1975/1221_01.txt:13:But there are many, many colors. How many colors can you think of? Perhaps the number is infinite, for there are shades and gradations within each color that go on and on. And each one is distinguishable from the next. And yet in reality, each is a part of the white light. So are you, my friends. And all that you meet are other portions of the same light, formed in perfect love also. How hard it is to see the perfection of the Father in each person! For each person is a different shade, and some shades seem to clash with yours. But all are formed of white light. All are one with you, and you with them. 1977/0810.txt:26:This information is beyond our understanding. It is our intuitive feeling that the Father has no beginning and no ending, has no limits of any kind. It is our intuitive understanding that the conscious universe as we know it with its infinity of expressions, vibrations, times, spaces, dimensions and thoughts was an instantaneous expression of the Father in a single vibration which in your holy works has been called the Word. The Word, my friends, was love. There was one original Vibration that expressed itself out of the infinite, out of the invisible. Love then formed gradually, step-by-step, all that the individual consciousnesses which were expressed by love at that time could begin to create. The universe has been peopled more and more by the individual imaginations and thoughts of all of those infinite beings that were created as part of the love vibration. Each of you, my friends, has dwelled since the beginning of time. Before the beginning of time, there was the Father. It is our intuitive understanding that after the end of time, when all of the particles of infinite love have made the journey back to the Father, there will still be the Father. There is no beginning and there is no ending, but our universe is love. 1979/1216.txt:4:Let us look at an image far removed from Christmas, and yet with the same message. A bird called the Phoenix bursts into flames and is consumed in a great fire, and all that are left are ashes. Out of those ashes rises a new and more beautiful Phoenix. As you put a Yule log upon your fire, as you set the star on your tree, let the message of winter, of ashes, and of rebirth fill your heart with the joy of knowing that all joys will be made well because the love that created all things is a perfect love. We wish that your peoples could understand the meaning of Christmas, not only once a year, but throughout the year, for it is a message which we have come to share, the message of love, of unity, of salvation through higher consciousness. You are part of an evolutionary pattern. Those about you may not wish to be part of the evolution that is taking place at this time; so be it. They will have many other chances for advancement, as many as they need, my friends, for all dwell in an infinite realm, for hope truly springs eternal. Meanwhile, you have control consciously of your development; think deeply upon the lessons of creation and rest in the knowledge that even the hardest earth, frozen cold as stone, will soon be crowded with the blossoms of spring, and so will you go on from glory to glory in the creation of the Father. Imagine each of you in your domicile at this time, your hearts beating as one, your breathing, your thinking, and your feeling unified with one great Thought of love. There will come a time when this will be the case among your peoples. We believe that you may be there to witness it, if not in this dimension, then among the inner planes that guard this Earth plane in its fragile path towards knowledge. 1981ra-contact/043.txt:134:The surrounding of self in a sylvan atmosphere, apart from distractions, in a place of working used for no other purpose, in which you and your associates agree to lay aside all goals but that of the meditative seeking of the Infinite Creator is, shall we say, not gadgetry but the making use of the creation of the Father in second-density love and in the love and support of other-selves. 1985/1215.txt:2:Once there was a boy with a wise father. This young man was eager to be of service and to show through his life the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. He questioned his father concerning all of the choices which presented themselves to him as he looked for the best way to be of service. 1986/1116.txt:1:I am Q’uo. I come in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator, and because we speak through this instrument, we say to this group alone, we do come in the name of Christ, for it is not your Christ only, but Christ, a love, the love, the love of the Creator. How could we not come in that holy name, for indeed we too hallow love as we would hallow our mother and our father, for love is mother and father of all of us. 1987/0204.txt:2:Love has many faces. And though the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator comes always in the name of love and through the manifestations of light, yet nevertheless we value and treasure each new instrument whose mind and heart we may plunder of its many treasures of experience and previous knowledge. For our message is so simple as to go almost inevitably unnoticed and ignored, for all we have to offer is our opinion and belief that the Creator is all that there is, that each is the Creator, and thus all who dwell in the creation are not only part of the Creator, but a holographic representation or miniature of the Creator, thus becoming co-creators with the Father. 1987/0913.txt:22:The third density is the density wherein one attempts to learn the lessons of love, therefore it is our feeling, which is only an opinion, that the wisdom teachings are perhaps not as generally useful to awakening souls, but rather are helpful at a point at which the heart has been opened to compassion, for wisdom without the grounding of compassion can be a cold and indifferent thing, and the Father of all things, though perhaps characterized as unbiased, is certainly not cold or indifferent, for the Creator dwells in all consciousness, and consciousness which is alive has a nature which is anything but indifferent, anything but cold, has a nature which grows and rejoices and spirals ever into a greater and greater sense of well-being and stability and infinite grace. The teachings of the one known as Mohammed we find as incomplete, shall we say, as those teachings of a similar nature within what is known as your Old Testament. 