1981-ra-contact/intro.txt:45:Over the years we have found that there is a small community of seekers of truth who also have this powerful sympathetic vibration with Ra’s information. If you are one of these people, welcome to our family. Even if we never meet, it’s good to know that you are here. In our shared service to the One Infinite Creator we are always together, no matter what the appearance of our physical realities may seem to be. So we send our love and light to you and ask that you share your love and light with everyone that you meet in all present and future life experiences. 1985/0818.txt:7:To give an example. An entity may wish to further the support of the family by enhancing the amount of money, as you call it, that is available for use. This desire to provide sustenance to the loved ones is a basic lesson of love, for the entity who has taken the responsibility of supporting in a material sense those that are close and loved is one who then is sharing a form of love. The desire, then, to be of service to others forms the foundation for action for this entity. This entity, then, as it attempts to improve its market position with, as you call it, the job or the occupation, fuels the desire by a desire that is at its base that of serving others. The entity then may engage in any number of activities upon the job that are designed to increase its income of money. This then may be realized in the entity’s life pattern or experience in any number of ways, for at the base of the action is the desire to serve others by providing material sustenance, further then translated or distorted by the entity’s perception to mean money or income that is then seen possible of obtaining from the job or through the occupation. 1985/1117.txt:9:The world does not mean to hurt. The illusion is doing what it was intended to do, and you may move very quickly and confusedly so that you muddy that beautiful chord which is yourself, or you may stop and become gentled and thank the illusion for its pressures and its anguish and its pain. You shall not be victorious over it; you shall learn from it, and it shall learn from you. It is well to remember that the undifferentiated terms such as “society” and “family” and “church” are in fact parts of yourself which you have called to yourself in order that you may polish up that beautiful, harmonious, infinitely lovely identity, that you may develop and thrive without regard for life or death as you know it. 1985/1215.txt:32:“It is time for you to consider,” said his father, “whether you are alive or dead. For if you are alive, you are as beautiful and fragrant and lovely to the touch as any other human that dwells upon the planet. You may be a great president and run a country well, you may inspire by writing or by the singing of songs and poetry you may inspire many. You may heal or you may feed your family. Or, indeed, you may do nothing. But if you are alive within yourself, if you question rather than accepting blindly, then you are precisely as beautiful as those who share your condition, your illusion, and your density.” 1986/0413.txt:6:You do not each have the same time to spend; you do not each have the same money to spend. What you have in common is the ability to look inward and to discover consciously within yourself that about which you feel the most strongly. Some of you have incarnated with a special love for the second density of your planet. We suggest to you that this is not only a chance for you to rejoice in the beauties of the outdoors but may well also be a suggestion made to your conscious self through roots of mind to aid the environment in which you find yourselves and in which you enjoy your days and nights. Some may have a special feeling for the plights of those who are hungry. One may then give thanksgiving that one has fed one’s family, but more than that, one may discover the suggestion that stewardship regarding the feeding of strangers in need might be appropriated. 1986/0518.txt:48:I am L/Leema, and am again with this instrument. The phenomenon of which you speak, my brother, is one which is found at the highest level of the second density, that is the phenomenon of what your peoples call the pet. It is indeed true that due to the process of investment of identity upon these second-density creatures by their companions which you call owners that they oftentimes will choose after one incarnation is complete to move again into the life pattern of those they have grown to love and who have invested them with their love. Thus, your perception that there is a returning to your family of an identity in second density is correct, and is often accomplished within your illusion in precisely the manner you have described in order that the second-density creature may be further invested and may eventually achieve its own graduation, shall we say, and begin an incarnation at some point within the third-density illusion, having received enough love and given enough love to have marked its own identity or self-conscious awareness, which is the beginning hallmark of the third-density creature that is known as the human being. 1986/0720.txt:5:I am Q’uo, and I greet you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We too greet each in the name of infinite intelligence, and offer our thanksgiving that we may embrace your vibrations with our own. When we speak to you, we must ask you to take our words lightly, as if we were members of your family, close to you and loving you, yet full of errors. In no way do we wish to represent the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator as an unimpeachable source of information. We offer what we know or think we understand, but we offer also that which we are, for we are as you—the Creator, made of love, and yet dwelling in illusion. The stuff of our illusion is fuller of light than your own and we enjoy more experience as souls, shall we say. We have made our choice and that is to serve others, and yet we find that there is much that we do not know and that which we do know we are continually refining. 1987/0315.txt:16:Be aware that you did not enter this lifetime to enjoy the comfort of a family alone, but also to gain strength from it, that each may do its work with more love and more peace, that more hearts may be made merry, and more spirits at rest through the radiance of each light worker. In order to keep the self clear enough for what each came to do, we ask each to meditate on a daily basis, if for only a few minutes. That regular opening is all-important, that dependable silence life-giving. 1987/0329.txt:34:To sum, we may say that no outside element, including the most powerful group upon your planetary sphere, has power over you unless you as an entity react in a way you would not. Thus, seek always to know yourself more and more, to be yourself more and more, and to experience the glory of existence and consciousness with gratitude, only secondarily wondering what to do next, where to go next, and so forth. May your will, your faith, your love, and your attention be focused in the silence within, that when you act you shall know it to be right, and you shall be at peace regardless of church, family or friend. 1987/0419.txt:6:It is the tomb of Jesus, the man of Nazareth, a carpenter by trade and an itinerant teacher by chosen profession. Come to the cold, gray dawn of a desert morning. Three women, all of whom love the newly killed Jesus, come to the tomb seeking the beloved body of a family member, or in the case of Mary Magdalene, a dear friend and teacher. It is not possible for there to have been a change within the grave, for the body that is so loved to have disappeared, but it has been stolen or taken. Mary, the mother of Christ, is frantic. Mary Magdalene weeps. Their focus is upon a tomb and not upon that which is there no more. 1987/1004.txt:4:You state that love and light seems far more easily given to any besides the immediate family, the mate, the loved ones. And you wonder why this is so and what can be done to bring the situation to balance. We would like to take a long look, a look from another vantage point, at this same situation in hopes that we may be of some service. As always, we could be wrong, for we are only pilgrims, as you. Therefore, we pray that you will use your discrimination to recognize what is true for you and pass the rest. 1987/1030.txt:7:The catastrophe which Penelope suffered was one in which a member of her family, that being her father, was killed in a manner which seemed questionable, shall we say, in that the entity was engaged in taking from another that which belonged to the other, and in this act was killed. This was enough of a catastrophe in itself, that being the death of the father, that the additional burden of the nature of the death caused many to speak ill of Penelope’s father, of her family, and, indeed, of herself. Her grief over the loss of father was increased by this ill speaking and feelings on the part of those in the surrounding environment. This situation caused Penelope to consider herself the taking of her own life, for she felt that without her father’s love and the family’s good name there was little for which to live, and for many days and indeed weeks, Penelope was distraught and on the edge of taking her own life. 1987/1030.txt:17:Jonathan’s love and kindness was as a balm to the wounds and albeit suffering, and drew her even more closely into the aura of his spiritual strength. With his nurturing through a period of many months, her despair departed and was replaced by hope and determination to make the best of the situation these events had created in her life. Having neither property or status, but through Jonathan’s inspiration able to contact the spiritual strength deep within her, she determined to lay a constructive course in her life that would enable her to succeed without the benefits of inheritance or family support. She attained a position with a family whose head was a kind woman who had also succeeded in making her own way and entered into something of an apprenticeship. She also was able to acquire the experience of continuing a family life in the caring for the young children of her mistress. Through her own diligence and the infusing of the continuing strength and support of her friend Jonathan, she was accepted as a colleague and family member as well. 1988/0110.txt:13:Now let us look at the question of discipline. The keynote to discipline between parent and child or elder soul and younger soul is that the elder soul shall not take away the worth of the younger, but express only those corrections which may normalize, one might say, that younger soul’s relationship to the culture in which it must live after it grows into a more elderly status. Often elder and younger souls of the same family are placed together to continue working upon the question of how to love, how truly to love, for this entire illusion is designed as an environment in which people go about that one learning activity from their earliest remembrances until, at long last in the fullness of age, that soul shuts its eyes and departs this small shadow of life. Many of those things which the young soul may do which seem mischievous are those expressions which indicate the young soul’s inability to express the pain through which it is going. And many of the punishments offered by those older souls called parents are ways of expressing the frustration and pain of knowing no way to aid the younger soul. Thusly, each soul is in distress and each has closed itself from communication, for it feels it cannot communicate. 1988/0802.txt:5:And so we speak from a standpoint of joy, gazing at an illusion in which such suffering must take place in order that the lessons of love might be learned, for love is another way of saying the Creator, not a weak love or a romantic love, a family love, a national love, or a world love, but a love that is so creative it has often been described in terms of fire and passion, a divine passion to conceive a world that would speak to the Creator of Itself. And so each of you dwells within this illusion of life upon your planet, experiencing each other while the Creator experiences all. Each of you, then, is infinitely precious to the Creator who loved enough to create you and all that there is. 1989/0129.txt:50:The mental complex or body is somewhat nourished in what you might call a second-handed fashion, therefore, by its connection to the spiritual body and partakes of the quality or energy of beingness through that connection. The love and the light of the one Creator are the primary energy sources that are daily utilized in a conscious acting by each entity, as these energies move through the chakras or the energy centers, thereby, one, enlivening the need for survival and reproduction; moving upwards, two, the relationship with the self; moving further, three, the relationship with those of the family and friends known well to the entity; moving upwards further, four, the relationship of the self to all about one, whether known or unknown; moving further to five, the establishment of clear and freely given communication with all of those about one, sharing freely that which has been learned; moving further up the energy centers, six, to the quality of being that radiates without words; moving to the final center, seven, the reunion of the entity with the one Creator as the energies have been activated one upon the other by the conscious application of analysis, prayer and meditation upon the daily round of activities that have been made possible by the infusion of the intelligent energy, the love and the light of the one Creator, through the energy centers. All this in turn taking place because the physical vehicle has been energized by these energies as well as the food that powers its movement and its existence within your reality. 1989/0308.txt:15:Let us move on in this discussion of the lived life. For you see, the reason for the meditation is not that it is an end in itself but that it is a tool through which one may focus one’s will and one’s faith. It is—if we may speak in Christian terms—a communion, a thanksgiving, and offering a Eucharist. It is the time that is, if you are seeking the Creator, the center of the day. It is time that you call to remembrance that Thought which created you. It is, within the illusion you experience, as much a family matter as concern for your relatives, and upon the level of seeking, replaces one’s concern for any loved ones. Sharpen the desire, sharpen the faith, and this shall be done through it’s use. Will and faith together; simple, dogged persistence; going on when you don’t feel like it; getting up when you are tired; honoring the Creator to make that mysterious entity a part of your real, everyday life. 1989/0910.txt:25:The only anthropomorphic symbol that the one known as Jesus used was that of the family. He spoke to the Creator as “my Father.” He spoke that he was the son of man, and spoke, “Do not be afraid, for these things shall come upon me.” It was an act of ultimate compassion, the giving up of oneself in hopes of saving the creation. But even this event was held close to the summer equinox. The older religions felt the influence of the stars more greatly. Firstly, because there were no lights to hide the sky. The pinkish glow of the city at night is not conducive to good gazing. Also, it is absolutely true that each star system and planet has a certain personality, those, of course, that are inhabited. The others dwell simply in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. 