2003/0503.txt:11:We would wish to say, my brother, that in no way have you been deficient. In no way have you stepped away from every challenge. In all things you have attempted your best. And we share with you the fundamental and absolute perception that this is enough. This is what has been. Were it not enough, yet it would be enough. For it is what has brought you as a blooming, gem-like, crystalline entity to this moment, which is full of infinite possibilities. Had you hoped to be closer to your goal at this point, my brother? How do you know how close you are to a given goal? How do you know what the nature of your future may be? Indeed, no one, and we say this absolutely, no one caught within the bounds of space/time can know the future. For although the future has been formed from the standpoint of eternity, it has most decidedly not been formed from the standpoint of third density. Indeed, you at this time, shall we say, are on a time lateral, a sidetrack, not even upon the main track of evolution, as you work to move through this illusion which is so cleverly designed to give you the maximum opportunity to change, to transform, to make new choices and find new balances within the spiral of ongoing learning, evolution and service that is the essence of the love and light of the one infinite Creator. 2003/0511.txt:14:We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you with great joy through this instrument in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in whose service we are. We thank the one known as David and the Three and honor them and may we say how much we enjoy working with these energies and how much we feel thankful for the ability to share in the energies of these entities and of each of you. We thank each of you for seeking the Truth, and not by a passing thought, but by setting aside a significant amount of time, energy and love to honor the hunger and the thirst within you for that which is true, beautiful and noble. For indeed, you are experiencing a life in the fire of experience, in the foundry, as the Three have called it so well. And we would use another name as well, the athanor, the oven in which the alchemist places a base metal and ennobles it by knowledge of those higher truths which come from higher to lower, from above to below, faithfully to limn the nature of archetype within the fire of the crucible of living at third-density incarnation upon you present time lateral of third density as you are experiencing it. 2003/0525.txt:17:It is in your hands, each of you. We would not take this learning or this service from you. The energies of your planet at this time are, as this instrument has heard it described by her teacher, off on a side track: a time lateral. The train of yellow-ray third-density Earth has been shunted into a lateral experience by the determined and repeated actions of what this instrument would call the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, or those who promote peace and joy and those who promote war and suffering. In the outer sense, these few entities have again and again, upon other planets and upon this one, in many different societies, chosen the ways of war and chosen them for reasons unknown to themselves; being manipulated by those far cleverer than they, who use the suffering and the pain of third density, in its endless repetition of war, as food. It is time to stop feeding fifth-density entities who feed on fear. The only way to move back onto the normal time track of this planet is to find ways to lose fear and to respond to all situations not with hesitation but with confidence, not with the feeling that something needs to be done but with the knowledge that something is being done. It is being done with the mind and with the heart. The power of each to help each in these realizations is great. We are most pleased to encourage each to listen to and to respond to each as the seeking and the processes of learning go on. Each is teacher to each and there is a circle of learning. 2005/0306.txt:31:Now let us focus briefly upon the linkage between third density and fourth density. In attempting to graduate from third density to fourth, this planetary sphere has so often repeated a singular error that it has been unable to achieve a complete planetary graduation in a long time, much longer than has been experienced by most planetary spheres. It is an extreme enough and unusual enough occurrence that it has created what this instrument would call a time lateral, or a shunt. The train of planet Earth’s people has sort of gone off on a side track until it can bring itself together in love. Instead, repeatedly, it has brought itself together in fear. And this is not unusual considering that we see upon your planetary sphere those who have, as those of Mars did, destroyed their planetary surface by war; and as those of Atlantis did, destroyed their continent by misdirected crystal energy. The tendency, therefore, of this planet’s people is to become wrapped in fear and cause an explosion of negative energy that is usually seen as war. This pattern has repeated itself through empire upon empire and now those who have, in the past, been a part of this pattern have almost finished what they can do to gather together what this instrument would call Armageddon or Gotterdammerung. 