1987/1004.txt:12:Know and remember that the circumstances that you have are the house of your experience at this time. Treasure your Father’s house and know it to be good and bring it increase by planted seed which takes faith, in brightly covered pillows and cushions of thought and deed, to beautify even more the Creator’s wonderful gift. Know that your stewardship of this life which you count from the first breath to the last of your physical body is the stewardship of a spark of infinite creation, a consciousness that is the consciousness of love itself, and honor that which you are. 1987/1115.txt:15:How we wish we could take you within our vibratory web, that you might feel for a few moments that love without the baffling impediment of the physical vehicle, yet we cannot do this for you. You may, however, through meditation, find yourself upon holy ground and share heart-to-heart and hand-to-hand with the infinite Creator. My children, the Creator is a love that is astonishing in its intensity. The imagination reels at the infinity of creation. Yet this love is that which built, created, energized and enlivened all that there is with only a tiny portion of infinite energy. This is a love which is awakening within you, the love of the co-Creator for the Creator, the love of the child for the Father, the love of the beginning for the Source and the End. Center yourselves upon love and compassion. Attempt to intend well and to be harmless and above all to love each other. And when you consider yourself to have failed, grieve if you wish, but not overlong, for the intention is that which is recorded spiritually, the action within the illusion relatively incidental. We ask you to... 1987/1115.txt:18:And above all, know that you are doing that which you came here to do. You cannot get far off track, for those forces within you which you devised before incarnation shall forever be giving you the proper vector toward the action that is appropriate. May your communion with infinite intelligence be ever more wonderful, and may your trust in each morning, each noontime, and each eventide be sufficient for you to do the will of your greater self, of that self which is closer to the Father and Mother of All That There Is. Each of you shall shine from within. May you also shine to yourselves. May you love and respect the Creator within you. Wanderer or native, these things are so, in our humble opinion. 1988/0117.txt:13:We are speaking to those who have already made the choice to serve others as a means of learning to know the Creator, as a means of experiencing relationship with the Creator. Therefore, we may freely and joyfully urge each to know the self as one who may be a channel of light, a channel of love, not by your own Earthly energies, for they fail, but by becoming through meditation aware of that which comes through one from the infinite creation, that which is infinite love. Thus, more and more you may become a light to those about you, not so much by what you do as by the smile in your eye, the peace of your expression, the gentleness of the reply to a hard rebuke, the kindness to a stranger. And each time that you attempt to serve, you run the risk of failure, and when you feel that you have failed, it is a temptation to think poorly of oneself. We ask you never to feel such sad feelings, but simply to pick oneself up and continue, for you are an harmonious part of an infinite plan whereby the Creator in its infinity learns more and more about Itself, for each of us who are companions upon the path back to the Source in our relationships with each other express the Creator’s thoughts to the Creator, for each of you is a spark, an infinite part of an infinite Father. 1989/0311.txt:6:There is another phrase which may lend some illumination to the phrase, “the willing suspension of disbelief,” and that is a phrase used by, shall we say, one of your more angst-ridden Christian apologists. That phrase is, “the leap of faith,” for you see, the willing suspension of disbelief can only be done in the faith that it is safe to disbelieve—that is, to the intelligent, rational mind—like saying that it is safe to jump off the cliff without a moment’s thought for how deep the cliff may be or what lies below. This is what faith is about. It is a choice made in a vacuum. The choice is very simply to abide and to have faith. What shall you have faith in? We would not call it anything more specific than love, for love is the closest word you have in your language to the terrible, awful, beautiful, creative and infinite love of the infinite One, the Father and Mother of all that there is. 1989/0311.txt:11:In order to do this, it is very much necessary to meditate upon the daily basis, to put oneself in the Father’s house at the Father’s feasting table for just a few moments in the day, so that you know who you are and Whose you are. You are not your own. You do not belong to yourself. You are a story in the mind of the infinite Creator. May you leap into each leg of your journey with faith undiminished, ready to run the race in love, in joy and in hope of wisdom and compassion. 1989/0507.txt:21:The feelings are very effective in controlling the energy and the passage of energy through the chakras. One who is dwelling in love and doing that which one does for the love of the Creator moves fairly easily in this consciousness through the challenges of difficult relationships or problems, through wearying times, trying times, sad times and happy times, exhibiting always an awareness of that which is going on—we do not wish to speak like Pollyanna—but realizing also that beneath these daily occurrences of life and death within the illusion there lies an imperishable, infinite point of view that is made entirely of love. This realization quickens and crystallizes each of the chakras, as you yourself seek and feel the excellence of that which the Creator has made. So it is always helpful to one who feels very tired, very disappointed, very downhearted, or very depressed, to visualize each chakra and open the self to the love of the one infinite Creator and allow it to rise until the heart expands and sorrow has had its day and the heart now sings with the love of the Father. 1989/0507.txt:22:You must realize that the Creator is Father/Mother, rather than Father; that is, the Creator creates, but also nurtures. There is comfort there for the seeker by simple mental request. There are those which are with you always. So as you wish to know what you truly feel, ask before you sleep; ask when you awake, after you have praised the one Creator; and keep asking. Do not make it an obsession, but make it that which you are most curious of and wish to learn, for it is those who seek who find. Respect and use your deep intelligence. Allow the experience of many lifetimes to inform you. Allow all of the intelligences of the universe which flow through you to speak to you. Go ever deeper. Jump ever further in faith. Trust ever more in a kindly but mysterious Intelligence that is love. Trust love. All within the illusion will fall and fail at one time or another; that is because free will is various. But that within you which is imperishable is safe, and that is where you must repair to lick your wounds, to soothe your soul, to ease your mind and to seek your deepest heart. Come to your safe place often and experience love from the one infinite Creator and love for the one Creator. 1989/0621.txt:33:Before you lie two realities. One is small. It contains things like garages, houses, relationships, jobs, chores and time. It is the surface of your life. But behold, underlying that surface is an incredibly beautiful, perfectly manifested God-self within. Seek that light that is brighter than light. Seek that love which ravishes and makes one whole. Seek to be with the Father. This is the most important thing which any entity may do to improve the level of vibration of your planet. The good deeds are helpful, but no more so than good intentions. That is the metaphysical rule: thoughts are things. So look at the infinite creation. It is a blessing, a beauty, and a transcendent joy and gauge yourself in the life of life around you. Be your own person with your own resources. Hold your head high in the face of challenge, resting in the mercy seat of the compassion of your heart, for if you have the will to tame your willfulness to the service of the infinite Creator, there is no kind thing which is beyond your ability to do. 1989/0625.txt:15:If you are able in this incarnation to serve others more than half the