join in total unity with the One Creator, as is also the desire of positively-oriented entities. This desire to become the One Creator though, is that desire which sees only a limited view of the nature of the One Creator; the view which sees the universe as that which shall be put in order and the one which puts it in order will be the self which has manifested the Creator in a great enough degree to do so. 2017/1007.txt:19:You may have a broader picture, but unless somebody is specifically requesting that you give an accounting of that broader picture, it can be most intrusive for you to overlay your picture upon their process of seeking. If you contemplate what brought you to the position of developing a conviction with regard to those things you take to be true, you will find that the process according to which that came into realization was filled with a great many very nuanced circumstances in which you were in relation to a host of energies that you had to sort through. The same is true for those you would be teacher to. They are finding their ways, and will most likely be best served by those who are able to reach out a hand in friendship and in love that is not judgmental and that provides only such direction as can be provided by example. This can be frustrating. It can be frustrating because you can be quite convinced that you are surrounded by needy, despairing fellows in danger of losing their ways, and it is true, this is a constant danger, but we would say that it is a danger which no one individual can absolve any other individual from facing. 2017/1202.txt:13:And so, as you discover that these available personae do not match who you must be, you have already long since learned to defend yourself against these incursions, and these incursions can be felt very strongly, my friends. They are judgments upon you at every turn in your society. You can feel the force of judgment against you should you fail to live up to what is expected, and therefore, you learn from an early age that living in a society is fraught with dangers. That wee small self that you are, is oh, so vulnerable, and the large supply of judgments embedded in your cultural experience are experienced as so many daggers that are, oh, so sharp. Therefore, you have learned to develop what is called a “thick skin”, and this skin, of which we speak, is formed of resistances—resistances that cut so deep that they begin to interweave themselves with those affirmative possibilities of personality projection that you have taken upon yourself. 2018/0120.txt:4:Each entity upon your planetary sphere, each of the 7 billion or more souls, has a spiritual journey that may or may not have been discovered by any entity at this point in time. Many have found a great deal of comfort in consciously realizing that they do have spiritual journeys. There is a great deal of work that is necessary in order to follow any particular spiritual path that seeks to reveal to the aspirant those mysteries of the being which each is, the purpose which each has, the direction which each travels, and the comrades and friends that move in harmony with each upon this endless journey of seeking the One Infinite Creator in each entity and experience. Those who have yet to discover that they have a spiritual path that is available to them by their own choosing previous to this incarnation, are those which have difficulty in reflecting any portion of the One Creator to the friends, families, strangers, and multitude of entities that surround each upon this planet. Each is meant to be a mirror to the other, but when the mirror does not reflect, or is not seen to reflect, any image that is comprehensible to those observing, then it is that the difficulties arise, and there is the, shall we say, blockage of potential to reflect clearly and helpfully, any portion of the One Creator within. 2018/0203.txt:21:There is, within the creation, probably no more difficult question, for we could say, and in some sense we will say, that to the extent that you can absorb the hostility that is offered you from one of your fellow citizens, that is all to the good, and that is, in fact, one of the reasons that wanderers have incarnated upon this planet at this time. It is not simply a question of shining your light, which you may do; it is not simply a question of sharing with others that wisdom which it has been yours to discover, but it is, at a more visceral level, a matter of taking in the negative catalyst that is on offer to you, and transmuting that negative energy into simple unpresupposing love. That, we can say, surely is true, but as we also must add, it is not always possible for you, for there can come occasions when the strength of the negative catalyst that has been presented to you is so overwhelming that it exceeds your capacity to transmute it into love, and there is great danger for you, that it would have a tendency so to distort your process should you allow it to come in, that you, yourself, could be thrown dramatically off your center. 2018/0203.txt:48:As you observe entities going about their daily rounds of activities, you may see behavior that seems dangerous, irresponsible, or that which is consciously engaged upon or within to injure another. These do not ask for your assistance, and yet it could well be a service upon your part—if it is intended to be of service—to offer your advice. The intention, in this case, and in all cases of service, is the deciding factor. 2018/0303.txt:11:Upon recognizing that something like this has befallen you, it is often the case that you are tempted to withdraw. And the point with which to begin a reflection on this question relates to the feeling tone, shall we say, that might be associated with that propensity to withdraw. Are you proposing to withdraw into a safe place of your own because you feel it would be safe, because you feel it would be secure from the angry winds of chance? Are you feeling it would protect you from that which you feel is a danger to you? 2018/0303.txt:18:And, my friends, when that has happened, you can easily see that your best intentions have turned into their opposite, and you have become not a bringer of the light, but one who has created a circumstance in which the light is less likely to be able to shine forth. Love has turned to anger, to disdain, to hate. How could one not hate that which is unlovable? How could one not hate that which is a block to your expression of love? Thus, anything that thwarts your instinct to serve others cannot be made consonant with your efforts to be of help upon a planet which, to all with eyes to see, is in desperate need of help. 2018/0303.txt:21:And so, let us say you have committed to a mode of service which has put you in relation to others, and you find, at some point, that the circumstances are such that an undertaking begun in love has reached a point of vexation where love is hardly recognizable any longer as a sustaining energy, and it has been so overridden with feelings of frustration or anger, that you cannot find a way forward. You cannot see how your pathway can be cleared. It is then that a retreat into a position of meditation is always appropriate, but it is also the case that you can continue in service with those with whom you have made common cause, providing you are prepared to allow the unexpected manifestation of these vagrant loves within your own person, within the relationships you have undertaken, so that these experiences may catalyze you to a more eloquent relation to your loving instincts, to your loving efforts to reach out to supply what a world in desperate need of love calls for you to supply. 2018/0303.txt:25:Now, we have spoken of a circumstance, which in our characterization of it has been given somewhat idealized form, for it will not always be the case that you are so configured in your being that you can make this movement which we have just described. It will not always be the case that you are so situated that you can return love for anger, love for hate, love for aggression. And then, upon those occasions when you have the good sense to realize you are up against your own limits, then it is that a retreat into the safety of your own process is perfectly acceptable—and, in fact, is highly advisable, for where you can do no good, it behooves you at least, to do no harm. 2018/1215.txt:7:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, the journey that each of you takes within this third-density illusion is a journey fraught with what seems to be difficulties, dangers, and doubts, for there is much confusion within this third-density illusion. The veil of forgetting works quite handily to shield each entity from the true knowledge of the universality and unity of all creation, the love that forms it from light, and how each is a portion of the One Creator. If these facets of truth were available to each at all times, your journey would be much easier, and yet would not produce the results that are possible when you delve into the difficulties of misperception, of misrepresentation, of confusion, of anger, and of the problems of everyday life which pound upon the consciousness in a certain fashion that makes it seem that understanding cannot be had, that harmony is an elusive possibility, that you cannot move your foot without tripping somehow upon another. 