1979/1118_01.txt:48:Please be patient with this instrument. He is being conditioned. I am with the instrument. I am Hatonn. We are having some difficulty with the other contact. I greet you in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. It is a very great privilege to be with you this evening. Friends, all that you know, your present intellectual condition, is in actuality nothing. Your condition has been chosen by yourselves for a particular type of experience. You are able to manifest a limited ego, in a very limited way, so that you may interact with its environment and itself in such a way as to become aware in greater detail of its shortcomings. This, in actuality, is the only purpose of your present existence. 1981/1112.txt:1:I am Hatonn. I greet all you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We are most [inaudible] this afternoon as the new instruments continue their quest for the specific [inaudible] to your peoples as channeling. In all such channeling efforts [inaudible] may we say that the one certainty is [inaudible] is making as clear as possible [inaudible] language [inaudible] a message [of] which each entity upon your planet is intimately aware, though this awareness may not yet be on the conscious level, for as you know, my friends, each entity is, and each entity has within, its Creator, the means of knowing that Creator and expressing that Creator and, indeed, each entity does so each day of its life, for no matter what expression of any entity within any reality, the expression is of the Creator, for it is the nature of the Creator to wish to experience Its own being in as many ways and varieties of experience as possible. In this way the entire creation is enriched by the knowledge of itself. 1981ra-contact/013.txt:69:I am Ra. The process is from the larger, in your illusion, to the smaller. Thus the co-Creator, individualizing the galaxy, created energy patterns which then focused in multitudinous focuses of further conscious awareness of intelligent infinity. Thus, the solar system of which you experience inhabitation is of its own patterns, rhythms, and so-called natural laws which are unique to itself. However, the progression is from the galaxy spiraling energy, to the solar spiraling energy, to the planetary spiraling energy, to the experiential circumstances of spiraling energy which begin the first density of awareness, or consciousness, of planetary entities. 1981ra-contact/052.txt:70:This octave density of which we have spoken is both omega and alpha, the spiritual mass of the infinite universes becoming one Central Sun, or Creator, once again. Then is born a new universe, a new infinity, a new Logos which incorporates all that the Creator has experienced of Itself. In this new octave there are also those who wander. We know very little across the boundary of octave except that these beings come to aid our octave in its Logos completion. 1981ra-contact/077.txt:83:Those Logoi whose creations have been set up without free will have not, in the feeling of those Logoi, given the Creator the quality and variety of experience of Itself as have those Logoi which have incorporated free will as paramount. Thusly you find those Logoi moving through the timeless states at what you would see as a later space/time to choose the free will character when elucidating the foundations of each Logos. 1981ra-contact/082.txt:46:Therefore, gradually, step by step, the Creator becomes that which may know Itself, and the portions of the Creator partake less purely in the power of the original word or thought. This is for the purpose of refinement of the One Original Thought. The Creator does not properly create as much as It experiences Itself. 1983/0821.txt:4:We give you a view of joyful and merry universe resounding with the hearty and never ending laughter of the Creator that loves to experience Itself and to learn about Itself from Itself, a Creator that is doing just that through us and through each of you. Therefore, we bring to you a framework in which you may see your illusion as a unified experience in which those things you term good, those things you term bad, and those things which you term neutral are all blessed by one light. That light is the light of the Creator creating, experiencing and learning about Itself. When you open your eyes, you are opening the eyes of the Creator. No less judgment can you make about yourself, for consciousness is one and you are conscious. You are also unique due to your experiences which by the role of the free will many times over has made you the being that is of the Creator, of the version which is you. 1984/1111.txt:51:Remember always, my sister, that the view from your illusion is most limited in order that experience of a dramatic nature might be gained that is not possible when the view is wide and the self is seen as the one Creator. When, then, that self is known to be the one Creator, then those treasures of experience gained in the illusion you now inhabit become a true nourishing harvest to the being of the one Creator. Nothing, in truth, is lost. All shall be made whole and the one known as Don shall move in time and space to experience again those lessons which shall glorify the one Creator. There is, in truth, no positive or negative act. There is the one Creator which knows Itself, and the one known as Don shall indeed experience that in each of his life patterns which he shall set for himself. All shall be pursued in joy. Those experiences seen now in this tiny illusion as failures shall be seen as great honors and privileges to be filled with the fullness of the joy of the one Creator at another of what you call time. 1984/1111.txt:137:We leave each in the appreciation of the difficulties each feels for the one that has departed. When brothers and sisters travel upon a difficult path, there is great support in the unity each provides, and the joy and laughter which each provides each. When one has departed, there is often the overwhelming grief that fills the vacuum. We hope that we have been able to inspire joy that can follow grief, for within your illusion it is necessary to forget that each and all is the one Creator in order that the one Creator might gain the greatest experiences with the greatest intensity, variety and depth of possibilities. Thus is the one Creator known to Itself, and glorified by each portion of Itself. No matter what experience is gained, each is a treasure in this great journey of the One through the One to the One, and remember, my friends, that in truth, all is well. The journeys may turn and become seemingly difficult at each turn. Yet, the difficulties themselves are glories to the one Creator, for without them the Creator would be poorer in knowledge of Itself. What, then, can one offer to the one Creator but experience? Be of great joy and cheer in your journeys. Gather your experiences with the confidence that there can be no error too great to balance, no experience too traumatic to give joy for, and no life too short to be an infinite remembrance and glorification to the one Creator. 1984/1230.txt:69:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. We may speak briefly upon this topic in hopes that we may clarify rather than confuse. You may look at your being, including your physical vehicle, as a crystal. Each of your energy centers, or chakras, as they are called by your peoples, are as a facet of a crystal which contains more or less blockage at each center. These blockages are your lessons, shall we say, in coded form. As you work upon your own thinking and perceiving and widen the viewpoint, you remove blockages so that which has been called the prana or the cosmic influx of love and light which enters your being at the lower chakra may pass through your various energy centers in a more and more pure manner. That is to say, as you remove blockages or balance distortion, you allow the light, the prana, the cosmic energy of the one Creator to enter and move through your being in a manner which promotes or allows the white light to remain white and allows your beingness to be infused with the fullness of the one Creator. When this process has occurred through each chakra or energy center, beginning at the base and moving through the crown of the head, that experience which many in your mystical traditions of seeking have called by various names—enlightenment, nirvana, samadhi—then occurs as the entity comes to know itself as that which it has been from before time began, the one Creator. 1985/1117.txt:3:Each of us is unique. This is not a uniqueness that is attempted, that is worked at, or that is in any way manipulative. Nor is it anything that can be manipulated, for your identity is one harmonious chord of being, unique in the whole creation, infinite in its beauty, and irreplaceable. And so you sit in circle within a dwelling place in meditation, each chord blending with each chord as the whole group becomes one identity, seeking the One which is not unique but which is limitless. That from which you are derived, shall we say, had no identity until It decided in the vastness of timelessness to experience Itself. And so you sit in meditation, far-flung bits of the Creator who have become unique. You experience each other—and the Creator experiences Itself. 1985/1117.txt:4:We move now back into the area of illusion from which the question was asked concerning the pressures of “should” and “must” that are given one by those souls around one and by the society itself in its many forms. Perhaps it is easier now to see the illusion for what it is—many things impinging upon that which is unique. You who are unique cannot pluck this or that from you, for you have chosen the pressures, the musts, the shoulds, and all of the confusion that follows therefrom in order to further develop your uniqueness and thereby the infinite Creator’s experience of Itself. 1986/0105.txt:15:My friends, each of you came to this group seeking. The group has become one, and in the silence between the words of this instrument the fruits of that seeking are already available to you and physically felt by you in that the energy or what you may call prana of creative life flows now more quickly within your energy web. As you seek together, so are you the Creator which experiences Itself. 1986/0706.txt:62:I am Q’uo. This is basically correct, my brother, for within your illusion of seeming separateness and limitation there is much which offers the challenge to be accepted, much which seems traumatic, tragic and filled with sorrow, distaste, horror, anger, jealousy and so forth. Yet, each entity and event is the Creator knowing Itself in a way mysterious to most. Yet, each in any portion of the experience may increase its evolutionary progress by finding the joy, the love, and the light of the Creator within that person, that moment, that event, that thought. When this can be done in a relationship then the relationship has served as a means by which the continuing ability to expand the point of view and the acceptance, the love, and the compassion for that which falls within the point of view then is also increased and the entity has moved itself further along its chosen path of evolution. 1986/0720.txt:5:We would speak to you about the manifestation within your incarnational patterns of the one original Thought which is the Creator. The one original Thought upon which all creation was founded and with which all creation redounds is love. Yes, my friends, love is a thought, a principle, a logos. You, by your very consciousnesses, are the Logos in a holographic representation, yet you are completely unlike any other holographic representation of the Creator, for your experiences are unique to your particular consciousness. Your field of energy is completely unique and precious to the one infinite Creator, and your greatest gift is your being, for by your mirroring of your perceptions, the Creator learns of Itself. 1986/0907.txt:15:There are two aspects to the sense of other. One may be termed the higher self. Some have called it the Creator. It is the aspect of the Creator which is personal and yet which is far richer in experience than are you and it is far more representative of you than your seemingly complete mentality and personality within the illusion. It is benign and helpful and full of information insofar as your consciousness empties itself of judgment and self-importance and asks to know and to serve. 1986/1002.txt:32:I am Laitos, and am again with this instrument. To continue our response. We find within this query greater possibility of infringement upon your own powers of discrimination and use of free will were we to give specific response. We may speak in general, and suggest that at any point in one’s experience that one feels influences of a negative nature, that is, of a nature which seems to oppose the movement of one’s free will, that the response which is most helpful is that response which moves with greatest freedom without distortion and with the widest possible view of the experience which has been encountered. That is to say, as one is able to see all entities, thoughts and experiences as portions of the one Creator and is able to bless and love these experiences, one then moves to their heart and at that point joins in love with them. If any outer expression by another entity, then, is not congruent to that heartfelt expression, such an entity will find it necessary to remove its presence from the mirror which reflects to it the heart of love which it itself has denied in order that it might progress upon that path which may be characterized by the phrase, “the path of that which is not”—separation. 