1974/0806_01.txt:15:My friends, you are at the turning point [in] the evolution of your thinking. It is very easy for you to successfully negotiate this [change]. In turn, an almost [inaudible] that is generated by the people of your planet. [Inaudible]. And friends, when I say almost no intentional [inaudible], I am referring to what you might consider to be a fantastic multitude of thoughts, the thoughts generated by this society in which you exist, thoughts that you might label as political, economic, business, social [inaudible] thoughts. These, my friends, are all the same things. These, my friends, represent more than you are. Friends, we consider these to be very specialized, to be a very singular process having to do with [inaudible]. You might [inaudible] the evolution of consciousness. [Inaudible] does not matter what you find. It is simply a return to the thinking that created you with the simple Thought of total love expressed by the Creator. This, my friends, is true thinking, to get from where people of your planet [inaudible] to this side [inaudible], but it may only be done within the limits of our knowledge by one process. It may only be done by the process of meditation, simple, daily meditation. Meditation at the [inaudible], a myriad of confused thoughts and ideas, a society in which you [inaudible], in your conscious lives, and allows them to be replaced with a single Thought of your Creator, a Thought of total and absolute love, a Thought so complete, so total, and so pure that it and it alone was able to create this entire [inaudible]. A Thought so powerful, my friends, that it was generated through selves in every other [planet]. 1974/1031.txt:27:Man upon Earth at this time is very, very involved, for the most part, within his illusion. There is warfare, and plans for warfare. There are political ideas. There are thousands and thousands of objectives and ideas that are totally involved with the game, having no objective outside, no objective in reality. All of these ideas, all of these objectives, all of these activities, whether it be within your political systems, within your business, within your government or military structures, whether it be in any myriad of activities carried on upon your planet’s surface, this makes no difference. If the individual immersed in these activities has no realization of their real value—and their real value is nothing, simply nothing—if that individual has no understanding of this, then he is not making the use that he should of his existence within this illusion. 1975/0131.txt:15:Your peoples today are involved in what you term your politics. your science, your business, and the affairs of your world. This has been the situation upon this planet for many centuries. Your peoples have so engrossed themselves in the study of these transient conditions that they have in truth lost that which is theirs as a gift of their Creator. 1976/1030.txt:26:And again we say to you, your spirit came to the physical plane, as you call it, and willingly buried itself in what you may consider to be dust, for it is so written in your holy works. Yet there was a reason. You well know the reason. And if you [inaudible] we ask that you think of how a pearl is made—a speck of sand that aggravates and pains the living tissue, and yet, in its pain, that which is added becomes a pearl. Your spirit may be polished and burnished until it gives light to others and to yourself. This will happen, and that it causes pain is simply the way the process works. 1976/3.txt:10: [overview] Hatonn: I would speak to you this evening of several things. First, one thing: you may have wondered, because of the recent increased activities of our craft within your skies, why our messages to you have become more, shall we say, involved not with politics and reasoning about our appearances in your skies, but on the contrary, our messages to you who have meditated together with us, have become more and more on the strictly philosophical or spiritual level. Our appearances are part of the plan which you are all aware of, to alert those upon your planet who are sleeping, in such a way that they will begin to search for a way to wake up. 1977/0926.txt:37:If your path takes you into science, into politics, into any manner of interaction with your brothers and sisters, so be it. Philosophers and spiritual-minded people are not off on top of a mountain. They come down from the mountain and live for the good of their brothers and sisters and for the love of the Father that gave them the life, the consciousness, the talent, and the will. 1979/0906.txt:9:If you are unable to tolerate a person, as understandable as it may be, you must still continue to meditate until you can see that person as the Creator, for that is the law of love. You have upon your planet many who do not understand nor wish to seek the law of love, and it is indeed hard to imagine being able to love some of these people. We would name, for instance, Adolf Hitler, whom it would be difficult to see as a child of the Creator. Yet, my friends, this man is a child of the Creator and this soul, although he has a long, long journey, will in the end become a spiritualized and seeking being. Other political figures of your time, such as the entity this instrument calls the Ayatollah of Iran, seem to be totally lost in totally foolish and shameful acts. But we say to you, my friends, you must see each person as part of the Creator. It is only in doing this that you free yourself to have a right relationship with each person that you meet. These are extreme examples, of course, but in your daily life you meet so many whom you could inspire because of the joy in your heart and your acceptance of them without judgment. They would then wish to know what you had that made you different, my friends. And you would have dropped a seed of love; whether it fall on stony ground or on fertile soil, your service would have been accomplished. 1979/0918.txt:31:For those who actually work are very angry, and they band together and demand more and more and they are locked into a self-defeating and endless struggle for survival. And the same thing, my friends, happens with your governments. Except that with your governments there are many leaders, not a few, but many, who would consider the possibility of planetary annihilation rather than relinquish an ideology, a piece of land, or power whether it be economic or political. 1979/1103.txt:34:For in China the leaders believe very closely in the classical ideology of Marx in which there is a worldwide struggle, out of which come the victors, that is, the Chinese. Their hatred of Russia stems from their observation that Russia has relaxed its relentless drive towards world domination and is content simply to be a very powerful communist influence. The Chinese play a more clever game of international politics than their Russian counterparts. And their influence spreads as far towards your West Coast as the Philippines in which there is some unrest which is fomented at times by Chinese encouragement. 1979/1216.txt:49:That which is to be feared is that which mankind may do to mankind. There is nothing in the creation which is called Earth by your peoples that would willingly kill for no apparent reason, but your species is capable of killing as a matter of what you may call policy. This is dangerous, and because your weapons far outrun your morality as a people there is the potential for almost total annihilation. There is no timetable for this for your people are unpredictable. We ask only that in your own way you yourself may love your enemies as best you can, for loving your friends is easy, but to lighten a planet that is torn in discontent, in greed, and in lust for power over others the most important weapon is the unifying strength of love itself. 1981-ra-contact/034.txt:41:There are some few whose desires to aid society are of a green-ray nature or above. These entities, however, are few due to the understanding, may we say, of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities, or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures. 1981-ra-contact/062.txt:109:I am Ra. This is correct. Nearly all positive channels and groups may be lessened in their positivity, or rendered quite useless, by what we may call the temptations offered by the fourth-density negative thought-forms. They may suggest many distortions towards specific information, towards the aggrandizement of the self, towards the flowering of the organization in some political, social, or fiscal way. 1982/1114.txt:9:Our friends, each of you is aware of many ways to be of service which the society in which you live also recognizes. There is hunger in the world and it is recognized that you are of service if you attempt to feed those who have no food. There is great poverty, loneliness and solitude unwanted and forced upon some and to those unfortunates, so called, your culture deems it charitable to aid by a helping hand. Some political movements and social issues seem to be full of service and so those who wish to be of service become active and this is service. 1982/2.txt:8: [overview] Hatonn: My friends, it behooves us to bring before your attention at this time the great amount of excess involved in the accepted ways of your peoples. More specifically, the excess of supply, the excess of interpersonal politeness, and the excess of spiritual hypocrisy. How much, my friends, do you need to give you that diaphanous, unshaped and inchoate thing called happiness? What of this world’s belongings are necessary to the establishment and the perfection of your being and your seeking? How soft and how many must be your beds? How redundant your raiment? How filled your rooms within your dwellings and indeed how many rooms do you find necessary within them? Look you to the society with which you have commerce. What do you require of those to whom you have said, “I shall love you”? 1984/1118.txt:60:I am Latwii, and we shall attempt the answer to your query at this time, my sister. We can suggest that the period known to you as a year is a relatively sufficient amount of time during which the energies of each entity may find the ability to harmonize in a manner which then readies the path and the work. We can suggest that this period of time is not fixed but needs to be prolonged enough that the honest and clear communication is effected. There is great politeness and concern among even the gentlest and most eccentric of entities. This veneer needs to be penetrated in order that even at the lowest ebb of compassion and wisdom the entities are able to maintain a stable harmony. 1984/1130.txt:4:I am Latwii, and I greet you once again in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. We are pleased to have the opportunity to speak once again through this instrument, and ask that those present be patient as we polish the rougher edges on the equipment. It has been some time since this instrument has been exercised, and the neural paths are responding well. We do not anticipate any long delay until the instrument is once again functional to the level achieved previously during its period of service as instrument. We desire to maintain use of this instrument for as long a period as possible within the realms of comfort for the instrument so as to reacquaint the instrument with our vibration and the subtleties of our signal. We find that the instrument is progressing nicely and look forward to offers of service by this instrument in the field of channeling in the near future. 1984/1230.txt:31:We leave you in that one original Thought. That Thought is your birthright, and is your very being. You are love and light. There is nothing else. The love is expressed in your consciousness. The light is the material which your consciousness uses to create a body, a continuing set of circumstances and a created power that may use circumstances instead of circumstances using you. You cannot stop the laughter of the storm. Its cruel and mocking tongues will follow all who seek the truth, and, indeed, those who are deep asleep. But your nature, your birthright, your power is in that which cannot be denied, that which is from everlasting to everlasting. Choose, my friends, choose with joy, and learn to laugh ever more deeply, resting in arms polished smooth by trust. 1985/1117.txt:9:The world does not mean to hurt. The illusion is doing what it was intended to do, and you may move very quickly and confusedly so that you muddy that beautiful chord which is yourself, or you may stop and become gentled and thank the illusion for its pressures and its anguish and its pain. You shall not be victorious over it; you shall learn from it, and it shall learn from you. It is well to remember that the undifferentiated terms such as “society” and “family” and “church” are in fact parts of yourself which you have called to yourself in order that you may polish up that beautiful, harmonious, infinitely lovely identity, that you may develop and thrive without regard for life or death as you know it. 1985/1208.txt:8:Now let us come back, slowly, so that you may see first your solar system and then the beauty of your planet. Let us walk among the streets of your cities and look into the faces of your people. Look into the eyes of the man who is poor and you see the light of home. Gaze into the eyes of a couple in love. You are still home. Exchange glances with one who rapes and murders and lives a dark life. You are still home, for you are a citizen of the creation. You are part and parcel of everything that there is. What must needs be stripped away from the concept of home is all concept of physicality, for home is that which is invisible to the physical eye and unknowable to the physical apparatus. Your metaphysical home is a thing of mystery and omnipresence. You cannot leave home—there is no home to find. All places are familiar and all souls a part of you. How then can you shape your mind to ignore all of those rational and sensible signals of experience which inform you of a chauvinistic love for geography, political ideology, or any of the other reasons you may choose a physical home? 1986/1116.txt:15:However, we are speaking of something that is removed from the illusion, and that is love itself. For each entity has as its core reality the face of the Creator, the heart of Christ, the mind of love. If you do not see that in your enemy, your mate, or the earth and sky itself, then you must polish your glasses and set yourself to study silence again. Do not be easy upon yourself here. For no matter what your actions, my children, it is well to have a bedrock within yourself where you have a metaphysical honesty that will give you strength. You may not be pleased with yourself, but it is well to attempt to continue to know and to bless the self in all its distortions. 1987/0621.txt:15:Look at that which is your consciousness with a cold eye, in the abstract, and you shall see at the heart a gem, invisible except by faith, and surrounding it the rough shape of the unhewn, unfaceted stone. The crystal qualities are there, but they lie waiting for the skilled hand of the artisan to chip and facet until the heart of the stone has been revealed in all of its polished splendor. 1987/0729.txt:47:I am Quanta. The tuning of which we speak is primarily that ability to recognize a contact that is being made with your instrument and to successfully challenge and receive confirmation from that contact in a manner which assures you of its nature and allows you then to open your channel that you may speak its words. This evening, for example, due to the time which had elapsed and the slight eroding of the confidence, this ability to discern contact from our group was somewhat diminished. More practice and the gathering of confidence shall allow this type of discernment to again be polished to the point that the ability to discern not only our contact, but contact from other sources, is enhanced. 1987/0926.txt:11:This is also true of those who are tending toward a decision to seek the Creator by following the service-to-self path. When entities which wish to serve the Creator by serving the self achieve what you would call political power, they come to be effective instruments of the failed attempts to control others, which is termed warfare. Failed, we say, because power and freedom lie in a place which no one and no power can shake or remove. The greatest of altercations can end only in the freeing of the individual who has been brutalized through the gates of physical death. 1987/1011.txt:21:We realize that those who are in mated relationships have special problems. This is due to their expectations of each other. Had you no expectations of another entity, it would be very easy to be polite. However, among your peoples the mated relationship is one in which two become intimately involved enough that each attempts to learn to treat the other as Creator, to trust each other. Yet each is a very distorted version of love, a very confused rendition of creation; therefore, trust is hard to come by between people. 1987/1025.txt:7:By the self in this axis we intend to convey not the whole self but that self which obtains and values tangible possessions, useful friendships, and advantageous arrangements of social, economic and political influences. It is written in the holy work known as the Holy Bible that the master known as Jesus, when asked what it was important to do, that is, which commandments were the greatest within this master’s tradition, the reply was, first to love the Creator with all the heart, the mind, and strength, and secondly to love the neighbor, the associate, the intimate, the stranger, the enemy as the self. 1988/0210.txt:43:I am Hatonn, and, indeed, we deem it an honor to be present as each instrument continues with the inner tuning in preparation for contact with us and with any that should be contacted in a session such as this. We commend you for your continued refining of the tuning process, and can only suggest to each instrument, whether new or experienced, that this tuning be accomplished with as great a degree of fastidiousness as one is capable of providing, for this tuning is the factor which allows for the construction of the actual channel, the receiving antenna, shall we say. Its polishing, its tightening, its sensitivity, enhancing that will allow for the greatest degree of both freedom of transmission and accuracy of transmission. Thus, to ask again if one is tuned and ready to serve as an instrument is well. 1988/0213.txt:15:One who expresses joy from within is doing the greatest work in consciousness which it is possible to do within your illusion, and the more passionately and ardently and eagerly one turns to each moment, whether it be a challenging moment or a relatively peaceful one, the more you shall rejoice as you gaze back upon the incarnation, for the jewel that each entity is is polished by that entity, and the polishing is very efficient within your density. 1988/0802.txt:17:Secondly, to the instrument itself this service satisfies that desire to be of aid, to be worthwhile, and to be active and caring in the world of spirit. It is an invisible world, and there are many, as we have said, who care not at all for it. Yet for those who do care for the inner world, the outer world is gazed upon with some dismay, and there is the desire to help. For those whose desire is to help by aiding the environment, for those whose desire to help is expressed in political or other social manners we say, “Know yourself and know your muse, whether it be justice, honor, beauty or fairness,” and then ask yourself what relation this muse bears to truth. 