Nurturing Quality Humans, or On the Breeding of Royalty

Andrii Logan Zvorygin ( )

1 Introduction

Historically the main people interested in human breeding have been royal/quality families, and those of caste societies as those of India. Since the discovery of DNA in recent decades much as been learned about genetics, and how genes are passed on and kept strong, many new learnings that can help avoid the inbreeding experiments and failures of European Royalty. Notably all major y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups I’ve investigated have produced kingdoms, so all are equally capable of being considered royal/quality in some sense.

2 Nurture/Conception

It is important to note that genetics isn’t everything and nurturing via the environment and people in it are critical aspects that define the character of a person. The main consideration for a healthy child is adequate space and nature. The mother should be able to freely roam the food forest from which she eats during pregnancy, or at the very least take frequent trips to a nearby park with mineral, plant and animal life forms.

During mate selection, it is important for the male to be selected for having a healthy and-or successful emotional profile for the environment the child is expected to lead. Likewise the mother should have sufficient cognitive abilities to be able to do those things which the child is expected to do. Astrological compatability via both vedic/sidereal and chinese zodiac between the mates is also advisable. Additionally conception times can be timed so that the child likewise has a compatible astrological sign to that of the parents. In terms of genetic compatibility third cousins are considered best, though fourth cousins should be good too, otherwise exogamous or second cousin can be acceptable 7.

While homo sapiens are generally able to produce offspring between the ages of 15-45, the sweet spot or optimal child bearing years are 25-35. Before25 they are emotionally immature children, so would ideally have an adult co-parent, wheras after 35 there is increased risk of genetic defects in the children. While males are able to produce viable semen into old age, it is of lower quality, and the chance of having viable Y-DNA sperm that can produce a healthy son diminishes as they get older (i.e. after 35).

For a healthy mind and body of the child the mother and father should maintain sobriety for at least 2-3 months before engaging in conception, while also making sure to eat several serving of green leafy vegetables everyday to get a full load of essential minerals and vitamins. In winter time fermented vegetables are adequate. A source of B vitamins via nutritional yeast, fermented products, or mushrooms is also advisable. Sunlight is also necessary as a source of Vitamin D.

Additionally it is helpful for the father for 2-3 months prior to conception to be involved in the sorts of activities it is expected the child will do. Especially important for the father is meditation and emotional calibration, since it is the emotional centres which are passed down from the father to the child, regardless of if the child is male or female.

During the period of conception the couple needs to be kind, gentle and loving with each other, and praising God within each other and all creation, raising their vibration to the maximum extent, with the moment of orgasm being in praise and worship of God and gratitude for the child to be (such as “Oh God, Baby, Yes.”).

During the pregnancy a loving atmosphere is to be cultivated, especially in the vicinity of the mother. These are all things which impact the epigenetics, or which genes are activated within the embryo and child.

For a healthy brain it is important to supplement DHA Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be derived from in order of preference: DHA oil supplement, caviar, red fleshed fish (salmon, trout), crayfish/shrimp, cold water fish (sardines), shellfish, or eggs from chicken that are supplemented with flax or hemp seeds. This supplement should at a minimum extend from the third trimester, until the finishing of breastfeeding after 2 years of age. Though optionally can be before and after that as well for the mother. For the child high DHA food should extend from the time they stop breastfeeding until at least 5 years old.

During the infant stage it is considered optimal for brain health for the parents to wear the baby instead of using a stroller when going places. Co-sleeping in the same room can also be beneficial, to help the child feel safe and supported.

For the mother it is helpful for the mother during conception and pregnancy to be involved in some approximation of the most cognitively demanding tasks which the child may encounter in their life, as it is the intellectual abilities of the mother which are passed on to the child, regardless of if the child is male or female.

To give an example, the mother could engage in computer programming, or some high complexity sewing or weaving, knitting or other thread work, as well as reading, writing and possibly language learning.

What complicated sewing could a lady do while pregnant to activate epigenetic intelligence? The lady could make a sizeable drum, with the baby in the centre, and the family and extended relatives to the 3rd degree, at least. This process could involve some research and interactions with relatives, a wonderful aspect to building the clan network of support for the baby once it is born.

