1979/0918.txt:43:There is also a desire by the chosen people, as they are called, to ignore their great heritage. For it has been written in your holy work, called the Old Testament, that the Jewish nation should always love the stranger in their midst, for were they not strangers in the land of Egypt? This quotation they have apparently removed from their holy book for they have such fierce hatred for a group of people who are genetically very like them, known as Palestinians, that there are those among those called Israelis that would, if they thought they could, use nuclear weapons. 1979/0918.txt:51:Your people are not predictable. The most volatile situation is centered about the confrontation between Israel and the rest of the Egyptian community which you may call the oil nations. China is watching this, Russia is watching this. Others of our brothers are sending vibrations of love to the leaders of Russia, to the leaders of each of the countries in Egypt and to Israel. We can only say that the least scrupulous of them, with tactical ability, is China. This ability is not great and [it] is this very lack of supremacy which makes this people the more willing to take risks. 1979/0918.txt:55:Not too many years ago the world as a whole was not polarized enough to become so intensely involved in the difficulties of Israel and Egypt as a whole, or Arabia perhaps we should say, for that instrument is very weak in geography, but we are attempting to include all of the nations which surround Israel and which do not appreciate Israel’s presence. But the polarity between all of your peoples and your peoples’ ability to be separated from the love of the Creator has become so marked and noticeable that now those countries with oil have become very strong, for other nations wish to destroy... 1980/1116.txt:8:We love you in the manner of brothers who can only watch and encourage and advise you as you grow and we desire that your growth be rapid and as painless as is possible. However, what you call growing pains will occur and are occurring now that you may adapt yourselves to the experience of pain without taking the pain within and clinging to it as one would a valuable jewel or possession. All things pass, as will your pains even if they pass as a result of your death on the physical plane. Do not let this death or these pains worry you. They are merely tools with which the universe shapes the final product which you so desire to become. I am Hatonn. 1984/1118.txt:8:In your illusion, may we say that you tend to undervalue your contributions to others. The least of those among you contributes in a vital way. It is not a conscious contribution in many cases, but the contribution of flesh within which a consciousness has been placed, so precious that to think it could be broken as the human body is broken is almost not to be thought, not to be accepted, not to be tolerated. This precious consciousness, you say to yourself, cannot possibly be part or parcel of this flesh. Yes, my friends, you are inextricably bound about the cells of your third-density chemical body. All your acts will be those of men incarnate, men who pour out the blood of heart or mind or will or body without knowing the truth. The chances for courage, for polarizing, for serving, for allowing your flesh to become bread for others, are enormous. How little you value yourselves or your circumstances compared to the reality as we see it. If someone gave you a perfect stone—this instrument’s mind does not know precious stones well; we see in her mind diamonds, rubies, emeralds—someone gave you a perfect emerald, and then told you to swallow it and wear it within your body, you would think that man to be mad. And yet that is your consciousness—perfect jewel, a jewel of perfect shape. Not tossed thoughtlessly into a body, but placed with care, with love, with wisdom, into flesh that you may pour out your life beautifully if you wish, having nothing more to go on than deep-felt feeling that this is your road. 1986/0831.txt:41:When this opportunity, then, has been presented in a wider and more profound manner, not only within the boundaries of the nation known as Israel, but has continued its progress throughout the various populations, nations, religions [and] beliefs of the various portions of your planet, the opportunity for each person to experience the reconciliation of difficulties and disharmonies is increased, and the opportunity to learn those lessons of love are enhanced. 1987/0628.txt:15:The seekers which wish to do spiritual work together, emotional work together, mental work and physical work together, all at once, take for themselves an added burden and an added hope—the hope of fulfilling the covenant. If each of you is a crystalline being attempting to hone, clarify and sharpen that crystal which lies within, so too a relationship which has been stated clearly, spiritually and angelically is a crystal also, and throughout the life experience each of the two in the married pair may do all those things which are given to those who agree to seek together, yet there is also the responsibility for physical, mental and emotional loving, cherishing and honoring. The conditions are more clear, the responsibilities are greater and the end result is a crystalline structure that may become part of the higher self of both in the marriage, not only within the life experience, but in the cosmic or eternal portion of the self, until such time as personhood is no longer. Those who have created the jewel of a promise fulfilled create a light source that, like all other light sources of love in the creation, are available whatever the time, whatever the space. 