1973/1218.txt:15:I am aware of many planets such as this one that have gone through a cycle of awakening. Many planets made this transition with considerable ease, because they were following the plan. Unfortunately, this planet has lagged in the natural scheme of things. This is what you might refer to as a borderline case. There will be those of your people who make the graduation, and those who don’t. This is not always the case with all planets. In some instances, all individuals are ready for the graduation that you now approach. In some unfortunate instances none are ready. In your particular place, it is a combination of both instances. 1974/1115.txt:14:If, within your spirit, your graduation day has come, those things necessary for your emergence into fourth density will be done for you. All will be accomplished by helpers which you must be aware that you have. 1974/1115.txt:19:If you have confidence in those days, you will shine like a beacon, that you may carry many with you toward their graduation. 1979/0913.txt:25:You have tried very hard, and so have we, and individuals among the sheep will pass the graduation test and thus you will have done your job, and for that, you too can be grateful and feel satisfied. But you were fighting against great odds and so are we. We still fight on, and so do you. And we do not consider the situation hopeless; for there is an eternity in which to work it out. However, the fact remains that at this moment we cannot even be on station over your skies, working with groups such as yours, in what you call your United States. It is only through a request to [the] central computer that we have been able to speak with you this evening. 1981/1213.txt:94:Many are the intensities upon your planet at this time. We are monitoring many of the situations and are hopeful that as the entities involved in each become more and more involved in the intricacy of the other selves’ situation that there might be seen by all concerned the oneness that binds each to the one Creator, for it is the purpose of such catalysts which your peoples now experience to give to those experiencing them the realization that those things which seem to separate peoples are not of a real substance, but are illusions which do teach certain lessons. The students are in the classroom. The lesson has progressed through most of the semester. The graduation does approach. The final examinations are being prepared. Whether the students shall learn the lessons is not known. 1981ra-contact/019.txt:26:I am Ra. There were some second-density entities which made the graduation into third density with no outside stimulus but only the efficient use of experience. 1981ra-contact/020.txt:15:I am Ra. Perhaps the most common occurrence of second-density graduation during third-density cycle is the so-called pet: the animal which is exposed to the individualizing influences of the bond between animal and third-density entity. This individuation causes a sharp rise in the potential of the second-density entity so that, upon the cessation of physical complex, the mind/body complex does not return unto the undifferentiated consciousness of that species, if you will. 1981ra-contact/030.txt:30:The addition of this spirit complex, though apparent rather than real, it having existed potentially from the beginning of space/time, perfects itself by graduation into third density. When the mind/body/spirit complex becomes aware of the possibility of service to self or other-self, then the mind/body/spirit complex is activated. 1981ra-contact/034.txt:73:I am Ra. This is partially correct. In the graduation or harvesting to fourth-density positive, the red ray is seen only as that which, being activated, is the basis for all that occurs in vibratory levels, the sum of this being violet-ray energy. 1981ra-contact/036.txt:56:I am Ra. There are no [negative]1 beings which have attained the oversoul manifestation, which is the honor/duty of the mind/body/spirit complex totality of late sixth density, as you would term it in your time measurements. These negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes have a difficulty which, to our knowledge, has never been overcome, for after fifth-density graduation wisdom is available but must be matched with an equal amount of love. This love/light is very, very difficult to achieve in unity when following the negative path, and during the earlier part of the sixth density, society complexes of the negative orientation will choose to release the potential and leap into the sixth-density positive. 1981ra-contact/038.txt:31:I am Ra. It is possible only in the latter, or seventh, portion of such a density when entities are harmoniously readying for graduation. 1981ra-contact/038.txt:64:I am Ra. The graduation into fourth-density negative is achieved by those beings who have consciously contacted intelligent infinity through the use of red, orange, and yellow rays of energy. Therefore, the planetary conditions of fourth-density negative include the constant alignment and realignment of entities in efforts to form the dominant patterns of combined energy. 1981ra-contact/040.txt:24:I am Ra. Hypothetically speaking, this is correct. However, the fully activated being is rare. Much emphasis is laid upon the harmonies and balances of individuals. It is necessary for graduation across densities for the primary energy centers to be functioning in such a way as to communicate with intelligent infinity and to appreciate and bask in this light in all of its purity. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:129:I am Ra. The question does not demand a long answer, for we who experienced the vibratory densities upon that planetary sphere which you call Venus were fortunate in being able to move in harmony with the planetary vibrations with an harmonious graduation to second, to third, and to fourth, and a greatly accelerated fourth-density experience. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:130:We spent much time/space, if you will, in fifth density balancing the intense compassion we had gained in fourth density. The graduation, again, was harmonious, and our social memory complex, which had become most firmly cemented in fourth density, remained of a very strong and helpful nature. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:27:I am Ra. There are, in your modes of thinking, responses we can make, which we shall make. However, the important point is that the graduations from density to density do occur. The positive/negative polarity is a thing which will, at the sixth level, simply become history. Therefore, we speak in an illusory time continuum when we discuss statistics of positive versus negative harvest into fifth. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:28:A large percentage of fourth-density negative entities continue the negative path from fourth- to fifth-density experience, for without wisdom the compassion and desire to aid other-self is not extremely well-informed. Thus, though one loses approximately two percent moving from negative to positive during the fourth-density experience, we find approximately eight percent of graduations into fifth density those of the negative. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:34:The percentage of service to others of positively oriented entities will harmoniously approach 98% in intention. The qualifications for fifth density, however, involve understanding. This then becomes the primary qualification for graduation from fourth to fifth density. To achieve this graduation the entity must be able to understand the actions, the movements, and the dance. There is no percentage describable which measures this understanding. It is a measure of efficiency of perception. It may be measured by light. The ability to love, accept, and use a certain intensity of light thus creates the requirement for both positive and negative fourth to fifth harvesting. 1981ra-contact/082.txt:97:I am Ra. This is correct and may benefit from comment. The Logos is aware of the nature of the third-density requirement for what you have called graduation. All the previous, if you would use this term, experiments, although resulting in many experiences, lacked what was considered the crucial ingredient: that is, polarization. 1981ra-contact/082.txt:135:The query is not answered easily, for the concept of service to self did not hold sway previous to what we have been calling the veiling process. The necessity for graduation to fourth density is an ability to use, welcome, and enjoy a certain intensity of the white light of the One Infinite Creator. In your own terms, at your space/time nexus, this ability may be measured by your previously stated percentages of service. 1981ra-contact/089.txt:155:The end of this was the graduation into fourth-density negative of the wanderers, which had much power of personality, and some small deepening of the negatively polarized element of those not polarizing positively. There was no negative harvest as such. 1981ra-contact/104.txt:57:Secondly, we would suggest that this entity goes to a graduation if it desires. Otherwise, it may choose to reincarnate to be with those companions it has loved. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:7:According to Ra, the population of Earth will birth its own social memory complex after its graduation to the fourth density is complete. Just as individuals evolve over time, the social memory complex likewise evolves, transforming and becoming more unified as the lessons of each higher density of evolution are successfully grasped. To Ra, as a social memory complex, there is no distinction between an individual and the whole group. Thus when we communicated with those of Ra we spoke to one individualized entity of the social memory complex. Since everyone in this group accesses a shared mind, it was as if we were communicating with all 6.5 million entities of the Ra social memory complex. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:17:The second density is the level of consciousness inhabited by bacteria and single-celled organisms in the lower stages to plants and animals in the higher stages. This density's lessons involve transforming from the random change of first density to a more coherent awareness that facilitates growth and directed movement. As entities progress through the second density, they begin to strive toward the next density of self-consciousness; and as the spirit complex becomes awakened, graduation to the third density becomes possible. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:20:The fifth density is the density of light, wherein wisdom becomes the focus and criterion for graduation to the next density. The sixth density balances and unifies the love learned in fourth density with the light (wisdom) learned in fifth density and produces a power to serve others that is more effective than that of love or wisdom alone. The seventh density reaches a realm of experience even more difficult to describe. According to Ra it is the density of “foreverness,” and here we begin to move into total harmony with the One Creator. The eighth density represents the complete coalescence of all of the creation with the One Creator and can be viewed as the first density of a new octave, similar in arrangement to the notes on a musical scale. The fruits of this octave will eventually give birth to another octave of densities, whose fruits will give birth to another octave of densities, and so on, infinitely. 1982/1226.txt:110:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. Returning to our analogy of the test. When the student has prepared itself over the long period of the course in a sufficient manner, it is not necessary as the final testing approaches to engage in the last minute, shall we say, cramming in order that the exam which approaches might be passed. Upon your planet there has been much procrastination, shall we say. The harmonizing of the vibrations of the entities who have populated your cultures in the history of your planet is a record of a difficult progression and somewhat inefficient learning of the lessons of love. Those incarnate upon your planet at this time have the opportunity of taking this final exam under conditions which most likely shall approach those which you describe due to the difficulty experienced throughout the major cycles of your planet. The difficulties shall add to the opportunity of graduation much like the student remaining awake the night before the exam for long hours going through the grueling process of covering that material which had previously been omitted and under such stress attempting then to present itself in such a manner at the time of examination that the examination is passed. Whereas if the entity had been more attentive to the requirements of the course over the longer run, the final examination would not be so traumatic. 1983/1016.txt:17:If one shall come unto the Father, the one infinite Creator, by the path followed by the one known as Jesus of Nazareth, then such an entity shall in the life pattern demonstrate the desire to seek the truth and the service to others that is of such a nature that the so-called salvation is imminent, the graduation draws nigh and the harvest shall be completed. It is not by mere belief in another entity—though faith, indeed, in the seeking of the truth is necessary—that an entity shall come unto the Father. The one Creator, the Father, resides within each entity. Each must go within the self in the life pattern and find the deepest truth available therein; and when that truth is found, manifest that truth in the experience of each day. Then the salvation shall be available by the efforts of the seeker following the same path the [one] known as Jesus of Nazareth followed. 1985/1201.txt:18:I am Latwii, and we find that there is good deal of correctness within the suppositions you have queried upon. The diseases that now begin to make their presence known among your peoples are, shall we say, last minute—we must use the word—“aids” that have the hoped for purpose of allowing those of your population who have the potential to polarize sufficiently for harvesting to do this and do it in a relatively short period of your time as you measure experience, for the great cycle of evolution which is now closing upon your planet, when completed, will then offer no more to your population, and many are those who now seek the graduation. 1986/0518.txt:48:I am L/Leema, and am again with this instrument. The phenomenon of which you speak, my brother, is one which is found at the highest level of the second density, that is the phenomenon of what your peoples call the pet. It is indeed true that due to the process of investment of identity upon these second-density creatures by their companions which you call owners that they oftentimes will choose after one incarnation is complete to move again into the life pattern of those they have grown to love and who have invested them with their love. Thus, your perception that there is a returning to your family of an identity in second density is correct, and is often accomplished within your illusion in precisely the manner you have described in order that the second-density creature may be further invested and may eventually achieve its own graduation, shall we say, and begin an incarnation at some point within the third-density illusion, having received enough love and given enough love to have marked its own identity or self-conscious awareness, which is the beginning hallmark of the third-density creature that is known as the human being. 1986/0907.txt:43:I am Latwii, and we find that this is the case in a few instances where there has been a relatively significant graduation, shall we say, within a certain population or source of beginningness, shall we say, for as you are aware, those who comprise the population of your planet are from numerous sources that are, shall we say, exterior to your planet. Many other third-density planets have given their populations to your own in order that they might again experience the opportunity to choose between the radiance and the magnetism that has been spoken of previously this evening. Thus, when a significant enough portion of any such population has reached that level of purity of choice that allows for the harvest, then these may be held in, shall we say, a potential harvest which also includes the potential of joining that which is known as the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator. 1986/0914.txt:43:I am Q’uo, and we can speak upon this topic by suggesting that indeed each entity within what you have called the third-density illusion has entered this illusion or experience with a purpose that has been agreed upon, and in fact constructed before the incarnation has begun, and this construction has had many loving hands and hearts to add to its strength, to its purpose and to its potential means of implementation, for before each incarnation begins, an entity will assess those lessons that have been well learned in previous incarnations and will look at those which remain for the, shall we say, graduation from this particular level of experience. 1986/1116.txt:74:I am Q’uo, and, my brother, we might suggest that as the student completes a certain portion of its course of study, there is usually the recognition of moving from one level to another, one grade to another, a graduation of a kind occurs. There is at that time an experience that is reserved for that time and that time alone. We might suggest that those experiences which you have described that manifested themselves to your physical sight as the experience of various colors are likened unto your completion of a set of lessons, and to attempt to experience this graduation again, shall we say, without having completed the necessary course requirements is to seek the reward before the effort has been made to achieve the goal. The experiences which you describe are not random, they have occurred as a portion of a planned course of your own experiencing and processing of catalyst and will repeat themselves when the conditions are appropriate. 1986/1214.txt:77:I am Q’uo, and this particular configuration or opportunity for refining the focus of consciousness is that which appears near the ending of what we find many of your peoples call a major cycle of evolution, that which numbers approximately 25,000 of your years. This opportunity allows those of a planetary population who ready for the harvest or graduation, as we find you call it, to begin the final lessons that will allow such graduation. The refining of the focus of consciousness is the general opportunity which is provided to each in a unique fashion for each. 1987/0208.txt:24:That graduation, shall we say, from the incarnation that is called the death, in many instances is the subject of just such planning, which is to say, there is a variety of possibilities for each entity that may occur according to the completing of the overall plan for the incarnation in a more or less successful fashion. It may be said that the lessons shall continue for any entity within an incarnation until their weight grows too heavy, at which time the entity shall have planned for one means of bringing the incarnation to its culmination. 1987/0215.txt:31:And thus, as the unified nature of the creation becomes apparent to such an entity, and the entity begins to move in harmony with the power, the creative power of love which is found to move all things, then one more and more readies the self for the graduation, as you have called it, into that density of love and understanding where the veils are removed and the Creator more clearly stands before the entity in all experience. 