1986/1214.txt:91:I am Q’uo. This is indeed the mystery, my sister, for within the third-density illusion, each seeker of what you call the truth places itself in a position of receptivity to that truth by the intensity of the seeking, the strength of faith and will, so that at some point within the cycle of incarnations, it is possible for such a seeker to not only discover that which it seeks, but to become that which it seeks. Thus is the meaning of the resurrection within third density. The seeker builds with mortal hands a manifested life that may be constructed in such a fashion in metaphysical terms that that known as love may move through the being in such a pure fashion as to shine as that which it is, the pure and virgin consciousness of the one Creator, moving to gain the experience of the creation which it has made of Itself, and doing this within the life pattern of incarnate third-density beings who have prepared this place within their life patterns and, thus, not only receive that which was sought, but become that which was sought. 1987/0111.txt:3:As we gaze at each beautiful glittering aura, at the amazing complexity of shading, shape and brightness, each entity quite perfect and unique, we can only praise the Creator for such spiritually helpful paradoxes, for it is through the stress of unacceptable things that the finest and most extreme emotions, thoughts and actions may be brought out of an entity. And as the Creator can only become Self-conscious by gazing at the infinite numbers of reflections that are the consciousnesses given free choice, the Creator sees brighter, deeper and ever more glorious faces. And once again, each time an entity chooses to use the experience of joy in a productive way or to use a difficult experience productively, the greater self of that entity cheers, knowing that the Creator has again chosen to express Itself in a more coherent and unified manner, for all of evolution in the spiritual as well as in other senses seems to us, in our opinion, to move in a purposefully positive way, each choice for crystallization moving and polarizing the entity more and more. 1987/0111.txt:46:I am Q’uo, and, my brother, we might suggest that desire has brought each into the incarnation. The power of the desire to experience your third-density illusion and the potential for transformation which it provides all within its boundaries is that which [each] present upon your planetary sphere has desired. The power of desire is that which moves each entity through each incarnation and each density or dimension in the eventual returning into unity with the one Creator. For, indeed, it is desire that has set the creation in motion, as the one Creator expressed the desire to know Itself and to do so by sending portions of Itself into the far reaches of what you know as the creation to experience all that may be experienced and to bring this experience as a harvest to the one Creator that It might know Itself in ways not available had it not desired to know Itself through Its many portions. 1987/0125.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and we are aware, my sister, that this question has special meaning to your own experience. And we would suggest that it be remembered at all times that one moves within the limitless love of the Creator within this illusion in order that through your experience the Creator might become aware of the possibilities for love to be placed in situations that will require an increased experience of Itself in order to uncover that love which has been carefully hidden. Thus does the Creator find Its beingness expressed in your experience in manners vivid and pure as a result of the constant effort to uncover Its own face through your efforts. 1987/0301.txt:27:The concepts, as we have listened to them being shared this evening, concerning the wisdom and the movement of the archetypical energies of the male and female principles out of the unity that was prevalent within the garden of Eden, as it is called, are a force; that is, wisdom, which allows for the gaining of experience by those portions of the Creator which comprise Its creation. This movement into experience is that which entities seem to experience from the state of grace, harmony and unity which is the nature of the garden of Eden in which all is provided without the need for seeking or striving or experiencing of any kind. Yet, it is the purpose of the creation to provide the Creator means by which It might know Itself in ways not available without the creation and without movement from the unity occurring within the creation by those who populate the creation. 1987/0520.txt:52:The feelings of which you speak that are difficult yet for you might be taken with you into the meditative state and enhanced until they become large, large enough to draw to them their opposite. Within this balance may then lie acceptance of oneself for allowing the Creator to experience Itself through one’s feelings, thoughts and actions. 1987/1101.txt:29:I am Q’uo, and this is a most rough approximation of that which is the condition of the higher self in relation to the individualized portion of the Creator which moves through the evolutionary cycle. We give this instrument the concept of the vague definition of energy and intelligence which is ever-present for the individual entity in its process of evolution, and which at some point is called by your peoples the higher self. This intelligent energy permeates each portion of what is the creation, as the first-density experience of simple awareness becomes drawn by the upward spiraling line of light towards the increased vibration of second-density movement and turning toward the light, the concept of what shall be known to you as the mind draws unto itself a vehicle for expression that will serve as what you call the body. And as this blending of energy complexes occurs in increasing frequencies of manifested expression, the mind and body complex of the second-density creature or entity becomes more and more individualized and partakes more of that which is the consciousness of self in contrast to that which it has experienced previously, which is the concept of the groupings... 1988/0207.txt:7:The space into which your Earth is moving at this time is more and more altered from the space/time you have enjoyed upon your planet for many thousands of your years. It is a space/time which contains a more generous fullness of the Creator’s light. Sensitive entities are more and more able to use paranormal gifts. We make a plea to each who experiences these gifts and the interest which these gifts generate to seek not just the comparison of one gift with the gift of others, but also to begin through meditation, contemplation, the use of dreams, the reading, the talking with friends, to begin the process of knowing the true self, and once you have found that ground within you which is not your heartbeat or your thinking processes, but is your consciousness itself, once you have met yourself face-to-face for what you are, with your gifts and your limitations, then the time has come for you to make this an offering in humbleness and sincerity to the Creator, offering your talents, your gifts and your limitations with thanksgiving and praise. 1988/0622.txt:13:There is in love the power to create. This is the very essence of that which we call love. Within this creative power is the necessity of what one may see as the mover and that which is moved. There is the further refinement into those qualities you see as that which is good and that which is evil. That which is radiant and that which is black. That which is male and that which is female. By these polarities, or should we say by this polarity, and its many expressions is all of what you know as creation set into motion and through this creative motion does the Creator experience that which is Itself creating and creating, recreating ever more varied and pure forms, portions of Itself that allow It to experiment and to know what it is to be. In just such a way is each conscious entity within the creation able to know this very same thing: what it is to be, to move, to be moved, to love, and to be loved, to experience, to grow from experience and to create the self ever new. All creation moves through this polarity. 1988/0629.txt:43:I am Hatonn, and our only comments this time would be to suggest that this experience is a good example of the ability of any entity to transform that which seems difficult or negative into that which is a thing of beauty, for within the entire creation there is no being other than the one Creator. Though in many disguises does the one Creator move, the attitude of taking the snakes within your own being in the welcoming embrace of love and compassion is the attitude which will serve each seeker best, in our opinion, when dealing with any difficulty, for the seeming difficulty and negative experience with which many seekers of truth encounter upon their journey are not encountered in order that the seeker be required to prove itself in any particular fashion or to make of the seeker any kind of victim, but these experiences are encountered in order that the seeker might be provided yet another opportunity to see within the face of another self and to welcome each experience as though the Creator stood before one and offered to one the fruit of experience. 1988/0802.txt:61:Thus, we do not offer the information concerning negative entities and their offering of temptations to positive entities as that which is to be feared, but that which is a normal part of the evolutionary progress within your illusion, in order that the progress of each path, both positive and negative, might through their interaction strengthen the other, in order that the one Creator might through these experiences know Itself more fully and each entity within the creation, through these experiences, might know itself more fully and the one Creator more fully and more intensely. 1988/0802.txt:80:For all beings are truly a portion of the Creator and of the self, and as the seeker of truth looks within to find that of truth within itself, any experience or entity that it comes upon in its journey of seeking will reflect some portion of inner truth to it, and as the seeker is able to draw unto itself all expressions of the Creator and to see them as the Creator, as the self, and as love, then so they become that which they are, and no longer are that which they seem. The persona, the mask, is removed and for that seeker of truth, that seeker stands before the mirror which looks into its own soul and the heart of the Creator. 1989/0129.txt:9:Most of the forgiveness that is needed at the beginning of the spiritual search is the forgiveness of the self, for one forgives others far more easily than one forgives the self. It is most centrally important to forgive and love and care for the self in a nurturing manner in order that one may love one’s neighbor as oneself, as it is said in your holy work, the Bible. How can service to others be performed by those who do not love the self, for all other selves are in truth as the self? All are beloved and intimate, for all are brothers and sisters of one infinite Creator whose expression to all of us is much, much love. This Creator is most interested in each, tastes and relishes the experiences of each, and we, in return, those countless brothers and sisters of the creation, move evermore intently toward reentering that same awareness, which is the consciousness of love itself. 1989/0219.txt:23:When this has been accomplished in the cycle of beingness, there is again the great quantum leap in possibility and potential in consciousness, until that which is the third density of creation, that which you inhabit, which comes into being by the increased rotation of vibration of the photon of light and the angles of rotation that again allow the greater experience of consciousness as each portion of consciousness of the one Creator moves from that complete unity with the Creator into the individualization that allows the gathering of experience that will allow the Creator to know Itself in each of its portions, and which will allow each of Its portions to know the Creator through this experience. 1989/0219.txt:30:When the lessons of unity have been completed, then it is that entities move into the seventh density, that gateway density of foreverness which allows the movement towards the complete reunification with the one Creator which is completed within the eighth density, as you would call it, thus completing the great cycle of experience, with all experiences gained by each entity offered to the Creator as means by which the Creator has been able to know Itself offered as that which shall become the seeds for the next great octave of experience. 