time that you are doing something, you have succeeded, and we are not speaking of ritualized ways of aiding people, such as the job and so forth, nor are we speaking as if one could not be of service to others in solitude. But it is the person whose will has been brought so into alignment with the desire of the infinite One that those things which one has to face each day are faced, realized for the lessons that they are, and assimilated. There is seldom going to be a perfect day, shall we say, for a human entity, because each entity has biases because of willfulness in past lives. One cannot explain these biases. One is merely aware that one has somehow fallen short. Indeed, that is part of the human condition. Indeed, each has fallen short. This is an excellent lesson for each student of truth. All fall short. All fail. No entity may find the kingdom of the Father by itself or with any ease. There must be dependence upon love, a realization, a brave willingness to realize that the Creator is real, that the Creator loves and forgives and has forgiven all that is mis-done, that the Creator has no low self-esteem, but rather, work for you to do. 1989/0910.txt:23:The only anthropomorphic symbol that the one known as Jesus used was that of the family. He spoke to the Creator as “my Father.” He spoke that he was the son of man, and spoke, “Do not be afraid, for these things shall come upon me.” It was an act of ultimate compassion, the giving up of oneself in hopes of saving the creation. But even this event was held close to the summer equinox. The older religions felt the influence of the stars more greatly. Firstly, because there were no lights to hide the sky. The pinkish glow of the city at night is not conducive to good gazing. Also, it is absolutely true that each star system and planet has a certain personality, those, of course, that are inhabited. The others dwell simply in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. 1989/1001.txt:33:We have been informed by this instrument that we have once again spoken too long and we do apologize. The question asked tonight was, we feel, one of central importance, much misunderstood among your people who equate worship with action, worship with stewardship, with the giving of money and time and talent. These things cannot be done without the eating of spiritual food, and that spiritual food is the knowledge that you and the Father are one, and it is not you who speak, but the Father who speaks through you. In this purified emotional state of worship shall your soul grow in service to others and in love for the one infinite Creator which, when translated into a life experience, means an immense and glorious tapestry of love in relationship within the mystery-clad Self and with all those things both made by humankind and created by the one infinite Creator that move one to emotion: the thanksgiving for beauty, the poignant joy of birth. 1989/1029.txt:36:We are of the principle of the spirit of the one infinite Creator and that one original Thought which created all that there is, that being love. Each of you is whole, perfect and an embodiment of love. May each open the self, knowing who one is and being a citizen of the universe in total democracy with all other spirits, and move and flow and allow that which is offered for one to occur. It is not necessary to push the experience about, for the most part, but simply to observe and become more and more knowledgeable of the dynamics of the mystery of your own self. For, only when you have done this may you chose your contact by the challenging process. In order to challenge a discarnate entity you, as an entity, must see yourself as light. The sparks of the Father within will eventually illuminate the whole of beingness, making it no longer necessary for a heavy chemical body to experience things within. Thus, those of you who are service-to-others oriented, be of service to yourself first. Ask for the comforter, if you wish. Ask for any help that you wish knowing the obligation placed upon you by inner-planes teachers. Move at your own pace and in your own way but be faithful, my friends. Keep seeking persistently, keep hoping, keep loving until you begin to feel as a wonderfully clear aqueduct for the water of blessedness [and aid.] 1989/1126.txt:40:Therefore, unless the intuition is most deep, heartfelt and worthy to the self of being held all through the incarnational life experience, we strongly suggest that you are faithful in listening, and when you go forth from your meditation you carry with you the desire to love. One’s path is taken one step at a time, one expression of love at a time, one expression of honesty which may lance a boil of misunderstanding and heal. To communicate with the heart and the love of the infinite One is to heal, and by the power of that love the Creator may, if all love, transform and renew the creation of the Father. 1989/1203.txt:15:How can one find glory when one has not perceived glory? One may meditate upon glory. But perhaps the best way to approach the understanding of the word glory is to strip [away] all adjectives and gaze at the great noun, “I,” the great verb, “AM.” To exist is glory. To be conscious is potentially to live in the Kingdom of the Father. Why should a relationship with a father whose love for each is infinite produce anger, confusion and disputation? These things are a portion of your illusion. If you are able to silence your mind, silence your doubts and to open the door to the inner room in private and devout meditation, that silence for you may be a great voyage of discovery, for you will find more and more to like about the self, more and more to see as accomplishments as each entity moves through the life experience and becomes more mature. 1989/1231.txt:10:Our message is very simple. We ask each to love the Creator with adoration and worship as one would normally feel for one’s father, for you are truly sons and daughters of the infinite One and within yourself infinite in your own being. 1990/0311.txt:15:Now, let us turn specifically to the energies of that entity known as the Virgin Mary. Let us look at the story of this entity’s relationship with the one infinite Creator. This entity was barely fifteen years old when the historical event—the visitation by a messenger of the Living Creator—came to this entity. This young woman had been reared in an extremely restrictive environment, one which would be called in your own terms, a man’s world. The very idea of the Creator was couched in puissance and every masculine attribute. The gentleness, the nurturing, the tender quality of the love of the one infinite Creator in this particular society was not valued greatly, nor were those who represented that side of the Creator—that is, women—regarded as anything but property, those who were totally subservient, those who spoke not unless spoken to, those who watched carefully all that they did, those who would not dream, nor even imagine, breaking a vow of marriage, once promised. Such an entity was this pure virgin, too young to know precisely that which was ahead, but old enough to know that she was marrying an older, responsible and very fatherly man, not at her wish, but as an arrangement, for such was the custom. 