1987/0506.txt:7:Again, we urge the new instrument who faces now the graduation to take heart and to analyze before and after each occurrence, but to refrain from analysis during. We have thoughts to give from the first thought to the last, which any instrument may channel from the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. Those thoughts will ring with what we believe to be the truth, and that is that all of creation is one thing—one great Thought which thinks itself out in infinite portions. The unity of all creation is not something that is unusual or new as a thought, but it is all we have to offer. We hope and trust that our humble gifts may find favor with those who channel them and those who listen as well. 1987/0520.txt:28:I am Quanta. The entity of which we speak is of the fourth density with this particular planetary sphere as its home planet, for it has for a significant portion of your time and experience been a resident of the inner planes of this particular planetary sphere, having achieved the graduation previously as a result of the incarnations spent fruitfully pursuing polarity upon this planet. 1988/0814.txt:11:Beauty, function and sacrifice are three great principles of self-consciousness. They, that is those creatures which dwell in second density, are attempting to become self-conscious enough, that is, invested with enough personal consciousness of self to become fully human and begin to interact and move about the planet to learn the lessons of love once again, those very lessons which they surrender at second-density graduation in order to move into third density, study, think, experience, feel and integrate the catalyst therein and make the choice between fourth-density positive or service to others aspects of love and service to self aspects of that same love. 1988/1030.txt:16:The entity which has a good deal of maturity coming into the incarnation may indeed choose or never be aware of the choice of serving others or serving the self. However, instinctively, such naturals, may we call them, those who remember, do not need that which is to move them to an harvestable level. If they are at this incarnational moment prepared to walk the steps of light and move into the fourth density, then they have only to enjoy the pain and joy of this illusion you call third-density life. The probable future of such entities is the graduation and the moving onward to create the fourth-density social memory complex of what you call Earth, or Terra. 1989/0115.txt:34:At some point within the progression of incarnation, there comes the time that one may call the harvest or the graduation, for as all courses of study, there is a point at which the entity shall have learned those lessons of love which it has set about to learn, and shall then progress in the evolution of mind, body and spirit to those lessons which await beyond the beginning of the learning of the lessons of love. This harvest or graduation concerns itself with the entity’s ability to welcome the love and light of the Creator within the entity’s being in a manner which allows the entity to utilize this love and light in a dynamic fashion to further expand its understanding of that great mystery towards which it moves, the nature of the creation, and the nature of the Creator, and the nature of the self. 1989/0115.txt:35:Thus, at the time of graduation, the entity moves toward the great light and welcomes the light unto the being, until the light grows too glaring. At this point the entity moves from the light and finds itself within what you might call a new vibration of frequency that shall be the area or density of light location which shall provide it with its succeeding lessons. Thus, the process of evolution is a progression by which the entity demonstrates its ability to extend or expand its point of view so that it is able to take in more of the creation, more of the light and more of the Creator, and is able to utilize this expanded understanding either in the positive manner of radiance or the service-to-others path, or is able to absorb the light in the negative or magnetic fashion which may be called the service-to-self path. 1989/0115.txt:40:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. The location of this experience is a concept which is somewhat difficult to describe. It may be said in one sense that the location is the same as that which you now experience, but upon what you might call inner planes or levels of experience of this planetary sphere [inaudible]. The exception would be the time of the harvest or the graduation, when the entity would, perhaps, upon the graduation find that a different location would better suit the need that the entity has discovered within the self. At that point, the entity would then move in what you would call the etheric or form-maker body to that location that it deemed appropriate for further study. 1989/0308.txt:5:This is one of the great goals of the incarnation, for the gentle, peaceable and harmless life experience is that one which reflects inner peace, and this is the first step towards graduation from third density. This requires a type of channeling. We have never done anything but applaud this instrument’s desire to teach the vocal channeling. But the reason for our wholehearted thanks was not only for the one-in-a-thousand which continues in this service, but that we realize that the process is one which one may use in the daily life. 1989/0325.txt:77:There is a point which we see is at a slight distance beyond the 50 percent level of service, at which time the desire to be of service to others exceeds the desire to be of service to self, while the desire to be of service to self may, indeed, be yet significant. It is acceptable, shall we say, for the percentage of intentions to serve others to be fifty-one percent or greater for the student to be available for graduation or for harvest, as you may call it. It is necessary that the student have the persistent desire to be of service to others in excess of the 51 percentile in order that this student might be able to withstand the more intense light emanations that are the normal boundaries or givens, shall we say, of the fourth-density experience. 1989/0528.txt:10:Therefore, we ask that you be aware that spiritual coincidence is not coincidence, but planning. Before your birth—and we may parenthetically add here that each of you upon this sphere at this time is capable of graduation into fourth density—has had the opportunity to make many, many choices, to see catalyst in a way that can be of service to self and others or in a way that is self-destructive and destructive to others. These coincidences are so that the one who is working along the spiritual path may be cheered and strengthened in faith. It takes nothing away from the free will of the entity to have a situation presented in which this lesson may be demonstrated as learned, this particular lesson that you interpret in this particular way. But if you walk away from this opportunity, this catalyst, you shall again encounter a similar catalyst, in different circumstances, in a different spiritual set of coincidences, so that you may further recognize that lesson you came to express and manifest. 1989/0618.txt:13:Gaze about you in your mind’s eye at the beauty of the surroundings that you have just traversed. It is a fragile beauty, blooming one day and dying the next. And yet each perfect bloom in its moment of glory is ineffably beautiful to the Creator and to those with the eyes to see. We ask you to see that nature itself, the second density upon which you so depend, works hard to renew itself, to heal itself of the wounds that mankind has inflicted upon it. We would ask you in your daily meditation to pray for the peace and the integrity of your planet, for as each of you does so, the consciousness of this planet is lightened and more and more entities are ready for graduation into the next density. 1989/1015.txt:13:Therefore, a prerequisite to graduation from this density is to have done all those things which you wished to do, and have purified the desire to the point where that which you desire is to know the will of the Creator within. It is very difficult to know that will until one has worked with the self for some time. The process of daily meditation in a listening sense rather than creative visualizations, we feel, is central, for in listening to the silence within, passages are opened from the conscious to the subconscious mind, and voices may come upwards from the roots of the tree of mind and break through the threshold of consciousness and enhance and sustain the life experience. 1989/1029.txt:27:Those who move ahead also have an imbalance of karma because they have left those who still were sick, struggling, miserable, wretched, angry and confused. Consequently, there is, at the appropriate time for each entity, this being also unique, there will be the need for those who have gone on and not stayed in the inner planes to move into the inner planes in thought and offer what inspiration, information and general spiritual guidance we may offer. It is our privilege and pleasure to be of the Children of Sorrow for as we move into your vibration we sense the deep horror, sorrow and anguish each feels over all that there is within this illusion which seems un-beautiful, impossible to restore, broken and hopeless. Yet we of the outer planes and those of the inner planes also, will say over and over and over again: all things are as they should be. An entity who is working within the self, with faith in the self, forgiveness for the self, and strength to the self will realize and recognize, increasingly, those lessons of love which are theirs to learn within this particular life experience. One gazes at one’s gifts, whatever they may be, but one does not take these gifts for granted in relation to how one is to use the gifts at hand. It is well to gaze out into the greater community and, in serene and gentle yellow-ray energy, concern oneself with society and culture and all peoples as you are able to meet and know them. Realize that each of you is here at this time either to aid in the harvest as wanderers or to be in the harvest as those of third density reaching graduation for the first time. 1990/0311.txt:14:To continue with that which we were discussing, the end times are not drawing near, the end times have well begun, and they shall continue for many of your years to come. It is impossible to tell you, even if we could, when the transition will be complete. We can tell you that it shall be non-dramatic, that those who are harvested shall be harvested as their natural lifetimes of incarnational lessons draw to a close. But there shall come a time when those both incarnate and discarnate shall need to walk a path walked only by those who are alive in faith and love, adoration and worship of the one infinite Creator, and so, able to receive and use and praise the more intense light, the more dense vibratory patterns of being, which characterize that illusion which is at the end of this gradual graduation process. 1990/0701.txt:14:Thus, those who are indifferent in your density are those most to be mourned, for as they eat and drink and be merry without regard to serving others or the self, they simply continue in this density of experience, finding upon graduation that they have not graduated, they have not learned to love, they have not learned to turn towards the light, or to use the light. And so they shall be given—not hell, any more than third density is hell—but simply another third density experience lasting approximately 75,000 of your years. 1990/0701.txt:18:Graduation to sixth density is very difficult for the negative polarity, for sixth density is the density of unity. When negative entities reach the point in sixth density at which they fully understand the lessons of sixth density, that is, that all things are One, they find that their negative path is at an end, they are at a standstill, unable to evolve one iota more. Using every bit of determination, will and faith that they have, they cause themselves to switch polarity in order that they may go on evolving. This seems at the time to be a service-to-self choice, for one thing that may be said of all densities is that there is an undeniable drive towards evolution. However, when the negative entity has switched polarity, it quickly discovers the sweetness of its choice. It must review a great deal of material it has missed, but it is the convert that is more fervent, if anything, than the one who has always been positive. It is the most positive of positive entities, the most loving, the most desirous of service, for it knows that it has finally discovered the truth that will continue its evolution. 1990/0701.txt:19:Therefore, you see that of which we shall speak in a moment must be seen against a backdrop of a great length of time, and, indeed, in sixth density is not the end of learning, for those in sixth density study and perfect the combining of compassion and wisdom, until compassionate wisdom has been grasped to an acceptable point, and the final lessons of egolessness and foreverness begin to be yearned for, to be learned, and so there is another graduation into the density of foreverness. 1990/0923.txt:15:It is not only those who have come to this planet to help with the harvest that have, with the aid of the greater Self, which is Love, the one great original Thought, planned the difficulties and limitations, as subjectively perceived by the entity within the incarnation. These have been set forth for a reason. Most of the entities upon this planet are capable of graduation from this density to the next—are capable, if they wish to make difficult choices of learning the last lessons of unconditional love that they can learn while in this illusion. They have had their part, you have had your part in planning just those things you may bewail the most, because if you consider it carefully you will see that your intense periods of learning have so often coincided with intense periods of discomfort, anguish and pain. It is not altogether false that an artist suffers, and from his suffering makes beauty, for that is the way of spirit. 1990/1007.txt:20:There are those pets with which an entity may have some of what you call karma, because each entity is responsible for what it knows, or believes it knows. Thusly, if you believe that by love you can aid a cat, a dog or any pet in its journey to third density, and you offer that catalyst, you may indeed find that you have woven into your own tapestry the stark thread of a beloved pet’s demise at the hands of the metal machines that move along your roadways. The comfort that you may take in this case is that only those harvestable to third density are capable of this type of connection. If a pet dies thusly, it is to become a third density entity, and though the loss of that dear pet is great, you have given that pet the opportunity to feel love and to give it to such an extent that self-consciousness has taken place, and yours has been the catalyst which encouraged that graduation. 1990/1007.txt:48:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. In the most successful cases of investment by a third-density entity of a second-density pet, this is indeed so, for the bond of love which has been awakened between the two entities, and oftentimes awakened for the first time within the second-density creature, is that bond which will often tie these entities together until the second-density entity has been invested to the degree necessary for graduation into the third density. 1990/1021.txt:10:And when they have learned the instinct of turning to the light, their graduation is at hand and they become self-conscious sparks of the infinite One. But in this grade, and only in this grade or density, is there a brevity of the time allowed for learning, and a great veil drawn across most of the mind. It is intended that this illusion be so heavy, so earthy, so entrancing and distracting, that it would be completely obvious to the casual observer that we are brief incandescent beings, alive so little and dead so soon. 1990/1021.txt:16:At the end of this density, graduation moves into a density in which the ways of wisdom are perfected, and the ways of learning compassionate wisdom begun. And when an entity has graduated from this density, the next classroom is the classroom of unity, where the lessons of compassionate wisdom are perfected, and the return to the Creator begun. 1990/1021.txt:17:Graduation out of this density moves into the seventh density or grade, which is the grade during which the entity makes its final preparations as social individuals, or social memory complexes, offers its best back to the Higher Self of its third-density self, and gains enough spiritual gravity to be pulled into the unmanifest, where you are no longer the snowflake, but part of the snow; no longer the bubble, but part of the sea. 1990/1028.txt:17:The goal of each pilgrim is, of course, to arrive at home. That is the prodigal’s dream. Now, entities are not brought to this place, or moved from second density in this place to third density in this place, in order that they might play in the garden, although many do so, remain innocent, and are always ready for graduation. But it is a portion necessary to this illusion that it make logical sense. The logic of the universe, though it cannot be explained, is visible. The atoms that form compounds of atoms which form cells, and gradually the manifestation of the entire being, are those forces irresistible to the entity which seeks. 1990/1117.txt:25:Thus, we moved into the compassion of fourth density with relative ease, and were blessed with success upon the expression of unconditional love—both the offering and the receiving. During our experience within the density of light, we have studied carefully other third-density experiences and have found that, though most proceed in a similar fashion to our own, there are those which have difficulty due to many reasons. The experience which your planet now passes through is one which has interested us for some time, for we seldom have the opportunity of partaking in such a direct manner as we do now with you, with third-density planets that are what you may call the repository of those who have found the need to repeat this cycle of experience. Thus, your planet has been influenced by many other planetary entities of third-density vibration which have completed their own cycle upon, what you would call, their home planet and who have found your current planet, that location and vibration which is most helpful to their own repetition of this experience, with the desire for achieving fourth density graduation. Thus, we work in a light-filled environment looking at the nature of your experience with regards to the introduction of significant amounts of disharmony within individuals, groups, races, nations and, indeed, within the planetary entity itself that you now evolve with. 1991/0224.txt:42:I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my sister. Your supposition, by itself, is correct, for many entities which have been both known and unknown to the majority of the population of your planet. There are many entities whom you call wanderers who have offered themselves in attempts to be of service along the same line or means of providing that which you have called the template to this planet’s population, but who have done so in a manner which is far less well-known and observable. There are also many entities who have come from this planet’s second density through graduation into third and what you might call the normal progression of evolution, who have been able to so balance and crystallize their own energy centers that there has been the contact with intelligent infinity and the resulting channeling forth of the intelligent energy of the one Creator in a manner which is also that which offers a viewpoint, a template once again, or a blue print, shall we say, or portions thereof for many entities upon this planet’s surface. 