1976/1017.txt:5:It is a difficult thing to give up, that judging of yourself and of others. It is a difficult thing to love yourself and others in a totally trusting way. Yet this is precisely the key to understanding. If we could offer you this understanding of yourself as a being who is capable of many, many imperfect acts, yet whose heart is perfect, then we would have succeeded in a great thing. 1976/1017.txt:8:People are not alike, yet love has created them all. And the Creator within them is lovable, is love itself, and can speak to you of love in the face of the most inharmonious aspect on the outer plane. The spiritual path is not an easy one. You have known this, my friends, for some time. And when we say to you that our message is simple, we do not for a moment think that it is a simple thing to put into action. It has been written in your holy works that the master who teaches the consciousness of Christ brought not peace, but a sword. And this is the sword we ask you to accept in your lives, the sword of not judging, the sword of even willing to be foolish in another’s eyes. For when one does not judge, when one is willing to trust to the Creator, those around that person may think of him as foolish. Moreover, there is a great satisfaction on the love of a personality in, shall we say, vengeance or getting even. But what you are doing, my friends, when you answer those who judge you with an answering judgment, is collecting your karma, as you would call it, there on the spot. Yet your karma to them has not been collected, and you will answer for that karma. Far better that you allow the karma that has come to you to die, as you forgive, and in that forgiveness, the karma that is reflected from you is satisfied. 1976/1030.txt:56:We trust you are not referring to the apparent physical causes? Those having to do with the stresses? 1977/0810.txt:9:Perhaps there is a greater question in back of what we speak to you about this evening. Perhaps while you are within the physical illusion you can never be totally sure that it is truly an illusion and that your real self is completely infinite and has eternal life. It is for reasons such as these that a word known as “faith” was conceived by your peoples. The word has unfortunate connotations, yet it is not foolish to have faith. There are many things which are not seen, but which you for some reason have inner conviction will come to pass. My friends, they will come to pass whether or not you have inner convictions. But your own personal progress along the lines of seeking will be much more rapid if you allow yourself to trust that intuition that tells you that our words are true. As you allow yourself to have as much faith as you may feel comfortable with, that small amount of faith will express itself to you in reflection in many privately convincing ways so that gradually you will not have to go on faith anymore for you will have been shown in ways that are clear to you that that which you had faith [in] is indeed true. 1977/1102.txt:7:We are pleased... we will continue with this instrument. We must caution you always that we can only give you what you desire to receive. If you do not desire to receive what you may call philosophy... truth... we have... no... communication becomes very difficult. So know yourself as you go into meditation and know and trust... we thank you very much for this opportunity to work with you. We are feeling better... energies now... saying... It is within rather... there is a balance... so we ask you... power is always a two-edged sword. 1979/0927_01.txt:39:I am again with this instrument. I am Laitos, and again I [inaudible] the one known as M. She is very close to making a breakthrough and being able to speak thoughts that she does not expect and that are original to her from us. Her main problem is in analyzing, and it is the breakthrough that we seek that will occur when she is able to speak our thoughts without attempting to discover whether or not they make sense. We are with you in love and love is a universal language, so that it is very difficult not to make sense, no matter what instructions or sentences we may give you. For there is almost no way that we can send you a thought which is not full of love in one way or another. We can only ask you to trust us as we train you in a service which will be more and more needed by your peoples as the new age begins. We thank you so much for your patience and we will close now through this instrument. I am known to you as Laitos, and I leave you in the love and light of the infinite Creator. Adonai. 1980/1109.txt:29:We of Hatonn thank you, my brother. We are pleased that you will work with what we have said. It is our greatest blessing to share our humble thoughts with you. Please know always that what we say to you is not infallible, and never trust anything that we say above your own instincts, anymore than you would trust the voicings of the opinions of a brother or a sister, for that is all that we are. 1980/1207.txt:22:But whereas we have one Creator to guide us and one great truth to sustain us, the forces of darkness will always be scattered, for they do not trust one another but wish only to have power over one another as well as over all else. Therefore, as soon as enough of the people of your planet can stand behind us who are merely messengers of light, the battle gallantly joined will be over for this harvest and the harvest will be complete and those who stood in the light will avail themselves of that light. 1980/1214.txt:23:We trust that some of the events that have transpired for you in the past days have enabled you to feel more subjectively assured of our presence, but we would wish to say at this time that it is supremely unimportant to us whether the issue of our objective reality is ever resolved, for the simple reason that we are here to share the information that we have concerning love and light which love creates. Thus, we ourselves have no attachment to making your peoples aware of our presence. We have in the past attempted to do this in a much more open manner, and have found the results to be extremely unsatisfactory. Thus, we remain elusive, but we will continue with our small hints and notices of our being, as before. 1980/1214.txt:51:We trust that this is a sufficient answer, as it is being recorded and will be shared with him who asks. If our brother wishes to ask further, we most humbly invite any questions that he may have. 1981/1203.txt:9:I am again with this instrument. I am Laitos. We hope the one known as D will forgive us for continuing to offer our transmission, but there is a breakthrough which is quite close at this time. The difficulty is as it so often is—the analysis of the contact. We were assuring the instrument that we were offering our thoughts to the instrument. It is only when this point has been trusted that we can begin to offer material of a more advanced nature. Therefore, it is worth spending some of your time on, if you will be patient in sessions such as this one. We wish to build up the confidence of the new instruments by breaking through the point at which the new instrument becomes aware enough of our vibration and the method of our sharing of concept that we can then begin to share concepts in a less predictable manner and gradually develop the unique channel which is possible with each unique being through whom we may speak. We thank the one known as D very much for the privilege of working with her and feel that we are very close to this breakthrough of confidence. We are most privileged to share in this service. 1981/1206.txt:6:I am Hatonn. I am once again with this instrument. It has been a great length of time, as you would measure it. It is always our pleasure to be invited into the heart of your peoples and when you open yourselves to our communication this is indeed what you offer. You offer your trust, your commitment to the seeking of truth, and with this, the inner feeling which many of you would call to be the spirit or the heart of your being. 1981/1213.txt:93:I am Latwii, and, my brother, we might say in general that your planet is experiencing a great number of intensities at this time. There are among your people many feelings of mistrust, many feelings of hatred for other groups, many concerns of a worldly nature which concern, as we mentioned before, the survival of the self, the refusal of the self to see the need for the survival of other selves. 1981-ra-contact/038.txt:19:I am Ra. The mechanism of inspiration involves an extraordinary faculty of desire, or will, to know or to receive in a certain area accompanied by the ability to open to and trust in what you may call intuition. 1981-ra-contact/044.txt:47:I am Ra. There are various methods. We shall offer the most available or simple. To share the difficult contact with the other-selves associated with this working and to meditate in love for these senders of images and light for self and other-selves is the most available means of nullifying the effects of such occurrences. To downgrade these experiences by the use of intellect or the disciplines of will is to invite the prolonging of the effects. Far better, then, to share in trust such experiences and join hearts and souls in love and light with compassion for the sender and armor for the self. 1981-ra-contact/049.txt:42:Meanwhile the Creator lies within. In the north pole the crown is already upon the head and the entity is potentially a god. This energy is brought into being by the humble and trusting acceptance of this energy through meditation and contemplation of the self and of the Creator. 