2005/0716.txt:13:You have, in fact, through repeated exercises which have ended in empire, warfare and division, been trammeled and beaten down by those which have seized power and leadership upon your sphere to the point where your entire planetary sphere has been placed out of the normal stream of time/space and space/time onto what this instrument calls a time lateral. It is a kind of shunt where a train can move away from the main track until it is repaired. Your planet, in short, is undergoing repair and this not simply from one or two repetitions of empire but from, let us say, at least half a dozen majestic and substantial experiments in empire. Again and again those entities within your population who are inspired by the one infinite Creator have called the people of this planet to the reality of your unity as humankind to their planetary responsibility, each for the other, in love. These clarion calls to ethics, virtue and the higher morality have been heard and many are those who have been inspired to seek the one Creator and service to that Creator. Yet again and again the forces of fear have seduced entities enough away from the hewing to the light that the light has been unable to establish the kind of energy within your planetary sphere which would begin to accumulate mass of a spiritual kind, of gravity of, again, a spiritual kind or metaphysical kind. 2005/0716.txt:14:At this point, the time allotted for such a time lateral is through within the next very few years. The opportunity for graduation to be a part of fourth-density, positive Gaia shall be over. We rejoice to say that this final effort of those who are ruled by fear and who wish to create what this instrument would call Armageddon has failed. This time, although the vast majority upon the surface of your planet are deeply confused, they are not fooled any longer. They do not believe any longer in the truth of those who speak of division, hostility, control of resources, and the advantages of war. These forces are certainly disorganized and puzzled. However, on a planetary level, at the level of the heart, there begins to arise, as this group was speaking of earlier, a feeling that is growing throughout all of the continents and all of the populations of your Earth. There is a growing knowledge that humankind is truly one. There is a growing awareness among ordinary, everyday people that the leaders that have been given power have misused it and are not to be trusted. 2005/1.txt:3: [overview] What exactly is a time lateral and how is it created? 2005/1219.txt:1: [overview] What exactly is a time lateral and how is it created? 2005/1219.txt:5:You ask this day concerning the nature of the time lateral that we have talked about previously with this group. The creation of such a shunt or rail for an alternate track along space/time within your local sector, which you call your solar system, was created for the same kind of reason that a railroad switching station would employ shunts or lateral track systems to hold trains that have, for one reason or another, lost their initial engine. The formation of this sidetrack is that which is created to be precisely parallel to the main track of the solar system which is now finishing an important part of its evolution through its own part of the densities of creation. It was intended to last until your year, approximately 1998. It was provided with the opportunity to link back to the main track of your solar system’s development at that time. 2005/1219.txt:6:Because of the energies of groups such as yours and many others across your planetary sphere, the ability of this shunt or time lateral to maintain traffic across the normal boundaries of your solar system’s and your planet’s development [has been enhanced.] 2005/1219.txt:8:And let us be specific concerning the nature of this time lateral. It is not a time lateral that concerns the planet as a whole. The planet as a whole is unimpeded in its entry into fourth density. The energies of a living third-density system have been encouraged to continue for the approximate ten to twelve years further that this shunt can stay physically open in terms of space/time. This is to say that, by the energies of unconditional love which are generated by the prayers, meditations and visualizations of groups such as this one, the bridge or reconnection point has been maintained for those who would wish to awaken and make their choice of polarity by the date which has been set as the last possible date to keep this connection point open, which, as we have said before and still find to be true, is the date of the winter solstice of the year 2012. 2005/1219.txt:9:This cannot be said to be precise. It is not known to us just when the last entity will be able to cross that bridge. The choice of many entities is involved in maintaining such a bridge. And indeed the traffic across the bridge of those who awaken and make their choice also has its part in keeping the bridge open until the last possible moment. The more traffic upon that bridge and the more guardians who stand watch along the bridge, holding and anchoring the incoming light of fourth density on the one hand, and acknowledging, honoring and blessing the waning light of third density on the other hand, the fuller the harvest may be. This is the entire core of the exercise of creating this time lateral. 2005/1219.txt:10:Let us talk to a certain extent about this time lateral and how it came to be necessary. As the ones known as P and B are far more aware than this instrument, there is a separation that is inevitable between higher and lower energies. As fourth density has now completely interpenetrated [third density] and is as active as third density and indeed gaining in energy while third density wanes, the vibration of each of the entities upon planet Earth becomes more and more critical in terms of being able to physically remain viable and functional within the third-density energy that is so heavily overarched and under-girded with the interpenetrating fourth-density energy. 2005/1219.txt:12:For those who do not wish to make either choice, there is the life[-style] lived precisely as the fifth-density entities who are enthusiastic about maintaining this time lateral wish to keep in place. 