1979/0918.txt:43:There is also a desire by the chosen people, as they are called, to ignore their great heritage. For it has been written in your holy work, called the Old Testament, that the Jewish nation should always love the stranger in their midst, for were they not strangers in the land of Egypt? This quotation they have apparently removed from their holy book for they have such fierce hatred for a group of people who are genetically very like them, known as Palestinians, that there are those among those called Israelis that would, if they thought they could, use nuclear weapons. 1979/0918.txt:44:It is less likely that this would happen due to the fact that the Israelis have a very limited economic stance with the rest of the economic community and are heavily dependent upon the opinion of others for their wellbeing. This is not true of either Russia, as you know it, or China, as you call it. 1979/0918.txt:51:Your people are not predictable. The most volatile situation is centered about the confrontation between Israel and the rest of the Egyptian community which you may call the oil nations. China is watching this, Russia is watching this. Others of our brothers are sending vibrations of love to the leaders of Russia, to the leaders of each of the countries in Egypt and to Israel. We can only say that the least scrupulous of them, with tactical ability, is China. This ability is not great and [it] is this very lack of supremacy which makes this people the more willing to take risks. 1979/0918.txt:54:The difficulty began many years ago when the homeland of Israel was created. This is a historical and fateful creation and fulfills many prophecies. If you can read these prophecies, you can see the possibility of difficulties in the future. However, my friends, this future has come. 1979/0918.txt:55:Not too many years ago the world as a whole was not polarized enough to become so intensely involved in the difficulties of Israel and Egypt as a whole, or Arabia perhaps we should say, for that instrument is very weak in geography, but we are attempting to include all of the nations which surround Israel and which do not appreciate Israel’s presence. But the polarity between all of your peoples and your peoples’ ability to be separated from the love of the Creator has become so marked and noticeable that now those countries with oil have become very strong, for other nations wish to destroy... 1979/0918.txt:58:I am Hatonn. We are sorry for the interruption; we will begin again. Other nations had a desire to continue the destruction of your planet and its resources by destroying that which is called oil. Thus, suddenly the entire world has become riveted by the conflict between those nations and Israel. There is a fateful significance to this confrontation. And we are sure that you will think upon it deeply, for you may see in the chosen people, as they are called, a great body of good, bad, right and wrong in some the essence of humanity itself. But the role of the oil-producing nations, my friends, that is the question! 1981-ra-contact/012.txt:44:Which group was it that contacted Henry Puharich in Israel, right around 1972? 1981-ra-contact/021.txt:19:I had already determined to exclude him from these workings. I have only determined to let him read the material. The only other thing is that I have noticed that within the material as it exists now, there is a certain statement which will allow him to understand who I believe Spectra really was. It seems my duty to remove this from his knowledge to preserve the same free will that you attempted to preserve by not defining the origin of Spectra, his contact in Israel. Am I correct? 1981ra-contact/012.txt:44:Which group was it that contacted Henry Puharich in Israel, right around 1972? 1981ra-contact/021.txt:19:I had already determined to exclude him from these workings. I have only determined to let him read the material. The only other thing is that I have noticed that within the material as it exists now, there is a certain statement which will allow him to understand who I believe Spectra really was. It seems my duty to remove this from his knowledge to preserve the same free will that you attempted to preserve by not defining the origin of Spectra, his contact in Israel. Am I correct? 1986/0831.txt:35:Well, if everyone’s going to be quiet, I’ll put one in from J. I believe he wanted to know about the historical Israel and whether it had a part to play, and if so, what part in what it prophesied for itself as Armageddon or the last days or the change of the cycle or the planetary change or whatever it’s supposed to be a part of. 1986/0831.txt:37:The grouping of energies which has come to be known in your cultures as the nation of Israel is a grouping which has a certain flavor, shall we say, a certain purpose, and a certain means by which that purpose might be carried out. This is not to say that it is a purpose that is special only unto those known as the inhabitants of the nation of Israel, for each entity and grouping of entities upon your planetary surface offers its own character, purpose and methods to the total evolution of your planet and its population. 1986/0831.txt:38:Those of the nation known to you as Israel—and may we say that not all that are a part of this nation are within its boundaries—are entities which have in a general sense found the need to incarnate in a situation which offers experience of a most intensive nature within this experience, that of forming what seems to be new out of that which is timeless and of great experience upon your planet, take this new formation and through it begin to express the possibility, the reconciliation of difficulties between entities, between religions, between nations, between beliefs. 