In terms of learning a second language, there are many options, the easiest is if there is a secondary local language that would help the child have more valuable connections. If the options are more open to make it somewhat easier can consider the Y-DNA haplogroup of the father and pick a language, for example if they are of haplogroup R1a then a slavic language family (Polish/Ukrainian), R1b then Romance language family (Spanish), I-haplogroup then Germanic language family (Swedish/German), N then Finnic/Uralic language family (Finnish), O then Sino language family (Mandarin), J then semitic language (Hebrew), T Cushtic (Oromo/Somali), D Tibetan, E Afro-asiatic (Arabic)

While the child is growing up it is important to have a healthy father and mother figure setting good examples of adult behaviour and the doing of those kinds of things which the children are expected to do when they are adults.

The child should also be given opportunity to in a supervised context interact with mineral, plant, animal, human and spiritual life forms. The supervision is to help the child to both be safe and to learn to interact gently, lovingly or appropriately with the entities, , helping with their soul evolution, while being of utility in the present life to the family.

It is important to set firm yet compassionate limits, and help the child to manage their emotions in dealing with these limits through meditation and other spiritual pracitces.

The most important quality an education system can give is autodidacty or self-learning, to that effect literacy and numeracy are critical, and it is easiet for a child to learn if exposed early to letter and letter sounds, so that literacy can come more easily when they are old enough to read independtly. When the child is around 6 months old or can sit up, can start home schooling with flash cards, such as letters and their sounds, as well as short words. And showing the child flash cards of dots and presenting them the number and saying it aloud. The child doesn’t have to respond, as they are in a state of constant learning, so they will simply absorb the information and their brain will configure itself to more easily be able to read letters and numbers.

3 Autosomnal DNA

The main part of the DNA is the autosomnal DNA, there are 23 chromosomes, and 22 of them are autosomnal. With each reproductive cycle either male or female the autosomnal pairs from mother and father mix together.

So a child’s genes could be said to be half from the father, and half from the mother, or 1st prior generation. The grandparents or second prior generation each grandparent provides one quarter of the DNA. With the great grand parents or third priod generation it is one eigth of the DNA.

Each chromosome consists of a pair of genes. The 23rd chromosome contains the gender defining XY or XX genes.


While all the chromsome pairs are of different sizes and functions, on could loosely say that each pair provides 1/23 of the genes, wheras the y chromosome would provide 1/46 or 2.1%of the genes. Though it is also said there are 20,500 genes in total, and only around 55 in the y-chromosome, in which case could say the y-chromosome represents 0.26% of the genes.

After 6 prior generation the autosomnal dilution is 1.56% and after 9 generations it is 0.19%.

So autosomnal overlap for the purposes of identifying royalty/quality should not exceed either 6 or 9 generations depending on preference. For example most people in Europe could be said to be an autosomnal relatives of Charlamagne since he lived over a thousand years ago and produced offspring, meaning that any royal blood beyond the 6th or 9th generation should be either patrilinear via y-DNA or matrilinear via mtDNA.

4 Patrilineal Y-DNA

By contrast a y-DNA descendent or one on the paternal or unbroken line of fathers, is likely to have at least the 2% similarity. The y-DNA is the part which defines everything that makes a male different from a female, and is passed on only from the biological father.

Currently it is possible to do various genetic tests to identify the exact characteristics of y-DNA, and trace paternal migration routes over tens of thousands of years.

If such tests are not available at your nexus, the typical way of seeing the y-DNA characterstics is through male traits, such as beard growth patterns, level of boistrousness (from testosterone), and other characteristically male traits of the father, which can not be explained as coming from the mother.

In terms of Royal families there seems to be a tendency between y-DNA haplogroups from northern areas becoming royalty in more southern areas. This may be due to a combination of factors, but may include the ability to generate more heat, and thus run at a faster brain speed than people from more southern areas. There is of course the potential for damage occuring due to the body not being adapted to the new climate. For good adaptation to the locality, it may be advisable for the mother to be from the local area.