1989/0226.txt:15:We are upon the servant’s path. We do not deny that there is an opposite path. We simply do not teach it. Through many, many lifetimes, beginning with experiences as earth, air, wind, fire and all the elements, you have built your biases, your uniqueness, as a spark within the infinity of the Creator. You have experienced everything that you see in the world about you and from experience of rock or sea or cloud or blooming flower, you remember, not the entire experience, but its essence. And that essence is to you unique, for you are not anyone else. You are perfectly your own self. Each entity is correct for itself, for it is the sum of what it has learned. That you each wish to accelerate the process of learning is much to your credit, for there is much to do, and the world that cries out for more lightened consciousnesses will now have the essence of remembrance of the elemental density and the density of plant and animal as part of your imperishable self, as part of your gift to the infinite One. 1989/0312.txt:6:All that is is a reflection of the Creator’s love for Itself, and further, Its desire to know more about Itself, to communicate with Itself for the enlargement of Its personality and to learn that which seems to be subjectively true, beautiful and perfect, that which, unlike the physical vehicles of your density, is imperishable. In the sense of the God-self residing within the many layers of distortion and confusion that abound within third-density experience, the statement is accurate. However, we would quickly add that it is misleading to consider to oneself that one is capable of living in the God-self for any length of time and having this experience be a steady state. It is not that this is not possible; it has been done by those who ruthlessly remove themselves from anything but the sitting, the silence, the meditation, the breaking down completely of the self. When one resides, acts and reacts within the societal structure which is your best environment for learning, one cannot remain the God-self. Thus, as one gazes into the eyes of the loved one, one may upon one level try to remember that one gazes at the gift of love of God for Itself. 1989/0618.txt:49:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would first begin by reminding each that the creation itself is a finely wrought and intricately designed illusion which gives each portion of the Creator a means whereby it might come to know the Creator through experience, and the Creator might come to know each portion of Itself though that same experience. Within the illusion of the creation, there is that which is of the positive or radiant and that which is of the negative or magnetic. There are many terms that are used to describe the duality of forces which together form the dynamic tension which holds the creation in place as a manifested thought that might be utilized for growth and for service. 1989/1008.txt:48:Thus does each entity such as yourself move in a rhythm that partakes of the great heartbeat of the universe, moving outward and outward, gathering experience, turning that experience into the power to serve, to love, to glorify the one Creator, and to continue on the journey, moving then back again to that place of unity from which all this began, having now gained the experience of moving through the cycles of creation. Thus, you are in microcosm the one Creator that has come to know Itself as you are now, and shall come to know Itself as all that is. 1990/0312.txt:9:This seems to be without you: the perfection, the balance, the divine love. You are projecting into an illusion that has been created with your own cooperation so that you may move forward one step at a time, one small step at a time. You began as unmanifest love. You were joined with free will and flung outward to become prodigal sons and daughters of love itself. You are information givers, for all that you experience is that which the Creator experiences and knows of Itself. You cannot make any errors, for in each action the Creator learns of Itself. You can, however, make choices about that which you wish to learn. 1990/1115.txt:14:The point to be taken is that within the spirals of growth, with the spirit finding its way back to the Creator, there are endless opportunities for experiencing anything else but the Creator. And anything else but the Creator is experienced by the Creator as pain. The pain and the suffering, however, serves as a motif for returning to the Creator, that which is of the Creator and returning it, so that the joy may be experienced manyfold. The joy of the one who has returned to the fold, is manyfold what the joy of the one who remains within that [primalness] would be. And so we say that the aim in the end of all seeking through the suffering of the dense illusion is the joy of reunion with the joy itself, the joy of being yourself. And there can be joy in the very seeking. The seeking does not need to have the heavy character or the character of being a great burden; in fact, the seeking comes more into its own as it becomes lighter in barrier, so that it comes more clearly to express the character of joy which it seeks. 1990/1202.txt:5:And does any true spiritual path, proven efficacious to many, ever offer proof, or specificity, or any claim to know what lies beyond the veil of deity? Who claims to know the Creator in any but experience? That one you will watch carefully, for there is a personal bias, there is a limit, there is an intolerance. How great the difference between those who have the religion of fear and those who have the religion called love. That is not religion, but life itself. 1990/1202.txt:20:We do not deny humanity. It is precious, every moment of every life, precious beyond telling, for the Creator chooses here the nature of Its experience, and you are the spokesperson for that consciousness within you. You, light itself, love itself, carried about by an animal, a greatly sacrificial animal that has offered its pure, excellent, instinctual life of non-suffering and non-self-awareness and bliss, that it may serve that which it sees to be that which is closer to the infinite One. Love your body, bless your body, care for it, cherish it, but do not be attached to it one way or the other. 1990/1216.txt:4:The difference between the consciousness of all that is and the consciousness which you experience is that in order to experience Itself, the Creator created entities which are self-aware and which made free choices so that there was nothing slavish about the possibility of loving the Creator—in the Creator’s mind—but rather an infinite curiosity. Each of you is experiencing, and in your experience, the Creator Itself is enriched and learns, and as that giant heart beats from creation to creation, each creation builds on the last, and each of you, beings of light, infinite and eternal, move also, from illusion to illusion, and then into non-self-awareness, and then once again moving outward into individuation, learning and experiencing. Is this not a pleasant infinity? Always learning, always moving, and always resting. 1991/0106.txt:69:When the experience of the one infinite Creator has been collected, reaped and gathered, blessed, thanked and honored, then a portion of the self is aware, in a way that it cannot express in words, of the nature of love, of the Creator, and of the self. Then, this immediate, ineffable experience, which is not learning, but the result of learning, may be broken, opened, as infinite as it is, and offered as love within the illusion, to the illusion itself, to those one meets within the illusion, and to the self. 1991/0303_02.txt:25:Always, infinity is at the behest of one which chooses to remember the infinite Creator and the love the entity has experienced from this great source of love. Thusly, in healing the self-judgment, the parent is then able to express itself as an healed and whole entity, and is thus able to give whatever it may find possible to give out of a fullness of heart, a total and 360-degree acceptance of the self, knowing that the self is indeed all things, positive and negative, as is perceived within the illusion. When this healing is complete, then the entity may simply sit with this anger from another and see it as a catalyst which has done its job already. 1991/0303_02.txt:32:Each of you sees the self, unless one is careful, as a solid object; that is, a solidified being which is such and such a way. However, the present moment insists that there is no solidity of being or of the qualities of being, either positive or negative, but rather that the present moment flows from present moment to present moment to present moment. To see oneself in process, and that the process is ongoing in far more large terms than one incarnation, is to allow oneself the perception of the enormous malleability and plasticity of the self in process: The Creator is not done with any. None is finished. All are in process. Let this sink into the heart [so] that it feels less and less judgment; and when it experiences judgment, it accepts that judgment also as a portion of the self. When all is seen clearly, choices may be made more skillfully. Once the element of fear is removed, the loving heart is content to offer itself without condition and without over-concern for the pain of a beloved other self. 1991/0412.txt:15:However, as each entity within the creation desires to serve the Creator by providing experience that allows the Creator to know Itself so then does each entity alter to some degree this basic motivational power of love. Altering or distorting the flow of love causes the necessity for a balancing action that will once again allow the love to move freely. This process of blocking and unblocking the flow of love is that process which you call experience or evolution. This is a simplistic description but [one] which we feel is basically accurate for each portion of the Creation. Thus, as you pray and seek to intercede or call for another’s intercession on behalf of one you feel is in need you ask that the power of love to move freely be restored in an area where it has been blocked. 1991/0421.txt:81:The point of meeting or mating of these two energies is determined by the level of awareness of the entity that seeks the one Creator, and the success, shall we say, that the seeker has experienced in learning those lessons or removing those blockages in balancing those distortions that it has placed, itself, within each center of energy before the incarnation began in order that there might be experience gained from the discovering, the balancing and the harmonizing of each center of energy. 1991/0526.txt:22:When the tongue of judgment is quieted, the tongue of joy and peace is loosened, and one may speak to the self while working on the personality, attempting to understand it and see the balances that are desired. In words of comfort and support from the self to the self, the open heart creates the opportunity for the entity to fall in love with itself, to love it dearly, not simply as a perfect expression of the perfect Creator. That is relatively irrelevant to the experiences of choices made. It falls in love with itself with all self-perceived imperfections thriving gloriously. It sees the self in all its rambunctious childishness, and nods happily, saying, “Yes, that is humanness, I recognize it and I embrace it.” 1992/0307.txt:43:We instead would suggest the seeing of the Creator within all creation, within each other self that one encounters in the daily round of activities, and within the self as well. And we further suggest the attempt to discover the value of each experience, the lesson which does wait within each experience which will point ever more accurately to the heart of your being which you seek; the heart of your being which is perfect, which is pure, and which, when allowed to express itself to its fullest, will purely reflect the one infinite Creator. 1992/0503.txt:46:As the final lessons are learned in the last of the densities of light, the entities begin to take upon themselves that which you may call a spiritual mass so that there is the great desire to move into complete union once again with the one Creator, and this union is achieved so that each entity brings each experience with it as an offering or glorification to the one Creator. Each such offering, then, taken cumulatively, becomes the seeding of another great octave of experience and cycle of beingness, as the one Creator once again sends out portions of Itself to gain in experience, to learn that which can only be learned by the giving of free will choice to those portions of Itself that venture out as pilgrims into what is to each the great unknown and mystery of being. 