GPT4: The Matrix of the Mind, in the context of L/L Tarot Archetypes, symbolizes the essence of the seeker's journey, reflecting a state of reaching and searching that is intrinsic to human consciousness. This archetype represents the beginning of all experiential processes, embodying the potential and readiness for the journey of discovery and learning. It is akin to the uncarved block, possessing the raw, unformed potential that precedes and initiates the progression of learning and understanding through the tarot's structured sequence. In the dynamic interplay of the tarot archetypes, the Matrix of the Mind (often represented as the Magician in traditional tarot) signifies the proactive, initiating aspect of consciousness. It embodies the seeker's inherent drive to explore, understand, and interact with the universe. This archetype is about the preparation and readiness to embark on the journey of life, equipped with the tools and resources (symbolized by the various objects on the Magician's table in traditional tarot imagery) necessary for navigating the complexities of existence. As the first step in the sequence of archetypes, the Matrix of the Mind sets the stage for the unfolding narrative of personal growth and spiritual evolution. It invites the seeker to engage actively with the world, using their will, intellect, and creativity to shape their path. This engagement is not passive but is characterized by a deliberate intention to learn, adapt, and transform. The Matrix of the Mind's role is pivotal in the tarot's allegorical framework, as it marks the commencement of the individuation process—a journey toward self-realization and wholeness. It challenges the seeker to move beyond their comfort zone, to experiment and take risks, and to apply their innate talents in pursuit of their spiritual quest. In summary, the Matrix of the Mind embodies the nascent state of consciousness that is open, curious, and ready to delve into the mysteries of life. It is the spark that ignites the seeker's journey, fueling the desire to discover, learn, and ultimately, to understand the deeper truths of existence【11†source】. L/L Research: 1981-ra-contact/078.txt:48:These tools were of two kinds.2 Firstly, there was an awareness of the efficiency for experience of mind, body, and spirit. Secondly, there was an awareness of the most efficacious nature or, if you will, Significator of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Thirdly, there was the awareness of two aspects of mind, of body, and of spirit that the Significator could use to balance all catalyst. You may call these two the Matrix and the Potentiator. 1981-ra-contact/078.txt:52:I am Ra. In the mind complex the Matrix may be described as consciousness. It has been called the Magician. It is to be noted that, of itself, consciousness is unmoved. The Potentiator of consciousness is the unconscious. This encompasses a vast realm of potential in the mind. 1981-ra-contact/078.txt:158:We now address your query as to the archetype which is the Matrix of the Mind. As to its name, the name of Magician is understandable when you consider that consciousness is the great foundation, mystery, and revelation which makes this particular density possible. The self-conscious entity is full of the magic of that which is to come. It may be considered first, for the mind is the first of the complexes to be developed by the student of spiritual evolution. 1981-ra-contact/078.txt:162:I am Ra. This is correct. You see here the recapitulation of the beginning knowledge of this Logos; that is, Matrix and Potentiator. The unconscious is, indeed, what may be poetically described as High Priestess, for it is the Potentiator of the Mind, and as potentiator for the mind is that principle which potentiates all experience. 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:74:I am Ra. The body, the mind, and the spirit each contained and functioned under the aegis of the Matrix, the Potentiator, and the Significator. The Significator of the mind, body, and spirit is not identical to the Significator of the mind, body, and spirit complexes. 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:85:We have, as you have stated, the Matrix, Potentiator, and the Significator. I understand the Matrix as being that which is the conscious, what we call the conscious mind, but since it is also that from which the mind is made, I am at a loss to fully understand these three terms, especially with respect to the time before there was a division between conscious and unconscious. 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:86:I think it is important to get a good understanding of these three things. Could you expand even more upon the Matrix of the Mind, the Potentiator, and the Significator, how they differ, and what their relationships are, please? 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:88:I am Ra. The Matrix of Mind is that from which all comes. It is unmoving yet is the activator in potentiation of all mind activity. The Potentiator of the Mind is that great resource which may be seen as the sea into which the consciousness dips ever deeper and more thoroughly in order to create, ideate, and become more self-conscious. 