1987/0917.txt:25:The blue ray sense of humor is not shared by as many among your peoples as all the other forms. It is what this instrument would call the punning, the playing with words to make them dance and live and create new combinations of thought. 1989/0813.txt:18:It is not always the wise word or the compassionate smile that is of service to others. There are times to listen and say nothing. There are times to be confrontive and surgical, and blunt and honest because the entity you wish to serve has got to know your point of view. Do not do this unless it is asked of you. But when it is asked of you in a compassionate way, express yourself in clear communication, in brilliant blue ray. For, you see, your deeper mind is telepathic and often you may feel that you know things that you know not how you know. But the conscious mind is anything but telepathic. Indeed, it is almost guaranteed not to be telepathic without training, for the distractions, the noise, the activity, and the shallowness of the illusion that you enjoy do not encourage depth of being. This is what you are seeking as one who seeks to serve others—is more and more depth and resonance of being. 1990/0615.txt:17:It could be said that the yearning of the open heart is the rectifying factor, the factor of purity, which gives to blue ray an assurance of having to deal with truths and not merely the concerns of the illusion. Blue ray contains within itself the power of expression. In the expressiveness of blue ray there exists the joy of creation in its occurrence. Blue ray is the first center of energy within the mind/body/spirit complex which may act creatively. With this creative power comes a responsibility. If the blue ray has been energized by the open heart, it is responsive to the energies that have come up from the lower centers, as it finds these energies balanced by love and then compassion. 1990/0615.txt:18:There is another source of energy available for expression in blue ray, however, and this is the source known as the Christ within. This energy, to be expressed, must first be apprehended in a form sufficient for the activation of blue ray. This involves, then, already the activity of that energy center which is located between the brows and is indigo in its true coloration. 1991/0526.txt:23:As one becomes able to communicate honestly and skillfully it becomes less important to communicate skillfully because it has become natural. There is no fear of reprisal, for the reprisal is coming from an entity that is loved with compassion of the open heart. Consequently, there are no entities to be feared; there are no failures to be feared. Part of the blue-ray opening is the development of a sense of humor, so one finds ways to say things in a light way, in a gentle way, in a way which shows a spaciousness of prospect, and for the purpose of this discussion, most importantly in ways in which the entity is enabled in its inner work, for if full living light is able to move into the indigo chakra, that chakra will have the maximum opportunity to do work in consciousness. The open heart regards the personality. It enables the blue-ray chakra to communicate from the level of the heart, that is the place of wisdom, to the self that is attempting to effect changes in consciousness by faith and will. 1991/0630.txt:47:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Each, both consciously and subconsciously, already does this but the sending of such energy to the most efficacious would be done in a carefully conscious fashion where the energy does seem to be entering through the crown chakra and moving through all centers of energy for the instrument. This done as a visualization will aid the contact in that we also move through the crown chakra and activate primarily the blue-ray center. The balanced configuration of the entity seen in the visualization and seen to be receiving the energy entering through the crown and moving to all portions of its physical vehicle would be a means whereby the instrument could be aided not only in its physical comfort but the contact could be aided as it moves through the instrument. 1992/0705.txt:16:Moving into the blue-ray energy center, this instrument sees its strongest center working well, and not in need of further balancing or energizing. This is the center of communication. It is most often blocked by those who would communicate that which has not been requested. It is well to have opinions and thoughts on every conceivable matter; this is the fruit of an active mind. It is not loving, however, to answer questions or address seen problems which have not been asked about or advice sought upon by the one to whom the entity is attempting to communicate. Service to others is very much a matter of waiting and having the patience of being the quietness of mind to feel and respect other entities’ freedom to make choices. 1992/0920.txt:7:The path of seeking moves each seeker through the trials of regularizing, crystallizing and clearing out the basic and central energies of self, self-love, love in relationships with others, and relationship with the society in groups and as a whole. The clearing of the heart and its opening is exceedingly important and usually much of a seeker’s time is continually spent in keeping this heart energy flowing and radiant. The work turns, then, from the obviously radiant to a more tightly focused radiance in the development of communication skills which are based upon a certain depth of personality or depth of a point of view, that is in the blue-ray center. 