1986/0907.txt:23:But if you wish to accelerate the process of getting back on the road, use the principle of stimulation. Read that which is inspiring, listen to those musical sounds which appeal to the highest and best within you and give you the proper environment for the opening up to love. If silent meditations are not helpful, use music, reading and inspirational discussion with others to stimulate yourself as is your culture’s custom. Realize that when you are stopped and indifferent, it is not all entities who have experienced incarnation in your culture who can be started easily on a diet of silent meditation. 1987/1115.txt:15:May we urge each wanderer to make the journey of the prodigal son in consciousness, not in action, to let the mind go blank, to start with a clean tablet and make that choice from the beginning, all the way through as a meditation, as a contemplation, as a prayer, and finally as a thanksgiving. For you shall not feel that you have come home to the kingdom of love until you have allowed yourself to experience the going away, the temptations, the failures, and the return as one who has had all assets of privilege stripped away. You see, it is fatal, spiritually, for a wanderer to put any particular emphasis upon this situation in terms of the expectation of increased closeness to the Creator or increased awareness of the Creator’s will for you. Indeed, you must work harder, for you are only prodigal in your imagination, and it is very near to impossible for you to deny your link with the Creator. 1989/0618.txt:4:Within your culture, you have a condition of emotion, spirit and body which is called burnout by this instrument. The cause of this is that you have not given over those portions of yourself which are not good fruit and, therefore, that within you which is not good fruit tries to take over the good vine, as your holy book would put it. Now, we are starting from a spiritual standpoint, because we feel that to this group meditation, inspiration, integrity and singleness of heart are already in place. This is [the] spiritual atmosphere in which we urge each to come. Each of you comes already in this mode, centered by meditation and contemplation and a burning desire to serve the Creator and all of your brothers and sisters. Therefore, we shall move into the subject from the secular standpoint. 1989/0910.txt:3:I am Yaum. I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is a great privilege to be able to share the beauty of your silent meditation. We may see each seeking heart, each thirsting soul, and we realize that many upon your planet are asleep, but that there are those who have awakened, and are seeking deeper answers. Indeed, it is our belief that change will come about for your people when they start discovering which questions to ask of themselves and others before acting. There is much [within the world of nature] to which the Creator has given qualities which resemble those of the human being. The term this instrument uses is anthropomorphism, “the attributing of human characteristics to those who are not human.” 1989/0924.txt:14:This room is within you. It is the closet of the spirit, the sanctum sanctorum of the inner temple. There is perfect truth, there within lies perfect consciousness, undistorted, but it is buried very, very deeply. We still seek the truth, and we are those of the wisdom density, which is, shall we say, two grades above your own. Yet we are enthusiastic about the simple process of meditation, until one knows the truth of who one is, and one sees day by day the distortions and misunderstandings that have crept in because of a lack of trust, a lack of faith, or a lack of will. The key, permanently to changing one’s perception of the illusion, is persistent, daily listening in silence, that which you call the silent meditation. Each of you, indeed, all who meditate, need constantly to be attempting, in this context, to push the self toward a pure, deeper communion with the one Creator, in that holy ground within. Yes, it is true that the fast run race and the sudden, startling, beautiful observation coming from an altered mind are charming things, but they are not organic, they are not of the spirit, but are tricks done to the physical vehicle in order partially to free consciousness from its vehicle. 1993/0321.txt:49:This is what I started with today: the importance of recognizing that the light, that angelness or divinity, is always there, and remembering that you may keep focused on it. No matter how severe the darkness, you will still sense the inner light that lights that darkness if you will remember what you are. I pass this teaching to my brother/sister/friend Q’uo and will speak again to end with a brief guided meditation of bringing in light. That is all. 1993/0904.txt:8:To be more specific and to aid in the channel’s development of its instrument, we ask the instrument to consider that there must be the start somewhere. The way which is far mellower and seemingly easier is that way which simply requires that the new instrument sit in meditation each day and invite contact. However, we have developed opinions, as has this instrument, upon the subject through practice, and our current opinion at this point is that the one known as Carla is doing well to, shall we say, “Toss the new swimmer into the water.” For no matter how long the interval is between deciding to take that first long step into the chasm of not knowing, nevertheless, when the first attempt is actually made, there will be that strong and substantial feeling of not knowing, feeling of alarm, even at the possibly or the possibly not glimpsed contact. 