1987/0713.txt:2:I am Hatonn, and I greet each of you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. It is a privilege and a blessing to have been called to this meditation, and we greet each within the group with joy, for to know the Creator in each unique system of vibratory fields that weaves the essence and jewel of each of you is an enormous thrill and privilege. It has been to us that the call was given this evening, for although we are not those which in the majority of cases work with the new channels, we find that to the one known as R our sent message lies within the range of configurations of reception which should make for the most comfortable and lucid feeling of contact. 1989/0319.txt:12:It is well to do the very best one can to place one’s creature in a good position for survival, so that one may go about the business of polarizing in consciousness. Do not allow the intellect or the instinct to rule the behavior, but turn again and again to the glory, the unity, the peace, and the joy of the presence of the one infinite and mysterious Creator, that Thought of love which created all that there is. Do not choose to be that which carries you around. Do not choose to be willful forever, but choose instead to will to surrender to that greater Self within. Ah, my friends, what a jewel rests within you, what light, what love! You are unique, each of you, unique as snowflakes. You have experienced much. You would not be here upon this planet within an incarnation at this time if you did not have a good chance of choosing to be of service to others to the extent that you polarize enough to graduate from this density to that density of love and understanding where the veil between the conscious and the conscious mind is lifted, and much is seen and understood that can never be understood within this illusion. 1989/0325.txt:25:May you find that in yourself which is of faith and love and wishes to give, and through meditation and desire, nurture it until the tapestry of your life becomes jewel tones upon jewel tones and patterns upon patterns and you become a poem to give to the infinite Creator, the fruit of a life in faith—peace, love and joy; also sorrow, suffering and death. See all these things as your brothers and sisters. They all equally teach; they are all equally blessed. Gaze with love upon all, and when you gaze upon death, you shall think of the Creator, Its light, Its love, and you shall be instantly in a wonderful, beautiful place. 1990/0311.txt:28:And so from time to time when there is a window of opportunity, when there is a special group of simple, pure and believing people, usually children, Mary appears and speaks. She is as she always was, a mother, brought up as a Jew, one who wished above all things to take care of her children, to be there for them, to care for them, to worry about them, and to pray for them. And many who are jaded and lost in doubt have come across the undeniable evidence of these occurrences, occurrences which continue and will continue throughout the transition period into fourth density, in order to give the weary soul rest at last when it needs, in a thirsty dry land of intellectual belief and thought, the sweet, warm love of a living Creator. 1990/0325.txt:14:The first step in the spiritual search is to see that side of yourself and to realize that of yourself you may not, can not and will not progress. But within you lies this jewel, this brilliance, this perfection. It is within you in the valley, on the mountaintop, in feelings of unworthiness and in feelings of pride. There is nothing you can do so terrible as to remove yourself from this great love, this perfect identity, nor is there any way whatsoever, by good works, by acts of love and consciousness, by the giving and consolation that you feel flowing with you, to improve or better your condition. You are. The changes within yourself that you perceive are the subjective signs and symptoms of a search led in complete free will, to uncover within the clay of oneself that jewel of beingness, that I AM which exists within the form of bone and flesh that serves you as vehicle in your incarnation at this time. To know that you are as you are is the first and great step, the cornerstone of spiritual seeking. If you are, if the Creator is, the relationship of beingness is one of unity. You are in the Creator, the Creator in you. You and the Creator are love. The Creator is love unknown and unmanifest. You are love known and made manifest. 1990/0325.txt:26:It is said within your holy works that you need never fear [for] that which you will speak when the time comes to be of service to another. This is not so of pleasing others, but it is indeed so of serving others. Again, it is first necessary to know and love the self, for others are merely distortions of you. As you learn to nurture yourself you learn to serve and heal others. Learn that whatever their outer circumstance and appearance, you are they, and they, you. In all humility surrender that finite self and seek the jewel within, asking it, as you would ask your most beloved self in its deepest aspect, to show itself as it will, to speak as it will. This attitude shall bring about within you that attitude which you seek, the attitude which seeks to be of service in any situation. 