1993/0321.txt:20:Beyond this heart chakra, within the physical area of the throat, is the blue-ray energy center or chakra. Its expression concerns communication, whether that be communion with the Creator and learning therefrom, any communication in words to others or the non-verbal communications of song, poetry, art and all alternative ways of sharing the self without stint. 1993/0322_02.txt:58:Work in consciousness is largely the moving of energy which is intelligent through violet; then, by intention, from indigo into the blue ray of communication, which then opens the heart, which opened heart may go forth arrayed in the bright colors of love and purified emotion. There is the bringing down of pure light into an intelligible form of communication which carries purified emotion to the relationship which needs healing or, when the self is healer, to the entity to be healed. 1993/0516.txt:60:The concept of allowing the self to move along the path of evolution in a free and open manner is a concept which has meaning to an entity which works with the blue-ray energy center of the throat. Such a configuration of energy is then experienced by the seeker in a manner which promotes the clear communication of the self with the self and with other selves, accepting the self and other selves, and freely expressing the self to all which surround the self. In this manner, the giving of freedom and acceptance to others springs from the giving of freedom and acceptance to the self, for you are also a mirror and reflect that which is your being to those about you. 1994/1002.txt:43:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that due to our desire not to infringe upon your own free will that we can only affirm that which you have assumed, that the energies of the blue-ray center are those which have some need for expression within your own experience at this time. For us to specify the nature of this expression, or with whom it may occur, would be, in our opinion, inappropriate and we must apologize for leaving this portion of the mystery to your own discrimination. 1996/0512.txt:15:Now, with the movement into the throat chakra, or the blue-ray energy center, we move into that area wherein gifts of the Creator have often been given generously, for wanderers are communicators. It is ironic that the usual experience of the wanderer is one of frustration at being unable to communicate. This is, however, not because the wanderer cannot communicate, but because the wanderer is not speaking on the level at which others may be listening. The skill of communication is certainly in a large part simply the thinking and expressing of thoughts, knowing what is thought and finding the way to say it. However, the penalty for communicating in ways in which the other is not presently thinking is a failure to communicate. 1999/1205.txt:14:When the person facing this situation can realize the degree of fear that is distorting the challenge at hand, then it is that that entity becomes more and more skillful at looking straight at the fear involved and taking that fear within the heart and forgiving the self for being fearful. This work upon the self, over a period of time, begins to build up for the self a concept of the self as being flexible, able to learn new ways, unafraid to speak regardless of the consequences. It is as if you take a comb and comb through the difficulties and brambles that seem to be surrounding communication with this other self, combing away the tightness of spirit, combing the fear of ridicule, combing away the fear of making a mistake, combing away all the fear-based limitations that hedge you about as a communicator, until all that is left in your blue-ray energy field is an honest and open desire to give and receive information and love. Remember that communication itself is vibration. It has its own energy center, that blue-ray chakra in the throat. 1999/1205.txt:20:Perhaps the most helpful thing to remember about communication is that you are all one. You are all going through the same experience. You are intimate, intimate friends. This is the truth beyond the surface, behind the masks of personality and individuality. Above all things, keep that faith that each other self is as you are, no better and no worse. See that equality of self to self always, disregarding status and the details of wealth and position. Be heart to heart insofar as you can with each other self. And that attitude of love will greatly help the process of clear communication. Know that each of you has gifts. Some of you have blue-ray gifts of communication. Some of you have gifts elsewhere. It helps to know the self, to have confidence in the self. And so we encourage that within each. 2001/0211.txt:26:As human beings within the third-density illusion, each of you moves as best as one can through this illusion, knowing that there will be those times when the misstep is made. However, with the faith that all is well and shall be well, one may also know that any misstep or injurious action can also be utilized for healing and harmony that will bring the entities closer together in the unity of thought and compassion that binds all beings within the One Creation. Thus one may utilize any previous disharmonious action or misstep as a method of working both upon the self and upon clearing communication between the self and any other self with which one has a relationship in the daily round of activities. It is well, however, that this communication and opening of the green and blue-ray chakras take place first