1995/1029.txt:7:We, however, would not choose this level of core beingness to discuss primarily with you at this working because it is our opinion that each density has its purpose. Now, we would preface this line of thinking by pointing out that the seeming progression of densities is an artifact of time and space and is not the deepest truth of the cosmos and its makeup. In a deeper reality, or shall we say, a more shallow illusion, all time and space is one and as an entity, therefore each seeker is working simultaneously upon all densities and sub-densities. However, within incarnation there is time, there is space and there is progression. Therefore, we use the concept of densities to indicate which lessons are learned first, which lessons are the foundation for further lessons. 2002/0621.txt:15:Techniques for moving more and more into the Law of One in the way one lives are as simple as the techniques of learning to appreciate anything. It is a matter of becoming sensitized to that which one is attempting to appreciate. When one studies art, for instance, within your schools, one is taught to have taste and to appreciate the beauty of this or that style of expressing images. Each subject that one begins to look into has its standards of good taste in it. As one becomes more and more familiar with that particular part of the universe of learning, one develops taste and knows what is beautiful in that which is said or written or performed or imaged, and just so it is in living the life of the open heart. It is a matter of beginning to see that there is an art and a science to living what this instrument would call a mixed life; a life that is made up not only of third-density or fourth-density concerns but a grand and confused mixture of third and fourth-density concerns so that there is the skipping between the densities in everyday life, seeing the profundity of the tiniest chore; seeing the sacredness of the hardest and most humble work while at the same time seeing the vanity and the uselessness of all efforts whatsoever, because all of these efforts are within an illusion that is brief as a candle and will gutter out for lack of fuel at a certain time not too far in the future. There is a delight in the juxtaposition of beauty and meaninglessness that this instrument has often noted and [it] is very helpful, perhaps, at this point to consider that all things may be turned and looked at upon the other side. And, indeed, what is needed at some points is the ability to see both sides and to come to balance between them. 2009/0509.txt:38:We are those of Q’uo, and believe we are aware of your query, my brother. We would respond by noting that in higher densities there is still a certain amount of limitation of the viewpoint due to being incarnate. It is not that higher densities are aware of the future but rather that, beginning in fourth density, there is no veil, so that there is a complete transparency concerning your own thoughts, motivations and so forth and the thoughts and motivations of others as well. 1989/0409.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my brother. Each portion of the creation vibrates in complete harmony with the one infinite Creator which contains within Its being all the densities or dimensions which are the means by which each portion of the Creator shall know himself and shall know his Creator and, conversely, shall the Creator know Itself through each portion that It has created. Thus, each portion of the creation, your own planetary sphere, for example, has within its force field each density of light vibrating completely and fully. However, within your planetary sphere there is the activation of only the densities one through four at this time, with the fourth density that which is in the process of beginning its cycle of evolution as your third density illusion completes its cycle. Thus, the fifth and sixth and seventh densities of your planetary sphere remain, for the most part, in potentiation, serving only as vibrational frequencies to be utilized by those of like vibration from elsewhere, shall we say, at this time. 2005/1015.txt:29:This system of space/time and time/space, outer and inner self, is who you are at this moment in your incarnation on planet Earth. It carries with the chakra system all that you are as a citizen of eternity and infinity. At the same time it carries the very ephemeral and transitory energies of your physical body. Your physical body was born and it shall pass through the gates of death and be no more. Your metaphysical body or the chakra system will travel through the gates of death into larger life with you; and in terms of your own experience or consciousness, your consciousness will not know any stoppage nor will it cease in its being for an instant at any moment during the death process. When you leave this incarnation, you shall be leaving what we would term a third-density incarnation. And that brings us to the discussion of the densities. 1988/0117.txt:9:Now we shall move to a slightly different aspect of the same question. You have lived for many, many lifetimes already in this environment or density of experience, and by now you have observed over and over and over that much of the experience that you gather seems to be about love, love expressed in selfish ways and love expressed in service to others and to the Creator. The overall plan, which the Creator made available and which lasts not only through this density, but through many densities, indeed, those higher than are we, this process has to do with attempting to grasp the nature of the Creator. It is our opinion that the nature of this Creator is the nature of one singular thought, and that thought is the thought of love. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:81:The third-density being, having the potential for complete self-awareness, thus has the potential for the minimal activation of all energy centers. The fourth, fifth, and sixth densities are those refining the higher energy centers. The seventh density is a density of completion and the turning towards timelessness, or foreverness. 1981ra-contact/077.txt:76:I am Ra. The polarization, or choosing, of each mind/body/spirit is necessary for harvestability from third density. The higher densities do their work due to the polarity gained in this choice. 1987/0712.txt:17:My friends, it seems while you are in the midst of the third-density illusion that the stream of your life experience moves slowly and endlessly. Yet, we urge you to make some attempt to realize how very fleeting birdsong, brook’s rill and the wind in the trees are, how very short is your time to gain experience upon your beautiful planetary sphere. May you find zest and joy in your inward walk. May your eyes behold the creation of your brothers and sisters of air, earth, wind, fire and all the creatures of those densities. May you love life as you experience it, and may you find comfort in each other. 1994/0925_01.txt:8:Now, to each entity there have come the new faces, the new personalities. There has been the opening to that first meeting of the mind and heart. In the natural way of third-density beings there has been the instinctual movement toward groupings, these groupings shifting and further harmonization taking place as each spirit deepens the lines of communication with the various other entities so that over the period of these few rich hours of companionship and heartfelt love, a community supporting each has evolved, complete with stories to tell of laughter and of tears. For wanderers, this gathering of like souls is especially poignant because of the extended spiritual families or clans which make up the chosen groupings of entities into community in higher densities. When each departs this crystallized, new entity of light, each may carry within the memory of the heart, this supporting and enabling group ethos or spirit. 2006/0917.txt:7:Overlaid to these purely physical experiences, like how warm it is and whether the wind is blowing, whether it is raining and so forth—all of which have very characteristic vibratory bouquets to offer your physical body, as well as your emotional and mental bodies—there are the metaphysical energies that are native to your planet and are not particularly swayed by the end of the age or considerations of that kind. You have a certain vibratory structure in this particular density of your universe as well as the other densities within that octave of densities that creates the universe that you know and see, and, as well, that reciprocal universe that is unseen and yet is felt in terms of its effects upon you, more and more. 2000/0416.txt:12:After the unification occurs, the end of sixth density and the seventh density are those in which the selves gradually stop turning backwards to look at what has been and begin being drawn, as if by gravity, into the heart of the source of all that there is: the one infinite Creator. At the end of seventh density there is a movement into timelessness, and in this time of unknowing the heart of the Creator beats and another creation begins. This is the panoply of cosmology within which you are now experiencing the third of seven experiences or types of experience. And each of these densities represents a considerable length of your time. 2010/0123.txt:22:You carry within you not only fourth density but all densities, all emotions, all circumstances, all that is in manifestation, all that can be imagined and those mysteries and paradoxes that lie beyond imagination. All this is within you. And therefore you are the one infinite Creator and the one Creation. We are not saying that you have grown into your puppy-feet yet. You are very young gods. And there is much to burn away in the furnace of everyday life as you go about collecting to yourself those gems of being that are the very realest part of you. 1994/0924_01.txt:7:We find the term wanderer to be one which has many layers of meaning. Certainly those who are upon the earth plane having come from other earths, other densities, have wandered far, yet consider how each entity in incarnation has come not from Earth but from that mystery which lies behind all appearances and substances. The earth cannot breed spirits, but can merely offer a home to the spirits’ physical, mental and emotional bodies during the processes of incarnation. O dear souls, each of you has a native land far from the earth plane. This home lies beyond space, beyond time; and each is indeed a wanderer. For most entities there is a degree of comfort, a great ability to enjoy and feel at home within the earth experience. Those who call themselves wanderers or are drawn to that term are those whose natures are such that the present environment of third density simply does not feel comfortable or native. 1989/1008.txt:6:Let us speak about the inner-planes masters, so called. These are entities which have personally evolved to be harvestable to fourth density who have instead chosen to remain discarnate and to turn back and aid those of third density. These entities are creatures of your illusion which have moved to larger life and are able to see, shall we say, the tree of consciousness down to its roots and up to its loftiest branches. They are out of the illusion, but they have not had the experience of the higher densities by working with a social memory complex. It is, shall we say, a choice. There are service-to-others and service-to-self entities within your inner planes. There are very wise ones within your inner planes. They have done very, very difficult work, and they are to be commended. However, they have halted their own learning process, turning back to aid, and knowing only that which has been realized within the incarnation that makes the entity at the time of the physical death able to move into fourth-density light. 1987/0224.txt:20:The opportunity for densities beyond the fourth to speak through instruments upon your planetary surface is greatly less than it is for those of the fourth density for it is towards this density of love and understanding which our planet—we correct this instrument—toward which those of your planetary sphere now move in their evolutionary process. Thus, it is these types of messages that are most often called for and able to be appreciated by the population of your planet. 1981ra-contact/077.txt:72:However, in third density the statue is forged in the fire. This is a type of intensity which is not the property of fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh densities. 2000/0416.txt:13:However, your third density is the shortest of all densities, being only 75,000 years long. During third density the pattern of incarnation is, at first, quite automatic. Entities are graduating from second density because of the growing realization of love itself. As they become harvestable, for whatever reason, they are able to incarnate as individuated consciousnesses and they become what this instrument would call human. At first, incarnations are largely automatic. Little is known. Much is in chaos. And there is a little learning each time and then a relaxing from incarnation through death into the body of light that is yours between incarnations within the inner planes of this particular planetary sphere. During this time between incarnations there is first any healing that needs to take place from the incarnation, any traumas that need adjusting and comforting, and so forth. Then there is the opportunity for another physical vehicle, the descent into the world of heavy chemical bodies that your physical plane represents, the gathering of more catalyst, more information, more experiences, until the incarnational self is completely full and has done all that it has hoped to do within this particular incarnation, at which time it moves through the physical death again, the healing of the incarnation after death, and, gradually, as the incarnations mount up and the entity within begins to crystallize beyond the simple personality shell this between incarnations process becomes lengthened because there is more to heal, and because more and more, as entities become senior in their vibratory patterns they earn the right, more and more, to have a say in their own incarnational plan. At this point within third density upon your sphere, this being the end of that 75,000 year period, each entity that incarnates upon your planet is capable of graduation from third density to fourth. Each entity has chosen the incarnational lessons of the present lifetime and the relationships that it will use for learning and for service. 1986/1005.txt:3:It is but a moment for us to move through the densities to you, yet in terms of novelty of experience the moment is momentous for us, for us experiencing third density through third-density senses as you share them with us is a marvelously beautiful thing. We thank you for offering us this service and we hope we can inspire you in some way with what we say. All topics are a challenge in one way or another. A query from the group concerning the validity of [an] inspired set of writings certainly has a challenge for us, as we do not wish to seem to judge any source. 2017/0916.txt:6:To begin, the creation in which we all dwell is a unified creation. It is that which has been created by the One Infinite Creator delegating, shall we say, the love that is so much a part of the One Creator to those entities that you call suns or stars, Logoi which reflect the love of the Creator in their activity of furthering the creation in which it holds true that all is well. For each Logos entity makes its own galaxy of stars, shall we say, using the material, the basic blueprint, we may say, that is given to it, to each one by the One Creator. Thus, the entire creation, in its infinity of beingness, can be seen on a macrocosmic scale to be that which reflects the One Infinite Creator and its desire to know itself in ways that are not possible without entities exercising their free will as they move through the densities of experience, learning the lessons of each density, and eventually returning again, in unity, to the One Creator, bringing the gifts of their free will choices to aid the Creator in knowing itself. 2018/1215.txt:12:Thus do each of you play your part within this third-density illusion, and indeed, within all densities of light, for each choice that you make within these illusions allows you to know more of who you are, more of who the Creator is, and the Creator to know more of its own beingness through your freewill choices. Thus, it takes a great deal of effort to make that which is unclear, clear; to find love where there seems to be none; to find companionship where there seems to be only argumentation. Thus, the effort that you make is that which is called the polarization of your consciousness toward service to others in this regard. 1995/0319.txt:50:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We have been referring—as you are mostly correct in assuming—to the journey that entities take through the densities of light and experience that are the path of the Creator to the Creator. These densities of light offer larger and larger arenas, shall we say, in which each seeker might seek, know and express the truth of its own beingness. When this experience has been carried out to the extent that the density of foreverness has been achieved, that in your numbering is seven, then the entity begins to turn in full to the rejoining of the one Creator, leaving the personality gained as a seed for further growth by the one Creator. The movement into total unity is that movement into what we see you have called the eighth density or that which is likened to the black hole which draws all into it in a manner which is completely unified and begins again that great cycle of creation upon another level of vibration. 2000/0402.txt:19:For a time it is very possible that this instrument was difficult to live with, for it was so keenly focused on the best protection it knew. And it is possible that when you sense a crux of destiny and do what you need to do within your own mind and heart and soul in order to hew to faith you may lose a friend or find that a family member does not understand you. Or that other entities feel that you are not exercising proper caution or care. And, yet, this attitude of faith is, to our knowledge, the key to the highest protection of life, of work, and of fruit that we know is effective within or without incarnation. This is a value and an asset that is powerful within third density particularly because it cannot be proven. There is no way that you can sit down with someone and justify faith. There is no way you can prove faith. You cannot argue someone into having faith. There is no reason or rhyme to faith. And, yet, it is our understanding that this is how the creation works. To those who have faith and move forward in that faith, the universe opens and the entity moves with increasingly unfettered foot through all the densities of love, of light, and of unity. 2016/0917.txt:6:Within this illusion, the third-density illusion, you have placed yourself in order to be able to make progress that would not be possible without the illusion, for you come from the world of the spirit where all is obviously one, and yet each entity there feels the great need to move in service to the Creator, to polarize the self more positively, to become a greater servant of the Creator in all portions of the creation, and yet they cannot move as they wish, for it is so obvious that all are one that there is not quite the same motivation for movement that there is within your illusion which so carefully covers all the jewels: the basic concepts of unity, love and light of the One Creator of which all are made. Because you exist within this illusion and must use your own free will and your faith to continue your movement, you reap a reward that is not possible in the higher densities of love and light, for there there is no illusion of separation. Here you grow under conditions which are most difficult for the seeker who has just begun the journey, just begun this cycle of choice of determining whether to be of service to self or of service to others, for both are viable paths to the One Creator, with the service-to-self path, of course, finding its end before it finds its goal within the sixth-density illusion. 2005/0515.txt:60:Minerals are full of first-density energy. That energy is fully conversant with the one infinite Creator and is alive. There is no part of your environment that is not fully alive with the exception of, as this instrument would say, the distance between your ears, which, in terms of third density, is truly a dark zone, not nearly as alive with the infinite Creator as are all densities but the third. Thusly, the energies of mineral are very vulnerable to impression by thought. 2019/1214.txt:61:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, this is a great likely outcome of such a relationship, for within the entire octave of densities that are traversed in order to move back into unity with the One Infinite Creator there are levels of experience that may be shared by the various entities within the spiritual family, as you call it, or the clan, or the group which has evolved as a kind of family that sees incarnations as opportunities to experience a variety of roles or types of learning that may be shared within the family grouping. This is what we were referring to previously when discussing the narcissistic entity and those around it that would incarnate in order to help it and them move along the path of evolution. There are always opportunities for entities to join spiritual families of this kind when they are able to incarnate in a situation in which their talents and desires are mixed into the blend of that of the group so there is the chance that a certain role may be played by an entity of the second density that is just joining the third-density experience, that being a more basic role, utilizing the more fundamental abilities and desires of the new third-density entity. There is a vast panoply of differences and qualities that each spiritual family may contain so that each entity has those abilities and desires that enhance the personal growth and the overall growth of the group as well as individual entities within the group so that there is a constant blending and interbreeding, shall we say, of abilities and desires that aid each within the group in the evolutionary process. 2010/1225.txt:37:Therefore, for us to evaluate it from our point of view we would simply say that your sun is evolving as it should and as it must as it moves through its densities in this octave of evolution. From your point of view, however, it is certainly alarming to see the activity change upon your sun and we would simply say that the more that one is able to live by fourth-density values such as compassion, understanding, forgiveness and open-hearted love, [the more] the physical vehicles connected with each of you will be able more sturdily to deal with the qualities of the light of your sun as time goes on.3 2002/0120.txt:26:You truly do hold a world in your mind. May you birth within your own mind that sense of self that is at peace with what is and that seeks only the presence of the one infinite Creator and the witness to that infinite Creator— to yourself, and to the world about you, as you are given the light [so to act]. Each of you has much to give. Each of you has inspiration to share, some in one way, some in another. Some by pounding nails. Some by walking streets. Some by what they say. Some by what they do to serve. Everyone is a part of a incredibly rich pattern in which you are involved in all of humankind, and all of the life within your density and within all the densities of this creation and of all creations beyond. Allow yourself to rest in the oneness of all that is. Allow yourself respite and comfort and yet at the same time ask of yourself always to be responsible when you have the light to see that responsibility. And notice simply the responsibility to be who you are and to be true. 2003/0302.txt:36:While [each is] the entity who lives within the flesh and bone of third density, we assure each that these changes and disruptions will continue and increase, for there is a time of transformation for this entire planetary entity. The actual changes that are occurring, while exquisitely articulated, are in fact relatively slight. Consciousness among your peoples upon the metaphysical level is heartwarmingly, shall we say, close to jumping that area of resistance which is as the meniscus upon the surface of water, which is as the ocean which runs betwixt the densities, that area of resistance or quantum boundary to cross. You are much advanced as a people in doing this, to the extent that we can begin to address those of Earth as a social memory complex in the metaphysical sense. Certainly there is a good deal of development that shall take place before this process of birthing... 