1986/0907.txt:116:I am Latwii, and it is indeed possible and quite often the case, my sister, that when one has opened the desire within one’s heart of being to know more of that which is appropriate for one’s own seeking, that gradually more and more of that pattern of being and experience will become known to the entity. The process is one in which the deeper or subconscious mind begins to release portions of information that respond or correspond to that which the conscious mind has turned itself in seeking. The strength and purity of the conscious mind’s desire to know that which is loosely called the truth or the self, draws unto the conscious mind more and more of these pieces, shall we say, of the puzzle, if we may use this term. 1987/0712.txt:15:If you wish to speed the process of forgiveness, may we suggest that you take the object which has not been forgiven by you and hold that object within the heart and mind, enveloped and encircled in light, light infinite and light illimitable, hoping and praying for every good for that which you cannot forgive. Thus, you are engaging a deeper portion of yourself to begin opening doors, so that that which is unforgivable to the conscious mind slowly becomes that which must be forgiven. It cannot be forced; it cannot be taught. And when someone attempts to persuade the seeker into forgiveness, and does so on its own energy, then as soon as the intermediary removes itself, the hardness of heart returns. 1987/0926.txt:19:The trick of the mind which puts a seeking spirit back upon the spiritual track is to stop the process of reaction to seeming disharmony long enough to ask what the source is that created that reflection that seems so painful to you, and then to turn from disharmony by acknowledging that your partner’s reflection must indeed be true at some level. This then clears the way for you and your partner—you and your mirror—to come together in mind and heart, and seek together the distortion that lies behind the disharmony. Each of you may help the self and the other merely by being honest and open and acknowledging each situation as being spiritually meaningful and worth the untangling. 1988/0403.txt:17:When one moves away from, “I want, I feel, I think, I like, I dislike,” and so forth, one is left empty, and may perhaps feel that the comfortable structure that houses one’s ethics and principles have been left behind also. It is a naked feeling. It is a difficult feeling to achieve, for one who has not carefully examined the huge weight of opinion and accepted authority in one’s life has no idea of the percentage of the active portion of the conscious mind which is involved in processing catalyst using these distortions rather than experiencing catalyst with an open heart, an open mind, and a knowledge of the self’s true identity. 1988/0814.txt:70:We might encourage each new instrument which seeks to learn the vocal channeling process by suggesting that the process itself is quite simple. The protection, as well, is quite simple. However, the clear understanding within the heart and mind of each student that partakes in this process is necessary in order that these simple procedures be accomplished in a pure fashion. The desire and the motivations of each student must be examined by each student in a most careful fashion in order that the channel within the being is open in as clear and simple a fashion as possible. When these protections and motivations are thus accomplished, the process may be expected to proceed with little risk or danger to the student. 1989/0129.txt:14:The act of meditation opens one to the experience of the Creator in a worshipful or personal manner, that is, one awaits and listens for a dear friend or a beloved one, one has the feeling of intimate expectancy. This is the beginning of the listening process, a desire as if [one is] before a lover or one who would read a beautiful poem that meant a great deal. This attitude is that which opens the heart and the mind in a way which gives much energy and power to whatever it is that is willed or desired by the entity. If the entity wishes to move ahead quickly and learn, then the entity will, indeed, be changing quite rapidly. 1989/0709.txt:81:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that it would be most appropriate not to cease the attempt, but to leave the door, as you would say, open so that if there is a change of heart or attitude upon the part of the other entity, that the processing of the catalyst might begin again. However, we would suggest that the entity continue in its desire to learn this particular lesson and make itself available, perhaps upon a more passive level if it feels that it is presenting a stumbling block to the entity which refuses to share the catalyst. 1990/0603.txt:8:Many are the confusions that have assailed each when seemingly ill, and certainly this instrument, as many have attempted to heal this instrument of the bodily difficulties it experiences; nor would we deny the obvious nature of this instrument’s lack of what you would call health. However, in the sense of being whole, to the extent that one has allowed the pain, the blockage, the limitation, the self-loathing, or whatever is the deeper expression of this illness, to be accepted and loved within the heart, the entity is becoming whole, and it is this state of wholeness, aided greatly by the indigo chakra work of daily meditation, self-forgiveness and other inner work, which will most reliably and quickly make possible the resonance of daily catalyst so that the catalyst may sink into the area of the archetypical mind and the archetype which is being expressed, recognized. Once this archetype is recognized by the whole or open self, it then becomes a deep portion of the mind, a portion of the biases which survive the forgetting process which opens each incarnation. 1991/0526.txt:8:In the case of most seekers and the case of most entities whatsoever upon the planet, whom you may not call seekers, and who may not call themselves seekers, but who do indeed seek to make more skillful choices, the heart is not allowed to open, because there is judgment of the self. Consequently, no matter how extremely good the intention and how determined the attitude, there is the entire life which is filled with the process of failing, and holding that in the heart. It is thought by these who do this that they are quite correct in assessing their faults as well as their virtues. Perhaps it would be expressed that it is the feeling that it is not humble to ignore one’s failures, although each entity identifies a slightly different field as that of failure. Almost without exception those upon your plane judge themselves, and this judgment is remembered in the heart. 1991/0526.txt:9:One of your poets has called the heart “a rag and bone shop.” This is precisely the nature of the unopened heart. It is far less common to see people hating others or disliking them than to find the self holding in the heart judgment against the self. Consequently, the learning over a period of most of an incarnation is the repeated experience of failing in a way important to an entity, until finally the mind becomes weary of thinking, puzzling, musing and analyzing in relation to the various failures. This process is excellent. It is safe to say that in most if not in all incarnations which entities have chosen upon this planet which you enjoy, there will be life enough, which you would call time enough, for you to work as a seeker through the unopened heart and by the end of the incarnation to be able to forgive the self rationally and to allow compassion to flow to the self. 1991/0526.txt:12:Yet, still you may harvest in this manner an increase in compassion, as you become old enough and experience enough to see that there is nothing unusual or fatal about failure, and that all failures eventually become part of a healing. We say all this to preface speaking about the open heart and work in consciousness, or indigo-ray work. As each in this group is already aware, the process of opening the heart is a process of letting go of those things in the lower chakras which are clouding, blocking or overstimulating those centers. Therefore we will not go into this in detail, but simply say that keeping the heart open is simply a matter of noticing and paying respect and attention to these times in which a blockage, an overstimulation or a distortion is noticed in a particular area of life corresponding to a particular energy center. 1991/0526.txt:28:The eventual priority of compassion over intellectual acceptance is a key process, for many choices are made instinctively. When you open the heart, when you clear the communication energies and when you can rest in the work in consciousness which simply requires one to gaze without judgment at the self, you have achieved a configuration which will greatly accelerate both your process of spiritual evolution, and your effectiveness as a being of light and an agent of the Creator to those whose lives you touch. Most of what entities see of the Creator is seen in your faces and in your outstretched hands and in the compassion with which you listen and communicate with entities about those things which trouble them. The simple listening with an open heart is in... 1991/0707.txt:11:It, of course, is a difficult task to learn anything, and doubly difficult when all the books are open but there is no illumination by which one may read the simple, generous and lovely answers from the textbook. You can only hold that Book of Truth that is your heart’s wisdom in a trusting awareness, and so give up yourself to yourself by your self-compassion, that this beloved wisdom begins to soften that which is you, not that which you think or that which you feel or that which you do, but that which is. You are a verb, not a noun. You are not a thing. You are. The simplicity of this beingness eludes the mind, and refuses to obey any particular form of behavior. As the seeker moves along this self-perceived path, it acts and thinks and talks and believes that it is those activities, there being no evidence to the contrary; but, as you turn and face the inevitable distortions involved in the process of perception itself, it is easier to see that the path of the seeker is not going to fall along any planned or consciously desired outcome, unless that happens to be a natural fruit of your particular being. 1991/0712.txt:19:The healing process, in essence, lies with each individual. The one who feels they have caused harm have need of healing and the one who feels they have received harm have need of healing also. Ultimately each entity must do the work of healing the self. It may be possible for entities who work together in harmony to extend to the other the open heart, the understanding mind, the statement of loving intent that may facilitate such self-work in healing. But ultimately the responsibility is with the self. 1991/0712.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that in your illusion it is difficult in the great coloration of emotion called anger to operate at such a rational level as to be able to discern that which is true and that which is not true in the moment that the anger is experienced. Or if one were able to do this, the great energy of the anger would be blunted insofar as the realization of what was being said was untrue. Whether what is felt and said is true or not is relatively unimportant in the moment of the expression of the anger. It is well to express that which is, shall we say, on the tip of the tongue and that which wishes to rush from the mouth and from the heart. Then the process of sorting and evaluation may begin by looking at all that was said, even those areas of expression which one later determines to be untrue. For that moment of anger in that particular experience may yet hold some value for the self as one relates these speakings to earlier experiences or other experiences within the incarnation, so that there may be a kind of following of a trail of that which was spoken so that there might be a possibility of gaining greater understanding as this trail is followed and discussed and shared in open fashion with the other self. 1992/0712.txt:5:We imply that change can be helpful, confusion can be helpful, and do so on purpose. There is a difference between discomfort and injury. The confusion of incarnate life, in general, is massive, and was meant to be so in order to challenge and successfully baffle the intellectual mind, which thinks in black and white, yes and no. The point of this baffling effect is to coax the seeker into opening the heart to the processes of thinking, evaluating and decision-making. Those with unawakened hearts may reason perfectly, yet come to inappropriate or inefficient decisions and conclusions relative to their own deeper desires. The spiritual journey is many things, but is not linear or logical. 1992/0712.txt:14:All your work as an entity of spirit is groundwork laid in before confusion overtakes one. Once the cloud of confusion is there, the realization simply may be maintained and remembered that this was asked for, this is occurring, and this is a time-bound phenomenon. In this way, you are able to affirm your own desires, to comfort your own discomfort, and to position the heart open and lovingly addressing the confusion in tones of faith in the process and trust in the kindly nature of the Creator, which allowed you as co-creator to create this vortex of transformation and to go through it, powered by desire. 1992/0830.txt:11:Each period of learning at this level is called initiation by your people, and it is, indeed, the beginning of a new subtle pattern which you shall choose. Yet, this choice is not simple, for it is a choice of an entire pattern, a pattern of thought, of intuition, certainly not a clear-cut process. Rather than working upon opening the heart to all that there is in service, the initiatory lessons have to do with solidifying the nature of the self, of envisioning and seeing the more desirable pattern or way of being the self, and, overarching all, the pattern by which the seeker chooses personally and only for the self to discipline itself. 1993/0119.txt:30:It is in this way that you learn, as a process, to keep your heart open. Keeping the heart open is not an event, but a process. Each time you do it, you become a bit more skilled at it, a bit more skilled at seeing where you have invited fear in and then challenged fear’s right to be present and wanted only to be rid of it again. You become a bit more skilled at saying simply, “Here is fear. Sit by my fire, but I will not be reactive to you. I need not be reactive to you.” 1993/0119.txt:32:That compassion is the key to being undefended, allowing full connection between yourself and the people in situations of your life. As that level of compassion manifests itself in your own relationship to the self, it is easily transferred to others. Then, and only then, does the small ego self begin to dissolve. Then, another’s fear is seen as no different from your own. There is nothing to protect because there is nothing that is not part of you, nothing that can really threaten you. Slowly, you learn to open your heart in that way to another: our fear, our pain, our compassion. At this point, the brain has stopped directing your choices, and the heart, with its deep wisdom and innate compassion, does the choosing with wisdom and with love. It is a most wonderful process, a process of which I stand in some awe. 1993/0323.txt:77:I understand how hard this is for the human. I have been through the process of incarnation and have strong memory of the pain of such darkness. I can only tell you that the route out of that darkness is your willingness to be patient and trust: “There is that in this darkness which can serve and teach me. I will wait patiently with it, keeping my heart open, keeping the windows and doors open until the light reappears.” 1993/0328.txt:10:This is difficult to accept. The thinker wishes the self not to be flawed, not to be relative, the seeker wishes to be whole, to be absolute, and so the seeker in truth is beyond the realm of the illusion. Yet each came here to pay close attention to the illusion, with all of its difficulties, and one of the points of business for each seeker in its work in consciousness is the work on achieving the healing of memories, the acceptance of the stream of incarnative experience as it has been experienced, and the forgiveness of the illusion and the manifested self for being flawed. The hardness of heart comes because there is not the instinct to move directly into the heart and open the self to the wholehearted request for forgiveness. Though the religious expression has enormous amounts to recommend it, the dependency upon religious expression to objectify the process of forgiveness to the greater Self—as an objectified and solidified other-self—numbs the inner sense of truth to the fact that this process of forgiveness is not external to the self. 1993/0606.txt:9:This spirit is a side of wisdom which has no words in your density, and it expresses its wisdom in the more and more purified emotions. When the seeker comes first to the conscious study of the processes of spiritual choice-making, at first the heart is less than optimally pure in its expression. The seeker begins, day-by-day and meditation-by-meditation, to empty out of the heart the less pure of that heart’s contents, as though the heart were a pocket in which many things had been placed, some of which were not desirable. After a time meditating and seeking, the heart begins to be released from having to hold so much of that which is less than pure; and then the heart may begin to shed its wisdom upon the conscious mind. This purifying process is not short, and we do not wish to suggest that you must become consciously pure in heart. We simply encourage each to do the work of opening in meditation regularly and allowing the heart to empty itself of the petty trivia so that its strain may be deeper and ever more pure. 1993/0905.