1989/1217.txt:18:This, then, is your service to that person—unknown, unappreciated and unexpected. Perhaps the secret of the service to love is to make no fuss or ado about doing what one can to serve. We have a very handy example in this instrument who is having continuous pain flares. This one, however, is aware of the limitations of her service and would have had to have been unconscious not to attempt contact. We look for intensity, passion and dedication in our lives and due to the fact that it is very, very much a secular culture in which you live this feeling of coming home to one’s true family is often missing. And people wander the Earth like Noah’s beasts in pairs of two, with the lonely ones slipping through the cracks in reality. 1990/0121.txt:16:Those who realize that they are dealing with imperishable spirits, that they are nourishing metaphysical entities in small physical bodies, may aid those entities as they grow by paying attention to those questions that are asked and answering them in all seriousness when the question is a serious one. It is a path of service that shall either separate a mated couple or bring it forcefully together, joyfully together, so that each [offers] the other consolation as they gaze in constant bewilderment at the chaos which is inherent in the process of rapid growth, the rapid growth of each child. You may best be of service to that entity by being a steady influence. For instance, if there is no formal worship within the family group, no sense of wonder or mystery explored, no time set aside for the beauty and the love and the peace of the infinite One, then the guidance that each intends to give to the young ones who have been given into your care is greatly [diminished]. Allow and expect your little ones to participate in some ritualistic recognition of the great mystery of the one infinite Creator. Talk about faith and abiding, talk of peace and consolation and forgiveness. Talk of those principles and ideas which are worn so shabbily and made so ragged by consensus reality, which is indeed an extremely skewed and distorted perception of that which truly is. 1990/0608.txt:4:We ourselves are a group, dwelling in harmony. For us it is very simple to live in harmony, for we require nothing, we acquire nothing, we need nothing. Each gladly does a portion of those things which ought to be done to support the maintenance of our physical vehicles. And so we would say, that the first and greatest requirement of harmony within a group is that the group is truly a group of deep love and trust and a lack of fear about loving intensely those who may not be of your family in earthly sense. 1990/0620.txt:8:The word martyr, on the other hand, is a very specific word, meaning that entity which chooses to allow itself to be used, even unto death. Death is not necessarily the end of the martyr, one may live a life of martyrdom, but in essence the attitude is that the self is unimportant, and that the will of a greater self is that by which the martyr seeks self-immolation, and gladly hopes for the destruction of anything that stands in the way of service to that more important self. Many are those entities among your people who are martyrs to idols. Many would call blasphemous the martyr’s love of the mother for the family to the point that this nurturing entity abandons all personal hope, dreams, originality of existence and authenticity of opinion, in order to best serve in any way that is requested the demands of this greater self. 1990/0620.txt:9:In other words, to many martyrs, the greater self is very much alive, and is living in bodily form as an human being, and often in family relationships. It may be noted that when this occurs it is a poor choice if one wishes to balance one’s karma and remove oneself from the dense influences of this particular classroom, for just as negative over-activity bond one karmically to another, so does excessive and self-sacrificing love that is unnecessary and an infringement upon the free will bind the same entity, karmically, to the one idolized. 1990/1025.txt:2:We are known to you as those of Q’uo. We greet you in joy and offer you blessings in the name of the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. As you well know, it is deemed by us an enormous privilege to be able to share with you in your concerns. As one becomes more and more refined in one’s awareness of what a family truly is, perhaps of what remains of one’s unwisdom one is most concerned. We have been concerned about your people for some time, as you know. And when we feel a call go forth, that enables us to try to be of service, it is as so someone from our family would be calling us, someone we love and would want nothing in the world more to do than to go to them to share their sorrow, ease their pain and strengthen their walk upon the path of the search for truth. 1991/0308.txt:12:If each entity were born into a family where the only thing experienced was total love and acceptance, the experience of the entity would be similar to those entities who incarnated before the advent of the veil between the conscious and unconscious minds or before the availability of the choice between the positive and the negative paths, the result being that with no stimulus which is perceived as negative, very little growth takes place. Thusly, for one who incarnates for the purposes of learning the lessons of love, the perceived absence of love is essential in order that such learning may take place. 1991/0922.txt:18:These things do not take place simply in what you call marriage. That which you have attempted is almost completely impossible within the third density. That you have attempted this forming of the family of spiritual entities stands in its intentions golden and perfect, and we ask you never to doubt that that which you have done was truly beautiful and without blemish. Let all else fall away, and remember only this, that three entities loved the Creator and worked and prayed and gave of time and energy and will to the absolute limit of possibility in the attempt to serve. Know that that intention and that perseverance of attempt are the truths that will remain, are the truths which you have chosen to work on in this incarnation. And as you each have moved closer to some idea of what love is to you, for it is to each entity a different lesson, know that no work that you have done has been in vain. For you have under adverse circumstances loved and been loved, and that is the lesson of this density. 1992/0426.txt:9:The weight of the query at this working revolves about the consolation one might find when performing a service which one feels is a portion of one’s duty, one’s responsibility, indeed, as the one known as Ra would say, “one’s honor.” It is an honor, a responsibility and a duty to treat with perfect love those companions of family, and the informal family of deep friendships, with the dedication to being the mouth, the hands, and the lifting and carrying shoulders in manifestation of the one infinite Creator which is forever unmanifest. The very heart of service is the request of the one know as Jesus to love others as one loves the self. 1992/0426.txt:11:In actuality, whether one who is served is a parent, a child, a member of the family or of the extended family of friendship, or of the nature of complete strangers, service is always service if it is given purely. The challenge is to love others as one loves the self. 1992/0920.txt:13:In this regard we remind each of the request of the one known as Jesus the Christ, that if a man were to follow this entity it must hate its mother and father. This is what we speak of. The spirit of universal love and service speaks in silence, yet its urgings are strong and the time inevitably comes when the seeker must choose between personal preference and doing the will of the infinite One. This decision does not have exceptions for family, friends or convenience. It merely is offered without any tangible reward for turning one’s back upon sources of financial plenty, emotional comfort or other excellent mundane benefits. It offers only the impersonal satisfaction of being totally willing to do the will of the infinite Creator. 1993/0117.txt:37:I appreciate Q’uo’s distinction between living symbiosis and codependence. Symbiosis is alive, a flowering of the energy of each to each, where perhaps codependence has its emphasis on the fear and need of dependence. To be codependent on another there must be two. In fact, that is how you perceive yourselves. You are not your beloved friend or family member, you are not the water you drink ... That is conventional reality. But in terms of a deeper reality, there is no separation. 1993/0516.txt:10:For a great portion of your incarnation you will be dealing with the carnival. It may be possible in a life-long friendship of mate, of bosom friend, that all the mirrors be vanquished and that you may see yourselves face to face, and rejoice that you have known the Creator. It is more likely that you shall only be able to do this intermittently. But to know what you are after is the key to seeking. As long as you seek, you shall find. This promise written in your holy works is not part of any lie. We can only ask that you take care in what you seek, for you shall find it. We ask that at any time you become discouraged you stop at the first available moment and look into the one mirror that you carry with you that will give you a true image. We ask that you look into the silence, for there is a center and a hope, a joy and a love in the midst of that silence that can create a new kingdom for you, and for your family. Let your desire be turned to that which you have a proper need to attend to—your own consciousness. 1994/0925_01.txt:9:You wish to know how to use this incalculable, priceless gift. Firstly, we ask each to gaze often into this memory, for there is comfort and validation in this group, each for the others. This simple remembering is potent and is one occasion which maximizes the development of faith; for each has the faith for the others, each falls down in faith when the gaze turns inward. Therefore, this community of seeking, devotion and faith that has been born here may withstand the plangent, painful doubts and fears that will come to each. Further, when this memory is seen as that crystallized gem of offered and accepted love which it is, that gem may be scried as the seer’s glass; and within its light the Creator itself lives, accessible in that intimate, personal way in which family members all have the same remembrance of loving parents, loving father, loving mother. So, each may see the memory both as invaluable in itself and as a clear glass in which each may become transparent to the one great original Thought, which is Love. 1994/1120.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and we appreciate your words and your heartfelt gratitude, and are on our equivalent of the little rock as we begin to say our farewells to this group. We realize that there is an energy deficit at this time, for there has been the expenditure of much energy this past—what you would call—week, as many have given the experiences and efforts towards making one from a distance feel at home and feel nurtured. This is a good effort, my friends, and we can recommend to you that you always see each other as the dear friend from afar that appreciates the love and support of its close friends and family. 1994/1120.txt:27:Each of you is a portion of a greater family that moves within the illusion at this time, helping those that need help, inspiring those that are weary, and lending assistance to those who walk with difficulty. This is a grand illusion and a grand journey that you are upon, my friends. There are many adventures that await you and many moments that may disappoint you, but you may always take comfort in knowing that the love of the one Creator resides in full in each and but requires the smallest of need or inspiration to be kindled into flame. 1995/0122.txt:17:As the harvest approaches, you well may find yourself within a family which cuts across all lines, for, again, like calls like. Certainly those who are wanderers are one such group. Those who have wandered from different planets to this one may seem obviously different from each other as they have incarnated in various races and so forth. Yet that bond of shared experience, shared hunger and the biases that lie beneath words create spiritually oriented families which are service oriented and offer service instinctively, not only to each other but always there is the desire, however well or ill nurtured, to reach the hand of service to any other who may be served. It is in these often unusually varied groups such as your own that the heart of the lessons of love may begin again to become unified, as each soul now has sufficient experience in seeking the truth of self and the way of service to find commonalities that move beyond race, religion, nation and culture, and instead find residence in a common foundation of self within which that deep mind which is the archetypical mind of self has had sufficient experience in combining self with other selves across all boundaries that the unity beneath all distortions is dimly sensed. 1995/0421.txt:30:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that you are, in the central portion of your being, aware that this is so at this time, for you and the entity which served as your father upon this planet are portions of a family or, shall we say, a clan which has chosen to work in consciousness upon this plane in service to others, and this work is that which is accomplished in a manner which is difficult to describe but which is shared by many such groupings or families of entities. There is a support at the most basic level of love, shall we say, that continues between the times of incarnation as well as during the incarnation that ties each together in a manner which is most harmonious and which allows the offering of services which are not usual in that they are often intangible, of the emotions, of the intuition, of the subconscious mind. These pathways of energy which tie each are always intact so that when the heart speaks a feeling or the mind speaks a thought there is an instantaneous communication as though one portion of a body was speaking to another portion of the same body. 1996/0428.txt:23:Community is something wanderers understand instinctively. That much almost always comes through the veil of forgetting that marks the beginning of an incarnation upon your planet in your density. The remembrance of a loving, supportive and steady family. The remembrance of men and women and children that are not only connected by names and by association but also by commonly held beliefs in service make the wanderer’s plight very, very lonely within what this instrument would call the nuclear families of your Earth, for within these families there does not seem to be a constant and steady atmosphere of love, for when faced with challenges of yellow-ray energies many entities, wanderers and natives alike, move back into orange-ray energies and remove themselves from groups insofar as possible, or, alternatively, entities can choose to immolate themselves within a certain group or “ism” that there is no longer the necessity for making personal choices. 