1973/1218.txt:10:Your scientists should realize that there is a purpose to the creation that far surpasses what they suspect. They should avail themselves to the purpose in meditation. Then they would find that they would begin to understand the plan, and thereby they would be able to use their knowledge to build within the plan, not as they do now with no heed at all to the truth, and with plans of their own which have no relationship to truth. 1974/0806_01.txt:11:My friends, this is true, for there are many other lessons to be learned, many other categories to be understood, as you grow closer and closer to that which is your beginning and your end. For it is our understanding that there is a point at which eternity itself is no more. And in the eyes of one who truly understands, one simply becomes that which is. Becoming is done. The circle is complete. Unity is truly known. It is possible to move closer and closer to this understanding through meditation. We are pleased with this group in that its group desire is aimed largely towards an understanding of the metaphysical. Therefore, we may give you information such as this. It is our desire that we are able to give philosophical information. For information such as this is of the higher type, whereas information on such things as density and other categorical questions are lesser in their importance to your spiritual journey. 1974/0921.txt:19:Through meditation, my friends, you may begin to see the heart of love in all the clumsy actions of all those who enter your atmosphere in your daily activities. There may be a great deal of difficulty. There may be misspent time and mistaken words and yet, my friends, each action and each desire is, in truth, a manifestation of love, shadowed and twisted sometimes, for man is also a creator and can cause the shape of love to change. Yet, the heart of all action is love. Know this in your inmost self and then you cannot be touched by that illusion which attempts to strike you. The freedom that this gives you to give forth love in its original state, at all times, to all people is a very precious gift, we think. This is why the Confederation is here. We are all here, many, many of us, from different planets, from different vibrations, from various densities, in many circumstances, yet we all work together, for we all have come to know the Creator and we all wish to be of service to Him, and that alone is enough for us. 1974/0922.txt:30:There is much joy and much beauty and the constant presence of the Father of us all very apparent of the new vibration. The new vibration is love, as is the old vibration. And yet, my friends, the truth of love becomes a little more obvious with the higher vibrations. Through meditation, my friends, you may begin to see the heart of love in all the clumsy actions of all those who enter your atmosphere in your daily activities. There may be a great deal of difficulty. There may be misspent time and mistaken words, and yet, my friends, each action and each desire is, in truth, a manifestation of love, shadowed and twisted sometimes, for man is also a creator and can cause the shape of love to change. 1974/1013.txt:4:It is often said upon your planet that it is difficult to understand the meaning of life. However, my friends, it is not difficult to understand the meaning of life if you avail yourselves of this understanding through meditation. This meaning will not come to you in words, my friends. You will not be able to explain it in so many sentences or paragraphs. But you will begin to understand this meaning. You will begin to obtain an awareness of it. When this awareness has reached its fullness, you will then be with your Creator, the Creator of us all. And the understanding will be as [it] is, and you then will once more act as Creator. For this reason, my friends, meditation is of an extreme amount of importance. For this reason, my friends, meditation is actually the only real avenue to this understanding. For this understanding cannot be given by words. It can only be reached through knowing. And this knowing can only be reached through meditation. 1975/0131.txt:20:Become aware of this first, my friends. Use your time for meditation and contemplation of the true creation; that which is you, and that which surrounds you. Become aware of this, my friends, and you will begin to understand what we are attempting to deliver unto you. Your peoples are not even aware of themselves. This awareness will grow, as you avail yourself in meditation. As this awareness grows, you will more closely attune your thinking to that which was intended by the Creator of us all. As your thinking becomes more attuned, you will begin to experience that which was intended. This has been experienced by some of your peoples. It may happen at any time and in any physical incarnation, as you speak of it, and this may have occurred to you as an individual in some earlier experience. 1976/1031.txt:11:It is for this reason that we have so often said to this group that the most important thing that we can say to you is that you must form a habit of meditation. It is only when you allow your intellectual mind to become quieted so that your inner self may begin to function that you may begin to realize your connection with the infinite love of the Creator. That you may begin to feel that love flowing through you and making a mind of unity between you and your brothers, be they your friends, your enemies or even total strangers. In meditation you may begin to feel that strength of that unity. You may begin to feel your own power as a perfect child of the Creator. Only in meditation can you find these things, for they are not apparent in your waking consciousness. 1976/1031.txt:12:So often among your peoples it is assumed that in order to believe, shall we say, in order to belong to the company of the faithful, as you might put it, it is necessary to have an experience which is of a so-called emotional nature. We say to you, with or without emotions, with or without what we would call possibly insincere thrills, your birthright, not a matter of faith but of reality, is to be a child of the Creator. It is a simple thing, not necessary to be believed but to be experienced. This is another reason that meditation is important. To listen to many leaders within your so-called spiritual community, one would begin to believe it is necessary to go through various experiences or to believe certain things and to accept certain things in order to come into a so-called right relationship with one’s Creator. Yet, the true spiritual fact is not one way or another. It is yours, completely, individually. You in silence, over a period of time, will form your own understanding of the Creator and His link with you, and your ability to help your brother through that link. There is no need for word or thought if you but meditate on a regular basis. It is not obvious immediately but the cumulative effect begins to seep into your waking existence as you find that you have those knowledges that you seek given unto you in a simple manner, springing from your own mind as needed. 1976/1114.txt:14:We can say to you, that whatever you may seek you will find. So your choice of what you are going to seek within this physical experience is all-important. If what you seek lies within the illusion, you shall have some measure of success, yet how poor you will be in those ways that even now you know exist. For in spirit, poor in the sense of peace we pass from this brief experience leaving your, shall we say, bank account behind and yet facing the spiritual banker. It is often the case when one begins to meditate on a regular basis, that one’s physical problems straighten themselves out gradually, so that it looks as though meditation brings prosperity. If this is so, my friends, this is not inevitable. It is only a simple demonstration of harmony. There is no reason why one who is spiritually rich cannot also be in good health and living in comfort. The point is to seek those things of the spirit and all else will follow as is needed. 1976/1121.txt:38:In order to begin to unlock the consciousness of the imprisoned soul, so that it can communicate with the conscious mind through remembering the dreams, it is suggested that since this is a desirable situation to attempt to attain meditation, be devoted first to the silence and then to a seeking of wholeness. It is suggested that within this second type of meditation the seeker become aware of the Creator’s infinity and presence in all areas and in all corners. There is nothing left out of the Creator. There is nothing that needs to be known that the Creator does not know. The Creator is within each of us. This meditation makes the consciousness available, when applied patiently, that relaxes the trauma of the imprisoned soul. Memory is to a certain extent a habit and it is a matter, in this case, of changing the habit of not remembering. 1976/1128.txt:12:I am Hatonn. I am now with this instrument. I greet you once again in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. I have said that silence is the key. My friends, in that book which you call the Bible the word silence is mentioned many times. And in truth, the silence of which we speak is the key to all knowledge, all understanding. That silence is the time spent listening to the voice of the Creator. And that voice may be heard through the practice of meditation. It is a voice that is not audible. Yet it is a voice that is clear and precise. It is a voice such as you have never heard. Yet, it is a voice to which you listen to at all times. My friends, to define the Creator is, for any being, incomprehensible. Yet, to begin to understand Him is indeed within your, shall we say, ability. Each and every individual, as we are aware of it, is nothing other than a projection of a pure thought from that source which we call the Creator. Each thought has taken upon itself forms of personal identities. In an essence they vacillate upon that same, shall we say, spiritual cycle of existence. 1976/3.txt:7: [overview] Hatonn: We would like to begin by speaking with you about meditation. It is a technique that can be approached in endless ways. Tonight, we would like to say a few words about your physical body and its relation to meditation. Become aware, my friends, at this time of your symmetry as you sit comfortably in meditation. Your two legs, balanced. Each arm resting comfortably. Your eyes, my friends—the space between them, just balanced. That which you hear is being received symmetrically, stereophonically, by your ears. And you are in balance, each side in balance. You are a creature, in the body, of this duality—your right and your left. It is a symbol for all to see of the nature of the physical universe: that there are always two sides, two qualities, to be reconciled in balance. 1977/0810.txt:25:I am again with this instrument. We are aware of the problem. It is a great shift from the intellectual to the intuitive, as we have been speaking about this evening; to speak thoughts without knowing ahead of time the direction of the thought. Thus it is almost like, shall we say, a noise in the head which cannot be separated into words at first, and the noise blurs the words. However, if you desire this service and persist in attempting, you will eventually become able to, shall we say, decipher the signal from the noise. The noise is [the] background of your daily existence for there are many, many small thoughts and constant pressures which are attendant upon living within a chemical body and having the responsibilities and social ties through which your life within this illusion has its dynamics and within which you learn. We [are] attempting to say that this noise is not in itself evil or to be vanished, for you are here to learn, not to, shall we say, groove, entirely. Or, shall we say, you are here to learn and groove, but not one at the expense of the other. In meditation, this background noise will gradually sift away. And all of the messages will begin to come through a little better, including ours. 1977/0926.txt:16:Yes, my friends, we ask you to meditate in silence, each of your days. And we do this for a reason, my friends. We have said to you love is all that there is. You must love your brothers and sisters. But, my friends, the beginning of love is the love of yourself as a whole and perfect being. It is in meditation that you become aware of the true nature of yourself and therefore, my friends, the true nature of the universe, for you are inseparable, completely linked with all that there is. That is why you and we are brothers, for neither time nor space, nor all the dimensions of creation can separate the oneness of consciousness. 1977/0926.txt:21:Now we return to meditation. As you begin to go into the silence, perhaps you have games you play, as we would call them, in which you attempt to carry your clothed spirit, your limited spirit into the silence. Do not do this, my friends. Picture yourself, mentally, taking guilt and discarding it as you would a piece of clothing. Taking resentment, fear—putting it aside and walking as your shining naked self into the waters of cleanliness. After you have bathed yourself in total forgiveness, total cleanliness for the moment, you can emerge and in your mind you can sit down and listen. Listen for those signals which will come to you in the silence. You are a whole and complete person. Within you is perfection, wisdom and all the attributes of love. Yes, you will come out of meditation. Yes, you will begin to wrap the bandages about yourself. But as you come again and again into meditation, strip yourself clean and allow that soothing feeling of wholeness to come into your awareness. You begin to view your brothers and your sisters with something that does approach true love, for you will see, behind whatever manifestations may occur, that whole and perfect being that dwells perhaps very far beneath, perhaps very obviously beneath the mental, the spiritual, the emotional, and the physical clothing. 1978/0809.txt:7:In meditation, my friends, you can begin to take the prism effect away. When a prism is removed from a light source, the many, many colors and shades of your rainbow become one white light. And so it is with each of you, my friends. It is as though as if you sat in love and contemplation together. Your vibrations shoot off into infinite space as a collection of harmonizing colors and yet, remove that understanding one dimension closer to the Creator, and one sees only the white light of all embracing love. Love, my friends, with a purpose. For nothing in creation exists without purpose. Each of you, my friends, has a purpose. 1978/0809.txt:46:I would like to respond briefly to a question which has not been asked, but which was earlier asked before your meditation. We refer to the question of good and evil. It is one to [record,] my friends. We ask you to understand that like all opposites, that it is the result of being in motion. When one is in motion, there is that which is ahead and that which is behind. If you could understand yourselves as beings which have been sent out from a great central source, and which are at varying speeds making a great circular return to that central source, then you can begin to understand good and evil. 1978/0904.txt:31:The more serious and dedicated one is to the seeking of truth, the more one begins to activate those forces which are beyond the limited understanding of his environment. We do not believe, if you will pardon the pun, in faith! We have no faith in belief! That which we offer to you is that which is already known to you on a level which is deep. We urge you only to make a conscious dedication towards the seeking of that which is locked within yourself, for you constitute the universe. If we are all one, then shall we say, you are a hologram of all that there is. Now, that may seem like a long preamble to a discussion of signs and wonders, but it is difficult for us to make you understand that it is not through faith or through intellectual searching, through books that you may find a sign or a happening to convince you of the reality of the metaphysical universe. It is through the conscious commitment to seeking the truth in some practice, such as meditation, which carries your knowledge in your action. This can be secret and should be secret. By this we mean it is not necessary to go begging in the streets to show your piety, as many on your planet have done. It does not make them more susceptible to information of a higher realm or more likely to witness the unlimited power of the universe. The wonders and the signs are locked within yourself. 1978/0904.txt:41:I am with the instrument. We find that as a part of the growing process that you, my sister, have a mixture of occurrences and that some of your sensations are truly those of a sensitive, as this instrument would call it, and some those of you yourself speaking internally, as a part of the growing process attempting to integrate those parts of your personality that are not yet totally in harmony. It is a difficult situation for a sensitive person, and we recommend that in your meditation you pray for stability and protection and feel the love that makes us all whole. We would not recommend developing your, shall we say, psychic powers, at this time, but work instead for the stability which will stand you in good stead when you later begin to develop, both as a personality and as a sensitive, and by that we mean one who is sensitive. 1979/0913.txt:9:The longer you spend in meditation the more you will begin to feel comfortable with the fact, not to be proud but only to be able to manifest it in your life by feeling the presence and the power of the Creator Who is with you; no matter how the emotions of your daily life may turn about you; no matter how distracted you may become by the petty concerns of petty people. Yet, you have that to fall back on which they may not, and it is that which makes you a shepherd and it is the lack of that which makes them the sheep. And thus your relationship defined. You will recognize other shepherds when you see them. For you will hear in them the world weariness and yet the total sweetness that comes with the subconscious knowledge that this is truly not reality for you but merely an illusion that you have selected in order to do a job. 1980/1026.txt:2:I am Latwii, and I greet you, my friends, in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. It is a great privilege to be able to share this meditation with you, and we thank you for the opportunity. We see the calm that is growing within your minds as you begin to rest in meditation, as though it were the surface of a quiet pond which had been tossed by storms, and blown by the wind, and now it begins to calm under sunny skies, and to reflect, more accurately, the beauty of the foliage which surrounds the pond. 1981/1203.txt:18:We would suggest at this time, if it be your desire at this time to be more aware of our conditioning vibration, that you mentally request such before meditation begins after the tuning has been accomplished. In this way it will be more easily perceived by any Confederation member wishing to utilize your instrument with your permission what the degree of conditioning you have requested is. 1981/1211.txt:28:I have question but I’m not sure you can speak on it. The last two evening channeling meditations, at the beginning I’ve gotten a strong sending from my friend encouraging unconsciousness. I’ve found it more easy to deal with today than yesterday, but it was very strong in both cases. I was wondering if you could comment on how this sending could occur since we have been doing protective work in this house for some time. 1981/3.txt:2: [overview] Hatonn: This evening, my friends, we would speak to you upon the subject of the love which you may manifest towards yourself and your fellow beings. This is a difficult subject. It is easy to speak of meditation and of the love that created you but as those upon a path of seeking begin to enter the domain of the meditative life, each seeker finds the daily practice, which this meditation engenders, to be the greatest challenge. 1981-ra-contact/000intro.txt:25:Don didn’t tell the group what might happen, only that something interesting could possibly occur if they meditated together. He was actually attempting to conduct a scientific experiment to see if the students would receive extraterrestrial telepathic contact without prompting. After some time had elapsed, and no definitive results were produced, Walt Rogers visited the group and channeled from his source, Hatonn, the entity with whom he had experienced the face-to-face encounter. Hatonn said that they had been trying to channel through some of Don’s group, but the students were not aware that the impressions they had been receiving—but not verbalizing—were from extraterrestrials. Elkins felt that this event nullified the scientific validity of the experiment, but it did begin producing results. After this visit everyone in the group, except Carla, learned how to channel; she preferred silent meditation. 1981-ra-contact/000intro.txt:34:Ra gave the group a ritual of protection called the Circle of One in which Don and Jim would walk around Carla while repeating the words that reflected their desire to be of service to others. Then Don would take his chair and review the questions for Ra, and Jim would take his chair and begin a meditation that would last for the duration of the session. He would visualize light moving through Carla’s energy centers from the top of her head through the bottoms of her feet. Within a minute or two after completing the Circle of One, Ra would begin the session. 1981-ra-contact/052.txt:65:The second-ranking lessons are learn/taught in meditation and in service. At some point the mind/body/spirit complex is so smoothly activated and balanced by these central thoughts or distortions that the techniques you have mentioned become quite significant. However, the universe, its mystery unbroken, is one. Always begin and end in the Creator, not in technique. 