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The quality of consciousness which you would call “grace” is that quality that is nurtured in each seeker, as the seeker is able to open itself to the awareness of the perfection of all creation. Thus, it is also a process of realization. You may, in a moment of great desire, fling all predetermined expectations to the wind and become as hollow as the pipe through which the water moves, and this water for you is grace. The movement of the Spirit aligning with your open heart causes the feeling of perfection, purpose, place and identity with all to occur, so that your experience is the perfect reflection of the one Creator smiling through your face. 1993/0925_02.txt:116:Generosity: Another one, another part of holding on and fearing one’s needs won’t be met. If this is a predominant issue for you, another way to work with it is to practice giving. Start with very small things, seeing that another needs a fork or a napkin. You are not giving your own, you are just reaching and getting it for them. But it is a practice in giving. It starts to open your heart to how wonderful it feels to give and be attentive to others’ needs. It starts to open your heart to that innate generosity of spirit. Then you increase the giving, not just of material things, but of your time and your energy. And you begin to learn that you do not lose anything when you give. Again, you correct the misunderstanding, not through forcing yourself with a “give till it hurts,” quite the contrary: a gentle process whereby you learn that giving is joy. 1994/0130.txt:22:Each of you do well to open your sensing mechanisms and look to your perceptions. Certainly it is well to seek that truth which lies in and beyond the fears of each, but more than that, know yourselves as pilgrims which have many, many levels and be not harsh with yourself when you find yourself expressing that which you perceive is not entirely true. For the freedom truth promises is involved in that release from trying, seeking and making things happen. The truth, in a way, is a process. That process is one in which we often encourage each to come to the place of ultimate quiet within, that all the worlds tears and hopes and untruths and fears may at last cease and a door open within. Across that threshold each walks into the silence of the heart. Within that silence lies all that there is and it is all holy. Each of you now stands on holy ground. The truth of your being is within your silent heart. Listen each day if you can to that silence. Within that silence a silent voice speaks love to you. This is truth. All your fears shall fetch up against this rock and flow away. 1994/0918.txt:63:Thus, as you are able to become a witness to your current experience, you are able to observe it more for the movement of energy and the patterns created, than be moved by it and become unaware of the direction of movement. It is helpful to be able to see these energies in motion, yet it is not that which one strives to achieve. It is that which one becomes, as a natural part of the process of learning to accept one’s destiny, shall we say, or to work with one’s catalyst in a clear and open-hearted fashion. 1995/0219.txt:10:Therefore, sitting down and taking the pen and writing upon paper those things known about the self, and those things logically assumed and attempting to infer identity in some mental way—this process is not useful, for the self is not built with the logic of the mind. That self which is the deepest self is a distortion of love and the heart as it opens simply becomes more and more able to resonate to the pure emotions which are that unique distortion of love which is each entity. Thusly, one better feels and intuits one’s way towards a deeper understanding of the identity of the self than work with the logic and the mind can ever produce. 1995/0319.txt:16:Again, it is not what the seeker knows but what the seeker desires that creates the character of the distortions that the seeker is likely to settle upon as that which is the least distorted version of truth. Once it has been accepted that all truths are to some extent distortions of a truth that is ineffable and unknowable then there is perhaps an easier and more relaxed attitude towards this process of knowing the truth. If all things are shadows, if all things are to some extent not what they seem, then the heart is free to open in pure desire to whatever truth it may pick up with its various antennae which it does not know it has but which the being which lies within knows well how to use. 1995/0409.txt:22:Working with this energy center shall last the lifetime, but we encourage each to work intensively in this level of energy until a balance is perceived by the self. Then, the process is to work upon the self’s mental relationships with itself and then relationships with others, and then relationships with groups. And only when this work of balancing has been touched upon should a student move into working on opening the heart, into communicating, into work in consciousness, for the energy has a natural vector from the lower to the higher and the student needs a strong foundation. 1995/0421.txt:7:And as one says goodbye to times in one’s life, to things which one has loved, to relationships that have changed beyond recognition, we encourage each to find strength and courage to praise and give thanks for each and every experience that has created within perhaps much pain and suffering. In the process of transformation there is almost always a great deal of sorrow and feelings of loss, for when change is going to occur naturally it simply takes one as destiny will and almost never is it a completely smooth road from that one way which was to that other way which has yet to be worked out. And yet we encourage you to have the faith to praise that which is past and to open the heart to that which is, was and shall be. 1995/1022.txt:21:As you have your daily periods of meditation and contemplation, spend a moment reaching out to embrace all of the self’s catalyst, all that the world has to offer, both war and peace, both heat and cold in so many ways. Be or practice to be unafraid of trouble. Find ways to be serene while you are not understanding, for this lack of understanding will continue and is irrelevant to the process of spiritual evolution. When the heart is opening a tremendous strength fills the spirit. Whenever this is not felt and you become aware that the heart is closed we ask that you touch in to your own faith, to the guidance that surrounds you, to the love that overshadows you, the mystery that made you and claims you for its own, and rise refreshed and peaceful. 1995/1118_02.txt:106:Remember, it is a process. You are touching the possibility of forgiveness as you open your heart to the immensity of your pain and the infinite nature of your love: 1996/0512.txt:21:Therefore, wanderers, just like those native to this third density, need to see the chief importance of making, and remaking, and remaking this choice. It is not made once for all. It is made again and again and again. Temptation to shut down that open heart, to go away from the light, comes every day you dwell within your illusion, so that you can go through this process of refinement which has many temptations and tests. 1996/1103.txt:13:The deeper that you are able to take this process of becoming naked the more intimacy you shall be able to endure, the more of love that you shall be able to channel through yourself. The controlling, fearful seeker wishes to give love and receive love. The entity whose pride is dust simply is and in that bare being lies infinite unbounded love. So when the striving is over and the heart has room and time to open, there is love itself and in that love there is all the awareness and understanding that is needed. So, indeed, the next time the seeker feels itself reaching and grasping or pushing away and defending we ask that seeker to remember that nothing is as it seems but all things are full of love, even those which seem the darkest. There are many distortions, but beneath and above and around and penetrating all distortion is perfect love and there is within that holy of holies, within that open heart that each of you has in potentiation, that perfect instinct for love. 1996/1123.txt:127:Within this rising intention to allow whatever comes into your experience and offer to God—not to hold on to any of it—lies the ultimate path to service, because with that offering “somebody” disappears and “nobody” remains. In more precise terms, that which is contracted can stay contracted or can open itself. This process means not making anything special happen, just allowing an open heart which watches it all moving through and continually offers whatever moves through with a trust that the divine will make good use of it. 1998/0315.txt:15:In many ways you also may take upon yourself the sorrow of the world, and this is a spiritual practice that many have pursued. We ask you to gaze with a cold eye upon the suffering involved in transformation, for this attitude is a balanced one in our humble opinion. It is to the person who is able to gaze upon the Dark Night of the Soul, which this instrument spoke of, with an indifferent eye but a full and willing heart, that this process may begin to come easier. By releasing and yielding to your suffering, by welcoming that which must be suffered as a brother and as a sister, by offering the hospitality of your life, your body, your mind, your strength, and your will to this process, the heart is opened as if by magic, and you find that no matter how intensely you hurt, it does not kill but, rather, cleanses, empties, renews and readies that instrument to be an ever clearer, purer and brighter channel for the light that must come through into the world or the love that must come through into the world, not from you but through you. 1999/0321.txt:15:We hope that we have been able to describe some of the processes that go into arriving at the inmost heart and becoming aware that within it lies the Creator and that you may go in and tabernacle with that Creator and allow that Creator to be actively indwelling so that when you come out of that inner room of prayer, meditation and silence you will feel the energy of spirit moving through you, and you will know that, thankfully, you are no longer depending upon a pitifully small amount of human love which comes from you, but you have been able to open up the instrument of self that infinite love and light may flow through you and out into a hungry, thirsty world. It is our feeling that this being in the self is the highest mission of all people, that living a devotional [life] in the midst of all the everyday confusion is each spiritual entity’s first vocation. And I think we may say that once one attempts, on a regular basis, to live the life from this point of view, the rhythms shall grow more obvious, the music more clear, and the love more flowing as though each petal of each flower, each bird that sings, each iota of the Creator’s universe are harmonizing with you, aware of you, and in love with you as you with all of them. 1999/0926.txt:8:Fasting, praying, talking to those who wished to talk about the spiritual journey, this entity eventually gathered about himself students, and gradually the entity began to have abilities that were remarkable. And, yet, the healings and the manifestations which the one known as Jesus eventually became able to offer to those about him were not a product of any [part] of the outer or consensus world, but, rather, were the fruit of a long and arduous process of self-discovery and purification of self which this very gifted individual felt called to pursue. When this entity then was able to open a channel within which miracles could take place, the entity was able to do this not through anything that he did but through that which he was. This was an entity who had worked long and hard to open up the deeper levels of his own mind, consciousness and heart. 1999/1017.txt:40:We would recommend, as we would in many such instances, that the loving acceptance of the process is the first foundation stone to lay in the attempt to serve another entity. For if one is able to see that the difficulties shared in such a relationship are also offering opportunities for the opening of the heart, each to the other, then the proper valuing of the experience may be appreciated. When one sees that such a relationship is sacred in its nature and fertile in the possibility of producing the open heart, then it is possible to see the interrelationship of the entities as that which will eventually produce the desired opening of the heart. As one supports each in the process one may retire periodically to the meditative state to look more deeply at that which occurs in the daily round of activities, for those experiences which, shall we say, push the various buttons, each of the other, and result in the heated words, the hurt feelings, and the overall confusion as regards the entire situation, one may begin to see a pattern in the relationship where there is the possibility of progress as each is able to accept what previously seemed unacceptable, each is able to love what previously [was] seen as unloveable. The process of being able to see and accept more and more of the other self as whole and perfect allows the self to do the same with the self. For in each instance it is a process of learning that occurs within each individual entity and then is offered in love and service to the other. 1999/1121.txt:13:There is the choice of attempting to express the feelings of the self to the other self. This choice is somewhat more skillful, taking into account as it does that the other entity in the equation of dynamics is also an infinite and eternal being which may wish to work carefully and thoughtfully upon its own inner processes. In such open communication there is much hope, and the faith that it takes to expose the poverty of the self to another is that effort put forth that does increase the polarity of the self. For there is that open-hearted communication in faith. 1999/1121.