1996/0825.txt:5:Now, this is an extreme example of how the way one lives and gazes upon reality as it appears before the eyes can affect changes in consciousness that bear fruit within manifestation. Several of you were saying earlier that the culture in which you live encourages the doing rather than the being, and this is a true and substantial point. Take a moment and gaze at the expectations which each has of the self. There is the expectation of enough supply to be able to amass a dwelling, vehicles within which to drive to various far-flung locations, numerous responsibilities having to do with duty to family, to loved ones, to friends. There is the requirement of collecting the various gadgets of your people, the what this instrument would call electronics that make the life both simpler and infinitely more complicated by their use—the telephone to be more in contact, the various parts of the computer that this instrument is so fond of that offer new efficiencies in storing data and require more and more hours of work in offering this machine its daily bread. Yes, you live within an environment of consuming, collecting and doing. And, yes, you have absorbed these values. 1996/0825.txt:7:And into this infinitude of worlds beings of light come, sparks of the heart of the infinite Creator—you and all of the family of humankind. Each of you unique as a snowflake. Each of you infinitely beautiful and valuable. Each of you powerful and able to serve, for you are love. Yes, within this veil of flesh each has distorted these structures and ideas and thoughts of love so that they do not shine like the diamond but are rough. And so within the flesh each feels the frustration of knowing her own imperfection. And this is a treasure, this awareness of the self in its illusory form as imperfect. This treasure is so precious because within this illusion, this seeming imperfection, entities have the greatest chance of choosing to live in love by faith alone, for there will never be any proof that there is a spiritual reality beyond that which can be seen, felt, heard and tasted. 1996/1122.txt:40:We would like to describe for you an entry into that portion of self that has its selfness in faith. It lies within the heart center, is literally and figuratively at the heart and of the heart. As the energy moves into the physical body through the feet up into the root chakra or energy center at the joining of the legs, it encounters a beautiful, crystalline ... we give this instrument a picture of a geodesic dome, a structure in time/space that enabled that energy of red ray to express the energy from the red through that co-Creator’s ready energy center. And as the energy gathers, that energy becomes more crystalline and transparent to that love/light that is expressing into manifestation from unmoved love. Moving upwards it encounters another beautiful crystalline structure that resides in the belly itself, that contracts against dangers of association with the self and with the complexity of dual and triple, completely unusual and conflicting needs of the self and one other self. As the seeker gathers experience, the choices made can more and more energize this nexus of energy; and the energy allowed through moves up to that place where belly meets chest, that omphalos of power. This is the plane of your Earth. This is the social energy center where the self deals with society and its associations, whether experiencing as a member of a family, as a citizen of a country, in any group in which you are working with distortions of the yellow-ray energy center; and again, the choices that you make can, through the incarnative experience, help to crystallize and make transparent this center. 1997/0518.txt:5:Thus, the choice that birthed each of you was a choice to know the truth, to know the self, and as the Creator is love, so is each entity love. This is the central truth. This is that which does not change. Yet this is that which is ever wrapped in mystery. Each within this circle has come through many planes of existence, has learned a great deal, and each within this circle chose not only this incarnation now being experienced but also that cast of characters with whom each entity interacts in the family, in the close associations of friends, and all those who have significant connections with the self. There were agreements made before incarnation, most notably with the parents and those within the bonds of kinship of blood and of commonality of interest. Each difficulty, each crux that leaves one in a position of being forced to discover the self has been placed not with a hand that desires to punish but with a hand of loving self that wishes to serve ever more deeply, ever more purely. 1998/0524.txt:4:Your question this day focuses on that which is at the heart of your third-density experience for which you took incarnation at this time, for relationships are the basis for much learning within your illusion. Your entire makeup as a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being in this environment calls you to be with each other. It is obvious that, physically speaking, the male and female call to each other to perpetuate the species. And this, indeed, is the beginning of many, many relationships. Yet there are others that have just as much use with companions, friends, teachers. Perhaps even those who have not met face-to-face but have meant a good deal, those with whom you feel the intimate relationship that comes from the reading of deep truths shared. This hunger for society, society that fits with your own nature, is a powerful force, an instinct within you. Naturally, it propels the seeker into confusion and chaos quite often, for that is one of the intentions of relationship. It is in learning how to love a mate, a companion or friend, family member, or lover, that we learn by reflection how to love ourselves and how to love the creation of the Father. 1999/0418.txt:17:The inspiration for cleanliness is indeed spiritual. And the ritual of making that which is dusty into that which shines with cleanliness is a spiritual ritual. The one known as Jim has often spoken of his Sunday morning house-cleaning as part of the family plan, for the one known as Carla goes to church and sings to the infinite Creator and goes through the ceremony of the holy communion. Meanwhile, the one known as Jim is taking all of those things which may have gone awry, that dirt which has fallen or spattered or come upon the things of daily use and with great love and great feeling of the ritual of cleanliness has blessed the entire house with loving and careful attention. And we will guarantee each of you that when you have cleaned your space, when you have cleansed your living place, those coming through the door and entering your magical aura may well never realize why they feel so welcome and so comfortable within your space, but you will know that it is because you have loved your space and have spiffed it up and shined it up until it is proud of itself and feels very ready to bless all who come within its purview. There is nothing that you see that is not holy. There is nothing that you do that cannot be holy. Nothing in your environment is dead. All is alive, made with love and manifested with light. All things are available to those who live by faith as ways to express faith and love and hope. 2000/0220.txt:5:For those who are gathered today there is a complete awareness of and a desire and yearning for that second universe of higher truth. Further, the body which carries you about contains what this instrument has called a biocomputer, the earthly brain, the choice-maker brain, that is built specifically to deal with the either/or questions of survival, protection of home and family, and the other concerns of the earthly life. The guidance system for the earthly brain is difficult to describe in earthly terms, but the word, intuition, surely covers it. However, for those who wish to become serious students, who have begun their path of wandering, their seeking for a true home, this either/or mentality does not satisfy for the simple reason that it cannot satisfy the needs of the metaphysical universe. However, each of you is also, and predominantly, a consciousness, an unique entity made wholly of love and light which goes through many physical vehicles in many densities and through many experiences within each density. This consciousness which is you can dip into the earthly universe, the physical world, by virtue of being wedded through the incarnational birthing process to a second-density physical vehicle; that is, your body. This consciousness, being a citizen of eternity, being infinite in nature, is completely adapted to doing work in the metaphysical universe. And each of you has, lying in potential within you, or should we say, within your consciousness, all of the guidance and information that you need. The challenge, of course, is how to gain access to that guidance, for however framed in conceptual structure, that guidance is a denizen of the deep mind, the roots of consciousness. And the door from the deep unconscious self to the conscious self must needs be opened or set ajar in some way in order for guidance to move into the conscious realm and become available in order that you may have access to it. 2000/0402.txt:19:For a time it is very possible that this instrument was difficult to live with, for it was so keenly focused on the best protection it knew. And it is possible that when you sense a crux of destiny and do what you need to do within your own mind and heart and soul in order to hew to faith you may lose a friend or find that a family member does not understand you. Or that other entities feel that you are not exercising proper caution or care. And, yet, this attitude of faith is, to our knowledge, the key to the highest protection of life, of work, and of fruit that we know is effective within or without incarnation. This is a value and an asset that is powerful within third density particularly because it cannot be proven. There is no way that you can sit down with someone and justify faith. There is no way you can prove faith. You cannot argue someone into having faith. There is no reason or rhyme to faith. And, yet, it is our understanding that this is how the creation works. To those who have faith and move forward in that faith, the universe opens and the entity moves with increasingly unfettered foot through all the densities of love, of light, and of unity. 2000/0910.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We appreciate the opening of the heart energy center upon your part in the consideration of that which would be helpful to the young entity of whom you speak. We are not those who give what you would call life readings or assessments of entities in order that one remedy or another be applied for any malady that may be found, for there are those who have this skill and use it well. We, on the other hand, are more philosophically oriented among those who seek to serve Earth at this time. And, thus, it would be our suggestion that any assistance given to this entity be that which is a natural outgrowth of the interaction between the group that is your family and the group that is this entity’s family so that there be the normal progression of conversation which expresses the concern for the welfare of the young entity and the desire to be of service. When this seed is thusly planted and interest is noticed, then one may continue to water the seed with the attention that you may offer through one avenue or another. The choice of avenues is that which we would recommend by utilizing the intuition, the feeling within your deeper self that there is a path that can be taken and action that can be offered and, moreover, a concern, a love that can be shown by the entire process of interaction. Thus, the attention given to this situation may be nourished in love, contemplated with the mind, and directed with the intuition. 2000/0923.txt:60:I am Q’uo, and as it appears that we have exhausted the queries for the nonce we shall once again express our great gratitude to each present for the great sacrifice that each has made to become a part of this community of seekers at this time and in this place. We would encourage each to see the self as a member of an even larger family of goodly souls who seek the One and who serve the One in all. Remember, each one of you, that you do not walk alone, that there are those who rejoice at every step taken with you, for this is a difficult illusion in which you find yourselves moving at this time. Your friends would seem to be confusion, doubt, fear, defeat, and being humbled daily by the difficulties of existing in such a heavy, chemical illusion. And yet, you do move with such encumbrances and yet the courage that each shows in continuing upon the journey, moving as the Fool from the cliff with no sure footing or idea of the next step, is that kind of action which inspires entities such as ourselves greatly as we observe the valor, the courage, the faith, the will, and the determination of so many seekers such as yourselves upon this planet at this time. The seeking is most intense. The service is ever more lovingly offered. The light shines ever more brilliantly through all of the difficulties and distress that are so much more apparent upon the surface of things in this illusion. We add our love and service to your own, as do many others, so that that which you accomplish can be seen to be as the fulcrum that allows a greater leverage in the overall evolution of this planetary entity. 2000/1119.txt:14:But there comes the time, either at death or soon thereafter, when the consciousness becomes aware that it is time to move ahead. If it is an incarnational pause between two incarnations in third density the next step is what this instrument would call the review of the incarnation. In other words, there will be someone who comes to greet, welcome and guide that consciousness which has just moved into that metaphysical time/space which is the environment for the light body which spirits have between incarnations. That guide may be a loved one close in the birth family; it may be a close friend; it may be a beloved entity such as Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or a favorite saint. It will be that entity which the spirit most feels comfortable with. And with that help, the consciousness is taken to a comfortable place where she may watch what you could think of as a movie or a book with many pictures. For, truly, freed of the confines of time and space it is possible to riffle through the pages of an incarnations fairly quickly, assessing the damage, assessing the need for healing before further work is undertaken, and then assessing what might be the goals of the next incarnation. 