1981-ra-contact/intro.txt:25:Don didn’t tell the group what might happen, only that something interesting could possibly occur if they meditated together. He was actually attempting to conduct a scientific experiment to see if the students would receive extraterrestrial telepathic contact without prompting. After some time had elapsed, and no definitive results were produced, Walt Rogers visited the group and channeled from his source, Hatonn, the entity with whom he had experienced the face-to-face encounter. Hatonn said that they had been trying to channel through some of Don’s group, but the students were not aware that the impressions they had been receiving—but not verbalizing—were from extraterrestrials. Elkins felt that this event nullified the scientific validity of the experiment, but it did begin producing results. After this visit everyone in the group, except Carla, learned how to channel; she preferred silent meditation. 1981-ra-contact/intro.txt:34:Ra gave the group a ritual of protection called the Circle of One in which Don and Jim would walk around Carla while repeating the words that reflected their desire to be of service to others. Then Don would take his chair and review the questions for Ra, and Jim would take his chair and begin a meditation that would last for the duration of the session. He would visualize light moving through Carla’s energy centers from the top of her head through the bottoms of her feet. Within a minute or two after completing the Circle of One, Ra would begin the session. 1982/4.txt:8: [overview] Hatonn: Those few precious moments in which you allow yourself to open may have more effect than all the deliberate thought, all the logical methods of solving problems. So often people believe that everything may be rationalized, everything fits into those qualifications that they establish to fit the concepts of the solution. By doing so, people limit that which they may reach. We would remind that this is an illusion in which you exist, and this illusion does have its limits. It is for you to become aware that the love and the light of the Creator is infinitely more than your illusion. Through your meditations you may begin to pierce the illusion, to feel, to hear, to truly see the light. It is for you to grow, to learn, to experience. It is for you to choose whether you seek to be of service to others or seek to be of service to self. Your task is the same, to become aware of the light, the love. 1982/8.txt:2: [overview] Hatonn: It has been said, “To work is to pray,” and for those lucky enough, shall we say, to have found occupations which enable them to supply themselves with the necessities of survival which also feed the spirit, this is in the deepest sense true. You may find these people working with their hands to make beauty, working with their minds as channels of various forms of love, working among people in such a way that their very being is of service in a substantial manner. But for so many, my friends, the connection between the daily life and love, between action and meditation, is not apparent. And in order for you to become able to link in any way the work of empty form which you find yourselves performing and the work which is love, it is recommended that you begin with the meditation rather than with the work. 1984/1118.txt:81:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We see the equality of each path, yet we see the uniqueness and the power associated with each path as well. It cannot be said with certainty that to serve a few in a powerful manner is greater or lesser in service than to serve many in a lesser powerful manner. We see the one Creator in each entity awaiting that entity’s seeking of it. We see many ways in which many entities may be inspired to begin that seeking. We see that a great variety of ways is available to each in this group to serve as shepherd, to radiate the love and light to those who hunger for this nourishment. We can only ask each to seek in meditation the answers which have been provided for each of you by your greater self, by your very own self as you planned this incarnation and as you hid various signposts along your various possible journeys. Know that each path contains in whole all that you hope to accomplish. If one tool is removed then another will take its place. Know that all is well. No turn will cause the seeker to be lost from that which is sought, for the one Creator waits not only at the end of each path but along each portion of each path, for it is the One who seeks Itself within Itself. There is none else. 1984/1130.txt:86:I am Latwii, and shall attempt this query which is of necessity to those who would practice the ability of entering the trance level of consciousness. It is necessary first as one begins the practice of entering trance to also tune as the tuning is accomplished for the meditations in order that the effort might be of the highest quality in its purpose and direction. Then it is also advisable to surround your own place of working with a wall of light which may be visualized or constructed through the use of established ritual. We then can suggest that the actual attempt at trance be undertaken with great joy and desire for the purpose which has been laid out by your own design. It is advisable to have another entity with whom you share the harmony in your presence in order that any aid which should become necessary upon reviving, shall we say, or returning from the trance then be able to be given, whether this simply be the massaging of stiff body parts or the talking that then provides a point of focus that you may use as a crutch or handle in returning to your normal conscious state. 1985/0818.txt:52:I am Latwii, and am once again with this instrument. We may begin by suggesting that to the seeker all about it is a symbol of its seeking. Within your culture it is logical that the parental experience, that is, being the child with the mother and father, would be utilized as a basic means of talking to the self, shall we say, and of dealing with the world about the self, for the mother and father are the two greatest formative forces within the entity in its early life and thereby form the foundation stones upon which the entity shall form its point of viewing itself and the world about it. When the entity finds itself talking to itself or behaving in a manner which is less than loving, the entity may use this experience as catalyst for growth, food for thought, the focus for meditation, for each viewing of the self in a less than loving manner is a symbolic representation of a basic attitude or experience which the entity has programmed into its life pattern in cooperation with, most especially, the parents and others about it in order that there might be the balancing or biasing of the being in a certain fashion that lends to an overall balance of the total being or soul or spirit of an entity. This lesson or program emerges in symbolic form throughout the entity’s life experience. 1985/1027.txt:19:I am L/Leema. This is in part correct, my sister, for we in the beginning of our contact with this group were not as familiar with the desires and practices which this group has for some portion of your time taken a nourishment and an enjoyment in. We were more prone to the detail within our speaking, that is, we sought to explicate as plainly as possible and utilize more of your descriptive phrases with the hope that we might achieve a greater clarity. We find that a portion of this group’s time together is that which includes a greater variety than the long discourses upon our part would allow, that is, the speaking with a number of entities and the inclusion of this question and answer portion of the meditation. We feel that we are achieving a better balance, shall we say, between the main address of the evening and this variety which each has found helpful in its own seeking. The shorter discourses are perhaps also of value, for there is in this group the appreciation of the brevity and clarity rather than the extended discourse with numerous allusions. 1985/1124.txt:3:Before we speak upon the subject which hopefully would serve as some inspiration, we wish to answer an unasked question that is heavy on the minds of both who meditate this evening. We are aware that we have repeated many times that the group of three is the minimum group for a good contact. Were this an introductory meeting or at the other end of the scale, were this a contact which needed more protection than is consciously possible, the number two would not be satisfactory. Due to the introductory nature of the two who make up this contact and the considerable drive in both for purity in contact, the number two is satisfactory, although we encourage the continuing tuning throughout the meditation. For one times one is two—the multiplication of strength has begun but only begins to become noticeable with the third present. To substitute for the third presence, we suggest that you consider the words of the master who was known to your people as Jesus the Christ. He said that “Whenever two or three are gathered together in my name, I will grant what they request.” Two such are gathered together in the name of the One, and we find the strength of the contact moderate but acceptable. 1985/1124.txt:10:Therefore, as always, we assure you that the process of service to others begins within as you groom and season your own personal reality with a thirst and a desire to serve. It helps within your illusion if some process of analysis is added to the thirst for service, for each has prepared a way in which to walk to be of service and clues are all about you, yet without the continuing process of prayerful meditation and of a daily focusing on the search for the one great original Thought and the consciousness it provides, your ambition to be a pure part of the body and vehicle for the Creator will be emaciated. How we encourage you to continue in your meditations and prayers, and then we encourage you to open the eyes and see within each day, each experience, not only the good that can come from that but the clues towards your own centering and your own greatest depth of being. 1985/1201.txt:10:And so, my friends, when the air seems to grow dark and the winter of the soul sets in, know once again that all seekers are ever beginners and that the simplest of rules, if we may use that word, apply. Seek and seek and seek yet again. And do not feel that you have let yourself down when you have fallen away from the seeking wrapped up in overwhelming experience, but without judgment and without impatience, turn again to seeking. And from that seeking, from that meditation, from that inner silence, draw once again from the inexhaustible supply of love and joy. The kingdom which is all of love and joy awaits within you—but you must seek it. 1985/4.txt:8: [overview] Laitos: We appreciate the discussion that you have given to this topic previous to the beginning of your meditation, for it is helpful in such discussion to focus one’s intention more clearly and purely upon that which is the goal. As each shares each understanding and experience of this service of vocal channeling, each then learn from the other, and together you progress more quickly than if experiences were not shared and examined for their content. This is true, of course, my brothers, in all portions of your life, and is especially true as you set your feet upon this path of serving others by means of providing vocal channeling. 1986/1019.txt:31:That is, in the process and state of meditation, one begins to become aware of the unity of love which binds all things and which moves all experiences in intricate patterns which then offer the lessons of love to those of your illusion. The desire, then, to seek the heart of the life pattern is that desire which is most helpful to propel one into the meditative state, no matter what technique of meditation is chosen. 1986/1022.txt:12:Perhaps you feel that in some ways you are not worthy to meditate and to seek understanding, but we assure you that all entities make what could be called errors in judgment. We ask you always, as you go into meditation, to release your previous perceptions of yourself, your identity, your faults, and your weaknesses, focusing only on that which you desire—knowledge of the truth. In meditation you shall become more and more aware of the true nature of the creation. You shall begin to see the unity that binds all in the Thought that created all. 1987/0118.txt:76:I am Latwii, and, indeed, my sister, we have found that this is so, most especially within your third-density illusion, for within this illusion, as we have previously spoken, the perceptions are clouded by that which is of unknowing to such a profound degree that when one utilizes the tool of meditation and begins at the deeper levels of the subconscious mind to clear the way of beingness in order that it might make itself known and felt and begin to undergird the incarnation, then the entity thus engaging itself within the meditative state upon a regular basis begins to be powered by a source of being which is far more subtly profound, shall we say, within the incarnative pattern than any influence within the illusion, that the entity is changed, shall we say, in its basic perceptions so that the general run of experience in the life pattern is perceived in a fundamentally different fashion from those whose primary focus is within the mundane reality. 1987/0118.txt:77:Thus, the entity engaging in a sincere and dedicated fashion in the practice of meditation and contemplation and the prayerful attitude is an entity which is less moved by the turbulence, shall we say, of the daily round of activities, and will see these activities in a manner which begins to penetrate beyond the outer appearance of things and moves towards the heart. This type of perception differs markedly from that perception which does not move beyond the exterior shell of the daily round of activities and which focuses instead upon the seeming importance of mundane details. 1987/0204.txt:34:However, we might suggest that the means by which you may discriminate between these kinds of experiences is that which we suggested by the reexamination of the challenging technique. The gathering of the self about an ideal or principle for which one lives in a fundamental sense, and would indeed give the life if necessary, is the beginning of this principle and its exercise when contact with thought entities is noticed and felt. Then it is necessary to speak in the strongest mental terms to such perceived contacts and to challenge them with the full force of your belief and the core of your being in order that those of the positive nature may be discerned from those of a negative nature and the nature which might attempt to trick or confuse a contact in any way. Thus, we might suggest that contemplation and meditation upon the core ideal, by which you shall in future times challenge such contacts, be instituted upon a regular basis in order that you may increase your ability to discriminate between contacts in what you would call your future. 1987/0218.txt:16:I am Laitos, and am again with this instrument. We gladly accept this instrument’s query that we do come in Christ consciousness, in the consciousness of love. We have not established a fully sturdy contact with the one known as N, and the one known as N therefore is experiencing some surges of good contact and some periods where the contact is difficult. This is normal and we shall be continuing to adjust as the instrument continues to attempt to make meditation a daily habit, so that the necessary concentration of mind for channeling on a steady state basis may be more dependably possible. The amount of concentration necessary to carry a channeling is not necessarily great, but persistence is extremely helpful, for only through practice can one develop the confidence necessary to begin speaking without knowing the whole of what one has to say. 1987/0419.txt:3:I am Hatonn, and I greet you in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. It is a great pleasure and blessing for us to be sharing this meditation with you, and we would, if we might, pause before we begin to speak to the subject at hand, that we might revel and thoroughly enjoy the circle of oneness which the seekers present have created, and which we are now privileged to be a part of. We would then pause. We are Hatonn. 1987/0513.txt:14:I am Quanta, and we greet you again through this instrument. It is our desire at this time to allow the one known as W to enhance her recognition of the deepened state of meditation and to enhance her ability to receive a discernible contact while in this state so that there might in future experiences become possible the contact from others who wait to speak through this new instrument. When the basic and more mechanical aspects of the vocal channeling process have been mastered to a sufficient degree, it is then that the new instrument may find itself in the position of needing to refine means by which contact is recognized and transmitted, for the new instrument begins to make a progress which then is less mechanical and more inner or metaphysical in nature, this refining having to do with the careful alignment of the inner sensing which will become the most vital tool for the new instrument as it begins another stage of its work. 1987/0513.txt:50:I am Quanta, and the deepened state of meditation is that which has been achieved through a combination of your desire to serve in this fashion and our desire to aid in your service. The entity which awaits the possibility of speaking through your instrument is not at this time in the appropriate configuration, shall we say, to utilize your instrument, but instead observes from a position that allows it to experience some of your contact circuitry, shall we say, which is a way of describing the configuration of mind and beliefs and desires which arrange the deeper mind in such and such a fashion that makes it unique. Thus, this entity begins to familiarize itself with this configuration as you travel deeper into your own subconscious mind. 1987/0520.txt:9:I am now with this instrument. I am Quanta and greet you through this instrument in the love and light of the One Who Is All. And so you sit in meditation in 1987, attempting to ponder the mystery of the truth, attempting to see through thick darkness the outlines of eternity and to grasp the nature of the Love that created all that there is. And as we seek and grope in the darkness of our thoughts and of mundane concerns and of the world in general, we perhaps feel as though we have come not to the epitome of creation, but to its beginnings. And, indeed, that we feel that as much as do you, for though we are just a bit further along the road than are you, still we feel like rough diamonds indeed. 1987/0802.txt:11:We might suggest furthermore that those seekers which wish to make use of this time create for themselves some form of purification or cleansing for a short period prior to the meditation of which we have spoken. When we spoke of purification, we found this instrument’s mind beginning busily to analyze what we meant and considering sadly the food that she was going to miss. We would like to indicate that we do not necessarily suggest such physical cleansing as fasting, for there are many ways mentally to remind the self repeatedly during a purification period of one’s desire. If one’s desire is strong and persistent, then shall the occasion be used to the fullest. 1987/0816.txt:10:We encourage and recommend the daily practice of meditation, the tabernacling in the inner room of the silent consciousness, for that consciousness touched into often enough may more and more begin to shine through that which you do that you may become radiant, a more and more pure channel for the love of the infinite Creator. If you find it difficult to find time to do this each day, we still suggest it would be worth the effort to create a short time for touching into this consciousness. Indeed, it may be done momentarily when the clock strikes or the siren sounds at noon. Remember who you are and what you seek, and open the door to that inner room and just for a moment close it behind you and say to that great mystery which lies in darkness all round the heart, “Here am I.” 1987/1009.txt:11:We ask that you begin more and more as entities and as instruments to trust the self, to relax within the self, so that there is within the heart a growing atmosphere of who the self really is. We ask you to feel good about yourselves. Simple words, but difficult in their application. As each uses the tools of meditation and contemplation, converse with those of like mind, and the communication of self with nature, each will find more and more that the state of mind which is conducive to the practice of vocal channeling is approached by the self in more and more life experience, which means that upon a personal level, the deep mind and all of the riches which it has to offer shall be in a position to be channeled from the self to the self, those deeper thoughts and intuitions coming forth into manifestation and greatly informing the process of ratiocination. 1987/1101.txt:8:Thus, the avenue to the higher self is a road within the mind, a road which opens, seemingly impossibly, after one has left space and time behind in meditation. Perhaps what we are trying to express may be best approached by saying that the image of what we wish to express is that of one who, sitting in meditation, moves within the mind higher and higher until one has reached the very top of the watchtower of consciousness, and at that point when one is in a very small, protected environment, there is a harmless ordinary-looking door. Yet, through that door is the beginning of a highway that grows larger, wider, more capacious, more beautiful, more stately, until at last the inner vision opens and the self that is more you than you are now waits to greet you. 1987/1115.txt:15:May we urge each wanderer to make the journey of the prodigal son in consciousness, not in action, to let the mind go blank, to start with a clean tablet and make that choice from the beginning, all the way through as a meditation, as a contemplation, as a prayer, and finally as a thanksgiving. For you shall not feel that you have come home to the kingdom of love until you have allowed yourself to experience the going away, the temptations, the failures, and the return as one who has had all assets of privilege stripped away. You see, it is fatal, spiritually, for a wanderer to put any particular emphasis upon this situation in terms of the expectation of increased closeness to the Creator or increased awareness of the Creator’s will for you. Indeed, you must work harder, for you are only prodigal in your imagination, and it is very near to impossible for you to deny your link with the Creator. 