1992/0503.txt:22:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We are not those who have the desire or ability to describe in detail those changes which are as the weather at your graduation. These changes have begun many of your years ago as the planetary entity itself is also making the graduation, shall we say. There has long been upon the surface of your planet populations of entities who have engaged in disharmonious relationships even unto the war, and have, through the heat of the emotions, transferred this heat into the crust, as you call it, of the planet itself, so that as the planetary entity attempts to make its own movement from this density of light into the succeeding density of light there is the necessity for the reharmonizing of the planetary garment that will allow for the release of the excessive heat in a variety of means in order that the planetary entity shall remain and retain in its whole nature; that is, shall proceed into the next density of light intact. 1992/0503.txt:31:There is the graduation into and use of a physical vehicle which is more densely packed with light than the one which you now utilize in your current experience. This vehicle is that which is associated with the fourth energy center or chakra, that having to do with the heart, so that the primary influence of this body and its experience is that of learning the lessons of love, compassion, mercy, understanding, forgiveness and acceptance so that entities will have a greater opportunity to see the Creator in the creation about them, and to see and express that Creator within the self as well. 1992/1213.txt:8:This illusion is the third such level, shall we say, of learning for the infinite portions of the one Creator. To experience the first being the level of the elements, the experience of being rock, sea, air. Those experiences are simple yet move deeply and slowly, and consciousness then graduates to another level of illusion. In this illusion, for those portions of consciousness which now know that they exist and begin to move in order to seek the light, the easiest example of this movement is the turning of the flower and leaf to the sun to receive light. In these two illusions there is not self-consciousness, but with graduation into the third-density illusion which you now experience, you as co-creator are in a physical vehicle which has the ability to be conscious of itself experiencing the illusion. 1992/1213.txt:9:There is a purpose for this particular illusion, in our opinion. Just as the purpose in the first density is to experience manifestation at its basic level, and just as the second density’s purpose is to experience and learn the movement, the choice towards being fed, being comforted, being warmed, finding light, so in third density the individual seekers of light become self-conscious and decide to interact. Your illusion has everything to do with learning not only who and what and why you are as you are but also in learning how to interact with those about you. Upon graduation from this density the next series of lessons starts with learning to be a complex of entities which have all memories in common. In the next density this veil of mystery and forgetting which you now experience is gradually lifted, and, once again, you know that you are all One. 1992/1213.txt:20:I am Q’uo. My brother, there are very, very few which, having no concept of polarity, are nevertheless of the negative polarity. However, the negative polarity is far more difficult than the positive polarity to do work in consciousness using [inaudible]. This is due to the fact that in order to graduate, shall we say, from the third-density illusion in the positive path it is necessary for an entity to be working in service to others at least 51 percent of the time, whereas in order to achieve graduation along the negative path of polarity it is necessary to be working in service to the self 99 percent of the time at a minimum. 1993/0323.txt:23:When you see clearly who and what you are on the astral plane between your human lifetimes and after graduation from this plane, then your decisions to serve, for example, grow out of a strong place only of will. Because you know who you are and are ready for that responsibility in the upper densities, there is no problem. On the earth plane it can easily become distorted so that will twists itself into judgment and self-judgment. Rather than expressing love, one would simply express self-discipline. One would move into a sense, “I came to do this and I’m going to do it, and nothing’s going to stop me!” But you are not here to learn that level of self-determination, not here to use force and judgment as guidance for your choices, but here to learn love as guidance for your choices. To express your energy with love, there must be that sense of connection that grows out of faith. 1993/0516.txt:40:I am Latwii. We shall continue. There are also those native to this density planet who have by what you may call seniority of vibration incarnated with hopes of achieving what you may call the harvest or the graduation into the next density of being. These entities have through many incarnations upon this planet developed certain abilities that are now available to be used in greater ease and facility than at any previous time, as you call it. You may also consider the increase in the vibratory level of the catalyst which each entity faces in the daily round of activities. This increased level or intensity of opportunities for growth allows many entities to be able to use the catalyst in a fashion which develops those abilities which may be called psychic or of a paranormal nature. 1993/0516.txt:102:The experience of which you have spoken is not as uncommon as one might believe. Many are the entities at this time in your planet’s evolution which seek but specific and short term experiences within your illusion. The lessons which are then learned are of great value, for most usually such lessons are of the nature of completion, that is, the graduation is at hand and but one course credit remains. 1994/0522.txt:6:So, at the heart of being a wanderer is that feeling of dislocation, of being in the world but not of the world in which you find yourselves. Because this situation seems full of discomfort many who have wandered here are simply miserable without finding any comfort. To respond to that need for comforting some who have responded have leaned in their discussions heavily towards comforting wanderers by encouraging a sense of separation from native Earth humans. We do not encourage this line of thought because each wanderer, in coming into your Earth’s sphere of influence, took upon it the responsibility of citizenship of this Earth. As much as any other native inhabitant, wanderers will be expected to walk the steps of light when this incarnational experience is at an end, and, just as much as any native inhabitant of Earth, if the steps are walked to a point of comfort within third density the wanderer shall not return to its home vibratory nexus but, rather, shall continue in third density until graduation is achieved. 1994/0714.txt:9:In this human state of forgetting, then, the figure of the Tree of Knowledge holds sway and entities must indeed play God, choosing right from wrong, choosing positive from negative, making those choices which define and increase polarity towards the goal of graduation from this universe steeped in illusion, in which there is an operant—either/or. 1995/0319.txt:25:And that point is this one. The creation or world into which you came, this very one, with its apparent differences, is the environment within which you shall find the truth. This world and no other. This illusory dream world, this twilight is the absolute best environment possible for creating the opportunities for entities within third density to learn what it is to be aware and to learn what it is to love and be loved. Graduation from this density occurs when the entities have chosen how to love, how to relate to loving and being loved, and that is something which may be arrived at, as we have said, through the mystical appreciation of the ordinary and/or through the deep delving into those regions of the mind which are more profound than the conscious state of mind. 1995/0402.txt:84:I am Q’uo, and believe that we grasp your query, my sister. It is not necessary for third-density entities to be able to move consciously within the subconscious realms of their own minds or the time/space realms of their local creation in order to be able to be graduated from this third-density illusion to the fourth. What is necessary for such a graduation is that the entity be desirous of serving others in a loving and compassionate manner, more in a percentage, shall we say, than it desires to serve itself. 1995/0409.txt:55:This is also in close relationship to that which you have called the “buddha body,” that body which is associated with the violet-ray or crown chakra energy center. This expression of the self is that portion that stands within the light at the graduation to determine the ability of the soul to accept a greater and greater light and thus be, shall we say, graduated to the fourth density. Thus, you may see a loose identity between buddha body, soul and higher self that begins to become a closer and closer equality as the soul progresses from density to density. 1995/0528.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The mind is that portion of the complex of an entity which affects its evolution and adds to it through the process of learning and remembering; that is, to reconstruct from the memory experiences previously had. The consciousness of a race of beings has also within it the given, shall we say, that is from the Logos that makes a race of beings what it is to begin this third-density experience. For the case of most third-density plants, there is the graduation from second density of a group of entities that has learned to give and to receive love in sufficient degree to become enough individualized that the mind complex is able to take upon itself much of the weight of the responsibility for directing the continued evolution of this group of entities which shall become a race or a kind of being that inhabits the third-density experience. Thus, each racial mind has within it that which is given as its own kind of consciousness from the Logos and continues to develop as individualized portions of a grouping that which affects the evolution in a conscious and intelligent manner. 1996/0414.txt:14:The way to climb the steps of light to a fullness that is fourth density is actually not to take on learning but to release learning, to release those strictures of contraction which you have placed upon consciousness in order to defend the self. When entities pull themselves away from the fully open heart it is usually not from a motive of anger, bitterness or offense but rather it is a move to defend the vulnerable self within. Little by little, then, the path towards graduation into fourth density involves discovering, balancing and releasing those things from which one pulls back and contracts the self in order to survive. 1997/0209.txt:11:So you are going to a school. This metaphor for the spiritual life is useful, for there is the classroom, your planet, the lessons you chose to work on for your courses, and, of course, the graduation to larger life at the end. That is a graduation no one fails. 1997/0413.txt:10:The very word, density, is misleading, for it would somehow suggest that each succeeding density is more pallid or frail. The opposite, however, is true in that [in] each density further than the last there is a higher density of light. There is no emotion involved in moving from density to density by graduation. There is simply the ability to enjoy light. As entities reach the light at which they feel most comfortable they simply stop. If it happens to be in the fourth density then that is the future for that entity. If that entity stops on the third-density side of this division of quanta we call density, then that entity shall enjoy more of the third-density light, and work for another period upon those lessons of love and polarity which he came to ponder. 1997/0803.txt:130:This third-density sphere has a population that nears its graduation and which seeks in many, many ways to grasp the nature of this process. For those who have engaged themselves in the process of spiritual seeking in general and in the channeling or receiving of channeled information in particular, there must needs be taken those steps of engaging one’s discrimination in order to determine those who serve others and those who serve themselves, for those who are upon the negative path, the path which tends to absorb the light rather than radiate it to others, are most desirous of replacing the positive efforts of their brothers and sisters who serve the light. 1998/1129.txt:7:The third type of entity which is being born to your peoples at this time is that general term of wanderer. Wanderers have streamed in large numbers to your planetary sphere in the last generation and much of the strong spiritual support in the arts that many have noted during these years has come from such wanderers as these. These entities have much more in common with the third-density Earth native than with the entities with double activated bodies in that they are fully under the veil of forgetting. The differences between wanderers and third-density graduation hopefuls is within the area of faith and intuition. The wanderer has more of an instinctive belief or faith in spiritual coincidence, in the aliveness of all things to the molding of a structure of information communication which moves across all lines of language and culture. 1998/1129.txt:24:Those who now move into incarnation within this planetary sphere’s third-density illusion are aware that this is the time of graduation, that this particular planet is having somewhat of a difficult birthing for the fourth-density population that is to inhabit this planetary sphere. The difficulties of blending vibrations, of seeking in unity, and of recognizing the Creator in all are significant enough that there are, as you are well aware, many wars, misunderstandings, miscommunications and other difficulties that make this illusion one filled with confusion and that which seems to be a turmoil of significant degree. This is seen as a kind of chaotic expression of energy by those awaiting incarnation. Yet it is not seen as that which deters the desire to move into the third-density illusion in this planetary influence and to experience the opportunities that await those who seek their own graduation and the graduation of those of their vibration. Rather, the difficulties that are perceived are seen as further opportunities for service as those challenges which enhance the incarnational abilities to learn the lessons of love and to serve the light of the one Creator. The chaotic expression of energy is seen as that which offers the opportunity to enhance one’s own expression of energy as one is able to move in harmony through the difficult times and experiences that lie ahead. For previous to incarnation each entity is far more aware that it is a portion of the one Creator and all those about it are the same, as are those with whom it shall spend its third-density days. Thus, the entity awaiting the incarnation sees with clearer eyes that which lies ahead and is far less liable to shy away from such difficulties but is far more likely to embrace them as the opportunities to serve and to learn. 1998/1220.txt:4:You have asked this day concerning the entity known to you as Jesus of Nazareth, what he is doing now and what this entity may continue to symbolize and suggest to those who seek the truth. At this level of contact, that is, the light trance of what this instrument calls conscious channeling, we do not wish to attempt to indicate, using this instrument, precisely what planetary sphere or what precise work this particular entity is now doing. We would, however, express our feeling that this entity was one of a social memory complex that was at a stage of graduation to fifth density. This entity and the social memory complex of which it was a part had in common a full consciousness of love and compassion. A love that creates. A love that destroys. A love that transforms. A love that is all that there is. This love was not informed or balanced with wisdom. This state of love of this social memory complex thusly was, if not absolutely perfect, at a very high level of near perfection. And as such, this group was exquisitely poised at the appropriate nexus when the opportunity came for incarnation using Christ consciousness within the Earth plane in third density. 2000/0116.txt:10:So you see, working with mythical systems is something we feel is extremely helpful and valid. Those systems are there because inspired entities throughout your history have attempted in their own ways to share their visions of processes which they saw in a unique and interesting way. Such a piece of mythical architecture is the rapture or the ascension. We shall say through this instrument that which this instrument said herself earlier, that being that it is our humble opinion that the processes of spiritual evolution at work upon your planetary sphere at this time are metaphysical rather than physical. We do not in any way suggest that planet itself is not laboring difficultly at this time. Indeed, your sphere itself is undergoing a graduation and a birthing into a density more filled with the light of the one infinite Creator. 2000/0116.txt:12:However, there is also another kind of graduation which is taking place among your peoples at this time. It is our opinion that this ascension or rapture is a way of describing what we have thought of before as steps of light. It is our feeling that when, as the one known as Jim said, the doors of death open for an individual that individual goes through as much healing as it needs to go through to recover from the stress of physical death, to gather the feet under the self within the new configuration, the new body, the new environment. There is the review of the incarnation which takes place when healing work has been accomplished so that the soul itself may, together with the higher self, review the incarnation and consider how that learning process went and what may need to be focused upon next in the never-ending process of spiritual learning. 2000/0416.txt:13:However, your third density is the shortest of all densities, being only 75,000 years long. During third density the pattern of incarnation is, at first, quite automatic. Entities are graduating from second density because of the growing realization of love itself. As they become harvestable, for whatever reason, they are able to incarnate as individuated consciousnesses and they become what this instrument would call human. At first, incarnations are largely automatic. Little is known. Much is in chaos. And there is a little learning each time and then a relaxing from incarnation through death into the body of light that is yours between incarnations within the inner planes of this particular planetary sphere. During this time between incarnations there is first any healing that needs to take place from the incarnation, any traumas that need adjusting and comforting, and so forth. Then there is the opportunity for another physical vehicle, the descent into the world of heavy chemical bodies that your physical plane represents, the gathering of more catalyst, more information, more experiences, until the incarnational self is completely full and has done all that it has hoped to do within this particular incarnation, at which time it moves through the physical death again, the healing of the incarnation after death, and, gradually, as the incarnations mount up and the entity within begins to crystallize beyond the simple personality shell this between incarnations process becomes lengthened because there is more to heal, and because more and more, as entities become senior in their vibratory patterns they earn the right, more and more, to have a say in their own incarnational plan. At this point within third density upon your sphere, this being the end of that 75,000 year period, each entity that incarnates upon your planet is capable of graduation from third density to fourth. Each entity has chosen the incarnational lessons of the present lifetime and the relationships that it will use for learning and for service. 