within the meditative state so that one may begin the healing process there, as a seed within a garden is nurtured so that it grows to a certain degree of maturity before the sharing is sought with the other self. 2003/0219.txt:17:Resting upon the energy of this center, resting upon the open heart, it is then that the disciplines of the personality begin. That which is the blue-ray center or the throat chakra is the seat of the discipline of creating true communication, true speech, and true statements. It is the seat wherein one discovers the art of listening. And these disciplines feed into those conduits that lead to communication that runs clear, as the stream that does not pick up the mud and the silt of the storm but, rather, lets energies be as they express and as they resound and as they ripple, not so much judging as praising the beauty of the ripples, not so much resisting as dancing with the patterns that emerge. 2004/0502.txt:49:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. This entity was one whose energy was that of the heart and yet whose abilities included communication. This entity was a brilliant blue-ray being who was able to inspire and to lead because his communication rested upon a compassionate and humane structure of character. This entity gave greatly of itself and was exemplary in its habits and inner disciplines, creating an incarnation of stature. 2004/0830.txt:14:That is the beautiful thing about communicating in clear blue ray, as this instrument would call it. When the heart is open and words are used well, each word carries that energy of the heart and can be perceived not as that which comes to wound but that which comes to aid. Gradually, through the time spent with this family system, the one known as G has found it more possible to listen to speech without becoming nervous or desiring to get away. And this is because that subconscious portion of the self recognizes the health and the attractiveness of these good words. It is an entirely new experience for this entity and is much appreciated on very deep levels. Yet still there is the backlog of two decades and more of difficulty and repetitive choices made to confirm the original choice that words are basically “bad” things. We overgeneralize here for the sake of the conversation. 2004/1003.txt:35:I’ll take a stab at it, Q’uo. Jesus was a martyr. He expressed to the fullest extent the fourth chakra, the open heart. Had he seated his experience in the blue ray and exercised the energies of wisdom, [had he] brought wisdom into his choice-making decisions and expressed that level of understanding, would wisdom then dictate to him, or inform him of, a choice in which he could have defended himself and polarized further? 2004/1212.txt:11:We suggest working with these energies from the blue-ray standpoint as well because calling upon the energies of blue ray is calling upon clear and honest communication. How do you communicate with yourself? Do you feel that you do a good job of communicating? Is there an edge to your communication with yourself? There usually are many edges to the way entities communicate with themselves; many ways in which the point of view is not straight-ahead but has a slant, an angle, or an edge to it so that perhaps you are not seeing a good picture. The power of blue ray, when called upon and asked in deep humility to come into your experience, is that power to throw light on a situation in such a way that you can see where you have an edge, where you have an angle, so that you are, perhaps, cheating yourself of a full and clear view of what your situation is. 2005/0304.txt:23:If, on the other hand, you dwell in that temple and are ready for more, then by all means move into those energies you wish to explore. If you feel that you have explored the blue-ray energy of open communication thoroughly and you are ready to move into work in consciousness, then you may work at visualization, meditation, contemplation or any other roads that you seem called at that one moment of work to begin to walk along. There are many paths. They do all lead to the Creator. You cannot take an incorrect path in thought or in meditation or in practice. And you need to move by feelings, by that resonance that tells you when you are on the right track. The blockages that you have spoken of are those within your energy body that would narrow the inrush area of the incoming energy of the one infinite Creator. 2005/0417.txt:21:Once you have faced yourself squarely in the mirror of the other, sitting together in the lap of the Creator, surrounded with arms of love, tickled by the beard of the Almighty, blessed upon the breast of the Mother, loved at last for all that you are, then at last you are free to begin what is sometimes a lengthy process but a joyful one. And that is the moving on from the open heart to the articulated heart. That is what this entity would describe as the energy of the blue ray or the throat chakra. Once you have begun the process of open communication with another, you find that miraculously that which used to divide you now begins to unite you. You find that the truth which seemed before to beat you down and to make you feel less now blesses and redeems and heals and clears the way for you to be. 2005/0518.txt:43:...the blue-ray energy center or the blue-ray chakra manifests its distress within the everyday life. 2005/0518.txt:46:So there is at once a certain amount of under-activation of blue ray because of work left undone in moving fully into the open heart and an unwise application