1981/1213.txt:79:At this time many upon your planet do move back into this orange ray for the purpose of reassessing those needs of the self, so that eventually there might be a continued movement outward into the yellow ray and the sharing of those sustenance features, shall we say, of your illusion with the other selves. 1982/1121.txt:112:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. As with each activity which is undertaken by the seeker, the motivation for the activity is most important. If one wishes to be of service with another by sharing a game which contains competitive elements of entity against entity, there are then many avenues of expression available. If it is desired in truth that the other self be defeated, then there is the expression of the orange-ray energy center which is, as we have mentioned, but a step upon the path. If others are joined with in the competition so that a unit confronts another unit and the groupings compete for victory, then the yellow ray of the group efforts has been expressed. If any entity within the gaming competition wishes to express its love for any other entity by simply joining in whatever activity is desired by the other entity, then the green-ray energy center is activated. If the experience can be used to inspire love or wisdom within another, then the blue-ray energy center has been utilized. The possibilities of any activity are endless. The desire of those undertaking such activities is most important in determining what expression is experienced. 1987/0917.txt:22:There are strong needs for orange-ray humor, humor about relationships, humor about living intimately with people who are imperfect. Within your density, this ray may be considered a pressure-cooker with no vent, and humor is indeed a blessing. 1988/0103.txt:9:Now let us look outward. Each of you gazes upon a creation which is completely subjective. All of your instincts and your senses and your abilities greet the day, see the illusion, and feel the pulsing of the life within, the life that shall end and that life that shall not. And as you pass along your way, you find those things which cross and disturb one or another of the energy complexes of your being. Perhaps it is only inclement weather, and perhaps that red-ray, as this instrument would call it, desire for bodily health and strength curses the inclement weather and finds it negative. Perhaps there is a blockage in your orange ray, personal feelings ache and a glance out the window at this rainy weather seem to put a negative lid on a sad heart, one more reason to feel negative thoughts. 1988/0103.txt:10:A great deal of the work of your people at this time is what this instrument would call orange-ray work. The orange-ray energy center deals, in our opinion, with personal relationships and difficulties of the person within the self. When that orange ray becomes blocked in relationship to another, the negative feelings can be very intense. We speak at first, of course, of those who know each other, those who have said they love each other, and now can find no positivity. Yet the orange-ray bias that is blocked is blocked within the individual self first. Therefore, when it is infringed upon by a stranger, it may well receive a very unwelcome mirrored picture of the negative blockage, and thus it is that the stranger is disliked upon sight. 1988/0629.txt:26:Virtually each entity with whom we have worked—and we have worked with quite a few by now—has been blocked in what this instrument would call orange ray, that is, the relationship of the self to the self and the relationship of the self to another self. It is a feeling of relative unworthiness, relatively low advancement, a feeling that is persistent and pervasive, but untrue. That is, it is a distorted reflection offered to you by those about you which were very distorted. Now, at this moment, each is a free being and each has free choice. 1988/1009.txt:6:When an entity is extremely positive, as each within this circle is, that which may be seen by others to be unimportant or non-catalytic, upon the contrary sensitive entities which seek will certainly use this catalyst and experience painfully negative emotions. Thus, hatred is love which has been hurt badly. Anger is that which comes of hatred. Beneath the hatred is what this instrument would call the orange-ray blockage. This is especially painful when the entity who is in pain has some difficulty in experiencing self-worth and self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and self-love. 1989/0702.txt:22:When we move from red to orange, we gaze at the murkiness of relationships, and we say to you that if you are at odds with any, do your best at this point to seek forgiveness and to forgive self. If there are those whose forgiveness you cannot ask, know that you are forgiven, for others forgive you easier than you forgive yourself. The clearing of the orange ray and the yellow ray has a good deal to do with how one’s conduct is, whether it is spontaneous, heartfelt and honest, or whether it is studied, positional and angular. 1990/0325.txt:6:Some may say, indeed, that this was an orange-ray blockage, a difficulty in relationship, but because of this instrument’s, shall we say, spiritual circuitry, all such imbalances are, in truth, those of green ray. When this anger, frustration and pain, feeling of betrayal and abandonment was released, there opened in the being a chakra full of unconditional love which excluded no part of humankind. 1990/0527.txt:8:This instrument has low energy into the heart chakra because it is blocked in red ray as it questions its right to be alive. It is blocked in orange ray by its reluctance to accept freely given love. That is why we must speak carefully and slowly. This instrument is, at this moment, typical of the nature of energy blockages among your people. It is experiencing that which comes to all, or very nearly all, spirits. It has itself noted one mystery: try as it might, swear and kick and rage, it cannot give up hope. This hope, which may be called faith, is that which holds the entity in a safe energy web as it is dismantled, as programs in the consciousness are changed, and new possibilities are opened for data input and new programming, to use the terms of the computer, which so resembles the choices of the consciousness that we find them useful. 1990/0615.txt:10:I am Latwii, and we continue through this instrument. As you move to the orange-ray energy center and consider it for its clarity, you must look to those relationships that are of an intensive nature, where you share that which is your unique nature with one other entity upon a basis where this pairing of energies draws from you all of your attention in your caring and your efforts to communicate that which is yours to communicate. This type of relationship is the first movement outward from the individualized self and the first movement which establishes a bridge or a bond with another self, which then allows a commerce, a trading, shall we say, of energies betwixt you and one other entity. 1991/0421.txt:50:Just so, this energy must also move in a balanced fashion from the red ray and proceed upwards to the orange ray, where the individual power of expression is manifested in the incarnation in a fashion which allows the uniqueness of the individual to express itself, using that same energy which has moved through the red ray and which continues, if unblocked, to the yellow, the green, and so forth, so that when an entity has been able to activate and balance each energy center the intelligent energy or prana of the one Creator moves through each center to be met at the indigo ray center or brow chakra, allowing the union with the indwelling love and light of the one Creator and the opening of the entity to the fully experienced presence of the one infinite Creator. 1991/0526.txt:7:I am Hatonn, and I am again with this instrument greeting you in love and light. In speaking of the subject, we wish you to be aware that we are using the system of the energy centers, the root energy center of survival, the orange ray of dealing with the self and dealing with individuals other than the self, the yellow ray of social or group dealings, the green ray of the heart, the blue ray of communication, the indigo ray of inner work, or work in consciousness, and the violet ray which is, shall we say, the readout of the balance of all those dynamics that are in an integrated individual entity within the life experience. 1991/0928.txt:18:Each energy expresses itself uniquely through each unique entity, so the balance in each ray for one is not necessarily the balance for another. The job of the seeker is constantly to attempt to keep those energy [inaudible] clear in whatever way the entity has learned. It is especially so in orange-ray difficulties, where not only does the entity have things about himself which he sincerely dislikes, but is being bombarded by others who also have a sincere dislike, distrust or fear of the entity. 1992/0409.txt:87:[footnote start]Holy Bible, Exodus 3:14.↩[footnote end][footnote start]JHVH, Jahweh or Jehovah is a name of mystery supposedly given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The definitions Q’uo suggests for this unpronounceable name are some of those translations of JHVH given by theologians.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Q’uo uses the expression “our permission” figuratively and light-heartedly.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Aaron is referring to the chakras or rays of the energy body. This body interpenetrates the physical body during our lifetime. The Chinese call this body the electrical body. Acupuncture is based on working with this body. The chakras are points of energy focus that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are seven rays, the colors of the rainbow, red through violet. Red is the first ray and has to do with survival and sexuality. Orange ray has to do with personal relationships. Yellow ray has to do with one’s relationship to groups such as your family and work environment. Green ray is the heart chakra and has to do with loving unconditionally. Blue ray is the chakra of communication and acceptance. Indigo ray is the chakra of work in consciousness. Violet ray is a report on the whole of the energy body; a kind of read-out. Aaron is suggesting that one move from the use of the will and “should” in yellow ray to the use of love in green ray.↩[footnote end] 1992/0426.txt:24:Yes. I’m having a hard time posing my question. My thoughts are from my work, when I see a person who is an over-functioner in a relationship or in relationships, usually this comes from their need to either please and be acceptable or to avoid conflict and cross words or rejection. The relationship gets out of balance, because one gives too much and the other takes, and it’s crippling for both. So, what I hear from Q’uo is if we can only find love, possibly through the red-orange ray—that being the chakra—so that our heart feels love, we can discern the difference. However, many people don’t know how to do that and don’t stop the behavior of acting out of the need to please, to find something else. Again, I’m not sure what I’m asking, but if you can clarify this, I’d be grateful for the answer. 1992/0705.txt:7:There being no visualization to do, this instrument proceeds to the orange-ray energy center or chakra. Here there can be seen those muddied energies which, though small, yet block some energy from moving into the open heart. How can one gaze at the shadows that dog one’s path? If one turns about to look at them, they shift. They cannot be directly confronted, for they are shadows, yet the more firmly excellence is striven for, the darker will seem every small imperfection. This instrument then must contemplate indirectly the cause for shadows. This is the area of relationships person-to-person. Whom is this instrument not in good relationship with? The answer comes by reflex. The instrument is not in good relationship with the self. There ensues a forgiving process. Why should this instrument forgive? Intellectually, the instrument can say, “I am forgiven because I am a child of the Creator.” To the heart, no reasoning is necessary. One evaluates the self. First, may we suggest that the self be visualized as being held in the arms of the infinite One, lovingly, firmly and comfortably, rocked in eternal rhythms and loved with infinite love. When one can see oneself as the child of eternity, one can see oneself at the correct distance. 