1981ra-contact/049.txt:40:We have two types of energy. We are attempting, then, as entities in any true color of this octave, to move the meeting place of inner and outer natures further and further along, or upward along, the energy centers. The two methods of approaching this with sensible method are first, the seating within one’s self of those experiences which are attracted to the entity through the south pole. Each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted, and seated within the individual. As the entity grows in self-acceptance and awareness of catalyst, the location of the comfortable seating of these experiences will rise to the new true-color entity. The experience, whatever it may be, will be seated in red ray and considered as to its survival content and so forth. 1981ra-contact/057.txt:34:Take, then, the crystal, and feel your polarized and potentiated, balanced energy channeled in green-ray healing through your being, going into and activating the crystalline regularity of frozen light, which is the crystal. The crystal will resound with the charged light of incarnative love and light energy and will begin to radiate in specified fashion, beaming, in required light vibrations, healing energy, focused and intensified towards the magnetic field of the mind/body/spirit complex which is to be healed. This entity requesting such healing will then open the armor of the overall violet/red-ray protective vibratory shield. 1988/0904.txt:11:Thus, in one incarnation, the balance between passion and skepticism may be reflecting imbalances towards passion in previous incarnations, or an imbalance toward wisdom or a skepticism in earlier incarnations. Perhaps our best advice upon the subject is ceaselessly to seek your passion, whether it be an established path toward the face of mystery, or whether you make it up as you go along. That which is your truth, that which is your passion, will develop, resonate and become passion. It does not normally spring full-blown, although as one has heard of love at first sight, meaning instant red ray infatuation, which may well deepen into love, so may the spiritual student lay aside skepticism in the excitement of a system of thought which later is found to be wanting, and skepticism again takes over. 1989/0806.txt:13:Thus, first of all, learn your own body. Learn it that you may balance it, and use it by your own will and not by its own will. This discipline of the red-ray energy is not suggested because of moral or ethical reasons. It is due to our love of free will. As the two who are yoked together to pull the consciousness of light and love into the Earth plane they may realize they have created between them the beginnings of a third entity. Each will have to change a good deal and give up much in order that one’s own path and one’s mate’s path may remain close enough to communicate about. So, communication is always the key. The entity who loses the temper and raises the voice is going to accomplish nothing except a healthy release of frustration, which may well keep such an entity from ulcers or cancers. In that regard we applaud such honesty; in all others we see no use for it. 1990/0313.txt:43:This instrument’s method is to move each chakra into its normal balanced brilliance and spinning and life-giving energy, so that there are no blockages for that time, then surrounding the bodily energy in mind with the mixture of the violet ray of identity, and the red ray of life itself. These two colors create a mixture of lavender and red, the kind of color this instrument might call burgundy, and one visualizes it covering and coating the body as if the body were a capsule, and the covering that which held the great medicine of that capsule within it so that it may be useful upon its taking, and not be scattered, so that one is taking small bits and pieces into meditation, but has found a way to be whole. 1990/0607.txt:5:For your words [inaudible] transform [inaudible] and we would that they would sparkle with a glistening gift that each of you have. Move to the [brow] chakra, that deep blue and purple [of indigo]. This is a very vulnerable chakra, yet you are using it quite actively to do this work. Be patient with yourself if it seems to remain dark and merely keep asking it to spin and shine and give off a clear radiance. Reviewing the chakras now very quickly: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo. Violet appears at the head. It is as it is, you cannot manipulate it, but it does represent the balance that you have just created. Take this color and, in your mind, visualize it, swirl it around to meet the red ray, mixing to become a red violet color, the very essence and vitality that is your identity as a body. Take that color and seal your body completely with this color. Now visualize dunking it into a cup of something, painting it on, or asking it to form an armor, missing no part of you. 1991/0421.txt:50:Just so, this energy must also move in a balanced fashion from the red ray and proceed upwards to the orange ray, where the individual power of expression is manifested in the incarnation in a fashion which allows the uniqueness of the individual to express itself, using that same energy which has moved through the red ray and which continues, if unblocked, to the yellow, the green, and so forth, so that when an entity has been able to activate and balance each energy center the intelligent energy or prana of the one Creator moves through each center to be met at the indigo ray center or brow chakra, allowing the union with the indwelling love and light of the one Creator and the opening of the entity to the fully experienced presence of the one infinite Creator. 1995/0409.txt:11:So, one may work on the issue of becoming more balanced in red-ray energy whether or not one is in relationship, whether or not one is sexually active. In terms of doing one’s homework, shall we say, it does not matter what the situation is, for each entity’s sexuality lies at the very heart of its individuality and each entity must needs work upon its own issues, its own sexuality. It is well to attempt, then, to gently part the strands that are tangled in the process of perceiving one’s relationship to another sexually, so that the other entity’s issues stay with that entity, so the self works completely upon the self, and perhaps its reactions may offer that catalyst for thinking which does create lessons learned and the strength of vital energy improved. 1995/0910.txt:31:So the energies involved in living, breathing, eating, sleeping, those creature comforts, those natural sexual functions, may seem to be very strong but confused or muddied. Likewise the green ray energy center tends to run very hot, shall we say, for the natural faculties within the mother are opened as a flower to the sun by the process of nurturing and creating the life and all that that great opportunity brings with it. The remaining energy centers have a tendency to be dim and not particularly well balanced due to the immense amount of energy which is being devoted on the red ray and green ray levels by the mother. 1995/1022.txt:10:Certainly, some of the abrasive and cleansing experiences of your illusion seem unlucky and unfortunate, yet it is precisely that friction that does the work of exposing the crystal that sparkles within, and the work that is done by the seeker is work upon the self. The seeker wishes to balance red ray, for that is the basic and very important beginning of energies, and that which is not freed and flowing within that root energy center constitutes a primal blockage that will slow and distort the pure light energy which you are receiving from the Creator. 1996/0218.txt:7:Perhaps the most skillful expression of strong red-ray energy is the allowing of the self to rejoice in the feeling of health and life, to feel the vivid energy of the blood moving through the physical body, of the organs doing their balanced working, and of the nervous system opening and relaxing and turning towards the light of the physical world or that world of entities in which the expression of light, perhaps the lamp in the window or the smile that lights up the face, can express, for the red ray is in its pure form the energy that created all things, moving in its first expression into the individual splinter of the love and the light of the one infinite Creator that is each of you. 1996/0428.txt:6:We are aware that each has a good understanding of the various energies that lie on the path or pole line from the entering energy at the root or red-ray energy center and that move upward through the body’s [energy centers] to exit finally at the violet-ray center, moving, as does each of you move, from the basic to the more advanced lessons of love which you have come to learn anew as if you had never known them before. Remember to turn in thanks and look once more to find what depth you have not yet plumbed in each energy. In each, shall we say, division of incarnational lessons there is an unending subtlety and refinement of what we may loosely call understanding or balance. There is no end to awareness and there is no end to the path each of you shares, but only an ever more profound allowing of the natural balance to come into manifestation from that great well of potential that is the human heart. 2001/0304.txt:8:We would begin then by suggestion that it is well, when faced with a perceived imbalance in the energy body, to realize that the situation is non-local, no matter how local it may seem. That is, it may seem that there is a red-ray over-activation or a red-ray blockage and that this is then removing energy from the red ray. In actuality, the energies of the system are seldom blocked in only one ray because of the interrelationships between the rays, especially between the primary rays and also because of the centrality of the heart to those who are working in service-to-others polarity. 2002/0505.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would recommend in the meditative state, at the end of your day or during a portion of your day where you have time to relax and reflect, that you look at the blockage as it has been experienced in your daily round of activates. Within the meditative state then look at the experience which represents to you the blockage of the red-ray energy center. Re-live that experience, allowing it to fill your being, and then in a natural fashion allow that image to dissipate and allow its opposite to emerge into your consciousness so that you see it with the same intensity that you saw the blockage to begin with. Allow this image to continue for as long as feels comfortable. Then see both the blockage and its balance as means by which the Creator may know Itself through you, and accept yourself for having both as means for the Creator to know Itself in your being. Repeat this exercise upon a daily basis for as long as is necessary for the blockage to be resolved. 2004/0112.txt:13:Therefore, the blockages or, shall we say, the limiting of the possibilities for expansion of the infinite instreaming energy of the one infinite Creator, are in place not only for the red ray but for the energy body as a whole, for the life force, as it were, is that which is narrowed in order to move through the unbalanced energy body in a safe and optimal pattern. This blockage or inhibition that locks down some expansion possibilities in the energy body, again, cannot be said to be an incorrect action or a negative result. Rather, it can be said to be a very sensible and useful way to create a place for the self within a very alien illusion from which that entity can fulfill as much as possible those intents and driving desires for learning and for service with which this entity came into incarnation. 2004/0905.txt:18:This instrument was talking earlier about how she is able to feel Earth energy and has been aware of the Earth from her earliest memory. Becoming more and more aware of how Earth energy feels is a very helpful thing for the Earth as well as for you. That Earth energy is, mechanically speaking, that medium through which the love and the light of the one infinite Creator moves through the soles of your feet up into your body. It rushes up from the soles of the feet right into the red ray and directly from there, sequentially, through each chakra of the energy body. And when you are functioning well as an energy body, your chakras are balanced and opened. Full energy is moving through into the heart, and that heart is staying open no matter what hits it, so that the output, no matter how difficult your catalyst may be, is an output of love, joy and peace. 