2005/1219.txt:22:Into the pattern of this repetitive, self-destructive behavior among the population of planet Earth came those who were watching for the opportunity to present itself to make use of this time lateral. For if entities such as your group are unable to clear the population of your planet from this lateral, there are ways in which the negatively-oriented entities have every hope of keeping the time lateral viable. It would no longer be attached to the main track. That opportunity shall soon be closed. Nevertheless, those that believe that they are in the appropriate place for themselves could choose to remain not polarized either positively or negatively but simply as those who would remain on third-density Earth as it reverts to late second density. 2005/1219.txt:28:That is the situation as we know it with the time lateral at this time. It is not a situation that will endure. We would, however, emphasize that there is no serious disturbance that is even possible to be balanced, either of the planet or of the solar system. There is in progress a desperate gamble on the part of negative entities, as we had mentioned before, to attempt to hijack the time lateral. 2005/1219.txt:38:What you were saying sounded a bit synchronistic with Psi-Corps1 and I wanted to know, first of all, about the free will aspect. It would seem like a major violation of the distortion of free will for a time lateral to be created. In conjunction with what you were saying about the time lateral being created, it sounded like an experiment almost on planet Earth. Could you elaborate on that? 2005/1219.txt:39:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has indeed experimented repeatedly with the planet which you call Earth and which this instrument calls Gaia. There was a realization that entities would need to begin with an entirely new planetary and solar system if the experiment of Earth did not succeed. And so it was proposed that this time lateral be created and that what this instrument would call a kind of reform school be instituted upon the planet. The idea was simply to increase the harvest and to break some significant knots of fear that had occurred in unusual quantities within your fairly local area of space/time. 2005/1219.txt:44:It is impossible for us to say how many souls or spirits or beings shall have been harvested that were not harvested before [because of the creation of the time lateral.] But we can say that there has been an additional harvest because of the efforts of all entities involved, whether they be Earth natives, elder race, walk-ins, wanderers or other categories of those who walk upon your Earth. 2005/1219.txt:47:The tendency of your planetary people is not to make such a choice but rather to maintain enough confusion to allow the normal harvesting procedures to precipitate them out of the time lateral and into a beginning class, shall we say, for a new third-density experience. 2005/1219.txt:59:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We find it most humorous that you would ask this question because of the burden of our comments today. They have been about an experiment in beauty and truth which is called planet Earth. The time lateral experiment, which is your planetary school of learning, was crafted by us with tremendous creativity, love and caring. 2007/0211.txt:34:Another consequence was the enhanced ability to amuse and enchant the self by means of stories of power and empire. The culture as a whole, then, by its use of free will, had moved into a situation that concerned the guardians of this planet enough that it created for this planet a time lateral, a kind of track parallel to the main track of time and space as it is naturally developing in your physical environment. 2007/0211.txt:35:You have never experienced life in your totally natural physical environment because you have been on a time lateral in quarantine for thousands of years. It was hoped, by quarantining the planet from further outside influences of any kind, that the free will of the body of the tribe of humankind would gather itself and would begin to address realizations of how ethical choices might be made in a way that progressed from the basic feeling that, when threatened, the proper response was likely to be violent, for that got the job done—and right quickly. 2007/0211.txt:36:Consequently, riding upon this time lateral as you have, you have experienced repeated waves of empire as they have flourished and fallen only to see another empire rise and fall and another and another. If you look at your outer environment you may see these forces at work even now, moving in a repetitive manner, satisfying that portion of the tribe of humankind’s deeper mind which is used to these energies and feels comfortable with them, not because they are good but because they are what planet Earth is all about. 2007/0211.txt:52:To sum up this third level, we would say that to the best of our knowledge—which is not without error but is only opinion—the timetable of your planet is a set one. The planet itself, minus the time lateral, will completely shift into fourth density at the winter solstice of 2011. 2007/0211.txt:73:I have a question, Q’uo. I am curious about how the process of the time lateral rejoining the main path of Earth happens. Is it something that the guardians watch over after this straw poll that you have mentioned is taken? 2007/0211.txt:74:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. It is indeed the design of the guardians. However, it is automatic. Given that the energy of this planet is one which yearns towards love and light, there will be an automatic cessation of the time lateral, as we said, around the penumbra starting in 1998 and going well past the precise moment when the planet itself transits into a space/time position which is different in the emission of light it receives. 