2005/1120.txt:77:[footnote start]In music, an octave consists of 12 half-tone notes in sequence or a scale of eight notes in a major, minor or modal configuration. We know the major scale as “Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do” from the musical of the 1950s, The Sound of Music. Whether we are speaking of the 12-tone scale or the 8-note scale, the last note, “Do,” is the same tone as the first note, but an octave higher. In the same way, first density starts in timelessness and as the densities proceed, at the end of perceivable time in seventh density, timelessness sets in again. When time emerges again, it is the mid-first density of the next octave.↩[footnote end][footnote start]www.bring4t.org↩[footnote end][footnote start]The group celebrated Thanksgiving together at Camelot the Sunday before the actual holiday, immediately following this meditation.↩[footnote end] 1990/0513.txt:19:Now we ask you to narrow your focus unimaginably. Let the infinity of illusions and creations and billions and billions of galaxies and stars and atoms and fields of energy fly from your mind. They are illusions which follow certain rules. We wish now to narrow your focus to that which you bring into this incarnation and that which you leave behind. You bring into this incarnation an inexorable difference from all else in the universe. When you were a rock you were an unique rock, and people who are sensitive to these things will tell you that there is a consciousness—and not the same consciousness, but various consciousnesses—in rocks. It is not strong enough yet to be obvious, but it is there. Your movement through these densities of experience until this third density of choice is the movement of the awakening of the free-will faculty. 1999/1003.txt:4:We are most happy to speak to you upon the subject of desire. We ask only one thing and that is that you listen to what we have to say with a jaundiced and careful ear and heart, for we would not wish to place a stumbling block before any who seeks. Rather, we wish to offer thoughts that have been useful in our own development. It is our service to you to do this. We are delighted to do this, but we do not wish to pretend to be authorities. For we are not authorities, but those who walk with you upon a spiritual path that, as far as we know, is endless. The rising and falling of desire can well be said to be the hallmark of the experience of being self-conscious. Not only your third-density human experience but also the experience of higher densities. There is ever the finer tuning of desire, the finer delineation of the shape of energy of desire. 2005/1218.txt:6:We would take note of the way the question was phrased in simply saying that there is no true difference in the way that density and dimension are used, so that whether you are talking about the third dimension or the third density it is, in general, understood by students of metaphysical work that one is speaking of a quantum or certain kind of energy. The more appropriate of the two words for working with the concept of the octave of densities in creation is the word density rather than dimension. However, these two words are used interchangeably for the most part, not only by this instrument but also by many others whose works this instrument has read. 2000/0206.txt:7:Many things have been projected by entities within your third density and in many other densities concerning the nature of the one infinite Creator. And many are the commands of various religions concerning behavior towards the one infinite Creator. But, in truth, it was not that the Creator wished to be loved but, rather, that It wished to know Itself. Curiosity, then, the desire to know more, is built into the one infinite Creator’s nature. It is only reasonable, therefore, that the infinite Creator would choose, at some point, to give Its souls free will. 2009/0523.txt:12:The vibration of the one infinite Creator is the starting and the ending, not only for an entity within an incarnation but for the entity within the entire range of the octave of experience. Through the many densities, through all of the lessons of each density, and through the countless experiences which together create your personal biases and distortions, you seek endlessly to return to that vibration which is your home, your nature, your origin, and your ending. It is a thirst and a craving within the very depths of your nature, deeper than your thoughts, more intimate to you than all of the trappings of culture, language and learning that ripple the surface of your waters as you move through the ocean of life. 1993/0925_01.txt:28:The walking of the spiritual path is an opening of the universal Self within, to embrace more and more without distortion the heart of love in each entity and each moment. Your challenge is always to discern where the love is in this moment and to move—whether by attitude, thought or action—to support, encourage and enable that love. Giving that attempt your best effort shall occupy you well through this illusion which we term third density and through several densities to come, for we witness to our continuing pilgrimage through longer and more subtle illusions wherein the choice we made in third density is refined, first by attention to love, then by attention to wisdom, then by attention to the merging of love and wisdom. 2006/0123.txt:6:This isolation is a natural and normal part of the personality shell experienced by an entity who has awakened within the dream of Earth to the knowledge that there is a great deal more in heaven and Earth than has been dreamt of by most peoples’ philosophies. Some of those who have these feelings are called wanderers. Their isolation comes from the experience of coming from higher densities where the situation as regards being aware of the inner thoughts and feelings of the self and other selves is extremely open compared with the guarded and veiled realizations and expressions of unity available to those upon planet Earth in third density. 2005/1218.txt:5:The query this day concerns the system of chakras that is used to structure the way that you think about your energy body. The question itself actually used the terms density and dimension. However, we believe we grasp that the actual intent of the query is more in terms of the internal workings of the body system rather than the macrocosmic point of view in which densities of the creation are considered. We apologize if we misunderstand or mis-speak because of this misunderstanding. However, we believe that the point of interest of the query has to do with looking at the system of the physical vehicle and its connections with the metaphysical universe in the form of the energy body that interpenetrates your physical body, and so we shall answer according to our understanding of this question as somewhat revised from the original statement. 2000/1105.txt:13:So there is this level of semi-permeable setting of an incarnation where these are the constants of the incarnation. These are the things that you cannot get rid of, that you do not want to get rid of, that you will begin to appreciate as the spirit within you matures throughout the incarnation. At first these incarnational lessons seem to be insurmountable and impossible. And as they repeat and repeat and the learning curve gets a little shorter each time, the spiritually awakened person begins to see, not that she can succeed in conquering this catalyst, but that she can see the pattern of it and appreciate the sense of the plan. Once the level of comprehension has been achieved where the plan is seen to be benign then much of the heart is freed to open to the hope of the efficacy of the third level of change. And this is the exciting and fully alive portion of the structures of change which feed into the process of your self-aware progress through this lifetime, this, your third density, and all of the densities which are to come. 2000/1119.txt:20:The light along this path is most fastidiously guarded by entities which are extremely close to the one great original Thought, yet which still have some individuality. These are what we would call seventh-density entities. They make absolutely sure that the boundaries between the densities of third and fourth of light are precisely accurate and that higher densities as well along this path are fastidiously accurately observed. The consciousness, then, without seeing any boundaries or partitions in this light, is asked to walk along the path of light. When the entity gets to the place where the light is too much to bear, then that entity stops. The fullest amount of light that that entity can enjoy and work with defines the next density of that entity’s experience. If it is third density, that entity will continue in third density. If it is fourth density, that entity will move into the inner planes of a fourth-density planet and prepare to start a cycle of fourth-density experience there. If the entity stops in fifth or sixth density, then that has become the native density of that entity, for that is the place that that entity can enjoy the experience of incarnation the most and can get the most out of it. 1991/0928.txt:9:If this spirit child casts itself in vision in an inner plane to some distance from its own physical selfhood, its own womb, it is expressing a hunger and a thirst for love. And is there not in each of us not only the spiritual child but the human third-density child—(or for us, various densities, but still children—that yearn for attention and love and respect and care. 1989/0219.txt:39:We, indeed, inhabit physical vehicles which, as we mentioned previously, are those which were derived from the second-density creatures within your own illusion. The ape form is that form which was chosen by the Logos to invest with the potential for completing the evolutionary process through the octave of densities. This form is chosen in approximately 5 percent of the planetary influences within this galaxy of which we are aware. There are other forms chosen in other planetary influences. This form is maintained through the fourth-density illusion and into the fifth-density illusion, at which point the mastery over one’s own being proceeds to the point that it is possible within the fifth-density illusion to create whatever form is most helpful at the moment, as the service that has been requested is offered. 2017/0520.txt:23:Thus, those of Ra were able to find a graduation after the first 25,000 year cycle of a portion of the total population upon the planet Venus, a greater portion graduating in the second cycle of 25,000 years, and after the third cycle of 25,000 years, the social memory complex of those known as Ra to this group, was then formed from six-and-one-half million souls. These entities then proceeded to move through the fourth and fifth densities within the planetary influence of Venus. The sixth-density experience of these entities has been both upon the planet Venus, and within the confines of what you would see as your Sun body.2 2010/0904_02.txt:109:I think a lot of people really would like to spend their time in the upper true-color chakras and even perhaps to slip off into the densities that are the same colors as those chakras. The seven densities have the same coloration as the chakras within our body. So the chakra beyond the yellow-ray chakra, which is our third-density chakra, is the green ray. So we really like the thought of living in the green-ray body or maybe the blue-ray body or maybe even the indigo-ray body. “Oh boy, I want to be there.” 2009/0127.txt:51:...as it does, experiences in each of the densities, not only those that have come before third density but those which, from a linear point of view, come after this present density. Time in time/space is circular, if you will, or spherical, with all experiences of whatever space/time moving in radii towards the center of self. 2006/0418.txt:31:The density and weight of such information is incredibly great. You, my brother, would find it difficult to believe the amount of information and the kind of information that you have accreted to your soul stream during the very long and busy history of your beingness. You must realize that you have existed since before the planet upon which you now draw breath was created. You are a portion of the Creator Itself. You have experienced all densities within this octave of creation. In the non-local or metaphysical sense, you are even now in all of the densities, accumulating information to yourself to offer up as a gift to the one infinite Creator. Consequently, to know even one percent of your total history would be far too much information for you to bear within incarnation. 2019/0921.txt:53:There is no entity without the ability to process such catalyst, even though the processing itself may require almost every fiber of energy available within each entity. This is a portion of the life pattern that has been made a possibility by many of those whom you call wanderers, who are from the higher densities, existing now within this planetary sphere in order to help the population of this planet move forward into the fourth density of love and understanding. 2000/0416.txt:10:This kind of choice begins a process which we have called polarizing and for the rest of your third density experience, once you have begun to deal with this basic choice, you will be repeatedly, and on various levels as you proceed through the incarnation, be involved in times of observing, evaluating and responding to situations in which you have the repeated choice of service to self, by control, manipulation, fear and offense, or service to others with no control, no manipulation, and only blind faith and a hope of meeting others in their needs in such a way that you may be of service to them. This process of learning to love goes on through the next two densities. The next density of your experience after this one is the so-called density of love and understanding, the fourth density. The density after the density of love has been called the density of wisdom. You will note that the density of wisdom is not called the density of understanding, for understanding is that which is of the heart rather than the mind or the wisdom. In the sixth density, love and wisdom, which have been studied separately insofar as that is possible, are now considered in terms of their balance, one with the other, within the seeker. And so the sixth density is called the density of unification. Somewhere in the middle of this density those upon the path of service to others, or the positive path as this instrument has called it, face a choice once again. For they discover beyond a shadow of a doubt that they cannot move forward in their own spiritual evolution until they have accepted at last that the heart holds truth, and that other selves are the self. This is a crushing and an absolutely life-changing discovery to those of service to self and the phenomenon of reversal of polarity occurs at this point individually for each service-to-self entity. Each entity must make this choice again for the self: whether to stay with all that has been learned along the path of service to self, or whether to switch polarities and move further on, having accepted the unification of positive and negative paths as a positive path. 2000/1001.txt:6:The particular place that you now occupy is a physical, electro-chemically based illusion which has much more heft and mass than the densities that are ahead of you but yet shares with the densities that are ahead of you the open book of self-awareness and all that that brings. The third density, then, is a hinge density where the evolution of mind and body becomes the evolution of mind, body and spirit. There is still much that is and can only be learned physically, in the muscles, the bone, and the blood. The illusion was set up so that there would be unavoidable physical experiences that would distort and shape the learning and the service of the incarnations. Some of the more obvious of these examples are the sexual urge and the urge for companionship. The body, the mind, and the spirit find themselves sometimes uneasy allies in the third-density illusion, attempting to integrate sources of information and kinds of information that are coming into the body, mind and emotional systems. 2007/0204.txt:27:Were you all clever and full of fourth-density’s lack of a veil, you would see the dance that you dance together. But in fourth density, my friends, you would only be able to do the dance that you created for yourself in the third density that you now experience. Now, in this lifetime, at this moment, you are creating for yourself the choice of polarity and the balance of the energies surrounding that choice which shall be your starting point for all of the evolution that you shall experience as a soul for the next densities of experience. This time is most precious and we encourage you to embrace it with gusto and joy. 2006/0120.txt:11:And this brings us to the discussion of a whole different set of cyclic patterns that the questioner has observed, quite accurately we feel. Let us talk about some of these cycles of those who are approaching the information for the first time. This instrument, being in her sixties, is one of the early type of wanderers that no longer are coming among you. This instrument and many, indeed, millions of those who were called to the travail of your planet, came among you as pioneers of a kind. They choose to incarnate in third-density bodies, but they also chose to come into third density with a certain degree of awareness of their home densities, which were mostly of those of fifth-density and sixth-density social memory complexes. 2017/0430_01.txt:60:I am Q’uo, and believe that we grasp your query, my brother. The term “investment” is a term which, when used in the evolutionary sense, has the quality of expression that manifests itself as the sharing of certain aspects of one’s conscious awareness with those who may not be quite as far along the evolutionary path as the one investing is itself. Thus, entities in the higher densities that are able to make any kind of contact upon the level of the mind, the body, or the spirit, with a third-density entity, may then invest that entity, in some degree, with an expanded awareness of possibilities, shall we say. 2005/0716.txt:18:You may observe many figures which have attempted to express this feminine energy. The one known as Jesus, the one known as Mary, the one known as Quan Yin, and many others have expressed that yin creator-energy which is all-compassionate, all-loving, and all-understanding, all-inclusive and without the faculty of adhering judgment. Our hope, as a Confederation, then, is to rest in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator within the inner planes of this planet, which this instrument has often laughingly called the parking garage. Many of those who come from elsewhere within the creation dwell now within resting portions or parking garages of your inner planes, in the sub-plane which is resonant with our vibrations. We rest here with many allies, those essences of all of your densities, first, second, third and so forth, which animate and enliven your inner planes and help to create a fruitful Earth plane for those within third density at this time. 2008/0315.txt:20:When entities graduate from third density to fourth density, various things occur. Whether or not they have chosen positive- or negative-polarity fourth density, the move from third to fourth density creates a new environment. In this environment there is no veil. There is no veil between the conscious and the subconscious mind of each person and there is no veil between people, between the planet, and between entities of other densities. 1995/1022.txt:6:Perhaps we shall begin by looking at the way that entities come into being in your density. Your density is the culmination of the first two densities, those being the density of elemental awareness known by your rocks and earth, your sea and sky, and the second density of animal and vegetable growth with its turning to the light and feeding from the light. In your third density you come into third density fresh from the creation of the Father as a flower or a tree or an animal. Consciousness is one, both the consciousness of the species and the consciousness of the place and the creation and the nature of creation. There is a tremendous intercooperation, even to the killing of the weak and diseased of one species by another while the others are allowed to escape. There is an intimate and instinctual awareness of the Creator, yet there is no awareness of the self. 2006/0528.txt:10:Consequently, the work and challenge came for those entities experiencing the [higher] densities on Venus’ influence instead of in third density. Those who graduated into sixth density from the influence of the planet known as Venus, then, have often, in coming back into third density on your planet to serve as wanderers, been faced with a very challenging, self-given agenda of learning. That agenda is in rebalancing love and wisdom in order to value them in such as way that they are able to interpenetrate each other in true sixth-density unity. 1996/0428.txt:26:Now, in fourth density there is the dropping of the veil of forgetting. There is the greater awareness of each as the self. There is the lifting of limitations and boundaries so that each is unique, yet each shares the thoughts and experiences of each other in harmony. This sounds paradisical to the Earth entity yearning for manifestation of unity. Yet we ask each to remember that each density has its own challenges and lessons, so that there is never an end to the learning. There is never an end to challenge. Within manifestation there is always the awareness of self and the awareness of other, and as the densities refine that awareness the consciousness asks with more profundity the nature of oneness, the nature of unity. 1991/0301_02.txt:15:Now, there are larger thresholds and smaller thresholds. One might liken it to a flight of stairs with a landing, and then you are on to the next flight but it is all one stairwell. For the density of the being is generally moving toward transparency and there are certain limits of transparency or opacity within each of your labeled densities. This is only one factor. 2005/1120.txt:13:That which this instrument calls an “octave” [includes] the seven densities moving into the eighth density and therefore back to the first.1 It is the measure of your measureless life as a metaphysical being. It begins with birth which is a being cast out of the womb of the mother that is the Creator. Not to be abandoned; a mother does not birth a child to abandon it. It does allow the child to grow and in this case the entire purpose that your parent had in mind for you is for you to teach your parent about the nature of itself. 1989/0528.txt:18:It is said that all roads lead to Rome; we find this within this instrument’s head. We assure you, you cannot make too many detours to move through the densities. It merely is up to you as to how fast you wish to progress. The faster that you progress, the more uncomfortable that you will be. If you truly wish to progress quickly, it is best to do it with another entity at least, for the energies released are strong. The revolution around meditation and balancing of the day’s experiences or analysis of the day’s experiences is most important. The taking of the life seriously is helpful, and the viewpoint of laughter, merriment and seeing the life as [a] cartoon is equally helpful. Both viewpoints are needed to form an accurate picture of that which occurs within the catalyst of your life experience. All that is tragic has the edge of humor. All that is happy and humorous has an inner side of tragedy. Polarity is a portion of third density. 1979/0927_01.txt:87:Space has different densities. These densities are not a physical property as you know physical property. These densities are condensed out [of] space, and each has its peculiar properties. The thing that you call gravity in your particular density is a function of condensation of your density out of space. It is similar to a bubble being formed below the surface of a window.1 2019/1221.txt:8:As you have spoken truly, there is no other will than the will of the One, for there is no other entity than the One that exists in each entity. However, within the illusion of the creation in which you live and move and have your being, there is the seeming separation of various portions of the One Infinite Creator into those sub-sets, shall we say, that comprise various densities of entities in more or less understanding of their quality as the One Creator. These densities of creation exist so that the Creator may have more ways to know itself more purely, more intensely, and with greater variety, so that the entire creation of lifeforms has the joyous goal of providing to the Creator many, many different ways of its being able to know itself through each choice in each incarnation, in each density, infinitely. Thus, each serves the one by simply doing the nature or being the nature of the self that seems separate. 