1990/0401.txt:17:Stay not at home, tend not your father’s flocks, until you first have discovered your own limitations, your own compassion for those whom you previously thought quite unlike yourself, for you are everyone you meet, and it is only when you have the humility to recognize yourself in all that you see that it is possible for you as a pilgrim to shine forth in each dark corner with the infinite love of the great Spirit that hovers over, around, beneath and within you. Bow to that which is within yourself. Die to that dross which keeps you from the grail. Be a pilgrim people, and exhort each other as each becomes discouraged. Listen to each other, not to change each other, but simply to listen. Trust each entity to heal itself once difficulties have been expressed. 1990/0506.txt:10:This mystery is not the answer to anything, for all of your questions lie within this illusion. All of your theories, your perceptions and your knowledge cannot bring you into a state wherein you may expect to experience the knowledge of the one infinite Creator, your Father, your Mother, and your Lover. Each of you is a soul, a portion of light, and you are most personally beloved. Yet you are inextricably entwined with that free will which gives you the opportunity to seek within an illusion whose singular purpose is to throw each entity away from the center of beingness into confusion, despair, suffering and difficulty. These are not the actions of a cruel Creator. These are the actions of a Creator which has learned that no lessons are learned in the happy, holiday atmosphere of Eden. You may visit the garden, the oasis, that place where all questions are answered, but you cannot bring back words to describe this experience. 1990/0623.txt:13:Whatever your conceptions of yourself, if they be negative, release them. If you say to yourself, as this instrument does, “I am not pretty,” there is a hardness of heart that will spill over into karmic situations with others, into a lack of ability to forgive others. If one says, “I am not worthy,” there is a lack of awareness of one’s birthright. Moving from the temporary to the eternal, and gazing at yourself as would a most loving mother, forgive yourself, accept yourself, allow yourself to be yourself, and lead the concern for the self away from center stage, for it is as dangerous as the blinders upon the horse to those who can see but will not. Soften, allow, forgive and turn, and ask to be in a tabernacle in the immediate presence of the infinite Creator. Ask, though you feel unworthy, to be that person who experiences unconditional love. Let love fill you, which you naturally wish to return, and as you more and more perceive yourselves as children of the great Father and Mother of the universe, you can come to treasure yourself, for you are all treasures. 1990/0715.txt:30:May you love yourself infinitely, for you are a child of God. Your mother, your father, is the universe, love itself. Rest, and have peace and confidence in who you really are. See the illusion for what it is, as much as you can. And when you fail and fail and fail again, as you will inevitably think that you do, never chide yourself, but with patience and care and love grasp once again your desire, your hope, your dreams and your ideals, and go forward on this path of mystery. 1990/0930.txt:3:Each of you is quite familiar with the fact that the Creator was generous and brave and foolhardy enough to give to His own creation free will. Each of you, and each of us, are the creations and the children of the Father, and as the Creator has its nurturing side, the Father/Mother perhaps would be a way more appropriate, to your species, to speak of infinite intelligence. In truth, the Creator is Love Itself, which is father, and mother, and all. 1990/1118.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and we are again with this instrument. The master known to you as Jesus said that it was not he but the Father that strengthened him. So it is with you, eventually. You are more informed and more powerful in a personal sense than you realize quite often. You have by the grace of the one infinite Creator enlightenment, redemption and love of self alone, for the two requests that the one known as Jesus made to replace entirely the Ten Commandments were to love the Creator and to love other selves as the self. Consequently, it is essentially important to work with the self in consciousness until one realizes that regardless of the illusions in one’s own spiritual temperature-taking, it is not selfish or service to self but indeed necessary first to find charity towards the self. For you contain all within and if you do not feel self-forgiven how then can you feel in truth the joy of all being self-forgiven? How can you feel joy for the truth that is someone else’s and not your own? 1991/0324.txt:10:We speak to those who do desire to serve with excellence and purity. Gaze upon your desire. Do you burn? Do you hope? Do you desire more than anything within the illusion the opportunity to serve the one infinite Creator? There are many whose desire is simply to be with the infinite One. These are not lives which make great stories, although the light of those lives is very strong. There are others to whom we speak who desire not only to experience oneness with the Father, but who wish to follow that second request of the one known as Jesus, to love other selves as the self is loved by the self. 1992/0419.txt:5:Let us examine this consciousness. Gaze upon a consciousness whose personality consists of one query—“What is Your will for me, beloved Creator, Father and teacher?” Immerse yourselves in the feeling of this consciousness. It lacks salt, it lacks personality, it lacks any persona or mask. It is infinitely vulnerable, infinitely willing, and infinitely desirous of serving the infinite One. Does this consciousness not feel full of light, almost a quality of floating, of being lighter than the air which you breathe? Yet to bring the circle back to what you call so well your Earth, let us point out that the circle is not levitating, the circle remains glued by gravity and humanity to the illusion in which there is personality, in which there must be the persona, the mask. Each of you desires to know the truth in an illusion which will forever deny knowledge of that truth. In your incarnation you shall not know a factual, provable, repeatable truth. All your truths shall be subjectively perceived, subjectively proven, and subjectively held. They are not transferable. 1992/0517.txt:3:To many cultures, the eroticism of hidden genitalia and physical forms in general is considered a positive beauty, a pure truth, and were each biological male and female to value the body sacramentally it would become clear that human physical sexuality is an information resource which like any other speaks of the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Therefore, as one turns to face the mystery of the deep mind there is a close resource, that being the seeker’s own sexuality. As each seeker moves along the highway of the Father’s mystery seeking love and truth it is well to encourage the self to love and accept the self, beginning with the physical body, its sexuality, its every curve, dimple and seeming marred place or imperfect place. Loving the self within the skin is far more readily attempted when one has loved and accepted the skin, the shell of physicality which carries about the consciousness which you truly are and which manifests within this illusion your field of consciousness, desires, questions and often cryptic answers. 