2018/1215.txt:8:The relationships which you find yourselves engaged within as you move through your daily rounds of activities are those which you draw unto yourselves through the need you have to learn that which you do not know. That which you do not know oftentimes comes in the form of a problem, a miscommunication, an anger, a doubt, a fear, a jealousy. Many ways are there to misperceive another entity’s essence and purpose in your life pattern, for there is much which cannot be clearly fathomed about any situation. 2019/0330.txt:5:I have one, Q’uo. Ra says that the blue-ray energy center requires honesty, noting that it is something that the people of Earth have in great paucity. 1 In contemplating the meaning of this, I have framed my understanding with the idea that punching a person in the face is an honest expression of anger, yet it doesn’t seem to indicate an open and functioning blue ray, leading me to believe that the honesty that Ra refers to is a deeper and more intimate honesty. Can Q’uo elaborate on this type of honesty that is related to blue-ray work and how we can cultivate that honesty? 2019/0330.txt:7:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother, and it is a salient query at this time in the evolution of your planetary consciousness and each entity within it, for as you each know, these times in which you live and move and have your being are fraught with much confusion, much division, much anger, and much separation. 2019/0420.txt:54:Thusly, if there is the perception and the exercising of that perception in ostracism or criticism or degrading in any way whatsoever of one entity by the other, or in some cases, each entity failing to realize the divinity of the other, then the mated relationship fails in its design and becomes an adversary relationship in which there is much doubt, confusion, anger, and dissolution of opportunities. 2019/0525.txt:37:Therefore, there is much of a unified experience that is ongoing at this time. The planetary entity of the fourth density is this babe in the manger of the mind, body, and spirits that seek the fourth-density experience of love and understanding. This interaction between the fourth-density planetary sphere and the new fourth-density population that shall inhabit that sphere is as the parent to child, shall we say, in both directions [...] being inspirationally electrified so that there is much more energy available to the experience of growing, of seeking, of utilizing the love and the light of the One Creator. This growing and seeking is shared by the planetary entity being born, and the population of the fourth density that will inhabit this fourth-density planet. 2019/0525.txt:42:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The difficulty with the delivery of the new fourth-density planet and its population comes not from either the planet or the fourth-density potential population, but from those entities that are engaged in disharmonious and bellicosity of one nature or another, creations of disharmony, disease, confusion, and agitation. There is much division between the various cultures, entities within cultures, and entities within families, that there is the possibility of further enhancement of this disharmonious relationship, so that the warring factions of one group pitted against another could potentially cause difficulties of not only the mental, psychic, and physical nature, but of the potential for planetary catastrophes that are well-documented within the history of your planetary experience. For there have been thousands of years of the warring efforts of many peoples that has embedded the anger of separation within the crust of the planet, so that there is the need at this time to release this heat of anger in a controlled fashion, so that there is necessarily a finite amount of heat that is released at any one time, thus reducing the possibility of planetary annihilation. 2019/0525.txt:95:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. As we mentioned at the beginning of this session, it is always an inspiration to us to join your circle of seeking, because we know what kind of challenges you face on a daily basis, as both individual seekers of truth, and as groups of those who attempt to work together to make positive changes in the society around you. There is so much of anger, so much of confusion, so much of jealousy, so much of retribution, so much of destruction, that it is overwhelming to any sensitive soul who seeks to make sense of the world around it within the meditative state, within the conscious state, within the sleeping state, one cannot escape the disharmonious interactions that are the day-to-day experience of most entities upon the surface of your planet. Each entity is bombarded with one report or another of killings, of anger, of challenges, of threats, of limitation, of one kind of mass murder or another, whether it is mental, physical, psychological or emotional. There is so much of dissention that is the normal way of things in your third-density illusion. 2019/0525.txt:96:We would encourage each seeker of truth that wishes to make sense of it all to look within the heart and to see that each entity that is crying out for assistance, that is crying out in anger or frustration is the One Creator that has provided itself with challenges enumerable to find a reason to open the heart in love to all. At some point in each entity’s journey, there comes the time when one throws down the intellectual defenses, the intellectual attack, the emotional retribution, and says within, “This must stop. I now stop my anger and open my heart in love.” 2019/0525.txt:97:Know then that when any soul does this, as more and more are doing now upon your planetary surface, this type of seeking and sharing of the love and the light of the One Creator within each individual heart has a resounding and resonating effect that affects every other seeker on the planet, every other soul on the planet that has any kind of sensitivity to the vibrations of love and acceptance, that when you can find any kind of love within your own heart and share it in meditation, in contemplation, in conscious interaction with others, that love will be felt by every other soul on the planet, for indeed, each entity is a portion of the One Infinite Creator, cells in the body of the One who made us all, and when your love is expressed to any other soul, every cells in the body of the One Creator resonates with this love and light, and there is, for at least a moment, a kind of healing of the anger, of the retribution, of the disturbances of doubt and confusion. 2019/0901.txt:42:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The experience of hatred that comes from the early times of one’s experience upon this planetary sphere, are those which are most difficult to remove or to balance, for they come at a time during which the child entity is most vulnerable to influences, both positive and negative. There is, for each entity, however, this quality of becoming impressed, or some would say programmed, in a certain fashion that causes one to become difficult to perceive that which is true about one without being colored by the programming that caused what you call the anger, the hatred. 2019/0901.txt:46:Then, instead of your part being programmed, your part is to deny the programming, to stand up for yourself in a way which you were not able to do as a young child, to claim what is your right, to claim what is love and light within your being, and which was not given to you when you were in your younger years, to stand up and to shout it, to cry, to give whatever emotional response you feel so that you rid yourself of that programming in a conscious fashion, giving voice to the anger and the hatred that was given to you, so that you expel it from your being, never again to be affected by it. 2019/0907.txt:3:At this time we would ask, as is our habit, if you would do us a small favor, and that is to take our words with a grain of salt, shall we say. Take those that have meaning to you at this time and use them as you will, as you must, and leave behind those words which have no meaning for you at this time, without giving them a second thought. In this way you clear a path for us to speak as we will, without any danger of becoming a stumbling block to you upon your path. 2019/0921.txt:4:This question comes from Luis, which asks: “Outside of our personal radiation of vibratory beingness to the planet, what are the most efficient forms of individual and collective work we can do to help heal the planet, smoothly alleviating the trapped heat caused by war and anger, and aid in the reduction of aggressive disharmonies between our cultures? Could you elaborate in more detail how to best perform this work, its effect, and its necessity or urgency? 