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. A large portion of our experience is that which reaches into realms which are not available to those of third density and which would not make much sense, shall we say, to those of your experience. What we attempt to do in relation to your planetary sphere is to monitor the progress of your peoples in discovering the concept of infinity, for it is this concept of infinite which is the key to unlocking the doors of unknowing, shall we say. The experience of the intellectual mind which is so much prevalent among the populations of your planet is an experience which is largely reserved for those of third density. For it is that which allows you to gain the greatest amount of individuality possible and to begin the process of opening the heart. For as each entity begun its experience in the first density of simple awareness, and having moved through this timeless experience into the second density of gaining the seeking and movement towards the light, this process of individuation, of moving seemingly away from the complete unity with all things, then gains its zenith within third density where the great intellectual ability is sacrificed, shall we say, by those who would open their hearts to the one Creator and Its creation. Thus, as we have been called by many such as yourselves, then we look to those who call and present ourselves in whatever form or fashion is most helpful to them, whether it be in a small number of cases such as the calling of this group to hear our words and opinions or to those who need an inspirational dream, shall we say, and, thus, a visitation within the sleep and dreaming portion of your experience, or whether it might be more helpful to provide a coincidental meeting of entities within the third-density illusion, that they might share with each other that they might share the seeking that grows within both hearts. Thus, we aim most of our efforts toward this planet and its harvest, which is ongoing at this time. 1999/1205.txt:39:I am Q’uo, and we believe that we grasp your query. Please query further if we are incorrect. There are various points of harmony, shall we say, betwixt the energy centers of individuals such as yourself and the planetary entity that is the sphere upon which you now dwell. As the planetary entity moves through its process of evolution it, as do each of those entities such as yourself which live upon it, opens various doors, certain tones or themes are made available so that those entities such as yourself which are in the planet’s care are able to take advantage of these doors, these tones, these reaches of possibility that allow each entity upon the planet to harmonize its own seeking with the planetary evolution. Thus, the interrelationship of this planetary entity and those upon it is that which can be utilized to enhance one’s process of becoming aware of the nature of the self, of the creation, and the opening of the heart of the self through the acceptance of all that is. 1999/1205.txt:43:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And to this query we would respond by suggesting that it is well to take a portion of each and to reserve it for the meditation so that the events of the day may be reviewed in a brief manner in which time there is the feeling again of those efforts to communicate, to open the heart, to understand, to be more aware of the effect one’s being has upon those about one. In short, this is an exercise in the increasing sensitivity of an entity to its own evolutionary process. The time spent in meditation reviewing the events that have left their mark upon the mind and upon the heart is a time during which that which has been learned can be seated more firmly within the self and that which awaits the learning can begin to be revealed to the conscious mind. 2000/0102.txt:11:This instrument has often said it is not what happens to one, it is one’s response to what happens to one which is the natural arena within which entities may wield their power and offer their truths. It is the attitude with which one meets the moment that sets and prepares the self to receive that moment’s burden of joy or sorrow. If the attitude is gratitude, if the moment is met in thanksgiving, whatever comes at that moment is bid welcome, is embraced, and this is a very positive and excellent metaphysical stance with which to greet that which is occurring in the moment. This business of attitude is extremely central to the metaphysical learning experience and much wisdom is expressed by the entity who is working with the attitude with which she greets the moment. This is not a process much open to reason. Oftentimes, in any reasonable sense, there is little to give thanks for in a given moment, and there are what seem to be weighty reasons to meet the moment with fear and trembling. And yet in these moments, as in all moments, great skill lies in keeping the heart completely open and allowing love to flow through the self with that attitude of thankfulness and praise that looks for the very best that could be within the present moment. 2000/0305.txt:16:Once this process of forgiveness has been carried through to what you may feel satisfied with as an outcome, then it is time to begin to look to your systems of energies to see if they are, indeed, in balance. For the preparation for meeting the moment with an open heart does involve coming to a position within your energies wherein you feel relatively unblocked and able to allow the infinite energy of the one Creator to easily move through the system of energy centers traveling upwards into and then through all of the energy centers and then back out into the creation. 2000/0507.txt:11:If the way of wisdom contains a linear structure so that one can follow one’s processes and talk logically about them, it also holds the energy within the higher chakras or energy centers. Working with wisdom is not working with heart or with the lower energies but, rather, largely, the indigo-ray, and to some extent, the blue-ray energy centers. While it is good to do work in consciousness in this manner it is also somewhat imbalanced because there is no encouragement of the flow of energy through the system but, rather, the holding of energy in the higher chakras. Conversely, when one is working in the way of the open heart one is constantly faced with the entire spectrum of self, from the lowest and most primitive emotion, the desire for survival, the desire for sexual reproduction, the desire for food and safety, upwards throughout the system, touching all of the energy centers, rising as high as indigo ray, but again and again springboarding from the heart. So that instead of the seeker moving into and maintaining as a steady state reliance on the higher chakras, the seeker in the way of love has released the preference for work in the higher energy centers and has accepted the self as a full energy system and reconfigured the goal from staying in the higher energies to accelerating the flow of energy throughout the entire system. Instead of a safe but somewhat turgid and slow moving path of energy refinement the brother and sister of the open heart are attempting to take the whole self as it is and through blind faith alone and the processes of self-acceptance and self-forgiveness blessing, forgiving, redeeming, transforming and offering each and every emotion and sensation to the one infinite Creator. 2000/0910.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We appreciate the opening of the heart energy center upon your part in the consideration of that which would be helpful to the young entity of whom you speak. We are not those who give what you would call life readings or assessments of entities in order that one remedy or another be applied for any malady that may be found, for there are those who have this skill and use it well. We, on the other hand, are more philosophically oriented among those who seek to serve Earth at this time. And, thus, it would be our suggestion that any assistance given to this entity be that which is a natural outgrowth of the interaction between the group that is your family and the group that is this entity’s family so that there be the normal progression of conversation which expresses the concern for the welfare of the young entity and the desire to be of service. When this seed is thusly planted and interest is noticed, then one may continue to water the seed with the attention that you may offer through one avenue or another. The choice of avenues is that which we would recommend by utilizing the intuition, the feeling within your deeper self that there is a path that can be taken and action that can be offered and, moreover, a concern, a love that can be shown by the entire process of interaction. Thus, the attention given to this situation may be nourished in love, contemplated with the mind, and directed with the intuition. 2000/1105.txt:6:However, there are quanta, or heartbeats, in which the Creator’s knowledge of Itself is rendered open to alteration by the self-aware entities which are principles of the Creator, choosing by their free will to gather information and to process it in such and such a manner. And this the Creator can never know ahead of time and does not wish to know ahead of time. It is an important principle to the Creator: that Its portions that have been offered this background of densities and illusions have complete free will in looking at the creation around It, and responding to it, and in making those responses into a process of change, metamorphosis, and transformation of a certain kind. For each choice that each self-aware entity makes creates new possibilities, new patterns, and new potential choices that may add to the Creator’s experience of Itself. 2000/1105.txt:13:So there is this level of semi-permeable setting of an incarnation where these are the constants of the incarnation. These are the things that you cannot get rid of, that you do not want to get rid of, that you will begin to appreciate as the spirit within you matures throughout the incarnation. At first these incarnational lessons seem to be insurmountable and impossible. And as they repeat and repeat and the learning curve gets a little shorter each time, the spiritually awakened person begins to see, not that she can succeed in conquering this catalyst, but that she can see the pattern of it and appreciate the sense of the plan. Once the level of comprehension has been achieved where the plan is seen to be benign then much of the heart is freed to open to the hope of the efficacy of the third level of change. And this is the exciting and fully alive portion of the structures of change which feed into the process of your self-aware progress through this lifetime, this, your third density, and all of the densities which are to come. 2000/1105.txt:31:No portion of the creation is lost, no matter what the change in consciousness or level of apprehension of consciousness is achieved. As you move about in your daily round of activities many millions are the miniscule life forms that give themselves and no longer exist in that form as your place your foot upon the ground, as your automobiles move in their realm of influence, as you breath the air and breath in many other minute forms of life that have but a tiny amount of what you call time in which to experience that which is theirs to experience. And yet the galaxies and the suns and the stars move in their realms as well, changing and transforming into that which is greater, that which is lesser, seen from a lesser point of view, and yet all is still the one Creator knowing Itself. For those who have opened their hearts in compassion to that creation which is theirs to experience within this third-density illusion it is difficult to see various forms of suffering and misery within your life experience. For the heart that is open to all feels the pain of privation, of disease, of isolation, of being unable to comprehend, of feeling the end of one experience as yet another begins. This is well, my friends, for it is, of necessity, a portion of the creation’s evolutionary process that this heart opening and the feeling of the agony as well as the ecstasy of the creation about one is such. Yet we assure each that nothing, no portion of the Creator, no form of life or consciousness, is ever lost but is only transformed to yet another avenue or perspective for the Creator to know Itself. 2001/0106.txt:8:At the dawning of this density of love it is a dark-seeming hour. This instrument has the phrase, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” And we would say that this is indeed the case as regards this particular planetary sphere and its inner planes as well. For there has been a great deal of building up of unbalanced karma, as this instrument would call it, in the interactions betwixt selves in individual lives, in betwixt groups of selves in societal lives, and in betwixt the selves that live upon this sphere, and this sphere itself. And all of these imbalances cry out with the voice of sorrow. There is a tremendous amount of suffering that rises from your planet. At the same time there is a tremendous amount of lightening of this darkness that has begun to occur because more and more entities are awakening to their spiritual identity. And it is for this awakening that you took the tremendous risk of incarnation. Certainly you hoped to enter that process of catalyst and experience that involve so much suffering, for you hoped to learn better and better how best to make the choice of this density for yourself. And it is this choice of polarity, this choice of how to serve and how to be, that riveted your attention before incarnation. For before incarnation, between incarnations, each of you saw the big picture, spiritually. You saw the plan. You saw the opportunities, and you saw, looking deeply within yourself at what you have learned and what you have chosen so far in this density, how to make an even more polarized choice for love. It is this context of how to love, how to open the heart, and how to be upon this Earth in order to increase the light that has riveted your attention and continues to offer you the challenge of the moment, and it offers us this same challenge. However, we are not upon your sphere. We are not in third-density bodies. We do not have the right to bring light into planet Earth. Only those who have paid the price of flesh, who have come into the darkness of the illusion of Earth, have the right to open their hearts and ask to become crystals for transducing light. 2001/0211.txt:11:In the disciplines or myths of the Orient, such as Shintoism, the energy which is most involved in the system is the yellow ray or solar plexus chakra. This is the chakra of the illusion. It is the chakra of relationships like marriage and family that have to do with the groups with which one associates one’s self as a human being, as opposed to the individuals with which one associates oneself in a relationship. The great advantage of the religions that move from the yellow-ray energy is that there is no translation needed between the holy and the everyday. Each entity within a family, a clan, a village or a nation is specifically and frequently honored as a part of a valuable whole. Thus the family is seen as sacred. Age, itself, is seen as a sacred and holy thing. Events within the life take on the glow of the revealed Creator in bodily form. While it is not a system of seeking that specifically opens the heart, what it does in terms of the human experience is render it into a kind of liquid in which the elements of everyday life are specifically seen to be holy. And thus the life experience of everybody can be taken by one who has worked in this discipline as having a resonance of rightness that is profound, and there is a peace that this produces that is similar to that feeling of groups of entities at one of your games where instead of two sides there is only one side, and all portions of the game are winning. In this kind of experience there is a solidifying and strengthening of the bonds of simple humanity in the valuing of family, in the valuing of the wisdom of age, in the valuing of the death process as a part of life. There is a tremendous peace. 2001/0211.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. If this purpose were not already known to some degree by each of you we would not be able to speak, for we do not wish to infringe on the free will of any who seeks the path of his or her own evolution. However, since each of you is, shall we say, strongly suspicious of the path shared by each, we may say that that which you share together is a mutual awakening process that allows each of you to open your heart to the other and to develop that quality that you may call compassion, unconditional love, mercy, understanding, forgiveness, surrender and acceptance. These are the qualities of the green-ray energy center, of the heart and are indeed the salvation of this illusion. For each entity comes here to work in some degree upon the heart. This is the energy center through which connection with all the creation is possible, and as each of you moves through your daily round of activities, making those small adjustments each to the other in compassion and understanding, you continue this process that has been ongoing through the entire length of your relationship and which shall be the strength and foundation as your relationship continues into what you call your future. There is much of understanding which each of you has developed for the other and for all other selves because of your relationship to each other. 