2019/1207.txt:70:However, as you have described, there are layers to all experience. Most of these layers of experience are those which lie in the future of the entity as it proceeds past the green-ray energy center, and becomes the adept, or, indeed, as the entity moves from the third-density illusion into the fourth density and succeeding densities where this balancing process of intentions becomes ever more finely tuned, for each intention, and each type of catalyst, and each type of experience that any seeker of truth proceeds from, or originates from within, has these layers that allow a finer and finer perception by the seeker of more and more of its own beingness until this beingness expands outward in a fashion which includes the entire creation, and the One Infinite Creator residing within. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:6:Ra said that they are from the sixth density and they are, in their words, a “social memory complex.” This is what a planetary population becomes in the densities of evolution beyond our own. In this arrangement, the thoughts, memories, and experiences of every individual are known and available to the whole group. The entire social body, then, consists of many unique individuals who also have access to a shared group repository of memory and identity. 2004/1011.txt:13:The essence of self is a living thing. The name that entities have within incarnation is often felt to be inadequate and so other names are sought that seem to have a vibration that is more in accord with your inner sense of who you are, from the standpoint of higher densities or from the inner planes of your own density where your own metaphysical work takes place. However, no name is necessary. Your energy field itself is your name. Your vibration is your identity. We have no doubt as to who each is within this group, not because we know your name but because we see you as you are, vibrating away, coruscating1 with light, color and texture. And each entity has her own inner structure, her own relationships and balances between the chakras and so forth. 1974/1031.txt:43:Within our own density, we are seeking to make corrections, corrections in our understanding. And yet we may compare the two densities to two problems of which you may have intellectual knowledge. One is the problem, shall we say, of tuning in a channel. You are now attempting to discover the correct channel. This is the reason for experience. We have this correction, and yet there are finer corrections, which you would understand as the controls on a television for the clarity of the picture. The difference between these examples and the two densities, my friends, is that with changes in density, as the corrections become finer, the differences obtained become more profound. 2010/0904_01.txt:59:In a session [recorded] February 13, 2010, Q’uo says, “Third-density Earth is nested within fourth-density Earth. It is not the same Earth as fourth-density Earth. Third-density Earth will not become fourth-density Earth, any more than first-density Earth became second-density Earth, or second-density Earth became third-density Earth. These densities are nested in such a way as to occupy the same area or influence within time/space and space/time held lovingly by the overarching energy field of your Sun.” 2005/1015.txt:48:Now, each of these densities take a considerable length of what this instrument would call time. Your density, the third density, is the shortest of all densities, being a bit over 75,000 of your years in length,2 and if you are familiar with the study of astrology, it is equal to the age of three of the signs of the zodiac. You are now ending one age and beginning another. The age of Pisces is giving way to the age of Aquarius. This 75,000-year cycle is called a density of choice. 1995/0402.txt:88:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would suggest the pondering of the densities containing space/time and time/space from the third density through the latter portions of the sixth density so that there are experiences which can be seen as incarnational and experiences which may be seen as pre- and post-incarnational as well within each of these densities. 2000/0416.txt:20:The reason that this applies to the graduation context is that in that question that was brought by the one known as J the entities involved felt that, as wanderers from the fifth density, upon graduating from Earth’s third density they would automatically move back into their home vibration. This is emphatically not true, and we felt that this is a very germane point, for all wanderers become Earth natives when they incarnate. The taking of a physical body is the taking of the blood, and bone, and the sinew of the entire human experience. There is no such thing as a tourist in the body on planet Earth. All of you have become natives, whatever your planet or origin or your densities of previous experience. 1981ra-contact/017.txt:189:You will find ill health, as you call this distortion, to frequently be the result of a subtle mismatch of energies in which some of the higher energy levels are being activated by the conscious attempts of the entity while the entity has not penetrated the lower energy centers, or sub-densities, of this density. 2001/0325.txt:8:Consequently, we have this pattern of repeated relationships and may we say that rather than having one fairly small group of people with whom there are repeated relationships over the course of a creation process—that is, over the course of many densities of that process—each may expect to become intimate, to go through the processes of catalyst, healing, harmonization and unity, with each other spark of the infinite Creator. Thusly, this process of each helping each to learn the lessons of each density is not in any way seen as a malignant or an undesirable process, no matter how confused or muddied the relationships seem to be. Rather, it is the outworking of the tremendous force of spiritual gravity calling each to become more and more aware of the true nature of the self and calling each to do that in ways that are native to each density and which work differently in each density. 2008/1122.txt:28:Yes, there is indeed. It seems that as the densities succeed third density, they become less susceptible to description, becoming so many steps removed from our reality that they are incomprehensible to our faculties of understanding. That being the case, it would make sense to assume that although fundamentally different, fourth density would be nearest to third density in the continuum of experience. 2004/0321.txt:15:Yet there is a system of inner authority to which one may go in mind and in heart. And we would not limit this for entities by saying it is this or it is that. To many, a guidance system is a unitary or singular phenomenon. This instrument would call it the Holy Spirit. The one known as David would call it the Guidance System, and so forth. And yet we assure each that the guidance system of each of you is massive and tremendously complex, moving not simply into the inner planes of third density but into the family connections, shall we say, between those in soul groups and their connections in other densities and so forth, so that the guidance system that can be approached by the asking of a question amounts to the complete awareness of your own inner planes and [outer] densities as well as that center of guidance for each of you that is that self of sixth density that is looking back to self in third density and offering that harvest in awareness that it has within that particular illusion. 2007/0414.txt:7:At the end of the second minor cycle of harvest in third density upon planet Earth, the Council of Saturn became concerned that the solar system as a whole had been able to bring to a normal graduation only one of the planets in this particular solar system that you call the Sun. It decided that it would be helpful to create a time lateral and to place the planet under strict quarantine. It was further decided that all of those entities whose third densities had been interrupted be brought to Earth to join Earth’s cycle leading to harvest. 2001/0121.txt:13:Further, the creation of the Father has the power to heal that which is broken, especially in the realm of the mental, emotional, and spiritual. So there are many finer body adjustments that can be made when interacting with that group which is the second density. In the third-density group such as this one, or any other spiritually based group, there is that nature shared with second density and all higher densities of absolute love for the waking human consciousness within the cocoon and absolute willingness to absorb and accept all energies coming from the cocooned energies that the being within the cocoon is experiencing. This means that through the subtle connections made within the meditation within the group there lies the potential for vast amounts of healing that can come only from the surety of being loved and the realization that one is completely and totally acceptable. It is not that the other human beings within the group are giving each of you this although they may well be on the conscious level. It is that the connection of the circle of seeking opens to each, with a power of the group on an individual basis, the deeper self within. 1997/0803.txt:171:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The third-density experience is by far the briefest experience in the evolution through the seven densities of this particular octave of experience. We speak of octaves with the understanding that the total unification of all portions of the one creation at the end of seventh density completes the octave. The fourth density experience is the second-shortest experience, being thirty million of your years. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:129:I am Ra. The question does not demand a long answer, for we who experienced the vibratory densities upon that planetary sphere which you call Venus were fortunate in being able to move in harmony with the planetary vibrations with an harmonious graduation to second, to third, and to fourth, and a greatly accelerated fourth-density experience. 2019/0119.txt:55:You are everything. If you can look and find more of those qualities that you observe in the world around you within yourself, and begin to balance that which you find with that which remains to be found, you become what may be called a “360-degree being,” containing, observing, and experiencing all that there is of the One Infinite Creator. This is the great goal, my brother, of all entities within the creation, and it is not a goal that is easily achieved, or quickly achieved, or achieved only within the third density, for this is a goal which all seekers of truth proceed to discover and follow as they move through the journey of the densities that lead back to the One Infinite Creator. Here, in this third-density illusion, your experience is that of beginning to become this 360-degree being. The achieving of such is accomplished by looking about you in your daily round of activities, to find one more, and one more, and one more quality that you might use to balance that which is already known to yourself within your own being. Thus, you become, in your own mind, that which you are in your unconscious mind. 2007/0902.txt:63:Let us speak to some extent about this question of how fourth density comes to planet Earth. It is difficult to imagine something that one has never seen. The closest we can come to explaining fourth-density Earth versus third-density Earth to you is that each density is an illusion. These illusions are nested within the energy field of your planet. Therefore, the second-density Earth is visible to you, as is the first-density Earth, because it would not disturb you to see such as those densities. And, of course, you see your own density. 2001/0121.txt:39:I am Q’uo, and we thank you for the repetition of the query, my sister. This instrument’s mind is often divided and it is not well trained in concentration. Our experience is one of the refining of those choices which we have made in a far more previous experience, that being both the third-density illusion in which we were able to achieve our polarity and in the fifth... We correct this instrument. And in the fourth density in which the compassion necessary to fuel our wisdom was gained. The choice which is made by any in third density as to the nature of the polarity is one of such a fundamental nature that there is constant refinement of the desire to serve as the compassion is gained that allows one to develop a method of propulsion, shall we say, where the desire to give love to the Creator is foremost upon the mind and within the heart. The gaining of wisdom in the third... We correct this instrument once again. The gaining of wisdom within the fifth density is an experience which is, again, a refining of the basic query to the self of how best to serve. The blending of the compassion and wisdom qualities of sixth-density experience again refines that which has been made as basic choices in previous densities’ work. Thus we continue to refine that which has been chosen previously and seek continually the transformation of the self into the one Creator which we feel is our basic lesson in each experience. 2009/0214.txt:6:The undifferentiated and unpotentiated infinite Creator has no bias. There is one thing. That one thing is self-understood and self-grasped and is content. However, the infinite Creator, choosing by the first distortion of free will to know Itself, has created a system of densities through which all of its sparks may proceed in order to experience all that can be experienced, to satisfy all desires, and to move through all the learnings of each density. 2005/1212.txt:49:In higher densities and especially within the fifth density and the sixth density, the refinement of the personality shell and its discipline has moved through so many cycles of refinement that it is no longer the tremendous challenge that it is within third density to pull away from the details and the minutiae of a relationship with another entity to see into the deeper threads of commonality in love, in devotion, and in service to others that truly bring two people together. 2010/0904_01.txt:60:This is an important point. The densities nest. We don’t stand here on this very ground and then at the Winter Solstice it turns into fourth-density Earth. It continues being third-density Earth. The fourth-density Earth is of a far more dense nature, denser with light; denser with information, and it nests within the third density, which nests within second [density], which nests within first [density]. All of the densities nest together, sort of like those Russian dolls that, [when] you open the biggest doll, there’s a smaller one, then a smaller one, and a smaller one. But I don’t think it’s [exactly] like that. I think the densities interpenetrate. 2004/1010.txt:9:The intentions of the creative principle remain a mystery to us but it has been our observation, as gazing at third density from somewhat further along the path of evolution, that the sexual principle is a powerful and lasting one. It continues to be a unifying and celebratory event as the densities move on. We at sixth density, speaking as those of the group of Ra, still experience sexuality in the shape of fusion. We, speaking as Latwii of fifth density, still experience sexuality as we wish to experience it—choosing our form and our expression; yet our choices continue to be those of finding that one entity with whom we are most suited and enjoying a mated life together in the context of group living. And it is true of those who are of the Hatonn group in fourth density as well. We do not have as much choice, in terms of physical vehicles, yet we do have that continuing desire to be companioned and to share an intimate life with that companion. Sexuality is not going to go away because you leave this density; it is a continuing principle within what you may perhaps visualize, as we do, as a continuing series of illusions. So a query concerning sexuality is in no way a shallow one. Nor is it one that we can dispose of by discussing psychology or ways of encouraging various portions of the mind to alter their biases. 2010/0213.txt:60:We realize that this is one of the less comfortable or naturally obvious concepts having to do with the concept of densities. It is natural for a person to think that this same Earth upon which your feet make footsteps shall become fourth density and that on this same Earth, fourth density shall take place. However, we would suggest to you that it is much like wanting to take your physical body with you when you pass from physical life upon this planet and hoping to drag what this instrument would call this chemical distillery of a body into fourth density and attempt to lug it around when everyone else is dancing with a much lighter and electrically driven rather than chemically driven body. 1990/1115.txt:17:The greatest separation from the Creator known to you is the first density being, where the Creator is as yet only a vague longing and a dim recollection of a time when the separation has not yet taken place. The evolution of spirit is already afoot, however, upon a pathway of suffering, as the entity, who has thus been separated from out of the Creator, seeks to reunify with the Creator and the story of the further development through the densities of second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and beyond is well enough known to you. 2009/1219.txt:49:Consequently, you would find, if you could move back into that place where timelessness and first density gave way to time, that literally millions of species have arisen and fallen away in the natural rhythm of the procession of sub-densities. The first [sub-density] of third density, the second sub-density of third density, etc., into now, as you experience the seventh sub-density of third density. Therefore, some of those species that have passed into extinction have done so in ways that are entirely in accord with the balance of creation. 2019/0511.txt:21:As regards your second query as to how to get the most helpful information from our group, we suggest that the same technique be used, that which you have done repeatedly in your interactions with us, and that is to ask what is on your heart. For that which comes from your heart, is the purest offering that you may give to any entity, be they from your density, our densities, or from any place. For this offering of the heart is an offering that brings all entities together in the opening of that green-ray energy center, an unconditional love for all beings, for all of the creation, whether you are aware of them or not, for the love that pours from your heart touches all, for all are indeed One. 1991/0301_01.txt:6:We would speak of the saying of the one known as Jesus, that saying which he gave to his disciples: “Feed my sheep.”1 Many are the loving servants of the one Creator who are eager to feed other sheep but who do not realize that first they also need food, not the food of the earthly vehicle alone, but far more importantly, the bread and wine of spiritual companionship. There is a great companion which awaits all who heed her heart; that is, the first and second densities of your sphere. The very earth beneath your feet is alive and pulses with undiminished, infinite love. Each rock, each portion of grass, meadow, or pine needle beneath your feet connects a third-density entity with the heart of the Grandmother Earth. How this being loves you! The friendship of the elementals of earth, air, wind and fire; the devas of plants of all kinds; the ever-rising consciousness of animal forms, all wait to embrace the one who stops to pay attention and to take comfort in the cathedral of what you call nature. When an entity allows itself to admit the entrance of these divine and loving spirits, the air is filled with cherubim, the trees with the laughter of the seraphim, and angels ascend and descend in every fire, in every storm, in every calm, in all beams of living sunlight. Here lies food indeed for the spirit. 2001/0329.txt:15:We stand, in speaking of the Matrix and the Potentiator, at the beginning of a deep, deep road, a very fruitful road, a most promising road that shall be wended not just within your present lifetime or your present density, but through several densities to come. You are at the beginning of a journey of self-knowledge that shall bring surprise upon surprise, awareness upon awareness and yet we say to you that at each of the spirals of awareness, including that one at which you now are, you are already that being which you hope to become. And by the bare attempt to seek within the archetypes you bring resonances of that being to your waking personality which strengthen and have a tendency to heal the waking personality. We would thusly encourage each to do this work in consciousness. Not hastily. Not without respect. And certainly not without preparation. 1988/1009.txt:19:There is time enough, as this instrument would put it, in further densities to refine the lessons which follow the choice of the positive path. Each of you is a wanderer, each couple which has been asked about is already aware that it is of a different level of density than the mate. This creates certain problems of communication. The thinking is quite different from density to density, as the lessons change. 1990/1115.txt:21:I am Laitos, and greet each of you again in the love and the light of the Creator. This joy of which we speak is so central a concept to the process of spiritual illusion and the fact of being itself, but as you progress upon your journey, you will find [inaudible] Begin to discover this quality more and more as a central portion of your [being] is that which results from the fire of the contact between yourself and the Creator. This takes place upon many levels [inaudible] densities [inaudible] The appearance of the type of contact between entities and Creator changes from density to density, but the core nature [inaudible] is the same. 1981ra-contact/085.txt:80:We may suggest at all times the constant remembrance of the density from which each adept desires to move. This density learns the lessons of love. In the case of wanderers there are half-forgotten overlays of other lessons and other densities. 2001/1021.txt:6:This creative Thought, by the action of free will, by the indwelling of possibility, has chosen to create light. Using this building block, which is the very fabric of space and time, the Creator has builded a universe. All that therein is, is made of light. All that is light was created by love. Consequently, all that is experienced in the creation is one thing, and that is love. No matter how distorted that energy, its substance is the same energy, the same ancestry as the lightest and brightest of energies. All positive- and negative-seeming appearances, no matter how far from love and light they seem to be, are still made up of love. Just as that which is new can become old quickly, just as that which is whole can become broken in a heartbeat, the creations of the Father within your experience all have a great deal of plasticity. Each of you is an agent of this Creator with a certain degree of latitude in creating the sub-universe which is your personal reality. Each of you, then, is a creature compounded of love, moving and having your being within an energy field that is made of love and shaped by your distortions of that love. Each of you comes into contact with a varying number of other energy fields, whether people, groups of people [or] societies. All of these energy fields have their being within the larger energy field which is the Creator. And this is true whether gazed at from the perspective of third density or from a perspective of higher densities. Because of our experiences within higher densities, certainly we experience a different universe in terms of what we sense and see. And yet we too see the interplay of fields of energy and know that all truly is one. 1993/0322_02.txt:30:When you wonder what is your work here, what is it about, I ask only that you keep in your mind that the work you do is on so many different levels that you cannot begin to imagine the span of it. For now, you are human. Allow yourselves to be human. Work with the catalysts of this density. It is fine to acquaint yourselves with what comes next, both as inspiration for your work and to help you keep a balanced perspective. But you do not need to use this present incarnative experience doing the work that you will do in higher densities. Embrace this human experience and the human that you are. Cherish yourselves. If I could give just one piece of advice it would be that: Cherish yourselves. 2017/0204.txt:15:In a mind/body/spirit complex which is moving through the densities, and in particular in the third density which you now enjoy, it is a necessary and natural function to experience the polarities of male and female with emphasis lying first in the one and then in the other. The primary mode of this emphasis in incarnational experience is that you find yourself incarnated in a body, expressing the female or the male. But even when that is so, each of you still possesses a side representing the principle of the polarity not expressed in your physical form. Each male is female; each female is male. As you engage in that dance, which is your experience of this life and all of its complexities, you will have shadings of the one polarity and shadings of the other polarity, each calling to the other, each expressing itself in relation to the other in such a large myriad of ways, that it beggars description. 