1992/0705.txt:9:We linger at this energy center because in your particular nation state, the outer forces which compromise free will are comparatively lesser, so that the most common blockages and over-activations of energy which confound the open heart are those of orange ray. 1992/0705.txt:12:Moving into the heart chakra, the green-ray energy center, the instrument visualizes a nearly fully open, very strong heart energy which is normal for this instrument. The entity finds it sparkling at this time, and realizes the effect of those in a group which love one another, causing the heart energy to dance and shine. This is the portion of the nurturing of the self wherein others move in help from whatever other energy center is being used, the blue ray of communication, the orange ray of interaction in addition to communication, and so forth. All then comes through the heart chakra to others and from others. 1992/0705.txt:13:It is to be suggested by us that when one sees the heart fully open, one then may do well to suggest to the self the beauty of giving and receiving of love. The reception of love, it has been noted this day, is often very difficult. When the orange-ray center is blocked by self-judgment, then the shining love of others is blocked from entering the heart. Loving gestures, thoughts and words may batter against the heart closed to itself in vain. Until the entity is willing to open the door to comfort by ceasing to judge the self as unworthy of comfort, no comfort can move into effective service. 1992/0705.txt:34:Moving to that center of interpersonal relationship next, that of the orange ray, where you put yourself in balanced relationship with one other being at a time, so that there is the one-to-one exchange of energies. 1993/0321.txt:17:The second energy center moves physically up the physical vehicle from the joining of the legs to a spot close to but below the navel. It is the orange-ray energy center or chakra, and energies there are expressing how the entity is dealing with relationship of self to self and self to another entity. This is a commonly blocked or partially blocked energy. 1995/1022.txt:8:The energies that are being worked on in third density are potentially all energies, from the basic red-ray or sexual energy center through that rainbow of energies. However, it is the function of third density to complete work on that orange ray of personal relationships and to study and attempt to absorb ways of learning to love within the yellow-ray energy center, that ray which is involved when group-oriented energies are shared between individuals. The instinct to gather together in groups is deep. The instinct to include some and exclude others is very deep. And it is extremely easy for the seeker to become quite lost in the sea of confusion in which all of these energies are experienced, for your world is indeed a sea of confusion. 1995/1022.txt:11:Then it is that you work upon the relationship chakra by working within the self to come into more awareness of what you are feeling and thinking concerning the self in relationship to the self and to other selves. Often it is that an entity that truly does not wish to advance or finds it too painful to advance further will turn from yellow-ray work and move back into orange-ray work, that which is strictly between one entity and another or between the self and the self, in order to be more comfortable. 1996/0218.txt:68:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There are many expressions of energy and behavior patterns within the second-density illusion which may be seen as being of the orange rays expression even though the observer within third density can see great similarities between those actions which you mentioned and the third-density experience which sees entities doing much the same under similar circumstances. Yet, within each illusion there is also the undergirding quality of the experience that shades it towards the orange ray for the second-density creature and the yellow ray for the third-density entity, even though there may be instances within the second-density illusion where second-density entities may indeed be demonstrating more behavior toward the yellow-ray spectrum within their orange-ray environment. This is the natural progression of the second density towards third so that at most times in the evolution of second-density entities there is the preponderance of orange-ray activity with the movement toward the yellow ray of individualized behavior. 1996/0428.txt:15:That second energy which is often associated with the belly is the orange-ray or second chakra, and within this energy come the difficulties and the dynamics of the self’s journey with the self and the self’s interactions with other selves, one at a time. For the wanderer whose experiences of other selves are often difficult, the orange ray presents the challenge of remaining open in a hostile environment of, as this instrument would say, taking the slings and arrows of challenging fortune and still remaining eager for further contact with people. 1996/0428.txt:18:We do not deny that there is always more, but we ask each to see that this is not at all the point. To aid the orange-ray center we ask each to work at becoming more able to accept, forgive and support that self that is living by faith alone in a difficult environment, that is hungry for food that they cannot find and that becomes weary with every passing revolution of the sun. As each becomes older the weariness increases and yet this is not necessary for the one who has learned to accept the self as it is, with its dark side intact, not regenerate, not born again, but the self in all its dirt, with every mole and wart and running nose showing proudly. 1996/0428.txt:20:Moving up into the solar plexus we find the yellow ray that is the primary ray of this density, that is the ray within which the greatest work of learning and service can be offered. This is that ray within which wanderers must learn to work within various groups and institutions of your peoples. The yellow-ray difficulties mirror and extend those difficulties of orange ray. However, dealing with group dynamics is in one sense simpler, but in the normal sense far more complex than the dealing of one person with another. 1996/0428.txt:23:Community is something wanderers understand instinctively. That much almost always comes through the veil of forgetting that marks the beginning of an incarnation upon your planet in your density. The remembrance of a loving, supportive and steady family. The remembrance of men and women and children that are not only connected by names and by association but also by commonly held beliefs in service make the wanderer’s plight very, very lonely within what this instrument would call the nuclear families of your Earth, for within these families there does not seem to be a constant and steady atmosphere of love, for when faced with challenges of yellow-ray energies many entities, wanderers and natives alike, move back into orange-ray energies and remove themselves from groups insofar as possible, or, alternatively, entities can choose to immolate themselves within a certain group or “ism” that there is no longer the necessity for making personal choices. 1996/1006.txt:11:The source of a great deal of anger is the dynamic betwixt two entities, yourself and another, and so although all fear has a red-ray blockage, many feelings of anger also are generating orange-ray blockage, as that is the ray in which you an working with yourself and one other self. That is the relationship chakra, the belly chakra, the chakra where many entities will try to control from. The person that has a lower belly tension is often reacting to another being who is attempting to control or is reacting because the self is attempting to control another. In either case, not only the red-ray but also the orange energy center is experiencing some blockage and when the anger has to do with anger at society or at the culture or at groups, this anger is also generating yellow-ray blockage. 1997/0119.txt:10:And we have noted before that the energy that comes into your being is infinite, but that there are ways in which each of you, by the choices that you make, contract and narrow and limit the amount of energy that can come into the body and move up the spine. The first center—we will simply summarize—has to do with issues of life and death, breathing, eating, the sexual polarity. These are the concerns of red ray. The concerns of the next ray, the orange ray, are those that the person has with himself or herself, and the person in relationship with one other person, the dynamics betwixt self and self, and self and other self, without reference to groups, but just one person and another. These are the concerns of orange ray. The concerns of yellow ray, this being a yellow-ray density, take on a good deal of centrality of importance. This is the heart, shall we say, of third density—the relating of self to groups, the opening of self that will in fourth density become the social memory complex when thoughts are shared, private thoughts simply skirted about, seen, appreciated, respected and left alone. There will be other lessons to learn in fourth density, but this lesson that you now work upon, of opening the self without fear, this one you will work upon until you are able to feel that contact with other selves as an identity of one to one, heart to heart, and love to love. 1997/0119.txt:11:Now, those issues of red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are neatly designed and most tidily packaged to maximize your confusion and to limit the power that you may bring and allow up to the heart center, the next one after red, orange and yellow. Each time that you put yourself down, each time that you are harsh, each time that you feel so isolated and alienated that you deny your brotherhood with all that is, you close down a little bit of that channel which is bringing in infinite creative energy to your body, and each time that occurs there is less energy into the heart. So, basically, those who have not worked through the issues that confront them at these three levels—self, self with another, and self with its groups—each time that you allow these issues to come and to be feared you have shut off some of the power that you need in your heart in order to live the life that you wish to live. 1997/0202.txt:11:Now, it is often not on the soul level from which entities wish to move. And when one leaves that safe ground, shall we say, metaphysically speaking, of loving from the soul level unconditionally, the ground becomes rapidly much less simple. The terrain can be very puzzling, and so if one does not wish simply to express love or to feel love for another, or to move lovingly without disturbing another, one then has to take some responsibility to look at the self, to look at the gifts of the self, to look at the lessons that you feel that you are working on as a seeking entity, to see, as this instrument would say, to see where you are coming from. Are you objecting to this entity from a red-ray point of view? Do you find the negative actions of this entity to threaten yourself, or someone else, or people in general? Are you coming to the question, “How do I deal with this entity?” from an orange-ray energy where you do not know how to relate to this one entity that you feel that you have to make a connection with as an individual? Or are you coming to dealing with this entity from the standpoint of a person being in a group; that is, using the yellow-ray energy? Or are you coming to this person from the open heart? Or from that level of communication or even from that indigo-ray energy of work in consciousness? 