1989/1029.txt:7:The only way in which one may be decisive and authoritative in the [inaudible] process is to become aware of the metaphysical [and imperishable and whole self again.] This entity is whole unto himself. [Inaudible] bringing several people together and it may [inaudible] pre-incarnatively [inaudible] that each entity, whether in a group or alone, has the honor and the duty [inaudible] into the trunk of mind becoming able to be in touch with those [painful, carnal, tidal living and desire] [inaudible]. 1993/0214.txt:2:And as an addition to the question on what the definition of life would be, in a form that we could understand here, we would also like some information on how the death and removal from this illusion of any one of us would affect the others that we have incarnated with who don’t remember the pre-incarnative plan; and who especially if, say, a child dies at a young age, the loved ones that are left behind may engage in some expression of grief as a result of the death, that would have effect on their karma. How does the life that we live affect other people, as we remove ourselves from this illusion through the death process? 1994/0206.txt:1: [overview] The question this afternoon is from N and it’s concerning healing disease. The basic statement is that it appears that illness or disease, not chosen pre-incarnationally, are the last resources of evolution for the processing of catalyst during incarnation. This basic imbalance is addressed by the healing modalities in one or both of two ways that depend on the degree of Christ awareness possessed by the one to be healed. 1994/3.txt:12: [overview] The question this afternoon is from N and it’s concerning healing disease. The basic statement is that it appears that illness or disease, not chosen pre-incarnationally, are the last resources of evolution for the processing of catalyst during incarnation. This basic imbalance is addressed by the healing modalities in one or both of two ways that depend on the degree of Christ awareness possessed by the one to be healed. 1995/0924.txt:43:In this entity’s case, as in the case of a great majority of those who pass through the doors of what you see as death from this life, there are indeed no mistakes or premature leavings of the incarnation, though it may seem so to those who remain behind, as it were. This entity has striven to meet the pre-incarnational choices and has done so in a manner which is to the design of the entity, in that those challenges desired were met with the kind of attitude that was hoped for before the incarnation began, for it was the choice of this entity to balance certain aspects of its overall identity or soul-self that it felt were somewhat lacking and in the incarnation just completed was able to achieve the kind of response to life, if you will, that was planned. 1996/1006.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your concern and your query, my sister. This is the stuff of the third density illusion, the interacting of entities whose motivations, intentions and talents are varied, whose paths cross and re-cross bringing into play all of the pre-incarnative catalyst that was intended to be looked at in each incarnation. There is confusion, there is anger, there is doubt. There are many emotions that come into play as each relates to another and to others. There is in one sense no safety, for one is vulnerable at all times when one opens the heart in love to another. And in another sense there is only safety, and no damage can be done, for each is an eternal entity and all seeming damage is only that which exists in the moment to be worked upon as catalyst for future growth and the strengthening of the concept of the self. 2000/0206.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. When one finds that there is the confusion as to the next steps to take upon the journey of seeking it is well to consider the situation in which you find yourself and to utilize the facilities of the conscious mind to their fullest extent so that that which can be known is known to you. Then take the time from your daily round of activities each day, to retire in [to] meditation that those questions that have been asked consciously may sink further into the deeper portions of your mind and that connections [may] be made with those pre-incarnative choices which have been guiding you in a more or less clear fashion. And simply await the speaking of your own heart, of the Creator which moves inside of you. When you have stilled yourself to a point deep enough and regularly enough—and no one can say when this point is—but when it comes you will know it, then the direction will be made clear to you that you might move in the confidence of the one infinite Creator. 2001/0114.txt:9:However, the subtleties of the practice of healing continue due to the fact that illness within the human being is not usually a simple thing but, rather, a multi-layered set of departures from various parts of the natural balance of energies in various of the subtle bodies as well as the physical body. So that in Earth terms, for instance, using this instrument as an example, there may be the physical stomach ache, the mental distraction, the emotional challenges, and the spiritual tension, this spiritual tension then having its home in various subtle layers or densities of the inner planes. Within certain entities’ illnesses there are levels within the inner planes where pre-incarnational lessons have been put into place, meaning that a certain condition cannot be healed because it is protected. At other levels of the inner planes, there are points of opportunity for leaving the incarnation which are also protected, so that it is only the will of the one who is ill that can choose life or death at a certain crisis point, so that no healing can be effective at those points except it be the healing of the person by the person, by that person’s will and choice. 2001/0114.txt:11:Within the very recent of your past there have been very creative and intuitive entities, which have begun to create so-called machinery which is actually a combination of physical machine and vibrational machine. These so-called black boxes of which this instrument is aware can in some cases affect some of the finer bodies by virtue of sending certain vibrational energies, which have a sort of shadow effect on these finer bodies. And this is a technology which is limited only by the creativity and intuition of those who become able to work with these technologies. However, the judgment of all may be withheld from choosing one technique or mode of healing as better than the others, for in truth it is rather the case that each person which is ill represents a picture which has a certain number of levels. And each level of the illness may take a different level of healing. Thusly it may be effective to offer the surgery, medication, the use of subtle energies sent through so-called black boxes, the healing of intercessory prayer, and the healing of one who knows the truth. It may be that health will not be achieved before all of these levels of healing are employed. And always it must be remembered that in some cases, no matter what healing modes are offered, certain illnesses are protected and are impervious to any form of healing because they are a portion of the pre-incarnational plan of the human being that is experiencing the illness. 2001/0829.txt:21:In this way the lessening of excitement which the one known as R has observed occurring in his patterns may be ameliorated and the most full expression of the heart of the desire to serve might be achieved wherever passion is found. For passion is a kind of a pre-incarnative gift. [It is] a continuance of that which has previously opened one’s heart [which] again finds resonance in the present incarnation by the expression of a passionate desire to be of service in a certain manner. 