1985/0922.txt:29:The means by which this transformation of red-ray sexual energy into the indigo-ray energy center and out the crown chakra is quite beyond simple description and must remain hidden except by the careful experience and analysis of the seeker who travels this path. Then there are avenues of information that are available. 1985/1124.txt:18:This type of transformation is that related to the indigo-ray energy center, as it has been called by this group, in which the seeker is offered the knowledge of self as Creator, the knowledge of self as being of infinite worth. The self then as Creator has then as its first opportunity the creation of the self. That which you have been and that which you have desired provide some of the resources upon which you may draw for the creation of the new self. Within that which now exists are avenues and pathways of connection between that which you are and have been and the greater self, the one Creator which surrounds and supports you always. This resource, as you know well, is infinite in nature and waits only your request to give unto you those portions which you desire. 1986/0907.txt:6:We are not of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. We are of the inner planes. We wish to be clear on this, for this instrument has a prejudice against inner plane teachers. Yet we have been drawn to this group because we are interested in questions which have to do with the power of polarity. This is our area, what you would call the disciplines of the indigo-ray work. 1987/0713.txt:8:We ask the new channels to relax, become aware of the soft susurration of the rain upon the thirsty land, of the delicate breeze which moves within the domicile which is filled with the pearly-evening glow of the quiet countryside. Be sure that your physical vehicle is quite comfortable so that there may be the focus upon the brow chakra and the crown chakra, for you see, we are moving through the violet-ray chakra of the crown into the indigo ray chakra of the brow, and when we have been able to journey, welcomed, through these ports of entry, we may then activate the blue-ray energy center and communicate our humble thoughts. 1987/0714.txt:4:I am Hatonn, and I greet this company in the love and in the light of the infinite Creator. We would wish that you be aware that there are several presences from the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator joining your meditation this evening, those energies which are Oxal, Laitos, Latwii and Quanta. These brothers and sisters wish to aid each in the deepening of the meditative state. The one known as W will be experiencing the companionship of Quanta as further work is done in that new instrument’s indigo-ray plan of progress. 1987/0917.txt:26:The humor of indigo ray is silent, explosive, peaceful and spontaneous, yet that humor is also a sardonic humor, a humor in balance, and most often a humor without words. 1988/0327.txt:18:The feeling of the pulsing vibration at the third eye location is an indication that the indigo ray energy center, as this instrument would call it, is being activated and balanced for further explorations, not necessarily of the same kind as the first. We can speak in this manner, for we feel that your understanding already includes this basic information. Were this not the case, we would feel responsible to speak in more general terms. 1989/0101.txt:47:You did exactly grasp the thrust of my concern. I would just finish up by asking you if you would accept that work in consciousness, or indigo ray work, is basically metaprogramming? Is it a congruency of terms there? 1989/0125.txt:20:Add in that amount of the indigo ray and the blue ray chakra energy which you consider you have upon a stable basis achieved by your tuning. That is, if you do not feel that you are perfectly clear in blue and indigo ray, then ask for a limited amount of these colors. 1989/0131.txt:43:I am Hatonn. The location of the indigo-ray energy center is found at this precise point within the physical vehicle. The activation of the indigo-ray energy center, though not critical for one who would serve as a vocal instrument, is that which is most helpful for those which are able to avail themselves of the activation of this center of energy, for through the indigo-ray energy center flows that quality of beingness that steadies and amplifies the carrier wave, shall we say, that attentiveness yet quietness within the mind upon which we infuse the concepts and words that are our contact. Thus, for one which has been able to activate this energy center, there is the ability to enter into a state of relaxation that is both profound and more stable than would be possible without the activation of this center. Thus, we would suggest that... 1989/0412.txt:12:There is one more type of dream that some do have who are very intensely working upon the indigo-ray center, that is, who are doing work in consciousness. Such will remember being with a teacher but will not remember what is taught. This is, of course, as it should be, for those things which are of true help in taming the unruly spirit of mankind are far below the conscious level of control. 1989/1203.txt:18:Could one do without glory? By no means. To say “glory” is also to say “passion.” Glory is the passion of the heart and it has its artifacts in the blue ray of communication of an inspirational nature and the indigo ray of work done upon the self in self-healing, self-forgiveness, self-quieting and, above all, self-acceptance. The beginning of lover—we correct this instrument—the beginning of loving others as one loves the self is to discover the glory within the self, to forgive the self for its behaviors which shall be various due to the workings of free will, so that one may concentrate as much as possible simply on loving and being with the infinite One. 1990/0211.txt:35:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The nature of the heart center is for the adept as the foundation is for the carpenter. This is the foundation upon which the structure of any effort shall be placed. It is necessary in order to be able to move beyond the blue-ray energy center that there be a considerable amount of work accomplished, not only at that center, but also within the indigo-ray center, for the opening of the green-ray or heart center is an opening which allows a movement from that center to the next center for the beginning of work within the throat or blue-ray center. 1990/0211.txt:36:It is necessary to master to a minimal degree the study of each center beyond the green-ray center for the opening of any center beyond the green ray to occur upon a regular and dependable basis. Thus, when such work has been accomplished within the blue and indigo rays, it is possible for the adept to choose whether energy shall be moved through the green-, the blue- or the indigo-ray center for work of either the healing nature within green ray, the freely given communication within blue ray, or the work of that which you may call the white magical nature within the indigo-ray center. 1990/0211.txt:46:Yes, I see from that answer that it is desirable to continue always to wish to seek higher and higher in the indigo ray. I understand now. But I did have a feeling from the whole message that you were inferring a simplicity beneath the various ways of studying dreams, in other words, that you said the dreamer is the dream and the dream is the dreamer; that if you were studying the archetypical mind the first of the major Arcana would contain the whole of the Arcana, and the first station, or I guess it would be the last in the [inaudible] [Tree Of Life], Malkuth, would contain the whole of the tree of life. Is this inference correct? 1990/0313.txt:42:When one has come this far, one then sees to the protection of the self and of the group. This instrument does so by visualizing each chakra in turn, asking it to receive, for this working, the unblocking of all difficulties, that full energy may rise to the heart chakra, and therefrom to the blue-ray energy center, which the vocal channel uses. In order to use the green healing ray, or the blue communication ray, it is vitally necessary to pay constant and close attention to the indigo ray which lies betwixt the brows in the center of the forehead. These lobes of the brain are those lobes in which eternity resides, now safely and securely, and hardly ever touched by human thought or imagination. When one feels that the protection of the working and of the self is complete, you may go on. 1990/0506.txt:15:What drives you? Your own nature. Occasionally an entity may be so disturbed by early experience that it is completely blocked and cannot find access to the doors of feeling and yearning that each normally has. There is a drive to continue evolution that is as instinctual as any other portion of the red ray. When we speak of the fundamental reason that entities seek through any and all means to alter their consciousnesses, we are not speaking specifically of indigo-ray inner work. We are speaking, in many cases, of a simple, perhaps unvoiced or unrecognized feeling, that there is more, and humankind hungers for it because it is the next step of evolution. 1990/0615.txt:19:The indigo-ray center is the center of insight. It is the center capable of discerning a concept, which for its more and more discursive expression requires contact with the blue ray. Within the indigo ray the concept remains merely the concept. And experience of it is more direct, less refractory than one finds in the blue ray. It is for this reason that the more particular work of the adept is focused in the indigo-ray center when the adept has reached the point of being capable of reliably discerning the concepts and principles that are in so many various ways expressed within the illusion, but always in such a way as to transcend the illusion in favor of a metaphysical significance, which may be quite different from the appearance it takes on within the illusion. 1990/0615.txt:20:In the indigo-ray center one finds that concepts do not stand alone, each discreet from the others, but, rather, that the situation is somewhat like a series of small streams or rivulets which empty into larger streams and then to larger ones still, until finally they join in a great torrent and seem to travel towards a single source. We say travel towards because this is the direction indicated by the adept who seeks, that is, the adept feels himself to be traveling towards that which is sought. 1990/0615.txt:21:But in reality, there is not a single direction to this movement. It is, rather, a movement which goes simultaneously backwards and forwards, as it were. The adept, thus, finds that the movement in the direction of what is sought, a movement which, indeed, is initiated by the adept, does not terminate either at a point within the line of sight of the adept or one outside of this line of sight, but, rather, opens a [hallway] of love and light that returns again unto the adept. It is a stream which flows outward and inward simultaneously. It is this situation which is described in your scriptures when they advise the student that, “if you ask, you will indeed receive,” for, indeed, in truth the asking is the receiving, the seeking is finding. This is perhaps the most basic secret known and knowable in indigo ray. That is the foundation for the platform upon which all further work may be done. 1990/0629.txt:6:In order to continue tuning automatically the greetings—specifying your name and moving through the words of love and light—act as a centering device or lodestone, so that incoming energy patterns which move into conceptualization in the group mind are regularized and made easy in passage through each mind/body/spirit complex. Each entity is using the throat charka—the entities known as Carla and K have a naturally open throat charka when their instruments are tuned. Consequently, in these two instruments especially, attention should be paid in the tuning during another entity’s speaking, to [the] rotating and effulgence of that known to you as the indigo ray center. 1990/0629.txt:9:In this incarnation this instrument is working with this center and may well not be completely satisfied with the full opening of the green ray energy center. Remember that the key here is balance. Unlike the other two channels, this entity has very little difficulty in keeping the brow or indigo ray center totally open, working consciousness is a natural process or gift that this instrument has been given. It is well to know where your weak link is. 1990/0629.txt:10:In the case of those who have the extremely dominate blue ray energy centers very full, very light, and very beautiful, there is a tendency to think that perhaps it is not necessary to do as much work in consciousness as would create the optimal balance for these entities as channels. In the case of the one known as Jim, it is well for this instrument to remember that the green ray energy center is the all-important center for spiritual work, and that the overworking of the indigo ray center, when work has not been fully completed in open heart green ray, the resultant vibrations are to some extent strained. 1990/0805.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The center of energy most closely aligned with this particular area is that of the yellow ray, and in many drawings of your Egyptian culture you may notice that the entity that seeks power in this world and in the mundane sense will be depicted as having a center of energy flowing out from this area. However, the entity that seeks to blend this more mundane type of power with its own spiritual learnings will begin to transform the metaphysical nature of this power into that which proceeds from the brow chakra, or that which is the indigo ray. Thus, in its simple and unadorned state the energy is of the yellow ray, however, it may be refined until it is of the indigo ray as well. 1990/0812.txt:12:So we have in the Holy Land those who are all potentially crystallized beings, even literally and physically speaking, that is, speaking of your physical vehicle that carries your consciousness around. You are potentially a crystallized being. So the greater portion of yourself by far is a kind of crystal. It is, however, not charged most of the time. That is the water that is a portion of all your fluids. They are all capable of crystallization. Great portions of your consciousness reside in a portion of your physical vehicle that is almost completely unused that is the frontal lobe. And there is great chance of crystallization there also which carries with it the inner centering consciousness of the energy center of the brow in what some people have called the indigo ray chakra. 1991/0329.txt:26:The receiving of service for one who wishes to give it so whole-heartedly is that which is the more challenging of the opportunities offered within your illusion. For within your illusion, those entities who have been able to activate and to move through the green-ray energy center then do well if they are able to begin the activation of the blue ray, which offers the true radiance of being from Creator to Creator to those that are before one and for whom one may wish to perform a service. The indigo-ray opportunities are those which are explored by those entities who begin more and more to open themselves to the feeling of the indwelling spirit of the one Creator so that the physical vehicle, the mental vehicle, the spiritual and the emotional component of the intellectual vehicle, then are all seen as channels or vessels which are inhabited and utilized by the one Creator. This is a lesson which is advanced significantly beyond that of third-density experience in general. That you have some difficulty in feeling this infinite value and worth and, therefore, feeling as a result no difficulty in receiving the love offerings of others is, as you have ascertained, that upon which you now work. 1991/0329.txt:28:You now work with what we may call the cleaning-up phase of the indigo-ray work, which works with those attributes which you find less than desirable within yourself. You work to appreciate their nature, to appreciate yourself for having them working within your being, and as you work with accepting those, what you would call shortcomings, then you begin to accept the final portion of yourself that has heretofore remained outside of the sphere of your love and appreciation. As you are able to fully accept all characteristics within your being, and as you are able to see them as those portions that are appropriate as are all other portions within your character, then you will see yourself in a balanced configuration and will see the hand of the Creator moving within each sphere and characteristic of your life pattern. 1991/0329.txt:48:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We have been blending our vibrations with yours in a manner which utilizes both the indigo-ray energy center and the blue-ray energy center while attempting to stabilize or harmonize the overall green/blue/indigo energies for the purpose of being more able, that is, allowing you to be more able to stably receive the concepts which we impart to you. The work upon the indigo center, again, is more of a stabilizing of the work which you are there accomplishing. We may not work for any other, but may work with an instrument such as yourself, and may utilize the efforts which you have made in each center in order to facilitate the initiating and the continuation of our contact. 1991/0421.txt:50:Just so, this energy must also move in a balanced fashion from the red ray and proceed upwards to the orange ray, where the individual power of expression is manifested in the incarnation in a fashion which allows the uniqueness of the individual to express itself, using that same energy which has moved through the red ray and which continues, if unblocked, to the yellow, the green, and so forth, so that when an entity has been able to activate and balance each energy center the intelligent energy or prana of the one Creator moves through each center to be met at the indigo ray center or brow chakra, allowing the union with the indwelling love and light of the one Creator and the opening of the entity to the fully experienced presence of the one infinite Creator. 