1992/1213.txt:6:This illusion is the third such level, shall we say, of learning for the infinite portions of the one Creator. To experience the first being the level of the elements, the experience of being rock, sea, air. Those experiences are simple yet move deeply and slowly, and consciousness then graduates to another level of illusion. In this illusion, for those portions of consciousness which now know that they exist and begin to move in order to seek the light, the easiest example of this movement is the turning of the flower and leaf to the sun to receive light. In these two illusions there is not self-consciousness, but with graduation into the third-density illusion which you now experience, you as co-creator are in a physical vehicle which has the ability to be conscious of itself experiencing the illusion. 1993/0516.txt:64:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. The planet, the entity upon which you walk, is also partaking in the process of evolution, for all portions of the creation are one and move with the Creator as it becomes aware of Itself. As you know, the cycle which is now ending upon this planet is very close at hand, and its transformation has not been what you might call smooth, for many upon this planet have had difficulty in realizing the love that exists in each moment, each situation and each entity. Therefore, the seeming inharmonious expression or perception in the mirror has been experienced by many upon this planet’s surface for a great portion of what you call time so that these vibrations of disharmony have entered into the planet itself. And as the planet begins its transit into that density of love, there is the momentary mismatch of vibratory frequencies. This mismatch becomes apparent to those who are sensitive in many ways, but we can assure each that the mismatch or stress suffered is but momentary, and in its way also offers a greater opportunity for each entity upon the planet and for the planet itself to find that love in the moment which has not been found previously. For love is at the heart of all creation, and no moment is without its own infinite share of that love. 1993/0926_01.txt:45:You have been forever and you shall be forever; and yet, not you, but Love that sent you—a spark of Love—out into materialization that you might experience and process that experience with your own peculiar and unique distortions, creating your unique beauty, your unique harvest of experience. How rich, then, is the Creator as It gathers more and more of experience into Itself, becoming more and more richly known to Itself. You cannot walk off of the spiritual path, for all experiences will be gratefully gathered by the one infinite Creator, who seeks to know Itself. 1994/0206.txt:15:We are those of Q’uo. There is no karma involved in the work of healing, per se, for the healer works upon itself, attempting so to balance and empower its personality, if you will, in such a stable and open condition that the opportunity can be offered to the patient for healing. The concern of the physician, then, is with its own spiritual situation. We refer not to the mood of the day or to surface frequencies concerning subjectively perceived spiritual states. One may be, as this instrument would say, in the desert, where the spiritual topography is alien and mystifying or it may be in the most exalted of subjectively perceived spiritual states. To the healer which is mature and therefore efficacious, this will make no difference for the healer who is mature has become aware that the Creator is always present, that the power of the unnamable mystery is always infinite and that this power exists in every location, at every time and under any and all conditions. In other words, the healer learns to tap into that which lies beneath the experiences of the desert or the oasis. That deep level is as a sea which once tapped into offers the absolute inner subjective surety that faith is real and hope exists to save. The healer, in other words, turns from all appearances within itself before it turns away from the appearances presented in the patient. 1994/0925_02.txt:36:Thus, the image of the Fool is well suited to your illusion and is given as that motto by which each might look for inspiration and illumination of the heart. We speak of the heart for there the love of the Creator may be found and experienced for the self and for all other selves as the self which is the seeker continues to place itself in positions similar to the walking from the cliff, willing to be vulnerable and to give without expectation of return. 1995/0212.txt:12:This school of incarnation is most generous in offering as much experience as you wish to take on and as deep a probing into the nature of it as the seeker has the resources to mount. The Creator wishes to experience Itself. Insofar as each of you suffers, so the Creator experiences as suffering. The Creator is most grateful for these experiences and does not judge or condemn an entity for having a hard time with the subject. It appreciates the effort. It appreciates the experience. 1995/0706.txt:68:I am Q’uo. This is basically correct, my brother, for within your illusion of seeming separateness and limitation there is much which offers the challenge to be accepted, much which seems traumatic, tragic and filled with sorrow, distaste horror, anger, jealousy and so forth. Yet, each entity and event is the Creator, knowing Itself in a way mysterious to most. Yet, each in any portion of the experience may increase its evolutionary progress by finding the joy, the love and the light of the Creator within that person, that moment, that event, that thought. When this can be done in a relationship, then the relationship has served as the means by which the continuing ability to expand the point of view and the acceptance, the love and the compassion for that which falls within the point of view then is also increased and the entity has moved itself further along its chosen path of evolution. 1995/1118_02.txt:20:The Creator is not tame. The love that ignited creation is also that which destroys. Intimate contact with Deity can be fatal. And there are those mythical and also very physical and real entities throughout your history whose difficulties and deaths tell their own story. The custom of coming together in order to worship and to focus upon Deity is a most practical safeguard; for the dynamics of the conversation between the Mystery and the group is universal, touching each unique psyche gently, the energy of contact buffered by the group of like-minded seekers. We do not wish to frighten you but only to express to you our bias that it is well to be moderate in spiritual discipline and to make haste slowly. For you have an infinite amount of time to progress, whereas you have only minutes, hours, just a few million days, and then you are through the experience. We correct this instrument. It would indeed be a long-lived entity who had millions of days! Our sense in this was that this life experience is precious, and it was not any entity’s intention to come to this illusion in order to ignore it or to preserve itself from social contact. 1996/0915.txt:4:However, without the illusion the creation rests in unity. It does not dream or talk to Itself. Indeed, one might somewhat whimsically call space/time and time/space as the dream of the one infinite Creator, and in this dream the Creator hopes to know Itself. The Creator hopes that each unit of Itself, each being that is love, which each of you are, will experience those things which add to the knowledge the Creator has of Its nature, for it has generously given Its complete nature to each co-Creator of the universe. To us, to you, to the highest, and to the seemingly lowest of creatures that has an awareness of the self is given one nature and that nature is love. Through the machinations of time/space and space/time choices are made. Each unit of love finds itself progressing, finds itself offered any number of actions and thoughts and avenues and directions. And there is no attempt to control the thoughts and reactions of any, for each is treasured as it is. The Creator loves so completely, so utterly, so purely that It loves each and every tiny thought or kind or state of being whatever, including all of those facets of the self which this instrument often calls the dark side of the personality. 1997/0420.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The feeling of knowing the Creator has in some of your cultures been refined to a greater degree so that the knowing of the Creator yet contains the existence of the personality shell which knows, so that the entity knowing the Creator knows also it remains an entity. There is the knowing of the Creator in which the entity who experiences the Creator does not any longer, during the knowing, experience itself as apart from the Creator in any way whatsoever. Thus, this is considered by many as a higher knowing of the Creator. 1997/0518.txt:10:In the parables of the one known as Jesus this entity frequently said at the end of a story, “Let him who has ears to hear, hear.” And this is the quest of each seeker, to develop ears that hear ever more accurately the song of love that rushes through each moment of experience. Third density, your Earth plane, is a world of great solitude and sorrow, with each entity shut up from each other entity in ways that do not occur before this density or after it. This is a density of metaphysical darkness lit only by that pale moon of hope and faith. And yet in this dim light there lies a depth of truth that shall never be touched again, for only in this density has the Creator given Itself the luxury of not knowing. Thusly, as each experiences himself, the Creator experiences Itself in an unspoiled and untouched way, totally spontaneous and totally free, and if that entity that is you finds that heart of love that is the deepest truth, that finding is completely real for it is not at the surface of things that this truth is obvious. It is not obvious that all is one. It is not clear at all that each entity is a creature and a child of love. Indeed, it is only by blind faith that we can begin to apprehend that which we do not know and yet that which we do know, love itself. 1997/0525.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is indeed so, for each entity is a portion of the one Creator, whole and perfect, with the free will to choose the path of its seeking. The third-density portion of this experience, and, indeed, the higher densities as well to a lesser extent, is a process whereby an entity has forgotten a portion of its perfection, has forgotten its unity with all creation, has forgotten these foundation stones of being in order that it might provide the Creator with experience that will enable It to know Itself. Such experience cannot be gained when each portion of the Creator knows itself to be the Creator, whole and perfect. Thus, it is what you may call a great service and sacrifice for an entity to engage in the forgetting in order to voyage forth into the creation with the desire to serve the Creator. 1997/0803.txt:40:Within this third-density illusion, there is the necessity of the physical vehicle so that the spirit that is whole and perfect within each may have a means by which to experience that which this illusion offers concomitant with this physical vehicle and preceding and [inaudible] is the consciousness, the identity of each entity. The spirit, then, through the use of the mind, the consciousness, utilizes the physical vehicle and most particularly the energy centers or chakras of this physical vehicle which move upwards from the base to the crown located within the physical brain in order to form the incarnational patterns that each will travel in order to discover the Creator within and in order to give that Creator the experience of the self as a means for the Creator to know Itself. 1998/0111.txt:6:We would balance speaking of the unknowing, incarnational self by talking also concerning work in consciousness, the other alternative, shall we say, that life observed that each thirsts for. This instrument, by nature, by the gifts of personality, character and will, which she and the Creator cobbled together for this particular incarnation, spends a good deal of time, perhaps a higher percentage of time within incarnation than most within this circle, being completely within the moment, having that experience of the present self observed. To this instrument this is not a gift or an accomplishment. It is a simple fact of her nature. This instrument, therefore, is more aware of the negative aspect of such a frame of mind than the positive aspects. To this entity it is simply irritating to discover time and again that one has not been on the right page or even opened the right book as far as knowing what is occurring. So this entity has the inner experience of scrambling upon the surface of life in order to take a look around at the illusion. Therefore, this entity, more than most, grasps the value of the unobserved self, the self completely within the illusion. For this entity finds itself involved in causing inconvenience to the self and to others because of her lack of awareness of space and time. 1998/0118.