1981-ra-contact/psychic-greetings.txt:12:I am Ra. There are various methods. We shall offer the most available or simple. To share the difficult contact with the other-selves associated with this working and to meditate in love for these senders of images and light for self and other-selves is the most available means of nullifying the effects of such occurrences. To downgrade these experiences by the use of intellect or the disciplines of will is to invite the prolonging of the effects. Far better then to share in trust such experiences and join hearts and souls in love and light with compassion for the sender and armor for the self. 1982/1121.txt:12:Yes, my friends, it is very difficult to do anything for another, and do it in total harmony with the desires of another. But can you give yourself to the world about you? If you can, my friends, the Creator’s manifestation shall never be more nearly perfect in your illusion than at that very moment. Much has been written in your holy works about trust. Trust in the Creator. Abide in the Creator. Shelter yourself under His wings. But Who is the Creator, and how far away are those beings? We say to you, my friends, you dwell in the tabernacle. Your feet are upon holy ground. The Creator is with you at this moment without reservation, without holding back. He is not only among you, He is you. This infinite invisible presence of love is you. We dwell with you. The creation dwells with you. And to come to a more everyday ethic, your other selves dwell with you in that tabernacle, and only you can open the gates that let them in. 1982/1211.txt:29:Yes, I have one, Latwii. I feel you already know that I felt like giggling. It felt like I met you and what kept going through my mind is how cute you felt. I never have felt this when reading and it is a neat feeling. I would like to ask you please, if you could give me—us—your understanding of what basic trust is in the third density. 1982/1211.txt:30:I am Latwii. First of all, my sister, we have evaluated carefully this statement prior to its utterance, and may without affecting your polarity state that your recognition is quite accurate. And we welcome your vibration again as well, my sister. To undertake to define the subject of trust within your density is a difficult task, for the word trust is symbolic, and is often interpreted in various manners by your people. However, we would in an effort to respond to your question offer the following for consideration. Trust can be regarded as a bridge that gaps the crevasse separating one from one’s other selves or brothers and sisters. The power lies within either to destroy the bridge, and, my sister, to rebuild upon an old foundation, as you are aware, is an act that, if we may borrow a phrase, that will try men’s souls. 1982/1211.txt:31:Trust, however, must not be regarded as a contract in which one exchanges a commodity for a like commodity, for the requirement for return does not exist within trust. One cannot control trust on the basis of trade for trade. It must be as a form of love, given freely and without desire for recompense. It is often quite trying to maintain the stability of that bridge in difficult situations or circumstances. But, my sister, is it not but a bridge between one and oneself? And if so, is it truly within the desire of your heart for any reason to destroy the bridge? To disrupt the love that ties you to your brothers and sisters? One might say, “I no longer trust this person for what he or she has done to me.” Yet in doing so, my sister, they place a price upon their trust, and in so demeaning it, draw a clear delineation of the limited extent of their willingness to love, for trust as a form of love must be given unconditionally. One does not say, “I will trust you if you will trust me,” and seriously expect to be able to trust. The absurdity is obviously apparent. 1982/1211.txt:32:To trust another, my sister, is to say, “I will love you, and that love will not be discontinued, will not be disrupted, for I trust you to be as myself. I recognize that you are myself. For we are of the Creator whom we mirror.” 1982/1211.txt:37:I’d like to explore that just a little further. When one trusts someone who has betrayed a trust before, there is a tendency to have some fear along with the new trust. Are you saying that trust without fear that you will be betrayed is understanding how you yourself don’t mean to hurt others when you accidentally betray their trust? 1982/1211.txt:38:I am Latwii. My sister, there is none who may hurt you but yourself. There is none who may cause you joy, who may cause you pain, envy, guilt, but yourself. If another’s actions are regarded as betraying a trust, is it not a situation resulting from your desire to define the limits of another’s behavior, and finding this did not occur, and if so, is it your right to make decisions that infringe upon the freedom of another? 1982/1211.txt:39:My sister, one of the most difficult and misunderstood benefits of your density, of your particular planetary experience, is the presence and intensity of emotions, for they are tools and as such may be used or abused. There is but one person in your life who can bring love into your life and that is yourself. There is one person who may decide for you to love or not to love another. Is it therefore possible for another person to force you against your will to experience emotional hurt? Or is it more correct to say to oneself, “I expected this behavior of another person, and in failing to perceive the required behavior I elected to feel emotional pain as a response.” My sister, to trust is to trust, not to exchange. 1982/1221_02.txt:104:I am Latwii, and, my sister, first of all, there is just having the trust in your wild imagination, for indeed it is difficult to believe in something you cannot see, for we will not come and knock at your door and walk in your house. My sister, therefore we visit you in meditation, and we first of all would say that in calling us it might be of a good point to challenge the contact. The challenging is one where you would ask for service in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator or where you ask for our service specifically by name in one of love, and, indeed, we shall come if desired with all barrels, and, as this instrument says, with the two-by-four effect. This is not always needed, but if this is so desired, we shall serve as asked. My sister, all that is needed is time to become familiar with our vibration, for we like to think we have a different vibration than that of Hatonn, while indeed it is rather similar, but we all have our own uniqueness and our own identity, for although you are a human being you have the loveliness of your own individual, and this is what you need to seek when desiring our service. So when we come knocking, become familiar with our vibration. 1982/4.txt:6: [overview] Hatonn: Firstly, my friends, we ask you to be aware and fully conscious of the mechanism of faith or belief, by which this contact is made far more accessible. Indeed, the faculty of faith has long since atrophied among many of your peoples, and it is understandable and to be appreciated that this faculty would be used cautiously and in many cases mistrusted. Whereas [when] we look about your peoples, my friends, we find that those who have exercised the faculty of faith have in many cases become overbalanced in the direction of that faith, and so have separated themselves from a great many other entities rather than using that faith to become one with their brothers and sisters. 1983/0828.txt:41:It has been found through many, many experiments within various third-density illusions that the journey to adepthood is best accomplished by those entities of the mated relationship, for in such a relationship the universe in wholeness is made available to each as each refines the red-ray energy which began the relationship. The key ingredient in this journey is the honesty of the sharing of self with other self, for it is necessary in your illusion that perception be as clear as possible in order for catalyst to be utilized as efficiently as possible. You live within an illusion in which perception is most difficult upon a level of clarity which speeds your evolution. It is therefore necessary that the highest degree of clarity be sought and be utilized by each entity. If the relationships were, for example, of a serial nature it would be much more difficult for the trust to build the foundation of honesty, for it takes what you call time for that trust to develop. 1983/0828.txt:42:The experiences that each entity shares with each other in this relationship develop that trust foundation with the tool of clear perception and honesty. Then each experience which the couple shares may be refined and utilized by higher and higher, shall we say, energy centers, culminating in the birth of the adept, the one who is able through conscious effort to penetrate the illusion, and to see and be the unity of all things. This is a difficult journey, a journey which requires great dedication, and a single-pointedness of mind and purpose. It is that type of discipline which the mated relationship strengthens as the difficulties are seen as catalyst and are refined and worked with until they become the gems of experience, and further add to the stable foundation upon which the two journey together. 1983/0828.txt:45:Only to pursue the last part of the question, and that just had to with jealousy and my realization that it’s almost impossible to avoid it. For instance, I am sexually mated to the instrument that you’re using. If I wished to give him a present by finding him a red ray sexual partner that was younger and prettier and different, and if he wished to give me a present and found me a younger and prettier man, whatever would appeal to me, I’m not trying to be specific, in neither case I think would either one of us, as clear and honest as we always have been with each other, get off without experiencing jealously, nor probably would the other person even take the other person up on the offer because of the feeling of, what would you say to that new person in your life afterwards; what would be the point? And yet, it’s really a candy store out there. It’s really just fun and pleasant. For some reason it isn’t actually that way. I guess that’s really what I’m after is—it really looks, at least in this culture, to be just like a little candy store with all kinds of pretty girls for the men, and pretty men for the girls, but take any candy out of the jar, and it gets sticky, it gets difficult, and the only non-difficult relationship really does seem to be the one with trust as you’ve been describing. And that seems to be full of joy as well as difficult. Is the reason for the candy store thing, is that strictly cultural or is it intended so that we’ll have a choice? 