1979/1118_01.txt:48:Please be patient with this instrument. He is being conditioned. I am with the instrument. I am Hatonn. We are having some difficulty with the other contact. I greet you in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. It is a very great privilege to be with you this evening. Friends, all that you know, your present intellectual condition, is in actuality nothing. Your condition has been chosen by yourselves for a particular type of experience. You are able to manifest a limited ego, in a very limited way, so that you may interact with its environment and itself in such a way as to become aware in greater detail of its shortcomings. This, in actuality, is the only purpose of your present existence. 1981/1112.txt:1:I am Hatonn. I greet all you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We are most [inaudible] this afternoon as the new instruments continue their quest for the specific [inaudible] to your peoples as channeling. In all such channeling efforts [inaudible] may we say that the one certainty is [inaudible] is making as clear as possible [inaudible] language [inaudible] a message [of] which each entity upon your planet is intimately aware, though this awareness may not yet be on the conscious level, for as you know, my friends, each entity is, and each entity has within, its Creator, the means of knowing that Creator and expressing that Creator and, indeed, each entity does so each day of its life, for no matter what expression of any entity within any reality, the expression is of the Creator, for it is the nature of the Creator to wish to experience Its own being in as many ways and varieties of experience as possible. In this way the entire creation is enriched by the knowledge of itself. 1981ra-contact/013.txt:69:I am Ra. The process is from the larger, in your illusion, to the smaller. Thus the co-Creator, individualizing the galaxy, created energy patterns which then focused in multitudinous focuses of further conscious awareness of intelligent infinity. Thus, the solar system of which you experience inhabitation is of its own patterns, rhythms, and so-called natural laws which are unique to itself. However, the progression is from the galaxy spiraling energy, to the solar spiraling energy, to the planetary spiraling energy, to the experiential circumstances of spiraling energy which begin the first density of awareness, or consciousness, of planetary entities. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:13:However, the distortion of Free Will causes the social memory complex to appear as a possibility at a certain stage of evolution of mind. The purpose, or consideration, which causes entities to form such complexes, of these social memory complexes, is a very simple extension of the basic distortion towards the Creator’s knowing of Itself, for when a group of mind/body/spirits become able to form a social memory complex, all experience of each entity is available to the whole of the complex. Thus the Creator knows more of Its creation in each entity partaking of this communion of entities. 1981ra-contact/052.txt:70:This octave density of which we have spoken is both omega and alpha, the spiritual mass of the infinite universes becoming one Central Sun, or Creator, once again. Then is born a new universe, a new infinity, a new Logos which incorporates all that the Creator has experienced of Itself. In this new octave there are also those who wander. We know very little across the boundary of octave except that these beings come to aid our octave in its Logos completion. 1981ra-contact/072.txt:46:Everything that we experience with respect to this contact—our distortion toward knowledge in order to serve, the Orion entity’s distortion toward the attempt to reduce the effectiveness of this service—all of this is a result of the First Distortion, as I see it, in creating totally free atmosphere for the Creator to become more knowledgeable of Itself through the interplay of Its portions, one with respect to another. Is my view correct with respect to what I just said? 1981ra-contact/077.txt:83:Those Logoi whose creations have been set up without free will have not, in the feeling of those Logoi, given the Creator the quality and variety of experience of Itself as have those Logoi which have incorporated free will as paramount. Thusly you find those Logoi moving through the timeless states at what you would see as a later space/time to choose the free will character when elucidating the foundations of each Logos. 1981ra-contact/078.txt:120:The choice of polarity being the unique circumstance, shall I say, for the archetypical basis for the evolution of consciousness in our particular experience indicates to me that we have arrived, through a long process of the Creator knowing Itself, we’ve arrived at a position of present or maximum efficiency for the design of a process of experience. That design for maximum efficiency is in the roots of consciousness and is the archetypical mind and is a product of everything that has gone before. There are, unquestionably, relatively pure archetypical concepts for the seven concepts for mind, body, and spirit. I feel that the language that we have for these is somewhat inadequate. 1981ra-contact/082.txt:46:Therefore, gradually, step by step, the Creator becomes that which may know Itself, and the portions of the Creator partake less purely in the power of the original word or thought. This is for the purpose of refinement of the One Original Thought. The Creator does not properly create as much as It experiences Itself. 1981ra-contact/082.txt:117:A review or, shall we say, to continue the metaphor, each test is an integral portion of the process of the Creator knowing Itself. Each incarnation will end with such a test. This is so that the portion of the Creator may assimilate the experiences in yellow-ray, physical third density, may evaluate the biases gained, and may then choose, either by means of automatically provided aid, or by the self, the conditions of the next incarnation. 1981ra-contact/094.txt:38:Those of the support group also offer the essence of will and faith in service to others, supporting the instrument as it releases itself completely in the service of the One Creator. Therefore, each of the support group also experiences a weariness of the spirit which is indistinguishable from physical energy deficit, except that if each experiments with this weariness, each shall discover the physical energy in its usual distortion. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:14:In this book, Ra brings us face to face with the same basic truth that has been reported by mystics from all quarters of the world throughout the ages: the astounding realization that the One Infinite Creator is within us and is within everything, everywhere. In fact, the Law of One asserts there is nothing that is not the Creator; there is nothing that is outside of this underlying unity. Ra reports that the Creator has made the infinite creation out of Itself for the purpose of knowing and experiencing Itself. This “intelligent infinity,” as Ra calls it, generates out of its own being the galaxies, stars, planets, entities such as ourselves, darkness and light, love and fear, every shade of meaning and experience, every mode of thought and activity, and everything else real and imagined on every plane of existence. And It has endowed each and every seeming portion of this creation with a foundation of free will: the capacity to learn, to grow, to intend, to adapt, to make evolutionary choices, to chart a return path of experience to the Creator. 1982/1212_01.txt:6:As you meditate, my friends, look for yourself. You are perfect. The place whereon you stand is holy ground. You cannot separate yourself from the sanctity of the truth which you seek. In all humility, may we suggest that you experience surrendering yourself to that divine Creator within you. The offshoots of this surrender are many, and you will find that you do not need to be touched only by memories, for life will begin to fill itself with the beauty, the joy, and the completion of the one Creator as it is shown to you in the ever-changing faces of all those who surround you and of yourself. 1982/1226.txt:90:I am Latwii. In our humble opinion, my sister, each entity is but a child. For the child on your planet is seen as one small in experience, not aware of the total ramifications of each and every action. Yet the child grows and becomes what you people call an adult but this does not mean that the entity knows whereof it acts. The one you have called Jesus, while upon the cross, prayed to the one Creator that it should forgive those about it, for they knew not what they did. Yet were they not adults? Each upon your planet is but a child in the great search for truth and when one looks at each entity traveling that path, that journey of seeking, one can see the many ways that the ignorance is expressed. And even that entity which you may call vicious does not yet know the full import of its actions, but shall someday know them and shall make a balancing action that all shall be made whole. And it shall itself see the child within, always seeking, yet never fully knowing. Thus the child moves forward that it might know the light and grow more fully into it. 1983/0821.txt:4:We give you a view of joyful and merry universe resounding with the hearty and never ending laughter of the Creator that loves to experience Itself and to learn about Itself from Itself, a Creator that is doing just that through us and through each of you. Therefore, we bring to you a framework in which you may see your illusion as a unified experience in which those things you term good, those things you term bad, and those things which you term neutral are all blessed by one light. That light is the light of the Creator creating, experiencing and learning about Itself. When you open your eyes, you are opening the eyes of the Creator. No less judgment can you make about yourself, for consciousness is one and you are conscious. You are also unique due to your experiences which by the role of the free will many times over has made you the being that is of the Creator, of the version which is you. 1983/1023.txt:5:However, the quality of truth is such that as you approach its boundary, it will recede from you, constantly giving you more to look for, to understand, to use, to experience, and to finally again use up, so that you once again reach the boundary point where you feel you have discovered at least some part of the nature of love. Each discovery of love should be celebrated as the wonderful event which it truly is. We are not discouraging you from shouting with gladness when you make a breakthrough, when the difficult place becomes easier, when the nature of life becomes clearer—by all means, raise your hands, your hearts, and your voices, and give praise because the Creator has just learned more about Itself. 1984/1111.txt:51:Remember always, my sister, that the view from your illusion is most limited in order that experience of a dramatic nature might be gained that is not possible when the view is wide and the self is seen as the one Creator. When, then, that self is known to be the one Creator, then those treasures of experience gained in the illusion you now inhabit become a true nourishing harvest to the being of the one Creator. Nothing, in truth, is lost. All shall be made whole and the one known as Don shall move in time and space to experience again those lessons which shall glorify the one Creator. There is, in truth, no positive or negative act. There is the one Creator which knows Itself, and the one known as Don shall indeed experience that in each of his life patterns which he shall set for himself. All shall be pursued in joy. Those experiences seen now in this tiny illusion as failures shall be seen as great honors and privileges to be filled with the fullness of the joy of the one Creator at another of what you call time. 1984/1111.txt:65:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We can suggest that each feel the pain of the loss, for as a brother leaves the journey, there is the inevitable feeling of emptiness. Feel that grief and allow that grief to be fulfilled and finished. See then the one known as Don continuing upon his journey, and send this entity the love and light which springs from your heart and your very being, that he might have a comfort upon his journey. Wish him well, send him joy and allow him to depart without the lingering grief. This shall smooth the journey of the one known as Don, and this entity then may continue with that plan he has set before him, as the one Creator moves through him that It might know Itself through his experience. 1984/1111.txt:137:We leave each in the appreciation of the difficulties each feels for the one that has departed. When brothers and sisters travel upon a difficult path, there is great support in the unity each provides, and the joy and laughter which each provides each. When one has departed, there is often the overwhelming grief that fills the vacuum. We hope that we have been able to inspire joy that can follow grief, for within your illusion it is necessary to forget that each and all is the one Creator in order that the one Creator might gain the greatest experiences with the greatest intensity, variety and depth of possibilities. Thus is the one Creator known to Itself, and glorified by each portion of Itself. No matter what experience is gained, each is a treasure in this great journey of the One through the One to the One, and remember, my friends, that in truth, all is well. The journeys may turn and become seemingly difficult at each turn. Yet, the difficulties themselves are glories to the one Creator, for without them the Creator would be poorer in knowledge of Itself. What, then, can one offer to the one Creator but experience? Be of great joy and cheer in your journeys. Gather your experiences with the confidence that there can be no error too great to balance, no experience too traumatic to give joy for, and no life too short to be an infinite remembrance and glorification to the one Creator. 1984/1230.txt:69:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. We may speak briefly upon this topic in hopes that we may clarify rather than confuse. You may look at your being, including your physical vehicle, as a crystal. Each of your energy centers, or chakras, as they are called by your peoples, are as a facet of a crystal which contains more or less blockage at each center. These blockages are your lessons, shall we say, in coded form. As you work upon your own thinking and perceiving and widen the viewpoint, you remove blockages so that which has been called the prana or the cosmic influx of love and light which enters your being at the lower chakra may pass through your various energy centers in a more and more pure manner. That is to say, as you remove blockages or balance distortion, you allow the light, the prana, the cosmic energy of the one Creator to enter and move through your being in a manner which promotes or allows the white light to remain white and allows your beingness to be infused with the fullness of the one Creator. When this process has occurred through each chakra or energy center, beginning at the base and moving through the crown of the head, that experience which many in your mystical traditions of seeking have called by various names—enlightenment, nirvana, samadhi—then occurs as the entity comes to know itself as that which it has been from before time began, the one Creator. 1985/1103.txt:94:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. May we suggest that when one looks upon the daily round of activities, what immediately presents itself to the eye is not what remains to be found. The seeming disharmonies and distresses that one may find within one’s experience are but the shadow of that which awaits. Then it becomes necessary, for one who seeks to be of service by sharing the love of the One with all about one, for such a seeker to penetrate the surface, the illusion, the outer shell of appearance. For within all experience, be it the most difficult or the most confusing or complex, there exists the love of the one Creator, whole, perfect and balanced. The more difficult it is to see such love, the greater the opportunity for growth. 1985/1103.txt:100:The entity that each is has encoded within not only the nervous system but within the entire system of energy centers those preincarnatively chosen lessons and services. When one discovers a certain distortion or imbalance within one’s thinking and behavior, one may take this discovery into meditation and observe it carefully. The distortion may be allowed in the meditative state to expand and increase in intensity until it is beyond all reasonable proportions. Thus it finds its full sway within one’s being, and all potentials to gather experience thereby are observed. One then may see the polar opposite quality planted as a seed within the being also within this meditative state. This opposite quality then may also be allowed to intensify beyond all reasonable proportions. The entity thus meditating may see then both qualities contained within its being, and may see these qualities as means by which the one Creator may know Itself through this entity’s experience. 1985/1117.txt:3:Each of us is unique. This is not a uniqueness that is attempted, that is worked at, or that is in any way manipulative. Nor is it anything that can be manipulated, for your identity is one harmonious chord of being, unique in the whole creation, infinite in its beauty, and irreplaceable. And so you sit in circle within a dwelling place in meditation, each chord blending with each chord as the whole group becomes one identity, seeking the One which is not unique but which is limitless. That from which you are derived, shall we say, had no identity until It decided in the vastness of timelessness to experience Itself. And so you sit in meditation, far-flung bits of the Creator who have become unique. You experience each other—and the Creator experiences Itself. 1985/1117.txt:4:We move now back into the area of illusion from which the question was asked concerning the pressures of “should” and “must” that are given one by those souls around one and by the society itself in its many forms. Perhaps it is easier now to see the illusion for what it is—many things impinging upon that which is unique. You who are unique cannot pluck this or that from you, for you have chosen the pressures, the musts, the shoulds, and all of the confusion that follows therefrom in order to further develop your uniqueness and thereby the infinite Creator’s experience of Itself. 1985/1215.txt:48:We hope you are a little uncomfortable with this message, for that which is physical dislikes change. And what we urge upon you is continual reexamination which encourages change, perhaps not change in the outside world of experience, but certainly change that is equally uncomfortable within the heart and the mind and the understanding that you may have of how things work, of who you are and of what service really is. May you seek in joy and may joy be added unto you, for the Creator laughs with great joy at every question, for so the Creator questions Itself and learns about the Creator. 1986/0105.txt:15:My friends, each of you came to this group seeking. The group has become one, and in the silence between the words of this instrument the fruits of that seeking are already available to you and physically felt by you in that the energy or what you may call prana of creative life flows now more quickly within your energy web. As you seek together, so are you the Creator which experiences Itself. 1986/0601.txt:17:We wish you the joys of that search. Truly, your incarnation, were it lost to the freedom of metaphysical time/space, would be far too short, regardless of the years in it, to accommodate learning to any significant degree. This is why the majority of your minds are each of the nature that dwells in time/space. When you go into meditation, you can experience this stretching of time until the time slows and ceases to turn in its inevitable cycles. Remember, we are speaking here of illusions, for the reality is a timelessness and a spacelessness which precludes experience. The goal of your consciousnesses is to seek out experience and to process it in such a way that you add to the Creator’s knowledge of Itself. Thus, it is necessary that space and time be mismatched. 1986/0601.txt:35:I am L/Leema. This is again correct, my brother. The nature of seeking the heart of evolution is of itself best described as a metaphysical process. That which is metaphysical is that which is of a primary or foundation nature. That which is physical springs from this foundation and is a manifestation of it, and through the physical illusion of incarnation upon incarnation, an entity distills certain attitudes and lessons that bias it toward further seeking of what you would call truth and the nature and purpose of life. The geometrical shape of the pyramid was designed to aid this process, and indeed did so by funneling the light of the Creator, which has been imbued with love and called by many prana, in such a way that the distortions and disturbances likened unto mental static fell away from the seeker and the pure desire to seek the truth was then intensified in such a fashion that a finely wrought pathway between the seeker and the greater truth or reality which it sought was then constructed which allowed the seeker to experience more and more of that which it sought. 1986/0601.txt:64:I am L/Leema, and in an attempt to clarify the use of terms in a very general manner, the time/space or metaphysical portion of any density may be likened unto the female polarity which, awaiting the reaching, provides when reached for much of that which shall become the experience that is shared betwixt the polarities. The space/time portion of each density, then, is analogous to that male principle which reaches, and in the reaching seeks the experience that will enrich it by enabling it to know itself more and more as a unique portion of the one Creator, and which enable it also to see that about it more and more purely as the same Creator experiencing Itself in infinite variety. 1986/0706.txt:10:And so the Creator has gifts for you to aid in transformation, to surprise you and to offer you the opportunity to teach yourself that which you have begun to learn but have not yet finished; and that incalculable something which the balancing law offers as a teaching but which has been rarely spoken of and even less rarely grasped: that is, that there is such a thing as growth. There is that which rains when there is drought and which shines to brighten an interior dim landscape. There is an inborn keel which shall manifest itself within your life experience, not when you expect it but always as a gift, and whether these occurrences are happy or unhappy, you may find within yourself the blessing of lessons which are more simply learnt because you have been learning their opposite. 1986/0706.txt:62:I am Q’uo. This is basically correct, my brother, for within your illusion of seeming separateness and limitation there is much which offers the challenge to be accepted, much which seems traumatic, tragic and filled with sorrow, distaste, horror, anger, jealousy and so forth. Yet, each entity and event is the Creator knowing Itself in a way mysterious to most. Yet, each in any portion of the experience may increase its evolutionary progress by finding the joy, the love, and the light of the Creator within that person, that moment, that event, that thought. When this can be done in a relationship then the relationship has served as a means by which the continuing ability to expand the point of view and the acceptance, the love, and the compassion for that which falls within the point of view then is also increased and the entity has moved itself further along its chosen path of evolution. 1986/0720.txt:5:We would speak to you about the manifestation within your incarnational patterns of the one original Thought which is the Creator. The one original Thought upon which all creation was founded and with which all creation redounds is love. Yes, my friends, love is a thought, a principle, a logos. You, by your very consciousnesses, are the Logos in a holographic representation, yet you are completely unlike any other holographic representation of the Creator, for your experiences are unique to your particular consciousness. Your field of energy is completely unique and precious to the one infinite Creator, and your greatest gift is your being, for by your mirroring of your perceptions, the Creator learns of Itself. 1986/0831.txt:127:I am Latwii, and indeed this is so, my brother, for each seeker of truth has discovered in one way or another that that which may be seen as the stream of consciousness is without beginning and without end, and moves in many ways throughout all of the one infinite creation, for the one creation is held in its place by that one Thought of love, given birth ageless eons ago by the one Creator, that the one Creator might through the movement of various portions of Its own love come to know Itself in ways not available to It without such division of Itself into the infinite portions and expressions of love that move throughout this same creation in order that each portion may come to know itself by gaining the experience of evolution in a unique fashion that will, at its culmination, bring the harvest of experience to the one Creator, that all may again know the heart of being as love, and may continue the process of movement and growth and seeking and gaining the experience that will reveal each portion of the Creator to each portion of the Creator as the one Creator. 1986/0907.txt:15:There are two aspects to the sense of other. One may be termed the higher self. Some have called it the Creator. It is the aspect of the Creator which is personal and yet which is far richer in experience than are you and it is far more representative of you than your seemingly complete mentality and personality within the illusion. It is benign and helpful and full of information insofar as your consciousness empties itself of judgment and self-importance and asks to know and to serve. 1986/0928.txt:6:Yet the emphasis on something outside the illusion rescues one from unawareness of the process, therefore the process is accelerated, for you are able to manipulate it for greatest and most efficient learning. All entities that you meet are a portion of the Creator. Indeed, as the Creator created all that there is of Itself, each of you is an holographic representation of the Creator, and herein lies your great and fundamental equality, for each of you is in all ways perfect. That is your reality. You are channeling a distortion of your actual original self. You are dimly perceiving your true nature, and you are gaining in experience in this illusion so that you may refine your perceptions and more and more define yourself in terms of love and all others in terms of love until your perception becomes clear. 1986/1002.txt:32:I am Laitos, and am again with this instrument. To continue our response. We find within this query greater possibility of infringement upon your own powers of discrimination and use of free will were we to give specific response. We may speak in general, and suggest that at any point in one’s experience that one feels influences of a negative nature, that is, of a nature which seems to oppose the movement of one’s free will, that the response which is most helpful is that response which moves with greatest freedom without distortion and with the widest possible view of the experience which has been encountered. That is to say, as one is able to see all entities, thoughts and experiences as portions of the one Creator and is able to bless and love these experiences, one then moves to their heart and at that point joins in love with them. If any outer expression by another entity, then, is not congruent to that heartfelt expression, such an entity will find it necessary to remove its presence from the mirror which reflects to it the heart of love which it itself has denied in order that it might progress upon that path which may be characterized by the phrase, “the path of that which is not”—separation. 1986/1116.txt:58:I am Q’uo, and this term, unconditional love, is a phrase, shall we say, which has been developed within your culture or a portion of it which describes a facet of the love which [is] the Christ consciousness, shall we say. If one is able to love without condition all entities and experiences which come before the notice, one is expressing the kind of acceptance upon the deepest of inner levels that is a—we search this instrument’s mind for the proper term—hallmark of the love of the Creator which animates all creation, for the ability to love without condition or desire of return is the beginning of the Creator within the self to recognize itself within all other portions of the creation. For an entity of the third density to experience this kind of expression of love requires that the entity move in harmony with those choices which it has made prior to the incarnation that were made with the wider point of view easily accessible to the entity. 1986/1123.txt:57:When these phenomena tend to overwhelm the senses, it is well for the one experiencing this greater view to exercise that quality known as faith, faith that the one Creator moves before the newly opened eyes from patterns of perfection that yet lie beyond understanding, yet move in a manner which fulfills the desire of the Creator to know Itself. The faith that all is well, no matter what any part of the vision may tell the conscious mind, then must be powered by the will to serve the one Creator in as pure and unconditional fashion as is possible, for the greater sight brings the greater responsibility to use that vision in a manner which is of service to others. Yet with that responsibility, it well not to be overly concerned with the nature of the phenomena which present themselves in the life experience. 1986/1130.txt:71:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We might suggest that this is possible, as are many opportunities of various natures possible. We suggest that one not worry overmuch as to how the specific functioning of the ending of a cycle occurs, for all movement of experience is enabled and ennobled by the love of the one Creator which exists within all things. Within your illusion, much is hidden from sight, yet if one may remember and have faith that all is truly well, for all is, indeed, one, then one may move most easily in harmony with all cycles which provide the opportunity to know the one Creator in each moment that presents itself to your notice. 1986/1214.txt:91:I am Q’uo. This is indeed the mystery, my sister, for within the third-density illusion, each seeker of what you call the truth places itself in a position of receptivity to that truth by the intensity of the seeking, the strength of faith and will, so that at some point within the cycle of incarnations, it is possible for such a seeker to not only discover that which it seeks, but to become that which it seeks. Thus is the meaning of the resurrection within third density. The seeker builds with mortal hands a manifested life that may be constructed in such a fashion in metaphysical terms that that known as love may move through the being in such a pure fashion as to shine as that which it is, the pure and virgin consciousness of the one Creator, moving to gain the experience of the creation which it has made of Itself, and doing this within the life pattern of incarnate third-density beings who have prepared this place within their life patterns and, thus, not only receive that which was sought, but become that which was sought. 1987/0111.txt:3:As we gaze at each beautiful glittering aura, at the amazing complexity of shading, shape and brightness, each entity quite perfect and unique, we can only praise the Creator for such spiritually helpful paradoxes, for it is through the stress of unacceptable things that the finest and most extreme emotions, thoughts and actions may be brought out of an entity. And as the Creator can only become Self-conscious by gazing at the infinite numbers of reflections that are the consciousnesses given free choice, the Creator sees brighter, deeper and ever more glorious faces. And once again, each time an entity chooses to use the experience of joy in a productive way or to use a difficult experience productively, the greater self of that entity cheers, knowing that the Creator has again chosen to express Itself in a more coherent and unified manner, for all of evolution in the spiritual as well as in other senses seems to us, in our opinion, to move in a purposefully positive way, each choice for crystallization moving and polarizing the entity more and more. 1987/0111.txt:22:Thusly prepared, the seeker may move through its incarnational experiences empowered by the faith that there is purpose and direction to the life pattern, and that that which comes before the seeker’s notice is appropriate and full of purpose and opportunity to learn and to serve. Thus, no matter what experience might find its way into the incarnational pattern, the seeker thus empowered by faith and the desire to learn and serve may look upon each experience as being yet another opportunity for the Creator to know Itself and to be served and glorified by the seeker that has the will and faith to penetrate the outer appearance of things and to find at their heart the love and the light of the one Creator. 1987/0111.txt:31:Thus, it becomes necessary at some point for the seeker to choose the manner by which it will view those experiences of which it finds itself a part. These perceptions, then, have the power to transform experience. This is why the messages which we and others of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator [offer] always stress the benefit and necessity of regular meditation in order that the nature of the illusion in which each finds itself moving might be made more clear and coherent to the inner eye, and thus be seen as the infinite manifestation of one Being, the one Creator. 1987/0111.txt:46:I am Q’uo, and, my brother, we might suggest that desire has brought each into the incarnation. The power of the desire to experience your third-density illusion and the potential for transformation which it provides all within its boundaries is that which [each] present upon your planetary sphere has desired. The power of desire is that which moves each entity through each incarnation and each density or dimension in the eventual returning into unity with the one Creator. For, indeed, it is desire that has set the creation in motion, as the one Creator expressed the desire to know Itself and to do so by sending portions of Itself into the far reaches of what you know as the creation to experience all that may be experienced and to bring this experience as a harvest to the one Creator that It might know Itself in ways not available had it not desired to know Itself through Its many portions. 1987/0125.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and we are aware, my sister, that this question has special meaning to your own experience. And we would suggest that it be remembered at all times that one moves within the limitless love of the Creator within this illusion in order that through your experience the Creator might become aware of the possibilities for love to be placed in situations that will require an increased experience of Itself in order to uncover that love which has been carefully hidden. Thus does the Creator find Its beingness expressed in your experience in manners vivid and pure as a result of the constant effort to uncover Its own face through your efforts. 1987/0215.txt:17:If we are to look upon the primary means of perceiving the creation and its meaning for those of your third density, we might take that denial of which you have spoken and describe it rather as the inability to perceive the unity of all the creation, the infinity which is the foundation, the current reality and what you would call a future experience for all those of the third-density illusion. Thus, this inability to see the connected nature of all things, all thoughts, is a denial which, indeed, allows an entity to consider itself separate from and outside the influence of that power which you call God or the Creator. This seeming separation or denial or lack of perception creates a condition in which an entity may learn a variety of lessons which will eventually provide an opportunity for the integrating of each individual lesson with the wholeness of not only the greater self, which resides beyond the veil of forgetting, but the selves of all creatures and things about one in the creation and indeed with the Creator Itself. 1987/0215.txt:53:Thus, the concept of the dark force that is embodied within speakings of the beast, as it is called, bring not only to the conscious mind images of the very nature of creation itself, but draw through the subconscious mind the faintly remembered connection that each entity has with the entire creative power of love of the one Creator. The experience within your illusion for each entity is one in which there is in some form the attempt to reconcile the powers of light and the powers of darkness in order that a unified perception of all the creation might be achieved. The darker expressions of power, being by their very nature secret and separate, seem more fascinating than the obvious brilliance and power of light manifested as love, and through such mysterious and secret fascination attract the attention of many, such as the latest gossip attracts the attention of those who speak over the backyard fence, shall we say. 1987/0301.txt:27:The concepts, as we have listened to them being shared this evening, concerning the wisdom and the movement of the archetypical energies of the male and female principles out of the unity that was prevalent within the garden of Eden, as it is called, are a force; that is, wisdom, which allows for the gaining of experience by those portions of the Creator which comprise Its creation. This movement into experience is that which entities seem to experience from the state of grace, harmony and unity which is the nature of the garden of Eden in which all is provided without the need for seeking or striving or experiencing of any kind. Yet, it is the purpose of the creation to provide the Creator means by which It might know Itself in ways not available without the creation and without movement from the unity occurring within the creation by those who populate the creation. 1987/0419.txt:27:Or one may look upon any life experience or any portion of the self as that which is whole within itself, complete and perfect, existing as a unique expression of that which it is, a portion of the Creator, a companion to the seeker of truth. 1987/0426.txt:35:I am Latwii, and it is our perception that one helpful way of defining or looking upon that term which we have called patience is that of so fully accepting the present experience in any present moment that one is full of that experience and has little concern for any which may have come before or which may follow it, that the moment is indeed sufficient unto itself, as each moment is a portion of the one Creator, which contains in it the doorway to the fully experienced presence of the one Creator. Thus, to give the proper respect, shall we say, to each moment is to have a kind of love for the Creator that we have called patience. To abide with and to find fullness within any moment is to glorify that portion of the Creator that has revealed unto the seeker for that portion of experience. 1987/0520.txt:47:I am Quanta. You may find as you pursue the uncovering of those feelings which have long been covered that there spring up further feelings which may also require the attention that you have given to the first feelings. Thus, if any feeling has not yet found its fruit of love, compassion and acceptance for any other entity or experience, you may consider pursuing that feeling with the same technique of magnification until the feeling draws unto itself its opposite balance, and within this balance of feelings then may be birthed the compassion which equals the acceptance that each portion of the one Creator has as its birthright. This technique is best accomplished, we find, within your contemplative or meditative states as the focus is much more finely tuned in this state of awareness. 1987/0520.txt:52:The feelings of which you speak that are difficult yet for you might be taken with you into the meditative state and enhanced until they become large, large enough to draw to them their opposite. Within this balance may then lie acceptance of oneself for allowing the Creator to experience Itself through one’s feelings, thoughts and actions. 1987/0717.txt:31:I am Hatonn, and it is our recommendation to the new instrument, and, indeed, any instrument which wishes to experience our contact or the contact of any of our other brothers or sisters within the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator, that the contact be made only in the form which would allow recognition of the contact and the deepening of the meditative state. We do not recommend even the reception of mental images or words from unseen contacts while in solitary meditation, for it is easy for the new instrument to believe that it has recognized a contact sufficiently enough to speak the words and impressions that are received, and in many cases this would be a workable situation for a certain period of time. Yet after this period of time, which is variable for each entity, there is the likelihood that there would be the infringement upon the contact by other unseen entities who may have less than helpful desires as their motivation for attempting to confuse the original contact with their own. It is far less easy for such an infringement to occur when an instrument places itself within a circle that includes at least three as the minimum number. Three entities, then, blending their seeking for knowledge and the ability to utilize it in a service to others as a kind of protective device that ensures a cleansed working place and the conditions necessary for the working to proceed in a stable manner. 