2002/0614.txt:51:At this time we would thank each present for making those sacrifices necessary to join this circle of seeking and for inviting our presence within your seeking this day. We are always most grateful to join you here, upon that dusty path which each pilgrim seeker of truth travels within the great density of choice that is yours at this time. We would remind each that we are but your brothers and sisters, who seek perhaps a bit further upon this same path, and who offer our opinions to you as those who have experienced what you now experience and who wish to be of service to you. Take those words and thoughts of ours which ring of truth and leave all else behind which does not ring of that truth for you, for we would not be stumbling blocks upon your path. Realize that each step you take is perfectly planned, if not upon this level of experience then upon that pre-incarnational level which anticipated the great range of experience that would be yours within this illusion, that you have within you each capability of meeting each catalyst with a successful processing and ability to blend those lessons to the great tapestry of your life experience. Know that others of an unseen nature walk with you to help, to guide, to teach. And finally, we would recommend that each give praise and thanksgiving to the one Creator each day for all experience, whether understood, confused or distraught. For all is a great opportunity to learn the heart of love. 2002/0929.txt:18:This brings us back to the idea of the circular, ball-shaped nature of self. Does a ball, does a sphere need defense? Indeed not. In fact, within the civil engineering trade, the building of bridges is only possible in some cases because of ball bearings that are placed at points of balance within the structure, because the circle can hold much, much more pressure and weight and more of a changing load than any other structure, anything with corners. This means that people can use the circular form to stabilize large structures, and, if the nature of the energy field is seen to be round and spherical, then it may perhaps more easily be seen that the way to become a balanced entity is not the dialectic of, “Oh, I see the dark; I must replace it with the light.” But as the one known as J said, “Oh, I see the dark; let me love it with my light. Let it all become one thing within the heart.” The heart that is within each of you is a haven that is already in balance. There is a pre-incarnational setting that you may be able to change somewhat through the course of an entire lifetime. You are hoping that you will be able to adjust the way you perceive information so that the information that you receive is less and less distorted. One of the goals of balancing is to decrease distortion, and, as this instrument has said earlier in this conversation, to become integrated, to become not only that entity who loves but that entity who is loved, so that one begins to feel the fullness of self and the rightness of having all that there is within one entity. This part of balancing simply clears the field by removing as much distortion from the perceptions that are incoming as possible. 2003/0105.txt:9:Do you fear having nothing? Take heart, for truly all entities possess nothing, but merely share that which comes their way, that which has been allowed to come their way by circumstance, by pre-incarnational request and by the desire to learn. 2008/0329.txt:32:Q’uo, I have one. Is the achievement of what we call enlightenment something that is planned pre-incarnationally or can the entity, with sufficient will and without such a pre-incarnational program, achieve the experience of enlightenment within the incarnation? 2008/0329.txt:33:We are those of Q’uo, and aware of your query, my brother. In our estimation, there is not the pre-incarnative planning for enlightenment, realization or satori. The pre-incarnative planning focuses on that which shall be sought within the incarnation and those supporting resources needed for the journey of seeking. The pre-incarnative planning includes your relationships, your gifts, your limitations, and what you see as your faults and lacks. From an enormous selection of things that you have been and things that you have done in previous incarnations, you choose for your palette the colors which will paint this lifetime in the most beautiful and useful way. 2008/1108.txt:56:D has a question. He says: “I have been having memories of different worlds and even being of different sentient species and performing tasks on different worlds designed to increase the harvest. I remember past lives both here and on other worlds. I believe I am a wanderer and a ‘pre-incarnate,’ one who incarnates early in third density to readjust to third-density life, in preparation for this [present] period where spiritual evolutionary advancement is occurring. I feel in my heart that these memories are real and I would like to ask Q’uo to confirm this.” 2016/0102.txt:8:However, for the great majority of the population of this planet, there has been the inability to focus the inner energies of inspiration and intuition, those basic qualities brought into the incarnation from those areas where pre-incarnative choices are made, hopes are built up, and dedication is made. And once again the veil of forgetting is drawn as these hopes and dreams and inspirations must find a way to be realized within the third density illusion—this heavy, dense, chemical illusion which seems to shade and shadow so much of what you see and feel. 2016/0305.txt:1: [overview] Our question today deals with the idea of pre-incarnative planning and people experiencing the catalyst they need to learn their personal lessons. How can we reconcile the idea that people experience what they need for their personal growth with our desire to serve and relieve other souls of their suffering? Is there a line between allowing people to learn their lessons versus attempting to relieve a person of their suffering? 2016/0305.txt:4:We have been chosen to respond to this query, for it is one which deals with our specialty, which is the quality that you call love—unconditional and all compassionate love. We feel that this is a most salient query, for it is one which each of you deals in a daily fashion with all those about you; for, my friends, each of you is one which has pre-incarnative choices, and which has made these choices in order to learn certain lessons within the life experience. 2016/0305.txt:5:There are, for all entities, confusions that occur during the life experience that make the perception of the pre-incarnative choices a difficult feat, for there is much that distracts even the serious seeker from the seeking, much which seems at odds with previous experience, much which needs to be processed in a conscious fashion and then taken to the meditative state in order that it might be seated there as an experience which has been learned and is now available for future use. 2016/0305.txt:8:So when you look upon those entities about you who experience what you would call the suffering, you know, within your own being (if you are conscious of the process of pre-incarnative choices) that there is a reason for such suffering. Perhaps the entity wishes to learn endurance. Perhaps the entity wishes to learn strength. Perhaps the entity wishes to empathize with others about it who suffer that it might partake in the strengthening of the inner resolve to continue forward into the light in spite of the suffering, the pain, the discomfort, the confusion. Thus, when you look at an entity that is suffering and you see yourself desiring to be of service to it, it is most appropriate to add that which you can to the relieving of the suffering, for that is your part in this situation. Your part is not to try to figure out why the entity suffers, what the lessons could be. Your part is to look upon this entity as one which you may be able to aid, that may play a part in your own growth in providing the service that you feel is potentially helpful in relieving the suffering. 2016/0305.txt:58:I am Hatonn, and am aware of your query my brother. The intention of the action is that which is of most importance with any action. When there is the attempt to serve, as you have mentioned, in a manner which removes the life force from the entity who is about to be tortured and suffer a great deal until it meets its own end, shall we say, that is a service to provide as requested the euthanization of the entity; for there is more to such an experience than is easily observed within the incarnational experience, for most entities have programmed before the incarnation the exact means by which the passing through the doors of death shall be experienced. There are agreements made with those who may be the torturers, with those who may be the euthanizers, with those who may be, shall we say, standing in the shadows observing. There are lessons to be learned in each instance so that it is almost impossible to say without knowledge of pre-incarnative choices what exactly is occurring when one observes an entity helping another entity by actually killing that entity. The actual act of the killing is not what is of most importance—it is the intention and the cooperation upon a subconscious level with those choices made pre-incarnatively. 