2005/0304.txt:20:The reason that we so strenuously encourage this work is that where you want to go in the next chakra requires that these three chakras, the basic chakras, be in sufficient balance that the infinite supply of unconditional love and energy for life coming into your energy system from the root chakra or red-ray chakra can move upwards without significant blockage. We do not say without distortion but without significant blockage into the heart. If you cannot clear the lower chakras enough that you are getting a good supply of the infinite love and light of the one Creator into the heart chakra, then this is where you need to stop for the moment It is important for you to be able to rest in the sacred space of your own open heart and to know yourself there before you can really do work in consciousness with any confidence that you will not harm yourself or confuse yourself more than you clarify things for yourself. As we have said many times through this instrument, there are what this instrument calls “lions at the gate” guarding your entry into your own heart. Listen to those lions and find the patience with yourself to do the work that it takes to make entry into your heart in such a way that the lions not only allow you to pass, but give you the feeling that they are now guarding your back. 2006/0226_02.txt:28:As you use your will to choose to open yourself to the light and the love that is in each moment, in each situation, and in each relationship, you will find that love itself will teach you what love is. It may feel awkward for quite awhile, off and on, to experience the rush and the roar of emotion. We encourage the one known as B to realize that these experiences are safe for him because they are being experienced in the nest and family of a group whose energy is able to help move energy aside in certain cases within the energy body where there have been blockages so that the love and the light of the infinite Creator can flow through in an uninterrupted and balanced manner where previously there was a shortage of that infinite energy coming from the Earth. It was moving into the body but it was being blocked at the red-ray energy center. 2008/0107.txt:79:You want all of your energies in balance and in a state of health. Therefore, you want your red ray to be strong, with its issues of sexuality and survival. Similarly, you wish for your orange ray to be strong, with its issues of relationship of self to self and the relationships that you have with others, one on one. And you want your yellow ray to be strong, with its issues of group relationships such as the birth family, the marriage family, and the work family. 2008/0913.txt:29:To come to the gateway, you must have found your way to bring your whole energy body into balance, so that energy is rushing through you, unimpeded by those egoic concerns of red ray, yellow ray and orange ray—survival, sexuality, relationships, marriage, home and family. Those who come to the gateway have “let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also,”3 and their entire essence is bound up in the devotion to the Creator and to serving the Creator that would bring one to wish to use the gateway. 2009/0425.txt:50:We are not saying that it is necessary to become equally committed or perfectly matched in order for the heart to open. We are saying that there are obstacle courses in which the obstacles lie thick on the ground that lie between the red-ray sexuality and green-ray sexual energy transfer. The need to possess and the need to be possessed must be balanced. The expectations one of another must go through that period of communication until there is an understanding. 2009/1219.txt:24:We cannot tell you what will decrease distortion within each of your chakras. We cannot tell you the appropriate attitude towards sexuality, towards relationships, towards marriage, towards anything. We can only tell you that you have every right and every ability to investigate for yourself where your balances lie in red ray, in orange ray, in yellow ray. These first three chakras are tremendously important in creating a balance within you that allows you to know your own heart. 2015/0919.txt:30:On one level I understand that you must work from the foundation upward, clearing and balancing each center to create a stable base from which to work in indigo ray; yet on the other hand, this notion is confusing to me because it seems like the consciousness of indigo ray is one that undoes the fundamental illusion. It undoes the illusion of separation, it undoes the illusion of the individual ‘I,’ and it is upon those illusions from which all of the blockages spring in the first place: the blockages of the red ray, orange ray and so forth. So, it seems to me, that indigo ray gets to the root of the problem. So, I'm confused as to why the indigo ray cannot then undo the blockages and imbalances of the lower rays. If Q’uo could speak to that, I would appreciate it. 2017/0304.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your queries, my sister. First of all, may we say that when we look upon this group, or any group, we see configurations of light, rotating at various angles and velocities that reflect the energy center activation, and overall balance. When we look upon a group, we see all of the entities within the group as sources of light of various colors, of various natures, rotations, angles of rotation, and so forth. Thus, the group becomes a magnification of the individual. Within each individual, the red-ray energy center is activated, as is the orange and the yellow, for this is the third-density illusion. These centers may be more or less bright, depending upon activations and blockages unique to each individual. Within this group, we find the heart-ray energy center, the green ray, also active within each entity within this circle of seeking, for this is the nature of the consciously oriented seeker of truth, to have moved its energy from red ray through orange and yellow into the green. In some instances, we also see further activation of the blue and the indigo, reflecting further study by such entities of the nature of their own evolutionary process. The activity or rotational speed of each energy center reflects the success that the seeker has experienced in both activating and balancing the energy centers so observed. 2017/0304.txt:35:The violet-ray energy center is that indicator of the balance of the lower energy centers of each seeker. Thus, the various colors and brilliance of these colors is surrounded by the violet- and red-ray protective shell, shall we call it, that reflects the overall balance of the mind, the body, and the spirit of the seeker of truth. This protective shell is that which holds in place whatever degree of health or disease or imbalance, shall we say, that the seeker has achieved to this point in the life experience. This shell, then, is also surrounded by the entity’s vibratory expression of its true density of origin. Those wanderers in the group, then, being from either the fourth, the fifth, or the sixth-density experiences, would have the green, blue, and indigo coloration in their exterior portion of the aura. 2017/0506.txt:27:The red-ray energy center being that which deals with the survival of the entity and the sexual reproduction of the entity, its survival, shall we say, as a species. The orange ray being that individual or emotional idiosyncrasy that is expressed in a one-to-one relationship with another being. The yellow ray being that group expression of energies that the wanderer has involved itself in. The green ray being the opening of the heart energy center, and the experience of universal love, being able to both give and receive that love. The throat chakra being that freely given communication or inspiration and acceptance of other selves. The indigo ray energy center being that energy of the adept, the magical personality and its state of beingness, of the sense of the Creator as intelligent energy. The violet ray being that center which reflects the overall balance of all the energy centers. 1981ra-contact/057.txt:34:Take, then, the crystal, and feel your polarized and potentiated, balanced energy channeled in green-ray healing through your being, going into and activating the crystalline regularity of frozen light, which is the crystal. The crystal will resound with the charged light of incarnative love and light energy and will begin to radiate in specified fashion, beaming, in required light vibrations, healing energy, focused and intensified towards the magnetic field of the mind/body/spirit complex which is to be healed. This entity requesting such healing will then open the armor of the overall violet/red-ray protective vibratory shield. 1990/0225.txt:3:I am Q’uo. I am Q’uo. We have most happily been able to contact this instrument, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we move and have our being. It was a good example of your query upon discipline in the process which this instrument has spent the previous approximate hour of your time as we find this instrument is aware of time. In the attempt to banish the genuine exhaustion of the physical self due to pain and exertion, this instrument’s red-ray energy center was most dim, and therefore the instrument, in preparing to offer words of inspiration, neglected to be enough aware of the need for the focus upon the reenergizing of the will to live joyfully that is the mark of the open red ray. 1990/0527.txt:8:This instrument has low energy into the heart chakra because it is blocked in red ray as it questions its right to be alive. It is blocked in orange ray by its reluctance to accept freely given love. That is why we must speak carefully and slowly. This instrument is, at this moment, typical of the nature of energy blockages among your people. It is experiencing that which comes to all, or very nearly all, spirits. It has itself noted one mystery: try as it might, swear and kick and rage, it cannot give up hope. This hope, which may be called faith, is that which holds the entity in a safe energy web as it is dismantled, as programs in the consciousness are changed, and new possibilities are opened for data input and new programming, to use the terms of the computer, which so resembles the choices of the consciousness that we find them useful. 1990/0615.txt:6:The full and open heart. Let us gaze upon it as it touches upon the various energies and activities of the illusion, in what you call your red-ray energy center. What is the full and open heart but one who accepts all energies of life as beautiful. This heart sees the beauty of form as it is designed in this illusion and is able to comprehend the energies that move through each form, each manifestation. The heart embraces its own physical vehicle, sending light to each and every cell. Where there is any darkness, light is visualized, oceans and oceans of bubbles of light moving to each and every portion of the physical vehicle that may be in discomfort. Refreshing, easing, comforting, cleansing, renewing each cell. 1990/0615.txt:32:In the lower energies, each has weaknesses due to the harsh illusion each experiences. This instrument with the difficulties of red-ray physical pain. The one known as Jim with difficulties of a relationship held in freedom and trust. The one known as S with the difficulties allowing interactions with groups, to be that which is inspired rather than intended. Each then, in the discussion of these lower energy centers, expresses its own unimportant but substantial enough limitations. Examine and consider, for all things point to the heart from each direction, and to give maximum energy to the heart, to throw into the heart all that one receives, is dearly to be desired. The heart is a thing in itself, a power, a resource, that which in its full and open presence heals those about it by its very being, 1991/0421.txt:50:Just so, this energy must also move in a balanced fashion from the red ray and proceed upwards to the orange ray, where the individual power of expression is manifested in the incarnation in a fashion which allows the uniqueness of the individual to express itself, using that same energy which has moved through the red ray and which continues, if unblocked, to the yellow, the green, and so forth, so that when an entity has been able to activate and balance each energy center the intelligent energy or prana of the one Creator moves through each center to be met at the indigo ray center or brow chakra, allowing the union with the indwelling love and light of the one Creator and the opening of the entity to the fully experienced presence of the one infinite Creator. 