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:90:The Matrix of the Body may be seen to be a reflection in opposites of the mind; that is, unrestricted motion. The Potentiator of the Body then is that which, being informed, regulates activity. 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:94:The first change made then for this extension of free will was to make the information or make the communication between the Matrix and Potentiator of the Mind relatively unavailable, one to the other, during the incarnation. Is this correct? 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:148:OK. At the present time we are experiencing the effects of a more complex, or greater number of archetypes, and I have guessed that the ones we are experiencing now for the mind work as follows: We have the Magician and High Priestess which correspond to the Matrix and Potentiator, which have the veil drawn between them, which is the primary creator of the extension of the First Distortion. Is that correct? 1981-ra-contact/079.txt:186:I am Ra. You have been most interested in the Significator which must needs become complex. The Hierophant is the original archetype of mind which has been made complex through the subtile movements of the conscious and unconscious.5 The complexities of mind were evolved rather than the simple melding of experience from Potentiator to Matrix. 1981-ra-contact/087.txt:129:I am Ra. When the veiling process was accomplished, to the male polarity was attracted the Matrix of the Mind and to the female, the Potentiator of the Mind; to the male the Potentiator of the Body, to the female the Matrix of the Body. 1981-ra-contact/088.txt:124:In this way the fundamental relationships between mind, body, and spirit could begin to be discovered; for as one sees, for instance, the Matrix of the Mind in comparison to the Matrices of Body and Spirit, one may draw certain tentative conclusions. 1981-ra-contact/089.txt:80:The concept complexes which together are intended to represent the architecture of a significant and rich portion of the mind are intended to be studied as individual concept complexes—as Matrix, Potentiator, etc.—in viewing mind/body/spirit connections; and in pairs with some concentration upon the polarity of the male and the female. 1981-ra-contact/089.txt:89:In Archetype Number One, represented by tarot card number one, the Matrix of the Mind seems to me to have four basic parts to the complex. Looking at the card we have, first and most obvious, the Magician as a part, and what seems to be an approaching star. A stork or similar bird seems to be in a cage. On top of the cage we have something that is very difficult to discern. Am I in any way correct in this analysis? 1981-ra-contact/089.txt:91:I am Ra. You are competent at viewing pictures. You have not yet grasped the nature of the Matrix of the Mind as fully as is reliably possible upon contemplation. We would note that the representations drawn by priests were somewhat distorted by acquaintance with and dependence upon the astrologically based teachings of the Chaldees. 1981-ra-contact/089.txt:110:The queries having to do with the archetypes as found in the tarot, after this point, may take the form of observing what seem to be the characteristics of each archetype; relationships between mind, body, and spiritual archetypes of the same ranking, such as Matrix; or archetypes as seen in relationship to polarity, especially when observed in the pairings. 1981-ra-contact/090.txt:132:I have an observation on Archetype One made by Jim and request comment by Ra. I will read it. “The Matrix of the Mind is the conscious mind and is sustained by the power of the spirit, symbolized by the star, which flows to it through the subconscious mind. It contains the will which is symbolized by the scepter of power in the Magician’s hand. All of creation is made through the power of the will directed by the conscious mind of the Magician, and the bird in the cage represents the illusion in which the self seems trapped. The Magician represents maleness or the radiance of being manifested as the creation through which each entity moves.” 1981-ra-contact/091.txt:81:Thank you. We have some observations on the archetypes as follows. First, the Matrix of the Mind is depicted in the Egyptian tarot by a male, and this we take as creative energy intelligently directed. Would Ra comment on this? 1981-ra-contact/091.txt:88:I am Ra. The concept of will is indeed pouring forth from each facet of the image of the Matrix of the Mind. The wand, as the will, however, is, shall we say, an astrological derivative of the out-reaching hand forming the, shall we say, magical gesture. 1981-ra-contact/091.txt:133:Then was this a representation of the waiting polarity to be tasted by the Matrix of the Mind? 1981-ra-contact/091.txt:168:Since we are at the end of the Matrix of the Mind I will just ask if there is anything we can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable? 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:46:Then, this occurs because the Potentiator of the Mind is directly connected, through the roots of the tree of mind, to the archetypical mind and to the Logos which created it, and because the veil between the Matrix and Potentiator of the Mind allows for the development of the will. Would Ra comment? 