1984/1014.txt:9:We share with you one thing—the original Thought of the one Creator. We share with you ways to put yourself more in line with the shadow of that great Thought. We set your feet upon the path that leads from shadow into light. We can direct you no further than yourself. The meditative and gently analytical methods of touching that tangent which you have with the one original Thought and with processing in a useful way your own experiences is our gift to you. It is an answer of sorts. What was your question? Never trust answers, for the only generalizations that work are those so simple and so controlled as to have little metaphysical use. Over and over you may say to yourself as if it were an answer that is infallible, “I am learning a lesson of love. I am learning a lesson of love.” This has value. But to the seeker there is far more value in saying, “What am I perceiving, what am I learning, where is love now, right now in this moment?” You cannot tell yourself what you are learning—you must ask. And the answers may well be different than those you would create for yourself. Free yourself from the limitation of your own expectations and ask—with care, with sincerity, and with constancy. All else shall follow. 1984/1014.txt:54:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We see in such a situation the great desire to serve. We see the difficulty in knowing what is the best service. This is the difficulty for each entity inhabiting your illusion, for nothing is plain and the darkness of knowing that all is the Creator is that which promotes the Creator’s experience. As you find one who has long sought the one Creator now seems to sit upon a rock along the trail and seeks no further, one would then ask the self if there might be some way in which this entity was falling short of its seeking and could then be aided by another to rejoin the path of the seeker. This assumes that one can err and that one can fall short, and in one sense we can assure that such is true at all times for all seekers, for your illusion is so well constructed that all shall fall short of their goals. Yet each in some fashion continues to seek, for each is still the one Creator, and in this regard can commit no error, for even sitting upon a stone, the one Creator experiences sitting upon a stone. Yet another may still wish to aid an entity who not only sits upon a stone, but may seem to another to be wounded. How to aid the one who is wounded and sitting upon a stone, not seeming to tend its own wound? We may suggest that the offers be made, that service as best as one can describe it be offered, that all offers be made without dedication to any particular result, for who can say what path another should travel? One can only be and offer being to another, and then trust that all is well if it is truly so that all is one. 1984/1202.txt:4:Eventually, the child sought in loneliness the company of his own kind, for it is of the nature of entities to interact with those of common inheritance so as to develop the social memory complex. The child in seeking such interaction found instead bafflement, for those to whom the child extended love eyed the child with suspicion and returned only that which you call distrust or hatred. The child persisted, for being familiar with the fact that patience was enough to overwhelm and gain the trust of other creatures, felt confident that in time the rapport would be established and the sharing would occur. The child unfortunately had a patience of the soul that exceeded the patience of the physical vehicle, and eventually the child’s physical body died. 1984/1230.txt:31:We leave you in that one original Thought. That Thought is your birthright, and is your very being. You are love and light. There is nothing else. The love is expressed in your consciousness. The light is the material which your consciousness uses to create a body, a continuing set of circumstances and a created power that may use circumstances instead of circumstances using you. You cannot stop the laughter of the storm. Its cruel and mocking tongues will follow all who seek the truth, and, indeed, those who are deep asleep. But your nature, your birthright, your power is in that which cannot be denied, that which is from everlasting to everlasting. Choose, my friends, choose with joy, and learn to laugh ever more deeply, resting in arms polished smooth by trust. 1985/1110.txt:7:And, indeed, my friends, this may well be true, for each philosophy is a construction of a portion of the one Creator and thusly offers the essence in some degree of the one Creator to any who hold this philosophy. Yet, to be able to discern not with the intellect but with that feeling from within which wells up in spontaneous recognition of that which is most helpful at the present moment for the seeker is to rely upon a more trustworthy friend, shall we say, for these intuitive inspirations which well up from the deeper portions of one’s being are in some fashion that which is sought or point the direction towards that which is sought. For at its heart, my friends, the process of seeking the truth is a process whereby one calls for a greater portion of the self and calls for this portion from the self. 1985/5.txt:10: [overview] Hatonn: We wish to tell you a parable, a little story. Once upon a time there was an old man who with his trusty walking stick was making his way through the cobblestones of the village in which he had lived and his father before him and his father before him. This man had married and yet his wife had died, and in dying had lost their only unborn child. More than years bent the old man’s back as he picked his way along the cobblestones. 1986/0105.txt:14:We would encourage you to meditate and praise the silence within, for you truly are a holograph of all that is to be known. As you begin to trust the inward silence, as your mind becomes able to release and praise all the thoughts which race through it without holding on to them, you shall become more and more invested with that silence and with the truths which silence unfolds. This is not a short-term proposition, for one of your incarnations is a brief period during which one might do such intensive work. Judge yourself not then if you must pause by the way or even build a hut against the winter of your flagging faith and will. But live through those times, blaming not yourself and not the path, but realizing that this is part of the experience in an outward and manifested state, which, internalized as catalyst, will more and more inform your being. Rest as long as is necessary but do not allow your spirit surcease from silence, for as you wish to serve the Creator, so you must allow that silence which seats experience within the heart. 1986/0126.txt:11:We would take this opportunity to offer our opinion that no matter how long it takes to be satisfied within one’s mind as to the tuning and the nature of the contact, it is the most important part of the contact for the instrument, for those who have these words then made available to them may have words which can be trusted. If the initial work is not done, there is no trustworthiness in the contact and the integrity of the light source which [the] group represents is undermined increasingly with each failure to be patient with the tuning and the challenging of spirits as this entity and its cultures calls those of us who, though persons, are not human but dwell in other bodies and other time/spaces and with, shall we say, alternate modes of thinking and expression. 1986/0126.txt:34:The young woman looked puzzled. “You are my friend and I trust you.” 1986/0907.txt:5:We find that due to the aural nature of our particular contact and this instrument’s difficulties in the right ear, we must tilt the instrument’s head, and we apologize to the instrument for this inconvenience. We trust that we shall gradually discover how to lessen this inconvenience. It does not seem to interfere with the process of communication to each of you through this instrument, and so with this instrument’s permission we shall speak a few more words of little import while we are continuing to fit in with this instrument’s comfort parameters. 1986/1005.txt:2:I am Q’uo, and I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite One, the Creator of all that there is. We trust that all can hear this instrument’s voice. We find this instrument to have a low supply of energy this evening, and so are attempting to conserve by speaking in a quiet voice. It is most pleasurable to be able to speak with you, and we thank you for calling us to you this evening. 1987/0104.txt:5:We come to you not only as individuals, but also as a group, a cultural or societal mass consciousness which we use as an extended series of tools and resources in order to be able to speak to groups such as yours, and to serve as comforter to many who seek the Creator in a way which is complementary to our ability to function on behalf of the extended Self of all creation, reflecting the principles of faith, hope and trust, which then illuminate momentary difficulties for those whom we offer to comfort. Therefore, we have a sympathy for the impulse which birthed each day of prayer for whatever cause that has ever been organized and carried out among the peoples of your planet. 1987/0110.txt:7:We ponder within this instrument’s mind the direction that we shall take in this speaking, for this instrument is clearer than is its normal wont and is not aiding us, We have two separate points to make, so we shall make first one and then the other. We would suggest to this instrument that in the future this instrument trust its clarity to a greater extent than it is at this moment, for without this instrument’s aid, we are not as able to offer inspiration. Pure channeling may well be full of clarity, yet it is the color and fire of personality and poetry which only the channel can offer which sparks and enlivens our simple messages. We shall proceed. 1987/0111.txt:31:I’ve got one I’d like to stick in because of hers. I have a theory, which I haven’t asked about yet, that I’d like to, that the reason that the Confederation contacts keep urging us to look on the praise and thanksgiving side of things, and not to go get mountain camps where the disasters won’t happen, is that positive energies go into the planet, just like all of the negative energies went into it that made it what it is today. And if enough people are afraid and start preparing, they might hasten the day. Is that possible? That we actually heal the planet a little by trusting it? 1987/0204.txt:24:There are signs for which one may watch. When one is evaluating the usefulness and worth of information which has been channeled, one characteristic of mixed contact, that is negatively oriented entities which channel using a positive name, is the tendency to make a personal connection with the channel and so make the channel feel more and more important. This occurred during the particular communication which the one known as N experienced. However, there are positively oriented contacts which have had personal contact by thought or thought form with a channel, thus far better it is to rely heavily upon the challenging and only after a declaration has been accepted and agreed upon can the channeling be done in the most confident and trusting manner. 