1995/0910.txt:31:So the energies involved in living, breathing, eating, sleeping, those creature comforts, those natural sexual functions, may seem to be very strong but confused or muddied. Likewise the green ray energy center tends to run very hot, shall we say, for the natural faculties within the mother are opened as a flower to the sun by the process of nurturing and creating the life and all that that great opportunity brings with it. The remaining energy centers have a tendency to be dim and not particularly well balanced due to the immense amount of energy which is being devoted on the red ray and green ray levels by the mother. 1996/0218.txt:7:Perhaps the most skillful expression of strong red-ray energy is the allowing of the self to rejoice in the feeling of health and life, to feel the vivid energy of the blood moving through the physical body, of the organs doing their balanced working, and of the nervous system opening and relaxing and turning towards the light of the physical world or that world of entities in which the expression of light, perhaps the lamp in the window or the smile that lights up the face, can express, for the red ray is in its pure form the energy that created all things, moving in its first expression into the individual splinter of the love and the light of the one infinite Creator that is each of you. 1996/0218.txt:13:In order to best allow the free passage of energy through the red ray it is well to sit with the self and contemplate to one’s satisfaction what it is to have life, what it is to have the beating heart, and the in-taken breath. What it is to be caught between the Creator and nothingness, what it is to have the eyes open upon the present moment. That gift of life, if perceived for one instant as the infinite gift that it is is stunning, breathtaking, miraculous, unbelievable. And yet it is yours, each one of you. This energy, this indrawn breath, this moment in space and time to form as you will, to express just as you choose to do. 1996/0218.txt:15:You are love, and you have chosen to come into the builded universe, that land of light and dark, and to enter into a vast round of experience, from the primeval blackness through the dim forms of earth and fire, through all the ways of the life stream moving through vegetable and animal and now you stand at the threshold of self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-consciousness. And it is your precious task to take these gifts that you have been given and to offer them back up to the infinite Creator with as much increase of love and service, compassion and caring, as you can. The second-density red ray which is the environment which your body enjoys selects those entities which may aid it in promulgating the species and in creating a safe place in which to bring up young. The third-density red-ray energy adds to that the energies of self-conscious love which opens this energy up to embrace all, male and female, which takes that red ray and chooses to allow it to flow naturally, not only in the act of sex but in the act of living. 1996/0218.txt:16:Perhaps a good model for this would be the boomerang. As you release this energy of selfhood, this energy of basic health, as this instrument would call it, there is the comfortable confidence that this energy shall return with gifts in its arms from a universe which has all the polarities possible within it. Any two entities may share third-density red-ray energy to the extent of their dynamic. It will always be that certain pairs of entities will happen to have particularly good dynamics and thus will experience a more remarkable stream of energy transfer. But the open sharing of this energy with all is certainly that which aids the red ray in the remaining open, powerful and pure, thus ensuring that the maximum amount of energy moves through red ray and into the next. 1997/0119.txt:10:And we have noted before that the energy that comes into your being is infinite, but that there are ways in which each of you, by the choices that you make, contract and narrow and limit the amount of energy that can come into the body and move up the spine. The first center—we will simply summarize—has to do with issues of life and death, breathing, eating, the sexual polarity. These are the concerns of red ray. The concerns of the next ray, the orange ray, are those that the person has with himself or herself, and the person in relationship with one other person, the dynamics betwixt self and self, and self and other self, without reference to groups, but just one person and another. These are the concerns of orange ray. The concerns of yellow ray, this being a yellow-ray density, take on a good deal of centrality of importance. This is the heart, shall we say, of third density—the relating of self to groups, the opening of self that will in fourth density become the social memory complex when thoughts are shared, private thoughts simply skirted about, seen, appreciated, respected and left alone. There will be other lessons to learn in fourth density, but this lesson that you now work upon, of opening the self without fear, this one you will work upon until you are able to feel that contact with other selves as an identity of one to one, heart to heart, and love to love. 2004/0905.txt:18:This instrument was talking earlier about how she is able to feel Earth energy and has been aware of the Earth from her earliest memory. Becoming more and more aware of how Earth energy feels is a very helpful thing for the Earth as well as for you. That Earth energy is, mechanically speaking, that medium through which the love and the light of the one infinite Creator moves through the soles of your feet up into your body. It rushes up from the soles of the feet right into the red ray and directly from there, sequentially, through each chakra of the energy body. And when you are functioning well as an energy body, your chakras are balanced and opened. Full energy is moving through into the heart, and that heart is staying open no matter what hits it, so that the output, no matter how difficult your catalyst may be, is an output of love, joy and peace. 2004/0905.txt:30:If one looks, for instance, at the tangle of discussion that you have shared with the one known as C concerning various aspects of this question, it can be seen that, in looking at freeing the red-ray energy and freeing that fundamental, healthy flow of the creative energy into the energy body, there is certainly a place for opening up those areas of that energy which were restricted by past abuse and difficulty with sexual expression. And yet, if it stops at the opening of that energy without moving into questions of where this opened energy might go, how it might be furthered, where it goes next in the energy body and how that works, then it shall be empty. For repetition of sheer red-ray desire and satisfaction of that desire are indeed an endless dropping of energy into a hole. Because that energy is a natural function and needs to be expressed again and again, it cannot be expressed once and then put to rest, although entities have found it helpful to do so under specialized conditions, where they were using the restraint from an open expression of sexuality as a marker for cleansing, purifying and enhancing the spiritual growth of the whole organism that is your mind, body and spirit. 2004/0905.txt:31:When the energy stops at body work then the mind and the spirit have not yet been reckoned with. And the mind and the spirit also have great hopes and desires for being themselves. The more you work with moving through the chakra system, the more you see that this open red-ray energy moves into the opening of the orange-ray energy, which then moves into the opening of the yellow-ray energy, so that the energy moving up into the heart is whole and has not been hindered by fear at any of these three lower places. When energy is able to move up into the heart in full strength, then the whole world of higher chakra work begins to open up. It is very wise of the one known as J and the one known as T to investigate the opening up of red-ray sexuality, because it is the foundation for so much more sacred work. Yet the hunger remains for an expression that is sacred, an expression that has deeper meaning and higher purpose. There is that opening of the heart and that realization that each entity whom one meets is the Creator. There is then the opening of the heart to serving the Creator in each entity and most of all in one’s mate, so that it comes full circle back to the sacredness of red ray, seen in the fullness of a system of living out that sacredness that is felt within the heart. 2005/0224.txt:15:Let us talk a bit about how we see this situation that you describe, of attempting to bring into the ordinary life the expanded thoughts [inaudible]. This instrument often speaks of the self as a crystal being and of the energy field of the self as a crystalline energy, the kind of crystal that is used in radio transmission [inaudible]. The energy body interpenetrates the physical body. It is inseparable from the physical body within incarnation and it is carefully designed to be so. The silver cord, as this instrument has learned to call it, is that time/space or metaphysical link that nevertheless has its tendrils within the connection between the yellow-ray chakra and the green-ray chakra, or the energy level upon which the ordinary life is lived and the energy of the open heart. There is in this crystalline [chakra-body] energy form a very specific, shall we say, spine upon which the chakras wrap the self and within which they are in dynamic association, one with another. The first triangle of energies is the red-ray chakra, the orange-ray chakra, and the yellow-ray chakra. In this instrument’s system those energies have to do with survival, with personal relationships, and then with the groups with which one works in the physical incarnation. The fourth chakra, the green-ray chakra, is known to her as the heart chakra and we would say, in this instance, that it is important to realize that there is between the yellow-ray chakra and the green-ray chakra what we are showing to this instrument as a right angle turn. But it is a right angle into time/space from space/time. It is impossible to describe or to draw in any physical form that this instrument is aware of or that we can give through this instrument. 2005/0304.txt:20:The reason that we so strenuously encourage this work is that where you want to go in the next chakra requires that these three chakras, the basic chakras, be in sufficient balance that the infinite supply of unconditional love and energy for life coming into your energy system from the root chakra or red-ray chakra can move upwards without significant blockage. We do not say without distortion but without significant blockage into the heart. If you cannot clear the lower chakras enough that you are getting a good supply of the infinite love and light of the one Creator into the heart chakra, then this is where you need to stop for the moment It is important for you to be able to rest in the sacred space of your own open heart and to know yourself there before you can really do work in consciousness with any confidence that you will not harm yourself or confuse yourself more than you clarify things for yourself. As we have said many times through this instrument, there are what this instrument calls “lions at the gate” guarding your entry into your own heart. Listen to those lions and find the patience with yourself to do the work that it takes to make entry into your heart in such a way that the lions not only allow you to pass, but give you the feeling that they are now guarding your back. 2005/1218.txt:18:The eight-chakra system has been discussed previously, and so we will very briefly review that system. The red-ray chakra is concerned mostly with survival and sexuality. The orange-ray chakra, located in the lower belly, is associated with issues of personal relationship. The yellow-ray chakra, or the solar plexus energy center, is associated with the energies of interacting with groups. The green-ray or heart chakra is associated with opening the heart and discovering one’s own sacred nature. The throat chakra or blue-ray energy center is connected with communication. The indigo-ray center at the brow is associated with the disciplines of the personality and work in consciousness, and the violet-ray chakra, which is the crown chakra, is associated with that readout of momentary reality that is expressing at any given moment and is a system readout for the entire energy body that is what we would call the Occidental or Western chakra structure. 