1989/0101.txt:8:In point of fact, when working with the deeper programming of the metaconsciousness, the movement of feeling within may be in such a powerful way that it may seem irresistible and perhaps counter to usual politeness. These expressions, however, are to be credited as part of the mind, not part of something called hysteria or emotions, but rather those times when the metaprogram has once and for all time changed a deep, deep program. There will be some sort of release from such a deep change that you do not understand it, and the fact that you may, perhaps, be disappointed in yourself must be accepted by you as a condition of your attempt to live a life based upon the faith that there is, indeed, a kindly Creator, a Creator made of love, which loved us first, and to Whom our response is faith. 1989/0409.txt:21:Yes, negativity and positivity exist, and it seems prudent to both positive and negative entities to form alliances in the positive sense so that we may share in one higher self which is a common memory of us all. In the negative sense, there are various reasons, shifting and restless, for combination. They all have to do with conquest. About those things which are political we wish to remain silent, simply reminding each that phenomena are manifestations of energy. The energy may be understood very simply. Gaze at any phenomenon and ask yourself, “Is it radiant and giving and loving and unifying or is it frightening and painful and difficult to bear?” Are you requested, or are you told and commanded? Judge for yourself the polarity of entities and situations, and know that armies will clash until entities tire of that game. The mystery of why the Creator chose to offer us these challenges and these ways of learning remains unknown to us. It is as well to accept, for now, that such is the case and to move always upon the positive path, thinking of others more than you do the self, giving more than you receive, understanding more than you are understood, being content to love. You are loved, loved most passionately and imperishably as the imperishable and unique soul that you are. The Creator is fascinated with you and wishes to know the tapestry of your feelings and thoughts and ideas and intentions. Offer to the Creator a passionate life, a life filled with caring and giving and loving and sharing. Let the colors be true and rich and let yourself have those periods which are the desert times, for those colors, too, must be in a truly beautiful painting or tapestry. Know, as you go through the dark times, of all the life that awaits to burst forth through the soil at the first drenching of blessed rain, and know that you shall as a soul receive that rain and walk once again in the lush oasis of joy. 1989/0730.txt:33:Never force the self to be “spiritual.” Never force yourself to be good, polite or helpful but rather when you have discovered a blockage within yourself and have communicated clearly that you have a problem, move deep into your consciousness and examine that difficulty, finding the love and the lesson in that situation. There is no way of which we know for an entity to make an errorless life experience. Even the entity known to you as Jesus, who is mistakenly worshipped by many who do not realize that this entity was a perfect channel for the one infinite Creator, [had] this confusion. Perfect bliss is available only to those who remove themselves in solitude so that no mirrors are held up to the self and one may go one’s eccentric and idiosyncratic way seeking God as it will, seeking love and expressing love as it can. 1989/1001.txt:20:People do not wish to worship themselves. Yet, as they go to the churches they cannot find a Creator to worship for they cannot accept many things about the experience of the so-called spiritual fellowship. Those entering in the spiritual fellowship are of all stages of development of self-awareness and, therefore, there is great pressure on many within your organized religions to manipulate, to impress upon others the idea one has of oneself, to do things a way which seems correct as opposed to a way which seems not. And that intensive effort which would be given to pure experience within a service is frittered away in, shall we say, church politics and busywork. 1989/1029.txt:55:Can you give me a form in which any association with an inner master might be politely and gently and appreciatively dissolved? Can you give me a form in which a successful challenge to an entity, a discarnate entity, may be made? Can you give me a form in which a positive, service-to-others discarnate entity of the Confederation might be evoked? 1989/1217.txt:12:The world outside of you is not apparently full of love. Love has an active and a passive form. The most important form for you to become aware of is the immediate presence of the unmoved Logos, that great original Thought which is Love. There’s no free will to cause it distortion. And you, my friends, are the active principle of that Creator. Far better it is to attempt to aid and fail than not to attempt because of a fear of failing. No one is keeping score in the heavenly kingdom, except, my friends, you yourselves. You know if you love or if you are merely getting along, being polite, being pleasant and being cheerful. Those are wonderful human traits, but they end, and then you are exhausted and open to the most negative of emotions. It is in the realization that you are [as] portion of the Creator, that your ability to love is there to make itself clear, for it is not your ability at all. Your personality, your circumstances, the island high on which you live, are all illusions. But that which is within your consciousness is no illusion. 1990/0715.txt:37:Well, before [inaudible] I have one question that’s been on my mind for [inaudible] also, as we deal with the cost of a new publication, a new publisher that seems to be much more [inaudible] of us. We will, however, be making a quality product and charging for it, such an expense that we ourselves have to change our policy. The change that we have come up with seems to preserve the freedom of people to purchase our work with any cost that is comfortable to them. The addition is only information, that is, the cost to us of each item. In no way do we wish to suggest that people pay that, that is simply information. Is there a flaw in such an attitude toward invoking the spiritual Law of Plenty? 1990/0715.txt:39:We would suggest that the intention that propels any decision upon this policy is the governing factor, shall we say, that determines the purity of the principle that one honors. We are aware that your desires are within the proper degree of purity, and would not recommend any addition to this decision at this time. 1990/0719.txt:15:However, we may assure you that from our vantage point, without your illusion and without the veils that are the natural portion of your illusion, this process occurs very rapidly. That is the great virtue and value of the illusion in which you now find yourselves. This is the work, not of just one lifetime, but of many, many experiences which you call your lifetime; is a process upon which you have been endeavoring for a great period of what you call time to accomplish. You shall continue to work on this process for another great portion of time. Yet, we assure you that within each incarnation, no matter how slowly they seem to proceed, there is much work accomplished, much of the polishing of this lens perception. 1990/0909.txt:3:I am Q’uo. Greetings to each of you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. We are most glad to be with you once again to share our thoughts with you and to accept the sharing of your meditation with us. We use terms like honor and privilege and gratitude when we speak of the opportunity of sharing our thoughts with you, sharing just a few steps of your path as we sit with you in meditation, and it seems like perhaps the overdoing of courtesy or politeness. Indeed, we are neither courteous nor polite; we are truthful. We are with your people at this time for this purpose. Our work with color is for this time period finished. We have, as you know, become a principle with Latwii’s agreement to move from the study of your color complexes in the various densities as you approach harvest in order to be able to aid the brothers and sisters of sorrow that you know as Ra. 1990/1025.txt:5:[And I spoke with channels], each of you has begun that process of realizing the responsibility of policing yourself, of gauging for yourself, not the quality of the message, but only the quality of the preparation. This instrument, for instance, has never been satisfied with its preparation. We shall not give our opinion of this, as this instrument does not want to channel it. However, it is well not to assume that you now have become good of channeling, ever, anymore then you can reach your limits as an artist in any work of art, in any work of creativity, in any work where imagination and craftsmanship work hand in hand. It is only necessary to remember all that comes through you, because you have tuned yourself to your innermost self, the self that loves [without sin]. Often against its own will, but loves and loves and loves. 1990/1125.txt:24:Firstly, to love the Creator and to share it forth in your very consciousness in whatever condition, this is the first and greatest service. Secondly, in order to prepare yourself for service to others, the self who is going to be a servant needs to be well enough grasping of its own nature that it does not transfer the biases that it has towards the self to another. Thusly, we urge each always to give the first thought to clearing the self, polishing up the brass, washing the windows of the soul, becoming able to be a conduit for an infinite love, a resonant and creative love. 1991/0127.txt:17:The vibrations of negative emotion are most uncomfortable, especially to that portion of the self that is attempting to become more loving. But one cannot move from fear to love and expect love to overcome anything. This is a misunderstanding of the suggestion that love does cast out fear that is found in your holy works. Love is not aggressive. Love does not cast out. Anger may cast out, but that is not clear, openhearted love, but rather a blocked, and incorrectly or inexpertly expressed love, even if the one to whom you refer is known to you as Jesus, as the entity is recorded to have thrown over tables upon which lay money made by priests, not for the glory of the Creator, but for the betterment of the priests’ pockets. It must be understood that this entity was capable of error. This entity acted out of a kind of fear called anger. It is a kind of moral or ethical feeling common to those with ideals when dealing with that which your peoples call politics. 1991/0203.txt:30:I am Hatonn, and we are aware of your query, my sister. This is a query which may be spoken upon as the central query of an entire session, or, indeed, of a number of sessions of working, for there is much information here that is of importance to many of your peoples at this time. There is the quality of faith that is, as we have just spoken, inherent in the choice making that each seeker undergoes in a more and more intense fashion as the journey continues. As you find yourselves as a people and as many cultures on this planet reaching the culmination of the cycle of third density, there is an increasing effect that the action of faith has upon both the individual and the group decision making within all realms of your existence, most especially that which you call the religious or the spiritual, the political, the social, and the various interrelationships between peoples. 1991/0224.txt:12:How, then, does one work upon knowing the self? Firstly, we would say that one does not work upon the self by the use of outward authority. For instance, this instrument is a devout Christian. However, this instrument also does not see Christianity as an authority, or, indeed, even the one known as Jesus. But rather, it sees the realized human entity living a life that is an exemplar for all peoples who are able to respond to this particular narrative of a life lived and lost in joy, love and charity. The instrument does not give authority to any but the Creator. Nor does it give it to itself, for it has done the great work to the point where it realizes that it is merely a steward harboring, abetting and polishing those gifts which are its own unique gifts. 1991/0324.txt:5:Let us examine this portion of the story which Christianity tells about one man, a countryman, a peasant, a scholar, and depending upon whom you would ask at the time, a prophet, a savior, a political upstart, or a religious fanatic. This entity came into its incarnation with very little idea of the destiny it was to experience. Simply by following its own interests and disciplines it was able to unfold before its face those things which were important for this entity to be made aware of. He did not know, when he was studying the religious lore of his particular cultural group, that he would be an instrument of change for that group. He studied because he was in love, in love with the Creator that gave the law. 1992/0517.txt:41:The point of frustration is as a sticking point, shall we say, at which time there is more that is not understood than there is that which is understood. If you can explore what qualities within yourself have brought about the response of frustration in relationship to the experience before you, you will have informed yourself of the basic relationship that can yield more understanding of not only the experience but of yourself as well. If you can, shall we say, cross-reference the various causes of this frustration you may begin to see themes repeating in your pattern of experience, and as these themes repeat you may discover that there is a certain quality within your character or personality that you are developing and that the feeling of frustration is a kind of friction that wears away those lesser qualities, those which are no longer useful to you and which provides you a more polished surface so that you may see yourself more clearly. Thus, frustration can be an indicator that there is an opportunity to expand one’s concept of self, of service, and of learning within any particular experience. 1992/0607.txt:10:The, what you call, political system is an example of theoretical free choice-making. It is to be noted that the concept may become overburdened when too small at one end and too large at the other. Your societies tend to spin like tops because the balance point of power is small, those over whom power is held, many. In this regard, we may say that for the ethics of control to be more nearly applicable to yellow ray social decision-making, the communities in which decisions are made must needs be small, small enough that each entity choosing has some small idea of who and what sort of entity each person is. 1992/0607.txt:13:Ethics is a system of thought which describes those actions which are appropriate. So, one may ask, is this a situation in which I should attempt to control because of an appropriate end? Appropriate ends are suggestions that may aid someone in achieving spiritual maturity, suggestions that may aid another in a savings of time or other valued commodity. Perhaps you see the general tendency of this word “appropriate.” If control is used when it is appropriate, then, regardless of whether the entity controlled is in fact able to be controlled or not, the choice has been well made. If, on the other hand, an entity desires to control another from fear—that is, the fear that another is not doing the correct thing spiritually, politically, socially or economically—then this choice of control may be seen to be inappropriate. 1992/0607.txt:14:The term “war” may be seen as the largest written, broadest spanning, example of inappropriate attempts to control others. The choices for spiritual, economic political, and social movements that have only rhetoric and ideas behind them are those things which one need not attempt to control. Look at how much control is attempted to be exerted by those who would that others do as they do, believe as they believe, dress as they dress, behave and so forth. 1992/1.txt:10: [overview] Aaron: Greetings to you, my dear ones. I am Aaron. Q’uo and I are practicing being polite and each waiting for the other to speak first. Our hearts are full of the loving energy that you send out, full of the joy of your meeting. I wish that you could see with our eyes the radiance growing out of this room. 1992/1029.txt:3:Greetings to you, my dear ones. I am Aaron. Q’uo and I are practicing being polite and each waiting for the other to speak first. Our hearts are full of the loving energy that you send out, full of the joy of your meeting. I wish that you could see with our eyes the radiance growing out of this room. 1992/1122.txt:22:In working with the energies which make the trumpet move, the voices speak, the (sounds like “aports”) appear, and the other materialization phenomena which you are familiar with, the instrument which you are must be activated in a certain way. This is like unto the polishing of the inner surface of a reed, for instance, so that the energy moving through this reed may come forth or materialize in the manifested world with unabated vigor or energy. Any, shall we say, rough spots, any blockings, any ways in which the inner surface is not smooth will baffle and frustrate the energy or breath moving through it and add limit [to] the materialization phenomenon. 1992/1213.txt:48:Yes, Q’uo. I do not want to monopolize the time here because I am so full of questions, but I am curious as to ... We had so many reports of people having encounters with reptilian-type humanoid forms. I was wondering, this is just a thought that occurred to me, seems to make sense, if there could be a planet which would [have had] reptilian life forms, perhaps a third density or a fourth density, and their body forms made good vehicles for negative polarity entities to reside in. Does it work like that or is it somewhat different? Is that clear? 1993/0118_01.txt:51:We are those of Q’uo and are again with this instrument. Obviously, you did not enter incarnation and choose your family in order to become angry together. Your Higher Self and the Creator did not plan the emotional details of experiencing incarnation. Rather, as the incarnation was planned, the focus was upon the offering of the self as a rough-cut stone to the refining abrasion of circumstance, designed to polish and make beautiful and clear each facet of the gem that you truly are. You and your B, shall we say, planned to come together to be of service.1 1993/0323.txt:31:When you become aware of the pattern whereby self wants to be dominant in order to keep this being safe and you send love to that fear, open to the reality of that fear with no need to get rid of the fear, then you begin to rest in faith. “Even the fear is offered as part of my learning. I don’t have to get rid of anything in my experience. My spiritual path is right here in this relationship, in this job, in this political issue. Each is an opportunity to draw in light, to offer service and love.” 1993/0829.txt:19:However, most entities are much involved with the family and the mate and the family made with that mate. The dance of two whose destinies are intertwined is also straight and clean, yet somehow the tracks of two become one to the extent to which the other has become important to the self. As the choice of mate especially is made, the two tracks become fused, as the two enter into the relationship fully. Much confusion among your peoples has been, and continues to be generated because the mutually planned learnings of lessons for two entities within a relationship are ignored and the relationship splits before the lesson has been completed. Thusly, it is in our trip to Chicago scenario, as though the two arrived at Indianapolis and began to back up, to turn around, and to attempt to retrace the steps. However, destiny is such that Louisville, once having been left, no longer exists and cannot be returned to. No, those who avoid the work of a cooperation with destiny find not the exact same cycle repeated as the lesson is posed again. Rather, they will find the lesson to have been made more pointed, the difficulties more pronounced, and the options fewer. 