1998/0111.txt:14:The self in orange ray seems a bit drab to work upon. “How do I comfort myself?” These questions of self to self can burn the midnight oil within one’s mind and create endless and often agonizing tangles. Often work in this energy center is not fun. And with yellow ray there comes an even greater burden of the learning curve which must be achieved in each and every relationship, in each and every joining of all groups, working with all desires. The heart may wish that it could break out of these cages of lower energies and burst the illusion of maya. And yet you came here specifically to be tied down, specifically to be confused, and to work within this great unknowing. 1999/0321.txt:9:The three lower energy centers that we have talked about before are those centers with the colors of red, orange and yellow: the base or first chakra being the red chakra and containing those issues of survival, sexuality, and vitality; the orange-ray, that belly chakra, wherein the issues of personal ethics, personal choices, and personal relationships are worked upon; and that yellow energy center which is sometimes called the solar plexus center, which treats with the energies having to do with society and societal groups, the ethics and the relationships and the responses which the seeker may choose to offer to those catalysts which may come about. These are the chakras which need to be open and in minimal balance in order that the full energy that the Creator offers may come from the base of the body up into the heart. To do work in consciousness in the higher energy centers when the heart is not receiving full energy is to risk what this instrument would call burnout, ill health, scattered personality, and other ailments—mental, spiritual, and physical—that are the result of attempting to do high intensity, high energy work in consciousness when the heart does not have enough power to keep all things in balance. 1999/1205.txt:15:Now, communication may come from any of the centers within your physical and finer bodies. When you experience substantial difficulties in communication, know immediately that you are not in blue ray. And take the time in your mind to contemplate the conversation that was not clear, looking for the signature of the energy center that is blocked, over-stimulated, or in some way distorted. Often you will find an orange-ray blockage when the conversation is between two people and about something that is between those two people. In this situation you are literally looking in a mirror and that which you think that the other has said is a reflection of that which you have said. 1999/1205.txt:21:More and more as you take responsibility for yourself, as you bring your energy centers to a real balance, you will become more and more skilled at feeling the point at which the communication has bogged down. Where is the energy that is tangled? Is it in the orange-ray of personal communication, or is it in yellow-ray of communicators working with institutions like marriage, work, and groups of all kinds? But above all, know yourself to be a child of the one infinite Creator. Rest in that identity. Rest in that love. And let that love feed your heart, your faith, and your will so that you may once again give a gladsome smile and try again to say things clearly and with love. 2000/0305.txt:8:The orange-ray chakra is up the spine from the red-ray chakra, in the area of the lower belly. And to this energy center come the issues of one person to another person. To this center come concerns of being controlled, or controlling others, the love of control, or the fear of control, the love of being controlled, or the fear of being controlled. 2000/0305.txt:9:Within the solar plexus is the yellow-ray chakra or energy center and to this energy center come the issues of the self with regard to groups. You will find many family difficulties depending from this center as opposed to the orange-ray center because within the mind the family members are given a different kind of concern, attention and energy sharing than one gives acquaintances or strangers. 2001/1021.txt:7:To move a little further into the question of fear, if you will think for a moment of your energy body, you may see that each center of energy within your body is vulnerable to distortion in a particular way, and we use that term, distortion, to indicate fear. For fear is a very common distortion of love. Within the red-ray the energy tends to be blocked if there is a fear of survival. Within the orange ray in the lower belly the natural distortion of that energy comes with the experience of attempting to relate to other energy fields, to other people. When there is a difficulty and there seems to be a threat from the personal relationship, this lower belly energy can be blocked or otherwise uncomfortably distorted. In the upper part of the belly, in the solar plexus, the yellow-ray energy center can easily be blocked by fears having to do with the family, the society, one’s place within that family or society; in short, one’s dealings with the larger groups that go beyond personal relationships and move into the roots of being, the family, the mated relationship, and so forth. And a great deal of that which many are experiencing during this particular autumn season among your peoples has to do with the energies that became manifest on the 11th of September of this year. These are basically yellow-ray fears, and the solar plexus of many, many entities within your culture has been punched, shall we say, hard and given the opportunity to choose fear, not just once but many times. 2001/1223.txt:10:Now, how do entities in third density achieve such a heady and ambitious intention as forming a social memory complex beforehand, before its time? Almost anything that seekers can think of as ways to express their own individual desire and thirst for being part of the good and the love of planet Earth will help. So much of spiritual evolution is involved in sheer desire and persistence of intention in following that desire. Desire is the fire that drives. It can be a fire that is red-ray, orange-ray, yellow, blue, indigo, or violet-ray. Each of those types of desires, each of those combinations of types of desires, has its own characteristics. And an entity, in order to progress, needs not to follow someone else’s idea of a curriculum or a study but, rather, each entity needs to follow his own heart, his own intuition, his own hunch of this or that book at the bookstore, this idea or that idea to think about. 2002/0614.txt:2:I feel difficulty in just plain loving so much of the time. What blocks have I created to the love within me? Where or how am I preventing that infinite energy from reaching my heart? What can I do to love and accept my family more? Is there anything I can do to bring healing where it is needed in this family, my father especially? I seem to be very stuck in orange-ray concerns which keep my focus on myself. What can I do to finish my own processes enough that I might place that focus outwards and work to actually serving another? 2002/0628.txt:5:It has well been said by philosophers that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What is beauty, indeed? And this is not an idle question. For there is a great deal of similarity between such questions or issues as beauty and the construction of the onion. If you will think about an onion that is cut in half, you will see that there is layer, upon layer, upon layer. All of those layers are onion, but each one is slightly different, and, used as an analogy to the human spirit, mind and body, each layer is of a different constitution entirely. There are different geometries and different constructions of thought and logic upon each layer of the human energy system, and, indeed, one may move through each of the chakras or energy centers of this energy body system and gaze at this onion-like, layered effect. The definition of beauty and the issue of beauty, then, is not the shallow and simple thing that it might seem upon the surface, for each entity is working primarily with one or more of the energy centers, but usually with one primarily. And this colors the way that the layers of self appear to the self, and an entity working primarily through red ray will be seeing different things than an entity working primarily through orange ray or through yellow ray and so forth. 2002/0628.txt:7:When gazed at through the energies of orange ray, beauty begins to take on more of a depth, both from males and from females. At this point, the energies of communication, personality characteristics, and like interests begin to add to or subtract from the beauty that is perceived by the physical eye. This energy of personal relationships and relationship with the self creates within the eye an esthetic that is primarily focused upon enjoying the self and feeling safe within the self and within the relationship with the other self. It becomes more and more subjective within the choice of any individual as to what the elements of beauty are. Within the red-ray approach to beauty, the culturally-determined points of attractiveness will more or less evenly spread throughout the population so that many, many entities can agree that such and such an entity is beautiful and such and such another entity is not. However, within the dynamics of a personal relationship, the coloration of orange ray begins to spread out the choices that entities make so that there begins to be more of an appreciation for emotional beauty, spiritual beauty, mental beauty and other types of beauty that are not easily seen within the physical skin. 2002/2.txt:9: [overview] Questioner: I feel difficulty in just plain loving so much of the time. What blocks have I created to the love within me? Where or how am I preventing that infinite energy from reaching my heart? What can I do to love and accept my family more? Is there anything I can do to bring healing where it is needed in this family, my father especially? I seem to be very stuck in orange-ray concerns which keep my focus on myself. What can I do to finish my own processes enough that I might place that focus outwards and work to actually serving another? 