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We feel that this query concerns an area which is natural for the human experience; that is, when faced with what seems to be the wiser or more informed point of view, one wishes to partake of that point of view in order to enhance the evolutionary process, feeling that if the opportunity is not taken it shall be lost, and there will be the failure to move forward as quickly as would be possible as if the opportunity were taken. We appreciate this experience of our blending of our vibrations with your own, and we appreciate the opinion that you hold us in, but we would again remind each entity that we and others who serve as teachers and guides for each third-density entity are available at all times so that in your own contemplative or meditative times you may ask whatever query is upon your mind or upon your heart and therein find a response that will point the direction in the same way that we would frame a response to your query within one of these sessions of working. This again moves back to the primary query for the day and to the remark that we made concerning how an entity may perceive the Creator’s will when it stands before one and remains unrecognized. Oftentimes it is simply a matter of realizing the perfection of the moment, for each entity has spent the entirety of its previous life experience to reach the moment of the present. All that has gone before has brought one to this point, thus there must be something important in the present moment. And we would again affirm [not only] the perfection of each entity but of the moment in which each entity finds itself. This is not to say that there will not be changes in what you call your future, for, indeed, there shall be many of these. But each of them, as well as that moment which you now experience, shall be perfect. And when you are able to accept the perfection of the moment, the perfection of your own self, then perhaps you shall not feel quite the fear or anxiety of missing an opportunity to find a more perfect moment. 1998/1004.txt:45:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, we would remind each that there are no mistakes for any portion of the one Creator which seeks its source and its unity with all. There is in this illusion that you now inhabit the great desire to seek, to love, and to be loved, for this is the lesson before you. The ability to know whether or not one has served well is not a portion of this illusion, for it is that which partakes of wisdom. In this illusion one cannot know anything for certain. One can seek. One can desire. One can build the framework, the foundation for the metaphysical self, and build this foundation securely without knowing anything in detail or in particular. For there is in this illusion the great interplay and interchange of energies as each relates in one form of relationship to each other entity within the illusion. The many steps forward, backward, sideways, missteps, bumped feelings and knees, all of this great cacophony of experience is that which eventually informs each entity precisely as that entity needs be informed. It is a great dance of the one Creator and Its many portions with Itself and though there seem to be many missteps and paths traveled that one may not wish to travel beforehand by entities, indeed, each step is taken with perfection. The ability to learn from what you call the mistake is oftentimes more valuable than avoiding the mistake, as it is called, originally. We are aware that there are forces, subconscious energies, in each entity. There are teachers of an unseen nature for each entity. All work in this great musical effort, this great dance that all participate in that allows each to exchange energies with others that are necessary to be exchanged. We applaud each entity’s desire to move in a certain direction, metaphysically speaking. However, it is not so much the direction that is important as it is the desire that is important, the faith that such movement is possible, the faith that it occurs though one may not see it or measure it in any knowable degree. However, the faith that such movement is possible and the desire to move in the direction of love and light is that which is of importance. 1998/1129.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As we scan for the experience which you have described we are aware that there is within your physical vehicle at this time some difficulties that have been of concern to you during this past week as you have measured this cycle of time. And there are those entities within the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator who move to the need for the healing in their own ways. These you have known in your past as those of Nona. This entity has, in this experience which you have described, offered itself in the attempt to lend an energy exchange to your auric field that has been perceived by you in the manner that you described. 1999/0207.txt:9:Each seeker is here to become a direct co-creator by allowing that which is, the Logos, that one great original Thought, to be us and to move through us and out into the Earth plane. By blessing this energy and yet not holding it, by knowing there is enough, an infinite amount of this love and light, that it cannot be spent, the seeker is affirming that which is. We wish each entity those delights of travel, those mountaintop experiences, those great and profound realizations that come. Those times are precious, and yet each of you will find that when all is said and done it is the vibratory level of the beingness of each entity that sticks in the mind and in the heart like no other sense memory can. Each of us knows blessing when we experience it. All of us have known these entities who, by their very being, improve the vibrations of a place. Yet always know that it is not from you that these things come. It is through you. There is not a key that unlocks the doors of the heart that has anything to do with the human mind or the will in the worldly sense of that mind. Rather, it is the naked soul, the bare and unadorned spirit that is the object of perfection, that is love itself, and that is each of you. 1999/0321.txt:2:Let us focus upon desire. What is the nature of desire? It is our limited understanding that the Creator Itself used the function of desire, which is also called free will, when It decided that It would know Itself. It’s desire was knowledge of Itself, and so the Creator flung out all the densities of experience, all the infinities of galaxies and stars and planets and consciousness so that It might experience Itself. As the nature of the Creator is infinite love, so did It create all Its parts as infinite love, and each of you is as a sun or a planet in being created of infinite love, having the nature of infinite love. Each sentient and non-sentient being, each poppy, each breeze, each animal and tree and human being, is the result of that desire of the Creator to know Itself. The Creator has, from the beginning of Its creation, found Itself utterly in love with each iota, with each soul. The Creator is delighted, thrilled and fascinated, and so the Creator has an attitude of love and feeling of that love radiating to every sentient being. The Creator remains fascinated. What will happen next? wonders the infinite part of deity. 1999/0418.txt:2:As we rest in the comfort and the beauty of your blended vibrations we find ourselves aware of much each of you already knows from experience, from suffering and undergoing great difficulty, from being held together and lifted up by the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Each has beautiful stories to tell of those times when everything seemed clear and the creation truly did seem to be one beautiful, harmonious symphony of people and relationships and nature and things great and small, all moving together with rhythm and pulse and a lovely dance that was new every moment. It is not simply with the intellect that each of you has had these experiences, but with the whole self. Each has had these transcendent times when the world simplified itself and the love could be seen. We are grateful for the beauty of those memories and those awarenesses within you, for this gives us common ground. We do not have to convince or persuade any that spirituality is a very real and a very intimate thing, for each of you has had those feelings from deep within the self, and each more or less trusts those experiences. We would encourage you to continue to trust those memories, for whenever times of ineffable harmony come, however they come, through what suffering they come, or as what gift out of nowhere, they are the gems hidden within the ore of common life, so far. And what a blessing it is to stumble across a perfect diamond or ruby, to see the crystalline nature of truth which has been realized in some way. 2000/0116.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. And, indeed, we find this is true not only for those of your third-density illusion but for all succeeding illusions as well. For the true richness of each experience is contained within the heart of the one who experiences. The one Creator, whole and perfect, is contained in each moment, each iota of experience for those whose hearts are open to love and to the one Creator. Then does this fullness of love and unity pour into the moment until the moment itself is whole and perfect, and the true richness of being is appreciated. 2000/0206.txt:4:Thusly, it is well to look at the basics of the situation, to begin to see into why you as a soul would have chosen to put yourself into the way of such suffering as you now experience. May we say that the stories that we spin are our suppositions and not fact, but we suppose that the Creator said to Itself, “I desire to know Myself.” We suppose that it is this desire that birthed creation. This Creator, wishing to know Itself, spun out of Itself an infinite creation with an infinite number of unique souls, each of which contained the Creator within it. This creation was cast into the creation of light. Thusly, you, as a creation of love, were given a creation built of light in order that you might experience the illusion of time and space and cause and effect so that in this illusory dream each unique portion of the one infinite Creator could become an experiencer, a reasoner, a source of information for the infinite Creator about Itself. 2000/0416.txt:31:At the time of the construction of the Great Pyramid, that monument of antiquity located in the holy land that you call Egypt, the peoples of this culture were engaged in an appreciation of the one Creator which you may liken to that philosophy which you might call animism or paganism, in which the Creator was seen in all things and was everywhere present. Wonders were a part of this culture. The miraculous was seen as that which was as it should be: a portion of the everyday experience. However, the individual entities of this culture were of a nature that lent itself to being taught, shall we say, by those who were other than the self. Thus, the kind of spiritual awareness that was available to these entities was that which was handed down from one entity to another, from teacher to student. Thus, within the structure called the pyramid there were located those centers of energy that you have called the King’s chamber, the Queen’s chamber, and the resonating chamber below the surface of the earth. Within these central locations of swirling energy students and teacher could meet and be infused with the intelligent energy of the one Creator for the purpose of healing, the purpose of teaching, and the purpose of facing the self for the potential experience of being reborn, of finding a new life, a new direction. Thus, these centers of energy within the pyramid symbolized to the population of that culture the means by which teaching and enlightenment could be achieved. Thus, individuals were able to gain a certain amount of advancement, shall we say, within these structures and then were able to move within the culture and to share this teaching with a greater population. These structures, for the most part, were successful in being able to share with the population of that culture the advancement that was sought. However, there was, after a period of time, the reserving of these experiences within the pyramidal structure for only those who were of an advanced status according to the measure of wealth, power and position. Thus, as the information available within the structures became less and less available to the general population the purposes of the pyramidal structures were perverted. And those entities who had aided in the construction of the pyramids found it necessary to take stock of themselves, shall we say, and to find other avenues of service through which they might begin to correct the imbalances that were promulgated by the reserving of the use of the pyramids to those of power and wealth. 