2000/0206.txt:11:The remaining densities are the fourth density, which many have called the density of understanding but which we would call the density of love; fifth density, in which souls take on themselves lessons of wisdom; sixth density, which is the density of unity, where love and wisdom find the way to meld and become one. This density is the first density wherein the positive and the negative paths are reconciled and all paradoxes solved. The seventh density has been called the density of foreverness, for in this final density before the octave souls spend their last days looking backwards and finally, full of spiritual gravity, are pulled back into the heart of the one infinite Creator to become quiescent and held completely in potential, only to be flung out again at the beginning of the next creation to experience more, to express more, and to inform the one infinite Creator of Its own nature. 2010/1225.txt:36:We are those of Q’uo, my sister, and are aware of your query. My sister, your sun is evolving and while the flares and seemingly other toxic activities have been seemingly quite active within your past days, we find that the orb itself, known as Sun or Sol, is healthy and making adjustments which are part of its evolution. It shines upon all densities in time/space but the active density for space/time is rapidly evolving into fourth density instead of third density. This calls forth from the sun light of a much denser quality. This light has more facets to the photon. It holds much more information and is much richer in its light, light that would even be considered toxic to third-density entities but which, for fourth-density entities and above, is fully acceptable. 2005/0306.txt:20:You have also asked about guidance of a service-to-self nature, or a negative nature, such as the [guidance system of the] one known as Hitler and other obviously service-to-self entities who are not interested in helping others but in controlling them. Within the time/space densities from which guidance comes, the positive and the negative paths are separated. One within fourth or fifth density has chosen either to serve others or to serve the self. You as a positive spirit are receiving guidance from your own greater self at a density that is further on in space/time than your own. You are receiving back the information that you have won by earning it through lesson after lesson, service after service, and density upon density. When you receive guidance of a negative nature, it has not been arranged beforehand. It has not been planned before incarnation. Rather, it has the character of a predator and its prey. For the service-to-self entity that wishes to be a negatively-oriented guide for a third-density entity is actually looking to control the source of power and to be sure that that power does not turn towards the light but towards the darkness. 2010/0905_01.txt:82:“Like the Confederation, the densities of the mass consciousnesses which comprise that group are varied. There are a very few third density, a larger number of fourth density, a similarly large number of fifth density, and very few sixth-density entities comprising this organization. Their numbers are perhaps one-tenth ours at any point in the space/time continuum as the problem of spiritual entropy causes them to experience constant disintegration of their social memory complexes. Their power is the same as ours. The Law of One blinks neither at the light nor the darkness, but is available for service to others and service to self. However, service to others results in service to self, thus preserving and further harmonizing the distortions of those entities seeking intelligent infinity through these disciplines.“Those seeking intelligent infinity through the use of service to self create the same amount of power but, as we said, have constant difficulty because of the concept of separation which is implicit in the manifestations of the service to self which involve power over others. This weakens and eventually disintegrates the energy collected by such mind/body/spirit complexes who call the Orion group and the social memory complexes which comprise the Orion group.“It should be noted, carefully pondered, and accepted, that the Law of One is available to any social memory complex which has decided to strive together for any seeking of purpose, be it service to others or service to self. The laws, which are the primal distortions of the Law of One, then are placed into operation and the illusion of space/time is used as a medium for the development of the results of those choices freely made. Thus all entities learn, no matter what they seek. All learn the same, some rapidly, some slowly.” 8 1996/1020.txt:7:One of the ways in which entities within third and fourth densities tend to gauge balance is by placing one set of—this entity does not have the appropriate word. She would say “symptoms,” but we speak of ways of thinking and ways of reacting—that should be given to the female and the opposite given to the male principle. In fact, although it is so that the second-density physical vehicle that carries men’s and women’s consciousness about in those densities have distinctive sex related patterns of behavior, it is emphatically not so that the infinite and eternal spirit that is the true self is bounded by or even very conscious of these instinctual behaviors. 2006/0401.txt:10:From our point of view, we see the term spirit guide as somewhat lacking in specificity. We would rather discuss the higher self for in terms of the structure of this resource of the self, the higher self comes from a place in the circle of your personality stream, shall we say, or your soul stream, that is far in advance of your consciousness within incarnation at this time. The higher self is your self at a point within sixth density where the lessons of unity have been so far advanced that you as an entity have become aware in sixth density that you are moving away from close contact with that which has been laid within your memory as the occurrences of all of the densities up through sixth. 2009/0523.txt:27:For this reason there are no entities now being born into your Earth world that are equipped only with third-density wiring. Those who are moving into incarnation upon your planet at this time have the dual wiring of third density and fourth density. And so they have the roots of consciousness and all of the delivery systems of deep awareness coming into conscious awareness that are native to both densities. And therefore those younger entities among you are able to use the light in a far more efficient fashion. And yet, because of the increased clarity of fourth-density light and its increased ability to hold information, these same younger entities often express themselves as those who indeed do have difficulty in connecting with third-density’s common reality. 2010/0130.txt:22:Indeed, all is illusion within your density, a deeper illusion than the densities1 from which we speak. Yet all within our densities are also illusions, yet more rarefied and refined illusions. However, the paradoxes remain. The mystery remains. The purpose of there being such a thick veil between you as your physical body and you as a soul body is that your density is the Density of Choice. The choice that you have before you as a human being, once you realize that you are inevitably and most deeply an ethically orientated entity, it is to choose your manner of service. 2018/0407.txt:57:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. That which you have called the orgasm seems to be most unusual within most entities as being seen as a normal experience. That which you call the sexual experience for most entities upon this planetary sphere is that which has suffered a great deal of disguise, shall we say, and manipulation throughout many thousands of years of disharmony upon this planet. It has been that which has been used to confuse, to sell—to destroy, in some cases, further desire for any other experience. And yet, we say to you, that when you experience that which you call the orgasmic release of the energies of sexual expression, you are experiencing that which is the steady state for many higher density entities, for as one moves into greater and greater union with the One Creator, that which is experienced resembles what you call the orgasm in the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels of energy expression and experience. That orgasmic release is but a hint, my brother, of that which awaits each seeking soul that is able to make the graduation into the higher densities, beginning with your fourth density that is now available to Planet Earth. Thus, this hint is that which has suffered greatly in its being perceived by Earth’s population as being tainted, reserved only for certain entities, and being made into an object of desire for itself only. We can assure you, there is more to come ... pun intended. 1989/0924.txt:26:There are many upon your planet at this time that have removed themselves from other densities and planetary influences for the purposes of offering services that are needed as this planetary entity, which you call Earth, makes its entrance into the density of understanding1. Therefore, there are many who have found service in joining in incarnation with their own kind, shall we say. Upon your planet at this time there are many of these that you call wanderers that work individually, letting the life’s experience shine to those in the immediate vicinity. There are others that join together with those that you may see as family in order that their services might be enhanced. You are aware of many entities with whom you feel this quality of family, and are aware that the overriding purpose of each entity’s incarnation is the offering of service to this planetary sphere. 2010/0904_01.txt:73:Now, the second point here, besides the fact that the densities nest and we don’t have to make this into a fourth-density planet, is that we are ready. This instant, this heartbeat, we are ready if we let [the Creator’s] love shine through us. 2006/0328.txt:51:We may offer some general concepts on the topic of what is fun in higher densities. My brother, when the veil is lifted which hangs so heavily over your eyes and your senses in third density and you behold the creation with the eyes that are unveiled... 2006/0212.txt:82:And as you touch the edges of archetypal imaging, those messengers come back to you, called through the shuttle of spirit into manifestation, be they from first density such as elementals, or second density such as the messengers of your totems, or be they those entities from the inner planes from many densities that may well be called to your seeking self by the radiancy of your vibrations and the focus of your desire. 2009/0922.txt:6:The foundation of each seeker’s guidance system is his own higher self, that self who, in mid-sixth density, has experienced all that is desired. When that entity realizes fully that he shall no longer desire or seek to fulfill desires, but instead turn towards the call of the infinite Creator to rejoin It fully, it turns one last time to what you would see as the past and creates a thought form that contains all of the harvest of that which he has learned throughout all of his incarnations in all densities through the sixth. 1994/0923.txt:49:[footnote start]This statement is slightly difference from the Confederation's definition of wanderer, which says that wanderers are beings who incarnate into third density from higher densities to aid and to learn.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Appalachian folk song; music and lyrics collected by John Jacob Niles, 1933.↩[footnote end] 1991/0106.txt:41:I am Q’uo. There is indeed illusion in all densities before that of the density of foreverness and return. Each density has its proper and appropriate portion in your learning experience, and you shall, although you experience them all simultaneously, by the use of illusion, have the ability to experience each lesson in its own appropriate area, which you understand as space and time, but which in reality is a field without space and time. 2009/1219.txt:61:There are nuances to this question that would take many hours to discuss. For light is that which is denser with information and energy, not simply from third density to fourth density, but from the sub-density to sub-density and sub-sub-densities within third density, so that there are many, many kinds of light. And for each injury to each soul’s energy body, there is a certain kind of light which is going to be needed in order to effect repair. 1991/0303_02.txt:53:The densities above your own are densities in which this refining process progresses from the point at which you are when you graduate from the third-density schoolroom. Shall we say that in third density, the Higher Self, which is the Creator, evaluates and grades, shall we say, using the curve, as this instrument would call it. There is not absolute perfection possible. Thusly, one is simply hoping in a relativistic way to approach nearer and nearer to a heartfelt dedication to begin the refining process in a conscious manner, not simply reacting to the stimuli in this thick darkness of unknowing but choosing rather to live a life in blind faith and to prosecute that first choice of service to others which does begin in love of self with every possible vehemence and passion. 2005/0320.txt:25:The spiral from the top of the pyramid is that which is able to move into the fourth density or [into] that space between the densities where there is resistance through which this energy helps to push. Consequently, one has the circle, one has the square, and one has the delta, or the triangle. 2017/0430_01.txt:58:Q’uo, I have a question about the process of investment. What can you say about investment of fourth density and third density. And does investment ever occur between not adjacent densities, such as fifth or sixth in third density. 2017/0204.txt:7:Within many of the densities of experience, beginning with your second density, extending through at least the fifth density, there is the division between that which is seen to be male in the biological sense and that which is seen to be female in the biological sense. Oftentimes these gender issues are confused with issues of principle—the male principle and the female principle—the male principle being that which reaches, is active, which gives, which does. You may look to your Sun and see the male principle, reaching to Earth with the light that gives life to Gaia, your Mother Earth, which is an example of the female principle, that being that which awaits the reaching and which produces life when it is reached by the male principle. 1986/0608.txt:11:The planet itself will influence entities to a varying extent, depending upon the development of time/space awareness in the entity as it moves through the incarnation, for not all Earth energies are the same as one would expect in a crystalline structure. Picture, if you will, the gem which is cut. If it is not properly struck by the tool which cuts it, it will shatter. If it is touched in a place which does not fracture, there will be no breakage, clean or splintered. So it is with your Earth. There are points of energy instreaming upon your planet, not only in your—we find this entity calls your illusion third density—but also first density, second density, third and fourth, all now activated to a large extent. In potential are also far more complex crystalline structures which will resonate when the planet achieves fifth, sixth and seventh densities. This particular planet has not yet done so, however, theoretical work may be done by those with the technical skill to pursue this field of study. 2018/0120.txt:59:This is a very fertile density, your third density, my friends, confusing though it may be. There is no other density within the octave of densities that provides such opportunities as are so easily perceptible here—easily perceptible, we say, to those outside of the third density. We have great sympathy for you, in that we know that so much of this third density remains a mystery, and a confusing experience for you. However, such mysteries and such confusions draw you forward into that which is awaiting for you within each mystery and confusion, for in truth, all is one, and all teaches unity, love and light. 2002/1006.txt:6:Certainly we can say that, regardless of the model used to discuss the transition times into fourth density, the membrane between densities is semi-permeable and increasingly so as the time moves from moon to moon and year to year. Already you have experienced a great deal of shifting and opening up of energies, of patterns changing, and these things have been experienced, not because necessarily they were chosen but perhaps inadvertently, so that change has multiplied upon change, and it is easy to feel that one is completely unable to control one’s life. However, we would suggest to you that the issue of control is a kind of seduction designed to limit the ability to envision and to dream when one is allowed to be cast loose from one’s circumstances so that one exists in that space between all things: between densities, between energies, in the water, shall we say, that the creation swims within. It can be seen that this “between place” is actually the womb within which the self is birthed from moment to moment, and, as the self is birthed, so is the creation. It is difficult to grasp that one does create the stars, the bodies within the heavens, all of the amazing and cosmic structures of energy and balance that no one’s mind in any density could actually grip, wield and change, yet each of you, by the way he thinks of himself and the way he tells his story to himself, creates the stars of a certain color and in a certain order, creates a universe that wraps around him like a cloak and prepares him for that journey which, in his own mind, is the business of his life. 2004/0321.txt:4:Your query this day is one which drives to the heart of the nature of being. Perhaps it was not intended that this question probe so deeply, yet the question was that of the relationship betwixt the seeker and the system of information which constitutes the creative principle, the godhead principle, or the one infinite Creator. So we would first back up to gaze at that one infinite Creator, for that concept, in and of itself, is a key to that question that was asked. Each who is taking breath in and letting breath out within this circle of seeking and each who may read these words as a part of their life experience of a particular moment: at the moment you hear or read these words, each is a part of the one infinite Creator. The realest part of each spirit or soul in manifestation or third-density incarnation, alike and equally, is a part of the Godhead, a part that has never been separated from the Godhead, a spark that shall never know separation from the original Thought that created the “house” that you experience as the universe and all of the furnishings or dimensions or densities of it. 2010/1225.txt:15:This is counter to the work ethic of your culture. It is seemingly obvious to casual thinking that entities who come from other densities to the earth density to serve are coming to serve in an outer sense. But, my sister, this is often not the case. Indeed, the majority of those who come from elsewhere to Planet Earth come to lighten the consciousness of Planet Earth by holding their hearts open and allowing the love/light of the one infinite Creator to move through their energy bodies into their hearts. And when their hearts are fully open they are able to bless that energy and send it onwards, not only with the infinity of the Creator’s light but also with the very specific blessing of one spark of the Creator, which is that wanderer on Earth. As that wanderer moves through all which it must move in order to keep the heart open and to bless that light and dedicate it to the service of the entire planet, that wanderer is fulfilling his purpose completely. 1984/1230.txt:101:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We had portions of our social memory complex within your illusion in the capacity of that which has come to be called wanderer, those beings of other densities who seek to enter yours in order to aid your own evolution by their presence and to aid their own evolution by experiencing the great illusion in which you now move. They also must go through the forgetting process which is the great characteristic of your third-density illusion. 2006/0416.txt:76:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. There is no difficulty in having both. There is no break point, as it were. There are inner planes in each density. All densities have all densities within them in sub-density form. In third density you have all densities, one through seven, in the inner planes. They are inner-plane densities as opposed to outer-planes densities in that they are time/space in configuration rather than space/time in configuration. 2005/1015.txt:17:Consequently, when we speak of densities we are not speaking of something that is dense in terms of matter. Rather, we’re speaking of various levels of the density of that which we would call light. If you can accept that everything, including your thoughts, has a vibratory level then you are conversant enough with this concept in order for us to speak of density levels. 1993/0925_01.txt:58:Aaron speaks of [eight] densities, each of which has seven subdivisions, each of which has seven sub-subdivisions and so on. He defines it loosely as eight densities and says that some people may find it different. For example, he is dividing fourth and fifth density. Some people may group them together. 1997/0209.txt:15:We are those of Q’uo, and, my brother, we have thoughts on almost anything... which we are glad to share. To the best of our limited knowledge there is nothing but illusion. The only thing that is without illusion is unpotentiated Love, which has no awareness of Itself. By the play of free will the Creator is able to seek to know Itself, but the act of manifesting love is in itself an illusion, a distortion, certainly a primal distortion, but distortion nevertheless, so that no matter what density of experience or length of study that describes one’s situation, one is experiencing an illusion and one is distorting the truth. There is nothing but a steady progression of more and more light-filled densities which offer a more and more pleasant light-filled way of distorting the one original Thought. 1989/1015.txt:7:The nature of everything is consciousness. Thus, to move the focus of attention most well towards the one infinite Creator, it is well first to move the attention from the world of phenomena to the world of paradox and mystery, these two characteristics being the hallmarks of spiritual truth. Although the paradoxes are in later densities blended and unified, the essence of spirituality is an awareness of the absolute polarity of this density, and the dear necessity, the grateful necessity, of choosing and continuing to choose one path to the Creator. 2005/1211.txt:16:Another way of looking at language is to look at what actually occurs during a communication. The one known as B was asking about how one talks to a rock. This is difficult for us to communicate through this instrument but we will attempt it. All entities besides humans in third density speak and understand the thought behind the words rather than understanding words. It is to the human mind that words are necessary, not to the consciousness that indwells all of the other densities and, indeed, the inner planes of your own density. It is not the rest of creation that is odd, it is you. 1989/0409.txt:7:These two energies manifest in many, many different ways; they are two sides of the one coin of the infinite intelligence that created all of the densities of space and time through which in this creation we shall move. The trip may be longer for some than for others because the basic choice that this particular density asks the seeker to make is the choice of which energy to use in order to further understand the mystery of the one infinite Creator, the one original Thought or Logos that created all that there is. This choice may seem a simple one to make when gazed at theoretically, however, this particular illusion is designed to confuse and befuddle and trap, fool and mystify any and all attempts to make black and white out of the warp and woof of speckled gray that is this illusion. 