2019/0928.txt:25:The Confederation has talked about the blue-ray energy center in terms of wisdom and honesty and communication, and what you described earlier sounds like the process of opening the green-ray energy center of universal love is a very involved and maybe drawn-out process. I was wondering if there is a danger, or if it is a misstep, to attempt to exercise the blue-ray energy center before adequately opening the green-ray energy center. And if it is dangerous, if you could talk about that. 2019/0928.txt:28:Thus, the green ray is that which is given freely without discrimination that is possible within the blue-ray energy center that sees more clearly that which is before the face, before the eye, before one’s presence. Thus, it is not always necessary to open the green ray before the blue-ray energy center is itself activated. For the blue ray sees with a certain clarity that which the green ray does not see, for there are not conditions for the green ray in being able to see or love that which is before one. Thus, there is no danger, as far as we are aware of opening the blue ray before the green ray. The blue ray offers the one activating it a certain kind of protection. However, in relation to other selves, it is, perhaps, more helpful if the green ray is also activated before the blue ray so that the blue ray may be informed with the acceptance on an unconditional basis of another entity, or the creation about one. 2019/1.txt:8: [overview] Topics: Impairments and how they affect harvestability; soul family; anger; polytheism; service-to-self energies; consciousness as a microcosm of the Law of One; inspiring children to meditate. 2019/1013.txt:16:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. This query is an interesting one, in that it puts forth the possibility of that which would seem contraindicated—the warrior characteristic or mentality that would not normally be seen as a companion of the fourth density of love and understanding. But, within your third-density illusion which is so heavy and problematic at this time for so many people, with so many divisions between entities, so much doubt, anger, confusion and separation, it is not an easy process for the conscious seeker of truth to move through the illusion about it in a loving manner at all times. There are difficulties that prohibit in some instances the freely shared love and light when it seems to be rejected and thrown back into one’s face, causing one to feel perhaps to be a failure. 2019/1102.txt:13:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The service-to-self oriented wanderer is much less likely to be in existence because of the great amount of danger that there is in the forgetting process, for each wanderer who wishes to be of service, whether to self or other selves, upon any third-density planet, must-needs then go through the forgetting process, passing through the veil of forgetting, so that its true identity is not known to itself and it must discover that identity as a process of its enlightenment and engaging in the service to others portion of its incarnation. 1 Thus, many wanderers have come to this planet of a positive nature and have had difficulty in remembering the reason for the incarnation, and the path that they had chosen previous to the incarnation to take when here. That does not nullify their effort, nor depolarize their polarity, but removes from them the opportunity to be of the service they had hoped to be. 2019/1109.txt:32:Q’uo, what is the best way for an individual to respond in love to a situation that would normally promote anger? 2019/1123.txt:8:Thus this evolution becomes tinted, or tainted, shall we say, with that which is put into the shadows of the unconscious or the lower levels of the conscious so that they are not totally dismissed by the young entity, but are held in a kind of reserve, so that from time to time these shadow portions of the self that have been created by the educational process in the young entity, make a portion of themselves apparent to the young entity in perhaps an uncontrollable way, so that there is the disbursing of the dark energy, perhaps in anger, perhaps in confusion perhaps in some way in which the young entity is unaware that its own shadow side is seeking to express itself in a manner which may or may not be consummate with the experience that the young entity is having. 2019/1214.txt:34:I do have another one. Ra has said that a perfectly balanced entity would respond to any situation with love and sees all things as love, and that to a perfectly balanced entity, no situation would be emotionally charged. 1 I’m trying to understand what “emotionally charged” and “love” mean. Is it possible that a perfectly balanced entity could look upon a situation and still experience something that could be called sadness, or sorrow, or anger? Or are these things considered an emotion charge and a perfectly balanced entity would only experience the constant love within any situation? 2020/0104.txt:11:Since so many have the distortion of doubt, confusion, anger, separation, and so forth, as their daily grist for the mill, shall we say, this intensification of the fourth density energies causes such entities to become more of that which they are expressing in their life experience, be it confusion, doubt, anger, jealousy, and so forth. This enhances the path that they are upon as well as it does the positive path, and in the same fashion, one may also assume correctly that the negatively oriented entities are also able to utilize these energies in their own fashion, to pursue their path of service to self. 2020/0118.txt:27:The attempt to find love, rather than to be confused with anger or jealousy or disharmony, or any other emotion than love, is an attempt of purification of the perception of the seeker of truth. This is the foundation stone, this is the direction which has the most meaning for any seeker of truth. The attempt, then, is that which lays the framework for the seeker of truth to move and have its liveliness, shall we say, its vitality that is enhanced by the attempt. Each attempt, each intention, will produce some result, whether it is complete in its entirety of perceiving the love in the moment, is of little importance. 2020/0125.txt:12:Q’uo, I’m going to read a few sentences from Ra. The final sentence in this excerpt has confused even the greatest scholars of the Ra contact. Ra says: “The largest number of wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted toward a great deal of purity of mind, and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, (here’s the tough part) and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction.” Can you lend any clarity to “and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction?”new speakerQ’uo 2020/0125.txt:15:The reason this maelstrom has the, shall we say, sinkhole quality of drawing these entities into it, is that there is the continued failure to put forth the necessary effort to make progress on the spiritual path. This creates a kind of inner turmoil which is reflected outwardly for each entity so that there is a cumulative increase in exponential terms for the confusion, doubt, anger, fear, and so forth that form the emotional framework for such entities. 2020/0125.txt:27:In that case, would, say … you also use the word negativity, and that’s where I’m attempting to explore, because many positive beings have a variety of experiences of negativity, sometimes communicated. So for the entity who may have a, say, knee-jerk reaction of anger, or frustration, or other form of negativity, does that fall within the karma-accumulating unloving activity?new speakerQ’uo 2020/0125.txt:28:I’m Q’uo, and am aware of your query my brother. In general, we would say this is not the case. For there must be a pattern of this type of negative expression of control over another self, that would cause the wanderer or any other entity so demonstrating this controlling behavior, to need to repeat the master cycle of third density experience. The knee-jerk reaction to which you refer is a kind of experience of catalyst, which to the conscientious seeker of truth becomes an opportunity to balance in the overall sense of its beingness. So that the anger may be balanced by the love that was absent in the expression of anger, as the catalyst was experienced. 