1991/0526.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with how one can use the heart chakra, the opening of the heart chakra, as a springboard to the acceptance of self that is a process usually found or engaged in the indigo-ray center. How can one, by learning more compassion and understanding, begin to accept the self in a way in which the self has previously not been accepted? 1991/0526.txt:7:I am Hatonn, and I am again with this instrument greeting you in love and light. In speaking of the subject, we wish you to be aware that we are using the system of the energy centers, the root energy center of survival, the orange ray of dealing with the self and dealing with individuals other than the self, the yellow ray of social or group dealings, the green ray of the heart, the blue ray of communication, the indigo ray of inner work, or work in consciousness, and the violet ray which is, shall we say, the readout of the balance of all those dynamics that are in an integrated individual entity within the life experience. 1991/0526.txt:12:Yet, still you may harvest in this manner an increase in compassion, as you become old enough and experience enough to see that there is nothing unusual or fatal about failure, and that all failures eventually become part of a healing. We say all this to preface speaking about the open heart and work in consciousness, or indigo-ray work. As each in this group is already aware, the process of opening the heart is a process of letting go of those things in the lower chakras which are clouding, blocking or overstimulating those centers. Therefore we will not go into this in detail, but simply say that keeping the heart open is simply a matter of noticing and paying respect and attention to these times in which a blockage, an overstimulation or a distortion is noticed in a particular area of life corresponding to a particular energy center. 1991/0526.txt:18:Now let us look at the advantage of working with an open heart when doing work in consciousness. In the previous way of working, energy is constricted in the heart and the work is slow and hard, for not only is the heart short of power, but it further reduces the power which moves into the communication energy which an entity needs to speak with itself, just as much as it needs it to speak with others. Often, if the green ray is constricted the blue ray would also be constricted, and each entity must judge for itself whether or not it has things said in the heart that have not been said to those who should hear them, so by the time the energy is received by the indigo ray, it is not only much reduced, but it is hampered by a lack of skill and energy in communication with itself. 1991/1.txt:12: [overview] The question today has to do with how one can use the heart chakra, the opening of the heart chakra, as a springboard to the acceptance of self that is a process usually found or engaged in the indigo-ray center. How can one, by learning more compassion and understanding, begin to accept the self in a way in which the self has previously not been accepted? 1992/0409.txt:87:[footnote start]Holy Bible, Exodus 3:14.↩[footnote end][footnote start]JHVH, Jahweh or Jehovah is a name of mystery supposedly given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The definitions Q’uo suggests for this unpronounceable name are some of those translations of JHVH given by theologians.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Q’uo uses the expression “our permission” figuratively and light-heartedly.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Aaron is referring to the chakras or rays of the energy body. This body interpenetrates the physical body during our lifetime. The Chinese call this body the electrical body. Acupuncture is based on working with this body. The chakras are points of energy focus that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are seven rays, the colors of the rainbow, red through violet. Red is the first ray and has to do with survival and sexuality. Orange ray has to do with personal relationships. Yellow ray has to do with one’s relationship to groups such as your family and work environment. Green ray is the heart chakra and has to do with loving unconditionally. Blue ray is the chakra of communication and acceptance. Indigo ray is the chakra of work in consciousness. Violet ray is a report on the whole of the energy body; a kind of read-out. Aaron is suggesting that one move from the use of the will and “should” in yellow ray to the use of love in green ray.↩[footnote end] 1992/0705.txt:20:Now, you may note that we moved from blue to violet. That is because that of which we are speaking, the time to work with the self, is the function and the only function of the indigo ray! This ray works completely within the self, and only upon the self. To find the discipline to spend time upon the self’s spiritual welfare is more of a challenge than finding the time to attend to another’s spiritual or bodily or emotional or mental welfare. We cannot stress enough the importance of this point. Think you that one of the highest of energies possible within the self, in terms of subtlety and strength, is somehow to take the very back seat, nay, even the trunk of the automobile of life? Please see and honor the instrument that you are, no matter what outward way you treat yourself, you love yourself, you give to yourself. 1992/0705.txt:21:The first gift of the spiritual wayfarer is the time and the energy to move within, to work upon the discipline of the personality, that more and more of the personality may be imbued with the indigo ray of joyful accepting love of self. Consider the usual indigo ray of the underdeveloped student as a pool. The polarity of service to others fills this pool, but it is simply rain falling into a conserving receptacle, a still pool within one, until it has been enlivened by the acceptance of love that is beyond the possible love when judgment remains. Until this block is removed, this pool of polarity remains still and lacking in appropriate propinquity to the... 1992/0705.txt:38:The indigo-ray center being that of the brow, where there is the work in consciousness that each seeker achieves when it begins to use the force of its will and faith to move its attitudes and perceptions into alignment with the ideals that are its guiding star. 1992/0830.txt:19:When the time is fairly joyful, the spirits and will to serve are high. Within this period of experience many entities slack off in their spiritual work. Each of you is expressing an extremely good aspect of spiritual seeking by focusing in, for the purpose of learning, on those motifs that keep reappearing in the inner life that are exceptions to your basic joy. That you not stress these difficulties is good. That you realize them and respect their value enough to do work in the indigo ray or brow-level area is that which will bring you more sharply into the position of initiation where a new key, an enlarged realization of the clarity of the pattern of the self, may begin its process of transforming you by enlarging your stable point of view. We hope that each values these voices that are not parental but are those inner portions which observe the self and speak to the self of patterns not yet fully realized, not yet fully conceived. 1992/0913.txt:38:I am Q’uo. Rather than these two being always together, it is truer that sometimes the blockages of a certain chakra may affect the physical vehicle in the same general location. To diagnose and treat the self, judging the illness by its position in the body and working on the difficulties within the emotional and mental complex which apply to that center, is to oversimplify the nature of the physical vehicle. Secondary energy centers create many subtleties. Furthermore, when any of the centers is going through a certain kind of process—for instance, the desire for control of a process—then that which is affected, whether it is work in red ray or in indigo ray, will be of a control position in the yellow ray of the mental emotional vehicle and will often show as difficulties with the stomach. We mean here to show that a stomach problem may be caused by any of the chakras that can be worked upon, being in the midst of a functional process. 1992/0920.txt:8:We do not say that an entity has blue-ray energy simply because the entity speaks a great deal. The communication of one working in spiritually vibrant blue ray is of a certain quality or order. This in turn is based more upon work done in the brow or indigo-ray energy center than simply upon the open heart. Thusly, we are able to address this instrument in its highest tuning because we worked with our energies to find a harmony which was euphoniously interactive with this instrument’s ability to receive in-depth information. This energy is one which will not endure beyond this particular channel’s use of us as we formed this union in order specifically to work with this particular channel. 1993/0110.txt:9:All of this sort of information tends not to activate or enhance the healing powers of the opened heart or green ray. It is within the more abstruse and abstract regions of theoretical considerations that the inspiration of words or thoughts might be offered which open the heart or the powers and energies of communication. And it is within the student only that the indigo ray is activated by any material whatsoever. 1993/0321.txt:21:At the brow is the indigo-ray energy center or chakra. This is the seat of energies expressing the entity’s work in consciousness, as the entity works and strives to learn how to discipline the personality in order to be a true or authentic expression of that which one is. This energy center, though quite high upon the rainbow and upon the ambition or hope scale, is specifically the energy that tends to bring entities to call upon those like us which may offer some opinions or thoughts that may be helpful. This is to be noted, because working with the indigo ray, communicating through the blue ray and attempting to keep open the all-loving and all-compassionate heart is an effort which greatly suffers because the lower energies are not much liked—to the point that entities often choose to do most of their conscious work within the upper energies while choosing not to address issues which are unclear within the expression of energies in the first three energy centers. 1993/0321.txt:25:You may think of yourself in two ways. The first is to think of yourself as a prince or princess, delicate in feature and form, beautifully attired in royal robes and seated upon a huge, lumbering, beautifully decorated elephant. In this model you are working at the indigo-ray level while leaving unaccepted the more obviously earthbound portions of the self’s energy. Or you may think of yourself as the elephant. This large, physically awkward looking animal contains, given that it is a human elephant, a subjective beauty which has nothing to do with form. The physical body, the mental complex, the spiritual complex, are in their energies of no-body, no-form; yet the form must be there within this illusion so that the spirit which is yourself may learn and serve and choose how to serve. In the second model, the prince or princess rides within the elephant and is that which truly is the accurate violet-ray readout or summation of the combined energies at any particular time. You must be of a form, of a set of limitations, in order to do the manifesting portion which brings to the unmanifest portion of the incarnated self all of its food for thought. Thusly, one tool may begin to be described as that which reckons with the outer elephant without becoming discouraged, disgusted or exhausted. 1993/0322_02.txt:38:There is a quality to other kinds of communication which, like prayer, use words to go beyond words: the reading aloud of those poems or passages of inspired writing which speak to one’s distress focus and purify the heart’s journey to the blockage below. Now each center is as the heart center, in truth, opening and functioning well; however, because the lower centers are concerning themselves with relationship there is no independence or spirit-driven movement available below the heart chakra. The green, blue and indigo rays, upon the other hand, are focused upon absolutes offered from the spirit within and do not depend upon any, shall we say, earthly relationship to be viable. Yet to spend all of the time in the higher energy centers with lower-chakra communication left undone is to invite the gradual attenuation of strength available for that work because of the unattended difficulties with relationships, the self to the self being chief among these. 1993/0322_02.txt:56:The heart is the seat of intelligent healing energy brought down, first into the violet ray which contacts the Logos itself of intelligent Infinity, as this instrument would say, and then through the indigo ray of intelligent Energy. This indigo ray is that which is your work in consciousness. 1993/0516.txt:110:I am Latwii, and we shall attempt clarity. The concept is so simple that we apologize for assuming that the questioner was familiar with it. We suggest that all exits, shall we say, from this illusion are exits in which the third-density yellow-ray physical vehicle, whatever its degree of manifestation, is left so that the etheric or indigo-ray body may be entered, the incarnation reviewed, the lessons discerned, and the further needs for incarnation determined. Therefore, the exit is from the yellow-ray body to the indigo-ray body in each case, whether the incarnation has been what you call long in years or hardly apparent at all. 1994/1127.txt:35:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We must preface our response with the notation that this is a large field of inquiry, and we can only make the barest beginning for an answer at this time. However, we may suggest that the sexual energy exchanges between the mated pair are one of the most powerful means of advancing the spiritual journey that is known to your peoples, for as each seeker is able to clear each ascending center or chakra of energy, there is therein released the energy that has been holding the consciousness in a certain place, and this freed energy then can allow each seeker to move the level and quality of perceptions higher and higher within the centers of energy until each is able, either individually or together, to move into the brow center, the indigo ray as we have heard it described by this group, and is able to experience the one Creator in full and without distortion. 1996/0512.txt:18:As we move into indigo ray we find that perhaps the greatest problem wanderers have is an obsession with and hunger for spirit to an extent which cannot be held in a balanced manner within the full range of energies. Work in consciousness seems like the hardest work possible to those who have not awakened. To the wanderer, work in consciousness is likely being done piecemeal, whether or not that wanderer has awakened, simply because of the various mismatchings of vibration between the spirit and the culture into which it has come. The great attractiveness of indigo-ray work is seductive. We encourage each to the great work of disciplining the personality and of doing that work in consciousness that better refines the self and its awareness of self, but we encourage each to do this work slowly, carefully and reverently, taking small steps and setting small goals, for work in consciousness is something that shall be more and more refined in higher densities. 1996/1123.txt:111:The loving energy that is you is impossible to dissect. It has an integrity unique to your system. Often seekers target one or another aspect or energy center for renovation, and feel that this energy needs to be improved, cleansed, or altered. This is a less skillful model than that approach to improving the instrument which sees as its first goal the balance of the instrument as an whole. Some entities have little strengths compared to others, yet because they have somehow found the balance within and have harmonized that scale of being, that melody arrests the listening ear with delight. To have a more powerful indigo ray, for instance, has less virtue than to have an indigo ray which is euphonious and promotes travel between it and the other energy nexi. 1997/0202.txt:11:Now, it is often not on the soul level from which entities wish to move. And when one leaves that safe ground, shall we say, metaphysically speaking, of loving from the soul level unconditionally, the ground becomes rapidly much less simple. The terrain can be very puzzling, and so if one does not wish simply to express love or to feel love for another, or to move lovingly without disturbing another, one then has to take some responsibility to look at the self, to look at the gifts of the self, to look at the lessons that you feel that you are working on as a seeking entity, to see, as this instrument would say, to see where you are coming from. Are you objecting to this entity from a red-ray point of view? Do you find the negative actions of this entity to threaten yourself, or someone else, or people in general? Are you coming to the question, “How do I deal with this entity?” from an orange-ray energy where you do not know how to relate to this one entity that you feel that you have to make a connection with as an individual? Or are you coming to dealing with this entity from the standpoint of a person being in a group; that is, using the yellow-ray energy? Or are you coming to this person from the open heart? Or from that level of communication or even from that indigo-ray energy of work in consciousness? 