of the will that is in advance of your true situation, where you are very much wishing to move onward into more advanced work. And yet, at the same time, you cannot bring to bear the full amount of energy of the one infinite Creator that is flowing through your energy body. This also is a portion of the reason that you are experiencing some difficulty in the blue-ray chakra region of your body. 2005/0520.txt:48:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. We find that we are not able to share with you on this point because this is a feature of a pattern which you are currently working on within your own process. We may comment to you that the color of this star and the crystalline nature of the star are both keys that you may use in working with the energies of this shape and color. These shape and color details have their echoes within the archetypal system of your own thoughts and also, in a literal sense, within the constellation of your energy body. That is, the blue-ray chakra is suggested by the blue color and the crystalline nature of the star or its fusion nature, shall we say, is also an element that is likely to be helpful in pursuing this image. As you work with it, realize that you do not have to interpret it or decipher it all at once, for it may be seen not simply as information but also as companionship. 2005/1015.txt:25:The throat chakra or the blue-ray chakra deals with open communication and inclusivity. 2005/1218.txt:41:The other differences between Eastern and Western chakra systems has to do with subtleties within work in consciousness in communication, which is the blue-ray energy center. There is a division in the Eastern system between the communication of self with self and the communication of self with other selves. 2006/1008.txt:8:First of all, let us complete the description of the chakra system with which this instrument is familiar. The center that is next in this line of power [nexuses] is the blue-ray energy center, in which one practices and begins to be able comfortably to inhabit realms of trust, honesty and communication and the ability to feel true compassion which is blended with wisdom. This creates in the entity working in blue ray a tremendous feeling of safety so that others feel that they can speak their minds without being judged harshly. 2007/0325.txt:24:When true affection has been established in a sexual relationship and when that sexuality has been dedicated to the Creator, to each other, and to planet Earth, then the path of progression, for a sexually maturing mated pair, is to spend a good deal of time working with the blue-ray energy of communication. Each entity that is involved in personal relationships and sexual relationships is an oddity, a one-of-a-kind item. That is why entities are so specific about whom they love. They become used to a certain flavor of being that this entity exudes or vibrates. And so they prefer that entity’s company. 2007/0907.txt:60:You may keep these things in your heart and work on them by finding that for which you criticize in the other in your own nature, once you have found the corresponding part of your nature that matches the shadow side of your daughter’s and in some cases your son-in-law’s. Then you’re able to do your work in an inner sense without ever having to foul the blue ray of honest communication between you with those things which are judgmental or critical. 2007/1006.txt:60:We are those of Q’uo, and find that this instrument would like us to speak to some extent about communication. Recently this instrument completed a chapter in a book she is writing5 about the issues of the blue-ray energy center, the throat chakra, which is all about communication. This instrument was surprised to find that it was harder for her to write about communication than about any other portion of the energy body. She decided that it was perhaps because she has always been a natural communicator, and so she went back to the work itself upon which she was giving a report—that is, the Confederation material such as that which is being generated at this session of working—and read and studied the Confederation messages about the blue-ray chakra. 2008/0426.txt:24:Others there are who have the pronounced blue ray. Those with this particular character will find it irresistible to attempt to communicate in new ways and many of these are writers, playwrights, poets and inspired teachers, for teaching is, in itself, an art form. 2008/0513.txt:32:I feel that my heart chakra is open and balanced, at least to the minimum, and that my blue-ray chakra is in the process of opening. Please confirm. 2008/0513.txt:36:The challenge of the blue-ray chakra is that it takes a well-developed ability to be completely forthright and honest at the level that is not often seen among your peoples and normal conversation. The process of falling in love with yourself is the key in opening the blue-ray chakra. 