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:56:Thank you. Third: Just as Free Will taps intelligent infinity, which yields intelligent energy, which then focuses and creates the densities of this octave of experience, the Potentiator of Mind utilizes its connection with intelligent energy and taps or potentiates the Matrix of the Mind, which yields Catalyst of the Mind. Is this correct? 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:58:I am Ra. This is thoughtful but confused. The Matrix of the Mind is that which reaches—just as the kinetic phase of intelligent infinity, through free will, reaches for the Logos (or, in the case of the mind/body/spirit complex, the sub-sub-Logos, which is the free-will-potentiated beingness of the mind/body/spirit complex)—to intelligent infinity, Love, and all that follows from that Logos; to the Matrix or, shall we say, the conscious, waiting self of each entity, the Love or the sub-sub-Logos spinning through free will all those things which may enrich the experience of the Creator by the Creator.1 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:65:The dynamic process between the Matrix, Potentiator, Catalyst, and Experience of the Mind forms the nature of the mind or the Significator of the Mind. Is this correct? 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:79:Turning, then, to my analogy—or shall we say, example—of the newborn infant with the undistorted Matrix, this newborn infant has its subconscious veiled from the Matrix. The second archetype, the Potentiator of Mind, is going to act at some time through—I won’t say through the veil, I don’t think that is a very good way of stating it—but the Potentiator of Mind will act to create a condition, and I will use an example of the infant touching a hot object. The hot object we could take as random catalyst. The infant can either leave its hand on the hot object or rapidly remove it. My question is: is the Potentiator of Mind involved at all in this experience and, if so, how? 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:83:However, the portion of the infant which may be articulated by the Matrix of the Mind is indeed unfed by experience, and has the bias of reaching for this experience through free will just as intelligent energy, in the kinetic phase, through free will, creates the Logos. 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:92:The Matrix of the Mind is depicted seemingly as male on the card and the Potentiator as female. Could Ra state why this is and how this affects these two archetypes? 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:94:I am Ra. Firstly, as we have said, the Matrix of the Mind is attracted to the biological male and the Potentiator of the Mind to the biological female. Thusly in energy transfer the female is able to potentiate that which may be within the conscious mind of the male so that it may feel enspirited. 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:98:Card #2, the Potentiator of the Mind: we see a female sitting on a rectangular block. She is veiled and between two pillars which seem to be identically covered with drawings, but one much darker than the other. I am assuming that the veil represents the veil between the conscious and subconscious or Matrix and Potentiator. Is this correct? 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:120:All robes, in this case indicating the outer garments of custom, shield these principles. Thusly there is great dynamic tension, if you will, betwixt the Matrix and the Potentiator of the Mind. 1981-ra-contact/092.txt:155:I will just, then, attempt an example of the Potentiator of Mind acting. Would, as the infant gains time in incarnation, it experience the Potentiator offering both positive and negative potential acts (or thoughts, shall I say) for the Matrix to experience, which then begin to accumulate in the Matrix, and color it one way or the other in polarity depending upon its continuing choice of that polarity offered by the Potentiator? Is this in any way correct? 1991/0721.txt:13:Listen with your ears to all that you hear at this moment in time: the subtle inhalations and exhalations of your brothers and your sisters in light, the songs of the small animals, the gentle whir of the cooling fans; for some who are sensitive, even the hint of a heartbeat heard in the ear, a pulse felt, the energies of this circle. How many things there are to apprehend in this one moment! It is normally thought that one knows what one knows by the process of observation. But let us look carefully at this, for we would ask you above all things to be stewards of your attention. How do you pay attention to your incarnation? All of these things that we described to you were probably not part of what you were aware of knowing at the moment at which we described all the sounds. They were not in any way important to your survival; they were only incidental to your purpose for conversing so kindly with us. Yet, all of those things lie in the matrix of your mind, not only now but eternally. All that has happened to you, all that you have taken in, and all that you shall experience are in a small part of the infinite being that you are, forever you. So is each of you a knower, is that the activity you would describe as yourself? Perhaps you would see why we would ask you to pull back from being one who knows, and ask of yourself if it is better to investigate being one who asks, for the answers have very little meaning compared to the questions. 