2000/1119.txt:43:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is indeed so. There are groupings or clans, if you will, of entities who move as a group through incarnational experience after incarnational experience. The relationships vary from one experience to another, oftentimes with some members of the grouping remaining in the inner planes of the planetary sphere offering their assistance in an unseen manner as guides and angelic presences, only to take incarnation once again in yet another experience so that as you move through this Earthly experience you may look about you to those who are your loved ones, those of your family, your friends, those of like mind and heart with whom you move in unison and see those who have been with you for many, many incarnations and experiences on not only this planetary sphere but others as well. For the third-density illusion which is now coming to an end on this planetary sphere is but a brief moment in that which you call time. And there is no time or limitation for the clans or groupings of consciousnesses that choose to move together for one reason or another in the seeking of the one Creator. 2000/1217.txt:6:This instrument received a little story in her web mail this day which we would like to retell. In this story a wife who dearly loved her husband became aware that he was disenchanted with Christmas, not necessarily the sentiments and ideals of the season, but the commercialism and the hustle and bustle of it. And so she began thinking of what she might do to give her husband a better Christmas. One day they went to a sporting event and one of the two teams had no uniforms and also seemed to be made up of young people that had no advantages or money even to pay for their bus ride there. This woman found a way to purchase uniforms for that scruffy little team and when she had finished her act of charity she wrote a little note about it and placed it in an envelop and placed her husband’s name on it and put it in a tree. This little, white envelop with its little message became the favorite present for the whole family that year, and it was so successful that the wife decided to do that every year. 2001/0916.txt:22:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. That this event would be seen and experienced as that which is catastrophic is as you have correctly surmised, a necessary culmination of those energies which have, for many of your millennia, been in motion upon your planet, and this present expression of anger and hatred is that which can be seen in one of two ways: as that which demands retribution and a continuation of those energies of which it was born, or it can be seen as the alarm which rings the alert to those observing that there is something tremendously dislocated, shall we say, in the relationship between the various members of the family of humanity upon your planet and which needs attention, which needs understanding, which needs love and compassion. So difficult is it to look beneath the surface of events to see the genesis of such that most of your peoples do not make this effort. It is far easier to rest upon the simple and quick assessment of things. 2001/1021.txt:5:Love is another four-letter word. It is a very difficult word to deny knowledge of by anyone in any density, yet certainly within your density the word has so many overtones and undertones because of constant usage to mean several quite different kinds of affection that it is a difficult word to use precisely. When we speak of love we are speaking of that which is the essence of the Creator. The love of which we speak is far more powerful, far more coherent, shall we say, far more crystallized than the love of family or mates or even the overriding love of brotherhood and humankind. Love, as we speak of it, is not simply an emotion but, rather, an utterly coherent Thought. It is a Thought that is so powerful that it has created all that there is. This Logos which we call Love, this living entity that is the Creator and includes the created, is an infinite concept. Indeed, one word for Love is intelligent infinity. The essence of love lies in this infinity and in its intelligence which is the intelligence of the Creator. 2001/1021.txt:7:To move a little further into the question of fear, if you will think for a moment of your energy body, you may see that each center of energy within your body is vulnerable to distortion in a particular way, and we use that term, distortion, to indicate fear. For fear is a very common distortion of love. Within the red-ray the energy tends to be blocked if there is a fear of survival. Within the orange ray in the lower belly the natural distortion of that energy comes with the experience of attempting to relate to other energy fields, to other people. When there is a difficulty and there seems to be a threat from the personal relationship, this lower belly energy can be blocked or otherwise uncomfortably distorted. In the upper part of the belly, in the solar plexus, the yellow-ray energy center can easily be blocked by fears having to do with the family, the society, one’s place within that family or society; in short, one’s dealings with the larger groups that go beyond personal relationships and move into the roots of being, the family, the mated relationship, and so forth. And a great deal of that which many are experiencing during this particular autumn season among your peoples has to do with the energies that became manifest on the 11th of September of this year. These are basically yellow-ray fears, and the solar plexus of many, many entities within your culture has been punched, shall we say, hard and given the opportunity to choose fear, not just once but many times. 2001/1223.txt:18:The great obstacle to peace among your peoples is the same obstacle that is in a family when they will not agree and they insist on leaving problems unadressed and unsolved. The one known as Jim has said very truly many times that this world needs a great deal of love. That is true at the individual level. It is also true at the societal level, at the racial level, and at the planetary level. 2001/1223.txt:23:May you follow your heart. May you follow that which this instrument calls the cross. For fourth density is cruciform; that is, early fourth density especially. There is a cross involved. There is a sigil of sacrifice that needs to be grasped in a way that words almost cannot achieve. Silence itself, the tabernacle of the heart, and those infinitely blessed words that have no sound, that still, small voice, will bring to you that which you need. We encourage each to seek that silence each day and to affirm that all is well, that all will be well, that the life may be lived in faith. This rest that faith gives, again, frees one to love. It enables fearlessness. No one within your sphere is truly fearless in all ways, but it is well gently but determinedly to work on that fear, work on those separating emotions and realize that all actions expressed lovingly are metaphysically correct. It is not possible often within the Earth planes to make a pure choice because the physical vehicle won’t stand it or the budget won’t stand it, or the family won’t stand it, or something will fall apart that you wish to keep together if you pursue a totally pure path of light. As we said, there are times when one must make decisions that do not seem particularly loving. But if they are made carefully, thoughtfully, and because of love then we say that is excellent work. It might not be right, but it is not important to be right. It is important to be loving. So attempt to be right. Attempt to run that ship that you have. But attempt more to open the heart to love. 2002/0505.txt:7:Perhaps it is well to say at this time that the freshness of love is that which spiritual communities are most excellent at maintaining within the members of that community. We do not wish to criticize or to judge your churches and temples and holy places except to say that, more and more, those entities which are awakening have not found their home within the established buildings that hope to be spiritual communities by virtue of their name. What we find is that, as it has always been, the liveness and freshness of spiritual seeking is a matter of people and not institutions. The hope of creating an institution that will carry on the practice and make it available to people is in essence an anthropomorphism where the spiritual entity seeks to re-create the family as a permanent thing when in fact each family is always renewing itself as entities leave this plane and other entities are born into this plane within their family. Consequently, those who are moved to be pastors and ministers and priests may well have that open heart which creates a loving atmosphere and authors a place of safety for those who wish to seek together. It is possible to find this within the church, within any religious practice, but it is a matter of moving from group to group until one has found not only the way of worship that appeals but also the energy within the leader and also within those within that particular group that is comfortable and supportive and encouraging to you personally. 2002/0505.txt:8:We find that in groups such as this one which gather in homes and are unofficial and spontaneous, the likelihood of fresh energy is higher because there is no reason to come to a group such as this one to express a social or a political or an economic kind of feeling or beingness, but rather, the only reason to come is that sense of a spiritual family that together may more efficiently and effectively seek than each by himself alone. We would say that this is extremely true and is a great help to remembering who one is, for there is within the earth plane at this time a tremendous number of people who have incarnated in large groups of people to serve together and much of the joys of spiritual community are involved in re-linking with those entities with whom you have spent lifetimes in the past serving together and learning together. Each time that you reconnect and re-link with these beloved strangers that are very much a part of your energy of being, there is laid another golden strand of connection within the net of love which surrounds the Earth and is glowing brighter with every day. We are rejoicing at this point to see the outburst of newly awakening people. There is a tremendous, shall we say, population explosion of those who are awakening at this time. It makes us feel most blessed to see entities taking hold of their being and knowing themselves and their power for the first time. 2002/0505.txt:19:This creates a situation where the tiny child that is newborn has its first experience of vulnerability and a lack of emotional safety. Within your experiences as a child there are almost guaranteed to be repeated times where this feeling of panic and distress becomes almost overwhelming, as the environment seems not to be a safe one, not to be a secure one emotionally and spiritually. And the understanding of others about you seems to be lacking. The pressures and distortions of the birth family, the parents and so forth, almost always create these biases within one which are carried upon the back like a burden until they are once again named and greeted and faced and embraced and loved and forgiven and placed within the heart to be healed and to be forever then part of the strength of the entity that has come through many waters and is as fresh and young and strong as in the days of greatest youth. 2002/0628.txt:9:Beauty from the yellow-ray energy becomes a far more subtle and rich-textured thing, for within the yellow-ray energy lie family and the mated relationship, and it is within the safety and intimacy of such continuing and prolonged relationships that those who become spiritually mature are able greatly to broaden and enhance their concept of beauty. The qualities of a mate, a mother, a father, a child, or a sibling can be imperfect in the extreme, and yet, over a period of time and the blessing of shared history—we correct this instrument—with the blessing of ever-lengthening shared history, the entities within the family group or within the mated relationship become so over-drawn with the patina of loving and being loved, that even the homeliest entity becomes perfectly itself and therefore beautiful because it is that person. And finally the leaden and heavy weight of physical opinion of beauty becomes that which can take off like the kite in the wind, soaring with the energy of the wind of love. 2002/0704.txt:10:There is now activity that an entity cannot accomplish as a vehicle for expressing this angelic, pure love. It is not affected by the cycles or apparent mood swings of the personality but is rather a gift that is firmly and safely hidden in the folds and recesses of the feminine heart. It is part of the very hopeful and energetically radiant attempt by an entire spiritual family of large numbers to balance an Earth that has great need of the fullness of love that is wrapped up in the archetype of the feminine. This energy is using each of these as instruments and we may say that each of these entities, the instrument and the one known as V, have conducted their incarnations with awareness of the gift they carry, respect and honor for that gift, and close attention to preserving the integrity of their positivity as instruments. 