2007/0211.txt:82:When the time lateral ends and those who are still breathing third-density air upon Earth are still around to pick up the pieces—which you are already doing, my friends—those who were not able to make the transition with you will all have been picked up as they enter larger life through the gates of death and with infinite care, cherished and supported through their own process of discovering what lay behind the veil of forgetting. They will be given every chance to consider their lives and what they wish to do next. They will go to a third-density planet somewhere that is not Earth and they will take up the third-density classroom once again, attempting to learn to make that choice and to set the intention not just for third density but for so many densities to come, all the way through the middle of sixth density. 2007/0408.txt:23:So, you exist at this time in a between-time, where third density’s energy is all but gone and fourth density’s energy is bursting forth. However, this is still a third-density experience for each of you who is experiencing Earth on what is called a time lateral. 2007/0408.txt:40:There is another way in which we may look at time at this time, and we mentioned this earlier in passing. Because of the fact that your Earth is on a time lateral, time has deliberately been slowed in order that there would be more opportunity for members of the tribe of humankind to reach graduation with a polarity that will enable them to move on to fourth density. And we may honestly say that many, many entities have literally moved heaven and earth in order to maximize this possibility. 2007/0414.txt:2:The first question from T is: “What exactly is the time lateral of Earth? Does it indicate an illusion within a more real illusion? Or is it like the holo-deck on Star Trek’s fictional world? Then are all the stars and planets except Earth all holograms because Earth is in the time lateral? Or, on the other end, if there was no such thing as a time lateral in the beginning, what would the third-density Earth be like?” 2007/0414.txt:7:At the end of the second minor cycle of harvest in third density upon planet Earth, the Council of Saturn became concerned that the solar system as a whole had been able to bring to a normal graduation only one of the planets in this particular solar system that you call the Sun. It decided that it would be helpful to create a time lateral and to place the planet under strict quarantine. It was further decided that all of those entities whose third densities had been interrupted be brought to Earth to join Earth’s cycle leading to harvest. 2007/0414.txt:10:At the conclusion of this time lateral, then, the population of planet Earth shall be ready to take advantage of the opportunity to end the third sub-cycle of harvest and greet the end of that seventy-six-or-so-thousand-year cycle that is a third-density cycle in its completion. 2007/0414.txt:11:Because this is not a physical alteration but a metaphysical alteration, there is no physical marker for the end of the time lateral. And indeed, this time lateral has been very successful compared to experiments in the past. The accumulation of awakening interest in altering the course of the vibration of planet Earth has been late in starting but has rapidly spread and gained strength in all parts of your globe, in all peoples, cultures and places. Your world is truly waking up. 2007/0414.txt:13:However, the work of many groups such as this one has created the possibility of a strengthened and lengthened track in the time lateral so that the maximum number of entities may awaken and choose whether to serve others or to serve the self before the time of such choice has passed. Once again, there will be no physical change when this time has passed. There will only be a change in the core vibration of the atoms of your universe, atom by atom, cell by cell, being by being. 2007/0414.txt:14:You have asked if the experience of the time lateral is like the holo-deck and we would say that, indeed, whether you speak of the time lateral that you have experienced, with its careful isolation and insulation from the full spectrum of thought available in the infinite creation of the Father, or whether you speak of the main track, you have the same material and one single agenda for moving forward and fulfilling your hopes for progress within your present lifetime within third density. 2007/0414.txt:17:The second question is: “In such a vast Milky Way, did the time lateral experiment happen in other planets before? If so, are the results always positively successful?” 2007/0414.txt:25:Again, we cannot know the outcome of that which is completely at your free will. We can only tell you that the probability/possibility vortices have greatly opened in a favorable way within the past generation or half century of this planet’s history. Things look hopeful, shall we say, that the rapidly increasing awareness of the need to choose a better way than strife for relating to one’s fellow beings is needed. And as this realization spreads and as the hunger for true peace, union and love among all people grows, there is very likely to be a positive outcome at the end of this time lateral. 2007/2.txt:11: [overview] “What exactly is the time lateral of Earth? Does it indicate an illusion within a more real illusion? Or is it like the holo-deck on Star Trek’s fictional world? Then are all the stars and planets except Earth all holograms because Earth is in the time lateral? Or, on the other end, if there was no such thing as a time lateral in the beginning, what would the third-density Earth be like?”