1997/0518.txt:9:The hallmark of spiritual issues is paradox. The answers trail off into mystery without exception. Thusly, we cannot define for you or make absolutely clear to you with any words, no matter how lucid, the whole and complete nature of choice. However, we would speak to you of the will, for this aspect of self is heavily involved in work upon the self, especially that work upon self which would best be described as indigo ray, for there is work upon the self at each level or each energy center of the being. It is appropriate and important to work at each energy level, to work with issues of survival, of relationship, of groups, to work at opening the heart, to work at open communication, and to do this work one must use the will. Yet it remains the greatest challenge of this particular illusion to find the right use of will. 2000/0305.txt:11:The higher energy centers are not those usually considered when thinking of how to deal with a difficult relationship or an unwise exchange of energy. However, it needs to be said that in the green-ray center there is great healing. In the blue-ray center of open communication even a little energy into this center can produce clear communication that is very helpful in situations sometimes. And certainly the indigo-ray center, which is that center which does work in consciousness, is one which the seeker is always attempting to use to some degree as the hope is held in the heart that the self is truly a seeker seeking for that which truly is there, as opposed to the self seen as a dreamer seeking for something that is not there, something that is only a dream. We can assure you that none of these energies or essences are at all dream related. Indeed, they are aspects of your nature that, to us, are far more real than your day-to-day experiences, for these are, as we said, the vibratory essences which are your signature in the metaphysical world. The saying that this instrument has is that you are what you eat. We would replace this adage with you are what you think. 2000/0319.txt:4:You ask this day concerning the discipline of the personality. We are most glad to speak to you on this subject but, as is often the case, we would like to place this question in the context in which we see it, for this question is a question concerning what this instrument would call work in consciousness. This work in consciousness is a function of the indigo-ray or pineal energy center and there are strictures upon the appropriate occasion for doing such work which we would like to look at. 2000/0319.txt:10:As a background to work in consciousness in general it may be noted that that energy which is called the rising of the kundalini is an energy placement that is heavily dependent upon the intensity and purity of desire and the type of desire that you as a soul or spirit are naturally and inherently feeling the need to express. In other words, there is energy entering the bottom of the energy system, coming up from the feet and into the root chakra and moving from there upwards. But there is also the inner light of the one infinite Creator that is called into the energy system through the gateway of intelligent infinity through the violet ray and into the green, blue and indigo energy centers. Work in the discipline of the personality is indigo-ray work. And it is facilitated greatly by persistent daily work on one’s desire. For the more intense that desire the more powerful will be that energy moving through the gateway to intelligent infinity from above. And the more powerful will be the pull that pulls that energy up from the root chakra and to the meeting with that inner light that is called by the metaphysical worker in consciousness. 2000/0319.txt:11:What one hopes for from the energy system in this regard is to have an intensification of the full power that is coming into the heart meeting in the indigo-ray center, and this is a goal which cannot be followed as a goal but, rather, lived as a process. For, again, this will not be work that is done once and never again. This is in no wise a work that after one has done it one may rest upon one’s laurels. Rather, this is a continuing effort throughout the incarnation. 2000/0319.txt:17:However, simply cutting off the self from the purchase of the clothing can be seen only to be working on the surface of the personality. In disciplining the personality it is far more telling if the worker in consciousness can see into the fear and the unworthiness, these being indigo-ray energies that are distorting the entity towards achieving further changes of clothing in order to defend the self and create that feeling that the self is in some measure of control. Each entity will have deeply personal areas where the energy is drawn and leeched away from metaphysical pursuits and it is to these rough places of the personality that the worker in consciousness will go in thought, not to condemn the self, not to attempt with the knife to excise surgically parts of the self, but, rather, to see these places as places where the earth is covering the jewels in such a deep way that the focus of service and learning is shifted to trivial concerns. 2000/0507.txt:11:If the way of wisdom contains a linear structure so that one can follow one’s processes and talk logically about them, it also holds the energy within the higher chakras or energy centers. Working with wisdom is not working with heart or with the lower energies but, rather, largely, the indigo-ray, and to some extent, the blue-ray energy centers. While it is good to do work in consciousness in this manner it is also somewhat imbalanced because there is no encouragement of the flow of energy through the system but, rather, the holding of energy in the higher chakras. Conversely, when one is working in the way of the open heart one is constantly faced with the entire spectrum of self, from the lowest and most primitive emotion, the desire for survival, the desire for sexual reproduction, the desire for food and safety, upwards throughout the system, touching all of the energy centers, rising as high as indigo ray, but again and again springboarding from the heart. So that instead of the seeker moving into and maintaining as a steady state reliance on the higher chakras, the seeker in the way of love has released the preference for work in the higher energy centers and has accepted the self as a full energy system and reconfigured the goal from staying in the higher energies to accelerating the flow of energy throughout the entire system. Instead of a safe but somewhat turgid and slow moving path of energy refinement the brother and sister of the open heart are attempting to take the whole self as it is and through blind faith alone and the processes of self-acceptance and self-forgiveness blessing, forgiving, redeeming, transforming and offering each and every emotion and sensation to the one infinite Creator. 2001/0211.txt:12:In the case of Buddhism, the energies involved tend to spring from two centers: the communication chakra or the blue-ray chakra of the throat, and the indigo-ray chakra of the forehead or the pineal gland. These energies of communication and work in consciousness have a tremendous advantage for people within third density at this time for two reasons. Firstly, there is the peace of working from the higher centers. The yellow-ray chakra is the chakra where the rubber hits the road in terms of everyday experience. It may render the everyday experience sublime, but it shall not render it completely peaceful, for peace is not the nature of the passing passion play that is life. Neither is it peaceful to dwell within the heart, for the heart is not only the shuttle for the spirit but also the seat of the emotions. And the tumult of the rising and falling away of emotions is constant. Consequently there may often be the transcendent experience of bliss and peace, yet it lies within the rising and falling of emotion. For in love’s focus, in the heart’s focus, there is the specific value of passion, desire and thirst. And this cannot be said to be completely peaceful. 2001/0329.txt:16:For doing this work without preparation can be unbalancing to the energetic body. And so we would caution each before doing such work in consciousness, always to begin with the meditation, with the balancing of the energy system, with the clearing of the lower to the higher energy centers to a minimal degree so that the energy system that is doing this work is without significant imbalance. For when there are shadows that block energy into the heart, then it is that there is not energy coming through into the green, blue and indigo-ray energy centers where this work in consciousness is taking place. Consequently, we do encourage that work, before a session of meditating upon the archetypes, where there is the attempt to balance the energy system and to settle it so that not only the physical body but also the metaphysical body is rested and balanced and ready to receive those piercing energies which flow from the roots of mind and fructify the waking consciousness. 2002/0628.txt:12:When it comes to evaluating beauty from the standpoint of the indigo ray, then it is that choices such as this instrument makes become the focus of what beauty is and how entities are seen. Indeed, looking at another being in the physical from the standpoint of indigo-ray beauty, it can easily be seen that the lines of the face, the attractiveness of the body as judged by cultural standards, the gracefulness of expression of communication and personality, begin to pale beside the sheer force of an entity’s soul character. For within the eyes of one who is seeing from the standpoint of doing work in consciousness, beauty lies almost entirely in the power and peace of an entity, in its ability to show you joy and bliss and true wisdom, according to the place in the process of spiritual evolution that your particular indigo-ray energy center has found itself enjoying the dance of working within. 2003/0219.txt:1: [overview] Question From R: What are the disciplines, prerequisite, attitudes and practices that are helpful to me in order to open my indigo-ray center to intelligent infinity at the present time? 2003/0219.txt:6:Within this system of cosmology, shall we say, the gateway to intelligent infinity rests above the energy center known as the brow chakra or the indigo-ray chakra and hence the work of indigo ray is that work which has most directly or proximally to do with opening the gateway to intelligent infinity. The discipline of the personality and work in consciousness is the precinct and purpose of this energy center and it is within this center that the practices and disciplines requested dwell, for the most part, in terms of their subject matter. 2003/0219.txt:18:The one known as R has tremendous amounts of dedication and energy in the area of the indigo-ray work and is well aware of issues which it focuses upon at this time, and we would not infringe upon the free will of the one known as R by commenting more closely. We do not believe that there is any lack in this portion of the creative and intentional work in service of the one known as R but, rather, that this entity focuses with great care and love and persistence at this time. As this entity indicates by the very shape of its query, it is well aware of its need to move always back into the whole self as a prerequisite to doing work in consciousness. It is when the bottom is firmly planted and well placed on the ground of true small things that the spirit may soar. It is when the first story of the house of a life is swept and tidied that one may go to the upper room, there to be lifted up into midair with the angels. Let that first floor first be neat as a pin, with each honor which is also a duty seen to, each promise kept, each relationship honored, each thread of self within found like the lost sheep, brought into the loving heart, kept warm, comforted and fed until the self is as loved as those loved ones that are about one, until the self is also seen as the Creator, as the Christ, as the child of the one infinite Creator, utterly worthy of love. 2003/1005.txt:34:Okay, Q’uo, assuming that the work of power is the work of higher energy centers, I know that green ray is the great resource of all spiritual work and that the blue and indigo-ray activities await only the will of the seeker once green ray has been activated. My question is, the moment that love is felt, can an entity “move up,” so to speak, and immediately do blue and/or indigo-ray work in that moment, if only for what I would call a short period of time? Or does the state of the open heart need to be reliable and consistent for work to proceed into the higher rays? 2003/3.txt:4: [overview] Question From R: What are the disciplines, prerequisite, attitudes and practices that are helpful to me in order to open my indigo-ray center to intelligent infinity at the present time? 2004/1003.txt:39:A follow up. I have a question about a different situation, involving the idea, the energy, of defense. Every situation is unique and in Jesus’ case he had a vision which crystallized in his mind but, in general then, what choice would a blue-ray entity or an indigo-ray entity, in the situation where in order to defend you need to kill another to save your own life, make? Who’s to say what choice an entity will make, for each situation is unique, but, in general, would a blue-ray entity see it within his understanding, within his parameters, to kill another to save his own life? 2004/1114.txt:8:How you burned to learn more about your true nature! You came into incarnation with certain prejudices concerning yourself. In your biased opinion you felt a better balance might be needed in one or another sense, in one or another phase of life and all that it has to offer. In your energy body you carried those biases and those hopes. This instrument is familiar with a seven-chakra body system so we may say that your incarnational lessons are scattered among those seven chakras and those seven ways of seeing energy. How do you deal with survival? That’s the red ray. How do you deal with personal relationships? Orange ray. How do you deal with legal groups and responsibilities such as jobs, marriages, families? That’s yellow ray. How do you work within your heart to open it and to become more fully the loving entity that you are by your very nature? That’s green ray. How can you communicate and relate in terms of soul to soul? That’s blue ray. How can you relate to the infinite Creator within yourself, within all of creation, and within the Creator itself? That is indigo ray. And who are you, really? That is violet ray. Each of you has unique incarnational lessons that you have asked yourself by the very way that you are built; by the very way that you tend to think. Each of you has biases you encounter again and again, biases which are unique to you. Again, these are gifts of the self to the self, gifts to be unwrapped at leisure and pondered through the years and the decades of an incarnation. This is the raw material1 of your particular mystery. And that is the self before it meets the world that spins within your mind and before your eyes. 2004/1212.txt:6:Let us look at your energetic body, for this bears some looking at in terms of working with this concept of psychic resistance. You have an energetic body that is composed, in the terms that this instrument is familiar with, of seven chakras in-body and one chakra directly above the body. And these chakras are in a coherent system. The system as a whole works only as well as the least balanced chakra, in general or large terms. In more specific applications, chakra by chakra and looking at relationships betwixt two or more chakras in a system, part of the chakra body may be working beautifully for you and may be well-balanced for you and yet, at the same time, because of over-activation or under-activation of other chakras, that particular balance may not be working for the overall best balance of the system as a whole. It is especially interesting we find, looking, for instance, as we have been invited to do, at this particular instrument’s chakra system, that you do not find one chakra that is weak and the other ones strong; rather, you generally find correspondences betwixt two or even three chakras where there is an imbalance that is made up not simply of one chakra being a bit off-kilter but that chakra’s imbalance shadowing or pulling at the balance of one or two other chakras. And in this instrument, we find that there are some weaknesses in both the red and the orange rays of the instrument which echo or reflect into the indigo ray and the way this works for this instrument is that there are areas of childhood pain, as this instrument was speaking of earlier, having to do with issues of survival and of the person’s relationship with herself which can trigger emotions and processes which directly impinge upon and pull into deep imbalance, at least momentarily, the areas of indigo which have to do with self-worth. 