1987/0208.txt:4:Yet few are those who may greet each other in the comradeship of shared seeking and under the banner of the one infinite Creator. And may we say to you that it is our opinion that it is the experience of dwelling in trust with those who are from elsewhere who yet share the same Creator, they are the true center and have the true value that we have to offer as we answer your questions and that you have to offer as you ask them of us. For the trust we place in each other is a symbol of our attempt to grasp our unity, one with another and our common identification as the Creator. 1987/0218.txt:6:As to the one known as N, we feel that we have made good contact with this instrument, and only request that we be given accurate information mentally. Here the one known as N desires an alteration of any kind in the conditioning which she is receiving. We would like to work now with the one known as W. We shall speak with a little bit more of a length of message than previously. We request, as always, that the instrument refrain from analysis and merely produce words which convey the concepts received. In all humility we request this not because our message has a sophistication or eloquence, but because we attempt to speak of the truth, knowing that we can only give opinion. We trust that it is your desire also to seek and to speak whatever part of the truth you may see. We shall at this time leave this instrument and transfer to the one known as W. I am Laitos. 1987/0325.txt:4:The green-ray density, as this instrument calls fourth density, is a most congenial place in third-density terms, although you will undoubtedly be not particularly happy to know that the learnings which await us now seem as challenging as any ever did within any illusion. Yet, we, perhaps greatly more than you—or perhaps not—have a trust not often given to third-density entities in the relatively stable nature of the Creator and the Creator’s representatives within any particular energy pattern or sphere of influence. As we attempt to learn our lessons, we hope to be able to serve, for in serving, we shall indeed learn all. 1987/0329.txt:15:Another option available to the seeker in a difficult relationship is doggedly to endure without analysis or thought, trusting that the night shall become day, the pain shall become gladness. 1987/0329.txt:18:This cannot be done while the catalyst is present and you are busy reacting to the catalyst, thus gaining experience but not being free to evaluate experience. There is no time when meditation is not extraordinarily helpful, but when one wishes to know where the kingdom which you seek lies, where love lies, where right action lies in a difficult situation, it is well to go deep within in faith and trust that there is a sense of right action within you, given before time and space began, purified and clarified by dedication to seeking and continuation of meditation, so that the seeker becomes more and more profoundly aware of when the still, small voice, as this instrument would say, might cause the feeling of right action to surface. 1987/0329.txt:30:We feel in the silence about us the many thoughts of those who wonder why there cannot be said to be a preference, at least for harmony, betwixt peoples, and a looking forward together to the new age of understanding and love. May each experience such lovely pleasures and may each rejoice in those seasons when such occurs, yet when an individual’s love seems to fail one, when one’s religion or path seems to fail one, it is time to trust the desert experience of deprivation and want, pain and sadness, loss and disillusionment, not taking them as realities, but as illusion, just as the peaceful and contented times are illusions. 1987/0412.txt:18:Your monasteries are built for just such purpose, yet you will notice that they are walled, and do not permit the entrance of strangers for the most part, but rather live a self-contained life, praying and offering in service to the Creator. Some of you have been called to such a solitary and worshipful existence. However, it is well that each consider what he or she may feel encouraged within to attempt or accomplish, for not all who are, shall we say, spiritually oriented as most, would wish to manifest as such, but would rather instead manifest without the identity, the authority, and the respect that is given to those who are considered to be more devout. Many are called to be parents, homemakers, mechanics, factory workers and all the other careers, professions and jobs, all the ways to sustain life with your money and to enrich life with love. There is no circumstance which is better or best for the furthering of service to others at this time. You must listen, each to his own subjective consciousness, with discrimination and with care, but also, in the end, with trust and faith. 1987/0503.txt:16:The basic question here is a question of the trust which you have in the Creator and in yourself as a part of the Creator, which knows more than any outside source, including us, what is needed at the present moment. If you are ever to see life in third density as a unified and meaningful experience, you will see it as a creation of ultimate subtlety and yet startling simplicity in which, borne upon the water of the spirit, the frail barks of humankind sail about, some with rudders, some without, in search of many grails, many islands, many native homes. Some wish to go away from everything; some wish to go to the heart of everything. And to each, his or her own journey. 1987/0506.txt:7:Again, we urge the new instrument who faces now the graduation to take heart and to analyze before and after each occurrence, but to refrain from analysis during. We have thoughts to give from the first thought to the last, which any instrument may channel from the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. Those thoughts will ring with what we believe to be the truth, and that is that all of creation is one thing—one great Thought which thinks itself out in infinite portions. The unity of all creation is not something that is unusual or new as a thought, but it is all we have to offer. We hope and trust that our humble gifts may find favor with those who channel them and those who listen as well. 1987/0621.txt:17:The desire to trust is in everyone. The belief in the possibility of crystallization of the personality, of betterment of the personality, of mastery of the self lies within everyone. The discipline which will bring about a continuous effort towards seeking the positive viewpoint in each and every situation is very difficult to maintain. 1987/0717.txt:11:Please, we ask the one known as D, and, indeed, all new channels, to when practicing tune your instrument and be careful with the challenges to all spirits, just as though it were a group meeting, for you need to be far more fastidious when working alone than when supported by the group energy which is phenomenally greater than the energy of one alone. We are most pleased with the subjective rise in each individual amount of trust in the benign nature of our contact and the benign nature of channeling itself. 1987/0721.txt:5:We strongly suggest that entities not agree to accept the contact which does not declare a name. Few among the Confederation have retained names in the sense that you know them, yet in order that we may speak with those who have names, in order that there be trust and recognition and companionship, we have taken those vibratory characteristics that are most ourselves and molded sound vibration complexes to create the most accurate name we could. It is not well to accept an unnamed contact, for that which does not have a name may indeed evade challenge. 1987/0802.txt:14:May you learn to trust more and more your ability to be harmonious, may you let go more and more of those sharp edges, those bad habits of thought which take the power from your loving and the truth from your words, for each has the behavior, born of pain and sorrow. These pains, these sorrows, held to the breast, create strife evermore. Held instead to the light of love and accepted, it is then possible to have them let go so that pain and sorrow become transformed into compassion, the strong compassion that shares the deep awareness of the oneness of sorrow in all peoples, and beyond that the ultimate rhapsody of oneness in living love. 1987/0802.txt:16:We thank you for listening to our words. We trust that you understand that we are only your brothers and sisters, and would not wish to be a stumbling block to you in your spiritual seeking. Therefore, we ask that those things which we have said which do not aid in seeking be discarded without a second thought. We would at this time transfer this contact, with thanks to this instrument. I am Q’uo. 1987/0805.txt:8:What a new instrument is engaged in is creativity. A channel produces out of nothing a something which, it is hoped, will be beautiful, inspiring or useful, or perhaps all of those. Creating beauty, creating the feelings associated with divine love, is one great purpose of the existence of all consciousness, and the vocal channeling is one way of achieving the creative act which expresses the trust and love that each feels for that great love which is the Creator. 1987/0812.txt:64:When you said, “gather about yourself the qualities,” by that you mean hold in mind such things as service to principles of love and to keep those—well, I don’t know how to ask the question, but your words put a picture in my mind which I guess for the moment I will trust this as good, and perhaps if there is a question it will come later. Thank you very much, that was very helpful. 