1992/0607.txt:15:Leaning upon one word, love, one may learn a great deal about ethics. In your own way, you aid the infinite creation in its path. Each individual’s consciousness, if it rest in love, is more and more a part of that infinite, eternal, constant creation of the Father. As the whirlwind within the mind and emotions of living calms itself, and spiritual maturity advances, that part of each self that is of the infinite Creator and is an holograph of the infinite creation begins to manifest itself without words. Yet, this manifestation of love, flowing through one in infinite measure, gives to those entities whose discipline has been towards maturity an authority that makes it unnecessary to attempt to control, in most cases. For, as one is more and more the authority over the vagaries of the human self, just so does the heart within that self find itself peaceful and open and, therefore, a shuttle through which the love of the infinite One may flow freely. 1992/0920.txt:11:In this regard we remind each of the request of the one known as Jesus the Christ, that if a man were to follow this entity it must hate its mother and father. This is what we speak of. The spirit of universal love and service speaks in silence, yet its urgings are strong and the time inevitably comes when the seeker must choose between personal preference and doing the will of the infinite One. This decision does not have exceptions for family, friends or convenience. It merely is offered without any tangible reward for turning one’s back upon sources of financial plenty, emotional comfort or other excellent mundane benefits. It offers only the impersonal satisfaction of being totally willing to do the will of the infinite Creator. 1992/1003.txt:10:I am Yom. We answer in two portions. Firstly, the creation of the Father, as this instrument calls the second-density sphere and biota upon which you enjoy incarnation, is full and replete in undistorted love, therefore the Earth and its creatures are helpful whether or not the individual entity is aware of this aid. Secondly, to one whose spirit rejoices in the creation and the energies of this harmonious and beautiful creation these positive effects are many times magnified. We may note in this regard that the impulse to seek nature can be somewhat wayward when one finds oneself in a position athwart the forces of this natural, harmonious and sometimes inconvenient world of nature. Therefore, it is well consciously to pause in good weather and evil days alike, sun and rain, to give praise to the infinite One for this perfected manifestation, and to offer thanks for beholding Its face. 1992/1122.txt:4:As had been discussed previous to this sitting, one of these portions of personal destiny is sometimes the relationship which seems to be over. Now, in this case the relationship is over in the framework of the conscious mind of the entity which lives and dies within the flesh and personality of this incarnation. However, the relationship is anything but over from the standpoint of learning the lessons of love, for which reason both entities within this relationship chose to meet, to exchange desires, and to part, thus only beginning and setting up the conditions under which the lesson may be learned in a way which creates a lasting bias in consciousness which will polarize the consciousness that is infinite within you towards the unity with the love and light which is the Source and Father of all that there is. 1993/0214.txt:3:We speak to your query about a definition of life. My friends, the subject, like all metaphysical subjects, defies the use of your words. However, if this be understood as a necessary limiting factor, then we may proceed in good humor, tripping over the nouns and verbs of your illusion. The most comprehensive definition of life is this life, is manifestation. To put this another way, life is movement. Because we do not feel that this basic a definition is helpful, we shall go further, but it is well to remember that all that is, is alive—that all was created by a thought which was the character and nature of the infinite Creator. This thought we call Love, for there is no appropriate designation. However, this Love is as terrible as it is filled with wonder, and loves as passionately destruction as it does creation, for the love that is the nature of the Father, shall we say, is a love that embraces the creation as a whole process, so that all phases of this movement are equally lovely. 1993/0323.txt:8:Now a life in faith may seem to demand the acceptance of some culturally chosen holy or worshipped individual such as the Buddha or the one known as Jesus. This is not so in that such ones as Buddha or Jesus the Christ spoke clearly to indicate that they were speaking not of themselves but of the mystery which the one known as Jesus called Father, or more familiarly, Daddy. This Father/Mother Creator has sent each inspired and inspiring historical figure into a troubled world to bear witness to the light and the love of the infinite Creator. The one known as Jesus said, “If you hear me, you hear not me but my Father who speaks through me.” 1993/0925_02.txt:30:How can you nurture this inner child of light? Each of you can, in every moment, imagine, dream and intend this nurturing; and with the energy of this intention, you touch that tiny light-being with the Mother’s and Father’s love, seeing you are not alone, “for I have touched Love.” And all that you feel and care and reach for exists in abundance, abundance that shall wash over your sweet beingness. “Here, feel my love.” And because you, in all your dirt and confusion, have intended and dreamt and imagined this love, this abundance—this becomes truth; and the nurturing of infinite Intelligence continues as the great work that rose beyond all of the seemingly independent sparks of consciousness and, in the end, feeds not only that spiritual self within but the more conscious everyday self that may feel so poorly equipped to nurture and love spiritually. 1993/1212.txt:3:The admonition, “Be ye perfect as your Father is perfect,” is attributed to the teacher known to you as Jesus. We, too, encourage the attempt to be perfect, that is, be perfectly loving just as the infinite Creator is infinitely loving and purely loving. Yet, this instrument himself was a broken and imperfect entity within the veil of third-density incarnation. [However,] this teacher encouraged this drive towards perfection again and again. However, this teacher, in the ministry which expressed without words the nature of this entity’s love, chose again and again to bestow that love, charity and wisdom upon those which any civilized culture would call imperfect—the tax collector, the prostitute, the halt and lame and those possessed—a veritable rogues’ gallery of failed and sinful entities. 1994/0327.txt:5:The teaching we offer is this: as each seeker moves its vibratory complex closer and closer to the vibration of love, so does the infinite self within each seeker begin to sound its true note and identity. Thusly, as it is written in your holy work, one might say as did the teacher known to you as Jesus, “Be perfect, even as your Father is perfect.” That this is an unreachable goal within the illusions we both experience is undoubtedly so. However, as the seeker sharpens its desire for and its hunger for more harmonious vibratory patterns, as this seeker then persists stubbornly in seeking again and again to move the personal vibratory complex closer to the pure vibration of love, so does desire create the perfect work within. 