2016/0507.txt:1: [overview] Spiritual information often suggests that our spiritual growth is a consequence of the suffering we go through and that we should not avoid it by running away, but rather it should be embraced, and we should always try to bolster our faith and patience as a catalyst runs its course, especially as much catalyst as pre-incarnationally chosen. Another school of thought states that our experiences are due to our thinking and feeling and that it is our duty to create better conditions for ourselves. The implication is that if we don’t like an experience, say, poverty, sickness, etc. we can change it by concentrated and focused thinking and feeling. We figure that both positions are probably accurate but there seems to be something of a contradiction between the two, and we would like Q’uo to shed some light on the subject.1 2016/0904.txt:34:This of course, my friends, travels the full journey back to those pre-incarnative choices that each has made that allow one to see catalyst in such-and-such a fashion, so that perhaps two entities will look at the same catalyst and see it differently because that is their nature, and that is the way in which they have programmed themselves to be able to use catalyst, to produce certain effects: perhaps the strength of will, perhaps the resilience of the self, perhaps the ability to express the feelings of the heart, perhaps the ability to open for the first time the blue ray of clear communication. The opportunities are endless, my friends. Thus, when you engage yourself in a conscious fashion to provide honest communication with another human being, you are indeed engaged in the stuff of the third-density illusion, shall we say, in making clear of that which is unclear, and making whole of that which is broken, the healing of that which is wounded. 2016/0904.txt:48:This seeking for the comfort is understandable for one who is confused, is perhaps weary of an effort that seems to yield no results of a palpable nature, and which continues to present itself on a roub- we correct this instrument, on a routine basis. We would also suggest that sometimes there are instances in which these addictive substances and behaviors are also part of that which we have called the pre-incarnative programming, again to provide the entity the opportunity to perhaps strengthen the will that has become weakened for the moment. Perhaps to guide the entity on another journey for a moment to provide lessons that offer the opportunity to open the heart to others who are similarly addicted, shall we say. Perhaps one needs to know what it is like in order to provide this aid to others, and must find a way of healing the self of such addictions before others may be aided in this same fashion. 2016/1.txt:11: [overview] Spiritual information often suggests that our spiritual growth is a consequence of the suffering we go through and that we should not avoid it by running away, but rather it should be embraced, and we should always try to bolster our faith and patience as a catalyst runs its course, especially as much catalyst as pre-incarnationally chosen. Another school of thought states that our experiences are due to our thinking and feeling and that it is our duty to create better conditions for ourselves. The implication is that if we don’t like an experience, say, poverty, sickness, etc. we can change it by concentrated and focused thinking and feeling. We figure that both positions are probably accurate but there seems to be something of a contradiction between the two, and we would like Q’uo to shed some light on the subject. 2016/2.txt:5: [overview] Our question today deals with the idea of pre-incarnative planning and people experiencing the catalyst they need to learn their personal lessons. How can we reconcile the idea that people experience what they need for their personal growth with our desire to serve and relieve other souls of their suffering? Is there a line between allowing people to learn their lessons versus attempting to relieve a person of their suffering? 2017/0107.txt:7:When you open yourself to possibilities, you are opening yourself first to these pre-incarnative choices that you have fashioned a potential incarnation out of. It does not mean that these will happen without your choice—it means that you shall have the opportunity to choose. Thus, what you determine before the incarnation meets your free will in the incarnation. If you can tune yourself to receive that from yourself, from your subconscious mind that has been placed there before the incarnation, you shall be able to make a choice that is in harmony not only with your own choices, but with the choices of the One Creator that have been placed in all those entities about you as well. 2017/0304.txt:7:We suggest to you meditation because, my friends, each of you has all of the answers that you seek already within your being. This is suggested by many, suspected by some, yet realized by very few. It is more than a simple saying, an inspirational “hook”, shall we say, to move one along the path. No, my friends, it is the very foundation stone upon which each of you build an incarnation. Each of you, before this incarnation, set before yourself a series of choices that would allow you to learn that which you wish to learn. For before the incarnation, you see with clear eyes that which has come before, that which awaits in the future, that which exists at the moment, and you look at those needs that you have for growth of your understanding, shall we say, within the third-density experience—this understanding that will allow you to be harvested into the fourth density of love and understanding, if you are successful in recognizing those pre-incarnative choices, learning them through the catalyst that comes your way each day, and expressing them in your behaviors, in your thoughts, and in your words. 2017/0318.txt:16:And thus, each of you, as a portion of the Creator, give to the Creator this great gift of your own learning that you have found the Creator where it was not before in your perception. This is a process which takes a great deal of time to accomplish, and yet it is that which each of you has been born into for the purpose of doing. This creation about you is that which is loaded, shall we say, with various kinds of catalyst that can give you this opportunity to expand your awareness of the balance within yourself and within all of the creation. Your pre-incarnative choices have put a certain charge, shall we say, upon various kinds of catalyst that your subconscious mind shall guide to you during your incarnative experience, so that when you see this catalyst coming to you, you will respond in a certain fashion, hopefully, if you are in harmony and unity with your pre-incarnative choices. 2017/0520.txt:30:There is, within each soul’s incarnational pattern, those pre-incarnative lessons that each has fervently hoped would be able to be learned within the incarnational pattern. The subconscious mind of each has been programmed by the soul to look with a certain bias upon catalyst that comes in the notice of the seeker, so that at some point the heart chakra might be opened enough to experience a sense of loving those about one, of loving the self, of loving the universe about one. This type of transformation is possible when one is able to be alert and aware of the pre-incarnative lessons so that when catalyst comes one’s way, it can be seen in a certain fashion, so that no two entities would look at the same catalyst in the same way, since all are unique, and all have programmed certain lessons that are indeed unique, though they may include the lesson of love in some facet or fashion for each entity. 2017/0903.txt:51:If the entity is not yet consciously aware of the seeking process within the third-density illusion, these lessons are given a form and likelihood of being appreciated as they are encountered within the third-density incarnation. There is the sharing of this information upon the total level of the conscious and subconscious mind of the seeker. Thus, as the seeker moves about within the third-density illusion, on the other side of the veil of forgetting the subconscious mind can aid the entity by biasing the catalyst that the entity experiences in each day’s menu, shall we say, of experiences. Thus, a number of entities may see one situation of catalyst, and each view it in a different fashion, because each has different lessons pre-incarnatively programmed, and pre-incarnatively biased by the subconscious mind. Thus, the entity then has a slight, shall we say, advantage, in being able to open the self to the recognition of that which has been chosen before the incarnation. 