1987/0823.txt:14:It is not remarkable for us to visualize and experience the gifts of time, the gift that is of the present moment, for as far lighter beings than yourselves we enjoy vision and sense which is able to record more nearly the incredible energy and creative movement which is the love within each moment. When we find each of you seeking and trusting and finding that creative and active principle in the present moment, we are touched, and in our hearts there arises a great compassion. It is the spontaneous outpouring of love which is the highest service of which we are aware. We are able to do this on an impersonal basis of course, and, indeed, there are planetary entities which devote themselves to this very task, that is, of being a beacon of radiant love which is broadcast throughout the creation. 1987/0910.txt:2:I am Hatonn. I greet each of you in love and light. It has been interesting to note the progress of the group operation, which so rapidly moved from the busy matters of the day when light was visualized. We appreciate the degree of focus and concentration which each brings to the persistent seeking with faith, trust and truth. 1987/0913.txt:15:My friends, we are picking and choosing our words here, for this instrument has refused three times the beginnings of paragraphs. We find this somewhat amusing, yet we realize also that you cannot listen to us for hours at a time. We shall therefore attempt to speak to this enormous subject with a terseness which does not usually characterize our presentation. If there are questions after we have spoken, we trust that you may continue until you are satisfied, if not at this session, then at another. 1987/0920.txt:9:This entity who has been brought into manifestation has agreements with mother, with father, and with others within the incarnation, and each of these agreements will to some extent be realized depending upon the ability of this spirit to remember, and by intuition to trust those feelings of familiarity when the significant persons are met. 1987/0920.txt:17:It is always dangerous to desire without understanding the responsibilities of that desire, for that which you desire, you shall get. This is nothing more than simple metaphysical arithmetic. If any entity finds itself lost, regardless of material status or position, then is the time not to push further, but to sit and allow the self to recollect the intended path. It is difficult, but not impossible to move significantly off of a life path. Once off the life path, there will be the need for an honest surrender to that will which was yours as you come into incarnation. This is not a surrender to an outside, impersonal and unfriendly Creator, but rather a surrender in trust to yourself and those helpers with whom you have worked. 1987/1001.txt:19:The growth and the process of the coming channel which is manifest in the setting aside all factional processes and question the analogy in spiritual growth within anyone who comes in closer contact with the inner planes. It is analogy. In fact this can be a time to one’s attitude toward life and one can become more spiritual through the practice of channeling and learns to trust impulse and to trust nature of love. The fabric of life is only and is made to control the thought and speech during channeling is given up on one’s analogy and the flow of totality of one’s life as life offers his abilities as a channel and stops listening to others and practices. 1987/1004.txt:29:We shall be with you in the citadel of the waiting, trusting, loving consciousness. We shall be with you, as part of you is in the citadel, and the other doing the ironing, the dishes, the blueprint, the lesson plan, the design, the painting or whatever occupies the life. Those who serve most effectively are quite simply those who remain persistently and doggedly and joyfully aware that there is rightness, appropriateness and wonderful opportunity in your situation right now. 1987/1004.txt:30:You certainly do not know all about why the situation is helpful. This is far better learned in meditation, and may we say that we see meditation as a time of moving up into the citadel and then moving away from the window into the inner room, into the darkness, into the silence, into that which seems nothing, that you may trust and allow the silence and the darkness to teach you, to fill you, to repair you, to nurse, cherish and comfort you. Then you may in mind climb down the tower steps, step out onto your tenanted life experience, gaze at the troublesome mate, the difficult situation, with faith and love anew and know that you are an ambassador, an ambassador of love and light. 1987/1004.txt:32:If you knew the tears of joy that we feel as we gaze upon those who keep that lonely watch, lost to true knowledge of what they are doing, going only on faith and trust, you would perhaps feel comforted, for you are never alone in the citadel that gazes upon the Creator. 1987/1009.txt:11:We ask that you begin more and more as entities and as instruments to trust the self, to relax within the self, so that there is within the heart a growing atmosphere of who the self really is. We ask you to feel good about yourselves. Simple words, but difficult in their application. As each uses the tools of meditation and contemplation, converse with those of like mind, and the communication of self with nature, each will find more and more that the state of mind which is conducive to the practice of vocal channeling is approached by the self in more and more life experience, which means that upon a personal level, the deep mind and all of the riches which it has to offer shall be in a position to be channeled from the self to the self, those deeper thoughts and intuitions coming forth into manifestation and greatly informing the process of ratiocination. 1987/1011.txt:5:We would speak with you this evening upon the central theme of trust. Yet, we must build a framework for our discussion by moving to first principles, for trust is a trust of something or someone, and thus we cannot speak of trust without establishing that in which we are suggesting the seeker may trust in order to ameliorate difficult situations and relationships. 1987/1011.txt:10:Very well, then, the way in which one sees life is all-important to the interpretation one makes of it, and that is where trust becomes most, most helpful. The truth which we ask you to trust, if indeed your heart vibrates in tune with this thought, is the truth that as eternal beings we have one purpose more primary than any other, for before circumstance came to be, our consciousness came to be. And that which is most important, therefore, is an investigation into the nature of our consciousness, the nature of that force which created us and the nature of our relationship with that force or principle of creation. 1987/1011.txt:11:Therefore, we do not speak of trusting entities, yourself or others, of institutions, be they ever so grand, or the opinions of any, including us, be they ever so eloquent. If your heart and mind resound with an echo of recognition when we say that your Creator is love, then you shall see why we ask that the key word of trust offers much to one whose illusory or Earth life is being experienced as tragic, sorrowful, difficult or upsetting. Equally, we would say that of all who are successful in some way, for you see, the experiences of an incarnation are ever up and down, ever positive and negative. The clue is given in the lack of consistency of either state of mind within what is called the human condition. When one is content, one does not agonize over one’s proper point of view, one’s appropriate relation towards the Creator. It is the sorrows, the difficulties, the upsets, the tragedies which bring mind and heart to a state of attention, to a state of questioning, and we hope that this is persistent and determined, for there is a good outcome, that is to say, a satisfying and positive outcome to such a search. 1987/1011.txt:13:Now, if your consciousness partakes of love and your Creator is love itself, but love which reaches down to you in a personal manner, in an immediate manner, in a present tense manner, you may perhaps see that a relationship with this love shall be intimate and trusting. Portions of the Creator’s love have expressed themselves to you before your incarnation as what you may call your higher self, your guardian angel, your teachers. We care not what the words be; we care that you know that you and these helping entities gazed at the harvest of your biases and your distortions, noted where there were lessons still to work on, lessons of love which you wished to learn, for this is the density of learning how to love and how to express love. 1987/1011.txt:17:Which brings us back to the seeking soul, that Creator which is the original Thought of love and the relationship of that seeking soul with the infinite love of the one Creator. That relationship, my friends, is trust. Trust is not only for the good times. Trust is not only when the parking place opens up next to the store. Trust is an emotion which can be evoked only by implanting above the illusion of distance and difficulty another picture of what you are seeing, based upon your understanding of the Creator. 1987/1011.txt:18:You see yourself as creator, attempting to learn how to be a creator; you see others equally befuddled, equally holy, and you come into various relationships with them and experience various situations. This is what is occurring—the Creator experiencing the Creator, whether the times are good or difficult. And the trust is that you shall not be given more than you can handle, that there is a plan and that all is indeed well. 1987/1011.txt:21:We realize that those who are in mated relationships have special problems. This is due to their expectations of each other. Had you no expectations of another entity, it would be very easy to be polite. However, among your peoples the mated relationship is one in which two become intimately involved enough that each attempts to learn to treat the other as Creator, to trust each other. Yet each is a very distorted version of love, a very confused rendition of creation; therefore, trust is hard to come by between people. 1987/1011.txt:22:We do not ask you, therefore, to trust each other first, but rather to step back from the mate, from the difficulties which intimacy brings and choose instead to live within the least distorted creation which you are aware of, to refrain from forcing changes, right or wrong, shall we say, in a situation, until you have moved your consciousness to a higher and therefore more real and less distorted plane of consciousness. 