1987/1004.txt:12:Know and remember that the circumstances that you have are the house of your experience at this time. Treasure your Father’s house and know it to be good and bring it increase by planted seed which takes faith, in brightly covered pillows and cushions of thought and deed, to beautify even more the Creator’s wonderful gift. Know that your stewardship of this life which you count from the first breath to the last of your physical body is the stewardship of a spark of infinite creation, a consciousness that is the consciousness of love itself, and honor that which you are. 1987/1004.txt:20:Think of yourself, then, as a spiritual being, as the Creator Itself, one which does not need others except so that it may be of service to the Creator by means of service to them. Experience the joy in a mated relationship of knowing that that entity which is your mate will mirror to you those very things about the self that are out of balance so that the self may work upon them. There is a harmony within the universe which is absolute. All that you experience and all that you see and all that of what you hear is a portion of an harmonious development of creation which in every fiber praises, expresses and manifests that great original Thought of love. 1987/1025.txt:28:You in the watchtower, you who suffer, you who watch and weep and walk this day and night, you are not alone, for within you lies the greatest love, the only reality. Seek it in earnestness, experience in joy and laughter and lightness, and become the lamp set upon a hill. Not in and of yourself, but only as one in love, knowing the peace of the most intimate of all relationships—yourself and the Creator, your heart and love itself. 1987/1101.txt:3:Let us examine considerations concerning time. The higher self is a concept which is impossible to view in a sensible manner if the concept of linear time is clung to. The concept of one having the beginning and the end, either within one lifetime or within a creation of countless lifetimes, is a concept which creates unsolvable paradoxes with respect to considerations of the higher self. Your linear experience of time is a portion of your illusion, just as is space itself and all that you perceive with your senses. Within that illusion which we see as being the most sheer and least distorted of which we are aware, we see time as simultaneous; that is, the linear river of time perceived by the human self is deep within the self within, rounded into infinity, so that what you see as past, present and future are experienced at one time, that time being the present moment. At this precise moment as we speak, you contain all that you have experienced and will experience from the beginning of your consciousness until the sublime reentry of singular consciousness into the universal consciousness which is the Creator. 1987/1101.txt:29:I am Q’uo, and this is a most rough approximation of that which is the condition of the higher self in relation to the individualized portion of the Creator which moves through the evolutionary cycle. We give this instrument the concept of the vague definition of energy and intelligence which is ever-present for the individual entity in its process of evolution, and which at some point is called by your peoples the higher self. This intelligent energy permeates each portion of what is the creation, as the first-density experience of simple awareness becomes drawn by the upward spiraling line of light towards the increased vibration of second-density movement and turning toward the light, the concept of what shall be known to you as the mind draws unto itself a vehicle for expression that will serve as what you call the body. And as this blending of energy complexes occurs in increasing frequencies of manifested expression, the mind and body complex of the second-density creature or entity becomes more and more individualized and partakes more of that which is the consciousness of self in contrast to that which it has experienced previously, which is the concept of the groupings... 1987/1220.txt:16:When a student presents itself to one who teaches the channeling, it is often very helpful that the one who wishes to channel has done significant amounts of thinking upon the true nature of the self. Even if you have passed the test of agreeing to amend your life to meet as best as you can the challenges of channeling, it is not always possible to so live. Yet those who wish to make vocal channeling their service have a certain frame of mind, a certain series of biases. This to us is not a problem. We welcome the difference between channel and channel. We welcome the diversity of ways in which the one great original Thought of creation is expressed, for ours is a most simple story, and we welcome each entity’s ability to express our concepts in a slightly new and somewhat different way. For you, my friends, as channels are fishers of men, as your holy work describes it. You shine not only for the Creator, and not only for the Creator within the self, but primarily for those about you. You do not know how many lives you may reach, you do not know what smile or soft word shall lift up the heart of one who is very low. You do not know until it is over when a home truth must be told, so that baggage may be dropped that was no longer useful, leaving you free for your next experience. 1988/0117.txt:14:Many of those whom you meet within your incarnational experience shall be familiar to you one way or another. See each as the Creator. Serve each in love, for loving each other is the greatest service that consciousness is capable of. Eventually, as the process of refinement goes on, you may learn as we believe we have learned, that all consciousness is one, and that we are all one great being, a portion, infinitely precious, of the Creation itself. 1988/0207.txt:7:The space into which your Earth is moving at this time is more and more altered from the space/time you have enjoyed upon your planet for many thousands of your years. It is a space/time which contains a more generous fullness of the Creator’s light. Sensitive entities are more and more able to use paranormal gifts. We make a plea to each who experiences these gifts and the interest which these gifts generate to seek not just the comparison of one gift with the gift of others, but also to begin through meditation, contemplation, the use of dreams, the reading, the talking with friends, to begin the process of knowing the true self, and once you have found that ground within you which is not your heartbeat or your thinking processes, but is your consciousness itself, once you have met yourself face-to-face for what you are, with your gifts and your limitations, then the time has come for you to make this an offering in humbleness and sincerity to the Creator, offering your talents, your gifts and your limitations with thanksgiving and praise. 1988/0213.txt:11:For if it is understood by faith that faith is the journey, and that the deepest faith is that all that is with one and being experienced by one is that which is correct, then one may simply turn the attention to being, for each entity is a story within the mind of the Creator, and each incarnation a small gift, a bouquet, a scent upon the wind which informs and blesses the Creator as that infinite entity learns ever more about Itself. 1988/0213.txt:12:Thus, the deepest goal of one who leaves bliss in order to suffer is to find the joy within the suffering, to find the light within the darkness, to accept and thus solve the riddle of opposites. For if the life is a gift, a holy one, one set apart, then to live, to love, to feel, to be, is the true vocation, and all actions stem then not from the necessities of the employment or the personal situation, but from the inner agenda which is to experiment continuously with the being, seeking always to polarize more and more towards a conscious inner realization of the wholeness and perfection that lie within the illusion that make of the life a beauty and a gift. It is difficult sometimes for one who is suffering to see the beauty within the self, to realize that the self by itself without action is the true gift to the Creator and the true reason for this experience you call living. 1988/0316.txt:7:The other side of this high-sounding coin is the cheerful laughter of imperfection guaranteed by the illusion in which you dance. The channel is as the color sparkling off the facets of a diamond which gleams so whitely. Each glint is unique in its spectrum in the rainbow of itself and so are each of you distortions of that white light. We have our own distortions in the concepts which we give to you and to our distortions are then added two things. Firstly, the combined strength and desire of seeking and areas of seeking of all those present in the circle and secondly, that gem which is the channel. Thus may we speak of the infinite Creator infinitely as through even one channel the infinite moods, experiences and thoughts of each day make each unique being a little different. It is an exciting way of being of service to us for we learn much as we see the poetry, passion and strength which instruments such as yourselves create from the solid prose of our one statement and that is that there is one thing—that one great original Thought which created all that there is which is all that there is and which is you. And you It. 1988/0622.txt:13:There is in love the power to create. This is the very essence of that which we call love. Within this creative power is the necessity of what one may see as the mover and that which is moved. There is the further refinement into those qualities you see as that which is good and that which is evil. That which is radiant and that which is black. That which is male and that which is female. By these polarities, or should we say by this polarity, and its many expressions is all of what you know as creation set into motion and through this creative motion does the Creator experience that which is Itself creating and creating, recreating ever more varied and pure forms, portions of Itself that allow It to experiment and to know what it is to be. In just such a way is each conscious entity within the creation able to know this very same thing: what it is to be, to move, to be moved, to love, and to be loved, to experience, to grow from experience and to create the self ever new. All creation moves through this polarity. 1988/0629.txt:43:I am Hatonn, and our only comments this time would be to suggest that this experience is a good example of the ability of any entity to transform that which seems difficult or negative into that which is a thing of beauty, for within the entire creation there is no being other than the one Creator. Though in many disguises does the one Creator move, the attitude of taking the snakes within your own being in the welcoming embrace of love and compassion is the attitude which will serve each seeker best, in our opinion, when dealing with any difficulty, for the seeming difficulty and negative experience with which many seekers of truth encounter upon their journey are not encountered in order that the seeker be required to prove itself in any particular fashion or to make of the seeker any kind of victim, but these experiences are encountered in order that the seeker might be provided yet another opportunity to see within the face of another self and to welcome each experience as though the Creator stood before one and offered to one the fruit of experience. 1988/0802.txt:3:And so we speak from a standpoint of joy, gazing at an illusion in which such suffering must take place in order that the lessons of love might be learned, for love is another way of saying the Creator, not a weak love or a romantic love, a family love, a national love, or a world love, but a love that is so creative it has often been described in terms of fire and passion, a divine passion to conceive a world that would speak to the Creator of Itself. And so each of you dwells within this illusion of life upon your planet, experiencing each other while the Creator experiences all. Each of you, then, is infinitely precious to the Creator who loved enough to create you and all that there is. 1988/0802.txt:61:Thus, we do not offer the information concerning negative entities and their offering of temptations to positive entities as that which is to be feared, but that which is a normal part of the evolutionary progress within your illusion, in order that the progress of each path, both positive and negative, might through their interaction strengthen the other, in order that the one Creator might through these experiences know Itself more fully and each entity within the creation, through these experiences, might know itself more fully and the one Creator more fully and more intensely. 1988/0802.txt:71:I am Q’uo, and this is correct, my sister, for just as the creation itself and every portion of it shall eventually return to the complete unity of the one Creator, bringing all the experiences that have been gathered during the great octave of being as seeds for the next great octave of being, so those entities of negative polarity shall at some point within their evolutionary progress find the necessity of releasing the negative polarity and adopting that which is the positive polarity, for it is the positive polarity which, though it partakes of illusion and separation in some degree, seeks to affirm the unity of all creation and the divinity of all beings, and seeks to serve all beings as the Creator, whereas the negative polarity is based upon that which is not, that being the separation of one being from another, which lays the groundwork, shall we say, for the potential ruling of one being over another and over others. 1988/0802.txt:80:For all beings are truly a portion of the Creator and of the self, and as the seeker of truth looks within to find that of truth within itself, any experience or entity that it comes upon in its journey of seeking will reflect some portion of inner truth to it, and as the seeker is able to draw unto itself all expressions of the Creator and to see them as the Creator, as the self, and as love, then so they become that which they are, and no longer are that which they seem. The persona, the mask, is removed and for that seeker of truth, that seeker stands before the mirror which looks into its own soul and the heart of the Creator. 1988/0814.txt:6:The planet can do a limited amount to aid a limited amount of people who are aware of places of energy which for them may be helpful. However, this aid is limited to those concepts and feelings which cannot be put into words. Thus, those whose church is the green cathedral of the forest, the mountains, and nature itself will find themselves as tongue-tied as the trees and flowers in attempting to describe or put into some meaningful context the experience of worship within the setting of nature, although it is perfectly acceptable to the Creator that the face of the Creator be seen in this density so filled with the Logos and Its consciousness. 1989/0115.txt:12:Now, each activity within an entity’s life may take upon itself the tone of ordinary dailyness or the tone of communion. We suggest to you that when one has contemplated long upon the love the Creator has for oneself, then, perhaps, the second step to finding passion is a slow, gentle allowing of the self to awaken to that love, to listen to the bird that sings for your ear, and, yes, my children, it does sing for your ear, if you can but listen, for the breeze that blows so beautifully, for pearl-gray days that soften and gentle the harsh edges of winter moods, for sunshine and joy. In all these experiences, you may remember that this has been a gift of love, and that you are completely satisfying your Creator, no matter how quickly or how slowly you advance, simply by being and reacting in a natural and spontaneous way, or in any way whatsoever, to those things which occur. 1989/0115.txt:15:Thus, you cannot look toward your society, your culture, for anything familiar to find your own passion for existence, for joy, for vitality, for the Creator and for love itself, yet it is there within you, coiled like a tiger’s spring. Your heart is the heart of the Creator. It simply needs uncovering, remembering, finding and experiencing. Now, one way to accomplish this in an accelerated fashion, other than daily meditation, is the pushing of oneself beyond the limits, moving by simple exhaustion into a state where the utter joy and passion of life may be felt in a steady state, much as one would feel the sensation of orgasm at the climax of a sexual experience. This is the steady state of the universe at rest. This is the passion which you have for yourself, for your neighbor and for the Creator. This is how strong and how powerful your feelings truly are, and the fact that they have been so greatly shut down in your society is simply a matter of that which must be in order for you to have a free choice of whether to serve the Creator and others, and thus move towards growth of spirit, or serve the self, controlling others and bending them to your will, following the path of self-aggrandizement or service to self. 1989/0115.txt:28:As the entity is joined by those which have served as its teachers, its friends and its guides, it is at this time, as you would call it, that the entity reviews the life experience which has just been completed, in order that the essence of the experience might be assessed and it might be determined those lessons which have been well learned and those which yet remain to be learned. For each entity, before entering the incarnation, sets before itself those programs of study which will allow it to know the Creator more fully and will allow the Creator to know Itself through the entity’s experience. Each entity has a great variety of choice as to those lessons which it wishes to pursue. Within your particular illusion, each lesson revolves about the concept that you would call love or compassion, the unconditional acceptance of all that is as the Creator. As the life experience is reviewed, there are those portions of the experience that point toward new lessons that are called by the experience which has been completed. For as any course of study within your system of schooling, the life experience is that which may be enhanced and refined and utilized in ever more broadening, deepening and intensifying means. 1989/0115.txt:46:The difficulty that many feel within the incarnative experience that leads many to feel that there is the need to break free from this cycle of birth, death and rebirth is just that quality which allows the lessons to become more vividly experienced, more intensely expressed and more purely a part of the entity in order that it, through each lesson, might know itself and the Creator more fully. 1989/0115.txt:85:We have within our experience as a group, or as what we find some within this group would call a social memory complex, been fortunate in our own evolutionary experience to be able to develop this quality so that as we look upon any situation, any entity or any concept, we see first and foremost to the heart of the experience of the entity or of the concept, and see at the heart the one Creator knowing Itself through that experience, that entity, and that situation. Thus, we have little of the deviation that one would normally associate with what you call emotional responses. Rather, we feel the great upwelling of love for the creation that we see about us and for the creation which lies before and ahead of us upon our journey of seeking. 1989/0129.txt:9:Most of the forgiveness that is needed at the beginning of the spiritual search is the forgiveness of the self, for one forgives others far more easily than one forgives the self. It is most centrally important to forgive and love and care for the self in a nurturing manner in order that one may love one’s neighbor as oneself, as it is said in your holy work, the Bible. How can service to others be performed by those who do not love the self, for all other selves are in truth as the self? All are beloved and intimate, for all are brothers and sisters of one infinite Creator whose expression to all of us is much, much love. This Creator is most interested in each, tastes and relishes the experiences of each, and we, in return, those countless brothers and sisters of the creation, move evermore intently toward reentering that same awareness, which is the consciousness of love itself. 1989/0129.txt:16:Now we move to the question of influences. Yes, indeed, my friends, you are most influenced, and most of the influence is to distract you from the game at hand. For just as school is a game in which one attempts to pass the test at the end, so is life itself, and life after life after life part of the game in which an individual entity that is a consciousness or a soul, that is, in part, a part of the Creator, is intended to go through experience after experience after experience in each incarnation, testing the biases that have withstood the test of many, many, many experiences, so that by the gradual process of erosion of bad habits, shall we say, or habits that you decide are bad, and by the continual encouragement of that which seems to your deepest truth appropriate, you may change your choice more and more toward the polarization of love; love for yourself, love for the Creator, and love for all those whom you meet, all those who are alive and all things that are alive, or by being the product of man’s hands are in that way alive. 1989/0219.txt:23:When this has been accomplished in the cycle of beingness, there is again the great quantum leap in possibility and potential in consciousness, until that which is the third density of creation, that which you inhabit, which comes into being by the increased rotation of vibration of the photon of light and the angles of rotation that again allow the greater experience of consciousness as each portion of consciousness of the one Creator moves from that complete unity with the Creator into the individualization that allows the gathering of experience that will allow the Creator to know Itself in each of its portions, and which will allow each of Its portions to know the Creator through this experience. 1989/0219.txt:30:When the lessons of unity have been completed, then it is that entities move into the seventh density, that gateway density of foreverness which allows the movement towards the complete reunification with the one Creator which is completed within the eighth density, as you would call it, thus completing the great cycle of experience, with all experiences gained by each entity offered to the Creator as means by which the Creator has been able to know Itself offered as that which shall become the seeds for the next great octave of experience. 1989/0226.txt:15:We are upon the servant’s path. We do not deny that there is an opposite path. We simply do not teach it. Through many, many lifetimes, beginning with experiences as earth, air, wind, fire and all the elements, you have built your biases, your uniqueness, as a spark within the infinity of the Creator. You have experienced everything that you see in the world about you and from experience of rock or sea or cloud or blooming flower, you remember, not the entire experience, but its essence. And that essence is to you unique, for you are not anyone else. You are perfectly your own self. Each entity is correct for itself, for it is the sum of what it has learned. That you each wish to accelerate the process of learning is much to your credit, for there is much to do, and the world that cries out for more lightened consciousnesses will now have the essence of remembrance of the elemental density and the density of plant and animal as part of your imperishable self, as part of your gift to the infinite One. 1989/0226.txt:34:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. That which you call the active portion of the one Creator is, indeed, not only that which is Its memory, that which is the memory of each of Its portions, but is also far more this, for even the active portion of the Creator has that which is the potential and which has infinite ability to be. Thus, that portion of the Creator which has moved Itself into the creation and which experiences all that is experienced is enriched not only by all such experiences, but by the potential which awaits the free will choice of any portion of Its being. Thus, there is a great waiting beingness, shall we say, almost, if we may so surmise, an eagerness to be and to know. 1989/0226.txt:38:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query. The emotions are not properly present within the mind of the Creator, if we may use these terms, for terminology in this area is somewhat mythical, too [fancifully] constructed. However, there is a desire on the part of the Creator to know Itself in Its fullness, and as It knows Itself through Its creation, to love that which is created, that which is experienced. Thus, this desire to know and this great, overwhelming feeling of love may be seen as the equivalent of emotions, in your terms, on the part of the one Creator, as far as we can ascertain. We do not claim to have full knowledge of the great mystery which the one Creator embodies. 1989/0308.txt:14:Let us move on in this discussion of the lived life. For you see, the reason for the meditation is not that it is an end in itself but that it is a tool through which one may focus one’s will and one’s faith. It is—if we may speak in Christian terms—a communion, a thanksgiving, and offering a Eucharist. It is the time that is, if you are seeking the Creator, the center of the day. It is time that you call to remembrance that Thought which created you. It is, within the illusion you experience, as much a family matter as concern for your relatives, and upon the level of seeking, replaces one’s concern for any loved ones. Sharpen the desire, sharpen the faith, and this shall be done through it’s use. Will and faith together; simple, dogged persistence; going on when you don’t feel like it; getting up when you are tired; honoring the Creator to make that mysterious entity a part of your real, everyday life. 1989/0311.txt:14:Perhaps the only other thing we would suggest in this regard, because of the shortness of the time period in which we have to work, is that each in its meditation move to that portion of the self which is the inner room deep within each heart and soul, and within that inner room offer the self up in complete and total surrender to the Creator which awaits within the self, but which will not come into conscious relationship with the self unless that relationship is thirsted for and hungered for as if it were the very food and drink that sustains life, and may we say, my children, in a metaphysical sense the presence of the one infinite Creator is, indeed, absolutely necessary for the soul’s health. May you invite it. May you greet it, thank it, bless it and allow it to enable you to open the heart, to leap faithfully, joyfully and abidingly into the clear, unobstructed air of the grace and blessing of love itself. It is infinite, and it certainly seems void. And sometimes you will experience it as void and dark, and those are your desert times. Rejoice in them also and worry not if you feel blocked, because just as surely as you have entered the desert, so your steps shall bring you to the garden. 1989/0312.txt:4:To look at it in another way, one might see the quandary of a Creator which creates a companion for Itself, only to find the companion is not happy spending all of its time with the Creator, but rather feels alone without his own kind. We are not saying that this is the way creation in your density began. We are simply saying that the concept there embodied in the female being the artifact of man and man’s desire not to be alone is far different than the original statement of the loved one as a reflection of the love of self for self. For in this debased picture, the two perfectly dovetailed species, male and female, are offered less than equal roles in a creation. Thus, we must pluck from the concept of the outer world of experience being created by the self’s love for the self, we must broaden the horizons of this concept, as the author of this concept rationally had already begun to do, so that it includes all that there is. 1989/0312.txt:6:All that is is a reflection of the Creator’s love for Itself, and further, Its desire to know more about Itself, to communicate with Itself for the enlargement of Its personality and to learn that which seems to be subjectively true, beautiful and perfect, that which, unlike the physical vehicles of your density, is imperishable. In the sense of the God-self residing within the many layers of distortion and confusion that abound within third-density experience, the statement is accurate. However, we would quickly add that it is misleading to consider to oneself that one is capable of living in the God-self for any length of time and having this experience be a steady state. It is not that this is not possible; it has been done by those who ruthlessly remove themselves from anything but the sitting, the silence, the meditation, the breaking down completely of the self. When one resides, acts and reacts within the societal structure which is your best environment for learning, one cannot remain the God-self. Thus, as one gazes into the eyes of the loved one, one may upon one level try to remember that one gazes at the gift of love of God for Itself. 1989/0319.txt:3:We feel that it is a kindly universe, a most loving and loving and beloved Creator, and we find that our fates, as far as our teachers know, are most benign, and that our end is never; that we are imperishable beings, created to be the active portion of the one Creator, cells of an infinite Mind, which learns about Itself because of the interaction of all of us, all of you, all those of your sphere, all of your galaxy, all those of the billions of galaxies that you may see, all those in the infinity of the illusion of this octave of experience. 1989/0319.txt:5:We come to speak of a love that is so great that it does not run out. It is infinite in supply. We come to urge each to participate in that great original Thought of Love, for the more that one participates in the great original Thought, the more one’s point of view regarding the mundane and everyday experiences of the life experience become infused with the light of the one infinite Creator and the compassion that is felt by the Creator for Itself, all parts of Itself, those who love the dark as well as those who love the light. 1989/0319.txt:46:This being, then, with the aid of others who have served as the guides and the teachers, and with the aid of the higher self, reviews the incarnation which has been completed in order that that which has been gained of learning and of service might be compared with that which was desired and planned before the incarnation. Where there has been less efficient learning, there is the renewed desire to pursue that which was left undone. Where there has been the completion of lessons, there is then the addition or refinement of these lessons so that the experience that is to come within the following incarnation might offer to the self an enhanced opportunity to know the self and to know the Creator, and also to allow the Creator to know Itself through the self within the new incarnation in a fashion which is also enhanced or refined, shall we say. 1989/0325.txt:3:Thus, the concept of faith must be divorced from all objective reference. One is best prepared for the death experience when one has learned to live a life in faith. Basically, this faith has no objective referent, in that the Creator is not an objective referent. This is no palpable, tangible, testable, visible Creator. Rather, the Creator is infinite intelligence, a concept which cannot fully be expressed using your language. The closest we may come to the active principle of that one great original Thought, which is the Creator in its active phase, is that inadequate word, Love. Consequently, that which one has faith in, if one must have faith in everything, is Love Itself, that which creates, that which destroys, that which is wonderful, that which is terrible, that which is all that there is. 1989/0423.txt:12:It would be predictable, you see, that nature would repeat itself, as the shapes of nature, that which may use fuel and live within this atmosphere, though they are only limited by the imagination of the Creator which is infinite, are, indeed, limited by the necessities of finding a way to fuel the physical vehicle during its life experience. Gaze through the microscope at anything, and you will find many, many, many interesting things. Gaze in the telescope, and you will find the same interesting things. The more sophisticated your knowledge, the more mystical you shall become as a scientific inquirer, for the more that you will be able to see the part that is played by the wills of those third-density entities which observe that which is occurring within the acorn, the seed, the animal behavior, and so forth. 1989/0618.txt:29:Now, as you gain experience and service to others, you may find your work with other people in service changing, because you are changing. Change, of course, is painful, yet it is what you are desiring, each and every one of you. If you do not wish to feel pain, refrain from the meditation, refrain from helping others, be secure and safe within your own four walls and live your life. Perhaps in the next incarnation you shall take up the quest once again. You have all the time in the world, and we mean that literally. There is no hurry; there is no judgment; there is simply a large portion of the Creator which has separated itself by the action of free will that it may know itself, that it may know itself better and better. 1989/0618.txt:49:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would first begin by reminding each that the creation itself is a finely wrought and intricately designed illusion which gives each portion of the Creator a means whereby it might come to know the Creator through experience, and the Creator might come to know each portion of Itself though that same experience. Within the illusion of the creation, there is that which is of the positive or radiant and that which is of the negative or magnetic. There are many terms that are used to describe the duality of forces which together form the dynamic tension which holds the creation in place as a manifested thought that might be utilized for growth and for service. 1989/0716.txt:20:Now, when you began this octave of experience, each of you had made certain progress in a previous creation. You had made progress to a certain point, and to that point the Creator now knows about Itself. But the Creator is generous and curious and in perpetual motion. And so, when all of us come together at the end of what could be done in one octave of creation, then from the heart of the infinite One will set again a new creation, incorporating all of those things which the Creator had learned about Itself—making pathways for the evolution of the Christ-self within clearer and plainer with each octave of experience. 1989/0806.txt:47:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister, and we shall attempt to respond. The desire that is at the heart of each life experience is in truth for each entity the desire to know the Creator, to know the self, to know the purpose for the life. Many have called this the seeking for the Holy Grail. This desire is at the heart of all creation for it is the desire of the Creator, which is all creation, to know Itself. There are as many means of fulfilling this desire as there are portions of the creation. 1989/1008.txt:26:I am Q’uo. We continue with this instrument. Each of you has a special gift to give. That gift is the gift of the pattern of the self. Consider the snowflake, no two alike. So it is with spirits, as they grow in compassion and wisdom and service to others. Each one has a somewhat different energy nexus, a somewhat different emphasis or area of expertise. Each speaks uniquely to the Creator of itself; each has experiences no other in the infinite creation has had, and has experienced them in the idiosyncratic way of one truly conscious of the self within. 1989/1008.txt:48:Thus does each entity such as yourself move in a rhythm that partakes of the great heartbeat of the universe, moving outward and outward, gathering experience, turning that experience into the power to serve, to love, to glorify the one Creator, and to continue on the journey, moving then back again to that place of unity from which all this began, having now gained the experience of moving through the cycles of creation. Thus, you are in microcosm the one Creator that has come to know Itself as you are now, and shall come to know Itself as all that is. 1989/1022.txt:37:This instrument is asking us to allow this to end, however we wish to make one more point before we leave. The instrument itself was concerned with its many gifts and its lack of desire to use the gifts of creativity in an intellectual or physical manner, such as the music, the dancing, the criticism, and the creative writing. In fact, all of these gifts are being used in the life pattern. It is simply that the gifts are being used to support that one thing with which the channel has been concerned and involved within its entire life experience, that being the living in a poem, the making of a beautiful tapestry of a life as a gift to the one infinite Creator. 1989/1105.txt:22:Now, perception without distortion is a sure yielding of joy. On the other hand, each must distort, through the physical senses, the catalyst which comes to one. The senses you have are those given to all and they are all illusory. To base one’s seeking for vital energy on the life experience or anything which it may offer is to put one’s trust in that which perishes. The key to joy is the realization that you are an imperishable being. You are a being which is love and is called to love. The Creator created each out of love and placed within each free will and Itself. You are moving through the disciplining of your own free will. And that disciplining must be done freely, the choices your own, in order for that joy which underlies all things to begin to bubble up into the life experience. 1989/1112.txt:11:Perhaps the road to experiencing emotions more clearly and more deeply begins with the contemplation of the astounding, generous and infinite love of the one Creator. The Creator’s nature Itself is love infinite. Each of you is likewise imperishable and infinite, but in terms of the experience you now enjoy, you within the body are finite, limited and fooled by the illusion which is to teach you. Therefore, we suggest a daily alignment of affirmation and closeness with the love within one’s self which is infinite. Many negative emotions disturb the hearts of those who have not found pure emotion, and, instead of being uplifted by love, they feel judged, inadequate and unloving. This is because the surface healing emotions come from one rather than through one, [and] are easily exhausted or transformed into negative emotions of frustration, anger and guilt. 1989/1126.txt:24:The universe itself is an emotion, it is consciousness, it is love. Each of you will go through many definitions of the word love as you experience various facets of conditional and unconditional love. Your goal, and it is a difficult one within this density, is so to use the deep wisdom of the intuition and choice-making nature of the intellect in harmony to move in the direction that you and the Creator have set for yourself this day. And in that regard we would say that it is not well to create in the mind that which one desires, unless one is absolutely sure that one desires it and will never regret having it, for any desire that is unmet in third density must be met before the entity may move forward to the next level of classes, the next level of illumination, the next level of peace and joy. 1990/0121.txt:16:Share with your little ones the awe and the wonder of summer nights, the smell of burning wood, and the sweet smiles on otherwise sour faces when your Christmas tides are opening up. Share in a little piece of each day and spend some ritualistic time in respective silence or in vocal praise, in whatever way the mated pair feels comfortable with the little ones, that as they grow they may know that they have been created, that they have been loved not only by the parents but by the universe itself. Then they are at home in the universe, for the universe loves them. This is the most precious gift that this particular path of service offers. The creation of the biases within the incarnational experience of the small ones, that they are accepted, forgiven and loved unconditionally by that great mystery which is love itself, the great moving force of creation, and indeed the Creator Itself. 1990/0225.txt:12:Now we speak of mindfulness itself, a mindfulness of your choice, a mindfulness of your faith that there is indeed within you the passion that created the universe and all that is in it. In meditation roads are built that create a pathway to an immediate experience of this love. This is work done in discipline. When the energy of living within you is good, and the desire to learn is strong, there is only joy in this work. It can also be the most difficult work you can imagine. A great deal depends upon the preparation of your self to be a person of joy and lover of life. Be mindful of who you are. You are love, you are a co-creator with the original Thought of your own experience and your own creation. There is not one creation, there are as many creations as there are perceptors of creation. Each personal truth is absolute. One cannot give to another faith, but only the desire to find that faith and the realization that such a thing is possible. 1990/0304.txt:9:Gradually, many, many of the societies which you would call pagan or savage became aware that they craved a structure which was created not simply by instinct, but also by the use of the intellect, of the minds of humankind. And so each mind that found itself in the position of power began to use that power to express the distortion of freedom and love which it considered to be correct. Since the beginning of your experience upon this third density planet, the stage has been set again and again for entities to make the choice as to what they consider their relationship to the Creator to be, for it is in that relationship that the concept of freedom rests. It is the birthright of that relationship that gives a seemingly limited entity the birthright to infinitely worthwhile and ideal principles. 1990/0312.txt:9:This seems to be without you: the perfection, the balance, the divine love. You are projecting into an illusion that has been created with your own cooperation so that you may move forward one step at a time, one small step at a time. You began as unmanifest love. You were joined with free will and flung outward to become prodigal sons and daughters of love itself. You are information givers, for all that you experience is that which the Creator experiences and knows of Itself. You cannot make any errors, for in each action the Creator learns of Itself. You can, however, make choices about that which you wish to learn. 1990/0313.txt:16:After the experience is over, you may examine, analyze, probe, discuss and attempt to measure that which you have experienced, but during the process itself, a complete surrender to the Creator of all things, in certain knowledge of His plan for your existence within this incarnation, is in place, and that all is as it should be. This relaxed and peaceful state is aided only in some cases by the ingestion of caffeine in order that, although calm, quiet and listening, one also has the energy which such substances give to the physical vehicle and to the mind complex. 