2004/1212.txt:8:For those who are experiencing a true psychic greeting, the entity with whom one is dancing is an outer entity whose existence does not depend upon you. For the general majority of psychic resistance that is experienced, the entity generating the resistance is the self. Does it make a difference? To the best of our ability to answer this question, the answer is no, it does not make a difference. One can call a psychic greeting the fault of an entity and respond to that entity or one can assume that, in the larger picture, all entities are the self and therefore it does not matter from where the greeting is coming but only that it is experienced as an offering to which a response is required. In the former way of looking at it, there may be a few cases, especially cases in which the identity of the psychic greeter is known, in which case it is efficient and skillful to name the greeting and say to whom it is perceived that the responsibility is due and therefore come into a time/space meeting with this individual or this group entity and, standing before the Creator, it is possible then to move into conversation with that entity and to effect a resolution. This resolution is in the form of expressions of love and gratitude for the greeting and the greeter. We note that this way of dealing with psychic greeting does not balance the greeting for the one who has originated the greeting. It however balances the greeting for you. For the most part, however, we feel that the most helpful way to look at a psychic resistance experience is to assume that stance before the Creator that we described before, where you have moved to the judgment seat, you have moved to the Creator’s space, to that place where you have witnessed in spirit and where all of those who help you on unseen levels are acknowledged and thanked as witnesses. In this very metaphysical setting, you do precisely what you would do if indeed there was an entity involved: you open your heart and you invite in this area of resistance, however you are experiencing it. You acknowledge it, you look at it very carefully, not shirking or shying away from any detail but trying to plumb the depths of this greeting, of this resistance.How does it feel? What is happening to you? What energies of the chakra body does it seem to be concentrating on? What is the area that it is greeting? Where does the rubber meet the road? What is the nature of this experience? Do not rush through this part of the process because, as we said, there are many layers to experience. There are many parts of yourself and there are many vantage points from which to look at the various parts of yourself. What does red-ray resistance look like from the green-ray energy? From the blue-ray energy? What does indigo-ray and its dimming look like from green ray, from blue ray? And we focus on green ray and blue ray because, in doing energetic work, the green ray is that great hall that is a totally sacred space. It is that house wherein you dwell, energetically. It is the doorway through which the Creator moves on an everyday, continuing basis, because it is the seat of unconditional love. This is the energy that created you. You are green-ray entities in terms of your basic nature. The stem of the flower that you are is green ray. 2005/0518.txt:45:The under-activation of the blue-ray chakra is due to a lack of a feeling of self-worth which is because of the fact that you have not yet concluded the process of self-forgiveness and self-acceptance that you have begun in opening your heart. The over-activation is a matter of your very active and strong will, which is encouraging you onward to communicate ever more openly and to move ever more fully into those energies of full sharing, fully open communication, and that self which wishes to move on into work in consciousness, or into indigo-ray work. 2005/0614.txt:31:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We are in the peculiar position of both confirming and not confirming that you were in complete contact with your higher self at that moment. In terms of your precise experience at that time we believe that the closest we can come through this instrument to describing your situation is that you had what this instrument would call a blow-through into the precise point where the indigo-ray center meets intelligent infinity. That is not to say you had moved through into intelligent infinity. It is rather to say that you were experiencing a state wherein you were one with the atomic structure of a particular part of a fairly liquid environment, much like the point at the top of the pyramid at Giza where energy is collected and when it bursts forth, it spirals into intelligent infinity. What you were seeing was atomic structure. It looks much like a night sky would to your physical eyes. 2005/0619.txt:60:You are working at a certain place in the inner planes which we can only describe to you as the point of the capstone of the pyramid where energy changes from one kind to another. You are attempting to catch the spiraling upsweep of the light/love vibration as it moves from what we can only offer through this instrument as the final point of the indigo-ray center, where it spirals into fire and becomes the time/space continuum of the dimension or density of love. 2005/1015.txt:26:The indigo-ray or brow chakra deals with issues with work in consciousness. If you are a person that enjoys meditation, for instance, you are doing indigo work. If you enjoy walks in nature, the reading of inspirational materials, or work in visualization, these are also indigo-ray works. 2005/1218.txt:18:The eight-chakra system has been discussed previously, and so we will very briefly review that system. The red-ray chakra is concerned mostly with survival and sexuality. The orange-ray chakra, located in the lower belly, is associated with issues of personal relationship. The yellow-ray chakra, or the solar plexus energy center, is associated with the energies of interacting with groups. The green-ray or heart chakra is associated with opening the heart and discovering one’s own sacred nature. The throat chakra or blue-ray energy center is connected with communication. The indigo-ray center at the brow is associated with the disciplines of the personality and work in consciousness, and the violet-ray chakra, which is the crown chakra, is associated with that readout of momentary reality that is expressing at any given moment and is a system readout for the entire energy body that is what we would call the Occidental or Western chakra structure. 2005/1218.txt:49:Meanwhile, according to your desire and will and your requests, guidance and teaching is being pulled into your energy system from the top through the violet ray, then the indigo ray, and so forth, until it reaches the blue ray or the green ray, depending upon whether you are using those energies in communication or whether you are using them in healing, basically. 2006/0123.txt:31:However, what has been backing up for you and creating pressure in this situation is the hunger that you have to work with your higher energy chakras. You are oriented very much to working with the blue ray of open communication and to do the work in conscious[ness] of the indigo ray. In your desire to move ahead with this higher-chakra work, you have unknowingly placed a good deal of pressure on yourself. The end result of this has been a kind of locking up of the energy body. 2006/0206.txt:72:[footnote start]The N in iNtuition is capitalized on purpose by the authors. That N is used instead of the I that starts that word in order to differentiate it from Introversion, which uses up the I in their abbreviation system.↩[footnote end][footnote start]The colors to which the Q’uo are referring are the “Roy G Biv” rainbow colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The chakras are assigned to the body along the spine, starting at the spine’s base for red ray, with orange ray in the abdomen, yellow ray at the solar plexus, green ray at the heart, blue ray at the throat, indigo ray at the center of the forehead, and the violet ray at the top of the head.↩[footnote end][footnote start]The Q’uo seem to be suggesting that within each chakra or energy center there is a complete sub-octave of associations, red through indigo ray, presumably with the crown chakra, just above the head and white in coloration, as the octave chakra.↩[footnote end][footnote start]In Hinduism, a disciple is called a chela, or as it exists in ancient Hebrew, selah.↩[footnote end] 2006/0207.txt:56:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Again, we cannot confirm these correspondences. We would instead suggest that it may be helpful for you to examine each chakra in the sense of identifying the octave of energies that are available to that chakra. That is, in the red-ray chakra, for instance, there is the red ray’s relationship with itself. There is the red ray in its foreshadowing of orange. There is the red ray in its relationship to the yellow ray, the green ray, the blue ray, and the indigo ray. 2006/0903.txt:24:Further, when entities are working on a certain difficulty, as the one known as M pointed out, they may be working in two or more chakras at one time. The one known as M gave the example of having low self-worth, which is worked within the orange ray as well as in the indigo ray and, indeed, to some extent, that low self-worth shall be worked on by each and every one of the chakras in one way or another. 2006/0903.txt:32:Now, what is the use of this process of the raising of the kundalini from the indifferent movement in the lower three chakras and occasionally the opening of the heart to a steady rise up into the indigo ray? For many people there is no use in it whatsoever. It is a highly individual, personal and even intimate decision for each as to whether they wish fully to utilize this powerful resource of the human mind, body and spirit. 2006/1008.txt:9:The indigo-ray energy center is the next nexus of energy along this road. It is the seat of those who are attempting to find rest from weary searching. It is the chakra in which faith is the characteristic attitude and in which work in consciousness may be done. Once the typical spiritual seeker discovers the possibilities of becoming more advanced spiritually, it begins to set goals for the self. It begins to wish for the self a certain degree of spiritual maturity. 2007/0414.txt:77:We ask that you consider, my brother, the possibility that dwelling within one chakra or another is not the goal of a spiritual seeker. Rather, the spiritual seeker’s goal is to serve the one infinite Creator. In doing so, all of the notes of this instrument shall be played. None of the chakras is more important than any other. They are all necessary for the functioning of the energy body. It is just as important to have a strong red ray or a strong orange ray as it is to have a strong indigo ray. It is impossible to do work in consciousness before you have begun to have a holistic view of your energy, valuing every aspect of your feelings. 2007/0414.txt:79:What you are attempting to do in opening the heart is not to leap from the heart into indigo ray but simply to find yourself able to use the resources of the heart chakra which make work in consciousness ever more possible. As that heart not only opens but is persuaded by the constant tuning of the individual to stay open, more and more, finally there is a habitual default setting of open heart and dependence upon the concept of love and a need to be a part of the principle of love and light upon planet Earth. 2007/1027.txt:9:In order to approach this gateway, much work has already been done. For it is impossible to enter the gateway of indigo ray until the entity has gathered the entirety and the wholeness of its integrated self into the heart and has done the work of forgiving and falling in love with this integrated self, with its many perceived faults. 2007/1027.txt:28:Meditation through the gateway of intelligent infinity is impersonal. And so the great work of indigo ray is to move the self, very gently, out of the way and allow only the essence of desire to express the selfhood of the seeker. 2007/1027.txt:30:Naturally, it is important, in terms of making a report of what this instrument calls Confederation principles and thought, to distinguish betwixt the two, for there is tremendous movement in indigo ray possible, whereas in violet ray there is a fixed nature to that energy. Yet, as the two work together, they function as that connection to all that there is which can make of a seemingly human entity a magical, powerful, impersonal servant of the light. 2007/1027.txt:45:We would say to the instrument that we feel that she will be fully able to discuss the various techniques of these rays, especially the indigo ray. We do not feel that we need to comment further on those details. And thusly, for this particular time, we have offered you what we hope will be helpful at this juncture. 2007/1124.txt:8:The gateway to intelligent infinity is at the very top of those chakras, involving the indigo and violet-ray chakras. Springing from the open heart, the seeker may open the gateway to intelligent infinity by moving into the violet ray, through the indigo ray, with the desire and will focusing in firm intention and asking that work may be done in consciousness. 2007/1124.txt:15:Once an entity has reached the point where the heart is open and energy is flowing freely, he may then choose to move into the higher chakras. If he wishes to do work in consciousness such as meditation, healing, prayer or inspirational reading and reflection, he moves very consciously and deliberately into the indigo-ray chakra, the home of faith. 2007/1124.txt:16:Here, one is always dealing with unseen things. In the indigo ray, one has left the physical body behind. The indigo ray is physically placed at the third eye position at which the Hindu monk will place a red dot, for in the Hindu system of belief there is a great appreciation of this chakra and it is believed by them, as well as us, that it is the gateway, the door, to direct contact with intelligent infinity, or as they would put it, the Creator. 2007/1124.txt:17:Dwelling in indigo ray, the seeker begins to approach the gateway by the use of silence. It is necessary that the mind be still to a great extent so that the inspiration which is being sought may have room to flow into the chakra body through the violet ray and then the indigo, and then to be seated in the heart. 2008/0329.txt:57:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Faith is a vibration or energy which is far less distorted from the truth than any other vibration or energy which you as a third density entity are able to realize, express or manifest. It is deeply connected with the indigo-ray chakra and is also fully conversant with that process of the indigo and violet ray moving through the gateway to intelligent infinity. 2008/0426.txt:17:We speak, as we believe you intended us to speak, strictly of those artists who must express that which is within them and who are irresistibly drawn to perform and to share their gifts. Whether or not such entities would think of offering their gifts in a spiritual sense, it is, indeed, a spiritual exercise by its very definition. For in order to make contact with the creative impulse, the entity must move into the open heart or green-ray chakra and thereby move upwards into the ray of communication, the blue ray, and the ray of faith, indigo ray, and thenceforth to move into the violet ray and the gateway to intelligent infinity. 2008/0510.txt:12:Work in consciousness can only take place when the red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are open and the energy of the Creator is running freely through them, for this is the energy that feeds the heart. When it is limited or constricted, the magical personality shall find itself on very short rations. Once the seeker has set his intention to do work in consciousness, then the higher rays become involved: the blue ray of communication, the indigo ray of faith and being, and of course, the green ray of healing and unconditional love. 2008/0510.txt:15:So, whether we are speaking of healing, the green ray energy, or communication, the blue ray energy, or radiancy of being, the indigo ray, we speak of one process whereby a seeker decides to set his intention to become a priest, a minister of light, and to take upon himself the responsibility of using his power rightly. 2008/0510.txt:16:Sacred sexuality lies within the precincts of the indigo ray, and indeed, moves into the mystery of the violet ray. It calls down inspiration and information from the Godhead principle Itself, that great Logos that is unconditional love, into the heart of that which joins the physical and the metaphysical being, sexuality. 2008/0510.txt:24:Now, perhaps, there has been a shift in the location and the amount of privacy. Perhaps this is the time when the two lovers become intimate, clothes are shed, the outside world falls away, and the talk deepens. Whatever is said in this opening into blue ray has begun to take on the quality of sacredness, as each listens in complete sympathy and support to what the other has to say. The world seems to brighten more and more, the energy lifts and moves towards the indigo ray, that ray of faith and magic where two beings may become magical together. 2008/0510.txt:52:We are those of Q’uo, and believe we understand your query, my brother. When there is an empathic energy exchange, it is an exchange that does not have the element of sexual touch. The nature of the empathic exchange is not necessarily indigo-ray. Empathic exchanges, that is, one entity understanding another to the point where one is able to experience as that entity, are possible in any of the energy centers. 2008/0513.txt:21:Now we would speak a bit about working with guidance. Working with your guidance is one of the ways in which you use the gateway to intelligent infinity. You open yourself to the metaphysical worlds by the process of tuning yourself up to your highest and best as you move out of the open heart and into the blue-ray chakra, then into the indigo-ray chakra, and from thence into the violet-ray chakra and through the gateway. 2008/0513.txt:40:Yet in blue ray, with the heart open and fully powering your movement, it is easy to find a compassionate way to share that truth so there is no accusation or judgment, but only the sharing of opinion and emotion. We believe that you will find, my sister, that once you have opened green ray it will springboard you to blue or indigo ray with equal ease. 2008/0513.txt:48:And again, as we said, the key to this puzzle that you are working is low self-worth. You see, low self-worth occurs both in the orange ray and in the indigo ray, one being on a different level than the other, but both being the same basic structure in terms of vibration. At the orange-ray level, the issue is the relationship of self with self. 2008/0513.txt:56:In the indigo ray, the issue becomes steeper and deeper and involves the ability to see yourself at the soul level as an infinitely perfect and beautiful soul, trusting by faith alone that this is true, ignoring at last with great relief the judgment of the earthly personality. 2008/1122.txt:12:Were the channeling intended to be that of pure radiance of being, the same description would hold forth except that the locus of the meeting between the north-pole energy through the gateway and the south-pole energy of light/love would be at the indigo-ray chakra. 