2017/0916.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, a very thoughtful query. The vulnerability that is felt by a positively-oriented entity is that vulnerability which has been pre-incarnatively recognized, shall we say, for your third density is one which, as we mentioned, is pursued on the other side of the veil of forgetting, and yet, each soul which enters third density is aware that it will forget the perfection of the creation, the love in every moment, and the light which forms each portion of the creation. Thus, it willingly takes on this vulnerability that has the function of allowing it to learn lessons that may, shall we say, involve trauma, the vulnerability being exposed and utilized by the nature of the third-density illusion in which there is the feeling of separation and the need to explore this feeling of separation in such a way that there is a growing sense of unity that results from the seeming opposite. Thus, the positively-oriented entity willingly exposes itself to the vulnerable situation in each incarnational experience in order to gain the increasing knowledge of the sense that all is well, the sense of unity that is, indeed, the nature, the true nature, of reality. 2017/1104.txt:55:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The conscious mind is that which contains concepts which you could describe in some way as being gravitic, or of an attractive nature. The conscious mind is that which draws unto it those concepts and qualities of concepts that hold relevance to the seeker, which expresses a desire to learn certain lessons. This is much like your physical sensation of gravity, in that when an object of a material nature that has mass and weight is dropped, the object shall fall at a certain rate of speed toward the center of the Earth, which is expressing this gravitic quality. Gravity, in the spiritual sense, is the drawing unto the One Creator of all that is in the creation that has been created of light. You have described that as the spiraling line of light that those of Ra speak of within their Law of One channelings. Thus, the seeker of truth is much likened to a planetary entity, in that it draws unto itself those kinds of fields of interest with which it may interact, much as the light moves toward the Creator within all things, large and small, so do concepts of a spiritual quality move towards the seeker that desires them, so that the seeker actually draws unto itself those experiences that will allow it to learn those lessons which have been pre-incarnatively programmed by the seeker for the self. 2018/0217.txt:1: [overview] Today, we’d like to discuss the nature of relationships formed prior to our incarnation. When we have agreements and lessons planned to learn from specific people, how do we find each other while within incarnation? How are our past lives related to these relationships? And what else can you share about the nature of pre-incarnational relationships? 2018/0217.txt:15:And so, from this point of commonality, there will over and over and over again rise to the surface in the life patterns of those who live under the veil certain indications, certain opportunities, we might call them, to follow a path that will inevitability lead you into the proximity of other selves with whom you have this deep connection. Now, we will say also, that upon a pre-incarnative level, many of these patterns are forethought. Now, we will say “forethought” in preference to “pre-programmed,” for we do want to stress that the role of free will is irreducible. It shall not be removed. And, it is doubly enforced when you consider that the veil is in place. And so, it is always given to an incarnate mind/body/spirit complex to turn the head away in refusal of catalyst given from deep below by way of opportunity, and that possibility too, is anticipated and reckoned in as a likelihood that shall befall those who do incarnate. 2018/0217.txt:36:However, the balancing process itself is that which is more long lasting, shall we say. The type of unblocking or clearing of energy centers undertaken in the balancing process is that which works with pre-incarnative choices that have been allocated to various of the centers of energy, depending upon the seekers appraisal of its own efficiency at receiving and transmitting the intelligent energy of the One Creator as is its daily quota of information or inspiration that enlivens the mind/body/spirit complex. 2018/0217.txt:63:There is a connection between all entities on planet earth within the unconscious mind, for all contribute part of their experience that is of a very basic or root level to the unconscious mind. This is more a part of the pre-incarnative choices made by each entity that now inhabits your third-density illusion. These choices were made before the incarnations were undertaken, thus, they were made before the veil was dropped between the conscious and unconscious minds. Thus, these choices are more pure in their seeking of love to experience and to give unconditional love, for this is the requirement of this particular density in order to allow those who are able to do so to be graduated or harvested into the fourth density of love and understanding. 2018/0217.txt:70:Just a quick one, thank you so much Q’uo. You indicate that on a pre-incarnational level souls desire to graduate. They wish to learn the lessons of love, but they incarnate and there are blockages and divisions. Is the mass mind itself capable of manifesting an event like the one you describe in order to bring about that unity? Or, is the division on the surface of this planet so deeply rooted that we don’t have a whole functioning mass mind? 2018/0303.txt:43:I do have a question. This relates to those mind/body/spirit complexes that incarnate on this planet with what can seem to be serious limitations, particularly of a psychic or mental nature, and I’m thinking most especially of those who are seemingly impaired in an emotional way that is often ascribed to what is called the “autistic spectrum.” I wonder if you can tell me if there is a pre-incarnative set of reasons associated with this kind of incarnative experience? 2018/0901.txt:8:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query. This is a salient query, for your third-density experience, for all of you, living beyond the veil, are quite vulnerable to any questioning or doubt that comes from any other soul, or even from yourself, for there is nothing that can be known for sure, or experienced in a way that can be explained with certainty, for all that you experience is that which is subjectively experienced. Thus, it is necessary, in order to gain the confidence to continue walking this path of seeking and serving, to be able to develop your own inner strength that propels you past any doubt or fear of further movement upon this journey. To develop your own inner strength is a process which may take a variable length of what you call time and experience within your illusion, for to some it comes more quickly, if this is not a portion of their pre-incarnative choices, shall we say. For some, it is easier to look upon the path of seeking as that which is the most natural thing in the world, shall we say, for they are born with a knowing that there are other lessons that they shall face upon this time that you call an incarnation within the third-density illusion. 2018/0901.txt:28:Within the meditative state, again we recommend at the end of your day, to take that traumatic experience and to examine it as you examine all experience to learn from experience as you process the catalyst to be more precise, to achieve experience. Look then to that which has brought about the trauma—what was the nature of its origination? Can you see any helpful fruit that came from it? Is there any means by which you have previously been able to withstand the trauma, to move forward from it, and to seek to heal the trauma and thusly learn from it? This is practicing what you might call mindfulness upon both the conscious and subconscious levels of your mind. Your mind is a powerful quality that you may utilize in examining the nature of all of the experiences or catalyst that you encounter in your daily round of activities. When you can look upon any experience, any trauma or difficulty with a calm and accepting mind and heart, it is far more likely that you will be able to receive intuitional hunches or flashes of inspiration that come from your subconscious mind that utilize its contact with your pre-incarnative choices. 