1987/1011.txt:24:Let yourself be who you really are. Let yourself trust the Creator, yourself, the fact that you did plan on learning lessons and most of all the fact that you are never alone as you attempt to interpret and evaluate your experiences. Then you may with eyes of trust and an eye to seeing love look again at the difficulty. If it still makes no sense, it is well to return to the independent idea of the self in loving relationship with the Father and allow your deeper mind or intuition in cooperation with inner silence to open to you those realizations which will aid in seeing the lesson to be learned. 1987/1011.txt:26:Once you trust in the process and trust in your ability to sustain the loving attempt to learn love, that which happens before the eyes may distress and scatter one to the winds, but not for long, for you always come to that place within yourself once again and close the door behind you and tabernacle once more with the Creator. We are with you, and we have ultimate, infinite trust that each of you is full of love and beautiful. 1987/1011.txt:30:Know that the difficulties that you have are perfectly designed to offer to you a gentle lesson, a way, another way, yet another way, of throwing up something which is semi-permeable; you can almost see through it but not quite with the physical eyes, and sometimes you cannot see through it at all. But if you gaze at it with your heart’s eyes, trusting in the utter perfection of what is happening to you, and allowing nothing to sway that trust in the kindliness of the Father, you will see in the end the lesson to be learned. Perhaps nothing needs to change except the viewpoint, or perhaps once the lesson is learned, the situation may be left. 1987/1011.txt:31:These decisions are up to you, indeed, all of your incarnation basically, in our opinion, has but one end: to allow you to make choices which will polarize you more and more towards being a manifestation of love to those about you, to yourself and to the one Creator. This is your reality, this is who you are, pieces, entireties, of the Creator, covered all up with illusion, seeking to find the Creator within. May you water your Creator-heart with silence, love and trust and allow no outer circumstance to sway you from love, trust and service. May you hold your head high and allow no one to demean you. May you be harmless, and above all, my brothers and sisters, may you love one another with an ever more compassionate love. 1987/1025.txt:10:Thus, the first mental, emotional and spiritual discipline of one’s seeking to accelerate the pace of future tranquility’s arrival is to dwell as much as possible upon that relationship with the Creator which may be honestly and sincerely felt within the self in times of meditation, contemplation, conversation with others, indeed, at any time whatsoever, although the quiet times are the best for invoking the discipline of seeking to feel at one with the Creator. This relationship is the most important and the most intimate within the seeker’s experience, in or out of incarnation. And if this be not so, then it is that the seeker has work to do in consciousness, moving into quietness, moving into a trust that can only be grasped by blind faith that there is a Creator and that the reports that you have had of this Creator are correct. 1987/1025.txt:25:...to move beyond the harsh and seemingly betraying acts of one’s mate, how easy it is not to trust, not to nurture, not to stand firmly upon the two feet, knowing that one is completely and utterly safe and secure in a loving relationship with the Creator, and thus hold out the hand and say, “I love you. I accept you just as you are, I see and sympathize with your difficulties,” or even for those whose hurtful behaviors include still others, “I accept your needs to be happy, and wish you well.” These thoughts seem to be a way of subtracting the self from the relationship, removing the emotion from, and thus the intimacy from, the relationship. Yet, it is the best beginning of which we are aware for those who cannot read each other’s thought, to move into a situation in which the relationship becomes more trustworthy. It often takes a great deal of an incarnation to rebuild trust betwixt two which have hurt each other in heart, mind or spirit. Yet it can be done in a moment if each turns first to the Creator, and then, knowing a new world within the self, turn to each other. Turn and turn and turn, becoming more and more graceful as each conversation and confrontation is experienced. 1987/1030.txt:4:There once was a young woman of Lustra named Penelope. Penelope was brown as a berry and ran among the thorns and berries, the rocks and crags of her neighborhood like a young, happy foal or kitten. She was a sweet and perfect child, untouched by tragedy, secure in her mother’s and father’s loving arms. One day a catastrophe caused Penelope to experience for the first time a seeming separation, a seeming abyss betwixt herself and all in which she put faith and trust. 1987/1030.txt:11:I am Latwii, and interrupt this story to bring you a word from your sponsors. We realize that there is the block occurring in the new instrument’s analytical mind, and we would say to the new instrument who has recently had experience in the handling of the motorcycle, that the practice of channeling requires an ability which is common with that needed by the cycles, that is, that the roads are not always straight, neither is intuition straight. The roads bend and curve and so do the ways of intuition. Upon the curving highways and byways the motorcycle must lean into and aggressively attack each corner, not knowing that which is around the bend, yet trusting in the balance of cycle and rider, trusting that the way is clear ahead, and trusting the instincts of hand and foot. 1987/1030.txt:12:When the new channel moves down the road which intuition has fashioned, there appear many turns uphill and down, back and forth. And again the new channel must learn to trust the basic vehicle of thought, the self, which the new channel has created to deal with intuitively perceived invisible entities. The new channel must be able to trust the clearness of the road ahead so that the channel may lean into and aggressively take those turnings and bendings, thus smoothing the way for the long straight roads that lie between each turn and twist. We urge the new instrument to boldly attack with intuition, just as the road is attacked and best use made of it by the aggressive yet careful cyclist. Once the being is tuned and the declaration of self given so that challenging may be done, it is best to keep the proverbial metaphorical hand upon the throttle, for momentum is gained by attacking intuitive curves, and the benefits which rise from a more self-confident foray onto the road of intuition are too numerous to mention, opening to the new instrument as it does in ever-expanding vistas of beauty and challenge. 1987/1030.txt:25:Jonathan looked carefully and deeply into her eyes. “Trust me,” he said, “that through the experience to come, you shall learn to trust yourself.” He went on. “I have seen your presence in the lives of many children as I gaze into their hands, for all have come to me, knowing that I am a palmist, in curiosity. I tell what I see, but not all of what I see, and one thing that I always see is that each hand has the mark of divinity drawn within the lines of the palm. You,” he said, “shall be as I. The day will come when some young one turns to you, and then you shall be a faithful friend as I have tried to be to you.” 1987/1112.txt:2:[I am Oxal. We greet you] in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We greatly appreciate this instrument’s willingness to function, although in its own opinion it was marginal. We feel we have a good contact, and we thank this instrument for trusting the bond between us. We also thank this instrument for the extensive challenging which it did prior to our greeting you. It was indeed a well executed challenge and a needed one in terms of the service-to-others distortion. The opening in the group, and we say this for each instrument to hear, was that the instrument known as H in the beginning of the transmission was enough distracted by the experience, that the naming of the entity contacted by the instrument was not vibrated, nor was the source of all our desire and also its end phrase, “We come in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator,” and though we do not always speak these words at the beginning of each transmission, we did at that particular time, that is to say, the ones of Hatonn. We fear this instrument is going to sleep. We must pause. 1987/1115.txt:7:But, my children, you came here, glad with the challenge of serving the Creator, and the key to moving gracefully through a sometimes distressing illusion is trust, trust in the greater self that is you, for before this incarnation, when you chose the manner of your being within this illusion, you created a place wherein you felt you could offer your love to the environment about you. Those people which you have met and will meet, those combinations of circumstance and people which trigger new beginnings, all of these things you laid up as treasures that during the incarnation you shall mine. 1987/1115.txt:9:The conscious mind of any entity incarnate in third density is dealt the same approximate hand, as this instrument would say. Regardless of intelligence, each consciousness bears certain identifiable characteristics and can manipulate the tools of the culture. It is within your greater self, which is available to you largely through meditation and dreaming, that the harvest of your previous experience lies. And, as wanderers, each of you have excellent intuitions. However, without the trust in the self and the self’s connection with the Creator, such resources forever lie a bit beyond the reach. 