2000/0416.txt:14:In this particular lifetime for each of you there is the potential of graduation at the end of this physical death experience. Now, let us say that the physical death is one thing to the body and another to the consciousness that the body is carrying about at this time. For each of you is not one being, but two. You are a second-density animal, a hairless or nearly hairless great ape, with certain instinctual patterns of behavior and a choice-making brain that is extremely good at choosing what to eat and how to survive and how to protect the family. And you are also this eternal being whose present life is merely a parenthesis in eternity. When the physical body is exhausted or is traumatized and can no longer sustain the breath of life the spirit itself does not miss a beat. There is no alteration in consciousness. It is as though you were continuing to observe but the nature of your observation changes. For, instead of observing the heart beating, the mind thinking about dinner, the feelings of the physical body as they move into your consciousness, suddenly you are experiencing what seems to be a physical body, what seems to be physical feelings, what seem to be physical incoming data. But the body itself has altered. 2000/0416.txt:17:Now we would address that which occurs at the time of graduation, and this, in part, moves into the second question which you have asked of us this day. Picture, if you will, a walk that is long and beautiful and seems to be completely a walkway filled with light. On either side of this walkway are presences that are extremely loving and nurturing and that guard each and every spirit that walks this path of light. Picture then, if you will, a light whose very nature changes, becoming more dense, more bright, and, in ways hard to describe, more challenging. It is as though elements have been added to this light as you move along this walk. The reason for this is that the nature of light changes by quanta. A photon within your density is not as complex as a photon within fourth density, which is not as complex as the photon in fifth density, and so forth. When you are walking steps of light you are walking to find your most comfortable and attractive place to be. You are looking for your new home. 2000/0416.txt:19:In this way you hoped to make the choice even more purely, even more surely, even more firmly than you did before. And so you are hoping to offer to the planet, as you make this choice, your being as you breathe in and as you breathe out. As you love and as you accept the love of others. This allowing of the infinite Creator’s love and light to flow through each of you and out into the Earth plane accelerates the lightening energies of the planet and, consequently, makes it much more possible for the planet itself to move through what is being a somewhat difficult graduation. For the planet itself is also graduating into fourth density, moving into a new area of space and time and experiencing that addition to the photon that fourth density is bringing to the very physical creation in which you enjoy this continuing adventure. 2000/0416.txt:20:The reason that this applies to the graduation context is that in that question that was brought by the one known as J the entities involved felt that, as wanderers from the fifth density, upon graduating from Earth’s third density they would automatically move back into their home vibration. This is emphatically not true, and we felt that this is a very germane point, for all wanderers become Earth natives when they incarnate. The taking of a physical body is the taking of the blood, and bone, and the sinew of the entire human experience. There is no such thing as a tourist in the body on planet Earth. All of you have become natives, whatever your planet or origin or your densities of previous experience. 2000/0416.txt:21:This means that there is a very simple dynamic involved and it involves service to others, for the graduational criterion for positive polarity is that the seeker think more about serving others than about serving the self. The minimum grade for graduation from planet Earth is 51percent service to others. Now, for those who are attempting to polarize service to self, the maximum grade is 5percent service to others. To say that another way, the service-to-self entity must fight a graduation requirement in its purity of intention to serve the self. We may say that it is about as difficult to make the grade of 51percent service to others or of 95 percent service to self. We are extremely pleased that each of you have chosen service to others, for that is the polarity that we also have chosen, and we would truly be out of our depth in attempting to be of service to those who were attempting to polarize along the other option. 2000/0416.txt:23:When an entity is able to walk the steps of light of graduation into fourth density and feel comfortable there, one is able to move into fourth density for the next experience. And this is true in a continuing way. If an entity is able to enjoy and use the light of fifth density or sixth density, the entity may, indeed, move back into that home vibration. However, it is first necessary to rediscover that deep self within this incarnation which you now experience to the extent that you are able to recapitulate that choice and the decisions that lead to being able to tolerate the light that is offered to those whose thoughts are more than 51percent for other entities and how to serve them. 2000/0910.txt:8:Now let us speak concerning this situation where some are asleep and some are awake as spirits. The hope of each entity who enters the Earth plane at this time is graduation from this density. Each entity who has achieved incarnation at this time is capable of expressing full enough awareness of love and service to others to graduate this density in this lifetime with just a little more effort. In each case the spirit that each is before incarnation has real hopes of making some strides towards cementing that graduating ability, that ability to receive and transmit the light of the infinite Creator. 2000/0910.txt:17:May each of you take the time to become aware of yourself as these wonderful energy systems that allow the energy of the great original Thought of love to come rolling through and out into the Earth plane. Only entities and incarnations such as you can give that gift to the Earth. Many of you are wanderers who came here specifically to act as transducers for light upon Earth, to lighten the planet, to lighten the vibration, to help Earth at this time. All awakened entities, whether mature Earth natives ready for graduation or wanderers hopefully ready for the same graduation, now have this opportunity to lend their love and their light in service to those upon the Earth. We hope that you encourage and support each other as each of you attempts to become more truly yourself amidst all of the changes and transformations that you experience. 2000/1119.txt:9:This is the crux at which each of you is now, that which we have called third-density self-awareness. Up until this point the evolution which you have experienced has been of body, of mind, and of emotion. And you are ready now, as you begin to contemplate graduation from third density to fourth density experience, to contemplate the further evolution of your mind and your spirit. 2000/1119.txt:18:Because of the fact that there are those in this circle that are not going to have any more third-density incarnations we would mention, briefly, the graduation process from this density that each will go through at some point. We are aware that each has heard of ascensions, and catastrophes, and Armageddon, and people having a global catastrophe in which the world as we know it ends. It is our opinion that this is not the way the creation will work, not among your people. It is our feeling that each of you will be ready for harvest, either after this incarnation or very shortly. Each of you now in this circle has the capacity to be graduated from third density. In fact, each of those dwelling upon your planet at this time has the ability to polarize either in service to self or in service to others to an extent that is harvestable to fourth density. What this means is that each of you earned this incarnation by your basic state of awareness coming into incarnation. Each of you is able, if you wish, to achieve graduation from third density upon the physical death. 2000/1119.txt:47:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would agree in principle with that statement which you have made, though we would not use the word “understanding,” for, as we mentioned previously, especially for those within this third-density illusion, there is little that is understood, yet there is much that is desired to be understood. And it is that heart which desires to know the one Creator, that heart which sees the Creator in the friend, the family, the stranger, and in the mirror that is open to the graduation, the harvest that now beckons into fourth density. It is not what one knows or thinks one knows that will achieve the harvest, but it is the desire to know. The desire to serve and the desire to be the one Creator. 2001/0204.txt:1: [overview] Our question this week concerns the ascension. A lot of different sources have described the ascension in different ways, speaking about its rapidity of occurrence, those to whom it occurs, how it occurs, when it occurs, what it means, and we would ask Q’uo to give us some information from Q’uo’s perspective as to what the ascension, or the rapture, or the graduation, or harvest is like now for us on planet Earth and what it is likely to be like in the near future. 2001/0204.txt:5:We are glad to speak with you about ascension, rapture, graduation and harvest. These terms are not precisely interchangeable, but certainly closely associated and it is an interesting field of inquiry. As often happens we feel the desire to step back into more basic material and look at the ground from which we would like to talk about these subjects. The song which the one known as Jim chose to aid in the tuning of the group at this session was speaking of love, and it said that, basically, the living was all about the appreciation and recognition of beauty, the beauty of nature, the beauty of thoughts, and so forth. It is the beauty of thoughts on which we would like to focus. 2001/0325.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that there is no direct connection between this group and that group which is known as the Great White Brotherhood; that is to say, within the third-density illusion, for all are a portion of the same Creator in truth. However, the Great White Brotherhood is composed of those entities who from ages past have achieved the graduation that each here seeks. These entities, in achieving this graduation, have chosen, rather than to pursue further personal growth, to remain within this planetary sphere in the attempt to serve those brothers and sisters who yet seek this graduation. 2001/0916.txt:10:In this climate of change, the Earth is as vulnerable as a pregnant mother that is giving birth to a child. It is vulnerable in a way that it has not been vulnerable, as entities are always vulnerable in times of change. And from the standpoint of the entity Earth, which this instrument is fond of calling Gaia, it has been given an unending amount of negative emotional catalyst by those entities who are attempting to polarize towards service-to-self and by the careless actions of those who are not attempting to polarize in either direction and who occasionally create suffering almost casually. The thoughts entities have habitually thought over a long period of time have created difficulties in the health and the welfare of Gaia. And as the physical parameters of the Earth are nudged into change or catapulted into change—and this is your choice—there is the possibility for natural global catastrophe, not simply the catastrophe of mankind against mankind. It has happened frequently enough in other third-density graduations where the process of maturation of the species upon a planet was not able to endure through the lessons of love. We are grateful to the one known as Jim who witnessed to the lack of love upon your planet. Truly, no truer words, no truer thought has been spoken than this one. Your people and Gaia desperately need to be loved; to be seen, to be apprehended for the first time as part of the self. 2001/0923.txt:39:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The so-called remnant, that portion of this planetary population which shall remain with this planet, is labeled as such by many for there is in all likelihood a far greater portion of the population which shall need to find further experience within the third density in order to balance the difficult vibrations which have not allowed the graduation into the density of compassion. Thus those who do remain and who seek in the positive sense are from various locations, shall we say, not just this third-density planet which you call Earth. For the population from this planet that will be able to welcome and enjoy the vibrations of love and compassion is small in comparison to what this planet could comfortably welcome and stably house. 2001/0923.txt:40:There are many entities coming from other third-density planets who have made the graduation at this time, who are incarnating early within the fourth-density experience of this planet in order to help it in its birth process. This is considered a great honor, for there is much catalyst at this time which these entities seek to utilize in a positive or magical sense; that is, the transmutation of the vibrations of separation into that which enhances the unity between all the peoples and the creation itself. This population of the new Earth is that which is like unto the vanguard that moves first into the difficult areas of conflict and seeks to combat the difficulties with the vibrations of love. There is no direct conflict, as you are undoubtedly aware, for those who move under the banner of love are those which welcome the opportunity to transmute the dark and heavy vibrations into those which are light and full of love by the effort that they make in these latter days of your third density. 2001/2.txt:9: [overview] Our question this week concerns the ascension. A lot of different sources have described the ascension in different ways, speaking about its rapidity of occurrence, those to whom it occurs, how it occurs, when it occurs, what it means, and we would ask Q’uo to give us some information from Q’uo’s perspective as to what the ascension, or the rapture, or the graduation, or harvest is like now for us on planet Earth and what it is likely to be like in the near future. 2002/0621.txt:7:It has become more and more attractive once again within your Earth world simply to come down on the side of love, faith and peace. The humble and the meek are beginning to gain the confidence of their experience with positivity and with negativity. The entities are so close now to that graduation time that the great struggle of choice of polarity is not as pernicious and as painful as it used to be for entities, because there is the underlying strength of many, many entities who are also attempting to open their hearts and to express the love and the light of the one infinite Creator in their everyday lives. 2002/0621.txt:9:The one known as T1 has a particular path that this entity will do well to cooperate with, to explore, to investigate with the kind of curiosity most often found in children and lost when entities become older. It is very well to encourage within the self this infinite curiosity as to why and where and how. This open attitude, this questioning mind, yields great benefit for those who persist in seeking. However, that which is within the mind can only serve an entity to a certain extent. It is the tendency of many who are awakening to their spiritual selves and feeling the distance between themselves and what one might call the world of normalcy and conventional belief and behavior to feel the safety of the philosophical stance wherein one has a very good, distant point of view and is basically an observer that is attempting to figure out the way that things work. This is opposed in our description to the entity who simply opens the heart and embraces the day and attacks whatever comes to him with great love and enjoyment. May we say that, for all of the benefits that wisdom does bring, it is the open heart itself and the passion with which the entity allows that heart to flow that bring the best results in terms of spiritual learning, because, you see, in preparing the self for graduation into the density of love and understanding, that which is most efficacious is the vividness of the entity’s experience within third density. 2002/1020.txt:14:Now let us switch gears and gaze a bit towards the end-times scenario which your conversation previous to this meditation dealt with to some extent. Several of you were wondering what the negatively-oriented entity wants, how the negative entity perceives this time of graduation, and how it wishes to see things go. This is a complex question, for this [group of] negative polarity upon your planet has been to some extent distorted by a group of higher-density negative entities, primarily those of the fifth density, who have found that if entities can be kept from choosing either the positive or the negative path, and if they can be taught a maximum degree of fear, so that their minds are worried and their hearts are troubled at all times, this creates a kind of food which is used by these higher-density entities for the equivalent of an excellent diet. 2002/1020.txt:15:The political and social history of your peoples—as you were speaking earlier of Atlantis and ancient cultures and then those that are more modern—have been these generations of those whose fear, terror, anger, hostility and pain have been offered up as food to the forces that enjoy that world of dark shadows and negative emotions. Consequently, there is almost no true negative polarity in the sense of an organized group of people that work together for the graduation into fourth-density negative of the planet or even of a group of its people. Those who have truly found the possibility of graduation in the negative sense within this particular harvest have been those whose focus has been extremely self-absorbed and unassociated with the energies that look, from the outside in, like negative polarity. The creators of your present global situation, then, are not entities of tremendous negative polarity but rather are those entities who have been most effective in shaping the society towards maximum degrees of control over others through the uses of what this instrument would call the media, so that these are not terrifying dragons but rather dupes for fifth-density entities who are using them as well as all others within the planetary system insofar as they can be taught to hate, to covet, to control. These are the energies that are encouraged along with the fear that lies beneath such policies. 