2001/0318.txt:15:Another aspect of being a wanderer, which is common to those from elsewhere and to those who are native to the Earth sphere, is the enormous yearning to serve. And we say to each that the main service of each of you is the service of being yourself. For when you are most truly and deeply yourself, when your heart is open and vibrating in its fullness, you become a crystal capable of receiving energy, transmuting energy and releasing energy into the Earth’s sphere. Many of you from other planets have come here specifically to do this. It is a simple process. You breathe in. You breathe out. You allow the truth to flow through you. You allow the infinite supply of energy that is the love of the Creator to flow through your energetic system and out into the Earth planes, and as you bless this process, encourage it, you intensify and enhance those vibrations that move into the Earth plane. Each of you, by being the way you are, is at this time a servant of the light, and you need do nothing more than live and love to fulfill your mission upon Earth. Naturally, each of you gave yourself gifts to share, lessons to learn and outer services to perform. And we encourage each to move along those lines of talent and gifts as you perceive them, looking for ways to share those gifts. But realize that, more than those outer doings, the inner essence is the true and central gift of the life, which you have come to offer. It is a beautiful gift. It is a gift that will take you all your life to give, and our encouragement to you is to give this gift and do this service regardless of what else you seem to be doing in your life. 2001/0318.txt:16:You can work on opening your heart within the process of the workaday world, within the process of any present moment, under the storm of any challenge. It is impossible for any thing or any one to keep you from pursuing this service of being, and we want you to know that you have many helpers to aid you in this service. For each of you has guidance, personal guidance, deeply impersonal sources of guidance, inner planes teachers that shall come to you if you have a desire for that which they have to share. Many are the unseen spiritual aids that are available to the persistent and asking seeker. The key here is simply to ask and to keep asking with all of your heart. For it is true, as this instrument’s holy work says, “Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you.” Your desire shapes a tremendous amount of that which you shall receive spiritually. So trust that self that desires. Do not scorn it, but rather seek to know yourself more and more, and to define and refine to yourself that which you truly do desire, that which you truly do seek. For that which you seek, you shall surely find. 2001/1007.txt:10:As the one known as T noted, even a tiny bit of doing this, of allowing the heart to become open and golden and flowing, creates a joy and a blessing that is often startling. It is not that you are going in search of joy. It is not that you are attempting to create bliss. It is simply that you are attempting to line up the energy body, balance it, open it and ask it to work. Ask, shall we say, the Holy Spirit, the one infinite Creator, your guidance, however you frame your processes of communication with the divine, to make you an instrument of His peace. Each of you is a crystal instrument and truly it is not necessary to know precisely how you are creating the melody of love, how you are shaping that instrument which is your crystal being so that it is able to transmute, intensify and anchor into the planetary vibration the infinite light and love of the one Creator. It is only necessary that you surrender to that intention. The remaining details are useful, but they are more useful for the linear mind than they are in terms of the metaphysical. 2001/1209.txt:9:So any time there is between two entities an energy exchange that is genuinely and authentically mutually loving, without reservation or purpose of control or manipulation, any time that there is the achieving of a state of trust that is pure between two entities, any time there is that insight and awareness of the oneness of the self and another, within that moment, within that communion, however long it lasts, you are walking the bright and golden path of social memory formation, weaving connections and experiences that redound to the personal process of evolution and also to the planetary process of birth into fourth density. Third-density entities finding themselves to be running fourth-density energy greatly aid in the formation of the fourth-density social memory complex simply by opening the heart to the extent that those moments are possible. 2002/0505.txt:6:The techniques of hard work and dedication have a certain justice and a right place within the efforts to find and to retain that state of consciousness which sees all beings as one. There is a certain degree of simple persistence which equals very hard work for most entities in keeping a practice that is daily. This instrument has oft spoken of a rule of life, for she has found it helpful in her own process of coming into her bliss and certainly we would recommend this simple, hard work and the perhaps rigid ethic of a daily practice that places before the eye in every day that lit candle at the altar within where time is spent in silence and in opening the heart to the tabernacling with the one infinite Creator that always awaits within the tabernacle. This tabernacle is your own heart and it is a blessing indeed that so many entities upon your planetary sphere have at this time that practice of daily seeking through silence. More and more entities among your peoples are awakening and are feeling that need to move within to a place of worship, of ideals, of adoration, of dreaming that within your Western culture has become increasingly unavailable from the standpoint of those religious institutions that attempt to offer the feelings of the spiritual community. 2002/0516.txt:19:We would suggest that the silence and the intent are those two things which shall be most helpful as practice that creates habit that creates a predisposition to an increase in the level of awakening. There are many ways to be silent, meditation being one, contemplation being one. Any form of silence within is to be welcomed and to be applauded, for that is an atmosphere which opens the self to the self; that is that attitude which allows the intent within to come clear, to speak lucidly within the self so that the self ceases asking and begins to know. The asking comes first and then repetition and persistence carry one forward. It is not known when such a process will ripen and come into the conscious mind as a pattern that is seen and [understood]. But we ask that there be the continuing attempt to trust this process and to trust the self and its discriminatory powers. It may seem that much is not understood, and yet we have often said through this instrument that understanding is not something that any within third density may expect to achieve. Rather, what one may achieve [in] third density is an increasing purity of choice, and, once that choice is made to the full satisfaction of the self, that choice of radiance, of service to others, of unconditional love. Once the path of the open heart has been taken, then we would suggest trusting and embracing the light that you feel and moving as a dancer even when you stumble and fall. Let there be the light touch as well as light, and let the self be merry and have its laughter and its happy times. 2002/0519.txt:10:At this time among your people and, as the one known as D says, for some time before this, the energy upon your planet has been transformed as the Earth mother of your planet itself moves inexorably to and through the process of giving birth to fourth density. The change within your planetary energy grid is remarkable. Indeed, there is a new grid which this particular instrument tends to call the Christ grid but which may be seen in general to be a pattern of energy nexi which surround the planet like a net, we would say a net of love, a net that is made of fourth-density light. It is woven with golden strands offered by each of you and offered by many, many entities within the inner planes of your planet as well. There are many beings who have dedicated themselves at this time within the inner planes to the ceaseless task of offering thanks and praise as they move along these lines of energy and connect one point to another with strand after strand of coherent light which is that stream which is created when each of you prays, meditates, or opens the heart in any way. 2002/0614.txt:9:There is concern within the one known as G that there is a selfishness within that is causing too much the concern of the mind and the heart to rest within those knotty problems of self, and yet we would say that this is precisely that concern which needs to be upon the mind of the individual who is young in years, and, indeed, in a cyclical manner, this process of discovering the heart of self recurs regularly throughout the incarnation. There is no sense ever of being finished. That is a vain and shallow hope, that has nothing to do with the soul within. There is not a curriculum which one may learn and then be finished. Rather, there is an opportunity, for as long as the incarnation lasts, to place oneself in what this instrument would call the refining fire, to allow the soul to be distilled again and again in the distillery of incarnation so that each time the cycle moves a round of catalyst, experience and learning, the soul is more known to itself, more available to the conscious mind, more open and unafraid, more vulnerable to joy and sorrow, and more comfortable in the midst of suffering as well as in the midst of happy times. 2002/0621.txt:6:Continuing to gaze at this question, we would also note that there have been time periods in your recent past, that is in the ’70s and in the ’80s and in the ’90s, when there was a concerted effort on the part of many groups to raise the consciousness of planet Earth. In all cases, what has occurred is that, as more and more entities awaken and join the ranks of those who do consciously work in spirit, in prayer, in meditation, even in worry for the well-being of the planetary entities and the well-being of the planet at this time, the tendency of the Earth itself to express in a manifested and physical [manner] these metaphysical processes has been alleviated and ameliorated so that, while there have been a continuing stream of smaller and non-global difficulties upon your Earth, with tornados and fires, with floods, hurricanes and tsunamis, with earthquakes and terrible fire, none of these occurrences has triggered the predicted worldwide catastrophes. The one known as A has pointed out to this instrument that the one known as Edgar Cayce predicted in 1998 that there would be a global shift, and we may say, since this period has come and gone, that it was entirely due to the awakening and the linking up of positive consciousness upon this planet that this prediction did not, in fact, manifest at that time. What the positive energy upon your planet, as it grows, has done is progressively put off that time period in which third density’s shadows shall cease to be present upon your Earth world. In other words, as entities have awakened and begun to offer their hearts, their minds, and their strengths in the service of the planet Earth and its peoples, this mass of positive consciousness has bought time: time to increase the harvest, time to make the most of these latter days of third density upon your planet. Indeed, we may say that at this point you are dwelling within fourth density. That which separates each of you within your third-density bodies from fourth density is nothing more than a state of mind, and this state of mind is far more vulnerable to or transparent to the biddings and the whisperings of fourth-density positive consciousness than ever before because of the fact that your Earth mother is in the process of birthing this fourth density now. And, as we have said before through this instrument, within the next ten of your years, this process shall be complete. We are not suggesting that at that time, either, there will be global catastrophe. Indeed, this future is completely fluid; we would say more fluid than it was ten years ago, and more fluid by far than it was twenty years ago. Your people are awakening one by one, not from a level of authority down, as in the old days of your, shall we say, state religions but in a far more modern and democratic manner, shall we say, in that it is a grassroots movement of soul to soul, of memory to memory, of the open heart being so attractive and calling so strongly to entities that are hungering for that energy that they are pulled into and called into an awakening. 2002/0809.txt:3:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in whose name we serve with joy. We are most happy and grateful that we have been called to your circle of seeking this day. We thank you for allowing us to share our thoughts with you and to be of service in the one way in which we intended when we came to this sphere. We would ask that our words be heard with an open and listening mind and heart but that all of those ideas which do not resonate with the hearer or the reader be left behind. For we would not be a stumbling block before any but only those which are able to add to the resources which each seeker has in the awakening process. 2002/1127.txt:21:Indeed, in one of the other stories about the harvest, this entity suggested that laborers went into a vineyard to harvest grapes and worked most of the day, and there were those who came very late in the day to working upon the grapes, yet, at the end of the working day, all were given the same coin. This is true of the harvest as well. It does not matter when in the 75,000 years of learning the awakening and realization of the true nature of the self occurs, it matters only that it occur. The one known as Jesus the Christ was the first of the messengers of that which is to come and that which is already here in part: that being the age of unconditional love that is fourth density, that is the very nature of the lesson of third density. Graduation occurs when the heart is able to remain open, in more than half of the circumstances of life, to the welfare, happiness, comfort, safety and service of others. The heart needs to be awakened and inflamed with the desire to know the truth that lies within the open heart. By keeping the heart open, the learning process is greatly enabled for the seeker, and, by attempting to serve others, the eyes of love begin to be given reason to open. 2002/1127.txt:53:Entities may at any time choose to become radiators of unconditional love to the grid simply by intending to do so and moving into a state of meditation. The process of sending this light forth is one of intending to. There are visualizations which aid in this sending of light for some, such as the visualization of violet light being sent or the visualization of the planet with light streaming into the grid and the grid lighting up. We would note that your scientists have discovered this grid, among others, and therefore there is a panoply of sources which entities may find which offer information of a linear kind concerning specific portals and grid points which this entity has no language for discussing. However, it is not necessary to know the grid’s makeup in order to aid by the very being of the self within the open heart. 2002/1219_02.txt:7:The process of channeling, creatorship, authorship or composer-ship is that of the tempering fire of circumstance, the quality, purity, intensity, crystallization and balance of the desires of the deep heart for the truth of the self and the truth of one’s service, and the quality of what this instrument would call alertness or awakeness. These are the tools which open the channels of creativity. There is a balance between intuition and guidance and the more artisan-like craft of learning, discovery analysis and synthesis which must needs find an inner bridge in order that the heart and the mind work together as a portion of an extended spiritual family, shall we say. We are that portion of your guidance that we naturally occupy by virtue of the shared soul stream. However, as we have often mentioned, our guidance comes more in the form of a kind of carrier wave that deepens and intensifies or sharpens in delineation the details of the personality shell’s own processes of dreaming, envisioning and seeking. 2003/0209.txt:51:And of course, as you do this there are many tears that will be shed. But as you get deeper and deeper into your core, you come into a grander understanding of the positive aspect, which is that by simply allowing yourself to be present with others, to be present in that moment of opening the heart to the Christ self, of opening the heart to universal freedom, to universal bliss, that you have become undifferentiated. And in that moment, if even for just a slight touch of a thought, you can grandly experience the true ineffable nature of your being, where faith becomes a living process, a living consciousness. [It is] a consciousness that transcends all boundaries, all distinctions, that exists in the ever-present now and that is yours in that moment when you have that breathtaking joy and bliss, the true knowledge that you have never been left behind, that you have never been abandoned. 2003/0209.txt:62:The essence of faith is a realization that all is well, and that that which is needed is in hand. All that you need is coming to you. All that you do not need is falling away. The processes of a loving and nurturing Creator insure that all is well, and that all will be well. Not as the world in which each of you experiences the illusion of life might define wellness, and yet this core attitude, this point of view that states unequivocally and without proof that all is well, is as that seed that grows every time the sun shines, that sun which is the open heart. 