2008/0513.txt:39:This compassion also enables you to listen with enhanced ears, ears enhanced by love. It is not that you become able to rationalize and excuse other entities. Indeed, many is the time that blue-ray communication requires honesty to the point where many would shrink away and not wish to share their shining truth for fear of being rebuffed, rejected or judged. Yet, many times it is just that point of view that you have to offer that is going to be a saving grace for someone else. 2008/1213.txt:21:If the desire is for communication, then the energy through the gateway shall meet and mate with the upward spiraling love/light of the infinite One in the blue-ray chakra. For instance, it is within the blue-ray chakra that the contact between our principle and the ability of this instrument to apprehend our thoughts lies. That environment of understanding and open communication is that environment which is the native neighborhood and locus of enhanced communication such as this instrument’s channeling as well as communication that is inspired by those portions of the infinite Creator which may flow through the gateway of intelligent infinity and into the mind and awareness of a communicator that take part, not in communication with entities, but rather connection with or union with essences that may be called angelic. 2010/0130.txt:16:Some there are who wish to use blue ray and so they set their intention as teachers and channels, such as this instrument, as artists that communicate, as those who counsel, as those who preach. They are asking and setting their intention to be communicators of those concepts which are too deep for words. Yet somehow there needs to be words, so that people who need the words can hear them and use them as transformative agents. 2010/0905_01.txt:110:[The energy called down from the gateway to intelligent infinity] always comes down into the heart chakra first. Then, if you’re a teacher, a channel using communication, a writer, a poet, and so forth, you bounce back up the blue-ray chakra. And you express through that chakra that which you have been able to draw down through the gateway. 2015/1205.txt:9:Thus, beginning with this view of the other as the Creator itself, another portion of yourself, then offer yourself as freely as you can in that which you share of thought, of experience, of possibilities, of questions, of doubts. Allow an interchange and exchange of information so that the flow of energy is a two-way flow, so that you are both teach/learner and learn/teacher, for this is the situation in which all entities find themselves, even those who are far more learned in a particular category that is being discussed than are those who are receiving the information for all teaching results in learning, and all learning results in some form of teaching. There is a balance to each experience; a balance to each incarnation, and the balance to the teach/learning process. Thus, when you give of yourself in this fashion, based upon love, sharing freely from the blue ray (or throat chakra) as well, you are offering in a balanced fashion that which is the best of what you have for this particular moment, calling upon those inner reserves and resources which have been dearly bought by your own study in service. We feel that this is a beginning exploration into the nature of service, looking at it from the point of view of one who wishes to be a conscious server of another. There are other areas in the process of service which we would discuss now through the one known as Steve. We would now transfer this contact to the one known as Steve. We are those of Q’uo. 2016/0904.txt:34:This of course, my friends, travels the full journey back to those pre-incarnative choices that each has made that allow one to see catalyst in such-and-such a fashion, so that perhaps two entities will look at the same catalyst and see it differently because that is their nature, and that is the way in which they have programmed themselves to be able to use catalyst, to produce certain effects: perhaps the strength of will, perhaps the resilience of the self, perhaps the ability to express the feelings of the heart, perhaps the ability to open for the first time the blue ray of clear communication. The opportunities are endless, my friends. Thus, when you engage yourself in a conscious fashion to provide honest communication with another human being, you are indeed engaged in the stuff of the third-density illusion, shall we say, in making clear of that which is unclear, and making whole of that which is broken, the healing of that which is wounded. 2018/1117.txt:70:Blessings come in many, many containers, shall we say. Those blessings that are easily recognized, whether they be healing or extrasensory perception, or the ability to open the blue-ray energy center in inspiration and communication, or to heal—these are those which are most often seen as blessings, and indeed, are such. However, every difficulty that is experienced by any entity offers the opportunity to move into a blessed state of balance and realization of the One Creator existing within the self. 2019/0330.txt:5:I have one, Q’uo. Ra says that the blue-ray energy center requires honesty, noting that it is something that the people of Earth have in great paucity. 1 In contemplating the meaning of this, I have framed my understanding with the idea that punching a person in the face is an honest expression of anger, yet it doesn’t seem to indicate an open and functioning blue ray, leading me to believe that the honesty that Ra refers to is a deeper and more intimate honesty. Can Q’uo elaborate on this type of honesty that is related to blue-ray work and how we can cultivate that honesty? 2019/0330.txt:14:Just to clarify my understanding of what you were saying, would you say it is correct to say that somebody who is speaking with blue-ray honesty is speaking as a Creator to a Creator instead of speaking from their distortions to another person’s distortions? 