1993/0829.txt:30:Yes. I have, like, this burr sticking out of my life. I have this thing about something that relates to what you talked about back there when there are two in a relationship and how their tracks, reaching Indianapolis, and then they try to backtrack. I don’t get a clear question out of it. I’ll just ask you if you can comment as much as you feel comfortable on that destiny as it relates to two entities who agree to work together in an incarnation. If it is too vague, just pass it up. 1993/0904.txt:17:We would also note that those of Latwii request that the new instrument be aware that there is no simple way for a discarnate entity to refrain from speaking if a contact is left open, consequently it is encouraged that when practicing the processes of tuning and challenging, that there be a polite request made, if necessary, after the greeting to move immediately to the closing, so that the channel is neatly and carefully guarding the conscious mind of the instrument. 1993/0904.txt:18:The few sentences, perhaps, of other thoughts are not anything to concern the instrument about. However, it is more appropriate when practicing with three entities together that any message be politely, but firmly rejected. 1993/0925_02.txt:45:I am reminded here of a story of a Zen priest. This is said to be a true story that happened in Asia sometime in the last twenty or thirty years. The police came to this being and said, “You have been accused of this wrongdoing. Come with us.” And they took the priest to jail. They asked, “Can you prove your innocence? Where were you that night when this deed occurred?” And the priest said, “I was alone. I have no witness.” The priest did not fight the accusation nor did it agree with it. At first it said, “I am innocent,” but it did not fight. So, that priest went to jail, was imprisoned and penalized to serve with hard labor. Six years later another prisoner, who was dying, confessed to that crime. They came to the priest and they said, “You are innocent. Someone else has confessed. Why did you not stick to your innocence which you proclaimed at first?” The priest said, “Because when I meditated that first night in jail, I saw that I had done this crime in a past life and I had gotten away with it, and another had been put to death for my crime. Now I have paid in my own way and I am free. I have lived these six years in prison with much love, serving my fellow prisoners. I am free.” 1994/0116.txt:16:It is as though within the meditation, regardless of how scattered it seems, there is a pure and distilled waterfall of light which irrigates and illumines cell by cell the body, mind and spirit. It is like being rinsed and polished to relax into that presence which is holy. And do not simply confine the self to one kind or form of meditation, for various experiences request various kinds of coherent illumination or meditation. Sometimes you may wish to contemplate a certain eye-catching thought or question, sometimes the meditation may be very active, the sacred dance, the sacred song. Sometime the true need is for the self to rail and complain bitterly to the infinite Creator, to say, “This does not seem to be a lesson in love at all. This hurts, this is painful, and I don’t like it.” Complaining is allowed, my children, complaining is encouraged. Too much is made of the wonderfulness of the infinite Creator and not enough said about the intimate love of this love itself that engages you in conversation and responds caringly and intricately to the way you speak your experience and tell your story to [it]. 1994/0313.txt:53:A kind of confused one, yes. You say simply act in love, and I think it is wonderful advice. It’s very hard for me to see where that love takes me. There’s something that I have to call politics involving this woman’s ability to talk to people and I hear back around from other people that she has said this and people are believing her. And part of me wants to continue to say nothing and take the high road and I just don’t know where the most helpful action lies, not in just context of myself but in context of this organization that I’m trying to help. You see the question that I’m asking, and I simply don’t know how to value the truth, whether speaking the truth at this point is helpful or not. Is speaking the truth a loving thing to do? Is not defending yourself still a loving thing to do if people would be helped if they heard your side? I’m just really stuck. I’m having trouble making decisions. 1994/0410.txt:10:To relate to others within your density is often a difficult matter because the voice of the infinite Creator is a spontaneous one, whereas within your illusion it seems that, in many cases, events conspire to remove spontaneity. Then, the manners and the rights and rituals of words take over. The spontaneity drops away and the politeness, the courtesy, the cultural amenities take over. Yet, even with these meaningless conversations there is the vital essence of love carried within those sound vibrations, for love is not that which can be experienced directly. For the most part there is an indirect experience, the sensor web of the perception making choice upon choice concerning what is heard and what is said; yet, faith and fellowship can be carried along the most meaningless conversation. 1995/1015.txt:46:I am Q’uo, and believe that we are aware of your query, my sister. We would suggest that the events within this third-density illusion are meant to serve as a kind of catalyst, a kind of motivator so that entities may begin to think and be in terms greater than this third-density illusion. There is, of course, a path of service through each level of experience, including the social awareness, the political rights, the democratic freedoms, and many there are who serve with shining brilliance in these areas doing that which they feel strongly is their part in this dance together with the One. 1995/1022.txt:9:Now, if it is understood that the primary work of third density is in tuning and balancing those lower three energy centers of red, orange and yellow and then of opening and finding ways to maintain an openness and fullness of the heart, then it may be seen that those energies are not instinctual. The refinement has begun, for you stand as a third-density entity as a kind of rough diamond with unpolished edges and without sparkling facets, and through lifetime after lifetime within your third-density experience the self that is inherent within, that crystalline entity that you truly are, begins to become visible as the friction of everyday living works to smooth and refine that crystalline self. 1995/1119.txt:48:The issue of pride is going to be yours and every seeker’s intimate companion for the foreseeable future. We ask you simply to view the self as if you were a rough, huge planetoid with deep ridges and valleys—an elephantine chunk of jagged roundness, tiny in the infinite reaches of space. The influences and essences of the cosmos beam and radiate in a refining fire, lamentably playing over those mountains of pride and all the associated errors of the soul in manifestation. In the fullness of time, to use the least distorted word, those ridges shall be smooth; and through eons of lifetimes, with painstaking thoroughness, the path or orbit of your consciousness shall become smooth and then smoother until at last the mantle of rock that covers your surface as flesh covers the living being within shall finally be polished away, and the immense jewel that your consciousness is shall emerge and become as the sun. And this sun body at last will have no pride, for it shall simply be. Do not hurry towards that destiny. Enjoy your crust of imperfections. They shall not harm your spirit, but only give it the catalyst that your consciousness seeks in order to buff and polish and slowly erode the parts of your self that are least true. 1996/0324.txt:6:Our second assumption is that it is the business of humankind to experience and to bear witness to that experience. This is confusing to those who desire to become perfect, for it is not our way to hunger after perfection. Rather, it is our feeling that it is the depth and quality of perception that is the desirable quality. The seeker of truth can be seen as that witness which makes the fallen tree make a sound. It is the tenuous, half-grasped witness of the imperfect entity that is precious to the infinite Creator, not the polished conclusion of a scholar or aesthete, but, rather, the diamond in the rough, if you will, of the person as it is, bearing witness to that catalyst which has struck it. 1996/0414.txt:15:You see, each is as the note, tone or complex of tones which makes up an harmonic. Each is a perfect yet unique jewel, a gem with facets that have been cleaned and polished and shaped by the tempering of those furnaces which consume distortion. These furnaces burn brightest during times of initiation into lessons, when all seems dark and there is challenge and struggle within. In these times we say to you, “Rejoice, for you have joined forces with your destiny. You have come to a time of transformation. Take courage and know that sorrow, sadness, suffering and grief, anger, rage, disappointment and all the negative emotions that are felt are gifts which hold in their hands hours of despair, days, months, even years of isolation and pain and tempering.” The oven of the alchemist is one designed to refine gold, to cleanse from it those things which are not gold. You may see the alchemical process working with consciousness as that refining fire in which dross is burned away, leaving that precious original Thought, pure, shining and untouched. You carry within you the sea of consciousness. All that there is within you. All that you seek lies waiting to be rediscovered. 1996/0414.txt:19:We find that this instrument wishes to be politically correct and so we are attempting to remember both sexes in what we say but we must say that your language is not very well formed for this, so please pardon our many stumblings as we attempt to find a word that indicates that male and female alike are one with the infinite Creator. 1996/1124.txt:6:I give you a very simple example. If I had a vast apple orchard, literally thousands of healthy, vibrant apple trees, what if a being knocked on my door and said, “Please sir, would you give me an apple?”—and I gave him one? One might say that was an act of generosity. If I gave him a whole bag of apples, one might say that was an act of even greater generosity. Certainly it is; I have freely given something of mine to another. But there is a clarity within me of the infinite abundance which lies behind me. There is no fear which prevents my giving or in some way influences my giving and makes me pause. Yes, it is still generosity if we define that word to mean a free giving from oneself, but what a difference if I have but one apple in my pocket and no access to more. I know this is my supper. I have walked for ten miles and just sat down under a tree in the shade, pulled out that apple and polished it on my shirt; and I’m looking forward to its sweet juiciness to quench my thirst as well as my hunger. Then you approach me and say, “Please, would you give me your apple?” Fear now may arise: “If I give, what will I eat? Will I be safe? Will my needs be met?” Through that fear, the voice of love must speak with resounding clarity in order for the apple to be offered. It is the force of this voice of love that I define as true generosity. 1997/0323.txt:36:The archetypical mind is a part of the deep mind of each entity. The roots of mind begin with that region closest to the conscious mind’s threshold and as one follows these roots one finds various levels of group mind within the mind. The ethnic group mind, the geographical group mind, the political group mind, and so forth. Deeper than these are the planetary mind, the archetypical mind, and the all-mind or the Knower that is the Known. The archetypical mind is a set of structures that create a way to think about the self as a metaphysical being. Within a mythical system there are characters with which one may find identity. Each who has used that identity to further deepen one’s own spiritual nature will be familiar with this. 1999/1107.txt:12:In the culture in which you now enjoy living the hope is not that the entities will be mindful, but, rather, that they will be mind-persuaded in the ways in which the culture wishes its citizens to think, behave and move. As far as an unawakened spirit can tell, what is required of it is that it get a job, pay for the privilege of having space in which to live and food to eat. This economic concern, namely, that each citizen will take care of itself and its dependents, ranks far above any consideration in terms of public policy of the spiritual evolution of its citizens. Naturally, this not being the obvious concern of governmental or cultural entities this has never, for the most part, been questioned. No one expects the government or the culture to require mindfulness of its citizens. 2000/0521.txt:24:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The drama that surrounds this young entity is that which each feels it to be. Again, the minds of those observing this event will see what they wish to see, will see what they are told to see, and will see more than there is to see. For, indeed, the mind is a powerful source of seeing, of information. There is as much to this event as any says there is, for as soon as it is said, there it is. We look upon this young entity and many entities who have been placed in the public eye and see that the mass consciousness of many entities needed this young entity to focus upon in order to discuss and describe the nature of the lifestyle found in this young entity’s two worlds. And the nature of the family itself, for this basic unit of support, nurture, teaching and guidance is one which has suffered, shall we say, significant loss of influence for many people within your planetary population. Many would have governmental powers, political powers, economic powers, and social institutions take from the family that which is its responsibility. An entity such as the one known as Elian can serve as a point of focus for people who need to bring into their own minds the topics of concern. Such entities are as the lightning rod which attracts the attention of a great deal of public energy, and by allowing this energy to be expressed then provide to many people an avenue not only for expression of emotions and thoughts and opinions but of the possibilities for their own life patterns to be altered by such discussions, depending upon the passion with which the discussion is carried out. Thus, the world stage is one which always offers to each individual entity whatever the entity desires. For if you look at the range of opinions and responses to every situation you will find that there is, indeed, a wide range, and one may pick and choose those areas of importance to one’s own areas. And those areas, therefore, will be important to each entity because each entity will make it so. This is the value of public explanations, displays and so forth. Each entity may take from it that which has value to it. 2001/0114.txt:72:[footnote start]From a reader: “I am a Christian Scientist and found several comments in this meditation inaccurate and therefore misleading about Christian Science. No one wants to have a child die or suffer. It’s a tragedy. And every loving parent would do everything in their power to save their child. Christian Scientists are no exceptions. They turn to prayer as a first resort because spiritual healing has proven so effective in their family’s lives. Choosing Christian Science treatment rather than medical treatment shouldn’t be characterized as ‘denying’ or ‘refusing’ reliable care. It is choosing a spiritual treatment with a long record of success.“Because health care choices are so personal, there is no dogmatic church policy to dictate to members which course of action to take with ill children or themselves. It’s entirely an individual’s decision what form of treatment they choose. Over the last 125 years, countless cases of all kinds of illness, including those deemed incurable or hopeless by medicine, have been healed through this system of spiritual healing. For a complete explanation of Christian Science please see Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. The full text is available online at www.spirituality.com. If you have any further questions, please email me, Valerie Minard, at valminard@aol.com.”↩[footnote end] 2001/1118.txt:8:Another thread that moves into the war-making ability of humankind and of third-density in general is as the one known as Jim suggested: the challenge of working with groups. The great question in any group is “What is the character of that group?” A group shows its character as it chooses its leaders. Those who attempt to be leaders within large groups tend to have personality structures in which the use of aggression seems fair; the use of influence, just; the use of all advantages, necessary. The tendency therefore is for leadership not to be as idealistic as the spoken ideal philosophy that is given respect in polite company, while at the same time, as the one known as Jim pointed out, ignores those same ideals when it seems to be of some advantage. 2001/1118.txt:10:The very roots of your thinking, shall we say, from childhood have been saturated with testosterone-rich heroic deeds. This entity has a fondness for reading, and we find in this entity’s mind many, many a story which involves the waving of the sword, the brandishing of the firearm, the assumption that weaponry and armament are natural concomitants of policy. And indeed we do not disparage war in and of itself. It is part of the almost inevitable confusion of third density. We do not suggest strict ways of thinking about conflict, for a case can be made for war as a game, as an excellent game, rich in glory and honor. Like many other things which from a wider point of view seem insane, going to war is a part of the expression of third density as most third-density planets experience the density. 2001/1118.txt:19:There is a fairly quickly growing group of those who are attempting to speak peace upon your planet, not in ways of public policy, but in ways of working within to become beings of peace. We see this body of energy enlarging upon your planet, and we feel very hopeful that, against all of the apparent news to the contrary in your Earth world, the lessons of love are more and more being seen, sometimes for the first time. Entities are awakening and doing some of this inner choosing of essence that we suggest. As more individual lives are transformed, so, we believe, shall your planet be transformed. 