In European royal families inbreeding was a problem because there was an attempt to follow both royal male and female lineages, which led to many 1st cousin marigins that produce deformities in body and mind of the offspring.

To avoid such inbreeding, paternal lineages can be freely allowed to select from a variety of unrelated females.

Historically in Europe there was a concept of Premoniture where the first born son would inherit the royal title. There is some wisdom to that as the genes may be more intact with the earlier siblings, though ultimately ability should matter more, as each situation is unique. A form of democracy is useful in that regard.

As with all people, they need to be provided with enough land to grow their own food, firewood and clothing. If that is not possible, they need to be given an opportunity to migrate elsewhere and-or to join an urban or monastic community.

5 Matrilineal mtDNA

The mtDNA does not change as quickly as the y-DNA, and has a completely different function. The mtDNA is responsible for the function of the mitochondria of the cell, which uses various sources of fuel to produce energy for the cell. For example the U5 and U7 mtDNA strains seem to be very cold hardy, though others may have other features as well.

In order have some matrilineal continuity, it would be good for daughters to inherit the name of their maternal line, which could perhaps integrate their mtDNA name, or perhaps an ancestral maiden name.

Notably currently there are no true matriarchies, in matrilineal clans that exist, the brother or other male relative of the would-be matriarch is the spokesperson for the family, rather than the husband and father of the child.

Prehistorically matriarchical societies have thrived in societies where women build and-or maintain the household and garden. Indeed for many thousands of years matriarchies were the dominant social order on Earth, and males were seen more as slaves for performing various forms of manual labour, hunting and war. For example if a female did not like a man, could send him on some difficult quest or mission where he was likely to die. Unfortunately due to the cruelty and all that led to the more recent patriarchy that we are perhaps familiar with, which got overbearing in the other direction.

As a general rule matriarchs have more power in low population density, and patriarchs more power in high population density. This is because in low population density the greatest survival chance is given by increasing the population which can only be done by a female, wheras in high population density the greatest survival chance is given by decreasing the threat from others, which is typically done by a male.

Much like how a patriarchical line has best chances when mated with a good matrilineal line, so it is for matrilineal lineages.

Maternal lines are traditionally responsible for education, and this makes a lot of sense, since the neo-cortex is inherited from the mother, and so the mother may have the easiest time of conveying information to the children. Mothers also often control what the child eats or wears, all these can be optimized for the health of the child, in alignment with what they are expected to do as an adult.

6 Land Races

From a selfish genes perspective, each patriarchical village, would want the males to be of the same or similar y-DNA and the females wives to be of various different mtDNA haplogroups. Wheras each matriarchical village, would want the females to have all the same or similar mtDNA or even autosomnal lineage, while the males are of various y-DNA and autosomnal lineages. Historically this was typically accomplished by in a patriarchy the males marry women from other villages but live in their birth village, wheras in matriarchies the women marry men from other villages but live in their birth village.

However not all combinations may be conducive to all climatic eco-systems. And in some areas it may be more advantageous to have a particular mtDNA lineage paired with a particular Y-DNA lineage. Like in northern Europe N-YDNA is often paired with U-mtDNA, which seems to create a successful pairing with good survival advantages in the cold climate.

With a good gene pool of sufficient incoming and outgoing alleles/genes but not too many, it’s possible to have land-races or varieties of homo-sapiens optimized for certain features. For example there is a group of sea people called the Bajau, and they have larger spleens than regular humans allowing them to dive underwater for longer periods of time.

More broadly land races can include ethnic groups, that have lived a certain lifestyle in a certain climate for many generations, and thus forms a homo-sapien branch of those best suited for that climate and lifestyle.