2006/0226_02.txt:28:As you use your will to choose to open yourself to the light and the love that is in each moment, in each situation, and in each relationship, you will find that love itself will teach you what love is. It may feel awkward for quite awhile, off and on, to experience the rush and the roar of emotion. We encourage the one known as B to realize that these experiences are safe for him because they are being experienced in the nest and family of a group whose energy is able to help move energy aside in certain cases within the energy body where there have been blockages so that the love and the light of the infinite Creator can flow through in an uninterrupted and balanced manner where previously there was a shortage of that infinite energy coming from the Earth. It was moving into the body but it was being blocked at the red-ray energy center. 2006/0903.txt:38:You are capable of embodying that which you can pull through from above by your desire. If your desires are for lust then you shall leave your kundalini in red ray. If your desires focus upon personal relationships, then you shall raise your kundalini to the orange ray. If your true desire is for marriage and a good work situation, then you shall raise your kundalini to the yellow-ray level. If your deepest desire is to open your heart, then you shall raise the kundalini to the green-ray level. If your deepest desire is to learn how to love with wisdom and to know what it is to have compassion while invoking justice, then you move into those energies of acceptance and of justice that are invoked in blue ray. And when you finally desire above all things to be devoted ultimately and completely to the one infinite Creator and live in the precincts of faith, then by your desire you have pulled up the energy into indigo. 2007/0325.txt:21:Consequently, when we speak of true energy exchange, we must consider that the energy between two people has moved a very long way from that beginning red-ray attraction which eventually initiates sexual congress. It has gone from lust to a personal relationship and then often to a legal relationship or a committed relationship which is mated. And then the couple has the opportunity to ask for the Creator Itself to enter the sexual relationship through the open heart. 2007/0414.txt:65:Firstly we would correct the misperception that the reason for unblocking the red chakra is to enable the energy to move into the crown chakra. This is not correct. The reason for opening the red-ray chakra is to bring power through into the heart. There is not a direct connection between opening the red-ray chakra and opening higher chakras. 2008/0510.txt:11:This infinite love/light of the Creator that streams into the red ray will, if not baffled, blocked or narrowed, move freely and powerfully into the heart, letting the heart open and bloom like a flower, thereby setting the stage for the potential for work in consciousness. 2008/0510.txt:12:Work in consciousness can only take place when the red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are open and the energy of the Creator is running freely through them, for this is the energy that feeds the heart. When it is limited or constricted, the magical personality shall find itself on very short rations. Once the seeker has set his intention to do work in consciousness, then the higher rays become involved: the blue ray of communication, the indigo ray of faith and being, and of course, the green ray of healing and unconditional love. 2008/0510.txt:22:What is not usually understood about red ray is that it is not only the ray of sexuality but also the ray of survival. It is the ray in which you must say either “yes” or “no” to life itself. Many are those whose feelings of depression and unhappiness, for various reasons, has begun to shut down or at least narrow that red ray. Somehow, sharing these woes with another whose ears are open to listen begins to get the red ray open again; begins to make life seem good again. The colors brighten, energies lift, and the conversation goes on. 2009/0425.txt:48:In some personalities, the openness of the heart is such that that particular personality is almost incapable of expressing the self without the green-ray aspect. However, this is not the case for the majority of entities who engage in sexual congress. It is to be remembered that your present experience of sexuality has heavy cultural overlays which encourage the value of sexuality remaining firmly in the red ray. 2009/0425.txt:49:Your mass media are full of advertisements of the glories of lust, the beauties of youth, and the shallowest possible conception of sexual energy exchange. Further, there are the inevitable conflicts that arise when one attempts to deepen a relationship which is sexual. The tendencies for an unevenness of affection are substantial. The tendencies for an unevenness of desire as far as how deep the relationship is desired to go are also those which tend towards an unevenness. It is rare that two entities want precisely the same thing in terms of how deep the relationship shall go, what commitments are made, one to the other, and so forth. These things tend to be notably uneven and mismatched. Consequently, progress through red-ray, orange-ray, and yellow-ray expressions of sexuality to the open heart of green ray almost always involves a decision to set the intention to make that happen. 2009/0425.txt:50:We are not saying that it is necessary to become equally committed or perfectly matched in order for the heart to open. We are saying that there are obstacle courses in which the obstacles lie thick on the ground that lie between the red-ray sexuality and green-ray sexual energy transfer. The need to possess and the need to be possessed must be balanced. The expectations one of another must go through that period of communication until there is an understanding. 2009/0425.txt:52:There are times when there are brilliant shortcuts into green-ray sexual energy exchange; times when, for whatever combination of reasons, it is perfectly clear that sex is an energy shared between two hearts and all may lie open and undefended. It is in this fearless open heart that an exchange may take place. However, in the normal run of human experience, we would say that without the intention and without the work done to see the energies intervening between red ray and the open heart, the green-ray energy exchange shall not be a common occurrence. However, it is certainly an energy that is open to all regardless of their distortions or their fears. 2009/1013.txt:28:Consequently, you cannot, unfortunately for the peace of your life and your mind, open first the red-ray chakra, then the orange-ray, then the yellow-ray, then the green-ray, then work with the throat chakra and work on communication and then move into work in consciousness. That would be, in general, the direction of your spiritual life. However, always, every day, you must look back to the red-ray chakra and begin all over again, because it is likely that within the compass of the day you have had triggers in those first three chakras. 2015/0919.txt:10:So, if we may begin by looking at the red ray energy center, as we have called it, which you may find at the base of your spine. This is the center at which energy is first taken up into the more etheric body and while work of a more individual or particular sort may not be done at the red ray level, it is yet an important consideration to have this energy center open, for it gives the entire system the initial fusion—infusion, we correct this instrument—of energy that comes in from below. The factors that tend to close off the red ray are those of fear, those of excessive anger, those of excessive lust. Such factors as these can so overwhelm the energy system that no further work may meaningfully be done while they prevail. So, a bright and cheerful attitude toward spiritual work is, what we may call, the best beginning. 2017/0304.txt:14:We believe that within this group there is considerable understanding of the energy centers. You are aware that there is, as the foundation center, what we have called the red ray—that the red ray, if it is blocked, prevents activity from moving to a higher configuration. As a simple example, you may be aware that if you are in a state of fear, that you will not be able to engage in quiet, calm, inspiring, interpersonal communication. That will be a possibility of exploring your selfhood that is blocked. Similarly, we would say that this communication, which we have simply referenced, and would ascribe to the orange ray level of beingness, if it is not harmonious, if it is disturbed, it will, in turn, block your ability to move into more articulated and complex relations with your fellow citizens. And it is the latter function which we would say characterizes the yellow ray. Only when all disturbances of red ray, all fears and lusts that may come upon you at that level, have been regularized to the point where you are able to engage meaningfully and in a focused way with another self or two, such that you may share your feelings with another, who may share his or her feelings with you. And only when that circumstance has been regularized to the point that you are able to move outward into a social realm where there is a great deal of sharing and interchange of energies and ideas and hopes and dreams, and only when that realm has been regularized to the point that you may reach outward to all in the Creation, in open hearted giving, can you be said to have touched the Creator. 2017/0415.txt:19:However, during the course of the lifetime of a spiritual seeker, it is generally the case that eventually all of the energy centers will be experienced to some degree; that is, one will have found a way to allow the prana, which is the intelligent energy which feeds your system, to rise unbaffled to an extent or its full measure. And, at the time the seeker realizes that all of the energy centers have become available to do some measure of work, it is useful to begin a reflection of a different kind, that is, it is useful to begin to recognize that all of the energy centers do need to be able to function simultaneously. And in the simultaneity of their functioning, there is a new order of harmonization that arises as a possibility, and, indeed, as a task, for when you have learned, let us say, to open the heart, it will still be the case that you have issues that must be dealt with at the level of the red ray, at the level of the orange, and at the level of the yellow. 2017/0506.txt:27:The red-ray energy center being that which deals with the survival of the entity and the sexual reproduction of the entity, its survival, shall we say, as a species. The orange ray being that individual or emotional idiosyncrasy that is expressed in a one-to-one relationship with another being. The yellow ray being that group expression of energies that the wanderer has involved itself in. The green ray being the opening of the heart energy center, and the experience of universal love, being able to both give and receive that love. The throat chakra being that freely given communication or inspiration and acceptance of other selves. The indigo ray energy center being that energy of the adept, the magical personality and its state of beingness, of the sense of the Creator as intelligent energy. The violet ray being that center which reflects the overall balance of all the energy centers. 