2019/0330.txt:16:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother, and we believe that you have stated it most clearly, indeed, for the blue-ray energies are truly the energies of the Creator that are offered outwardly to any entity within the range of beingness of the one seeking to be honest and to express honesty. The Creator, at that point, resides within such an entity, and is able to reflect a broad spectrum of beingness in any attempt at clear, honest, communication. 2019/0330.txt:89:[footnote start]Ra: There is always some difficulty in penetrating blue primary energy for it requires that which your people have in great paucity; that is, honesty. Blue ray is the ray of free communication with self and with other-self. – 48.7↩[footnote end] 2019/0511.txt:46:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. If such a service is requested of you, and you have seen repeatedly from past experience to fall short of the desire of the one who asks, then it might be the most helpful thing to engage in conversation, to ask for a refinement of the service, explaining with the blue ray of freely given and received communication, how further a service of this kind that has failed previously, will be able to succeed at this time. Asking for clarification of service is often a good way to find the most helpful service, because it is not just you that adds your thoughts, but the one who asks your service who will also respond in kind. This may, indeed, move the service to a higher level of beingness so that it is truly effective. Being of service and offering what is asked is sometimes enhanced by freely given and received communication. A service does not necessarily need to be blindly given, for there [is] oftentimes, as you are aware, a certain contributing factor or essence to a service that needs refinement before the service may be considered truly helpful. 2019/1.txt:4: [overview] Topics: The Creator's will vs. personal will; crystallized being in group context; unblocking the blue-ray energy center; meeting the needs of others while preserving the self; allopathic healing. 2019/1116.txt:54:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The quality of telling the untruth, or what is the called the lie, is a quality associated with the blue-ray energy center, that located at the throat, which is fitting for the words that speak truth or untruth are uttered from the throat through the lips to the world outside the self. 2019/1116.txt:61:I have a follow-up to that. I frame blue-ray work to myself as finding a way to express the truth with a maximizing understanding and a minimizing distortion, and maybe sometimes this might mean finding a way to share the truth so that you don’t get rejected by others for sharing it, or sometimes there might be a way to share the truth without it creating a disharmonious situation. Is this generally how Q’uo would frame the work of the blue ray? 2019/1116.txt:64:When an entity so combining the green and blue-ray energy centers can see itself as the other self, and proceed in its communication as it would wish to be communicated with, then the communication may be enhanced by the balance of compassion and clarity. 2019/1207.txt:63:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that if you wish to determine how your catalyst or behavior towards another entity affects that entity, there may be engaged with that entity a conversation that inquires as to how this entity perceives the interaction it has experienced with you by such an interchange of blue-ray communication. There may be an erasing of difficulty and confusion so that you may see more clearly how your actions, your thoughts, and your words have an effect upon another being. If you are concerned with your actions in general, and how it provides catalyst for others that you may not be able to have such a communication with, we would recommend that you retire to the meditative state, look within your being, and see how you might become the other self, or other selves that would experience your sharing of the nature of yourself which you describe as catalytic. 2019/1221.txt:40:Ra says: “The blue ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity, and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.” 1 2019/1221.txt:41:In my own experience, I have reactions of irritation, or annoyance, say, in response to others at times, and it has no connection to anything. They are causing me no offense or difficulty, it’s just an inner resistance to their communication. Is this an example of blocked blue ray, and if so, how can one unblock this? 2019/1221.txt:43:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. In order to unblock the blue ray, which has the opportunity to share the love and light of the One Creator fully and freely with those about one, it is oftentimes helpful, when some blockage of this blue ray occurs, to look at the other self that has caused the difficulty or irritation, as the self. Thusly, one looks into a mirror and sees a portion of the self which is yet unbalanced within the self, and act upon the irritation as if it had been created by the self, for the self, and for the movement along the spiritual path by the balancing or resolving of the irritation through contemplation and meditation. 2019/1221.txt:44:These tools, then, can show the one who feels the irritation, the sense of the portion of the self which has become irritated and the portion of the self which has created the irritation. When it can be seen that these two selves are one, then there can become, within the self, a healing, or a balancing, of the irritation, so that it becomes, instead of an irritation, an invitation to move further along the acceptance of the self that is so necessary in order for the blue ray to shine most brilliantly within the conscious seeker of truth. 