1995/0402.txt:10:And this Creator is not confined or retained within an image or form but, rather, is an infinite intelligence, what many among your peoples have called the Logos and what we have often called Love. This great original Thought or Logos which is Love is then perhaps our closest suggestion to a concept which approaches that which you have suggested as the mind of God in that it contains within its concept all unmanifest and manifest creation. However, it is well to note that within the illusions which you call the densities each of you is the mind of God in potentiation and the work done within the densities is in great part clearing away the various levels of confusion for each seeker, and in third density this clearing away is the clearing away of each seeker’s self-definitions so that each may find within itself more and more the willingness and the instinct to take upon the self the role of that Love, that Logos, which is the original Thought, realizing that within the illusions the only manifestation of this Logos shall come from your words and your hands. 2007/0211.txt:82:When the time lateral ends and those who are still breathing third-density air upon Earth are still around to pick up the pieces—which you are already doing, my friends—those who were not able to make the transition with you will all have been picked up as they enter larger life through the gates of death and with infinite care, cherished and supported through their own process of discovering what lay behind the veil of forgetting. They will be given every chance to consider their lives and what they wish to do next. They will go to a third-density planet somewhere that is not Earth and they will take up the third-density classroom once again, attempting to learn to make that choice and to set the intention not just for third density but for so many densities to come, all the way through the middle of sixth density. 2006/0101.txt:62:The pattern of third density, to use your own discussion of densities with this instrument, is oranges. There is an orange-ness that must be completed and that is a complex thing. It has to do with that particular fruit, shall we say. It has a certain smell, it has a certain texture and firmness, and is of certain size and so forth. Third density has a field and it is full of a certain kind of pattern. When the pattern is completed, then there will be no more need for oranges. 1989/0716.txt:67:There will be those elements that are of an exterior nature, whether they be third density entities or those from higher densities. The important ingredient is the perception and attitude of the self as it takes part in and responds to those experiences that belong to it. 2019/0928.txt:43:Thus, as entities are able to open themselves more and more fully to the Creation about them, they discover that these vibratory qualities of each photon of light are contained within their very being, so that there is an infinite array of musical creations that is possible to process or cause to vibrate within and without such an entity. Thus, entire experiential creations may be lived by such higher vibration entities that inhabit the higher densities beyond your own. The qualities of music within your own third-density experience are basic foundation stones, shall we say, for this more elevated type of musical instrumentation, where the entity is the instrument. 1981ra-contact/077.txt:81:To turn to your question, there were Logoi which chose to set the plan for the activation of mind/body/spirit complexes through each true-color body without recourse to the prior application of free will. It is, to our knowledge, only in an absence of free will that the conditions of which you speak obtain. In such a procession of densities you find an extraordinarily long, as you measure time, third density; likewise, fourth density. Then, as the entities begin to see the Creator, there is a very rapid, as you measure time, procession towards the eighth density. This is due to the fact that one who knows not, cares not. 2016/0220.txt:35:However, it is also the case that as an infinity of expressions are created by the infinity of entities in the creation, there is a pattern that is traveled through the densities so that when the spirit complex is added to the mind and the body in the third density experience, it is at this point that what you have called the giving up of the freewill of the small self to do the will of the Creator becomes a possibility. 2006/0116.txt:24:In sum, we would simply ask you to have full faith in yourself. You are exactly correct in saying that whether or not you are a wanderer you still request the same information. And that is something that we would share with all who are aware of their wanderer nature. Please be aware that there are very special aspects of your being that you carry because of your previous experience in higher densities. However, please also be aware that in accepting the challenge of incarnation on planet Earth in third density at this time, you have localized and grounded your soul energies into a very specific place, time and structure. You now are part of the tribe of planet Earth. Its destiny is your own. Its lessons are yours to express. 2001/0916.txt:9:We speak of the metaphysical aspect of intense transformation as this planet changes densities, changes the very nature of its core particles, changes the nature of its light, changes the way that light is able to come into the planetary aura or grid of energies. It has been transforming for approximately two thousand of your years to some extent. It has been beginning to accelerate for the last, say, two hundred years to a marked degree. And as each of you is aware, it is profoundly accelerating in exponentially shorter amounts of physical time/space as the cusp of transformation is reached. As far as we are aware that cusp will be reached within the next decade. At that point your planet will have awakened its fourth-density nature. That indicates magnetic change, electrical change; change of a profound nature that has already been showing up for some of your years in newly discovered, very quirky, sub-density particles. It will continue to be a situation where the finer energies keep showing up for brief periods of time within the physical universe as these transformative processes continue. 2005/1120.txt:8:Metaphysically, growth may be seen in a far more spacious context. You as an individual have been growing, not simply through one incarnation but through many, not simply in one density but in all of them within your octave. Speaking metaphysically and in a non-local manner, you are growing in all densities simultaneously and creating a non-local harvest which is being developed over a period of billions of your years, speaking from the standpoint of physical terms. 2018/0217.txt:52:Thus, if one could look at the entire spectrum of colors of the system of chakras, there would be an overall appearance of the yellow ray having predominance, the green ray having a secondary role, or expression of vibration, and the blue and indigo being, shall we say, dimmer around the fringe, or the perimeter of the overall expression of energies. These colors and vibrations would also be embedded within the entity’s true color density, its home vibration, if it is that which you call the wanderer, who has incarnated from the fourth, the fifth, or the sixth densities. Thus, this coloration of the home vibration would cradle the incarnational vibrations in a fashion that would be much like a rainbow circling the entity. 2006/0507.txt:74:As one rises in densities, one becomes aware of the tremendous, unimaginable array of information. Each density has a quantum leap of information involved. It is as if the light had more facets so that it could carry more information. 1991/0322.txt:19:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We feel that we have shared what is the heart of the learning experience, not only for ourselves, but for any entities which yet seek the mystery and the unity of the one Creator and that is the interaction between entities. The opportunities for communication, for misunderstanding, for the wounding, for the healing, and for the transformation of entities in mind, body and spirit through the relationships that develop between entities. These means of learning are those which are most important. Not only to your own peoples, but to ourselves and all others of whom we are aware for the Creator shall learn from Itself. We, of course, as do other entities of those densities beyond your own third-density illusion, partake in individualized means of enhancing or working with this learning process. 1989/0528.txt:19:We encourage you not to be concerned as to how fast you move along the path to spiritual enlightenment, for, in truth you are not seeking a specific gradation of light, but are seeking merely to progress. There is, indeed, a resistance point betwixt densities, a point of light which becomes suddenly of a different nature, so that those which truly cannot move into fourth density at the end of the life experience will be placed upon a planet which is having third-density experience. Those who are able to cross the threshold to the fourth density upon their physical death may move into a larger life, a life of glowing colors and harmonious entities, a life where all the lies and deceptions and the schemes and attitudes are known and loved and forgiven, and therefore are no longer needed as armor and are dropped; a density of understanding of each other, of being able to see which mate is truly associated with you and is truly to be with you, and in this instance we would refer to the query of the one known as P. 2005/1212.txt:33:In such a trivialized landscape as that which your language offers, it is difficult to get a grip on words like love and truth. We would add several other words to this short list of concepts that represent powerful essences that have a life of their own within fourth density and higher densities in general. Those words are beauty, wisdom and peace. We might add the word faith to that as well with the understanding that faith is not belief nor is there any content to faith. 2002/0210.txt:5:The shadow self is a most interesting query and to begin we would bring to your mind a symbol in this instrument’s mind labeled “pop culture.” It is the ying yang symbol with the S-shaped curve across the circle with one graceful arch being black and the other white, the black having a white dot and the white having a black dot. Certainly one can see the white from the black. One can also see that they create a spherical being and this is the 360 degree being that we have been talking about. In this instrument’s communion service, which we present to the one known as C as an example of our sense of humor, the wording of the general confession is to be that of claiming the self to be a wretch, and within this instrument’s mind there is often the ironic thought that she regrets that this was ever taken out of the service because it is helpful from time to time to connect with the wretched portion of self-perceived humanity. For it is the glory and the pain of humanity to express and experience two paths for the price of one. This is a density that is rather unusual even for later densities in the strength of the apparent wide chasm or abyss between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. And indeed there has been a very concerted effort on the part of many to conceive of this as a war and the light workers of the world as warriors that are fighting dark forces. 2000/1015.txt:12:Now, in addition to the planetary energy transformations that are now taking place upon your planet and are causing underlying anxieties and feelings of tension on a global basis there is also a self-perpetuation, self-regulating system of catalyst and experience that informs the gradual spiritual evolution of each awakened spirit. Each of you and each of us has a body system that is not a simple thing. Each of the seven sub-densities of your density has proper to it a physical or metaphysical vehicle or a combination of the two. Each of these vehicles has chakras. Each of these seven chakras in these seven finer bodies is related in some way and connected in some way to the chakra system of the physical body. Further, these bodies interpenetrate and there can come to be fairly interesting and unusual systems of connection where there have been repeated lessons distorted in a certain way and connections have been made between chakras or between chakras and the finer bodies and the chakras in the physical body. All of which can cause, shall we say, glitches in the system, places where energy is held, places where energy is leaking out through holes in the aura, places where there is overactivation so that there is a constant feeling of tension simply because a chakra has gone into a subjective perception that it is needed in an emergency activation, and so it is firing at full capability at all times. This is undesirable and unbalanced. 2003/0525.txt:12:The beau geste of each of you at this time is, among other things, to reclaim and recapture your own freedom of will at the level of spiritual endeavor, at the level of will, at the level of choosing to become personally involved in compassion towards entities of flesh and blood and bone. Move into active compassion, focus upon the eyes within the photographs of the media rather than the details of horror and terror. Focus upon the process of souls learning, being transformed and being lifted away into new lessons and new densities. Many are those who have already been cleared, out of third density and into a fourth-density environment. Many are those who are coming back at this time with the altered DNA possible with fourth-density consciousness. The so called indigo children and crystal children are those who have already been harvested and have begun their new life in a new density in which they begin as the equivalent of an indigenous species, within the context of fourth-density life. Each of you has perhaps an overweening opinion of the gadgets and the trickery of the present level of technological expertise of your peoples. Yet, indeed, the next level of expertise flows with cooperation with the light rather than control of the light and this in turn opens those abilities which create the impression that that which you think of [as] advanced technology is, in fact, the knife, the flint pounder, the fish hook. 1981ra-contact/085.txt:105:[footnote start]This should be service-to-self. Don and Ra corrected the error in 85.13.↩[footnote end][footnote start]As previous footnote indicates, in 85.13 Ra corrected the error, conveying they intended to say “service to self.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Corrected to “service to self” in 85.13.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Though unknown, there is the potential that “octave of third density” is an uncorrected error. While each density could be considered its own octave, the journey of polarity is not confined to the boundaries of third density alone, but transpires in the larger octave of seven densities, beginning in third and concluding in early sixth.↩[footnote end] 2000/1119.txt:19:Now, the way this occurs begins very similarly to moving into the inner planes in which third-density entities spend time in between incarnations. There is the continuation of consciousness, and there is the being met by the guides, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, those entities in which the consciousness has reposed trust. However, if the consciousness is enough aware of the possibility of harvest it may, as soon as the review of the incarnation begins, ask to cut short all that lies between it and the steps of light. For there is a great hunger in many who are in incarnation on planet Earth at this time to go home. Now, some would frame this going home as going to a higher density. Others would frame going home as simply being with the Creator. However, the mechanism for moving from third density to densities which are more fully packed with light is what this instrument has called the steps of light. This is not quite an accurate description, but it is as close as this instrument can come to expressing what we offer her. What we offer her is a vision of a walkway, a broad and beautiful path of light. 2019/0330.txt:39:This type of exercise of free will that produces confusion, that offers catalyst, that offers further direction in the seeking, is a process which is predominantly undertaken within your third-density illusion so that the choice of polarity may be made, and the polarized choice for service to others or service to self may then be promulgated in higher densities. Now, the higher densities do not have the veil of forgetting, so there is less likelihood that there will be as much confusion in the exercise of free will in those densities, as there is in the third density. However, the higher densities do still utilize the exercise of free will that produces in its own way, a kind of confusion that offers a need for examination for further growth in the inner sensing of the way to unify with the One once again. 2016/0116.txt:38:However, as each density offers catalyst of some kind to each entity within it, the processing of catalyst does take its toll, shall we say. There is a wearing or an eroding of the physical, mental and spiritual vehicles, for there is a kind of friction that occurs in the processing of catalyst. Be it ever so slow, it is inexorable and there is the need to move into other incarnations, shall we say, but which is much more easily done in succeeding densities, as there is no veil of forgetting with which to deal. 2006/0707.txt:22:While this is inconvenient both for the child and the parents, there are advantages to being wired for both densities: the density that is now being experienced upon your planet and the density that is interpenetrating it. As this entity becomes a mature being, physically as well as emotionally, the inherent stability and toughness of the basic structure of the double-activated body will be of great help to this entity. 2001/0121.txt:5:A legitimate and continuing portion of the experience of the illusion is and will continue to be that pressure of solitude that this instrument would express by the old spiritual song, “You have to walk that lonesome valley. You have to walk it by yourself. Ain’t nobody else going to walk it for you. You have to walk it by yourself.” There is a simplicity and a sorrow to that old spiritual phrase that is legitimate and is real. Only the release of physical death will assuredly and reliably remove from you the illusion of aloneness at the personal level. However, in all densities and between all densities, save this density, all portions of the creation is indeed aware that none is alone. 1989/0716.txt:9:In densities after your own, again you shall be spending what you conceive of as “time,” for each density is an illusion, working to refine something that has been chosen the hard way. The density of choice, the density of sorrow, the density of the cross, the density of the hard way, is third density. 1993/0516.txt:124:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. The nature of our existence at this, what you would call, time is such that we inhabit the analog of a space/time physical vehicle within the density of light. Therefore, the vehicle which we inhabit, though it is an analog of the vehicle which you inhabit, would not be able to be perceived by the great majority of your peoples in any way because of the, shall we say, density of light contained within it, which to your physical senses is quite without substance or perceptibility. When we communicate through instruments such as this instrument, we transmit in a time/space or thought form so that our space/time physical vehicle generates a form of thought that may penetrate the interlocking densities and planes within each density to reach the instrument which opens itself to our thought form. 2005/0320.txt:21:This instrument sees the world of nature as a circle. That would be not just the second density but, in a foreshadowing or reflective way, the circle of all densities and their inner planes. For what the natural world and the extended natural world, leaving out third density, have in common is a full knowledge of the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. This creates within the natural world, as well as within the creation as a whole, an infinite array of possibilities. The circle of knowledge is ever expansive and this circle has no beginning and no end. And in it all things are in constant and unremitting balance. 2005/0518.txt:62:We would encourage you in the context of being still within third density to focus upon living from the open heart so that you are already living in unconditional love and are harvestable. You remember much as soon as you clear the process of death, but it is your state of being before the death process that determines whether you are free to move back into higher densities or whether you have been caught by the third-density energies of light and dark, good and evil, and so forth so that you must again take third-density existence. We do realize that you, like many wanderers, have no great affection for the environment of third density and so we would greatly encourage you to look to the wholeness and integrity of your heart energy and attempt more and more to live very genuinely and naturally in those sacred precincts of unconditional love which are so dear to you. 1979/1103.txt:45:We are of a vibration in which many of your so-called angels also move, and therefore we find great delight in singing, laughing, music of all kinds and the great beauty of colors and shapes and harmonies. It is our particular purpose, at this time within the Confederation, to monitor and begin to understand the various vibrations upon your planet in each density, so that we may the better be able to aid those upon your planet. Thus, we spend a great deal of time examining the spectrum of vibration in each of your densities. We enjoy this tremendously, and as we focus on each color we immerse ourselves in it and float about in it as bubbles on a string. 2017/0520.txt:42:However, the vibrations of love are such that they speak to the love in each other portion of the creation within the third density. There is that, what we have mentioned before, as harmonic vibration set up between those forms of life that you call second-density animals, and indeed, even the plants as well, and indeed the rocks and soil, and so forth, all have this quality of love within them, and this quality of love is beginning to vibrate upon all levels of the third, as well as the second, and first densities. 1993/1017.txt:33:I am Q’uo. My brother, as you rest upon your seat within this domicile, you are immediately touching all densities. Every possibility lies directly at the zero point of your present moment. It is difficult to express in your language the fullness of creation. In a [man-]made fusion power [plant] there would be no more sixth-density entities than if that power plant were not there. However, there would be other beings, which also are children of light, sometimes called elementals, which enliven and particularize light and act as ambassadors, shall we say, to those upon whom light falls. 1993/0925_01.txt:14:There is no such thing as absolute evil. There are those beings who are negatively polarized in service to self and act in love for that self. The selfishness of that motivation, let us say the self-centeredness of that motivation, may cause immense suffering for others, yet one must still acknowledge that this being is motivated by some form of love, however distorted that love may be. Such a being may indeed even graduate from the earth plane, carrying that negative distortion; but it cannot return to the One ultimately, cannot move through the higher densities beyond sixth density with that negative distortion. It becomes a dead end. So, it may carry its negative distortion to a very high level, but eventually it must change its polarity to proceed. 1981ra-contact/076.txt:81:Third density, then, it appears, is, compared to the rest of the densities—all of them—nothing but a uniquely short period of what we consider to be time and is then for the purpose of this choice. 2005/0624.txt:39:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. To a certain extent, we find that we are unable to comment because, to this extent, there is an active part of your process which we do not want to learn for you. But we may say in general that what you are seeing in these dark faces is portions of the incarnations of other incarnational forms of your soul stream. You have the experience of coming through all the densities up until this one. This includes the experience of being rock, sky, water and wind. It includes the experiences of many inner-planes beingness energies which are spirits of rock, wind and fire, and so forth. You have experienced being trees, animals and plants. And there are energies within second-density nature, such as what this instrument would call fairies, gnomes and trolls, for instance, where the by-play betwixt rock and animal is expressed. 