2018/0915.txt:42:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that this instrument has a good deal of information upon which we may draw for a response to this query. We are aware of the entities that you speak of who have engaged in the life-between-lives hypnotic regressions. In these regressions, you will note that there is the possibility of achieving the realization of the information that we spoke of in our previous query—the ability to determine pre-incarnative choices, the ability to look at how this programming has been chosen, and for what purpose it has been chosen. If entities are able and willing to be hypnotized to the degree that they are able to move into the deeper portions of their own unconscious minds, and call upon those forces which are available to guide them—the higher self, various guides, and angelic presences—then there may be light thrown upon the pre-incarnative choices so that they may be revealed to the seeker undergoing the hypnotic regression. This is a means by which to aid the memory that has been dimmed or cut off from the subconscious or unconscious mind by the veil of forgetting. 2018/1103.txt:50:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would consider the possibility that an entity who feels that it is not aware of preincarnative choices, may not be aware that it is enacting certain functions or processing of catalyst that does recognize preincarnative choices upon an unconscious level. For most entities within the third-density illusion, this is the case, for it is the subconscious or unconscious mind which is completely aware of all preincarnative choices, and has the function of coloring any catalyst that comes to a seeker of truth in a certain way that allows that seeker to look upon the catalyst in a manner that is congruent with pre-incarnative choices. 2018/1103.txt:51:Thus, the entity so utilizing the catalyst, may not be aware, consciously, that what it is seeing, as it looks at its daily round of activities and how it perceives them, is a perception that is, indeed, in alignment with its choices made prior to the incarnation. Thus, if entities will simply, in the meditative state, at the end of the day, observe those activities which made a mark upon the mind that moved the entity to remember in some intellectual or emotional fashion that which occurred, then there may be the perception that a certain amount of experience of pre-incarnative choices has occurred. 2018/1103.txt:52:As this process of evaluating each day’s activities occurs in meditation at the end of the day, there may seem to be a certain kind of pattern evolving within the experience of such an entity so that the pattern expresses the nature of the pre-incarnative choice that has been experienced by the entity. Thus, paying attention to what is occurring in the life experience is the surest means by which to become aware of those choices one has made with the hopes that the learning of them will move the entity further along the path of the evolution of mind, body, and spirit, eventually resulting in the opening of the heart, and the movement into the fourth density of love and understanding. 2018/2.txt:4: [overview] Today, we’d like to discuss the nature of relationships formed prior to our incarnation. When we have agreements and lessons planned to learn from specific people, how do we find each other while within incarnation? How are our past lives related to these relationships? And what else can you share about the nature of pre-incarnational relationships? 2019/0204.txt:8:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The experience that you have on your Planet Earth at this time is one in which you each are mixed with the various polarity distortions—the positive, the negative, the male, the female, the right, the wrong, the in, the out, the up, the down. There is much dichotomy within your illusion. Much of this is useful in your own spiritual growth. That which you see within another human being of the nature of a polarized quality, is that which this particular being finds it helpful to utilize at this point in the space and time of its incarnation, for each entity has within it, the various distortions, or shall we say, pre-incarnative choices which have been made and will hopefully advance the entity upon his own path of seeking and serving the One Creator. However, these distortions, or polarities, can oftentimes seem to an outside observer to be, shall we say, out of balance or distorted or [inaudible], where necessary, of a certain kind of quality that seems to be working against the higher principles that all share within a certain group, and yet if we view such an entity in an objective spiritual sense, we can see that each seeker of truth has within it that which you may call the compass, with the needle pointing the direction that it would wish to move in its spiritual path. At various times, various seekers have accentuated in their seeking a direction which does not seem in accordance with that which it has previously traveled, or has stated that it desires to travel. 2019/0420.txt:18:There is the greater possibility that one may be able to channel these energies in a fashion which is congruent with the pre-incarnative plans that each has made that becomes the spiritual path within the incarnation. Thus, if you are open to such acceleration of these instreaming energies, you may be able to focus your own attention upon each portion of your daily experience in a manner which allows you to imbue what you do, and who you seek, and with whom you interact, with the loving vibrations of your heart energies. 2019/0511.txt:33:I have one, please, Q’uo. You advised to ask what’s on our hearts, and if I think long about this question, I will come up with a spiritual answer, and an intellectual answer. And I think what I’m struggling with is trying to reconcile what’s going on in my emotional body. So my question at that level from my heart is: when you feel or perceive yourself to be in service to multiple people who are close to you, two or more, and you feel bound to these entities, perhaps by some calling or some pre-incarnative choice—maybe they’re family members or people who have a long-standing role in your life, and you have a finite amount of energy, or seem to have a finite amount of energy to offer to each of them, and their needs seem to be pitted against one another, in that if you are to offer your energy, whether the energy that comes through you, as much as possible, whether your personal reserves, to just one of these entities, the other suffers. How do you reconcile the feeling that you’re always falling short in serving those whom you love whose needs don’t seem to match up? I guess that’s all I have to ask. Thank you. 2019/0525.txt:68:This is a type of blending of both of the conscious and subconscious or super-conscious levels of appreciation and utilization of the catalyst that one finds in the daily round of activities. Thus, it is up to each seeker of truth to determine the ratio of meditative time to contemplative times, to conscious interaction with other entities within one’s circle of friends, shall we say. So, there is not what you may call a kind of equation or definite description of the ratio of time spent in any one particular type of consciousness. It is unique to each entity so that each entity may utilize its skills in being able to appreciate the experience that is its destiny, shall we say, its pre-incarnatively chosen pattern that begins to take shape more and more clearly and more and more profoundly as each seeker of truth moves along its path of seeking. 2019/0901.txt:36:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The process of initiation is one which requires great dedication to the seeking and serving of the One Infinite Creator. It would be well for any entity so desiring this initiation to engage in frequent meditation, in which there is observed within the being those forms of catalyst which have remained unprocessed, or not completely processed, for it is necessary for the energy centers of any initiate to be functioning in a fashion which is clear and somewhat crystalized, shall we say. This requires the efficient use of catalyst. Thus, one may observe at the end of your day, the experiences that were intentionally noted, be they what you would call happy, or be they what you would call sad—any experience that leaves the mark within the mind at the end of the day, is that which must be observed, then balanced and accepted within the beingness of the seeker of truth, for each of you is like a crystal. Each of your energy centers may, indeed, be crystalized so that the love and light of the One Infinite Creator moves clearly and cleanly through each center. The love and the light of the One Infinite Creator contains that which you call catalyst, that has been colored by your subconscious mind in a fashion which biases you to see the actions of those around you in a certain way that corresponds to pre-incarnative choices that are the lessons you have chosen to learn within this incarnation. 