7 Inbreeding

To reduce risk of inbreeding defects, the most important thing to track of is the closeness of autosomnal DNA. Generally speaking you want to have less than 5% overlap, such as second cousins or less closely related. A sibling is if you have parents in common, first cousins is if you only have grandparents in common, second cousins is if you only have great grandparents in common, and third cousins is if you only have great-great grandparents in common. PIC

“The offspring of two first cousins have a one in four chance of being born with a serious disease called cystic fibrosis. A couple who is second cousins once removed can expect an infant mortality rate of about five in every 100 births.”1 “ first cousin matings were observed: cystic fibrosis: 1.4% cystinosis: 7.1% nephronophtisis: 5.6% spinal muscular atrophy: 4.5% albinism: 5.0% achromatopsia: 12.5%” 2 so children of first cousins have at least a 36% chance of having a serious genetic disorder. So you definitely want to avoid first cousin marriages. And second cousin marriages are not advisable. Though it is notable that many Dravidians living in the south of India have been practicing matrilineal second cousin marriages for many generations, and members of many endogamous communities including Anabaptists and Muslims often have second cousin marriages, sometimes even first cousin marriages and though certainly there are ill effects, it happens.

The other aspect is want to keep track of genetic defects, be they physical and-or cognitive, and avoid marrying someone who has the same genetic defects in their family line, as that increases the chance of those defects being in the children. For very major physical or cognitive defects the person may choose to not get married, either live out their life singly as a celebate member of the clan, or join a monastic community, so as to avoid the risk of passing down the genetic disability to future generations.

Third-cousins are considered to be optimal for breeding, producing more offspring and grandchildren than further cousins 3 . This indicates that the children have high fitness since they survive to adulthood and have many children of their own. So it is good to keep track of family trees at least up until third and possibly fourth cousins, in case there is need for increasing virility of a clan.

8 Hybrids/Exogamy

In some instances the hybrid off spring of two land races may produce what is known as hybrid vigour, However just as with plants, the children of two hybrids can yield uncertain results, the best way of taking advantage of hybrids for a clan, is for the hybridized offspring to marry back into the clan. The hybrid is half local and half foreign, wheras the hybrids re-integrated offspring would be 3/4 local, with just some infusion of genetics to enhance vigour and improve local gene pool diversity.

That said, some hybrids may wish to have hybrid villages, where they aim for specific qualities and create new land races.

In some instances a hybrid individual may be a good candidate to act as leader between two distantly related clans.

9 Clans

A clan is a group that has prominent genetic similarities. For example a patrilineal clan the majority or even all males share the paternal y-DNA history, wheras possibly many of the women could be of different mtDNA groups. Wheras a matrilineal group would be of the same matrilineal mtDNA stock, and the men may be of different paternal y-DNA history. This may be known as the ”divide and conquer” approach, as it is difficult for geneticall dissimilar individuals to unite, so if the females are genetically dissimilar it is more difficult for them to upset the patriarchy, and likewise if the males are genetically dissimilar it is more difficult for them to unite to upset the matriarchy.

However historically in many areas typically there is an optimal y-DNA line and mtDNA line for a given climate or set of circumstances, this may be considered to be more of a land race, as it has very consistent qualities, and so there may be more equality amongst the sexes as both the males and females can unite to get their points across.

10 Reproduction Rates

If there is large amounts of land and resources available to a clan then reproduction rates may be high, wheras if there is little additional land or resources available then need to either go into a maintenance mode or contraction mode so that can stay within the carrying capacity of the land.

High reproduction rates can be facilitated with arranged marriages to third cousins at a young age, such as 16. Then the newly weds can produce offspring while living in the family home, and the grandparents can help take care of the new borns until the parents both reach the age of 25. After the age of 25 the parents can choose to move out and have their own home with their children. Homo sapiens only reach emotional maturity at 25, so asking them to be fully responsible for babies before then is inappropriate and can lead to tragic consequences such as child abuse or even death, not really at fault but due to the natural immaturity of the parents, who are themselves still children learning the rungs of life.

Lower reproduction rates can be facilitated by marriages to third or later cousins or even exogamous hybrid marriages after the age of 25. If the goal is simply to keep the population stable, then the goal fertility rate is 2.3, so most parents should aim for two children, but three is okay as well. If the population is in overshoot, as in there is insufficient land and resources for the clan and the clan needs to contract to get within carrying capacity, then the reproduction rate should aim to be 1 or 2 children per set of parents. Additionally it is possible for single people to relocate to another community with more resources, or if none such is available possibly joining an urban monastary.