1990/0313.txt:24:I am Laitos, and am again with this instrument. We rejoice that this instrument finds within itself the heart to speak that which it does not know. The instrument is telling me that it is reaching the limits of its ability [inaudible]. We rejoice [inaudible] and the experience of the deepened commitment. We understand the great difficulty [inaudible]. We leave this instrument now in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, wishing each well, in the paths of your chosen, thankful, [inaudible]. We wish at this time to transfer the contact back to the one known as Carla. 1990/0325.txt:14:No one can do more than experience the fringes of the true kingdom and power and glory of love in its fullest sense. Those who feel they have the same chance of doing so as the Creator Itself have fallen into the trap of pride. Those who surrender the jar to be hollowed out and made transparent are those in whom the manifestation of love may not end, but continue infinitely. This process of choosing a way of manifesting an instinct which is inherent to all is entirely up to you. That you choose to seek in this mystery of the finite and the infinite is the cornerstone of all spiritual seeking, the bedrock of the spiritual life. 1990/0325.txt:21:Therefore, when no one asks for your help, know that your basic and most important help is in your beingness itself, in the joy that you take, in the zest, the leaping for joy that you experience as you experience who you truly are. Be not cast down. Be merry, for to be merry in the little things and the big things of mundane existence is to express the nature of love. There is nothing ponderous about love; it is spontaneous and full of light, and you need do nothing to those who do not wish to speak with you, but only be who you are with rigorous honesty, admitting [it] to yourself each time that you jangle and are out of tune, moving then from service to others to the repairing of the self until you once again love and respect that self, finding that self worthy of being a vessel for the infinite light and love of the one Creator. 1990/0415.txt:7:Many entities within the childhood experience are cut off from the feeling of self-love. This is perhaps the most common of those limitations which are chosen before the incarnation, in order that the entity may experience and exercise the lesson that one is not here to be loved but to love. One is not here to be pampered, but to console others. One is not here to be praised, but to support, cherish and nurture those about one, seeing in them the infinite Creator. The inability to feel the worth of the self derives its strength, for the most part, from the childhood wherein the child is not accepted as it is, in which the child is not appreciated, feels itself not to be fully loved, feels itself to be criticized, feels itself to be unable to please those first witnesses and embodiments of the Creator, the parents. 1990/0615.txt:13:The green ray is a more universal image. It has to do with the beingness of the self and the illusion and the entire system of energies which from beyond both gives itself to expression [inaudible] keynote to the experience of green-ray energies is love and it is compassion. The compassion which one experiences at this level is a summation of the work one has done upon the other three levels of energy expression. And it involves to some extent a balancing of these energies which can be accomplished only by seeing that these energies are of the Creator and not one’s own. They are not to be held but are rather to be expressed and allowed to flow. In this way, one finds within the heart a humility within which a sense of purpose may be born. The sense of purpose, born in the heart center, is the most important endowment that an aspirant to truth may find. It is the birthright of each to have this firmly instilled in the center of his being. To discover this center is to find within one the yearning which is the springboard to work in the higher chakras. 1990/0620.txt:11:The great error with those who have a tendency, because of their mystical experiences, to see opportunities for self-sacrifice, is that they will choose self-sacrifice when it is not at all necessary, and when in fact it may well prevent or cause to make longer another entity’s road towards understanding of the nature of love. For instead of seeing itself as responsible, it simply turns to a service-to-others self who loves so deeply, and that service-to-others self again and again plays the martyr’s role. It is well to remember that this type of martyrdom is a kind of idolatry. There is but one Creator, and although the Creator is in each person, unless by self-sacrifice you are expressing that ideal to others in a clear communication on whatever level you wish, then that martyrdom has a karmic element, which then must be balanced. 1990/0812.txt:4:Those who live in the Holy Land are in a place which magnifies that which is upon an entity’s heart. Now let us move away from this particular situation long enough to express the nature of your metaphysical makeup in terms of being a person of power, what some would call magic, what others would call wholeness. The Creator is best known to us as love. Love in its [classic meaning,] that which may be called intelligent infinity, contains most of that which is the Creator. But the Creator, by the power of free will, has the desire to know Itself. And so creations begin in those parts of the Creator created of love which is the Creator and an equal amount of free will, which is infinitely different for each person, have created each unique being, including yourself. Each experience that you have, each decision that you make is of vital interest to the Creator of all things. For as One gazes upon consciousness that is Its own consciousness becoming an actor upon the stage of the world, It learns about that infinite entity which has been made finite by this illusion in which you now enjoy yourself. 1990/1025.txt:3:So we wish to be very careful to speak always in terms that have relatively little power within your illusion, insofar as they are emotionally charged. We do not say, for instance, the word “God.” From time to time, because we are allowing the instrument freedom, it will speak that word. And it is acceptable to us. Of our own self we would prefer a less emotionally charged term. One that moves cosmology out of superstition and into a simple knowledge of how eternity creates itself. So we ask each channel, always, to hear and remember words and phrases that are particularly delightful; we may be able to use them. Remember, we came to light as experiences that gave you joy, that fired your passions and that created the purest you that you have yet been. Move always back into these things that are your strength, your gifts. And one of the gifts of a channel needs to be that of grasping the nuances of vocabulary. This is not a group to which we must lecture, for each is already quite aware, for the most part, of this helpful information that it is well to be reminded again and again, that as servants of men and as sons of the one infinite Creator it was given to you to be the humblest, to be the least, to be strong enough in self that such things are irrelevant to your state of mind. The path asks a great deal for one who begins it. Little by little, untruth must be slugged off as if it were dead skin. Those blockages which could always be blamed on a childhood are suddenly those blockages for which you are responsible. Because you know how to clear them. You also know the kind of work and time that this effort will take. But we exhort you to continue. Those who seek the path of spirit must also seek the path of discipline. For the time to do spiritual work is always now, not tomorrow, not last week but right now. 1990/1025.txt:16:You ask if we have had any opportunities to utilize instruments who were able to perceive each nuance which we have to offer. We are sure that you shall not be surprised to discover that the answer to this query is no, for that which we have to offer is beyond the ability of any entity which depends upon words for communication to express. Language itself is a barrier. However, we accept the limitations, both of language and of the understanding, if you will pardon the misnomer, of each entity in its previous knowledge and experience in the areas in which we speak. It is not our intent to give information that is minutely illustrated with each possible nuance. In certain instances and at certain times it is helpful to be able to describe the concept in finer and more precise terminology, using terminologies which are especially apt. However, what we wish most in these communications is to repeat, in whatever manner is helpful to a student, the simple nature of the creation and the strong and simple relationship that each has to each other and to the one Creator, to the creation, to all things, that this relationship is one which endures, that there will always be mystery, that there is always loving support for those who venture into the dark and mysterious night of the soul. Thus, in short, our answer to your query, my sister, is that though we seek to refine each instrument’s ability to perceive that which we have to offer, we rejoice at every word and concept which we are able to transmit through any instrument. 1990/1028.txt:16:Mathematics itself is extremely precise within this local illusion. However, just as one measures extremely low temperatures by using Kelvin numbers, so can we describe the universe using a different kind of measurement, having, however, to do with the concept of heat. It is doubtful, though possible, that there is an entity with enough of a vision to create social change by invention. This has occurred many times among your peoples, and will occur again. And so we continue in a multitude of questions, experiences and emotions. These are local distortions. They are of interest to the Creator, but often the use of the gifts of the spirit create the beautiful bond of love and love itself, or love divine. 1990/1028.txt:21:For us to know intelligent infinity and to experience what this instrument would call holiness, one must gaze from a viewpoint of informed compassion. In this particular density you are learning more and more how to love each other, an absolute necessity preceding the day when there shall be a new Heaven and a new Earth. However, its only newness will be that it is entering third-density space/time at the particular time during which another third density should begin. So, like truth, part of the Creator is truth itself, absolute and unified, without space, without time and without polarity. From a human perspective, a local environment is quite various, and not a possessor of large truths, but only of creating a vast array of confusions. 1990/1104.txt:4:Having chosen the path of service to the infinite Creator by means of service to others, why would any entity make such a choice? There are humane and humanitarian reasons to care for one’s fellow man, but not to feel that it is necessary to surrender the heart, the mind, the soul, the strength and the life to a voice which cannot often be heard, but which must be taken upon faith by its outer garments of manifestation. The fear of the Creator is simply awe and wonder, and fortunate is the entity who has released itself from all fear, for only within this illusion which you experience is there this fear of the Creator. This is simply a distortion of that love which is so great that the desire to serve this Creator fills one with awe. 1990/1111.txt:13:To move into worshipful and adoring qualities, one must redefine oneself without reference to that which takes up space, or that which takes up time. The physical vehicle itself, which carries you about, is that which produces the deepest fears, for it is a second-density entity in all but consciousness, the consciousness being without time or space, the manifestation being quite necessary in order to gain appropriate experience. When it is clearly seen that there is nothing to fear, that there is only the unknown, that there is only the dark, and that there is only death, in terms of the physical entity, one may then proceed to grasp the vaunted nature of the physical vehicle. Although the spirit creates its mark upon the lined visages of those who have had experience within an incarnation, and who are what you call old, it itself is without age. There is that within you of glory. However, to this you do not normally have access. Consequently, without any knowing the seeker first makes its decision to love, to worship, to serve others in the name of the one infinite Creator, having no idea how to do this. It is as if the seeker fell off a bottomless cliff. 1990/1115.txt:14:The point to be taken is that within the spirals of growth, with the spirit finding its way back to the Creator, there are endless opportunities for experiencing anything else but the Creator. And anything else but the Creator is experienced by the Creator as pain. The pain and the suffering, however, serves as a motif for returning to the Creator, that which is of the Creator and returning it, so that the joy may be experienced manyfold. The joy of the one who has returned to the fold, is manyfold what the joy of the one who remains within that [primalness] would be. And so we say that the aim in the end of all seeking through the suffering of the dense illusion is the joy of reunion with the joy itself, the joy of being yourself. And there can be joy in the very seeking. The seeking does not need to have the heavy character or the character of being a great burden; in fact, the seeking comes more into its own as it becomes lighter in barrier, so that it comes more clearly to express the character of joy which it seeks. 1990/1116.txt:3:This entity was preoccupied with the movements of power, forgetting, momentarily that there is only faith. It is not faith in an outcome, whether it be preferred or not, but faith in and of itself, absolute and whole. It is appropriate to do those things which are given for you to do within the illusion, it is, however, inappropriate to find your trust invested in people or institutions. For people shall die and institutions shall crumble. But all will be as it is and as it has always been, quite perfect. How the illusion pulls at you and how easily you yield to it. Is this a necessary portion of experience? Yes, it is necessary that each err and be mistaken as often as it takes in any present moment to affect a change in consciousness for those who polarize as we do towards service to others as an expression of their love for the infinite One. This renders appropriate concern and prayer for all involved. For in creation there is no separation. All that seems separate is illusory and temporary; all are held in utter safety and may rest in [the] Creator if they have faith. 1990/1202.txt:5:And does any true spiritual path, proven efficacious to many, ever offer proof, or specificity, or any claim to know what lies beyond the veil of deity? Who claims to know the Creator in any but experience? That one you will watch carefully, for there is a personal bias, there is a limit, there is an intolerance. How great the difference between those who have the religion of fear and those who have the religion called love. That is not religion, but life itself. 1990/1202.txt:20:We do not deny humanity. It is precious, every moment of every life, precious beyond telling, for the Creator chooses here the nature of Its experience, and you are the spokesperson for that consciousness within you. You, light itself, love itself, carried about by an animal, a greatly sacrificial animal that has offered its pure, excellent, instinctual life of non-suffering and non-self-awareness and bliss, that it may serve that which it sees to be that which is closer to the infinite One. Love your body, bless your body, care for it, cherish it, but do not be attached to it one way or the other. 1990/1216.txt:4:The difference between the consciousness of all that is and the consciousness which you experience is that in order to experience Itself, the Creator created entities which are self-aware and which made free choices so that there was nothing slavish about the possibility of loving the Creator—in the Creator’s mind—but rather an infinite curiosity. Each of you is experiencing, and in your experience, the Creator Itself is enriched and learns, and as that giant heart beats from creation to creation, each creation builds on the last, and each of you, beings of light, infinite and eternal, move also, from illusion to illusion, and then into non-self-awareness, and then once again moving outward into individuation, learning and experiencing. Is this not a pleasant infinity? Always learning, always moving, and always resting. 1991/0106.txt:69:When the experience of the one infinite Creator has been collected, reaped and gathered, blessed, thanked and honored, then a portion of the self is aware, in a way that it cannot express in words, of the nature of love, of the Creator, and of the self. Then, this immediate, ineffable experience, which is not learning, but the result of learning, may be broken, opened, as infinite as it is, and offered as love within the illusion, to the illusion itself, to those one meets within the illusion, and to the self. 1991/0113.txt:9:Thusly, no matter how subjectively miserable it makes a spiritually oriented entity to speak disharmoniously, it is at all times far more appropriate for service to others entities to move any expressions of emotion whatsoever into clear and honest expression than to keep it within the self that it may putrefy and sicken the self in one way or another, because the energy of that disharmony must express itself. If it is not expressed as catalyst by the mind and the emotions, it shall move into the body complex and create disharmony within the second density manifested entity which is the temple or tabernacle within which your consciousness meets the infinite Creator during this incarnational experience. 1991/0203.txt:13:If you wish any sort of knowledge, much that is supposed knowledge will be examined and ultimately abandoned until the spiritual and metaphysical quest centers upon all that is left when one strips away that which one has been told, and that is an instinct, a hunger, a yearning for something that is variously called love, or charity, or virtue, or beauty, or truth. Many entities among your people have no use for faith, any more than they have any clear perception of the truth. That is acceptable, for it is not those who are unripe that will be harvested, but those whose time of ripeness has come. Each of you has taken that leap of faith, but each is at an unique position within the heart regarding faithfulness. Thus, each experiences a continuing and often repetitive scenario of events and situations in which faith can be informed as one attempts to behave and express and manifest the self in a faithful and loving manner, attempting to glorify by imitation that which is conceived to be the nature of the Creator, that is, love itself, the energetic, original and absolute thought which is love. 1991/0203.txt:14:Now, once one has had the immediate experience of joy in the presence of the infinite One, one is almost immediately cast back into the desert of the valley. Words can only muddy and distort that absolute experience of being one with the Creator. Therefore, one does not approach faith through words. One is content simply to live in faith a simple, wholehearted and single-minded faith that humankind expresses itself most truly when it expresses itself in fidelity to love and service. 1991/0224.txt:32:When you have noted those deviations in thought, most importantly in word, secondarily and of least importance in deed, then within your inner room retire there to consider in meditation once again those deviations. Begin first with that which seems to you to be of most significance. See again the situation which brought it about. Relive in the mind this situation. Intensify in the mind the response that was the deviation from the ideal, until the response is ridiculously large and all encompassing as you can imagine. Then, without further conscious thought but remaining in that feeling state associated with the enlarged thought, allow the polar opposite response to grow within your conscious awareness. Allow that opposite response to grow until it is as large as was the first response with which you began. When you have felt this feeling for as long as you are able to hold your attention upon it, then see both as the means by which the one Creator has come to know Itself more fully and richly and with greater variety through you and through your experiences. 1991/0301_01.txt:39:You asked me to speak further about the distortion of service-to-others that grows out of fear in the emotional body. When there is a sense of the self’s not being adequate so that there comes a feeling of needing to do something to prove oneself adequate, to soothe that pain, then the service in itself becomes distorted. You experienced this morning the love of that spirit that was known in his last incarnation as Jesus, and you felt the strength of that loving energy flowing through with absolutely no distortion. Last night I said that in human form it is impossible to allow the energy to flow completely distortion-free. This is because as soon as there is a concept of service-to-others, there is a self and an other. And thus, we come back to that fact that self-awareness is a distortion. Ra calls it the first distortion and I would agree with this. Excuse me, Ra calls free will the first distortion—potentiation of an active Creator whose nature is Logos, or love.6 But in order to love, there must be that which is loved; and that takes self-awareness, so in a sense we’re saying the same thing in a different way. 1991/0303_02.txt:25:Always, infinity is at the behest of one which chooses to remember the infinite Creator and the love the entity has experienced from this great source of love. Thusly, in healing the self-judgment, the parent is then able to express itself as an healed and whole entity, and is thus able to give whatever it may find possible to give out of a fullness of heart, a total and 360-degree acceptance of the self, knowing that the self is indeed all things, positive and negative, as is perceived within the illusion. When this healing is complete, then the entity may simply sit with this anger from another and see it as a catalyst which has done its job already. 1991/0303_02.txt:32:Each of you sees the self, unless one is careful, as a solid object; that is, a solidified being which is such and such a way. However, the present moment insists that there is no solidity of being or of the qualities of being, either positive or negative, but rather that the present moment flows from present moment to present moment to present moment. To see oneself in process, and that the process is ongoing in far more large terms than one incarnation, is to allow oneself the perception of the enormous malleability and plasticity of the self in process: The Creator is not done with any. None is finished. All are in process. Let this sink into the heart [so] that it feels less and less judgment; and when it experiences judgment, it accepts that judgment also as a portion of the self. When all is seen clearly, choices may be made more skillfully. Once the element of fear is removed, the loving heart is content to offer itself without condition and without over-concern for the pain of a beloved other self. 1991/0322.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We feel that we have shared what is the heart of the learning experience, not only for ourselves, but for any entities which yet seek the mystery and the unity of the one Creator and that is the interaction between entities. The opportunities for communication, for misunderstanding, for the wounding, for the healing, and for the transformation of entities in mind, body and spirit through the relationships that develop between entities. These means of learning are those which are most important. Not only to your own peoples, but to ourselves and all others of whom we are aware for the Creator shall learn from Itself. We, of course, as do other entities of those densities beyond your own third-density illusion, partake in individualized means of enhancing or working with this learning process. 1991/0324.txt:8:He did not deny the history of his people, but when he felt, through intense years of prayer, the guidance of a voice which he trusted, he made himself available to do that which the Father had sent him to do. In the name of love, truth and life, he endured hate, lies and death itself. It was faith alone that allowed him to say, “Though these bones be dust, yet I shall be risen from the dead,” a spirit clean at last before the Lord God, clean of humanity, clean of trouble, clean of the depth of confusion that the incarnational experience inevitably offers. And he did, indeed, keep the promise he had made in faith. In that story lies the path to eternity for many millions of your peoples. He created a life worth the telling by the purity of his desire to serve his Father, the Creator of all that there is. 1991/0407.txt:56:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, change is truly said to be the one constant in all of creation, for all of this and all creation is made of the energetic, vibrant and ever-present love of the one Creator seeking and turning in order to know Itself. Each planetary body within this solar system, within this galaxy and within this universe moves in a manner through a process of evolution that is, though quite distinctly different in many ways, is also quite similar to your own as well. Each experiences cycles and rhythms, so that the interaction of each planetary entity with those populations that may be upon it or may be in some fashion in communication with it is affected by these relationships and communications. 1991/0412.txt:15:However, as each entity within the creation desires to serve the Creator by providing experience that allows the Creator to know Itself so then does each entity alter to some degree this basic motivational power of love. Altering or distorting the flow of love causes the necessity for a balancing action that will once again allow the love to move freely. This process of blocking and unblocking the flow of love is that process which you call experience or evolution. This is a simplistic description but [one] which we feel is basically accurate for each portion of the Creation. Thus, as you pray and seek to intercede or call for another’s intercession on behalf of one you feel is in need you ask that the power of love to move freely be restored in an area where it has been blocked. 1991/0421.txt:19:And when one has realized itself as the servant of the Divine One, as the channel through which infinity, light and love may be channeled, one prepares oneself for the basic choice. Having experienced the immeasurable beauty of the Creator, having experienced those things that cannot be measured by any instrumentation, you prepare yourself for this choice: to love the Creator by serving other entities in the Creator’s name, or by serving the Creator by controlling others in order that they will be able to move along the path which you have found to be helpful. The difference upon the surface between these two choices seems not so wide. In actuality, it is the greatest abyss imaginable, for those entities whose paths and service are positive and those who are negative have within themselves, first, the way they gaze at the self and at what occurs day by day and minute by minute. 1991/0421.txt:46:Just so, this energy must also move in a balanced fashion from the red ray and proceed upwards to the orange ray, where the individual power of expression is manifested in the incarnation in a fashion which allows the uniqueness of the individual to express itself, using that same energy which has moved through the red ray and which continues, if unblocked, to the yellow, the green, and so forth, so that when an entity has been able to activate and balance each energy center the intelligent energy or prana of the one Creator moves through each center to be met at the indigo ray center or brow chakra, allowing the union with the indwelling love and light of the one Creator and the opening of the entity to the fully experienced presence of the one infinite Creator. 1991/0421.txt:59:As the small self reaches, then, with this experience of ecstasy, the one Creator begins to reach in return in a fashion which allows the harmonic expression of the creative power of the universe to reverberate in the sine wave fashion within the small self which has offered itself and its experience as a means by which the one Creator might be known and glorified. 1991/0421.txt:66:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. If we understand correctly the definition of your Earth energy, this is not the energy which moves through the system of chakras or centers of energy during any experience of energy exchanges of your third-density population. Rather, the energy which is moving through the system of chakras is that which may be called intelligent energy, or the prana which gives life to all creation, and which may be opened in the ability to receive by any seeker as the seeker balances those distortions that exist within each center of energy, and in this balancing crystallizes or regularizes the centers of energy so that they may traduce the prana of the one Creator in a clear and lucid fashion, losing not one iota of energy to distortion, but allowing this energy to be stepped up in each center until it joins with the indwelling intelligent infinity that resides in each entity as the identity of the one Creator expressing itself as the small self. 1991/0421.txt:81:The point of meeting or mating of these two energies is determined by the level of awareness of the entity that seeks the one Creator, and the success, shall we say, that the seeker has experienced in learning those lessons or removing those blockages in balancing those distortions that it has placed, itself, within each center of energy before the incarnation began in order that there might be experience gained from the discovering, the balancing and the harmonizing of each center of energy. 1991/0526.txt:22:When the tongue of judgment is quieted, the tongue of joy and peace is loosened, and one may speak to the self while working on the personality, attempting to understand it and see the balances that are desired. In words of comfort and support from the self to the self, the open heart creates the opportunity for the entity to fall in love with itself, to love it dearly, not simply as a perfect expression of the perfect Creator. That is relatively irrelevant to the experiences of choices made. It falls in love with itself with all self-perceived imperfections thriving gloriously. It sees the self in all its rambunctious childishness, and nods happily, saying, “Yes, that is humanness, I recognize it and I embrace it.” 1992/0307.txt:43:We instead would suggest the seeing of the Creator within all creation, within each other self that one encounters in the daily round of activities, and within the self as well. And we further suggest the attempt to discover the value of each experience, the lesson which does wait within each experience which will point ever more accurately to the heart of your being which you seek; the heart of your being which is perfect, which is pure, and which, when allowed to express itself to its fullest, will purely reflect the one infinite Creator. 1992/0419.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. We can say that the means of transferring information which we use at this time—that is, words and concepts—are incapable of transferring that which is truth, and we can suggest that there will be opportunities offered to each as your journey proceeds for you to experience the truth of unity with the one Creator and All That Is, and we can say that as you continue upon this journey in that fashion that the creative power that is the one Creator shall learn from Itself those lessons that shall increase Its knowledge and experience so that that which was true shall be added to, shall we say, so that experience grows for all of creation as each portion of creation learns and seeks this one creative force, so that which has been true and which has become the foundation stone for one experience shall be built upon for further experience, further truth, and shall enhance that truth, so that in the ultimate sense, though all is one, all learns, all grows, all teaches and evolves in a fashion which causes truth to be enhanced, and in the sense of apprehending such a truth, there is no truth that can be apprehended and kept in a static and understandable fashion, for it is a dynamic universe and Creator in which we all live and move and have our being. 1992/0503.txt:29:The grouping of entities itself has chosen the means of further seeking the Creator in that there is the great desire of such groupings to serve others by utilizing the expanded knowledge and abilities that are experienced at this level of being. Further knowledge of and learning of the creation and the Creator is gained primarily by seeking to be of assistance to other entities who may not yet have reached this level of understanding. Thus, there is the waiting for the call from such entities, be they individuals or civilizations, upon planetary influences such as this one. 1992/0503.txt:44:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. This journey, that of returning to the First Cause, is more closely aligned to the latter portion of our response where each entity becomes aware that there is a Source from which each comes and towards which each moves after the great cycle of learning and experience has been achieved. For each portion of the Creator that becomes an individualized portion of consciousness moves out from this Source with the desire to seek and to serve the one Creator, for it is felt within the tiniest portion of each entity’s being that it is the great desire of the Creator to know Itself, and that each entity is a means by which this Creator shall know Itself. 1992/0503.txt:45:As each entity moves through the various densities or dimensions of light, learning each lesson that is possible there, much experience of a various nature in intensity and in type, all having to do with the qualities of love and light, are gained. Aand as these experiences are gathered, the individualized portion of consciousness that is each entity then takes on these qualities and widens the perspective or the “eye-shot,” the point of view, shall we say, so that each entity, then, is able to see more of the other entities and experiences about it as the Creator knowing Itself. 1992/0503.txt:46:As the final lessons are learned in the last of the densities of light, the entities begin to take upon themselves that which you may call a spiritual mass so that there is the great desire to move into complete union once again with the one Creator, and this union is achieved so that each entity brings each experience with it as an offering or glorification to the one Creator. Each such offering, then, taken cumulatively, becomes the seeding of another great octave of experience and cycle of beingness, as the one Creator once again sends out portions of Itself to gain in experience, to learn that which can only be learned by the giving of free will choice to those portions of Itself that venture out as pilgrims into what is to each the great unknown and mystery of being. 1992/1101.txt:13:We ask you to consider the manner of being that you are. You seek to become aware of your basic nature, you seek to go beyond what can be known either by mind or heart. You are, shall we say, children of the one infinite Creator; no less than that are you. Shall a spark of fire choose the manner of its burning? See yourselves in relation to the infinite Creator, sense the back-pressure of the Creator’s love of you. Can you know the Creator with either compassion or analysis, either intellectual thought or intuition? In no way shall you know the Creator. Through you the Creator knows Itself. You are precious for you are being that which the Creator experiences, you are experiencing the Creator being, both of these locutions being equally so. Sense your natures, give praise and thanks that this nature is, beyond all dynamics, unified. 1992/1213.txt:6:This illusion is the third such level, shall we say, of learning for the infinite portions of the one Creator. To experience the first being the level of the elements, the experience of being rock, sea, air. Those experiences are simple yet move deeply and slowly, and consciousness then graduates to another level of illusion. In this illusion, for those portions of consciousness which now know that they exist and begin to move in order to seek the light, the easiest example of this movement is the turning of the flower and leaf to the sun to receive light. In these two illusions there is not self-consciousness, but with graduation into the third-density illusion which you now experience, you as co-creator are in a physical vehicle which has the ability to be conscious of itself experiencing the illusion. 1993/0110.txt:8:For work to be done in consciousness, the consciousness must have its attention upon doing the work. We might take a different tack in this matter of personal discrimination. Now, we are saying simply that each spiritual seeker, having its own universe, must and shall evaluate for itself all stimulus which comes into the sensory net of awareness. From the first impressions to the end of the most involved and recondite argument all that is processed by a spiritual student is accurate to that student, and the only authority is that student, for the infinite Creator Itself, while offering constant love and support, does not wish to influence the experiences of any being. All beings are free to experience what and as each chooses. This is that which is the seeker’s gift to the infinite One. 1993/0110.txt:9:No outer authority may be considered, in our opinion, a satisfactory substitute for an individual’s inwardly moved framework of opinion. So we encourage each student to think of itself as responsible in that the will of the infinite Creator is that there be love. Each is love, and each experiences love. This is that which is the truth insofar as we know it. Putting this truth into manifestation is a task whose characteristic is polarity or apparent difference. Without this, there can be no manifestation, for love experienced as love is an eternal tautology when considered as a way of knowing as opposed to the way we grasp being[ness]. 1993/0118_01.txt:17:Turn and gaze at that heart. Do you have mixed feelings about this hungry heart with its incessant desires? How does the seeker move towards the learning of compassion for its heart? How can you as a learning and maturing soul bring understanding to bear upon your own greedy heart? We ask you to think of the infinite creation with its infinite and seemingly vastly wasteful expenditures of energy, each star blazing and consuming itself down to the smallest visible sight where the atoms move in a perfect frenzy of energy constantly moving, constantly attracted onward. The entire manifested creation of the Father hungers. You, yourself, are the object of the Creator’s hungry heart. The Creator desires to know Itself, and you have been sent outward, given free will in order that the Creator might learn of Itself because of receiving your harvest of experiences. You are here to enlarge your experience, not to control it but to enter fully into it. It is not by taking thought that experience is deeply felt, but the opposite. It is by allowing deep experiences without so much control that learning eventually occurs. The thought is well taken by reflecting upon that which has been received. Thusly, you may see yourself as a natural portion of the Creator, whose hunger for safety, attention or comfort is not despicable but inevitable. 1993/0502.txt:29:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There is in this first archetype the male entity, the magician standing, and as your cards show in their redesigned form, the entity holds a sphere. This sphere represents the nearness of spirit and the immanence of the archetype of the High Priestess, that is much as you would call the force which brings manifested spirit into the illusion as it potentiates thought and action in the conscious mind. The conscious mind has placed itself in this proximity with the hope, shall we say, that such potentiation shall occur. In this placing of itself in this proximity to the subconscious mind there is, indeed, a choice which has been made, much as you would make the choice for experiencing choiceless awareness. However, the choice in this case is made preincarnatively so that the Magician that is placed in proximity to the High Priestess has not of its own consciousness chosen, but has been, as are each of us, placed by the grace and creative power of the one Creator. The proximity, however, is that which presents the possibility of potentiation and the gaining of experience. 