2017/1216.txt:31:As you are able to process the catalyst that comes your way each day and store it as experience, then the energies that you would call “intelligent energy”, or that which is also known as “prana”, may begin further activation of the indigo ray so that there is the possibility of the balancing of the lower energies from the red ray through the orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, so that there is an even functioning available to the spiritual seeker that can, with the appropriate, shall we say, ingredients of attention, experience, and desire, cause the opening of the indigo ray, through which the shuttle of the spirit may move, and energize and open the violet ray energy center, so that an experience of illumination may be had by the seeker of truth. 1981ra-contact/031.txt:47:In an over-crowded situation where each mind/body/spirit complex is under a constant bombardment from other-selves, it is understandable that those who are especially sensitive would not feel the desire to be of service to other-selves. This also would increase the probability of a lack of desire or a blockage of the red-ray reproductive energy. 1988/0103.txt:9:Now let us look outward. Each of you gazes upon a creation which is completely subjective. All of your instincts and your senses and your abilities greet the day, see the illusion, and feel the pulsing of the life within, the life that shall end and that life that shall not. And as you pass along your way, you find those things which cross and disturb one or another of the energy complexes of your being. Perhaps it is only inclement weather, and perhaps that red-ray, as this instrument would call it, desire for bodily health and strength curses the inclement weather and finds it negative. Perhaps there is a blockage in your orange ray, personal feelings ache and a glance out the window at this rainy weather seem to put a negative lid on a sad heart, one more reason to feel negative thoughts. 1989/1217.txt:6:It is most easy to love some people. Their temperament suits your temperament. They are good listeners, you are good talkers. Or vice-versa. You have many of the same interests, or there is simply the chemistry of working together before that brings people together. But if anything that is attempted is attempted without the free flow of love, infinite love, into the violet-ray chakra from above, upwards from the red-ray chakra, according to the energy blockages of the body, when you sit to meditate, do your best to clear your intelligence of its usual active pattern of contemplation and thought, for those things which can be said to be of an inspiration that is healthy and encourages wellness among the souls of your peoples is not altogether welcome upon your sphere. You must ask for us to be with you. 1990/0313.txt:43:This instrument’s method is to move each chakra into its normal balanced brilliance and spinning and life-giving energy, so that there are no blockages for that time, then surrounding the bodily energy in mind with the mixture of the violet ray of identity, and the red ray of life itself. These two colors create a mixture of lavender and red, the kind of color this instrument might call burgundy, and one visualizes it covering and coating the body as if the body were a capsule, and the covering that which held the great medicine of that capsule within it so that it may be useful upon its taking, and not be scattered, so that one is taking small bits and pieces into meditation, but has found a way to be whole. 1990/0527.txt:8:This instrument has low energy into the heart chakra because it is blocked in red ray as it questions its right to be alive. It is blocked in orange ray by its reluctance to accept freely given love. That is why we must speak carefully and slowly. This instrument is, at this moment, typical of the nature of energy blockages among your people. It is experiencing that which comes to all, or very nearly all, spirits. It has itself noted one mystery: try as it might, swear and kick and rage, it cannot give up hope. This hope, which may be called faith, is that which holds the entity in a safe energy web as it is dismantled, as programs in the consciousness are changed, and new possibilities are opened for data input and new programming, to use the terms of the computer, which so resembles the choices of the consciousness that we find them useful. 1990/0719.txt:2:I am Q’uo, and I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite One. If you will pardon us, before we begin, we will chastise this instrument, realizing that this runs close to the Law of Confusion, but we shall have a much more difficult time using this instrument because it has allowed a level of pain to exist over many hours, which is a natural and survival-oriented blockage of energy in the red-ray center to deal with pain the physical vehicle is not intended to sustain. 1991/0421.txt:50:Just so, this energy must also move in a balanced fashion from the red ray and proceed upwards to the orange ray, where the individual power of expression is manifested in the incarnation in a fashion which allows the uniqueness of the individual to express itself, using that same energy which has moved through the red ray and which continues, if unblocked, to the yellow, the green, and so forth, so that when an entity has been able to activate and balance each energy center the intelligent energy or prana of the one Creator moves through each center to be met at the indigo ray center or brow chakra, allowing the union with the indwelling love and light of the one Creator and the opening of the entity to the fully experienced presence of the one infinite Creator. 1992/0913.txt:38:I am Q’uo. Rather than these two being always together, it is truer that sometimes the blockages of a certain chakra may affect the physical vehicle in the same general location. To diagnose and treat the self, judging the illness by its position in the body and working on the difficulties within the emotional and mental complex which apply to that center, is to oversimplify the nature of the physical vehicle. Secondary energy centers create many subtleties. Furthermore, when any of the centers is going through a certain kind of process—for instance, the desire for control of a process—then that which is affected, whether it is work in red ray or in indigo ray, will be of a control position in the yellow ray of the mental emotional vehicle and will often show as difficulties with the stomach. We mean here to show that a stomach problem may be caused by any of the chakras that can be worked upon, being in the midst of a functional process. 1995/1022.txt:10:Certainly, some of the abrasive and cleansing experiences of your illusion seem unlucky and unfortunate, yet it is precisely that friction that does the work of exposing the crystal that sparkles within, and the work that is done by the seeker is work upon the self. The seeker wishes to balance red ray, for that is the basic and very important beginning of energies, and that which is not freed and flowing within that root energy center constitutes a primal blockage that will slow and distort the pure light energy which you are receiving from the Creator. 1996/1006.txt:7:Now, let us look at what we said earlier, that anger is a kind of fear. In your language you use words that are approximate and we cannot find words in your language that satisfy us in speaking through this instrument to distinguish between various aspects of anger and fear. However, generally we would say that love, that original Thought that created all that there is, is of a nature that is purely expansive, moving outward and radiating in all directions from every point. It is the great celebration that lasts to infinity. When that love pours through the vehicle—physical, emotional and mental of the entity within incarnation—that love moves into the field of the body at the base or red-ray chakra, that survival chakra, and if it is blocked there by contraction, by fear, not much energy can come through to move into higher energy centers. The same is true for each energy center. 1996/1006.txt:11:The source of a great deal of anger is the dynamic betwixt two entities, yourself and another, and so although all fear has a red-ray blockage, many feelings of anger also are generating orange-ray blockage, as that is the ray in which you an working with yourself and one other self. That is the relationship chakra, the belly chakra, the chakra where many entities will try to control from. The person that has a lower belly tension is often reacting to another being who is attempting to control or is reacting because the self is attempting to control another. In either case, not only the red-ray but also the orange energy center is experiencing some blockage and when the anger has to do with anger at society or at the culture or at groups, this anger is also generating yellow-ray blockage. 2000/0305.txt:7:We would quickly review the basic seven energy centers we would suggest as a model for you to work with. The seven centers are the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Each center has its domain and together they are as the path which the infinite energy of the one infinite Creator may travel, beginning with the red or base chakra. The first energy center that the incoming infinite light and love of the Creator touches is the red-ray energy center or chakra. To this energy center flow those issues that are the most basic: survival, the natural functions that are necessary for survival such as sexual reproduction, the achievement of a food supply, and so forth. Those who are blocked in the red-ray energy center have a straightened or narrow or low supply of energy moving throughout the rest of the energy system. Therefore, it is well, if you see some red-ray blockage within yourself, to lay all other concerns aside while you work upon this all important energy center. 2001/0304.txt:8:We would begin then by suggestion that it is well, when faced with a perceived imbalance in the energy body, to realize that the situation is non-local, no matter how local it may seem. That is, it may seem that there is a red-ray over-activation or a red-ray blockage and that this is then removing energy from the red ray. In actuality, the energies of the system are seldom blocked in only one ray because of the interrelationships between the rays, especially between the primary rays and also because of the centrality of the heart to those who are working in service-to-others polarity. 2001/0304.txt:9:In the case of perceived red-ray blockage, for instance, it is well to gaze carefully at the nature of red ray. It is that first gateway of the energetic body. It is that first gateway that allows in the infinite energy of the one infinite Creator. The easy way to gaze at energy systems is to look at the blockages and, one by one, to remove them. However, the subtleties of each chakra move beyond the stated venue or placement of that chakra. That is to say, certainly the red-ray blockage has to do with sexuality in a linear sense, but in a very significant non-linear sense it has far more to do with the processes of love and fear as regards survival. Survival is a vital and hidden issue for an entity that is well fed, decently clothed, warm and with a roof over the physical head. It does not occur to the waking consciousness that there is a survival issue with regards to sexuality, for sexuality is clearly not necessary for survival. However, in the gateway to the metaphysical body or energy body one also is gazing at the gateway to the physical body, and this connection between physical and metaphysical bodies creates the situation in which the instincts of the physical body have a sometimes striking and, again, hidden effect upon the perceived experience of blockage in red ray, so that that which is perceived as sexual frustration is actually the cry of the heart to survive. 2001/0304.txt:10:This instrument was talking earlier about the simple, fundamental necessity of having one’s need met. Obviously, in terms of your experience within incarnation, there is a constant and unremitting traffic of requests from the self concerning those things which it needs to survive. The stomach cries out for food. The physical body cries out to reproduce. The body demands to breathe, to work, to move and to function. When there are gateway challenges that are persistent, such as the denial of a perceived sexual need, the energy system is set up to become blocked along certain lines that create the perception, in the soul that is experiencing this, that there is a red-ray energy blockage, and on the level of the observation, this is correct. On the level of the solution of this observation, if there can be said to be a solution, this is not correct. 