1987/1115.txt:16:Narrow your focus, my children, when these puzzlements come upon you and the discomfort of this illusion lies heavy upon your shoulders. You have come here to work. You have come here to carry the burden, a burden which is heavy, yet which is not more than you can bear. You have encased yourself in a very necessary and useful physical vehicle which effectively shields you from the awareness of your companions. For you are not alone. There are invisible forces which are with you, and those people whom you need to meet, you shall meet. Those thoughts of which you need to be aware shall come in front of you. Indeed, once trust is established between yourself and your whole self or higher self, you need but do that which is in front of you to do, moment by moment and day by day. And at the end of each day gaze back over the day and see where a smile, a word, a touch, or a sincere loyalty to an ideal has lightened the road for others. 1987/1115.txt:20:We ask you to nurture the relationship betwixt yourself and the Creator, tuning, honing and intensifying the joy and love that you feel in communion with the One Who Is All, so that you may tap into the bubbling, joyous, free ecstasy which love is. This exercise of homing upon the Creator brings each entity, no matter what its vibratory level, to the highest level possible for that entity at that time. Each of us has still lessons to learn, and the source of the answer to the questions we have to ask, at whatever level they are, is the infinite Creator which is within each and every piece of consciousness. Trust yourself more and more deeply. Woo your own unconscious as does the lover the maiden, gently, lovingly and caressingly, and respect those things which you receive in dreams, visions and intuitions. 1987/1115.txt:21:And above all, know that you are doing that which you came here to do. You cannot get far off track, for those forces within you which you devised before incarnation shall forever be giving you the proper vector toward the action that is appropriate. May your communion with infinite intelligence be ever more wonderful, and may your trust in each morning, each noontime, and each eventide be sufficient for you to do the will of your greater self, of that self which is closer to the Father and Mother of All That There Is. Each of you shall shine from within. May you also shine to yourselves. May you love and respect the Creator within you. Wanderer or native, these things are so, in our humble opinion. 1987/1115.txt:23:Wanderer, in your agony, you shall comfort many; in your loneliness you shall share love, and every tear, every ache, every pain can be, if you respect these feelings, a crystallized bitter-sweet gift to the Creator, a memento of a dramatic play which seemed to have an unhappy ending. Trust that it is only play and that your true life-stream dances and rejoices. So in the end may wanderers reclaim within the illusion their deeper selves. Mourn first and then rejoice. 1987/1129.txt:22:That which is truly and inalterably helpful in every case is the turning of the trust of the spirit towards that manna which cannot be controlled, which cannot be grasped for or hoarded, but which is there in abundance for those who know and proclaim its abundance. The quality and the quantity of the manna which feeds the spirit is very much determined by the seeker itself, by the level of desire the seeker has to become a purer vessel for love and light, by the simplicity for innocence of the firm belief in that which is unseen. It is to the mind an insult to declare that something unseeable may be the food the spirit needs. 1987/1209.txt:30:I felt tonight that I was initially channeling at rather a low level and so much from my own thoughts that I really felt reluctant to trust, again, what I was saying as being accurate. Could you comment on that aspect of this night, at this point? 1987/1227.txt:16:Lastly, to you whom we may call shepherds, there is sent a glorious company of those who surround you, love you and love the one original Thought that is slowly taking place and growing within each. Call upon those helpers which you know by names such as Holy Spirit, guardian angel, and inner guides. More than that, rest back into the recollection of the enormous web of caring, trusting, hoping and loving which your most mixed-up planet does indeed send out greatly. 1988/0110.txt:3:I am Q’uo. I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is a great privilege for me and my brother Hatonn to be with you this evening. Hatonn has been called to strengthen the meditative vibrations of those present, while we have been called to share our thoughts with you upon the subject upon how best to come into relationship with those young selves which have been entrusted to your care. Indeed, it is far more appropriate to speak of not only the actions of the parents to the children, but those intentions the children have towards the parent. We shall explain this. 1988/0110.txt:21:Thus, we move the focus of discipline of children into two areas. Firstly, the arena of the parent, in which the parent is encouraged to think deeply about stressing the spiritual, the just, and the lovely, and second, the arena of the child, in which the child may learn to trust the honesty of the parent and may learn by imitation those things which are to be learned. We know that parents and children and all entities whatever shall fall and clamber up again many times. Mistakes are made upon top of mistakes, yet there is one deep and fathomless thing which binds parent to child, and that is love, for the parent cannot help but love the child, nor can the child help but love the parent. Let this love be communicated. Let this love be celebrated. Never let this love be taken for granted. Love each other, for you are both pilgrims upon the road, parent and child. The parent must do a good deal of guiding, suggesting and, yes, disciplining, for the best road to learn has its limits, its right side and its left side, and beyond that road lie desolate deserts of experience which are not helpful in the sense of learning of love. 1988/0110.txt:22:My friends, we know that in an environment where alienation between all peoples is so common, we may sound impossibly idealistic, but we say to you that if a parent can trust a child, if a parent can keep its word to a child, both in good and in bad, if a parent may respect the young soul, the young soul shall reflect and imitate this behavior. 1988/0110.txt:23:May you love each other. May you feel the harmony of the plans you have made together. May you trust even in hard times that this is part of the outworking of an harmonious plan, at the end of which you shall know more about how to love, the greatest lesson that this density has to teach. 1988/0214.txt:35:Within this illusion, we encourage you above all things to seek the face of the Creator without analysis and without intuition, but with hope and faith of passion. Trust that this process is harmonious and efficacious, and that by your meditations you are able in the focusing of your desire and the calling of that to you which is the mystery, that you may more and more offer all unknowing and without conscious thought the light upon the hill that shines that all may see the Creator within. 1988/0228.txt:7:Most of those upon your surface are seldom capable of creating the strength—or shall we say polarity—of negativity in a trustworthy enough manner that thought forms of independent existence might emerge into being upon the levels of what you would call the lower astral plane. 1988/0309.txt:3:We are pleased with the homework done so well by the new instrument, by the shifting of priorities and attitudes that have been so difficult a challenge for the new instrument. We are pleased and delighted, and welcome to that group of light workers which seeks to offer the self in this service of vocal channeling. We have said before that the service of channeling and the learning of its practice is of much practical help in learning how to live within the illusion and we shall say it knowing that it shall strike the new instrument with a special force at this time as this instrument has, more than ever before, trusted in the foolishness of the word not heard, where so much of the surface mental processes concerning the surface perceptions of happenstance among your peoples is sheer illusion. And not only unhandy but [such] a stumbling block to discernment that it is a valuable goal, in our humble opinion, to attempt to channel the life as a whole, not in the same sense, precisely, as the one known as D channels the one known as Hatonn, but in the sense that there is a lack of concern about all else save that process which the player in the game understands to be that portion of the game which is his responsibility. 1988/0313.txt:58:Is this why Jesus said at one point that unless you are as little children you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because little children have not yet learned distrust and they love unconditionally? 1988/0323.txt:7:As we have so often recommended, once again we urge the practice in, and the trust of, the process of daily, spiritually directed, inner silence, the listening ear, if you will, that is tuned to those words which cannot be heard, those words which are not words at all but concepts far deeper than any clothing of vocabulary. This source of peace, in the short run, becomes the facilitator of strife in the long run, in that one who meditates is facilitating the process of genetic change, for indeed, your physical entity is finely tuned to respond to the needs of the integrated spiritual entity which, as a total being, each is. 1988/0323.txt:8:We trust that this has been thought provoking in some small way and invite queries at a later time. However, we have instructed this instrument that this instrument is to spend some conscious time teaching. Indeed, had this instrument been more quickly aware of our request, we would have already been working with the one known as D. However, again, we do feel that in the end this has been the better pattern for this evening’s work. We would therefore leave this instrument and pause while this instrument recovers full consciousness and may do the work it has been encouraged to do with the one known as D. I am Hatonn. 1988/0327.txt:6:Think back, each of you, over those things in which you have faith. Think carefully. You must have faith in something. Is it the social order? Much has been said about the instability of that order. Shall you put your faith in that? Shall you put your faith in your science and technology, seeing the usefulness and efficiency and marvelous doings possible. Where are the ultimate answers? Few rigorous thinkers put their trust in that which cannot explain the grounds of its field of study. 