1993/0516.txt:64:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. The planet, the entity upon which you walk, is also partaking in the process of evolution, for all portions of the creation are one and move with the Creator as it becomes aware of Itself. As you know, the cycle which is now ending upon this planet is very close at hand, and its transformation has not been what you might call smooth, for many upon this planet have had difficulty in realizing the love that exists in each moment, each situation and each entity. Therefore, the seeming inharmonious expression or perception in the mirror has been experienced by many upon this planet’s surface for a great portion of what you call time so that these vibrations of disharmony have entered into the planet itself. And as the planet begins its transit into that density of love, there is the momentary mismatch of vibratory frequencies. This mismatch becomes apparent to those who are sensitive in many ways, but we can assure each that the mismatch or stress suffered is but momentary, and in its way also offers a greater opportunity for each entity upon the planet and for the planet itself to find that love in the moment which has not been found previously. For love is at the heart of all creation, and no moment is without its own infinite share of that love. 1993/0621.txt:27:The valley and the shadows that I have been walking through have shaken the very foundation of my magical place, something that I find frightening. It’s only been because of the habit of turning to the light that I have held on. Because I have heard self say, “No.” And that in itself ... something has happened, and it’s only been in the reservoir of having led the life on the magical path that has kept a darkness at bay, but I am concerned because I am finding myself, my magical self, growing less purposeful in experiencing and giving back to the Creator the experiences of my magical identity, the purpose for my being here. I need to know more than just giving back to the Creator the experience that seems very arrogant, the purpose of my magical identity, because the price this year has been incredibly high and the pain, incredibly deep. 1993/0905.txt:20:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The quality of consciousness which you would call “grace” is that quality that is nurtured in each seeker, as the seeker is able to open itself to the awareness of the perfection of all creation. Thus, it is also a process of realization. You may, in a moment of great desire, fling all predetermined expectations to the wind and become as hollow as the pipe through which the water moves, and this water for you is grace. The movement of the Spirit aligning with your open heart causes the feeling of perfection, purpose, place and identity with all to occur, so that your experience is the perfect reflection of the one Creator smiling through your face. 1993/0926_01.txt:45:You have been forever and you shall be forever; and yet, not you, but Love that sent you—a spark of Love—out into materialization that you might experience and process that experience with your own peculiar and unique distortions, creating your unique beauty, your unique harvest of experience. How rich, then, is the Creator as It gathers more and more of experience into Itself, becoming more and more richly known to Itself. You cannot walk off of the spiritual path, for all experiences will be gratefully gathered by the one infinite Creator, who seeks to know Itself. 1993/1212.txt:26:Moving further into the roots of the tree of mind, we come to that portion which is called the archetypical mind. It is here that the blueprint for your evolutionary process is found, so that the influences that you experience from this source are of a fundamental nature, and provide insight and inspiration into your daily experience only in the form of echoes, hints and shadows. At the level of the archetypical mind there is the participation, both of the individual entity such as yourself and entities of quite another nature, though all are one in truth. The creative forces or intelligences that are responsible for this portion of the creation in its very essence are those which work upon the level of the archetypical mind, refining that cosmic mind of the one Creator in such and such a fashion, so that there is the possibility that the Creator may know Itself with greater variety and intensity than if the cosmic mind did not experience further refinement. 1994/0116.txt:14:It is as though within the meditation, regardless of how scattered it seems, there is a pure and distilled waterfall of light which irrigates and illumines cell by cell the body, mind and spirit. It is like being rinsed and polished to relax into that presence which is holy. And do not simply confine the self to one kind or form of meditation, for various experiences request various kinds of coherent illumination or meditation. Sometimes you may wish to contemplate a certain eye-catching thought or question, sometimes the meditation may be very active, the sacred dance, the sacred song. Sometime the true need is for the self to rail and complain bitterly to the infinite Creator, to say, “This does not seem to be a lesson in love at all. This hurts, this is painful, and I don’t like it.” Complaining is allowed, my children, complaining is encouraged. Too much is made of the wonderfulness of the infinite Creator and not enough said about the intimate love of this love itself that engages you in conversation and responds caringly and intricately to the way you speak your experience and tell your story to [it]. 1994/0130.txt:39:Thus, when one moves in consciousness to alter the beliefs, one allows the intelligent energy that is love and life itself to move in a less restricted fashion which is more freely able to express the power of love to transform. Thus, the release can be seen as a harmonizing effort that allows energy to be more available to the entity to be—we correct this instrument—to be consciously used. The seating of this release or healing may best be accomplished by observing in the meditative state the condition as it was, the nature of the distortion, the removal of same and the giving of thanksgiving to the one Creator for the opportunity to more fully experience and express the energy of love. 1994/0206.txt:15:We are those of Q’uo. There is no karma involved in the work of healing, per se, for the healer works upon itself, attempting so to balance and empower its personality, if you will, in such a stable and open condition that the opportunity can be offered to the patient for healing. The concern of the physician, then, is with its own spiritual situation. We refer not to the mood of the day or to surface frequencies concerning subjectively perceived spiritual states. One may be, as this instrument would say, in the desert, where the spiritual topography is alien and mystifying or it may be in the most exalted of subjectively perceived spiritual states. To the healer which is mature and therefore efficacious, this will make no difference for the healer who is mature has become aware that the Creator is always present, that the power of the unnamable mystery is always infinite and that this power exists in every location, at every time and under any and all conditions. In other words, the healer learns to tap into that which lies beneath the experiences of the desert or the oasis. That deep level is as a sea which once tapped into offers the absolute inner subjective surety that faith is real and hope exists to save. The healer, in other words, turns from all appearances within itself before it turns away from the appearances presented in the patient. 1994/0410.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As you speak and exchange experience with those about you, you are aiding in every aspect of each entity’s evolution, for there is no other thing that can be done. All experience is the Creator experiencing Itself. Thus, you may partake more and more fully in this identity as the Creator as you are able to engage more of your own being in that which you experience. 1994/0410.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, at the heart of each communication and all experience there is a portion of the Creator which seeks Itself. Thus, there is the yearning between those portions of the One which have traveled outward from the One, traveling through the One, seeking the One, and becoming again that which is One, while realizing that there has always been only One. 1994/0925_02.txt:36:Thus, the image of the Fool is well suited to your illusion and is given as that motto by which each might look for inspiration and illumination of the heart. We speak of the heart for there the love of the Creator may be found and experienced for the self and for all other selves as the self which is the seeker continues to place itself in positions similar to the walking from the cliff, willing to be vulnerable and to give without expectation of return. 1994/1002.txt:46:I am Q’uo, and we feel that we have exhausted the queries for the nonce, and we would at this time take this opportunity to once again thank each present for the great honor of being invited to join your circle of seeking. We are always overjoyed with this opportunity for we are allowed at these times to move more closely with you upon your journeys and to experience that which you experience through your questions, your comments, your concerns. This allows us to see the action of the one Creator knowing Itself through Its many portions in a way which we are not usually privy to. It is a valiant effort that you make in accomplishing your daily round of activities, remembering the one Creator as you move each foot in front of the other. We know, my brothers and sisters, that this is not an easy task, for the illusion in which you move has been so constructed to obscure the unity and love which binds all things and which is an easy reminder for those such as ourselves. We realize that this experience of the third-density illusion is one which is most confusion—we correct this instrument—most confusing to many of your peoples, for it works so well, does it not, my friends, to hide the one Creator where one would not think of looking—into the eyes of a friend, a stranger, a situation which seems most out of harmony. Yet, there the Creator also resides, my friends, waiting for your seeking, waiting to reach a hand as you reach yours, waiting to respond to each moment, to each breath. We commend your persistence and take courage from your efforts. 1994/1127.txt:9:Consequently, we encourage each seeker to devise for itself that ritual or period of time which feels most appropriate to each individual seeker for a spiritual practice. We always encourage each to include in that practice a period of silent meditation. If this can be done daily, we encourage each to make that commitment, and turn each diurnal period to that silence within, for within the heart of self, within that vast creation which lies within your consciousness, there is a holy of holies, and within that room waits the Creator. The door is guarded and locked against intruders, and yes, you yourself are an intruder to yourself if you attempt to storm that door, to wring something out of truth. The key to that door is silent meditation. It may take five minutes, it may take years. However, there comes the time when the seeker knows that the door has been opened, for within that entity the incarnational experience becomes transformed. 1995/0212.txt:12:This school of incarnation is most generous in offering as much experience as you wish to take on and as deep a probing into the nature of it as the seeker has the resources to mount. The Creator wishes to experience Itself. Insofar as each of you suffers, so the Creator experiences as suffering. The Creator is most grateful for these experiences and does not judge or condemn an entity for having a hard time with the subject. It appreciates the effort. It appreciates the experience. 1995/0219.txt:15:So that it is very fruitful to move back into inner work gazing at those things which grab the attention throughout each day, and working with that harvest of daily knowledge of self by observing and contemplating what has been observed. Much healing might be done by the entity who goes back into those early experiences which biased the program, discovering those centers of pain, anger, disappointment or whatever negative complex of emotions caused that crystallization which distorted the programming in the first place. And we encourage those efforts to know the self by working with the memory and with the dreams which may offer memories which have been forgotten. However, it is equally helpful to surrender all knowledge of self as being utterly irrelevant to the self that wishes to become one with the one infinite Creator, who wishes only to lose itself in that presence, who seeks to tabernacle with the infinite love that is the one Creator. 1995/0312.txt:13:When the self has become content to study itself within itself, when there is no longer that running wild of the desire to protect the self from danger from without the self, then shall there be the dawning of the next density of experience for those entities who wish to move forward in their spiritual evolution at this time, for the great genius of humankind, the great gift of self-awareness is the talent, the gift, the endowment of the one infinite Creator for connection. The desire to connect, the desire to communicate, the desire to enter into communion with others, other selves, and other groups, this is the instinct, this is the true instinct of humankind, and this instinct has been trampled upon and tossed in the corner in order that entities may play those games in which masks are worn, sides are taken, and the conflicts within are given overt expression with other selves standing in for those dynamics within the self which the self has not yet accepted. 1995/0319.txt:43:I am Q’uo, and we believe that we grasp your query, my brother. We can say to you, my brother, that each entity that moves with free will has moved along patterns of incarnation for eons of time, as you would measure it, and in this movement has had what you would call soul or [individual] spirit’s experience which has gleaned the harvest of each incarnation and has grown by each harvest, and, in addition, sends forth itself into countless further illusions in order that it might accrete to it more of the one Creator’s attributes which it feels are necessary and helpful in returning to the unity of all that is. 1995/0514.txt:8:Now, within incarnation the seeker experiences itself as a good person under certain circumstances, which usually includes traits or actions or thoughts which are considered to be positive. One becomes happy at oneself if one feels that one’s nature has become sweeter. When the dark side reveals itself, when there is behavior coming from mind or lips or actions that do not seem kind, that seem bitter and unlovely, the seeker naturally tends to condemn the self. And yet, each is expressing in the light and in the dark the nature of the one infinite Creator, the universal being. 1995/0706.txt:11:If there are very difficult lessons in your life and one thing after another has been a half-remembered nightmare through which you wearily but determinedly move in order to stop forever the wheel, as you would say, of karma, or as we would put it, to finish that which has been begun, then it is that something utterly, unexpectedly marvelous and wonderful shall occur. Not because you deserve it, but because a balance needs to be brought. And so the Creator has gifts for you to aid in transformation, to surprise you and to offer you the opportunity to teach yourself that which you have begun to learn but have not yet finished and that incalculable something which the balancing law offers as a teaching but which has been rarely spoken of and even less rarely grasped, and that is that there is such a thing as grace. There is that which rains when there is drought, and which shines to brighten an interior dim landscape. There is an inborn keel which shall manifest itself within your life experience—not when you expect it, but always as a gift. And whether these occurrences are happy or unhappy, you may find within yourself the blessing of lessons which are more simply learned because you have been learning their opposite. 1995/0706.txt:68:I am Q’uo. This is basically correct, my brother, for within your illusion of seeming separateness and limitation there is much which offers the challenge to be accepted, much which seems traumatic, tragic and filled with sorrow, distaste horror, anger, jealousy and so forth. Yet, each entity and event is the Creator, knowing Itself in a way mysterious to most. Yet, each in any portion of the experience may increase its evolutionary progress by finding the joy, the love and the light of the Creator within that person, that moment, that event, that thought. When this can be done in a relationship, then the relationship has served as the means by which the continuing ability to expand the point of view and the acceptance, the love and the compassion for that which falls within the point of view then is also increased and the entity has moved itself further along its chosen path of evolution. 1995/1112.txt:8:The instinct sometimes is to thrash about mentally attempting to affect the energy state, to bring it into what is seen as a more advanced or acceptable state. Insofar as you can be aware of this tendency, we encourage you to say to the self, “Peace, be still and stay where you are. Abide. Rest. Release the effort to better or improve your situation,” and allow the deep self to open into the consciousness. Allow that essence that is the Creator, that is love itself, to minister unto you. There is no need to thrash or wrestle. There is no need to give sermons to the self. There is no need, in fact, to alter the state you experience. The need is simply to remember love, for all things shall pass but love. Moods shall come and go. Incarnations bloom, wither and die. Love remains. 1995/1112.txt:10:Give it your best effort and when you perceive yourself falling off of that evenness into rosy idealism or bleak despair allow those emotions and know that all states of mind alike have as their basis, love. See the self, the consciousness that dwells deep within as a kind of tree of life. Or perhaps we should give it as a vine, for the vine itself, root and branch, is the Creator, and you, each, are a branch off of that vine. By your own free will you choose to graft various other plants, shall we say, other kinds of vine onto that vine and so your experience is a kind of hybrid. 1995/1112.txt:18:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The one great original Thought that has set all into motion is the creation itself, that which you experience at this time and that which is beyond your current ability to perceive but which shall become more and more available to you as you progress in your own evolutionary journey. To say that the one great original Thought is the Logos is to somewhat misapply the term “Logos,” for the one Thought of the Creator was the thought that It would know Itself. This is the concept of free will as you know it. 1995/1118_02.txt:20:The Creator is not tame. The love that ignited creation is also that which destroys. Intimate contact with Deity can be fatal. And there are those mythical and also very physical and real entities throughout your history whose difficulties and deaths tell their own story. The custom of coming together in order to worship and to focus upon Deity is a most practical safeguard; for the dynamics of the conversation between the Mystery and the group is universal, touching each unique psyche gently, the energy of contact buffered by the group of like-minded seekers. We do not wish to frighten you but only to express to you our bias that it is well to be moderate in spiritual discipline and to make haste slowly. For you have an infinite amount of time to progress, whereas you have only minutes, hours, just a few million days, and then you are through the experience. We correct this instrument. It would indeed be a long-lived entity who had millions of days! Our sense in this was that this life experience is precious, and it was not any entity’s intention to come to this illusion in order to ignore it or to preserve itself from social contact. 1995/1217.txt:51:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We are working with this instrument to give it the image of the answer, shall we say. The means of transmission and point of origin of this holy work is the inspiration that the one known as Mohammed was able to open itself to receive at various times during its life experience which it had offered to the one Creator as a gift or glorification, for this entity had many experiences of the unity of all things and was desirous in a great extent to bring back this inspiration that those of its peoples might also be blessed as it was blessed. 1996/0303.txt:27:The phenomena which you experience at this time is to a great extent coming from that high subconscious level. There are some who consider that there dwells within this level of mind that higher self or guidance which can move from the subconscious up through the threshold of consciousness into the living day of conscious mind. This is a process to be encouraged. Further, there are levels of mind progressively more profound and progressively more spacious in terms of the amount of light which illuminates and fills consciousness. These levels are of the lower subconscious and contain that racial history which is the consciousness of the second-density physical vehicle which supports and carries your consciousness. There are inner guides within these darker and more obscure levels of consciousness. There in the deep portions of mind exist the mind of the archetypes, and, indeed, ultimately the ground of consciousness becomes that which is and that which is is the Creator Itself. 1996/0414.txt:4:This instrument was saying earlier that none is worthy, and the one known as Tom suggested that all are worthy. And we say to you that as with all paradoxes this is the mark of the spiritual, this is a sign of the metaphysical: paradox and puzzlement—for each statement is quite true to the best of our knowledge. No one is “worthy” if worthy means that one has accomplished a certain number of understandings so that one is able to pass the final test. None, by learning, no matter how abstruse, shall be able to accept fullness of light through knowledge. None is worthy to enter into fuller experience and larger life by what striving that entity has done. It is also very important that each realize that beyond and throughout all illusions that each entity is perfect. Each entity is loved by the Creator. Every iota of flesh, every thought, every emotion is loved, accepted and forgiven by Love Itself. So there the human experience balances between complete unworth and complete worth. Between is that pathless path which each seeker treads. 1996/0414.txt:28:We would recommend that all who feel concern and love for the one known as P send this love upon the wings of thought which binds all things together as one being to this entity that she might be inspired by this support. We encourage the one known as P to retire within itself to that sacred room in meditation where she can feel and experience the presence of the one Creator, that she may rest within this presence and be nourished by it in her time of need. That after resting there, that she ask the questions of her heart within this sacred presence and feel the response growing within her as certainly as does the life force grows within the child that grows within her now. 1996/0915.txt:4:However, without the illusion the creation rests in unity. It does not dream or talk to Itself. Indeed, one might somewhat whimsically call space/time and time/space as the dream of the one infinite Creator, and in this dream the Creator hopes to know Itself. The Creator hopes that each unit of Itself, each being that is love, which each of you are, will experience those things which add to the knowledge the Creator has of Its nature, for it has generously given Its complete nature to each co-Creator of the universe. To us, to you, to the highest, and to the seemingly lowest of creatures that has an awareness of the self is given one nature and that nature is love. Through the machinations of time/space and space/time choices are made. Each unit of love finds itself progressing, finds itself offered any number of actions and thoughts and avenues and directions. And there is no attempt to control the thoughts and reactions of any, for each is treasured as it is. The Creator loves so completely, so utterly, so purely that It loves each and every tiny thought or kind or state of being whatever, including all of those facets of the self which this instrument often calls the dark side of the personality. 1996/1122.txt:39:We would like to describe for you an entry into that portion of self that has its selfness in faith. It lies within the heart center, is literally and figuratively at the heart and of the heart. As the energy moves into the physical body through the feet up into the root chakra or energy center at the joining of the legs, it encounters a beautiful, crystalline ... we give this instrument a picture of a geodesic dome, a structure in time/space that enabled that energy of red ray to express the energy from the red through that co-Creator’s ready energy center. And as the energy gathers, that energy becomes more crystalline and transparent to that love/light that is expressing into manifestation from unmoved love. Moving upwards it encounters another beautiful crystalline structure that resides in the belly itself, that contracts against dangers of association with the self and with the complexity of dual and triple, completely unusual and conflicting needs of the self and one other self. As the seeker gathers experience, the choices made can more and more energize this nexus of energy; and the energy allowed through moves up to that place where belly meets chest, that omphalos of power. This is the plane of your Earth. This is the social energy center where the self deals with society and its associations, whether experiencing as a member of a family, as a citizen of a country, in any group in which you are working with distortions of the yellow-ray energy center; and again, the choices that you make can, through the incarnative experience, help to crystallize and make transparent this center. 1997/0112.txt:6:Going a little deeper, we find the roles that each has played: student, teacher, brother or sister, mate, friend, lover of this or that hobby or interest, the froth upon the waves of being. That also is you. Now let us move further into that interior of being. Let thoughts of body go. Let thoughts of roles go. What remains? Allow the mind to ask this question. What remains? And as naturally as waves beat upon the shore the truth comes—love, love. That is your truth, your deepest truth of being is that you are a creature of love called into being by love, chosen by love to manifest that the Creator Itself may experience the illusion of a dream. If you have thought recently that life sometimes has a dreamlike quality, we say that you are very much in tune with the way we feel that things are. For even that which lies at the heart of the manifested universe is still an illusion, and the only thing that is not illusion is unknowable, for in the dualism of known and knower the truth has already been abandoned in its pure state. 1997/0202.txt:4:So as you ask the question about dealing with those entities which come into the experience with seeming negative service to offer, our first comment, shall we say, is to move back to that beginning [of] all things which is love, the one original Thought, that Logos that is Love Itself, that Love that is the All-Self, the Creator. It is well to move back always to one’s basis for being, to be sure the feet are standing upon solid metaphysical ground. Starting with unconditional love is always correct and accurate as a mental or logical beginning. Now, as sparks of that original love, each of you has, through many incarnations, distorted in various ways this original vibration. And each of you basically yearns to more and more closely approach the original vibration which is unconditional love. So in that sense each of you is seeking to become the Creator, seeking to be lost completely in unconditional love. This thirst and hunger that you have to be closer to the source and the ending of all things is that thirst and hunger that the awakened spirit feels. 1997/0209.txt:13:We are those of Q’uo, and, my brother, we have thoughts on almost anything... which we are glad to share. To the best of our limited knowledge there is nothing but illusion. The only thing that is without illusion is unpotentiated Love, which has no awareness of Itself. By the play of free will the Creator is able to seek to know Itself, but the act of manifesting love is in itself an illusion, a distortion, certainly a primal distortion, but distortion nevertheless, so that no matter what density of experience or length of study that describes one’s situation, one is experiencing an illusion and one is distorting the truth. There is nothing but a steady progression of more and more light-filled densities which offer a more and more pleasant light-filled way of distorting the one original Thought. 1997/0323.txt:3:First, let us address the happenings themselves, those things that come, seemingly at random, upon the unwary seeker: the auto accident that is visited upon one out of nowhere, the sudden loss that is unacceptable, the limitation that seems to be directly athwart every hope of progress. The heart of this question moves into the reason for your density of experience at this juncture of time and space, that is, third density itself. For, indeed, your illusion is specifically designed to place each seeker repeatedly in situations of limitation and loss, situations that trigger every fear, every confusion that the human heart possesses. Although it may seem that the Creator that helped mold the nature of your illusion is either mischievous or mean or possessed of a poor sense of humor, the truth seems to be that the Creator wished that each spirit, each spark of Self, once radiated out from the Creator, would have the experience of falling into the chasm of the unknown with no parachute except faith. 1997/0323.txt:14:We encourage each in two ways: firstly, we encourage [you] to, as this instrument would say, validate the self, to stand up for the self, to feel good about the self, to take care mentally, spiritually, physically to love the self. And we encourage you to release fear as it feels safe to you to do so and to replace that quite understandable emotion with faith. Simply to live by faith is to bring an end to paradox and confusion, for to faith all things are acceptable. All experiences are those of love and the distortions of love. Faith is, shall we say, a code word suggesting a vibration that is more like the vibration of love itself. So wherever you are when you suddenly feel challenged, turn inward for the remembrance of your real and overriding nature. You are not simply a person caught between birth and death in a dance of no meaning. You are also a citizen of eternity, a child of the Creator and a dweller in light. 1997/0420.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The feeling of knowing the Creator has in some of your cultures been refined to a greater degree so that the knowing of the Creator yet contains the existence of the personality shell which knows, so that the entity knowing the Creator knows also it remains an entity. There is the knowing of the Creator in which the entity who experiences the Creator does not any longer, during the knowing, experience itself as apart from the Creator in any way whatsoever. Thus, this is considered by many as a higher knowing of the Creator. 1997/0518.txt:10:In the parables of the one known as Jesus this entity frequently said at the end of a story, “Let him who has ears to hear, hear.” And this is the quest of each seeker, to develop ears that hear ever more accurately the song of love that rushes through each moment of experience. Third density, your Earth plane, is a world of great solitude and sorrow, with each entity shut up from each other entity in ways that do not occur before this density or after it. This is a density of metaphysical darkness lit only by that pale moon of hope and faith. And yet in this dim light there lies a depth of truth that shall never be touched again, for only in this density has the Creator given Itself the luxury of not knowing. Thusly, as each experiences himself, the Creator experiences Itself in an unspoiled and untouched way, totally spontaneous and totally free, and if that entity that is you finds that heart of love that is the deepest truth, that finding is completely real for it is not at the surface of things that this truth is obvious. It is not obvious that all is one. It is not clear at all that each entity is a creature and a child of love. Indeed, it is only by blind faith that we can begin to apprehend that which we do not know and yet that which we do know, love itself. 1997/0525.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is indeed so, for each entity is a portion of the one Creator, whole and perfect, with the free will to choose the path of its seeking. The third-density portion of this experience, and, indeed, the higher densities as well to a lesser extent, is a process whereby an entity has forgotten a portion of its perfection, has forgotten its unity with all creation, has forgotten these foundation stones of being in order that it might provide the Creator with experience that will enable It to know Itself. Such experience cannot be gained when each portion of the Creator knows itself to be the Creator, whole and perfect. Thus, it is what you may call a great service and sacrifice for an entity to engage in the forgetting in order to voyage forth into the creation with the desire to serve the Creator. 1997/0525.txt:46:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. To listen with the compassionate ear, accepting that which is heard without judgment, is the most nurturing attitude that one may assume in such a relationship of entities. The answers to the puzzle, the untangling of the pain, is a process which can only be accomplished by an entity for itself in the ultimate sense. Other entities such as yourself may provide the listening ear, the compassionate heart, and occasionally the insight or wisdom to direct the entity where one’s intuition discerns that motion and movement may take place profitably, shall we say. It is the seeker itself that must engage the listener, that must engage the self, that must search relentlessly for the clues in this untangling process. It is this experience of untangling that which has been tied and fused together that provides the means whereby the entity will eventually find the Creator within, and the Creator within will come to know Itself more fully because of the experience of the seeker. 1997/0803.txt:40:Within this third-density illusion, there is the necessity of the physical vehicle so that the spirit that is whole and perfect within each may have a means by which to experience that which this illusion offers concomitant with this physical vehicle and preceding and [inaudible] is the consciousness, the identity of each entity. The spirit, then, through the use of the mind, the consciousness, utilizes the physical vehicle and most particularly the energy centers or chakras of this physical vehicle which move upwards from the base to the crown located within the physical brain in order to form the incarnational patterns that each will travel in order to discover the Creator within and in order to give that Creator the experience of the self as a means for the Creator to know Itself. 1997/1119.txt:17:I am Q’uo, and we are grateful that we have been able to provide the information that has set your mind in motion. We are always hopeful that we are able to speak in some way to the heart of the concerns which are offered to us in the form of queries. We are aware that much within your illusion is confusing and difficult. There is the need for the ray of light, shall we say, within each daily experience of each seeker to shine the way for the seeker and to inspire the dedication to service. And to give the seeker the knowledge that to be is the greatest service that any can offer. For to be is to reproduce the nature of the Creator in the individual incarnation. For the Creator exists in a fashion in which the creation is much like your computer program, running in such and such a fashion with infinite participation and possibilities. There is great harmony within this intricate and infinite moving energy individually expressing as each personality. If you can be and allow the harmony and the love and the light of the one Creator to shine through your being in your words, in your thoughts, in your actions, then you have offered that is which most helpful to offer. An incarnation, an illusion, and all those about you, as you move through your incarnation within this illusion it is your free will choice what you shall do with your being, but first be, my friends. Then that which is appropriate for you to do will present itself as clearly as the sun shines on a clear summer day. 1997/1229.txt:47:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Each entity which incarnates within this illusion offers to itself those guideposts or milestones, these thoughts which you have described, that pose to the incarnated entity the questions that [you] are indeed asking yourself. These thoughts, these images, these impulses within, then seek to guide, to lead, if you will, the entity within a certain line of inquiry that will eventually prove fruitful to the entity as it faithfully follows that which it feels within to be leading it. You will within your incarnation discover certain synchronicities, coincidences, the bringing together of information of entities, of experiences, of shared thoughts and dream. These will serve as those kinds of directions that will lead, that will nurture, that will inspire and support when the way seems difficult and dark. Look then, especially in your prayerful times, and in mediation and in those times where you seek within the answers that are of importance to you. Look there upon a regular basis that you might inquire into the wisdom that you have provided yourself, and which the Creator and those angels and spirits about you have provided you, so that you may become inspired at those times when it is open to you to seek and to ask, to serve, to give. That you are aware of these images, these thoughts, is important. Important not only at this time, but throughout your incarnation. 1998/0111.txt:6:We would balance speaking of the unknowing, incarnational self by talking also concerning work in consciousness, the other alternative, shall we say, that life observed that each thirsts for. This instrument, by nature, by the gifts of personality, character and will, which she and the Creator cobbled together for this particular incarnation, spends a good deal of time, perhaps a higher percentage of time within incarnation than most within this circle, being completely within the moment, having that experience of the present self observed. To this instrument this is not a gift or an accomplishment. It is a simple fact of her nature. This instrument, therefore, is more aware of the negative aspect of such a frame of mind than the positive aspects. To this entity it is simply irritating to discover time and again that one has not been on the right page or even opened the right book as far as knowing what is occurring. So this entity has the inner experience of scrambling upon the surface of life in order to take a look around at the illusion. Therefore, this entity, more than most, grasps the value of the unobserved self, the self completely within the illusion. For this entity finds itself involved in causing inconvenience to the self and to others because of her lack of awareness of space and time. 1998/0118.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We feel that this query concerns an area which is natural for the human experience; that is, when faced with what seems to be the wiser or more informed point of view, one wishes to partake of that point of view in order to enhance the evolutionary process, feeling that if the opportunity is not taken it shall be lost, and there will be the failure to move forward as quickly as would be possible as if the opportunity were taken. We appreciate this experience of our blending of our vibrations with your own, and we appreciate the opinion that you hold us in, but we would again remind each entity that we and others who serve as teachers and guides for each third-density entity are available at all times so that in your own contemplative or meditative times you may ask whatever query is upon your mind or upon your heart and therein find a response that will point the direction in the same way that we would frame a response to your query within one of these sessions of working. This again moves back to the primary query for the day and to the remark that we made concerning how an entity may perceive the Creator’s will when it stands before one and remains unrecognized. Oftentimes it is simply a matter of realizing the perfection of the moment, for each entity has spent the entirety of its previous life experience to reach the moment of the present. All that has gone before has brought one to this point, thus there must be something important in the present moment. And we would again affirm [not only] the perfection of each entity but of the moment in which each entity finds itself. This is not to say that there will not be changes in what you call your future, for, indeed, there shall be many of these. But each of them, as well as that moment which you now experience, shall be perfect. And when you are able to accept the perfection of the moment, the perfection of your own self, then perhaps you shall not feel quite the fear or anxiety of missing an opportunity to find a more perfect moment. 1998/0118.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and we are aware of the experience of which you speak, my brother. Indeed, the gratitude for the blessings for the one Creator that come in various forms is a blessing in itself, for it creates within the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity feeling it a certain ambiance that enhances the experience of unity and of harmony that is available to each. When one has been able to feel true gratitude for that which one experiences then this is a kind of opening of a door through which the entity wishes to pass, in that it moves into a finer appreciation of that which it is and that which it experiences. The gratitude of the spiritual seeker is a kind [of] lubricant that enhances the friction of daily experience and relieves much of that which is rough and unrefined. 1998/0315.txt:1:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet each of you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. May we say how privileged and how humble that we feel to be asked to share our opinions and our thoughts with you at this time. We are aware that this week the concern upon your minds is that of change. There are many ways of looking at this necessary and inevitable process. Perhaps for us we would take a step back from the soul in transition and attempt to describe what we see as the situation against which this drama of change and transformation plays itself out. The one known as S has expressed a love of the concept of the holographic universe, and, indeed, we also feel that each of you is as the hologram of the creation and of the Creator. This, of course, is not obvious or manifest within your third-density illusion, and yet there is a spot within each awakened soul that lies far below the level of sense and rational thought where the spirit knows self, and that basis or fundament is a kind of knowing of self that does not change with time or space or occasion, but rather is the essence of self, the infinitely subtle and unique patterns of vibration which create that complex perfume of light and color that is the spark which each of you is. It is difficult to express this concept in a language which measures by size, for you as a citizen of eternity are both infinitely large and infinitely small. However, in both views of this basis of self, the spark of self is a reality in the midst of confusion, a feeling deep within that endures beyond all experience. When it rises to consciousness for even a moment the conscious life is transformed for that moment. 