2020/0125.txt:43:Yes. I’m glad Lynn brought up the example of Jesus. Because by Ra’s report, Jesus became angry at a playmate and ended that playmate’s life. And upon doing so, discovered that he had a terrible power within himself, which galvanized him to rectify that wrong and to learn its positive uses. So it seems that Jesus’s destruction of his playmate was something of a knee-jerk reaction. He reacted with anger, and killed his friend. In that case, how did this accumulate karma for the one known as Jesus?new speakerQ’uo 2020/0201.txt:15:This catalyst, whether it be depression, or anxiety, or trauma, or difficulty of any kind whatsoever is intense, because the intensity is a means by which the nature of the spiritual journey can be revealed to one who goes forward fearlessly into the fray of its own perceptions of depression, anxiety, jealousy, anger, and so forth. These forays into catalyst then are the movement of the seeker along the path of truth. For this third-density illusion has within it the potential to release the greater and greater apprehensions of the One Creator that exists within each seeker of truth. At each energy center there is a reflection of types of catalyst that the seeker may utilize to move forward along the energy centers or chakras. Thus, it is suggested that the catalyst of anxiety and depression be located by the seeker in their correct position according to the seeker’s estimation, so that there can be an activity there in meditation that attempts to allow an expansion of the apprehension or perception of what is occurring in the seeker’s life at any particular moment. 2020/0208.txt:35:Certain choices may be causing a various kind of disorientation, or pain, or anger, or jealousy, or of many other types of emotions so that they are at the mercy of their own previous choices. A great deal of compassion may be felt for such entities, for they know not what they do, and yet they continue to do it. If you can give your love in some way that supports what you see as the core of their being that is the Creator in human form, then you have done all that you can do in the way of relating in a fashion that is helpful and is truthful. 2020/0208.txt:60:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that such metaprograms are utilized by entities who are working within the higher energy centers so that an experience in the daily round of activities may be seen to be available to each energy center in what you may call the metaprogram in higher and higher aspects. You may meet a person on the street and have a collision, say, with cars, and the beginning conversation begins with anger and confusion and the testing of the survival of the red ray. And then perhaps one of the entities suggest that maybe there is another way, and a conversation is begun. And there is the opportunity to see how each contributed to the accident, and that it would not have happened had not both done what they did. Then, the energies may be raised even higher to the yellow ray, as the entities converse with the local officials investigating the accident, so that the joint decision of both parties to the accident is seen to be recorded in the official records of the police, shall we say. 2020/0220.txt:50:These plants are found all over your planet and are in most cases (and in most countries) deemed illegal or dangerous, because their effect upon the human brain and mind is not understood clearly by most within the normal society. And this type of thinking or being is that which is a threat to most such entities who do not have the, shall we say, spiritual inclination to find an explanation for the reason for their being upon the planet, other than here to have a job, make a living, support a family, and get ahead. 2020/0220.txt:56:Thus, when we find entities such as this gathered in circles such as this circle and are willing to ask us to come to join them, we rejoice at the opportunity of doing so, for we are reuniting with those of our home planet in many cases. For there are many of us upon the planet Earth at this time, and many from other planetary entities within the higher densities that are here upon planet Earth now, attempting to aid in the harvest, which is a difficult harvest… difficult because there’s so much anger and separation upon this planet at this time. 2020/0307.txt:5:This is a somewhat subtle experience as there are oftentimes a mixture of emotions that come to balance the original disharmony. To perceive which is most helpful is that which is your task. However, we would also suggest that if you are cut off in traffic, shall we say, that it may be that the first balancing emotion will be acceptance of the entity which has so cut you off in traffic. If this is the natural response, then you may allow this response to grow into your consciousness so that it is of a nature of quality and quantity to equal the dissatisfaction or disharmony or anger that you felt after being cut off. 2021/0310.txt:77:Their day-to-day experience prior to the formation of complex societies, though not without social experience, may center on much fewer considerations than you in your present experience might entertain—the acquisition of food and shelter, the necessity for procreation, protection from danger or threat—perhaps done in consideration of mythology to help them intellectually grasp their situation and the natural processes around them. We encourage the questioner to spend some time considering just how much less stimulation and input and ethical considerations there are for the third-density entity in this situation, and then to contrast that situation to your present experience, which would be impossible to inventory in full; but we may make some headway by asking the one known as Paul to consider the sound or cacophony even that the increasing awareness of voices from around the world create for both the manifested and the unmanifested self. The diversity and range of cultures, archetypal motifs, worldviews, biases, is outstanding and overwhelming, [producing] a society that has perennial difficulty unifying as a globe, much less as even homogenous cultures unto themselves. 2021/0310.txt:102:If it can be processed more and more successfully, so that each individual entity takes a larger and larger view—moving beyond the individual self, the family, the community, the nation, the world and begin to see each as an expression of that which is sacred, that which is holy, that which is of the One Creator, that which exists in all entities—then it is possible that the confusion and anger and separation and disillusionment may be melted away in the refining fires of love. 2021/0414.txt:50:Speaking to the questioner’s mention of the dangerous aspects of incarnating into the third density as a wanderer, we do find that it is more common for those unaware wanderers to, in their confusion, generate what you might call karma or act in ways that then perpetuate their need to continue incarnating in the third density in order to balance that which was imbalanced. Though, we would like to offer comfort to those who may feel concern for these individuals, for such a journey is not a delay, it is not a sidetrack, but instead is another thread woven into the grand tapestry of that individual’s journey from and to the Creator. 2021/0428.txt:33:Perhaps the seeker has a supportive social system, perhaps the kindness of friends or strangers has helped boost the attitude and bring light to the perception of the seeker allowing it to view its circumstances with even a slightly elevated perception, enabling them to make the choice within that moment to seize the opportunity, whatever it may be. Perhaps one may reflect upon more basic life circumstances—the physical needs met, comfort, shelter, companionship—and with these basic needs met, the opportunity may be fully recognized for what it is. 2021/0527.txt:5:You asked today a question that is so very pertinent to the third-density illusion in which you inhabit at this time. For the third density is one which is surrounded by a veil of forgetting—forgetting that all within it are portions of the One Creator, that all within it know that love of each other is a given beyond the veil (though so much of a forgotten fact within the veil), and that the light that the creation is made of shines within each entity. For oftentimes in your illusion, as you have mentioned in your question, this light seems to either shine in a method or manner which is difficult to perceive or unable to be perceived at all. For there seems to be so much division and disillusionment, separation and anger, that is the food for many who exist with you at this time within your third density. 