2005/0417.txt:27:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. There are some limits to that which we may say about this question but in general we would say that the sexuality which is so much a part of third-density entities has all of the aspects which higher densities’ sexual energy transfers contain. However, within third density, as we have said, there is the beginning of sexual attraction that rests within the second-density physical vehicle within which you enjoy moving about the Earth at this time. The expression of sexual energy within this animalistic body is simple. It is a natural function which is uncomplicated and which calls body to body, depending upon the dynamics of sexual polarity. This instrument has often described the basic sexual attraction as chemical, and we would agree that it is a matter of the chemistry between two entities. Within third-density acculturation, the simple chemical attraction between two entities within red ray becomes overlaid with expectations and culturally-oriented standards of attraction which work not according to the ways of the body but according to the ways of the mind. And you must realize that within third density, the body is the creature of the mind. So very often there is a substantial amount of fairly shallow and inauthentic attraction concerned with sexual expression within third density. 2003/1113.txt:26:In the matter of physical ailments, the body is always the creature of the mind. Certainly this instrument has done a good deal of work, moving back into the early days of her incarnation and discovering those threads of fear and crassness and roughness that, even before this entity was born, created for her a disgust of the ways of thinking that exist within consensus reality, or the outside world as you know it. Let us say simply that it is well to become aware of the self as an entity which has come into an environment with which it is not particularly familiar and in which it is not comfortable. The choice to come into this arena of catalyst and choice was a heartfelt one and it came from a desire to serve; and so you and this instrument and many others have come through the densities, knocking at the door of third-density incarnation asking to serve, asking to walk among those native to third density on planet Earth at this time in order to do all that you may, in your humble way, to join in the response that you truly felt to the suffering of the planet Earth and of its people. A call had gone out, you see, not simply today, but for millennia. As this seventy-five-thousand year cycle, that has been talked about often in this group, was coming to its end, the cry was going out from those of planet Earth and from the planet itself, a cry of suffering and sorrow, a cry of seeking and hoping; and it is in response to the suffering of Earth that you decided to apply for the privilege of incarnation in what this entity who channels would call the “heart of the beast,”3 the crowded byways of your globe in which the business of humankind has for so long included trauma, hardship, war, disease and suffering of all kinds. 2003/0518.txt:18:Remember that the deeper self is seeing a different kind of light. The inner self is already dwelling within that state of knowing which exists within all densities but your own. The plants, the animals, dwell in a state of complete knowing that all is one, that all is in harmony, that all is working out as it should. Those within the angelic realms of your planet are also full of this consciousness. It within the physical illusion, that is made with the light of photons, atoms, molecules and much, much of what you call space creating this vast illusion that you now enjoy, that power is limited within the physical body. Within the mind, it is operating as the second density, as the fourth density, in a state of unity and awareness of infinite consciousness. In that light there is no space. In that light, there is more peace. In that light which is that shown by unconditional love by the open heart, the stresses that wind one up like a spring are released gently and repeatedly as the moments of remembrance circle around and a deep breath may be taken in and out, pulling in the oxygen to the mind, pulling in remembrance to the intention. There is no physical action that is proof against the consciousness that is hungry to remember the vibration of unconditional love. In the seeking for that one great original Thought of love, the seeking itself develops its own answer within you so that as you seek, already the answer lies within the open heart. 1997/0803.txt:101:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Though some students do indeed learn quickly, we find that it shall take a great span of time longer than the figure which you have named in order for this planet to enter into the fifth density of wisdom. Indeed, there is within this planet the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh densities in potentiation. However, the fourth density is one which spans a great portion of your time, and those lessons await the fourth-density population. 2007/0812.txt:74:You spoke about DNA. In terms of spiritual principles we say to you that the DNA for third density is as it is. And yet you may change your DNA, as some of you are quite sure and aware at this time, by the way you think and by the way you manifest your thoughts so that you bring forth into third density higher densities of awareness. 2009/0214.txt:9:In the tuning song that was played before this meditation, another very strong set of biases was discussed when the one known as Yusuf said, “Good’s going high and evil’s going down in the end.”1 There is a considerable mystery attached to the question what is good and what is evil. We would prefer to describe it in terms of polarity and say that there is a radiant path of service to others and there is a magnetic path of service to self. And although it may be unfair to say that service to others goes high while service to self goes low, nevertheless it is true that the two dynamics are inevitable within third density, and indeed within the next two densities, the fourth and the fifth. This is how deeply the sense of self and other, and any number of paired dynamic opposites, can be seen. 1995/0312.txt:4:As we sense through this instrument’s physical senses the warmth of the afternoon sun, the feeling that the sun brings is very nostalgic for us. We remember, with pleasure, our own third-density experience and our feelings of joy when the season which you would call summer approached, that wonderful feeling of life stirring and moving out from the winter’s sleep into the fulfilling of the destiny that lies within each seed. Each of you, also, is a seed which has lain within the dark ground and the winter cold of times contracted and forlorn, times when there was darkness and within that darkness the chill of solitude. Each of you is a seed of infinite love and infinite light, yet your blossoming shall be a long one in coming, and you shall have many bodies and move through many densities before that blossom is finally perfect and in that perfection is lost into the All. 2018/1006.txt:39:Your planetary sphere has, itself, moved through the same densities of this illusion of creation, as have each of you, beginning within the first density; moving then from that which is simple awareness of earth, wind, fire, and water, moving into the second density, where there is a consciousness that expresses itself as it moves towards the light, that being the second-density beings of the plants and the animals who are able to experience growth and movement in the beginning of self-conscious awareness; which is that quality which allows each second-density being to move within the third-density realm, to become that which is the completed entity—the mind, the body, and the spirit, being added in such a fashion to create a human being, as you might call them. 1981ra-contact/040.txt:4:I thought that I would make a statement and let you correct it. I’m trying to make a simple model of the portion of the universe that we find ourselves in. Starting with the Logos, or sub-Logos, our sun, we have white light emanating from this. This is made up of frequencies ranging from the red to the violet. I am assuming that this white light, then, contains the experiences through all of the densities, and as we go into the eighth density we go into a black hole which emerges on the other side as another Logos, or sun, and starts another octave of experience. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:16:The journey that each soul takes, according to Ra, moves through an infinite system of "octaves," each octave divided into seven ascending densities (or concentrations) of light. In the first density of our current octave, fire and wind teach earth and water to be formed in such a way as to produce the foundation for subsequent biological life. 1989/0618.txt:26:How we admire you. We remember third density. It is the shortest of the densities, the density of choice. You are here to choose to serve the Creator by serving others or by serving the self and manipulating others. As you serve others, you may be asked to do outrageous things, to go beyond your limitations, to do what cannot be done yet which shall be done because it must. And in those situations we strongly advise that you release your personal personality and move to an impersonal portion of your deep self, that God-self of unmitigated and straightforward compassion. To determine what is pleasing as opposed to what is serving another entity is sometimes difficult, especially on the spur of the moment. Therefore, we ask you to steep yourselves as you would immolate a tea bag in the teacup in the love and the light of the infinite One, that what needs be done for you to polarize, for you to choose, may be done with what this instrument would call singleness and gladness of heart. 2000/1105.txt:5:All begins in the utter unpotentiated love, or Logos, that is the Creator unknown to Itself. The first distortion of this Logos is free will. And free will is the agent of change. In the Creator, and therefore in Its creation, through free will the Creator chooses that which you know as light and which we would call the manifesting principle. The child of free will and love, light in its first manifestation, may be seen as the sudden being of all that there is. Your scientists have envisioned this as inevitably explosive and have called the birth of creation the Big Bang. However, this is creation seen through the distortion of the lens of your third density in which time and space structure perception. In other illusions where time and space have different structures it may be seen that there is not the explosion but, rather, the transformative process which rolls from light to light to light, and by this we mean that there are levels of what this instrument would call rotation of light that create vast numbers of structures which are seen as systems of vibration and vibrational fields having their relative existence in various sizes or orders of your time and space so that from the smallest to the largest structure of vibration, from the lowest to the highest density of vibration, there are put in motion by the Logos systems which are destined to roll their metamorphoses from the position of what from your density would be the beginning of the creation to the ending of creation when all of these energies have reacted with all of the other energies which are appropriate for them to react with. All energy has been spent. All desire has been balanced and the exhausted and used energy and experience has been harvested or eaten by the one infinite Creator and absorbed at the end of creation. This describes the basic background against which self-aware entities such as yourselves and we experience and add our harvest to that knowledge the Creator has of Itself. This is the first and deepest level to change, and it is a design which accomplishes what in your bodies would be a heartbeat. For the creation is the body of the Creator, and an entire creation with all of the densities of an octave express one heartbeat of that creature, which is the Creator. This is in no way a literal rendering of a Creator which has a beginning and an ending. As far as we know, the Creator is infinite and is eternal. 1981ra-contact/019.txt:36:The Confederation, as we have stated previously in these sessions, is composed of many of those in other densities, in your own density, within your planetary sphere, and within the inner, or angelic, realms. Each of those entities developing a mind/body/spirit complex, and then developing a social memory complex, and then dedicating this social memory complex to the singular service to the One Creator, may join the Confederation. 2010/0904_02.txt:66:Seventh density is the Density of Foreverness. In that density all of the souls that are there, who have been on the King’s Highway for many densities, finally release all of the past and turn their heads to the completion of the journey. That density ends in timelessness. Then there is a pause while the great heart of the Creator beats one more time. And when it comes out of that beat we’re in another first density, starting the whole octave of densities once again, being sent out once again to gather information so the Creator can find out who He is. 2004/0104.txt:8:Nevertheless, in unknowingness, in mystery, the work, the joy, the process of discovering the self continues. And in that process there lie sources of information that are wonderfully rich and abundant. These sources of information begin with the self, continue with interactions with other selves, and are rounded by interactions with a vast panoply of energies within your natural world, within the world of ideas, and within discarnate principles and entities with which the essence of the inner self interacts on the unconscious level. All of these sources of information fall like rain and sun[beams] and all manner of life-giving attributes into the field of self, causing those seeds that have been planted in the personality shell to begin their process of seeking the light, expressing their form and their habit, and developing their characteristic blooms and blossoms of being. Each of you is a very organically, muscularly organized entity. The structure of your deeper mind is as well put together as your skeleton and has as many appropriate functions. It is rather difficult to express to you the complexity of your system as a living being but perhaps it is enough to recall the way the energy body is made, within your density of the yellow-ray body. You have the sub-densities of red through violet within third-density. And each of those sub-densities: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, contains seven sub-sub-densities so that each chakra, shall we say, in the energy body is a fully integrated system within itself. Then as a system it is further fully integrated as one being. This layering of bodies or states of beingness within the system that is you is infinite, potentially. In most entity’s cases there are perhaps three or four levels of beingness which are plumbed during incarnation. In a circle such as this, with entities that have been doing inner work and spiritual processes for a considerable time, perhaps you begin to penetrate into more and more layers, or levels, of being. Each one has its characteristic environment, experiences and learnings to offer. All of them are colored by the characteristic nature of their place within the energy vehicle. 2006/0507.txt:67:It would be an enchanting and diverse experience but it would be too much for you to bear. You are veiled from fourth density and all other densities that would give you these experiences because you are here in third density to discover who you are—that is, an ethical being—and to decide what you want to do with that troublesome consciousness that you have found. 2009/0509.txt:37:I have a question, Q’uo. I don’t understand timelessness too well, how in fourth density and above there is no past, present or future. If there’s free will in third density then I don’t understand how from fourth or fifth or other densities you can see the future just as you see the present. I don’t know if that makes sense, if I’ve explained that enough. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:43:I am Ra. The rays, as you understand them, have such a different meaning in the next density, and the next, and so forth, that we must answer your query in the negative. Energy transfers only take place in fourth, fifth, and sixth densities. These are still of what you would call a polarized nature. However, due to the ability of these densities to see the harmonies between individuals, these entities choose those mates which are harmonious, thus allowing constant transfer of energy and the propagation of the body complexes which each density uses. 1993/0904.txt:6:Within your vibrational system your environment is such that each entity may hope to become a witness to the truth, that is, as close to knowledge of truth as there is within your density, and indeed, those of higher densities may have far more well developed systems, however, if the gaze is just, the eyes shall see not provable truth. 1991/0301_02.txt:56:[Aaron,] we are talking about densities. You’ve generally not been willing to say anything about what density you are and said it didn’t matter. However, some time in the past few weeks in the Thursday group3 we were talking about this spirit known as Jesus and in the Ra material it talked about him as being at fifth density and you said the spirit had nearly entered the seventh density and K was feeling upset about why there was a seeming contradiction. K said, “In the Ra material, Ra states the Jesus is currently in the fifth density and you say he’s seventh.” And Aaron said, “That spirit whom I understand as Jesus is far beyond the fifth density.” K is questioning the density of Jesus, who Aaron says is at the seventh density. K showed me the related features of the Ra material. Aaron said, “K, I want to you to discuss this [with] Q’uo. I do not agree with it. I am what you would term fifth density and this being has evolved far beyond me. That is all.” 1988/0214.txt:20:Compared to creations and densities above your own, your third density is seen as a marvelous and exciting place and time in which experiences are vividly beautiful and exponentially more powerful than in later experiences which focus far more upon refining that which has already been decided. Without the veiling process, the decision making which is the testing portion of the lessons of love would be attenuated and the power of the decisions lost. Yours is a valley of decision. You live many lives, but only as many as it takes to formulate in a final way your particular system of biases in such a way that a harvestable amount of light may be accepted by the seeker. Thus, you dwell in the darkness of unknowing, and in honest unknowing, depending upon your biases, your thoughts, your dreams, and whatever shuttle you have been able to make through to the deep mind. You the seeker spend third-density time deciding how to love. What a great decision, my friends. What a pivotal one, and for it the veil is necessary. 2017/0226.txt:13:This 75,000 year cycle may seem like a great span of time to you who live a mere two score, three score, four score or so forth, and then you are no longer a part of this illusion until, once again, you choose to incarnate back into it. However, when you compare the 75,000 years with the length of time, as you measure it, of succeeding densities, the next being 30,000,000, the following 50,000,000, the following 75,000,000 years, your density is but an eyeblink in time. It is but the briefest of moments in which to consider the choice that must be made. This choice is that which has been attempted by many of the population upon this planet throughout their incarnational histories upon other third-density planets where they were not successful in making this choice, but found the need to incarnate upon this Earth plane in order to, once again, attempt this grand adventure, this grand choice-making, to set the foundation for all future work that they shall do in their consciousness. 2007/0408.txt:21:Two densities of Earth are existing simultaneously as they have always. However, up until approximately fifty years ago, by far the more powerful of the two densities that were shaping time/space was the third density, the density you now experience. At about that time, fifty years ago, the fourth-density planet Earth began to activate. 2010/0213.txt:40:It is the combination of your free will as a seeker and the veil of forgetting that creates within you an implicit unawareness of the primacy of love that sets the shape of his path for the pilgrim. Each of you may be aware of the book called Pilgrim’s Progress by the one known as John.5 In that figure of the pilgrim and his progress, there is an excellent analogy to the purpose of the veil. As one wins one’s way through life upon the King’s Highway,6 every choice-point comes through one’s veil. And it is that pilgrim who prays for clarity and who asks where is the love in this choice that shall create within this density a bias toward service to others, towards love, towards radiance, that shall have tremendous impact, not simply upon this density now enjoyed by all of you, but upon the next two densities to come. 1993/0925_01.txt:60:As we move through the process of that fourth-density energy group, we begin to move out more on to our own, coming and going from the group. Sixth density moves beyond the capacities of those which came before ... deeper wisdom and compassion, and unconditional love. Seventh and eighth density—again, some traditions lump them as one and others divide them into seventh and eighth densities. 1988/0117.txt:10:Now, the densities of experience and learning above your own are a process of refining that which you, within the density you now enjoy, have decided upon. This, your Earth world, is an exciting and difficult illusion, designed to create for you opportunities to make a simple choice, the choice to serve the Creator by serving others or to serve the Creator by serving yourself. Since the Creator’s nature is that one great original Thought of love, service begins and ends in love. Since you are of the very nature and stuff of the Creator, you yourselves in your essence are perfect love. It is a matter of finding and recognizing that true nature and then of choosing to express and manifest that nature by loving and serving those about you. 2002/0901.txt:9:These are the last days of this particular cycle, and each entity that dwells upon this planet at this time has basically chosen its polarity. Perhaps not in a way that activates the spiritual progress that can indeed be accelerated, but the experience of each has been rich and decisions have been made concerning the choice of the light or the dark. What we ask you to think about, in the context of gratitude, is that land which lies beyond polarity, that unification that is very much of higher densities and very much of the fourth density which is at this time coming so close now to that vibration which is your so-called consensus reality that, more and more, there is a transparency that comes and goes for entities, so that suddenly those truths of fourth density and unconditional love are indeed opened to that entity, and that entity feels, understands and sees, as if “real,” the perfection of all things and the beauty of the play of light and dark as the soul spins, evolves, balances and regularizes in that spiral towards oneness with the one infinite Creator. 1981ra-contact/020.txt:100:I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex of third density has perhaps one hundred times as intensive a program of catalytic action from which to distill distortions and learn/teachings than any other of the densities. Thus the learn/teachings are most confusing to the mind/body/spirit complex which is, shall we say, inundated by the ocean of experience. 1993/0925_01.txt:83:The human body takes this one step further down because it adds the physical catalysts as well, and that which creates more shadow. If you take a being such as yourselves and put it in front of that perfect light, which I would call God, you see a sharp sense of shadow. If you take a being like myself, a sixth-density being, and put it in front of that perfect light, there will still be a distinction between that energy that I am and that perfect light. I am not fully merged into that perfect light. If you take a being such as the Christ or the Buddha and put the energy of those beings in front of that perfect light, they will be almost invisible, almost only because they choose to retain some degree of consciousness and have not yet fully moved into seventh density. I am not specifying, now, where these beings are in their evolution. A being that has moved into seventh or eighth density is not better than a being which chooses to remain at the borderline of seventh density so as to allow itself to be available to those of the lower densities, to allow its personal energy to be available. That is really a gift and sacrifice on the part of that being, holding back its own full merging with the light out of service to all beings and desire to offer itself as servant. 