1998/0920.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We see in a manner which is much like your sensing, that there is within your presence another presence. If we choose we may see you as emanations of vibrations that itself can and does produce light, that which you call your aura. We see you often as accumulations of experience and as potentials for further experience. We see you when we look to the heart of your being as ourselves, as the one Creator. We see you in many, many ways for there are many ways to perceive the creation about one and within one, and when one has perceived clearly enough, there is nothing but the Creator. 1998/1004.txt:45:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, we would remind each that there are no mistakes for any portion of the one Creator which seeks its source and its unity with all. There is in this illusion that you now inhabit the great desire to seek, to love, and to be loved, for this is the lesson before you. The ability to know whether or not one has served well is not a portion of this illusion, for it is that which partakes of wisdom. In this illusion one cannot know anything for certain. One can seek. One can desire. One can build the framework, the foundation for the metaphysical self, and build this foundation securely without knowing anything in detail or in particular. For there is in this illusion the great interplay and interchange of energies as each relates in one form of relationship to each other entity within the illusion. The many steps forward, backward, sideways, missteps, bumped feelings and knees, all of this great cacophony of experience is that which eventually informs each entity precisely as that entity needs be informed. It is a great dance of the one Creator and Its many portions with Itself and though there seem to be many missteps and paths traveled that one may not wish to travel beforehand by entities, indeed, each step is taken with perfection. The ability to learn from what you call the mistake is oftentimes more valuable than avoiding the mistake, as it is called, originally. We are aware that there are forces, subconscious energies, in each entity. There are teachers of an unseen nature for each entity. All work in this great musical effort, this great dance that all participate in that allows each to exchange energies with others that are necessary to be exchanged. We applaud each entity’s desire to move in a certain direction, metaphysically speaking. However, it is not so much the direction that is important as it is the desire that is important, the faith that such movement is possible, the faith that it occurs though one may not see it or measure it in any knowable degree. However, the faith that such movement is possible and the desire to move in the direction of love and light is that which is of importance. 1998/1101.txt:12:That is a simplified form of the balancing exercises which this group is familiar with. The experience of the self, the ramifications of the experience and then the conscious desire and effort to accept the self for having each of these aspects available for the Creator to know Itself. It is within this meditative state that work may be done, whether this work is to accept the self, to know the self, or to simply sit in the silence with the self as a friend. 1998/1115.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. To look at that which one has accomplished and to see if there was love contained in that moment is well, for this is the way in which one becomes familiar with the workings of the incarnation, shall we say. Whatever the amount or lack of love contained it is well to accept the self for the effort made. For in the truth of the incarnation and the experience of each entity within the incarnation, each movement made is a step of the Creator and by the Creator in Its process of discovering Itself within your experience and of you discovering the Creator in your experience. That this journey might occasionally be uneven, filled with confusion and anger, is the inevitable product of forgetting the harmony of all that is and moving within the illusion that you now inhabit. To accept the self as it now is is to bless this process of experience, of discovery, of movement not only towards love but a movement within love that has yet to be perceived. For all about you, my brother, is filled with love. When one is able to speak from love one is able then also to speak to love. If it is necessary to stop the activity, retire to meditation, contemplation or prayer in order to find even the slightest iota of love within a situation that seems devoid of any possibility of love, this is well to do. However, we encourage you always to value the self, its activity, and the direction in which you move at all times. 1998/1129.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As we scan for the experience which you have described we are aware that there is within your physical vehicle at this time some difficulties that have been of concern to you during this past week as you have measured this cycle of time. And there are those entities within the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator who move to the need for the healing in their own ways. These you have known in your past as those of Nona. This entity has, in this experience which you have described, offered itself in the attempt to lend an energy exchange to your auric field that has been perceived by you in the manner that you described. 1999/0103.txt:11:When an entity experiences guilt and finds it to be of this type, we would recommend this general way of working with the dynamics involved. When an entity finds itself feeling the fear of not having done enough and when further detailed examination confirms that there is indeed more that can be done, then it is that we encourage the seeker to view such feelings as good and productive catalyst. For it is not just the willingness to serve others that creates polarity but also the willingness to work upon the self to find ways of becoming more capable of giving, for that giving of self is a kind of muscle and it atrophies in those who do not use it. For those who use it, however, for those who exercise the vigilance to catch the process of guilt and choose a response to it rather than simply drowning in it, there is the possibility of deepening the faculties of will and faith and of using those to pray and to ask and to humbly entreat the one infinite Creator to give grace to become more able to give without thinking of the return. 1999/0207.txt:9:Each seeker is here to become a direct co-creator by allowing that which is, the Logos, that one great original Thought, to be us and to move through us and out into the Earth plane. By blessing this energy and yet not holding it, by knowing there is enough, an infinite amount of this love and light, that it cannot be spent, the seeker is affirming that which is. We wish each entity those delights of travel, those mountaintop experiences, those great and profound realizations that come. Those times are precious, and yet each of you will find that when all is said and done it is the vibratory level of the beingness of each entity that sticks in the mind and in the heart like no other sense memory can. Each of us knows blessing when we experience it. All of us have known these entities who, by their very being, improve the vibrations of a place. Yet always know that it is not from you that these things come. It is through you. There is not a key that unlocks the doors of the heart that has anything to do with the human mind or the will in the worldly sense of that mind. Rather, it is the naked soul, the bare and unadorned spirit that is the object of perfection, that is love itself, and that is each of you. 1999/0321.txt:2:Let us focus upon desire. What is the nature of desire? It is our limited understanding that the Creator Itself used the function of desire, which is also called free will, when It decided that It would know Itself. It’s desire was knowledge of Itself, and so the Creator flung out all the densities of experience, all the infinities of galaxies and stars and planets and consciousness so that It might experience Itself. As the nature of the Creator is infinite love, so did It create all Its parts as infinite love, and each of you is as a sun or a planet in being created of infinite love, having the nature of infinite love. Each sentient and non-sentient being, each poppy, each breeze, each animal and tree and human being, is the result of that desire of the Creator to know Itself. The Creator has, from the beginning of Its creation, found Itself utterly in love with each iota, with each soul. The Creator is delighted, thrilled and fascinated, and so the Creator has an attitude of love and feeling of that love radiating to every sentient being. The Creator remains fascinated. What will happen next? wonders the infinite part of deity. 1999/0418.txt:2:As we rest in the comfort and the beauty of your blended vibrations we find ourselves aware of much each of you already knows from experience, from suffering and undergoing great difficulty, from being held together and lifted up by the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Each has beautiful stories to tell of those times when everything seemed clear and the creation truly did seem to be one beautiful, harmonious symphony of people and relationships and nature and things great and small, all moving together with rhythm and pulse and a lovely dance that was new every moment. It is not simply with the intellect that each of you has had these experiences, but with the whole self. Each has had these transcendent times when the world simplified itself and the love could be seen. We are grateful for the beauty of those memories and those awarenesses within you, for this gives us common ground. We do not have to convince or persuade any that spirituality is a very real and a very intimate thing, for each of you has had those feelings from deep within the self, and each more or less trusts those experiences. We would encourage you to continue to trust those memories, for whenever times of ineffable harmony come, however they come, through what suffering they come, or as what gift out of nowhere, they are the gems hidden within the ore of common life, so far. And what a blessing it is to stumble across a perfect diamond or ruby, to see the crystalline nature of truth which has been realized in some way. 1999/1017.txt:58:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And we would respond by saying that we could not have said it better. For, indeed, all of the experience of the one Creator in all densities of illusion is the Creator knowing Itself through infinite means, infinite entities, and the polarity of the light and the dark, that which you have called service to others and service to self. Thus, the creation itself is held in place by this dynamic tension. And thus the Creator is able to play in those fields of flowers that It has created for Itself. 2000/0116.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. And, indeed, we find this is true not only for those of your third-density illusion but for all succeeding illusions as well. For the true richness of each experience is contained within the heart of the one who experiences. The one Creator, whole and perfect, is contained in each moment, each iota of experience for those whose hearts are open to love and to the one Creator. Then does this fullness of love and unity pour into the moment until the moment itself is whole and perfect, and the true richness of being is appreciated. 2000/0206.txt:4:Thusly, it is well to look at the basics of the situation, to begin to see into why you as a soul would have chosen to put yourself into the way of such suffering as you now experience. May we say that the stories that we spin are our suppositions and not fact, but we suppose that the Creator said to Itself, “I desire to know Myself.” We suppose that it is this desire that birthed creation. This Creator, wishing to know Itself, spun out of Itself an infinite creation with an infinite number of unique souls, each of which contained the Creator within it. This creation was cast into the creation of light. Thusly, you, as a creation of love, were given a creation built of light in order that you might experience the illusion of time and space and cause and effect so that in this illusory dream each unique portion of the one infinite Creator could become an experiencer, a reasoner, a source of information for the infinite Creator about Itself. 2000/0416.txt:31:At the time of the construction of the Great Pyramid, that monument of antiquity located in the holy land that you call Egypt, the peoples of this culture were engaged in an appreciation of the one Creator which you may liken to that philosophy which you might call animism or paganism, in which the Creator was seen in all things and was everywhere present. Wonders were a part of this culture. The miraculous was seen as that which was as it should be: a portion of the everyday experience. However, the individual entities of this culture were of a nature that lent itself to being taught, shall we say, by those who were other than the self. Thus, the kind of spiritual awareness that was available to these entities was that which was handed down from one entity to another, from teacher to student. Thus, within the structure called the pyramid there were located those centers of energy that you have called the King’s chamber, the Queen’s chamber, and the resonating chamber below the surface of the earth. Within these central locations of swirling energy students and teacher could meet and be infused with the intelligent energy of the one Creator for the purpose of healing, the purpose of teaching, and the purpose of facing the self for the potential experience of being reborn, of finding a new life, a new direction. Thus, these centers of energy within the pyramid symbolized to the population of that culture the means by which teaching and enlightenment could be achieved. Thus, individuals were able to gain a certain amount of advancement, shall we say, within these structures and then were able to move within the culture and to share this teaching with a greater population. These structures, for the most part, were successful in being able to share with the population of that culture the advancement that was sought. However, there was, after a period of time, the reserving of these experiences within the pyramidal structure for only those who were of an advanced status according to the measure of wealth, power and position. Thus, as the information available within the structures became less and less available to the general population the purposes of the pyramidal structures were perverted. And those entities who had aided in the construction of the pyramids found it necessary to take stock of themselves, shall we say, and to find other avenues of service through which they might begin to correct the imbalances that were promulgated by the reserving of the use of the pyramids to those of power and wealth. 2000/0507.txt:47:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Within your meditative state—and this is again our recommendation for the investigation of emotion, to use meditation—look, then, to those feelings which you have, for they are valuable in themselves. They are the temperature, shall we say, of your current experience. Each may be seen as a portion of a trail, a thread, that will lead one to more fruitful finding of the value of experience. The emotions that one feels at any particular moment give one a place to begin to assess that which is occurring in the life pattern, to see the honest and spontaneous response of self to self. Then, as one is able to utilize these emotions in the balancing process one shall find their opposite occurring. Thus, if you are able to relive a situation in which a strong emotion occurs and within the meditative state to see this occurring, giving it free reign, to become as large as you can imagine, then there is the opportunity for the polar opposite emotion to arise within the meditative state so that you begin to feel another way about a certain situation, person or event. Then allow this polar opposite emotion to get as large and as powerful as it can. When this has completed its growth and presentation to you, then accept yourself for having both of these means by which the Creator may know Itself in you, in your experience. Thus, you have taught to the Creator that which you have learned within the situation and you have seen a fuller expression of natural emotion within your being as a means by which you know the Creator in you. Thus, you, working with every emotion that leaves its imprint upon you, are able to see the full range of your beingness, the appropriateness of each facet of emotion, the direction that each emotion points towards the heart of being, so that eventually there is but one emotion for [every] event, that being compassion, love, forgiveness, mercy, understanding—all of those qualities of unconditional love. 2000/0521.txt:1:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in whose service we are. We thank you for calling us to your circle of seeking and for asking us the interesting question about the boundaries of service to others and free will. As we speak we would request that, as always, that each use his or her discernment to determine those thoughts of ours which may have resonance and which thoughts need to be left behind. We trust each seeker’s discrimination and it would be a service to us if each could, indeed, leave behind those thoughts which do not ring true. For in their own way, such thoughts are a subtle infringement and we would not wish that. Authority itself has the ring of infringement and we would like to take away any taint of authority from our words, for we do not feel that we have any over you or that we are wiser than you but, rather, simply that we have more experience. We are glad to share that experience and our thoughts with you, but we greatly appreciate it if you would do us this favor. 2000/0923.txt:14:Although we say in many different ways that you cannot lose your way amidst whatever change, we would say, as always, that a great aid in keeping one’s balance in the midst of great transformation is the daily habit of silence. Whether it be contemplation, meditation, a silent walk, whatever it be that is your own prayer of the heart, open that heart to the silence daily and allow the experience that is coming through you to seat itself there. For time spent in silence is time spent with the Creator. And what a blessing for the Creator to spend time in silence with you. For there is no asking and there is no telling, but just the meaning. And the Creator craves your company and your communion and loves you so dearly, and waits for you so patiently to remember who you are, and whose. 2000/1001.txt:3:The song1 asked the question, “What if God was one of us? Just a slob, like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home?” My friends, this is your situation. Each of you, in the core of your energetic body, is the Creator. Each of you is completely and wholly at the heart the Creator. You are one with all that there is. At the level of the heart of your being there is no difference between you and the Creator and all that there is. There is only an infinite amount of difference in each part of the Creator’s view or perception of the scenery. There are infinite illusions. There are infinite impressions to be gathered within each creation. Consequently, the entire journey of awareness, from the first expression of light through all densities of an octave until light itself becomes absorbed once again in spiritual gravity, it is a journey home, and each of you is an energy system centered upon the Creator but full of your personality shell, your experiences, and the incoming catalyst that has your attention, and [each] is attempting, in her own way, to make her way home. It is a journey that will transcend this particular period of time that you experience now, the entire lifetime in which each of you now enjoys the dance of life, and all lifetimes and experiences between lifetimes that add up to the circle dance of becoming, being and being absorbed once again into absolute unity. 2000/1105.txt:3:All begins in the utter unpotentiated love, or Logos, that is the Creator unknown to Itself. The first distortion of this Logos is free will. And free will is the agent of change. In the Creator, and therefore in Its creation, through free will the Creator chooses that which you know as light and which we would call the manifesting principle. The child of free will and love, light in its first manifestation, may be seen as the sudden being of all that there is. Your scientists have envisioned this as inevitably explosive and have called the birth of creation the Big Bang. However, this is creation seen through the distortion of the lens of your third density in which time and space structure perception. In other illusions where time and space have different structures it may be seen that there is not the explosion but, rather, the transformative process which rolls from light to light to light, and by this we mean that there are levels of what this instrument would call rotation of light that create vast numbers of structures which are seen as systems of vibration and vibrational fields having their relative existence in various sizes or orders of your time and space so that from the smallest to the largest structure of vibration, from the lowest to the highest density of vibration, there are put in motion by the Logos systems which are destined to roll their metamorphoses from the position of what from your density would be the beginning of the creation to the ending of creation when all of these energies have reacted with all of the other energies which are appropriate for them to react with. All energy has been spent. All desire has been balanced and the exhausted and used energy and experience has been harvested or eaten by the one infinite Creator and absorbed at the end of creation. This describes the basic background against which self-aware entities such as yourselves and we experience and add our harvest to that knowledge the Creator has of Itself. This is the first and deepest level to change, and it is a design which accomplishes what in your bodies would be a heartbeat. For the creation is the body of the Creator, and an entire creation with all of the densities of an octave express one heartbeat of that creature, which is the Creator. This is in no way a literal rendering of a Creator which has a beginning and an ending. As far as we know, the Creator is infinite and is eternal. 2000/1105.txt:4:However, there are quanta, or heartbeats, in which the Creator’s knowledge of Itself is rendered open to alteration by the self-aware entities which are principles of the Creator, choosing by their free will to gather information and to process it in such and such a manner. And this the Creator can never know ahead of time and does not wish to know ahead of time. It is an important principle to the Creator: that Its portions that have been offered this background of densities and illusions have complete free will in looking at the creation around It, and responding to it, and in making those responses into a process of change, metamorphosis, and transformation of a certain kind. For each choice that each self-aware entity makes creates new possibilities, new patterns, and new potential choices that may add to the Creator’s experience of Itself. 2000/1105.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We shall offer a brief response with the invitation to ask further if there is more information desired. In this creation of the one Creator we spoke earlier of the nature of free will which makes change inevitable. For as the Creator has sought to know Itself through the operation of the creation, which each is somewhat aware of, each portion of the creation which is the Creator seeks to become more fully aware of the one Creator as the source of the self. Thus, there is inbuilt in all creation the desire to move, to know, to experience, to live, and to engage in each process of the living of the life, the experience of the world of the creation. So each portion of the one Creator partakes in some of that which is and some of that which is not. That is to say, each is a portion of the Creator, yet each acts as though it was alone in many instances. There is the process of individualization, of the intense focusing of consciousness so that it reflects an individual point of view, offering to the one Creator yet another avenue of knowing Itself. 2000/1105.txt:27:As each portion of the creation begins to interact with each other portion within its realm of experience there is undertaken the qualities and responsibilities of individualized consciousness, the seeking for the self that guarantees survival, the interaction of the self with other selves that increases complexity and enriches experience, the movement of groups of selves that move as one and interact with other groups and individuals, with the environment, and so forth. As this interaction occurs there is what you may see as the living upon life, the Creator within each moving as an individualized portion or perspective of consciousness. Life lives with itself and upon itself so that in the reflection that is seen as perhaps the ending of an incarnation for one portion of one perspective, another portion of another perspective, which is still the one Creator, is enhanced while, perhaps, yet another is diminished. It is well to know and to remember that all of the creation is not only the one Creator but is an illusion of separateness. 2000/1105.txt:28:No portion of the creation is lost, no matter what the change in consciousness or level of apprehension of consciousness is achieved. As you move about in your daily round of activities many millions are the miniscule life forms that give themselves and no longer exist in that form as your place your foot upon the ground, as your automobiles move in their realm of influence, as you breath the air and breath in many other minute forms of life that have but a tiny amount of what you call time in which to experience that which is theirs to experience. And yet the galaxies and the suns and the stars move in their realms as well, changing and transforming into that which is greater, that which is lesser, seen from a lesser point of view, and yet all is still the one Creator knowing Itself. For those who have opened their hearts in compassion to that creation which is theirs to experience within this third-density illusion it is difficult to see various forms of suffering and misery within your life experience. For the heart that is open to all feels the pain of privation, of disease, of isolation, of being unable to comprehend, of feeling the end of one experience as yet another begins. This is well, my friends, for it is, of necessity, a portion of the creation’s evolutionary process that this heart opening and the feeling of the agony as well as the ecstasy of the creation about one is such. Yet we assure each that nothing, no portion of the Creator, no form of life or consciousness, is ever lost but is only transformed to yet another avenue or perspective for the Creator to know Itself. 2000/1105.txt:32:I am Q’uo, and we are in agreement with the thoughts that you have spoken, my sister, and would comment by suggesting that each entity within any illusion or density is a portion of the Creator that gives entirely of itself, of its experiences, of its thoughts, of its past, its present, and its future to the one Creator, for each is the one Creator and the purpose of the entire creation is that the Creator may know Itself through Its infinite portions within creation. 2000/1119.txt:36:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. That which to the eyes of third density seems to be chaotic is, at another level of experience, that which has rhythm, motion, pattern. However, there are those mysteries for all created entities that go beyond the ability of mind, body and spirit to penetrate. For though we are all of the one Creator we never forget that the heart of the Creator is a mysterious love that has the power to create and to destroy that which we call universes, the very creation itself. So there is this movement of consciousness that is, itself, an infinite stream of being that may from time to time have ripples in it and eddies and that kind of experience which seems to be chaotic. Yet, when those consciousnesses which perceive it are able to become one with it through their understanding of it, then that which appeared to be chaotic then appears to be smooth and unified, harmonious, and able to be perceived in a fashion that is coherent. 2001/0114.txt:40:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. To those concerns and those qualities we would add that quality known as a sense of proportion or that which you call humor, the light touch. For when one is able to gain a perspective on one’s incarnation and the daily round of activities that occur within each incarnation one is able to partake more fully in the creative process. To become the Creator in each instance, to see the glory, the humor, the imperfections, the attempt, the perseverance, all of these which make each in third density human. And we would also suggest concentration upon the quality known as gratitude, for each portion of each incarnation is a gift to the entity within the incarnation. When one is born into this third density there are no contracts, guarantees, or promised that are made to any entity. All is a gift. All is an opportunity. All may be seen as the stairway to heaven, shall we say. These steps, humble though they be, faltering though they be, confused though they be, are each made by a portion of the Creator that moves in a certain fashion, mysterious to many, perhaps most mysterious to the entity taking these steps. However, each step is a step of the Creator, moving in closer harmony and rhythm to the music of the spheres, as you may call it. There is much within each incarnation that may be counted as blessing, much that may be seen as difficulty and burden. However, each offers the opportunity to move into a more full realization of the nature of one’s being as the Creator. The entire process is one which may fill the Great Record of Creation with the most hilarious stories, the most tragic of dramas, the most incredible of experiences. It all depends upon the mind of the entity, the attitude of the seeker, the desire of the heart, and the openness of the being to move itself into places which are mysterious, which are difficult and confusing, and to open the heart there just to see what happens. Is there a further query, my sister? 2001/0121.txt:12:You asked about how the group could offer to the individual an enhanced ability to have patience and we are sure that the question extends to other spiritual characteristics that are greatly desired and difficult to obtain within the illusion of experience within the illusion of separateness. For faith, a sense of humor, persistence, and compassion are certainly those qualities which are often sought but usually imperfectly found, and yet how blessed it is when the seeker can find a moment of utter patience, utter humor, utter acceptance, or utter love. And all of these streams of emotion flow through the channels of the deep mind in pure and undistorted vibrations, for they are part of what this instrument would call the default setting of the vibration of creation itself, the Logos of the one infinite Creator which is Love. 2001/0211.txt:9:In the disciplines or myths of the Orient, such as Shintoism, the energy which is most involved in the system is the yellow ray or solar plexus chakra. This is the chakra of the illusion. It is the chakra of relationships like marriage and family that have to do with the groups with which one associates one’s self as a human being, as opposed to the individuals with which one associates oneself in a relationship. The great advantage of the religions that move from the yellow-ray energy is that there is no translation needed between the holy and the everyday. Each entity within a family, a clan, a village or a nation is specifically and frequently honored as a part of a valuable whole. Thus the family is seen as sacred. Age, itself, is seen as a sacred and holy thing. Events within the life take on the glow of the revealed Creator in bodily form. While it is not a system of seeking that specifically opens the heart, what it does in terms of the human experience is render it into a kind of liquid in which the elements of everyday life are specifically seen to be holy. And thus the life experience of everybody can be taken by one who has worked in this discipline as having a resonance of rightness that is profound, and there is a peace that this produces that is similar to that feeling of groups of entities at one of your games where instead of two sides there is only one side, and all portions of the game are winning. In this kind of experience there is a solidifying and strengthening of the bonds of simple humanity in the valuing of family, in the valuing of the wisdom of age, in the valuing of the death process as a part of life. There is a tremendous peace. 2001/0325.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The feelings of the self being that which is expansive and that which is, as you have said, grand, are feelings which in and of themselves [are correct], for each entity within incarnation is the one Creator, and each entity partakes of the glory, the joy, the power, and the peace of the one Creator. However, within the illusion which you now inhabit, there are accompanying these feelings of being the one Creator also the more specific, narrowed and focused feelings and experience of being a personality with distortions of the one Creator; that is to say, each entity within the third-density illusion has those portions of itself which are yet to be fully realized. There are lessons to be learned, areas to be enhanced and seeking to be undertaken in order to accomplish the learning and serving. 2001/0325.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and indeed we would look to the construction of the circle, or more particularly, the sphere, as an example of the simultaneity of time and experience within the one creation. One may look at a line of experience, a line of time, that moves from the center of the sphere in a particular direction and observe the entities affected by this line of experience. Within the third-density illusion you may see yourselves as experiencing various of these time/experience lines, moving from the center of your being to another location, also within your being, intersecting experiences of others, also located within the center of your being and their being so that the center of experience is shared for a portion of the experience as it is moving along this line. This line may also be seen to be able to describe constructions of entities, groups of entities, and experiences shared so that there are various ways of seeing the formation of relationships, of seeing the means by which one creation may be experienced by a number of entities moving along these lines of time simultaneously. Thus, within this sphere there is an infinite potential for experience. Each individual experience, seen from the third-density illusion, then seems to be complete unto itself, seems to be linear from point A to B to C and so forth, whereas if this experience is seen from without the third-density illusion, it is seen as a portion of a simultaneous experience of the one Creator, these experiences being infinite in number. 2001/0329.txt:2:When the infinite Creator wished to know Itself, Its great heart beat out the next creation with all of its densities and sub-densities and all of the patterns of those densities and creations. Time and space were invoked and that which before was immeasurable and unknowable became a series of illusions that, paradoxically, were to some degree knowable, and these shadows of knowing were much desired by the Creator. And each of these sparks and shadows became agents of the one infinite Creator, thoughts in and of themselves, thoughts rounded and centered in the one great original Thought which is Love. And so each of you is a Logos, stepped down and stepped down until you are able to experience the very illusion you now experience. And each of you has come through many experiences and many densities to this particular time, at this particular place, each balanced exquisitely in the present moment. 2001/0506.txt:35:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. When an entity such as your wife has repeated experiences of a similar nature, in this case the carrying of the load of stress, it is difficult to share such a load until this entity has been able to fathom the depths of the lesson to be learned. There is the matter of the feeling of responsibility which is felt by this entity that is connected to the feeling of the stress. The responsibility itself is also added unto by the entity’s feelings regarding sustenance, abundance, plenty. This entity explores these areas of its own nature in order that it might more fully experience the presence of the one Creator in its daily round of activities. This exploration of the connection to unity, to power, to peace is one which this entity has long pursued and which this entity wishes to balance by its current experience of that which you call stress. There is much which can be done to support such efforts and lessons in that there is the need to value both upon your part and hers the amount of work that is truly necessary for this entity’s learning of that which she has set before herself. The basic questions in this series of lessons concern the amount of effort necessary to secure the feelings of abundance, self-worth and the providing for those in this entity’s care. There is a boundary now that we find beyond which we do not wish to go, for again there is only so much of the setting of the table that is possible before infringement occurs. Perhaps at a future time further queries may be appropriate and further response given. Is there another query, my brother? 2001/0520.txt:11:To hear us speak you would think we never laughed. You would think that we never cried but that we were always calm and wise and dispensing of words. In fact, this is not so. We struggle to find ways to share our experiences with you and we do not feel that we are tremendously successful. But what we have to share, more than anything else, is an awareness of and a certainty in love itself and the power and rightness of that love—that is your very being and is our very being. We encourage each to be lifted up by whatever light comes into the heart to comfort it, that it reach hands willingly up to the angels that hope to help. We ask each to know that you are not alone and that there is comfort for the asking, for prayers are answered, and when help is requested presences are with you that love you and wish to safeguard you in every way. The Creator is not far off. The Creator is very, very near. This is good to remember. 2001/0902.txt:10:Be prepared for sudden and stupendous moments of awareness because, you see, you are a being. You are not an activity or a process. And you surprise yourself being yourself sometimes. And in those moments when you have hit a resonance that strikes deep down into the self, suddenly the moment opens up and you become aware of all that you are, of the tremendous unity that you have with everything that is. This state of mind is an actual opening into one of the inner planes or perhaps more than one of the inner planes, depending upon the experience, so that you simply are seeing more into your self, more into the reaches of your true nature, which is inclusive, universal, timeless and divine. You have to remember that you are the product of the Creator’s thirst for knowing Itself, and your seeking to know yourself is part of the Creator’s seeking for Its own identity. And what fascinates the Creator endlessly is how that identity is the same, and yet it continues to grow because of the fecund and fertile nature of spirit. 2001/1104.txt:47:As far as the second and third queries, we also feel that this is a large area of study in which there needs to be a further refining of the query, for there is a great deal of information that could be given here as well. We shall satisfy ourselves and hopefully begin to satisfy the one known as M by suggesting that the nature of the spirit itself is that which is immobile in that it does not move in the same fashion as does the physical vehicle or the mental vehicle but is that which is. The spirit of each entity which moves within the third-density illusion is that which is drawn from infinity. There is the body of the one Creator which may be seen as the creation itself. There is that from which the body is made, that which we find the ones known as Ra referred to as the unpotentiated intelligent infinity. This is the infinite source which each of your entities is able to make contact with, when the higher self is realized at any time within the third-density experience. 