2001/1223.txt:5:However, this energy of Christmas has never been expressed in precisely the way that the one known as Jesus the Christ expressed it. And the way this entity expressed it has to do with this question about the formation of a social memory complex. Now, this entity who in his native tongue is called Jehoshua but whom we will call Jesus, because of this instrument’s distortions and the distortions of the culture in which all of you live, was, in his own way, a politician. But he was a politician who was running for office in another world. As he said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” This entity identified his kingdom as the kingdom of heaven. We feel that there has been a tremendous amount of distortion of this entity’s message. However, there is enough in what is left of what he actually said to begin to form an idea of what it takes to form a social memory complex. 2001/1223.txt:7:Jesus was not a foolish man. He did not feel that all things were good. He felt that some things were sinful. However, he took it to a higher level in each and every case and said, “The past is past. Make a new beginning and you are completely and utterly forgiven.” Would that the voices that surrounded this entity had the same message. Much has been lost of the message because others immediately misunderstood it and felt, during the time that this entity was alive, that this entity should become a political figure and rule a country, a physical country, the country of the twelve tribes. This the one known as Jesus rejected out of hand. So if the one known as Jesus was offering information about the vibration of a social memory complex then the direction that the entities who wish to help form a social memory complex need to go is the direction of forgiveness and love. Forgiveness of enemies. Forgiveness of the self. And the willingness to make a new beginning. These seem finite qualities, but in the metaphysical world they are infinite. The freedom to expand and strengthen light is complete once the soul has pierced the veil of forgetting. 2002/0210.txt:9:For you see, to come into an acceptance of the she-wolf that runs with you, to come into an acceptance of the liar whose dazzling footsteps dance one out of trouble, to love that self that is able to aim, group at three inches, and polish off a target at twenty yards that happens to be a human that is attempting to cause damage to a loved one... This instrument has certainly experienced the feelings of a murderer when a loved one was apparently struck and perhaps killed. There is no length of time between the sight of someone that needs defense in the mind of the perceiver and the feelings of murder. And it is a pure, clean, crisp and powerful emotion, not unlike anger but with deadly intent. Would any say that this instrument had an unintegrated murderer within her? No. And yet it is in this instrument’s inner thoughts that she does indeed have a murderer alive and well and living in the hospitality of the temple of the body, the mind, and her spirit. And so each contains all that there is, and within your density the very fabric of your illusion is very much the ying and the yang, the give and the take, and it is a great achievement indeed when that dark side of self is seen as an asset by the self and as that she-wolf bares its fangs and seems to come at one as a werewolf, as a predator, as one that wants to tear out the heart, that is when you embrace that she-wolf and know that that is your powerful, brave heart that is capable of anything but that chooses to be your she-wolf, to be your totem, to be your seeker of truth that prowls in dreams and comes back with news of elsewhere. 2002/0505.txt:8:We find that in groups such as this one which gather in homes and are unofficial and spontaneous, the likelihood of fresh energy is higher because there is no reason to come to a group such as this one to express a social or a political or an economic kind of feeling or beingness, but rather, the only reason to come is that sense of a spiritual family that together may more efficiently and effectively seek than each by himself alone. We would say that this is extremely true and is a great help to remembering who one is, for there is within the earth plane at this time a tremendous number of people who have incarnated in large groups of people to serve together and much of the joys of spiritual community are involved in re-linking with those entities with whom you have spent lifetimes in the past serving together and learning together. Each time that you reconnect and re-link with these beloved strangers that are very much a part of your energy of being, there is laid another golden strand of connection within the net of love which surrounds the Earth and is glowing brighter with every day. We are rejoicing at this point to see the outburst of newly awakening people. There is a tremendous, shall we say, population explosion of those who are awakening at this time. It makes us feel most blessed to see entities taking hold of their being and knowing themselves and their power for the first time. 2002/0516.txt:7:The grit of life can easily be seen to be a thing that is unfortunate, and we would offer the image of the pearl, which is the result of the irritation of the sand within the shell of the shellfish known as the oyster. Without the refining fire, without that distillation of spiritual maturity that such seeming difficulties offer, that pearl, which is each of you, should never properly be polished into its complete and perfect beauty. We do not suggest that there is an easy way to do spiritual work, either by the self or within relationships. It is not even easy to deal with the self or with relationships following the rules of the physical world and what this instrument would call consensus reality. The advantage of dealing with such issues as a spiritual entity is that advantage which sees a wider and more fundamentally powerful point of view, a point of view which offers a more sturdy resource than the shifting values of your third-density world. 2002/1020.txt:1: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, has to do with what is happening for the individual seeker; [what is] the metaphysical reality of what’s going on in our world today as each of us struggles to understand inner spiritual truths [while] we are caught in the swirl of economic, political, social and other activities that are just increasing at exponential rates. We’re wondering what is really going on, when you consider that the various religions of the world have all been affected in one way or another by negatively-oriented entities trying to sway our ability to believe and where we put our faith. [They] have had some success, in causing us to have thousands of years of war as the concept of the holy war is born and carried out in each of the religions. In the Old Testament, for the Christians, there was a New Testament; there was a new covenant. Jesus brought the way of loving one’s neighbor. There seems to have been for the last couple of thousand years a smaller and smaller group of people who really feel committed to the way of Christ. Could you give us an idea of just what’s happening in the way of metaphysical and spiritual evolution planet-wide and individual-wide and how our various religions and their current difficulties are being affected? 2002/1020.txt:4:You ask this day, what is occurring with the individual who is moving through this particular phase of evolution upon your planet at this time; what is occurring individually, what is occurring in terms of the religions of the world, and what is occurring in that ever-changing intersection between the metaphysical that is unspoken and the metaphysical that has been delineated by those of a certain set of dogmatic beliefs. This intersection changes constantly, and yet it does have fairly consistent, shall we say, structures that are typical, and so we may in some degree generalize about this. But [we] would always point out that there is no generality that is true in all cases. Your world religions indeed have had a long-term habit of turning from the original impetus of a certain way of religious believing to the machinations of what this instrument would call the priestly class, and here is a generality that we share with you that applies to this priestly class: the causes of spirituality are without politics and have to do with an instinct that is bred into the bone of your species. However, the religions of the human animal are those structures that are taken from a spiritual system and recreated in such a way as to benefit or be seen to benefit this particular class of ruling church leaders. The energy of religion, therefore, as opposed to that energy which is purely spiritual, tends towards moving into those areas of dogmatic and rigid belief systems that vitiate the pure strain of compassion and devotion that the religious system, as it is begun, offers; taking away little by little those freedoms to doubt, to disbelieve, and to explore that create the opportunity for the individual entity within human incarnation to seek and know the truth for the self. 2002/1020.txt:11:The requirements of this particular covenant or testament were that each entity would love the Creator and love the neighbor as the self. All of the law and the prophets, then, depended upon this basic truth, and, when there were discrepancies, the simple requirements preceded and updated the requirements of the Old Testament. We do not need to point out to any of you that the origins of this that is called Christianity among your people were not hewn to with much faith for very long, for there soon came to be an increasing effort to regularize, preserve and establish the church of Jesus the Christ as a Church rather than as a community of teachers and students. When this grew to a certain degree, for political reasons and reasons of social and economic power, it was decided that the discipline of celibacy would be placed as a requirement for being a priest in this particular church. When some entities are born, one of their choices for their incarnation may be celibacy. For many others throughout the centuries since this decision was made, not by those seeking truth but by those seeking power, many have been in a position of desiring to be a priest and needing to accept the strictures of that position including celibacy. We would suggest in this instance as in many others in the history of your religions that the requirement in and of itself is an unbalanced one, and it is not surprising that there have been unhealthful and insalubrious distortions that have come about in the personalities and actions of those who truly desired to be of service to others but who, along the way in attempting to deal with an outer, physical organization called the Church, have found themselves in difficult and unbalanced situations which they were not able to control. Please note that there is no political, religious, economic or social system that does not have its imbalances, inadequacies and potentials for abuse. 2002/1020.txt:15:The political and social history of your peoples—as you were speaking earlier of Atlantis and ancient cultures and then those that are more modern—have been these generations of those whose fear, terror, anger, hostility and pain have been offered up as food to the forces that enjoy that world of dark shadows and negative emotions. Consequently, there is almost no true negative polarity in the sense of an organized group of people that work together for the graduation into fourth-density negative of the planet or even of a group of its people. Those who have truly found the possibility of graduation in the negative sense within this particular harvest have been those whose focus has been extremely self-absorbed and unassociated with the energies that look, from the outside in, like negative polarity. The creators of your present global situation, then, are not entities of tremendous negative polarity but rather are those entities who have been most effective in shaping the society towards maximum degrees of control over others through the uses of what this instrument would call the media, so that these are not terrifying dragons but rather dupes for fifth-density entities who are using them as well as all others within the planetary system insofar as they can be taught to hate, to covet, to control. These are the energies that are encouraged along with the fear that lies beneath such policies. 2002/1127.txt:32:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Firstly, we would say that the physical manifestations of political intrigue, unrest, terrorism and war are as they are and are the natural outworking of the processes of graduation in which entities who have chosen [the path of] service to self are attempting to graduate with the same devotion and focus as those attempting to graduate in the path of service to others. The situations, we would suggest, are in the hands of all of those who understand and realize that they are citizens of eternity who came here to learn and to serve and who wish to go on to learn and to serve, for that is the desire of the upward-spiraling cells of each entity and each atom that exists within the physical and metaphysical universes. 2002/1219_01.txt:26:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. We are glad to comment upon this exciting and transformative adventure upon which you set out in so brief a period of days and hours. The best way to serve in the new environment is the best way to serve in all environments, and that is to offer the self without pride but with joy, to the moment, to the lifetime, to eternity in purity of being, in the glisten of armor polished by discipline so that the armor of light may shine. 2002/1222.txt:20:A good example from channeling which we find within this instrument’s awareness is that of the one known as Franklin who programmed into its incarnation the possibility of crippling polio. This did not occur in childhood as that particular disease normally does but rather it was set in place as a fallback strategy in case the one known as Franklin became led astray from its desires prior to incarnation to become more positive, more openhearted, and more service-oriented. 2002/1222.txt:21:The practice of politics is, shall we say, not designed to create such opportunities for positive polarity but rather such practice as those of a politician may well lead to service-to-self energies being fairly freely encouraged under the guise of helping groups of people for their own good. When this particular imbalance became marked enough within this entity’s incarnation it then chose subconsciously to create for itself a situation within which it would be more able to do inner work and less able to have a breadth and a fast pace of social activity. This did, indeed, in this particular entity’s case work well and created the possibility of much good work and balancing the distortions having to do with the right use of power. 2002/1222.txt:45:I am Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister, and, in general, this is correct, though we are aware that the entity of whom you speak is one who also performs his own kind of music and magic within the location that is in need of the energy of healing. This is a somewhat different kind of working, for this entity also operates within the social and to a lesser degree the political realm of the area in which he is involved, this adding different levels of energy to the mix, shall we say. 2002/2.txt:3: [overview] The question today, Q’uo, has to do with what is happening for the individual seeker; [what is] the metaphysical reality of what’s going on in our world today as each of us struggles to understand inner spiritual truths [while] we are caught in the swirl of economic, political, social and other activities that are just increasing at exponential rates. We’re wondering what is really going on, when you consider that the various religions of the world have all been affected in one way or another by negatively-oriented entities trying to sway our ability to believe and where we put our faith. [They] have had some success, in causing us to have thousands of years of war as the concept of the holy war is born and carried out in each of the religions. In the Old Testament, for the Christians, there was a New Testament; there was a new covenant. Jesus brought the way of loving one’s neighbor. There seems to have been for the last couple of thousand years a smaller and smaller group of people who really feel committed to the way of Christ. Could you give us an idea of just what’s happening in the way of metaphysical and spiritual evolution planet-wide and individual-wide and how our various religions and their current difficulties are being affected? 2003/0105.txt:16:Each entity will perish from the third-density experience. This source of fear is, shall we say, the parent of all other fears, that fear of ceasing to be. We would ask through faith that the entity posit to itself whether it is worthwhile to fear death or whether it might not be more skillful to see the inevitability of that, and, rather than shrinking from that inevitability, to turn that story from that fear of death to the love of each and every day and hour that remains to you. Time, in terms of space/time, is an illusion, yet it is within this illusion that each of you dwells; it is within this incarnation that each of you now acts; and within your continuum and your illusion it is indeed a very intense time of transformation and change for the planet upon which you live. Consequently, there are indeed aspects of the metaphysical transformation of the planet’s population and its very global entity that poke up rather abruptly as mountains on the topography of the present time and space. Many catastrophes have already been seen of the natural kind and of the, shall we say, human or political kind, and you may see that these forces and energies become more sharply delineated, more clarified and more obvious. 2003/0206.txt:18:We of the Confederation of Planets have come to tell a very simple story. It is a story of thought. It is a story of the power of thought. It is a story of the power of a certain Thought that created all that is. It is a story of the power of absolute and unconditional love. It is a story of intelligent infinity and the desire of that infinity to know itself. It knows itself with every thought of its children and each entity of whatever density of whatever planet within the infinite creation is a child of the Father, or as many would say in this time of political correctness: Father/Mother. 