2008/1122.txt:13:The becoming seeker who merges with all that there is is doing the equivalent of the channeling of radiance of being, and the description would be the same as the description of the channeler of that radiancy of being, the gateway energy streaming into the indigo-ray chakra and meeting the south-pole energy there. 2008/1213.txt:18:When the desire of the seeker has been self-understood and honed to a focus that is lucid and coherent, it is able to use its will, that powerful faculty that moves all of the creation, to reach for that which may come through the gateway of intelligent infinity, further to enlighten, inform or inspire. That intention, honed through desire to will, moves first into the blue-ray chakra, the chakra of communication and understanding, and thence onward to the indigo-ray chakra, the chakra of faith. 2008/1213.txt:19:In the environment of faith, driven in a certain vector by will, the gateway to intelligent infinity is then opened. And the energy of the Infinite, personified and shaped into specificity by the nature of the will and desire of the seeker, comes rushing down into the indigo-ray chakra through the violet-ray chakra, there to meet the upward-spiraling energy that is the constant environment of the energy body. 2008/1213.txt:23:When a seeker desires to move into a higher state of being which refrains from or has no use for action but rather wishes to rest in radiance of being, the energy through the gateway shall meet the personal energy of the seeker in the indigo-ray chakra and remain there, resting in that chakra whose very essence is faith. 2008/1213.txt:27:Yet faith is not that which is used. Faith is an environment which is reached, first, in a naïve and nevertheless perfect way in the heart. And then, for the seeker whose will is equal to the task, in a way which turns green ray and the home of the soul within the body into indigo ray, where the soul’s home becomes the universe. 2008/1213.txt:28:It is a movement from locality to non-locality, from personhood to non-personhood or impersonal living. There is a freedom to dwelling in faith in the indigo ray that is infinite. And living from that awareness, bringing the remembrance of that awareness of faith into the everyday life, creates of the everyday life a dazzling adventure. 2009/1013.txt:40:When one is able to quiet the self and to get the energy of the energy body flowing at its maximum so that the heart is open, then one is able to do work in consciousness, moving through the blue ray of absolute honesty and the indigo ray of being. As one sits within that open energy body and places the intention with which you seek to enter the gateway to intelligent infinity, the gateway will open in such and such a way because of your intention. 2010/0130.txt:9:Moving up again from the heart, the next energy center is the blue-ray chakra which deals with communication and compassion. Then there is, at the brow level, the indigo-ray chakra which deals with radiance of being. The violet-ray chakra is not a chakra that does work, in the sense that you would understand work of a spiritual nature. That is to say that it does not handle issues but rather is a read-out of the basic state of your being as a whole. It is your vibration, your signature. We know you by the violet-ray emanation. It is your signature in a far deeper way than your name would be, to us. Others [may] have your name but your [vibration] is unique in all of the infinite Creation. 2010/0130.txt:13:Those who wish to heal set their intention to reach through the gateway for healing energy and that healing energy comes down through the gateway, through the violet ray to the indigo ray and down to the blue ray, [then] to the green-ray chakra. There it stays, for the healing energy moves through the open heart of the healer and out through the energies of that healer to do its work according to the wisdom and the love of the spirit. 2010/0130.txt:18:Some there are who wish to deal with their inner life to achieve a full radiance of being. The prayer life is that which uses the indigo ray. [There are] those who simply sit and allow the self to reveal self to self. The divine aspect of the self is opened and the things that are not necessary can fall away so that the eye of the self becomes the eye of the Christ, that icon or that symbol of unconditional love. In that model, then, the lower chakras being opened, the heart being open and the intention set, the entity reaches up through the gateway to ask for that energy of radiance of being which comes down through the body, down through the violet, indigo, blue [rays] and into the green ray and springboards back up to indigo, where it remains and does its work. 2010/0130.txt:48:For others, bound in suffering, wracked by doubts, caught in the world of ten thousand things, there is an emptiness of self. The chalice is already ready to receive. And for such entities it is precious indeed to open the self in passive prayer. Some would call it mediation and indeed the Buddhists would call it vipassana meditation. In this allowing of the self to be nothing and to float as the candle flame floats above the candle, self is revealed just as the candle reveals itself in the flame. It is an indigo-ray use of the gateway of intelligent infinity to ask for the self to be revealed to the self, for the self to feel its own radiance. And that flame comes down into the passive tallow of self and kindles the flame of truth so that the self becomes a chalice, holding the flame of love. And gently, sweetly, that flame melts away the suffering and the difficulty and frees the caught soul that it may fly free into the love of the open heart, into the love of the Logos. 2010/0904_01.txt:82:Now I would like to explain a concept that’s very important to the understanding of harvest, and that’s called the steps of light. It’s a wonderful conception because, as I said, there is no judgment. The concept is this: that when you have died, you move out of your body into the indigo-ray body which you used to enter your physical body. You just ride out on the horse on which you rode in. 2010/0904_01.txt:83:But then, after you’ve been healed in your indigo-ray body, you move into your violet-ray body for walking the steps of light. Now the violet ray [is] this one here. 2010/0904_02.txt:109:I think a lot of people really would like to spend their time in the upper true-color chakras and even perhaps to slip off into the densities that are the same colors as those chakras. The seven densities have the same coloration as the chakras within our body. So the chakra beyond the yellow-ray chakra, which is our third-density chakra, is the green ray. So we really like the thought of living in the green-ray body or maybe the blue-ray body or maybe even the indigo-ray body. “Oh boy, I want to be there.” 2010/0905_01.txt:111:For those who heal, the energy comes down from intelligent infinity, down through violet ray, indigo ray, blue ray, down into the green ray and then [the energy drawn down] stays in green ray, so that you become an instrument of that which is flowing through you. You don’t try to heal. You try to be a good instrument. And you might be putting touch on people. It might be the Christian Science way of a practitioner knowing the truth for another person and allowing that to be and creating the opportunity for that person to accept that. There are many ways to heal in terms of spiritual healing from the gateway, but they all involve the healer giving up his will and saying, “Use me please.” 2010/0905_01.txt:116:You can, however, have green-ray energy transfers and still have not gotten very far in the ways of sacred sex. And as I told you in a talk yesterday, Jim and I had green-ray energy transfers from the first time that we ever opened ourselves to each other physically. But we didn’t have our blue ray open. And opening the blue ray between us took a decade, I’d say. It took awhile. So, once we began talking with each other [in blue ray], then we had the ability to move into the indigo ray and the ability to experience sacramental sex. 2010/0905_01.txt:122:So, you talk through all these things and you become peaceful. There’s nothing more to talk about. Everything’s fine between you. And you move into the indigo ray and you just radiate to each other. A lot of times Jim will dance for me. He’s a wonderful dancer and I just glory in it because I’m sitting here, watching my priest-husband go. A lot of times he’ll open with a salute to the Creator and I can see this ball of light forming in between his hands. And then he begins to move and the ball becomes two ribbons of energy that he’s moving with his hands. It’s just wonderful and it opens me up to the place where I would want to be, where I truly see him as Man and he truly sees me as Woman. And we go from there and we play. Dancing in the fields of the Lord is the way I like to think of it. 2010/0905_01.txt:130:The other thing about the energy body that I think is good to remember is that—and I’ve said this in these talks before—it’s not okay just to have a brilliant blue ray, and a brilliant indigo ray, and a great green ray if you’ve neglected the red ray, the orange ray, the yellow ray, if you don’t really think too much of your sexuality, or your will to live, or your relationships, your relationship with yourself, with others, with your birth family and so forth. And it’s all muddy down there, you’re not getting up into the heart the infinite love and light of the one Creator. 2010/1127.txt:44:When the orange ray is compromised by unworthiness, it reflects upon the indigo ray as well, for the indigo ray is the higher chakra in which the self is steeped in the devotion to the Creator that allows for work in consciousness and for the passage of passive radiation of light. 2010/1225.txt:20:Yes, Q’uo. If a person has an extremely sensitive spiritual body, such as being psychic, being able to see apparitions and behold things that aren’t physically noticeable to other people, what generally would be the purpose of that kind of adaptation? Is that a thing that just happens at random, or is it chosen? Are you just born with the indigo ray open? Do you have anything you could say about that? 2015/0919.txt:11:Now, with such an attitude in place, one may move up the system of energy centers to that ray which we have called the orange, and we find there that the attitudes that one has towards other selves with whom one has a personal relation are central to this energy center; and also the sense of self that one entertains for oneself is a factor of importance for dealing with the intake of energy at this level. Blockages may occur at this center when difficulties are discovered, either in the relation of the self to itself, or in the relation of the self to another. If these blockages are in place, it is well not to attempt to go higher, for to do so will mean that one is working with higher energies in a way which is distorted at a level below their proper sphere, and it is not possible to correct these imbalances while in the configuration of the higher energy center. Therefore, while for example, it may seem highly desirable to the seeker to be doing work in the blue ray or in the indigo ray center in meditation, this work will not be effective until the clearing of the lower energy centers has been achieved. When one feels joy in relation to others of one's immediate acquaintance, when one feels joy in being who one is, one can then make the effort to move higher in the chain of energy centers, and undertake work within the yellow ray center of activity. 2015/0919.txt:18:Not every meditation, my friends, will be one of glory. Not every meditation will be one of pure joy, but much of the work that is done in meditation sets the table, so to speak, for the feast to come and we commend you to the activity of doing the work requisite for the more sanctified work, as we might call it, that begins with the blue ray and moves into the indigo ray when it reaches its fuller height. 2015/0919.txt:19:The indigo ray is that ray of the spiritual seeker which most embodies the highest aspirations to which that seeker is able to reach. The indigo ray is the site of sacred work which one does by invoking the power and presence of the Creator; a kind of drawing energy, if we may so call it, that reaches down from above and constitutes an inspiration and an invitation for the up reach of the energies coming from below. 2015/0919.txt:20:In the indigo ray, there is a great feeling of blessing available. One can become quite intoxicated by this feeling of blessing. It is not unknown among your people to have serious spiritual seekers have experiences in which they break through to the indigo ray and feel themselves to be overwhelmed by the splendor of the energy there to be discovered. On such occasions, you do find those who feel they can now sally forth with the message that they can uniquely bring to a struggling humanity. 2015/0919.txt:30:On one level I understand that you must work from the foundation upward, clearing and balancing each center to create a stable base from which to work in indigo ray; yet on the other hand, this notion is confusing to me because it seems like the consciousness of indigo ray is one that undoes the fundamental illusion. It undoes the illusion of separation, it undoes the illusion of the individual ‘I,’ and it is upon those illusions from which all of the blockages spring in the first place: the blockages of the red ray, orange ray and so forth. So, it seems to me, that indigo ray gets to the root of the problem. So, I'm confused as to why the indigo ray cannot then undo the blockages and imbalances of the lower rays. If Q’uo could speak to that, I would appreciate it. 2016/0116.txt:19:The fully activated mind/body/spirit complex is quite rare, my friends. It does not usually occur within the third-density illusion. There is, however, a lower limit or threshold, shall we say, for the mind, the body, and the spirit to function in order to move into the indigo-ray energy center and begin the experience of what you may call joy. The indigo-ray center contains the ability of the entity to experience its true beingness, which is a being of unity made by the One Creator from the power of the Creator’s love which has condensed into light and formed the Creation as it is known, and that which is unknown as well, for the Creation, my friends, is infinite. 2016/0116.txt:20:When contact is made with the indigo-ray energy center, then, this sense of unity begins to color the entity’s experience until it is full of the quality you may call “joy.” Various opportunities are offered for the seeker of truth to experience the joy-filled condition. When there is the opportunity presented to feel that the incarnation has been successful in its goals and intentions, there is often the momentary experience of joy knowing that the past is firmly set upon and all is unfolding as it should. This is an inner signal to the conscious self that all is, indeed, well. 2016/0116.txt:21:All is indeed well at all times, my friends, however, within the third-density illusion this is not often experienced as a truth, the truth of that which truly is. From time to time the subconscious mind will send the signal to the conscious mind that it is, indeed, shall we say, on the beam, hitting the mark, traveling the path successfully. There is further work that may be done for such a seeker, for if this seeker, which has begun to experience the opening of the indigo ray, can balance that energy center with the lower energy centers, over a period of what you would call time and the processing of catalyst into experience, then it is possible to release the experience as a shuttle through the violet ray energy center that makes contact with the One Creator and the entity then is able to have the fully experienced presence of the One Infinite Creator, with its attendant joy and feeling of wholeness or unity at which time the entity becomes aware in a full sense of the nature of its own being and the nature of all that is within the Creation of the Creator. 2016/1106.txt:29:This opening of the self to the deeper level of the mind is that which is best approached, shall we say, in a ritualistic fashion so that you are seeing the releasing and revealing of universal energies, not only from without you, from the cosmos itself, but from within you where you may make contact with intelligent infinity through the indigo ray into the violet ray. When you pray certain prayers, these become the ritualized vehicles that configure your mind which is enriched by your heart in such and such a fashion as to make this contact with intelligent infinity possible. In this way, you also complete your tuning so that you are able to not only receive these impressions of concept from entities such as are we, but you are able to offer your challenge to entities who wish to speak through you. 2016/1203.txt:32:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. This is a substantial query with a great deal of preparation that we must make. You may look at your energy centers, red through violet, as a means of shining your light, shall we say, in short. When the Intelligent Energy of the One Creator moves from the Logos, from the Sun, to your energy field, the magnetic attraction of this energy through the red ray energy center, is that which begins your appreciation of catalyst in your life experience according to the choices that you have made previous to your incarnation. The lessons that you wish to learn are all embodied within various of the energy centers, and as the Intelligent Energy of the One Creator moves within your energy centers, you are then able to perceive it according to the, shall we say, coloration or choices made previous to the incarnation. This energy seeks to move upwards, arising into eventual union with the One Creator in the indigo ray energy center. For indeed, at this center, the crown is already upon the head and you are potentially, the Creator, for the Creator resides there waiting for your discovery. 