2002/0204.txt:1:We are those known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this day. We wish to thank you for forming a circle of seeking and for your desire to serve and for your desire to know ever better and ever [more] purely. We can feel the gravity of the concerns which you bear this day. The experience of third density is ever poignant and pointed, full of emotion and challenge for the seeker. For truly the awakened seeker is caught between two worlds. Not necessarily stranded or snared but certainly aware of and needing to relate to worlds that seem very separate. Responding to the demands of physical incarnation, the need for supply, warmth, shelter, food, clothing, and all the considered necessities of the life is, in itself, not an easy or simple task. 2002/0407.txt:8:And beneath these transient events lives an energy as slow and as firm as the heartbeat of the Creator Itself. It is a matter of gradually becoming able to cease the noise of worry, to cease gradually, little by little, the fretting of fear. It is this kind of allowing a slowing of the rhythms of conscious thought that will bring to the seeker the optimal frame of mind or point of view for being of service to the self, to other selves, and to the Creator. There is a surface to what this instrument would call consensus reality, much like the surface of a glass ceiling or a floor that cannot be seen, yet it seems to hold up the bodies and the experiences. Many are the entities that move through the incarnation that they experience upon your planet without once falling through the glass ceiling into the great reaches of deeper consciousness. It is possible to move from infanthood, to childhood, to teenagehood, to adulthood, through to the grave, without ever leaving the surface of life. It is not particularly easy to maintain this comfortable shallowness of existence which allows almost complete control over the environment. Yet many attempt nothing more than simply to remain comfortable and, as this instrument would say, keep body and soul together. For those within this circle that has never been a distinct possibility. Each within this group seeks not just the surface of the truth but those blessed regions that lie beneath the surface, those areas which are more like a water world than an air world, a world of smooth, rhythmic gliding, the characteristics, shall we say, of water rather than of air. 2002/0421.txt:2:You ask how to find the way back to the open heart when you have gone away. We would step back from this question and ask you to come with us in an envisioning of the beginnings of your creation, that which the Creator expressed when this intelligent infinity burst forth in the infinite number of sparks, each of which contained the stuff of the Creator in a holographic form and each of which was sent out to collect information. You are beings of light, beings of love, beings of infinity. You are citizens of an eternal universe that expresses itself at this time in illusion upon illusion upon illusion. Each of these illusions set in place in exquisite regularity and discrimination a fastidious arrangement offering experience after experience designed to create environments in which these sparks of creatorship would become progressively more and more articulated, expressive and unique. 2002/0421.txt:3:What does the Creator hope for from you but that you be yourself and that you explore what the self is in an ever more profound sense; that you come to experiences with your whole self and allow them to affect you. The Creator’s interest is in learning more about Itself and each of you is as the detective on that same path of discovery and transformation into ever more authentic versions of you. For in cameo, in small, you are the microcosm of which the Creator is the macrocosm. Each of you contains that jewel that is perfect, but each of you has gone through incarnation upon incarnation in which you have been colored by experience. It is as though each of you has come through the refining fire that has progressively clarified and refined your nature so that you are ever a little more able to see that which is truly you. Your responsibility to the Creator, then, begins with being who you are. Not striving, not making efforts, but, indeed, letting go and releasing that which is not you. 2002/0421.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As we look upon your Earth world at this time it is our privilege to witness to the growing of light within the hearts of those who have previously felt no urge to seek in this manner. For the events of your days, these latter days of third density upon planet Earth, have served and will serve as catalyst to bring forth that which is the highest and the best from the hearts of those who are beginning to sense that there is more to this life that meets their everyday eye. There is within many people at this time the beginning of questioning of those values which have long been held and which have held entities long within a certain restricted way of thinking and of being. When it seems that there is less security within a world filled with a desire for security, then it is that there is the seeking of that which is true, firm, sure and dependable. This brings the hardy seeker back to the heart of the self, the heart of the journey, the heart of the illusion in which each finds itself at this time. Each seeker, as a portion of the one Creator, has within it that, shall we say, homing device that is awakened at the proper time for each seeker, that reminds each it was planned aforetimes that this is the time to begin that conscious journey of seeking for truth, and so each takes the first step of a journey which in truth has never ended, shall not end in the foreseeable future, and which shall grow more fruitful and abundant as time and experience accumulate. 2002/0505.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would recommend in the meditative state, at the end of your day or during a portion of your day where you have time to relax and reflect, that you look at the blockage as it has been experienced in your daily round of activates. Within the meditative state then look at the experience which represents to you the blockage of the red-ray energy center. Re-live that experience, allowing it to fill your being, and then in a natural fashion allow that image to dissipate and allow its opposite to emerge into your consciousness so that you see it with the same intensity that you saw the blockage to begin with. Allow this image to continue for as long as feels comfortable. Then see both the blockage and its balance as means by which the Creator may know Itself through you, and accept yourself for having both as means for the Creator to know Itself in your being. Repeat this exercise upon a daily basis for as long as is necessary for the blockage to be resolved. 2002/0614.txt:13:How does one find this being within? Certainly, there are periods of time in which it is appropriate for the entity to be almost consumed with concerns about the self. This entity was speaking earlier of the concept of critical mass, and it is as though within the awakening being, there comes a time of critical mass when that which has been must be laid aside, and that which is to come must be taken up, and it is just such a season that this entity, the one known as G, is experiencing at this time, and, indeed, each of those present happens also to be experiencing a point within the cycle of the experience of learning, where there is the letting go of the old and the embracing, reluctantly or enthusiastically, of that which seems very new. Such times are times when one must move within, more than seems perhaps appropriate to one who wishes to serve others and yet, perhaps we can give you the model of the light bulb in which that light gives light to others only because it is appropriately connected to the source of power, and develops that power in such a way that the filament of that lighting mechanism is activated. An entity is not designed simply to serve others. There is an inner loop of service which is entirely appropriate, which needs to be not only created but maintained so that the filament of self within is whole, and perfect, and free of blockage that it may glow with the love and the light of the infinite Creator. No matter how much energy is developed and given out from such a light, the light itself needs to retain enough power that it may continue to serve as a light. This loop, shall we say, of power within, is fed by a self that sees the value and acknowledges the worthwhileness of that self within. Can each see that it is perfectly appropriate to retain some energy for the self? This instrument has often spoken of being transparent to the energy... 2002/0628.txt:8:When the heart is opened and beauty begins to be examined from the green-ray level, then it is that the entire question of beauty is transformed. For, at the heart level, the eyes of the soul are open, and all entities begin to be seen not as bodies but as beings. Within the heart, then, beauty is a function of one’s own heart. The tyranny of the outward eye is lifted at last, and the only limitation is with those who have not yet come into an awareness of their own beauty. If an entity cannot conceive of itself as worthwhile or good enough or beautiful in the sense of being a good person, then that poor opinion of the self will cast ugly shadows upon all of the outer world, and entity after entity will come up short within that poor heart that does not see its own sun, that does not see its shining glory. To us, gazing at each of you from the whole system of our bodies, minds and spirits, we see your beauty as an ever-shifting kaleidoscope. Each of you has a beauty that is endlessly describable, and yet it is the harmony and the combination of energies involved in the spectrograph of self that are so fascinating about each entity. Each of you is a vibration that is actually a complex of vibration, upon vibration, upon vibration, endlessly colored by the subtleties of an incarnation full of choices and biases and flowing from moment to moment in a thousand different ways that each of you is most likely not aware of for the most part, yet, within the flowing and subtle regions of the energy body, the changes are constant, and there are no two moments within the life of an entity when that entity is vibrating precisely the same. And yet, as a whole, the energy signature of an entity remains fairly clear and unified throughout an incarnational experience, for each of you comes into incarnation with a tremendous amount of already prepared bias which has been chosen to bring in as a part of the, shall we say, structure of “givens” that form up the structure of an incarnational experience. There is not a person, no matter what his station, his state, or expression of morality, that is not beautiful. Each entity at the soul level is tremendously beautiful. Indeed, each entity—being the Creator—has a beauty beyond all imagining, for each is all that there is; each contains the universe. And would not each, then, have all aspects of beauty and ugliness, the entire range of esthetics within the self, locked in many, many treasure troves within the personality, waiting to be opened by the right combination of circumstance and motivation? 2002/0704.txt:11:Thusly the one known as V may pray that the one known as K have a moment of clarity at some point before the incarnation ends, thus becoming able to be vulnerable to healing, health and life in the sense of the greater life within the physical. The one known as V is very much helped by the energies of beauty and harmony and we agree with that which it was saying earlier concerning the need in the life for the providing to the self by self of the magical circumstance. The singing of the sacred songs has been for this entity a very helpful thing in the past and would indeed be that place wherein this entity could derive great refreshment on a daily basis. This instrument, for instance, always includes a hymn along with its meditation in the morning and we might suggest to the one known as V that the discipline of including the sacred breath is a good one that has good results for this entity as well. The silence itself is a very powerful experience for this entity and there is perhaps the opportunity to arrange for the self the opportunity to experience that silence, either within the dwelling or in walking in nature in solitude, to enter into the silence and thus into the tabernacle of the heart. There the Creator waits and there the weary soul may truly rest and find healing. This experience of the beauty of the creation of the Father is most helpful and we would recommend the time in silence and the time spent in praise of the Creator by sacred songs on a daily basis. 2002/0901.txt:8:What is gratitude? Gratitude is breathing in and breathing out with the awareness that this act is a gift. Each of you is like a cut flower. You have sprung from the soil of physicality, you have the life of a blossom, and your only responsibility is to blossom, to be, to share that which you are and take in that which all else is exchanging with each other’s energy fields, those dynamics which lie between the two of you. It is easy to give thanks when there are good times, but that is not the heart of thanksgiving. The heart of thanksgiving is to see in all things the gift of manifested experience. Oh how precious that is! Oh, how dear! We cannot convey to you our appreciation of the challenges that you face by being in a physical body and in third density, and yet we say to you that such an adventure calls to us simply because each of you is experiencing, within the illusion, the ten thousand colors and shapes and forms1 that are what the Creator knows about itself so far. As each of you takes in the air and gives it back out to the universe, you are singing a song that no one else has ever sung, lifting to the heavens a beauty that has never before been seen. And the Creator knows more now than before, because you have been open and vulnerable to experience, and the world and all its experience has been opened and made vulnerable to you. This is the heart of thanksgiving—the knowing that every breath you take is significant, meaningful and helpful to the Creator, truly a gift given and a gift received. 2002/0929.txt:14:Change is uncomfortable by its very nature. It is confusing, and new patterns that are tossed into the life experience by a most humorous deity have a tremendous ability to appear to the untutored eye like pure and complete confusion and chaos. It is only after processing a good deal of new catalyst that a pattern may perhaps become clear, and it is by hindsight, then, that most of us see the true value and benefit of most of the lessons that we have been offered by our higher selves, chosen before this incarnation with great care and great love. The only difference between before incarnation and during incarnation is that, before incarnation, the reasons for these choices were perfectly clear. Within incarnation, all of the sense of the pattern as an integrated whole has to remain beneath a veil of confusion and illusion so that the fundamental nature of the lesson of this density may become slowly and subjectively clear to each in its own way. This lesson, as we have said many times, revolves around concepts which have to do with a principle that is of the nature of a Thought or a Logos, and that principle cannot be described better within your language than by the word, love. The Logos or love is an energy that has created each of you, that has created each of us, that has created all planetary and stellar bodies, that has created a house for Itself. The Creator of this house is listening, is fascinated, and is hoping that each of you will attack the school year that is known as planet Earth with great appetite and enjoyment. It is seen before incarnation as a place where it would be impossible not to be merry. As the one known as F has said, “How can one not be in a good mood in a beautiful place like this?” And indeed your mimosa bean pods hang down with a beautiful flair in the autumn sunlight and that particular quality of color within the light of autumn is most beautiful not only on your plane but also in the inner planes where we are at this time resting. 2002/1108.txt:8:The choices are yours, this instrument’s, and that of the scribe’s. This is the nature of creative service in that a co-creator has that within itself which is the shape of that which is, as this instrument would say, resonant or simply right. Seek that resonance. This is our most general suggestion, for there is within this particular group a harvest, shall we say, of experience, perspective, honesty of intention and stability. There is also a common thread in that there is a strong tendency within each within this particular group to take the self lightly and that which is greater than the self seriously. This trait common to a group shall indeed improve the point of view which may be comfortably shared by the group and by ourselves as we discuss that which you ask. We are glad to discuss each of the approaches which were mentioned. 2002/1216.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that these experiences of unity with the one Creator, the experience during which one feels great inspiration and such, may be likened to the stages of a journey, where there is a marker left on the trail by the self for the self, at certain times during which there is an opportunity for an increased level of service. Some may call this initiation; some may call this a reaffirmation or dedication. Indeed, there is a quality of a connection with unity which of itself will be made apparent through the life pattern and the energy exchanges that follow such experiences. For it is not possible to feel so inspired and aware and not be changed to a degree which will be noticed and be a means of service in itself, in that the light from within the soul shines forth in a nurturing fashion. 2002/1226.txt:17:We would end this particular portion of this session by responding to the question concerning the sending of love with heart and hands. It is well to see the energy system of the self as being a system of energy which is enclosed within a self-protected system of energies, so that the infinite energy which feeds the vital portion of the being is allowed to remain at all times at full strength. The image of the self sending light through the hand is distracting in that it suggests that the entity of itself may have energy of that infinite kind. It therefore is perhaps more skillful for the one known as S to experience the way that the fully-functioning energy system opens the centers to being a channel for the unconditional energies of the infinite Creator, which then can rush through the open channel within that energy vehicle. 2003/0126.txt:44:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would suggest that, as you look at the illusion which is your experience at this time in third density, that you attempt to activate and balance all energy centers and the attributes with which they allow you to deal with the solution; that you see with clear eyes and honest seeking for truth that you give wholeheartedly your unconditional love to the Creator in all beings; that you work tirelessly within your illusion to bring these principles to those you love; that you communicate with each entity that you have a connection with to work together for this goal and that you give praise and thanksgiving for the very life you experience within whatever kind of illusion presents itself to you in your daily round of activities. Taken together, these energy centers and expressions of your abilities and desires can form a kind of magical transformation; first upon a metaphysical level of your own being and of the illusion about you, and then may move in a doubled sense each time you are able to share with another these efforts, concerns, dreams and so forth. 2003/0202.txt:23:Once these colors have been achieved, the experience flows on wings of beauty, transformed by that warrior of light that is yourself; that true channel of light that keeps the armor bright, [moving] into that truth which is the newest portion of the Creator’s knowledge of Itself. In this process of acknowledging your own suffering, it is perhaps appropriate to speak through this channel of that which it experienced earlier this day as it experienced the feast of the presentation of the one known as Jesus the Christ. This is the last or final aspect of that mythological system which this entity experiences as its closest road to the Creator2 in its season of acknowledgement of the birth of the spirit within flesh. It is long been our feeling that each within the circle of seeking represents, as the one known as H has said, the Creator Itself, in the aspect not of the Creator-Father but of the child of the Creator, the daughter of the Creator, the son of the Creator, the Christ of the Creator, that which is in the world, that which has come among us in each of you. 2003/0321.txt:12:The gift that you give in this contract is the enormous gift of a life that is lived for the Creator, a life that is lived in remembrance of the Creator, a life that is lived in devotion to the mystery of Deity, a life that is lived in faith that all is well, and that all will be well. These energies are the energies which allow the heart to open when the entity is comfortable in its own skin, when it has a home life in which it is functional and content, when it has obtained some grasp of the good and the seeming challenge inherent in the worldly work of gaining supply, then can the heart begin to open and feel safe in an undefended and relaxed state. And in that state full energy begins coming through the heart and according to the will of the entity which is the crystal being doing the work, that energy then can then move in to work in consciousness, for the self, for the planet, for entities about the self or for, indeed, the Creator Itself. All of these energies are part of a life lived in faith and in gratitude, if it can be remembered to give praise and thanksgiving for all that occurs. The resources which the one known as J has so ably stacked up in the years of experience, of service, and in devotion will be able to come into play as they are needed, not because of the cudgeling of the brain or the intellectual sophistry of thinking, but those things which point and hint and suggest shall be bubbling up from dream, vision, bird, bush, sky and unusual, unexpected synchronicity. We encourage, then, the attention to the information that flows from the devas of second density who are in complete harmony with the needs of your soul stream. We encourage those awarenesses of synchronicities and of good words spoken that are given from the actions of angelic aid in fourth density, of higher teachers in fifth density and sixth density and of the Creator’s whimsy, which operates at an even higher level than even these teachers. Indeed, many times the Creator’s dry and attic wit4 has salted the sad and sorry [earthly] tragedy with ironic yet bittersweet humor. This too is a teaching of a very deep kind. 2003/0511.txt:19:And this instrument has also seen that there was an entity who was forced to mutilate itself by removing its own arm, for it had been trapped in the mountains by a boulder upon its arm. This entity also, in the powerful and challenging situation of pain and survival that this entity faced, prayed. And when it did so, it also reported the same vision of all of the souls that were like lights, millions and millions of lights, that were lighting the planet keeping watch in the room of prayer that is common to each of you in this circle; common to every entity upon the planet; common to princes and paupers, Afghanis and Iraqis, and wealthy, wealthy Americans, and every other entity: intelligent, barely sentient, and everything in between, that lives and breathes and has taken a body so that the ensouled entity within may gain experience, may go into the furnace and may come out of that furnace with a gift for the infinite Creator of dearly bought and precious experience, and more than that, dearly bought and infinitely precious emotion. Never doubt the importance of those emotions that move beneath the surface of the situation, beneath the anger, beneath the grief, beneath the emotions of any descriptions which are easy and come immediately to mind. And indeed, simply sit with those first shallow reactions watching the self at work, watching the triggers go off, watching all of the playacting that you have learned to do in order to cope with a very difficult environment and a heavy illusion. 2003/0525.txt:2:Your query this day revolves around that very topic of free will and so we are delighted to share some thoughts upon this most interesting and very rich topic of conversation. Firstly, we would look at free will without looking further than the creation itself. See the Creator-Self prior to the creation, which includes that which emanates from the Godhead principle in the many, many sparks of the Creator which you see about you as stars, planets and those entities about you who are yourself and other selves. In this pre-creation Godhead, the Deity’s first distortion from absolute and complete unity was free will. It was this principle which allowed the Creator to ask, “Who am I?” and to follow through on that question by the very personal and utterly committed act of entering that question into the vibrations of Self which the Deity experienced upon asking Itself that question. That which It was able to think was the original Thought and that Thought, as we have said many times, was that pallid word, love1. 2003/0717.txt:16:Why did the Creator choose to make creations? Our comment has often tended to be, “The Creator is attempting to gain in knowledge and appreciation of Itself. The Creator wishes to know Itself. Thusly, it sends forth parts of Itself within illusion to see what will happen and to learn from the colors created in the palate of emotion that you have created through many experiences and incarnations, that contains your beauty and is unique to you, so that you can teach the Creator that which no one else in all of Creation is able to [teach]. For you are the only one of you in all of the infinite universe; thusly, it is your gift to the Creator, that comes from you, that is greatly desired. You cannot please the Creator by being someone else but only by being most truly and deeply yourself.” 2003/0907.txt:13:It may seem perverse for the self to cheer for the self when the self realizes it is greatly confused and stumbling and wandering, as the one known as S has said, and yet this too is a blessing. It is the blessing of opportunity. It is the blessing of darkness. For each of you has within you the potential to be a light that enlightens the darkness, that illumines the shadows, not chasing them away but simply exposing them for what they are. Darkness is rounded in light and light rounded in darkness. That is the way of your circadian cycle. Yet we ask you to see beyond the light and the dark, to see into the nature of your lessons, of your service, of love itself. To see that which is “beyond variation1,” as this instrument read in her church service this morning. The Creator comes from light with no variation due to change. There is no change in the One Who is all things. Change is an illusion, which is very helpful in the process of the Creator knowing Itself, and for this process the Creator has given Itself to you, to this instrument, to all, in discrete, illusory sparks of light that can experience, and register that experience, and feel and create from those feelings a process of refining and deepening and purifying, until those emotions become truth. And that which before was the babbling of children, becomes, in the ordered experience of the true and deep emotion, a giving of the self that is a harvest of a lifetime. For as the truer, deeper emotions begin to be refined from the welter of shallow feeling, those emotions begin to contain information which is as food to the Creator, a delightful and refreshing food that informs the Creator of Itself. 2003/1113.txt:26:It is well to examine those areas in which you have discussed feeling discomfort. The area of the stomach is that area of orange and yellow chakra energy in which personal relationships and interactions with groups such as family and jobs are experienced. As you sit at the end of the day, it is very helpful to look back upon those things which have moved you one way or the other during that day, which tightened your stomach, which tightened your shoulders and your back, which made your emotions tighten up. In all of these contracting energies lies fear. Where have you picked up that fear? Where are the threads of that fear? That is for you to examine and to probe. And we may say that in some cases, entities have chosen the recurring of physical symptoms to nudge them back on a track towards the inner life during times when they have taken on inappropriate amounts of physical work. In this instrument’s case, this instrument often will take on physical work because the instrument, unconsciously or consciously, realizes how much easier it is to do something in the outer world than it is to turn within and seek service in that way. The instrument has been raised in an atmosphere of the work ethic and perhaps you also share in that prejudice towards rejoicing in those things that are done, those items that may be checked off of the list of chores, the list of duties. And yet many chores and duties are those things that lie within, that take time and delicacy of thought to plumb, even to begin to understand. So we would suggest the evening discipline of moving through the thoughts of the day and seeing how the self is reacting, seeing what is causing those contractions. For every contraction is that which we would call fear. It is the opposite of that expansiveness, that radiancy which is light. When there is no fear, and there is only love, then the energy body is flowing completely. When there is a contraction in any of the chakras, then that infinite light of the Creator that always is flowing through one begins to find its way trammeled, blocked or partially blocked. This in turn communicates itself to the body so that, if the emotional self has not been able to open the heart, then the physical body will express the imbalance that the mental bodies were not able to work out. When you see physical illness or conditions that do not seem propitious, think of those as the last stand, the last way that your system has of expressing, “Stop. Look. Listen. Think about this, for there is imbalance here.” 2004/0104.txt:5:From this standpoint, then, it would seem that it is not possible to know another entity without distortion. But as the one known as V suggested, turning the gaze inward, is the situation any different? Are you not a mystery to yourself? Do you not question your own motives endlessly? Are you not honestly puzzled many times by that which is being felt by the self within? Is there any time in which you are able to say of yourself, “I know myself backwards and forwards. I know what I am capable of and what I can do. I know who I am and why I am here. I know all of it, I have no more questions, I am completely aware.” We salute those within the circle who may feel that they can say absolutely that they know who they are. We find in this instrument’s mind that she is always surprising herself by what her responses are in the moment. Sometimes this entity is happy with those responses and sometimes she judges herself perhaps harshly for those same responses. Whatever her processes of judgment, however, the surprises keep coming because the novelties of new situations, new energies, and new combinations of events create situations which have not been met before. As the response to the novel situation develops, the first person to be surprised by that response is the self before it ever gets out into the world of other selves. The self is learning about the self at all times. Indeed, this process recapitulates the action of the Creator in knowing Itself. If one could see the vast creation of entities who are working their way around this circle of being to the Godhead principle once more, one could see the process of planting the crop of consciousness and reaping the harvest of new experiences, new thoughts, and new learning. This is a process that is attempted by the self within incarnation but always with imperfect results because of the fact that this particular illusion has its finite boundaries and its preset distortions, shall we say, built into the illusion so that were one to become immensely skilled at manipulating the consensus illusion of your reality, one would still be skilled [only] at understanding and using that which is a very tiny part of a larger system, most of which cannot be known within incarnation, but only seen as if by reflection or by the silhouette of light being stopped by an object so that the silhouette of a system may be suggested as on the wall of Plato’s cave.3 Yet one is not actually able to see into the essence, either of self or the other self. 2004/0307.txt:19:Think of a root system that may be fouling a structure like a sidewalk or a pipe system. Some roots need to go deep, perhaps some pipes need to be moved. You must determine in the system of your own working spirit and its connections with the body, with the mind, and with the emotions, what is working and what is not working. “Where do I need to focus my redeeming love? Where do I need to embrace a part of myself of which I have been unconscious and which has been leading me around into dark places?” For indeed it is very true that the structures of suffering have to do with the thinking of the individual. It is not that you would not experience pain if you were completely without bias and exposed to fire. You would still burn. However, when the entity can see fire not as something from which to contract but as a brother or a sister, then certainly appropriate action may be taken to avoid immolation by such a force in one’s life but at the same time there is nothing to fear, literally, no thing to fear, for you are an entity far beyond the limitations of these illusory husks, the personality, the body, the face, the package. Do not identify overly with the package but seek to begin to know what is inside and let that center of self begin to act as the gyroscope that is whirling inside in rhythm with the heart of the Creator so that, as the Creator seeks to know Itself, so do you seek to know yourself. And from that center all things have their right pattern. 2004/0321.txt:2:Your query this day is one which drives to the heart of the nature of being. Perhaps it was not intended that this question probe so deeply, yet the question was that of the relationship betwixt the seeker and the system of information which constitutes the creative principle, the godhead principle, or the one infinite Creator. So we would first back up to gaze at that one infinite Creator, for that concept, in and of itself, is a key to that question that was asked. Each who is taking breath in and letting breath out within this circle of seeking and each who may read these words as a part of their life experience of a particular moment: at the moment you hear or read these words, each is a part of the one infinite Creator. The realest part of each spirit or soul in manifestation or third-density incarnation, alike and equally, is a part of the Godhead, a part that has never been separated from the Godhead, a spark that shall never know separation from the original Thought that created the “house” that you experience as the universe and all of the furnishings or dimensions or densities of it. 2004/0321.txt:3:Becoming able to realize one’s part in the creative principle is, within waking consciousness, virtually impossible, the limitations of body, flesh, and physical senses narrowing the doors of perception and, in many cases, closing them entirely. All of the massive indoctrination that you as very young entities within incarnation are carefully taken through by parents and teachers guarantee that if there are any who may come to awareness free of bias and full of the knowledge of the self as Creator, then that is a very tiny group. For the rest of those upon your sphere at this time, we believe it is safe to say that each has lost that direct sense of insight and union with the one infinite Creator. Yet there is a unity there. Perhaps each is not leaning into that unity, yet it subsists. It cannot be shed, it is not a skin that can be molted, and it is nothing that shall ever be renewed. The human experience, shall we say, the third-density incarnational experience, is all about death and renewal, endings and beginnings. Yet throughout the process of incarnational living, the most fundamental part of your essential being is not that which will change, grow or alter. Rather, it is that which is. How in the holy work that this instrument knows as the Bible did the Creator express itself? “I AM.” 2004/0418.txt:5:The Creator does not have to hope that something will occur because the experience of all previous creations has been that evolution is inevitable; change is inevitable. It may be change regressing towards the density left behind, [or] it may be change progressing towards the density ahead; but it is impossible for entities to remain completely stable. They must create novelty, they must move. That is the restless and insatiable nature of consciousness itself. It shall, by the machinations of endless free will, always have that curiosity about what else there may be to learn that pulls the entity onward, whether the entity is considered in terms of the microcosm or macrocosm. So each of you dwells now within a school that is carefully designed to give each entity its hard knocks on a regular basis. Not in order to indicate the cruelty or the judgment of the creative principle, but to create a schooling atmosphere in which entities are self-schooled by their own hand, by their own mind, by their own perceived problems and solutions. 2004/0822.txt:23:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query. The issue of supply is a ticklish one and certainly this instrument experiences many times of wondering precisely how the bills shall be paid, precisely how supply will manifest itself and yet, indeed it always has, for this instrument. It has sometimes been mighty close but somehow the wagon has continued to stay on the road in some way. And we would suggest that the visualizing of this state of perfection will encourage the richness of supply. We do not suggest a laundry list of needed things in your prayers to the Creator. When you think about the prayer that the master known as Jesus taught to his disciples, it only asked for today. Focus upon that which is needed this day and ask, without pride but also without shame, “May I have that which is needed in supply and in energy in all things this day, that I may serve?” Let that affirmation rest, knowing that, for this one day, you will be supplied with that which you truly need. 2004/1114.txt:14:For you see, forms can die while the life within the form still exists. Form in the sense of a ritual, for instance, is something that those entities who choose to play the card of religion will experience changing time and again. For within a religion, the forms do not change, but the way that an entity relates to those forms can change completely, so that in one moment, a form of expression of devotion to the one infinite Creator may be a source of tremendous comfort whereas in another moment, it may seem to be hollow and dead. And it is very important to listen to the self as it reacts to the form, not asking the self, “How can I relate to this wonderful form?” but rather asking the self, “How can this wonderful entity that I am find resonance in this form?” And if that form has no resonance, then it needs to be let go and another one chosen. Or, in some cases, it is a matter of waiting for another kind of form, another kind of ritual of living to form itself to you as you simply exist within the mystery of your own, often contradictory, feelings. 2005/0320.txt:26:There are two aspects to this symbol of the cross. There is the vertical axis and there is the horizontal axis. The cross can be seen to be that upon which hangs a Redeemer which dies on this cross in order to purify and refine the consciousness of the world as it, Itself, as the Christ, was refined and purified by the sacrifice of self for love of other-self. However, we find that this instrument does not allow the one known as Jesus the Christ to lie supine4 upon a cross. Rather, this instrument has never been able to configure this entity as being trapped by such a construct. But, rather, it has been seen by this instrument as a launching pad for an idea. And that is the idea that there is a larger life and that it is here today, alive, and promised in the greatest of love and the absolute certainty of the one known as Jesus the Christ’s knowledge that such a thing as sacrifice, such a thing as utter, unconditional love, was that engine which would launch not only himself but all of creation and create a flowing stream that would reconfigure and free humankind from those corners of limitation that are suggested by every aspect of your human experience. Every attempt that humans make to be worthy, to be perfect, is hopeless. Every attempt to become worthy of the love and the light of the infinite Creator has failed before it has begun. There is no way to earn heaven. Rather, it must be fallen into, leapt into, embraced without knowing or seeing anything; embraced only because the resonance of this truth is irresistible. 2005/0518.txt:2:You have asked about the journey that you are on, where you are in it, and what spiritual principles might be helpful as you proceed on the journey, and we thank you for this question. Indeed, we are walking with you on that journey, which is one common to all of us. We each have our personal and individual identities and yet the journey itself is a common one, common to all who are parts of the one infinite Creator who have been spun out of the heart of the Creator to gather experiences and offer the blooming of the self back to the one infinite Creator as a gift. In that sense, it is a common journey and we walk always in company with each other and never alone. 2005/1106.txt:47:You are a living and breathing meeting place of the finite and infinite, in every cell of your body. There is that aspect which experiences life and death and there is that aspect which was never born and which shall never die. That infinite aspect does not know itself for it is wrapped up and lost in the Creator itself. 2005/1211.txt:11:It is light that has molded itself into each atom of your body, into the various energy fields which control your various organs, your elements of sense, such as sight and smell and taste and hearing. It is light molded in the ways of energy as it is received from the infinite energy of the one Creator that the love which is you molds into your distorted pattern of energy expenditures. That use of energy, endlessly creating and recreating itself as unique catalyst and response to it, is at any moment the sum total of expression of who you are. You are love using light to experience the incarnation you now experience, to process the catalyst that you are now receiving, and to explore those regions of feeling and concept which are sparked into awakening within you. 2006/0101.txt:31:We are not saying that the Creator has not gained a rich harvest of new information about Itself from this particular design of creation. However it does seem that the combination of advanced free will and advanced veiling of the actual metaphysical situation have created conditions that are unusually likely to produce the thought pattern of aggression in order to get one’s way. Since it is so difficult to see that we are all one in your third-density experience, since the veiling is so complete, it becomes possible for entities to contemplate ending another’s life with less discomfort than if they were contemplating ending their own life. This has made it possible for entities to become habituated to the destruction of other selves. 2006/0206.txt:33:To move to the extreme of this type of personality, there is an entity such as this instrument which does not accept any guru or teacher except the Creator Itself, in the guise of the Christ, which this instrument has come to know not only from its culture and its religious training but from personal experience. 