1987/1115.txt:17:How we wish we could take you within our vibratory web, that you might feel for a few moments that love without the baffling impediment of the physical vehicle, yet we cannot do this for you. You may, however, through meditation, find yourself upon holy ground and share heart-to-heart and hand-to-hand with the infinite Creator. My children, the Creator is a love that is astonishing in its intensity. The imagination reels at the infinity of creation. Yet this love is that which built, created, energized and enlivened all that there is with only a tiny portion of infinite energy. This is a love which is awakening within you, the love of the co-Creator for the Creator, the love of the child for the Father, the love of the beginning for the Source and the End. Center yourselves upon love and compassion. Attempt to intend well and to be harmless and above all to love each other. And when you consider yourself to have failed, grieve if you wish, but not overlong, for the intention is that which is recorded spiritually, the action within the illusion relatively incidental. We ask you to... 1988/0117.txt:14:What we are saying to you is perhaps too much in too short a time, yet this instrument reminds us that we wish not to be over-long in our message. But know that the greatest advantage that you may have within your experience is the advantage of daily meditation. It need not be for a great period of your time. It may be perhaps, as this instrument would say, a half hour or less. It may be the striking of a clock that may cause you to stop and find the silence within. Any attempt whatsoever at clearing the mind and asking for deeper understandings to come into one’s ken are to be encouraged, and most of all to be encouraged is the dailyness of this activity. You will find that meditation itself begins a process of change, and it is well that those who are mated together begin and continue the process together, for that which you seek you shall find. This is indeed a spiritual truth. 1988/0207.txt:9:The space into which your Earth is moving at this time is more and more altered from the space/time you have enjoyed upon your planet for many thousands of your years. It is a space/time which contains a more generous fullness of the Creator’s light. Sensitive entities are more and more able to use paranormal gifts. We make a plea to each who experiences these gifts and the interest which these gifts generate to seek not just the comparison of one gift with the gift of others, but also to begin through meditation, contemplation, the use of dreams, the reading, the talking with friends, to begin the process of knowing the true self, and once you have found that ground within you which is not your heartbeat or your thinking processes, but is your consciousness itself, once you have met yourself face-to-face for what you are, with your gifts and your limitations, then the time has come for you to make this an offering in humbleness and sincerity to the Creator, offering your talents, your gifts and your limitations with thanksgiving and praise. 1988/0207.txt:44:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would begin by suggesting that there is nothing one can do that is not service. We understand your query, to seek those means by which service might be enhanced. We would suggest that for one who wishes to serve in a conscious fashion those entities about one, that the daily practice of meditation is most helpful as a means of returning periodically to the source of one’s being, and in that experience of unity, again with the Creator and the creation about one, one may remind the conscious self of those patterns of learning which are most appropriate in the life pattern. By undertaking the opportunities that are presented one in one’s daily round of activities, no matter how seemingly insignificant or immense, one then processes the catalyst into that experience which is likened unto the fruit of the tree. This fruit, then, is available for service to others in a means which may take any form which one may choose. 1988/0313.txt:4:Before we begin speaking about the question asked this evening, we would like to be sure that each understands that we, like you, are pilgrims upon a path. We have not yet reached that end which is the source of all things, for still, though we have advanced and learned different lessons from you, yet there are many things we do not know. Yet you call to us, and we turn back to you as brothers and sisters, sharing our opinions with you, we who have perhaps experienced more. You do us a great service by asking for us to share within your beautiful meditation, and to become a portion of your unified circle of seeking, for were you not to call us, we would be unable to serve you. And it is by serving you that we ourselves may learn and grow and refine our own knowledge and love of the one infinite Creator. 1988/0622.txt:28:Thusly, it is in working with the tools and resources of meditation, contemplation, the listening ear, and the eager mind that love may begin to bubble within and call to the love without so that infinity may begin to hollow a channel through the soul of each seeker. If the love within is unmoved, the reception of love from without shall be hollow, not finding the answer within which produces joy under any circumstances. May we encourage each of you to practice love. Some have called this the prayer without ceasing. We call it observation. More and more use those tools which feed you on a daily basis, which instruct you to move the mind to its center, to its peace, its joy, and its understanding that when the eyes see that they may perceive in a certain way, a way which renews and transforms that upon which the eye has fallen. The eye which sees through the illusion of each perfect petal and each sharp thorn of the rosa mystica, which is the valley of the shadow of death. 1988/0802.txt:12:So it is, in a different sense, with the channeling. There is in the beginning the sacrifice, and always the need for continued faithfulness and persistence, the need to move in meditation enough to gain that infinite point of view, that infinite source of supply that enables the giver to give without tiring. 1988/1009.txt:13:In the end, we must move towards meditation as our primary suggestion for acquainting the self more and more with an undistorted love, a light which does not fail. In short, we recommend the daily meditation, the reading of thought provoking or inspirational material, the contemplation upon that material, and the attendant praise and thanksgiving for the moment of consciousness. All of these are but the frosting upon the cake of silence, for as one dwells within the green cathedral of the forest or mountaintop’s bleak aspect, or the splendorous church, waiting in what feels to be a holy silence for the service of group worship to begin, one is entering the silence within as well as sharing the silence without. Within there lie infinite spaces, for within lies all that there is. 1988/1030.txt:18:It is often the temptation of those who seek their very most deepest desire to pull back from the... We must pause, for this instrument knows not this word... maelstrom which shall ensue. Once the accelerated pace of meditation, contemplation, reading and analysis has taken place, changes then begin to take place which seem to the seeking entity to be brought about specifically by the desire to lead the more simple, the more peaceful, and the more joyous life. 1989/0101.txt:38:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. May we begin by reminding each present that no matter what the lesson that is attempted during any incarnation within your third-density illusion, each is attempted imperfectly, each is imperfectly perceived, and each is only approached in the ideal, to some degree or another. For within your illusion, it is not possible, as far as we are aware, that one may become absolutely certain, without any shadow of doubt, as to the true nature of any particular lesson, for the mystery of the Creator is great enough to encompass all that is known or thought, and to provide yet further layers of understanding to those who persevere past certainty within their own mind, past achieving what they feel is complete. For, within your illusion of limits there exists the infinite quality of each concept that each seeker has built the incarnation out of. There is the possibility for each seeker, then, to pursue any lesson or any service in an infinitely refined manner, and to continually learn more from every opportunity that it encounters, to learn more upon reflection, to learn more upon future application, to learn more within the silence of the self in meditation, to learn more within the face of each fellow seeker that one greets within the daily round of activities. 1989/0115.txt:15:There are those things which block this simple process from gaining in momentum. When one is distracted from the natural creation of the Father and when one has great difficulty seeing the Creator in each pair of eyes upon which one looks, one begins to move off of one’s center, away from one’s remembrance of love, and passion dies and numbness sets in, or anger or another negative emotion, but, indeed, we find that among your people the quality of numbness is marked. We ask you by a slow process of daily meditation to allow these layers of protection from that against which you do not need to be protected, to drop, simply to be let go. Then, with that done, call to remembrance that natural reaction which one may have to being loved so deeply that one becomes absolutely necessary for another’s existence. 1989/0129.txt:14:The act of meditation opens one to the experience of the Creator in a worshipful or personal manner, that is, one awaits and listens for a dear friend or a beloved one, one has the feeling of intimate expectancy. This is the beginning of the listening process, a desire as if [one is] before a lover or one who would read a beautiful poem that meant a great deal. This attitude is that which opens the heart and the mind in a way which gives much energy and power to whatever it is that is willed or desired by the entity. If the entity wishes to move ahead quickly and learn, then the entity will, indeed, be changing quite rapidly. 1989/0131.txt:12:We are aware that each instrument here has this information well in its mind and has through long experience put this information to work in the daily life. We mention it again at this time in order to amplify the words which were spoken prior to this meditation’s beginning. For we have noted many times previously that there is great desire seen in almost all entities which serve as vocal instruments and this is quite commendable. However, the desire is often not matched by the careful practice of the knowing and healing of the self in each of the many ways and areas in which the self expresses in the daily life. Therefore, we beg your indulgence that you listen again to that which you have heard before. 1989/0308.txt:16:You shall experience change. The change is partially the dailyness of yourself, and so shall your true adventure begin as you learn what you truly desire as meditation changes your point of view and, again and again, truths leave, new truths come and the imperishable truths glow and glorify the one infinite Creator. May you be daily—may you see that you were following metaphysically a path which cannot fail. May you be aware of your process of change and so be tolerant of those who are not changing at your speed. Make the allowances reflect the Presence within. 1989/0308.txt:24:I am Q’uo. The conscious attention of the seeker begins, as the meditation is entered or as sleep is turned into wakefulness, to pass a point that is available from either direction. As the conscious mind relaxes and as the sleeping self awakes, there is the point of awareness which partakes, in some degree, of both the conscious and the unconscious mind and its abilities within each mode of being. At the state which you have called the hypnogogic state, the seeker is aware that it is aware, and yet what it is aware of and how it is experiencing this awareness is markedly different from the conscious awareness of the daily routine. The hypnogogic state may be seen to be that of pure listening, shall we say, being before action, in which there is the greater receptivity and the closer examination of that stimulus which is received. 1989/0312.txt:13:Each of you, then, by the changes made by meditation, may begin to perceive differently throughout a lifetime of sincere and openhearted effort in love, not duty. The viewpoint may change and widen and deepen and strengthen greatly in balance. As one meditates, one is intending to experience firsthand the Creator and the environment of the Creator, which is love, light and eternity, all of those in infinite quantity. With enough repetitive, impassioned silence and listening, one’s reactions begin to change because one’s consciousness has begun to change. 1989/0312.txt:14:Meditation does other things as well. One great aid that it brings to the meditator is simply the strengthening of the bridge betwixt conscious and subconscious, intuitive and rational; all the parts of what a medical person would call the encephalos, working together and not at odds. We find often among your peoples that there are many voices within, each with a different viewpoint, each with a different program, if you would speak in terms of a computer, and all together having mutually opposing agendas. Meditation, taken daily, systematically and without the long, long meditations, but, rather, short meditations followed by the feeling of being strengthened, the mind begins to remake the basic metaprogram of the biocomputer mind in order that it may complete the process of integration so that one may become more and more a positive, unified entity, capable of a singleness of heart, a singleness of purpose, and a singleness of passion and love. 1989/0325.txt:16:So, we suggest to each that during the lifetime one begin with the daily meditation to ground oneself in the Creator’s love and light, to focus upon service to others, to love oneself and love each other, and to have no fear of death, for there is no break in consciousness; there is no snuffing out of the flame of consciousness; the animal which has carried you about simply becomes unviable. Among your peoples, this event is very moving and poignant, and, indeed, in our density too, we mourn our mates and our teachers. But we do not hold onto them, nor they to us. Each has the freedom to stay or to go, whereas within your illusion, sometimes entities do not know what freedom they do have. 1989/0416.txt:74:When you have decided this through contemplation, through prayer, and through meditation and have done so with sincerity, you will discover that there is a certain ordering of priorities that becomes more apparent to your conscious mind as you pursue this ordering of priorities. You will provide yourself with those opportunities that you have determined to be appropriate previous to the incarnation and you will have provided yourself with these opportunities in the most efficacious manner that is possible. Though there are, indeed, no mistakes within your experience, or within any experience, there is the possibility of greater or lesser ease in presenting the self with that opportunity to learn. Therefore, we suggest that you take the necessary time to ask yourself what it is you desire so that those choices that await you might begin to become more clearly ordered according to their appropriateness at this particular time within your experience. 1989/0423.txt:36:I am Yom, and greet each again in love and light through this instrument. At this time we feel that we have spoken sufficiently to begin that portion of your meditation which is the question and answer portion. If we may speak to further queries, we would be most happy to do so at this time. 1989/0507.txt:64:For each such entity, we may recommend that a portion of the day be reserved solely for the inner seeking and reflection which may provide the seeker a drink, shall we say, of the everlasting waters which truly nourish. The time for meditation may be at one’s own discretion and be joined with the reading or listening to inspirational information which has been chosen for its special feeling of connection with the seeker. By setting aside a certain portion of each day in a regular manner, one consciously speaks to the subconscious self which has the ability to respond by offering guidance so that a dialog begins to be constructed in which the seeker consciously asks for assistance and also gives thanksgiving for that which has blessed the life pattern. 1989/0723.txt:26:Daily meditation, as always, is something which we feel is at the heart of one’s acceleration of spiritual growth, but never think that you are being moved about by destiny. This is not so. The free choice is always your own. If you do not wish a lesson, if you are too weary, you may simply sit by the side of the road and let others go by for awhile. And when you are refreshed, you simply begin again where you stopped. There is no hurry, there is no worry, there is no concern, there is no attachment. There is only the challenge of the chase for the Grail and the infinite satisfaction of spending time with the one infinite Creator. Indeed, each time the mind turns to the Creator with a word of praise or thanksgiving, the service rendered thereby is incalculable. Each time that each may smile at the stranger, or comfort, or help one who needs it, each is expressing a kind of consciousness that one is attempting to learn, that is, unconditional love. 1989/0723.txt:48:Thus, whatever experience you share with another that leaves its mark upon your memory is one which you would do well to consider within your own meditations, to look within your own self to see what significance this experience has. Then one may, in a meditative state, look at that experience within the life pattern to note the repetition of this experience or similar experiences, and begin by this analysis to discern the deeper pattern that comprises the lesson that you are attempting at this time to learn, and which has been signaled by the experience shared with another that registered a strong emotional response in your own being. 1989/0730.txt:35:This instrument has informed us that we have exceeded the required time limit. We are sorry to be so verbose but this particular subject is one upon which we could speak for many hours. We ourselves are still polarizing towards service to others. This is not a short journey. This is an uncomfortable journey that is real. That which you see with your five senses is a complete illusion. That which you hear from entities who are unaware that the Creator lives within them may convince you that there are some entities who are hopeless. All contain the Creator within and this is your great guide, this is why the meditation of silence is central and why it should be as frequent as possible, preferably daily and at the same time. It is especially helpful at the beginning of the day to think upon the Creator in one way or another by reading of spiritual books, by singing of spiritual songs or by the simple going within and opening the inner door to that presence which already lies within you whole and perfect, the Creator within. 1989/0806.txt:18:Therefore, we suggest that the greatest tool in working with relationship is silent meditation, sitting together in silence. Also are exercises appropriate by which each recognizes the other as the Creator. It is a matter of turning the will to the welfare of another entity above and in preference to the will of your own self. If there is no judgment of error, but merely a disagreement, then we always would suggest that all be talked out, resolution come and unity restored in the diurnal cycle in which it was disturbed. Do not allow difficult and unhappy feelings about the mate to extend past the time limit of one daytime period, for once one begins to refrain from saying those things that bother it, from then on it becomes more and more and more difficult to communicate until finally it is almost impossible within the perceptions of those who are attempting the communication. There is anger and fear and guilt instead of love and joy and peace. 1989/0813.txt:8:The greatest tool in this first phase, and one which we recommend you never be without on a daily basis, is that of the silent listening meditation. There are other ways of doing spiritual work and they are excellent, but this first way of honoring the self and opening the deeper self which carries the Father within is central to the service of your life experience. Thus, meditate and listen. No matter what other prayers, songs or disciplines that you use for spiritual growth, always quiet the inner mind. It does not have to be a long meditation. It is only necessary that you begin to realize that you are standing upon holy ground and that the Creator lies within you. 1989/0813.txt:9:In this way you may learn not to brutalize yourself with bad opinion. Not to rail against the conditions of life but rather to flow with them. To become, in short, a person whose life is spent in eternity while within the illusion of time and space. For each present moment has a very deep resonance back to the beginning of all that is and on towards the ending and the return to the Source. Open gently the doors to deeper knowledge. Never force it. Try not to allow yourself to become discouraged. Do not judge the self if the self misses a meditation, but simply move back into meditation the next day. 1989/0813.txt:37:You may in one sense regard this phenomenon as a kind of [inaudible] the work which you do, however, it does require [inaudible] vigilance in order that the contacts which you allow to speak might be of the most beneficial and positive nature possible. We commend your vigilance and can only suggest that it be continued, for as each entity moves further along the path of evolution there is presented to each entity an increasing array of what you may see as challenges which have the hoped for effect of increasing one’s desire, one’s discrimination, and one’s ability in the final analysis to be of service in the manner which has been chosen. Thus, that which has served you well as you have pursued the service of the vocal channel—that is, the discrimination and challenging of spirits and the tuning required [inaudible] meditation’s beginning—are those qualities which shall continue to serve you well. It is the faithful servant that gives of the self continually and which seeks to remain faithful that is most appreciated by those of us who treasure such contacts with your peoples as we are, through them, able to give shape and meaning to those concepts which are sought from us and which we hope shall be of service as we [inaudible]. 