1986/1019.txt:26:I am Q’uo, and we emphasized in our previous speaking that the positive polarity choice is, though in our opinion preferable, but one of two choices that those within your illusion may make in traveling the path that leads toward what you have called enlightenment. Thus, the negative choice, that of choosing to be of service to self first and foremost in one’s life patterns, is as valid a choice as is the choice to be of service to others first and foremost in the life patterns. 1997/0119.txt:4:You ask us this day concerning how to live with the heart opened and vulnerable, and we say to you that this question is central in attempting to make the choice of service to others or the choice of service to self that this incarnation that you are now experiencing is so much concerned with. There is always an abundance of ways in which we may speak of the ways of service and the ways of polarization, and yet nothing is more direct a way of addressing the issue of polarity than to speak of the open heart. Those who wish to serve the Creator by serving others are those who truly wish to open the heart. Those who wish to follow the path of service to self find a closed heart necessary in order to polarize negatively. Now, as we speak of polarization in consciousness it might be helpful to think about polarization in more familiar terms. 1997/0518.txt:8:We are aware that each is quite familiar with the choice of service to self or service to others that is the foundation choice of this particular density. In addition to this choice of service there is a component which has to do with the purity or extremity of service. We have often called this aspect of the choice polarity, for something can be chosen with a wide range of urgency, a wide spectrum of intensity of desire. There has been the puzzlement expressed in the conversation preceding our remarks concerning how one can truly be of service. The paradox is that when one is of service to others one is automatically serving the self, for that which is offered is returned a hundredfold. It seems clear that each other person is also the self, is also the Creator, and so serving others is serving self. Further, before one can be free to serve another, one must come into relationship with the self, and the process of arriving at a love and acceptance of the self may seem very selfish and egotistical. 1998/0524.txt:8:The choice in service is of service to self or service to others. Those who choose service to self basically feel that the Creator is them and they are the Creator. The environment about them is that which may be controlled or manipulated in order to best make the self happy, comfortable and so forth. This is not a consciously negative attitude in many cases but simply the day-to-day working pattern of self expressing. The other choice is service to others, and the one who chooses this way of expressing love is intending to, at the expense of the self, put others first. The service-to-self polarity and the service-to-others polarity is like the north and south poles of a magnet. In third density each begins somewhere in the middle in a kind of well of inertia. There is no positive charge or negative charge when experience begins to be accumulated by the awakened soul within incarnation. It is little choices, like whether to share your peanut butter sandwich with the other kids in fifth grade, whether to go sit with the kid with a broken leg in second grade, whether to help the parent who seems to need it. These seemingly small and everyday decisions are those in which one either decides to attract to the self that which is needed or to give away the love that is within one for the benefit of others. 1998/0524.txt:11:So when we say that this sea of confusion is given on purpose and not in a cruel or unthinking way we are simply referring to our feeling that it is only when there is no way to prove belief, hope and love that the choosing of those values and the manifesting of those values in a life experience has metaphysical weight. And, indeed, each choice that you make polarizes you a little bit more to the service-to-others polarity. We are assuming that each within this dwelling is a service-to-others oriented entity, as are we. We do not wish to say anything negative about those who seek in service to self, for we are aware that this too is a valid path as far as it goes. It does not take one as far as the path of service to others, and it must be abandoned, not in the next density, or the next after that even, but in the sixth density. For the fourth density, the one to which you hope to graduate at the end of this incarnation, is the density of love. The density after that is the density of wisdom, and the sixth density is the density in which love and wisdom are balanced. It is at this point that negatively oriented entities must switch polarity, for they discover at this point that they are unbalanced and that they can go no further because the deepest [choice] of all is towards evolution. Eventually each negatively oriented seeker chooses to become positive and to move onward towards the Source. 2000/0416.txt:10:This kind of choice begins a process which we have called polarizing and for the rest of your third density experience, once you have begun to deal with this basic choice, you will be repeatedly, and on various levels as you proceed through the incarnation, be involved in times of observing, evaluating and responding to situations in which you have the repeated choice of service to self, by control, manipulation, fear and offense, or service to others with no control, no manipulation, and only blind faith and a hope of meeting others in their needs in such a way that you may be of service to them. This process of learning to love goes on through the next two densities. The next density of your experience after this one is the so-called density of love and understanding, the fourth density. The density after the density of love has been called the density of wisdom. You will note that the density of wisdom is not called the density of