2000/1105.txt:3:All begins in the utter unpotentiated love, or Logos, that is the Creator unknown to Itself. The first distortion of this Logos is free will. And free will is the agent of change. In the Creator, and therefore in Its creation, through free will the Creator chooses that which you know as light and which we would call the manifesting principle. The child of free will and love, light in its first manifestation, may be seen as the sudden being of all that there is. Your scientists have envisioned this as inevitably explosive and have called the birth of creation the Big Bang. However, this is creation seen through the distortion of the lens of your third density in which time and space structure perception. In other illusions where time and space have different structures it may be seen that there is not the explosion but, rather, the transformative process which rolls from light to light to light, and by this we mean that there are levels of what this instrument would call rotation of light that create vast numbers of structures which are seen as systems of vibration and vibrational fields having their relative existence in various sizes or orders of your time and space so that from the smallest to the largest structure of vibration, from the lowest to the highest density of vibration, there are put in motion by the Logos systems which are destined to roll their metamorphoses from the position of what from your density would be the beginning of the creation to the ending of creation when all of these energies have reacted with all of the other energies which are appropriate for them to react with. All energy has been spent. All desire has been balanced and the exhausted and used energy and experience has been harvested or eaten by the one infinite Creator and absorbed at the end of creation. This describes the basic background against which self-aware entities such as yourselves and we experience and add our harvest to that knowledge the Creator has of Itself. This is the first and deepest level to change, and it is a design which accomplishes what in your bodies would be a heartbeat. For the creation is the body of the Creator, and an entire creation with all of the densities of an octave express one heartbeat of that creature, which is the Creator. This is in no way a literal rendering of a Creator which has a beginning and an ending. As far as we know, the Creator is infinite and is eternal. 2000/1105.txt:4:However, there are quanta, or heartbeats, in which the Creator’s knowledge of Itself is rendered open to alteration by the self-aware entities which are principles of the Creator, choosing by their free will to gather information and to process it in such and such a manner. And this the Creator can never know ahead of time and does not wish to know ahead of time. It is an important principle to the Creator: that Its portions that have been offered this background of densities and illusions have complete free will in looking at the creation around It, and responding to it, and in making those responses into a process of change, metamorphosis, and transformation of a certain kind. For each choice that each self-aware entity makes creates new possibilities, new patterns, and new potential choices that may add to the Creator’s experience of Itself. 2000/1105.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We shall offer a brief response with the invitation to ask further if there is more information desired. In this creation of the one Creator we spoke earlier of the nature of free will which makes change inevitable. For as the Creator has sought to know Itself through the operation of the creation, which each is somewhat aware of, each portion of the creation which is the Creator seeks to become more fully aware of the one Creator as the source of the self. Thus, there is inbuilt in all creation the desire to move, to know, to experience, to live, and to engage in each process of the living of the life, the experience of the world of the creation. So each portion of the one Creator partakes in some of that which is and some of that which is not. That is to say, each is a portion of the Creator, yet each acts as though it was alone in many instances. There is the process of individualization, of the intense focusing of consciousness so that it reflects an individual point of view, offering to the one Creator yet another avenue of knowing Itself. 2000/1105.txt:28:No portion of the creation is lost, no matter what the change in consciousness or level of apprehension of consciousness is achieved. As you move about in your daily round of activities many millions are the miniscule life forms that give themselves and no longer exist in that form as your place your foot upon the ground, as your automobiles move in their realm of influence, as you breath the air and breath in many other minute forms of life that have but a tiny amount of what you call time in which to experience that which is theirs to experience. And yet the galaxies and the suns and the stars move in their realms as well, changing and transforming into that which is greater, that which is lesser, seen from a lesser point of view, and yet all is still the one Creator knowing Itself. For those who have opened their hearts in compassion to that creation which is theirs to experience within this third-density illusion it is difficult to see various forms of suffering and misery within your life experience. For the heart that is open to all feels the pain of privation, of disease, of isolation, of being unable to comprehend, of feeling the end of one experience as yet another begins. This is well, my friends, for it is, of necessity, a portion of the creation’s evolutionary process that this heart opening and the feeling of the agony as well as the ecstasy of the creation about one is such. Yet we assure each that nothing, no portion of the Creator, no form of life or consciousness, is ever lost but is only transformed to yet another avenue or perspective for the Creator to know Itself. 2000/1105.txt:32:I am Q’uo, and we are in agreement with the thoughts that you have spoken, my sister, and would comment by suggesting that each entity within any illusion or density is a portion of the Creator that gives entirely of itself, of its experiences, of its thoughts, of its past, its present, and its future to the one Creator, for each is the one Creator and the purpose of the entire creation is that the Creator may know Itself through Its infinite portions within creation. 2001/0114.txt:40:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. To those concerns and those qualities we would add that quality known as a sense of proportion or that which you call humor, the light touch. For when one is able to gain a perspective on one’s incarnation and the daily round of activities that occur within each incarnation one is able to partake more fully in the creative process. To become the Creator in each instance, to see the glory, the humor, the imperfections, the attempt, the perseverance, all of these which make each in third density human. And we would also suggest concentration upon the quality known as gratitude, for each portion of each incarnation is a gift to the entity within the incarnation. When one is born into this third density there are no contracts, guarantees, or promised that are made to any entity. All is a gift. All is an opportunity. All may be seen as the stairway to heaven, shall we say. These steps, humble though they be, faltering though they be, confused though they be, are each made by a portion of the Creator that moves in a certain fashion, mysterious to many, perhaps most mysterious to the entity taking these steps. However, each step is a step of the Creator, moving in closer harmony and rhythm to the music of the spheres, as you may call it. There is much within each incarnation that may be counted as blessing, much that may be seen as difficulty and burden. However, each offers the opportunity to move into a more full realization of the nature of one’s being as the Creator. The entire process is one which may fill the Great Record of Creation with the most hilarious stories, the most tragic of dramas, the most incredible of experiences. It all depends upon the mind of the entity, the attitude of the seeker, the desire of the heart, and the openness of the being to move itself into places which are mysterious, which are difficult and confusing, and to open the heart there just to see what happens. Is there a further query, my sister? 2001/0325.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The feelings of the self being that which is expansive and that which is, as you have said, grand, are feelings which in and of themselves [are correct], for each entity within incarnation is the one Creator, and each entity partakes of the glory, the joy, the power, and the peace of the one Creator. However, within the illusion which you now inhabit, there are accompanying these feelings of being the one Creator also the more specific, narrowed and focused feelings and experience of being a personality with distortions of the one Creator; that is to say, each entity within the third-density illusion has those portions of itself which are yet to be fully realized. There are lessons to be learned, areas to be enhanced and seeking to be undertaken in order to accomplish the learning and serving. 2002/0204.txt:1:We are those known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this day. We wish to thank you for forming a circle of seeking and for your desire to serve and for your desire to know ever better and ever [more] purely. We can feel the gravity of the concerns which you bear this day. The experience of third density is ever poignant and pointed, full of emotion and challenge for the seeker. For truly the awakened seeker is caught between two worlds. Not necessarily stranded or snared but certainly aware of and needing to relate to worlds that seem very separate. Responding to the demands of physical incarnation, the need for supply, warmth, shelter, food, clothing, and all the considered necessities of the life is, in itself, not an easy or simple task. 2002/0421.txt:3:What does the Creator hope for from you but that you be yourself and that you explore what the self is in an ever more profound sense; that you come to experiences with your whole self and allow them to affect you. The Creator’s interest is in learning more about Itself and each of you is as the detective on that same path of discovery and transformation into ever more authentic versions of you. For in cameo, in small, you are the microcosm of which the Creator is the macrocosm. Each of you contains that jewel that is perfect, but each of you has gone through incarnation upon incarnation in which you have been colored by experience. It is as though each of you has come through the refining fire that has progressively clarified and refined your nature so that you are ever a little more able to see that which is truly you. Your responsibility to the Creator, then, begins with being who you are. Not striving, not making efforts, but, indeed, letting go and releasing that which is not you. 2002/1216.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that these experiences of unity with the one Creator, the experience during which one feels great inspiration and such, may be likened to the stages of a journey, where there is a marker left on the trail by the self for the self, at certain times during which there is an opportunity for an increased level of service. Some may call this initiation; some may call this a reaffirmation or dedication. Indeed, there is a quality of a connection with unity which of itself will be made apparent through the life pattern and the energy exchanges that follow such experiences. For it is not possible to feel so inspired and aware and not be changed to a degree which will be noticed and be a means of service in itself, in that the light from within the soul shines forth in a nurturing fashion. 2003/0126.txt:44:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would suggest that, as you look at the illusion which is your experience at this time in third density, that you attempt to activate and balance all energy centers and the attributes with which they allow you to deal with the solution; that you see with clear eyes and honest seeking for truth that you give wholeheartedly your unconditional love to the Creator in all beings; that you work tirelessly within your illusion to bring these principles to those you love; that you communicate with each entity that you have a connection with to work together for this goal and that you give praise and thanksgiving for the very life you experience within whatever kind of illusion presents itself to you in your daily round of activities. Taken together, these energy centers and expressions of your abilities and desires can form a kind of magical transformation; first upon a metaphysical level of your own being and of the illusion about you, and then may move in a doubled sense each time you are able to share with another these efforts, concerns, dreams and so forth. 