2002/1103.txt:22:As these entities are more and more able to appreciate that quality of love, support and nurturing that is given to them by those that are their masters, so then these entities learn to give that known as love as well, so that there is a giving and a receiving that appreciates the balancing nature of fully-developed love. That these entities may approach their own graduation is also certain; that they shall continue as a pet is unlikely, for these entities, then, are able to exercise their own free will in a way which is not as likely for a second-density entity that willingly gives over its care and decision-making to another. That these entities shall continue as companions is likely, for there is always an appreciation that it is possible that there will be a maturation of the relationship which is most likely to occur, for the appreciation for the relationship is that which is based upon love and which is the, shall we say, thread that binds the two. Many times, there is a student-teacher relationship which develops from that which was formerly the master and the pet. There are throughout all of creation relationships which partake of greater knowledge, a sharing with that which calls for the knowledge, the love, the light, and the desire to serve that are the motivating factors for all intelligence within the creation of the one Creator. Thus, you may rest assured that, when love has been given and received, there is a bond that continues. 2002/1108.txt:49:We are those of Q’uo, and are able to confirm that there are indeed many who have achieved graduation at this time. It is our humble pleasure to state that the great majority of these entities have chosen, once through the healing process, to remain within the inner planes of this planet in order to aid those who become aware of their presence and are able to ask them for their support and help. For these entities, any inner-planes entity or angel or deva or inner-planes teacher is able to lend its love and its passion to the energies of those incarnate beings with which it is in sympathy. For instance, this entity, as a part of tuning before beginning this conversation with the one known as B, spent approximately ten minutes contacting those within the inner planes and asking for their help, because this entity realizes the power of opinion and the lack of pertinence as to whether this opinion is incarnate or discarnate. 2002/1127.txt:8:We are those who are able to say that Jesus is Lord, for this entity, yourselves, and we all retain from the beginning of that which is infinite the holographic spark of the one great infinite Creator. We have, in the processes of evolution, eventually experienced that which is the consciousness known as Jesus, the Christ or the Christed One. We have found that epitome of fourth-density unconditional love to be the redeeming quality that will create within entities the vibration which focuses the seeking soul towards a graduation from third density into fourth density. 2002/1127.txt:9:It is, at this time, the graduation day, shall we say, for approximately the next decade of your years. Therefore, this instrument is very open to working with us, for this instrument feels also that the voices of universal guidance, shall we say, are helpful to any who wish to experience them and certainly for the next decade. It is well to attempt to aid those who are working spiritually in this way towards a graduation in terms of service to others and unconditional love. 2002/1127.txt:14:We are those known to you as Q’uo and are aware of your query, my brother. The Q’uo principle is made up of three entities: one of fourth density, the identity being that known to this instrument and this group as Hatonn; one from fifth density, that entity being the one known as Latwii; and one from sixth density, that entity being known as Ra. These three social memory complexes comprise this voice. The entities are of this galactic system. One of the entities is of the energy known as Venus, the other two experienced third density within other star systems. All experienced third density in a unique way, each in their own refinement of that experience. Each has had a markedly easier third-density experience than those of your particular planet. This is because the planet of which you are a part has been peopled with those who have been repeating this grade; some of them since before the last seventy-five thousand-year cycle. This is a particularly confused group of entities whose great length of experience has not yet brought them to a clear choice amongst all the variations from service to others to service to self and [so they go] swinging back [and forth] in a random and unfocused fashion. The lack of will amongst those of your peoples can be traced to this history of many, many incarnations which, in some, have not added either to graduation in the positive sense or graduation in the negative sense. 2002/1127.txt:21:Indeed, in one of the other stories about the harvest, this entity suggested that laborers went into a vineyard to harvest grapes and worked most of the day, and there were those who came very late in the day to working upon the grapes, yet, at the end of the working day, all were given the same coin. This is true of the harvest as well. It does not matter when in the 75,000 years of learning the awakening and realization of the true nature of the self occurs, it matters only that it occur. The one known as Jesus the Christ was the first of the messengers of that which is to come and that which is already here in part: that being the age of unconditional love that is fourth density, that is the very nature of the lesson of third density. Graduation occurs when the heart is able to remain open, in more than half of the circumstances of life, to the welfare, happiness, comfort, safety and service of others. The heart needs to be awakened and inflamed with the desire to know the truth that lies within the open heart. By keeping the heart open, the learning process is greatly enabled for the seeker, and, by attempting to serve others, the eyes of love begin to be given reason to open. 2002/1127.txt:32:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Firstly, we would say that the physical manifestations of political intrigue, unrest, terrorism and war are as they are and are the natural outworking of the processes of graduation in which entities who have chosen [the path of] service to self are attempting to graduate with the same devotion and focus as those attempting to graduate in the path of service to others. The situations, we would suggest, are in the hands of all of those who understand and realize that they are citizens of eternity who came here to learn and to serve and who wish to go on to learn and to serve, for that is the desire of the upward-spiraling cells of each entity and each atom that exists within the physical and metaphysical universes. 2003/0206.txt:14:These energies have grouped, gathered and arisen as a natural event, since graduation is at hand and these entities are attempting to graduate in service to self. Consequently, once again millions and millions of earth natives who are otherwise very close to being harvested have been entrained in their minds and in their thinking by the discussion of subjects that lead the mind to war and to the just reasons for it, thereby once again placing these millions of entities in the uncomfortable space of being dimly aware that their true freedom is being taken from them, but truly having no real capacity to figure out what is going on and why there is no rest or peace for them. 2003/0511.txt:15:This is not what could be called the average or normal way of the ending or the graduation from third grade or third density. In the case of many other sub-logoi, third density’s endings have been breached with considerably less difficulty. The so called “space pirates” that you now experience as what this instrument would call “the Bush Boys” have to a fair degree been able to reinvent and recollect many of the tools and many of the subterfuges of past incarnational experiences. And many [of the] fairly small group of influential American statesmen who are following “the Bush Boys,” are also remembering and feeling comfortable within the structure of support for such ideas as this instrument would describe as tribal and second density in nature, and falling, then, into a pattern which has indeed placed this particular planet for the last good bit of your experience of time in this density on a local time and space system which is as cut off from the main track as any shunt. 2003/0511.txt:16:The way back onto the track happens at this time to be the graduation of the entities who are ready for harvest from this planet. The challenge for all of those who feel called into service upon a global level at this time is to identify the purpose of the incarnation, to identify the best way to pursue this purpose and thusly to find the peace that lies within the self which has reckoned with both the situation that it believes that it has come to see before it, and the structure of—this instrument would say virtue—but we would ask her to pause while we find a more neutral emotional word for the way of the highest and best. This instrument has often been able to use the terms of knighthood: honor and chivalry, courtesy and that round table feeling of one for all and all for one. The beau geste1 for many musketeers of Earth at this time is, from the round table of shared experience and concept, to create the fourth density by the way each entity within the round circle lives, moves, thinks and has its being. This is subtle work, yet each of you is, by this work, moving into the place within your nature for which you sought incarnation. 2004/0418.txt:18:The late third-density entity then, the one who is ready for graduation, is an entity who knows itself well enough that it is ready to open itself completely to the offerings of all other entities with which it shall work. It has re-entered a group mind but it is not the same as any other of that group mind; rather, it is appreciated by the group for its flavors, no matter how harsh or pungent they may be. The group will use that uniqueness where it is needed according to the genius of that group. It is very difficult for a third-density entity even to believe in, much less experience, the power of the oversoul of a group and yet as soon as two entities make a true bond, there is a group soul. As soon as three entities are able to unify to a certain critical mass there is a group spirit, [just as there is one} to the L/L Research attendees that has grown over a period now of some 40 years and it is a very real source of guidance to those who call upon it. There are potential training wheels available for a nascent fourth-density type constructed at this time simply because this group has continued for a long period of time to attempt to unify itself, more and more, so that all within the group are attempting to serve together. There is a tremendous collaboration in service and in learning that comes into being as fourth-density ways are taken over from third density and at this time within your planet’s experience, these possibilities for fourth-density structures and interactions become more and more viable as, as the one known as Bob Dylan said, “The times [they] are a changin’.” The energy is changing, the vibration is changing, and fuller love is possible. 2005/0304.txt:8:Polarization is a matter of choice and of repeated choice and we find in gazing at your energy that you grasp this basic fact very well and that you have been working on the basic choice of service to others or service to self and not for a short length of time but for some time within your incarnation. The subtleties of choice, especially the repetitions of choice, are sometimes more of a challenge than others. Some choices seem very obvious: whether to respond in anger to anger or whether to respond in love. That is an obvious choice. Yet let us examine this example for subtlety and nuance. When someone speaks with you in a way that feels angry or hostile or jangling to you, certainly your first impulse is to, as this instrument would say, clean up your act as far as the response is concerned. And may we say that we feel that you do a fairly good job for the most part in your responses. Of course, one could find ways to criticize the self. But 95% of the time, shall we say, your basic work in this area is sound and we congratulate you on the kind of full-body effort that you are making to be a gentle spirit, one who does return love, who does not ask to be loved but rather seeks to love. This is the heart of the polarization for fourth-density graduation. 2005/0306.txt:31:Now let us focus briefly upon the linkage between third density and fourth density. In attempting to graduate from third density to fourth, this planetary sphere has so often repeated a singular error that it has been unable to achieve a complete planetary graduation in a long time, much longer than has been experienced by most planetary spheres. It is an extreme enough and unusual enough occurrence that it has created what this instrument would call a time lateral, or a shunt. The train of planet Earth’s people has sort of gone off on a side track until it can bring itself together in love. Instead, repeatedly, it has brought itself together in fear. And this is not unusual considering that we see upon your planetary sphere those who have, as those of Mars did, destroyed their planetary surface by war; and as those of Atlantis did, destroyed their continent by misdirected crystal energy. The tendency, therefore, of this planet’s people is to become wrapped in fear and cause an explosion of negative energy that is usually seen as war. This pattern has repeated itself through empire upon empire and now those who have, in the past, been a part of this pattern have almost finished what they can do to gather together what this instrument would call Armageddon or Gotterdammerung. 2005/0515.txt:10:The other bursts of energy which have hit this planet, and indeed your entire solar system, are those coming from what this instrument has sometimes called the great central Sun and are informed by the combined love and concern of various of the larger groups of entities who wish this planet and indeed this solar system well. For it is a time in this planetary cycle when there is a great deal of attention focused upon this planet from all over what you would call your major galaxy. The birth of fourth-density planet Earth goes well; the baby is very much alive. The resistance set up by fourth-density energies striking a very divided group of those who dwell upon the surface of planet Earth has set up waves of interference which could be seen to be as a planet-wide system of psychic greeting, if you will, in that all of those who are attempting at this time to embrace fourth-density values and live in a way that is compatible with graduation into fourth density can reliably expect at this time and in the near future to be visited by those entities and situations which offer the clearest possible catalyst having to do with all third-density energies that are still embraced that mitigate against the acceptance of fourth-density energies. 2005/0716.txt:14:At this point, the time allotted for such a time lateral is through within the next very few years. The opportunity for graduation to be a part of fourth-density, positive Gaia shall be over. We rejoice to say that this final effort of those who are ruled by fear and who wish to create what this instrument would call Armageddon has failed. This time, although the vast majority upon the surface of your planet are deeply confused, they are not fooled any longer. They do not believe any longer in the truth of those who speak of division, hostility, control of resources, and the advantages of war. These forces are certainly disorganized and puzzled. However, on a planetary level, at the level of the heart, there begins to arise, as this group was speaking of earlier, a feeling that is growing throughout all of the continents and all of the populations of your Earth. There is a growing knowledge that humankind is truly one. There is a growing awareness among ordinary, everyday people that the leaders that have been given power have misused it and are not to be trusted. 2005/0716.txt:23:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The plight of your planet is in its lack of, what this instrument would call, the hundredth-monkey effect, up until this moment in time. There are a very few of your entities which have successfully moved through the process of choice and have chosen polarity. Very few of these entities will graduate fourth-density, service to self. There is a larger, but still quite small group in relationship to the total population of your planet which has awakened and, by making the choices that they have made, become very viable candidates for graduation into fourth-density, positive Earth. They will continue as pioneers of fourth density here. And so far, those two populations have succeeded or potentially are on the point of succeeding, as they naturally pass through the gates into larger life and go through the graduation process. 2005/0716.txt:24:There is, however, an enormous number of entities who have been unable, so far, fully to awaken to who they are or why they are here. That is why wanderers have come among you and that is why we have come into the wings, shall we say, to wait our turn to speak through instruments such as this one, in hopes of helping somewhat to call people to remember, to awakening and to becoming part of that conscious portion of planet Earth which can form into first a social complex and then a social memory complex as the graduation is moved through. 2005/0824.txt:20:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We can confirm that you at this time are at a level of service which commends you well towards the energies of the graduation process. Naturally, until you walk through the gates of larger life, the picture that we see of you is a picture that is yet unfinished. The signature of your life shall only be written at the corner of this picture as you walk through that gateway. That shall be your final reading. However, we would dare to say without infringing upon your free will that the likelihood is that you shall continue to hold this level of service-to-others polarity or improve upon it, given your distortions and your dedication towards seeking at this time. 2005/0824.txt:21:We would have some general comments to make upon this basic concept of polarity and graduation. It is not often understood among your peoples that it is extremely difficult to achieve a service-to-others rating of 51% or greater. Indeed, in our opinion, it is as difficult to achieve that rating as it is to achieve the obviously difficult rating of 5% service to others which is the standard for graduation from third density for those who are seeking along the path of service to self. In the case of service-to-self polarity it is overtly clear as to why it would be difficult to achieve such a rating. The purity of thought necessary to achieve the level of self-discipline and control inherent in seeking to control others 95% of the time is patent. There is no one who would argue that it is an extremely difficult and challenging feat to achieve such a polarity. 