1995/0319.txt:4:The first level, that of apparent reality, is the level which those within this room would call consensus reality or life as it is. This manifestation, as intricate and rich as it is in texture, is but the onion skin skimming the surface of an infinite well of being. As each opens the eyes upon that common or consensus environment one finds the match of senses and objects; the creation into which humankind is born is that one which has been made relevant to humans. The creation of the Father, that second-density creation of love, in third density becomes a co-creation between Creator and yourselves. And as humankind has worn the round trail in walking many cycles of experience those many, many footsteps of manifestation again and again have worn certain biases smooth with age that they seem more real, more deeply relevant than other common experiences of humankind. 1996/1124.txt:48:We are those of Q’uo, and would offer to you last thoughts before the question period. To know yourself as human, as the featherless biped, may seem a great restriction, a great inconvenience. But no, know and trust that the moonlight is glamorous and deceiving, and that your wandering steps are all perfectly as they need to be. Take yourself lightly. Take love with profoundest dedication. Know that your greatest treasure, your central purpose and your patience are all wrapped up in the everyday life lived devotionally. In the world of the Father, all things are featured. Persist in your attention to the daily; for each task, each tale, each silly piece of paper in the paper mountain of your culture is full of learning for the one with ears to hear and heart to understand. Know that as you touch others, you meet yourself. The one known to you as Jesus offered two rules of life: to love the infinite Creator and to love the other self as the self. These suggestions encompass all you need for your journey. 1997/1119.txt:12:We are those of Q’uo, and we must apologize... we are those of Q’uo. [Laughs] This instrument almost went to sleep on us and we are sorry, and the instrument is sorry, and we must regroup. We were saying that each within the creation of the Father has an infinite rightness for each is a citizen of the time, each is a spark of the infinite Creator and from creation to creation, the sparks shall fly out, become homesick, and return. And you are flying and wishing for home—and you shall return—only to be sent out again by an ever inquisitive Creator to see just what love can be, what it can do. 1998/1220.txt:6:However, each who has awakened spiritually knows well that that is only the surface of self and all of society and its biases, that all of the social arrangements, economic plans and schemes for attaining and maintaining comfort and health and happiness do not identify the self or exhaust its beingness. As spiritual seekers move more and more into consideration of the self as a spiritual being there grows an awareness that the self within is not even a person, that the personality is truly a shell but that what it holds is infinite. There is no bottom to the roots of consciousness. The roots move into infinity. There is no limitation upon the self, the “I” that lives within, and that is one key that the one known as Jesus of Nazareth offers: the redefinition of self, that movement from the “I” of the personality to the “I” of “When you hear me speak, you hear not me but the Father who sent me.” For each of us was sent into this illusion. Each of us, indeed, has sent itself into the illusion to serve as the lighthouse for the source of light moving into the Earth plane. It is not that the “I” of self has the fuel to burn an infinite light eternally. Rather, the spiritually awakened self becomes more and more aware that the “I” that is truly the self is simply moving through the vehicle of personality in infinite energy. What the “I” of personality may do to express the true “I-ness” of the Creator within is to allow and bless the energy that moves through the being. For each of you is as a receiver and a sender of energy. Each of you receives infinite light and love in a steady and continual basis, both from the Earth energy itself moving up through the vehicle and from those sources of inspiration which each calls to herself from time to time that move down into the self from above. 1999/0418.txt:7:The ability to call upon that part of the self that is already aware of the truth and sanctity of daily living is to call upon a part of the self that this instrument would call the Holy Spirit. The self is a concept that is extremely rich. When one looks at oneself in the mirror or looks at another self, another being, it is easy to see that which is immediately visible to the physical self, and one gathers great quantities of information from gazing in the mirror or from looking at another: the color of the hair, the health of the complexion, age, weight, general characteristics of all kind can be easily noted and filed away. But within that mirror’s image, within that other self that you see lies a limitless and infinite self, a self that is connected to all other selves and to all parts whatsoever of the creation of the Father. This connection is so powerful that to gather together in groups, even small groups, is to gather tremendous amounts of energy, and if each of you can sense into the flow of energy around the circle in which you sit you may indeed experience for yourself the great amount of light energy that coming together with one purpose and hope has given to you. Each connection that is made between spirits such as yourselves is a connection that is greatly sanctified and blessed and holy, and it is the reason that you feel that need to come into groups and to express your love of the Creator in some way as a group. The energy of each multiplies the energy of each, so that together you are far more than the sum of yourselves. 2000/0923.txt:6:We realize that each of you would like to vibrate as the Logos. Each of you would like to have that perfect vibration of love, and yet we say to each of you how perfect you are as you are, as you turn, as you change, as you come to this moment. How well you hold within yourself the unity of all that there is. How gently do you cradle that being within that shall be and has always been a child of the one infinite Father. This instrument objects to the use of the word, Father. We object to the Father calling a Father, Mother. Consequently, shall we say, “celestial parent.” 2001/1007.txt:5:Each priest needs to spend time in that sanctuary that has to do with no one but the self and that connection that is sacred between the self and the infinite Creator, between the loved and the lover, between the spark and the source of that spark, that great fire, that great light, that great love, that great Thought that is the one infinite Creator. It is helpful to picture entering, not that empty room of impersonal prayer, but a very personal room that is the heart of self and in which there waits the figure of the Creator as the Creator would appear to you. Many see the Creator as Father. Many see the Creator as Mother. Some see the Creator as the Christ, as does this instrument. Whatever that image is, realize that the Creator is waiting for you there and that you go to be with your true self when you enter the sanctuary of silence. 