2003/0219.txt:13:Within the next energy center lies that which is most visible among your peoples and yet not that which can be overlooked. The culture which you enjoy and the so-called New Age sub-culture whose opinions often affect the philosophy of, shall we say, the surface culture of your peoples, emphasizes and indeed nearly glorifies personal relationships and consequently it is most likely within your day-to-day discussions and communications and with other selves that the issues which truly are informing and consuming the mind and the emotions are known to the self. It is well, however, to gaze at those patterns which are repetitive which do not seem constructive, for energies within this orange-ray system may well be strengthened and crystallized by such work. 2004/0517.txt:6:Now, let us step back just a step and gaze at some of the background of this query. We are assuming the various understandings connected with the Law of One; that is, that all things are one, that each entity has a full-spectrum of beingness—a 360-degree potentiated vehicle which contains the mind, body and the spirit portions. And in each of these portions there are connections within the inner bodies, or the chakra system of the inner planes bodies, that belong to the vehicle of each entity which dwells within third density. So when there is a query concerning that energy body, it is that portion of the body that dwells not in space/time, or in the physical world, but in time/space, or in the metaphysical world. And in the metaphysical world, the shape of reality is quite altered from the physical world. In the physical world, things are substantive and thoughts are dreams and visions and air, whereas in the metaphysical world, intentions, thoughts and focus are substantive and powerful things. The type of physical reality with which each is familiar in consensus reality is somewhat lacking in the metaphysical realm. And in the metaphysical realm, there is a potent bias which has grown up within the one known as D within the second chakra, indeed, in the first and second chakra and extending into the third chakra. However, the one known as D is correct in identifying the orange-ray or second chakra as that chakra which has born the brunt of over-activation and a concomitant level of confusion within the energy of that second chakra that is quite high. 2004/0905.txt:31:When the energy stops at body work then the mind and the spirit have not yet been reckoned with. And the mind and the spirit also have great hopes and desires for being themselves. The more you work with moving through the chakra system, the more you see that this open red-ray energy moves into the opening of the orange-ray energy, which then moves into the opening of the yellow-ray energy, so that the energy moving up into the heart is whole and has not been hindered by fear at any of these three lower places. When energy is able to move up into the heart in full strength, then the whole world of higher chakra work begins to open up. It is very wise of the one known as J and the one known as T to investigate the opening up of red-ray sexuality, because it is the foundation for so much more sacred work. Yet the hunger remains for an expression that is sacred, an expression that has deeper meaning and higher purpose. There is that opening of the heart and that realization that each entity whom one meets is the Creator. There is then the opening of the heart to serving the Creator in each entity and most of all in one’s mate, so that it comes full circle back to the sacredness of red ray, seen in the fullness of a system of living out that sacredness that is felt within the heart. 2004/1114.txt:8:How you burned to learn more about your true nature! You came into incarnation with certain prejudices concerning yourself. In your biased opinion you felt a better balance might be needed in one or another sense, in one or another phase of life and all that it has to offer. In your energy body you carried those biases and those hopes. This instrument is familiar with a seven-chakra body system so we may say that your incarnational lessons are scattered among those seven chakras and those seven ways of seeing energy. How do you deal with survival? That’s the red ray. How do you deal with personal relationships? Orange ray. How do you deal with legal groups and responsibilities such as jobs, marriages, families? That’s yellow ray. How do you work within your heart to open it and to become more fully the loving entity that you are by your very nature? That’s green ray. How can you communicate and relate in terms of soul to soul? That’s blue ray. How can you relate to the infinite Creator within yourself, within all of creation, and within the Creator itself? That is indigo ray. And who are you, really? That is violet ray. Each of you has unique incarnational lessons that you have asked yourself by the very way that you are built; by the very way that you tend to think. Each of you has biases you encounter again and again, biases which are unique to you. Again, these are gifts of the self to the self, gifts to be unwrapped at leisure and pondered through the years and the decades of an incarnation. This is the raw material1 of your particular mystery. And that is the self before it meets the world that spins within your mind and before your eyes. 2004/1212.txt:6:Let us look at your energetic body, for this bears some looking at in terms of working with this concept of psychic resistance. You have an energetic body that is composed, in the terms that this instrument is familiar with, of seven chakras in-body and one chakra directly above the body. And these chakras are in a coherent system. The system as a whole works only as well as the least balanced chakra, in general or large terms. In more specific applications, chakra by chakra and looking at relationships betwixt two or more chakras in a system, part of the chakra body may be working beautifully for you and may be well-balanced for you and yet, at the same time, because of over-activation or under-activation of other chakras, that particular balance may not be working for the overall best balance of the system as a whole. It is especially interesting we find, looking, for instance, as we have been invited to do, at this particular instrument’s chakra system, that you do not find one chakra that is weak and the other ones strong; rather, you generally find correspondences betwixt two or even three chakras where there is an imbalance that is made up not simply of one chakra being a bit off-kilter but that chakra’s imbalance shadowing or pulling at the balance of one or two other chakras. And in this instrument, we find that there are some weaknesses in both the red and the orange rays of the instrument which echo or reflect into the indigo ray and the way this works for this instrument is that there are areas of childhood pain, as this instrument was speaking of earlier, having to do with issues of survival and of the person’s relationship with herself which can trigger emotions and processes which directly impinge upon and pull into deep imbalance, at least momentarily, the areas of indigo which have to do with self-worth. 2005/0224.txt:15:Let us talk a bit about how we see this situation that you describe, of attempting to bring into the ordinary life the expanded thoughts [inaudible]. This instrument often speaks of the self as a crystal being and of the energy field of the self as a crystalline energy, the kind of crystal that is used in radio transmission [inaudible]. The energy body interpenetrates the physical body. It is inseparable from the physical body within incarnation and it is carefully designed to be so. The silver cord, as this instrument has learned to call it, is that time/space or metaphysical link that nevertheless has its tendrils within the connection between the yellow-ray chakra and the green-ray chakra, or the energy level upon which the ordinary life is lived and the energy of the open heart. There is in this crystalline [chakra-body] energy form a very specific, shall we say, spine upon which the chakras wrap the self and within which they are in dynamic association, one with another. The first triangle of energies is the red-ray chakra, the orange-ray chakra, and the yellow-ray chakra. In this instrument’s system those energies have to do with survival, with personal relationships, and then with the groups with which one works in the physical incarnation. The fourth chakra, the green-ray chakra, is known to her as the heart chakra and we would say, in this instance, that it is important to realize that there is between the yellow-ray chakra and the green-ray chakra what we are showing to this instrument as a right angle turn. But it is a right angle into time/space from space/time. It is impossible to describe or to draw in any physical form that this instrument is aware of or that we can give through this instrument. 2005/0304.txt:27:And you shall not come to a place where you will know everything there is to know about your physical body or your physical energy body. New information will come to you every day. New situations will change your tuning in red ray or yellow ray or orange ray every day. So you cannot simply do the work and then move on. It is repetitive, daily work. 2005/0417.txt:18:Similarly, many triggered bondings have to do with the nature of the orange-ray chakra, shall we say, the chakra that has to do with subtler aspects of interpersonal relationships. And again, until the dynamics betwixt the personalities have to some extent been explored and released, the very thing that brought two entities together becomes that which limits that relationship. 2005/1015.txt:22:The orange-ray chakra found in the [area of the] lower intestines deals with the relationship of self to self and the relationship of self to people around you on a personal level. 2005/1212.txt:81:Therefore, as you become aware of the various aspects of your personality shell, you are able to see how they have amalgamated in structures that surround each of your energy centers so that your personal or orange-ray energy center, for instance, has a certain individuality that is unique to it and yet which works in harmony with and in concert with those energies which surround other chakras and other portions of your energy system in which various chakras and their dynamics are considered. 2005/1218.txt:18:The eight-chakra system has been discussed previously, and so we will very briefly review that system. The red-ray chakra is concerned mostly with survival and sexuality. The orange-ray chakra, located in the lower belly, is associated with issues of personal relationship. The yellow-ray chakra, or the solar plexus energy center, is associated with the energies of interacting with groups. The green-ray or heart chakra is associated with opening the heart and discovering one’s own sacred nature. The throat chakra or blue-ray energy center is connected with communication. The indigo-ray center at the brow is associated with the disciplines of the personality and work in consciousness, and the violet-ray chakra, which is the crown chakra, is associated with that readout of momentary reality that is expressing at any given moment and is a system readout for the entire energy body that is what we would call the Occidental or Western chakra structure. 2005/1218.txt:20:The second chakra, however, is divided in the Eastern system into two energy centers, one of which deals strictly with the self relating to the self. The second of these so-called orange-ray energy centers deals with the self in relation to other selves. 2005/1218.txt:35:The lower chakras, having to do with the self, its survival issues, its sexuality, its relationships with self and other selves personally, and its relationship with groups, are all energies that may seem to be in need of balancing and clearing so that they are neither under-activated nor over-activated. But one cannot share energy between red ray and red ray, or orange ray, or yellow ray. 2006/0123.txt:16:Since you are very well aware of blockages that you have experienced both in the orange-ray chakra of personal relationships and the yellow-ray chakra of legal relationships such as marriage, we will simply note that we would agree with you that there have been imbalances in these energy centers which have produced for you an untold bounty of suffering and have given you much information and learning which you have used to a great extent with a dispassionate and objective intention of harvesting every bit of learning and service that you could from each experience. Again we commend you, my sister. 2006/0206.txt:18:Further, the personality shell, as it is brought in at the beginning of incarnation, is organized not in terms of characteristics but in terms of energy center originations. There are some energies that are especially adapted to red ray, some that are adapted to orange ray, some to yellow ray, and so forth, through all of the colors of the various energy centers.2 2006/0206.txt:19:In many cases, what seems on the surface to be one characteristic is in actuality an entire octave3 of characteristics because of the fact that that characteristic coming from red ray is of one coloration, coming from orange ray is of another coloration, and so forth. 2006/0206.txt:72:[footnote start]The N in iNtuition is capitalized on purpose by the authors. That N is used instead of the I that starts that word in order to differentiate it from Introversion, which uses up the I in their abbreviation system.