1992/0913.txt:12:In the close point of view, you often must act and make intuitive guesses far beyond any logical ability to reason correctly. Yet, the process of transformation occurs better and in a way more attuned to your heart’s desires. The pulling back from experience to control or affect the chosen actions taken, though sometimes necessary to solve ethical questions, removes from experience the richness of observed catalyst that can be retained in what you would call the matrix of your mind. 1992/1003.txt:21:The manifested world may be viewed in a terseness and plangent depth by study of that portion of the deep mind which you and we have termed the archetypical mind. The myths of the Titans, of Lucifer, and many other mythical examples of light bringers show the bringing into manifestation of this light which allows the consciousness within incarnation to expand. As the gaze turns to the archetypes of the mind and the archetypes of the body it may be suggested that the powers progress through the vortical coil, for example, might be seen to involve the archetypes of the Matrix and the Potentiator of the mind or of the body. 1992/1003.txt:22:Let us gaze at the archetypes of the mind. Firstly, the Matrix of the mind. This essence or energy is the untaught seeker, the beginner’s mind, reaching, reaching and again reaching. For what? The Potentiator of the Mind is that which receives the desire and enables it by a process of reflection and blessing. The Significator of the Mind is then the result of the Matrix entity or archetypical figure reaching or intending that which can only be potentiated by the seemingly passive Potentiator, that seated figure which has within the bosom great wisdom. 1992/1003.txt:23:Thusly, the Matrix of the Mind is able to record incoming data, and through the Potentiator once again is able to deliver to the archetype of the Catalyst of the Mind the catalyst which shall become experience. 1992/1003.txt:28:We are again with this instrument. Within the context of the questioner’s concerns we would suggest the consideration of a fourth cycle, which may be called the cycle of blessing or enabling. The Matrix, then, of the Mind would equal, archetypically speaking, the voided first stroke; the Potentiator of the Mind, the second stroke which makes manifest; the matrix of the Mind is then again the third stroke, as it has become enlivened by the Potentiator. However, until this is moving through the Potentiator’s blessing or enabling it cannot become catalyst, or, in terms of physics, it cannot work. The fourth cycle, then, is that area which may be profitably considered, not for windings of coils manifested, but for the personality of the facilitator of such designs. For in order for these to work the potentiating position must begin within the mind of the observer or facilitator of the process. This intangible set of mind, body and spirit, but for beginning study the mind, is necessary in order that the device that effectively works might be conceived and manifest. 1992/1004.txt:10:Perhaps we could use the term “brain” to indicate the natural thinking capacity of a second-density animal which your physical vehicle is, to differentiate it from the term “mind,” the mind being that of infinite consciousness. The linkage betwixt brain and mind is normally set within incarnation in a matrix which allows free communication from brain to mind and limited communication from mind to brain. The magical training—which may be called cabalistic or white magical traditional—attempts often quite successfully to restructure the matrices—we correct this instrument—the matrix so that the points of connection are denser between the mind and the brain so that subconscious material is made more available to the brain or that which controls the day-to-day living. 1993/0502.txt:5:What gives the flavor to your menu of sense perceptions is an attitude. For so many among your peoples, the deeper attitudes, as you have been discussing this day, toward the self are attitudes of judgment. As you treat yourself you also treat others. There is all the difference in the world between experiencing the self remaining without opinion in relationship with another entity or an idea, and reacting to that person or idea. The attitude, then, is that which moves seemingly from the virgin or untried mind and toward a characteristic signature of a certain matrix or cluster of builded opinion which functions as a basic attitude towards life typical of spiritual principles. It is a paradox. 