2002/0614.txt:2:I feel difficulty in just plain loving so much of the time. What blocks have I created to the love within me? Where or how am I preventing that infinite energy from reaching my heart? What can I do to love and accept my family more? Is there anything I can do to bring healing where it is needed in this family, my father especially? I seem to be very stuck in orange-ray concerns which keep my focus on myself. What can I do to finish my own processes enough that I might place that focus outwards and work to actually serving another? 2002/0704.txt:12:In this instrument’s mind we find the concept is very helpful. It does not understand this concept completely but we will attempt to use it. It has read a work called The Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizadek and this entity expresses a way of moving energy through the energy body. This involves moving the energy up into the yellow ray and as it moves into the heart there is a 90 degree phase shift that needs to be taken in this entity known as Drunvalo’s system of understanding in order for the energy to move up through the heart and on out into the creation of the Father. Interpenetrated with this concept and helpful to understanding its essence is the advice of the entity this instrument calls Papa concerning retaining energy for the self before allowing the energy to move through the self and out into the world. In this entity’s zeal for blessing and sending forth the energy of its love it was reserving, according to the one known as Papa, nothing for itself and acting the role of martyr. Consequently, the image that begins to emerge here is that of the light flowing through the entity into the heart and then back in a loop through the body making sure all parts of the body, mind and spirit are washed completely in the infinite love and light of... 2003/0206.txt:16:We of the Confederation of Planets have come to tell a very simple story. It is a story of thought. It is a story of the power of thought. It is a story of the power of a certain Thought that created all that is. It is a story of the power of absolute and unconditional love. It is a story of intelligent infinity and the desire of that infinity to know itself. It knows itself with every thought of its children and each entity of whatever density of whatever planet within the infinite creation is a child of the Father, or as many would say in this time of political correctness: Father/Mother. 2003/0219.txt:14:The heart chakra is not that which is worked with as much as it is that which is entered, as one with great gratitude enters the holy place in which one is safe, loved, cared for, and appreciated as a child of the one infinite Creator, a child and an heir, a rightful and loving heir, and, indeed, a co-Creator. The space of the heart is that which is filled with the balm of Gilead. It is that which beams and radiates as the sun. It is that in which there is no effort, strife, or worry but only the feeling of loving arms, a strong and loving chest and shoulders to rest [the head] upon when one is weary; a capacious lap to sit in, to nestle in, to curl into and to go to sleep in when one is exhausted within the heart. This is the energy of healing, the energy of unbridled and unstinted compassion. This energy is that energy that is the steady state of the creation of the Father, that vibration which is the essence of the one great original Thought of the infinite Creator. 2003/0321.txt:7:This specific way is so completely other than the culture in which your peoples experience life, see contracts and jobs, that it is very different to wrap the mind around the job at hand. However, this job is to live a life which contains as much consciousness and awareness and accurate observance of all that is seen as possible. It, then, requires the instrument that is your soul to aid as a shuttle in bringing into the physical body and out into the metaphysical inner planes of this planet, by intention, the infinite love and light of the one Creator which at all times is moving through the openhearted entity and being sent by intention either to the Creator, to the fourth-density grid of this planet, which this instrument is so interested in strengthening, and to the people that one comes in contact with on a daily basis, that can be served and can be prayed for by the simple level of consciousness expressed within, that sanctum sanctorum which is the opened heart wherein the entity is in tabernacle with the one infinite Creator. To carry this persona into the world is to carry peace into the world, to carry light into the world. To carry this consciousness means that you begin to see yourself as the Christ. You begin to see others as the Christ. You begin to see the creation as an expression of the Father and you begin to see that in being the most essential self that you can, you are moving closer and closer to the selfhood that is the Christ, that is the “I” of “me.” 2003/0824.txt:2:All that is visible, all that is invisible, is vibration. The vibration of the Father, as this instrument is wont to call the godhead principle, is a singular vibration which we are used to calling that term, the Logos, which is a term in this instrument’s vocabulary from its Christian heritage—Logos, the Word, the Word which is love, unconditional love. That vibration is the vibration of the Creator. Those vibratory nexi that manifest as each person here, each of you being a sub-logos, in part, of the infinite Creator, have the goal of moving in vibratory level more and more close to the vibration of the Logos, to the energy of unconditional love. Regardless of what outer gifts you have, this gift is at the heart of your experience of yourself as an essence, of your getting to know yourself as a true being. As you are able to come more and more into an awareness of what the energy of unconditional love feels like, you are coming closer and closer to your own heart. 2005/0304.txt:20:Your first work in consciousness is to come into open communication with yourself. You have put judgment away. That is not part of your personality any more. You have put doubt away. You are dwelling as a citizen of eternity. Your possibilities have become infinite. The world has dropped away in terms of consensus reality and you are living at this moment, doing this work in time/space and in the company of all who have gone before you, living a life in faith, dwelling in the sacred temple of the open heart. Here you are never alone. The Creator Itself holds you in an embrace that is nearer to you than your breathing, closer to you than your body. If you need to—and it is sometimes necessary to realize that this is all you need and all you can bear—crawl into the lap of that great entity that is the Creator, however you may see this entity—mother, father, great principle. Crawl into this loving lap and rest. Do no more than that if this is what you need. Let angels surround you. Let the love that is completely unconditional, that created you and sustains you, now rock you and sing to you and sleep the sleep of one who is loved as a child is loved by its mother. 