↩[footnote end][footnote start]The colors to which the Q’uo are referring are the “Roy G Biv” rainbow colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The chakras are assigned to the body along the spine, starting at the spine’s base for red ray, with orange ray in the abdomen, yellow ray at the solar plexus, green ray at the heart, blue ray at the throat, indigo ray at the center of the forehead, and the violet ray at the top of the head.↩[footnote end][footnote start]The Q’uo seem to be suggesting that within each chakra or energy center there is a complete sub-octave of associations, red through indigo ray, presumably with the crown chakra, just above the head and white in coloration, as the octave chakra.↩[footnote end][footnote start]In Hinduism, a disciple is called a chela, or as it exists in ancient Hebrew, selah.↩[footnote end] 2006/0528.txt:58:Anything that affects the physical body will have a rippling effect upon the non-physical or form-making or electrical or chakra body. However, it is impossible for us to pinpoint how physical effects ripple over into the non-physical, electrical body. It is completely the product of how each person’s chakra body is wired. Each entity is wired in a unique way. We do not mean that simply some entities have stronger red ray than orange ray, or stronger orange ray than yellow ray, and so forth. It is not only that to consider. There is also to consider how the chakras are wired within themselves and between themselves. The complexity of this, and the many, many different ways that people do set up their energy flow, make it impossible for us to discuss how diet and exercise and so forth would affect the energy body. 2006/0903.txt:24:Further, when entities are working on a certain difficulty, as the one known as M pointed out, they may be working in two or more chakras at one time. The one known as M gave the example of having low self-worth, which is worked within the orange ray as well as in the indigo ray and, indeed, to some extent, that low self-worth shall be worked on by each and every one of the chakras in one way or another. 2006/0903.txt:38:You are capable of embodying that which you can pull through from above by your desire. If your desires are for lust then you shall leave your kundalini in red ray. If your desires focus upon personal relationships, then you shall raise your kundalini to the orange ray. If your true desire is for marriage and a good work situation, then you shall raise your kundalini to the yellow-ray level. If your deepest desire is to open your heart, then you shall raise the kundalini to the green-ray level. If your deepest desire is to learn how to love with wisdom and to know what it is to have compassion while invoking justice, then you move into those energies of acceptance and of justice that are invoked in blue ray. And when you finally desire above all things to be devoted ultimately and completely to the one infinite Creator and live in the precincts of faith, then by your desire you have pulled up the energy into indigo. 2006/1008.txt:6:In this vision of the energy body as a road, one cannot see the colors of the chakra centers. And so, perhaps we could place the various [nexuses] of points of energy ingress by saying that here and there along the road are a series of linked power stations. The energy into the red power station, if blocked, will go no further. If unblocked at the red power station, it will move along the road in full and free fashion to the orange-ray chakra power box. And if all is well within that nexus of energy, the energy will move forward freely and fully into the yellow ray. And if indeed that energy is free, it will move into the open heart. 2007/0414.txt:69:The second misconception within the query has to do with the comment concerning energy moving mostly to the mind. It is easy to think of the energy body as having some dynamic between mind and heart. However, in terms of the movement of energy through the body, there is not an entity which could be called “mind.” Rather, there are various kinds of energy within the energy body. The energy of the mind could be seen primarily to be that energy of the orange-ray chakra and the yellow-ray chakra which together form what is known among your peoples as the ego. 2007/0414.txt:71:The energy of the orange-ray energy center is that energy in which the individual expresses its power as an individual. The orange-ray chakra can be blocked by the feeling that one does not like oneself or does not feel that oneself is worthy. It can also be blocked by feeling that other selves are not likeable or are not worthy. 2007/0414.txt:73:When you say that the primary power in your energy body is going to your mind, you are really saying that you are blocking and/or over-activating the orange-ray and the yellow-ray energy centers of your energy body. This means that energy is not getting through to the heart in its full spate. 2007/0414.txt:77:We ask that you consider, my brother, the possibility that dwelling within one chakra or another is not the goal of a spiritual seeker. Rather, the spiritual seeker’s goal is to serve the one infinite Creator. In doing so, all of the notes of this instrument shall be played. None of the chakras is more important than any other. They are all necessary for the functioning of the energy body. It is just as important to have a strong red ray or a strong orange ray as it is to have a strong indigo ray. It is impossible to do work in consciousness before you have begun to have a holistic view of your energy, valuing every aspect of your feelings. 2007/0731.txt:67:In a larger sense you may look at the living of an earthly life as keeping a house that has two floors. Upon the first floor is the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, and the living room: those environments which you associate with all of your lower-chakra desires, needs and responsibilities. It is well to clean the bathroom, scour the kitchen, freshen the bouquet of flowers that welcomes visitors to your living room and do everything you can to honor and bless that lower floor of red-ray, orange-ray and yellow-ray concerns. And only when you have cleaned and scoured and blessed and thanked and honored the first floor shall you ascend the steps to the upper room of meditation, contemplation and working in consciousness. 2007/0922.txt:37:It is the work of considerable spiritual maturity to accept the self. Even if every external action in a seeker’s life is perfect in the seeker’s own opinion, yet still the seeker knows his secret thoughts. He is aware of the mean and petty emotions that churn, unspoken and unrevealed to the world, within his heart. To accept the self, then, the seeker faces these very imperfections and, with willingness to flow into them, he moves into the energy body to the point where those energies dwell: in the shadows of red ray or orange ray or yellow ray; in lust or greed or the desire to persuade, manipulate or control. And he goes after that part of himself that covets; that part of himself that wishes to do murder; that part of himself that wishes to take that which he wants, even though it is not his. 2007/1124.txt:13:The orange-ray chakra, being the seat of relationships of a personal nature with yourself and with others, is blocked when there is difficulty in those relationships which causes the chakra either to be blocked or to be over-activated. So, it is well to have a continuing focus in each relationship that is your privilege to sustain, watching for the vibrational harmony between you and the other, or indeed the harmony between you and yourself. So often the issues that you have with yourself can be quite toxic in terms of limiting the light that is flowing through that chakra. So, it is well to spend time becoming sweet with yourself and with other selves as well. 2008/0107.txt:79:You want all of your energies in balance and in a state of health. Therefore, you want your red ray to be strong, with its issues of sexuality and survival. Similarly, you wish for your orange ray to be strong, with its issues of relationship of self to self and the relationships that you have with others, one on one. And you want your yellow ray to be strong, with its issues of group relationships such as the birth family, the marriage family, and the work family. 2008/0426.txt:21:This is the temptation for those who love beautiful things, not realizing that beauty begins with the stench of birth, the blood, the wailing, the sharp light, and the terror. The creative process must move down, daily and consciously, into those very beginnings of life, into red ray with its survival and sexuality, into orange ray and yellow ray with its relationships, and work with the entire energy body in order to have the strength and the sheer energy flowing through the energy body in order to make the most of the spiritual gifts of creativity while not destroying the body, the emotions, or the mind, quickly or gradually, because of inattention to the lower chakras and their issues and concerns. 2008/0510.txt:12:Work in consciousness can only take place when the red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are open and the energy of the Creator is running freely through them, for this is the energy that feeds the heart. When it is limited or constricted, the magical personality shall find itself on very short rations. Once the seeker has set his intention to do work in consciousness, then the higher rays become involved: the blue ray of communication, the indigo ray of faith and being, and of course, the green ray of healing and unconditional love. 2008/0510.txt:23:Much is shared on a personal level, opening up orange ray. And if there is, between the two, the sacrament of marriage, yellow ray is also penetrated. And as the affairs of that particular relationship are discussed, that ray begins to open and relax, as each supports each. Finally each can feel the heart opening because of the gratitude that is felt for the company of the other. 2008/0513.txt:48:And again, as we said, the key to this puzzle that you are working is low self-worth. You see, low self-worth occurs both in the orange ray and in the indigo ray, one being on a different level than the other, but both being the same basic structure in terms of vibration. At the orange-ray level, the issue is the relationship of self with self. 2008/0513.txt:53:Yes, I just thought that sexual desire is related to the orange-ray chakra. 2008/0513.txt:55:We were saying that in the orange ray, at that level of the personality, the issue is simply the relationship of self to self, just as if you were either a friend of yourself or were not particularly fond of yourself. And the issue there is simply to become your own friend. 2008/0913.txt:29:To come to the gateway, you must have found your way to bring your whole energy body into balance, so that energy is rushing through you, unimpeded by those egoic concerns of red ray, yellow ray and orange ray—survival, sexuality, relationships, marriage, home and family. Those who come to the gateway have “let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also,”3 and their entire essence is bound up in the devotion to the Creator and to serving the Creator that would bring one to wish to use the gateway. 2009/0214.txt:27:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. To respond to your first question, that of the space between the second and third chakras in your energy body, we would say that due to work which you have been doing in consciousness at this time, you are experiencing an articulation of the second and third chakras which enables the energy to move quite freely betwixt the orange-ray chakra and the yellow-ray chakra. The work done quite consciously by you, my brother, in the recent past, working with your family members, creating personal relationships from family relationships and vice versa, has stimulated both the orange-ray and the yellow-ray energy centers. The energies which you felt were those which were running freely between those two chakras. This is a positive and helpful configuration, which was brought about due to your loving concern for your family. 