2003/0219.txt:14:A key indeed is to see each entity within a relationship as a flower of an unique beauty which is better beheld than trimmed or plucked. Again, within that which is called the yellow ray or yellow-ray chakra by this instrument, the culture within which you now dwell is likely to bring to the conscious attention of each the over-stimulations and desires for avoidance which are part of the relations of the self such as the family group of birth, the family group created by the marriage of self and other self, the group created by the working for the living and so forth. Again, these interactions are the stuff of gossip as well as the material for learning within the curricula of the school of Earth in third density. However, within these group systems, may we say that nothing is as it seems, in terms of the value of group structures within the learning processes of the self. We can only say that the value of this system of learning which is bound up in the concept of family, clan and other group concepts cannot be overestimated. It is in this direction that progressive concepts may open new ways of seeing that indeed strengthen and further open the yellow-ray chakra in such a way as to improve the orientation towards the green-ray energy center and that tremendous shift of energy which may come as the heart opens. 2003/0321.txt:12:The strategy that we would recommend for working upon this primary contractual obligation or what the Ra group called “honor/duty” is that heart-opening discipline, for which the one known as J has so richly prepared himself by many resources and many experiences that hone and refine the strategies and processes that this entity may bring to bear upon that seed that is within that blooms in the spring of awakened consciousness. The seed has fallen in good ground and there is every hope of a good spring and we just encourage the one known as J to bend to the Earth of its planting, to tend the buds that come, with great love, with great awareness of the sacred honor in drawing breath at this time, in this place. We encourage the openhearted attempt in each day to gaze at the household of the self with first interest upon the lowest of the floors, that level of survival and sexuality that perhaps the cave and the more primitive parts of a house would suggest, the first floor, a ground floor of personal relationships and the family and group relationships that are intimate in the personal life. These small concerns, these incidental chores and experiences of day-to-day life contain most of the grist for the mill of the metaphysical learning which you indeed did come to do. 2003/0503.txt:6:This instrument had been discussing the broad range of clients with a fellow counselor. And the other counselor suggested to this instrument that the vast majority of his counselees were experiencing the feelings of guilt and unworthiness that come from not setting down the catalyst and experience of the past, not attending to the releasing of old energy and thus being stuck between the past and the guilt thereof, and the future and the fear thereof. This conversation was not without its rhythm in this own instrument’s process, for it deals with continuing triggers which open into unworthiness, which effectively deflate the blooming of this instrument’s joy in the present moment. Consequently this comment went deeply into this instrument’s heart and we share the gratitude that this instrument has felt for this very common-sense observation. 2003/0504.txt:21:When service is occurring it will become clear to the self only gradually and only by hindsight. And the hallmark of that service will be the awareness that the heart remained open throughout the decision-making processes of everyday life. There shall be many words in working out any tangled relationship; there will be many feelings and many balancings and rebalancings of the energy between the two. Yet when service is being successfully offered, there will be the continuing stubborn, quirky and absolute insistence upon continuing to see self and other-self as both worthy and loving and compassionate entities who are striving to solve that mystery which is implicit in humanhood: how to express the metaphysical nature of the self within the material world. The material world seems often inimical and unfriendly to the spirit. Yet indeed it is not, or need not be. For within that material world lie not just concrete and computer chips and men’s dreams of empire but also the call of the birds that the one known as S was mentioning earlier in your conversation as being such a blessing to him within his new abode, the feather of the eagle as the one known as F. was mentioning, and all of the blessings of earth and water and fire and air and the plants and the animals which make up your second density. All of the entities and energies are messengers, easily impressed and magnetized with news that is just for you, just for today, just for right now. We cannot tell you ahead of time what winged or furry beast, what street sign or road sign or chance-read word shall be a signpost for you but we can assure you that, as you look for them, they will crowd around hoping to be noticed. Information lies thick upon the ground, flies in the air about you and comes to you in every ray of light that the infinite Creator sends. The universe is alive, it is intelligent and it is working as one infinite being. You are a part of that. Not a mechanical part, but a living, breathing entity which breathes the air of eternity and whose concerns are beyond the trammels of the apparent passage of time. 2003/1005.txt:41:Many who attempt to do work in consciousness are working on that green ray, working to get the heart to open, without taking the tedious and often unrewarding time to enter into the self in an ever deeper way, making the connections that explain patterns that are long-standing and gradually finding ways to remove the triggers that are hidden within everyday experiences and processes. 2003/1019.txt:14:When you can, for the first time, move from an intellectual appreciation of the oneness in all to a feeling within your own heart that you are looking at the Creator as the Creator, there is a magical occurrence that reduces fear. That magical occurrence is love, a feeling of love that springs forth like a fire. In the glow of that fire there is a communication from essence to essence and the hearts of those that you are speaking to know that you love them. And there is that within their being that again opens and then, they love you back. And the supportive energy of that relationship, once begun by the open heart, is irresistible. Trust the energy that is yourself. We do not say, “Put aside all fear.” We would not do that to entities that might feel undefended and naked and vulnerable beyond their ability to enjoy creation and existence. We are aware that for some it is powerful even to take part of the armor away, to lighten it, to shorten it, to leave it off for small periods of time. Have the feeling when working with fear of “a little is a lot,” because it is so difficult to judge the self, and it is so seldom accurate when attempted that we would suggest, rather, focusing simply upon the process, upon giving it a good try and upon being extraordinarily good to yourself no matter what the perceived outcome. 2003/1019.txt:15:What you are attempting to do as you filter the experiences of your life through the processes of the disciplining of the personality is to become easier and easier with yourself, and easier on yourself, while at the same time, remaining honest concerning your process; that is to say, it is well to be ruthlessly honest with yourself and with the Creator, in your continuing conversation with the Creator, but it is not a good idea, no matter what your basic feelings of irritation may be at the self, to berate the self, or to lose respect for the self, or to act in such a way that there is the expression to the self of dissatisfaction, of feeling that the self is unworthy. These things are all too easy to promulgate within the inner life. They are those stumbling blocks that trip up your feet and keep you from moving forward. They have been put there by voices not your own, but in many cases you have accepted them, internalized them, and made them live far past their time of truth, if there ever was a time of truth for some of those deeply painful childhood insults. See the pain and the suffering that has been endured by you, that has caused fear to become a habit returned to again and again. See with eyes of love and compassion. This instrument carries a doll frequently when it is at home. It talks to the doll and it asks the doll to tell her its dreams. It is in this way that this particular entity seeks to undo damage done to her as a child by those who did not make her feel wanted, needed or listened to. There are ways to work on these difficulties that can be perceived as perhaps being the foundation for those fears that now trouble the seemingly grown and adult life. It is most helpful to open heart and mind together to the processes of seeing where these threads of fear take you. They are the breadcrumbs along the trail that will lead you to a deeper appreciation of self and a deeper ability to interpolate and amalgamate the self of all of those perhaps slightly separated parts of self that have moved away from other parts of self because of wounding, because of difficulty in holding the energy of self completely together. 2003/1102.txt:18:We are those of Q’uo, and we understand your query, my sister. The DNA of which you speak is affected by thought. Consequently, if, by the disciplining of the personality, an entity is able to begin to tune the heart to living in an open, loving, and vulnerable state, such as that state fourth-density entities [experience], the perceptions that come into the mind and that tell the body what is occurring are those perceptions which will automatically hook up that which is not hooked up within the DNA strands. The stimulus for the body is the mind; so in working with the mind to move from what this instrument would call mental thinking into heart oriented thinking, it is the movement from third-density to fourth-density thinking. As the heart is allowed to think and to be strong in moving into a major part of the process of perception, the body will follow, being a creature of the mind. 2003/1113.txt:18:It is as though you came into incarnation with a treasure trove inside you, within which lies infinite life, eternal life, complete truth and utter oneness with all things. It is not locked against thieves from the outside. Rather, it is locked against casual entry by yourself. Perhaps you have heard the old saying that there are always guardians at the gate of any temple. You have found an excellent guardian at the gates of the temple of your heart that guards against casual intrusion, shallow caring, incomplete dedication; that guards that which is you in a truer and less fettered state but which does not have form, from that within which partakes of form in your thought processes, that is the choice-making mind, being part of that which is attempting to gain entry into the sanctum sanctorum of your own heart, this treasure trove within in which the Creator awaits. Consequently, as you come into the silence, empty the self, open the self, and allow the self to become utterly humble, utterly quiet. Assume that pose of the one who waits. And listen, my brother, to that silence with all your attention. This is easier said than done and certainly this instrument would say that she is still very poor at practicing the gifts of meditation. Yet the attempt to do such in a purer way is that which gains the ground, that which makes the progress, for so much of the metaphysical process is based in intent rather than in any perceived achievement. 2004/0905.txt:23:And you are a part of that system, much more inextricably and organically than you realize. You are a crop that the Earth has produced, as much as the roses, the elms, the birds or the animals. Your process of spiritual evolution is a crop that you have at this time the chance to fertilize and encourage and, most of all, to allow. When you can open your heart and let go of the mental noise that is surrounding the details of your life, you are allowing the sunshine and the rain to come in and help your growth. When you can shut down, for a bit of time, the endless conversations that take place between the cast of thousands that live within that kingdom between your ears and just rest in the kingdom of the creation instead of that spiky, back-and-forth energy of what this instrument would call the monkey mind, there comes into being that wonderful kingdom that is the creation. And it is a land of harmony that is in infinite movement, swaying and dancing and singing its song. The more authentically you can sing your song, the more freely you can feel your energies dancing with the energies of all those about you and the Earth itself, the closer that you are to being that being that you came to be. You did not come here to find answers, you came here to participate in the dance, to be yourself, and as you dance and sing, to find ever more balanced ways to serve and to learn. 2004/1010.txt:4:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we come to you this day. May we say what a privilege it is to experience your group energy. Its beauty is almost startling and we thank each of you for your great desire to seek the truth and your open hearts that reach out to each other with support and encouragement. We are most happy to offer our thoughts to the one known as A and would ask only that both he and all of those who hear or read these words be very diligent in taking responsibility for those things that you hear and guarding your own thought processes. For every thing that we say this day may not be an opinion that is helpful to you and we would not wish to be a stumbling block before any. So we would ask you please to consider carefully those thoughts that we share this day, realizing that we are not authorities over you in any way but only fellow travelers on the path. If something that we offer resonates to you, by all means use it. But if it does not resonate, please leave it behind without a second thought. In this way we may guard our own polarity and our observances of the free will of those to whom we speak this day. Thank you for that diligence, my friends. 2005/0120.txt:14:First of all, note that this instrument intends a very simple and single-minded thing when she comes to the channeling process. She is placing herself in service to the one infinite Creator and she is defining carefully the way in which she will enter her workspace to do this service. She gathers about herself the artifacts of her faith. The artifacts which were about her during the contact with those of Ra lie within the room in which each of you is sitting at this time and these artifacts are familiar and dear to her, have been handled by her, and have meaning to her beyond the occasion of this particular session. The chalice, the incense, and the Bible open to the phrase, “In the beginning was the Word,” all have a deep heart connection for this instrument. And they constitute to her, in a metaphysical rather than a physical way, a symbolic but very real safety. She rests her spirit amongst the artifacts of her faith. It is a reassurance on a subconscious level, and, in the context of her work, there is an implicit acceptance of her values by those who sit in circle with her. All of these aspects of the artifacts around her, therefore, act as a safety net so that she is able to feel quite free to let go and respond with very pure focus to the process of the channeling. 2005/0224.txt:16:Nevertheless, call it a jog, if you will, in the path. In order to turn the corner into the open heart, there is this matter of the lions that guard the gate to the temple. There is the path to be envisioned, whether it is a set of steps, or any other figure that helps you personally to move through this process. There is a genuine turning to the One and it cannot be done lightly or casually. Further, it is as if you were announcing to the inner planes through which this time/space portal passes that you have become a magical being. You take on the greater identity, the “I” that is all that there is or, in this instrument’s way of saying it, the Christ Consciousness. You take on the energies of unconditional love and in this configuration you represent a point which spreads to enclose your self and, if you are working with another, the entity with whom you are doing energy work. This other entity also then dwells within the sacred space that you have created and in this environment, that entity has the opportunity to make choices. It is as though you were the point within a pyramid at which health can be preserved or things can be transformed, that point at which healing takes place, at which growth may take place if chosen. 2005/0224.txt:50:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query my sister. We offer to this instrument the suggestion that she share with you that she herself has found comfort in using a tuning fork that is tuned to the “F” above middle “C,” that she chose because it is, in some systems, the sound of the open heart. We would not wish to move any further than this into discussions of tonal work for the reason that we would be interfering with your own process. Nor do we feel that this is any more than a beginning for you, that perhaps if you launch yourself in some way in chanting or simply intoning that energy and, if you have such a tuning fork, balancing it actually on the heart chakra as you are doing the work, that perhaps it will lead you to your own discoveries and open your creative springs. 