2003/0302.txt:14:We would ask that you also look upon your political sphere at this time. Many of you are now falling out of love with the idea of a benevolent government that will save you from the fears and the illnesses of the outside world. The terror that can be bestowed upon those who would be jealous of your freedom, so to speak, has been presented by those of your American sphere at this time. 2003/0302.txt:18:Thusly you see the detention of one known as Jose Padilla, who was accused of having been a terrorist without any supporting information and was apprehended and held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without being able to contact his lawyer or otherwise have access to the normal rights in the Constitution. From this one case, one may project a fear that this will become commonplace; that ordinary anti-war protesters will be denied their citizenship and herded off to detention camps or such things. Since the beginning of our work with David, we have always stated that although these potentialities would appear to be possible, that they will never actually arise into physicality. This is by virtue of the fact that your planet is essentially positive and that there are simply not enough of your peoples who are willing to turn their backs upon others, especially within their own country, and in so doing, create this nightmare scenario that is such a virtual re-depiction of previous negative scenarios on your plane. Therefore, you can choose to have a fear reaction, if you want to, to the events that are transpiring on the Earth at this time. However, we would ask that you make this choice with the understanding that it is only useful to you insofar as it leads you to make realizations about your own life. To put it in a more blunt fashion we can say that as you fall out of love with your negative elite and no longer seek to give them the god-like status that the media would convey, you also take yourself off of the pedestal that you have erected and recognize the ways in which you yourself have allowed negative situations to propagate and to fester. When you become more and more cognizant of the ways in which some of these negative actions in the grand political scheme play themselves out in your own world, you begin to understand how ascension truly occurs. 2003/0302.txt:19:As we have said, ascension is a process not a conclusion. Ascension is not something that you are simply going to watch happen in newspaper headlines. It is an intimately personal event that transpires within your own life. It is an intimately personal event that transpires within the lives of all as they move in synchrony together, as one, through these energetic changes. And thus we want you to understand that as you will be seeing the dissolution of these strictures on government and on politics in your sphere throughout this year, so too will you have opportunities within your own personal sphere of influence. 2003/0316.txt:4:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we are. As always, we thank this group for creating an opportunity for us to share our thoughts and we are most happy to do so on this occasion, with the request, as always, that each evaluate our thoughts on the basis of those thoughts alone and not on the basis of our authority. The resonances of personal truth have nothing to do with authority. We ask you to use your discrimination carefully, for there is much information and much of it is excellent but there is always that precise choice that is possible of that which is truly your own. The great challenge of the maturing spiritual entity is to move beneath the surface of things and to begin to see things not from an historical or political point of view but rather from a spiritual point of view, a stance or attitude which has its basis in those dynamics which truly are functioning within the heart of that situation which is called “history” in its outer manifestations. 2003/0316.txt:11:It is indeed a precious moment and a promising time of rapidly awakening consciousness planet-wide and it has been pressed into being and encouraged by the seemingly disastrous policies of those who wish war among your peoples at this time. And we may say without expressing any unknown information, certainly, it is not one entity or a small group of entities which wishes the engagements of war and the reallocations of territory and power. There is pressure planet-wide, at the level of those who remember whole societal-wide catastrophic scenarios and wish beyond all reason to reinvent them, that presses these entities onward. Much of this harvest, then, expresses enormously deep archetypical energies that have been stuck for an unusually long period of time, repeating seemingly endless cycles of rising towards the light, rising towards union, rising towards an awareness of love in its unconditional and redeeming aspect, only to fall back to the level of the great apes and their tribal loyalties and the protection of the family group. It is a great ascent that the human attempts in third density, to move from beast to angel, from a mute and unspeaking love to a supernal, wordless expression of love. In between those two lies the third density and in that density you have the forgetting that allows your voice to be uncertain; that allows your mind not to know; that allows your heart to make foolish choices and then to experience change because of them. 2003/0316.txt:13:We wish to express thanks to the outer expressions of this group in the context of your political situation, for those who light a candle for peace express a beautiful thought and it is very appropriate, we feel, that such lighting of candles about the globe may be seen from your satellites, so that all the world has become, in its own way, a rock concert. We enjoy that image of all of those lighting the flame and this time not for the love of a good song and a good time, but for the love of the world.2 2003/0321.txt:19:This is the time wherein many are being called to awaken and take up their part in this effort to build a road to fourth density that is a safe one for those who come after this generation upon planet Earth. The work with third density of this group of entities called human beings is largely at an end and the, shall we say, political, global score does not look very good. It looks as though we have as entities not proceeded to a very appropriately harvestable place for those interested in love and in light. Yet these appearances have no substance. 2003/0525.txt:7:Upon the level of the surface life, upon the level of your mass media and the details of politics and policy, it is indeed clear that your sphere is controlled by the few for the sake of the few and to the detriment of many. Gazing at the Earth sphere from the stance of spiritual responsibility or maturity, there is another picture entirely. In this picture, no power is given away to any thought form or actual entity. Rather, each is in relationship with the power, the discipline, and the focus of the self. Insofar as there is no discipline, then there is likely to be very little power. However, your environment is an environment in which the planetary venue was chosen and the ingredients of the life experience of each of you were chosen for an agenda which only peripherally involves the ways of politics, policy and power. In the outer sense, rather, each of you came here to dig a bit deeper within your particular bit of the Godhead principle, that which you have chosen to filter into incarnational existence within the carriage of the personality shell, welling up within the earthly home of your body, that structure that houses and carries you about. Each of you came here hoping to use the illusion’s corrosive and harsh ways to thrash and pound and uncover the jewels of creatorship within the ore of self. Within the rubble of bits and pieces of the shale of the details of the day and the gravel of, “what I do for a living,” there lie great jewels within each, undiscovered facets of self, undiscovered crystalline formations, nuggets of insight, awareness and realization. Many of these insights are very close to the surface and have been salted within the soil of your most available levels of subconscious mind by the self before incarnation, in order that each of you might have real fruit from the digging, real substance from the probing and the examination of the thoughts of the self. 2003/0824.txt:18:Each of you hoped to rebalance that balance between love and wisdom when you came into this incarnation. You hoped to refine yourself. It is as though each of you has within you a wonderful gem, yet, in order to polish that gem, much surface material must be taken away. And so the suffering is that which blasts and chips and picks at the outer shell that is not the gem, knocking away all of those things that are not the real you. The suffering is that sense of pain as the emotions and the mental structures are in the process of changing. It is the change that is the root of most of the suffering of your species. It is the kind of pain that exercise creates. It is flexing the muscles, perhaps beyond the capacity of the muscles before this exercise. Yet, each time that entities undergo this suffering, they learn or have the opportunity to learn more about how to sit with that suffering, how to take it in, to love it, to work with it, and to allow it to seep through the self, doing those things that it came to do, easing the imbalances in the energy body and approving the overall situation which exists in your soul stream, not simply in this time and space. But you are doing work which transmits itself to the infinite and eternal stream of energy that you are. 2003/0921.txt:15:We do not know and could not say if we did, what the catalysts shall be for any mated pair as they begin to ride this ark of hopes and dreams along that endless ocean of perceived experience within incarnation. It is only possible for those upon the ark that they have made by their mutual love, to shine the wood of it, to polish the brass, to clean the head, to trim the sail, to keep the keel even and steady and to gaze at the stars with sextant in hand, remembering your hopes and dreams and renewing, daily, that pride in being that makes the chores of living as one joyful. We encourage, in the dailiness of a mated relationship, the continual return to the place of marriage where two souls united with the Creator to create the temple of a lifetime of dedicated and committed loving. Move into the silence of that tabernacle which is within the heart. Move into that shared silence in which each may hear the Creator speak. Let love be that which it is but allow a love which you know not to undergird and support that which you know now as love. For love has infinite lessons to offer and the more one is able to open the heart to the infinite consciousness that is love, the more one is able to open even further and even further. So that, as this instrument would say, one comes into one’s bliss, and more and more is at rest and at peace within. 2003/1019.txt:12:There is a great journey to be taken in that regard, for third density begins as the great ape that you are is barely beginning to move into the traditional, cultural societies, forming tribes, forming instinctively those tribes that describe self and other as the tribe and not the tribe. That great sadness that we see within your political and societal planning these days is that seeming return to late second-density where there is tribe versus tribe with no hope of communication and parity becoming possible between them. Consequently, each entity moving through the various sub-levels of third-density is attempting, more and more, to move from the uneducated idea of self, as only self and other-self that looks just like you because it is the same tribe, to self being the same as other-self, because self and other-self are both ensouled parts of the same Creator. 2004/0307.txt:39:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, each of you is a crystal, it is a matter of mining for it, finding it, polishing it up, and allowing it to shine. 2004/0311.txt:25:The sheer outrageousness of some of the patterns has been as the snooze alarm on the alarm clock saying, “Just wake up a minute and check out this one thing. Then you may go back to sleep.” However, one snooze alarm after another has to bring one into a more wakeful state in which underlying patterns of planetary madness begin to become more obvious. Consequently, it is completely unknown to us at what rate entities will continue to awaken and at what rate the ensuing lightness of the planetary atmosphere will begin to cause what this instrument would call the “Hundredth Monkey Effect4,” thereby causing rapid positive changes within planetary policies of all kinds. This could occur as well as those events which would set off rapid reductions in the population of humans upon the planet Earth. 2004/0404.txt:16:We are those of Q’uo, and, my brother, may we say that it also has been inspirational for us for the one known as R has been a true knight who has polished his armor. 2004/0418.txt:16:As the soul of third density begins to live consciously and make choices from a more aware standpoint as regards its own essence, the ability to do magical work increases and entities begin to have an inkling of what it is like to be a part of a living organism that has more than one center of consciousness. Many times this is first encountered in the small groups connected with family, that lucky family that happens to have a spiritual connection and experiences a common dedication to that which is beyond them. This occurs often in musical families, or in families of scholarship, or in healers such as medical doctors. These are the first nascent experiences of thinking as individuals and yet as one group, working as one, unified for a goal, whether it is to make music, to solve a complicated medical problem, or to resolve a fascinating scientific question. It is seldom, however, found that entities are able to enter into the unity of fourth density while within third-density bodies. And we note this present group, in attempting to create a fourth-density consciousness within its group, is indeed attempting that which is only marginally possible. Yet at the same time, the attempt not only creates a greatly advantageous learning situation for those attempting such a thing, it also creates, as the one known as V has suggested, that place where fourth-density qualities may dwell, survive and thrive. These kinds of desires to create heaven on Earth will hone and polish the honesty of each entity and will, if followed carefully, create a growing awareness of the fluidity and flexibility of truth. 2004/0516.txt:19:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The group known as Q’uo has limited abilities to examine the process of creating thoughts that were offered by those of Ra twenty-three years in your past. However, it is our feeling as well of that of those within our principle known as the group of Ra that you are at this time indeed dwelling within fourth density. The intent of the original discussion, as the intent of this discussion, had nothing to do with creating a way to judge the making of plans within your physical universe. It was rather a discussion of a metaphysical process that is accompanying the physical process whereby the planet upon which you dwell chooses its needed, new magnetic alignment. That it is doing so in a far different manner than has been done in the past may perhaps be obvious to each of you. This moving of the magnetic north by very small increments over a period of time is the result of the attempt of many upon your planet to ease the passage or the birth of fourth density into reality. Its birth has gone relatively well considering the amount of chaotic or wasted energy amongst your peoples and the resulting metaphysical heat, shall we say, that has created so much discomfort among your peoples at this time. Naturally, the hope of the Confederation at this time is that this process may continue and that the Earth, as a planet, may reestablish a stable magnetic alignment without the necessity for planetary disaster. The possibility/probability vortex of this occurrence improves as more and more of your entities wake up and begin to polarize towards service to others, in response to the various wake-up calls, as the one known as J has termed them, that the various political injustices are occurring create. 2004/1003.txt:11:In the history of your people—not simply the religious history of your people but the political, economic and social history of your people—the story concerning Isaac and Ishmael is a story steeped in birth rights. And this is an interesting characteristic of the system used by the one known as Yahweh. We may describe Yahweh as an Earth guardian which entered into a plan to be of service to others without thinking through the ramifications of such a plan. When it chose to do work to create a new and better version of the Egyptian stock that was the genetic base of that region at that time, it chose one of two types of genetic beings that differed somewhat in their genetic heritage because of there being other genetic applications by other extraterrestrial entities in their past. They chose the entities that had the seemingly more appropriate basic characteristics of intelligence, culture and so forth. They separated out one group from another in a way which the creative principle would never have done, and created, therefore, a sub-race which these guardian entities considered new and better and therefore worthy of having the elbow room in which to bring forth the improvements in mind, body and spirit that those known as Yahweh felt were possible for such an assisted group. 2004/1003.txt:18:In many, many ways, this entity made life very difficult for those of the British rulership of his nation. Yet, never was this entity less than cordial and civil. He could not have succeeded nor could his ideas have taken hold were he not coming from a place of genuine love. If he had hated his enemy, no matter had he done exactly the same things in his political posturing, he would not have succeeded. His integrity and purity of motive were such that those of India and those of Britain alike were able to see it, feel it, and in the end, respect it and respond to it. His working to aid his people, therefore, never took on the shades of violence or terrorism but retained the goodly hue of faith, love and hope. 2005/0102.txt:6:Nevertheless, from the political or social point of view, or as this instrument would say, from the top down, among your societal groupings, there is almost the reaction of a marionette or a puppet to the etiolated and thinned-out discussion of an abstracted tragedy. There is the expected and almost knee-jerk type reaction of sending emissaries to be sure that the right kind of gesture is made. But the heart of the culture of your peoples has not been awakened, enlivened or enabled with the zeal and the passion to help that might have been possible in a more fortunate world, [a more] fertile period, among your peoples. 2005/0102.txt:7:Indeed, there seems to have been, from the top down, shall we say, that feeling of hopelessness or even helplessness that seemed to descend upon the entity you call America when it became clear that, for the second time in a row, the seemingly free election of your peoples was compromised. Consequently, we cannot say to you that the energy we are experiencing on a societal level from your people is particularly hopeful concerning the structure of the, shall we say, chakra system of your people. We would not speak for the entire globe. We are aware that we include in the number to whom we speak this day, one from the continent of Australia. We do not presume to express here our impression of the energy of the Australian continent. We are at this time expressing the energy of the North American continent and it is, from the standpoint of large political or social groupings, a lackluster energetic picture where the heart has not been able to open completely and embrace the tragedy or even to imagine fully of what the tragedy consists. It is as though your peoples have been stunned, repeatedly, by a blunt instrument which we could only call, in general, fear, until the responses of your peoples have become less sharp and less full of life than would be the hope of any member of such a society. 