2002/1216.txt:59:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would advise the worthy seeker to go forth in faith. All is truly well and the Creator awaits the interaction of your love, as you express it, within your family structure. It is much like building a firm foundation for that which is to come. There is much potential. There is the positive direction. There is the realization of a few remaining stones necessary to place within that foundation and this work has begun apace. We say be of good cheer, go forth in love and rest in faith. All will be well. Your feet are firmly planted upon the path of seeking. Continue walking this journey with a happy heart, and with a willingness to accept all that awaits you. 2003/0302.txt:20:Those aspects in which you have had dysfunction with your family members can become renewed into a grander light and a grander love by simply allowing the various distortions of personality to be OK without feeling that you need to identify and classify each little wrong that is done against you and to rage against it, insisting that you will not proceed forward in your life until every item on your laundry list has been duly satisfied and mitigated through intense discussion. Rather it is OK to allow that ego to die, to allow the personality that clings to the idea that all of its needs must be met in that itemized list to fall away. 2003/0316.txt:11:It is indeed a precious moment and a promising time of rapidly awakening consciousness planet-wide and it has been pressed into being and encouraged by the seemingly disastrous policies of those who wish war among your peoples at this time. And we may say without expressing any unknown information, certainly, it is not one entity or a small group of entities which wishes the engagements of war and the reallocations of territory and power. There is pressure planet-wide, at the level of those who remember whole societal-wide catastrophic scenarios and wish beyond all reason to reinvent them, that presses these entities onward. Much of this harvest, then, expresses enormously deep archetypical energies that have been stuck for an unusually long period of time, repeating seemingly endless cycles of rising towards the light, rising towards union, rising towards an awareness of love in its unconditional and redeeming aspect, only to fall back to the level of the great apes and their tribal loyalties and the protection of the family group. It is a great ascent that the human attempts in third density, to move from beast to angel, from a mute and unspeaking love to a supernal, wordless expression of love. In between those two lies the third density and in that density you have the forgetting that allows your voice to be uncertain; that allows your mind not to know; that allows your heart to make foolish choices and then to experience change because of them. 2003/0321.txt:12:The strategy that we would recommend for working upon this primary contractual obligation or what the Ra group called “honor/duty” is that heart-opening discipline, for which the one known as J has so richly prepared himself by many resources and many experiences that hone and refine the strategies and processes that this entity may bring to bear upon that seed that is within that blooms in the spring of awakened consciousness. The seed has fallen in good ground and there is every hope of a good spring and we just encourage the one known as J to bend to the Earth of its planting, to tend the buds that come, with great love, with great awareness of the sacred honor in drawing breath at this time, in this place. We encourage the openhearted attempt in each day to gaze at the household of the self with first interest upon the lowest of the floors, that level of survival and sexuality that perhaps the cave and the more primitive parts of a house would suggest, the first floor, a ground floor of personal relationships and the family and group relationships that are intimate in the personal life. These small concerns, these incidental chores and experiences of day-to-day life contain most of the grist for the mill of the metaphysical learning which you indeed did come to do. 2003/0406.txt:39:I have what I wouldn’t say is really a question but more of a statement. I notice as I go through life with family and friends around me, that sometimes I take [them] for granted, and don’t always show my appreciation and gratitude. I’d like to include you, Q’uo, and, as you say, the heavenly hosts and to express my gratitude and appreciation of [your] being there when I feel like talking to you or just knowing that you’re there, and the help and love that you’ve given. I just want to express my love and gratitude again for all that you’ve done. 2003/0504.txt:10:Now, in this instrument’s case these relationships which occurred were carefully chosen, not for that which would be considered happy reasons, but precisely because they set up the dynamics in which this particular lesson might be best learned. The incarnational plan therefore has functioned beautifully. However, had this instrument not chosen to engage with that birth family in relationship work and therefore had this instrument never grasped what the lesson was or how to work on it consciously in this relationship, there were repeated instances where this instrument had planned carefully to meet other entities which would have been just as helpful in setting up the dynamics of a relationship of this instrument with an entity who was profoundly worthy of love but who was incapable of giving emotionally in return. 2003/0511.txt:18:This instrument has been encouraging each in counsel to investigate and get to know that dark side, for it must be loved also, and more, it needs to be disciplined and to be brought into the circle of self that is working together, for there are many selves within. And there are many voices that come to one who is seeking upon the path. Not [only is there] the voice of guidance that is primary to a certain entity, but also many other voices that, as an entity moves through initiations and various levels of realization, will come and be attracted to that seeking self who is blooming in a certain way which calls to the sense of beauty or the sense of spirit, these two things being so close within fourth density we find trouble choosing our metaphors, which, by the Law of Attraction, bring these, as this instrument would call [them], angelic entities, these essences of spirit, these entities that are based upon purified emotion, into the extended family of guidance which increasingly becomes available to the entity that begins to take hold of the process of spiritual evolution and begins to make those difficult choices of what to observe, of what not to observe, what to pick up and what to put down. Indeed, these ways of becoming more aware of the true nature of the self are very important to the eventual success of the mission of each of those within the sphere of the planet Earth at this time and incarnation. 2003/1102.txt:47:So we would ask that you nurture yourself. Realize, whenever you can, that there is a tremendous amount of love around you, not simply from friends such as these within this circle or from family but from a very extended family of those who are with you as guidance and simply those who are with you because they have been attracted to your goodness and to your seeking. This support system is strong to save and quick to respond, and we encourage you to use it. We, ourselves, are available at any time to give you a deeper meditation or a stronger feeling of presence. Lean into the help that is there and above all, believe in yourself, believe in this process, and know that each dark night ends with a beautiful sunrise. 2003/1206.txt:15:During this period, the one known as Jesus had for the most part kept himself apart from any personal relationships, either with men or with women. But certainly this entity was not without those men and women that he loved. The life of a wandering preacher is not a life which can easily be accommodating to a mate and a growing family and it was the one known as Jesus’ feeling that these were not pleasures of which he might partake. Consequently, for the most part, this entity held himself apart and was content to have unspoken yet very deep relationships with his mother, his brother, his cousin, and those disciples, both men and women, whose hearts he could see to be of that same thirst and hunger for truth that his was. 2004/0112.txt:44:There is, shall we say, a tremendous amount of help available to the entity who releases its own effort after it has been made and rests in the fellowship of guidance, Godhead and the creation. The drive to intensity is in part based upon a perception that one is going it alone. Yet indeed there is never a solitude when it comes to spiritual evolution, for you dwell within a family of those seen and those unseen, in the inner planes and in those environments which were yours before coming to the planet you call Earth. We suggest that you lean into that peace that comes to one who has endeavored well. When the endeavor has been made, surround it with thankfulness and open that thankfulness to all of those, seen and unseen, especially those unseen who are part of the guidance system that is helping you with keels and rudders, that in truth you cannot know but that are there to help guide and point you in the right direction. Lean on that help, rest into that help, and when the aggravations and the irritations become great, allow yourself the escape, but at the same time, send a message to your family that help is needed. Do not attempt to go it alone. There is never a need to feel that one is alone. We are with you, the Creator is with you, many entities attracted to your hopes, your ideals, and your process are with you. The strength of that is palpable when called upon. And we encourage that source of comfort to be used when it is needed. We are all—incarnate, discarnate, inner planes, outer planes—one being. There is one love, one hope, one vision, one truth. It will never appear the same to two people, yet it is infinitely unitary. 2004/0307.txt:18:The one known as Dewey1, in speaking of how his learning as a physicist affected his own thoughts about spiritual matters, chose to describe the way he saw the “new man” as an ethical biological unit. The “old man,” he said, “was simply a biological unit.” It worked from instinct, it made its choices, and it protected that which was its own and saw to the survival of itself and its family unit. However, when one moves into the new definition of self that is the conscious self, that self that is aware of itself as a soul, the word that is added is “ethical.” An ethical biological unit is one who does look to the honors, to the duties, and to the love that is theirs to judge and deem appropriate and choose. 2004/0818.txt:13:We come to a more difficult part of your question when we begin to look at the other selves about you. It is rare, indeed, on such a voyage, that one is able to take other selves with him. Most general is the case that you experience, where other selves that are dearly beloved to you and are part of your family are not able to take this voyage with you but must remain upon the shore which you have left. This simple separation of attitude and the direction of hopes for the future between mates and between family members has the strong and understandable tendency to create strife and discomfort on both the side of the self and the sides of other selves involved. Even if there are no hard feelings, the dislocation is felt and it must be dealt with by the other selves about you. 2004/0818.txt:17:What a blessing it is to be able to rest back in the essence of who you are. Rest in that essence as much as you can with your family. Stay at the soul level with them, relating to them as wonderful, unique sparks of the Creator, just as are you. So much is veiled, so much is unknown, and yet you can always love, you can always console, you can always lift up and support and encourage and offer hope. You can refuse to shut down, you can refuse to stop being vulnerable, you can refuse to close your heart against anyone or anything. You can endure whatever pain will help those about you as you listen to them express their difficulties and as you work endlessly and patiently, insofar as you can see a way to help them through what they are experiencing as they experience the catalyst of your change. 2004/0818.txt:34:Above all, find ways to express your own belief system in the tiny things of everyday. This way there is no preaching involved. There is no discussion of dogma or the lack of same, but only the expression in everyday life at the smallest level of thoughtfulness, desire to help the family system, and those other values that feed into a harmonious and loving family life. If you have not investigated fully the joys of doing laundry, scrubbing the toilet bowl, doing the dishes, or any of the other thousand and one things that a household takes to keep going, dig into it and investigate to the best of your ability all of the above and anything else that you can see that will help the family move more smoothly through the day. When entities are not afraid of cleaning a toilet with great love and great thoroughness and a delight in the result, then the entities around him can begin to see that all things are holy and that there is no unjust labor, or work to be scorned. In living a spiritually oriented life, this is a key concept and it cannot be gotten at with words. Those about you must see you participating in every way. This will enable them to find that same perspective within themselves gradually becoming more and more understandable. 2004/0822.txt:28:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query. Indeed, we have spoken to some extent upon this subject and it is dear to our hearts. You are here this day because you are a family. You have not chosen each other in a conscious way. You do not have the entanglements with many of these here of family, previous friendships, and so forth. But there is a tabernacle in which all of you reside. It is that space or energy that is held together by those who seek the truth and who seek to serve at this time. You have come this day for reasons on the conscious level, but because of promptings also on the subconscious level. So we encourage you to see this event and this gathering as a family reunion of those who have not previously, perhaps, come into a gathering or re-uned. Yet you are all called by spirit to be witnesses to light and love. And each of you has worked and played and suffered and laughed and done the living that collects life experience. You have begun to gather about yourselves a kind of spiritual gravity, a weight, a density of being that holds the light. You see, when entities begin to wake up to their spiritual nature, they are perfectly capable of grasping the ideas because the ideas which concern spiritual evolution are fairly simple. It has often been called the universal wisdom, or the eternal wisdom. What we have to say, and indeed what each has to say this day has been said before and will be said again and yet, because of the nature of spirit, it must be said in the present moment as a spark that can ignite or as a germ that can infect. 2004/0905.txt:19:This is the energy that is coming into your physical vehicle and into your emotional and mental and spiritual vehicles as well. You can shape the way that you receive the catalyst that comes to you by how you choose to work with the energy body in responding to that catalyst. It is the most sensible and understandable thing in the world to react to incoming perceptions of anger and insult and difficulty by constricting and contracting the energy of the self in defensive and protective ways. Oftentimes, habits of defense and protection begin very early in one’s incarnation as a response to the disharmonious experiences within the the birth family. That birth family may well have been chosen partially because of the disharmony within its system, for this sets up the arena for a lesson of incarnational level, whether it be patience, the learning to love without expectation of return, or any of the other incarnational lessons with which each of you may be working this time around, shall we say. 2004/1010.txt:6:There are all kinds of abuse. Much abuse does not register as abuse, unlike [the experiences of] those who are raped by family members or physically beaten. These entities experience other kinds of more subtle abuse which are just as punishing to the spirit within and which can alienate and separate and isolate that spirit within from the ability to trust others of their breed. If every human to whom you have given your heart seems to have abused you, it is understandable that, over time, there would come to be within you a determination not to be caught again in the snare and trap of love. And we would suggest to the one known as A and to the one known as B that this is a thread of thought that can be taken further in the privacy and the sanctity of the open heart. For with each of these entities there have been experiences in the young years of incarnation which have biased and soured those chords of natural trust and faith in one’s fellow human that each child is born into the world experiencing as a steady state and as a normal way of life, unless, indeed, as some in this room have experienced, there have been abuses even from the womb. 2005/0403.txt:33:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. In terms of specifics, it is not possible for us to discuss one entity such as LeCorbusier. However, it is interesting to look into the nature of how creativity works within a life experience. The same creative wind blows for all and on that wind lie melodies, themes, motifs and other avenues of intelligent expression of the fire of spirit. The energies of suffering and learning catch the facets of personality uniquely for each unique entity. And as an entity awakens within incarnation to the truth and beauty of its own being, possibilities open up in this and that way, unique to each entity. One entity may express creativity by growing a family and helping the young souls within that family to flower. Another entity may hear the call of a certain kind of expression of devotion and become a guardian of truth, an upholder of justice, or an agent of the healing power of human love. All professions call with the song of the muse to those entities whose personalities are shaped so that those structures hold their passion and give them avenues of expression. Every artist catches the wind of spirit and finds ways to draw images that catch the light and share the vision. Every musician hears those melodies that are drifting from angelic essences embedded within the inner planes and responsive to the winds of the times and the energies of the generation now alive. And so it is with those who see the value of shape and ratio and wish to create places for the heart and the spirit to thrive. 