2009/0425.txt:49:Your mass media are full of advertisements of the glories of lust, the beauties of youth, and the shallowest possible conception of sexual energy exchange. Further, there are the inevitable conflicts that arise when one attempts to deepen a relationship which is sexual. The tendencies for an unevenness of affection are substantial. The tendencies for an unevenness of desire as far as how deep the relationship is desired to go are also those which tend towards an unevenness. It is rare that two entities want precisely the same thing in terms of how deep the relationship shall go, what commitments are made, one to the other, and so forth. These things tend to be notably uneven and mismatched. Consequently, progress through red-ray, orange-ray, and yellow-ray expressions of sexuality to the open heart of green ray almost always involves a decision to set the intention to make that happen. 2009/1013.txt:28:Consequently, you cannot, unfortunately for the peace of your life and your mind, open first the red-ray chakra, then the orange-ray, then the yellow-ray, then the green-ray, then work with the throat chakra and work on communication and then move into work in consciousness. That would be, in general, the direction of your spiritual life. However, always, every day, you must look back to the red-ray chakra and begin all over again, because it is likely that within the compass of the day you have had triggers in those first three chakras. 2009/1219.txt:24:We cannot tell you what will decrease distortion within each of your chakras. We cannot tell you the appropriate attitude towards sexuality, towards relationships, towards marriage, towards anything. We can only tell you that you have every right and every ability to investigate for yourself where your balances lie in red ray, in orange ray, in yellow ray. These first three chakras are tremendously important in creating a balance within you that allows you to know your own heart. 2010/0130.txt:30:Being a person of power and having these experiences, the seeker takes the self seriously enough to gaze at that which threw him off balance during the day and to ask himself, “What happened? What reveals itself to me of myself in [my] being triggered and being thrown off balance?” Functionally speaking, it is well to do this work in order to keep the energy body open. When one digs up the memory of that which occurred this day—say, for instance, someone cut you off in traffic and your energy body closed like a fist—it is normal and natural that when the physical body is jostled there is an immediate reaction. There is startlement. There is anger. There is the shadow side floating up from its lair deep within your personality. So you look at that when you have the time to contemplate it and you see why you were thrown off balance, why you were triggered into shutting down your energy body. It was shut down in your red ray because of your fear concerning survival. It was shut down in your orange ray because you resented the agent of that startlement and that danger. And you could not possibly open your heart to this entity until you realize what caused that moment of being off-balance. 2010/0905_01.txt:121:I think the first one that you move into is orange ray. Whatever personal problems you have between you, talk them through with a glass of wine or some time at least to enjoy a good dinner and talk with each other. And then you move into yellow ray. If one is married, that’s where your dealing with sometimes very thorny issues of being married to each other, being basically a corporation that has a product—the household getting itself through life. And the problems that come up that are often very difficult because what do you with a mother-in-law that’s intransigent or a father-in-law that doesn’t respect you or—etc., etc.? 2010/0905_01.txt:130:The other thing about the energy body that I think is good to remember is that—and I’ve said this in these talks before—it’s not okay just to have a brilliant blue ray, and a brilliant indigo ray, and a great green ray if you’ve neglected the red ray, the orange ray, the yellow ray, if you don’t really think too much of your sexuality, or your will to live, or your relationships, your relationship with yourself, with others, with your birth family and so forth. And it’s all muddy down there, you’re not getting up into the heart the infinite love and light of the one Creator. 2010/1127.txt:7:Therefore, it is improbable, if not impossible, that a simplistic concept shall prove to be the reliable answer when it comes to the connection between mind and body, or emotions and body. We do not discourage you from making, for instance, the assumption that because the portion of the body that is affected is in the orange-ray chakra area, that there is something to do with relationships within the mind and the emotions that is affecting the body. What we do wish to do is encourage you to lift up from literal connections and take upon yourself, in thinking about this relationship betwixt emotions and mind and the physical body, the kind of attitude a storyteller has. 2010/1127.txt:9:In many cases when there is physical illness that is not simply the basic story of one’s main chakra expression, which in the case of orange ray is relationships with the self and with others. There is also the lifetime that has been spent living that story that is your story; experiencing deep emotions, positive and negative, so-called. There are tears in the story. There is laughter. There is heartbreak. There is suffering. There are all the interior processes that make of you a unique being, responding to the catalyst of the incarnation moment by moment in your own unique way. No one else in the Creation shall respond just as do you. Your energy expenditures are your own choice. And as you mature in the spiritual life, they become more and more distinct, as you shake off the cultural conditioning of what this instrument would call “the buzz” or “the matrix” that engulfs those about you, and you, in its grasp. 2010/1127.txt:24:We would look at the complexity of the chakra system for a moment for there are two ways in which to think about the orange-ray chakra that do not immediately come to mind. One interesting aspect of the orange-ray chakra is that while it is entirely concerned with relationships, the relationship of the self to the self is as important as the relationship of the self to other-selves. Frequently, when there is catalyst in the mind and in the heart that is unused by the self, it has to do with the relationship with the self rather than the relationship with another self. 2010/1127.txt:30:As this applies to the orange-ray chakra and to the relationship of self to self, you may see yourself as an entity with many voices within her. There is the voice of your mother, your father, the voice of your teacher and another teacher and yet another; a voice of a friend, a lover, a mate, a child. All these possibilities are valid for you. They feel like your own voices. They feel like your own personality. But you have instead learned them because they were in your ear for long enough for you to begin interiorizing other entities’ concepts of you, other entities’ opinions of you. 2010/1127.txt:44:When the orange ray is compromised by unworthiness, it reflects upon the indigo ray as well, for the indigo ray is the higher chakra in which the self is steeped in the devotion to the Creator that allows for work in consciousness and for the passage of passive radiation of light. 2015/0919.txt:15:Now, it may so seem to one whose sense of self is such that it creates a kind of rotary pattern that moves from the yellow ray center back down to the orange ray center, back up through the yellow, and so on, and so on, and so on. We pause to call your attention to this configuration not because we feel that any within this circle of seeking are in fact polarizing in the direction of service to self, but we do find that the energy pattern typical of that configuration does, to some extent, persist in many, if not all who seek within your density, and so, it is well to be aware of that pattern, and it is well to be aware that that is a pattern through which one penetrates to gain access to the opening of the heart center. 2015/0919.txt:17:As a consequence of this thought we would caution that it is always well to work on that work which is given to one to do, and not to judge the meditation as being better or worse based on how high one feels one has reached in the hierarchical arrangement of energies. If one's daily allotment has given to one a disturbance of the orange ray, that is where it is well to focus one's efforts. If the disturbance is of the character one can find in complicated social arrangements characteristic of the third ray—or, yellow ray activity—it is well to focus one's balancing effort in that ray. By doing so, one does the work of creating the pathway to the open heart. 2015/0919.txt:30:On one level I understand that you must work from the foundation upward, clearing and balancing each center to create a stable base from which to work in indigo ray; yet on the other hand, this notion is confusing to me because it seems like the consciousness of indigo ray is one that undoes the fundamental illusion. It undoes the illusion of separation, it undoes the illusion of the individual ‘I,’ and it is upon those illusions from which all of the blockages spring in the first place: the blockages of the red ray, orange ray and so forth. So, it seems to me, that indigo ray gets to the root of the problem. So, I'm confused as to why the indigo ray cannot then undo the blockages and imbalances of the lower rays. If Q’uo could speak to that, I would appreciate it. 2015/1003.txt:11:We would continue the theme of dealing with harsh catalyst by looking next at the work that is done in the orange ray, where the self begins to develop a sense of what it means to be a separate or individuated self, and comes to an initial set of balances with regard to the way the self relates itself to the others which are immediately around it. Here it is essential to develop an ability to differentiate those factors or elements in one’s life circumstances which belongs to one, and those elements or factors which belong to others with whom one is in immediate contact. 2016/1203.txt:33:As the energy moves into the red-ray center, it is concerned with that which may be described as the survival, in a physical sense, of your being, of your body, of your incarnation, as well as the reproduction, sexually speaking, of other entities perhaps, if you have chosen this service for this incarnation. As the energy moves further upward to the next center, the orange ray is that which is concerned with the individual expression of your power or your emotions on a one-to-one basis with other entities. When this has been accomplished to a sufficient degree to allow the energy to move higher, then the yellow ray energy center is that which is awakened, and which concerns itself with your expression and your energy upon a group level, with families, with communities, with the workplace, with teams and so forth. 