2005/0206.txt:11:The energies of entities within third density are also instinctively and naturally that which we would call political. There is the desire to organize the structure and tenor of one’s existence for the perceived group and through time this has developed into the rise and fall of many different kinds of civilizations and cultures. Again, in such groups, the center is obvious. There is a perceived authority; that is, the leader of the state, the city, the nation, or whatever group is perceived to be the government, shall we say. Your people have created many different kinds of structures from which government depends. And at this time your experiences of political structures are for the most part happy in that, while there is often disagreement with the leaders of your structures within the Western civilizations or cultures, there is a perceived degree of freedom which is that which feels proper and appropriate. So that, while entities may feel disappointed or discomfited by specific leaders, there is that underlying trust in the processes that guard freedom and keep government from coming oppressive and a type of slavery. 2005/0224.txt:26:Earlier this instrument was listening to an album of music that had been created by an enthusiast of the Law of One material. And the one known as Carla and the one known as Jim we were reading together the liner notes for this album. In it, the author, the one known as L, was writing a memory that she had of her grandmother. Her grandmother’s advice, she said, was never to be discouraged if you were a political activist, no matter how impossible your goals seemed, or how much of a failure you were at achieving them within the world. For the sheer effort of standing for the truth, for justice, and for the light, was the absolute success of activism. By desiring to bring together the temple that lies within the open heart and the outside world, you have succeeded already in combining them. What we are asking you to do is take a care for your own self in its surface aspects, in its shallower nature... 2005/0417.txt:10:When these waves of energy hit you it will feel to you as if all things are resisting and are failing. We ask you to know that this is baffled and confused energy that does not tell you the truth, for you are succeeding. You are thriving. You are growing. And in that growth, things must fall away so that new things can emerge. We can only say to you: let it flow through you, let it fall away as it will; cling not and do not reach, but be. And allow the energies that are yours to come to you. Your desire is honed, your focus is becoming more and more clear. Trust yourself. Trust the system of guidance that surrounds you. Trust the Earth beneath your feet which is learning little by little to trust you. You are becoming creatures of love involved in a loving environment, and from the earth to the sky, from the East to the West, and the North to the South, your planet is coming alive with love. Can you hear it in the politics of the day? Only if you listen carefully and with selective ears. 2005/0515.txt:51:We are those of Q’uo, my sister, and are aware of your query. We would content ourselves with saying that, to the best of our knowledge, the energies having to do with the closing of these bases does not fit in at all with the energies of fourth density. Rather, they fit in with third-density energies which are reacting quite violently and negatively to the incoming fourth-density positive energies of planet Earth, as it shall be very soon. The reasons for these closures are very involved in third-density political and economic agendas which do not, shall we say, have that stamp of unconditional love at all. Further than that, my sister, we would prefer not to explore for we do not feel that it is our place to discuss the machinations of the world of illusion of your peoples. We can simply say that your natural tendency to distrust and suspect less than pure motives for such fairly substantial and massive changes is fairly accurate. We do not say that there are internment camps in your politicians’ minds but simply that there are wheels within wheels and machinations within machinations among those who hold power among your people. 2005/0617.txt:31:When such imbalance has occurred, through distortions created and enhanced during childhood especially, the inner self must choose its method of coming into balance again and becoming once again a more true, tuned instrument. The Creator wishes to play you most sweetly. The decision that you made was to pierce through the gloom of confusion, and so you did. This was a costly decision in terms of the suffering involved. It was also highly efficient. You burned a great deal of accumulated confusion. You polished the facets of your gem with great vigor and nerve. And we salute you, my brother, as a man of fire and principle, as a slayer of the dragon, shall we say. You have created for yourself a very friendly dragon who still loves the fire but will make you toast. You have come more and more into balance. 2005/0821.txt:25:We have said many times through this instrument that each of you is as a lighthouse. Tend your light and let it shine. Polish the glass walls of the house of self to be sure that the light that is flowing through you may cast itself out into the world around you without impediment or smudge. You are not the light. You cannot control the light. You are an instrument that allows the love and the light of the infinite Creator to flow through you and out into a dark world. 2005/0821.txt:28:This instrument was warned by the one known as B before this weekend to encourage people not to focus upon local problems, not to focus upon politics, religious structures or any perceived points of difficulty within third-density planet Earth, for this kind of concern is that which crystallizes and focuses back into third density in a way that could be damaging to the development of fourth-density planet Earth. There is no need to break structures in order to create new ones for the simple reason that you are not attempting to fix third-density planet Earth when you work upon the grid of fourth density. You are simply joining angelic forces that have already been weaving golden threads into a net of love and light about your planet at this time. 2006/0109.txt:23:Secondly, we look through this instrument’s mind to find the concept that will help you see what you are as a group entity. Firstly, the power of your own awareness of yourself as a spiritual entity and a spark of the godhead principle makes it possible for you to begin to be a powerful person, metaphysically speaking. Our encouragement to you to begin any process with work on yourself goes back to the simple truth, that you have heard in so many different ways and from so many different sources, that you are all one being. You as a group are a hall of mirrors. You will see within this group, as within any group that attempts to move below the surface of polite conversation, projections coming to you, telling you about yourself. For each entity in the group, that mirroring effect will be very personal and intimate and we would not wish to interfere with your process. We would simply say that it is well to be aware, when you have so many kind, compassionate, honest and loving mirrors about you, of the gifts that you are given by those about you in this group as you interact. 2006/0109.txt:68:Take the outer looks of the political, economic and social systems of your culture lightly when doing this grounding work. For you did not come necessarily to change the outer picture. You came to assist with the harvest of planet Earth. That harvest is moving merrily along on its own and, as you do whatever you do to serve with a clarity of intention and a passionate engagement, you are moving ahead with your own program and your own process. 2006/0109.txt:71:[footnote start]Carla: This song was written by W. W. Howe in 1867. The message of the song can be taken better by people who do not enjoy working with the concept of a person named Jesus if they substitute “unconditional love” for “Jesus” and “lightworkers” for “Christians.” I also apologize for the 19th-century, politically incorrect use of “brothers,” where clearly the plea goes out to brethren and sisteren both! This is the first verse: [lyrics start] O Jesus, thou art standing outside the fast-closed door, 2006/0321.txt:19:The down-side in believing in one God is that belief that only if you believe in that one God—and believe in a certain way—shall your soul reach heaven. This creates a bias within the religious, and oftentimes the political mind of those [who so believe] that there is their way or the highway, as this instrument would put it. 2006/0903.txt:27:The closer that you can get to the source of your blockage or your overactivation, the more chance that you have of unearthing the ore that contains this gem of information, this piece of crystallized pain. When you do this, you hold in your hand the gift of much suffering. Wash it! Polish it! It is a gem you have earned, but it is not a gem that you need weighing you down. 2006/0917.txt:34:And you see, my friends, in many of those who are fundamentalist in their beliefs and very rigid in their dogma and doctrine, in whatever religious and political system to which this applies, the contraction into fear and the tendency to see all things in very black and white tones, when in truth it is truly a rainbow universe with not only black, white and shades of gray, but the most outrageous combinations of bright and creative colors, as entities have emotion, express suffering, and find in all sorts of energy exchanges more and more truth, more and more light, more and more grace, so that which they understand or feel begins to be coherent and they begin to achieve a metaphysical stature. This is the kind of work which begins to equip one to deal in fourth-density ways with third-density catalyst. 2006/1112.txt:7:For good information on how to affect your government, your politics, your economics, or your society in general by practical and worldly means, we would strongly suggest that you inquire from other sources than we. We are a carefully tuned contact that focuses upon spiritual principles. From that level, my sister, we may answer you, but it is perhaps an answer other than you would have wished. 2006/1112.txt:20:We see the world waking up to love. We see it beginning to identify the hunger that it has. We see it beginning to respond, love being reflected in love. There is great hope at that grass-roots level, below the radar of politics and empire. 2006/1112.txt:21:We cannot tell you not to be concerned about politics, society, economics and culture. Depending upon your own judgment and your own free will, we encourage you and all entities to follow your heart, to define those gifts that you might feel to share with your society and your culture that might make it better. This is your free will and your good work to do if you wish it. What we are here to speak with you concerning is something far simpler and at the same time something far greater. 2006/1112.txt:55:Once you have chosen that fundamental attitude of loving the world no matter what, then it is not going to unbalance you to investigate as much as you wish into the structures of politics, economics, social living, culture and the formation of myth. Learn all that you can. 2006/1116.txt:10:In that particular story, the son was so ambitious that his father created for him wings to fly, but he flew too close to the sun and thusly fell back to Earth, burned to a cinder. You are Daedalus, hoping to help your son not to soar too high or to crash too low. We do not by this, however, [mean] to suggest that you are a policeman. Indeed, your sense of being very connected with your son is accurate. 2007/0211.txt:69:You need never be satisfied with where you are nor need you ever be unsatisfied. You are on a long, sometimes arduous but always powerfully exciting journey. Once you realize that you ride forth as a knight for the light, may your banners shine. May they speak of love, beauty, truth and compassion. May you polish your metal, that armor of light, with every decision you ever make to try to do your best and to serve the one infinite Creator. 2007/0218.txt:34:It helps to see religion for the kind of powerful influence that it is. If you may see the forces of religion to include that of the world as well as that of the starry heavens, then you may see how quickly the energy of a new religion can become heavy and bogged down with dogma and politics. 2007/0218.txt:38:In his name, and in his memory, humankind has created a monstrous, rich, arrogant, political organization with many beautiful buildings which reach to the heavens with their spires and their crosses. Yet within them there is no virtue, except in the hearts of those who still seek the infinite Creator and use those sacred spaces to do so. 2007/0731.txt:8:The governments of your people, however, are not at all focused on peace, contentment or compassion. Those in political power have become able to hold the positions which they hold because they have laid aside what they consider to be naive and overly innocent hopes. They have accepted that they cannot be men of complete integrity, in the usual sense, if they wish to serve the state. The organization and arrangement of power is specifically and universally service-to-self upon your planet. 2007/0731.txt:13:As you look at the Middle East, know that all is well. And if you wish to explore the details of the politics of violence and aggression that make the front pages red with blood, do this studying and this research not to despair but to know ever more clearly the nature of the world that you came to incarnation to love. 2007/0731.txt:20:There is a saying in English, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.” Indeed, members of the Confederation have shared thoughts with all nations of the world. Our thoughts, however, are not offered in a way that would infringe upon free will. And those of the nation-state you call China are in sympathy with and polarized negatively along with the other nation-states who have achieved power in international commerce, politics and economics. They are not interested in that which we have to say. They are interested, as we said, in solidifying those possessions which they now have and in reclaiming any possessions that have gotten away from them. 2007/0731.txt:64:However, the key to living a balanced life is the constant rooting of those higher energies in the Earth, and the constant uplifting of all lower energies by bringing them into the open heart. Therefore, we would suggest that it is unwise to remain ever in the higher work, but rather it is well to balance all working in consciousness by moving into the lower chakras by praising and giving respect and honor to the most seemingly base or menial of energies. Praise and bless those grounded and necessary energies of sexuality, politeness, responsibility and all those things that would seem to drag you down. Know and find the way to discover ever more clearly that there is no part of life that is not sacred. 2007/0807.txt:23:You shall be ripe and you shall be gathered: not the husk, not the body, not the personality, not the details, but the feelings that were authentic, the services that were given with a whole heart, the intentions that you created and nurtured and polished. Whether you were able to fulfill them completely or whether they remained things of beauty to you for which you strove is unimportant metaphysically. 2007/1110.txt:36:For third density was not designed to be a quiet and steady dive to the center of self. It was designed to be turbulent, as the shaker that breaks rocks into pieces or large pieces of ceramic into small pieces of ceramic, polishing them and shaping them by friction and impact. 2007/1110.txt:38:Your world is intended as a refinery of souls. That catalyst that comes to the surface self is seen by us as a good thing, a useful and appropriate thing, whether it feels comfortable or vastly uncomfortable. Indeed, it is the movement of the self within periods or situations of discomfort which are especially helpful in achieving maturity and a more polished or tempered realization of the nature of the self and the Creator. 2008/0119.txt:54:Yet this appearance is an illusion. Certainly, as the days of third density wane and come to a close, those who are seeking to graduate in negative polarity are working very hard to create as much service-to-self polarization in their lives as possible. These are the entities that gather power for its own sake, that enjoy sending men to their death in the pursuit of policy and that do not blink at lying, stealing and cheating, simply saying, “It’s just business.” 2008/0119.txt:57:In much the same way your mass media only pick up as blips those entities which have disturbed the continuum by the misuse of power, whether it be sending entities off to die for policy or whether it be one entity who turns and shoots another. These are the things that create and constitute the blips that are reported on in the mass media. Meanwhile, all the rest of human nature remains unreported. 2008/0412.txt:17:Indeed, in many cases among the people of your modern culture it is not deemed necessary to think about spiritual things at all, except in the same way one thinks about politics or sports or the latest popular show on your television. It is part of the universe of normal life. It may not be deemed necessary to consult spiritual leaders such as priests, rabbis and pastors except on appropriate occasions such as marriages, baptisms and funerals. 2008/0524.txt:28:It is easy to love the parts of yourself that conform to your ideals. Yet the tough truth is that there is much more to the self than those idealistic parts of the self that have been polished and cleaned and are on display, shall we say, in the windows of one’s ideas about who one is. All of the rest of the self that lies in the shadows and has not yet been polished, has not yet been picked up, and has certainly not yet been recognized, waits for your attention. 2008/0527.txt:21:We discovered that, far from creating an effective instrument for healing, we created in the end very shortly after this structure, called the Great Pyramid by this instrument, was completed, that the entities who were supposedly the priests of the Law of One were corrupted by politics and society so that there was no initiation nor was there healing, but that it was to be used only by the elite. 2008/0927.txt:57:Thusly, we may say that indeed, in terms of the harvesting being prolonged past 2012, this was always a possibility if a pole shift did not have to occur, and it is now a near certainty, since the lightening of the planet has continued to take place, mostly unnoticeably and beneath the radar of politics and the larger consciousness of the society as a whole. 