2005/0417.txt:19:And so it is as entities move upwards through the dimensions of relationship, exploring the aspects of relationship which have to do with becoming a family and then exploring the aspects of relationship which have to do with opening the heart to each other’s humanness. There is almost always a delimiting factor involved in this opening of the heart. It would seem, once an entity has climbed up through the first three concerns of relationship into the open heart, that the way would be free and clear. And yet this is not so. When one at last enters that sacred precinct of the open heart and one rests together in that place of clear light, one views in the other the beginnings of great knowledge. And with this great knowledge comes a great price. That price is the shadow of all that is true about one. When one is heart to heart, when at last [one] is exposed and the humanness of the self is undefended, not simply from the other self, for the other self is ready to love unconditionally, that other self becomes a mirror which then reflects back to you for the first time, so that you can see it yourself, the picture of your own shadow. 2005/0624.txt:19:And you began to make a plan. You chose for yourself your major relationships, your birth family or those who brought you up, your spouse or mate and those lovers and friends that have been important to you. You carefully chose even your enemies and those who wish you harm because you did not wish to waste the relationships in this life. Rather, you wished to use them in order to refine that within you which is yourself. Just as that which is crude goes into the fire that refines it, you chose a certain kind of refining energy that would circulate throughout your life as if it were a theme or a motif. 2005/0716.txt:7:Each of you, as you sit in this circle of seeking today, represents not only you, yourself, an unique and precious flower in the field of the Creator. You carry with you a family of unseen presences. Within this circle, for instance, there are overlapping groups. More than one entity within this group is not only an individual but also a family member of the community which is represented in fifth density and in sixth density families from which you came to serve upon planet Earth as wanderers offering, at great risk to yourselves, your very self in the hope that by your very being living in flesh and bone, strangers in a strange land indeed, you would be able to offer that energy of unconditional love that would help to anchor the fourth-density energies that now are being seated within the planet that is being born as we speak, that Gaia that is a fourth-density, positively-oriented planet. 2005/0716.txt:8:Each of you, then, represents not only the self but an extended family, as it were, of beings that have allied themselves in various partnerships for this period of time and space. There is a time upon your planet that is ongoing wherein all of your energies have been called to bear witness to the light and the love of the one infinite Creator. We, ourselves, as those of the principle of Q’uo, are part of two of those groups: that of the fifth-density social memory complex known to you as the group Latwii—we are speaking through this instrument at this time—and those of the social memory complex known as the group Ra, which are part of this principle and with whom we of Latwii and also those of Hatton discussed matters before taking up the time of channeling through this instrument. 2005/0716.txt:16:We are as those who represent your ties with the larger family of the creation of the Father, as this instrument has often called the creation that is metaphysical in nature. We have an energy that this instrument would perceive as feminine. The balancing energy that is critical at this time in anchoring the love and the light of the one Creator for this passage for Gaia is the Goddess energy, shall we say. 2005/0821.txt:31:This is something that you seem to be doing, individually, and yet you now carry an identity as part of a family. This group has become a clan built of love and dedicated to service. In jest, an entity called this the “Wooded Glen Family.” You may name it as you will, but we assure you that the nature of your bond is substantial and real. 2005/0904.txt:11:As we begin speaking of being your best self at a time of inconvenience, we would prepare the ground in this wise by assuring you that you are not in the grip of that which you must fear. Rather, you are part of the people of Planet Earth and you are all family, children of a mother who is called Gaia or Planet Earth. You are seeing Gaia, your beloved mother, through the birth of her child, fourth-density Earth; indeed, the birth of both the heaven and the earth of fourth density. 2005/1106.txt:13:The third-density planet which gave birth to baby Gaia, that entity which we may call third-density Gaia, has expressed a great deal of her energies in the nurturing of all of her third-density tribe and family. The Earth being that you call Gaia or Terra is a mother in love with her children and blissfully nurturing of them, always protective of them and yet, at the same time, in harmony with the desire for growth and transformation that exists within the heart and the soul of each one of her children. 2005/1211.txt:69:Remember that your experiences within your birth family of what love is have not been those experiences which were very encouraging in terms of the safety of one being in the arms, the heart, and the words of another. That safety, that intimacy, those great possibilities do exist but not in your personal memory. 2006/0226_02.txt:14:Those whom you see in this particular circle of seeking represent three separate lineages of family in terms of inner-planes and outer-planes connections. And this is an aspect which enriches and deepens the connections and empowers this group. Again this is true not only of this particular group but of each group that gathers to seek the truth and to offer honor, love and praise to the one infinite Creator. 2006/0226_02.txt:28:As you use your will to choose to open yourself to the light and the love that is in each moment, in each situation, and in each relationship, you will find that love itself will teach you what love is. It may feel awkward for quite awhile, off and on, to experience the rush and the roar of emotion. We encourage the one known as B to realize that these experiences are safe for him because they are being experienced in the nest and family of a group whose energy is able to help move energy aside in certain cases within the energy body where there have been blockages so that the love and the light of the infinite Creator can flow through in an uninterrupted and balanced manner where previously there was a shortage of that infinite energy coming from the Earth. It was moving into the body but it was being blocked at the red-ray energy center. 2006/0305.txt:9:We are those of Q’uo, and are again with this instrument. There was, in the experience of this process of ritual and communion, every bit of comfort that those who loved this soul could pack into the ritualized remembrance of the viewing and the funeral. There was almost no awareness within the group that gathered of the closeness and the intimacy of the presence of that entity whose body lay in its casket on display for the mourning family and friends. There was no awareness that this entity was alive and part of the proceedings. It might not even have been comfortable as an awareness, had the truth been known. 2006/0401.txt:18:There are so many sources of guidance that are around you that to discuss them in depth is impossible, but we can simply name them. They include, as you said, angels—and there are many varieties of angels—pixies, elves, fairies, nature divas and spirits of all kind, the essences of elements, their spirits such as undeens, sylphs, niads, dryads, and all of the totem with which you have been associated in past lives. As well, there are many entities in the inner realms who are drawn to you when you are conspicuously loving, patient or intent upon the truth. Passion for goodness, for fairness, for love, or for devotion to the one infinite Creator all draw to you entities that dwell within the inner realms in one capacity or another. And so you may have about you literally dozens of helpful, loving sources of inspiration and guidance. Each is in harmony with the other sources of guidance that are about you and they constitute your family in the unseen realms. Also to be considered are those entities which are associated with you in other densities, especially for those of you who are wanderers. 2006/0507.txt:43:For many of you in dual activated bodies there is a feeling of great and passionate desire to connect with the Earth and to love and be a good steward to the Earth. For there is that within your consciousness as a person and in your consciousness as part of a race of beings that you have, in the past, been part of the destruction of a planet, a continent, a city, or family. And that destruction has caused the Earth to grieve, to mourn, and to become disoriented. 2006/1112.txt:14:We would encourage those who wish to make a difference on planet Earth to gaze at the planetary dysfunction and then to internalize that gaze and find the dysfunction within. It is not difficult for most humans to do. Both the one known as J and the one known as T were talking (during the round-robin discussion that typically precedes a Sunday Meditation) about how easy it is to move from a mental and emotional attitude of unconditional love to an attitude of irritation and hostility when the catalyst of an unhappy and abrasive person breaks into the peaceful world of home and family. 2007/0204.txt:28:As you move into the everyday activities of your daily life, leaving this domicile and going back to your own, moving on with those patterns which are in progress in your life, encourage yourself to continue to feel the connection between yourself and all other consciousness, especially the points of consciousness with whom you have had moments of real connection during this weekend together. Let that feeling of family, validation and support linger and be a part of your heart. Know that you are loved and allow yourself as a point of consciousness to continue to drift and observe your feelings, your thoughts, and your biases. 2007/0204.txt:54:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. When any two entities who are aware that they are spiritual beings choose to seek together, there is created immediately an oversoul made up of their two incarnate energies connected to their guidance systems. In many cases, also connected to the entities and their guidance systems are the families or social memory complexes with which they have traveled to be of service to this planet. Consequently, even a two-person oversoul may involve an enormous family gathering if you look at the structure that has been created by the dedication in love and service to others of two beings who are aware of their opportunity to choose. 2007/0731.txt:10:Indeed, my brother, the entities who are in power among your nation-states are focused upon those goals that have been the habitual goals of people in power upon your planet for millennia. Those goals are the goals of your great ape ancestors. They revolve around a love of their family and their tribe. When they have defined their tribe, then they attempt to defend their tribe’s property and acreage and to gather resources so that their tribe may fare well in a world of diminishing resources. They have been in power before, perhaps many times, and have developed the habit of an unceasing thirst for power. And this they shall not yield in order to make room for service-to-others goals such as true liberty, true equality, true justice, and a truly equitable distribution of the resources of your planet. 2007/0731.txt:58:It takes a great commitment to stay openhearted to anyone whom you do not know well. In coming to know them you will find their clay feet and you will be asked to love without judgment. We encourage you to find the compassion to love dearly, humbly and completely, with no judgment. For in such a way shall you indeed be soul-mates with your companions, your spouses and your family members who are in this incarnation, so that you may support them and encourage them and so that they may support you and encourage you. 2007/0812.txt:16:In terms of the mission of your doing, you have only to consult your gifts, or what this instrument would call your “skill set.” Each of you has a cluster of gifts in a particular area. It may seem to be very humble and practical and down to earth. It may be mystical. It may be aesthetic. It may be creative. It may be as simple as the creation of a family. The creation of anything that can be created in this universe is equally worthy if it be created with love. 2007/0907.txt:25:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The one known as N seeks to learn to offer love without expectation of return. This is an incarnational theme for many, especially when they are wanderers, as is this entity. The karma between the one known as N and her family is balanced. Therefore, each may be teacher to each. 2007/0922.txt:3:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this day. What a privilege it is to be invited to join your circle of seeking and to share in your meditation. We thank you for calling us to be with you. As always, we are astounded at the beauty of your vibrations and at your love for each other as you sit in the circle, blending your auras harmoniously and affectionately, creating that sacred space, that temple into which our voice may come. And we celebrate the extended family that sits in the circle of those who listen by webcast or broadcast and thank each of you also for lending your vibrations to this beautiful temple and creating this sacred space. 