2005/0304.txt:24:Now picture with us, if you will, the image of this metaphysical body that is interpenetrating your physical body. There are two sources of the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. One is universal. It moves from the base chakra upwards. The other source is much more focused and pointed. It is the result of the work in consciousness that you have previously done and that exact point at which you are now entering, doing this work at this moment. And this is experienced as coming down through the crown chakra into the violet ray. It moves from the violet ray according to the ways of your energy body. It will not harm you, and if it cannot move further than the violet ray, it will remain there and it will not pull the energy upward. However, when you have achieved an entrance into the open heart and are seated, shall we say, that is, physically speaking, in the green ray, in that temple of the heart, then your hands are empty and you are seeking. Then that universal energy may be pulled upward to where the intelligent direction of your guidance system would cause it to go and your guidance system’s energy, coming down from above, will meet your universal energy at that point. This is work that cannot be thought out or done on purpose. Rather it is a matter of trusting your process and offering your prayer with empty hands, not saying “Lord, I need this; Lord, I need that,” but saying, “I come to you seeking the truth of myself. Show me that which you have to offer me this day. Help me to be a part of the creative or godhead system. Give me my daily bread. Give me that which I may work with and learn from just for today.” And then allow silence and faith to rest with you as you sit in the temple of your own heart. 2005/0306.txt:15:For most entities, the first thing that occurs when you move into the silence is that all of the things at which you have not wanted to look or which you have put aside because there was no time come up and are viewed by you. Do not resist these forays into seeming thoughts, for they are the material about which the very highest part of your subconscious being has been concerned. Welcome each of them as a guest without any attachment to how long that guest will stay. Sit with that guest. Listen and observe. This is something that has been stuck in your energy body. Let it get unstuck, but do not follow it. Allow it to express, allow it to rise, and allow it to fall again. This process may be all you can do for months if you are simply a beginner to silent meditation, and that is fully acceptable. That is progress of the greatest kind. Gradually you will become able to move deeper because you have begun clearing your energy body and those blockages and distortions that were most troubling you, that were most constricting the energy on its way to your open heart, will have been released, balanced, loved and accepted by you. 2005/0417.txt:21:Once you have faced yourself squarely in the mirror of the other, sitting together in the lap of the Creator, surrounded with arms of love, tickled by the beard of the Almighty, blessed upon the breast of the Mother, loved at last for all that you are, then at last you are free to begin what is sometimes a lengthy process but a joyful one. And that is the moving on from the open heart to the articulated heart. That is what this entity would describe as the energy of the blue ray or the throat chakra. Once you have begun the process of open communication with another, you find that miraculously that which used to divide you now begins to unite you. You find that the truth which seemed before to beat you down and to make you feel less now blesses and redeems and heals and clears the way for you to be. 2005/0501.txt:23:Sometimes the process is not so speedy. Sometimes that is not the bottom. Even though you find that engram, it is attached to other engrams. You have created a network, a spider web, if you will, of connected pain. And you have connected pains that you have had later on in life to an even deeper pain. So sometimes the search for the true bottom of that particular pain is a search that must go on for a while. Be patient with yourself if this is so. Keep digging, keep mining. Realize that, just as in underground lodes of minerals that create gems, your pain has been under tremendous pressure for a long time. The common coal, shall we say, that was the original pain has gradually become diamond-like. It is not sitting there with the original blood and sweat on it but rather it has been recreated within you as a gift, as a treasure. Within you, in the nodes of pain, lie beautiful colors that you have earned and are a part of you that you would not wish to do without. Perhaps they are dark colors, certainly. But as part of your palette of creation, they give to your expression an incredible amount of depth and richness as you lift them from their storage into the light of your open heart, appreciate and give thanks for these gifts and these treasures. 2005/0517.txt:33:My brother, in all truth, you came here to give yourself to the Creator, to the world in which you live, and to yourself. The giving of yourself to the one infinite Creator is easier and easier as you go through the maturation process, for you are irresistibly drawn to that Creator out of simple devotion and the need to be ever closer to the source and ending of your identity. To be a servant of the world in which you live becomes ever easier as you grow more and more aware of who you truly are and become aware at an ever deeper level of what that means. Once you begin to have some idea of the richness of who you are, once you come into that open heart of self and feel your kinship with and eventual identity with the one infinite Creator, that very realization draws to you with increasingly simplicity and accuracy and rapidity those situations in which you can be of help, those relationships within which you can be of service, and those moments when your open heart shines its truth and its light as a lighthouse shines its beacons over a stormy sea, helping others find their safe places and alerting them to the rocks and the reefs of error that are stumbling blocks before them. 2005/0518.txt:45:The under-activation of the blue-ray chakra is due to a lack of a feeling of self-worth which is because of the fact that you have not yet concluded the process of self-forgiveness and self-acceptance that you have begun in opening your heart. The over-activation is a matter of your very active and strong will, which is encouraging you onward to communicate ever more openly and to move ever more fully into those energies of full sharing, fully open communication, and that self which wishes to move on into work in consciousness, or into indigo-ray work. 2005/0518.txt:62:We would encourage you in the context of being still within third density to focus upon living from the open heart so that you are already living in unconditional love and are harvestable. You remember much as soon as you clear the process of death, but it is your state of being before the death process that determines whether you are free to move back into higher densities or whether you have been caught by the third-density energies of light and dark, good and evil, and so forth so that you must again take third-density existence. We do realize that you, like many wanderers, have no great affection for the environment of third density and so we would greatly encourage you to look to the wholeness and integrity of your heart energy and attempt more and more to live very genuinely and naturally in those sacred precincts of unconditional love which are so dear to you. 2005/0821.txt:62:We are known to you as Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. We examine this question for that which we may say to you, for there are many things that we cannot say to you. You are working to make choices as part of your process at this time and we would not infringe upon your free will at this time by making specific suggestions. We can say, without hesitation and with absolute sincerity, that you are doing a wonderful job. You are listening and seeking with all your heart. You who seek shall find. To those who knock, the door shall be opened. Do not doubt your process or your intuitions. We have perfect confidence in you. We believe in you and love you for that which you are hoping with all your heart to do, to serve. 2005/0905.txt:29:As you enter into the gates of larger life, move through the death process, and begin to review the incarnation you will find that this review, when finished, is the most precious gift that you could possibly give the Creator. You have worked tremendously hard in your incarnation to observe accurately and think deeply upon the experiences that you have undergone. Your heart has been opened and made joyful by many things within your incarnation, and that same heart has been sorrowed and broken by many other things which have occurred within the same incarnation. Both the joys and the sorrows have etched patterns within your energy body and have created for you a sharpening, a focusing, and a clarity of the colorations of that energy body. You have learned much and you have earned those lessons learned. And everything that you have learned is part of your gift to the infinite Creator. 2006/0116.txt:18:We would ask the one known as K to look beneath the surface of times of waiting such as the one through which she is now going. Encourage within yourself, my sister, the faith that you are on target and on task. Fortifying your own self-confidence and faith within yourself will create a freedom within you that releases you from concern and worry. We believe this shift in your frame of mind will, in and of itself, be very helpful in recreating the atmosphere and environment in which you live and move, in terms of your mental and emotional processes, and make it far more easy for you to rest, spiritually and metaphysically speaking, within the structure of safety and guidance that your open and loving heart offers to you. 2006/0226_02.txt:16:We take the time to draw a picture of your environment because we wish to speak concerning the process of opening the heart. There are entities such as this instrument who are born with a heart that is open and that has no way to close. Were this instrument not possessed of a powerful intellect, this instrument would be greatly overbalanced. As it is, this instrument is able to maintain a good balance in her life experience in terms of the consensus reality portion of it and to maintain a stable and responsible lifestyle despite the constant waves of feeling and emotion that flow through her heart. 2006/0319.txt:26:The self is the self caught within the world of illusion by choice, veiled from awareness of the larger experience, and enjoying life within incarnation. The higher self is that same entity within sixth density. The explanation offered by those of Ra was that the self within sixth density pauses at a moment when it realizes that it is being ineluctably drawn forward into seventh density and will soon turn its back upon creation as known in the past in order that it may open its arms to the process of the increasing spiritual gravity of its nature and be drawn ever more quickly back into the heart of the one infinite Creator. 2006/0418.txt:14:If you persist in speeding up the process of penetrating the veil of forgetting, please recall that you need to be very careful to use such information in a spiritually mature way, not judging yourself or spinning tales [of] adhering karma and dire consequences. We ask that you refrain from moving through such judgmental patters. Look at the information that you may have gained as a kind of story that will help you to have a larger and a more informed point of view and remember that it is not what you know that is important but how you respond to the present moment. This incarnation of yours, my brother, is not about acquiring information or wisdom, it is about opening your heart and becoming able to share and carry the maximum amount of light and love as it flows from the Creator to the Earth and through y our physical and metaphysical bodies. If you can open your heart in this moment, you are doing the maximum amount that you can do to serve the Creator and the creation. 2006/0917.txt:30:You also asked concerning the experience of the energies as felt by those who do not at this time find it possible to move through those actions which open the heart. Those entities are divided into two very distinct categories. We would first speak briefly of the category of those who simply have not awakened. They have not polarized and therefore they are not experiencing the same level of life as this group which has asked this question. They are completely involved in the local cultural processes of moving through life. 2008/0513.txt:21:Now we would speak a bit about working with guidance. Working with your guidance is one of the ways in which you use the gateway to intelligent infinity. You open yourself to the metaphysical worlds by the process of tuning yourself up to your highest and best as you move out of the open heart and into the blue-ray chakra, then into the indigo-ray chakra, and from thence into the violet-ray chakra and through the gateway. 2008/0513.txt:32:I feel that my heart chakra is open and balanced, at least to the minimum, and that my blue-ray chakra is in the process of opening. Please confirm. 2008/0524.txt:5:Certainly, my brother, there is truth in this supposition. Yet, it is not the precise way of the process of gathering the self into the open heart to say that there is a doubling effect as you work more. We shall come back to this idea later because there is, indeed, a doubling effect at work here. It is just somewhat different than your query. 2009/0509.txt:67:However, in the process of being a loving and compassionate person, you shall inevitably discover that there are those things for which you would wish to be forgiven. And so that loving heart of yours opens and says, “Please forgive me.” Most importantly, in terms of karma, rather, that loving heart opens towards the self and you are able to forgive yourself. This stops the wheels of karma. 2009/0912.txt:40:And that is why we say that things are perfect at all times, although they may be uncomfortable. Do not cringe away from your suffering, but rather cradle yourself as you endure through the natural process of the alchemy of the transforming energy, of the love in your open heart. 2015/1003.txt:18:To love is an activity that begins a process of opening the heart. The heart is a dimension of the being which tends to be closed off precisely by the armoring that has been developed as a means of fending off that catalyst which one feels one cannot process, and learning to deal with other selves in such a way that one is not vulnerable to their actions so as to damage that very fragile and crystalline structure which is the fledgling self. 2015/1003.txt:21:The work of the heart, my friends, is very often not pretty work, for one finds there all of the deposits of hurt, all of the sorrows one has carried, all of the resistances one has built up over time as a part of the process of developing a sense of who you are in this life. One discovers that for every piece of a catalyst that one has filtered out, through the invocation of the armoring function, there is a residue left that the opening of the heart now reveals as some “thing” that must be worked through. Oh how large the supply of work there is to be done, my friends. When one first gazes upon its expanse one can be quite, quite overwhelmed. 2015/1017.txt:14:Postponed feelings, however, are not feelings that go away forever. Postponed catalyst remains within the heart center as work yet to be done, and a heart that is burdened with much unprocessed catalyst, with much unfelt feeling, is a heart which feels leaden and heavy, and suffers from strictures of its own making. In some sense, my friends, we will say to you that this catalyst is amongst the most difficult you will need to process, for you cannot work through it without opening the heart, and each act of opening the heart, each act of releasing the tightness of the heart muscle, is an act also which releases those pent up emotions, those pent-up memories, those pent-up repressions that have been felt at one point or another to be too difficult to deal with. 2015/1017.txt:20:In your society, my friends, there are so very many factors working against the opening of the heart, that it cannot be surprising that so many difficulties of the heart find themselves expressed in what you might call “heart trouble.” Sometimes, you can make progress towards an opening of the heart itself simply by learning to relax the body. As you attempt to relax the body, it can sometimes be difficult to begin from the heart itself, for after all, this is a bodily function which you call autonomic, which is to say it is a function which is not generally directly controllable by an act of consciousness. But, if you begin in meditation, to relax first the feet, allowing the feet to rest comfortably and gently upon the ground, allowing the feet to serve as receptors to that energy which flows from your earth upward so that it moves into your calves, through your knees and into your thighs and into the lower part of your torso, moving still upward through your solar plexus center, arriving finally at your heart—which now can be seen to have released a kind of tension which it did not know it was holding—one has thereby effectively achieved in bodily manifestation an analog of that of which we have been discussing in relation to the more metaphysical or mental components of the process of opening the heart. 