2019/0901.txt:44:There are other possibilities. There is the meditation that attempts to move you consciously backward within this incarnation to again view the circumstances by which you have been colored or conditioned to express that which is called hatred, whether it is of the self, another self, a condition or experience. The means by which one can access this information is the means by which you move from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, wherein resides all choices pre-incarnatively made, all experiences that were able to cause you to become who you are now, or who you feel you are in a distorted sense, with the catalyst having been not perfectly used as yet. 2019/1013.txt:64:Therefore, the one known as Nikola had as its objective, the expansion of the consciousness of this planet by the use of this mind projector as it had hoped to be of service before its incarnation, and found some difficulty within the incarnation in being able to realize those pre-incarnative choices. Thus, this entity was somewhat saddened in its ultimate comprehension of its effectiveness in this illusion, although many felt that it had been quite, quite helpful in its inventions and in its very beingness. 2019/1116.txt:44:The brain, in general, may be seen as an accelerator of spiritual consciousness in another regard that is more commonly experienced by the great majority of seekers of truth—that is, the neurons that make their home within the frontal lobes oftentimes are not utilized in a manner which would be possible if the seeker was more conscious of the lessons that had been programmed before the incarnation began. Some of these neurons, then, have what may be called open synapses that drain energy away from moving into the frontal lobes and expanding the consciousness of the seeker in a manner which would be possible if the utilization of pre-incarnative choices was more effective. 2019/1207.txt:47:You are always going to be viewed as the same as each other self you seek to serve by these other selves, for each knows that all selves have the great desire to be of service if they are upon the positive path; and yet, this desire is not enough to erase all distortions, shall we say, for each entity has those qualities of imperfection or distortion that are pre-incarnative choices that allow certain lessons to be learned. 2019/1214.txt:9:This type of a lack of self-worth is oftentimes adopted by entities pre-incarnatively, in order to find the truer nature of the deepest self. In other words, there is the need, pre-incarnatively noted, to bolster the true appreciation of the nature of the self. Thus, the challenge is given the self during the incarnation to find the way through the maze of narcissistic enhanced opinions that are produced by the entity in an effort to put up what amounts to a sham appearance to others. 2019/1214.txt:10:Thus, it is hoped, pre-incarnatively, that the experiences with others will be of such an intensity that eventually there will be the breakthrough of the self that is expressing as the narcissist to discover that the entities surrounding the self are the ones who have the most balanced point of view that is offered as an objective referent for consideration by the narcissistic perceptions. This is a difficult path to follow. To depend upon the understanding and loving responses of entities about the narcissist is to look into a mirror and see that which eludes the narcissist—that is, the everyday appreciation of the appearance and abilities of all other selves. This appreciation, then, can be, if the narcissistic entity is successful, turned back or reflected upon the self in a manner which pulls away, or sheds the layers of narcissistic idolatry of the self. When these layers are removed, then, if the narcissistic entity is successful in surviving this removal of the façade of the self, then it is possible for there to be a birthing of a new and risen being that sees itself in equality with all other selves. 2019/1214.txt:16:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The narcissistic relationship is one of great challenge for every soul involved with the narcissist. There are most usually pre-incarnative choices made with those entities who are members of the same family with the narcissist. These pre-incarnative choices have been made in order that support may be given in the most effective manner to the one expressing the narcissistic needs. Oftentimes, there is a kind of give-and-take, or trading of opportunities within the grouping that has decided to utilize the narcissistic point of view in one of its members so that the remainder of the group may offer service of the kind which you have described. 2019/1214.txt:27:However, much progress is made in the third-density illusion as a result of dealing with traumatic situations. These types of traumatic situations, then, carry a kind of weight within the total beingness, that is like unto the diver who competes in the diving championship, and chooses the difficult dive to attempt to win the meet or win the metal. The difficult dive, then, when accomplished successfully, gives more points in the overall event. Thus, the narcissist is doing much the same as are those who participate with the narcissist within the incarnation. Oftentimes the numbers of those so participating with the narcissist are few, for this is a very difficult type of pre-incarnative programming to undertake. 2019/1221.txt:10:Thus, though there is nothing but the will of the One Infinite Creator, there is an expanding perception of that will by each seeker of truth’s ability to carry out those pre-incarnatively chosen lessons that are seen to be helpful in expanding the view into the larger and larger view of the creation, of the self, and of the One Infinite Creator and of all other selves, as being one. This is a process that takes what you would call the distortion of time in the illusion of densities of experience. However, in each case, for each entity, this is the road to the doing of that will, which is the will of the One which exists within all. 2020/0104.txt:41:These entities also had little contact, therefore, with their greater being, their higher self or unconscious mind so that there was little chance that pre-incarnative choices could be made more clearly observable or perceived by these entities. Thus, by not being able or willing to move beyond the present moment self-constructed, they found themselves within a bind in which the mind was unable to see any further than the imagine of the self that had been projected by time and experience in previous incarnations that had carried forth into the present incarnation in each instance. Thus, there was the slowing of any forward movement so that the entities began in a metaphysical sense to go round and round instead of moving outside of the circle, outside of the previous conception of the self, and begin to allow perceptions of all kinds to expand into greater and greater views of the self, other selves, and the world around all. 2021/0414.txt:76:At some point within the pre-incarnated choices as they are expressed within each entity in the third-density illusion, there is the opportunity for each entity to look within and to look without to find pieces of the puzzle that might provide a greater expanse to the point of view and meaning and purpose and that quality which is vaguely perceived as love. There is the power within the being to go deeper within its own being to find answers to these questions as it looks also into the illusion about it for the same answers. 2021/0414.txt:82:I am Q’uo and aware of the query, my brother. We find that there are many answers to this query, for the loss of a child of whatever age can have various pre-incarnative purposes. It could be as was said that the child was aware that the body in which it was to be born had some anomalistic deficiency that caused it to seek another opportunity so that its own pre-incarnated choices of a lengthier life with parental other selves might be possible. Thus it will take its leave of the defective body and realize that its loss might well cause the parental other selves to grow in their desire to try yet again to have the birth of this spirit that they felt for just the briefest of moments and wished to feel again in a manner which would allow the sharing of love and light between them to be prolonged in what you would call the lifetime of shared learning. 