2007/1215.txt:15:In the gladsome and free times of summer, with its limitless light, so it seems, the importance of the support and love of that web of support that is called the family and those special relationships that are called friendships do not seem so urgent a matter. The winter night is far more revealing of the importance of these relationships of soul to soul, heart to heart and hand to hand. 2008/0513.txt:35:If you have issues with sex or love of life; if you find your relationships lacking; if you judge yourself or others; if you find your relationships with your family or your work troubled—all of these things can limit or even stop the flow of energy into the heart. Consequently, always move back with true humility and begin again, each time that you sense that you are being triggered, and that you are closing off, shutting down, and limiting the light that can flow into your open heart. 2009/0124.txt:19:We say this to point out that the mind of the world can take you only so far, whereas the mind of the heart, that consciousness of love, can transform your world into a beautiful place. It can transform the daily grind into a great adventure. Say that you are attempting to deal with a family member that seems to be intractably determined to avoid coming into harmony with you. The challenge then is to re-see that family member. See that entity as the Christ and watch your defensiveness and anger subside. 2009/0124.txt:20:Now, you are the only one who is aware of this entity’s true nature. Certainly the other-self is not. Had the family member seen himself as the Creator and a being of great love, he would not place himself in opposition to you or stand in the way of supporting and encouraging you in everything you do. So this is your secret. Only you know the true identity of this family member. But since you know, it changes your experience of this entity. This family member may continue, as this instrument would say, to push your buttons and yet you can see this entity unhappy as he is attempting to sow strife and you are not vulnerable to the automatic responses that you learned toward this family member so long ago. You do not have to remain stuck in the pattern of relationship that was formed before you were a person of self-awareness and power. You can forge a new relationship that only goes one way and that relationship is love reflected in love. 2009/0124.txt:21:Perhaps the family shall never perceive any difference between the past and the present and shall not see your transformation into a person of love and power. That does not matter to you. All that matters to you is that you retain the vision of this entity as the Christ and are therefore able to love, encourage and support this entity in any way that lies within the path of your integrity. His situation may not change. He may never get that which you are offering so freely and lovingly. But your experience shall be greatly improved. For you have chosen to see reality instead of illusion, to dig deep instead of sliding across the surface of life. Those depths are comforting and peaceful and living in love is healing and joyful. Thusly, little by little, you may, by the way you live your life, create a new world for yourself in which all beings are the Christ and all actions are those taken in love. 2009/0912.txt:19:Now, we cannot give a general answer because of the fact that every entity seeking to share what he loves dearly goes about it in a unique way. Therefore, we can only say what tends to be true. It tends to be true that if information has not been requested, the compassionate course is to refrain from offering it. It is very difficult to feel so isolated when you have such treasure to offer people. And when you are on fire with the excitement of finding this new information that has helped you, you simply want to give everyone around you the same good experience that you have had. It can come as a crushing blow to discover that virtually no one in your circle of family and friends is presently interested in sharing what it is that you know. 2010/0905_01.txt:130:The other thing about the energy body that I think is good to remember is that—and I’ve said this in these talks before—it’s not okay just to have a brilliant blue ray, and a brilliant indigo ray, and a great green ray if you’ve neglected the red ray, the orange ray, the yellow ray, if you don’t really think too much of your sexuality, or your will to live, or your relationships, your relationship with yourself, with others, with your birth family and so forth. And it’s all muddy down there, you’re not getting up into the heart the infinite love and light of the one Creator. 2010/0905_02.txt:74:At this time we would thank each present for taking the time and energy to seek our presence, to ask our service, and to take this offering, humble though it be, and use it as you will. Each here is strong in seeking, and shall continue to serve in a way which is most helpful to the transition of this planet, and of those about each, the friends, the family, the strangers met upon the street, who seek assistance at what might seem to be inopportune moments. And yet, as each responds to these requests for service, the Creator is served, the Creator is seen, the Creator is loved. 2010/0925.txt:22:Therefore, the Creator set Its intention to know Itself. And so were born the infinite billions of galaxies and the infinite billions of stars in each galaxy and the millions of opportunities for sentient life that exist in that universe that you can see with your instruments. Yet all things are distortions of love. The challenge is always to find the love, to see through the chaos that surrounds confused entities’ relationships and so forth. And this is true whether it is the relationships of the family, between two people, or the relationships between nation-states. 2010/1016.txt:63:Many are the entities who choose to put parents or relatives, those for whom they have become responsible, in a care facility and allow someone else to change the diapers, tend the wandering mind and so forth. But for those who choose to stay present and attentive to a need within their family, it is a great blessing to be able to share love for that entity which has shared so much love with you, however imperfectly that love was shared. The intent is almost always there within the parent to love and care for the young one and in the fullness of time that pattern is repeated and balanced as the young one cares for the failing parent. 2015/1017.txt:33:Find more than one or two such passages. Use these in conjunction with further mentation and meditation until you feel that you have equipped your heart center with the trappings, shall we say, of unconditional love, of the giving and receiving of this love. Perhaps you could make it a personal experience in that you could then find a friend or family member who would perhaps enjoy and appreciate further discussion and elaboration of a mental nature upon these crystallized feelings and expressions of unconditional love. 2015/1017.txt:34:Use the responses of family, friends, and so forth to further enrich the heart center activity so that there is a kind of priming of the pump, shall we say, no pun intended. Then you are able to feel the flow beginning in the heart center so that there is the automatic response within this center to your daily round of activities. When you see or hear a situation that, as one might say, tugs at the heart strings, allow the heart its response. That which perhaps has been neglected or repressed in past experience, allow it to come forward and to be able to share this burgeoning energy of acceptance, of love, within your own being before another being or situation. Your world, my friends, has many such situations easily accessed through your news media, if necessary. However, we are also quite sure that each entity has within its own realm of personal experience those areas that could benefit by receiving the love offerings of your heart center. 2016/1106.txt:11:I am Q’uo and I am with this instrument. You are beings, as we have said, of infinite worth, and yet this can be the most difficult realization for you in this density of seeking. For you are behind a veil that, for the most part, shields you from a true understanding of who you are. And for all the world it seems that who you will become must be based on what you have done and, therefore, if you should become worthy it will be based upon deeds that render you worthy; it will be based upon accomplishments that render you worthy, and it will be based upon the recognition in the eyes of your fellow human beings that see you as worthy. Worthiness is something, therefore, worth striving for. Worthiness is the name for that which all strivings can be understood as belonging together in a single ultimate unity. So whether you strive for excellence in the job that you have undertaken, whether you strive for excellence in the performance of those services to family members, to loved ones, whether you strive for excellence in personal attainments of a more discrete fashion, shall we say, you strive ultimately to achieve a position which, in your own estimation, counts as worthiness. 2017/0204.txt:37:Thus, this path of the open heart is that which is a path which must be consciously traveled. The seeker of truth must realize that which he or she is doing, for this realization will bring forth the challenges ahead. To be able to utilize the catalyst of the daily round of activities in a useful manner, one must look to the meditative state and see where there is the lack of love that needs the balance of love, the lack of wisdom that needs the balance both of wisdom and of love, for each day you are presented with catalyst that is covered in a certain fashion, to give you the opportunity to love. Some opportunities are easier than others. Those within one’s family are usually, not always, but usually easier to love than those who are not within one’s own immediate family. Those who seem to be of like mind, religion, culture, or color of skin, are also seemingly easier to love than those who are of a different origin, culture, religion, or color of skin. However, all provide catalyst to the seeker to love. When one travels this seeker’s journey upon a conscious level, there is the need to look to those about one eventually as brothers and sisters all. 2017/0903.txt:41:We would address this query by suggesting that there is more than one way to ask for assistance from the unseen realms of those who are guides, friends, inner planes teachers, and beloved family members who have passed on. One may, as was suggested in the query, ask specifically, at any time, for assistance in any matter that is specific in nature, or simply to ask for assistance in general with the process of living the life and expressing the desire to learn from each of the various portions of your daily round of activities. 2018/0203.txt:47:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There are many, many features or facets of service that are unknown to both the one who seeks to serve, and the one who may need a service. Many of your entities are, shall we say, in tune with others within their own group, whether it be family, work, school, or whatever situation may draw you together, so that there is the opportunity and ability to perceive needs that are unspoken. Oftentimes this occurs between two entities which share the emotion that you call love or concern for each other. We perceive, however, that for most instances, you are requesting information concerning those who may not be related in such an intimate fashion with you. 2018/0303.txt:4:You, as conscious spiritual seekers, have been upon this path of seeking for a lengthy period of time, as you measure, within this lifetime, and indeed, in lifetimes previous to this one as well. You have built up within your mind, your body, and your spirit the kind of momentum that seeks to understand the mysteries about you, for this illusion in which you now move and live and have your being is full of mystery. The mystery for most does not go beyond fathoming the means by which to make a living, to provide a home for a family, and to progress in worldly fashions upon the path of gathering worldly satisfaction. However, you have found that this is but a symbol, and a means by which you may apprehend a larger reality, that which does not lie about you, but within you, and as you seek more and more proficiently, you begin to reflect this inner realization of love, of light, and of unity, to those about you. 2019/0928.txt:42:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, music, as you call it, the rhythm of the spheres is that which is a significant portion of each higher density so that the orchestral sounds and vibratory patterns of musical expression become a primary means of communication between some entities who have a predilection towards vibrating in harmony with those beings that are a portion of the family or spiritual groupings of entities who, as a portion of their daily worship of the creation and the Creator, vibrate in musical notation their joy and love of living the higher density experience. There is, within each entity, a certain notational vibration that is unique to each entity so that the entity itself becomes likened unto an instrument that may be played, not only by the entity itself, but by the One Creator that exists within each entity. Each entity has within it the ability to vibrate musical notations in such a fashion that the creation itself begins to sing within such an entity. This type of orchestral vibration, then, becomes a worshipful experience for each entity that is able to partake in this type of internalization of music of the spheres, as it is called. 2019/1005.txt:2:I am Q’uo and am with this instrument. We are pleased to be asked to join your group this afternoon. We greet you all in love and in light, for there is nothing else in the universe but love and light. We are those who have experienced much interaction with this group over a period of years, and we feel we are with family. It is our joy to be with you to attempt to be of service to you by responding to those queries which you have to offer us. As always, we hope that you will realize that we are not ultimate authorities, and suggest that you examine our words and concepts carefully, leaving behind any which do not satisfy you in any way whatsoever, using those that have value in whatever way is meaningful to you. If you would do us this favor, then we may speak freely, my friends, for we are but brothers and sisters who travel the same path as you travel, perhaps a step or two further along the journey. 