1989/1001.txt:23:This is the sticking point for many who do not wish to surrender what seems to them their free will in order to worship that which cannot be seen, that which is intangible and has no objective referent. It seems equally improbable that one would worship another or that one would worship the interior of one’s being. In daily meditation, in listening, and in opening that inner door to that principle of love which meekly stands waiting to enter, is to begin the process of spiritual evolution that results in what this instrument would call “praying without ceasing.” When one is conscious always of the greater Self within, the life becomes effortless and flows naturally as the spring of love wells up infinitely through the entity to the surface entity and then into manifestation to others. 1989/1001.txt:53:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As one moves into the meditative state, it is well to prepare for this experience by first contemplating for a short period the reason that one moves into meditation, to prepare for that meditation by structuring the conscious mind in a fashion which serves as the personal tuning, shall we say. One may ask of the self what it is that one seeks, why it is that one seeks, how it is that one seeks. This will begin to place the attention in, shall we say, the proper attitude so that as the meditation is begun the attention will have a certain vector or direction that is not only inward but charged in a specific way. And by this charge, then, the consciousness that has been focused begins to move in a more meaningful fashion through the tree of mind down the branches to the trunk and therefrom to the deepest roots that are accessible to the entity at that time. 1989/1105.txt:16:You are love. You are the light. But you are not these things within your physical form. Indeed, within this density you are deliberately causing yourself to become stupid in order to be able to partake of the intense catalyst available to one in a heavy, chemical vehicle. You may think of yourself as a distillery or a refinery that begins with the raw material of the harvest of your spirit, your experience, and your meditation and out of which you begin to create that which may be called the magical personality. You begin to know, without knowing what, that there is an immediate presence, an infinite and omnipresent reality lying beneath, above, within, without and in between all that there is. There is a depth and a height to any moment of the life experience. 1989/1112.txt:18:There is danger, as in any other pursuit, in working at the discovery of one’s emotions. The nature of the deep self is subtle, and is not to be manipulated from without. Rather, it is a matter of seeking faithfully and persistently in meditation and in action, to begin to observe the resonances of deep emotion which lie between the lines of the pages of everyday life. Emotion wells up within, the gift of the nature of the one infinite Creator to its infinite family, its heirs of glory. 1989/1231.txt:25:We suggest that each begin a magical personality meditation with that which has been the call of a white, or positive, magician from time immemorial: “I desire to know in order to serve. I desire to use my subconscious mind to enrich, enliven, enable and engage this third-density mind and heart.” It is impossible for most to keep this clarity over an extended period of time, and there is danger in attempting to do so. 1989/1231.txt:27:One good way to prepare oneself for meditation upon the magical personality is to visualize each chakra in turn, beginning with the red root chakra, and moving upwards carefully clearing energies, carefully seeing your chakra centers glowing: orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. When you have reached sufficient humility to be able to listen to advice from the higher self that is not easily understood to be other than the self, then we suggest that you begin with this clearing of the chakras, so that you feel the light streaming from your head, for you have opened all your chakras; you have become vulnerable; you are ready to take a risk. 1990/0225.txt:9:Once this choice has been not only consciously made—that is, the choice to seek in faith the true orderly nature of the self, ignoring the obvious chaos about one that one may begin to seek out tools for learning and decide when, how and how intensively to apply them to the life experience—once this cornerstone decision has been made, the difficulty level of increasing the discipline of the personality will vary widely with the random actions of free will upon catalyst. Sometimes the desire is very strong within and the work that needs to be done in meditation, contemplation, study, analysis and service seems to be joyful, easy and most pleasant. Sometimes the self is so far removed from any knowledge of its own true heart that there is almost no possibility of spiritual work, and it takes the greatest effort to bring oneself back to that original cornerstone decision to live a life of faith that you are more than a shadow that will fall into dust. 1990/0313.txt:33:You may well question that which you may do between times of meeting with this group until the instrument itself feels it is strong, stable and full of discernment that it may channel within its own support group without the more experienced channel to aid it. As the process of meditation begins, or as it ends, we would suggest the discipline of tuning. The mantram of this particular teacher is the Lord’s Prayer. There is an outer mantram and an inner mantram. The outer mantram brings the energy of the group into a circle that flows through the channel, strengthening and stabilizing the contact. That which is inner is of faith, the will to serve and the power of concentration. 1990/0313.txt:38:There are as many different ways of praying, as many different symbolic ways of changing personalities and personas, of becoming that entity which is capable of taking its place in the world of spirit, as there are entities. The goal, however, is to feel at one, peaceful, stable, safe and fearless, and whatever ritual best creates within the self those feelings is acceptable to us, as long as the prayers involved concern service to others, for though there are teachers of service to self, we are not they, we have made our choices, and we believe each has made its own choice in this group also. Relax, be merry, take things lightly, and yet ponder them deeply. Allow the consciousness you experience in channeling, and meditation to a lesser extent, to begin to color your existence, and always, daily if possible, practice the tuning process. 1990/0325.txt:18:In meditation you begin to be acquainted with your true self. You are not this lifetime, you are not a product of the experiences of this lifetime, though many place enormous emphasis on the difficulties which have biased, within this incarnational experience, that which seems to be your nature. You are not the conglomeration of past incarnations. You are not the gifts into which you poured life within manifestation as you were born. You are love. If you think that you are a wanderer, a teacher, a healer, or even if you wish to be one who has a path of service that is obvious to others and commanding of respect, you have lost your way, for your way within yourself is to love the self, to forgive the self and to see that I AM within the self as the I AM that is consciousness and that is love. 1990/0520.txt:16:Where words end, there a new and larger and non-local frame of reference begins. This frame of reference lies within one, and it is possible that one which seeks in this deep mind, through meditation, requests in the dreaming, and other means of communicating with one’s own unconscious self, may begin to intuit a non-local and fully articulated concept-language which shall have to remain naked of words, because within this illusion the natural laws of the infinite One must needs be kept. However, it is entities such as this which enter into experiments as a part of the experiment, and change the results. 1990/0629.txt:66:I am Latwii, and we are aware of your query, my sister. We suggest that the most efficacious manner of availing oneself of the feeling of the comfort which is ever available, that times of meditation might be set aside on a regular basis, whether at the beginning, the middle, or the end of the day, or at any pattern of sequence. That this is the means by which the concerns of the day are for the moment set aside, that the comfort which they call for might be perceived. We are aware that it is difficult for many entities to find time for meditation within the busier portions of the day which are most likely to bring the self to the point of feeling the great need for this comfort. 1990/0712.txt:2:I am Q’uo. Greetings, blessings and love, light and peace and rest to each of you gathered here this evening. It is a great pleasure to be with you and to be called to this work. Technically this is still called the training of a new channel and technically the one known as K is a new channel, but only within this incarnation. The experience this new channel has just had is the experience of being contacted. Normally, we would not do this with a beginning channel nor would a beginning channel be able to distinguish a first and opening greeting. However, this particular instrument has deeper gifts that are remembered in that portion of the mind that is reached in meditation, and so we thought we would give it a whirl, as this instrument would say. 1990/0712.txt:10:I am Q’uo, and greet you again in love and light through this instrument. We are pleased to have established contact so readily with this instrument, and we see that the paths to the deep memories are beginning to be opened little by little and would encourage this instrument to deepen and strengthen this process through the daily practice of meditation. 1990/0712.txt:13:The process of meditation will begin to expand your awareness of these half-buried memories and recognitions. You will increasingly become aware of thoughts not running through your mind as in a daydream to which only scant attention is given, but as being those with which you are deeply familiar to which you turn your conscious attention and intention to the further pondering of such and the further integration of these old memories brought to light as part of the current experience. 1990/0722.txt:35:I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. We shall speak to the best of our ability through this instrument. This instrument has not the depth of meditation necessary to bring forth concepts with which it is not familiar. However, we feel that we may make a beginning upon this topic. The non-local nature of this language refers to a philosophical description that attempts to describe a situation in its most fundamental components. This has to do primarily with the articulation of the qualities of love and light as they are acted upon by free will. The free will being that consciousness which has evolved to a certain level of understanding or breadth of perception according to its own experiences and its efficacy in blending its vibrations with the creation about it so that it discovers the nature of the events, entities, ideas and interactions by becoming these events, ideas, entities and interactions. 1990/0916.txt:18:Step back, back and back to the beginning, before the beginning of time to the very beginning of creation. You were created before your environment. You are the light, the active principle of the Creator, and we use that term apropos, for we wish you to understand the term “principle” as we use it. You are, in the deepest sense, the Creator, and in distortion upon distortion, because of your illusion and your own biases within that illusion, you are more or less a distortion of the Creator. Thus, you too begin to take within yourself the unpredictability and the divine guidance of the wind of spirit. Without fear you are capable of moving as you feel to move, capable of learning that which you feel you need to learn. Little by little, the disciplining of that free will, which is your very nature, yields to meditation, contemplation and experience, and you take the wind within yourself, the disciplined wind of the most perfect free will, that will to seek, know and be a transparent exhibit of the love that flows through all. 1990/0930.txt:24:Your consciousness is not programmed, but your mind is. Your mind is a machine, biochemical in nature, and much like a computer in that, through a series of yes/no decisions, a very, very small percentage of all that you see, and hear, and feel, and taste and touch, is filtered, ruthlessly, so that you may gain the picture that your biocomputer has chosen to show you, which gives you the greatest amount of information concerning the survival of the entity’s physical vehicle, and the safe storage of one’s habitual thinking processes. This is for the mind what comfort is, that is, stasis, or lack of change. It is just as though in meditation you opened up to yourself a large body of data which you may begin to allow to be programmed into your biocomputer. It is what we may call a metaprogram, a program which will change, and sometimes dump whole programs as it realigns those yes/no choices concerning that about which it shall prioritize its report to consciousness. 1990/1028.txt:25:We ask each to allow oneself to feel this light, this living creative light as it moves through your body to the heart chakra. As you breathe in, visualize and begin to feel this. As you breathe out, breathe out fatigue, worry, illness. It is always being requested by your people to realize many phenomena—past life experiences, karma that is still owed, and so forth. However, neither in metaphysical or godly time, nor in group consensus time, is this possible. Thus, we always suggest meditation, but more than that we suggest the singing for joy, and the becoming aware—when there is a sharp sound, a knock at the door, a telephone call, the ringing of a bell that you can hear, a honk, any sudden sound through the day that can be used as a reminder—of the state of mind you have had during and shortly after meditation, as compared with the last several minutes or hours of daily attitude. 1990/1104.txt:3:Greetings and blessings to each from the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow of the principle known to you as Q’uo. The joy that we feel when we are called to your meeting to attempt to begin to examine the question that is at the heart of that which we come to share is a great privilege for us, in addition to the privilege of sharing in your selfhood, your meditation, your seeking, your tolerance of the illusion that is about you, your desire for harmony, and your single-minded desire to serve in love and faith and praise, thanksgiving and prayer. 1990/1116.txt:16:We say that the will is suspended in favor of the message, but never is it the case that the instrument is without the power of discernment concerning whether or not it wishes to continue with the message which is at hand. There is a “yes” or “no” proposition at hand. That is, if for any reason the channel begins to suspect the nature of the source which is being channeled, it’s quite appropriate to end the session and to turn to a process of silent meditation wherein a calm center may be obtained. There is much that this new instrument, [as in the] old instruments, has to learn upon the subject of the vocal channeling. We do feel that a good beginning has been made and that an earnest commitment has been taken, and this is a cause for rejoicing for us. For it is a happy occasion, indeed, when we find that the horizons of those we may serve have been broadened, as they are always broadened, with the addition of the new talents and abilities of new channels. At this time we would return to the one known as Carla. 1990/1125.txt:18:It is very difficult to face the great key that unlocks the path of service. Meditation is a matter of discipline, and is very important. Reading inspirational things is helpful; many things are helpful. But where the Christ consciousness is allowed to seek opportunities to serve, the self finds that it never has enough hours in the day, but that the work is worth it. It all begins with the journey from temporality to infinity, and you are most open to infinity when you stay in the immediate present moment, for that is eternity. When the resonance of each moment can be felt, instead of simply a river of time moving from birth to death and robbing you of all that you have and eventually your body entirely, gaze at this entire experience with a calmer eye. You are here not to be happy, but to serve. This was your choice, else you would not be here, for the number of souls wishing to incarnate at this particular time is large, and [incarnation is offered only to] those who, by what this instrument would call seniority of vibration, that is, souls old enough to take an active part in designing the life experience so that they may learn. 1990/1129.txt:17:The catalyst that comes to you day by day may seem to you to be often of an overwhelming nature. You are aware that you have programmed for yourself large amounts of catalyst to maximize the experience available to you in this incarnation. We are aware that there is much inefficient use of catalyst. Yet, the encouragement we would offer you on this point is that, once again, much progress [is] made on levels not perceptible to your conscious mind. The conscious focusing upon spiritual principles you wish to incorporate into your lives, the disciplines of daily meditation, the examination of the life, are types of work that you do on a conscious level, but they do not stop there. They begin patterns that continue, carried on by levels in your sub-conscious mind to process the catalyst that comes to you. 1990/1216.txt:19:The spiritual path begins with trusting yourself. Resources that are useful to the beginning mind—and as we say, all need the beginner’s mind in order to continue to learn and not to become self-satisfied—include various ways of communicating with the self. The most efficient of these, after meditation in silence, is the keeping of a journal, whether it be the dream journal, or the essay journal, or any kind of remembering journal where various difficulties are examined and ruminated about. All of these journals are helpful in opening a voice to you. In truth, this is the reason that each Christ has come into your illusion. At various times, as you call them, there have been great needs for the creation of a way, a gate, a bridge, betwixt the daily, limited, little life of the body and the infinite life of the soul. As you are both, it is greatly worthwhile to proceed with this investigation with all enthusiasm and intensity and passion. 1990/3.txt:8: [overview] Q’uo: The experience this new channel has just had is the experience of being contacted. Normally, we would not do this with a beginning channel nor would a beginning channel be able to distinguish a first and opening greeting. However, this particular instrument has deeper gifts that are remembered in that portion of the mind that is reached in meditation, and so we thought we would give it a whirl, as this instrument would say. 1991/0124.txt:44:I am Hatonn, and are also full of thanksgiving that we could be a portion this group’s exercising of instruments this evening. It is not often that we are able to partake in this way with this group, for its desire to seek and to serve have called to it other entities that are equally as willing to join in your seeking and who are also as thrilled as we to be a portion of this working. Thank you, my friends. We are with you always in meditation and available for the deepening of your meditation at any time that you request such. We walk with you upon your great journey and observe with you in awe and wonder as the planetary consciousness begins to look ever more clearly into the mirror of the self and begins to work upon that giving and receiving of love that is the healing of all wounds and disagreements. 1991/0224.txt:36:When you have noted those deviations in thought, most importantly in word, secondarily and of least importance in deed, then within your inner room retire there to consider in meditation once again those deviations. Begin first with that which seems to you to be of most significance. See again the situation which brought it about. Relive in the mind this situation. Intensify in the mind the response that was the deviation from the ideal, until the response is ridiculously large and all encompassing as you can imagine. Then, without further conscious thought but remaining in that feeling state associated with the enlarged thought, allow the polar opposite response to grow within your conscious awareness. Allow that opposite response to grow until it is as large as was the first response with which you began. When you have felt this feeling for as long as you are able to hold your attention upon it, then see both as the means by which the one Creator has come to know Itself more fully and richly and with greater variety through you and through your experiences. 