2008/0927.txt:72:It is, however, to be noted that in the larger sense all present-day relationships undoubtedly have their roots in past lives. Those who have incarnation upon Earth today have incarnated time and time again, moving within a certain group of souls who, through many lifetimes, have had many different relationships with each other. 2006/0401.txt:18:There are so many sources of guidance that are around you that to discuss them in depth is impossible, but we can simply name them. They include, as you said, angels—and there are many varieties of angels—pixies, elves, fairies, nature divas and spirits of all kind, the essences of elements, their spirits such as undeens, sylphs, niads, dryads, and all of the totem with which you have been associated in past lives. As well, there are many entities in the inner realms who are drawn to you when you are conspicuously loving, patient or intent upon the truth. Passion for goodness, for fairness, for love, or for devotion to the one infinite Creator all draw to you entities that dwell within the inner realms in one capacity or another. And so you may have about you literally dozens of helpful, loving sources of inspiration and guidance. Each is in harmony with the other sources of guidance that are about you and they constitute your family in the unseen realms. Also to be considered are those entities which are associated with you in other densities, especially for those of you who are wanderers. 1990/0715.txt:25:Now, can you forgive another and have that power to cease the inertia of karma for another? Not at all. When you forgive another, you do not affect the other, unless he chooses to observe the difference in your attitude. You are working upon the only thing in this universe which you can work on: yourself. Part of forgiveness is forgiving others. The further part is forgiving all the situations which created this pattern. Some of you are more aware of past lives than others, and for those of you who trace the pattern that is unhelpful to what you would call the karma of a past life, know that there is no karma or inertia which is not braked completely and stopped forever by unconditional forgiveness, of the other, of the situations, and of yourself. 1989/0625.txt:17:If you are able in this incarnation to serve others more than half the time that you are doing something, you have succeeded, and we are not speaking of ritualized ways of aiding people, such as the job and so forth, nor are we speaking as if one could not be of service to others in solitude. But it is the person whose will has been brought so into alignment with the desire of the infinite One that those things which one has to face each day are faced, realized for the lessons that they are, and assimilated. There is seldom going to be a perfect day, shall we say, for a human entity, because each entity has biases because of willfulness in past lives. One cannot explain these biases. One is merely aware that one has somehow fallen short. Indeed, that is part of the human condition. Indeed, each has fallen short. This is an excellent lesson for each student of truth. All fall short. All fail. No entity may find the kingdom of the Father by itself or with any ease. There must be dependence upon love, a realization, a brave willingness to realize that the Creator is real, that the Creator loves and forgives and has forgiven all that is mis-done, that the Creator has no low self-esteem, but rather, work for you to do. 2004/0502.txt:39:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of the query, my brother, and we thank you for vibrating that query for him. To the one known as B we would say that the true nature of the relationship betwixt you and your ex-spouse is oneness. The energies that you experience at this time may fruitfully be examined for just those things which we were speaking about earlier: the catalyst involved, the triggers involved, and the biases that are involved in the particular lesson that you and your ex-spouse share. Often this work cannot be done together with another in such a situation and so it is very helpful if the entity has the energy to step into the other-self’s shoes to such an extent that the one known as B is able to see through the eyes of the ex-spouse, sitting there until there is as full an understanding on the conscious level of the dynamics involved in this particular node of catalyst as possible. The details of past lives and so forth are not those things with which we would prefer to deal as we would wish to limit comments to those that are helpful to all entities and at all times. 2005/0116.txt:44:The ways of penetrating the veil of forgetting are limited within incarnation. There is the dreaming process and those who work with dreams are often able to recover memory of past lives as they gradually find themselves in dream landscapes which constitute a different environment that begins to have a reality of its own. 2008/1108.txt:56:D has a question. He says: “I have been having memories of different worlds and even being of different sentient species and performing tasks on different worlds designed to increase the harvest. I remember past lives both here and on other worlds. I believe I am a wanderer and a ‘pre-incarnate,’ one who incarnates early in third density to readjust to third-density life, in preparation for this [present] period where spiritual evolutionary advancement is occurring. I feel in my heart that these memories are real and I would like to ask Q’uo to confirm this.” 2023/0211.txt:98:Each entity on the spiritual path has these choices that are most powerful within the life path of the seeker of truth, for they are choices that you have made previous to the incarnation after determining what lessons you have learned in past lives, and what lessons remain in order for you to be able to open your heart in unconditional love to all entities about you, for this is the great lesson of the third-density illusion. And when it is accomplished, it makes the seeker available for the harvest and to the fourth density of love and understanding. This is a journey that all share within the third density. And we are sure that your desire to know will draw unto you the answers you need. 2021/1201.txt:24:These processes are repeated so often in the entity’s life, and often so mindlessly, indeed, [and perhaps even] carried over from past lives, that they become etched into the workings of the entity, becoming part of its makeup, or configuration, shall we say, which would show up in your energy system as blockage, imbalance, and a dimming of the radiance that is available through each chakra. Which is to say, that self-judgment may not always be a consciously undertaken activity. The self in a moment in its experience may not be consciously thinking, “I am unworthy,” “I do not belong,” “I am unacceptable,” in whatever ways such energies may be articulated by an entity, but rather these gears often are operating in the background. 