2019/3.txt:3: [overview] Topics: Blue-ray honesty; becoming the Creator; the Law of Confusion; silent meditation vs. movement-based spiritual practices; focus; the opening of hearts amidst modern turmoil. 2020/0118.txt:50:Therefore the energy centers that are activated allow an expression of love and light to move through and from the entity, beginning at the blue-ray energy center, so that the mind/body/spirit complex, or the conscious seeker of truth, is then able to engage in a kind of exchange of energy or information that is potentially able to accelerate the process of evolution, both for itself and for those entities that it comes in contact with in order to process the illusion’s catalyst that is always present for each entity. 2020/0220.txt:11:As we move into the blue energy center, this is the first center in which the spiritual energies are outgoing and the entity is the Creator expressing itself in clear communication, [including] honest descriptions of the effect of the catalyst it is experiencing, inspirational messages that are spoken from clarity and the unity that is found within the heart. Thus, the blue-ray energy center has a kind of challenge which asks of the entity so passing through this center to be able to find the clarity and wisdom in situations which may be confusing or somehow dumbfounding, in the respect of being able to understand the ultimate reason for the experience. 1981ra-contact/015.txt:60:The blue-ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity, and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes. 1981ra-contact/026.txt:172:The blue-ray energy transfer is somewhat rare among your people at this time but is of great aid due to energy transfers involved in becoming able to express the self without reservation or fear. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:28:Could you tell me the difference that occurs between green and blue with the emphasis on blue ray? 1981ra-contact/035.txt:10:The one known as Franklin developed very quickly up through red, orange, yellow, and green, and began to work in the blue-ray energy center at a tender age, as you would say. This rapid growth was due, firstly, to previous achievements in the activation of these rays; secondly, to the relative comfort and leisure of its early existence; thirdly, due to the strong desire upon the part of the entity to progress. This entity mated with an entity whose blue-ray vibrations were of a strength more than equal to its own, thus acquiring catalyst for further growth in that area that was to persist throughout the incarnation. 1981ra-contact/039.txt:76:[footnote start]The Nine are usually referred to as “principles” rather than “principals,” but since Ra refers to them as witnesses we have chosen the spelling to match.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Possibly previously covered in 16.21, 27.17, and 32.12, though it is uncertain to which specific passages Ra is referring.↩[footnote end][footnote start]In 47.4, Ra said that the negative pattern moves from red/orange/yellow directly to indigo. Presumably, then, Ra made a mistake in this response (39.12) when they said “blue.” See 32.2, 34.16, 38.14, and 47.3–4 for other statements indicating that the blue ray is not used by the negative polarizing entity to contact intelligent infinity.Though, interpreted in a certain light, 48.10, 75.23, and 85.11 may indicate the presence of the blue-ray in the negative entity’s contact with intelligent infinity.↩[footnote end] 1981ra-contact/041.txt:121:I am Ra. We cannot say what may seem profound to an entity. The red, yellow, and blue rays are primary because they signify activity of a primary nature. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:48:The light body, or blue-ray body, may be called the devachanic body. There are many other names for this body, especially in your so-called Indian Sutras or writings, for there are those among these peoples which have explored these regions and understand the various types of devachanic bodies. There are many, many types of bodies in each density, much like your own. 1981ra-contact/083.txt:75:This is not to denigrate those who, in green- and blue-ray energies, sought to free a peaceable people from the bonds of chaos but only to point out the inevitable consequences of codification of response which does not recognize the uniqueness of each and every situation within your experience. 1981ra-contact/084.txt:101:In the blue-ray energy transfer the quality of this love is refined in the fire of honest communication and clarity; this, shall we say, normally—meaning in general—takes a substantial portion of your space/time to accomplish, although there are instances of matings so well refined in previous incarnations and so well remembered that the blue ray may be penetrated at once. 1981ra-contact/084.txt:102:This energy transfer is of great benefit to the seeker in that all communication from this seeker is thereby refined, and the eyes of honesty and clarity look upon a new world. Such is the nature of blue-ray energy, and such is one mechanism of potentiating and crystallizing it. 1981ra-contact/084.txt:110:If, by the same entities’ exchange, greater ease in communication and greater sight has been experienced, the energy has been refined to the blue-ray energy center. 