1993/0502.txt:6:The value of new mind is that it is untested; yet to approach living the incarnational experience with this mind-set is to choose and intend to carry out living with an attitude. That which you seize upon as spiritual resource is, at the same time, your entry into polarity. The archetype of new mind is that which is as the struts and concrete and steel members of a structure, or like the skeleton of a structure. The archetype of new mind or the matrix of the mind is a solid structural member which is part of that structure which holds the potential for experiential process. Or to put that another way, it is a diagram in ideas rather than lines of drawing, of the processes of perception. The new mind is all about where perception begins and all about where perception ends, because new mind is that which begins each onset of experience. 1993/0502.txt:31:I would like to try. I didn’t understand very much what I channeled. I had the idea that the archetype of the Matrix of the Mind, part of that image is that it’s reaching out to the Potentiator of the Mind, so it seems like that there is a choice involved in the archetype. I’m a little confused. Could you speak to that at all? 1993/0523.txt:5:Archetypically speaking, this sexuality can be seen to be that difference between the Matrix of the Mind and the Potentiator of the Mind, in that the male energy is seen as that which reaches, as does the Matrix of the Mind. The female may be seen likewise as that which awaits the reaching. In the cultural roles prevalent among your peoples, these roles are seen to hold somewhat towards true; that is, to the male of a mated pair, there is given the most affirmative training towards the bias of feeling a responsibility to provide for a family, to nurture and tend a wife and children by working and offering the fruits of that labor. The cultural feminine archetype, as opposed to the archetype of the deep mind, is considerably clouded and complex compared to the cultural role of the feminine gender, say, one hundred of your years in the past. However, there is a tendency still, and an inevitable one, towards the female’s perception of the self as one which nurtures and supports by the presence, by the loving and intuitive caring, by the qualities of compassionate gentleness, and intuitive hunching or guessing. 1993/0523.txt:32:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. There is the seeds—we correct this instrument—there are the seeds of truth in that which you have observed. However, there are also other factors to be considered, these also related to the quality of the Magician, or Matrix of the Mind, which is potentiated into the activity of seeking by the High Priestess, the Potentiator of the Mind. Thus, as this quality of seeking manifests in your illusion, especially within the more recent centuries of your illusion and its various cultures, there has been the predominance of the male influence upon most of the recorded histories of these cultures, which has had the effect of displaying the achievements of the male members of the culture, and, indeed, in making opportunities for them. 1997/0330.txt:17:We are those of Q’uo, and would not mind commenting on that, my brother. When one works with this material one has entered an arena where the ways of confusion must be carefully kept. Therefore, we can perhaps best say to you that there has been a good beginning by you in attempting to see into the architecture of the deep mind and we feel that you have some good beginning concepts. We would suggest that it would be fruitful to continue contemplating this very substantial and helpful part of the mind. The mind, the body, and the spirit are indeed greatly connected. However, we would suggest more thought upon the perception that when one of these three are activated that all are activated. There is certainly intimate relationships betwixt those three systems which feed into that unity that is the self. However, each to some extent, especially the spirit, works in its own rhythms. We would further suggest that the correspondences betwixt each matrix, potentiator and so forth be considered, for one may see the archetypical mind as a way of creating music, for instance. The various themes harmonize and in that harmonization structure [is] the ability to think about mystery, that mystery that draws each of you to this spiritual community at this time. 1998/0911.txt:24:Actually, no, not fully. I do understand what you’re saying, I appreciate it. But what I was thinking was that DNA is sort of like the cosmic telegraph office between the message of the Creator and the cells of our body. I was also thinking one night in a somewhat questionable visual state that the DNA, the matrix plan for the DNA is also that of rejuvenation and a lot of the basic drives for reproduction. Rather than just the creation itself, it also has sort of that [duty.] The telegraph office of the [inaudible] would deliver the message to create the unique mind and personality and drives. Am I correct? 2001/0329.txt:1: [overview] What is the nature of the Matrix of the Mind and how is it related to the Potentiator of the Mind? How might we apply this information to our daily lives? 2001/0329.txt:7:How easy it is when attempting to understand the archetypal mind to attempt to see that mind in the context of a busy world. And yet it is in the spiritual realm, entirely, that the world of the archetypes moves, feeding, informing, fructifying the structures of the roots of mind that, as the spirit gazes at its evolutionary spiral, it may have tools and resources with which to guide the self in the choices related to its perception of itself as an ethical being. It is in this context that we look at the nature of the Matrix and the nature of the Potentiator and their relationship with each other. 