2015/1121.txt:31:In the process a more fulsome personality may be seen to come about, a personality which is less defended on two fronts: one, the front of the external relation to the society as a whole, or others within the society; and two, the front which addresses those energies within the self that have long suffered restriction, repression, and rejection. A less defended personality is one which is more able to express, in an open-hearted way, who it is, and to allow otherness to find its expression within that sense of who: 2015/1205.txt:23:Consider, though, that if you contemplate the process, even of ineffectual service on the part of a child, you are not inclined to judge that child harshly. You may provide gentle guidance here and there where opportunity affords, but you do not harshly judge a child for unartful attempts to be friendly, for unartful expressions of the self, or unartful openings of a heart which is still fledgling in the world. Perhaps, then, one could consider oneself as that child, and be aware that there will be many occasions in which the attempt to open the heart to genuine service will be awkward, will be unartful, and may even be mixed with motives of which one does not approve. Nevertheless, consider the importance of the carrier wave of the intention, the primary intention, the true intention—the more that one focuses upon the truth of the intention, the more that one repeats the intention in its truth, the clearer the intention is likely to become, the clearer the service that results from that intention is likely to be. 2016/0305.txt:12:I am Hatonn, and am with this instrument. We would begin by thanking this instrument for first of all challenging us as is its wont, and secondly for being receptive to our energies which are, to this instrument, something unexpected and, we might say, not entirely comfortable, as this instrument has in the past struggled somewhat to find a level of comfort in bringing forth our words, and bringing forth the energy that resides within these words, for we are of a vibratory signature, shall we say, which is challenging for this instrument to carry. The ability, however, to open the heart to an energy which is not of a great deal of comfort is, in fact, a part of the process of learning to be a channel to sources of information, and sources of love offering that are a portion of the vast and diverse creation. 2016/0326.txt:18:It seems then that the opening of the heart is a great act of folly and indeed, my friends, we would suggest to you that it can be precisely this, that when you do open the heart, you do find yourself vulnerable, when you do open the heart, you do put yourself in a position where another may act in such a way as to cause you pain, and when you do open the heart and get catalyst that is of a particularly strong nature, you can find yourself in a position of recoiling back upon yourself which makes any future opportunity to open the heart all that much more difficult to avail yourself of. So the opening of the heart may well be seen to have a kind of wisdom of its own built into its process, built into its nature. 2016/0326.txt:23:Thus, we find that it is always a very, very great gift when you are able to address your energies to those of others who do have an interest in engaging with those energies as a part of a process of mutual heart opening. It is always a great gift to find another who can resonate on the same wavelength that you enjoy, and here it is, indeed, not only possible, but highly desirable to open yourself in ways that can seem tremendously foolish. It is desirable when the circumstances offers the promise of sufficient safety for you to avail yourself of this safety and take a chance, and take a chance that you may love freely without stint of reservation, that you may love freely without fear, that you may love freely without holding back in the concern that your love will intrude upon the subjective life of the beloved, for only when your love is offered in this uninhibited way, does another have the full advantage of the catalyst which this moment can uniquely provide. It is a very great joy which you sometimes are able to discover in the sexual life. It is a very great joy which you are sometimes able to discover in the simple gaiety of friendship. It is a great joy when you are allowed to be of some service to another whose pain, or whose suffering, or whose sorrow asks for healing, for that healing that can only come through love. 2016/0402.txt:16:Therefore, as you seek to be about the business of opening your hearts, you will find that there are elements, you might say, of your past catalyst that have not been able to be processed, still residing within you in such a way that they are like impediments or blockages to the energy which in the open heart you would gladly dedicate in service to others and in praise and thanksgiving to the One Infinite Creator. These residuals of difficult catalyst not yet processed can be very challenging for the seeker who finds that it is like opening old wounds to allow these to come forth into present experience for purposes of healing. 2016/0402.txt:28:This, my friends, is what you need, for the healing energies that come through you from the earth itself will do a great deal of the work that needs to be done if you but let it. If you but let it, we say, while recognizing that this simple letting go, the simplicity of the open heart is, in fact, the most difficult work that you are called upon to do. The simple fact of allowing that which needs to be allowed—which, in many cases, comes to you with a tincture of pain needs only to be accepted, needs only to be allowed a part in that drama which is your life. When this does begin to happen with less and less obstruction, you will find that the pain that you need to experience in order to process those repressed portions of the self will become less and less over time, for the less that you resist that which pushes through for expression, the less that pain will build upon itself. 2016/1106.txt:36:This intensification of desire and intention is as important as the practice, for it fuels the practice. When the heart can imbue the mind with the limitless love for all Creation, a gift of the Father, then the spirit is reached in such a fashion that it becomes likened to a shuttle to make that penetration of intelligent infinity possible for you in the channeling process. For that is what you do when you channel. You make that contact. This is a holy contact. This is a sacred contact. Not just because it is a contact that produces words from those such as are we, but because it allows other energies as well to move within this opening, this contact—the energies of the One Creator, the energies of love, of light, of unity, of power, of service, of seeking, of compassion, of curiosity, of investigation. All of these are facets of the very jewel that is the Creator living within you. 2017/0107.txt:8:As you are able to open yourself in this fashion, then receive whatever guidance is available. Come out of your meditation, and keeping that open sense of your being in the forefront of your perceptions, move through your daily round of activities, looking always for opportunities to express the love of the Creator to those about you, looking always for ways to serve those who you find in your path of experience for the day. Look for those synchronicities and coincidences, those subjectively interesting happenstances that find their way to you somehow you do not know—and yet, when they find their way to you, you recognize the rightness of their appearance. You recognize that this is a portion of your own creation that has moved to you through your own freewill. Look at this gift as that is what it is: a gift from your greater self to you within the incarnation. Open it, examine it, feel it, perceive its heart, shall we say. See if there is a way by which you might utilize it as an enhancement of your own deepest nature of one who seeks to know the Creator in all, of one who seeks to love the Creator in all, of one who seeks to serve the Creator in all. If this is a manner in which you may pursue in a daily fashion that which is inside of you, then your days shall become, shall we say, firmly rooted, or strongly structured in the foundation of your being that you have reached through meditation and then in the experience of the day this becomes a tool, this becomes a manner in which you approach your life, your patterns of experience, your processing of catalyst. 2017/0304.txt:20:And so, it is always good work when you begin by invoking the Creator in your meditation, to invite the Creator drawn down from that heart which is, even as we speak, struggling to open, and invite it into the lower energy centers as a resource, as a source of love, for that is the healing power in dealing with the blockages that you find within your complex of beingness. Sometimes these blockages will seem to you most inconveniently exaggerated, most unacceptably exaggerated, but we would invite you to reflect that it is a very useful process to exaggerate an imperfection so that it may be the more perfectly addressed, so that it may be the more thoroughly examined, so that it may be the more deeply healed. 2017/0415.txt:5:It is true, indeed, that you are not a machine—you are a marvelous creation of various energies of a cosmic nature, fused in a coherent fashion to be able to process the light of your sub-Logos in an ascending manner that could easily become a musical scale. For you see, the octave of your energy centers is created in such a fashion that there is within each energy center a signature sound vibration which has its own range of frequencies that are activated according to how the intelligent energy of the sub-Logos is able to move through your energy centers. The efficient use of the catalyst that comes your way in each day’s experiences allows you to activate, to balance, and to harmonize your energy centers over a period of what you would call a great series of incarnations in which you seek to learn how to move the meeting place of this intelligent energy higher and higher in your chakra system, so that you are able to give and receive that quality of love that signifies the open heart—the all compassionate love for the creation, that becomes the standard, shall we say, by which the light is able to manifest within your being. 2017/1021.txt:15:Now, what is this review but a kind of analysis. Analysis which proceeds without reference to inspiration, however, is dry. And inspiration that has not been tied to a specific intent is inspiration which can find no anchor, can find no mooring. The key, therefore, is to get analysis to work in tandem with inspiration, to allow your process of analysis to remain open to the sources of inspiration, but that process itself, of bringing the one together with the other, requires a central clearing house, a place of meeting, shall we say, and a place, if we may so speak, of mating—the mating of analysis with inspiration. In the case of those who are resolved in the core of their being to serve others is simply the open heart, and it is in the open heart where [exists] that resolve that you will, above all else, dedicate your own being to serving others. That is the place of mating where you may find that it is safe and fruitful to open up the process of analysis to inspiration so that it may be fed, as it were, from above. 2017/1021.txt:23:And so, the process of analysis is something which you have to take very carefully into consideration as you wend your way through a complex, and many cases, distraught social experience. You must find a way to sort out where the love really does lie; where the potential for service really does reside; and how you might effectively attune yourself to those potentials and to that love, while, at the same time, dealing with a great many other selves who may or may not be so attuned. The process of third-density seeking is a difficult one, and you can never reaffirm enough your commitment to your central goal. If you understand that goal to be the opening of the heart, you have, to our experience, the safest measure and the safest goal that you may undertake. 2017/1216.txt:39:At this time, we shall take our leave of this instrument, for it is somewhat fatigued. We thank each of you once again, my friends, for your very generous invitation to us this day. We cannot thank you enough for your open-hearted welcoming of us each time we blend our vibrations with yours. You are most inspiring to us, for you live within a difficult illusion at this time, and there is much catalyst that is unprocessed in the world about you, and yet you keep your light bright and shining that others may follow the path to the heart. 2018/0106.txt:8:When the mind and the heart are open to receiving any information that is available in the daily round of activities in an open manner, then there is a process of learning that is begun, oftentimes within confusion or doubt or disharmony, for these are those processes that, shall we say, grab one’s attention, and continue to offer the opportunity for balancing the learning within the individual according to the energy centers or chakras that are involved. 2018/0106.txt:11:At some point, each seeker of truth must realize that this shadow side is a good friend, and has much to teach, for it is holding in reserve those areas of blockage which, when dealt with clearly, release the energy that is held in place by the blockage, that it might move upward along the line of energy centers, and release a certain kind of experiential energy at each level, for you all have planned, previous to this life experience, those lessons which are necessary for you, in your own estimation, to complete in order to become the whole human being that you desire to be, that being which sees all as love, gives and receives freely with each, the quality of universal love and acceptance. The effort that you make to uncover those hidden areas within you that can offer you learning to achieve this goal, is what is called the process of the polarization of your consciousness, for as those who are devoted to seeking and serving other selves, this positive polarization becomes the means by which you might open the heart energy center and release the unconditional love that abides therein. 2018/0915.txt:16:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. This is an interesting query, in that the answer is both a yes and a perhaps. The yes is given to those entities who are able to use the meditative state in a more specific sense. That is, in the ability to create visualizations of various portions of Gaia that are in need of healing, and to see them with clarity for a number of what you would call your minutes. These visions, held in the conscious mind, then in the meditative state, may provide an ability for the forces of light to send to Gaia those imaged experiences of healing and wholeness that she so desperately needs. The perhaps is given to those entities who are able to utilize their catalyst in the sense by which we just spoke in the previous query, to enhance their own process of seeking so that they are able to open their hearts more and more in the love vibration, and this vibration is that which then adds its healing energy to that of Gaia and her needs, for as you grow, so does she grow. As more and more seek the love and the light of the One Creator within their own hearts and experiences, so then is further healing offered to your Mother Earth. 2018/1006.txt:14:The progress, or the stages, as you have called them, of the blending of vibrations becomes amplified with the addition of each entity passing through that so-called tunnel of light, the vibrations of which are able to entice or draw toward it, those passing from the third-density illusion. As more and more entities, then, become aware of their new environment, there is the opening of each heart to each other heart, the opening of each mind to each other mind, the blending of the spirit, so that there is the ability to give and receive love in a fashion that is harmonious to all entities engaged in this group process. Thus each entity brings a living library of experience with it, as it is able to find a place within the beingness of the group. Each entity, therefore, will discover that there is a greater sense of self that enlarges itself within each portion of the group energies. Thus, there is the creation of what you would call a social memory complex that has a type of identity that is much likened unto the cells of the body of the One Creator becoming conscious of the Creator within each entity. 