2005/0330.txt:20:The one known as Jesus faces the struggle between good and evil in a very simple way. This entity simply said, “Get thee behind me, temptation, for I will serve my Father.”6 It is not a complicated path and it is often a path which involves suffering. The choice of love over fear can be seen to be quite brutal at times. Turning the other cheek, loving when one is reviled, bowing the head to those who would harm, and remaining meek in situations where those without the awareness of unconditional love would spring to defend themselves is harsh. We can only say that the rewards of keeping it simple and hewing to the ways of love are infinite. It is love and not cleverness that will clear the sight of those who feel that they may be blind on the inner planes. It is knowing that one is part of the true vine that will give the soul rest through difficult periods when all seems confused and help does not seem to be near. 2005/0330.txt:21:We ask you to rest within your energy body at this time, to breathe in deeply, and to exhale deeply, knowing that you are breathing in the consciousness of Jesus the Christ and that you are breathing out that same consciousness. It is nearer to you than your thoughts or your hands or your feet. Indeed, your very heart pumps love... love... love... Your essence is true. It has been expressing and continues to express, through a physical body, a mental, and [an] emotional body that often seem very biased and distorted. And these bodies will fail, go down to the dust, and end. That portion of yourself that came into incarnation that is of the spirit is infinite and eternal. What is the glory of following one such as Jesus the Christ? That glory is in the focus of that one being, and how that lens of the infinite Creator can sharpen and delineate your path, so that you have a blazingly clear view of who you are and Whose you are. By all means welcome back into your consciousness the teacher known to you as Jesus. Insofar as it is necessary for you to do, love him as a human being, but remember always that he wished to express the truth of the Father. He wished to be the lens that would indeed focus you to become as he, the servant of the Father, an active, living portion of the Creator. His words are wrapped in silence. His truth is wrapped in mystery. But that Word of love, which is the consciousness of the Christ, is all in all. 2007/1229.txt:23:Yet you must ask, for they cannot infringe upon your free will. Therefore, please draw about you that wonderful network of loving presence that is always about you. And do not forget to ask nature to help you, for that, too, is a kingdom of the Father. The very ground loves you beyond all telling. The air, the trees, all that there is in the kingdom of the Father is dancing with you and inviting you to join in that wonderful, harmonious rhythm of the dance of the One. For all within nature, not having self-consciousness, is fully aware of the truth and is very happy to be part of the one infinite Creator in its manifestation in this illusion. 2008/0927.txt:6:Your sun body is a sub-Logos, a manifester and center of light and love, which it pours out upon all indiscriminately, generously and with great love. As you are perhaps aware, the actions of each of you do not go unnoticed in the universe. The creation of the Father is one and the universe balances itself endlessly with regard to each and every one of its infinite bits and pieces of creatorhood which are making the long, circular journey from alpha to omega and entering into alpha once again. 2009/1017.txt:12:When the self does not feel safe or secure there is the contraction of the energy body, which lessens or sometimes cuts off completely the infinite flow of love/light which is in supply from the Creator in tremendous generosity. Consequently, in terms of knowing who you are, it is very well to find for yourself a haven, a safe place within yourself if not outside of yourself, a place where you may rest and your energy body may flower and open and breathe in the love/light of the infinite Creator through the chakras, up through the heart, up through the higher chakras, and out again into the creation of the Father. The more you rest in this inner place of safety, the more you find out who you are. 2011/0122.txt:19:Yet we may offer thoughts about who that third member of the unity of the Creator may be, for the one known as Jesus, the Christ, related to the infinite Creator as “Papa.” In the Aramaic language “Abba” does not simply mean “Father.” It means “Daddy” or “Papa.” It is a name of great affection and love. When the one known as Jesus the Christ gave over his will to the one infinite Creator, he gave over his will to his beloved “Daddy.” This was His perception of the Creator. 2019/0914.txt:73:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. First of all, we would suggest that each person see each new child not just as a child of a mother and a father of third density, but as a child of the One Infinite Creator, for in truth, that is the nature of each child and each entity upon this planet. Seeing each child as the Creator, look then to how the Creator within all may be apprehended and taught to this child as a means of daily inspiration and recognition of the Creator that exists in all. Find a manner in which you may share your love of the One Creator with this child upon a regular basis, just as you learn arithmetic and reading in your schooling system, teach them the oneness of all creation, teach them the unconditional love of all creation, teach them the light of truth of all creation, teach them the interrelatedness of all entities within the one creation, and most especially at this time, upon the planet you call Earth. 2019/1123.txt:20:As it traveled to these various locations, studying with various masters, it became aware that as it was able, in its meditative state, to enter into a unity with the One Infinite Creator, whom the entity called the Father, then the entity known as Jesus eventually became able to blend its totality of being with that which it called the Father, or which it saw as love. And as it was able to blend its beingness with the Father, with the creative principle of love, it then became that which it sought and in many cases, in the recordings of the words of the entity known to you as Jesus, this entity speaks as the Father. The entity speaks not just as the one known as Jesus, although in other locations it spoke as the entity Jesus who had access to becoming the Father. 2019/1207.txt:35:All wanderers have, as another goal, the desire to provide certain specific services according to their unique talents. Some become teachers of spiritual principles, some become healers of mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical difficulties, some become those who may be seen as creative artists that express through word, through paintings, through music, the love and light of the One Infinite Creator, the unity of all creation, and so forth. Others, simply go about a daily round of activities, in what could be seen as a normal third-density experience, being mothers, fathers, teachers, clerks, bishops, and so forth, and in this attempt to serve, offer that love vibration which colors each service in a fashion which those entities receiving the service become aware of, if not on the conscious level, then upon the sub-conscious level, so that the effect is, shall we say, vibrating love from the foundation of one’s being, upward and outward into the conscious expression of one’s own unique being. 2020/0220.txt:59:This contact with intelligent infinity becomes that which blends the microcosm with the macrocosm, the seeker with the One, which it has always been since before time. Thus at this point, the individual will of the entity, though still available as a potential or a possibility, is given over to the will of the One Infinite Creator, so that the entity then begins to move about in its daily round of activities as a vessel or vehicle of the One Infinite Creator, going about the Father's work, shall we say, being cognizant of the need to share the love and light of the One with all around one.