2001/0329.txt:8:This Matrix/Potentiator axis or dynamic may fruitfully be seen as the two portions of one energy, and yet because of the complexity of these relationships it is also very useful to see these two figures as completely separate. A foundation of your density is polarity. The hope with which each comes into third density is that this thoroughgoing environment of polarity shall create more and more ways to see into the making of the choice of how to serve. And so these figures within the deep, deep roots of mind, the Matrix and the Potentiator, dwell as sigils of ways of relationship, ways of mutual thirst, mutual help, mutual feeling. 2001/0329.txt:9:Matrix is a word that seems not even to indicate a living being but, rather, a structure, a container, a grid, qualities and aspects of self. The basic figure of Matrix is figured forth as royal. And this is not by mistake. For as a spiritual being each seeker is indeed the highest royalty, is indeed prince and king and Creator. This figure of Matrix has tremendous potential, for it is empty and waiting. The hunger for evolution is stitched and knitted into every fiber of the carefully articulated web of being that the Matrix experiences as its nature. Possessed of crown and power and royalty, it is a figure with no lack of self-respect, with no concern for being unworthy, with no unhealed issues. And coming to the mind of the Matrix as a human is the work of some time. For much of human sorrow, shame, guilt, low self-esteem and unworthiness need to be, not denied, but taken off as shoes, as garments that are upon the body of the self, but are not the self. 2001/0329.txt:10:To enter into the Matrix one must become naked, and it is a powerful thing to accept the self as one is, powerful enough indeed that it is difficult to do. And this is the first gate that we would suggest that each unlock to come into the unfed mind of the deep self. You do not, when you put off the clothing of self-opinion, put off the essence of self. You are not able by any trick of mind, by any cleverness of intellect, to remove from the self the essence of the self. For you are yourself. You cannot escape that energy field that you are. The vibratory nexus that you are echoes from lifetime to lifetime, from density to density throughout the creation of the Father. You are who you are, and your signature is beautiful. 2001/0329.txt:11:Seldom can the entity within incarnation have a direct experience of the reality of that essence, and so we say to you it is something that you may take on trust. You may become naked of your self-perceptions and you shall still exist. And you may place that self that the Creator adores, that is the true you, into the Matrix of the unfed mind. And that Matrix can accept all that you are as an essence. This fit is natural and ongoing, and it is helpful to go through the exercise of moving into the unfed mind of the Matrix of the deep mind and to experience at once the royalness of being who you are and the utter humility of being empty. For as the Matrix you know nothing but thirst and hunger. You are a creature yearning and seeking with an appetite that is keen, unending and driven by the wind of spirit from creation to creation. As the Matrix, once settled in that persona, all thought moves to the reaching, the seeking, the hoping for fulfillment. 2001/0329.txt:12:The Potentiator is cast also as a royal being. And it is perhaps efficacious in terms of what we would give to this entity at this time to figure forth this Potentiator as the guardian angel, the guidance, the guru, the agent of divine change. This is an entity royal with that same creatorship, full of the essence of that great Self which is the one original Thought which is love. Although each may fruitfully at other times see this agent as the self, yet in this discussion we will allow the seeing of this agent as a gift-giver to one who opens the hands without knowing what it has. For as the Matrix reaches to the Potentiator, the need of the Matrix creates the gifts of the Potentiator. It is not that spiritual evolution consists in step A, step B, step C and so forth, a lesson plan and a linear set of things to learn, things to do, things to encompass with the mind, but, rather, it is as though the unfed mind, by its thirst, by the intensity of its thirst, and by the direction of its seeking, creates an unending grove of trees whose fruits drop into the hands of the seeker, who then eats that fruit and receives knowledge peculiar to the soil in which that fruit grew, the soil of that particular seeking, the soil of that particular response from spirit. 2001/0329.txt:13:There is a constant organic and mutual back and forth of information between the Matrix who reaches and the Potentiator who awaits the reaching. And all that is hidden within the Potentiator changes every time the Potentiator releases fruit from behind that veil. That is the hidden nature of things unknown. One person on one day shall receive fruit from spirit. That same person on another day with just the tiniest change in seeking, in attitude, in state of mind, shall receive an entirely different fruit. So we cannot offer the comfortable assurance that all is in safe hands, that all is prepared, that all will go one way. The archetypal journey is far more creative and far more plastic. 