2021/0623.txt:62:We suggest that the strongest and most effective approach when considering this is to remain centered within the heart as you consider other selves with seemingly offensive or even dangerous views of reality and, when possible, offer other selves the benefit of the doubt and recognize that, though they may seem stubborn, there is a shared willingness to release some level of personal attachment to a view of reality and come together. And if this is fostered and acknowledged and continuously touched upon in such seeking, it may grow and blossom as a flower in a garden that is given due attention and water. 2021/0819.txt:15:And so as you attempt to examine your own journey, and imagine the journey of the other self, if at any time you feel within yourself the tension, the heat of anger, the despair and the sorrow, for as much as you can, bring these experiences into your heart and realize that this is now the shared story. This may not be as pleasant as the harmony that you desire, but it is indeed just as important and just as crucial to your being. Allow these experiences to express themselves and have their space within your being, always ensuring that you rest upon your cornerstone of the desire to discover love, the desire to serve others, and the desire to create harmony. 2021/0825.txt:8:When there is a barrage of such disharmony at any particular time within the seeker’s experience, then it is that the work upon the self, utilizing disharmony as grist for the mill, you may say, [becomes] food for the soul. For in truth, all such disharmonies may be seen as one facet or another of the One Creator, with the light and love of the Creator flowing through the facet that has become clouded in some way so, that clear communication from the level of the heart and the level of wisdom is not perceived. This is that which can generate or serve as the seed for anxiety within the seeker, for where there is confusion, or anger, or disillusionment, or misperception, then it is that the seeker must somehow untangle these threads of miscommunication or disharmonious communication so, there is some sense of commonality, some sense of communication that may be perceived more clearly. 2021/0908.txt:30:This, then, has an affect on the type of energy, specifically in the form of experience, which is attracted to the entity. For example, the entity may be desirous of learning lessons which challenge its ability to keep its heart open and to express forgiveness—to return not anger for anger, but love—in which case, this entity may seem to be the recipient of negatively oriented, even at times cruel-seeming catalysts, whether that is from the parental entities or others in its home environment while growing up. And onward as the entity matures, there will be additional opportunities. 2021/1006.txt:38:Consider where a collective of your entities holds a thought, say a prejudice torward … this instrument smiles knowing that his spouse would correct his pronunciation … “toward” a minority or other disliked group and the way in which that thought creates space then for it to become a thing, shall we say. Not necessarily an object like a chair, but to become manifest as an activity or action, say, as a demagogue who utilizes and embodies and puts into motion this thought toward the persecuted group, or the way in which the thought of unhealed or unprocessed anger may manifest itself as that bodily condition known as cancer. 90s.js:9:let htiktlatpu = ["angst","grief", "angry", "anger", "angel", "anguish", "food", "healing", "trepidation", "children", "jesus", "Jehoshua", "Yahweh", "Christ", "Amira", 90s.js:19:"slave", "saint", "birthright", "stranger", "fool", "group", "companionship", "vine", "community", "society", "forest", "fire", "air", "vacuum", "rock", "antagonism", 90s.js:26:"anger", "believe", "desire", "desired", "curious", "hungry", "greed", "despair", "pray", "prayer", "ambition", "anticlimax", "hate", "doubt", "wise", "fear", "thank", "pain", "guilty", "hope", "wounded", "indifference", "interest", "jealous", "lonely", "love", "karma", "pride", "empathetic.joy", "sad", "satisfied", "self.confidence", "shame", "shock", "shyness", "trouble", "loyalty", "wonder", "preoccupation", "enthusiasm", "patience", "equanimity", "adaptation", "dissatisfaction", "charm", "ignorant", "humble", "success", "melancholy", "wow", "beautiful", "unambitious", "suspicious", "enjoy", "self.satisfied", "flattering", "spite", "health", "social", "sacrifice", "trap", "entrap", "admiration", "tired", "dog.tired", "overworked", "expiring", "wear.out", "animated", "invincible", "cower", "ecstatic", "thrill", "nervous", "obsession", "twinge", "smile", "bitter", "sympathy", "beneficial", "cruel", "regretted", "contrition", "wretchedness", "privileged", "better", "elite", "super", "benevolent", "moral", "vindication", "cold", "warm", "satyr", "sexual", "sleep", "reverie", "uncertainty", "lazy", "crowded", "bounded", "frugal", "childish", "innocent", "understand", "humour", "jest", "hilarious", "vain", "arbitrary", "trivial", "fool", "blase", "please", "pardon", "ugly", "laugh", "respect", "majestic", "awed", "peace", "confusion" ] loveVerse.js:8:let htiktlatpu = ["angst","grief", "angry", "anger", "angel", "anguish", "food", "healing", "trepidation", "children", "jesus", "Jehoshua", "Yahweh", "Christ", "Amira", loveVerse.js:18:"slave", "saint", "birthright", "stranger", "fool", "group", "companionship", "vine", "community", "society", "forest", "fire", "air", "vacuum", "rock", "antagonism", loveVerse.js:25:"anger", "believe", "desire", "desired", "curious", "hungry", "greed", "despair", "pray", "prayer", "ambition", "anticlimax", "hate", "doubt", "wise", "fear", "thank", "pain", "guilty", "hope", "wounded", "indifference", "interest", "jealous", "lonely", "love", "karma", "pride", "empathetic.joy", "sad", "satisfied", "self.confidence", "shame", "shock", "shyness", "trouble", "loyalty", "wonder", "preoccupation", "enthusiasm", "patience", "equanimity", "adaptation", "dissatisfaction", "charm", "ignorant", "humble", "success", "melancholy", "wow", "beautiful", "unambitious", "suspicious", "enjoy", "self.satisfied", "flattering", "spite", "health", "social", "sacrifice", "trap", "entrap", "admiration", "tired", "dog.tired", "overworked", "expiring", "wear.out", "animated", "invincible", "cower", "ecstatic", "thrill", "nervous", "obsession", "twinge", "smile", "bitter", "sympathy", "beneficial", "cruel", "regretted", "contrition", "wretchedness", "privileged", "better", "elite", "super", "benevolent", "moral", "vindication", "cold", "warm", "satyr", "sexual", "sleep", "reverie", "uncertainty", "lazy", "crowded", "bounded", "frugal", "childish", "innocent", "understand", "humour", "jest", "hilarious", "vain", "arbitrary", "trivial", "fool", "blase", "please", "pardon", "ugly", "laugh", "respect", "majestic", "awed", "peace", "confusion" ] 1981ra-contact/002.txt:13:We are those of the Confederation who, eleven thousand of your years ago, came to two of your planetary cultures which were at that time closely in touch with the creation of the One Creator. It was our naïve belief that we could teach/learn by direct contact, and the free-will distortions of individual feeling or personality were in no danger, we thought, of being disturbed, as these cultures were already closely aligned with a[n] all-embracing belief in the live-ness or consciousness of all. 1981ra-contact/010.txt:37:Is there any danger of this happening to Earth at this time? 1981ra-contact/012.txt:120:I am Ra. Few there are of fourth density. The largest number of wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction.1 1981ra-contact/012.txt:147:[footnote start]This final sentence seems to have been confused in transmission. It’s possible Ra intended to say something similar to: “The challenge/danger of the wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom [into] which it had incarnated [in order] to [prevent] the destruction.”↩[footnote end] 1981ra-contact/017.txt:36:Was its danger both blast and radiation? 1981ra-contact/019.txt:83:I am Ra. We speak in generalities, which is dangerous for always inaccurate. However, we realize you look for the overview, so we will eliminate anomalies and speak of majorities. 