2001/0304.txt:11:For, as we said, there is much more connection between the chakras and the effect of one chakra upon another than this instrument, and many perhaps, give the energy body credit for possessing. So in truth, a blockage in red ray, in the most linear sense, does block energy so that it cannot rise up into the heart chakra and, therefore, be available for work in consciousness. But more than that, it is a non-physical energy that is not a sexual energy, nor is it a survival energy, but it is, rather, energy. In truth, you see, the energy body does not respond to physical stimuli. In an energetic sense the body is completely a creature of the mind and the spirit and the emotions. So those feelings that are within, those desires and thirsts, as complex and interrelated as they usually are, are actually, at the heart, a blockage within the energy body. And because the needs of an incarnational being are complex, the blockages, over-activations and other distortions within the energy body, are significantly more complex than can be determined by analysis using the intellectual mind. 2001/0304.txt:19:There is, as this instrument has said, no issue tougher than the red-ray issue because that natural function is so strong in the physical body, and the emotional need for connection and companionship, which sexuality is the door to within your peoples, is so very strong. There is, certainly, no way that any can control and, by doing or not doing some physical thing, solve the discomfort of the physical body when its natural sexual functions are denied. When this occurs, according to the nature of the individual and its energy system, there will be some degree of suffering. For some entities it is negligible, unnoticeable, or minor. For others it is an enormous and very substantial problem and certainly one that cannot be ignored. This instrument is aware that the one known as P has said that the mechanical satisfaction, on a solitary basis, of the physical desire for sexual completion had not been satisfactory, no matter how many times repeated, and we are not surprised at this because of the fact that the sexual energy blockage is actually not what it seems, but rather, a much deeper and more profound suffering that extends throughout the body system of the energetic body, if not the physical body. 2001/1021.txt:7:To move a little further into the question of fear, if you will think for a moment of your energy body, you may see that each center of energy within your body is vulnerable to distortion in a particular way, and we use that term, distortion, to indicate fear. For fear is a very common distortion of love. Within the red-ray the energy tends to be blocked if there is a fear of survival. Within the orange ray in the lower belly the natural distortion of that energy comes with the experience of attempting to relate to other energy fields, to other people. When there is a difficulty and there seems to be a threat from the personal relationship, this lower belly energy can be blocked or otherwise uncomfortably distorted. In the upper part of the belly, in the solar plexus, the yellow-ray energy center can easily be blocked by fears having to do with the family, the society, one’s place within that family or society; in short, one’s dealings with the larger groups that go beyond personal relationships and move into the roots of being, the family, the mated relationship, and so forth. And a great deal of that which many are experiencing during this particular autumn season among your peoples has to do with the energies that became manifest on the 11th of September of this year. These are basically yellow-ray fears, and the solar plexus of many, many entities within your culture has been punched, shall we say, hard and given the opportunity to choose fear, not just once but many times. 2001/1021.txt:9:Yet this fear is a creature of love. And the patient seeker does have resources to bring to bear when a blockage is perceived in the energy body due to fear. These resources are generally not expressible in linear terms. When one sees fire, one has a perfect right to fear the fire. It is hot. It will burn. And it threatens the survival of the physical body. There is no linear way to suggest to someone that he not fear fire or that he [not] at least be cautious and careful when using fire. The feeling of being invaded, being encroached upon, being terrorized is a powerful kind of fear that moves both in red ray and in yellow ray, two primary rays that are most powerful. And we have no right to suggest to anyone that she not fear a terrorist attack. Yet in a non-linear sense if one can move back in thought, bringing the energy of the mind beyond the present moment and the present catalyst and into the realm of personal essence and consciousness, the resources are powerful and ready to help. 2002/0307.txt:44:Consequently, people who yearn to do higher density work often find themselves with very sickened and failing bodies because the physical complex has not been strengthened to receive higher energy. Consequently, the prelude to working upon the blue ray or the throat chakra is the same as any other energy work. It begins with red ray and clears blockages sequentially, red, orange, yellow, green. Once the energy into the heart has been secured as a good supply then it is that entities may work further and begin that which is truly a blessed and healing thing, work in consciousness. Work within blue ray is helpfully preceded by time spent in silence within the heart chakra, for there is the need to become undefended and it is only in the heart chakra that you are able to reprogram fear into love. 2002/0505.txt:26:My question today is about a blockage in the red ray and I would appreciate a suggestion about how to clear this with grace and ease. Thank you very much. 2002/0505.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would recommend in the meditative state, at the end of your day or during a portion of your day where you have time to relax and reflect, that you look at the blockage as it has been experienced in your daily round of activates. Within the meditative state then look at the experience which represents to you the blockage of the red-ray energy center. Re-live that experience, allowing it to fill your being, and then in a natural fashion allow that image to dissipate and allow its opposite to emerge into your consciousness so that you see it with the same intensity that you saw the blockage to begin with. Allow this image to continue for as long as feels comfortable. Then see both the blockage and its balance as means by which the Creator may know Itself through you, and accept yourself for having both as means for the Creator to know Itself in your being. Repeat this exercise upon a daily basis for as long as is necessary for the blockage to be resolved. 2004/0112.txt:13:Therefore, the blockages or, shall we say, the limiting of the possibilities for expansion of the infinite instreaming energy of the one infinite Creator, are in place not only for the red ray but for the energy body as a whole, for the life force, as it were, is that which is narrowed in order to move through the unbalanced energy body in a safe and optimal pattern. This blockage or inhibition that locks down some expansion possibilities in the energy body, again, cannot be said to be an incorrect action or a negative result. Rather, it can be said to be a very sensible and useful way to create a place for the self within a very alien illusion from which that entity can fulfill as much as possible those intents and driving desires for learning and for service with which this entity came into incarnation. 2005/0304.txt:20:The reason that we so strenuously encourage this work is that where you want to go in the next chakra requires that these three chakras, the basic chakras, be in sufficient balance that the infinite supply of unconditional love and energy for life coming into your energy system from the root chakra or red-ray chakra can move upwards without significant blockage. We do not say without distortion but without significant blockage into the heart. If you cannot clear the lower chakras enough that you are getting a good supply of the infinite love and light of the one Creator into the heart chakra, then this is where you need to stop for the moment It is important for you to be able to rest in the sacred space of your own open heart and to know yourself there before you can really do work in consciousness with any confidence that you will not harm yourself or confuse yourself more than you clarify things for yourself. As we have said many times through this instrument, there are what this instrument calls “lions at the gate” guarding your entry into your own heart. Listen to those lions and find the patience with yourself to do the work that it takes to make entry into your heart in such a way that the lions not only allow you to pass, but give you the feeling that they are now guarding your back. 2006/0123.txt:14:We would start our discussion with the red-ray energy center. There are blockages within any entity’s system starting with the red ray and moving upward. And in your case, my sister, we find that you have an over-activation and a blockage in combination within the red-ray energy center created by your feeling, on an unconscious level, that you have erred and made mistakes. This has contracted your survival mechanisms and has created for you a situation in which you are frequently and instinctively in the position of feeling the emotions and physical sensations involved with the fight or flight mechanism. It is a signal that has gone wrong within your energy system. 2006/0226_02.txt:28:As you use your will to choose to open yourself to the light and the love that is in each moment, in each situation, and in each relationship, you will find that love itself will teach you what love is. It may feel awkward for quite awhile, off and on, to experience the rush and the roar of emotion. We encourage the one known as B to realize that these experiences are safe for him because they are being experienced in the nest and family of a group whose energy is able to help move energy aside in certain cases within the energy body where there have been blockages so that the love and the light of the infinite Creator can flow through in an uninterrupted and balanced manner where previously there was a shortage of that infinite energy coming from the Earth. It was moving into the body but it was being blocked at the red-ray energy center. 2007/0414.txt:65:Firstly we would correct the misperception that the reason for unblocking the red chakra is to enable the energy to move into the crown chakra. This is not correct. The reason for opening the red-ray chakra is to bring power through into the heart. There is not a direct connection between opening the red-ray chakra and opening higher chakras. 2007/1124.txt:12:That which tends to block red ray is a level of depression that argues against life and the joy of life, and difficulties with sexuality. Because of the fact that the red ray deals with matters of survival and sexuality, those who are limping along with no true appreciation of life are going to be limiting the flow of energy into their very first chakra and therefore receiving into the heart only a fraction of the power or the energy that is available from the Creator. 2008/0510.txt:11:This infinite love/light of the Creator that streams into the red ray will, if not baffled, blocked or narrowed, move freely and powerfully into the heart, letting the heart open and bloom like a flower, thereby setting the stage for the potential for work in consciousness. 