1991/0322.txt:36:Then you may begin to perceive how these entities have chosen to learn various lessons, how these entities have found a difficulty or ease in various expressions in their selfhood and begin to understand and have compassion for that which is the heart of each entity and begin to explore how accessible or inaccessible is the journey that each entity makes from its heart to your heart and to any other heart by becoming these entities insofar as it is possible for you. Then you may begin to experience their reality, shall we say, or illusion, and through this experience have a bridge formed between the hearts of each of you, that you may travel mentally and/or emotionally at those times of your choosing so that this process may become internalized in a fashion that then is offered to the subconscious mind and may through the working with the subconscious mind provide those images to you through either your dreaming process or through meditation that may enhance and enable further compassion from you to them. 1991/0327.txt:13:Beingness moves into the life experience as it is given space. The meditation is the beginning. Other tools which encourage being are those tools which also offer solitude or company with like-minded entities. In gardening, in hiking, in walking, in contemplation, in reading ideas are brought before the eye, the ear, and all the senses. And the being is allowed to expand beyond the quantity of flesh and bone until it is felt securely the nature, the essence of this field of consciousness that you are, each of you. What beingness does for this field of consciousness is to amplify the positive polarity of the entity who is being in a way that attempts to express with more and more compassion the self that is loved and accepted and forgiven and therefore is able to experience all entities as loved, accepted and forgiven. 1992/0426.txt:30:The feeling that develops from the silence of the meditation and which proceeds from those levels of one’s being that are accessible only when the conscious mind has been quieted may serve as a direction so that the entity may begin a step that may be new or may be taken with a new attitude. As one becomes confused in the daily round of activities, the confusion is usually of the mental or emotional nature, and then it is that the silence and the meditation is recommended so that some small part of the tangle may be worked upon by those levels of those beings which are aware of the path that is being traveled and the appropriateness of the next step. 1992/0920.txt:5:We have chosen for a season to attempt communications with your peoples. The communication is of several levels, and these begin with the level of introductory material having to do with the infinite love and light of the one Creator being all that there is and the author of all that there is, concluding with the need for daily, regular and persistent meditation, contemplation or prayer. This is perhaps to be considered as the kind of instrument such as this instrument’s so-called telephone answering machine. When there is a request for this information which is below a certain vibratory quality, the automatic information begins flowing. This is, shall we say, in place about your sphere and has been for some of your years. It is only when entities begin attempting to realize their universal self aspect that we begin to be able to communicate more advanced material, whether it be in thoughts or images. 1992/0927_02.txt:20:I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. For those who have little or no experience in requesting guidance from those whose honor it is to provide such, we would recommend that there be those times of meditations reserved for opening the heart in this seeking to the inner guidance, and during this time we would recommend that the seeker begin to familiarize the self with those sensations and feelings that rise up from within as this request is made. Thus, the seeker will come to feel the response to this request, and will come to recognize the feeling tone, shall we say, of those who respond. 1992/0927_02.txt:21:During these meditations it is helpful if the seeker is able to begin the meditations by centering the self upon those qualities of the self which are, shall we say, more securely set and which can be used as the building block. By centering upon the qualities that are stable the seeker offers its call and is in a position to remain open to the response according to the stability of centering qualities, be they humor, balance, care, devotion, intensity of desire or whatever the seeker feels are the most stable and available characteristics. Then, when the seeker has become familiar with the feeling of the response, it is then possible to ask for such in the normal round of activities, outside of meditations. 1992/1029.txt:70:That being’s suffering is so heavy. You may begin to see it as a dark cloud of blackness—a heavy, sticky kind of blackness. Your good wishes are felt, but the darkness is so heavy that they can not fully penetrate. We expand the meditation now. Inhale love and light. Exhale, releasing it to that being who is suffering. Now, inhale that darkness that you see, letting that, too, run through your heart, but not holding it in you in any way. You are simply the channel for its release. Exhale and release it to God, to ground of Being, which is far more skilled and able to handle that heaviness than you are. Inhale love and light, and release it to the one who is suffering. Inhale the pain and release it to the Eternal. Inhale light. Direct it to where it is needed. Inhale that suffering in whatever form you envision it. Notice any resistance to letting it touch you, to letting it come into your heart, and soften around that and then release it. 1993/0110.txt:3:Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as those of the principle Q’uo. It is our privilege to share your meditation and to speak with you concerning questions having to do with the correctness or authority of various entities and written volumes. We begin by saying that we do not have any authority over you. We are prone to error. Our opinions, though offered because we feel them to be worthwhile considerations, do not constitute error-free information, but rather careful opinion of one who is on the positive, or service-to-others, path. Each individual entity, each group of entities, in the end all the unity of entities, insofar as they have the capacity to activate, evaluate and judge have no capacity for logically, rationally proving any authority from the outside in. In our opinion, neither any entity’s self, higher self, nor any teacher that still speaks or thinks or considers has knowledge of the mystery of the infinite Creator. 1993/0322_01.txt:36:You might sit in meditation with awareness of where there may be distortion in the physical body and in the chakras of the physical body, and focus on the third eye, allowing yourself to begin to visualize there the entire light body. Focus on that as clearly as you can with no grasping, only an awareness, “These are both part of all I am.” The seed of perfection is real. The physical body is very capable of healing itself of distortion, both energy distortion and the physical ramifications of that energy distortion, if it is simply bathed in love and allowed to reconnect with the perfection of the light body. 1993/0330.txt:54:I am Hatonn. Meditation, my Brother, is our great injunction, shall we say.; We continually suggest that entities meditate upon a regular basis in order that the stabilizing quality of establishing a link with the mystery of the One Creator be available to each in times of great turmoil, both from within and from without; for in the meditative stance, one is able to begin to perceive the unified relationship of all things, and to begin to perceive the nature of one's own being as an integrated and whole entity, reflected perfectly in the unity of the One Creator. For each entity is a facet of this great jewel, and each entity must needs retreat to that silent room within, daily, in a place reserved only for this pursuit, and with a desire to seek purely, that connection with the Divine. 1993/0606.txt:9:This spirit is a side of wisdom which has no words in your density, and it expresses its wisdom in the more and more purified emotions. When the seeker comes first to the conscious study of the processes of spiritual choice-making, at first the heart is less than optimally pure in its expression. The seeker begins, day-by-day and meditation-by-meditation, to empty out of the heart the less pure of that heart’s contents, as though the heart were a pocket in which many things had been placed, some of which were not desirable. After a time meditating and seeking, the heart begins to be released from having to hold so much of that which is less than pure; and then the heart may begin to shed its wisdom upon the conscious mind. This purifying process is not short, and we do not wish to suggest that you must become consciously pure in heart. We simply encourage each to do the work of opening in meditation regularly and allowing the heart to empty itself of the petty trivia so that its strain may be deeper and ever more pure. 1993/0919.txt:6:When entities begin to feel hurried in the everyday life, there is the tendency to encourage within the self activities that numb the creative powers of perception. This is in order to avoid pain, for it is painful to spend the waking hours ceaselessly performing actions which the self feels are unimportant. Thusly, even when a meditation period is perceived by the self as being a failure because of an unremitting flow of inner noise, yet still the attempt to sit with the self and listen resensitizes the perceptions of self so that the self within feels stronger and more real. This in turn opens the inner door to the effect of that creative love which is the one great original Thought. 1993/0925_01.txt:38:While the human cannot ordinarily move beyond sixth-density thought (the consciousness of the Higher Self), your meditation can take you truly into the experience of seventh and even beginning eighth density, that borderline between the two where all concept is dissolved, where there is total dissolution of the body and the ego, where there is no longer any thought at all, just Pure Awareness, no consciousness. So, I differentiate these terms. I do not use them synonymously, consciousness and awareness. When I speak of Pure Awareness, it is that awareness beyond any conceptual thinking or any perception of self. 1993/0926_01.txt:83:So, you have heard the parent or adult say over and over, “You should share. You should not be greedy.” But greed arises. Desire arises. Here is where we again move to the tools of meditation and the nurturing of wisdom-mind, which begins to see how greed and desire arise, thereby cutting through the identification with greed or desire as “mine,” allowing them to arise and dissolve without dwelling on them or owning them. This wisdom becomes one of the nutrients for the arising compassion for that human that keeps getting caught in patterns of greed or jealousy, so that you cease to hate yourself when those emotions arise. They cease to become a catalyst for unworthiness, but become a reminder for compassion. 1993/1212.txt:9:When the seeker begins the conscious portion of its incarnational work in consciousness, all is unknown. The desire to learn is great, and the first lessons are transformational, as the conscious mind begins to deal with our opinions of how, within incarnation, entities might speed up the rate of their spiritual evolution. They are able to make large changes quickly. The meditation is placed in a kind of routine, and the entity begins experiencing fairly rapidly the results of that daily meditation. The world of nature is seen with brand new eyes which gaze upon the creation of the Father, seeing that which we, too, see: the euphonious harmony of all things in the visible world, vital, alive and praising the infinite Creator. The rhythms of life are seen in an entirely different way as the processes of meditation and contemplation go forward, and it begins to be a world in which there are things which the seeker can see to do, in the way of their service towards the Creator and others. 1994/0612.txt:19:As you experience the centering effect of the presence of the One you also will discover that this peace is that power which then begins to more and more find a place within your daily round of activities, having an effect that is of an harmonious nature; that is, allowing you to blend your vibrations with the intelligent energy and also allows you more the ability to blend your vibrations with that work and those entities that are within your daily reach of experience. We heartily recommend daily practices of meditation in order that you may find a place that sustains you as you serve others. This place is truly holy ground and it is most sacred in that it is the temple within the physical experience. To this temple, then, retire frequently for there is great sustenance within that will aid your being within the experience of teaching, of learning, of serving, and accepting the love and light of the one infinite Creator. 1994/1106.txt:9:The awareness of the total being, then, begins the incarnation on bad terms with the physical body. The awareness that you are could not make its arms and legs move or its tongue speak for such a long, long time, and, indeed, the awareness never seems to completely embrace the physical vehicle. This distance which is perceived between the self and the ills of the body is an imbalanced perception, and we encourage each in the daily meditation and contemplation which each may offer to the Creator to do work which more and more creates that bond of unity between consciousness and physical vehicle. Much of illness is due to the disrespect paid to the physical body as that which is not holy. 1995/1001.txt:16:So know that the human experience is driven by instinct and at the same time there are opportunities every instant to grow into a spiritual body and a spiritual instinct and when this begins to occur you shall find meditation and contemplation flowing easily and quietly in natural ways throughout the life pattern, and the muscles of spirit will have learned these notes so that now they can work subconsciously, naturally, so that one does not have to think about the process but can enjoy the music of spiritual consciousness and can turn that consciousness upon a world that is all too short on love and laughter. Each of you can be of service to others in this respect, of lightening other’s loads, of offering that light and caring touch, sharing that laugh, and spending time together easing each other’s burdens. 1995/1119.txt:8:Begin to allow yourself to feel that you are never alone, never isolated, never alienated, in the world within that is as real to each of you as the world without. In that world you have many companions: those unseen which you call angels, those such as we who accompany those with the desire to ask for us as they sit in meditation or as they go about the small business of the everyday life. May you encourage yourselves when you forget where your center is. May you rest in contentment and praise those sublime moments when you can feel the rhythm of creation and the rightness of all that there is. 1996/0114.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Each seeker of truth will find that the path it travels is one which has those places which are wide and through which passage is easy and those places which are more narrow, making passage difficult. When you find your practice of seeking in the way of meditation beginning to flag, you may be aware that the faith and will, which are the rod and staff of each seeker, may need reinforcing, for there is much to distract an entity from completing the practices that it has set for itself, and these distractions are also a part of your journey. As you are able to see afield and redirect the changing energies of your own commitment, your own faith, and your will to persevere in the face of distractions and difficulties, you will be learning the kind of perseverance that will give you that peace which passes understanding at some point in your seeking, for if the journey were always easy then the pearl of great price would be much devalued and easily acquired by all. 1996/0303.txt:30:Thusly, it is as though within the mind there lie temples whose doors are carefully guarded, and as one moves into the process of seeking the truth in a persistent and sacrificial manner one begins to trigger or put the key into some of those temple doors. It is, we feel, helpful to experience such flows of the information which lies within and to keep some record of such trains of thought when they occur. For the most part these trains of thought are subconscious material which the practices of meditation and contemplative analysis are encouraging and enhancing. 1996/0421.txt:9:Much, much work has been done by the being that you are. Much has been stored. Within the subconscious these potential memories lie as hidden treasure. The key to that treasure is the process of affirming the self that begins with silence, with meditation, with the opening within of the door to that inner sanctum, that holy of holies where beyond time and beyond space you, the consciousness, dwell with the Creator in an eternal tabernacle of adoration, praise and thanksgiving. Within the archetypical self lies this deep identity, and it is into this portion of this identity that you wish to move. From this sacred place comes the faculty of recognition of that which is your own. When we or another speaks to you in ways that resonate with that deep faculty of discrimination it is as though that potential memory has been given permission to move into the conscious planetary self which is your waking personality. 1998/0111.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As one has gathered about one all the various confusions, experiences, communications and so forth one draws certain tentative conclusions about how best to respond within the incarnation in order to determine how to find and share those qualities of love, of light, of harmony, of service, and so forth. Within the meditative state these tentative conclusions and experiences may seat themselves in a manner which allows their influence to have its sway within the total being. One is able to more clearly make sense of one’s experiences by allowing a certain kind of settling out to occur, and for the allowing of inspiration to make its natural response as one considers the events of the day, allows them to have their weight and go their way, and then finds the sitting and the listening to the one Creator to produce an inspiration, a motivation, or simply a recognition. It is in meditation that the confusion and distraction begin to fall away and the foundation of one’s being begins to be revealed and becomes more accessible to the entity in the daily round of activities when found in meditation. 1998/0419.txt:8:Without this feeling of self as love, one simply begins to see oneself as positioned in such and such a way and aiming to get positioned in such and such a way. Then the self has a story that is not being created in rhythm and according to destiny’s often slow pace, but rather the self is creating the self with masks at a level which does not fill the heart. The conversation before this meditation several times touched upon the many ways in which that feeling of humble thankfulness comes to one as a blessing and a special visitation much like the spring rain feeding the young plants. We encourage each of you to be willing, when thinking upon this subject of identity, to see the self as a deeply impersonal, a deeply true, entity. For truly each of you is that which is beyond personality, and if the spirit can rest in that most basic and profound identity there stems from time and attention spent here a strength and flexibility of emotional responses that is part of the rhythm of faith. 1998/1018.txt:29:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. To the entity who must choose between meditating when it is tired or not meditating, we would recommend the meditation when tired, for the meditation then will become the avenue through which the needed sleep may be expressed. The travel to the state of sleep, however, will be helpful in that the entity will be engaging in the practice of focusing its attention upon one point. There will eventually come, for the entity, the ability to remain awake and alert within the meditative state. That shall endure for as long as the entity wishes before it then desires to enter sleep. For those who wish to begin the practice of meditation we recommend the use of any portion of the day which offers itself most beneficially for the regularity of the practice, even if only for the moment or two. As the entity finds a quiet solidarity moment then it may engage in the focus of the mind for as long as time allows. Each effort spent in practicing meditation builds the momentum for the next and so forth until there is a regularization of behavior in this regard; that is, the establishing of the meditative practice. 1999/0207.txt:8:Firstly, we would suggest that each awakened soul choose for the self that rule of life which most nurtures the spiritual child within, that child that dwells in the heart and can become mature only as the outer self makes room and time for it. Time spent in silence, whether formal meditation is offered or whether it is simply sitting, greatly aids the spiritual self within. Further, it helps to align the seeker with her personal destiny, for each has come with gifts to share, lessons to learn, and service to offer. Each has planned for the self companions along the way and good work to do, and each has hoped that within the veiled conditions of the physical illusion that constitutes consensus reality upon your planet that the awakening would occur and the choices would begin to be made which would more and more allow the spiritual self within to mature. 