2021/0414.txt:83:It might also be that the pre-incarnative lessons of the parental other selves would have programmed the loss of this child to provide other opportunities of serving a greater number of your so-called friends and family and society by undertaking work which would not be possible if there were a child involved in the energy expenditures of the parents. 2021/0428.txt:4:The question of the coincidences, the synchronicities, those odd circumstances that each seeker of truth will notice occurring within its life path from time to time—these circumstances that seem so unusual are usually those which are experienced at critical points in the seeker’s journey. There are times in each seeker’s incarnation when the pre-incarnative choices have a chance to manifest in a way which aids the seeker in an extraordinary way in following this path that has been laid out before the incarnation. 2021/0512.txt:27:Q’uo, in anticipation of certain outcomes, I have felt anxiety sometimes bordering on dread. Conversely, in seeking some outcomes, I have felt great passion and desire. One might think that dread is an indicator to perhaps avoid a certain path, whereas desire is an indicator to pursue a certain path. Yet in retrospect, I have learned that that which I dreaded was right for me sometimes, and that which I desired was not right for me sometimes. Can you speak to how we can use our emotional reactions to make choices in alignment with our pre-incarnational plan?new speakerQ’uo 2021/0512.txt:42:One can also ask a loved one in spirit for assistance in receiving, can also ask for what you may call a sign or an indication that they are nearby. Sometimes also there is what you may call a divine plan for such communication or a, even a pre-incarnative plan, that after one of a loved one in family departs from the body into spirit, that there was an existence already, a plan for communication after their passing. 2021/0527.txt:7:So you may look at the situation of separation in your illusion as an opportunity for each person, each soul expressing itself as a personality shell within the third-density illusion, to grow, to expand the consciousness, to share the love, to create an understanding that we are all one, that we are all on the same path; that we are all seeking in some fashion to realize this pre-incarnative desire to move beyond seeming separation and to find, even in small moments, a kind of unification, a kind of ability to harmonize with those about us that may not feel to them to be necessary, desirable, or even possible. This is the great challenge. 2021/0609.txt:15:The pre-incarnate choices the infant being made before coming into being as an infant in this illusion reside also within the potentials of the infant’s experience and consciousness. And even these can be considered and acted upon using an infinite set of choices with which to process them in life. Seen this way, the infant containing the infinite universe indeed expands… we may say… the view of an infant as simply a small being expands the view into one of an enlarged idea of the Creator. The idea of approaching and embracing life from the vantage point of love and with the energy of love is most important in your illusion and in any place within the universe. Love, being the Great Original Thought, is embodied in the infant and in the universe which it contains. 2021/0707.txt:42:The intuition is, you may say, a bridge or a channel, connecting this rational mind to its unconscious resources. Beginning first and foremost with the personal unconscious: all that which has been hidden from the self, behind the veil; all that which has been forgotten and repressed; all that is wrapped up in the pre-incarnational programming which represents the deeper or higher will of the now incarnate itself. 2021/0819.txt:4:Your question this day is one which concerns family. Families come in many forms: the birth family that each of you has been raised in with mother and father and siblings, the family of those within your educational environment, your work environment, your special-interests environments, all drawn together by certain types of experience and dedication which offer you the ability to continue on your pre-incarnatively chosen path. We would add at this time that what we are sharing with you is our opinion. And we hope that you will recognize that and take that which is of value and leave behind that which has no value for you at this time. 2021/1118.txt:9:Each entity within this illusion has those pre-incarnative choices that manifest as various lessons that can help each become more positively polarized within the incarnation as it is lived year by year. And in the time period that the life is experienced within the third-density illusion, each entity may then look within itself to see what types of patterns of experience or catalyst have made themselves apparent during their life to this point. These pre-incarnative choices will begin to make themselves known to the conscious seeker of truth in a way which repeats in what you may call a circular or spiraling fashion so that various ingredients may become a portion of a pattern within the life so that one may recognize the repeating experiences as being the type of lesson that may be concentrated upon in some manner to provide service to others. 2021/1118.txt:13:Thus, each individual seeker who wishes to become more aware of its own life path may explore the possibilities of discovering the pre-incarnative choices through meditative practice in which the question is asked at the beginning of such a meditation as to how the life pattern may be enhanced to become congruent with the previous or pre-incarnative choices. The dream state may also be utilized by such a seeker of truth who wishes to know more if its own means by which it may be of service, so that the utilization of messages from the unconscious mind through dreams could be a means by which this process of discovery could be practiced. 1981ra-contact/059.txt:14:I am Ra. We would suggest that as this entity is aware of its position as a wanderer, it may also consider what pre-incarnative decisions it undertook to make regarding the personal, or self-oriented, portion of the choosing to be here at this particular time/space. This entity is aware, as stated, that it has great potential, but potential for what? This is the pre-incarnative question. 1981ra-contact/060.txt:14:I am Ra. There is some small amount of work which the instrument may do concerning its pre-incarnative decisions regarding service to the Infinite Creator in this experience. However, the decision to open, without reservation, to the offering of self when service is perceived is such a fundamental choice that it is not open to significant alteration, nor would we wish to interfere with the balancing process which is taking place with this particular entity. 1981ra-contact/061.txt:13:This instrument, unlike some entities, has some further distortion due to the use of pre-incarnative conditions. 1981ra-contact/061.txt:47:In the questioner we may see the desire not to be carrying the load it carries given as physical manifestation of the soreness of those muscles for carrying used. That which is truly needed to be carried is a pre-incarnative responsibility which seems highly inconvenient. 1981ra-contact/065.txt:53:Well, this entire scenario over the next, shall I say, twenty years seems to be aimed at producing an increase in seeking and an increase in the awareness of the natural creation, but also a terrific amount of confusion. Was it the pre-incarnative objective of many of the wanderers to attempt to reduce this confusion? 1981ra-contact/065.txt:62:You may at this time note that as with any entities, each wanderer has its unique abilities, biases, and specialties, so that from each portion of each density represented among the wanderers comes an array of pre-incarnative talents which then may be expressed upon this plane which you now experience; so that each wanderer, in offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love and light and the basic function of serving as beacon or shepherd. 1981ra-contact/066.txt:171:We over-generalize as always, for there are many cases of pre-incarnative decisions which result in physical or mental limitations and distortions, but we feel that you are addressing the question of widespread distortions towards misery of one form or another. 