2008/1025.txt:75:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of the question of the one known as M. Since the time of the one known as Nikola the technology has existed for using the energy of the Earth to tap into that energy, much as one would tap a siphon into a maple tree and let the sap be collected. However, the political and economic climate among your people at this time is such that those who have been able, as the one known as Nikola was able, to create models of such devices were seen as threats to the economic equilibrium of the country and of the planet. Therefore, such knowledge has been ruthlessly removed from the public domain as soon as those forces of government and the world economy have become aware of them. 2009/0120.txt:20:What can you learn from the contemplation of these differences, my brother? It was the choice of those Atlanteans who volunteered for the experiments in genetics to choose these beautiful animals. The politics of their home in Atlantis seemed to them to be questionable in polarity [and so it seemed] desirable to them, therefore, to use their technology to embark upon a great adventure. 2009/0203.txt:58:We are those of Q’uo, my brother, and are aware of your query. To the best of our knowledge, my brother, the one known as Jesus was not a member of a social memory complex called Melchizedek. The desire of that entity who called him such a priest was to establish him as the figure in the Old Testament that was prophesied to be the Messiah. The intention of the one creating this statement was not spiritual but in a sense, political. 2009/0425.txt:36:It is interesting how those who hear wise words hear more than the words. Thusly, it is part of improving one’s service to others to police the self and to draw oneself back from arrogance and pride when one senses or sees that it has begun to encroach upon the service offered. For those to whom you speak shall hear not only the words but also the energy with which those words are offered. 2009/1121.txt:9:By and large, when people think about power, they think neither of physical strength nor metaphysical strength, but about the somewhat sticky and quite complicated ways of political and economic power, power meaning influence, power meaning the ability to press one’s will on others. Thusly, when we speak of the right use of power, we wish to be clear that we are not speaking of the worldly ability to wield influence in the halls of economic and political decision making. Were we to speak on that subject, we would not be able to bring metaphysical and spiritual principles to bear. Rather, we would be speaking of the virtues of the service-to-self polarity as opposed to service-to-others polarity. 2010/0904_01.txt:31:The answer that the Ra group gave to Don was that it was possible that this could be averted. Mind you that Don was talking to Ra in 1981, 82, 83 and a little bit in 84—so it hadn’t happened yet and everybody was very nervous about Cayce’s predictions. They (Ra group) said well, it might not have to happen if things change in the thinking on Earth, we can’t go into the future and predict because things happen the way they happen and your free will determines how they all happen. However, he (Cayce) did see that there was not only be the natural disasters, there would be all kinds of wars, there would be economic collapse and socio-political unrest. Certainly he is describing the world that we see with our physical eyes. 2010/0904_01.txt:84:(Carla points to her fingernail that has violet nail polish on it.) 2010/0904_02.txt:115:[footnote start]This British folk tune seems whimsical indeed but Wikipedia has this to say about the song’s origins: “The characters in the nursery rhyme ‘I had a little nut tree’ are believed to refer to the visit of the Royal House of Spain to King Henry VII’s English court in 1506. The ‘King of Spain’s daughter’ refers to the daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. There were two daughters, Princess Juana and her sister Katherine of Aragon. The princess in the nursery rhyme is probably Katherine of Aragon who was betrothed to Prince Arthur, the heir to the throne of England. Arthur died and Katherine eventually married King Henry VIII. It was sad that ‘So fair a princess’ had such a difficult life with Henry as she was the first of Henry’s six wives and discarded by the King to make way for Anne Boleyn.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Wikipedia says that “Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Session 27, Question 8 of The Law of One, Book Two.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Desmond Morris, The Naked Ape: New York, McGraw-Hill, [1967].↩[footnote end][footnote start]Chalmers Johnson, The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy and the End of the Republic: New York, Metropolitan Books, 2004.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Ra, Session 77, Question 15.↩[footnote end][footnote start]John 15:5: “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]Ra, Session 18, Question 6.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Hatonn, from The Law of One, Book One, Introduction, p. 24.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Ra, Session 54, Question 6.↩[footnote end] 2010/0911.txt:10:It is unknown to us when you first became aware that what you thought was your consciousness was, in actuality, a mish-mash of all of the politics and social training and enculturation that you have experienced as a child. We do not know when you took that first step out of the box, out of the matrix, but you have or you would not be here—you would not be seeking. 2010/0911.txt:56:With this instrument it has been activated since before she even was born and has to do with the physical. In many others it may be physical, it may be mental, it may be emotional. But there are those signs which the one who pays attention will note that it is time to turn within and to release all thoughts of worry and tension so that you may do the inner work and the tuning, as this instrument calls it, of returning to that state of mind which you wished to pursue before incarnation in order that you may find balance within your chakra body, to use a shortcut term, so that, for instance, if you become too involved in the politics and power games that have to do with job, marriage, family and so forth, something will occur to let you know that it is time to do some inner work. 2010/0925.txt:30:Men, on the other hand tend to be larger or more powerful, more directed to protect and serve, as the policeman’s motto often goes. Yet both men and women are challenged by the same ideal and that is to use their power rightly. 2010/1016.txt:47:Are you responsible for the fireworks that are going off outside this dwelling?4 Are you your brother’s keeper? In truth, other entities and their actions are not within the purview of your choices. Your choices are those within your ability to make. You cannot be responsible for the folly of others except insofar as you are given the light to feel that you wish to take on a crusade to change others’ opinions, to change policy and so forth. 2010/1023.txt:18:It is, in most cases, a fairly limited period during which you, as a personality, remain known and remembered, and we feel sure that this is not a satisfactory response to your question, for you would like to know that your life has made a difference, that who you are matters. And yet, my sister, would you care to save all of the details of each and every moment of your life? You are still among the living and yet you have filed many things away under the category of “golden memories.” If there were difficulties, you tend to leave them in obscurity while your favorite positive memories are taken out and polished up and perhaps even embroidered upon. 2010/1023.txt:20:But for most service-to-others entities, the net result of living a long life is that there is an increasing amount of memory that becomes polished and golden and can be trotted out, and many stories told that you enjoy telling over to yourself. And thusly you perpetuate the feeling of the reality of this personality shell. However, in time, even a Shakespeare is less remembered and each of you shall vanish into the Akashic record of your planet and the memories of your soul stream. 2010/1218.txt:7:Jesus began to walk and talk among the dusty cities of the desert of Galilee. He offered simple stories, yet they were stories that took the mind of those who heard him away from what they thought they knew and into a world of mystery and paradox. His teachings are not those of the church, my friends, for the church that grew up around the one known as Jesus the Christ after he died became more and more a vehicle for political ambition. Given the whole panoply of the sayings of Jesus the Christ, the so-called church fathers sought not the heart of that which Jesus taught, but that which would create a powerful church, an organization that would collect influence and money. 2010/1218.txt:18:The world would have you judge it. Jesus the Christ would have you love it. There is nothing further from the minds of those who rule the political scene than encouraging love, opening the heart, and nourishing the soul of love within every human being. And yet, at this particular time of year, people all over the globe are seized by the infectious image of the infant Christ, Lord of Love, utterly dependent upon Mary mild, lying in the rough straw of a manger, sharing [the stable] with the beasts of the field and the shepherds, while above that stable floats the star of hope. 2011/0122.txt:9:Now, we are not judging religion or society for creating dogma or for creating the rules and regulations of polite social intercourse. There are some that do very well within the narrow limits of a religion or a society. It is possible to open the energy body and keep the heart open within the prison of words. It is possible to graduate from third density in these conditions. 2015/1121.txt:19:There are those who seek the One Creator by neglecting the opening of the heart. These individuals are strewn throughout your social complexes in such a way that they often confuse and confound the trajectory of seeking that is sought by those who wish to form groups of seeking in concert with one another. [They are often] those who have responsibilities for the organization of your societial complexes, your participants in the so-called political life. 2015/1121.txt:37:So it is one affair when one encounters the hungry stranger, the stranger who is cold, the stranger who is lost, the stranger who is forlorn, to open the door and provide sustenance, warmth, and acceptance. And it is another affair to contend with those who have the intention not of accepting in good grace the welcome you have to offer, but of defeating the master of the house, of overturning the existing order, of achieving domination over others, of introducing the dark stranger of fear into the body politic. 2016/0206.txt:54:In other words, there are great strides being made at all levels of your planetary experience. There are evidences of various kinds of fourth-density manifestations each day within your illusion. The indigo children, for example, are those entities who have incarnated within the third-density plane at this time who have been able to successfully graduate other third-density planets, and who have found it a great opportunity and privilege to be incarnated here at this time to aid in this transition and to become what we shall call “systems busters,” as we have heard them described, that are able to make new arrangements to deal with the various problems that are seen upon your planet to be retarding the process of the movement into fourth density in the space/time portion of your planetary experience. These entities shall find their ways into various places of what you would call “social, political, economic power” to be able to have their influence and effect after the great dragon of negativity has met its match and its tail will thrash no longer. 2016/0402.txt:33:The first act, therefore, in addressing a situation in which trouble has been made, in which pain has been inflicted, is the act of forgiveness. This involves forgiving one who has stirred up the reservoirs of pain within one’s own self, and within the body politic, shall we say, so that one does not build judgment upon judgment, pain upon pain; one does not, in short, make the situation worse. It is well to keep in mind, however, that while complete forgiveness is the access to complete acceptance, and complete acceptance is the first step towards complete healing, that each is dealing with a capacity which is not fully developed in this regard, and, therefore, one has to understand that there are, indeed, limits to one’s ability to process difficult catalyst. 2016/1.txt:7: [overview] Ra spoke of those of us in third density as parents of that which is in the womb, the Earth or Gaia. They said at that time, in 1981, the delivery was not going smoothly. We relate to Gaia as our mother, providing everything we need in this incarnation, including our bodies. On the other hand, perhaps our individual evolution might be facilitating an easier transition for Gaia to fourth density acting as her mother of sorts. It seems as though there is a polarity one could describe as parent/child and child/parent in respect to our relationship with Gaia, as we experience our relationship with our own children. Would Q’uo speak to this possibility? How is the extreme political polarization we are seeing in our country affecting the delivery of Gaia’s physical fourth density? How can those of us who would like to be of service help with the birth now in 2016, both personally and as a group? 2016/1015.txt:1: [overview] Ra spoke of those of us in third density as parents of that which is in the womb, the Earth or Gaia. They said at that time, in 1981, the delivery was not going smoothly. We relate to Gaia as our mother, providing everything we need in this incarnation, including our bodies. On the other hand, perhaps our individual evolution might be facilitating an easier transition for Gaia to fourth density acting as her mother of sorts. It seems as though there is a polarity one could describe as parent/child and child/parent in respect to our relationship with Gaia, as we experience our relationship with our own children. Would Q’uo speak to this possibility? How is the extreme political polarization we are seeing in our country affecting the delivery of Gaia’s physical fourth density? How can those of us who would like to be of service help with the birth now in 2016, both personally and as a group? 2016/1015.txt:17:Q’uo, is the current political polarization going on in the United States affecting the birthing into physical fourth density at this point? 2016/1015.txt:22:These are potentials, these are possibilities. Whether they shall occur is up to each individual. Each of you, as you move through your daily round of activities, will have the opportunities in many ways to do the very same thing with problems and difficulties of a smaller variety, shall we say. Each family, each community, each church, each business has a political system, for the politics within your illusion are always involving people and how they relate to each other; how power is shared or not shared; how the wealth of what is available to the group is shared with all within the group. The politics of your people is the process of people interacting with each other. You may affect that which is yours to affect. Your family, of course, your community as well—church, business, those who you know, those whom you do not know. 2016/1015.txt:34:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed, there are labor pains occurring across the planet as a whole, for each time there is a group of people, shall we say, the immigrants from the Middle East, that suffer the difficulties within their own country, the bombings, the terrorizing, the killing of those who do not agree with the prevailing point of view—any time there is a pain or anguish of this nature, you may see it as equivalent to a labor pain. Whether it is entities who are being discriminated against in another country for their race, their sex, their political beliefs, their religious tenants, these also produce a pain that could be seen as a labor pain. Any time there is a disharmony in any group or individual that has the lack of love, the lack of understanding, the lack of acceptance of such an entity, it produces a pain of a mental nature, a spiritual nature, an emotional nature, a physical nature. All these pains at this time could be likened to the labor pain of your Mother Earth, for you and she are one, you are made of her, she is your mother, she is birthing that which is your child. The relationship between all of you is that of oneness, is that of unity. Such pain is felt by all at some level, perhaps not consciously, perhaps not mentally, most usually in the spiritual sense so that within the meditative state you may tune into the level of pain that is occurring upon the planet if you are willing and strong enough to feel and empathize with such pain, perhaps a small degree would be enough, to reveal to you the nature of such a mass experience of pain upon the mother to all. 2016/1106.txt:39:Thank you Q’uo. The Confederation has had an evolving policy with regard to how to offer service to those of Planet Earth, and it has been understood from the early years of this particular experiment that channeling was foremost among those means. At this present space/time is the opinion of the Confederation the same with regard to channeling, and are there other, equally efficacious means now available to the Confederation? 2016/1119.txt:6:Each of the 7 billion souls which inhabit your planetary sphere is the Creator, and yet each has an individual perception of its own purpose and place within this universe of being. Various of these individuals have gotten themselves together in groups of shared ideals, purposes, programs, desired outcomes. Some have political parties, some have churches, some have social movements. There are as many ways to gather as there are imaginations to conceive of thoughts, principles, and manners of seeking, which you may loosely call the truth. 2016/1119.txt:8:We are aware of the one known as Mahatma Ghandi. He is one who traveled the road of seeking both spiritual enlightenment and social justice. Indeed, few in the history of your planet have traveled this road more successfully. He took on the British Empire, my friends, and he won. India became free. When he would meet with his advisors the night before the day of meeting with social, political, spiritual and community leaders, they would plan the day, and if the day was promising to be a long one, he would simply say, “I must arise earlier to meditate longer.” Do not refuse to use any tool that you have, my friends, as long as you use these tools in love, in light, in consideration of the fact that you deal only with the Creator, no matter what the face may present itself to you. 2017/0218.txt:16:But, there is not a template that you can put over all catalyst to give you the roadmap to what is negative and what is positive. In general, if you feel that in your response, you are able to experience and express the open heart, you are on fairly safe ground we feel. But the open heart is a most elusive phenomenon, because you can set out to express hope, joy, and love, and yet find that the very qualities which you have consciously embraced and have sought to bring to expression are received in a way that either rejects these qualities, or rejects your particular expression of them. And now what do you do, my friends? How do you respond to this rejection. Do you respond by rejecting the rejection, or do you respond by further accepting the catalyst that the one you have engaged with has to offer you? This can be tricky terrain, my friends, for you do well to know something about yourself while traveling these winding roads. For example, it may be that you will encounter a limit to your capacity to express and sustain positivity in an interaction, and under these circumstances, it can be well, politely to withdraw. It may be that you feel up to the task of taking upon yourself the role of one who absorbs the negativity offered by another and transmutes that negativity to positive effect, so that your response does not seem to be a rejection, but seems rather to be an acceptance of what the other has felt the need to express. In the case of the other with whom you have essentially a loving relationship, this process can prove to be very helpful for both parties. In the case of the other with whom there is not a baseline effect of trust, this process can be baffled in its root. And so, we would not deny that there are occasions where the better part of wisdom is to keep your own counsel. We will not deny that there are cases in which the better part of wisdom is to mind your own energies such that you are able to keep them in balance in reserve for those occasions in which they might be deployed in a manner that has promise in your best ability to ascertain. 