1981ra-contact/035.txt:49:The planetary energies at this time were at what seemed to this entity to be at a critical point, for that which you know as freedom had gained in acceptance as a possibility among many peoples. This entity saw the work done by those beginning the democratic concept of freedom, as you call it, in danger of being abridged, or abrogated, by the rising belief and use of the principle of the enslavement of entities. This is a negative concept of a fairly serious nature in your density. This entity, therefore, went forward into what it saw as the battle for the light, for healing of a rupture in the concept of freedom. 1981ra-contact/036.txt:79:I am Ra. The wanderer has the potential of greatly accelerating the density whence it comes in its progress in evolution. This is due to the intensive life experiences and opportunities of the third density. Thusly the positively oriented wanderer chooses to hazard the danger of the forgetting in order to be of service to others by radiating love of others. If the forgetting is penetrated the amount of catalyst in third density will polarize the wanderer with much greater efficiency than shall be expected in the higher and more harmonious densities. 1981ra-contact/040.txt:45:I am Ra. This is correct. It is this influence which has begun to cause thoughts to become things. As an example, you may observe the thoughts of anger becoming those cells of the physical bodily complex going out of control to become what you call the cancer. 1981ra-contact/040.txt:55:You mentioned that thoughts of anger now are causing cancer. Can you expand on this mechanism as it acts as a catalyst or its complete purpose? 1981ra-contact/046.txt:22:Can you tell me something of the little growth on Gandalf’s leg, what caused it and if it is a danger to him? 1981ra-contact/046.txt:24:I am Ra. The cause of such growths has been previously discussed. The danger to the physical body complex is slight given the lack of repeated stimulus to anger. 1981ra-contact/046.txt:30:I was just wondering, if an entity polarizes toward the service-to-self path, would the anger have the same physical effect that it affects an entity polarized toward the service-to-others path? Would it also cause cancer, or is it just a catalytic effect working in the positively polarized entity? 1981ra-contact/046.txt:32:I am Ra. The catalytic mechanisms are dependent not upon the chosen polarity of a mind/body/spirit complex, but upon the use, or purpose, to which this catalysis is put. Thus the entity which uses the experience of anger to polarize consciously, positively or negatively, does not experience the bodily catalyst but rather uses the catalyst in mental configuration. 1981ra-contact/046.txt:40:The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived, not as folly in itself, but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used. 1981ra-contact/046.txt:41:Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began. 1981ra-contact/046.txt:42:The negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected, or random, energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funneling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self or otherwise control the situation causing anger. 1981ra-contact/046.txt:47:I am Ra. This is partially correct. The first acceptance or control, depending upon polarity, is of the self. Anger is one of many things to be accepted and loved as a part of self or controlled as a part of self, if the entity is to do work. 1981ra-contact/046.txt:49:Then are you saying that if a negatively polarized or polarizing entity is unable to control his own anger, or unable to control himself in anger, that he may cause cancer? Is this correct? 1981ra-contact/048.txt:64:There are adepts who have penetrated many, many of the energy centers and several of the true colors. This must be done with utmost care while in the physical body, for as we noted when speaking of the dangers of linking red/orange/yellow circuitry with true-color blue circuitry, the potential for disarrangement of the mind/body/spirit complex is great. However, the entity who penetrates intelligent infinity is basically capable of walking the universe with unfettered tread. 1981ra-contact/052.txt:40:There is great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger, for it may be used even subconsciously in ways reducing the polarity of the entity. 1981ra-contact/054.txt:105:However, a negatively oriented entity may choose a painful condition in order to improve the distortion toward the so-called negative emotive mentations such as anger, hatred, and frustration. Such an entity may use an entire incarnative experience honing a blunt edge of hatred, or anger, so that it may polarize more towards the negative, or separated, pole. 1981ra-contact/056.txt:22:It is to be noted that these shapes are dangerous. We are quite pleased to have the opportunity to enlarge upon the subject of shapes such as the pyramid, for we wish, as part of our honor/duty, to state that there are many wrong uses for these curved shapes; for with improper placement, improper intentions, or lack of the crystallized being functioning as channel for healing, the sensitive entity will be distorted more rather than less in some cases. 1981ra-contact/057.txt:93:However, we found that your peoples are not distorted towards the desire for purity to a great enough extent to be given this powerful and potentially dangerous gift. We, therefore, would suggest it not be used for healing in the traditional, shall we say, King’s Chamber configuration which we naïvely gave to your peoples only to see its use grossly distorted and our teachings lost. 1981ra-contact/057.txt:146:The dangerous pyramid shape for use today would be a four-sided pyramid that was large enough to create the King’s Chamber effect. Is that statement correct? 1981ra-contact/057.txt:154:I will restate the question. I am assuming then that it might be dangerous to use a 76° angle pyramid, and I will ask what angle less than 76° would be roughly the first angle that would not produce this dangerous effect? 1981ra-contact/058.txt:71:Thank you, that explains it nicely. I apologize for asking so many stupid questions on this, but I am really functioning here with very little knowledge. I do not wish to get into subject matter of no importance. I had assumed that questions about the pyramid were desired by you due to the fact that some danger was involved to some who had misused the pyramid, etc. 1981ra-contact/059.txt:12:I have a question from Jim that states: “I think I have penetrated the mystery of my lifelong anger at making mistakes. I think I have always been aware subconsciously of my abilities to master new learnings, but my desire to successfully complete my mission on Earth has been energized by the Orion group into irrational and destructive anger when I fail. Could you comment on this observation?” 1981ra-contact/059.txt:78:I am Ra. There are several. However, their uses are limited. The use of the resonating chamber position is one which challenges the ability of an adept to face the self. This is one type of mental test which may be used. It is powerful and quite dangerous. 1981ra-contact/066.txt:157:There are still instances of the types of disease which are associated with the mind-complex distortions of negative emotions such as anger. However, in an harvestable entity these emotional distortions are much more likely to be used as catalyst in an expressive and destructive sense as regards the object of anger. 1981ra-contact/069.txt:16:I am Ra. This is a misperceived concept. The mind/body/spirit complex which freely leaves the third-density physical complex is vulnerable when the appropriate protection is not at hand. You may perceive carefully that very few entities which choose to leave their physical complexes are doing work of such a nature as to attract the polarized attention of negatively oriented entities. The danger to most in trance state, as you term the physical complex being left, is the touching of the physical complex in such a manner as to attract the mind/body/spirit complex back thereunto, or to damage the means by which that which you call ectoplasm is being recalled. 1981ra-contact/069.txt:38:I am Ra. Given that the entity is not attempting to be of service in this particular way which is proceeding now, the entities of negative orientation would not find it possible to remove the mind/body/spirit. The unique characteristic, as we have said, which is, shall we say, dangerous, is the willing of the mind/body/spirit complex outward from the physical complex of third density for the purpose of service to others. In any other situation this circumstance would not be in effect. 