1990/0715.txt:6:We see each of you in part as precisely the same as each other person in third density consciousness upon the surface of your planet. All of you have a God self within. Within each of you is the inestimable, imperishable jewel of the Infinite One. You are children of love, and you are love. In order for you to have been flung out from the heart of the Creator, to pass through so many dimensions and energies, and to choose this particular experience, there needed to be added the first alteration, or means of changing, that love, which is the Creator, and which is precisely the same from before you can ever conceive, now, and forever to come. 1991/0707.txt:23:Each hardship, each disappointment, each perceived difficulty is, in its own way, true. Vases crack, break, must be made again, must be scrapped and started over, must be retouched; but you are not working on love, you are working on how to honor love. Let this be your first tool when your emotional vase seems crazed and twisted and altogether out of round: know that you can throw that pot back into the wet, soft clay, take the slip cut, and re-cut and re-cut your pot anew. Line it as you will, paint it, enamel it, fire it, stud it with jewels, or be unassuming, knowing that love needs no decoration. But you are safe; these things are occurring to the vase, to the vehicle that carries the blossom of ineffable and perfect consciousness. Vases may bump together, and clang and crash and nestle in so many, many configurations. The blossom is always the blossom. 1992/1213.txt:16:My friends, you are loved so very much by the infinite One, you are so precious. You are unique. Your nexus of experiences and biases is irreplaceable. Feel that jewel within yourself grow and glow and allow the Creator to move through each facet of this jewel of essence, and this shall be your rudder on the uncharted sea. 1993/0926_01.txt:13:If we look into other beliefs, we will find other religious streams. We will find that those beliefs find some balance in these qualities of mercy and wisdom. Judaism, in its purest form, makes a very beautiful balance. Hinduism leans a bit more toward the qualities of love than of wisdom, as do the Sufi faiths The Native American traditions come to a beautiful balance. 1997/0223.txt:3:Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. We bless each of you and thank you for calling us to your circle of seeking. We thank each individual and each individual’s desire for a fuller truth. We see each desire as a kind of tone or color and it is as though we were gazing at a circle of jewels. We are most, most happy to share our humble opinions with you, always with the understanding that we are not incapable of error. We are not an ultimate authority. We are seekers of the One, pilgrims of the mystery that is love. And we follow that love, which we find to be our very essence, in the hope of rejoining all that there is. This journey is far from over for us, and each of you has a few more steps than we to go, but we journey together and truly feel blessed in the company. 1997/0420.txt:19:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We were speaking with that phrase and the thought about it that the entities that exist within the third-density illusion, the human beings that live upon your planetary sphere, are not those who are able to appreciate the fullness, in some cases even the existence, that has created all, the love that is the energizing force within each entity’s incarnation, for within this heavy chemical illusion there is the covering and hiding of almost all of the jewels, shall we say, that the Creator has bestowed upon each of the entities that inhabit this sphere. The reason for this is, of course, the choice-making ability and responsibility that each entity within this illusion partakes of. The love that is so magnificently formed into each portion of this illusion is, though ever present, ever hidden from the entities that move in their daily round of activities and pursue the myriad of goals, some having to do with this love, others not. Yet always is this love available for inspiration, support and the connection of all things one to another. 2002/0901.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Again, we wish not to infringe upon free will by suggesting that which has not been chosen already in your free will. However, we may suggest that each entity within this incarnation is able to be of most service by being most authentically who each entity is. Each has brought certain skills, desires and talents to this incarnation, and each encourages the other most effectively by encouraging each to be, first of all, to be firmly rooted within the harmony, the love and the light of the one infinite Creator, to be who each has determined before the incarnation each can most effectively be. For each of you is unique, though each of you is the one Creator, each of you has yet another way of shining forth that love and light as a faceted jewel. Thus, encourage each other in whatever direction feels most appropriate. Your hearts can tell you the direction, your meditations can show you your heart. Seek them together however you can, and light and love shall come from this joined seeking, light and love which can heal a wounded planet. We then would suggest that you do as you do seek, share and love together. 