understanding, for understanding is that which is of the heart rather than the mind or the wisdom. In the sixth density, love and wisdom, which have been studied separately insofar as that is possible, are now considered in terms of their balance, one with the other, within the seeker. And so the sixth density is called the density of unification. Somewhere in the middle of this density those upon the path of service to others, or the positive path as this instrument has called it, face a choice once again. For they discover beyond a shadow of a doubt that they cannot move forward in their own spiritual evolution until they have accepted at last that the heart holds truth, and that other selves are the self. This is a crushing and an absolutely life-changing discovery to those of service to self and the phenomenon of reversal of polarity occurs at this point individually for each service-to-self entity. Each entity must make this choice again for the self: whether to stay with all that has been learned along the path of service to self, or whether to switch polarities and move further on, having accepted the unification of positive and negative paths as a positive path. 2001/0325.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that the harvest is now, that many who go through the doors of what you call death are able to harvest themselves in the service-to-others polarity predominantly. Some few in the service-to-self polarity are also achieving harvest, and as the choices that each entity within this illusion makes are made towards sharing of the love and the light of the one Creator, so is the harvest of each and all made more possible. The dates, shall we say, are relatively unimportant at this time, for the future is mazed to all eyes, and the choices of the peoples of this planetary influence are the primary force, shall we say, that determines any potential dates for harvest. The future is flexible, so that it is possible in one great turning of the mass mind to the light that a harvest date could be at any particular point in time. Though this is not probable, it is ever possible that all may see the light within themselves and other selves as well and move the compass of the needle to the service-to-others polarity in one fine moment of inspiration. 2003/0126.txt:13:Now, perhaps it is valid to build on the choice that has been made; to rest within its commitment as if it were a cleft in the rock, and, from that point of view, which is the choice to be fearless, to allow all other choices to be those choices that optimize the perceived sense of love. The choice of service to others or service to self that so classically is expressed in the archetypical image of the tarot card of The Lovers seems a simple one. It often seems very clear what is service to self and what is service to others. However, many are those who have found that there are courses in polarity given to them by the school of life which are exceedingly subtle and worthy of study. For those who are attempting not only to choose but to choose with grace and deftness and skill, not the most obvious service to others but the highest, there is a never-ending and very rich palate of choices to be made, options to be considered. And always, ever-new each day; a new and newly mysterious universe to comprehend, behold and give thanks for. 2003/1116.txt:32:I’ve been reading a lot of the material channeled by the Seth entity and one of the constructs that is causing some confusion in myself is that of probable realities. The choice. Seth indicates that in each decision in this incarnation there are infinite other versions of the illusion in which other decisions were made. The teachings of the Confederation state that the aim of third density is the choice [of] service-to-others or service-to-self. Which [choice] one has made is due to [one’s] polarity. Taking these two together, probable realities and choice, it seems that the choice is made separately and differently by each probable self projected by the soul. Perhaps I’m just wrapping myself up in constructs here and becoming confused but is there a way which Q’uo perhaps could untangle some of my thought processes there? 2005/0614.txt:48:We and all of those of the Confederation who serve at this time serve because we have been called to your people. We have been called to your group. We have been called to the service of planet Earth. We are called because it is time for your planet to be born. There is a tremendous focusing of love and light from all of those who respond to this calling from your peoples. It is our privilege and our blessing to be so called. There are also those with darker energies, which this instrument calls the service-to-self polarity, and to some extent they have also been called to your planet by those desiring to move ahead on the path of service to others. A wide range of information is available. Those who wish to receive messages of hope and truth along the path of service to others have called to us, and to you, children of Earth, the brothers and sisters of sorrow have come. We are your kindred and we feel your sorrow. We cannot take your suffering upon us. We cannot participate in your choices. 2005/1015.txt:52:In order to graduate from third density in the path of service to others it is necessary for you so to make choices that you end up being the kind of person that will choose service to others over service to self over half the time; that is, 51% of the time or more. A grade or level of choice of 51% percent or higher is that level of polarity which will qualify you for graduation to fourth density on the path to service to others. 