1981ra-contact/072.txt:72:Is there any danger in the Sunday night meditations, with the precautions we are taking, of the instrument being led away by the Orion entity? 1981ra-contact/079.txt:8:The instrument would like to ask: is there any danger in receiving too much transferred energy with the instrument in her present condition? 1981ra-contact/098.txt:40:I am Ra. No. There is no greater cause for caution than previously. And, yes, the phrases of which you speak shall aid the entity. Although this entity is in body complex old—and, therefore, liable to danger from what you call your anesthetic—its mental, emotional, and spiritual distortions are such that it is strongly motivated to recover that it might once again rejoin the loved one. Keep in mind that this entity is harvestable third density. 1981ra-contact/098.txt:50:I was wondering if I was correct in my assumption that the reason for the growths was a state of anger in the cat, Gandalf, because of the introduction of the newer cats into his environment. Was I correct? 1981ra-contact/098.txt:73:Was it necessary for the cat, Gandalf, to be a mind/body/spirit complex harvestable third density to have the anger result in cancer? 1981ra-contact/098.txt:77:Then any mind/body complex can develop cancer as a result of anger. Is this correct? 1981ra-contact/099.txt:21:Finally, of the preliminary questions, one from Jim stating: “For the last three weeks I have often been at the edge of anger and frustration, have had a nearly constant dull pain at my indigo-ray center, and have felt quite drained of energy. Would Ra comment on the source of these experiences and any thoughts or actions that might alleviate it?” 1981ra-contact/101.txt:30:In the sense which we feel you intend, the source was the fifth-density negative friend which had noted the gradual falling away of the inharmonious patterns of the distortion called anger/frustration in the entity. The insect was easily led to an attack, and the physical vehicle, which had long-standing allergies and sensitivities, was also easily led into the mechanisms of the failure of lymphatic function and the greatly diminished ability of the immune system to remove from the yellow-ray body that which distorted it. 1981ra-contact/105.txt:87:I am Ra. The anger of separation is impossible without the veil. The lack of awareness of the body’s need for liquid is unlikely without the veil. The decision to contemplate perfection in discipline is quite improbable without the veil. 1981ra-contact/timeline.txt:60:“We are those of the Confederation who eleven thousand of your years ago came to two of your planetary cultures which were at that time closely in touch with the creation of the One Creator. It was our naïve belief that we could teach/learn by direct contact and the free will distortions of individual feeling or personality were in no danger, we thought, of being disturbed as these cultures were already closely aligned with a[n] all-embracing belief in the live-ness or consciousness of all. We came and were welcomed by the peoples whom we wished to serve. We attempted to aid them in technical ways having to do with the healing of mind/body/spirit complex distortions through the use of the crystal, appropriate to the distortion, placed within a certain appropriate series of ratios of time/space material. Thus were the pyramids created. We found that the technology was reserved largely for those with the effectual mind/body distortion of power. This was not intended by the Law of One. We left your peoples. The group that was to work with those in the area of South America, as you call that portion of your sphere, gave up not so easily. They returned. We did not. However, we have never left your vibration due to our responsibility for the changes in consciousness we had first caused and then found distorted in ways not relegated to the Law of One. We attempted to contact the rulers of the land to which we had come, that land which you call Egypt, or in some areas, the Holy Land.” 2.2 1981ra-contact/timeline.txt:100:Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It is this influence which has begun to cause thoughts to become things. As an example you may observe the thoughts of anger becoming those cells of the physical bodily complex going out of control to become what you call the cancer. 40.9 loveSentence.js:8:let htiktlatpu = ["angst","grief", "angry", "anger", "angel", "anguish", "food", "healing", "trepidation", "children", "jesus", "Jehoshua", "Yahweh", "Christ", "Amira", loveSentence.js:18:"slave", "saint", "birthright", "stranger", "fool", "group", "companionship", "vine", "community", "society", "forest", "fire", "air", "vacuum", "rock", "antagonism", loveSentence.js:25:"anger", "believe", "desire", "desired", "curious", "hungry", "greed", "despair", "pray", "prayer", "ambition", "anticlimax", "hate", "doubt", "wise", "fear", "thank", "pain", "guilty", "hope", "wounded", "indifference", "interest", "jealous", "lonely", "love", "karma", "pride", "empathetic.joy", "sad", "satisfied", "self.confidence", "shame", "shock", "shyness", "trouble", "loyalty", "wonder", "preoccupation", "enthusiasm", "patience", "equanimity", "adaptation", "dissatisfaction", "charm", "ignorant", "humble", "success", "melancholy", "wow", "beautiful", "unambitious", "suspicious", "enjoy", "self.satisfied", "flattering", "spite", "health", "social", "sacrifice", "trap", "entrap", "admiration", "tired", "dog.tired", "overworked", "expiring", "wear.out", "animated", "invincible", "cower", "ecstatic", "thrill", "nervous", "obsession", "twinge", "smile", "bitter", "sympathy", "beneficial", "cruel", "regretted", "contrition", "wretchedness", "privileged", "better", "elite", "super", "benevolent", "moral", "vindication", "cold", "warm", "satyr", "sexual", "sleep", "reverie", "uncertainty", "lazy", "crowded", "bounded", "frugal", "childish", "innocent", "understand", "humour", "jest", "hilarious", "vain", "arbitrary", "trivial", "fool", "blase", "please", "pardon", "ugly", "laugh", "respect", "majestic", "awed", "peace", "confusion" ] 2022/0105.txt:40:These attitudes, as each seeker is certainly aware, have been energized and manipulated somewhat by those who feel they can take advantage of these opposing dynamics. And this manipulation, we understand, may bring some concern to the seeker. Yet we offer the thought that it does not change how the individual seeker may address the situation. At the core of this is for the seeker to recognize the fear, and anger, and strong desire within each individual in how they respond to the pandemic. 2022/0105.txt:44:Any individual seeker wishing to help alleviate the situation may have their own opinions about how society as a whole may respond to any given crisis or catalyst. Yet, we encourage you to contemplate: instead of attempting to reform society and convince others how to behave or how to respond, or convince them of impending doom or danger; instead offer one’s light so that the individuals who are facing these inner shadows for the first time may be aided by your example, may be comforted by your love, may be guided by your gentle hand. 2022/0126.txt:12:As the will of the entity establishes a stable base, you may say, within the heart center, that is, as the entity strengthens the heart and teaches itself to love itself and all others, to see all things as love, to not slip into the trap of resentment and anger and other energies which negatively obscure the love that exists within each moment, and instead learns to love and to forgive, the will can continue upward into higher work upon this platform, into the penetration of the blue ray; a ray, as we were describing, of clarity. 2022/0209.txt:40:Upon analyzing the thought, the entity can move into various directions of continued thinking. Perhaps, the thought was one that made the entity feel insecure or afraid or angry. Then, there are avenues for continuing along those trajectories of insecurity, fear, and anger. In instances such as that, we suggest that the entity genuinely and lovingly experience those sensations of insecurity fear, anger, sadness, envy—all these emotions that you in your density have termed as negative or unfavorable—and work to accept and love those emotions, feeling them fully, knowing them fully for the experience has gifted you this opportunity. 2022/0309.txt:30:This attitude is an incredibly difficult attitude to manifest within the third density, for the veil [is intended to] prevent an entity, who may take up defensive attitudes, from recognizing the presence of the Creator in any situation. The mechanisms of survival and tribalism are primary aspects of the catalyst that you experience within the third density. And in a moment at which one’s life is threatened or one’s loved ones are threatened, the Creator and thoughts of the Creator are generally outside of the reach of an individual, who instead feels a swell of survival. And an act that, in the end, may be based upon love of another, in the moment is undertaken with an attitude of separation that may be manifested as anger, as fear, or as even thoughts of revenge and retribution. 