2003/0525.txt:22:Q’uo, if it’s not too large, I would like to know, metaphysically speaking, from your perspective, from love’s perspective, what happened in the middle of the last century when the Hindus and the Muslims set down their weapons, ending a downward spiral of violence, death and bloodshed in order to end Gandhi’s fast, in order to save him from the termination of his own life? 2003/0525.txt:27:These two great faiths, the Hindu and the Muslim, had through the actions and the service of the one known as Gandhi been able to appreciate this entity’s open heart to the degree that they were willing to set aside age-old differences in order that this entity whom they revered so greatly might stop his fast and continue to live among them. For it is well perceived, when there is an entity such as the one known as Gandhi who has opened his heart to that degree, that there is no boundary beyond which love cannot be given. This entity was successful in opening his own heart so that the will of love moved through him in a way which was easily recognized by those whose lives he touched. Thus, when it became apparent that this entity was willing to give his life and the remainder of it for the cause of peace between the warring religious factions, those religious factions found the way to their own heart in relation to this entity and were willing to cease the hostility in order that this entity might cease his fast and remain among them. 2004/0905.txt:42:We give this instrument the image of a necklace of many jewels. Such is the experience of one who opens herself to many lovers. Each gem is lovely and beautiful of its own kind and the variety is dazzling and certainly most invigorating when one has been constricted by the moral fear and torpor of an unthinking, unquestioning and blind obedience to some moral code, these restraints and constraints that are placed from without have no value to the spiritual growth of an individual. 2004/0905.txt:44:How dangerous it may seem to commit the self to one shining gem. It may indeed be a costly choice. It may well be that that one gem does not touch all of the possible ramifications of beauty that are possible to be recorded and appreciated by that incredibly sensitive instrument that is you as a person, as a mind/body/spirit complex, as the one known as Carla tends to call it. And yet, that choice opens the door to a higher way, a way which can be endlessly refined. It is difficult to be of service to a whole necklace full of entities, for each has its beauty, its flaws, its ways of relating, and its ways of resisting. Each is a conundrum, a mystery, with which one can only offer one’s own conundrum, one’s own mystery. Each, in that varied and beautiful necklace, could take up all of your attention and you would not be bored, nor would you stop learning. Yet, you have not the time to investigate deeply the many gems of this wonderful necklace. And so you look at the beautiful colors and you see the variety. And you enjoy this particular piece of jewelry that you have chosen as a way in which you honor and love the one infinite Creator. Yet there is a restlessness there, because there is not the ability to dive deep into the waters of another human soul. There is not the possibility of exploring how one may be devoted to the soul and the heart of another, not to the appearance, or the surface behavior. Those things will often challenge and puzzle any entity attempting to love. But they are those things that allow one to do deep work and to take the time to move more and more deeply into that house of mirrors that is the relationship between the self and the other self. 2005/0330.txt:10:He cast a great portion of his consciousness upon the winds of Spirit, creating for all entities that call upon his name that energy which is of the Christ, and yet which is cast in such a way that this consciousness can come down into the energy system of each who calls upon his name. Many, including this instrument, have called this energy the Holy Spirit. We would make the distinction between the one known as Jesus the Christ and the Holy Sprit by saying that as you call upon Jesus, you call upon pure consciousness. No longer can you receive a personality, for this entity has indeed ascended. The pure gift of unconditional love, however, which he embodied remains as a perfect jewel, just as it is, and there is tremendous power in simply praying, “Jesus.” There need be no content to that call. The bare word configures the presence of the Christ. 2006/0321.txt:20:You will note that in the Moslem church, the Christian church, and in the church of the Jews that there is a strong tendency to exclude certain of their members who do not believe specifically in the points of dogma in which they hold to be true. The tendency of this energy of belief in one God, then, has its challenging aspects when it comes to using that religion as a springboard for the lessons of love. 2007/0325.txt:45:We would suggest that it would be helpful to look for the positive gifts of the one known as Mohammed in the mysticism of the Sufi’s, just as one may most likely find the most positive aspects of the Old Testament writing and prophets in that small circle of entities who have worked with the Kabala to develop the Tree of Life. In both cases the outer husks of religion, the dogma, the exclusiveness, and so forth, have been cast aside to get to the heart of the fruit of spirituality which is the same in any religion or