2017/0304.txt:14:We believe that within this group there is considerable understanding of the energy centers. You are aware that there is, as the foundation center, what we have called the red ray—that the red ray, if it is blocked, prevents activity from moving to a higher configuration. As a simple example, you may be aware that if you are in a state of fear, that you will not be able to engage in quiet, calm, inspiring, interpersonal communication. That will be a possibility of exploring your selfhood that is blocked. Similarly, we would say that this communication, which we have simply referenced, and would ascribe to the orange ray level of beingness, if it is not harmonious, if it is disturbed, it will, in turn, block your ability to move into more articulated and complex relations with your fellow citizens. And it is the latter function which we would say characterizes the yellow ray. Only when all disturbances of red ray, all fears and lusts that may come upon you at that level, have been regularized to the point where you are able to engage meaningfully and in a focused way with another self or two, such that you may share your feelings with another, who may share his or her feelings with you. And only when that circumstance has been regularized to the point that you are able to move outward into a social realm where there is a great deal of sharing and interchange of energies and ideas and hopes and dreams, and only when that realm has been regularized to the point that you may reach outward to all in the Creation, in open hearted giving, can you be said to have touched the Creator. 2017/0304.txt:21:So we would invite you to set aside all judgment about yourself when you are engaged in this process. If you are in a position where you are facing the need to do orange-ray work, that does not mean that you are but an orange-ray individual; that does not mean that you are spiritually unworthy. We can assure you that orange-ray work is work well done, work constantly in need of being done, and work that all in third density yet have completely to do. Orange ray is as important a feature of the One Infinite Creator as is any other, and we would say the very same about yellow ray, and indeed, all the rays of the spectrum are essential to the One Infinite Creator. 2017/0415.txt:6:The light first makes its entrance into your system of chakras through the base energy center, that which has been called the red-ray center. This center is that which is concerned with the very basic functions of your life pattern: the survival of your physical and mental vehicles, and the reproduction of your physical vehicle itself. All catalyst is first reacted to at this base energy center, and the reaction of this center could be said to have a certain vibrational frequency that is audible to the metaphysical ear, the ear that has been tuned to the sounds of the universe, shall we say, for all the creation is alive and each portion of it sings its sacred song to the One Creator. The red ray, therefore, has the lower notes in this musical arrangement of energy centers, and will pass the intelligent energy higher into the orange-ray energy center if there is no significant blockage at the red ray. 2017/0415.txt:7:At the orange ray, the energy vibrates in a more, as you would say, rapid fashion, so that it becomes focused more carefully upon your individual expressions of identity in your relationships with other entities on a one-to-one basis. Here we have the ability to harmonize the energies of two entities, or if there is not immediate harmony, then there is a different kind of sound vibration that is the result of the interaction of two entities, and will reflect a certain amount of harmony or a lack thereof. 2017/0430_01.txt:37:For most seekers of truth, the main purpose of the life experience is to partake in the cultural definition of participating in the yellow-ray activities, and the orange-ray activities, of entities that are devoted to one kind of activity of making a living, shall we say, of earning the money, of achieving a position of power to be of greater effect in the chosen field of endeavor, than to be able to place serving others as the primary goal of one’s life. 2017/0506.txt:27:The red-ray energy center being that which deals with the survival of the entity and the sexual reproduction of the entity, its survival, shall we say, as a species. The orange ray being that individual or emotional idiosyncrasy that is expressed in a one-to-one relationship with another being. The yellow ray being that group expression of energies that the wanderer has involved itself in. The green ray being the opening of the heart energy center, and the experience of universal love, being able to both give and receive that love. The throat chakra being that freely given communication or inspiration and acceptance of other selves. The indigo ray energy center being that energy of the adept, the magical personality and its state of beingness, of the sense of the Creator as intelligent energy. The violet ray being that center which reflects the overall balance of all the energy centers. 2017/1104.txt:25:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that the query is somewhat abstruse in that we find that both the male and the female are possessed of those poles which you have described as positive and negative. Located within the same region of the chakra system, or system of energy centers, the negative pole for each, then, is at the root, or red ray energy center. The positive pole for each is located at the crown chakra, for each male and female entity. When there is an exchange of energies between the properly polarized pair of entities, the positive pole may move downwards to the highest level above green ray which each has attained in the spiritual seeking and in the processing of catalyst. The energies, when they are exchanged through the completion, you would say, of the act of intercourse that is the orgasm, this energy flows back and forth between the male and female entities from the root ray to the root ray, from the orange ray to the orange ray, from the yellow ray to the yellow ray, from the green ray to the green ray, and thence upward to whatever is the lowest activated energy center. 2018/0106.txt:9:Each of you has a certain kind of energy body that is related to the various energy centers or chakras. As you move from the red ray of personal survival and sexual reproduction, this very basic quality of experience can be translated to the orange ray, where the individual expression of emotions and idiosyncrasies to one other being is primary in the beginning process of relating and expanding to others. As you move up the energy centers, the expansion continues within the yellow ray where the individual self is placed in groups, beginning with, in most cases, the family, the neighborhood, the school, the workplace, etc. In each level of experience, there is the opportunity to relate to others, whether individually or in groups, in a manner which offers each seeker the chance to explore whatever catalyst, or opportunities for learning, have been chosen by it before the incarnation to learn during the incarnation. Thus, when there is baggage of an unknown or unrecognized or unaccepted nature, this baggage becomes as a blockage in each energy center in which it might be expressed or discovered. 2018/0217.txt:33:So, my question is, is there any value in working with the energy centers as colors, as lights, as locations in the body, without working with the corresponding experience? For instance, am I doing any work if I visualize my orange ray as glowing bright orange and full of light without actually working on what might be blocking the orange ray? If you could comment, please. 2018/0217.txt:60:Q’uo, you had dropped a thought some channelings ago about one of the difficulties of our present Earth experience being the mixture of the orange ray, the yellow-ray, and the green-ray activated beings, and you indicated that there was a way to harmonize those various centers among our population. Is there anything you can share with regard to how our planet might harmonize those very different and discordance perspectives? 2018/0407.txt:14:Now, that circumstance we have just described is, in actuality, only a small portion of the dynamic of embodiment in which you live out your being, for as you know, the second-density vehicle, or the orange-ray body, is in actuality one of many bodies which you do indwell. It has a particularly strong focusing significance for you to be sure, and for the vast majority of humankind, it is the only body that is actually recognized. But, there is a yellow-ray vehicle which has its own dynamics. There is a green-ray, and a blue-ray, and an indigo-ray vehicle, each of which have their own dynamics and are functioning in one way or another at all times; although from the standpoint of the immediacy of your experience, it is true that the higher bodies tend to be quiescent unless they are specifically activated through meditation and invoked as a portion of an effort to enlarge the parameters of catalyst received from embodiment itself. 2018/1020.txt:13:This simple awareness that was able to express itself began to move forward, shall we say, to be drawn forward or upward by the upward spiraling lines of light that are the intelligent energy of creation that has made all that there is, and which calls forth each portion of all that there is, into higher and higher expressions of consciousness so that within the second density—or the orange ray energy center, that which you know as movement and growth—was possible, so that the lower forms of plants and animals began to have a beingness within the orange ray energy center. 2018/1103.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, you speak that which is most salient at this time for the population of your Mother Earth, for the time of fourth density experience is not just at hand, but is here, now, available to each. There is much ignorance of this possibility amongst the great majority of the population of this planet. Thus, the transition into the fourth density is occurring with some difficulty in the birthing process, shall we say, for there are energies available to all that may enhance each entity’s seeking. But if entities are not consciously seeking to expand their awareness and find the openhearted love, that unconditional love that signals the harvestability into the fourth density of love and understanding, then oftentimes such entities will retreat into their own being, into the orange-ray energy center, so that they may defend themselves against what they see as being a kind of losing of the personality, a losing of that which they cherish, that which they cannot see beyond. 2019/0907.txt:25:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. For the orange-ray energy center, the expression of the prana, or love/light of the One Infinite Creator, in a positive sense through this center, would allow the entity activating this energy center to relate to one other entity in a manner which was of acceptance, of giving, of that sharing which is personal, emotional, and individual to the two entities engaged in this type of energy exchange. The negatively oriented entities will utilize such energies in order to separate from and control such other selves that relate to the negative self on a one-to-one basis. The positively oriented entity will utilize the energies of the orange ray in order to welcome and enjoy the offerings of another in hopes that the offerings of the self to the other will be enjoyed in a similar fashion. 2019/0907.txt:67:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The negatively oriented entity, utilizing the orange- and yellow-ray energy centers for separation from and control over others about it, must be totally conscious aware of the situation in which it is engaged, for the negative path is one which requires a certain purity of will and desire in order to function in the negative sense, for the creation about all entities is one of unity. In order to travel the path of that which is not, that is the path of separation from, and control over, others, the negatively-oriented entity must consciously focus all of its energies and desires and intentions upon its goal, that is, to take that which is another’s in the way of energy center activation and production of the yellow and orange ray energies. 