2015/0919.txt:30:On one level I understand that you must work from the foundation upward, clearing and balancing each center to create a stable base from which to work in indigo ray; yet on the other hand, this notion is confusing to me because it seems like the consciousness of indigo ray is one that undoes the fundamental illusion. It undoes the illusion of separation, it undoes the illusion of the individual ‘I,’ and it is upon those illusions from which all of the blockages spring in the first place: the blockages of the red ray, orange ray and so forth. So, it seems to me, that indigo ray gets to the root of the problem. So, I'm confused as to why the indigo ray cannot then undo the blockages and imbalances of the lower rays. If Q’uo could speak to that, I would appreciate it. 2017/0304.txt:14:We believe that within this group there is considerable understanding of the energy centers. You are aware that there is, as the foundation center, what we have called the red ray—that the red ray, if it is blocked, prevents activity from moving to a higher configuration. As a simple example, you may be aware that if you are in a state of fear, that you will not be able to engage in quiet, calm, inspiring, interpersonal communication. That will be a possibility of exploring your selfhood that is blocked. Similarly, we would say that this communication, which we have simply referenced, and would ascribe to the orange ray level of beingness, if it is not harmonious, if it is disturbed, it will, in turn, block your ability to move into more articulated and complex relations with your fellow citizens. And it is the latter function which we would say characterizes the yellow ray. Only when all disturbances of red ray, all fears and lusts that may come upon you at that level, have been regularized to the point where you are able to engage meaningfully and in a focused way with another self or two, such that you may share your feelings with another, who may share his or her feelings with you. And only when that circumstance has been regularized to the point that you are able to move outward into a social realm where there is a great deal of sharing and interchange of energies and ideas and hopes and dreams, and only when that realm has been regularized to the point that you may reach outward to all in the Creation, in open hearted giving, can you be said to have touched the Creator. 2017/0304.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your queries, my sister. First of all, may we say that when we look upon this group, or any group, we see configurations of light, rotating at various angles and velocities that reflect the energy center activation, and overall balance. When we look upon a group, we see all of the entities within the group as sources of light of various colors, of various natures, rotations, angles of rotation, and so forth. Thus, the group becomes a magnification of the individual. Within each individual, the red-ray energy center is activated, as is the orange and the yellow, for this is the third-density illusion. These centers may be more or less bright, depending upon activations and blockages unique to each individual. Within this group, we find the heart-ray energy center, the green ray, also active within each entity within this circle of seeking, for this is the nature of the consciously oriented seeker of truth, to have moved its energy from red ray through orange and yellow into the green. In some instances, we also see further activation of the blue and the indigo, reflecting further study by such entities of the nature of their own evolutionary process. The activity or rotational speed of each energy center reflects the success that the seeker has experienced in both activating and balancing the energy centers so observed. 2017/0415.txt:6:The light first makes its entrance into your system of chakras through the base energy center, that which has been called the red-ray center. This center is that which is concerned with the very basic functions of your life pattern: the survival of your physical and mental vehicles, and the reproduction of your physical vehicle itself. All catalyst is first reacted to at this base energy center, and the reaction of this center could be said to have a certain vibrational frequency that is audible to the metaphysical ear, the ear that has been tuned to the sounds of the universe, shall we say, for all the creation is alive and each portion of it sings its sacred song to the One Creator. The red ray, therefore, has the lower notes in this musical arrangement of energy centers, and will pass the intelligent energy higher into the orange-ray energy center if there is no significant blockage at the red ray. 2018/0106.txt:9:Each of you has a certain kind of energy body that is related to the various energy centers or chakras. As you move from the red ray of personal survival and sexual reproduction, this very basic quality of experience can be translated to the orange ray, where the individual expression of emotions and idiosyncrasies to one other being is primary in the beginning process of relating and expanding to others. As you move up the energy centers, the expansion continues within the yellow ray where the individual self is placed in groups, beginning with, in most cases, the family, the neighborhood, the school, the workplace, etc. In each level of experience, there is the opportunity to relate to others, whether individually or in groups, in a manner which offers each seeker the chance to explore whatever catalyst, or opportunities for learning, have been chosen by it before the incarnation to learn during the incarnation. Thus, when there is baggage of an unknown or unrecognized or unaccepted nature, this baggage becomes as a blockage in each energy center in which it might be expressed or discovered. 2018/0120.txt:8:I am Q’uo, and I am with this instrument. We would continue with this question of the role of blockage with regard to the inner constitution of the process of blocking those energies which we may say animate you from below, for it is these energies which enter your chakras through the red-ray center that invigorate you in a way that is characteristic of your planetary experience as a whole, and in this regard, we would say that you share a common source point of being energized with all others who co-constitute your planetary experience at this time. Now, this energy, as you are aware, may travel upward through your chakra system, enjoying a process of transformation as it goes. The higher it reaches within your chakra system, the more eloquent may be its expression, and, we may say, the more effective it may become in serving as a basis for the aid which you wish to offer to the planet, and to those who dwell upon it. It is well to consider that the planet is more than a lump of rock floating in infinite space. It is a living thing, and it is composed of many other living things which vibrate in harmony and, to some extent we would say also, in disharmony at this time. And so, if you understand yourself as a being that is immersed in this vast vibrating system of harmonics and disharmonics, you can see that you already have a place that is deeply embedded in an experience which reaches far beyond you. 2018/0120.txt:15:Now, if the matter is of comparatively minor import, the resolution tends not to be terribly difficult. But, to the extent that the matter reaches down to the roots of personality, which it very often does, no easy resolution might be seen to be at hand, and so, the art of compromise, therefore, would not be available to you. Now, we would suggest to you that the planet as you now find it has so often encountered loggerheads of just this nature that there seems almost to be built into [the planet’s] very energy configuration, a set of inner blockages, or hostilities which resonate very, very deeply, we might almost say, from the bones of the planet outward. Now, when you draw in the energies of the planet through the red ray, you are, in effect, drawing in some of this built-in disharmony, and your mind/body/spirit complex vibrates with this disharmony unless and until it is able to process the disharmony, and to heal the disharmony as a portion of the seeking activity which you undertake. 2019/0914.txt:19:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Normally speaking, the red ray is a ray which does not have an variable nature of expression. That is to say, it is normally fixed in its quality of beingness, that being the survival of the entity and the reproduction of entities. However, it is, indeed, quite possible to block the red ray in either of these expressions of its basic nature. The blockage is most usually accomplished by the entity in its conscious nature in which there would be seen a threat to the well-being of the physical or mental complexes of the entity. This fear consciousness, then, can, indeed, render the red ray blocked in a fashion which prohibits further movement of the prana, or the love and light of the One Creator, through its energy center. 2019/0914.txt:24:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Such an entity would be feeling a kind of fear of being alive, of fearing the consequences of its experience that has moved in a most disturbing fashion through the entity, for some period of what you call time. Thus, the entity that would be, shall we say, driven by its own fears of failure, or fear of not being able to continue to process the growing catalyst in its life pattern, would be blocking all energy centers at once, for this type of experience is one which includes the very nature of the spiritual being of this entity. Thus, the red ray would be blocked firstly, then the others in turn, seriatim. 2019/1005.txt:15:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. In general, we would agree that you have made a correct observation, for it is the red-ray energy center that provided the initial attraction, and these energies of the red ray, then, tend to be the foundation stone upon which the further progress is built. However, as that progress finds some bafflement or blockage within the green-ray energy center which requires the self to be revealed to the self and other selves more clearly, then the foundation stone becomes less and less of a portion of the shared experience of the two entities. 1981ra-contact/087.txt:98:I am Ra. We must make clear distinction between the yellow-ray, third-density, chemical bodily complex, and the body complex which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex. The male, as you call this polarity, has an extremely active yellow-ray desire at the space/time in its incarnation when its sperm is the most viable and full of the life-giving spermata. Thusly the red ray seeks to reproduce most thickly at the time when this body is most able to fulfill the red-ray requirements. 1981ra-contact/087.txt:104:I am Ra. We refer now to the yellow-ray, physical body or, if you will, body complex (at this level the distinction is unimportant). The male orgasm which motivates the sperm forward to meet its ovum is essential for the completion of the red-ray desire to propagate the species. The female orgasm is unnecessary. Again, as mind/body/spirit complexes begin to use the sexual energy transfer to learn, to serve, and to glorify the One Infinite Creator, the function of the female orgasm becomes more clear. 1981ra-contact/094.txt:58:However, because of the unique biases of each mind/body/spirit complex, there are sometimes quite simple instances of distortion when there is no apparent cause for such distortion. Let us use the example of the virile and immature male who meets and speaks clearly with a young female whose physical form has the appropriate configuration to cause, for this male entity, the activation of the red-ray sexual arousal. 1981ra-contact/095.txt:98:I am Ra. Given this same case—that is, the random red-ray sexual arousal being activated in both male and female—the communication would far more likely have been to the subject of the satisfying of that red-ray, sexual impulse. When this had occurred other information such as the naming could be offered with clear perception. 1983/0828.txt:41:It has been found through many, many experiments within various third-density illusions that the journey to adepthood is best accomplished by those entities of the mated relationship, for in such a relationship the universe in wholeness is made available to each as each refines the red-ray energy which began the relationship. The key ingredient in this journey is the honesty of the sharing of self with other self, for it is necessary in your illusion that perception be as clear as possible in order for catalyst to be utilized as efficiently as possible. You live within an illusion in which perception is most difficult upon a level of clarity which speeds your evolution. It is therefore necessary that the highest degree of clarity be sought and be utilized by each entity. If the relationships were, for example, of a serial nature it would be much more difficult for the trust to build the foundation of honesty, for it takes what you call time for that trust to develop. 