2003/0202.txt:23:Once these colors have been achieved, the experience flows on wings of beauty, transformed by that warrior of light that is yourself; that true channel of light that keeps the armor bright, [moving] into that truth which is the newest portion of the Creator’s knowledge of Itself. In this process of acknowledging your own suffering, it is perhaps appropriate to speak through this channel of that which it experienced earlier this day as it experienced the feast of the presentation of the one known as Jesus the Christ. This is the last or final aspect of that mythological system which this entity experiences as its closest road to the Creator2 in its season of acknowledgement of the birth of the spirit within flesh. It is long been our feeling that each within the circle of seeking represents, as the one known as H has said, the Creator Itself, in the aspect not of the Creator-Father but of the child of the Creator, the daughter of the Creator, the son of the Creator, the Christ of the Creator, that which is in the world, that which has come among us in each of you. 2003/0525.txt:2:Your query this day revolves around that very topic of free will and so we are delighted to share some thoughts upon this most interesting and very rich topic of conversation. Firstly, we would look at free will without looking further than the creation itself. See the Creator-Self prior to the creation, which includes that which emanates from the Godhead principle in the many, many sparks of the Creator which you see about you as stars, planets and those entities about you who are yourself and other selves. In this pre-creation Godhead, the Deity’s first distortion from absolute and complete unity was free will. It was this principle which allowed the Creator to ask, “Who am I?” and to follow through on that question by the very personal and utterly committed act of entering that question into the vibrations of Self which the Deity experienced upon asking Itself that question. That which It was able to think was the original Thought and that Thought, as we have said many times, was that pallid word, love1. 2003/0907.txt:13:It may seem perverse for the self to cheer for the self when the self realizes it is greatly confused and stumbling and wandering, as the one known as S has said, and yet this too is a blessing. It is the blessing of opportunity. It is the blessing of darkness. For each of you has within you the potential to be a light that enlightens the darkness, that illumines the shadows, not chasing them away but simply exposing them for what they are. Darkness is rounded in light and light rounded in darkness. That is the way of your circadian cycle. Yet we ask you to see beyond the light and the dark, to see into the nature of your lessons, of your service, of love itself. To see that which is “beyond variation1,” as this instrument read in her church service this morning. The Creator comes from light with no variation due to change. There is no change in the One Who is all things. Change is an illusion, which is very helpful in the process of the Creator knowing Itself, and for this process the Creator has given Itself to you, to this instrument, to all, in discrete, illusory sparks of light that can experience, and register that experience, and feel and create from those feelings a process of refining and deepening and purifying, until those emotions become truth. And that which before was the babbling of children, becomes, in the ordered experience of the true and deep emotion, a giving of the self that is a harvest of a lifetime. For as the truer, deeper emotions begin to be refined from the welter of shallow feeling, those emotions begin to contain information which is as food to the Creator, a delightful and refreshing food that informs the Creator of Itself. 2004/0321.txt:3:Becoming able to realize one’s part in the creative principle is, within waking consciousness, virtually impossible, the limitations of body, flesh, and physical senses narrowing the doors of perception and, in many cases, closing them entirely. All of the massive indoctrination that you as very young entities within incarnation are carefully taken through by parents and teachers guarantee that if there are any who may come to awareness free of bias and full of the knowledge of the self as Creator, then that is a very tiny group. For the rest of those upon your sphere at this time, we believe it is safe to say that each has lost that direct sense of insight and union with the one infinite Creator. Yet there is a unity there. Perhaps each is not leaning into that unity, yet it subsists. It cannot be shed, it is not a skin that can be molted, and it is nothing that shall ever be renewed. The human experience, shall we say, the third-density incarnational experience, is all about death and renewal, endings and beginnings. Yet throughout the process of incarnational living, the most fundamental part of your essential being is not that which will change, grow or alter. Rather, it is that which is. How in the holy work that this instrument knows as the Bible did the Creator express itself? “I AM.” 2004/0418.txt:5:The Creator does not have to hope that something will occur because the experience of all previous creations has been that evolution is inevitable; change is inevitable. It may be change regressing towards the density left behind, [or] it may be change progressing towards the density ahead; but it is impossible for entities to remain completely stable. They must create novelty, they must move. That is the restless and insatiable nature of consciousness itself. It shall, by the machinations of endless free will, always have that curiosity about what else there may be to learn that pulls the entity onward, whether the entity is considered in terms of the microcosm or macrocosm. So each of you dwells now within a school that is carefully designed to give each entity its hard knocks on a regular basis. Not in order to indicate the cruelty or the judgment of the creative principle, but to create a schooling atmosphere in which entities are self-schooled by their own hand, by their own mind, by their own perceived problems and solutions. 2006/1112.txt:21:If you can look at your experience in the context of the Creator’s desire to gather experience and information about Itself, then you will see that the Creator is perfectly happy with you whatever you are doing and especially delighted with you when you are attempting to know yourself at an ever deeper level. 2010/0313.txt:11:And, you are one in your ending, for you are fellow pilgrims walking through experience after experience, gathering the sweetness of every flower, the poignancy of every sadness, the horror of every tragedy, witnessing, amassing, sorting, analyzing, using the experiences that you have, constantly transforming yourself by that which you choose to see, that which you choose to understand, that which you hold and that which you release. Your path, while unique, has an inevitability in its general arc, for you shall, in the fullness of time and space, circle back to your source and be taken up again in that Creator for whom you yearn, for whom you live, and for whom you are gathering these experiences, these impressions, these moments of pure witness, these transformations that change the Creator’s knowledge of Itself. 2010/1023.txt:28:As we talk to you, you know that we are a combination of fourth-density, fifth-density, and sixth-density entities. Those within the principle of Q’uo have not yet gone through the ending of an octave of creation. However, it is our understanding, limited though it may be, that the essence of each part of the Creator that has been sent out remains in potentiation as the Creator breathes and decides again to know Itself better. And when It sends out parts of Itself again, there is a natural tendency to fracture or be splintered into the precisely identical soul stream that you experienced in the previous octave. So in truth, you, as an individual, are never lost. You simply are folded up into the Creator after a full octave of experience. After coming from alpha to omega you start again and you learn again and you desire again and the fruits of that are preserved for the Creator so that It may know Itself ever better. 2015/1121.txt:10:My friends, we believe you know the answer to this question. Indeed, the Creator is within all. All entities upon this planet are expressions of the One Infinite Creator that has taken this opportunity to give freedom of will to each of its portions so that lessons may be expressed and learned, and the fruits of the learning of experience may be offered to the Creator as a means by which it may know itself in ways that would not be possible without free will being exercised in the manner in which it is now being exercised. 2016/0220.txt:53:I am Q’uo, my brother, and we would suggest that each entity, be it the mystic or the simple seeker within third density that has yet to expand its mind to include such queries of which you ask, may at some point approach an understanding of the One Infinite Creator. At some point, each individualized portion of creation shall experience the sacrament of the fully experienced presence of the One Infinite Creator and then shall be able to answer all of these questions for itself. That is the mysterious journey upon which each of you, and all entities, are engaged at all times, whether consciously or subconsciously. This is the play, this is the game, this is the one seeking the One through infinity and finding the One within the self. 2016/0416.txt:43:I am Q’uo. As we appear to have exhausted the queries for the nonce. We shall take this opportunity to once again thank each present for inviting us to join your circle of seeking. It is a great honor and privilege to be here with you. Only by your inviting our presence do we have a beingness within your third-density illusion. Though much of the treasures and the pleasures of the One Creator are covered within this illusion, indeed those which show through your very being are a true pleasure for us to witness. Your calling upon the One Creator in everyday life experiences is that which is a true calling to the source of all being that is here, and which wishes to express itself through you as you are moving along your path of the incarnational journey, the spiritual journey of the doughty seeker. 2016/0904.txt:11:Now, to some extent this is true. To some extent it is true that love follows upon free will as a possible activity of those who embody free will in relation to one another, and one could say, in a larger sense, in relation to the creation as whole. In this sense it would seem then that a proper consideration of the nature of loving would require a fuller consideration of what it means to have free will. That is a story in itself, my friends, but it is useful to note [that], were it not for free will, were it not for the possibility that in creating an infinite number of, shall we say, sparks, or holograms of the creator—each of which can experience itself differently—the creator itself would have no possibility of knowing itself in any way that it did not already have prior to the event of the creation. And so there is contained in the concept of free will a potential that, strangely enough, registers as a not being of the creator to the creator. That already suggests the need of a return to the creator, by the creator, so that the creator may reap the harvest of the creation that has been undertaken so that the creator may know itself. 2016/0904.txt:15:Now this quality of being unknown is what we have sometimes called the quality of mystery. And it is mystery which characterizes as best as we have been able to discern, the One Creator in its undistorted self. But we would also like to suggest that the mystery of which we speak is a mystery which resonates down through every distortion, every facet, and every iota of the creation. This mystery is available for participating in, and to our experience, limited though it may be, love is always the most eloquent, the most searching, and the most fulfilling way of participating in the one central mystery which is the Creator Itself. 2016/0904.txt:19:Now, one could easily suppose that were it the case that in one bright, shining day, all were able to return fulsome love back to the Creator, that the Creator would stand fully exposed to itself, and would know itself finally in Its completeness. However, it has been our experience, (and once again we would like to iterate that our experience is limited), that no knowing ever even begins to exhaust the mystery of the Creator, or the mystery of the creation. It is truly an inexhaustible source. And that inexhaustibility is something which you may sense in a small way in your experiences of love for your fellow creatures. For when you love your beloved, when you love your wife, when you love your husband, when you love your children, when you love your friends, when you love your groups, when you love your planet, you do so in such a way that it does not diminish that which is love. In fact, strangely, it seems to augment that which is love, and once again we face a paradox or a mystery, because a mystery which is so infinite and so completely mysterious, which seemed to be something that could not become more itself, that is to say, more mysterious, by being loved, and yet, it seems to us that this is exactly what happens. It seems to us that the creation does become more, and that the concept of infinity very strangely, incomprehensibly, is susceptible of becoming more. And more than that, it is of such a nature intrinsically that the orientation to more is part of its very constitution, part of its make-up. 2016/0904.txt:22:To love those that seem to you to be unlovable is strangely enough an even greater gift, for when you are able to find in yourself that resonance of love that can reach out to that which does not solicit it, but rather seems on the contrary to reject it, you have inched, however slightly, towards a wholeness of your whole being, towards a realization of your own being as unified, and every such experience of loving the unlovable, every such experience of unifying the un-unified is an experience of the Creator finding Its lost love returning home, returning to its source. And in doing so, you give also the opportunity of that other center of being, that other incarnate individual, an opportunity, perhaps, to experience (once again however slightly), an aspect of itself, himself, herself, not previously accessible. And so love heals many a wound, love bridges many a division. Love offers itself both as a possible activity and as a condition of being which is the very stuff, the very source, the very destiny of the entire Creation. 