1981ra-contact/036.txt:7:This mind/body/spirit complex totality functions as, shall we say, a resource for what you perhaps would call the higher self. The higher self, in turn, is a resource for examining the distillations of third-density experience and programming further experience. This is also true of densities four, five, and six with the mind/body/spirit complex totality coming into consciousness in the course of seventh density. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:41:I am Ra. This is correct as far as your reasoning has taken you. However, it is well to point out that the Logos has the plan of all the densities of the octave in potential completion before entering the space/time continuum in first density. Thus the energy centers exist before they are manifest. 2002/1006.txt:5:The one known as J has suggested that it is quite possible that the experience or the illusion that each of you shares at this time is one which has been assisted or enhanced, shall we say, by those beings of higher densities who have compassion upon those who have gone through a tremendous amount of change. In this supposition, the one known as J was indicating that, indeed, perhaps the much talked about latter days, rather than being imminent, have actually already occurred, and, were this to be so, this suggestion is that all of those who indeed did graduate at that time still might have experienced so much trauma at the changes made at the shift between the old world and the new that the souls of those within this room and perhaps within this planet were placed, as it were, upon a stage that was created specifically as a hologram substituting for the world which was the old world. This new world then would be a world which was constructed to be a safe haven for those positive entities whose work was done within third density but who were not quite ready yet to spread their wings and accept the full light of fourth density without their physical vehicles. We do not state that this is true, but we do state that this is a wonderful way to envision the consensus reality which you face at this time, because it is efficacious in allowing you to see that you have an enormous amount of power over your consciousness and the experiences of that stream of consciousness. 1989/1008.txt:31:This is where that which is called faith becomes evidently different from that which is called belief, for inner-planes masters are those who have believed certain things, who have certain pathways to follow to graduate from third density. They are legitimate. There is a blindness to them, since the higher densities have been bypassed by the entity’s immediate realization of the one infinite Creator. This may seem to be a great advantage, but it is as if you were only visiting and must go home. The only way to move back to the source, the only way to become unpotentiated love once again, the only way to find and be the Grail, is to walk this dusty path, learning of the self, of the beingness, of compassion and wisdom and balance, in that order, so that one may at last, having experienced much, turn and offer to the Creator the one gift that is most excellent and holy: the self, with all the richness of its learning. 1981ra-contact/090.txt:109:I am Ra. One more; that is, the permeability of the densities so that there may be communication from density to density and from plane to plane or sub-density to sub-density. 1990/0701.txt:18:Graduation to sixth density is very difficult for the negative polarity, for sixth density is the density of unity. When negative entities reach the point in sixth density at which they fully understand the lessons of sixth density, that is, that all things are One, they find that their negative path is at an end, they are at a standstill, unable to evolve one iota more. Using every bit of determination, will and faith that they have, they cause themselves to switch polarity in order that they may go on evolving. This seems at the time to be a service-to-self choice, for one thing that may be said of all densities is that there is an undeniable drive towards evolution. However, when the negative entity has switched polarity, it quickly discovers the sweetness of its choice. It must review a great deal of material it has missed, but it is the convert that is more fervent, if anything, than the one who has always been positive. It is the most positive of positive entities, the most loving, the most desirous of service, for it knows that it has finally discovered the truth that will continue its evolution. 1990/0701.txt:10:There are various densities of learning, both in the service to others path and in the service to self path. Those entities in the service to others path always obey free will and will not abridge it, because if they do so they cannot sustain the contact with the vocal channel that has been able to receive the information they have come to offer. Those who are, shall we say, of a more sophisticated nature along the path of service to self, having wisdom as well as love—that is, the love of the self—await the free will contact of those who seek negative information, for such contacts are likely to be fruitful, in the negative sense, and satisfactory in the transferring of information which is helpful to those who are upon the path of service to self in your density, and who are preparing for harvest. 1981ra-contact/015.txt:121:I scan each and find it acceptable to share this information. The wanderers in this working are of two densities: one the density of five, that is, of light; one the density of love/light, or unity. To express the identity of which came from which density we observe to be an infringement upon the free will of each. Therefore, we state simply the two densities, both of which are harmoniously oriented towards work together. 2016/0102.txt:18:Yes, Q’uo. You just suggested that for those who are seeking distraction, anonymity and sleep not to be overly concerned, to serve them as you can, to serve them as requested, and then to go on your way and wish them well. At the same time, there is a desire among those within third density, and a desire among those within the inner planes and those in higher densities, to serve as a catalyst of awakening. 1986/0223.txt:72:I am Latwii. My brother, the potential exists for all planets to support all densities, for as you [are] no doubt aware, the abilities of the Creator to adapt to specific situations are quite admirable and the potential always exists for any location to be successfully utilized by any of the logi. However, to attempt to answer more accurately your question, we would suggest that at this time there are two of the planets of this system currently occupied, and one of the two has recently been vacated, so to speak, by a third-density memory complex. As the conditions were suitable, the newly vacated planet was used for the continuation of the development of a second-density level of evolvement which had been initiated at an earlier point. 1986/0112.txt:2:I am [sounds like] Ku-ohl1. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are most gratified that we were able to make contact with this group through this instrument. We are those of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator and attempt to serve at this present, coming from the density this instrument calls wisdom or five. We wish to assert that we are eager to use this instrument and speak to this assemblage but that our thoughts are not to be taken as dogma but only as possible material for thought, as we intend to be accurate in our perceptions yet still we are in the process of learning and acquiring further densities that bring us ever closer to unity with the One Who Is All. 1981ra-contact/030.txt:73:The planetary entity known to you as Uranus is slowly moving through the first density and has the potential of moving through all densities. 2000/0220.txt:5:For those who are gathered today there is a complete awareness of and a desire and yearning for that second universe of higher truth. Further, the body which carries you about contains what this instrument has called a biocomputer, the earthly brain, the choice-maker brain, that is built specifically to deal with the either/or questions of survival, protection of home and family, and the other concerns of the earthly life. The guidance system for the earthly brain is difficult to describe in earthly terms, but the word, intuition, surely covers it. However, for those who wish to become serious students, who have begun their path of wandering, their seeking for a true home, this either/or mentality does not satisfy for the simple reason that it cannot satisfy the needs of the metaphysical universe. However, each of you is also, and predominantly, a consciousness, an unique entity made wholly of love and light which goes through many physical vehicles in many densities and through many experiences within each density. This consciousness which is you can dip into the earthly universe, the physical world, by virtue of being wedded through the incarnational birthing process to a second-density physical vehicle; that is, your body. This consciousness, being a citizen of eternity, being infinite in nature, is completely adapted to doing work in the metaphysical universe. And each of you has, lying in potential within you, or should we say, within your consciousness, all of the guidance and information that you need. The challenge, of course, is how to gain access to that guidance, for however framed in conceptual structure, that guidance is a denizen of the deep mind, the roots of consciousness. And the door from the deep unconscious self to the conscious self must needs be opened or set ajar in some way in order for guidance to move into the conscious realm and become available in order that you may have access to it. 2018/1215.txt:38:We are aware that this is a concept that is not absolutely clear within the mind of each entity that pursues the expression of love and commitment to more than one entity. The ability to focus upon one mate is that which is found in the higher densities to be the most efficient means of polarization of consciousness. 1 However, there are oftentimes the experiments with more than one mate that begins the fourth-density experience. There are no right or wrong answers for any entity in this regard. Each must discover for itself that which is most efficient for the self to move forward in the opening of the heart and the sharing of the love therein. 1981ra-contact/007.txt:73:I am Ra. Like the Confederation, the densities of the mass consciousnesses which comprise that group are varied. There are a very few third density, a larger number of fourth density, a similarly large number of fifth density,1 and very few sixth-density entities comprising this organization. Their numbers are perhaps one-tenth ours at any point in the space/time continuum as the problem of spiritual entropy causes them to experience constant disintegration of their social memory complexes. 2010/1113.txt:10:Never think that there is a judgmental Creator behind the difficulties of your life. Know that the patterns of difficulty in your life are gifts. They may seem hard to open. They may not feel blessed, but they are. They are precious. We have often talked about life in third density, and indeed life in general for those of us in other densities as well, as taking place in a refining oven. When this instrument tunes, she begins with a song she learned as a child. The words go, 1994/0923.txt:19:I said that every wanderer—every being, but we speak here of wanderers—is both teacher and learner. I also said at the start that this whole process of evolution, these eight densities, is an ungraded classroom. On the earth plane there is clear distinction between first, second and third density. At present, when you graduate from third density you cease to incarnate on the earth plane. This will be changing and is something we will speak of further this weekend. 1981ra-contact/012.txt:128:I am Ra. Due to the extreme variance between the vibratory distortions of third density and those of the more dense densities, if you will, wanderers have, as a general rule, some form of handicap, difficulty, or feeling of alienation which is severe. The most common of these difficulties are alienation, the reaction against the planetary vibration by personality disorders, as you would call them, and body complex ailments indicating difficulty in adjustment to the planetary vibrations such as allergies, as you would call them. 2009/0523.txt:51:Thusly, my brother, we would say that it is not a matter of infringing upon the free will of another that keeps you from being able to dwell in third and fourth densities simultaneously. Rather it is the nature of third density that it takes an effort of will, of memory, of desire and of spiritual maturity to live by fourth-density values and to act as if there was no veil. 2003/0525.txt:11:One cannot address your world’s situation, may we say, to use a cliché, upon the level of the rescue of third density. Entities shall move into early fourth density no matter what happens to your sphere as the density changes and [they] will repair the planet with the planet’s cooperation. Indeed many entities even now are repairing their little bit of the planetary surface by loving and talking to the Earth, by cooperating with what this instrument would call nature deities or divas, by relating to the surroundings of self with the understanding that all things are alive, all things work in rhythm and in harmony, and all things except those sunk in the mire of third-density forgetting not only love each other but know that they are one. In this atmosphere, the possibilities of becoming a powerful, magical person are great and as the time sharpens the focus right unto the moment of birth of fourth density, there is in effect a fourth-density energy that is now as real upon your sphere as the third-density energy. It shows up within the physical world only by creating anomalous effects [in terms of physics’ sub-atomic particles] but it shows up within the inner life of that wonderful multilayered being that each of you is in a much more clear and obvious way, as the interpenetration of the two densities becomes such that it is much easier for nature, or for the forces of coincidence, to work in order to bring things to your attention which you have asked to be brought to your attention. That is why, in the midst of such challenging times, such times of transformation and change, yet still each of you has had the feeling of entities helping along the way, unseen hands giving a boost and angelic guidance coming through unexpected and unusual means. 1989/0219.txt:23:I am Hatonn, and am aware of your query, my brother. The densities of this octave of creation are composed of light. This is that which is more or less dense within each succeeding density or dimension. The octave of creation itself may be seen as similar to the octave of notes in your Western scale of music, beginning with that which is analogous to “do,” ending with that same note at an higher octave. 1993/1212.txt:20:We ask each to lift the criticism that is implied in being aware that you are working towards an unattained goal. Feel each day both the perfection which is the true nature of all things, and the imperfection which is consciousness expressing through a medium. The medium of third-density is that which consciousness can do very little about, comparative—we correct this instrument—compared to its action upon other densities. Therefore, allow the self its nature, and be at peace with the repeated lessons. 2005/1106.txt:15:There are those of you who traveled from other densities and other planets to this density and planet Earth in hopes of being a part of that energy which would create the expression of light on planet Earth that would help entities to awaken to the realization of who they are as spiritual beings and of what they are here to do in terms of making the choice of the manner of their being. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:24:Metaphysically, the sun achieves a meaning to fourth through seventh density according to the growing abilities of entities in these densities to grasp the living creation and co-entity, or other-self, nature of this sun body. Thus by the sixth density the sun may be visited and inhabited by those dwelling in time/space, and may even be partially created from moment to moment by the processes of sixth-density entities in their evolution. 2006/0416.txt:22:Thusly, treasure this incarnation and realize the gift that it represents for each of you. This is your last opportunity to make and sustain the choice of polarity that shall lead you through graduation and into your taking up higher-density work. Those who do not make a choice of polarity and sustain that choice until polarity is built up to the point where you are able to bear the light of higher densities shall experience another cycle of third-density incarnations upon another planet and shall once again take up the lessons of love. 1987/0224.txt:19:I am Laitos, and to begin with the latter portion of the query first, those of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator are composed of a variety of vibratory levels, including some of your own planetary sphere of late third density who have for a great portion of what you call time been able to appreciate a fourth-density vibration of love and understanding. Our membership includes the densities of love, of wisdom, and of unity, numbering four, five and six. 2006/0416.txt:43:There is another group of entities who shall be upon your planet for some time into the future if they so choose. These are entities who are not able to graduate into fourth density, or higher densities if they were wanderers, but who yet feel that karmic pull and wish to make restitution. Those include many who are alive at this time, and you will find that many entities will be attempting more and more to refocus upon the needs of the planet and its resources. They will be wishing to clean its water, its air, and its soil. 2009/0228.txt:50:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The terms of physical vs. metaphysical or space/time vs. time/space are indeed those that hold sway throughout the densities. It must be remembered however, my brother, that there is a quantum difference between each density. Light itself changes, becoming more dense, and consequently it is not a one-to-one ratio simply because apples are not oranges and third density light is not fourth density light and so forth. 2002/1006.txt:29:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. To this query we may answer, yes indeed, for this is true for all entities. For all have been complete in their unity with the one Creator. In the sense in which you speak, we can confirm that you are indeed that which may be called a wanderer who has previous experience in densities beyond the third and who has come to this third-density planet for the opportunity to be of service as it is birthed into a new level of evolution. 2018/1103.txt:42:I am Q’uo, and am aware of the query, my brother. The red-ray energy center within all beings within your third-density illusion, and indeed, within all beings within all densities of illusion, concerns the ability of the entity as it is to survive, in one fashion or another, in order that it might have its beinginess and be able to express it, in whatever way is unique to it. 2010/1016.txt:8:You are a citizen of eternity. You are an infinite soul-stream. What you do not learn in this lifetime, you shall once again take up, and study that which you have not yet completed once again, and if necessary, once again, until in the fullness of time you move through the densities of Choice, Love, Light and Unity, and finally that density of Foreverness that is a mystery even to us. 1981ra-contact/007.txt:87:This is, however, true of this octave of densities. The beings are harvested because they can see and enjoy the light/love of the appropriate density. Those who have found this light/love, love/light without benefit of a desire for service nevertheless, by the Law of Free Will, have the right to the use of that light/love for whatever purpose. 1992/0927_01.txt:7:Given that this crystallized channel were to be found to speak to the essences which are full of life energy at each vortex, the crystallized entity must bid farewell to much, however, given that such a facilitator were present, some considerations might be interesting. The concept of the vortex, though not congruent in many minds with what is called pyramid energy, is indeed the same quality of manifestation. It may be helpful to visualize the shape of the triangle balanced upon triangle, both having the same base, then at the perpendicular to other triangles of the same base. When these four triangles are moved together, the outside of the figure is the square, indicative of the manifested illusion of third density, or, in many cases, of types of manifestation in other densities. The inner shapes are interesting, but the inner-most bears consideration. 1996/0218.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and believe that we are aware of your query, my brother. The energy which enters the feet and base of the spine is an intelligent kind of energy that is most likened to what you would call love, that creative energy which enlivens all creation. It is the enlivener, the energizer, and is the daily gift of the Logos to all within its care. A kind of manna, shall we say, which each entity will use in an individualized fashion. This is a tool of the soul, as you have called it. The soul essence of each entity is that focus of consciousness which exists from time immemorial and moves into the evolutionary process as a portion of the one Creator. It utilizes the various densities and incarnations within each density to achieve certain levels of awareness and expressions of energy within them. 1990/1117.txt:10:We feel that we bring no new information to those of this group in announcing that all here are native to densities that are other and therefore are related to this one in an unique fashion. For in addition to those lessons which are learned in a manner native to those who work through the third density for the first time, those who are, what you call, wanderers bring a certain task and a certain responsibility, which may be viewed as operating so as to put into an unique light, a particular slant or bias, those precise lessons which within third density all must learn. And so, in a sense, the task is compounded proportionate to the unique gifts which have been brought from other densities, so that they may be laid down in service to the souls which seek, so hungrily, to reach beyond the limits which are those of third density, a density of choice. 1994/0924_01.txt:36:As Q’uo stated, there is no barrier between the third and fourth densities. As you find more spaciousness around the judgments and opinions of the emotional body, as you find equanimity within yourself when fear, anger or greed arise, and a lack of judgment of others when such states arise in others, then you lower your barriers. With the barriers lowered and judgment falling away, you are ready to enter the fourth-density experience. 2005/0515.txt:29:But to be yourself is somewhat of a challenge, simply because there are overlays upon overlays upon overlays of things you think about yourself, things other people think about you that you have taken on as if they were your own and so forth. Your culture is relentless in its insistence that you think of yourself in narrowly channeled slots of identity. And we encourage you to cast off each and every attempt of the culture to limit you for you are, and each of us in the creation is, an infinite and illimitable being. We cannot express to you how many experiences you have had that have brought you here today, even within this incarnation. Yet you came into this incarnation as part of the stream of one soul, one cell, shall we say, of the body of creation. You are unique and yet you are not limited by that sum that is you. You cannot be summed up by your experiences to this point because you are alive in the way that the Creator is alive: eternally and infinitely. You are, in fact, a part of the Creator and you take part in the reality of that identity in a way that is so deep that you cannot remove it from yourself. No matter how much you yearn to be able to say, “I am me,” you shall never understand the totality of who you are because so much of it is lost up in the part of you that is not of this density and not of this world but is rather of all densities... 