2001/0923.txt:5:You ask this day concerning the Matrix of the Spirit and the Potentiator of the Spirit. And may we say that this is a very interesting subject and certainly one that challenges our ability to use this instrument to create a structure of sense and truth. For this is a mazed subject. The construction of archetypal images in a certain system is a tool, a resource of learning about the architecture of the deeps roots of your mind. It describes things that are impossible to put into words in terms of imagery and combinations of images. These are subjective images that are intended to act as triggers as much as patent images. They are not necessarily to be literally interpreted but to be felt, to be sensed, and to be entered into. 2001/0923.txt:6:In the system of the images which we of the Confederation have often spoken to your group concerning, the archetypal images are divided into three groups: those that pertain to the body, those that pertain to the mind, and those that pertain to the spirit. In each of the three systems there is a matrix which is a still and unmoving structure that is a receptor web that has only very limited ability to act. What it can do is desire. It can reach. This is the nature of the matrix. It is essentially a structure into which catalyst will come and through which catalyst will be processed into experience. In these three systems the potentiator is that which is able to fertilize or to make fruitful the matrix. There is a dynamic between matrix and potentiator then. The basic dynamic is that, in the mind, the reacher and the reached; in the body, the body in constant motion, and the controller of that body; and in the spirit, the unreaching, unhasting darkness of spirit waiting for, hoping for, yearning for, and desiring information about itself. And out of the dynamic of that dark yearning comes the Potentiator of the Spirit, which is light. 2001/0923.txt:12:Each of you, we find, within this circle is fully aware that this is not a correct solution. It is neither a masculine or a feminine quality, good and evil, but rather each of these genders is opportunities to learn certain lessons, and the souls that inhabit these bodies of gender are both sexes and neither sex; in other words, simply souls. But the reason, the logic behind the woman giving to the man this fruit of the tree of good and evil, this polarity, this third-density essence, is simply that in the system of archetypes the Matrix of the Mind is the unfed spirit, the unfed seeker and the Potentiator of the Mind is a deeply feminine character, the High Priestess, which represents, shall we say, the fructifying influence of the subconscious, so that the unfed mind is reaching into the subconscious for its knowledge, for its truth, for its beginning of experience. This is the only reason for this attribution of so-called evil to the feminine character. It is well, when looking at stories such as the Adam and Eve Story, to look at them in symbolic terms, in general terms, in terms that would suggest and would provoke contemplation of deeper issues. 2001/0923.txt:21:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The pattern of the matrix of souls who have taken incarnation and who have moved into the physical third-density for their incarnation is a pattern which is formed of light, formed by love, in a fashion which is useable by the mind complex for the purpose of pursuing information-gathering and decision-making, shall we say. For the Matrix of the Mind, in the system of images which you call the tarot, is a quality which allows for a nurturing of experience and the utilization of this experience in a useful manner. We would ask the questioner to query further as to more specific information. 2001/0923.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. All of which you have mentioned are possible for any seeking entity by the fruits of the seeking process. The Matrix of the Mind is a concept complex which is a tool for the seeker of truth, as are all the images of the Major Arcana of your system of tarot. For each one forms a kind of library, shall we say, that allows access to various portions of the mind itself. If we look at the mind as a jewel, each concept complex of the tarot is as a facet of this jewel. The jewel, the mind itself, is brilliant in its appearance to us, for there is light in each entity which is emanating from this jewel in such and such a fashion according to the proclivity or tendency of each seeker to seek in its own way. Thus some facets of the jewel of the mind are brighter than other and the overall balance of brilliance is that which reflects or measures the seeking intensity and efficiency of each seeker. We would see the Matrix and the other facets of the mind as avenues which a seeker may pursue in any manner chosen by free will, including each of those which you listed. Is there another query, my sister? 