1981ra-contact/067.txt:37:At this point one of the fifth-density entities over-seeing such detuning processes determined that it would be necessary to terminate the group by what you might call magical means, as you understand ritual magic. We have previously discussed the potential for the removal of one of this group by such attack and have noted that, by far, the most vulnerable is the instrument due to its pre-incarnative physical-complex distortions. 1981ra-contact/068.txt:80:The entity determines that it must needs attempt the disabling itself. By means of projection it enters the vicinity of this power source. It assesses the situation. It is bound by the First Distortion but may take advantage of any free-will distortion. The free-will, pre-incarnative distortions of the instrument with regards to the physical vehicle seem the most promising target. Any distortion away from service to others is also appropriate. 1981ra-contact/070.txt:75:I am Ra. As we stated, the position in negative time/space, of which we previously were speaking, is that position which is pre-incarnative. After the death of the physical complex in yellow-ray activation, the mind/body/spirit complex moves to a far different portion of time/space in which the indigo body will allow much healing and review to take place before any movement is made towards another incarnative experience. 1981ra-contact/072.txt:85:The entity of Orion pierces the same violet ray and moves to two places to attempt most of its non-physical opportunities. It activates the green-ray energy center while further blocking indigo-ray energy center. This combination causes confusion in the instrument and subsequent over-activity in unwise proportions in physical complex workings. It simply seeks out the distortions pre-incarnatively programmed and developed in incarnative state. 1981ra-contact/073.txt:94:We might note further that when the one wishing to be healed, though sincere, remains unhealed, as you call this distortion, you may consider pre-incarnative choices; and your more helpful aid to such an entity may be the suggestion that it meditate upon the affirmative uses of whatever limitations it might experience. We would also note that in these cases the indigo-ray workings are often of aid. 1981ra-contact/075.txt:58:I am Ra. This is correct, the case with this instrument being delicate, since it must totally accept much which the limitations it now experiences cause to occur involuntarily. This is a pre-incarnative choice. 1981ra-contact/083.txt:132:You may see, in some cases, an entity which, either by pre-incarnative choice or by constant reprogramming while in incarnation, has developed an esurient program of catalyst.3 Such an entity is quite desirous of using the catalyst and has determined, to its own satisfaction, that what you may call the large board needs to be applied to the forehead in order to obtain the attention of the self. 1981ra-contact/084.txt:15:I am Ra. One disease, as you call this distortion, is that of the arthritis and the lupus erythematosus. The cause of this complex of distortions is, at base, pre-incarnative. We refrain from determining the other distortion potential at this space/time due to our desire to maintain the free will of this group. Affirmations may yet cause this difficulty to resolve itself. 1981ra-contact/085.txt:74:I have a question here from Jim. It states: “I believe that one of my primary pre-incarnative choices was to open my green-ray energy center for healing purposes. As I see my compassion developing, is it more appropriate to balance this compassion with wisdom in my healing exercises or to allow the compassion to develop as much as possible without being balanced?” 1981ra-contact/087.txt:78:This entity, though far better cleared of distortions towards the pain flares when prepared by those mental vibration complexes you call prayer, is still liable to fluctuation due to its pre-incarnative body-complex distortions and the energizing of them by those of negative polarity. 1981ra-contact/092.txt:52:Then are you saying that the source of pre-incarnative programmed catalyst is the Potentiator of Mind? 1981ra-contact/092.txt:54:I am Ra. No. We are suggesting that the Potentiator of the Mind is an archetype which may aid the adept in grasping the nature of this pre-incarnative and continuingly incarnative series of choices. 1981ra-contact/094.txt:37:The contact which you now experience costs a certain amount of the energy which each of the group brought into manifestation in the present incarnation. Although the brunt of this cost falls upon the instrument, it is caparisoned by pre-incarnative design with the light and gladsome armor of faith and will to a far more conscious extent than most mind/body/spirit complexes are able to enjoy without much training and initiation.5 1981ra-contact/095.txt:125:Firstly, if there has been the pre-incarnative choice that, for instance, one shall not take life in the service of the cultural group, events shall fall in a protective manner. 2022/0413.txt:9:Each has the continuing questions of how this journey may be undertaken, how to utilize catalyst more efficiently, how to be more of service in every breath one takes and every step one takes. There is a great conscious swelling of interest. A bubbling up of those pre-incarnated choices that are now becoming known, in some fashion consciously, to those who have been on the spiritual path for a good deal of what you call time. As these more experienced seekers of truth encounter layer upon layer of knowledge concerning their spiritual journeys of service to the One Creator in all, then the questions become more relevant and give them an opportunity to refine their understanding and practice of being of service to others. 2022/0511.txt:18:This does not also necessarily denote that the suffering of a physical nature will cease as the entity progresses along its path. For there are a great number of reasons which may precipitate suffering of a physical nature, which on one end of the spectrum may be purely of a genetic or environmental/chemical in nature, and at the other end may be an outgrowth of the entity’s pre-incarnational programming and, as we have discussed, the processing (or lack thereof) its catalyst upon its journey. 2022/0729.txt:10:There is an interaction of the parents with the child that is not only a service to the child in that it provides it a means by which to mature, as you would say, in body, in mind, and in spirit, for each child is indeed a mind body spirit complex that has the ability to utilize the functions of the mind, the body and the spirit in ways that continue to proceed in the pattern of growth that you would call the maturation of each complex. As these stages of growth proceed, the parents are tasked, shall we say, with the needs of the child, in order that it may become acclimated to the third-density body and begin to feel the pre-incarnated choices that it made prior to joining with the parents. 2022/0729.txt:12:At some point, this spiritual attunement is that which is the last of the features of the child to be energized or manifested, shall we say. The spiritual features contain more of the pre-incarnative choices, so that the child may begin to ask questions as to the nature of its own being, the nature of the parents, the nature of its environment, its house, its yard, the greater world around it. This is a process of continuing to expand the experiences and understanding of the child, so that at some point in, what you might call, the pre-teen years there is the potential for the beginning explorations of the spiritual qualities of the child itself, of its perception of the world around it, and its purpose in being within the world. This is what you might call the ideal situation. In many cases within your third-density illusion, which is bounded by the veil of forgetting, this process of maturation of the mind, the body, and the spirit may be more or less effective, depending upon the understanding of the parents, and any other entities with whom the child experiences interaction on a regular basis. 2023/0211.txt:95:I am Quo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The ability to make a contact with your soul purpose and strengthen that purpose is something that needs to be done in the setting of the intention in your meditation, or in your sleep and dream state, to become aware of the nature of your soul purpose, your pre-incarnated choices, the means by which you wish to accelerate your own spiritual growth.