2006/0418.txt:35:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Indeed it is not necessary at all to remember any of the details of your past lives. In order to achieve harvestability within third density, it is necessary only to intend to love and to allow the self to be loved in return. Loving and being loved are the activity that shall open your heart and create in you a cleanliness, a peace, and a power that expresses the love and the light of the one infinite Creator in its truth and its beauty. 1993/0926_01.txt:67:As she looked, she could see into past lives and into this life the millions of times that she had enacted that process. She began to see it as a bare plain, just slightly inclined, onto which drops of rain fell. A drop of rain that could not soak into the ground ran off, creating the faintest scratch in the earth. The next drop of rain hitting in the vicinity of that scratch ran into the scratch, carving it a tiny bit deeper. Ten drops and you have an eighth of an inch of earth worn away ... a thousand drops, a million drops: a river, and eventually the Grand Canyon. 1993/0926_01.txt:29:Perhaps you swing to the opposite extreme at times, that some who in past lives have misused the brain and followed its dictates while screening out the messages of the heart have now become so wary of doing that, that you have swung to the opposite extreme, and vice versa. 2005/0520.txt:16:“I’ve received memories of past lives that relate directly to people currently in my life. This leads me to believe that I am trapped in karma. Can you confirm? And if the answer is “Yes,” can you advise me as to what ways I can balance these karmic debts? If you are unable to confirm that I am karmically trapped, can you comment on this concept in any way helpful to me at this time?” 1986/0112.txt:28:You said the upper conscious. Does this have anything to do with past lives? 1989/0115.txt:70:I’d like to know [inaudible] to explore past lives [inaudible]. 1988/0327.txt:56:I have a question, Q’uo. I wish to ask you a question that has been in my mind most recently as being significant, never really before. I’ve never had the feeling that I was a part of this planet, except for one recurring dream, and basically, to make a long story short for you, I wish to be of service to myself first in order to discover where my past lives and how its significance can be cleared towards service to both myself and other selves. And I’m in the dark on the best means for myself to find this out. Any help would be appreciated. 2018/2.txt:4: [overview] Today, we’d like to discuss the nature of relationships formed prior to our incarnation. When we have agreements and lessons planned to learn from specific people, how do we find each other while within incarnation? How are our past lives related to these relationships? And what else can you share about the nature of pre-incarnational relationships? 2006/0418.txt:34:If one wants to open the gates of intelligent infinity, is it necessary for him to remember all things in his past lives? 1994/0626.txt:16:It is not so much the knowledge of what has happened in past lives that helps as it is the seating and grounding of the self from the part which blooms in incarnation down to the roots of that being which lie within that portion of your consciousness which carries all memory of previous lifetimes and other deep awarenesses such as the archetypical. 2008/1011.txt:46:By that we mean that by the time an entity comes into the circumstance where he is able to create the kind of study group that you have created with the one known as M and the one known as G, you have almost a sure knowledge that you have worked together before and you have entities who are of your group in the inner planes who are drawn to your coming together again. These are entities with whom both of you have worked in the past. When you add a third entity, then you get a far more intricate pattern of past lives and those on the inner planes that were part of those past lives and who wish you well and wish to be of service if they can. 2006/0418.txt:13:Your remaining query had to do with the dangers that might possibly be involved in penetrating the veil of forgetting. We believe that we have expressed a sufficient degree of caution concerning this avenue of exploration. It is entirely up to you as to whether you wish to move forward with this investigation. Certainly it is fascinating to discover details of past lives and to muse and ponder upon the information that you have gained. There are times that spontaneous information will come to you—we correct this instrument—there are times when such information will come to you spontaneously. When it comes to [you] spontaneously and organically, it is part of the flow of your natural process of spiritual evolution. It is an indication that your higher self feels that you are capable of being responsible for this information and putting it to excellent use. 2000/1001.txt:32:When I read and hear people talk about their past lives, why don’t they ever remember what they did in between past lives? 1993/0925_02.txt:46:So, karma does enter into it. It is hard to understand that. You are not given the ability to clearly see your past lives. There must sometimes be much faith that even when life hands you difficult circumstances, you still can trust. 2018/0217.txt:1: [overview] Today, we’d like to discuss the nature of relationships formed prior to our incarnation. When we have agreements and lessons planned to learn from specific people, how do we find each other while within incarnation? How are our past lives related to these relationships? And what else can you share about the nature of pre-incarnational relationships?