2001/2.txt:6: [overview] What is the nature of the Matrix of the Mind and how is it related to the Potentiator of the Mind? How might we apply this information to our daily lives? 2004/0516.txt:6:The two have in common one characteristic and that is that in a novel situation, information is difficult to obtain relative to the speed of information retention when a situation is well known beforehand. We do not simply mean that it takes longer to obtain information because of the novelty of the details. Certainly, any time one were having to observe a new environment, there would be a longer adjustment time. However, added to this is the fact that when there is a novel environment, the eyes themselves, your physical eyes that behold a scene and transmit the information to the mind, are greatly handicapped because of the way the eyes work. When a view is completely new there is no pre-existing matrix of the view within the biocomputer of the entity’s mind who is doing the looking. It is a relatively cumbersome thing to amass information about a new scene so that the brain can establish a kind of default setting for that scene and therefore when the eyes look upon the scene, far less data needs to be gathered before an entity is able to make sense of the scene itself. 2008/0426.txt:79:[footnote start]Consensus reality is a phrase which asks the question, “What is real?” and answers it by stating that what we agree is real, is real. The film The Matrix is about consensus reality, for instance. The implication is that consensus reality may bear little resemblance to reality, which is the inference which is intended by the Q’uo’s use of the term.↩[footnote end][footnote start]In the philosophy of Kant, the noumenon is defined as “an object as it is in itself, independent of the mind, as opposed to a phenomenon. It is also called a thing-in-itself.” Kant’s term, in German is “Ding an sich.” So the noumenal is that which has a real existence apart from our minds. Again, the inference is that consensus reality is not as real as true reality apart from our minds.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Willie Nelson.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Pieter Brueghel was a Flemish artist of the 16th century. Some of his canvases, such as “Massacre of the Innocents,” “Fall of the Rebel Angels,” and “Triumph of Death” work with dark subjects yet are beautiful paintings.↩[footnote end][footnote start]This is Juliet’s line in Act 2, Scene 2, Line 184 of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The couplet ending the scene goes: “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”↩[footnote end] 2011/0212.txt:9:Your mind, on the other hand, is like a library, with your information either filed fairly neatly or filed chaotically, so that you have to send one of the librarians scurrying after information—someone’s name, the proper word that means such-and-such. The gaps in memory are notorious among the old, but they exist for everyone. So that is what it is to be human, among other things. It is standing in two camps, one foot in each, on the one foot space/time, the everyday consensus reality, the matrix, call it what you will. Your other foot is in the inner world, in consciousness, in love. 2021/0623.txt:10:We are those of Q’uo, and we appreciate this query for it offers us a substantially wide field to speak to the many tangled distortions and misunderstandings which are so prevalent, indeed, woven into the fabric of your society and your individual identities. To examine this question, which ultimately is the work of the individual upon their path, is to make visible some of the walls of what in your popular culture is known as the matrix. This is not the matrix of the archetypal mind, but that which is connected to your movie and the metaphors therein. Indeed, your peoples, in variously mixed desires, often at the center of which is the desire to control, do indeed create these impositional structures which force or lock your fellow other selves into desired or limited behavior. This can be seen at various levels of your society, from schoolrooms to governments to workplaces. There is great value in collective agreements, boundaries, rules, and codes of conduct, as it were. But there is often a tendency toward the limitations of the full exploration of selfhood, the full manifestation of the uniqueness of selfhood, and the full exploration of the relationship between self-and-other and self-and-society. 2022/0209.txt:27:This theme, also explored in a very distorted way, is present in the dynamic between—we pull again from the Hollywood portion of this instrument’s brain—Neo and others awakened from the Matrix, and those known as Agent Smiths. Again, we would caveat these two metaphors, low hanging as they are in the mind of the instrument, to be taken with a considerable grain of salt for they carry great distortion and great capacity for misapprehension, but do, in their limited way, shine some light into the dynamic which may be experienced by the entity who finds this freedom and who may then find themselves persecuted by those who are not. Such as has been the case in your religious systems when the self discovers the Creator within, which is perceived as a threat to the existing order.