2018/1006.txt:53:Technology can take the mind and the emotions a certain distance within the process of moving into the fourth-density illusion by describing various qualities that may be enhanced within the individual’s mind/body/spirit complex. Practice upon these techniques of realizing these qualities of opening the heart, of expanding the point of view, of sharing service and love, of seeing the self as one with all other selves, and as seeing the self as one with the Creator, for these are helpful frames of reference that may be utilized to an increasingly efficient degree by those who have the capability of mental visualization and practice of these procedures. 2018/1103.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, you speak that which is most salient at this time for the population of your Mother Earth, for the time of fourth density experience is not just at hand, but is here, now, available to each. There is much ignorance of this possibility amongst the great majority of the population of this planet. Thus, the transition into the fourth density is occurring with some difficulty in the birthing process, shall we say, for there are energies available to all that may enhance each entity’s seeking. But if entities are not consciously seeking to expand their awareness and find the openhearted love, that unconditional love that signals the harvestability into the fourth density of love and understanding, then oftentimes such entities will retreat into their own being, into the orange-ray energy center, so that they may defend themselves against what they see as being a kind of losing of the personality, a losing of that which they cherish, that which they cannot see beyond. 2018/1103.txt:52:As this process of evaluating each day’s activities occurs in meditation at the end of the day, there may seem to be a certain kind of pattern evolving within the experience of such an entity so that the pattern expresses the nature of the pre-incarnative choice that has been experienced by the entity. Thus, paying attention to what is occurring in the life experience is the surest means by which to become aware of those choices one has made with the hopes that the learning of them will move the entity further along the path of the evolution of mind, body, and spirit, eventually resulting in the opening of the heart, and the movement into the fourth density of love and understanding. 2018/1117.txt:14:This ability to open the self to such catalytic engagement is that which fuels, or lubricates, shall we say, the entire process, for it opens the heart and the mind in a manner which tends to allow those negative emotions that first arise upon experiencing and sensing catalyst to fall away, to be put into their proper perspective of that which may provide some initial angst or hesitation, and yet at the same time provide an impetus to move forward into the unknown nature and areas of the self, for it is that which you wish to explore, my friends. You are the One Creator, and yet, in your incarnational experiences, you manifest but a tiny portion of that One Creator that exists in all things and in all entities, and there is great room for exploration and intrepid movement to those darkened areas within your own being. 2018/1215.txt:29:The subconscious perception of such energies is utilized by those entities who have not yet become consciously aware that what they are doing on this planet at this time is to utilize all catalyst for the purpose of opening their own hearts in love and service to others. The unconscious perception of these energies oftentimes is featured in difficulties for such entities, as for any entity, conscious or unconscious, of the process of evolution. 2019/0209.txt:16:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The terms “authenticity” and “full disclosure” are indeed quite relevant in the process of opening one’s heart, for in order for full disclosure of one’s beingness as the One Creator to be able to be felt by the self, the self must know itself in its authenticity. That is to say, the truth of the self is as we have spoken before in the previous query, far more than what seems to be such a limited creature here within the third-density illusion. The authenticity of each seeker of truth is that which is a spark of the great fire of the One Infinite Creator that burns as each sun in the sky seen as stars at night and suns in the day, each entity is intimately connected with the intelligent infinity that is the One Creator with the intelligent energy that is the formation of this universe in which we all live and dwell and have our being. 2019/0323.txt:13:Thus, as you become more aware of who you are, you become more aware of how the Creator moves in your being through each step that you take, especially within your meditative state. If you invoke the Creator within and ask of that Creator to move through you this day, as all days, and to express itself to you in a way in which you are able to discern that there is an expansion of your awareness occurring throughout the day that you experience, then you become more and more familiar with this quality of the Creator that resides within your very being. [Then] when you invoke it, you are calling upon the greater portion of your being to make itself apparent to you, that you may see how the Creator meets you in every experience, in every day, throughout your life, so that you may see with clearer eyes, with an open heart, with clear communication, with the ability to create changes in your own consciousness as a result of processing the catalyst that you find yourself emerged in throughout every day. 2019/0323.txt:29:As you take this unconditional love and let it move into individual expression of another entity in what you may call the romantic sense, in the sense of commitment to a journey together in some fashion, then you are making a change, shall we say, a directional change, in the unconditional love, so that that which is called the “bonding between two hearts” may occur and may provide each entity with the type of inspiration and partnership in cooperation that each will be able to aid the other as this journey of seeking continues with two becoming one. This is the type of commitment which is the expression of the unconditional love for all that has been funneled or pointed in a certain direction for a certain purpose, and this is the means by which many upon your plane of the third-density illusion begin the process of the total opening of the heart chakra to express love without condition to each entity and experience which one meets throughout the lifetime of experience. 2019/0330.txt:87:These entities with the open hearts and the desire to find solutions to difficulties are becoming more and more numerous as there is a kind of communication setting up from heart to heart and making available a type of avenue of expression of awareness so that the light of common human consciousness grows brighter and brighter to reveal the difficulties, their sources and their solutions. This is a process which is gaining more and more momentum at this time, and which gives us who that exist in the inner realms great hope and inspiration as we observe the possibilities of your planetary consciousness becoming such as to become able to move into the fourth-density of love and understanding with a greater number of entities thus being able to participate in this harvesting period. 2019/0420.txt:30:There is, then, the increase of what you would call the disease or distortions of the mental and physical vehicles that are representations of the entity’s inability, in some fashion, to welcome and enjoy and utilize these energies to process the catalyst of the daily round of activities. Thus, it is a kind of winnowing effect that is occurring, as the harvest begins to welcome those whose hearts are open to produce the fruit of love and the grains of understanding, and to separate those from the chaff, shall we say, that are unable to do this. We do not mean to be degrading to those who are unable to open the heart widely enough to welcome these energies, for they are the Creator attempting to know itself in a fashion which is becoming too much to bear, shall we say, [and] the circuitry of the body complex fails as does that of the mind. 2019/0420.txt:39:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. It is indeed so that the collective consciousness of various groups is also affected by these same energies, in generally the same fashion. There is the need upon those who seek what is called the truth for these energies to be processed in a manner which allows the expansion of consciousness in general, and the opening of the heart in particular. When there is the inability to expand the group consciousness to welcome and enjoy a wider perspective regarding how the feelings, the attitudes, and the responses to others are offered to others, then there is the, shall we say, snapping back of this energy of expansion upon those who cannot welcome it, so that there is a kind of group catharsis or dilemma that is apparent in some fashion that may not be immediately understandable, for it is usually experienced symbolically, so that there is the need upon the part of the individuals within the group consciousness to gather together in a certain way to process that which the group has failed to do as a group. 2019/0518.txt:64:Those who are not consciously aware of the process of the spiritual path being the reason for their existence within this illusion, may find more and more difficulties if they are somewhat sensitive to these enhanced energies, and have the ability to utilize them, if they but turn their mind to them and open their heart to them. 2019/0518.txt:76:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. As each seeker begins the day, knowing that there is much work, as you would call it, of the physical sense, of the mental sense, and of the spiritual sense awaiting it, it is well to retire into the meditative state and to open the heart in that state to the One Creator; to move within the heart of the being of the seeker that the will of the Creator may be done that day through the seeker in all the actions, in all the thoughts, in all the words; that the seeker becomes a vessel then for the One Creator to move upon the waters of consciousness, both subconscious and conscious realms, so that there is a fuel, shall we say, that the seeker then is powered by, knowing that it has given itself over to the basic reason it exists. The purpose of the incarnation, the destination of each seeker of truth, [is] to open the heart in unconditional love to all and to aid this process by inviting the One Creator to move within the heart, within the mind, within the body, within the experience of the day, that this aid may be given to the seeker to share with all that comes before its notice. In this way, there is an enhancement of the ability of each seeker to find a way to give love where love seems to have no home. 2019/0928.txt:7:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. As you know, the purpose of this experience which each of you shares upon your Planet Earth is to begin to open your heart energy center in unconditional love for all those about you, for this is a choice which is available within your third-density illusion that can become transformative. For each seeker of truth that earnestly desires to begin this opening process, it is the desire and its strength that begins to prepare each seeking soul for this transformation, that which you call empathy, or the ability to feel what another person feels clearly and profoundly within your own being. This is the beginning of the opening of the green ray or heart energy center. The empathy that is becoming a stepping stone, shall we say, to the open heart is the product of the times in which you live, the frequency of vibrations of your very planetary sphere that is finding itself engulfed in more and more streamings from the cosmic sources beyond your planet that signal the transition period of your planet in its population into a higher vibration. 2019/0928.txt:8:The portion of your population that is consciously aware of the process of seeking to open the heart to all of creation is that portion that is vulnerable to the incoming vibrations of love and understanding which begin to open the heart by allowing the seeker of truth to begin its own exchange, shall we say, of energies with those about it. In this exchange there is the apprehension of others’ vibrations, that which they are experiencing within their own chakras or energy centers as they go through their daily round of activities meeting entities who spark within them certain catalytic responses that may be what you would call positive or negative, difficult, harmonious, and so forth. 2019/1013.txt:8:There is, as those of Ra have said, love in every moment and in every entity. As you gather together in this group and share that love vibration between you, that vibration begins to resonate outward in ripples that reach to the ends of the Earth, around the Earth, and engulf it in a manner which is perceivable by any entity which is sensitive to these vibrations. Each entity, whether sensitive or not, within this planetary influence has then the opportunity to similarly begin the process of conscious seeking of that which you may call the truth—the truth of the unity of all things, the truth of the One Infinite Creator that has created all things and exists in all things and all entities, and is there, waiting within each entity and each iota of the creation to be discovered by those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to open in love and in light. 2019/1026.txt:11:Those entities who are not conscious of this process of incarnational seeking on the spiritual path have much difficulty in that they, though not consciously aware of such energies, unconsciously are aware that such is occurring. And there is a, shall we say, mismatch between the perception and the experience so that there is much of mental and emotional confusion that results for those who are not ready at this time to look upon the life experience as that which teaches how to open the heart in unconditional love. 2019/1102.txt:23:Thus, this makes a kind of confusion within the entity so that in its interpersonal relationships, perhaps with you or another, or many others, there is the opportunity and possibility of some difficulty in communication, in understanding, in opening the heart in love, in being able to give as well as receive, all of these various types of propensities are available to each seeker at all times. Therefore, the enhancing of these abilities can oftentimes cause more confusion if the entity is not consciously aware of its own process of seeking spiritual truth. 2019/1214.txt:36:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We note that the nature of the queries this afternoon deal with the most difficult of circumstances which most of the entities of your third-density illusion do not attempt within the incarnation. The perfectly balanced entity is quite rare within the third-density illusion. However, each seeker of truth is upon the path of attempting to reach the level of love and understanding that would result as a means of viewing any situation. There are, as you know, various gradations of difficulty that each entity within its incarnational pattern meets in its life pattern. There are challenges of one nature and another that seem to promote and provoke the charge of emotion either positively or negatively. Each entity is, indeed, the One Infinite Creator, and contains all of the universe within its own being. As the entity moves through the incarnation, then, it attempts to open the heart in unconditional love as its primary response to any situation which it encounters. The difficulty of the situations that are encountered then mean that such an entity will need to process the catalyst that has been encountered on a daily basis, consistently, so that that which appeared as one thing or another, that would be normally seen as a charged emotional situation, can eventually be balanced so that the observation of the seeker, then, becomes that which sees the Creator, knowing itself in each situation. Therefore, the response is love, for the Creator becoming able to know itself in every situation is the reason for the entire creation. 2019/1228.txt:43:This is a source of great joy for such entities, and this joyful feeling is that which imbues the entire process, so that the one who has requested the communication and your assistance is able to open its heart in a manner in which the reception of such words will be enhanced to go beyond the words into the feelings and the images that accompany such heart-felt communication.