As birth control the most straight forward if not desiring to having children is non vaginal sex, such as oral sex (Song of Solomon 4:16, 8:2, 5:1), to maintain the spousal bond with no risk of reproduction. Another option is the use of tantric methods of ejaculation control or semen retention to avoid insemination during sex. Contraceptives are also a possibility, and as a last resort in very dire conditions abortificants.

Important to note is always having an open heart and respecting the free will of everyone involved. Allow people to listen to their inner guiding voice to make the final decision on their mate selection or reproductive habit. God is mysterious and works in mysterious ways. What may analytically seem like a good match, God may know is a problem, and vice versa, what seems like a bad match, God may know is a good match.

For example even though exogamous marriages may have lower reproductive rates, during a time of high reproduction it is good to have at least some exogamous marriages in order to reduce the risk of inbreeding the gene pool, the reintegrated hybrid genes can help to heal gene defects that may come up, before they even get noticed. Another example being that in high density some may turn to non-reproductive sexual forms such as homo sexuality or trans sexuality, and that can help avoid the community going into overshoot. Though as noticed in the population density section, to avoid such things happening it is important that children have a good sense of the land that is available to the clan and the population density of the village. If they can spend adequate time in nature, then they likely will have natural reproductive habits.

11 God’s Clan

So yeah, when one learns about the benefits of clan family life, one may wonder, how does one start a clan family? Well I made a little primer, but the most important thing is forgiving and loving your family members, being kind to each other. You are most likely already part of a clan, a soul family.

Or as the Confederation of Planets says: LL2000/1119:40 I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is indeed so. There are groupings or clans, if you will, of entities who move as a group through incarnational experience after incarnational experience. The relationships vary from one experience to another, oftentimes with some members of the grouping remaining in the inner planes of the planetary sphere offering their assistance in an unseen manner as guides and angelic presences, only to take incarnation once again in yet another experience so that as you move through this Earthly experience you may look about you to those who are your loved ones, those of your family, your friends, those of like mind and heart with whom you move in unison and see those who have been with you for many, many incarnations and experiences on not only this planetary sphere but others as well. For the third-density illusion which is now coming to an end on this planetary sphere is but a brief moment in that which you call time. And there is no time or limitation for the clans or groupings of consciousnesses that choose to move together for one reason or another in the seeking of the one Creator. ( ) 2005/0716:7 Each of you, then, represents not only the self but an extended family, as it were, of beings that have allied themselves in various partnerships for this period of time and space. There is a time upon your planet that is ongoing wherein all of your energies have been called to bear witness to the light and the love of the one infinite Creator. We, ourselves, as those of the principle of Q’uo, are part of two of those groups: that of the fifth-density social memory complex known to you as the group Latwii—we are speaking through this instrument at this time—and those of the social memory complex known as the group Ra, which are part of this principle and with whom we of Latwii and also those of Hatton discussed matters before taking up the time of channeling through this instrument. ( )

How do they form? 2007/0204:50:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. When any two entities who are aware that they are spiritual beings choose to seek together, there is created immediately an oversoul made up of their two incarnate energies connected to their guidance systems. In many cases, also connected to the entities and their guidance systems are the families or social memory complexes with which they have traveled to be of service to this planet. Consequently, even a two-person oversoul may involve an enormous family gathering if you look at the structure that has been created by the dedication in love and service to others of two beings who are aware of their opportunity to choose. ( )

In conclusion, love God truly with all your heart, let God flow through you, and then you’ll be able to love your neighbour and even yourself. So you can set a good example for your family clan. And by extension this can help you make the choices which follow your heart. The results are not as important as the process of making choices with the heart, being compassionate to all those involved, since that is where true growth is. One loving decision after another and things shall improve, and as things are well so they shall be well.

May you be blessed,