2005/1015.txt:53:If you choose, on the other hand, to follow service to self in order to graduate in the negative polarity it will be necessary for you to make choices that create a person who ends up choosing to be of service to the self 95% of the time or higher; that is, to have a level of service to others that is 5% or less. 2005/1219.txt:11:In this environment, third-density entities who have not made their choice become buffeted by the energies that are crashing upon your planet in waves at this time. These waves are all perfectly normal and completely benign: they are a part of the awakening of the morning of the fourth-density day. Nevertheless, these energies have the side effect for the people of the planet of encouraging polarity. If there is a slight choice for service to others, it creates enhanced opportunities to make deeper and firmer choices of service to others and the same is true for those who are service to self. There are increasing and markedly more attractive or seductive opportunities to choose the ways of service to self. 2006/0418.txt:6:The veil of forgetting was put into place not in order that it may be penetrated but to set up the conditions for a life in which the choice of polarity and the continuing choices of polarity that follow such an initial choice might be played out without any possibility of proof. The choice of service-to-self or service-to-others polarity is intended to be made against the backdrop of unknowing so that one must literally take a leap of faith in order to choose how to respond to the catalyst of everyday life. In each situation where there is a decision to be made that has ethical overtones, the whole point of that veil of forgetting is to clear the canvas of any paint except that which you wish to apply in the present moment. Your choices, then, are made very cleanly—not because you feel there was karma from this or that previous lifetime or because of any other fact that you feel that you have come to know but because, by faith, you wish to choose your manner of being in a way that expresses your heart’s desire. 2006/0418.txt:9:They immediately began judging themselves; they decided that their natural, naked state was not acceptable. Modesty was born, repression was born, they became responsible for the knowledge that they had acquired. It is a heavy burden to have knowledge and it is not necessary to have this kind of knowledge in order to make the choice of service to others or service to self and to persevere in continuing to maintain that choice and that focus throughout the remainder of incarnation, thereby gaining polarity sufficient to graduate from third density. 2006/0507.txt:65:For those who have not chosen either service to others or service to self as a polarity, there is still work to do in third density, the density of choice. You shall have some more time to make that choice and it shall be upon another planet. 2006/0917.txt:37:And we find that it is a straighter and more muscular path, one that is more fun to work with and one that yields a much greater harvest as one moves on. It is straighter, my friends, because one does not at some point have to switch polarities. For the negative polarity can only go just so far. Nevertheless, from the standpoint of an entity choosing between service to self and service to others, it is a very viable choice. 2006/1210.txt:6:When this creation was younger and worlds closer to what this instrument calls the central sun were maturing, the work done by a planetary population was a work done by a population of one kind or race or being. In the course of many graduations from many planets, there gradually began to build up populations from Earths such as yours which had finished their third density, the density of choice, and had not been able to graduate into the density of love. These population groups then needed to move to another third-density experience to take up once again the lessons of making the choice. This choice is a choice of polarity. It is a choice between choosing to love, include and accept, with compassion [for] all things and beings as part of one Creator, and the choice of seeing all entities as those who may be able to serve you. It is a choice of service to others or service to self. 2007/0318.txt:20:The making of the choice of polarity, either service to others or service to self, is indeed the central aspect of what this instrument has been calling in her book, “The Game of Life.” There is a common goal for all of humankind and that goal is to make The Choice. It is a simple concept and indeed it is such a simple concept that it has escaped serious consideration except in those institutions which this instrument would call religious. 2010/0904_01.txt:116:It is not that this new paradigm can be put into effect and a new fourth-density planet be created in third density. That is not what we are saying. What we’re saying is that in third density the focus, in terms of the purpose of third density, is upon each emerging self-aware spirit or soul becoming able to make the free-will choice between the polarity of service to others and the polarity of service to self through faith alone. 2017/0903.txt:10:We would like to say, however, that there is, with regard to what constitutes the negative pathway of seeking, and the positive or service to others pathway of seeking, a great deal of confusion; and it is not necessarily the case that activities that seem negative to you, and that, in fact, we would even say, possess a modicum of negativity to them, are indicators of an underlying polarity that is indeed service to self. So, we would begin by addressing some of the factors that play into the choice between service to others and service to self as a means of clarifying what we have to offer with regard to the attitude that might profitably be taken up on the part of those seeking service to others in relation to those clearly polarizing service to self. 2017/1104.txt:13:Now, you are aware that it is an essential consideration for those who attempt to develop spiritually from within the context of the veiled experience that you should polarize one way or the other. That is to say, that you must choose. That which comes to you simply as wisdom, therefore, in an unpolarized sense, that which comes to you as wisdom in other words in which the tendencies of polarity are ambiguous, must be taken up in such a way that the choice that you make will redirect the energies in the direction of your choice so that should they