1999/0418.txt:21:We are being asked by this instrument to finish this portion of the meditation, and so we would conclude through this instrument by suggesting that the life lived in faith begins with the assumption that all is well and that all shall be well. We are suggesting that to live in faith you claim faith, that you live in a magical world. You claim the magic of your “I,” your “I am.” If you wish to bring the holy within your daily awareness, you claim the holiness of your self and reprioritize those things to which you pay attention, so that you may be better served by those things about which you think and by those ways in which you form biases and opinions. That which you seek lies within you. The ground whereon you are sitting is holy ground. Begin with the assumption of that which you seek, and you will begin to uncover the simple truth that that which you seek is right there, closer than your breathing, nearer to you than your hands or your feet. 1999/0912.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and am again with this instrument. It is important to make the effort to share with one who has become embittered that which one feels about being bitter, the fruits of bitterness, that there is a lesson that can be learned from bitterness, that there is always an opportunity to begin again. There is always the opportunity every experience that one has had, to drop the illusion of activity, to retreat to a quiet, remote and isolated place within the mountaintops of meditation, to seek there the soothing hand of the one Creator upon the fevered brow, to open the heart finally and fully one last time, to throw down the weight of worry, the burden of frustration, and to ask with a full and bursting heart to be again a child of the Creator, to see again with new eyes, to move again with trembling legs, to ask again the eternal questions, to build the faith and the will to continue. 1999/1107.txt:25:The deeper self, or higher self, however one wishes to describe it, is a resource which is always available to each third-density entity; that is, from the higher self’s point of view it is available. Yet there is seldom the clear and open communication between the conscious waking personality and the higher self from which it springs and which serves as a guide to each third-density representation. The higher self is a resource which is most usually contacted in the deeper states of meditation or within the state of sleep and dreaming, for this resource is one which is most subtle and one which observes the need to maintain free will most scrupulously. The higher self and the conscious waking personality that inhabit third density have, previously to the incarnation’s beginning, planned together the lessons for that incarnation and have made ready an access means that the conscious self may utilize during the incarnation to receive information from the higher self. There is the necessity for the conscious self to be seeking in a clear and one-pointed fashion in order for the higher self to respond to the conscious self. For, as we mentioned previously, the subtleties of the nature of the higher self are such that the conscious self is frequently unaware that it is being aided when it is being aided. For the higher self is often the agency through which certain connections are made by the conscious mind, the intuitive mind, and the deeper portions of that same mind. The synchronicities which bring together various resources such as books, movies, experiences and other selves into the life pattern of the conscious self are those which are the handiwork, shall we say, oftentimes of the higher self. If one were to access or request access to this portion of this portion of one’s own being for the purpose of remaining in a centered state of being, within the mindfulness of the moment, the very act of requesting assistance would be all that would be necessary for the achieving of this state of mindfulness for a certain period of your time. For the desire that would fuel the need to request assistance is the same desire that could be brought to bear upon focusing one’s being upon the fullness of the moment that is always present. Thus, the higher self could be invoked in such an instance with success, yet it is the responsibility of each incarnated third-density entity to take that which is given, whether it be from the higher self or some other guide or teacher, and use it as he or she will. It is not the responsibility of the higher self or any other source to keep the third-density entity in any particular state of being, for the hallmark of third density and all of creation is the exercise of free will. Thus, the higher self is that source that is always available and which is always offering its assistance as requested. 1999/1205.txt:43:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And to this query we would respond by suggesting that it is well to take a portion of each and to reserve it for the meditation so that the events of the day may be reviewed in a brief manner in which time there is the feeling again of those efforts to communicate, to open the heart, to understand, to be more aware of the effect one’s being has upon those about one. In short, this is an exercise in the increasing sensitivity of an entity to its own evolutionary process. The time spent in meditation reviewing the events that have left their mark upon the mind and upon the heart is a time during which that which has been learned can be seated more firmly within the self and that which awaits the learning can begin to be revealed to the conscious mind. 2000/0220.txt:16:Each entity will have a different experience when attempting to create the habit of daily meditation. For some entities it is a procedure that is very easy. Some entities offer to themselves within incarnation the gift of a quiet mind and economical thoughts, and for such entities meditation seems almost a natural way of life. For others, it seems most unnatural and is correspondingly difficult to create as a habit and, yet, we say to you that regardless of the subjective experience while gaining that habit of silence within each day, the progress is being made. It may feel as though one is coming up against a solid brick wall and going nowhere. We assure each that this is not so, that if the time is put in and the desire is true, the meditation periods will do their work and situations will begin to appear in a more lucid clarity. As the one known as Tom said earlier, it is not that the situation changes. It is that the response to the situation begins to change, which alters the situation, not for any other necessarily, but only for the self. Yet, since all metaphysical work is work on the self, this is a completely satisfactory situation. 2000/0507.txt:50:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Within your meditative state—and this is again our recommendation for the investigation of emotion, to use meditation—look, then, to those feelings which you have, for they are valuable in themselves. They are the temperature, shall we say, of your current experience. Each may be seen as a portion of a trail, a thread, that will lead one to more fruitful finding of the value of experience. The emotions that one feels at any particular moment give one a place to begin to assess that which is occurring in the life pattern, to see the honest and spontaneous response of self to self. Then, as one is able to utilize these emotions in the balancing process one shall find their opposite occurring. Thus, if you are able to relive a situation in which a strong emotion occurs and within the meditative state to see this occurring, giving it free reign, to become as large as you can imagine, then there is the opportunity for the polar opposite emotion to arise within the meditative state so that you begin to feel another way about a certain situation, person or event. Then allow this polar opposite emotion to get as large and as powerful as it can. When this has completed its growth and presentation to you, then accept yourself for having both of these means by which the Creator may know Itself in you, in your experience. Thus, you have taught to the Creator that which you have learned within the situation and you have seen a fuller expression of natural emotion within your being as a means by which you know the Creator in you. Thus, you, working with every emotion that leaves its imprint upon you, are able to see the full range of your beingness, the appropriateness of each facet of emotion, the direction that each emotion points towards the heart of being, so that eventually there is but one emotion for [every] event, that being compassion, love, forgiveness, mercy, understanding—all of those qualities of unconditional love. 2000/0910.txt:55:I am Q’uo, and we again thank each present for offering us the opportunity of joining your circle of seeking this day. It, as always, has been a great privilege to speak to each present, to offer our thoughts and words, humble as they are, to those concerns of heart and mind and soul. Know that you do not walk alone ever upon this journey. Not only do you have friends within your illusion, but there are those guides and presences that have been with you from the beginning of this illusion and who will not leave you until this illusion for you has ended as well. Each seeks a way to inspire, to guide, and to offer the hand when needed. In your meditations seek there the guidance from all those who wish you well upon the inner planes. We are known to you as those of Q’uo, and at this time we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group, leaving each, as always, in the ineffable light and love of the infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai. 2000/1001.txt:12:Actually, each of you is here to go through the suffering, the pain, and the difficulties because of the refining, and purifying, and even chiseling aspects of the transformative process whence catalyst becomes experience. The basic tool for each application of practice that will yield better connections within the energy body is silence. We have said this in so many ways through the years through this instrument that we are aware that each of you is fully knowledgeable that we will talk about meditation or some other way of entering into and absorbing the information of silence. For silence is full of information, as the one known as J said. The very stars each have their song. All things in creation have their tune, and all blends in a marvelous harmony of the spheres that is endless and endlessly beautiful. But this beauty exists for the metaphysical entity that is attempting to begin the process of spiritual evolution in the bare bones of silence. 2001/0329.txt:16:For doing this work without preparation can be unbalancing to the energetic body. And so we would caution each before doing such work in consciousness, always to begin with the meditation, with the balancing of the energy system, with the clearing of the lower to the higher energy centers to a minimal degree so that the energy system that is doing this work is without significant imbalance. For when there are shadows that block energy into the heart, then it is that there is not energy coming through into the green, blue and indigo-ray energy centers where this work in consciousness is taking place. Consequently, we do encourage that work, before a session of meditating upon the archetypes, where there is the attempt to balance the energy system and to settle it so that not only the physical body but also the metaphysical body is rested and balanced and ready to receive those piercing energies which flow from the roots of mind and fructify the waking consciousness. 2001/0401.txt:4:We almost hesitated to begin speaking because the meditation was quite beautiful to us, and we know that our words are not as full of meaning or beauty as the silence. But you have asked for some information about how to end a relationship when the ending must be done by one and not the other. And so we must use words to offer our opinion on that interesting subject. This instrument requests that we express why we are here instead of those of Q’uo. It is the nature of this particular question that has brought forth the energy of our social memory complex of Hatonn. We are of the love vibration, and truly there are some concerns that are addressed through the totally open heart rather than through wisdom or any mix of love and wisdom. 2001/0916.txt:67:For some there is much of strength and empowering that occurs with meditation at the noonday when the sun is at its zenith and the light of your day is its strongest and brightest. Thus you see there is a great variety of times which might be helpful to each entity. We recommend that each consider for itself the daily round of activities and their requirements and to look at those times when one would feel the most comfortable and ready to enter into the meditative state and to do work upon consciousness for the whole planet. Regularity of the time chosen is that which is most helpful, whether it be the beginning, the middle or the end of the day is really not as important as that the time be regular and be done each day at the same time. 2001/0923.txt:59:When the end of the day has come, or at some portion just prior to retiring for the day, we would recommend the sitting in meditation and the reviewing of the portions of the day which were perceived as frustrating. Look again at each situation. Relive the experience of frustration and observe the components of this experience: each entity, each event, thought, response, each detail which you can remember, so that the experience is once again alive in the mind. Then when this frustration is felt in this particular type of meditation, allow the balancing emotions of peace, of understanding, of acceptance, of tolerance, of humor to begin to surface as well within the mind until there is an equality of power between the frustration and the peace. This is a kind of short course, shall we say, in experiencing the incarnation. If one is able to accept the self, both for having the frustration as an experience and for being able to find within the self the ability to balance that with the feelings of acceptance, compassion, mercy and so forth, then you are able to move in a more balanced fashion within your daily round of activities, having laid the foundation within both the subconscious and conscious portions of the mind for being able to deal with various other frustrating experiences in succeeding days and rounds of activities. 2001/0923.txt:75:I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my brother. At this time we feel that we have spoken as fully as this particular instrument is able to, for there is some distraction and fatigue. We thank each once again for inviting our presence this day. It is a great honor to be invited to join your circle of seeking, and we can assure each that the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator has many emissaries present at this time observing the movement of your peoples from one concept of love and acceptance to another. As this concept begins to spread from one grouping of peoples to another we see a great deal of light being generated so that your planet at this time is a combination of the light and the dark in many different patchwork places so that the light very slowly but surely begins to burn brighter in those areas where there are hearts to open to the concept of love more and more fully as the catalyst becomes greater and greater. You are not alone, my friends. There is a great company of the heavenly host which moves at this time to send its light where it is most needed according to the difficulties that various portions of your planet now experience. As your meditation groups meet and send their light it is joined by the light of many, many others and moves into those areas at this time that are in difficulty. 2001/1007.txt:22:Experience for as long as you are able the feelings of anguish, of pain, of loss, of confusion. See with new eyes how an entity such as yourself would respond to these severe circumstances. Allow that feeling to grow within yourself until it is truly palpable. Then, from within the center of your heart, allow that quality of love/light to emanate until the previous feelings of the stress have been, shall we say, engulfed, surrounded by the love and light emanations from within not only your heart but from within the hearts of all others who meditate with you as well. Experience the outpouring of these small streams of love and light until there is a great river of love and light that completely engulfs the feeling of distress. See these feelings of the distress begin to lighten as there is sent to them those streams of hope, of faith, of support, of unity. See these threads of light weaving together, feel them joining, experience this blending of the concerns of many such as yourself for those who are experiencing extreme difficulties. Allow this feeling to remain with you for an equally long period of your meditation. Then give praise and thanksgiving to the one Creator who made all that there is the opportunity to serve the One in this manner. 2001/1021.txt:4:Fear is a four-letter word, as this instrument would term it. The conversation before this meditation brought up the question of how fear could possibly be love, and perhaps that is where we shall start. Often it is helpful to move back to material that seems very simple and very obvious, yet within it lies the end of a string that can get very tangled. Yet if you tug at it from the end of its origin it unravels far more easily than if the attempt is made to tug on the string of fear past the tangle-point in the present moment, where the fear is living. So let us move back to the beginning of this particular string of reason and concept and gaze at love itself and what we think about love. 2002/0516.txt:19:We would suggest that the silence and the intent are those two things which shall be most helpful as practice that creates habit that creates a predisposition to an increase in the level of awakening. There are many ways to be silent, meditation being one, contemplation being one. Any form of silence within is to be welcomed and to be applauded, for that is an atmosphere which opens the self to the self; that is that attitude which allows the intent within to come clear, to speak lucidly within the self so that the self ceases asking and begins to know. The asking comes first and then repetition and persistence carry one forward. It is not known when such a process will ripen and come into the conscious mind as a pattern that is seen and [understood]. But we ask that there be the continuing attempt to trust this process and to trust the self and its discriminatory powers. It may seem that much is not understood, and yet we have often said through this instrument that understanding is not something that any within third density may expect to achieve. Rather, what one may achieve [in] third density is an increasing purity of choice, and, once that choice is made to the full satisfaction of the self, that choice of radiance, of service to others, of unconditional love. Once the path of the open heart has been taken, then we would suggest trusting and embracing the light that you feel and moving as a dancer even when you stumble and fall. Let there be the light touch as well as light, and let the self be merry and have its laughter and its happy times. 2002/0901.txt:42:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As we mentioned previously, this is the time of harvest, the time of the change of cycles for not only each entity upon this planet but for the planet itself. For all move in the upward spiraling line of light as if in accordance with the hands of a clock striking the hour of change. The time grows short. There is much work yet to do. This planet has for many of your millennia suffered the difficulties of factions warring one against the other. This anger of war and bellicose action has seeped as heat into the crust of the planet, heat which must be released. Each entity, as well as the planet itself, is therefore asked in the spiritual sense to take a larger share of the ability to transmute this heat and anger. Those who have no firm foundation of spiritual seeking or outlet of sharing in a metaphysical manner take this extra share of energy and transfer it as anger. Thus, those who are aware of the change occurring upon the planetary and the cosmic level which reaches into each individual heart, do well to see in their meditations and their prayers hearts that begin to open, minds that begin to open, arms that begin to open, so that there is acceptance and love, compassion and forgiveness, in place of competition and anger, confusion and ignorance. Therefore, we recommend most heartily that the prayers and visualizations be added to you meditations in order to aid other entities in their attempt to open their hearts, which is the purpose for each entity here on the planet at this time. Some are more, shall we say, effective, more able to do this than others. Those who are able to open their hearts first then teach others by example and in their meditations. 2002/0929.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. As you are working with those who present themselves to you for your healing energies and efforts, it may be helpful to spend a few moments at the beginning of each session in meditation together in order that those energies which are in the subconscious mind and which are attempting to make an impression upon the conscious mind might do so, for it is truly said that all healing will come from within the entity to be healed and simply needs an avenue over which it might travel, shall we say. This avenue can be provided by each of you seeking the resources of the subconscious mind. 2003/0209.txt:60:We suggest to you that that which aids in inducing that particular state of mind that opens the heart to the awareness of that consciousness-state that is unconditional love is that which is available to each of you each day. It is that time which, like this meditation, must be gouged out of a day that is already so crowded with good things to do. It is that time when you give yourself to silence. It might be only a five minute silence, but if it begins your day, or ends your day, it may completely change the attitude with which you look at that which lies before you when you open your eyes. 2003/0321.txt:22:The one known as Gaia or the Earth or Terra groans in a despairing labor at this time. She has become somewhat encouraged as more and more entities send light and begin to grieve for the suffering and feeling of fear that is being cast about the surface of your globe like a pall. This is encouraging to Gaia yet she needs ever more reassurance that her children love her and wish her well and assist her in the travail of the birth of her fourth-density self. Entities such as this instrument and its group and other groups like it have begun to become aware of ways to intensify and strengthen the one known as Gaia and especially that fourth-density labor. The tool, as is so often the case, is the human crystal placed in visualization or meditation at a particular time, thus joining wills into a more and more giant and strong will that may bring many others to it by the sheer energy of its light. 