1995/0528.txt:15:Now, we always recommend meditation. Among the reasons that we recommend this practice is the fact that when the desire to remain silent has been potentiated by action and the effort is physically made to become silent within, a metaprogram immediately and automatically starts. A connection is made with a source outside the capabilities of the mind. There is a connection made with those archetypical metaprograms. This instrument has recently experienced the computer’s e-mail and internet and we would say that it is something like being able to access the internet from one’s own computer and thus be in instant touch with global resources. This is the kind of power and potential that consciousness has for that spark of consciousness that is within incarnation. The mind is local. Consciousness is universal. 2001/1021.txt:4:Fear is a four-letter word, as this instrument would term it. The conversation before this meditation brought up the question of how fear could possibly be love, and perhaps that is where we shall start. Often it is helpful to move back to material that seems very simple and very obvious, yet within it lies the end of a string that can get very tangled. Yet if you tug at it from the end of its origin it unravels far more easily than if the attempt is made to tug on the string of fear past the tangle-point in the present moment, where the fear is living. So let us move back to the beginning of this particular string of reason and concept and gaze at love itself and what we think about love. 2003/1113.txt:16:Further, we would discuss a second line of work which is very available to you as a person by yourself. That is the work of the meditation. My brother, when we say meditation, we do not define that word to suggest that there is a best way in which to meditate. When we use that word, we are meaning to indicate simply a turning to the silence within. When you turn within, you may silence the outside world by ignoring it, but the first stumbling block for most entities in meditation is that the inner self is not silent but rather it continues its habitual discussion with itself. We cannot help you through this except by encouraging you to ignore that conversation just as you are ignoring the catalyst coming in through the ears and the other senses from the outside world while you meditate. It is not a matter of turning the back upon oneself. Rather, it is a matter of allowing all thoughts to arise and then allowing them to die away in their own time, not giving them energy, not ignoring them, but sitting with them, observing them as part of what is occurring within the self. Without their being given energy, they will by their very nature die away. It is interesting as you work with the silence within to see those thoughts that arise not once, or twice, but again and again. One may look at these, not within the meditation but at other times. When you are contemplating the thoughts of the day, you may look at those patterns of thought that habitually arise when the mind starts talking. As you begin to see the patterns of your concerns, you begin to see into that nature within you that is emotional, and that has antennae that have been created to stick out into the world, both within and without, to sense when a particular catalyst is coming towards that antennae. When that antenna finds that it is triggered, that antennae begins its work of tracking that thought. 2005/0821.txt:71:Rather, we would encourage your allowing this gift to develop in the midst of your daily life. We would, however, specifically encourage your seeing the value and the giving yourself the opportunity of time for yourself. We do not know what you would wish to do with this time. For this instrument, with her great love of ritual, the time that she gives to herself is time dedicated to what she calls her morning offering and her Gaia meditations. Further, she is very fond of working on tuning herself as she goes through her day, taking the time before answering the door or the telephone or starting a letter to ask for help to be sent to herself that clear her own energies so they do not pollute and spoil the environment in which the moment is met. 2006/1008.txt:17:The mental aspect of starting a practice of meditation and awareness can be harsh, also. The usual track is for the mind to find reasons not to practice on a certain day or at a certain hour. Or it may, when you sit down to meditate, conjure up images that are disturbing. This is because, just below the surface of consciousness, there lies a large area of half-digested emotions, feelings and thoughts. When these feelings and thoughts are replicated and repeated in your inner behavior, speaking only of mental thoughts and images, those ideas and thoughts that you have repetitively entertained become thought forms. 2007/1006.txt:15:We would start our discussion with observing the affection of the cat that is in the instrument’s lap at this time and purring loudly because it appreciates the energies of the meditation. Indeed, as the one known as Jim reads from the words of the entity known as Ra, there is a vibration or an essence that is more and more, for the maturing spiritual seeker, the identity of that seeker. That vibration is who he is, and many things affect that vibratory rate from moment to moment, from day to day and from season to season. 2022/1110.txt:23:One limitation of the instruments’ training up to this point is that they have received only questions curated to be highly suitable for this type of contact. Now that the public meditations are starting up, the instruments in this and the next session wanted to prepare themselves for questions to Q’uo that might skirt the boundaries of free will and/or move far beyond the instrument’s knowledge (a limitation inherent to conscious channeling). So they simulated the environment to test and prepare themselves, presenting some questions that they typically would not ask in a channeling circle. ↩