2022/0309.txt:37:M writes, “I work in a hospital as a nurse. It’s pretty obvious that I struggle most in situations dealing with groups, such as working members or strangers, in general. If people accept me and show me a warm welcome, my ego-ice melts extremely fast, and I’m able to be myself. But in general, I have deep fears of being denied, rejected, or criticized. This leads me to subconsciously manifested behavior of adapting to others’ wishes and control mechanisms. Because of that, I often feel shame and anger for myself. I got way better at communicating and setting healthy boundaries. Nevertheless, these situations are regularly attracted into my daily round of activities. And I know these are solar plexus themes that are an energy block for my true heart.” 2022/0729.txt:31:Again, not that it has achieved some seal or label from without that says that it is sacred, but rather than that the self realizes who and what it is through the ally and athanor of the body. The mind in combination with the body then cease obscuring the Creator from its presence in this moment, inter-penetrating every aspect of bone and sinew, cell, vessel, and strand of hair and molecule of this body. It ceases being a stranger estranged from the self, and becomes part, indivisibly, of a unified whole, and exudes then self-radiating light. It becomes a sacred temple through which the self may worship and merge into the one again, whatever its apparent distortions and limitations of learning and mortality baked into the body or accumulated along the way, we may say. Whatever the shallow standards of culturally-dependent physical beauty that your peoples distort their perception with, the body radiates true beauty. 2022/1126.txt:12:Are there other factors other than anger or need for forgiveness that may underlie this particular malady?new speakerQ’uo 2022/1126.txt:13:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. In the general sense, there are no other factors other than the need for forgiveness and the removal of anger for the experience of what you call cancer. However, each person who has this quality of distortion may travel the path of forgiveness and anger in an unique way which would need to be discovered, so that the anger and forgiveness could be seen as the true means by which the cancer was acquired and then healed. 2022/1210.txt:7:At this time, there is much of what you call catalyst in which we would agree is, shall we say, grist for the mill—food for growth. Much catalyst that seems to divide one against another, to confuse many concepts and thoughts about the value of different philosophies and ways of being. Much of anger that has as its basis the inability to accept another point of view, another way of looking upon the purpose of life and the way to live it. 2022/1210.txt:9:The creation is made by the power of love. The creation that is formed as light. So, all entities are actually made of love and light and are part of the One Creator. That this basic principle has not been apprehended makes the catalyst at this time stronger than ever, more difficult than ever, to be able to utilize as food for spiritual growth. For in general, most people at previous times within this incarnational pattern of Earth had been able to utilize their catalyst more successfully, for it was not as intense, not as widespread. These latter years have created a situation in which, if it were possible for all of the catalysts on Earth at this time to be used in a meaningful fashion, that the entire planet itself and all this population could move forward into the fourth density of love and understanding. That is the amount of catalyst that would, shall we say, do the trick. But as you know, this is not at present seeming to occur, because there is so much division, so much confusion, so much anger, so much separation. 2023/0114.txt:71:In previous channelings, specifically those of Ra, it was conveyed that the cause of what we call cancer is the emotion of anger without balance. My question is in the case of the body/mind complex is that we call children with cancer. Is this manifesting as past life karma or part of their soul contract to be a catalyst for those around them? Or is it actually anger for those young children as well?new speakerQ'uo 2023/0114.txt:78:Thus, they have their own patterns of learning which may, for reasons unique to that entity, manifest at various stages of their life, be it the stage of infancy or the stage of the twilight years. And one such underlying current that may need balanced within the entity by their own discernment is that of the anger. There is no rule which says such deeper, unhealed, imbalanced threads within the self may only manifest within a certain time span in the incarnation. 2023/0211.txt:54:I have a query. In considering the current and all the past wars that have existed on this planet, and I’m thinking now, the battle in Ukraine or the war in Ukraine, when people are killed in violence that is extremely terrorizing, generating fear, anger, hatred, is it possible that the dying soul, or personality, becomes stuck on this planet? Or is there a normal progression in a life on a different plane after the three-dimensional life?new speakerQ’uo 2023/0311.txt:4:I have one. This question comes from J who asks, “If someone, in a moment of despair with anger or hurt—at themselves or someone else—makes a decision that ends their life, can they still graduate? In the overall view of a life that was very spiritual, loving, and kind, does that moment of hurt, which causes death, set them back?”new speakerQ'uo 2023/0311.txt:5:I am Q’uo, and I am aware your query, my sister. This is the query which has no definite answer. For there is the experience of the anger which has such an impact and force upon the entity that even though it has lived the spiritual life, it causes the entity to end that life. The ending is in a moment. Who knows what the moment holds following the end of the life. It could be that there is the changing of the heart, the increase of the love, the shining of the light within such an entity that it may also be able to continue on the spiritual path. With the ending of life being but a bump in the road, shall we say, added catalyst for the end to make use of, so that one may move further forward into the graduation into the fourth density of love and light. 2023/0311.txt:6:However, this is not something that can be known by the ordinary human mind within the third-density illusion. For within that illusion, it seems that all ended in a moment of anger. But perhaps the moment was transformative, so the life and the graduation may go on. Is there a follow up query, my sister?new speakerS 2023/0408.txt:76:Some there are whose being rings with the sorrow that emanates from your world. If you know what it is to have that faculty you call empathy, whereby a loved one’s pain or even a stranger’s pain is felt as one’s own, you may begin to grasp this experience that we have for those of your planet. And where there are tears, where there is lostness perceived within the self, where there is suffering and anguish and aloneness in particular, we feel this. And with our hearts opened wide, [we] beam love and light to offer comfort and solace. 2023/0513.txt:13:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. It is often helpful on the intellectual level, as well as the experiential level, to be able to see how each chakra is affected by whatever catalyst that you have experienced. For the experience of, say, anger and the opposite of acceptance can be utilized throughout all of the chakras. So that, within the red-ray chakra, that which is concerned with survival and sexual reproduction that, you see, perhaps there was a place where your survival was at risk. 2023/0723.txt:26:As we navigate this query through the stained glass that is this instrument, we would attempt to connect this instrument’s own memories and life experiences in hopes of speaking to this question. For this instrument in particular has this incarnational struggle of the body, the feeling that this body will keep the soul on this planet, in this experience, for a shorter amount of time, as you see time. As we scan her experiences, we see the emotions of, at times, fear, of worry, of anger, of sadness; and we can understand how those emotions bubble up, making themselves known.