2003/0504.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my brother. When one feels that one has become the focus of the attentions of a negatively-oriented entity, and that one’s behaviors, thoughts and actions have begun to reflect this interaction in a negative fashion, then it is well to incorporate some means of examining the life pattern and seeking a means whereby the openings that offer access to such entities may be closed by the efforts of the self. Thus, we would recommend that the one known as C begin a daily practice of meditation; whether at the beginning or the end of the day or some time in-between is of her choosing. It is often easier to do a meditative practice at the day’s end, when one can assess the qualities of one’s experience during the preceding day and work upon these perceptions that focus one’s attention upon one’s behavior, one’s thoughts, and one’s responses to them. 2003/0504.txt:31:The environment of the mind, of the attitude, of the being, within oneself is also a good place to begin, but would need to be supplemented by the daily meditation so that there may be a continual effort to examine the part that one plays in the opening of the self to the possibility of psychic greetings. For such greetings do not occur by themselves. There is a choice that each entity makes somewhere within the life pattern that opens the self to the possibility of such greeting, whether negatively-oriented entities find their ability to work in any life-pattern when such openings are made either wittingly or unwittingly by the third-density entity. Thus it is well that any entity who feels that such negative greetings are a portion of its experience begin to examine that experience with care upon a daily basis so that these openings may be reduced and healed. 2003/0717.txt:58:When there has been a forgetting of that which has occurred within the conscious memory, it is either because there was little value to the self in retaining this experience or because there was some difficulty in accepting the experience, so that there was instead of acceptance, rejection. These experiences are critical portions of one’s formative years, shall we say. To explore the primary cause of such rejection, it is often necessary to look within the dream state or the deep meditation, which may uncover these types of traumatic learnings. Thus, we suggest that you take what you can of the current memory, the place where the memory stops, and attempt within your dream state or within your meditative state to take the next step in experience, to open the self to receiving that clue or quality of feeling that will begin to reveal to you that which you have hidden from yourself. 2003/1005.txt:5:Similarly with each within this circle who is beginning a new pattern, it is as that entity who is moving into a new abode, a new structure within which to live the entire gamut of third-density incarnative life from the smallest, simplest and most nitty-gritty of chores and activities having to do with the natural functions of the human body and fulfilling the needs of the human body for sustenance and warmth, all the way to the most abstruse imaginings of one who truly desires to make of the life a gift to the Creator in so many ways, small and large. Each within this group gazes now at a life that is completely new. In many ways this is beginning to become the standard situation among your peoples at this time. For, as many in the group have noted in the conversation preceding this meditation, the world is moving ever more swiftly and ever more intensely in its great rush towards the culmination of what this instrument has often called third-density life. We are not saying that there will come a great catastrophe and all will be finished. However, we are saying that the energies that are moving into place in order to birth the fourth density of your planet Earth move in ever-decreasing circles of attraction to that moment when fourth density shall be the officer of the day, shall we say, rather than third density. There shall be a time in your not-too-distant future when those efforts that you have made to become aware of what it is to open the heart will have culminated in that which can be done within incarnation in third density at this time upon your planet as you know it. Beyond that point there well may be years and years of service and learning for those within this circle. However, the nature of that learning and the nature of the service will no longer carry the burden of the attempt to graduate from third to fourth density. For indeed, those who are able to live in an open-hearted way to a sufficient extent during this time of transition will be able to live within the fourth-density atmosphere. 2003/1113.txt:16:Further, we would discuss a second line of work which is very available to you as a person by yourself. That is the work of the meditation. My brother, when we say meditation, we do not define that word to suggest that there is a best way in which to meditate. When we use that word, we are meaning to indicate simply a turning to the silence within. When you turn within, you may silence the outside world by ignoring it, but the first stumbling block for most entities in meditation is that the inner self is not silent but rather it continues its habitual discussion with itself. We cannot help you through this except by encouraging you to ignore that conversation just as you are ignoring the catalyst coming in through the ears and the other senses from the outside world while you meditate. It is not a matter of turning the back upon oneself. Rather, it is a matter of allowing all thoughts to arise and then allowing them to die away in their own time, not giving them energy, not ignoring them, but sitting with them, observing them as part of what is occurring within the self. Without their being given energy, they will by their very nature die away. It is interesting as you work with the silence within to see those thoughts that arise not once, or twice, but again and again. One may look at these, not within the meditation but at other times. When you are contemplating the thoughts of the day, you may look at those patterns of thought that habitually arise when the mind starts talking. As you begin to see the patterns of your concerns, you begin to see into that nature within you that is emotional, and that has antennae that have been created to stick out into the world, both within and without, to sense when a particular catalyst is coming towards that antennae. When that antenna finds that it is triggered, that antennae begins its work of tracking that thought. 2003/1113.txt:19:Further, when a practice of meditation has been established in a way that is satisfactory to you yourself, it is entirely possible for you to dedicate a time to what this instrument would call conscious journaling. Perhaps you may be familiar with this method of seeking. It is one in which you either write that which comes to you or in which you write down a question and then let your pen begin to write as if you knew the answer. Little by little you may find with this way of conscious journaling that you are beginning to be able to hear those inner voices of guidance within you that would wish to speak. 2004/0516.txt:4:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we are privileged to be. It is a distinct pleasure to share in your meditation and we bless each of you and thank you for inviting us to share our thoughts with you this day. As always, we would request that in order for free will to be observed, each of you guard the portals of your own belief system carefully, not taking those things that we have to say as truth but examining them for their resonance and their feeling of personal truth to you. Each entity has a personal truth, not so much a relative truth as an individual truth, a subjective truth. And words cannot begin to bridge the gap. Spiritual seeking takes place in the subjective realm and therefore it is not a matter of that which can be proven or disproven. And so the nature of truth itself becomes peculiarly key. Take care to guard those portals of your discrimination in order that those precepts that you do adopt are those which have had a long and careful review and a strong sense of remembering them as being true as opposed to learning them for the first time. We thank you for your attention to this detail which does give us a most satisfactory feeling of ethical probity. 2004/0830.txt:21:Outside of incarnation these alterations of thoughts are relatively simple because they are visible; the veil between conscious and subconscious does not hold. And work at very deep levels, even archetypical levels, can be done, certainly not quickly but consciously. Within incarnation, such attempts are not visible. One can work with that which shows above the level of consciousness but much of the real work is done under the threshold of consciousness and outside of the conscious awareness of the individual. Consequently, work that is done in these workshop meditations will be seated through sleep; and perhaps the one known as G will begin to have dream experiences that indicate that this material is being worked through. 2005/0206.txt:5:You ask us what it is to be a part of a group and since we are a part of several groups, let us begin there. We, speaking to you as the principle of Q’uo, are a group made up of three social memory complexes. We have, as complexes, chosen to serve in a unified way by sharing thoughts with those who are actively seeking, who are actively questioning, and who have the ability to listen to channels such as this one. We also speak directly within entities’ dreams and meditations, not with words but with a basic vibrational energy which is as a carrier wave for your own vibrational nexus so that it is as though we were strengthening your basic signal and making it easier for you to hear yourself and to be aware of the reality of yourself. 2005/0304.txt:23:If, on the other hand, you dwell in that temple and are ready for more, then by all means move into those energies you wish to explore. If you feel that you have explored the blue-ray energy of open communication thoroughly and you are ready to move into work in consciousness, then you may work at visualization, meditation, contemplation or any other roads that you seem called at that one moment of work to begin to walk along. There are many paths. They do all lead to the Creator. You cannot take an incorrect path in thought or in meditation or in practice. And you need to move by feelings, by that resonance that tells you when you are on the right track. The blockages that you have spoken of are those within your energy body that would narrow the inrush area of the incoming energy of the one infinite Creator. 2005/0306.txt:15:For most entities, the first thing that occurs when you move into the silence is that all of the things at which you have not wanted to look or which you have put aside because there was no time come up and are viewed by you. Do not resist these forays into seeming thoughts, for they are the material about which the very highest part of your subconscious being has been concerned. Welcome each of them as a guest without any attachment to how long that guest will stay. Sit with that guest. Listen and observe. This is something that has been stuck in your energy body. Let it get unstuck, but do not follow it. Allow it to express, allow it to rise, and allow it to fall again. This process may be all you can do for months if you are simply a beginner to silent meditation, and that is fully acceptable. That is progress of the greatest kind. Gradually you will become able to move deeper because you have begun clearing your energy body and those blockages and distortions that were most troubling you, that were most constricting the energy on its way to your open heart, will have been released, balanced, loved and accepted by you. 2005/0306.txt:19:In general, we would say that you must follow the path of greatest resonance. If there is a master who resonates to you so much that you wish to follow in the footsteps of that master, then you will take a certain path towards guidance. If you find that you are more comfortable following the chain of coincidences, of those things that speak to you from day-to-day, then life itself becomes the messenger of guidance. And, in many cases, by the simple discipline of beginning to record one’s dreams or one’s thoughts after meditation, one is able to gain access to that web of love and support that is all around you and waiting with the greatest of eagerness and joy for the opportunity to be heard. We describe this and characterize this as guidance of a positive or service-to-others nature. 2005/0403.txt:4:The song that the one known as Jim chose for the tuning song that opens this meditation was most apt to the query which concerns inspiration and the group process.1 It is interesting to us that two words in your English language are pronounced the same and have related meanings. In terms of your springtime, which you are now enjoying the very beginnings of in your area, it is the sun, s-u-n, that is shining ever more brightly and ever more immediately upon your faces. In terms of this instrument’s distortion of religious seeking, she has entered the season of Easter which is the season of the son, s-o-n, and his seeming loss to the world and immediate reappearance within it as the risen Lord. 2006/0528.txt:49:The energies involved in Yahweh became aware that the work that they had done in creating an enhanced DNA signature for the human species had not had the results which had been hoped for. That entity moved into a time and space of deep and devotional meditation and prayer asking how it could begin to make amends for the mistakes that it had made. 2006/1008.txt:16:So, at the very beginning of a practice of meditation, one has to deal with the body itself. Eventually the body will become comfortable sitting quietly in meditation for periods of time. Indeed, the body may eventually come to depend on the rest of these quiet moments and this communion with the divine. 2006/1217.txt:47:If an entity who is reading our material, however, desires to involve us, it is immediately and instantaneously possible for that entity to do so. However, we must be asked. We have no right to have an energy exchange with you without your knowledge, it is part of the same restrictions under which we always ask you to be guardians of your own thoughts so that we do not have undue influence over you. We attempt always to remain completely aware of the supremacy of each entity’s free will. And each entity is right to learn for himself. We would only weaken spiritual seekers were we to begin learning for them and telling them what to do. However, we are fully willing to be with any who asks us to be with them. It is a mental request that is necessary. Simply mentally think to yourself, “Q’uo, I would really appreciate it if you could be with me right now.” And we will be there. We will be there to love you, to support you. And when you go into meditation and contemplation, to help you find the heart of yourself so that you may deepen that level of focus and that level of contemplation, that level of awareness of the silence. We are most happy to do this and are only a thought away. 2007/0519.txt:27:Nevertheless, far more proficient and profound than these poor offerings of words are the gifts of information and inspiration packed into the silence. Let us speak of the silence a bit, for many times entities have a cluster of questions about meditation: what is the best way to meditate, how often to meditate, and so forth. And we say to each that this is a resource that is given to you. It will be for you to choose when in your day you wish to mediate; when in your day you wish to contemplate your thoughts and perhaps try to assign to those thoughts a particular energy, a chakra, or an issue so that you may begin to see into the patterns of your own learning, your own catalyst, and your own growth. These decisions are up to you. But we would ask that you consider creating for yourself a rule of life in which you have made sure to include time for meditation and contemplation. 2007/0731.txt:37:You can indeed make a difference. However, never confuse the outer portion of your walk with your walk. Always and ever it must begin with the silence of your prayers, meditations and thanksgivings. 2008/0510.txt:62:The energy exchange betwixt spirit in general and yourself in incarnation in general is always deepened and strengthened as the seeker avails himself to the silence and practices meditation and thus becomes able to begin to perceive deeper truths about his own nature. The more deeply that it is possible for you as an entity to go in opening up and revealing your inner self in terms of opening to contact with us, the more able that we are to become one with you in a very intimate way as we collaborate together to create an instrument whereby perhaps those who seek may find good resources and information for their spiritual journey. 2008/0913.txt:12:In just this way does the discipline of the personality begin. It does not begin with meditation, although meditation is vital to a spiritual practice. Rather, it begins on the very surface of things, in the very smallest of chores and duties. It begins with the realization of the tremendous fortune that you have in coming to this moment just where you are, with just the people with whom you are and facing just exactly the blessings and challenges that you now face. 2008/1108.txt:21:There are those within your density who have penetrated quite deeply into the portion of their essential selves that lie below the water line of the waking consciousness. As the one known as G has said earlier in the conversation preceding this meditation, the contemplation that continues creates its own space with more and more definition. Each added minute and hour of contemplation brings one to a deeper state of awareness. Not a state of awareness that explodes with linear knowledge, certainly, but a deeper state that begins to flower and open to the present moment. 2009/0110.txt:13:[When] you consider further that those who seek the light are innocent and naïve, and that those who seek service-to-self polarity are clever and subtle, you can begin to see the shape of temptation. There is not so much the heavy-handed energetic displacement of physical pain or those temptations that one might see as heavy or obvious. Rather it is that such temptations are insidious. You may have decided on a program of meditation and the insidious voice says, “Not today, perhaps tomorrow.” You may have decided to fast about speaking ill of another and the insidious voice says, “But justice must be done, I must be fair, I must find equity, I must not keep silent.” 2009/0127.txt:7:It also connects you with those entities of the inner planes who have observed the same time of meditation and prayer, as well as linking you with all of those in this present experience which are observing that time of meditation. That is an excellent beginning. 2009/0328.txt:19:Entering the silence is a very personal thing, even an intimate thing, and we would not feel comfortable recommending one way over another of doing so. However, in general, we may say that it is only when there is a sustained practice of entering the silence that the catalyst of daily life begins to be vulnerable to being seen as the illusion that it is. If there is not a steady practice of meditation of one kind or another there is a far less firm place where the observer-self may look upon the challenges of a busy life and see through them to the peace and the power that lie within faith, that faith that all is well. That simple statement, “All is well,” is a good mantra for any discipline, for it is at the heart of faith. 2009/0912.txt:4:Before we begin, however, we would offer two thoughts. Firstly, we are, as this instrument said before the meditation began, those of Hatonn actually speaking this evening rather than our brothers and sisters of Latwii. This is due to the energy of your circle, which is heavily biased in favor of love. In order to support and encourage that vibration those of Hatonn, of the density of love, are very pleased to be chosen this evening to be the appropriate voice of those of Q’uo as a whole. 2009/1013.txt:61:This instrument’s energy wanes, as does this group’s, and so we begin to withdraw now, encouraging you as we do so to seek the silence on a regular basis, for in that silence, even though you are conscious, all of the information of the unconscious of the Creator itself lies. However you can come to that tabernacle of silence, we encourage the practice. For with meditation comes an awareness that cannot be expressed but can only be appreciated. 2010/0227.txt:5:Your query this evening concerns, among other things, that which is important about the things that you think, and consequently to begin we would refer to the song you used to tune your group before the meditation. The one known as Izzy1 did not remember the lyrics of the tune, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” with a high degree of accuracy. They were not the words written by the one known as Harold.2 What the one known as Izzy caught was the feeling and the vibration intended by the one known as Harold when he wrote the lyrics to that song. 2015/0919.txt:18:Not every meditation, my friends, will be one of glory. Not every meditation will be one of pure joy, but much of the work that is done in meditation sets the table, so to speak, for the feast to come and we commend you to the activity of doing the work requisite for the more sanctified work, as we might call it, that begins with the blue ray and moves into the indigo ray when it reaches its fuller height. 