system of worship. And that is simply the adoration of the one infinite Creator by the creation that has been made. The Creator responds with Its adoration for that which It has created. This combination creates an infinite atmosphere of unconditional love. Those who focus down to this point from any road, whether it be Christian, Jewish, Islam or any other, are doing the same good work. 2009/1020.txt:22:Know that you do not start from zero. For within the culture in which many of those whom you would teach enjoy life there is the lip service of Christians, Jews and Muslims of their belief in one Creator who has created all that there is in love. Especially within the Christians among your students you will find an awareness of the ritual which is entirely magical in nature, of what this instrument would call “Holy Eucharist” or “Communion,” where the infinite Creator in the shape of the Christ is poured forth into bread and wine and then into each of those who worships, thereby changing the entire vibration of each of the worshipers. 2009/1226.txt:32:Your goal, then, is not to balance emotions until here is no emotion, but to experience each emotion in ways which allow those emotions to go from being muddy and confused to a place where each emotion is a jewel-tone. Gems come in all colors from black to white and everything in between. And the beauty of each is unique to that particular gem. Your emotions are gemlike. And when you have been able to allow the murk and the mud and the impulsivity gradually to evaporate from the heart and essence of each emotion, you are as one who has dug in the ore to mine those gems of self which you have in common with all those of your fellow humans. And as those energies within you are purified, there is less and less distortion [and] more and more balance, and less and less of that component of fear which we began by discussing. For it is indeed a valid observation that the one great original Thought is the emotion that is at the heart of every emotion, positive or negative. This is a trustworthy statement as far as we know. Every shade of emotion has its root in love, love unconditional, love un-judging, utter and absolute love. The oftener that you are able, at the end of working with emotions, to come back to love and to allow that love to overflow all other considerations, the stronger you shall be in being able to do this work of allowing the self to bloom. 2010/0227.txt:6:It is not that the thoughts that you think are not germane or important. They are. However, it is an artifact of your cultural indoctrination that you have a tendency to value the thoughts of your intellect at the expense of the thoughts of your heart which come to you in intuitions, emotions, feelings and insights. If you stay completely within the intellect as you consider a subject, you are caught in the ceaseless round of relativity. The thoughts themselves may be bright as jewels and crafted with precision. They may have impeccable logic and they may sound well, so that others may think well of you for having those thoughts. Yet as the one known as Paul3 said, without love, those thoughts do not ring true. They do not have the capacity to show you flashes of the Creator within. 2010/0904_02.txt:54:Now we can give thanks for that to all of those groups, whatever their philosophy and whatever their motive, who have prayed for peace, marched for peace, or found love in their hearts for people not their own. I remember a wonderful story about Gandhi. They asked a father who had lost his son and was bitterly full of hatred for the enemy, who I believe in this case was Muslim Pakistanis. He went to Gandhi and said, “I cannot get it out of my head that this horrible thing happened to my son, and I hate all Muslims. What can I do to restore myself as I would wish to be, my guru?” And the guru said to him, “Please find a Muslim orphan and raise him as your own.” 2010/0904_02.txt:64:How do you graduate? Not as a Christian, not as a Jew, not as a Muslim, not as anything in particular, but as a woman or man with love in your heart, eyes and your soul. 2016/0904.txt:41:I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my brother. Yes my friends, you have the veil of forgetting that separates your conscious from your subconscious mind, in order to make the unity of the creation more difficult to perceive, in order to make the love that made all things as difficult to perceive, and the light in which all things are made, again, another mystery to penetrate. This veil of forgetting is your great friend; though it hides that which is the great jewels, the treasury, the pearl of great price within your illusion, hides it from you on a daily basis, yet if you are able to utilize both that intuition which is available through your subconscious mind with the mental faculties of analyzation, and with your spiritual desire to move forward in your progression in unity with the one creator, you will find it possible to penetrate the veil, in some degree, greater or lesser according to the faith and will that you exercise in this process. You will be able to make more clear that which is not clear, you will be able to make available to you that which seems hidden from you, for there is much that is hidden in this illusion as you are aware, due to the presence of this veil. 2016/0917.txt:6:Within this illusion, the third-density illusion, you have placed yourself in order to be able to make progress that