1986/0831.txt:40:Those of the nation and way of thinking of Israel have then taken upon themselves the opportunity and the duty of first experiencing these difficulties of reconciling seemingly opposite points of view. When the difficulties have been appreciated by a growing number of individuals, then this widened point of view that has found its place of birth within these individuals may begin to expand so that there is the general perception of the possibilities of reconciliation, of forgiving that which seems unforgivable, of accepting that which seems unacceptable, of loving that which seems unlovable. 1986/0831.txt:41:When this opportunity, then, has been presented in a wider and more profound manner, not only within the boundaries of the nation known as Israel, but has continued its progress throughout the various populations, nations, religions [and] beliefs of the various portions of your planet, the opportunity for each person to experience the reconciliation of difficulties and disharmonies is increased, and the opportunity to learn those lessons of love are enhanced. 1986/0831.txt:44:Only in clearing up one point. You mentioned that not everybody that was of historical Israel was in Israel, and may I take it that you mean those souls from the planetary influence of Mars that Jehovah tinkered with genetically when they took third-density physical form here on the planet Earth are the ones that, regardless of whether they are geographically in Israel or elsewhere, that those are the people that you are talking about as Israel, in other words, the Jewish race rather than the Jewish nation Israel. Is that right? 1986/0831.txt:48:Is there balanced karma between the entity that called itself Jehovah, then, and the third-density entities of Israel? Is that worked out now so that they can go on? 1988/0403.txt:22:The one known as Jesus the Christ noted that his kingdom was not of this world. Think you then that he meant the kingdom of the world of flowers and birds, spirits and beauty? May we hasten to give our opinion, fallible though it may be, that this was never this entity’s intent. This entity had been courted as the hoped-for and earthly king of a specific people in a specific region. These people had a truth which was theological, and therefore relative, made of opinion. This opinion was that this entity could lead a revolution, topple a government, and reign as the kings of Judah and Israel of old, a Jewish king for a Jewish nation. This entity wished none of the limitations of relativity. He wished to be limited in no way, for this entity focused always upon the absolute, and in his converse, he turned as much to his Father, Abba1, as he did to any friend or student. 2003/1206.txt:17:This entity greatly wished for people to do precisely that which his cousin John suggested, to change their life, as this instrument heard in the sermon at her religious observance this morning. That priest who offered these thoughts was saying that the term “repent” literally means “to turn around,” to turn the life around. This was the conclusion to which the one known as Jesus had come, that there was more to that metaphysical entity which was called Israel than the tribe of Judah. There was more to being a spiritual seeker than the outer forms. Naturally, since this entity had had years of training in mysticism and those practices of silence that mysticism encourages, he had little patience with those who identified spirituality with religious observance. 2003/1206.txt:18:Further, this entity, having been on the verge of big towns, not truly urban in nature and not truly those who wander the nomadic portions of his people, became convinced that his basic mission was to wake up all of the scattered tribes of Israel. This instrument has taken time to study, with the one she calls Papa, the make-up of these other tribes of the so-called nation of Israel. In working with this concept, this instrument discovered that the scattering of the tribes of Israel has resulted in not simply a large number of dispersed Jewish people, but rather those that have become the Orthodox Christians and the Protestant Christians; simply because of the pattern of their dispersal and because of the march of time and because of the march of Christian and world history. Therefore, it may be said honestly that the one known as Jesus, to a great extent, over a long period of approximately two thousand years, has indeed had his message shared amongst all of those who were lost. 2004/1003.txt:13:When any situation enters the stream of history it also enters the stream of mythology. And through the passage of time and events, the history of the Israelites and the Ishmaelites has become very fuzzy and much, if not all, of the story as it happened in history has been lost. And what has remained are stories that catch the emotion, the energy, and the main points of the history, so that while you may attempt to trace the children of Ishmael and the tribes of Ishmael and so forth, such attempts will always be trammeled by the inevitable tendency of those who come after and who are in power to look at a situation which has gone before in a way that places events in the best possible light for those who have the laurels of winning upon their heads and are thus able to tell the story with the loudest voice. This telling of the story with the loudest voice is something that occurs at all times, in all phases of history and certainly within your cultures of this day. Yet, in looking at the history of warfare and terrorism, it may be seen that, generally, the issues have to do with groups of people who feel that it is their birthright to have certain perquisites2 and rights. That feeling of entitlement is at the heart of violence, war and terrorism. 2008/0927.txt:11:They have done this before. These entities have been faces at the banquet in Babylon, in Rome, in the Holy Roman Empire, in the Third Reich, and now. There are other cycles of service-to-self entities in other cultures and those who rode with Genghis Khan ride now within your eastern countries such as China, Korea, Japan, India and Pakistan, Israel and Syria. The list can go on.