2016/1001.txt:14:You are our beloved others which we experience as other than ourselves and yet also as having a selfness, an anchor into the beingness of the Creation itself, that we, ourselves, share. We are both tethered to the same source, and it is because it is our joy to experience your joy as our own, it is our sorrow to experience your sorrow as our own, that we find the otherness that exists between you and us is, in fact, dissolved in the experience of sharing our being with you and your being with us. This, we say, is the pathway of the open heart in which again and again otherness dissolves into sameness, but doing so always opens again to the great adventure of the Creation, which is that new otherness always emerges. This comes as close as we are able to approximate to our understanding of the way the Creator itself experiences itself. It becomes other than itself and having become other than itself, it becomes again one with itself. It flows out, it flows in; it flows out, it flows in infinitely. One can find oneself within this great flowing out and in and out and in, and one can find oneself caught up in the rhythm of the Creation without having to decide at any one particular point whether this or that element of one’s experience belongs to the within or the without. 2016/1203.txt:50:Each Logos has the ability to create a system of planetary entities that will provide it with further means by which to offer to the Creator experience that reveal itself more fully. Whether there may be two or three or more Logoi involved in such an experiment is up to the free will choice of those who share this desire to join together with others of their kind to provide an experience that is enough at variance from what could be produced by a single Logos, that the experiment is undertaken. 2016/1217.txt:9:So as you look from a distance and see the Creator experiencing itself, for the moment that you are no longer attached to that image and that experience, you feel love, you feel compassion, you feel understanding, you feel acceptance, and then you move again, placing yourself in the role in which the anger has been experienced, and you lose that distant perspective, you lose the knowledge of the Creator experiencing itself, and this is not a bad thing, my friends—this is why you came here, this is what this illusion offers you. Do not feel bad that you have what you call anger or other distortions. These are the methods by which you learn what you wish to learn. When you are experiencing such catalyst know in your heart and in your soul you are doing what you came to do. 2017/0430_01.txt:2:The concept of service is one which is inbuilt into all of the creation. For each of you is a part of the One Creator as is all the creation. The Creator has desire to know itself, and has made this creation as the means by which this knowing of the self is made possible through the experiences that each of you has as you move through the various densities of light on your return to the One Creator. You cannot not serve, my friends. This is a bias of the nature of a unified creation. Everything that you do, no matter what your intention, is service to the One Creator. However you exercise your free will provides the Creator knowledge of itself. 2017/0916.txt:4:To begin, the creation in which we all dwell is a unified creation. It is that which has been created by the One Infinite Creator delegating, shall we say, the love that is so much a part of the One Creator to those entities that you call suns or stars, Logoi which reflect the love of the Creator in their activity of furthering the creation in which it holds true that all is well. For each Logos entity makes its own galaxy of stars, shall we say, using the material, the basic blueprint, we may say, that is given to it, to each one by the One Creator. Thus, the entire creation, in its infinity of beingness, can be seen on a macrocosmic scale to be that which reflects the One Infinite Creator and its desire to know itself in ways that are not possible without entities exercising their free will as they move through the densities of experience, learning the lessons of each density, and eventually returning again, in unity, to the One Creator, bringing the gifts of their free will choices to aid the Creator in knowing itself. 2018/0407.txt:53:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. That which you have called the orgasm seems to be most unusual within most entities as being seen as a normal experience. That which you call the sexual experience for most entities upon this planetary sphere is that which has suffered a great deal of disguise, shall we say, and manipulation throughout many thousands of years of disharmony upon this planet. It has been that which has been used to confuse, to sell—to destroy, in some cases, further desire for any other experience. And yet, we say to you, that when you experience that which you call the orgasmic release of the energies of sexual expression, you are experiencing that which is the steady state for many higher density entities, for as one moves into greater and greater union with the One Creator, that which is experienced resembles what you call the orgasm in the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels of energy expression and experience. That orgasmic release is but a hint, my brother, of that which awaits each seeking soul that is able to make the graduation into the higher densities, beginning with your fourth density that is now available to Planet Earth. Thus, this hint is that which has suffered greatly in its being perceived by Earth’s population as being tainted, reserved only for certain entities, and being made into an object of desire for itself only. We can assure you, there is more to come ... pun intended. 2019/0209.txt:16:Thus, as in meditation and in contemplation in an action you discover this authentic self that is you at the heart of your being. You are able to utilize this realization in order to fully disclose the love and the light that is within you, that flow forth freely from you when you are able to realize who you are in truth, that you are but in this illusion a limited portion of the infinity of yourself that exists beyond all illusion, for authentically you are the love and the light and the unity of the One Infinite Creator. There is nothing else in the universe but these qualities formed in such and such a way in many dimensions of being in order to allow the One Creator to experience itself in ways which are more intense in variety and more pure in quality so that it may know itself more fully through each experience which you, as a portion of it, may have in any density or illusion of this infinite creation in which you dwell. 2019/0323.txt:12:Thus, as you become more aware of who you are, you become more aware of how the Creator moves in your being through each step that you take, especially within your meditative state. If you invoke the Creator within and ask of that Creator to move through you this day, as all days, and to express itself to you in a way in which you are able to discern that there is an expansion of your awareness occurring throughout the day that you experience, then you become more and more familiar with this quality of the Creator that resides within your very being. [Then] when you invoke it, you are calling upon the greater portion of your being to make itself apparent to you, that you may see how the Creator meets you in every experience, in every day, throughout your life, so that you may see with clearer eyes, with an open heart, with clear communication, with the ability to create changes in your own consciousness as a result of processing the catalyst that you find yourself emerged in throughout every day. 2019/0323.txt:94:The merkabah, as we are aware of this quality, is a type of expression of the unity of the One Creator that may be seen as an, shall we say, crystalline being, a type of being or essence which reflects the unity of the creation in an individualized sense so that the merkabah becomes a symbol to the seeker that may utilize the visualization in the meditative state of the crystalline nature of its own being, so that the seeker itself is able to perceive the merkabah existing within its own being, and being reflected in the experience of the seeker in its daily round of activities. The crystalline nature of this merkabah being that which is able to find a connection between the seeker and each other self, or each other experience, that therefore becomes likened unto a crystal itself, the seeker and the relationship that it holds with all other entities and all other things becoming much like any crystal that has various relationships, various angles of relationship, various qualities of reflection, various qualities of perfection, various qualities of the entirety of the creation contained within each moment, and each experience of the seeker. 2019/0330.txt:27:This becoming of the Creator is opening a door to a greater experience of yourself as the One that has made all that there is. This is a gift that is given to the seeking self that enters into meditation and utilizes its will to serve as that pathway to the One Creator: exercising the great desire to know the One, to be the One, to express the One, letting that desire and that will open that door widely so that the One in all its glory, power, peace and majesty may express itself to you, not just through the door, but within your self as well. This is a process of a lifetime of seeking that can, shall we say, end in a moment of inspiration and enlightenment, where the light that shines comes from within you and from without you, and is one with you. 2019/0928.txt:41:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, music, as you call it, the rhythm of the spheres is that which is a significant portion of each higher density so that the orchestral sounds and vibratory patterns of musical expression become a primary means of communication between some entities who have a predilection towards vibrating in harmony with those beings that are a portion of the family or spiritual groupings of entities who, as a portion of their daily worship of the creation and the Creator, vibrate in musical notation their joy and love of living the higher density experience. There is, within each entity, a certain notational vibration that is unique to each entity so that the entity itself becomes likened unto an instrument that may be played, not only by the entity itself, but by the One Creator that exists within each entity. Each entity has within it the ability to vibrate musical notations in such a fashion that the creation itself begins to sing within such an entity. This type of orchestral vibration, then, becomes a worshipful experience for each entity that is able to partake in this type of internalization of music of the spheres, as it is called. 2020/0111.txt:25:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed, it is not only possible, but that is the reality for each entity and each portion of the one infinite creation, for the Creator has made all that there is out of its own being so that it may know itself more fully through all of the free will choices that each of the portions of itself shall make on their journey back into unity with the One Infinite Creator. Thus, your task, as a conscious spiritual seeker of truth, is to become more and more aware of the Creator existing within each iota of your being and, indeed, existing entirely in the one infinite creation. This is a type of realization which can be experienced by the conscious seeker of truth as it goes further and further along its path of seeking, for the path itself is formed of the One Creator. There are exercises which are helpful to the seeker of truth that might aid in the perception of the Creator about one. 2020/0118.txt:113:There are these gradations of creation that allow for an increasing experience of the Creator by the Creator so that this experience within the octave of densities, then, does take upon itself the polarization of the positive and the negative so that there is an interaction or an interplay between these polarities within the third-density illusion most especially, as within this third-density illusion, where the choice of polarities is made.