would not be possible without the illusion, for you come from the world of the spirit where all is obviously one, and yet each entity there feels the great need to move in service to the Creator, to polarize the self more positively, to become a greater servant of the Creator in all portions of the creation, and yet they cannot move as they wish, for it is so obvious that all are one that there is not quite the same motivation for movement that there is within your illusion which so carefully covers all the jewels: the basic concepts of unity, love and light of the One Creator of which all are made. Because you exist within this illusion and must use your own free will and your faith to continue your movement, you reap a reward that is not possible in the higher densities of love and light, for there there is no illusion of separation. Here you grow under conditions which are most difficult for the seeker who has just begun the journey, just begun this cycle of choice of determining whether to be of service to self or of service to others, for both are viable paths to the One Creator, with the service-to-self path, of course, finding its end before it finds its goal within the sixth-density illusion. 2016/1106.txt:36:This intensification of desire and intention is as important as the practice, for it fuels the practice. When the heart can imbue the mind with the limitless love for all Creation, a gift of the Father, then the spirit is reached in such a fashion that it becomes likened to a shuttle to make that penetration of intelligent infinity possible for you in the channeling process. For that is what you do when you channel. You make that contact. This is a holy contact. This is a sacred contact. Not just because it is a contact that produces words from those such as are we, but because it allows other energies as well to move within this opening, this contact—the energies of the One Creator, the energies of love, of light, of unity, of power, of service, of seeking, of compassion, of curiosity, of investigation. All of these are facets of the very jewel that is the Creator living within you. 2020/0125.txt:62:I’m Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. An entity which is able to see clearly the purpose of the third density illusion is able to see that no matter what experience is encountered, the potential for each experience is enlightenment. In one degree or another, all experience, all catalyst, may then be viewed in this light that sees opportunities to grow, to serve, to love, to transcend. These opportunities then become much as the jewels in the chest that show a great value for the third-density illusion. 2021/0331.txt:5:These things, my friend, are what we have just expressed to you as the goals of any spiritual seeker of truth. The things of meaning, the things of great value, the things that will propel you and your seeking of service to others in the polarization of your consciousness and in the sharing of the open-hearted love that comes to one who sees the Creator in all things and in all people. These things are those jewels, these gems of great price, that what exercises the will in the faith, the giving of the life completely in order to know to be, to share. This is what you and we have in common at all share with us that are portions of the One Creator, who have become conscious of the nature of their being. 2021/1019.txt:10:Such communications with the One are unique to each. The will to find this focus, this single pointed focus, is also enhanced in its functioning by an equal amount of faith that such a process can indeed put one into a state of consciousness that is likened to the facet of the Creator’s gem or jewel so that you begin to radiate the love and light of the One Creator to all those about you, whether in the meditative state or in the conscious state. For you are awakening within yourself the capacity to encompass a larger and larger portion of the totality of infinity that is the Creator, as you were able to focus your attention inwardly in meditation with the desire to become one with the Creator. 2022/0323.txt:5:So, these many facets of the jewel of humanity are clouded with those thoughts which do not allow the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator to shine through them in a fashion which helps all to become more and more aware of the spiritual nature of their identities, and the path through the incarnation which they now travel. This is a difficulty which is made more difficult, shall we say, to deal with for the potential social memory complex that is awaiting the movement from the sinkhole of indifference as it has been called into a polarizing path for each conscious seeker of truth. 2023/0528.txt:45:I am Q’uo and am once again with this instrument. We would thank each of the instruments for [transmitting] a portion of our response in their channeling of the answers to the query tonight. We have attempted to give each of those present a jewel with various facets upon it, means by which you may transform an enemy to yourself to love. This is the great journey each of you is on within this third density illusion, for the seeming separation that can create the potential of an entity being an enemy is that separation that eventually is made one by love. And you each have open hearts that may channel that love of the One Infinite Creator freely and fully to all of those about you and to yourself as well. For all are one.