2005/0905.txt:19:For many entities coming into incarnation and already qualified for graduation to fourth density—which is your case, my sister—the balance between love and wisdom [is], by your own judgment, that is, to be long on love and short on wisdom. It is, in fact, one of this instrument’s incarnational lessons. And so we speak to you both when we say that many of the changes in both of your lives have to do with reining in this tremendously large heart that you have and this enormous desire to serve and finding a slightly enhanced balance between love and wisdom in which you have granted to wisdom a larger portion of the value that you place upon your thoughts. 2005/1014.txt:8:Firstly, we would comment on the basic nature of what it is to come to graduation at the end of your third-density experience upon planet Earth. 2005/1014.txt:9:Your tuning, as of this pleasant autumn day that we enjoy seeing and listening to through this instrument’s ears and eyes, has almost nothing to do with what will occur when you or anyone else in this situation actually enters the gates of the larger life and so becomes eligible for graduation. The only consideration for graduation at that time will be your tuning at that time. 2005/1014.txt:10:It is very helpful to do work day by day, week by week, and month by month. That kind of dedication and persistence is always fruitful in accelerating the pace of your spiritual evolution. However, graduation is not a test that can be taken beforehand. Nor is it a test that can be studied for, in the sense of cramming for a final, as this instrument would say. 2005/1014.txt:14:This is not to discourage the one known as E from taking pride in the accomplishments which are his and in the changing of his vibratory rate as it has been changed by his seeking, suffering and entering of the silence. It is rather to orient the one known as E to a deeper realization of what it is to enter the graduation process. 2005/1014.txt:21:Secondly, in this regard we would note that to those who perceive, at the heart level, the absolute centrality of service to others as a polarized choice, it is close to inevitable that at the moment of death and the entry into graduation, your vibratory level will reflect that basic choice. Once you have awakened and begun the process of spiritual seeking, the odds are heavily in your favor that your vibratory level at that time will reflect a satisfactory level of service-to-others polarity for you to be able to have the opportunity to graduate. 2005/1014.txt:52:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We can confirm indeed that you are a wanderer. The choice of where you go after you have completed graduation from third density is a choice that will not be made until that moment. 2005/1014.txt:58:When an entity’s mind and consciousness are clear at last of expectation, then that entity is ready to go through the process of actual graduation. That process is as simple as moving into the light and stopping at the place that feels the most comfortable, neither too much light nor too little light. 2005/1015.txt:51:There are two choices of ways to go or paths that you may choose within third density. One path is the path of service to others. The other path is the path of service to self. Either path, followed persistently and with dedication will lead you to graduation from third to fourth density. 2005/1015.txt:52:In order to graduate from third density in the path of service to others it is necessary for you so to make choices that you end up being the kind of person that will choose service to others over service to self over half the time; that is, 51% of the time or more. A grade or level of choice of 51% percent or higher is that level of polarity which will qualify you for graduation to fourth density on the path to service to others. 2005/1015.txt:54:We realize that it may seem to be off-balance that such a low positive grade would guarantee graduation, since 51% is not usually considered a passing grade, whereas in order to graduate service to self, an entity must have an almost perfect score of 95% or more of service-to-self [orientation.] However, we assure you that it is as difficult to achieve unselfish choices over half the time as it is to achieve selfish choices 95% of the time. 2005/1015.txt:83:[footnote start]Planet Lightworker Magazine (www.planetlightworker.com).↩[footnote end][footnote start]This figure is closer to 78,000 years than 75,000 years, being the equivalent of three astrological cycles. The Confederation sources seem to “round down” to 25,000 years rather than up to 26,000 years for a minor cycle. There are three minor cycles in a major cycle which ends in a Graduation. So in fact the Ages of Taurus/Aries/Pisces are giving way to the Ages of Aquarius/Capricorn/Sagittarius.↩[footnote end] 2005/1106.txt:18:If you will cast your minds back to your last graduation, you may remember the kind of pressure that this situation creates. There is the feeling of being tested and wondering if you have the knowledge to answer the questions on that test appropriately. There is that frantic feeling of not having enough knowledge and knowing that you do not have the time that you would like to have in order to organize your thoughts. It seems as if a great deal is compressed into a very short amount of time. 2005/1120.txt:33:By the very nature of the being that you uncover by doing spiritual work, you are aware of the direction in which you are going. You know that as you learn the ways of unconditional love, you shall prepare yourself for graduation into an environment in which unconditional love is manifest, obvious, overt and apparent. 2005/1212.txt:10:That which you have achieved is excellent and we do not warn you in the sense of feeling that there is some great danger that you may fall below harvestable grade. We simply wish to make the point that the lifetime continues on, moment by moment, until that point at which the pattern is finished at last. And it is that tuning, at the point where the pattern is finished, which shall be the tuning with which you enter the process of graduation. 2005/1219.txt:13:So on the one hand you have a well-meaning set of guardians of your planet who, gazing at the difficult time that your planetary tribe has had in achieving graduation, chose to create an enhanced opportunity for a last-ditch effort, shall we say. Wanderers came forward, some of whom have been here for fifty of your years, some forty, some thirty, and so forth. In addition you have entities who have come in the last twenty years or so who are approaching this problem from the fourth-density angle, sending entities such as the one known as P, who have certain activation within fourth density as well as having third-density activated energy. These entities also are those who would wish to maintain this opportunity for the harvesting of as many entities as possible before the time literally runs out. 2006/0101.txt:87:It is important to realize, though, my brother, that simply because a group of entities did not make graduation at this time does not mean that there has been a failure. There is no concept of success or failure as such in the outworking of the pattern for a planetary density. Those who are able to be harvested are harvested. Those who are not able to be harvested are given further opportunities to work through the lessons that they were unable to learn so far. There is no reason to be concerned. It is simply a point of information that the particular planet on which you now enjoy living is soon to become unavailable for third-density work. Therefore, [those of] third density shall need to take up their studies elsewhere. 2006/0120.txt:23:There is a small group of entities who are native to the planet Earth. These entities have won through, in some cases, to graduation and have indeed graduated but have decided to move back into third-density incarnation to see what they can do to bring the rest of the people of the planet along with them in embracing the light. 2006/0226_01.txt:7:In truth, your query is not one about which we have a great deal of information to share. We can affirm that there were indeed tribes of late second-density entities here before that point at which the Earth itself, as a planet, became able to support the kind of vibratory energy field that would be a good environment for a self-aware being such as you are. Therefore, if we go back before Lemuria and Atlantis on planet Earth, we are talking about late second-density beings which were striving for third-density graduation. 2006/0305.txt:68:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The process of graduation differs from the process of death and rebirth because, as we said, when one has graduated, one has quite a bit more free range in terms of the options available. 2006/0305.txt:69:If one is dying and is not ready for graduation yet, that is, if one is in the middle of the cycle and graduation is not called forth by the energies of the being at the time of death, then the options involved are to remain in the inner planes or to move into incarnation within third density on planet Earth once again. 2006/0305.txt:70:If one is able to call forth the energies of graduation by one’s state of mind, shall we say, or state of heart, at the time of death, one goes through the normal moment-of-death experience and the healing experience and, when all of that has occurred, the higher self and the self may decide together that it is time to walk the steps of light and see if one may graduate. 2006/0305.txt:73:In a way, [the graduation process] is looking for the place that you belong, if you would accept that construct. 2006/0319.txt:44:Each of you was set up, in order to come into third density, with third-density parameters being met. You cannot become fourth-density entities. You would not be useful to the planet and to the approach of fourth density if you attempted to live in fourth density. Rather, your glory is that you have earned the right to an incarnation at a time when you are capable of helping to shift the consciousness of the planet you call Earth in such a way that it calls forth from entities the desire to awaken and remember who they are so that they, too, may be part of the graduation from third to fourth density. 2006/0321.txt:27:We may note that in our humble opinion some of the actions of your governments at this time fall solidly under the influences of those instincts. You are at the end of your third density, moving into that time of graduation. Those who do not choose to graduate will necessarily fall back to the instincts to late second density as they prepare to start another third-density cycle elsewhere. 2006/0401.txt:26:The role of the guardians is to care for and be a steward to the people and the planet. During the ascension process, the guardians stand by the steps of light which are walked by those who are moving ascension or graduation. They look carefully to be sure that the gradations of light are precise, steady and stable. They look to be sure no one stumbles or is confused, for they wish each to walk comfortably into the light until they have chosen their most comfortable place. So they guard the sanctity of this process. It is by this process that each decides or chooses the nature of its next experience. If walking into the light and stopping one has stopped at a place that is yet in third density, then that entity shall next incarnate in another third density planet elsewhere. For the planet you call Earth has begun its fourth density positive incarnation and is even at this time accepting new entities as they graduate through the natural processes of death. 2006/0401.txt:31:The literal meaning of the stories that the one known as Jesus told was not intended but rather the stories were those stories in which the parable pointed out metaphysical truths rather than physical ones. Therefore, it is indeed so, in terms of the functionality of the graduation process, that in the moment of choice on the steps of light, an entity either chooses third density or fourth density and therefore moves into life in third or life in fourth density. We do not believe it was intended that there would be this adventurous drama suggested of a sudden and fell rapture in which life as you know it stopped suddenly and [completely] and entities were either tossed into the pits of hell or lifted up to heaven. 2006/0401.txt:32:We believe that the reality is less dramatic but much more understandable. We believe that the reality is that you, each of you, will choose the manner of your being. You will choose it not because you judge yourself but because you realize that there is a sweet spot in the light for you. Walking those steps of light, you are not looking to push past your abilities, you are looking to find that place where you belong, and when you have found just the right place, it does not matter if it is third density or fourth density, it is the place that you have earned, it is the gift of your long and adventurous life and all that has brought you to that point at which you were vibrating in a certain way when you passed into larger life. That vibration is your being. You want your being to be comfortable. You want that being that you are to be placed where it belongs. This as we understand it is the process of graduation or ascension. 2006/0414.txt:31:In orienting you and those like you to the actual situation, we would ask each to move back in perspective until there is a broadness that takes in all of the third-density pattern. A pattern involves a choice of how to be and how to serve. In third density, the path to graduation involves a simple choice followed by a series of congruent choices which progressively tune the spirit under such discipline to the point where that spirit is able to surrender to love. 2006/0416.txt:19:It is at that resting point at which you leave the incarnation that you move on in consciousness to that vehicle of light which you have enjoyed as it has interpenetrated your physical body throughout your incarnation. And in that body of light energy you shall move through the process of graduation. That moment in the field is that moment that you may call death. 2006/0416.txt:22:Thusly, treasure this incarnation and realize the gift that it represents for each of you. This is your last opportunity to make and sustain the choice of polarity that shall lead you through graduation and into your taking up higher-density work. Those who do not make a choice of polarity and sustain that choice until polarity is built up to the point where you are able to bear the light of higher densities shall experience another cycle of third-density incarnations upon another planet and shall once again take up the lessons of love. 2006/0416.txt:30:You have asked what the dynamic or the difference is between this theory or story of the rapture and ascension and the Confederation’s teachings concerning graduation and walking the steps of light. 2006/0416.txt:32:For those few who read this who are dedicated to polarizing in service to self, in terms of your graduation we say to you, my friends, focus carefully each time you choose upon who you serve and how you wish to express your choices. 2006/0416.txt:33:To those who persist in their choices, graduation is almost inevitable, for you are full of the desire to move on and when you organize that desire into a focus and point your will, nothing can stop you. You can be in prison and you can still make your choices for love, service, devotion, joy and gratitude. You can be on your deathbed. You can be on your sickbed. You can be in any circumstance whatsoever, and as long as you have the will to make these choices, you are already in paradise. 2006/0416.txt:36:It is not that you shall die when this energy wanes from third density. It is that the vibrations will be simpler and will not contain those energies that mount, spiraling upward. Therefore, life shall be sustained, and those who come into the environment having already graduated, as many of those born now have done, will carry with them that energy of graduation and will not need to be concerned at the end of their third-density existence. Those to whom we speak now, however, for the most part have yet to graduate. Therefore, we speak to you, not with a sense of urgency but with a desire to share the information that will help you make skillful choices in your present and in your near future. 2006/0418.txt:5:However, it is unnecessary in terms of preparing the self for graduation from third density to penetrate the veil of forgetting. Indeed, it is far more important, in preparing for graduation from third density, that one come finally to the understanding that one knows nothing and can know nothing of the mystery that is the one infinite Creator. Reaching this level of humility and emptiness offers to the seeking student a peace and a confidence that are lacking when one is striving to know more and seek more deeply into the history of the self before this incarnation. 2006/0507.txt:54:For the human tribe that inhabits the surface of Planet Earth, things are not so cut and dried. The time of choice is greatly limited now among your peoples. This is not a cause for great concern for most of those, if not all of those, who shall make that choice for graduation have already made the initial choice of service to others. There is still time to make that initial choice, but you may do the calculation necessary to see that the time is short. [The year] 2012 is within [the] lifetime [of] each of those to whom we are speaking. This is something that you may choose and you may do completely and well in the next few years. 2006/0507.txt:63:For those who graduate in a positive sense, their next incarnation will be on planet Earth, unless they are wanderers and have chosen to move after graduation into other realms or densities for further work as a wanderer. 2006/0507.txt:64:For those graduating in the negative sense, they will go to a negatively oriented fourth-density planet unless they are wanderers, in which case they will be able to, after graduation, move back into whatever they feel would serve them the best. 2006/0917.txt:22:However, the picture, regardless of the possibility of some man-made Armageddon, at this time is a picture of a time of graduation and harvest that is already occurring. Many of your people have already graduated. For the last thirty years, you have been receiving—as children coming through the normal processes of procreation—wanderers from your own fourth density who have graduated from your present third density [and who have] realized all of the many options available to them now that they are dwellers within fourth density, and have decided, naturally enough, that what they want to do in terms of service to others is to come right back to planet Earth and help the rest of the planet shift their consciousness to the value systems that are compatible with fourth density energy. 2006/0917.txt:31:It is quite possible for such entities to make graduation and harvest, for the energies of graduation and harvest have to do with unconditional love, it is not a book-oriented test. It is not an information-oriented area. The final will simply be your vibration at the time of your death. If it is a fourth-density vibration, you will graduate. If your vibration is still involved in the earthly things from the standpoint of Earth, you will continue to spend time on an earth-like planet until your eagerness and your hunger for more has driven you to move beyond that particular so-called box. 2006/1116.txt:14:The third generation of wanderers is made up of what this instrument and many others call the indigo children. There are many other terms for these children. However, in general, they are the first graduates in this harvest from the third density of planet Earth. These souls have moved through the gates into larger life. They have dropped their physical bodies and entered into a healing process with their guidance and with all of those forces which protect and nurture entities in the inner planes who are moving through the processes of death and rebirth. Further, they have moved through the steps of light and have passed their graduation test. These are fourth-density wanderers, whose first act, upon choosing what would please them the most to do next, was to return to their beloved home planet in order to assist not only the people of planet Earth, but also, and perhaps more principally, the planet itself. 