be, as they are for this group, of the positive polarity, you have ensured, to yourself, that you can seat this wisdom in a context of service to other selves and not a context of service to self. 2018/0303.txt:15:Now, there is a further consideration we would now add to the mix, and that is the consideration of polarity. Those in this circle of seeking are familiar with the concept of polarity. It can be described as a choice that one must make in the manner of service which you offer to others around you, and the manner of orientation characterizing your innermost seeking. We have described this choice as being one between the service to others and the service to self. If the matter is left simply at that, we feel that everyone here within this circle of seeking would have a clear path to registering what that choice would be, and for purposes of clarity, we will simply iterate that we are those who seek on the path of service to others. 2018/0512.txt:8:In reality, in the larger sense, shall we say, when one looks at the outcome of each choice—that of service to others and service to self—as each grouping of entities continues to proceed along the evolutionary path, there is a distinct difference between each choice. Separation is the polar opposite of communion and coming into unity, and yet each [polarity] deals with the desire to become, once again, the One Infinite Creator. The means by which this desire is fulfilled seems to be quite opposite and different for the negative polarity in that it intends, and does indeed, separate itself from all other selves, and compacts itself to the degree that it seems totally removed from all around it. And yet, one must remember that there is nothing in motion that has not been made, and which does not contain, the One Creator. The Creator has made all that is, and has provided free will in the ultimate sense for each portion of its own being—both those portions which seek to radiate the love and light of the One Creator, and those which seek to absorb the love and light of the One Creator—and yet both deal with the love and the light of the One Creator for the purpose of moving back into unity with the One Creator. 2019/0330.txt:39:This type of exercise of free will that produces confusion, that offers catalyst, that offers further direction in the seeking, is a process which is predominantly undertaken within your third-density illusion so that the choice of polarity may be made, and the polarized choice for service to others or service to self may then be promulgated in higher densities. Now, the higher densities do not have the veil of forgetting, so there is less likelihood that there will be as much confusion in the exercise of free will in those densities, as there is in the third density. However, the higher densities do still utilize the exercise of free will that produces in its own way, a kind of confusion that offers a need for examination for further growth in the inner sensing of the way to unify with the One once again. 1981-ra-contact/000intro.txt:18:Earth and its human population are currently approaching the end of the third-density cycle, according to the Confederation. In this third density, the density of choice, we have a more highly developed self-awareness that includes the mind, the body, and, for the first time, a fully activated spirit. The function of this density is to polarize our consciousness and to choose our form of love, our form of service. On one end of the spectrum of polarization is service to self: an exclusive love of self which rejects universal love and seeks to control, manipulate, exploit, and even enslave others for the benefit of the self. On the other end of the spectrum is service to others: a love of not only the self, but of all other-selves. Service to others seeks and embraces universal, unconditional love, sees the Creator in all things, and supports the free will of all. Our lived lives are not so black and white, however, as we strive toward either end of the spectrum of polarity in consciousness. 1981-ra-contact/intro.txt:18:Earth and its human population are currently approaching the end of the third-density cycle, according to the Confederation. In this third density, the density of choice, we have a more highly developed self-awareness that includes the mind, the body, and, for the first time, a fully activated spirit. The function of this density is to polarize our consciousness and to choose our form of love, our form of service. On one end of the spectrum of polarization is service to self: an exclusive love of self which rejects universal love and seeks to control, manipulate, exploit, and even enslave others for the benefit of the self. On the other end of the spectrum is service to others: a love of not only the self, but of all other-selves. Service to others seeks and embraces universal, unconditional love, sees the Creator in all things, and supports the free will of all. Our lived lives are not so black and white, however, as we strive toward either end of the spectrum of polarity in consciousness. ra-contact/intro.txt:18:Earth and its human population are currently approaching the end of the third-density cycle, according to the Confederation. In this third density, the density of choice, we have a more highly developed self-awareness that includes the mind, the body, and, for the first time, a fully activated spirit. The function of this density is to polarize our consciousness and to choose our form of love, our form of service. On one end of the spectrum of polarization is service to self: an exclusive love of self which rejects universal love and seeks to control, manipulate, exploit, and even enslave others for the benefit of the self. On the other end of the spectrum is service to others: a love of not only the self, but of all other-selves. Service to others seeks and embraces universal, unconditional love, sees the Creator in all things, and supports the free will of all. Our lived lives are not so black and white, however, as we strive toward either end of the spectrum of polarity in consciousness.