2019/0907.txt:70:I have a final query, Q’uo. The researchers at the intentional community of Tamera, have concluded that, or theorized, that the free flow of Eros, which would be the free flow of energy throughout all energy centers with one another and the planet, is pivotal for our healing. In that vein, they have concluded that partnership, or the mated relationship is compatible with what they call “free love” or the flow, the open flow of orange-ray energy where it wishes to arise. Can Q’uo comment on that? 2019/0914.txt:35:Thus, there is, as a result of this attraction, a kind of fellowship of a basic nature that becomes the foundation of an addition to this basic quality, as the interaction between the two entities commences and continues. Therefore, each entity is offered the opportunity to be of service to the other, in one manner or another, as it begins with the sexual attraction being added unto by the intense red and orange-ray quality of individual beingness, moving further along to the yellow ray, that places each entity within the group situation of the mated pair ideally. However, this is always due and processed by individual freewill. Thus, the basic pattern of energizing and promoting the relationship value of the two entities is that which is the propelling function of the red-ray excitation. 2019/1005.txt:8:The beginning red-ray attraction will, of necessity, cause intense interpersonal interactions that are a portion of the orange-ray energy center. If the catalyst from these interactions can be successfully processed by each entity so that there is love and acceptance as the product of the processing of catalyst, then there is the opportunity for the energies to move higher within each entity’s chakras. Thus [energy] moves into the yellow ray of group energies wherein there is the chance for the two entities to blend as one in the social sense, so that they partake of a larger environment of friends, family, and so forth that comprise the group consciousness, thereby utilizing their orange-ray identities that have been solidified, shall we say, in the intense interaction relegated to the orange-ray energy center. 1981ra-contact/015.txt:56:The next energy complex which may be blocked is the emotional, or personal, complex also known as the orange-ray complex. This blockage will often demonstrate itself as personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to self-conscious understanding, or acceptance, of self. 1981ra-contact/031.txt:29:The green-ray energy transfer occurs due to the vibratory rate of each entity being undistorted in any vital sense by the yellow- or orange-ray energies; thus the gift, shall we say, being given freely, no payment being requested either of the body, of the mind, or of the spirit. The green ray is one of complete universality of love. This is a giving without expectation of return. 1981ra-contact/031.txt:71:I am Ra. We shall repeat: these entities had the potential for sexual energy buildup. The choice of stimulus is certainly the choice of the entity. In the case of which you speak, these entities were strongly polarized orange ray, thus finding the energy blockage of power over others, the putting to death being the ultimate power over others; this then being expressed in a sexual manner, though solitary. 1981ra-contact/031.txt:75:Would the Orion group then be able, shall we say, to impress on entities this orange-ray effect? Or did they— Is this the way that this came about, is what I’m trying to get at. Is this the way these concepts came about on this planet? Because if we go back to the beginning of third density, there must be a primal cause of this. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:15:I am Ra. The orange ray is that influence, or vibratory pattern, wherein the mind/body/spirit expresses its power on an individual basis. Thus power over individuals may be seen to be orange ray. This ray has been quite intense among your peoples on an individual basis. You may see in this ray the treating of other-selves as non-entities, slaves, or chattel, thus giving other-selves no status whatever. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:17:The negative path, as you would call it, uses a combination of the yellow ray and the orange ray in its polarization patterns. These rays, used in a dedicated fashion, will bring about a contact with intelligent infinity. The usual nature of sexual interaction, if one is yellow or orange in primary vibratory patterns, is one of blockage and then insatiable hunger due to the blockage. When there are two selves vibrating in this area, the potential for polarization through the sexual interaction is begun, one entity experiencing the pleasure of humiliation and slavery, or bondage, the other experiencing the pleasure of mastery and control over another entity. In this way a sexual energy transfer of a negative polarity is experienced. 1981ra-contact/032.txt:73:I am Ra. We grasp the newness of material requested by you. It was unclear, for we thought we had covered this material. The portion covered is this: the green-ray activation is always vulnerable to the yellow or orange ray of possession, this being largely yellow ray but often coming into orange ray. Fear of possession, desire for possession, fear of being possessed, desire to be possessed: these are the distortions which will cause the deactivation of green-ray energy transfer. 1981ra-contact/034.txt:46:The other example is the entity, Martin. This entity dealt in a great degree with rather negative orange-ray and yellow-ray vibratory patterns. However, this entity was able to keep open the green-ray energy and due to the severity of its testing, if anything, this entity may be seen to have polarized more towards the positive due to its fidelity to service to others in the face of great catalyst. 1981ra-contact/034.txt:55:In a negative sense many of the gadgets among your peoples—that is, what you call your communication devices and other distractions, such as the less competitive games—may be seen to have the distortion of keeping the mind/body/spirit complex unactivated so that yellow- and orange-ray activity is much weakened, thus carefully decreasing the possibility of eventual green-ray activation. 1981ra-contact/034.txt:56:Others of your gadgets may be seen to be tools whereby the entity explores the capabilities of its physical or mental complexes and, in some few cases, the spiritual complex, thus activating the orange ray in what you call your team sports and in other gadgets such as your modes of transport. These may be seen to be ways of investigating the feelings of power; more especially, power over others or a group power over another group of other-selves. 1981ra-contact/040.txt:20:Thus, in first density the red ray is the foundation for all that is to come. In second density the orange ray is that of movement and growth of the individual, this ray striving towards the yellow ray of self-conscious manifestations of a social nature as well as individual; third density being the equivalent, and so forth—each density being primarily its ray plus the attractions of the following ray pulling it forward in evolution and, to some extent, coloring, or shading, the chief color of that density. 1981ra-contact/040.txt:53:I am Ra. The vibratory nature of your environment is true-color green. This is at this time heavily over-woven with the orange ray of planetary consciousness. However, the nature of quanta is such that the movement over the boundary is that of discrete placement of vibratory level. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:67:I am Ra. The true color is precisely the same. However, the consciousness of the second-density beginning is primitive and the use of orange ray limited to the expression of self which may be seen to be movement and survival. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:68:In third density, at this time, those clinging to orange ray have a much more complex system of distortions through which orange ray is manifested. This is somewhat complicated. We shall endeavor to simplify. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:70:This may not be seen to be of a negatively polarized nature, as the negatively polarized entity is working very intensively with the deepest manifestations of yellow-ray group energies, especially the manipulations of other-self for service to self. Those reverting to orange ray—and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time—are those who feel the vibrations of true-color green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:71:However, not having developed the yellow ray properly so that it balances the personal vibratory rates of the entity, the entity then is faced with the task of further activation and balancing of the self in relation to the self, thus the orange-ray manifestations at this space/time nexus. 1981ra-contact/041.txt:122:Red ray is the foundation; orange ray the movement towards yellow ray which is the ray of self-awareness and interaction. Green ray is the movement through various experiences of energy exchanges having to do with compassion and all-forgiving love to the primary blue ray, which is the first ray of radiation of self regardless of any actions from another. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:45:The orange-ray body is the physical body complex. This body complex is still not the body you inhabit but rather the body formed without self-awareness, the body in the womb before the spirit/mind complex enters. This body may live without the inhabitation of the mind and spirit complexes. However, it seldom does so. 1981ra-contact/047.txt:74:Well then, does orange-ray activation, after death, occur very frequently with this planet? 1981ra-contact/047.txt:76:I am Ra. Quite infrequently, due to the fact that this particular manifestation is without will. Occasionally an other-self will so demand the form of the one passing through the physical death that some semblance of the being will remain. This is orange ray. This is rare, for normally if one entity desires another enough to call it, the entity will have the corresponding desire to be called. Thus the manifestation would be the shell of yellow ray. 1981ra-contact/074.txt:46:Let me see if I have a wrong opinion here of the effect of disciplines of the personality. I was assuming that a discipline of the personality to, shall we say, have a balanced attitude toward a single fellow entity would properly clear and balance, to some extent, the orange-ray energy center. Is this correct? 1981ra-contact/084.txt:83:After the veil, in our particular case now, we have, in the circuitry of which we were speaking, what you’d call a blockage that first occurs in orange ray. Could you describe what occurs with this first blockage and what its effects are on each of the entities, assuming that one blocks, and the other does not, or if both are blocked? 1981ra-contact/084.txt:91:It occurs to me that many statues or drawings of the one known as Lucifer, or the Devil, is shown with an erection. Is this a function of this orange-ray blockage? And was this, shall we say, known by, in some minimal way, you might say, by those who devised these statues and drawings etc.? 1981ra-contact/084.txt:95:Then, with respect to the green, blue, and indigo transfers of energy: How would the mechanism for these transfers differ in making them possible or setting the groundwork for them than the orange ray? 1981ra-contact/098.txt:67:We do not infringe upon free will by examining this life path although we may note the preponderance of life paths which use some distortion such as this to leave the physical body, which in this case is the orange-ray body. 2023/0311.txt:42:However, it is possible that if one is attempting to do work in consciousness upon the self, that this focus upon the orange-ray energy center may be that which is part of an healing process, so that there is at a future time, as you would call it, not the necessity for such a focus, as the focus has been healed and has been allowed to expand into the world of other third density beings that one shares the life pattern with. Is there another query, my sister?new speakerN