2017/0506.txt:9:We would recommend, as a general rule, that you allow whatever faculty first makes its opinion known to be the first to speak to you, for this is that faculty which is most likely to have a significant contribution to make in the evaluation of the waking dream which you call the life experience. Some people are more oriented towards mentally evaluating or analyzing a situation; others feel first with their emotions what the situation has to offer; others have an intuitive response which is oftentimes difficult to discern in contrast to the feelings or emotions. We can give you a general rule in this regard, and that is that the intuition will usually await politely the mental evaluation, the emotional response, and any type of guidance from elsewhere that the seeker may receive, before making its opinion, shall we say, known. 2018/0217.txt:66:However, it is difficult within the many cultures of your particular planet for us to imagine exactly what type of mass perception or occurrence could, in effect, free the blocked energy. It would be hoped that a unified philosophy of love and acceptance of others could begin to take root and spread throughout the planetary cultures. However, there is such division and animosity among the various religions, philosophies, political and social structures, that this seems highly unlikely. 2019/0420.txt:26:I have a follow-up query, Q’uo. I’ve noticed that as the waves of love/light increase, many people are being confronted with the situation where they must use that increased energy to heal and evolve, or they are experiencing physical difficulty, and sometimes a dissolution of the physical complex. It also seems to be happening at the social and political level as well. Will that trend increase, and could you further elaborate on whether or not my observation is correct? 2020/0118.txt:61:These energies are brought into being by the accumulated populations and purposes for which the populations express their conscious and subconscious desires. This is done through the various means of the political structure, the social structure, the business structure, the religious structure, and so forth. There are, then, within all of the areas of your country and all countries, the, shall we say, families of experience that are expressed according to the traditions of the various families or entities that make up the various institutions that are predominate within each area of the geographical locations. 2020/0118.txt:63:These geographic locations have history that is created by entities such as yourselves, that have before them the challenge of making sense, shall we say, of their life patterns; and of attempting to construct various types of gatherings of social complexes that will allow them to perceive and function in a manner which gives them meaning and direction in their life patterns, whether it be the religious, the political, the social and so forth. 2020/0208.txt:28:Yes, thank you very much. If the effect of our thoughts on our reality is increasing, it seems like that creates sort of disorientation for our society as people all have their own individual beliefs and stories. And I would guess that has something to do with the seeming increasing separation and polarization in something like our political sphere. 2020/0208.txt:34:If at some point the distance they have traveled into that type of thinking becomes uncomfortable for them, they are always free to choose another path. And this is what is possible for many upon your planet at this time, for they have, over a period of many years, been used to the control of media advertising, or governmental policies, or peer pressures, or the various ways in which the third-density cultures exert pressure over their peoples. Thusly, that which is becomes greater as it is affected by the cosmic instreamings. And when you see yourself moving into interactions with such entities, it is well to keep in mind firstly that you are seeing the Creator standing in front of you; that this Creator has made certain choices that it may or may not be aware of. 2020/0208.txt:60:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that such metaprograms are utilized by entities who are working within the higher energy centers so that an experience in the daily round of activities may be seen to be available to each energy center in what you may call the metaprogram in higher and higher aspects. You may meet a person on the street and have a collision, say, with cars, and the beginning conversation begins with anger and confusion and the testing of the survival of the red ray. And then perhaps one of the entities suggest that maybe there is another way, and a conversation is begun. And there is the opportunity to see how each contributed to the accident, and that it would not have happened had not both done what they did. Then, the energies may be raised even higher to the yellow ray, as the entities converse with the local officials investigating the accident, so that the joint decision of both parties to the accident is seen to be recorded in the official records of the police, shall we say. 2021/0512.txt:17:My next question I would love to explore in depth at a later time, but just as an initial foray into this realm: One could say that all things in space/time offer a window into the personal or collective unconscious mind. Whether that’s the body or one’s dreams or interpersonal communication, or government policy, even. Yet social media specifically, and the internet generally, seem to be a special case. So my question is, do social media and the internet offer a window into the personal and/or collective unconscious, and what generally is the relationship between this internet and our unconscious mind?new speakerQ’uo 2021/0512.txt:19:As this progresses into the third density, the manifestation of conceptual or abstract manifestations becomes more and more complicated and more and more difficult for the observer to identify and influence. We see this particularly among your society as you have gradually built up an incredibly complex system of social interactions, based upon various aspects such as the legal realm, the cultural realms of entertainment or politics and other sorts of obscure manifestations available to entities within the space/time. 2021/0527.txt:20:In the seeking of unity, love is the Grand Central Station, the hub. The positively oriented seeker does not come to unity except through love. Love, first in the sense of the green-ray energy center. That center which pierces beyond the human thought forms of the orange and yellow rays—which, without love, divide people into warring groups—and instead, begins to see beyond the personalities, the incarnational programming and conditioning, and the beliefs that the other-self holds, in order to reveal the truth of the other-self. The truth is that they are not whatever thoughts they may passionately and vociferously support. Nor are they their nationality, or their political affiliation, or any number of other more superficial features. The other-self before you is the One in its entirety. 2021/0623.txt:55:Q’uo, in this theme of the individual’s relationship to the collective, there is a dynamic tension between individual freedom and collective responsibility. And lately on this planet, we’ve had some drama around policy made on a collective level by representatives for the collective which seems to be for the benefit of the collective, is seen by some to be impositional or control-based or even tyrannical for individual freedoms. So I’m wondering if you could speak about the proper balance between individual freedom and the individual’s responsibility to the whole of which they are a part.new speakerQ’uo 2021/0623.txt:72:To speak to the effects of this dynamic upon the so-called collective soup of your planetary sphere, we point to what seems to be, to this instrument and to many others, a growing polarization among the collective need to organize, also called the political realm of your society, as well as the ever-present streak among your peoples of fear about the state of your political world or your world in general. 2021/0623.txt:83:This type of focus may be likened unto the overall nature of the spiritual journey for any conscious seeker of truth, for as you move through your third-density illusion, there is much that is extraneous to the purpose of seeking and serving the one in all the various types of control that you have mentioned earlier. Through the political, the social, the religious systems are those areas where there is a kind of enslavement of the mind to that exterior purpose of various institutions and entities which would remove the ability to focus one’s spiritual journey in a manner which allows an entity to express its inner awareness of the Creator within the self and within all other selves. The spiritual journey itself is a focus of extreme precision that recognizes that the One Infinite Creator exists in all, that this is to be recognized as the foundation of all creation and of all consciousness. 2021/0707.txt:33:In fact, the rational and intuitive mind when blended in a perfect balance, represents the idea of virtue, a virtue or gift attained in the third density, worked on and polished through countless incarnational experiences of learning and growth, ever reaching toward wisdom, ever reaching toward love and understanding. The rational and intuitive aspects of mind are represented physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in the third-density entity as in a portion of the brain known as frontal lobes. 2022/0302.txt:5:The question that you pose on this day inspires us to reiterate, even stronger than usual, our typical request that any who may hear or become aware of our words upon their path of seeking, use their personal discernment and weigh whatever thoughts we share against their own hearts and their own sensibilities, so that we do not become an undue influence upon your path. This request is important at this time because of the situation that the instruments within the circle are aware of, and that the question refers to in your global geopolitical situation. 2022/0323.txt:4:To begin this evening, we would suggest that your planetary population is in great disarray, shall we say. Split along various avenues of thought, desires for personal satisfaction, political affiliations, economic preferences, whatever concept can be conceived of seems to produce those sides which are for and those sides which are against and yet do not take any truly affirmative polarizing action to see beyond the mundane manifestation of the creation that lies about each one. Most of the concerns of your Earth’s population are focused upon personal satisfaction and the gaining of those qualities and material goods which comprise the common evaluation of success in the worldly sense. 2022/0323.txt:17:As that cycle continues, the other-self inspiring more other-selves, the entity may begin to see that there is no reason for conflict; there’s no reason to separate or divide; to say you are you and I am me, or to draw that dividing line. And as that swells and grows outward, social, political, racial, religious—all various modes employed by your peoples at this time to compartmentalize souls—all of those no longer make sense and no longer fit into your experience effectively or efficiently. And without those dividing lines and without those boxes that we put each other into, the more easily the self can reach out the hand to the other-self, embrace the other-self, and restore that connection of love and unity and of acknowledging the Creator within each and within all. 2022/0420.txt:38:The self which is doing this seeking and using this catalyst in order to find what it is is paradoxically seeking while not knowing that the awareness behind the seeking is already it. It is as the parable of the policemen chasing the arsonist when the policeman is the arsonist. There is no way to manufacture into being, or achieve, or gain Creatorhood, per se, because the self already is the Creator. It is, as this instrument understands it, akin to one gaining their feet when the feet are already there. 2022/0814.txt:31:We do not mean to imply non-action. We mean to imply a humble awaiting and listening from a place of receptivity to that which wants to be born. And we assure you that—whatever your position in society, reinforced as it is by the sense that you can do little to affect the outcome of trends and forces and politics and governments greater than yourself—each has a critical role to play. You would not be here if you had no part to play. 2022/1110.txt:30:We are those known to you as Q’uo, and we laugh at the conclusion of this question, for we felt it was on a great track before taking that well-designed turn to, as we spoke previously, emulate conditions that you as instruments may encounter. Now, we would be glad to let you know which cable news network is among our favorites and most unbiased, reliable sources of information, but we fear it may upset some of your population. So, we will refrain with the remark that we, of course, speak in jest. Not only do we have no such thing as favorite, but we could not identify for you which source of information contains the least distortion in the news offering: the least agenda, the least corrupting influence from political and economic power, etc.. To do so would be to interfere, not only in the seeker’s individual journey by doing the learning for them, but to interfere in the planetary game and its outcome, which can only be discovered and chosen by your peoples, not by us who do not live and operate in a body upon the physical plane within the limitations and gifts of the third-density experience. 2022/1116.txt:15:And in that vein, I would like to ask, among our prominent political and public figures, if you could give us a list of who the most polarized negatively or positively might be.new speakerQ’uo 2023/0114.txt:23:Indeed, the Orion group, just as us of the Confederation, have a desire to exert influence over your planet, and this desire continues to the present day. And the unique energies present upon your planet during this time of transition from third density to fourth density allow for quite a potent and unique opportunity for both of these groups to interact with your planet. The advent of fourth-density energies creates a certain transparency within the self that we find has become difficult for your populations to grapple with, shall we say, in a direct sense. And thus, this has generated much catalyst both in personal ways and in interpersonal ways and particularly upon a global, political-social scale. 2023/0114.txt:25:We encourage you, as you examine these energies that you perceive playing out on a cultural and social-political scale, to reflect first internally upon what is being perceived. Our ever-present message that we wish to base our entire sharing with you upon is that all is one; that there is nothing that happens that is not of the Creator upon your planet, upon any planet, or within any iota of the creation. The implication of this statement is that what happens, in what you perceive as the external world of your perception lives present within you, and the energies that you perceive as being of negative nature are of the Creator as well. The potential for the energies exist within each individual, whether they have chosen the positive path, the negative path, or are attempting to choose one or the other as they shift within the sinkhole of indifference. 2023/0114.txt:30:This brings us to a final point we may make in our suggestions on how to relate to such energies of you have described, and that is to release an attachment to any, shall we say, sure knowledge or confidence in exactly what is happening upon your planet, and instead surrender to the light and love of the One Infinite Creator. If you allow this light and love to move through you and dedicate yourself to sharing it with your world, you will be moved in such a way as to influence and to exist within your culture in a way that will indeed reverberate from the lowest levels to the highest levels of your social and political hierarchies, so that the advancement of such elitist and authoritarian energies may be quelled, or shall we say, lose its energy and momentum upon meeting the energy that you are offering to your society. 2023/0322.txt:71:I am Q’uo, and I am aware of the query, my sister. We find in responding to such a topic and any such topic that is, shall we say, at the forefront of your people’s social evolution and with which you as a people are attempting to grapple with how to relate to such a phenomenon or an expression of the Creator, [that] we must tread carefully in how we respond so as not to influence your considerations of such topics unduly. These social topics that come to the forefront of your society and your politics are indeed important catalyst for you as a society to grapple with, and for you as individuals to reflect upon in order to discover the heart of your own seeking. 2023/0513.txt:44:This happens most fundamentally and importantly within the self’s own heart and awareness. For the self is the world and the world is the self, and the only place where the self may truly contribute to the healing of the world is within the self. As the self heals the political, national, and ethnic divides and cultural battles and so forth within the heart, so too is the whole healed; so too are others invited into this harmony; so too is the light given an opportunity to enter where before it was perhaps blocked or obscured, as if the shade has been pulled up from the window and the healing, resplendent, glorious light of the One is allowed to shine into that formerly darkened interior space, revealing its contents in a truer light for the first time. 2023/0928.txt:6:Your third density is filled with a variety of opinions and positions upon one level of experience and another, whether it is economical, political, financial, social, intimate relations one to one. It is your journey through all this miasma of distress and suffering that you seek within yourself, and perhaps ask advice of friends, looking for whatever resources you can to discover a way out of the suffering. The suffering has the ability to focus your attention most poignantly upon how you feel, what you need, what you lack and in that case.