2006/1210.txt:6:When this creation was younger and worlds closer to what this instrument calls the central sun were maturing, the work done by a planetary population was a work done by a population of one kind or race or being. In the course of many graduations from many planets, there gradually began to build up populations from Earths such as yours which had finished their third density, the density of choice, and had not been able to graduate into the density of love. These population groups then needed to move to another third-density experience to take up once again the lessons of making the choice. This choice is a choice of polarity. It is a choice between choosing to love, include and accept, with compassion [for] all things and beings as part of one Creator, and the choice of seeing all entities as those who may be able to serve you. It is a choice of service to others or service to self. 2007/0121.txt:50:When you go to graduation you shall not have a grade of 100% of service to others. However, the Creator seems to grade on a curve here. If you even have 51% of service to others, you are ready to graduate. Each time you consciously choose to serve others, you have moved above 51% and into positive polarization comfortably sufficient to graduate from planet Earth. The more habitual your realization of choices is and your determination to choose the highest road, the most compassionate and loving response, the more positively you will be able to affect the tuning of your energy body so that it vibrates more and more in service to others in terms of polarity. 2007/0218.txt:31:Entities who give themselves over to a religion and accept its dogma simplify their path in a certain way. And if they are able to dwell within that simplified structure of thought without falling into the trap of judgment of the self and other selves when they do not believe as do you, they are very likely to be able to use that religion as a way to the infinite Creator that works well. For each religion teaches the basic love of other people and the love of the one infinite Creator. And if an entity loves the Creator and loves the neighbor as the self, however that is put, the path to graduation from third density is clear. The choices to serve others has been made. The work is good. 2007/0318.txt:10:There is an inevitable tendency within the mind of humankind towards creating games; that is, groups of people who are attempting to win something or to gain in some way and who are attempting to do so together. When this instrument chose the image of the game and extended it as a metaphor throughout the writing of the book, the fit was good because of the fact that, in terms of winning a common goal—that is, graduation from third density to fourth density positive—there is a process which follows a certain set of rules in which an entity can succeed in penetrating the game by means of learning, understanding and applying the rules of the game. 2007/0408.txt:40:There is another way in which we may look at time at this time, and we mentioned this earlier in passing. Because of the fact that your Earth is on a time lateral, time has deliberately been slowed in order that there would be more opportunity for members of the tribe of humankind to reach graduation with a polarity that will enable them to move on to fourth density. And we may honestly say that many, many entities have literally moved heaven and earth in order to maximize this possibility. 2007/0414.txt:7:At the end of the second minor cycle of harvest in third density upon planet Earth, the Council of Saturn became concerned that the solar system as a whole had been able to bring to a normal graduation only one of the planets in this particular solar system that you call the Sun. It decided that it would be helpful to create a time lateral and to place the planet under strict quarantine. It was further decided that all of those entities whose third densities had been interrupted be brought to Earth to join Earth’s cycle leading to harvest. 2007/0414.txt:18:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Such experiments have occurred from time to time in the past and the results have been checkered.1 There is, perhaps, nearly an even division between those experiments in which the various groupings of entities upon the planet turned from strife to a more unified view of the planetary population as one tribe and those that were not able to achieve graduation in either polarity. 2007/0807.txt:20:For those who take this purgative way and allow it to shape them, it will certainly result in your graduation. And the fruit of your being shall be delicious to the Creator as you pour out to this source and ending all that you have felt and thought, everything at which you have laughed, and all of those experiences in which you sobbed and wept and despaired. Even your angers, your jealousies, your lust, your greed, and every vice has its information for the Creator. 2007/0902.txt:67:Those coming to the planet now, more and more, are not interested as much in working with the people of the planet to bring them to their metaphysical graduation as they are interested in balancing the somewhat frayed and tattered garment of earth which your planet wears. There is a great need among your many planetary populations to offer restitution of a planet-wide nature. This is because so many of your population are made up of those who have done damage to their planets in the past and who, because they have not been able to break their habits of seeing the Earth as something to be exploited, have again repeated that tendency to do damage. 2008/0315.txt:16:The energy of this planet is exponentially readier for fourth-density graduation than it was when we began working with this channel thirty years ago.1 2008/0315.txt:22:However, the graduation to fourth density does not automatically create any improvement whatsoever in the evolutionary status of the soul. Just as a person who has graduated from third grade goes to school the first day for fourth grade knowing nothing more than he knew at the end of third grade, so the beginning student of fourth density has only the harvest of third-density knowledge, awareness and insight as he approaches the lessons of fourth density. 2008/0315.txt:54:By the second minor cycle there is usually the beginning of a planetary choice for the positive or negative polarity. With your planet, contrariwise, the majority of those choosing at all upon your planet have indeed chosen the positive polarity. There is far more positive energy upon your planet than negative. However, there is enough negative-polarity energy to create a dual call, both positive and negative. This has blurred and confused the situation, since instead of having one concerted planetary surge towards the light or towards the darkness, there is this continuing dynamic betwixt the light and the darkness as entities approach graduation. 2008/0426.txt:47:These are wondrous times. For your people approach graduation day, shall we say, that point after which each death from life on planet Earth shall be entirely open to the possibility of moving forward into fourth density. And not only is the planet and the solar system as a whole receiving these incredible waves of energy signaling the end of third density and the beginning of the dawning of a new age of fourth density, but also at this time there is tremendous interest in helping those of planet Earth who wish to move forward in a service-to-others manner to succeed. 2008/0510.txt:13:It is to be noted that it is not necessary, in order to be of service to others and to graduate from third density, for the higher rays to be used in order to access the gateway to intelligent infinity. Simple, straightforward, unconditional love and the energies of forgiveness and compassion shall carry any seeker through graduation with flying colors. That is far more than enough to use in order to penetrate those energies that move one into higher light. 2008/0913.txt:27:We would never say that one cannot graduate into fourth density unless one has entered the gateway to intelligent infinity. It is entirely possible simply by living a life in service to others to achieve graduation in the positive sense from third density to fourth. Yet the delight of the journey is reserved for those who chose to aim for that gateway. 2008/1108.txt:52:This is the direction in which each who seeks to graduate into fourth density is moving. Yet third density is not fourth density. It is good to move towards that paradigm of shared vision and unconditional love. It is a worthy beau geste to attempt to be part of that critical mass of positive thought that brings all of the planet to a successful graduation into fourth-density positive. It is a worthwhile dream. It is a worthwhile effort. And we wish you the joy of being that knight who wears the armor of light and moves toward the sun of unconditional love and compassion. 2008/1108.txt:53:As to the plight of those with no access to computers because they have lived their entire lives as indigenous people, we may assure the one known as P that these entities are far more close to graduation into fourth-density positive, for the most part, than those who must bear the burden of civilization and the endless ramifications of human knowledge. There is more truth, knowledge, and learning in one who knows the moons, the suns, the stars, the animals, the planets, the ocean, and the wind than there is in all of the books in all of the libraries of your world. 2009/0419.txt:21:You have asked concerning the possible evolution of service between now and 2012. We would respond by indicating that your evolution is not bound by time; that there is no goal to keep to; there is no deadline on service or on the way to service. It is well to relax into the moment, and as your present moments develop before you, to allow the succeeding present moments in turn to entrance and enchant you. Remain without anything to pull you away from the present and from your awareness of yourself as an instrument which the Creator may choose to play in any way, at any time, in order to sing Planet Earth into a readiness for a graduation that is of the utmost beauty and deepest truth. 2009/0425.txt:75:Just as the energies of heat have moved down into the planetary entity that is your Earth, also the energies of cooperation, love, unity, understanding and communication can aid greatly. We would also note in this wise that many of those who have achieved graduation from your third density at this time, within the last thirty of your years, have begun to return as those who have seen this pattern clearly and whose hearts have gone out to the planet itself. Many of those whom you call the “indigo children” are those who are focused perhaps more upon healing the Earth than upon bringing the population as a whole to graduation. 2009/0926.txt:49:If there were only this lifetime and only this graduation, then perhaps we might agree that everyone should be shaken by the throat and told to wake up. However, there is all the time in the creation for entities to progress. While it is true that you now are at a time of graduation, a time of harvest, we would suggest that there shall be other harvests; there shall be other graduations. If a seeker needs to repeat third density, needs to repeat third grade, shall we say, in the school of souls, that is not a tragedy nor is it anything of which to be ashamed. Each entity shall progress. Each entity shall one day have accomplished every lesson, have satisfied every desire, and shall return to the one infinite Creator. 2009/1219.txt:26:We say to you, if you can be fearless with your sexuality, if you can be fearless in a seemingly chaotic and dark world, sensing the rightness of your being here, if you can come to your own understanding of what relationships are to you and where the love is in them that will balance you and the others, then you can come into your open heart with the full power of the Logos blowing through you. And as you make choice after choice to love and to be loved in a positive and radiant fashion, you ready yourself for graduation. There is no doubt that one whose heart is open and whose path is service to others shall graduate. 2009/1219.txt:39:You have a substantial harvest of those who have chosen the service-to-self path and in pursuing their clarity and their graduation in the negative sense they are creating huge amounts of chaotic energies, with the hope of causing fear and the lessening of the awareness of personal power in all entities except the self. This is so that the energies of others can be harvested to the self, making the self more powerful. 2010/0313.txt:17:You must see that service to others and service to self are very individually judged, felt and manifested in your own life and not that of another. Yet what is intended or meant by saying it is a prerequisite of graduation from Planet Earth that one polarizes towards either service to others or service to self, is that very simple and clear principle of polarization. 2010/1023.txt:27:We would move on now to the question concerning whether or not an entity is still that entity when it joins a social memory complex and the answer to that, my friends, is decidedly in the affirmative. You have not experienced, perhaps, in your lifetime, what it is to be fully known, fully accepted, and fully loved. But you shall know those things when you enter the gates of larger life. Even between incarnations you shall experience this. And when you move into a fourth-density social memory complex as part of your choice-making after this incarnation and after your graduation, you will find that the atmosphere in which you exist is far different than you would have imagined. 2010/1218.txt:24:You put the light out yourself when you doubt yourself, when you criticize yourself, when you judge yourself, when you feel that your self-worth is low, that you could do better, that you could do more, that you could do other, that somehow you must find a way to serve. My friends, you are serving now, in this very moment. Insofar as your heart is open and you love those whom you meet and allow them to love you, you are on track for graduation from third density and you will do it with ease, because it is all about love. 2011/0305.txt:7:You have to recall that those few who have worked to graduate in the polarity of service to self are also in their last incarnation before graduation. They are working, some consciously and some unconsciously, to create a climate of fear and to expand suffering. Consequently, the harvest, just like the harvest that is cut, is difficult to pick. It cuts and lacerates the fingers that pluck from the bole.2 It is not necessarily a pleasant thing to observe and witness those about you as they spin out their lives and you spin out yours. There is much chaos. There is a harvest, shall we say, of anxiety and concern. The times, shall we say, are unsettled and it is easy to feel apprehensive for you know not what is to come, yet now is the time when those energies of love, power and peace are needed most of all. 2015/1003.txt:41:I am Q’uo and I am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed for most of the population of your planet, the opportunity to achieve that which you have called graduation of harvest into the density of love, has brought into that realm of experience a great many types of busyness that need some kind of attention. In order to be able to sort through that which is available one must wend one’s way through much which is as you have said, the product of the ending of this density’s cycle of being. It is, as we mentioned previously, the seeker’s ability to respond—or responsibility to decide—those areas into which it shall seek. We shall pause briefly. 2015/1003.txt:43:I am Q’uo. We shall continue. For, as you have correctly noted, there is much that is produced by the ending of the density’s beingness. There is also much which can be done by each seeker to utilize the catalyst available for the desired graduation. 2015/1121.txt:6:This is the time of graduation, the time of harvest, upon your planet, and all those here at this time are hopeful and capable of being harvested in their soul essences. However, each has projected into the third-density illusion a fragment of that essence with the hopes that the remaining lessons—that will provide the ability for graduation—may be learned within the “short time,” as you would call it, that remains of the third density for this particular planet. 2016/0102.txt:6:You are upon a planet which is populated by many of those who have had this third density experience previously. They have attempted to learn the lessons of love either of self or of other selves, elsewhere within the infinite creation, and as their planetary cycles revolved and graduations approached, were not able to make the graduation upon their home planet. Thus they found it necessary to travel a great, what you would call, distance in time and space to make this planet their home for the master cycle of 75,000 years—or, in many cases, much less time, for many have come in late, shall we say, within this last 25,000 years to attempt to repeat the lessons of third density: the making of the choice either to shine the light outward or to absorb the light inward and to use it for the self. 2016/0116.txt:37:As the master cycle has moved through its experience, the population of this planet has had difficulty utilizing catalyst, for most of the population of this planet has found the need to repeat third density here as graduation was not achieved in the home planet. If you move beyond this density’s illusion into the fourth density, then fifth and sixth, you may see lifetimes that are much much longer in what you would call the years. Ninety thousand years being considered the average lifespan within the fourth density shall we say. This, to you, sounds like a great span of time, but you must remember that the time moves in a different fashion within the succeeding densities to your own. 2016/0206.txt:46:I am Q’uo and I am aware of your query, my brother. The time of the passing of the earth into the fourth density cycle of experience occurred in that time period that many were speaking of for a great period of your time before hand, that is, the year 2012. In this year the time/space beingness of your planet became completely of fourth density nature, however, the space/time portion of your planet has been somewhat, shall we say, confused and laggardly in the collection of entities and their ability to make what you would call, the graduation, to point the needle of the compass in a solid and discrete fashion. 2016/0206.txt:47:Thus, our suggestion that it would take approximately two additional incarnational periods, that incarnational period each being somewhere between 70 and 80 of your years, before the space/time continua was able match that of the time/space graduation into fourth density. Thus, you will see that there is some period of, shall we say, cleaning up of the mess that has been made upon your planet by the cultures that cannot seem to find a way home. This is the group of entities that will, in all likelihood, find it necessary to repeat the third density space/time master cycle of 75,000 years upon another third density planet. 