2016/0416.txt:38:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed this is so, for in the higher densities you no longer must deal with the veil of forgetting. The veil of forgetting is very helpful for the third-density entity, for it allows you to have experiences that would not be as likely to have in the higher densities, for in the higher densities you are quite aware of the unity of all Creation, of the love that is the energizing force of all Creation, but in that particular type of environment, it is oftentimes more difficult to find a reason to move from the perfection in which you exist into new expressions of your own being. Thus, the third density, where you forget that perfection offers you the opportunity to move into more intense polarization, shall we say, more intense expressions of the love vibration as you respond to the difficulties in your own life experience. The problems and the challenges of your life experience are those gifts that allow you to call upon the spiritual nature of your own being in order to solve them, to balance them, and to internalize the love and light that you find all about you. Yes, you shall find the higher densities offer you more experience within the spiritual realms, in the metaphysical realms, but forget not the great offering and treasure of the third density, for it allows you to find that which is the pearl of great price within an illusion which seems to contain very little of beauty for many at this time. 2005/1015.txt:39:It is worth noting at this time that the planetary evolution is separate from your personal evolution from third density into fourth density. And one of the reasons that you were so happy to come into incarnation at this particular time is that it is a challenging time for your planet. Your heart went out to the planet as it entered this period of transition and you hoped to be a steward and a lover of the planet itself in that you may help it to achieve a soft landing, shall we say, into fourth-density beingness. When a planet changes densities it is then time for the entities that have had incarnations on the planet also to choose the manner of their beingness. So you are, as a third-density being at this time, in an incarnation at the end of which you shall be given the opportunity to graduate from third-density experiences into fourth-density experiences. 1993/0322_02.txt:24:This is the work for which you incarnated. We have spoken of this before. The lessons of compassion and wisdom are valuable, and there is no reason not to start on those lessons in third density; but you are here to learn love and faith. And if there is not a firm foundation of those lessons of love and faith, then lessons of the higher densities will become distorted. 2001/1104.txt:38:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Those who have entered the Earth environments from those realms of higher densities are those who have left experiences which are far more harmonious and in touch with the unity of all creation than the Earth environment is found to be at this time. Therefore, the entities whom you may describe as wanderers are oftentimes, upon the discovery of their own nature, quite discouraged when viewing the environment which they now find themselves incarnated within in order to serve and to learn, for your third-density experience at this time, near harvest, is that which is quite confused in its overall orientation. There is found within most cultures of this planetary sphere a great deal of disharmony and even the bellicose nature being expressed upon a daily basis, not only between those entities you call the nation states but also within each entity in its relationship to other individuals within its daily round of activities. Thus the experience many wanderers find, when they have discovered that which they have come to do, is one of bewilderment, of confusion... 1998/0111.txt:4:You ask today about the relative merits of attempting to live life consciously, aware of the self as a spiritual being, observing and, conversely, being caught up completely in the illusion. Were we to recommend one mode of expression over the other for third density we would be forced to choose the confusion and the babble of the unthinking everyday carnival, with all its amusements and rides, that greets you each morning as you gaze out of your physical senses at the physical world. It is not that living consciously is a lesser thing. Indeed, whole densities are spent in such work. It is, rather, that third density is valuable because of and not in spite of that heavy pall of confusion and illusion that animates this Earth world. 1981ra-contact/036.txt:79:I am Ra. The wanderer has the potential of greatly accelerating the density whence it comes in its progress in evolution. This is due to the intensive life experiences and opportunities of the third density. Thusly the positively oriented wanderer chooses to hazard the danger of the forgetting in order to be of service to others by radiating love of others. If the forgetting is penetrated the amount of catalyst in third density will polarize the wanderer with much greater efficiency than shall be expected in the higher and more harmonious densities. 1981ra-contact/028.txt:71:I am Ra. This is basically correct. However, it is well to perceive that the eighth density functions also as the beginning density, or first density—in its latter stages—of the next octave of densities. 2016/0116.txt:37:As the master cycle has moved through its experience, the population of this planet has had difficulty utilizing catalyst, for most of the population of this planet has found the need to repeat third density here as graduation was not achieved in the home planet. If you move beyond this density’s illusion into the fourth density, then fifth and sixth, you may see lifetimes that are much much longer in what you would call the years. Ninety thousand years being considered the average lifespan within the fourth density shall we say. This, to you, sounds like a great span of time, but you must remember that the time moves in a different fashion within the succeeding densities to your own. 2019/1005.txt:36:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, the entity which is your local sub-logos, the Sun body, that provides the life-giving rays of its own beingness, is an entity which is inhabited by those of higher densities which are utilizing the opportunity to produce what you would see as solar flares or energies that are a product of their own contact with Intelligent Infinity, so that this energy of the Sun, and of the higher density entities residing therein, comes in a cyclical fashion, providing greater opportunities at some points within the evolutionary cycles of both the Sun body itself and of your Earth sphere itself. 1981ra-contact/016.txt:225:I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely. 1981ra-contact/048.txt:31:I am Ra. There is very little work in consciousness in fourth and in fifth densities compared to the work done in third density. The work that is accomplished in positive fourth is that work whereby the positive social memory complex, having through slow stages harmoniously integrated itself, goes forth to aid those of less positive orientation which seek their aid. Thus their service is their work. 1991/0301_02.txt:37:Each shadow is a difficult place in your growth. [And this is so] in any density, because it is not only third density that has to learn, though learning is not as painful [in other densities.] Yet there are times when we feel ourselves to be in darkness. The difference is [that] when you feel yourself to be in darkness, it is as if there is total blackness and you lose sight of the stairs that wander round. 2006/0528.txt:11:The benefit of the more impenetrable veil is that it creates for the third-density entity attempting to choose between service to self and service to others a stark and seemingly profound experience of suffering which this instrument would call Golgotha.2 The third density of your planet calls forth from the seeking entity a purity of humility and surrender that is, in our humble opinion, a far more favorable plinth3 upon which to build the character that will move through all the densities of your octave than the third density where there is always seen the benefit of teachers and the benefit of taking another entity’s word for something. Third density with a lighter veil creates a wonderful [place] for entities to put themselves in the teaching situation. And the system of guru and chela, as known among your Buddhists, is very similar to the kind of enjoyment that third density upon Venus created. 2019/0420.txt:63:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. That which you call the personality shell may be seen as a reflection of what you would call the essence of the soul in one aspect. Each soul is a being of completeness, which has a great deal of experiential data recorded within its significant self as a result of many, many previous incarnations within both the third-density illusion for those who have progressed only to this point thus far, and within other densities as well, for those wanderers who have come to aid the harvest on planet earth. 2018/1006.txt:40:Your Mother Earth has been central in this process of growth through the first three densities, and shall continue to be central in this movement into the fourth density of love and understanding. Thus, the process of experiencing that which is known as the consciousness of self is that which is added by the planet itself, for the planet has, within it, the conscious awareness of each entity that has inhabited its own beingness. 1996/1103.txt:4:We were speaking of those text books that you are to each other, learning those lessons of love that you have come here to learn, for, indeed, each of you has come here not only to serve others. The call to the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow who have become wanderers upon your plane of existence have truly hoped to be of service but also each who incarnates within your Earth sphere as a wanderer comes with a hope of doing work in third density that may lend clarity and crystallization to that entity that you have evolved into through the vibratory levels to that of your home density. You see, each goes through this school of love in third density without learning everything, without achieving perfection, but merely tending toward the direction of service to others and unconditional love to the point where you may enjoy and bask in that fuller light that characterizes each succeeding density. So each of you has been through the school of love before, some upon this planet, others upon other planets. But wherever in the infinite creation you have matriculated into third density, you have graduated from it without attaining perfect understanding. And as the densities succeed and as you progress upon your path you find yourself feeling the lack of one or another of those inner strengths, those cores of steel that constitute a real experience of realization of one or another aspect of those lessons of love. So each of you has asked of the self in incarnation at this time that it go back and attack with appetite and enthusiasm those remaining little tangles of feeling and emotion and sensitivity and self-awareness that have knotted and been snarled throughout succeeding densities, lessening in confusion through time, and yet the self is aware that it has work to do, and in the higher densities there is not the opportunity to work through faith alone that there is in third density. In higher densities the veil is lifted and you are able to remember all that you have done, all incarnations that you have enjoyed and experienced, and so you do seek to refine that choice of service and love that you made in third density. 1997/0525.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is indeed so, for each entity is a portion of the one Creator, whole and perfect, with the free will to choose the path of its seeking. The third-density portion of this experience, and, indeed, the higher densities as well to a lesser extent, is a process whereby an entity has forgotten a portion of its perfection, has forgotten its unity with all creation, has forgotten these foundation stones of being in order that it might provide the Creator with experience that will enable It to know Itself. Such experience cannot be gained when each portion of the Creator knows itself to be the Creator, whole and perfect. Thus, it is what you may call a great service and sacrifice for an entity to engage in the forgetting in order to voyage forth into the creation with the desire to serve the Creator. 1981ra-contact/007.txt:81:I am Ra. The progress through densities is sequential. A fifth-density social memory complex would be comprised of mind/body/spirit complexes harvested from fourth density. Then the conglomerate or mass mind/body/spirit complex does its melding, and the results are due to the infinitely various possibilities of combination of distortions. 1989/0409.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and, as we understand your query, those of your population, that is of the third density, would be for the most part unable to recognize the vibration of entities of densities beyond their own, whether the entities were of the positive or negative orientation, unless these entities chose to make certain portions of their being known to those of your population. However, there are many among your peoples that have awakened the abilities of the initiate and have become somewhat sensitized in a manner which would allow them to perceive with finer tuning, shall we say, some of the qualities of entities of advanced densities. 1990/0719.txt:18:I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. This process of refining the lens, through which you view reality of existence through the various illusions you experience, is then, as we have said, a process of many, many lifetimes. And, indeed, is not yet at an end with the harvest from this density, but proceeds throughout the densities until each again has become the awareness of All That Is. For this is eventually the perspective the lens of viewing becomes, the range of vision broadens to include all. The clarity of sight perceives all and penetrates through each layer of illusion that is experienced by the individual, by the social memory complex, by the higher selves, by the mind/spirit totality complexes, and all the various and progressive layers of consciousness which you shall experience. 2005/0306.txt:6:Now let us look at this situation. The help that you have for this journey is your larger self. Here is a larger self that includes the Creator and all that there is. Through many, many experiences of all the densities of experience up until now in your space/time travels, you have explored the energies of the elements: the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom. You have come at last into the world of animals which bear consciousnesses that are non-local. This is the animal that you now are in third density or in your consensus-reality beingness. It is not that you are divided or split against yourself. It is that the surface of yourself is created by the experiences of a biocomputer that is strictly your brain dealing with every experience that has touched you, and especially hurt you, in such a way as to survive that experience. You remember the good times, you remember the difficult times, you remember the choices that you have made and those things that seemed to have worked for you. You have found ways to protect yourself, to defend yourself, to help yourself be comfortable and happy. And you have done all of this with that consciousness that this instrument would describe as a great ape’s. Many instinctual behaviors have helped you to focus your energies in order to experience life as a comfortable thing. 2018/0512.txt:36:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my friend. This is an interesting query in that it has the elements of yes and no, as so much of the spiritual journey is a paradox. Any thought that an entity may think in some realm can become a thing, or a thought form. As you are aware, your own density, as all densities, has many, many sub-densities. Seven sub-densities, each sub-density with seven sub-densities, and so on, infinitely. Thus, it is possible for any thought that one may think to become, shall we say, a resident or thing, at some level of being. This level of being is more and more apparent to third density entities the more energy that is given to the thought, especially now that your planetary entity itself has entered the fourth-density vibrations, so that more of these thought forms are created by the population of your planet. 2008/0527.txt:35:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We must take this query in two parts. Firstly, we would speak of densities and light. The attempt to create fourth-density light, fifth-density light, or sixth-density light out of third-density light is an attempt that is founded in a mistaken assumption and that is that light has a linear progression from density to density. However, it does not. 2000/0206.txt:8:The way that the densities of light were set up was that there was an octave of steadily increasing density of light and that there would be creatures native to each density that would be able to experience, express and communicate the nature of their experience to the one infinite Creator. These densities begin, in our system of describing them, with the first density, which is elemental, the density of rock, of earth, wind, fire, and water, of sky and sea. Those things which seem quite inanimate, yet they are fully vibrating with the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. 2007/0519.txt:22:This everyday illusion that you experience is an ongoing gift of third density. It is a gift because only in this veiled illusion, when you are intellectually unaware of the rightness of all things and the unity of all that you see, may you make profoundly heartfelt choices. These choices would not occur to you in such depth of emotion were you fully aware of who you are and why you are here, as are those in other densities of experience. 2016/0904.txt:63:So yes, the learning is much slower there, but learning does occur, for each entity in the positive choice of service to others joins with others of its kind to form a group mind/body/spirit complex, which those of Ra have called the social memory complex, so that the experiences of each entity in the complex of all incarnations is available to the entire social memory complex. And with all of this great library of information available, the choice is made at all times to be of service to others, especially those within the third-density illusion, who yet exist within the veil of forgetting, the veil of darkness. Thus, the third density provides an opportunity and a service to those of the higher densities. By being confused, you are providing a service, my friends. Take heart; even in confusion you are of service. Thus, entities within the higher densities seek to serve others as well, those of sixth may serve fifth or fourth when they have questions concerning unity and the balancing of love and wisdom. There may be planetary entities that are difficult in their evolutionary process that have some sort of problem perhaps with a sun that is old and not functioning correctly, or the tectonic plates upon the planet that are misaligned and need some sort of assistance. There are various ways of social memory complexes to be of service, but as you correctly surmise, it is a much more patient learning, it is a much more elongated learning, it takes a great deal more of what you call time, though time is not perceived in the same sense in the higher densities. Time is more, shall we say, fixed in an eternal present so that all past present and future experiences are available in a simultaneous fashion. Thus, the experiences don't seem so, shall we say, drawn out to the higher density mind/body/spirit complexes as they would to your own. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:20:The fifth density is the density of light, wherein wisdom becomes the focus and criterion for graduation to the next density. The sixth density balances and unifies the love learned in fourth density with the light (wisdom) learned in fifth density and produces a power to serve others that is more effective than that of love or wisdom alone. The seventh density reaches a realm of experience even more difficult to describe. According to Ra it is the density of “foreverness,” and here we begin to move into total harmony with the One Creator. The eighth density represents the complete coalescence of all of the creation with the One Creator and can be viewed as the first density of a new octave, similar in arrangement to the notes on a musical scale. The fruits of this octave will eventually give birth to another octave of densities, whose fruits will give birth to another octave of densities, and so on, infinitely. 1997/0413.txt:9:Some of those who seek to graduate are, shall we say, natives or those who have not come from higher densities. Some of those who seek to graduate have indeed come from other densities, yet each, regardless of the history of self, is in precisely the same situation at harvest. That is, there is one and only one way to graduate into the next density or back to the home density, and that is to be of the essence that can welcome the intensity of light, the fullness of illumination which is the characteristic of higher densities. 2003/0206.txt:9:Consequently, there was an inborn tendency towards aggression which had only been encouraged by the second wave of genetic manipulation. This set the stage for entities we shall grandly call the space pirates. The space pirates were, in these entities’ way of describing them, from the fifth density, and they had many minions from the fourth density, but these densities being in the negative sense a very pure path along the path of service to self. 1991/0412.txt:7:Time/space is that realm within which we are able to be with you at all times, that we may inhabit space/time as well. The movements which are possible to make in time/space are variable as are those in space/time and perhaps more widely variable because of the greater divergence of types of entities that inhabit time/space. There are entities of more differing densities that inhabit these realms and their abilities to move vary according to their individual development. [This] is also true of space/time which in your current illusion is inhabited by the first, second, third and beginning of fourth-density entities. And you may see the divergence of the abilities to move in, for example, the rock entity which moves very slowly in space as compared to the third-density entity which moves about in space seemingly at will, limited only by such physical laws as the entity is aware of. 2010/0213.txt:56:Third-density Earth is nested within fourth-density Earth. It is not the same Earth as fourth-density Earth. Third-density Earth will not become fourth-density Earth, any more than first-density Earth became second-density Earth, or second-density Earth became third-density Earth. These densities are nested in such a way as to occupy the same area or influence within space/time and time/space, held lovingly by the overarching energy field of your sun. 1994/0410.txt:4:Think back, if you will, to your experiences as trees, rocks, sunlight. In all of these states of beingness you have experienced the essence of the infinite Creator without reaching for any word or, indeed, any thing. The first and second densities are certainly filled with sound, however, there is little conversation. It is in the third density when the self becomes self-conscious, that the desire to communicate is born as a basic instinct and urge. Even the little child new to manifestation seeks for the sound of the parent, which communicates. The tiny infant has the instinct to select and prefer the sound vibrations made by the mother and the father, those figures who give sustenance and improve comfort. Already, before the infant becomes aware that words carry specific messages, this third-density entity instinctually is reaching for that sound, hoping for that comfort—the human voice. Beyond all meanings of words, the human voice sings its way through life. Although few hear the music of spoken words, yet, nevertheless, they do have tune and cadences. Subtle though these patterns may be, they carry the breath—the air which is breathed in and exhaled. 1990/1118.txt:60:We of Q’uo seek the lessons of unity, those lessons which are found within that density numbering six where those we call teachers reside. We may travel in thought to such locations and experience a portion of what is available there and as our point of viewing or ability to perceive is expanded by our own learning and experience then more of that which lies ahead on our path becomes available to our perception. Thus, we can speak from experience only through the density numbering five and must rely upon that which has been told to us by our teachers and those bits of our own perception where we have traveled in thought in relation to densities beyond our own. 2008/0927.txt:90:However, the vast majority of those who have graduated from third-density Planet Earth have chosen to move into incarnation in dual-activated third density/fourth density bodies. They are wired for both densities but are governed in third density by the third-density portion of their wiring so that they are physically third-density entities.