2006/0226_02.txt:26:As you use your will to choose to open yourself to the light and the love that is in each moment, in each situation, and in each relationship, you will find that love itself will teach you what love is. It may feel awkward for quite awhile, off and on, to experience the rush and the roar of emotion. We encourage the one known as B to realize that these experiences are safe for him because they are being experienced in the nest and family of a group whose energy is able to help move energy aside in certain cases within the energy body where there have been blockages so that the love and the light of the infinite Creator can flow through in an uninterrupted and balanced manner where previously there was a shortage of that infinite energy coming from the Earth. It was moving into the body but it was being blocked at the red-ray energy center. 2006/0226_02.txt:28:The ability to speak of things that are too precious and too dear for words will not come easily, not only to the one known as B but to anyone who attempts to share the astounding richness of the experience of life itself. For there is an infinite flow of riches, beauty, truth, strength, peace and joy that flows throughout creation at all times. Tuning into that is like opening a door in the summer. There is never any need to feel alone, abandoned, neglected or discouraged in a universe so replete with loving energies of every imaginable nature that cluster and gather around each soul that is attempting to seek the infinite Creator. 2006/0318.txt:19:When the march that you experience now through the densities is complete, all of that harvest will be offered to the one infinite Creator. And the Creator will then have learned more about Itself than It knew before. Such is your gift to the one infinite Creator in every moment of your life as you accrete interesting information and gradually digest and understand more and more of that which you see. 2006/0418.txt:29:The density and weight of such information is incredibly great. You, my brother, would find it difficult to believe the amount of information and the kind of information that you have accreted to your soul stream during the very long and busy history of your beingness. You must realize that you have existed since before the planet upon which you now draw breath was created. You are a portion of the Creator Itself. You have experienced all densities within this octave of creation. In the non-local or metaphysical sense, you are even now in all of the densities, accumulating information to yourself to offer up as a gift to the one infinite Creator. Consequently, to know even one percent of your total history would be far too much information for you to bear within incarnation. 2006/1112.txt:21:If you can look at your experience in the context of the Creator’s desire to gather experience and information about Itself, then you will see that the Creator is perfectly happy with you whatever you are doing and especially delighted with you when you are attempting to know yourself at an ever deeper level. 2006/1210.txt:35:Consciousness has its home in all of the spaces that we have mentioned. Consciousness interpenetrates every cell of your body and every cell of everyone else’s body. It penetrates the Earth itself and the heavens and it is all one thing. You, as a spark of the infinite Creator, are a focusing spark, an observation point. You are a witness to the love and the light of the infinite Creator. You are here to bear witness, to experience, to collect those experiences as you would a bouquet of flowers, and then to offer that bouquet to the infinite Creator. 2006/1217.txt:27:This instrument has been reading a book called Handbook for a New Paradigm, and one short prayer is suggested by this particular book, “Lord, I am a human being. Help me to become.” When you know who you are, you are then free to change. When you are self-accepting, you are then free to evolve. Spiritual learning is not getting all the information needed and then having a degree in learning. We correct this instrument. In spirituality, spiritual learning is a mystery that occurs as the student begins to realize who he is, what his nature truly is. This instrument has over and over again in her life become tremendously excited and passionate, because she has experienced herself. And in that experience the self no longer contained the tired, drab garments of everyday personality. The self—any self, each of you, all of us—is a focal point in an infinitely complex and yet unified universe in which the Creator may learn about Itself. So you, as a teacher, are responsible, basically, for being that focused light through which the Creator shines. You are getting your surface personality out of the way so that the Creator may shine through more clearly. 2007/0506.txt:18:We find that this is a very difficult concept for your people to grasp. What is it to be? To breathe in and to breathe out? What is the worth of simply being? And yet the universe as a whole is one great, interactive being of which you are a focal point in a vast array of other sentient, intelligent points of awareness that are gathering experience for the infinite Creator that It may know more about Itself. 2007/0812.txt:29:What is it that impedes you this day? What thought has caused you to stop feeling as though you are the one infinite Creator in much shadowed form? Sit with this question until it begins to answer itself within you in whatever way it will. Experience to the fullest the energy of that blocked self. Was it impatience? Was it irritation? Was it the feeling of unworthiness? Was it the hesitation that comes from being confused? Whatever that momentary blockage is, first experience it and intensify it and then allow it to call forth its dynamic opposite. 2007/1013.txt:41:Perhaps mechanics are involved in allowing consciousness itself to live your life instead of your personality shell. Yet, my friends, those seemingly mechanical actions and rituals of remembrance and recall yield fruit as you begin to be aware that you truly are practicing the presence of the one infinite Creator in every mood, in every situation, in every moment. There is glory all around you and within you. Open to it, and let joy become your experience. 2007/1124.txt:42:It is well, therefore, to have a great appreciation and affection for your body. Indeed, one of the ways to enter the gateway of intelligent infinity is sacred sexuality, in which the body itself experiences that orgasmic joy and power that is the steady state of the one infinite Creator’s consciousness. 2007/1229.txt:17:You are that entity that can both act in space/time and be fully aware of time/space. You bring those two illusions together, the heavy illusion and the lighter illusion. And yes, we call both the metaphysical and the physical world illusions. As far as we know, all that is seen, touch, felt, tasted and so forth is an illusion. But as well, all that is thought in the worlds that are unseen is also a kind of illusion, each illusion being carefully crafted to give the inhabitants of that illusion those elements which they need in order to experience, learn, serve and grow. For all that you do and all that we do and all that is done in all of creation is harvested to the one infinite Creator, that It may know Itself ever better. 2008/0322.txt:53:However, it is equally true that sex itself may be used, whether in masturbation or sexual congress with another, to express positive polarity and the worship of the one infinite Creator. The mind is preeminent in this matter. Depending upon how a seeker feels about his sexuality, he may find it more skilful to work with refraining from sexual expression in terms of how he personally is impacted by the experience of reserving his sexual energy for winding of the magical coil. Or, depending upon the entity and his personality and the way he feels about his body, he may find that it is more helpful to create a spiritually-dedicated masturbation in which the object is to experience that orgasm which is the steady state of the one infinite Creator, that inexpressible and inutterable intensity of unconditional love that is the ecstasy at the heart of the experience of orgasm. 2009/0214.txt:4:The undifferentiated and unpotentiated infinite Creator has no bias. There is one thing. That one thing is self-understood and self-grasped and is content. However, the infinite Creator, choosing by the first distortion of free will to know Itself, has created a system of densities through which all of its sparks may proceed in order to experience all that can be experienced, to satisfy all desires, and to move through all the learnings of each density. 2009/1020.txt:8:At a level far below consciousness and waking awareness, each of these entities is fully aware that they are one with their brothers and one with the Creator. They are aware at that deep level that the nature of the mind of the Creator is that of love. At the conscious level many of your brothers and sisters have no belief or faith in the power of love. In itself this is not a tragedy, for all entities have control over their experience and are doing the will of the infinite One as they form desires of whatever kind and satisfy those desires. There is no time limit on spiritual evolution. Progress is inevitable. Those who do not awaken to the power of love and begin to desire to serve the infinite One during the present cycle, which now draws to its close, shall take flesh once again upon another third-density planet and experience another great cycle of learning in third density. 2009/1128.txt:3:The question that you ask this evening is most interesting in that it combines questions about what this instrument might call the little life of one incarnation and the life of the soul stream which lives a larger life within the precincts of eternity, moving through all of the densities of experience from octave to octave, from the timelessness of alpha to the timeless of omega, only to wake at last in the alpha of the next creation. For never doubt, my friends, that you are infinite and eternal. Yes, you are sparks of the Creator and yes, you are the Creator. And once again, in the next creation, you shall again be sparks of the Creator as the Creator chooses once again to know Itself. 2010/0227.txt:12:You are not your thoughts, nor are you your feelings. You are the entity, part of the Godhead principle, who is witnessing these thoughts and feelings and who, from these thoughts and these feelings, develops desires. And when you have identified a desire, you have the capacity to follow that desire, to set an intention concerning that desire, so that you may experience that which you desire. As you experience that which you desire, the Creator learns about Itself. Thus, all that you think and all that you feel is good in that it is grist for the mill4 of your witness. It is grist for the mill of your choices. It is grist for the mill of that which you learn as you follow your desires. However, to be attached either to a thought or a feeling is to allow that thought or that feeling to ride you. And since both thoughts and feelings have an energy which is not part of the most basic quality of your being, such attachment will not serve you while you are being driven by a thought or feeling, in terms of your being a witness to and a generator of the process of discovering that which you truly desire and then following the path of resonance which your attention and witnessing have created. 2010/0227.txt:14:Now, if you have a common ground of being, why can you not feel this ground of being? Why is it so obvious that each of you is an individual, not the same as anyone else, even your very closest friend, your mate, or your child? My friends, were you to experience yourself as just like each other, there would be no point in the manifested worlds. Admittedly, the manifested worlds are all illusory, in that they are not the one infinite Creator. They are sparks of the one infinite Creator which have been sent out to learn more about who the Creator is. So the very stuff of both your intellect and your feelings is illusory. And as you progress through the densities, you never escape illusion. You simply use the illusions of each density to learn more about who you really are and how that out-pictures itself in your experience. 2010/0313.txt:11:And, you are one in your ending, for you are fellow pilgrims walking through experience after experience, gathering the sweetness of every flower, the poignancy of every sadness, the horror of every tragedy, witnessing, amassing, sorting, analyzing, using the experiences that you have, constantly transforming yourself by that which you choose to see, that which you choose to understand, that which you hold and that which you release. Your path, while unique, has an inevitability in its general arc, for you shall, in the fullness of time and space, circle back to your source and be taken up again in that Creator for whom you yearn, for whom you live, and for whom you are gathering these experiences, these impressions, these moments of pure witness, these transformations that change the Creator’s knowledge of Itself. 2010/0905_01.txt:8:The density that we now enjoy, as the tribe of humankind, is the Density of Choice. The first point I’d like to make is that free will recapitulates the Creator’s choice to know Itself. In Its choice to know Itself it flung all of us bits of the Creator out to experience all that there is, to choose all that we wish to desire and to pursue it and set our intentions as we will, to use our free will to make choices. 2010/0905_01.txt:13:So, the Creator chose to know Itself. And we choose what? To know ourselves. We know that we are creatures of love because, logically speaking, how can we be anything else? There’s nothing but love. There’s nothing but the Logos. There’s nothing but the unconditional love of the infinite Creator. And we who are infinite and eternal beings have come into these very limited bodies. Why? Because we are this incredible way-point between eternity and all the forces of eternity, and the here and the now and the present and the limited and this wonderful world we have come to experience. 2010/0925.txt:14:And so, as you experience and make that catalyst that happens to you into wisdom and received grace, the Creator receives that harvest and knows ever more about Itself. Even if an entity were to choose all the things that you personally consider to be wrong, yet still, that entity is not making an error, for he too is offering to the Creator the harvest of his desires and their satisfaction. 2010/1023.txt:28:As we talk to you, you know that we are a combination of fourth-density, fifth-density, and sixth-density entities. Those within the principle of Q’uo have not yet gone through the ending of an octave of creation. However, it is our understanding, limited though it may be, that the essence of each part of the Creator that has been sent out remains in potentiation as the Creator breathes and decides again to know Itself better. And when It sends out parts of Itself again, there is a natural tendency to fracture or be splintered into the precisely identical soul stream that you experienced in the previous octave. So in truth, you, as an individual, are never lost. You simply are folded up into the Creator after a full octave of experience. After coming from alpha to omega you start again and you learn again and you desire again and the fruits of that are preserved for the Creator so that It may know Itself ever better. 2015/1121.txt:10:My friends, we believe you know the answer to this question. Indeed, the Creator is within all. All entities upon this planet are expressions of the One Infinite Creator that has taken this opportunity to give freedom of will to each of its portions so that lessons may be expressed and learned, and the fruits of the learning of experience may be offered to the Creator as a means by which it may know itself in ways that would not be possible without free will being exercised in the manner in which it is now being exercised. 2015/1205.txt:7:Thus, beginning with this view of the other as the Creator itself, another portion of yourself, then offer yourself as freely as you can in that which you share of thought, of experience, of possibilities, of questions, of doubts. Allow an interchange and exchange of information so that the flow of energy is a two-way flow, so that you are both teach/learner and learn/teacher, for this is the situation in which all entities find themselves, even those who are far more learned in a particular category that is being discussed than are those who are receiving the information for all teaching results in learning, and all learning results in some form of teaching. There is a balance to each experience; a balance to each incarnation, and the balance to the teach/learning process. Thus, when you give of yourself in this fashion, based upon love, sharing freely from the blue ray (or throat chakra) as well, you are offering in a balanced fashion that which is the best of what you have for this particular moment, calling upon those inner reserves and resources which have been dearly bought by your own study in service. We feel that this is a beginning exploration into the nature of service, looking at it from the point of view of one who wishes to be a conscious server of another. There are other areas in the process of service which we would discuss now through the one known as Steve. We would now transfer this contact to the one known as Steve. We are those of Q’uo. 2016/0206.txt:20:The reason that it is important to aid every last soul whose yearning merits hope that harvest may be nigh, is that every soul who has participated in this planetary experience is a portion of the destiny that this experience strives to achieve. [Each soul] carries with it a portion of the secret of creation itself, and has the promise of bringing to the Creator information which can be got in no other way. 2016/0220.txt:53:I am Q’uo, my brother, and we would suggest that each entity, be it the mystic or the simple seeker within third density that has yet to expand its mind to include such queries of which you ask, may at some point approach an understanding of the One Infinite Creator. At some point, each individualized portion of creation shall experience the sacrament of the fully experienced presence of the One Infinite Creator and then shall be able to answer all of these questions for itself. That is the mysterious journey upon which each of you, and all entities, are engaged at all times, whether consciously or subconsciously. This is the play, this is the game, this is the one seeking the One through infinity and finding the One within the self. 2016/0416.txt:3:So how can the concept of love, then, that which you see as the open-hearted sharing of compassion and understanding, of acceptance, be able to protect one, shall we say, to heal one? In essence, these are two facets of one ability of the concept of love that moves from the green-ray energy center within each being who has opened the heart in the giving and receiving of love. When you love, you are awakening this same quality in entities around you, in the forces of nature, shall we say, that also surround you. If you can open your heart in the ability to love those entities, those experiences, and those qualities of yourself that you see reflected to you by all around you, then you are creating a vibration not only in your own heart and your own being, but a vibration which moves outward to those that are in your vicinity, those that are in the direction of your will, of your being, of the nature of who you are. There is a sympathetic vibration then set up so that the love that you feel for others is reflected back to you from them, for love speaks to itself, your love and their love is one love. This love, then, if you direct it to do so, may provide you with a kind of vibratory shield, shall we say, that allows in only other qualities of love that you may be desirous of experiencing in the form of protection or of healing. For each of you has chosen those experiences within your incarnation, and have chosen them previous to the incarnation in order that you might be able to discover more of the nature of love as it exists within your being, and as it can exist as you move further and further into the spiritual journey, into the reunification with the One Creator that you see all about you. 2016/0416.txt:8:Now, the kind of love which is expressed and experienced by those who are individuated–those who are enjoying lifetimes in dimensions which have been ordered, as you say, by time and space–are those who participate in a kind of being which has its roots prior to time and space having arisen in the first place. It is for that very reason that love itself can be seen as a sort of transport from one domain or dimension to another, and it can also be seen as that characteristic which most clearly and most deeply defines the one original thought within the one original Creator. Now that Creator has undergone down through the ages an infinitely large number of distortions or divisions of itself–separations of itself from itself–and these separations are what we have given the name “free will” to. For each individual spark, or facet, or scintilla1 of the one great original thought is charged in such a way that it will seek again its source, and so seeking, will bring back to that source a refined intelligence of itself. As far as we understand, my friends, that is the purpose of the creation. The creation is a continuous event placed within love, such that love goes out from itself with the express intent of returning to itself. But as this process has been reiterated time upon time upon time upon time, there has been created a system of illusions by means of which it has been possible for these scintillas of love gone out from the source to articulate themselves, to refine their balances inwardly so that the intelligence of the original love they bring back to that source may be more eloquent, may be more refined, and in that sense may be more informative. 2016/0416.txt:11:You enjoy, at present, an experience in which the sense of remove from the great original thought is just about as strong as it ever will be, for you all have undertaken a series of lifetimes that have involved the veil of forgetting. The first effect of forgetting is the loss of the sense of who you are as a being connected in love to the whole. And it is for that reason that, for you, the experience of love itself generally involves an overcoming of a feeling of being unloved, and it often involves a feeling of engaging in activities that are not themselves of a loving nature. But, we would assure you that in the broader sense, in the sense which many of you are now remembering, love is all that is, and that is what is entailed in the realization you come to as you open your hearts–as you open your hearts to one another, as you open your hearts to the entire Creation around you, as you open your hearts to your innermost being–and find there that subtle whisper of a greeting from the one original source, that subtle whisper of “hello” from the Infinite Creator, reaching down through the illusory frameworks of space/time and time/space. Why, you might ask, are these illusory frameworks even in place? Why, you might ask, is there a distinction between what you have called space/time and what might be called time/space? And we would answer in this way: we would suggest to you that space/time is a framework in which you are able to achieve a great deal of focus in working with energies of a very finely developed nature, and by working in this focused way, you are able to gain a kind of penetration into what we would call the unknown frontier of the Creation. 2016/0416.txt:20:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed the second density is as aware of love as is the third density though perhaps able only to express it in certain limited functions and fashions. As you partake in the gardening experience, the tending of the plants, the planting, the weeding, the tilling and the sending of your own love to these entities, they are aware upon a very basic level of the nature of love itself, and are able to connect this reception of love with your presence, and are able to then shine forth this love in their production of the flowers, the fruits, and the very quality of their own being that is a beauty of balance and of the second-density approximation of the One Creator. There are also those spirits about that you may call the nature spirits, the devas, each of which has a certain kind of, shall we say, mentorship or relationship to the second-density creatures, so when you are gardening, you are not only interacting with the second-density plants, you are also interacting with those devas and nature spirits that are in charge of certain portions of the plant and animal kingdoms. These also contain the One Creator in abundance as the One Creator is everywhere at all times expressing itself in various ways to those who have ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to understand. 2016/0416.txt:43:I am Q’uo. As we appear to have exhausted the queries for the nonce. We shall take this opportunity to once again thank each present for inviting us to join your circle of seeking. It is a great honor and privilege to be here with you. Only by your inviting our presence do we have a beingness within your third-density illusion. Though much of the treasures and the pleasures of the One Creator are covered within this illusion, indeed those which show through your very being are a true pleasure for us to witness. Your calling upon the One Creator in everyday life experiences is that which is a true calling to the source of all being that is here, and which wishes to express itself through you as you are moving along your path of the incarnational journey, the spiritual journey of the doughty seeker. 2016/0904.txt:10:There is another sense of love, however, which we would invite you to consider. We have suggested that, in the nature of the creation itself, love may be counted as one of the early distortions that permit differentiated experience, that permit individuated souls to find their way, to have experiences in a diverse creation and to bring back to the Creator the fruits of these experiences. This portion of the nature of the creation we have sometimes called the second distortion. Now, the first distortion in this creation we have called free will, so it may well seem that love is a dimension of the nature of the way things are that comes about as a result of a first innovation, shall we say, in the creation, involving the development of free will. 2016/0904.txt:11:Now, to some extent this is true. To some extent it is true that love follows upon free will as a possible activity of those who embody free will in relation to one another, and one could say, in a larger sense, in relation to the creation as whole. In this sense it would seem then that a proper consideration of the nature of loving would require a fuller consideration of what it means to have free will. That is a story in itself, my friends, but it is useful to note [that], were it not for free will, were it not for the possibility that in creating an infinite number of, shall we say, sparks, or holograms of the creator—each of which can experience itself differently—the creator itself would have no possibility of knowing itself in any way that it did not already have prior to the event of the creation. And so there is contained in the concept of free will a potential that, strangely enough, registers as a not being of the creator to the creator. That already suggests the need of a return to the creator, by the creator, so that the creator may reap the harvest of the creation that has been undertaken so that the creator may know itself. 2016/0904.txt:15:Now this quality of being unknown is what we have sometimes called the quality of mystery. And it is mystery which characterizes as best as we have been able to discern, the One Creator in its undistorted self. But we would also like to suggest that the mystery of which we speak is a mystery which resonates down through every distortion, every facet, and every iota of the creation. This mystery is available for participating in, and to our experience, limited though it may be, love is always the most eloquent, the most searching, and the most fulfilling way of participating in the one central mystery which is the Creator Itself. 2016/0904.txt:16:And so, in the infinitesimally articulated experiences, down through all the densities, and in manner upon manner of creaturely existence, beyond the wildest imagination of any particular creature, there is available the possibility of taking up a direct relation to the one mystery of the creation, and making of this mystery a celebration of the creation itself as the Creator is given the opportunity to participate in a relation [that] the creature has made available to that Creator. The making available of that magical moment goes by the simple name of love. 2016/0904.txt:19:Now, one could easily suppose that were it the case that in one bright, shining day, all were able to return fulsome love back to the Creator, that the Creator would stand fully exposed to itself, and would know itself finally in Its completeness. However, it has been our experience, (and once again we would like to iterate that our experience is limited), that no knowing ever even begins to exhaust the mystery of the Creator, or the mystery of the creation. It is truly an inexhaustible source. And that inexhaustibility is something which you may sense in a small way in your experiences of love for your fellow creatures. For when you love your beloved, when you love your wife, when you love your husband, when you love your children, when you love your friends, when you love your groups, when you love your planet, you do so in such a way that it does not diminish that which is love. In fact, strangely, it seems to augment that which is love, and once again we face a paradox or a mystery, because a mystery which is so infinite and so completely mysterious, which seemed to be something that could not become more itself, that is to say, more mysterious, by being loved, and yet, it seems to us that this is exactly what happens. It seems to us that the creation does become more, and that the concept of infinity very strangely, incomprehensibly, is susceptible of becoming more. And more than that, it is of such a nature intrinsically that the orientation to more is part of its very constitution, part of its make-up. 2016/0904.txt:22:To love those that seem to you to be unlovable is strangely enough an even greater gift, for when you are able to find in yourself that resonance of love that can reach out to that which does not solicit it, but rather seems on the contrary to reject it, you have inched, however slightly, towards a wholeness of your whole being, towards a realization of your own being as unified, and every such experience of loving the unlovable, every such experience of unifying the un-unified is an experience of the Creator finding Its lost love returning home, returning to its source. And in doing so, you give also the opportunity of that other center of being, that other incarnate individual, an opportunity, perhaps, to experience (once again however slightly), an aspect of itself, himself, herself, not previously accessible. And so love heals many a wound, love bridges many a division. Love offers itself both as a possible activity and as a condition of being which is the very stuff, the very source, the very destiny of the entire Creation. 2016/0917.txt:3:But we know that you wish to know more of the details of how this expresses itself within your life pattern and within the life pattern of all those around you. How is this support given? How is it perceived? How is it possible when it seems that each of you is quite separate from each other, that you do not have a binding unity with the One Creator, an identity that cannot be dissolved by any illusion? Within the illusion that you now find yourselves, it seems so very likely that you are moving as individualized creatures who have maybe a good chance here, or not such a good chance there to make progress on your spiritual path; and yet we tell you that each step that you take—those that seem sturdy, strong, and successful, and those that seem a bit wobbly, unsure, mistaken—are all a part of one path of seeking that each offers its fruits to, shall we say. There are no mistakes, my friends. Those experiences which you have which you would perhaps call mistake, from these do you learn, perhaps even more than those that you would call a success. You are creatures of light. You are creatures of love, for of these two qualities are you made. 2016/0917.txt:8:We would sum up the remarks that we had to give through the instrument known as Jim by reiterating that this is indeed a creation of unity, and that by acknowledging your place within this unity, you can come to see the entire creation as that which cooperates with you in your quest to bring your special gift to the centering agency of the creation, the unity itself, which is a moment for great rejoicing on the part of the One Infinite Creator. When you have learned to see those events which unfold around you as a portion of the Creator experiencing itself, you are indeed upon the path of positive polarization, and upon the path of spiritual growth of a rather high order. However, we would suggest to you that we are fully aware that not all of your experience will seem to be of a positive order of origination, and that many of the events that constitute your catalyst do indeed seem to be challenging to a degree that can throw you off balance and can leave you feeling as if you have been driven out of the Garden of Eden, so to speak, and left bereft in a cold and windswept world. 2016/1001.txt:3:We look specifically at the Christian religion which this instrument has experience with, having been raised within its confines, shall we say, and having been subject to its influences. There are many within this religion—in fact most who practice it—who feel that the Creator is indeed apart from the self, existing in a realm that is often called Heaven, at least upon a cloud somewhere in the distance; that this Creator is enough apart from the self that those who observe this Christian religion may appeal to the Creator for one benefit or another through that office that you call prayer; may beseech the Creator to give certain blessings, certain healings, certain understandings that would perhaps not be possible unless the Creator was of a mind, shall we say, to respond in the affirmative to such feeding and praying. And yet, there are others within this same religion who take a more mystical bent, shall we say, and feel that the Creator is indeed within each being, that the one known as Jesus set the model or the standard for becoming a son of God, and that this station or office or realization is available to all, for did not the one known as Jesus say, “Greater things than I do, you shall do?” How could this be unless this realization of the sonship of the Creator was open to all? The fact that it has been achieved by so few, and of those few even fewer are known, does not remove the possibility, my friends, that this is in your destiny at some point. If not in this incarnation, then another. For as you all know your journey is not of one lifetime only. Many, many lifetimes have you already spent upon this journey; many, many more shall you spend continuing this journey, for in many respects it is an infinite journey, just as the Creator is infinity itself. 2016/1001.txt:13:Now here again we would suggest that there is a parting of the ways with regard to the modality of seeking on just this point, for some there are who have decided even when they conclude that seeking which goes deeper seeks that which lies within, that that which does lie within is something which can be described as being still within the grasp of a self which separates itself from all else in the Creation. This is a modality of seeking which does have the possibility of following a trajectory of spiritual development leading beyond the stage that you currently enjoy, and so there are those who seek themselves above all else that are able to enjoy a four-density experience. There are selves committed to pursuing themselves as separate from the rest of the Creation that are able to enjoy fifth-density experience, and some few selves of this description have been able to make the transition into the early stages of sixth-density experience. That is a rather long path possible for those who seek the self in such a way that they refuse the notion that this self may lose its boundaries and allow all of the rest of the Creation to flood in as it would do were the heart laid open. So there is a pathway there, and it is not a pathway which we will tell you that we despise. It is a pathway to the Creator by portions of the Creator that have chosen differently than we have done. That is not our pathway; it is not the pathway which we have to share with you. Were it our pathway, we would not be opening our hearts to you. Were that our pathway, we would not feel ourselves to be one with you. But, my brothers and sisters, we do feel ourselves to be one with you, and being one with you is simply the sign that we have chosen the pathway of service to others, as indeed we feel that all within this circle of seeking have chosen likewise. And that means that we are in this situation that, from the position you occupy, can seem paradoxical. 2016/1001.txt:14:You are our beloved others which we experience as other than ourselves and yet also as having a selfness, an anchor into the beingness of the Creation itself, that we, ourselves, share. We are both tethered to the same source, and it is because it is our joy to experience your joy as our own, it is our sorrow to experience your sorrow as our own, that we find the otherness that exists between you and us is, in fact, dissolved in the experience of sharing our being with you and your being with us. This, we say, is the pathway of the open heart in which again and again otherness dissolves into sameness, but doing so always opens again to the great adventure of the Creation, which is that new otherness always emerges. This comes as close as we are able to approximate to our understanding of the way the Creator itself experiences itself. It becomes other than itself and having become other than itself, it becomes again one with itself. It flows out, it flows in; it flows out, it flows in infinitely. One can find oneself within this great flowing out and in and out and in, and one can find oneself caught up in the rhythm of the Creation without having to decide at any one particular point whether this or that element of one’s experience belongs to the within or the without. 2016/1119.txt:50:In order to become that which is known as the healer, and to be able to offer this opportunity to others who are in need of healing, one must begin with a study of one’s own mind. One must become a balanced entity. Where you see difficulties of one nature or another, you must be able to balance those difficulties within your own mind/body/spirit complex so that you function as a balanced entity. For example, if you experience impatience in your life in the daily experience, you may, in your meditations in the evening, attempt to repeat that feeling of impatience, allowing its opposite, patience, to come into balance. Seeing both as opportunities for the Creator to know itself. 2016/1203.txt:17:We would suggest to you that in this silent core it is not so much the darkness of chaos that reigns, but a light which shines inwardly, and gathers itself to clarity of purpose, to fullness of intent, slowly, slowly, slowly, unseen, unsuspected at first, but capable of emerging into such a glorious flowering that it can be an experience of great awe to witness; to witness the silent stirrings of intent to heal, to give to others, and to glorify the One Creator. These are the seeds that will allow your hope to blossom into a new reality that beckons. 2016/1203.txt:32:This is the rising of the kundalini to its height, where the entity realizes itself as the One Creator. However, if at any lower energy center— most especially the magnetically charged in the, shall we say, negative sense, of the negative pole of drawing unto the entity energies of the red, orange or yellow centers— [have] not been balanced sufficiently to withstand the impact of the rising of the energy to the indigo center, then there will be imbalances in the experience of this energy as it moves into the indigo-ray energy center. These imbalances may be detected by an entity which has experienced some anomaly, shall we say, in the experience of the rising of the kundalini. The anomaly may be that which is confusing, is surprising, unexpected, and which gives one doubt. This is the sign of, not necessarily danger, but of imbalance. 2016/1203.txt:49:The nature of various Logoi within the Infinite Creation is various, shall we say, for each has the free will to provide a means by which the One Creator may know itself with greater variety and intensity, for indeed this is the reason for the Creation. Thus, there are some Logoi who have chosen to join forces with others in which you may call “an experimental basis,” to see if there might be more variety or intensity of experience possible by the joining of these forces. 2016/1203.txt:50:Each Logos has the ability to create a system of planetary entities that will provide it with further means by which to offer to the Creator experience that reveal itself more fully. Whether there may be two or three or more Logoi involved in such an experiment is up to the free will choice of those who share this desire to join together with others of their kind to provide an experience that is enough at variance from what could be produced by a single Logos, that the experiment is undertaken. 2016/1217.txt:8:For if you look with the eye of compassion, true heartfelt love, upon any situation and remove yourself from it, look from a distance, you may see, if you see clearly, the Creator experiencing itself through you. For is that not the reason for the Creation? To give the Creator a variety of experiences that it would not have without your free will choices. And so you do, in everything that you do, give the Creator more intensity and variety of experience. 