2016/1203.txt:35:As the energy moves further into the blue ray energy center, communication is that quality here of an inspirational nature, that one is able to give in great abundance to those about one, again expecting no return. This is the first truly spiritual energy center, for it gives as does the Creator, freely and inspirationally and continuously. If the energies within this center are balanced and open, then the indigo ray energy center becomes available to the seeker of truth. Here lies the power of the One Creator. If this energy center may be opened, activated, balanced and then utilized to release the spirit as a shuttle into the violet-ray energy center, contact with the One Creator or Intelligent Infinity is possible. 2016/1203.txt:36:This is the rising of the kundalini to its height, where the entity realizes itself as the One Creator. However, if at any lower energy center— most especially the magnetically charged in the, shall we say, negative sense, of the negative pole of drawing unto the entity energies of the red, orange or yellow centers— [have] not been balanced sufficiently to withstand the impact of the rising of the energy to the indigo center, then there will be imbalances in the experience of this energy as it moves into the indigo-ray energy center. These imbalances may be detected by an entity which has experienced some anomaly, shall we say, in the experience of the rising of the kundalini. The anomaly may be that which is confusing, is surprising, unexpected, and which gives one doubt. This is the sign of, not necessarily danger, but of imbalance. 2016/1217.txt:16:If you wish to accelerate the learning and the gathering of love within your being, then use the balancing exercises to do that very thing, for these exercises are that which allow your lower energy centers most especially, and occasionally the higher energy centers, to function more effectively, to allow the intelligent energy or the light, the prana of the One Creator from your Sun body, your Logos, to enter through your feet and lower chakras and to move without hindrance through the entire system of chakras or energy centers. Eventually, it is the goal of each seeker to cause this energy to move through the red of the survival and sexual impulses, the orange of the emotional nature and one-to-one relationships, the yellow of the group involvement of the self, to the green of universal energy of love freely given, to the blue of free communication and inspiration, and to the indigo ray wherein there lies the One Creator, and the intelligent energy of that One Creator, and may be discovered by the seeker who is able to remove the blockages from the lower energy centers through the process of your balancing. 2016/1217.txt:18:Thusly balanced, your energy centers, at some point in your incarnation, will be free to allow the energy of the One Creator to move higher and higher until the green-ray energy center is activated. As this center is activated, then the harvest of the entity is near, for it is only necessary to clear the red, orange and yellow, in order to arrive at the green-ray energy center. The ability to love and serve others about one, more than one loves and serves the self, for this is the positive path of which we speak, and we are well aware that each within this circle of seeking is a positively oriented entity seeking to move the energies higher and higher in the positive sense. Then, if you are a doughty seeker, full of adventure, and wishing to experience more catalyst, it is possible to move higher and higher within the energy centers, until eventually the prana of the One Creator meets the intelligent infinity, the Polaris of the self, the North Star, residing within the indigo ray, and the fully experienced presence of the One Infinite Creator is possible. This is the great goal of all who seek this pearl of great price, shall we say. 2017/0107.txt:48:And then we come to that great turning point, the indigo ray energy center, the center of the adept, that center which expresses one’s being most effectively; the magical nature of all creation, the ability to create changes in consciousness at will; the One Creator expressed as the individual self. 2017/0107.txt:49:When the energy is able to move into the indigo ray energy center, then there is the ability to send the spirit shuttle, shall we say, to the violet ray and to experience the One Creator, the union with the One Creator, the joy of the One Creator. At this point, the service to all entities becomes an automatic response to feeling this Buddhahood, shall we say, for the violet ray energy center is also known as the Buddhic Center. It is that which is whole and complete; that which expresses for the individual the complete balance of all lower energy centers. 2017/0226.txt:71:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is, in general, a correct assumption. For even if the entire planetary population made that one fine, strong choice for positive polarity, there would at that time be the necessity for the dropping of the physical vehicle of third-density: the yellow-ray body. At that time, there would be the ascension of the indigo-ray body, the form-maker body, into the realms of light, and this time would be that in which the steps of light, or the strength of light, would gauge the ability of the entity to withstand the impact of the light in an harvestable degree. This, having been determined primarily by the choice of the entity to pursue positive polarity with every fiber of its being, shall we say, the moving into the light being the confirmation of this choice. That is the situation which would pertain in the possible choice of positive polarity by the entire population of your planet. 2017/0318.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As each energy proceeds from its point of origin to the point at which there is no blockage restraining its further progress, the energy does, indeed, stop at that point, and expresses itself as the either universal love of the heart, the inspiration of the blue-ray energy center, or the state of beingness, the magical nature of the indigo-ray energy center. If there is no blockage to these energies, then the energies may continue on into the, what you would call “white light of the eighth chakra,” that is, the chakra directly above the crown of the head. This is the contact with intelligent infinity that those of Ra have spoken of, and which is the product of the successful rising of the kundalini, shall we say. However, for most entities, the kundalini rises only to a certain point, this point being the point at which there is a blockage from the inefficient use of catalyst. The continued seeking and using of catalyst then, is the manner by which this blockage may be removed. 2017/0318.txt:51:What is the most common blockage/imbalance for the indigo ray? 2017/0415.txt:12:However, for most entities of the third density, the graduation into the fourth density is that which is accomplished at the end of the incarnational period as the seeker moves through the death process, as you call it, in its indigo-ray body and walks the steps of light to determine the ability to welcome and enjoy a higher frequency of the light vibration. 2017/0415.txt:21:Indeed, there is beyond the open heart the possibility of giving without expectation of return, of radiance of one’s being. This is another potential that is a wonderful new opening for the expression of one’s being, but at the same time carries with it a responsibility that it be blended with expressions of one’s being that are of a lower frequency, shall we say. And, we would say also, that for those who have learned to open the third eye, as it is sometimes called, the indigo-ray center, where the more mystically inclined individual may begin to participate in sacred and sacramental energies of a cosmic nature, that this energy center, too, requires constant integration with the frequencies of blue, of green, of yellow, of orange, and of red. 2017/0506.txt:27:The red-ray energy center being that which deals with the survival of the entity and the sexual reproduction of the entity, its survival, shall we say, as a species. The orange ray being that individual or emotional idiosyncrasy that is expressed in a one-to-one relationship with another being. The yellow ray being that group expression of energies that the wanderer has involved itself in. The green ray being the opening of the heart energy center, and the experience of universal love, being able to both give and receive that love. The throat chakra being that freely given communication or inspiration and acceptance of other selves. The indigo ray energy center being that energy of the adept, the magical personality and its state of beingness, of the sense of the Creator as intelligent energy. The violet ray being that center which reflects the overall balance of all the energy centers. 2017/1216.txt:30:My friend, the entire physical vehicle was derived from the second-density ape of your planetary environment and has been developed over millions of years to produce the fruit, shall we say, that is your third-density body at this time. One must remember, as well, that not only has the Logos chosen this type of vehicle for you to inhabit within your third density, but your own mind complex has interacted with this physical vehicle in such a fashion as to literally create it, and to imbue it or endow it with what you would call the “energy centers”, or “chakras” that allow you, in your progression of seeking through many lifetimes, to move the energy of the kundalini, shall we say, upward from the red ray, through all intermediate rays, and to move into the indigo ray energy center, which is the home of the so-called pineal gland. This gland has certain features or physical characteristics that are analogous to mental and spiritual characteristics that can signify the various stages of activation. The ability to feel the sensations of the indigo ray gland suggests, perhaps, the beginning activation of this gland, so that its spiritual qualities may begin to make themselves available for enhancement by the experience of the daily round of activities being used to enhance spiritual growth. 2017/1216.txt:31:As you are able to process the catalyst that comes your way each day and store it as experience, then the energies that you would call “intelligent energy”, or that which is also known as “prana”, may begin further activation of the indigo ray so that there is the possibility of the balancing of the lower energies from the red ray through the orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, so that there is an even functioning available to the spiritual seeker that can, with the appropriate, shall we say, ingredients of attention, experience, and desire, cause the opening of the indigo ray, through which the shuttle of the spirit may move, and energize and open the violet ray energy center, so that an experience of illumination may be had by the seeker of truth. 2017/1216.txt:35:Q’uo, is there any sort of impairment to the physical pineal gland that would create corresponding impairment to the indigo ray itself, and are entities on this planet so impaired in any way? 2018/0203.txt:91:[footnote start] QUESTIONERWhat was the attitude just prior to harvest of those harvestable entities of Ra with respect to those who were obviously unharvestable? [new speaker] RAI am Ra. Those of us which had the gift of polarity felt deep compassion for those who seemed to dwell in darkness. This description is most apt as ours was a harshly bright planet in the physical sense. There was every attempt made to reach out with whatever seemed to be needed. However, those upon the positive path have the comfort of companions and we of Ra spent a great deal of our attention upon the possibilities of achieving spiritual or metaphysical adepthood, or work in indigo ray, through the means of relationships with other-selves. Consequently, the compassion for those in darkness was balanced by the appreciation of the light. – 89.29 [new speaker] QUESTIONERWould Ra’s attitude toward the same unharvestable entities be different at this nexus than at the time of harvest of third density? [new speaker] RAI am Ra. Not substantially. To those who wish to sleep we could only offer those comforts designed for the sleeping. Service is only possible to the extent it is requested. We were ready to serve in whatever way we could. This still seems satisfactory as a means of dealing with other-selves in third density. It is our feeling that to be each entity which one attempts to serve is to simplify the grasp of what service is necessary or possible. – 89.30↩[footnote end] 2018/0217.txt:51:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed, this is so. There are various types of vibratory energies that are perceivable by one who is able to see the aura, or the combined energy reflection of the entire energy system of an entity. The primary quality of an incarnation is usually apparent at some level within the chakra or energy center system. Oftentimes there is a combination of energy centers which are being worked upon to achieve an overall balance in the soul’s identity, shall we say. If, for example, the yellow-ray energy center is bright, and the green-ray energy center is somewhat dimmer, yet active, this would suggest that this particular soul or seeker is working to move from the third ray of group consciousness (that is that which denotes the third-density experience) into the fourth density that expands the definition or experience of the group energy into universal energies of love that is unconditional and all encompassing. If there is further work that can be done by such an entity into the blue- and indigo-ray energy centers, these will appear to one who can appreciate their vibration by seeing their color or feeling the vibration as somewhat dimmer, yet having a primary activation in operation. 2018/0303.txt:60:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The rising of the Kundalini to the indigo ray energy center is that which you may indeed describe as the activation of the fourth-density body, that of the green ray energy center, which is then fully energized to be able to experience the higher vibrations now engulfing your planet so that these vibrations may be shared, or channeled, and transmitted to those about the entity experiencing the so-called Kundalini experience. For though an experience which seems solitary in nature, and, indeed, is experienced in this manner, it is one which offers the opportunities for the expansion of consciousness for others with whom the entity experiencing it shall come in contact. 2018/0407.txt:14:Now, that circumstance we have just described is, in actuality, only a small portion of the dynamic of embodiment in which you live out your being, for as you know, the second-density vehicle, or the orange-ray body, is in actuality one of many bodies which you do indwell. It has a particularly strong focusing significance for you to be sure, and for the vast majority of humankind, it is the only body that is actually recognized. But, there is a yellow-ray vehicle which has its own dynamics. There is a green-ray, and a blue-ray, and an indigo-ray vehicle, each of which have their own dynamics and are functioning in one way or another at all times; although from the standpoint of the immediacy of your experience, it is true that the higher bodies tend to be quiescent unless they are specifically activated through meditation and invoked as a portion of an effort to enlarge the parameters of catalyst received from embodiment itself. 2018/0901.txt:45:This is something that is the goal of each conscious seeker of truth, and each shall experience more and more of the opening of the beingness of the self to the experience of this energy, as the energy centers themselves are open and balanced, and allowed the free flow of the intelligent energy of the One Creator to move through each center until it is open and activating the indigo ray energy center, and then the violet. This, my friends, is what you have to look forward to. Thus, there is much which you may experience and expect to occur within your life patterns. 2018/1117.txt:48:Q’uo, Ra says that the heart of the discipline of the personality is to know yourself, accept yourself, and become the Creator. 2 They also say that the disciplines of the personality feed the indigo ray. 3 Can you describe how the disciplines of the personality feed the indigo ray, and what the relationship is between this discipline and that center? 2018/1117.txt:52:Thus, both the analysis mentally, and the seating in meditation of this processed catalyst, is that which begins to feed the indigo ray energy center by each energy center below it, offering to it that fruit of catalyst which has been processed, balanced, and crystalized at each energy center; thus allowing the indigo energy center to, at some point, be able to become activated to the degree necessary to begin to balance all lower energy center functions. Thus, this balancing may take a great deal of what you would call time in order that the preincarnative choices may be carefully processed over a portion of time and experience that will allow the complete utilization of preincarnatively chosen catalyst. 2018/1117.txt:53:Thus, as each energy center, then, is balanced and crystalized, the indigo-ray energy center may then begin the activation of that shuttle of the spirit which can move through the indigo ray, into the violet ray, transforming the intelligent energy of the indigo ray into the intelligent infinity of the violet ray so that the love that is activated within the indigo ray—that creative force that is within each entity—becomes able to contact the One Infinite Creator and thus, the sacrament of the fully experienced presence of the One Creator is had by the seeker of truth. 2018/1117.txt:56:Quick follow-up. Thank you so much for that. Is it fair to say that the work of the indigo ray is largely the work of one-pointed abiding and resting and surrendering of the incarnate self to the indwelling creator? 