2016/0206.txt:59:In our former response we were attempting to suggest that these entities shall have been able to make the movement through the, shall we say, process of graduation, and shall determine for themselves the need to repeat the third density cycle upon another third density planet. 2016/0326.txt:31:It is a time of graduation upon your planet. Those who now pass through the doors of death are offered the steps of light to measure their success at making this choice toward the path of love and service to others, or love and service to self. Few there are who take the latter path. Unfortunately we find that the positive path also has far less than we have hoped, for it has been some time that the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator have been attempting to seed the concept of love within those hearts which are open to it. The gardens upon your planet are few, yet there are places upon your planet’s surface that, when seen in the metaphysical realm, shine with the brilliance of the love that has been let loose, and shines freely from each open heart. 2016/1001.txt:25:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother and my sister. Those entities of your third density which find themselves engaged in the warring activities that are so prevalent in your illusion are those which have dedicated themselves to a certain cause and have found it necessary in upholding that cause to take up the arms against others that would seem not to be of their own kind; that would seem to be some kind of invading force or energy source that could cause harm, if, indeed, arms were not used to repel them. The bellicose attitudes that have been so prevalent within your third density experience on this planet, have been developed over a long period of time and experience, not only upon this particular planetary influence, but upon others which have provided their population for this planet, as their own graduations were not able to be appreciated by all of the population, some portion of population needing to be able to re-experience the third density once again in order to make the choice finally of service to others or service to self. Thus, the wounds that are experienced by many of those soldiering entities at the current time are not only wounds in the present incarnation, but wounds in the soul and psyche as well. These wounds go deep, my friends. They are misperception that will hopefully teach a certain lesson. The misperception is that those entities who are being fought are other than the self—are so much other than the self that perhaps they do not deserve to exist within this illusion. 2017/0121.txt:50:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed, those of a spiritual family—each entity that is a seeker of truth belongs to such a family—will remain in a connection within any other third-density planet. There will be the ability to continue to incarnate in a collected fashion, so that there may continue to be the expression of the karmic patterns that have become a part of such a family. It is not usual for a family of seekers, shall we say, to be split between one planet in one density and another planet in another density, for if there is the majority of those moving to another third- density planet for the repetition of the third density, there will be also the desire upon each member of the family to be with those that are moving to such another third density planet. That is to say, if there are those within this family that may achieve graduation into the fourth density, there may be the delaying of the movement into fourth density for a short period of what would be called time so that all members of the family may move together, eventually, into a fourth-density environment. This may seem like a great sacrifice for the one that would be able to move more quickly into fourth density, but if you will remember that the third-density cycles are 25,000 years, three of these cycles culminating in the 75,000 years for the entire third density, and compare that to the 30 million years of fourth density, you will find that the sacrifice may be but for a moment in what would be termed fourth-density terms. 2017/0226.txt:79:Again, this is a difficult situation in which to give a yes or no answer that would be accurate, for there will be both types of entities upon the planetary surface when the final choice, shall we say, is made by all entities, to move either in service to others, or service to self. This is to say, there should be those third/fourth-density entities with the dual-activated bodies that will be able to make the graduation, since that has already been affirmed for these entities upon another planetary sphere. The entities with the third-density body, yellow-ray activated only, will, at that time, need to move through the process of moving into the light, to determine the harvestability. Thus, at some point, there will be, as you say, only the fourth-density entities upon the planet, however, the amount of time, as you would measure it, that this process will take, is not, at this time, known. 2017/0226.txt:106:Indeed, those who now dwell upon your planetary surface and breathe the free air have every opportunity to polarize that is necessary in order for each one to make the graduation, if that choice is their choice at this time. The necessity for most, as you are aware, is to become aware of that choice. This is not necessary in order to be graduated immediately, but is necessary in order to become more, shall we say, productive in the choosing. There is still time for choices to be made, both consciously and unconsciously, that can lead to graduation, depending upon each entities individual status, shall we say. The red, the orange, and the yellow rays being sufficiently opened, and moving into the green ray, with the opening of the heart center beginning to show itself in those acts of love and understanding which may demonstrate the ability of an entity to welcome and enjoy more of the love and the light of the One Creator. 2017/0226.txt:110:Thus, we would say that there is every opportunity available, that there is every reason for hope, for the eventual graduation of each entity upon planet Earth. We can speak no more valiantly of each entity’s ability, and opportunity, and necessity, for making these choices at this time. Though the time does grow short, the time remains for each one to make the choice that is necessary for graduation. 2017/0415.txt:11:Thus, this vibration of love begins to find a resonance within the total system of energy centers and causes the tones of each center to be raised to a minimum, shall we say, graduation frequency, so that there becomes within the seeker a kind of sacred choral hymn, emanating on a constant basis that becomes, what you might say, the identifying vibration of the entity. Each ascending energy center beyond the green will also increase the pitch and quality of the tone of the energy center as it is able to become activated, balanced, and open, ready to received further intelligent energy and move it upwards, until eventually, at the violet ray there is the ability of the seeker of truth to have the experience of union with the One Creator that gives this entity the ability to be harvested at any moment that it chooses within the incarnational pattern. 2017/0415.txt:12:However, for most entities of the third density, the graduation into the fourth density is that which is accomplished at the end of the incarnational period as the seeker moves through the death process, as you call it, in its indigo-ray body and walks the steps of light to determine the ability to welcome and enjoy a higher frequency of the light vibration. 2017/0520.txt:23:Thus, those of Ra were able to find a graduation after the first 25,000 year cycle of a portion of the total population upon the planet Venus, a greater portion graduating in the second cycle of 25,000 years, and after the third cycle of 25,000 years, the social memory complex of those known as Ra to this group, was then formed from six-and-one-half million souls. These entities then proceeded to move through the fourth and fifth densities within the planetary influence of Venus. The sixth-density experience of these entities has been both upon the planet Venus, and within the confines of what you would see as your Sun body.2 2017/0520.txt:41:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that the fourth-density vibrations are having an effect on each form of life upon planet Earth at this time. The greatest effect, of course, is hoped for the third-density population in order to advance their own spiritual journeys, and to make themselves available for the, shall we say, graduation, or harvest, into the fourth density. 2018/0120.txt:40:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, we find this is a salient observation, and would wish to attempt response by suggesting that in the most basic sense that you are correct that the short-run increase of the negatively oriented entities, both of individual variety, and social complexes, expresses itself frequently in a manner which can be easily misinterpreted; for the negatively oriented entities (who are also seeking their graduation into the fourth density) do not speak clearly that which is their desire, for they are aware that most entities would not wish to walk into a prison, shall we say, whether it be of a physical nature, or of a mental nature, or of an emotional nature; for the kind of communication that you describe is that which is frequently utilized in order to confuse. It is like the stage magician who shows you one hand that is performing a certain process, while in truth, the other hand is performing that which is salient to the, shall we say, the prestidigitation, the manipulation of the mind and the distraction of the eye, so that which is seen is not actually that which is presented for observation. 2018/0120.txt:42:This will take, in some cases, a good deal of consideration, for in a world of confusion, the expression of love is very often lost upon those to whom you send it. Thus, one cannot be dedicated, shall we say, to a certain outcome, but must have begun the exercise of faith that that love, which is sent, will reach its destination, and will have its effect upon what you would call “the world condition,” the apparent misdirection and misapprehension of energies by those of the negative nature who seek at this time to use the small amount of time remaining within your third density to polarize sufficiently for their own graduation. So, our recommendation is meditation, centering, mindfulness, and love. 2018/0120.txt:53:The feeling of the dissolving of such timelines is a residue of the learning of that which was set before you so that there is no longer a need for it to exist within any portion of your being, other than that being which you now are here. Thus, you are, shall we say, closing up shop so that there may be a graduation into the fourth density of love and understanding at the end of this incarnation. 2018/0203.txt:4:As you are all conscious seekers of truth, and have relatively clear perceptions of various philosophies and of various cultures upon your planet, you are well aware that your planetary population is scattered throughout the lower energy centers and has had a great difficulty in beginning to perceive the possibility of becoming a unified peoples that can present themselves to the graduation of the fourth density that is now occurring upon your planet; for there has been much disharmony for many thousands of your years upon your planet as you measure time. This disharmony has resulted from a basic misperception of the nature of reality. 2018/0203.txt:7:However, as you are well aware, various factions vie for a larger and larger piece of the proverbial pie. This not only leads to furthering the inability to grasp unifying principles, and to open the heart in unconditional love as is the necessity for graduation into fourth density, but it also accentuates the lower energy centers’ tendency to separate from other people, groups, and cultures, so that there is a continuing fostering of the rejection of any possibility of reconciliation. Thus, not only do your people suffer the fracturing of their own mental, emotional and spiritual capacities, but these disharmonious vibrations are exuded to such an extent that your planetary sphere itself begins to absorb them into the crust of the planet so that there is the rupturing of the crust at various times and places, as a means by which your planet attempts to harmonize the cosmic instreamings of the fourth-density variety with its own fourth-density core vibration. 2018/0217.txt:19:Sometimes the resonance will suggest a potential for service that is comparatively gratuitous in the sense that it is not grounded in a personal need which you or your interlocutor has felt, but rather is responsive to a need felt within the planetary sphere itself. And in the case of many, many wanderers, precisely this configuration is in play, for it is the task of a wanderer not simply to incarnate in order to refine elements of the personality which have been discovered to be less than fully refined—that, too, is a portion of the intent—but to serve, to serve the planet, to serve those upon the planet who seek to achieve, at this time, the graduation into fourth density. 2018/0303.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. At this time there are approximately 350 million of these entities who have incarnated within your Earth planes in order to offer their service to those of this planet who would request such. Many have come in recent times also from other third-density planets who have made the graduation there, and are incarnating in what you may call the “doubly-activated bodies” in order to be of service in helping this planet make its transition into the fourth density of love and understanding. The number of these entities exceeds that of the wanderers, reaching nearly half a billion entities. 2018/0407.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. There will be what you have called the continuation of these energies in an ebb and flow nature. We would see these as being a rhythmic expression of a melody which you might equate to the fourth-density experience. It has certain qualities that are more intense at certain times than at other times, some qualities finding the rhythm of expression being given according to the planetary nature or ability to receive these vibrations. The planet itself also has a combination of rhythmic receptivity in its own beingness, which it shares with its population. Your Mother Earth—or Gaia, as you have called her—is one which is giving birth to a new generation of beings, and indeed has begun to give birth to them some portion of your time previous, for there are those from elsewhere who have begun incarnating upon this Earth, and Mother Earth has welcomed them with open arms, for they have already made the graduation on other planetary spheres and are now incarnating on Earth to aid with the birth of other fourth-density entities from this Earth plane. 2018/0407.txt:57:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. That which you have called the orgasm seems to be most unusual within most entities as being seen as a normal experience. That which you call the sexual experience for most entities upon this planetary sphere is that which has suffered a great deal of disguise, shall we say, and manipulation throughout many thousands of years of disharmony upon this planet. It has been that which has been used to confuse, to sell—to destroy, in some cases, further desire for any other experience. And yet, we say to you, that when you experience that which you call the orgasmic release of the energies of sexual expression, you are experiencing that which is the steady state for many higher density entities, for as one moves into greater and greater union with the One Creator, that which is experienced resembles what you call the orgasm in the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels of energy expression and experience. That orgasmic release is but a hint, my brother, of that which awaits each seeking soul that is able to make the graduation into the higher densities, beginning with your fourth density that is now available to Planet Earth. Thus, this hint is that which has suffered greatly in its being perceived by Earth’s population as being tainted, reserved only for certain entities, and being made into an object of desire for itself only. We can assure you, there is more to come ... pun intended. 2018/1215.txt:11:This graduation into this higher realm, or vibrational nature of reality, is the purpose of each incarnation that is being played out at this time on your planet, for this is likened unto a school room. The entire creation may be seen as an educational system where you begin to discover more and more the truth that you and all beings are one—one in the Infinite Creator that has made all things, all of the creation, all entities from itself in order that it might know itself more fully, with greater purity and greater intensity. 2018/1215.txt:55:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. These steps upon your planetary sphere have begun some of your years ago, as entities began incarnating here that have been able to reach the graduation into fourth density upon other planetary spheres. As these entities with the dual-activated bodies partake in your third-density illusion, they begin to exhibit qualities that are oftentimes described as psychic abilities, which are not readily available to entities who have only the third-ray, yellow-ray body activated. 2019/0420.txt:17:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. At this time, as you would call it, in the transition of your planet into the fourth density of love and understanding, there are waves of cosmic streamings engulfing your planet in a rhythmic fashion so that there is never a portion of this time that is without a certain kind of vibration of energy that acts upon various individuals in certain ways. For the most part, however, there are entities that are nearing graduation now whose inner sensitivities are such that they are more vulnerable to the energizing and upgrading effects of these cosmic instreamings so that their spiritual journeys, as they have constructed them, from within their own being, become energized in a manner which opens the heart in a more accessible means. That is to say, the opening of the heart becomes more possible for each entity that is sensitized to the variety of vibratory instreamings at this time. 2019/0525.txt:58:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. A portion of the experience for each seeker that is able to make the graduation into the fourth density of love and understanding, is to have the aura, as you call it, expand in a fashion which joins with others of the same vibratory level, to form an auric envelope, shall we say, of what you may call the social memory complex. Thus, each entity within the social memory complex adding to the overall vibratory nature of this complex, its own experience of each lifetime, including this lifetime, so that there is a vibratory representation of all efforts at seeking the One Infinite Creator that blend in an harmonic fashion, that allows the social memory complex to have a, what you would call a “data bank” of information upon which it may call at any time within your social memory complex’s experience, where there is the desire to serve in a certain fashion, other selves who call for the services that are possible to offer according to the makeup of the social memory complex.