2015/1003.txt:19:At the point that one finds it is beginning to be possible to let down the guard, and accept that which, for all the world, seems to be unacceptable, this is the point that which one may contemplate the opening of the heart. There are some occasions in which the heart is flung open rather precipitously by events which indeed may be seen as dramatic and even traumatic. And there are some occasions in which an eager seeker has, through arduous labor in meditation, managed to fling the heart wide open, and this can lead to imbalances of energy for the seeker when there has not been adequate preparation with regard to the stable structure of the self. 2015/1003.txt:34:This focusing inward then offers the opportunity for contemplation, for meditation, and for prayer as means by which to process the catalyst of the day. This seeking within also tends to cause those activities which are of lesser value, shall we say, to fall away, until the seeker begins to focus the energies of the self upon fewer, more significant portions of the opportunities offered each day in your very busy experiences. 2015/1017.txt:20:In your society, my friends, there are so very many factors working against the opening of the heart, that it cannot be surprising that so many difficulties of the heart find themselves expressed in what you might call “heart trouble.” Sometimes, you can make progress towards an opening of the heart itself simply by learning to relax the body. As you attempt to relax the body, it can sometimes be difficult to begin from the heart itself, for after all, this is a bodily function which you call autonomic, which is to say it is a function which is not generally directly controllable by an act of consciousness. But, if you begin in meditation, to relax first the feet, allowing the feet to rest comfortably and gently upon the ground, allowing the feet to serve as receptors to that energy which flows from your earth upward so that it moves into your calves, through your knees and into your thighs and into the lower part of your torso, moving still upward through your solar plexus center, arriving finally at your heart—which now can be seen to have released a kind of tension which it did not know it was holding—one has thereby effectively achieved in bodily manifestation an analog of that of which we have been discussing in relation to the more metaphysical or mental components of the process of opening the heart. 2016/0116.txt:7:Thus, each soul begins with a portion of the One Creator as his guiding star, that which leads the way through the third-density darkness that must be experienced as you move through the veil of forgetting, that veil which that allows you to forget that you are one with all, that love made you all, that light guides you all. Outside the third-density illusion these qualities are quite readily apparent and learning takes place at a much slower pace because there is no doubt concerning these qualities. However, within your illusion, it takes a great deal of what you call faith, of hope, of motivation, of inspiration to continue upon the path of seeking; for as you know, understanding is not of the third-density illusion, you cannot prove what you are doing to anyone else; however, to yourself, that still small voice within (that some call intuition, or some the voice of God), will lead you forward if you but feed it your desire and your will, and continue in a daily fashion to practice those rituals, you might say, of prayer, of contemplation and of meditation; to speak to the Creator and to listen to the Creator and to see the Creator everywhere. 2016/0507.txt:19:That is the nature of catalyst, my friends, and it is a very significant portion of the reason you have incarnated: to undergo catalyst in the strongest possible sense and to have, as a portion of your inner resources for dealing with this catalyst, a mere fraction of your whole being—and a distorted fraction at that—so that what you are working upon at any given point in time is something of your being which you have determined is perhaps not quite yet in balance. And while it may seem that you are overbalanced in your reaction to individual events that catalyze you into response, this too is greatly informative when you are able to step back from it and to reflect upon it and to begin a process of assimilating both the event and your response to that event into a sense of the wholeness of your life experience. That wholeness of life experience is something in which you may dwell in the meditative state, in which you may dwell when you gather together in events such as this with others and co-mingle your meditative states in a way that provides healing catalyst for all here present. You offer us similar catalyst, though this may not be known to you, and it is a great gift to us when you invite us to participate in this meditation, in this practice of group seeking, for it catalyzes our growth as well as your own. We are grateful to you, my friends. 2016/0904.txt:8:The more difficult it is to find the love, the more positively polarized in every situation in which you are able to perceive it. It is well to begin your day, shall we say, in a conscious remembrance that this is your purpose: to seek love, to find love, to give love, to be love. If you can find a manner in which this is a reminder to you—be it a period of prayer, a period of meditation, a period of reading inspirational messages—whatever manner allows you to become aware that this is your purpose for the day, it is well to begin the day that lies before you in this manner. 2016/1119.txt:54:In order to become that which is known as the healer, and to be able to offer this opportunity to others who are in need of healing, one must begin with a study of one’s own mind. One must become a balanced entity. Where you see difficulties of one nature or another, you must be able to balance those difficulties within your own mind/body/spirit complex so that you function as a balanced entity. For example, if you experience impatience in your life in the daily experience, you may, in your meditations in the evening, attempt to repeat that feeling of impatience, allowing its opposite, patience, to come into balance. Seeing both as opportunities for the Creator to know itself. 2016/1217.txt:17:Without removing these blockages, the energy of the One Creator is not able to progress upward in what you call the rising of the kundalini. The blockage of this energy causes various difficulties within the human mind/body/spirit complex. If these blockages are not appreciated upon the mental and emotional level by your own being, and balanced in meditation, there may well be the giving over of these blockages in symbolic form to the body complex so that the development of various distortions that you call disease, begin to have an effect within the physical body. The idea here being that if a disease is present in the body, the attention will be more fully focused upon the physical body, and the riddle of why the disease is there will be untangled eventually by the mental application of analysis, conjecture, balancing, and wholeness. 2017/0107.txt:9:By taking time each day, perhaps at the beginning of your day would be most efficacious, to meditate upon the deepest desires of your heart, the opening of your being as it exists in its ideal state, and then coming from the meditation into your daily round of activities with that sense of purpose as a lens through which you see that which comes before your notice. Realize also that you do not operate within a vacuum, you are not alone on this path—far from it, my friends. You do have your friends that are both seen and unseen. You have many that cheer you along the way from the realms of light each day that you move in this harmonious fashion. You have those physical friends in the illusion about you that also may resonate to that which you are seeking to accomplish in finding a path of right livelihood. When they are informed of your operation to purge yourself of the old ways and to allow the new to grow within you as a seed within the ground, there are often opportunities that are, shall we say, expressed from these entities as well that may be synchronistic in your own seeking. Share that which is in you with all those who you feel may be able to appreciate your desire and your new vision for the future of all. Continue to do this with every opportunity so that you begin to create a community of souls, a community of likeminded and like-opened-hearted seekers of truth that may assist you, and you assist them, and each assist each other in this grand quest for a new way of being; a new way of seeing; a new way of serving. 2017/0304.txt:20:And so, it is always good work when you begin by invoking the Creator in your meditation, to invite the Creator drawn down from that heart which is, even as we speak, struggling to open, and invite it into the lower energy centers as a resource, as a source of love, for that is the healing power in dealing with the blockages that you find within your complex of beingness. Sometimes these blockages will seem to you most inconveniently exaggerated, most unacceptably exaggerated, but we would invite you to reflect that it is a very useful process to exaggerate an imperfection so that it may be the more perfectly addressed, so that it may be the more thoroughly examined, so that it may be the more deeply healed. 2017/0318.txt:15:Thus, when you find you have been thrown from your one-pointed center, that still point of unity, then, in a portion of your meditation for the evening, it is well to take this experience, to relive it again in the meditative state that you may expand it and allow it to become larger than it was in real life, to become ridiculously large, so that you experience it to the fullest, you experience all of the power of seeming separation, of disharmony, of doubt, of confusion, of jealousy, of rage, of anger, whatever the emotion, whatever the experience that has taken you away from your unity, may be utilized to find that unity deep within the self once again. For when you experience it in a ridiculously large manner, and then see the opposite coming toward you, if you are angry, seeing love coming toward you, and allow it to become as large in proportion as was the anger to begin with, then this process of balancing will give you an even keel, shall we say, according to that situation so that you see it as an opportunity for you to know yourself more fully, for you to know the Creator more fully, and for the Creator to know itself more fully. That is the purpose of the creation, my friends, that the Creator may know itself in greater depth and greater intensity and greater variety. 2017/1021.txt:32:We would recommend, if we were you, to set aside a small portion of your day, every day, whether it be at the beginning of your day, the middle of your day, or the end of your day, whenever works most effectively for you, to have a ritual in which you engage in meditation for as long as is comfortable for you, to be followed by some kind of reading of inspirational information, so that both of your intuitional, or inspirational and analytical minds may have solace. This done upon a regular basis can give you a perspective which widens the eyeshot as you look upon the day that either is to come, or the day that has been. 2018/0120.txt:27:There are many fascinating experiences that are available to every seeker, but they are not always immediately perceived as such. Here is where it is necessary for each seeker to exercise the quality of faith that whatever experience is presenting itself in your meditations, in your contemplations, in your dreams, or in your conscious waking experience, is an experience which offers to you a chance to deepen your beginning grasp or basic understanding of what it is that you are about, and where it is you are headed. The initial stages of the meditative state are usually a combination of fleeting glimpses of peace, and one-pointed attention, mixed with liberal amounts of distracting thoughts. Interestingly enough, and paradoxically so, these distracting thoughts are often felt to be somewhat of a comfort, for they are of that realm that is more understood by the seeker of truth. 2018/0915.txt:11:The meditative state also offers another opportunity to ask questions of your unconscious mind that perhaps an intuitional flash will bring to you as an illumination, or perhaps it will be an experience you will have later in your conscious experience of the day when the interesting coincidences or synchronicities may begin to appear within your waking experience that are a result of having asked for assistance in your meditative state from the unconscious mind. Thus are you able to utilize both your conscious and your unconscious mind in your seeking process if you are able to give those portions of your experience that are relegated to dreams and to meditation as much credence and value that you give those experiences of your conscious state. 2018/1117.txt:52:Thus, both the analysis mentally, and the seating in meditation of this processed catalyst, is that which begins to feed the indigo ray energy center by each energy center below it, offering to it that fruit of catalyst which has been processed, balanced, and crystalized at each energy center; thus allowing the indigo energy center to, at some point, be able to become activated to the degree necessary to begin to balance all lower energy center functions. Thus, this balancing may take a great deal of what you would call time in order that the preincarnative choices may be carefully processed over a portion of time and experience that will allow the complete utilization of preincarnatively chosen catalyst. 2019/0525.txt:77:I am Q’uo and am aware of the query, my sister. Transcending is a pivotal term in this regarding. We would suggest that the conscious self, that which you have called the egoic self, is the self that experiences the anxiety, or any catalyst, that may be presented to the seeker of truth. This conscious self, then, must then seek assistance from a greater portion of the self, that which you may call the transcendent self, that one finds in the meditative state, if one is able to move past the various voices that make themselves apparent in the beginning stages of meditation. 2019/0901.txt:45:If, then, you are able—through meditation, perhaps even contemplation, or through dream analysis—to avail yourself of the information describing the programing that resulted in the hatred, then you may, within your own being, begin to discuss this with yourself in your own journaling. Write upon your paper that which is important in your own thinking concerning this programming—where it came from, how it has affected you in your life to this point, how it affects you now, what might happen if it continues. Also you may explore the possibility of how to rid yourself of this hatred by perhaps recreating the situation that you are able to recall that generated the programming that resulted in the hatred, and then relive that programming in a conscious fashion, where you act out the programming with dear friends that play those who were involved in this programming in your previous years. 2019/1026.txt:51:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, we refer you to the tool of meditation, for the meditative state is one in which the desires of one’s being are broadcast like a frequency of assistance of love, of light, of beingness, of desire to reach one’s highest goals, of the ability to realize the incarnative plan. This desire, then, is emanated from each portion of your being, so that the higher self begins to become more and more involved in your daily round of activities, giving you clues and hints, here or there, according to your discernment as to the path that is most appropriate for you to take. Thusly, if you retire to your meditative state and ask for that which is of the highest and best for you, the answer shall be given in some fashion that you can discern in your daily round of activities, if not within the meditative state at the time of the asking. 2019/1102.txt:18:I have a query, Q’uo, and it relates to something you explained last week regarding a process of meditation and aligning oneself with one’s greatest good or highest good, and then seeking to serve others as a way of dealing with or positively engaging with difficult energies that are as a result of instreaming cosmic energies at this time that you explained about, and that sometimes these can stir up difficulties among other selves and between them, and so you had said that a great help to this would be to meditate and more often during the day as well, but particularly the beginning of the day align oneself with one’s highest good, and then meditate upon that and then seek ways to serve others. I would like to ask if you would elaborate on that further—explain further how that would be and how it would help. 2019/1102.txt:24:If you, on the other hand, have this knowledge within your beingness that allows you to be aware of the purpose of your incarnation as being some facet of giving and receiving that known as unconditional love, then you will have, shall we say, an advantage, in that you will be able to offer this service to any other entity that comes within your reach within your daily round of activities. If then, in your daily meditations to begin the day, you look at that which you have to offer, whatever your strengths may be, whatever your lessons may be, and see that this is something that you wish to make available whenever necessary, then this is something that both your conscious and subconscious minds can grasp in a manner which is helpful, both to you, and to any entity that you might come in contact with. 2019/1116.txt:12:Therefore, there is, for each conscious seeker, then, an opportunity to share that which is possible to share of the green-ray energy center, the unconditional love that is possible to offer in some fashion in every opportunity of meeting those in the daily round of activities. If one can imbue one’s consciousness to begin the day in meditation with this desire to open the heart in whatever manner is possible without the total depletion of the green ray energies, then the most that one can do is done, and the intention to be of this type of service is that quality which colors or designates the life experience as that which is committed to service to others. 2019/1123.txt:10:If the conscious seeker of truth, then, becomes aware of this shadow side, and within the meditative state begins to invite more and more of this shadow self to reveal itself, to invite the shadow self to sit in meditation with it, to sit and explore the true nature of the entire being of this seeking soul, and of the creation as a whole, then the maturing conscious seeker of truth begins to be informed in a manner which shows the origins of this shadow side so that it may be seen to have been blocking various energies of positivity and growth that were attempting to move through the entity as it experienced the catalyst of its daily round of activities. There [may be] the invitation to the shadow side to begin to reveal itself a little at a time so that the conscious seeker of truth can see where each portion of the shadow side originated, where there was indeed positivity that was shunned or discouraged, perhaps in areas of sexuality, in areas of individual expression of identity that did not match with the consciousness of those teachers around it, perhaps in areas of originality of creation that were not understood by the teachers of the young entity so that these areas of creativity were shunned and shunted into that shadow side of the self. 2019/1207.txt:11:Thusly, we suggest to you, my sister, that whatever your feelings and attitude may be as you go through the day, it would be well to begin your day with a meditation upon your intentions for the day. In this way, you may offer that which is the best that you have to offer to all those whom you will meet on your journey of seeking and serving each day of your existence. ra-contact/052.txt:65:The second-ranking lessons are learn/taught in meditation and in service. At some point the mind/body/spirit complex is so smoothly activated and balanced by these central thoughts or distortions that the techniques you have mentioned become quite significant. However, the universe, its mystery unbroken, is one. Always begin and end in the Creator, not in technique. ra-contact/intro.txt:25:Don didn’t tell the group what might happen, only that something interesting could possibly occur if they meditated together. He was actually attempting to conduct a scientific experiment to see if the students would receive extraterrestrial telepathic contact without prompting. After some time had elapsed, and no definitive results were produced, Walt Rogers visited the group and channeled from his source, Hatonn, the entity with whom he had experienced the face-to-face encounter. Hatonn said that they had been trying to channel through some of Don’s group, but the students were not aware that the impressions they had been receiving—but not verbalizing—were from extraterrestrials. Elkins felt that this event nullified the scientific validity of the experiment, but it did begin producing results. After this visit everyone in the group, except Carla, learned how to channel; she preferred silent meditation. ra-contact/intro.txt:34:Ra gave the group a ritual of protection called the Circle of One in which Don and Jim would walk around Carla while repeating the words that reflected their desire to be of service to others. Then Don would take his chair and review the questions for Ra, and Jim would take his chair and begin a meditation that would last for the duration of the session. He would visualize light moving through Carla’s energy centers from the top of her head through the bottoms of her feet. Within a minute or two after completing the Circle of One, Ra would begin the session.