2019/1005.txt:8:The beginning red-ray attraction will, of necessity, cause intense interpersonal interactions that are a portion of the orange-ray energy center. If the catalyst from these interactions can be successfully processed by each entity so that there is love and acceptance as the product of the processing of catalyst, then there is the opportunity for the energies to move higher within each entity’s chakras. Thus [energy] moves into the yellow ray of group energies wherein there is the chance for the two entities to blend as one in the social sense, so that they partake of a larger environment of friends, family, and so forth that comprise the group consciousness, thereby utilizing their orange-ray identities that have been solidified, shall we say, in the intense interaction relegated to the orange-ray energy center. 2021/0310.txt:102:If it can be processed more and more successfully, so that each individual entity takes a larger and larger view—moving beyond the individual self, the family, the community, the nation, the world and begin to see each as an expression of that which is sacred, that which is holy, that which is of the One Creator, that which exists in all entities—then it is possible that the confusion and anger and separation and disillusionment may be melted away in the refining fires of love. 2021/0512.txt:42:One can also ask a loved one in spirit for assistance in receiving, can also ask for what you may call a sign or an indication that they are nearby. Sometimes also there is what you may call a divine plan for such communication or a, even a pre-incarnative plan, that after one of a loved one in family departs from the body into spirit, that there was an existence already, a plan for communication after their passing. 2021/0527.txt:14:Few of you upon your planet are isolated. Most are connected at various levels to various depths in various ways, whether that be the connections among family members, among friends, among neighbors, or among the myriad online platforms, where your people increasingly find connection and collision. And so, you have abundant opportunity through these means, through your information ecosystems, to come face-to-face with other selves’ perceptions. Groups of other selves, individual other selves—all can become something of a clamor in the seeker’s mind as they seek to stake out and understand their own perceptions. for in this sea of the multiplicity of perception, there are moving forces. These ideas and notions and orientations are not static pictures or text. They have, in them, psychic emotive forces similar to that which may be found in the natural world, akin to the movement of wind, the pressure of water, the stability of earth, the transformation of fire, and so forth. These forces can exert themselves upon individuals and between peoples. This is not a negative or unhelpful scenario, for this is but energy;. It is not just generic energy, it is distortions of love, distortions of the One Creator with which you deal. 2021/0609.txt:22:At a certain point, this energy is accepted by the sub-Logos that you recognize as your local sun body. And we find the query asked this evening quite interesting and relevant. For this sub-Logos that has created the framework of experience for you upon your planet and within your third density made quite a deliberate choice to design the nature of the relationship between the newborn and the parent, or the family or the tribe, in such a way that this relationship is bolstered by the prolonged and needful stage of the newborn’s life in which, as you might say, it remains underdeveloped and quite helpless, requiring much guidance and protection and love from those entities with more experience around. 2021/0609.txt:25:This is especially true when one witnesses the growth of the child from the stage of the newborn and on through its early years. For this macrocosmic and microcosmic nature of the Creator, and the journey that each takes through the creation, is demonstrated as designed by the sub-Logos (your sun body) and the growth of this child. While the entire lifetime of an entity is spent working within the illusion to open and balance and utilize the energy centers of the mind/body/spirit complex, this progression can be seen in the development of the child, as the newborn baby can only be concerned about those immediate needs relevant to survival. As it grows older, it starts to recognize the individual power it contains and further starts to grasp, in a basic sense, the group dynamic of the family or the tribe. And then further begins to understand what it means to care, to love, and further expression in a true and genuine sense, and understanding the world through a set of ideals. And further begins to recognize the connection between events and people and things. 2021/0819.txt:10:I am Q’uo and am now with this instrument. We find within this instrument a certain sensitivity that allows us to refine our message and disclaimer to seekers wishing to utilize the thoughts that we share with you on this day. This sensitivity, we find, is geared towards those who may find our words and find within them the inspiration to take up the mantle of universal love, acceptance, and service to others when approaching such a dynamic as you have described within your query and attempt to relate within a situation that may become harmful, or what might be known as abusive—thus adopting the mantle of a martyr. Further, there may be a situation in which a dynamic within what you describe as a family involves an individual or individuals who have yet to find within themselves the true sovereign power of their beingness as a creator of love, and thus might misuse or misinterpret those ideas that we share with you. And so we offer a refinement to our general disclaimer in that these opinions that we share with you are not intended to apply to each specific scenario, and each specific case. This is a matter of interpretation for each seeker who wishes to find value in our words. We speak generally and desire most to offer thoughts that empower each seeker to discover within them not only their capacity to love and to create, but also their right to express themselves and create for themselves a life and a creation in which they may feel safe and maintain an ability to continue their seeking and to continue to refine their love as an expression of service to others. 2021/0819.txt:12:We encourage you to use this notion of love, service to others, as a cornerstone within this inward journey. When taking the story of family into the heart, begin by acknowledging and meditating upon your desire to love, your desire to create a creation of love, your desire to allow love to reign within all situations in which you have a capacity to influence. Always begin here, but realize that this simple concentration upon the notion of love may not be enough to resolve both internal and external conflict. And so, from this standpoint, we encourage you to begin to examine the story that has been shattered among the family that you are holding within your heart. 2021/0819.txt:14:It may seem that any attempt to come to an understanding of these disparate journeys is futile, for within your third density, you are veiled to much of the creation. Yet we encourage you to persist through such a paradox that, though it seems futile and it is indeed an impossible task, that the [attempt] is itself a worthy one. For it is in this journey of attempting to understand other self and self and how these divergent paths may have created the tension and disharmony that has shattered the shared story of family, not only will you find practical ways to relate, but we assure you that in persisting in this task, you are declaring to yourself and to the Creator that your desire for love and understanding persists. And such a declaration carries more power than you can fathom from your perspective within third density. 2021/0819.txt:16:Within this examination, while you may have revelations, transformations, and healings that create a practical solution, or result in both an internal and external harmony in your relationship with family, we encourage you to not attach to such an outcome. For we find it is an important aspect of this process for the self to acknowledge that there is no ability to control this situation, there is no ability to change the behavior of another self. There is only the ability to discover new ways to relate so that, if external harmony amongst self and other self cannot be found, an internal harmony may be found and love may flow unimpeded by the new story of sorrow and of the broken family. We do not mean to imply that healing amongst family cannot come from this process, particularly if it is taken upon each within the family in conflict. We only mean to express that this is a process in which the outcome is unknown, and attachment to outcome can hinder the process itself. 2023/0225.txt:94:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. As you are aware, the orange-ray energy center is concerned with the self, the knowledge of the self as an individual being, with various eccentricities or unique qualities that make it an individual and unique being. This basic acceptance of the self then forms the framework within which the spiritual seeker may continue its journey through the yellow-ray energy center where it joins its unique self with other selves and forms groups of various kinds of the family, the workplace, the community and so forth. This expansion of the awareness of the self and into the group can, when the entity becomes aware of the nature of the Creator relying—we correct this instrument—existing within each entity, then the green-ray energy center of unconditional love may be activated. 2023/0422.txt:69:We may suggest that in the case of entities upon Earth who may have, what you may call, a large job to do may have a higher focus of soul energy within that one body/mind/spirit complex in order to carry out the large tasks for which it has set itself as the goals in that lifetime, if this may help illustrate our point. However, conversely, if an intention is set to express soul energy across more than one body/mind/spirit complex upon Earth in order to experience family love, the simple pleasures of loving and receiving love and raising family, accomplishing the simple pleasures of life, bringing joy to others moment by moment in very simple but loving ways, the accomplishment of such intentions like that are more able to be carried out across one or more entities who have those intentions for their lives. 2023/0517.txt:14:The relationship that one forms with all of these things is the heart of one’s polarity of consciousness. It is the meaning behind service to others and service to self, and even the sinkhole of indifference. For as this relationship unfolds, the seeker is confronted with the option of seeing the self in relationship to other-self and in relationship to one’s environment, and determining what these aspects of one’s experience mean to the self and how one relates to them. [The seeker could relate] in a way that either utilizes them and uses them in order to gain more power for the self, more influence, to gain the ability to mold one’s own creation, environment, and other-selves to one’s own liking so that the self can create a universe within one’s own image. Or one can gaze upon the self in relationship to all of these things, and recognize the larger patterns of the Creator unfolding in love and in light, and choose to engage with this dance of the Creator and its various harmonies, and tones, and flavors, and approach one’s own creation not with a sense of individual ownership and sovereignty as a dictator of one’s own cosmic empire, but rather as a family member taking part in a familial and harmonious activity of learning and exploring and sharing in the love and the light of the Creator. 2023/0528.txt:21:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet this circle once again through this instrument, expressing our gratitude to be of service to our brothers and sisters of this realm, many of whom are of our own cosmic family, wandering at this time in order to be of service to this planet as it is undergoing a birth into the fourth density [where] this question becomes more essential, not only to the individual but to your planetary population as a whole. It is those energies which would deny love, abuse love, ignore love, and [those energies] of bellicosity, of the desire to make war, to win, to dominate, to conquer, to harm another that underwrite this chronic state of fragmentation among your population such that you exist as tribes defined by various parameters with which you identify, be they of a national, ethnic, religious, racial, or other bias in consciousness that sees the other self not as a part of the self, a part of the whole, a manifestation of the divine, but as someone against whom to defend, someone whose status is less than. 2023/1015.txt:30:My friends, we empathize with the challenges that come in relating in this density, family being one avenue for this kind of challenge. We issue our deep care and love to you as you navigate these difficult relationships. And know we are present always and can be called upon, for we too are your family. Consider us your brothers and sisters, who are always desiring and willing to be there for you, to shroud you in the love and support you so truly deserve and desire. And know that, ultimately, it is you who steers the direction of your incarnational experience; that the spiritual attitude you take is like the steering wheel on the ship. With an open heart, with faith, with love, all informed by wisdom, of course, you may steer that ship further towards understanding and acceptance. 2023/1028.txt:9:And you may then ask that these energies move out of your heart into those around you not just in your family or your community but move around the world to whatever location you feel needs the energies of love, acceptance in the seeing of each other as the Creator. You may ask that those energies of the full moon move into your blue-ray energy center. That of communication, that of clear communication, that of inspiration, that of sharing with anyone who would care to know about your spiritual journey more of what makes you tick, shall we say, in a spiritual sense so that you are able to speak to any person that asks you a question whether it is a friend, a neighbor, a stranger on the street, or any person whatsoever that requests any kind of a spiritually oriented kind of information. 2023/1121.txt:7:So many upon your planet are unaware that there is love in each moment. And for those entities, it is not a matter of discrimination, but of following the path of the mundane world. Of seeking various benefits for the self, [including] gathering about one the money, the prestige, the family, the dwelling place, and so forth. 2023/1121.txt:59:This discovery and cultivation of love is your most powerful way to illuminate that shadow, for one of the key distorters of your field of perception, that which casts the deepest and darkest shadows and morphs that which falls within the field of perception and awareness, is fear and its various offspring and family members, including hate and condescension, prejudice, separation, and ultimately war of some sort or another.