1989/1217.txt:6:It is most easy to love some people. Their temperament suits your temperament. They are good listeners, you are good talkers. Or vice-versa. You have many of the same interests, or there is simply the chemistry of working together before that brings people together. But if anything that is attempted is attempted without the free flow of love, infinite love, into the violet-ray chakra from above, upwards from the red-ray chakra, according to the energy blockages of the body, when you sit to meditate, do your best to clear your intelligence of its usual active pattern of contemplation and thought, for those things which can be said to be of an inspiration that is healthy and encourages wellness among the souls of your peoples is not altogether welcome upon your sphere. You must ask for us to be with you. 1990/0607.txt:5:For your words [inaudible] transform [inaudible] and we would that they would sparkle with a glistening gift that each of you have. Move to the [brow] chakra, that deep blue and purple [of indigo]. This is a very vulnerable chakra, yet you are using it quite actively to do this work. Be patient with yourself if it seems to remain dark and merely keep asking it to spin and shine and give off a clear radiance. Reviewing the chakras now very quickly: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo. Violet appears at the head. It is as it is, you cannot manipulate it, but it does represent the balance that you have just created. Take this color and, in your mind, visualize it, swirl it around to meet the red ray, mixing to become a red violet color, the very essence and vitality that is your identity as a body. Take that color and seal your body completely with this color. Now visualize dunking it into a cup of something, painting it on, or asking it to form an armor, missing no part of you. 1992/0426.txt:13:Insofar as these energies of what we would call the red ray of survival and relationships with the self, of orange and yellow ray which concern relationships with self, other entities, and other groups of entities, all can be most confused. And insofar as these energies are allowed to remain murky, the power that moves into the heart will be less. It is only when one is able to release the so-called lower energies so that no grudges are held, no sorrows clutched close, and no fears ruling the nature, that the energy centers become clear and are able to pass on the full strength of the infinite energy which many call prana. 1992/0705.txt:6:One set of suggestions concerning the nurturing of the self is nurturing systematically each chakra by vivid visualization, and not only by meditation, but by contemplation also. Let us demonstrate using this instrument to avoid infringement upon free will of others. Each needs must make assessments of chakra strength and clarity for each. The first chakra is always the root or red-ray energy center. Gaze at this center which loves life, which breathes the air and has appetite for preservation and procreation. This root energy is anything but base. It, as this instrument is fond of saying, contains the first sacrament, as all energies are potentially sacramental. This energy gazes—we correct this instrument—this instrument gazes at this energy and finds it very strong and clear. 1995/0409.txt:32:When this expression of energies is in the area of the red ray sexual energy exchange, there are many of these entities who have more than the red and orange and yellow centers of energy available for the moving of energy and the sharing of this energy, so that such sharings are oftentimes expressions of the unity which these entities feel with each other and with the creation about them. In such expressions, there is little of the confusions and distortions that so oftentimes plague their two-footed brothers and sisters who live upon the land surfaces. The expressions of energies are much more, shall we say, pure and clear to the point; and with clarity to the point, then there is the movement of the consciousness beyond the immediate point of the reproduction of the species and the satisfaction of the red-ray sexual urges. 2001/0304.txt:9:In the case of perceived red-ray blockage, for instance, it is well to gaze carefully at the nature of red ray. It is that first gateway of the energetic body. It is that first gateway that allows in the infinite energy of the one infinite Creator. The easy way to gaze at energy systems is to look at the blockages and, one by one, to remove them. However, the subtleties of each chakra move beyond the stated venue or placement of that chakra. That is to say, certainly the red-ray blockage has to do with sexuality in a linear sense, but in a very significant non-linear sense it has far more to do with the processes of love and fear as regards survival. Survival is a vital and hidden issue for an entity that is well fed, decently clothed, warm and with a roof over the physical head. It does not occur to the waking consciousness that there is a survival issue with regards to sexuality, for sexuality is clearly not necessary for survival. However, in the gateway to the metaphysical body or energy body one also is gazing at the gateway to the physical body, and this connection between physical and metaphysical bodies creates the situation in which the instincts of the physical body have a sometimes striking and, again, hidden effect upon the perceived experience of blockage in red ray, so that that which is perceived as sexual frustration is actually the cry of the heart to survive. 2001/1021.txt:16:At the heart of fear is a situation which at once defines your experience and is irrelevant to your experience, and that is your physical life. The root fear, the fear that closes red ray, is the fear of survival. Within your physical incarnation you shall never be free of the fear of death, for death is inevitable. From dust was the body created, and to dust shall the body return. Once it is seen clearly and at a basic level that this physical death is an illusion, then there is much less distortion and contraction possible. But it is seldom given to the seeker to come into full knowledge of her true nature. Seldom is it that he can see the inevitability of this revival of consciousness through the death of the body. Insofar as it is possible we recommend daily immersion in silence because it is in that region of the self alone that the truths of the metaphysical reality can flower in such a way as to fortify the vagrant imagination and strengthen the ability to have patience with the self and with circumstances that are other than you would wish them to be. To see all of these elements of your personal story as simply what they are is a powerful resource. To know that faith can change that story is a powerful resource also. 2002/0307.txt:44:Consequently, people who yearn to do higher density work often find themselves with very sickened and failing bodies because the physical complex has not been strengthened to receive higher energy. Consequently, the prelude to working upon the blue ray or the throat chakra is the same as any other energy work. It begins with red ray and clears blockages sequentially, red, orange, yellow, green. Once the energy into the heart has been secured as a good supply then it is that entities may work further and begin that which is truly a blessed and healing thing, work in consciousness. Work within blue ray is helpfully preceded by time spent in silence within the heart chakra, for there is the need to become undefended and it is only in the heart chakra that you are able to reprogram fear into love. 2002/0505.txt:26:My question today is about a blockage in the red ray and I would appreciate a suggestion about how to clear this with grace and ease. Thank you very much. 2005/0304.txt:20:The reason that we so strenuously encourage this work is that where you want to go in the next chakra requires that these three chakras, the basic chakras, be in sufficient balance that the infinite supply of unconditional love and energy for life coming into your energy system from the root chakra or red-ray chakra can move upwards without significant blockage. We do not say without distortion but without significant blockage into the heart. If you cannot clear the lower chakras enough that you are getting a good supply of the infinite love and light of the one Creator into the heart chakra, then this is where you need to stop for the moment It is important for you to be able to rest in the sacred space of your own open heart and to know yourself there before you can really do work in consciousness with any confidence that you will not harm yourself or confuse yourself more than you clarify things for yourself. As we have said many times through this instrument, there are what this instrument calls “lions at the gate” guarding your entry into your own heart. Listen to those lions and find the patience with yourself to do the work that it takes to make entry into your heart in such a way that the lions not only allow you to pass, but give you the feeling that they are now guarding your back. 2005/1218.txt:35:The lower chakras, having to do with the self, its survival issues, its sexuality, its relationships with self and other selves personally, and its relationship with groups, are all energies that may seem to be in need of balancing and clearing so that they are neither under-activated nor over-activated. But one cannot share energy between red ray and red ray, or orange ray, or yellow ray. 2008/0513.txt:12:The way the energy body works, it requires a constant working through all of the chakras, starting with the very basic chakra, the red-ray chakra, and moving up to the orange and yellow rays and then to the green ray. It is a common desire of those who so eagerly seek the presence of the one infinite Creator to spend as much time as possible within the higher chakras, experiencing the infinite love and light of the one Creator. Yet always the entry into the higher chakras must be preceded by work in the lower chakras to clear the way. 2009/0425.txt:52:There are times when there are brilliant shortcuts into green-ray sexual energy exchange; times when, for whatever combination of reasons, it is perfectly clear that sex is an energy shared between two hearts and all may lie open and undefended. It is in this fearless open heart that an exchange may take place. However, in the normal run of human experience, we would say that without the intention and without the work done to see the energies intervening between red ray and the open heart, the green-ray energy exchange shall not be a common occurrence. However, it is certainly an energy that is open to all regardless of their distortions or their fears. 2015/0919.txt:30:On one level I understand that you must work from the foundation upward, clearing and balancing each center to create a stable base from which to work in indigo ray; yet on the other hand, this notion is confusing to me because it seems like the consciousness of indigo ray is one that undoes the fundamental illusion. It undoes the illusion of separation, it undoes the illusion of the individual ‘I,’ and it is upon those illusions from which all of the blockages spring in the first place: the blockages of the red ray, orange ray and so forth. So, it seems to me, that indigo ray gets to the root of the problem. So, I'm confused as to why the indigo ray cannot then undo the blockages and imbalances of the lower rays. If Q’uo could speak to that, I would appreciate it. 2017/0107.txt:43:Within the red ray, therefore, the entity’s sense of survival and sexual expression is of paramount importance. There must be a clear and clean expression of these energies at this lowest of these energy centers, for it is through this energy center, that the intelligent energy, or prana, of the One Creator moves. 2019/1005.txt:15:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. In general, we would agree that you have made a correct observation, for it is the red-ray energy center that provided the initial attraction, and these energies of the red ray, then, tend to be the foundation stone upon which the further progress is built. However, as that progress finds some bafflement or blockage within the green-ray energy center which requires the self to be revealed to the self and other selves more clearly, then the foundation stone becomes less and less of a portion of the shared experience of the two entities.