2016/1217.txt:9:So as you look from a distance and see the Creator experiencing itself, for the moment that you are no longer attached to that image and that experience, you feel love, you feel compassion, you feel understanding, you feel acceptance, and then you move again, placing yourself in the role in which the anger has been experienced, and you lose that distant perspective, you lose the knowledge of the Creator experiencing itself, and this is not a bad thing, my friends—this is why you came here, this is what this illusion offers you. Do not feel bad that you have what you call anger or other distortions. These are the methods by which you learn what you wish to learn. When you are experiencing such catalyst know in your heart and in your soul you are doing what you came to do. 2017/0204.txt:10:I am Q’uo, and am with this instrument. We would begin our communication through this instrument by thanking those here present, as well as this instrument and the one called Jim, for the effort it expends in calling upon us to speak and to share that energy which we have to offer as a portion of this seeking which we may all participate in together. We would point out that those here present are calling, and we are those who are responding to this calling. Now, you may liken this calling to the expression of a kind of desire belonging to the female principle, and you may liken our response to the calling as a kind of desire feeling [itself] called by the desire of those here seeking for truth. In our response there is a maleness, you might say, for we reach to you from a place which lies in your future as you might understand it, and in that sense, if you can, for a moment, pull back from your present circumstances of incarnation and consider yourself in a fully rounded way, you may see that there is really no ultimate separation between us and you. Now, in this circumstance of seeking, however, there seems very much to be a separation, and that separation seems to be the basis of this experience which you might understand as communication. We reach to you with this message of love and of light, as indeed, you have called us to reach to you with our message. Your calling is polarized; our reaching is polarized—female to male, male to female. And thus we have an event taking place that is an event in your lives, and an event in our lives, and an event in the life of the Creator. And so, we have as it were, simultaneously, an event which registers without polarity and with each of the two poles of the polarities represented by the male and the female principles. 2017/0204.txt:34:However, for most, it is a slow journey. It is one that is learned over many lifetimes, perhaps [even from] previous third- density experiences which have not yielded the proper polarity and ability to see all as the Creator and as the other self, and therefore, to love all others as such. Thus, it is a long road for some, or, indeed, most upon your planet, and yet for those who are able to make this journey within their own hearts, the qualities of loving others unconditionally are unmistakable in their appearance and in their effect, not only upon the seeker of truth itself, but on those with whom this seeker touches in its daily round of activities. 2017/0304.txt:48:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We look upon the entity that is your Earth planet, and do not perceive that it has a name for itself, for it is that which is the mother, it would call itself, more or less, That Which Nurtures. Many entities in the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator do not engage in the naming which is so popular among your peoples, but see themselves, rather, as vibratory levels of experience that have certain abilities and desires to be of service, and offer them according to a unique vibrational quality of, you may say, desire expressed, desire manifesting. This is the case with the planet of your present origin. 2017/0318.txt:6:When this is accomplished over a period of time, you may discover that there is an etheric feeling that makes itself known by there no longer being a necessity for your conscious creation of the one-pointed focus. This one-pointed focus then becomes that which is automatically experienced, and you simply are a witness to it as you continue the breathing as you have done. The focusing upon an image or a sound can have the same effect—that is the allowing of extraneous thoughts to fall away so that the mind may be aware of only the one point, the center of the self, totally relaxed and being one with the Creator. 2017/0318.txt:13:Thus, when you find you have been thrown from your one-pointed center, that still point of unity, then, in a portion of your meditation for the evening, it is well to take this experience, to relive it again in the meditative state that you may expand it and allow it to become larger than it was in real life, to become ridiculously large, so that you experience it to the fullest, you experience all of the power of seeming separation, of disharmony, of doubt, of confusion, of jealousy, of rage, of anger, whatever the emotion, whatever the experience that has taken you away from your unity, may be utilized to find that unity deep within the self once again. For when you experience it in a ridiculously large manner, and then see the opposite coming toward you, if you are angry, seeing love coming toward you, and allow it to become as large in proportion as was the anger to begin with, then this process of balancing will give you an even keel, shall we say, according to that situation so that you see it as an opportunity for you to know yourself more fully, for you to know the Creator more fully, and for the Creator to know itself more fully. That is the purpose of the creation, my friends, that the Creator may know itself in greater depth and greater intensity and greater variety. 2017/0401.txt:19:We have said to you that as a portion of the adventure of individualized being, each mind/body/spirit complex may reach to the resource of its unity as if that were something already fully achieved. Now, we will say to you that, in fact, it is already something fully achieved in the form of your higher self, although to tell you this in the context of your experience of time, will inevitably seem paradoxical. To heal is to discover yourself as healed, and we will tell you that as you gaze upon those souls that are under the forces of bellicose actions, compelled to leave this incarnation, that that same thought that you may take for your own integration, you may take for theirs, for at the level of the higher self, you may not be two, but rather one, and we know that at the level of the Creator, itself, all are one. All is already healed; all is already integrated; all sorrow is redeemed in joy. 2017/0430_01.txt:2:The concept of service is one which is inbuilt into all of the creation. For each of you is a part of the One Creator as is all the creation. The Creator has desire to know itself, and has made this creation as the means by which this knowing of the self is made possible through the experiences that each of you has as you move through the various densities of light on your return to the One Creator. You cannot not serve, my friends. This is a bias of the nature of a unified creation. Everything that you do, no matter what your intention, is service to the One Creator. However you exercise your free will provides the Creator knowledge of itself. 2017/0506.txt:25:The red-ray energy center being that which deals with the survival of the entity and the sexual reproduction of the entity, its survival, shall we say, as a species. The orange ray being that individual or emotional idiosyncrasy that is expressed in a one-to-one relationship with another being. The yellow ray being that group expression of energies that the wanderer has involved itself in. The green ray being the opening of the heart energy center, and the experience of universal love, being able to both give and receive that love. The throat chakra being that freely given communication or inspiration and acceptance of other selves. The indigo ray energy center being that energy of the adept, the magical personality and its state of beingness, of the sense of the Creator as intelligent energy. The violet ray being that center which reflects the overall balance of all the energy centers. 2017/0520.txt:10:Look then, in your meditations, to how this manifested itself, and seek to balance the lack of understanding with a greater understanding. Re-create the situation that caused the momentary baffling of your perceptions. Enlarge upon that situation so that you cause it to become greater and greater—outrageously large. And then, for the moment, image the opposite. If you had a problem with love, or being unable to feel love, then see that love growing. See the lack of love that you experienced, in its outrageous form, balanced by the love that grows and grows to equal that lack of love in the situation in which you seek now to balance. Then, as you feel both the lack of love, and the love before you in equal proportions, accept yourself as the doughty seeker of truth, the hearty soul traveling a long and dusty road, and accept yourself for having both of these experiences contained within you, as means by which the One Creator might come to know itself better. 2017/0520.txt:11:For, my friends, the One Creator has made all the creation as a means by which it can learn more of itself, for it offers free will to each seeker of truth. To exercise that free will then, each seeker offers to the One Creator a unique gift, that reveals to the Creator, that which it might not know had you not experienced what you did, in the way you did. 2017/0916.txt:4:To begin, the creation in which we all dwell is a unified creation. It is that which has been created by the One Infinite Creator delegating, shall we say, the love that is so much a part of the One Creator to those entities that you call suns or stars, Logoi which reflect the love of the Creator in their activity of furthering the creation in which it holds true that all is well. For each Logos entity makes its own galaxy of stars, shall we say, using the material, the basic blueprint, we may say, that is given to it, to each one by the One Creator. Thus, the entire creation, in its infinity of beingness, can be seen on a macrocosmic scale to be that which reflects the One Infinite Creator and its desire to know itself in ways that are not possible without entities exercising their free will as they move through the densities of experience, learning the lessons of each density, and eventually returning again, in unity, to the One Creator, bringing the gifts of their free will choices to aid the Creator in knowing itself. 2017/0916.txt:9:That is the mystery of the creation, my friends, in a nutshell, for to be a creature is to be vulnerable, and vulnerability is a mark of separation or distance from unity. Now, we assure you that there is no thing that you can say or do or that can happen to you that ultimately will separate you from that unity. But it is also true that to all appearances to the innermost resonance of your deepest experience it can seem that you reach for that unity in vain—that the unity itself could not be further than it actually is—and in that distance from Creator to creature, there lies the whole purpose and intent of the creation, for in that distance, the Creator finds that even while it is true that the Creator cannot be other than what it is, it is also apparently true, that it is just this. That is to say, other than it is. 2017/1104.txt:51:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The conscious mind is that which contains concepts which you could describe in some way as being gravitic, or of an attractive nature. The conscious mind is that which draws unto it those concepts and qualities of concepts that hold relevance to the seeker, which expresses a desire to learn certain lessons. This is much like your physical sensation of gravity, in that when an object of a material nature that has mass and weight is dropped, the object shall fall at a certain rate of speed toward the center of the Earth, which is expressing this gravitic quality. Gravity, in the spiritual sense, is the drawing unto the One Creator of all that is in the creation that has been created of light. You have described that as the spiraling line of light that those of Ra speak of within their Law of One channelings. Thus, the seeker of truth is much likened to a planetary entity, in that it draws unto itself those kinds of fields of interest with which it may interact, much as the light moves toward the Creator within all things, large and small, so do concepts of a spiritual quality move towards the seeker that desires them, so that the seeker actually draws unto itself those experiences that will allow it to learn those lessons which have been pre-incarnatively programmed by the seeker for the self. 2017/1202.txt:14:We believe that everyone in this group is aware that the choice is one which allows you to decide that it shall be your ego, your constructed self, that shall arrogate to itself, all power. It matters not if that is your choice, what the rest of the world will say, for the strength of your conviction comes entirely from within. If, on the other hand, your choice is to allow the dissolution of that illusory self, so that you may be of greater service to other selves, to the creation itself, and to the Creator, then you begin to experience yourself as the finest filament of spirit, which can seem to be blown by every stray wind, which can seem to be so vulnerable that it’s almost inconceivable it could survive among the tempests of your life experience, and as you reflect upon the question, the only thing you do have in the store is your commitment, your resolve, that the entire meaning of your life is that of service to others. 2018/0120.txt:26:Thus, if you can exercise both the faith that what is expressing itself to you is part of you and is a part that is potentially quite helpful, and the will to continue to explore this unknown portion of yourself, then there is likened unto a door that swings open for you and invites you to enter, that your experience of both your smaller self, and your greater self, that is the One Creator, might be had. In short, there is nothing to fear; there is much to discover. But, it will take an effort upon your part to do so. 2018/0203.txt:22:We will caution you that the more experienced you become in this process, the more adept you have gotten to be in absorbing and transmuting negative energy into the positive, the more radiant you will become, and the more radiant you become, the more you will begin to attract energies of all kinds really, but we would say notably, of this negative or disruptive sort, because at bottom, this disrupted energy truly wants to heal, though it does not know that that is what it truly wants, so it will unconsciously be attracted to you, and we find that the more you are able to take on, the more it is offered you to take on, and that can build to the point that you reach your limit. You become surfeited with energies that are crying out to be healed beyond your capacity to take them all in and to work them inwardly to a condition of balance. This, my friends, is the signal, that for you, a good sleep is nigh, and you are well advised to know that you cannot, by yourself, heal all the stray energies that abound upon this planet at this time. You can’t do that, your group can’t do that, we of Ra, we of Latwii, we of Hatonn, cannot do this. We can, however, do the best we can do, and then, for the rest, it is a matter of humbly turning to the Creator and asking what there is to be learned in contemplation of that which we cannot do, that which seems irremediably negative, sad, a misadventure in the creation itself. 2018/0407.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Your planetary sphere at this time is moving through a portion of time/space in which the vibrations of awakening have intensified to the degree where those entities who are sensitive to certain energy-center accelerations are aware that they are going through transitions that are in the nature of these energy centers which have some remaining hindrance or blockage to the full experience of the intelligent energy or the light which is now available to those conscious seekers or truth—and indeed are available to all entities upon this planetary sphere, whether they be conscious seekers of truth, or yet unconscious of the nature of the potential for growth in the spiritual sense that is available to them. All entities are experiencing some kind of response to these increased vibrational distortions that are now engulfing your planet as a rhythmic manifestation of the beginning experience of fourth density, which itself is a quantum leap forward, or upward, in the vibrational expression of the One Creator. If a consciously oriented entity experiences increased oscillations or vibrations in a certain energy center, or combination of energy centers, it is well to look to the nature of those centers so energized that there may be a conscious realization of the kind of vibration that is yet to be fully expressed through the entity’s energy system. Those of Ra have described these centers in detail, thus we will leave the determination of the nature of each center to those seekers present. 2018/0407.txt:53:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. That which you have called the orgasm seems to be most unusual within most entities as being seen as a normal experience. That which you call the sexual experience for most entities upon this planetary sphere is that which has suffered a great deal of disguise, shall we say, and manipulation throughout many thousands of years of disharmony upon this planet. It has been that which has been used to confuse, to sell—to destroy, in some cases, further desire for any other experience. And yet, we say to you, that when you experience that which you call the orgasmic release of the energies of sexual expression, you are experiencing that which is the steady state for many higher density entities, for as one moves into greater and greater union with the One Creator, that which is experienced resembles what you call the orgasm in the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels of energy expression and experience. That orgasmic release is but a hint, my brother, of that which awaits each seeking soul that is able to make the graduation into the higher densities, beginning with your fourth density that is now available to Planet Earth. Thus, this hint is that which has suffered greatly in its being perceived by Earth’s population as being tainted, reserved only for certain entities, and being made into an object of desire for itself only. We can assure you, there is more to come ... pun intended. 2018/1006.txt:13:The progress, or the stages, as you have called them, of the blending of vibrations becomes amplified with the addition of each entity passing through that so-called tunnel of light, the vibrations of which are able to entice or draw toward it, those passing from the third-density illusion. As more and more entities, then, become aware of their new environment, there is the opening of each heart to each other heart, the opening of each mind to each other mind, the blending of the spirit, so that there is the ability to give and receive love in a fashion that is harmonious to all entities engaged in this group process. Thus each entity brings a living library of experience with it, as it is able to find a place within the beingness of the group. Each entity, therefore, will discover that there is a greater sense of self that enlarges itself within each portion of the group energies. Thus, there is the creation of what you would call a social memory complex that has a type of identity that is much likened unto the cells of the body of the One Creator becoming conscious of the Creator within each entity. 2018/1006.txt:14:Thus, this process of blending of the vibrations of each entity has, at its disposal, the total living bank of each memory from each entity’s incarnations throughout the third-density experience. Therefore, there is a time in which this blending may be completed, a time that is not measured as you measure time. This time may be seen as a kind of opening into the infinite intelligence of the One Creator so that each entity, thus offering itself into this blending, becomes aware of the nature of the One Creator, not only within itself, but also within each other entity within this newly forming circle of being which you would call either a group mind, or a social memory complex. 2018/1020.txt:9:At some point, this Infinite Creator made a choice—the choice was the first movement away from complete unity, and is called a distortion of that unity—a freewill distortion in which the Creator decided that it would know itself in ways that would not be possible if it did not create other intelligences and give them this same freewill which the One Creator exercised to begin the creation of a multitude of galaxies, each of which took the creative energy of the One Creator, that which you call love, or Logos, and from this primal Logos, extended the desire to know itself to an infinity of other Logoi, each of which created its own galaxy of experience. 2018/1020.txt:69:In your illusion, in this third-density experience, it seems that there are the positive and negative entities that are so vastly separated from each other that there could be no possible union at any time. This is another illusion, my sister. See, then, the Creator in all, for the Creator has made all that there is—there is nothing but the Creator. Look above and beyond that which seems negative and divisive, for it is an illusion and at some point it shall be ameliorated and rectified. There will be, once again, the unity of all of creation as each individual within the infinite creation exercises its freewill to move back into unity with the One Infinite Creator, bringing all its infinite choices to the One Creator as means by which it may know itself more fully, more intensely, and with greater variety. All is one, my sister, there is no other truth. 2018/1117.txt:57:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The one-pointed focus that allows the seeker of truth to attempt and eventually attain the activation of the indigo ray is a great and primary portion of this ability to activate the indigo ray, for its eventual activation itself [is] of the spirit, and uses this spirit as a shuttle for contact with the One Infinite Creator. However, we would also suggest that the indigo ray is the seat of that self which is the One Creator manifested as the creative power of Love. This, when realized fully within any seeker of truth, gives such seeker a sense of worth, of self-worth as you might say, that it is able to see itself as the One Creator, whole and perfect, worthy in every respect, in order to continue processing catalyst so that there is the gaining of the knowledge of the self at each lower energy center in a way in which these various aspects of the self are then put together in the indigo-ray energy center, so that there is, then, a wholeness of being experienced by the seeker of truth. 2018/1117.txt:74:[footnote start]Reminds one of 95.24: “The seeker which has purely chosen the service-to-others path shall certainly not have a variant apparent incarnational experience. There is no outward shelter in your illusion from the gusts, flurries, and blizzards of quick and cruel catalyst.However, to the pure, all that is encountered speaks of the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. The cruelest blow is seen with an ambiance of challenges offered and opportunities to come. Thusly, the great pitch of light is held high above such an one so that all interpretation may be seen to be protected by light.” – Ra↩[footnote end][footnote start]74.11: “The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold. One, know yourself. Two, accept yourself. Three, become the Creator.The third step is that step which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves. In relation to the pursuit of the magical working the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing itself, accepting itself, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is. There is then no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching. As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity.” – Ra↩[footnote end][footnote start]See: 74.5 – 74.11↩[footnote end] 2018/1215.txt:64:Many times, however, entities seeking solitude, are seeking solitude to be away from other entities, in which case there is hopefully within the preincarnative choices of such an entity the opportunity to have an experience that will move the perception of the value of solitude further and further along or toward the joining with others in group efforts. The adept, however, is the entity which moves in a seeming solitary pattern in order that it might find within itself that great communion of all entities that is found within the heart of one who knows the One Infinite Creator. This seeking and finding of the one within, then, is oftentimes achieved in the solitary journey. 2019/0204.txt:21:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. This land on which you dwell is a being of great wisdom and love, as you are well aware. This entity that is presenting itself to you in the form of geographical features, land, trees, water, air, is that which functions according to the divine plan the One Creator to be able to develop the natural means that would enable it to express its joy and love of the One from which it comes. Thus, if in your efforts at blending your energies with this entity, you can also be able to empathically identify with this being in a manner which opens the heart in total, unconditional love, so that there may be a communication developed between you and your land friend that may enlighten both of you, there is the possibility of an experience that is shared by both of you in which the purpose of the being and its joy in serving the One Creator might be enhanced so that there is a greater and deeper communion between you. 2019/0209.txt:16:Thus, as in meditation and in contemplation in an action you discover this authentic self that is you at the heart of your being. You are able to utilize this realization in order to fully disclose the love and the light that is within you, that flow forth freely from you when you are able to realize who you are in truth, that you are but in this illusion a limited portion of the infinity of yourself that exists beyond all illusion, for authentically you are the love and the light and the unity of the One Infinite Creator. There is nothing else in the universe but these qualities formed in such and such a way in many dimensions of being in order to allow the One Creator to experience itself in ways which are more intense in variety and more pure in quality so that it may know itself more fully through each experience which you, as a portion of it, may have in any density or illusion of this infinite creation in which you dwell. 2019/0323.txt:12:Thus, as you become more aware of who you are, you become more aware of how the Creator moves in your being through each step that you take, especially within your meditative state. If you invoke the Creator within and ask of that Creator to move through you this day, as all days, and to express itself to you in a way in which you are able to discern that there is an expansion of your awareness occurring throughout the day that you experience, then you become more and more familiar with this quality of the Creator that resides within your very being. [Then] when you invoke it, you are calling upon the greater portion of your being to make itself apparent to you, that you may see how the Creator meets you in every experience, in every day, throughout your life, so that you may see with clearer eyes, with an open heart, with clear communication, with the ability to create changes in your own consciousness as a result of processing the catalyst that you find yourself emerged in throughout every day. 2019/0323.txt:94:The merkabah, as we are aware of this quality, is a type of expression of the unity of the One Creator that may be seen as an, shall we say, crystalline being, a type of being or essence which reflects the unity of the creation in an individualized sense so that the merkabah becomes a symbol to the seeker that may utilize the visualization in the meditative state of the crystalline nature of its own being, so that the seeker itself is able to perceive the merkabah existing within its own being, and being reflected in the experience of the seeker in its daily round of activities. The crystalline nature of this merkabah being that which is able to find a connection between the seeker and each other self, or each other experience, that therefore becomes likened unto a crystal itself, the seeker and the relationship that it holds with all other entities and all other things becoming much like any crystal that has various relationships, various angles of relationship, various qualities of reflection, various qualities of perfection, various qualities of the entirety of the creation contained within each moment, and each experience of the seeker. 2019/0330.txt:27:This becoming of the Creator is opening a door to a greater experience of yourself as the One that has made all that there is. This is a gift that is given to the seeking self that enters into meditation and utilizes its will to serve as that pathway to the One Creator: exercising the great desire to know the One, to be the One, to express the One, letting that desire and that will open that door widely so that the One in all its glory, power, peace and majesty may express itself to you, not just through the door, but within your self as well. This is a process of a lifetime of seeking that can, shall we say, end in a moment of inspiration and enlightenment, where the light that shines comes from within you and from without you, and is one with you. 2019/0420.txt:76:Thus, such a seeker of conscious experience and catalyst in the processing of such, becomes availed of those facets of itself that are sacred, that are holy, that are all-encompassing, that are a portion, and in fact, in totality, the One Infinite Creator. Thus, there is no end to the discoveries of the facets of the self that a personality shell may discover in the spiritual journey. There is, within each entity, then, the possibility of making these discoveries of the enhanced qualities and facets, and energies, and directions of the soul essence that is expressing itself in greater and greater manner as the fourth-density energies continue to enhance this process upon your planetary sphere. 2019/0518.txt:75:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. As each seeker begins the day, knowing that there is much work, as you would call it, of the physical sense, of the mental sense, and of the spiritual sense awaiting it, it is well to retire into the meditative state and to open the heart in that state to the One Creator; to move within the heart of the being of the seeker that the will of the Creator may be done that day through the seeker in all the actions, in all the thoughts, in all the words; that the seeker becomes a vessel then for the One Creator to move upon the waters of consciousness, both subconscious and conscious realms, so that there is a fuel, shall we say, that the seeker then is powered by, knowing that it has given itself over to the basic reason it exists. The purpose of the incarnation, the destination of each seeker of truth, [is] to open the heart in unconditional love to all and to aid this process by inviting the One Creator to move within the heart, within the mind, within the body, within the experience of the day, that this aid may be given to the seeker to share with all that comes before its notice. In this way, there is an enhancement of the ability of each seeker to find a way to give love where love seems to have no home. 2019/0907.txt:40:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that this practice has a certain utility to those who place their faith in it, for the intention is that quality which is of the most importance, not necessarily the features or factors of the process itself. The process of reserving the sexual energies in the red and orange centers of energy is a process which can lead to that which you would call a greater appreciation and experience of the creation about one, and the Creator within one. 2019/0928.txt:41:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, music, as you call it, the rhythm of the spheres is that which is a significant portion of each higher density so that the orchestral sounds and vibratory patterns of musical expression become a primary means of communication between some entities who have a predilection towards vibrating in harmony with those beings that are a portion of the family or spiritual groupings of entities who, as a portion of their daily worship of the creation and the Creator, vibrate in musical notation their joy and love of living the higher density experience. There is, within each entity, a certain notational vibration that is unique to each entity so that the entity itself becomes likened unto an instrument that may be played, not only by the entity itself, but by the One Creator that exists within each entity. Each entity has within it the ability to vibrate musical notations in such a fashion that the creation itself begins to sing within such an entity. This type of orchestral vibration, then, becomes a worshipful experience for each entity that is able to partake in this type of internalization of music of the spheres, as it is called. 2019/1123.txt:75:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, we find the one known as Edgar was quite well-informed by his ability to penetrate the Hall of Records and to discern from these records of the evolution of humanity upon Planet Earth. [He saw] that the incarnations available within the third-density illusion, beyond the veil of forgetting, were an opportunity not only within each incarnation to become transformed or initiated or to become more and more one with the Infinite Creator, but that each moment, each day, each observation by the seeker of truth had the ability to transform the entity in a manner similar to that of initiation. As the seeker of truth becomes more and more aware of the journey of the seeking of the One Infinite Creator within itself and within all of creation, it discovers that there is the chance to become that which it seeks in every moment of its existence if its point of view is broad enough, and travels down to the roots of its consciousness and to the heights of its beingness so that it is able to perceive in a manner which is enhanced and imbued with the love and the light of the One which it seeks with every fiber of its being, in every daily round of activities, so that all becomes the oneness for such a being, becomes the Christed experience for such a being. At some point, this type of desire to seek the one in all gains a kind of spiritual momentum and reveals to the mind, body and spirit complex, that it is, indeed, that which it seeks, and this realization, or illumination, then, becomes to be manifested more and more fully, so that illumination becomes communion, and communion becomes union with all that there is. 2019/1214.txt:48:However, the conscious seeker must also be aware that all of life is the One Infinite Creator, and all of life lives upon itself in one fashion or another. In this regard, we would look at the killing of the grasshopper, or the bug, or the person, as being the offering of the change of vibration to a portion of the One Creator, that is unconsciously or consciously, accomplished, so that there is seen an interaction between the self and the One Creator at various levels of being. These levels of being, then, are a portion of the experience of each seeker, be they lawn service, nuclear scientist, surgeon, teacher, mother, or child. Each entity deals with some live portion of the One Creator, for there is nothing but life within the creation, even those items which seem material objects and lifeless, have within them, the One Infinite Creator in all of its being. Thus, it is the intention that is the most important factor in dealing with each level of life form that the seeker encounters. The intention, then, if it is to be most positively oriented, is to enhance the total beingness or wellbeing of the One Creator with every action that is undertaken. If every action is undertaken, then, with the desire to be of the greatest service to the One Creator, then it must be seen that there are, shall we say, unavoidable seeming restrictions or killing, or limiting, or misapprehending of the Creator in every type of experience one encounters in the life pattern. 2019/1214.txt:49:The intention, then, is that which drives the positively oriented entity in continuing its service in whatever manner it provides it, so that the greater good is realized for all about this entity, and the concerns then are always pointed towards enhancing the well-being of the One Infinite Creator at all times. This will find the seeker, then, having to decide for itself, what it feels is most appropriate in every experience, for there is nothing but the One Creator all about every entity everywhere at all times. Thus, it is a personal choice that must be made upon the basis of the recognition of the omnipresence of the One Creator within all things. 2020/0111.txt:25:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed, it is not only possible, but that is the reality for each entity and each portion of the one infinite creation, for the Creator has made all that there is out of its own being so that it may know itself more fully through all of the free will choices that each of the portions of itself shall make on their journey back into unity with the One Infinite Creator. Thus, your task, as a conscious spiritual seeker of truth, is to become more and more aware of the Creator existing within each iota of your being and, indeed, existing entirely in the one infinite creation. This is a type of realization which can be experienced by the conscious seeker of truth as it goes further and further along its path of seeking, for the path itself is formed of the One Creator. There are exercises which are helpful to the seeker of truth that might aid in the perception of the Creator about one. 2020/0111.txt:26:As you look about you in your daily experience, in the meditative state, look and see the One Creator. Feel, in some essence and some degree, the Creator within yourself seeing itself through your eyes. When you see other entities moving about you, see the Creator. When you look into a mirror, see the Creator. These may sound like the most simplistic of exercises, however, if done with a sincere desire to see the Creator, and to know, from the heart of one’s being, that such is true and such is possible, then the Creator may reveal itself more and more to you as you seek it, for as you seek it, you draw unto yourself the ability to perceive it more and more fully in your own experience of the spiritual journey. 2020/0111.txt:69:Thusly, the demon is that quality that has been constructed by the negative entity after ascertaining the kind of being a certain third-density entity may find a reaction of fear for. Therefore, the demon is, shall we say, personally constructed for a particular mission, for not only a certain entity, but a certain type of entity—usually the weaker-minded entity that is unable to look beyond the demon and see that it is a creature of the One Infinite Creator in its ultimate reality. And when there is love and light transmitted to it from the entity that was full of fear for it, then there is the transmutation of the demon within the mind of the entity instead of fear. This is a means by which the entity that was the object of the demon and the object of the negatively oriented entity’s efforts to control, then is able, by calling to a higher power to move itself beyond the level of the negatively oriented entity and the demon and to shower both with the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator that is heart-felt, for there is, within this entity, then, the feeling that the One Creator is the ultimate type of resource that all seekers of truth may call upon to deal with any demon or any perceived negativity within the life experience. 2020/0118.txt:53:We realize that this terminology is paradoxical at its base, for words cannot give a totally accurate representation of this entire process. Words can but give a shadow reflection, shall we say, of this process. However, this reflection is then utilized by the Primal Logos to create more and more of itself, more and more of the One Infinite Creator that exists within itself with the desire to know itself, so that the Infinite creation of infinite Logoi then, becomes the framework within which the desire of Intelligent Infinity to know itself has the means to be expressed and experienced. 2020/0118.txt:113:There are these gradations of creation that allow for an increasing experience of the Creator by the Creator so that this experience within the octave of densities, then, does take upon itself the polarization of the positive and the negative so that there is an interaction or an interplay between these polarities within the third-density illusion most especially, as within this third-density illusion, where the choice of polarities is made. 2020/0208.txt:71:There are many such possibility/probability vortices that have been and are possible within your third-density illusion at this time. For the harvest time is a time of great upheaval and change. There is much volatility amongst many nations and individuals and groupings within nations that makes it necessary for the type of experience that is now being felt to be assessed in a manner which does not bring fear. However, most entities are subject to the fear aspect of such an outbreak of a virus of this nature. There is, in such an experience, the opportunity to see that the Creator is knowing itself in all that happens around one and within one. 2020/0220.txt:13:As we move into the blue energy center, this is the first center in which the spiritual energies are outgoing and the entity is the Creator expressing itself in clear communication, [including] honest descriptions of the effect of the catalyst it is experiencing, inspirational messages that are spoken from clarity and the unity that is found within the heart. Thus, the blue-ray energy center has a kind of challenge which asks of the entity so passing through this center to be able to find the clarity and wisdom in situations which may be confusing or somehow dumbfounding, in the respect of being able to understand the ultimate reason for the experience. 2021/0908.txt:3:In this way, the attraction of experiences through the red ray can be seen to be the first note played in a grand symphony of notes of the experiences. It plays itself upward in the individual’s energy system, bringing it higher and higher in its understanding, whether this is in a short period of time or over a lifetime. The beauty of all of the colors of the energy centers that are in-play as the experiences are processed upward, especially into the heart and into the indigo-ray center, provide a look at the process as one of the beauty of the Creator at work.