1981ra-contact/091.txt:157:The conscious mind of the adept may be full to bursting of the most abstruse and unmanageable of ideas, so that further ideation becomes impossible, and work in blue ray or indigo is blocked through over-activation. It is then that the adept would call upon the new mind, untouched and virgin, and dwell within the archetype of the new and unblemished mind without bias, without polarity, full of the magic of the Logos. 1981ra-contact/096.txt:13:Although this entity attempted clear communication upon this matter, and although each in the support group did likewise, the amount of blue-ray work necessary to uncover and grasp the nature of the catalyst was not effected. Therefore, there was an opening quite rare for this mind/body/spirit complex, and into this opening the one which greets you moved and performed what may be considered to be the most potent of its purely magical manifestations to this present nexus, as you know time. 1981ra-contact/098.txt:24:The blue-ray difficulties were not entirely at an end after the first asking. Again, this group experienced blockage rare for the group; that is, the blue-ray blockage of unclear communication. By this means the efficacy of the working was reinforced. 2022/0126.txt:12:As the will of the entity establishes a stable base, you may say, within the heart center, that is, as the entity strengthens the heart and teaches itself to love itself and all others, to see all things as love, to not slip into the trap of resentment and anger and other energies which negatively obscure the love that exists within each moment, and instead learns to love and to forgive, the will can continue upward into higher work upon this platform, into the penetration of the blue ray; a ray, as we were describing, of clarity. 2022/0126.txt:13:That clarity is born most truly because the entity has laid a foundation of learning to accept catalyst through the loving operation of the heart. Thus that which is seen prior to its deepened clarification is accepted. It is accepted as part of the self. It is accepted for what is, whether or not it is understood or seen clearly. Without wisdom, this acceptance may make significant errors in judgment, because the faculty of seeing and, if we may use this misnomer, understanding have not been brought to full strength. The entity may expend itself not understanding limits or what may be in the highest for the situation, or the entity may fail to establish boundaries appropriate for the self’s integrity and service. But, we emphasize this sequence to bring to your attention the fundamental requisite of learning, practicing, and increasingly crystallizing acceptance as a key to moving into the work that you, as a seeker, wish to do in the blue ray of seeing, and, in your limited ways, understanding. 2022/0126.txt:14:What is the clarity availed one within the activation and operation of the blue ray? It is inherently an uplifting clarity, an inspiring clarity, a freeing clarity. While the blue ray may understand very sorrowful situations, by your measure, and the mechanisms of harm—as this seeing is also an empathic seeing—and while great pain may be felt therein, this seeing is still understanding that which is deeper than simply the stories, real though they are, of receiving and causing suffering, of receiving and causing harm, of the labyrinthine ways of your world and it’s various distortions and rejections of the Creator and the illusions that spring therefrom. 2022/0126.txt:15:There is a level within which the blue ray can grasp, to some degree, the workings of this illusion, understanding cause and effect, as you see it, consequences of actions and so forth. But, beneath these confused and uninformed operations of free will, there is a seeing of the Creator—a not-yet-fully realized, but beginning grasp of the unified nature of all things. Though the seeker may understand “the operations of the illusion”, in a limited respect, in broad or specific dynamics, [the seeker will understand that] it is all part of a greater context [of] the Creator knowing Itself; it is the clashing or the collaborating, the congruence or the incongruence of multiple myriad splinters of free will, each seeking the light and often missing the light. 2022/0721.txt:40:Those egos may advance to quite a degree with in your illusionary environment such that the defenses and misperceptions of the lower triad of energy centers, which keep the self locked within an individual identity, fall away such that the heart opens and blossoms, and the blue ray is empowered to share one’s beingness, and the boundaries become more transparent to the truth of the Creator. 2022/1214.txt:12:It is indeed very intricate and mindful work that is implied by this query. The attempt to relate to an other-self in an authentic and meaningful way, that imbues your sharing of yourself with the spiritual seeking and those lessons gained upon that path, is in many ways the work of the blue-ray energy center, and it is work done subsequent to the initial opening of the heart and the decision of the seeker to choose one path or another: of service to others or service to self. 2023/0225.txt:96:As the entity continues in its expansion of the nature of the self, it moves into the blue-ray energy center where there is the ability to feel the communication of others in a truthful fashion, and be able to give that clear communication to others as well. This is the energy center where there is also the possibility of the feeling of the self as the Creator, as it shares the inspiration of that feeling with others about it. This is equality which expands one’s awareness of the true nature of the being.