2018/1117.txt:58:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The one-pointed focus that allows the seeker of truth to attempt and eventually attain the activation of the indigo ray is a great and primary portion of this ability to activate the indigo ray, for its eventual activation itself [is] of the spirit, and uses this spirit as a shuttle for contact with the One Infinite Creator. However, we would also suggest that the indigo ray is the seat of that self which is the One Creator manifested as the creative power of Love. This, when realized fully within any seeker of truth, gives such seeker a sense of worth, of self-worth as you might say, that it is able to see itself as the One Creator, whole and perfect, worthy in every respect, in order to continue processing catalyst so that there is the gaining of the knowledge of the self at each lower energy center in a way in which these various aspects of the self are then put together in the indigo-ray energy center, so that there is, then, a wholeness of being experienced by the seeker of truth. 2018/1117.txt:75:[footnote start]Reminds one of 95.24: “The seeker which has purely chosen the service-to-others path shall certainly not have a variant apparent incarnational experience. There is no outward shelter in your illusion from the gusts, flurries, and blizzards of quick and cruel catalyst.However, to the pure, all that is encountered speaks of the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. The cruelest blow is seen with an ambiance of challenges offered and opportunities to come. Thusly, the great pitch of light is held high above such an one so that all interpretation may be seen to be protected by light.” – Ra↩[footnote end][footnote start]74.11: “The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold. One, know yourself. Two, accept yourself. Three, become the Creator.The third step is that step which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves. In relation to the pursuit of the magical working the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing itself, accepting itself, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is. There is then no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching. As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity.” – Ra↩[footnote end][footnote start]See: 74.5 – 74.11↩[footnote end] 2019/0204.txt:50:Thus, we would recommend that if you wish to accomplish the enhancement of the crystalized nature of the land, that you engage in daily meditative visualizations that would see the love and light of the One Creator passing through your energy system from the violet ray down through the red ray circulating back to your indigo ray chakra so that it might be projected therefrom into the trees, the land, the crystals that reside within the land that all may be enlivened by the love and light that you visualize and send to all of these portions of this property, so that the overall quality of the land is enhanced at the molecular structure, and this, in itself, is that which will bring about a greater amount of vitality so that all of the property itself becomes invigorated and able to express more and more of the love and the light of the One Creator. 2019/0204.txt:55:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The performance of these rituals of enlivening and empowering the crystal nature of the land, may be accomplished most effectively at the full moon stage of the monthly cycles of the moon. We can suggest that the light that emanates from the full moon, may be able to enhance your visualization of the energy of the One Creator moving through your indigo ray chakra and to move then into the crystals within the land in a manner which is more effective because of the ability of the moon’s full feature, or flowing of light, to be able to enhance your effort in a gentle fashion that makes it more likely that the light that you provide will be fully absorbed by the crystals themselves, and then be able to accomplish the greater enlivening of the land itself. 2019/0209.txt:44:This type of breathing is also enhanced by the focusing of the inner eye upon the brow chakra so that the magical nature of the indigo ray energy center may be able to help you create what you would call changes in your own consciousness, so that you become more and more aware of the One in each portion of your experience as you carry with you a more and more vital expression of that One within your mind, within your body, and within your spirit. Thusly, so imbued with life, you are able to perceive more clearly that which is the One Creator about you in every form and feature of the third-density illusion. 2019/0323.txt:102:[footnote start]Ra: The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold. One, know yourself. Two, accept yourself. Three, become the Creator.The third step is that step which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves. In relation to the pursuit of the magical working the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing itself, accepting itself, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is. There is then no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching. As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity. – 74.11↩[footnote end][footnote start]Ra: This location is greatly distorted. We find an acceptable description of this location’s quality to elude us without recourse to hackneyed words. Forgive our limitations of expression. The domicile and its rear aspect, especially, is blessèd and angelic presences have been invoked for some of your time past. – 106.47Ra: There is no magic greater than honest distortion toward love. – 55.2↩[footnote end] 2019/1005.txt:43:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The sensitivity to these solar and cosmic instreamings of energies, is a result of the process of the, as you would say, rising of the kundalini within such entities expressing this sensitivity. For those who have moved through the green-ray energy center, there is the beginning sensitivity to such energies. As the kundalini energy moves higher, into the blue-ray energy center, this sensitivity is once again enhanced. As the energies move yet higher into the indigo ray, these energies are at their peak level of expression, so that at this level, there is the ability to create changes in consciousness at will. There is, however, the necessity for the blending of all of these lower energy centers in a fashion that is processed and produced by the violet-ray energy center. 2019/1116.txt:66:[footnote start]“As we approach indigo-ray transfer we find ourselves in a shadowland where we cannot give you information straight out or plain, for this is seen by us to be an infringement. We cannot speak at all of violet-ray transfer as we do not, again, desire to break the Law of Confusion. We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought, are beyond price for the seeker and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.” - Ra, 84.20↩[footnote end][footnote start]“One meets the self in the center or deeps of the being. The so-called resonating chamber may be likened unto the symbology of the burial and resurrection of the body wherein the entity dies to self and through this confrontation of apparent loss and realization of essential gain, is transmuted into a new and risen being.” - Ra, 65.20↩[footnote end] 2019/1207.txt:29:This is the work of the adept as it begins to move the energies from the blue into the indigo ray where the intelligent energy of the One Infinite Creator finds a resonance with the quality of beingness that is revealed in the indigo-ray energy center. This is the center of the higher self, the self which sees the overview within the life pattern, the self which can create changes in its own consciousness at will. This is the path of the adept, and is the path of that which is followed by few who have been able to go beyond the green-ray energy center, for within this illusion, that traveling of distance is considered quite sufficient for harvestability into the fourth density of love and understanding. 2020/0111.txt:43:The beginning perception of the third-density entity, then, of that which it sees within the fourth density, is that which must be carefully looked upon and perceived and felt in a manner which goes beyond the visible expression of what might be seen with the physical eyes. There is the necessity, then, to look with the inner eye, the eye of the third eye, the indigo-ray energy center that perceives in a more balanced fashion, that which is perceived whether it be in the third density or the fourth density. We would recommend that such a seeker, then retire to the meditative state to reconsider the perceptions that have been designated as negatively oriented when they, indeed, may not be such. This is a practice of respect, shall we say, or looking again at that which has been seen so that a new evaluation may offer itself to the seeker of truth. 2020/0220.txt:13:As we move into the indigo-ray energy center, we come to that center where there is the ability to experience changes in consciousness as a manner of being, so that one is able to become that which one seeks. The being able to become the light, or the love, or the unity of the One Creation then is the challenge that is offered to the indigo-ray energy center aspirant. This center then asks of the seeker to be able to take within the self the greater realms of the infinite creation that have no bounds, that have endlessness, that have infinity, that have immortality, and to be able to utilize these concepts so that the self is able to both experience the infinity of creation and the identity of the self. This is a challenge, which often takes various forms or shapes for each particular aspirant. 2020/0220.txt:41:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As the seeker of truth moves upon its path of seeking, it is presented with catalyst in the daily round of activities that requires the processing in order that experience may be gleaned from each catalytic experience. This experience then begins to activate each ascending energy center. As catalyst is used in the higher and higher energy centers, there is the opportunity when one reaches the heart energy center to begin to, shall we say, springboard to the higher centers in a manner which allows one to make contact through the indigo-ray energy center with intelligent infinity. 2020/0307.txt:32:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As entities within this third-density illusion move through the process of what you would call the death of the physical body, the higher bodies within each passing entity are then activated, so that the form-maker body of the indigo-ray energy center becomes that body which then moves into the light of the harvest, shall we say. 2021/0609.txt:35:Ra: “Entrance into incarnation requires the investment or activation of the indigo-ray or etheric body for this is the form maker. The young or small physical mind/body/spirit complex has the seven energy centers potentiated before the birthing process. There are also analogs in time/space of these energy centers corresponding to the seven energy centers in each of the seven true-color densities. Thus in the microcosm exists all the experience that is prepared. It is as though the infant contains the universe.” #48.7 ↩ 2021/0825.txt:15:Then, the energies may be transmuted or transferred even more highly and profoundly by operating or activating the indigo-ray energy center, that which is the universal energies of the One Creator that are the gateway to a greater experience of the illusion that one finds oneself within so that the creation of changes in consciousness operate at will in a manner in which the white magician, as it may be called, has the capacity to view any communication at a level which sees the One Creator within the communicator, whatever the message may be. When this has been successfully accomplished, then the gateway to intelligent infinity of the violet-ray energy center may be activated so, that the experience of the seeker becomes that of the Creator and sees any communications as being those from the Creator; that is the self, to the Creator, that is the self. For at this point, all are one. 2021/0908.txt:25:In this way, the attraction of experiences through the red ray can be seen to be the first note played in a grand symphony of notes of the experiences. It plays itself upward in the individual’s energy system, bringing it higher and higher in its understanding, whether this is in a short period of time or over a lifetime. The beauty of all of the colors of the energy centers that are in-play as the experiences are processed upward, especially into the heart and into the indigo-ray center, provide a look at the process as one of the beauty of the Creator at work. 2021/0908.txt:36:So through a deeper and deeper “yes” to whatever it is that is arising, through this inner non-resistance, much is opened to the seeker that this energy may flow more unimpededly and fully and with greater strength into the system to not only power this system, but rise higher and higher, that it may meet and mate with the north pole energy, eventually, ultimately, at the indigo-ray center, dismantling the veil and the illusions of separation created therefrom. 2021/0922.txt:56:It is possible to wish all those around us comfort and peace, yet to wish such does not necessarily imply that such will be manifested by our actions, and this then demonstrates that the yellow ray energy center is just a single piece of a spectrum and a system where catalyst is not just evaluated upon a single energy center, but may be influenced by multiple energy centers and may contain lessons for multiple energy centers. Thus, even though one may wish all about one the very best, and their intention to effectively communicate and act upon this requires also a clear green and blue ray energy center, and even to find certain magical inspiration for truly manifesting the light of the Creator so that a situation may truly shine with the intention and the wish to bring peace and harmony about one, the indigo ray must also be open to a certain extent and clear. 1981ra-contact/012.txt:134:We will use this instrument as example. The portions of its ailment, as you call this distortion complex, that can be perfected in balance are due primarily to a blockage of the indigo-ray, or pineal, energy center. This center receives the intelligent energy from all sources lawful within the One Creation; that is, lawful in this third-density distortion or illusion. If there is no blockage, these energies pour or stream down into the mind/body/spirit complex, perfecting, moment by moment, the individual’s body complex. 1981ra-contact/012.txt:135:This instrument also experiences some distortion of the green-ray energy center which you may call the heart center. It is overly open due to an intensive desire-distortion on the part of this mind/body/spirit complex towards service to others, or as you may call it, universal love. This entity, therefore, spends itself without regard to its reserves of mind/body/spirit-complex distortion in regard to what you call strength or energy. This distortion is primarily due to the blockage of the indigo ray, as we have said before. The misapprehension-distortion of the instrument responsible for this blockage is the basic orientation towards a belief in unworthiness. The unworthiness-distortion blocks the free flow of intelligent energy. 1981ra-contact/015.txt:61:The next center is the pineal, or indigo-ray, center. Those blocked in this center may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations which appear as unworthiness. This is that of which you spoke. As you can see, this is but one of many distortions due to the several points of energy influx into the mind/body/spirit complex. 1981ra-contact/015.txt:62:The indigo-ray balancing is quite central to the type of work which revolves about the spirit complex (which has its influx then into the transformation, or transmutation, of third density to fourth density), it being the energy center receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and having also the potential for the key to the gateway of intelligent infinity. 1981ra-contact/026.txt:173:The indigo-ray transfer is extremely rare among your people. This is the sacramental portion of the body complex whereby contact may be made through the violet ray with intelligent infinity. No blockages may occur at these latter two levels due to the fact that if both entities are not ready for this energy, it is not visible, and neither transfer nor blockage may take place. It is as though the distributor were removed from a powerful engine. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:31:It will be noted that once green-ray energy transfer has been achieved by two mind/body/spirits in mating, the further rays are available without both entities having the necessity to progress equally. Thus a blue-ray vibrating entity or indigo-ray vibrating entity whose other ray vibrations are clear may share that energy with the green-ray other-self, thus acting as catalyst for the continued learn/teaching of the other-self. Until an other-self reaches green ray, such energy transfers through the rays is not possible. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:33:My next question had to do with indigo ray. Is there any difference between indigo and blue-ray energy transfer? 1981ra-contact/032.txt:35:I am Ra. The indigo ray is the ray of, shall we say, awareness of the Creator as self; thus one whose indigo-ray vibrations have been activated can offer the energy transfer of Creator to Creator. This is the beginning of the sacramental nature of what you call your bisexual reproductive act. It is unique in bearing the allness, the wholeness, the unity in its offering to other-self. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:74:The new material is this: once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray. 1981ra-contact/039.txt:58:The indigo ray, though precious, is that ray worked upon only by the adept, as you would call it. It is the gateway to intelligent infinity bringing intelligent energy through. This is the energy center worked upon in those teachings considered inner, hidden, and occult, for this ray is that which is infinite in its possibilities. As you are aware, those who heal, teach, and work for the Creator in any way which may be seen to be both radiant and balanced are those activities which are indigo ray. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:49:The indigo-ray body, which we choose to call the etheric body, is, as we have said, the gateway body. In this body form is substance, and you may only see this body as that of light as it may mold itself as it desires. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:52:Perhaps one suggestion that may be indicated is this: The indigo-ray body may be used by the healer once the healer becomes able to place its consciousness in this etheric state. The violet-ray, or Buddhic, body is of equal efficacy to the healer, for within it lies a sense of wholeness which is extremely close to unity with all that there is. These bodies are part of each entity, and the proper use of them, and understanding of them is, though far advanced from the standpoint of third-density harvest, nevertheless useful to the adept. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:64:I am Ra. Not immediately. The first body which activates itself upon death is the “form-maker,” or the indigo-ray body. This body remains—you have called it the “ka”—until etherea has been penetrated and understanding has been gained by the mind/body/spirit totality. Once this is achieved, if the proper body to be activated is green-ray, then this will occur. 1981ra-contact/048.txt:43:Entrance into incarnation requires the investment, or activation, of the indigo-ray, or etheric body, for this is the form maker. The young, or small, physical mind/body/spirit complex has the seven energy centers potentiated before the birthing process. There are also analogs in time/space of these energy centers corresponding to the seven energy centers in each of the seven true-color densities. Thus in the microcosm exists all the experience that is prepared. It is as though the infant contains the universe. 1981ra-contact/048.txt:45:Having accepted that an harvestable or nearly harvestable entity will be working from this green-ray springboard, one may then posit that the experiences in the remainder of the incarnation will be focused upon activation of the primary blue ray of freely given communication; of indigo ray, that of freely shared intelligent energy; and, if possible, moving through this gateway, the penetration of violet-ray intelligent infinity. This may be seen to be manifested by a sense of the consecrate, or hallowed, nature of everyday creations and activities. 1981ra-contact/050.txt:64:I am Ra. Forgetting the pyramid will be of aid to you in the study of these experiences. The instreamings of energy are felt by the energy centers which need, and are prepared for, activation. Thus those who feel the stimulation at violet-ray level are getting just that. Those feeling it within the forehead between the brows are experiencing indigo ray and so forth. Those experiencing tinglings and visual images are having some blockage in the energy center being activated, and thus the electrical body spreads this energy out and its effect is diffused. 1981ra-contact/057.txt:164:The purpose of clearing each energy center is to allow that meeting place to occur at the indigo-ray vibration, thus making contact with intelligent infinity and dissolving all illusions. Service-to-others is automatic at the released energy generated by this state of consciousness. 1981ra-contact/058.txt:83:I am Ra. That which occurs in this instance may be likened to the influence of the second spiral of light in a pyramid being used by an entity. As this second spiral ends at the apex, the light may be likened unto a laser beam in the metaphysical sense; and when intelligently directed may cause bending not only in the pyramid, but this is the type of energy which is tapped into by those capable of this focusing of the upward spiraling light. This is made possible through contact in indigo ray with intelligent energy. 1981ra-contact/058.txt:101:Contact with indigo ray need not necessarily show itself in any certain gift, or guidepost, as you have said. There are some whose indigo energy is that of pure being and never is manifested, yet all are aware of such an entity’s progress. Others may teach or share in many ways contact with intelligent energy. Others continue in unmanifested form seeking intelligent infinity. 1981ra-contact/071.txt:72:These workings are facilitated by the enhancement of the activation of the indigo-ray energy center. The indigo-ray energy center is fed, as are all energy centers, by experience, but far more than the others is fed by what we have called the disciplines of the personality. 1981ra-contact/072.txt:85:The entity of Orion pierces the same violet ray and moves to two places to attempt most of its non-physical opportunities. It activates the green-ray energy center while further blocking indigo-ray energy center. This combination causes confusion in the instrument and subsequent over-activity in unwise proportions in physical complex workings. It simply seeks out the distortions pre-incarnatively programmed and developed in incarnative state. 1981ra-contact/073.txt:48:I am Ra. We shall offer some thoughts, though it is doubtful that we may exhaust this subject. Each visualization, regardless of the point of the working, begins with some work within the indigo ray. As you may be aware, the ritual which you have begun is completely working within the indigo ray. This is well, for it is the gateway. From this beginning, light may be invoked for communication or for healing. 1981ra-contact/073.txt:94:We might note further that when the one wishing to be healed, though sincere, remains unhealed, as you call this distortion, you may consider pre-incarnative choices; and your more helpful aid to such an entity may be the suggestion that it meditate upon the affirmative uses of whatever limitations it might experience. We would also note that in these cases the indigo-ray workings are often of aid. 1981ra-contact/074.txt:29:I have a question here that I am going to answer and let you correct. I see that the disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician by unblocking the lower energy centers and allowing for a free flow of the upward spiraling light to reach the indigo center. Is this correct? 1981ra-contact/074.txt:37:I’m not sure if I understand this. The question is, “How do disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician?”3 Does that question make sense? 1981ra-contact/074.txt:44:The indigo ray is the ray of the adept. A great deal of the answer you seek is in this sentence. There is an identification between the crystallization of that energy center and the improvement of the working of the mind/body/spirit as it begins to transcend space/time balancing and to enter the combined realms of space/time and time/space. 1981ra-contact/074.txt:59:In relation to the pursuit of the magical working, the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing itself, accepting itself, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is. There is, then, no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching. As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity. 1981ra-contact/084.txt:103:As we approach indigo-ray transfer we find ourselves in a shadowland where we cannot give you information straight out or plain, for this is seen by us to be an infringement. 1981ra-contact/084.txt:111:If the polarized entities, by this same energy transfer experience, find that the faculties of will and faith have been stimulated, not for a brief while but for a great duration of what you call time, you may perceive the indigo-ray transfer. 1981ra-contact/084.txt:112:We may not speak of the violet-ray transfer except to note that it is an opening to the gateway of intelligent infinity. Indeed, the indigo-ray transfer is also this, but, shall we say, the veil has not yet been lifted. 1981ra-contact/086.txt:37:As a mind/body/spirit complex consciously chooses the path of the adept and, with each energy center balanced to a minimal degree, begins to open the indigo-ray energy center, the so-called dreaming becomes the most efficient tool for polarization; for if it is known by the adept that work may be done in consciousness while the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magical personality (which is the higher self in space/time analog) as it moves into the sleeping mode of consciousness.2 With these affirmations attended to, the activity of dreaming reaches that potential of learn/teaching which is most helpful to increasing the distortions of the adept towards its chosen polarity. 1981ra-contact/089.txt:129:There was every attempt made to reach out with whatever seemed to be needed. However, those upon the positive path have the comfort of companions, and we of Ra spent a great deal of our attention upon the possibilities of achieving spiritual or metaphysical adepthood, or work in indigo ray, through the means of relationships with other-selves. Consequently, the compassion for those in darkness was balanced by the appreciation of the light. 1981ra-contact/093.txt:100:In the positive sense this means that the serpent will appear at the indigo-ray site upon the body of the image figures. When a negative connotation is intended one may find the serpent at the solar plexus center. 1981ra-contact/099.txt:21:Finally, of the preliminary questions, one from Jim stating: “For the last three weeks I have often been at the edge of anger and frustration, have had a nearly constant dull pain at my indigo-ray center, and have felt quite drained of energy. Would Ra comment on the source of these experiences and any thoughts or actions that might alleviate it?” 1981ra-contact/101.txt:10:I am Ra. For the answer to this query we must begin with the consideration of the serpent, signifying wisdom. This symbol has the value of the ease of viewing the two faces of the one who is wise. Positive wisdom adorns the brow, indicating indigo-ray work. Negative wisdom, by which we intend to signify expressions which effectually separate the self from the other-self, may be symbolized by the poison of the fangs. To use that which a mind/body/spirit complex has gained of wisdom for the uses of separation is to invite the fatal bite of that wisdom’s darker side. 1981ra-contact/103.txt:24:Since this catalyst has been accepted, the work begun to remove distortions blocking the indigo ray might well be continued apace. 1981ra-contact/103.txt:26:Could Ra recommend work appropriate for removing indigo-ray blockage? 1981ra-contact/104.txt:27:The spasms must subside as a function of the entity’s indigo-ray work and, to some extent, the recommendations made in response to a previous query. 1981ra-contact/105.txt:15:Both opportunities were met by this entity with a refusal to separate self from other-self, with further work also upon the indigo-ray level concerning the avoidance of martyrdom while maintaining unity in love. 1981ra-contact/105.txt:112:We find all meticulously observed in the alignments and give you these words only as reminder. All that can be done for the instrument seems done with an whole heart, and the instrument itself is working in the indigo ray with perseverance. 2023/0114.txt:11:As far as the second portion of your query, my sister, as to the activation and utilization of the pineal gland, the indigo-ray chakra, this is a process which each of you on this planet is attempting to be able to do. For it is that indigo ray, or pineal chakra, that has the ability to do work in consciousness that is of a very helpful nature, not only to the entity activating that chakra but to those about it, that are able to feel the less distorted cosmic inflow of energies that may be expressed through the indigo-ray chakra. 2023/0114.txt:12:The process by which this is accomplished is one which is that of the progression through the third-density experience that may take many lifetimes for each energy center: beginning with the red and going forward through the orange, the yellow, and so forth, and arriving at the indigo. These centers must be activated in as fully a manner as possible so that the love/light or prana of the One Infinite Creator may move without significant blockage or obstruction through each energy center: the red ray of reproduction, sexual reproduction and survival; the orange ray of acceptance of self and the personal eccentricities; the yellow ray of group energies; the green ray of the unconditional love of the open heart; the blue ray of the freely given and accepted communication and inspiration with others; thereby leading to the indigo ray. 2023/0114.txt:13:The ability to do work in consciousness, as the activation of intelligent energy, may at some point allow the entity to contact intelligent infinity and know, in full, the One Infinite Creator that exists within all beings. Thus, this is a program of personal evolution for each entity that will be unique for each entity. For each is a unique portion of the One Infinite Creator that exists within all things and all entities. This is the journey of perhaps numerous lifetimes. However, each entity on Earth at this time has been incarnated through the seniority by vibration, which suggests that there are very likely many who have made progress up through the lower three chakras, have opened the heart chakra, which is the way that graduation into the fourth density of love and understanding is accomplished. And some few who have become adept who have gone forward into the blue energy center or chakra so that they may become the Creator that has the outflow of energies that surrounds them and all around them, and may inspire them to further work on their own journeys. Then, there is the possibility of the act of moving into the indigo-ray energy center. 2023/0114.txt:14:This is all a product of how catalyst is processed by each entity. In your daily round of activities, you experience the opportunity to utilize catalyst in one way or another, so that the emotions that are triggered by interactions with your fellow seekers are the way in which one kind of catalyst or another may be utilized in this process of moving the energies higher and higher in the system of chakras. As you are able to successfully utilize this grist for the mill, this food for growth in catalyst, you move higher and higher in your chakras. You become more and more of the 360-degree being that is the One Infinite Creator. This is the manner of the activation of the indigo-ray chakra, and it is one which each in this circle and each on the planet Earth at this time is attempting to do with more or less success depending upon the ability to successfully utilize catalyst and move through the energy centers. 2023/0211.txt:56:At this time, there is a conscious awareness of how this all proceeds as memories of previous incarnations and their endings are recorded so that there is the ability to have what you would call the grand overview of how this process works. And then this entity may move into another realm of existence into, what is called, the quality performed or provided by the form-maker body, that of the indigo ray, so that it may wait for the future incarnation that will be coming upon in a certain point in its time. 2023/0225.txt:97:Then, as the entity moves into a broader and more powerful expression of itself, the indigo-ray energy center, this is the position in which the entity can see itself as the Creator, as the Logos in miniature which can create changes in consciousness as a function of the choice. 2023/0225.txt:99:This is a place or a state of being which an entity must be able to manifest within its own being. So that it is not what you would call arrogant, but is satisfied that it is the Creator, realizing it is the Creator, feeling that it is the Creator and expressing that feeling as a love for all of the creation and for the self, as being the Creator that provides the path for the self, to move back into unity with the One Infinite Creator. It sometimes takes a great deal of what you would call time and a variety of incarnations to be able to activate this indigo-ray chakra in the sense of being the Creator, feeling the worth of the self as the Creator. This is the path that each of us takes. This is the path that we take with you. And it is a path of great satisfaction, of glory, of joy, and of feeling that all is well and all will be well for the Creator resides within and is an expression of that which is everywhere present at all times. 2023/0311.txt:46:The balancing process is the means by which entities may use the experience, the catalyst of their daily round of activities, as food for growth. This growth is in the knowledge of yourself eventually becoming that which is the One Infinite Creator. As you look at each of your energy centers, each of your chakras, there is a certain type of experience or energy that is utilized in each one. The red-ray energy center is that which is concerned with the survival, the sexual experience, and reproduction. The orange-energy center expands the consciousness to the self that is unique in its ability to express itself in one to one relationships with other entities. The yellow-ray energy center is that energy center where there is the blending of the orange individuality with other individuals, so there is a group consciousness. The heart, the green-ray energy center is seeing all others with a kind of love that is universal and without condition. The blue-energy center is that which is the ability to give and receive communication and inspiration with others. The indigo-ray energy center is that energy center of the adept which sees all the creation as a means by which the entity is in working consciousness, is able to create changes in consciousness at will. The violet-ray energy center is that which is both the mark or the identity of the entity, so that the intelligent infinity can be known at this point.