1988/0327.txt:11:We urge each to trust and follow the urgings of the self, to express the self by whatever means needed in order to feel whole. We certainly do not wish to encourage blind obedience, but as you meditate, as you become more and more thirsty for and comfortable in the presence of the one infinite Creator, you will find less and less that there is a paradox betwixt the will of self and will of the one infinite Creator. May you be patient with yourselves in the learning of this and every lesson. May you meet whatever disappointments you feel you have with the sure knowledge that you have been making a good effort. This is all that is necessary—to intend, to desire, and to want to be a not-so-very-young manifestation of love. May you have joy in your quest and its fruit. 1988/0801.txt:47:I am Laitos. Each instrument, whether new or experienced, will perceive the initial contact in a manner which is acceptable to the conscious mind as our contact is filtered through, or should we say, transmitted through, the subconscious mind. We were desirous of speaking our simple identification through each new instrument, and when we have the opportunity of working with your instrument we were perceived in the manner in which you have described. As a function of your subconscious tendency towards trusting the written word within the self, shall we say, that you could read that which was about to be transmitted was the further means that you were able to utilize to verify to yourself that a contact from without yourself was being made. Each instrument shall find a manner of perceiving any such contacts such as ours that will make sense, shall we say, to that instrument according to its own nature. 1988/0802.txt:22:We do not urge all to take up channeling. We urge entities who seek to serve to take that desire into meditation and await an answer, a leading, a synchronistic coincidence, something that subjectively tells or calls to the seeker. If that call is to vocal channeling, we most gratefully accept you. If that call is to another service, yet still as we love all upon your planet, we love and support you in your service, whatever it may be. We may indeed acknowledge that there are many muses which do not have the psychic greeting component as part of the long term aspect of doing this particular work, however, we believe you will find that all who are of genuine service to others make great sacrifices of the personal self, and we urge each when that ordeal comes upon them to embrace change, to allow the little self to die as it will, knowing and trusting that the greater self that fills that hollow is a blessing, a wonder, a joy and in itself a service to others, for as the conscious entity opens its eyes, the love of God shines through. As the conscious entity holds out the hand, the Creator touches man to man, person to person, in intimate caring that the Father cannot effect in and of Itself. 1988/0814.txt:68:But if there is some way that you can comment on the experience, maybe suggest a viewpoint that those of us who were there might take to turn it to a positive experience so that we will continue to channel. Basically I guess I feel that I’m not very trusting of the protections that I thought were there. Or that I don’t understand them. I haven’t asked you a clear question yet—I’m trying to do that. I guess what I’m asking for is some kind of understanding that will give me confidence to try it again at some form, and if you could comment on that. 1988/0904.txt:7:The easiest passion to understand is the passion of the sexes—man for woman and woman for man. But has there ever been a man so passionate, or a woman, that there was not the skepticism also, certainly when it was deserved, and often when it was not. This is due to each entity’s having biases that cause a lack of trust, and cut the flow of power at some lower energy center, depending upon the difficulty, thus effectively removing the self from the experience of passion. And anyone to whom we speak within third density who has not had the experience of the infinitely divine act of love being spoiled by a lack of trust, we commend that person, for it is almost inevitable that in interpersonal relationships, sexual energy shall from time to time be strangled by the skepticism of one partner for another, the doubt one has in another’s trust and loyalty. 1989/0115.txt:12:Thus, the first passion is that you are loved. You are loved enough to have been created. You are loved enough to have been given free will. And you are loved and trusted enough to be set completely and utterly free, your mind carefully shielded and veiled from the deeper portions of its archetypal self, so that you cannot remember who you are, what your make-up is, what your relationship is to the Creator, or how you wish to respond. The call to a life in faith is a call to remembrance of the passion that created you. Therefore, the first element of passion is remembrance that infinite passion is the basis for all that you see, for all that you see was created because it was loved—and loved because it was created. 1989/0115.txt:19:What are those things that stop one most quickly from feeling? Primarily, my friends, it is fear that keeps one from feeling. There are many kinds of fear. There is fear connected with earning one’s livelihood, fear connected with gain and loss in relationships, fear connected with learning more about a subject which one distrusts or suspects may be more of a subject than an entity wishes to take on. There are many, many fears, and it is well to identify them and allow them, once they are found, to fall away in a gradual way so that change is not too uncomfortable. For, my friends, when we ask you to experience the Creator, to tabernacle with the Father, we are asking you to change. In the process of meditating and focusing in inward silence upon what the Creator may have to offer to you this day, one learns may things. One becomes aware of a grasp of knowledge or a point of view that is broader and different than before, and you have begun to change. 1989/0125.txt:8:Picture, if you will, yourself sitting in a cross-legged Indian position or in a lotus position, if that picture does not bring you acute discomfort as it does this instrument. Rest the backs of your hands upon your knees in a comfortable place. Curl the thumb and forefinger together, a trustful but somewhat defensive posture, and picture at the base of the spine, in the groin, and just above where the generation of the species takes place, a red fire. See it within yourself. If it is not bright, allow it to brighten. If it still will not brighten, ask that it brighten. Then watch it spin. If it is not spinning, ask it to spin. And ask it to be clean and pure that the energy of the Creator might move upwards. 1989/0212.txt:59:I’ve [been] listening to this and having a lot of thoughts about the neurolinguistic programming model that I’ve been using with myself and with other people. It seems to accelerate this process of self-acceptance and forgiveness of self and others very effectively and beautifully. And I don’t know exactly what question I have about it, accept to ask if you have knowledge of this learning and of how it can best be used and shared, if it might be a valuable thing to share with Carla in relation with her work with other people and her own family, and just in particular, suggestions that would be pertinent to me, as I learn and, one of the—I think that I’ve noticed a certain amount of caution in my approach to sharing this, because it seems to be a very powerful way, and I’m aware of just wanting to be in tune if I’m going to be using that, and in a way I think I think that I need to know more and more to be, I guess, skillful at using it, and yet, listening, I know that I can trust, in fact, do when I work with people, in my prayers and my meditations to be a channel, as I work, for the service of that person, and that what I consciously learn, what I’ve consciously learned to aid in this is always going to be assisted by a power and a knowing beyond that, an ability to help beyond whatever I’ve learned. I don’t know if that’s a question clear enough to be answered or not, or do I need to be more succinct about the question? I asked one earlier, but then I kept talking. 1989/0311.txt:9:It is not easy to leap into space within one’s mind and heart, having nothing to hold onto but the faith itself which you have decided is your first choice. You have decided to trust the process whereby you shall learn what you came here to learn, and you take the step; you cooperate with change and you are in midair almost immediately. Not only has your disbelief been suspended, you yourself are suspended upon nothing but faith. This will occur time and time again to one who seeks. 1989/0409.txt:12:These are very, very difficult problems to deal with within your heavy illusion. Therefore, there are those of us in the love density and in the wisdom density which turn back to aid as teacher. But, in the sixth density, wisdom and love must be combined and it is wisdom’s final conclusion that we all are one. This creates within the negatively-oriented entity the terrible, tragic, unbelievable knowledge that it can go no further in its seeking for the one Creator unless it sees all others as the self. It can no longer manipulate others and fool itself that it is being otherwise all-compassionate. This is a great crisis for those upon the negative path, for those upon the negative path in fourth density create the social memory complex in a very rigid pecking order. Thoughts are shielded whenever possible and no one is truly trusted, for personal power remains that which is sought in order to use the Creator’s light, and much, much learning is available to those willing to think only of the self at all times. 1989/0423.txt:6:Thus, listen with the inner ear as well as the outer to what we have to say, and above all, as always, refrain from thinking of us as an information source that is always right. We consider ourselves fallible, and we hope you do too. Trust your own intuition, your own sense of recognition of the truth. If it does not ring true for you, it is the truth which does not work for you. Simply toss it aside and move on. You will meet it again one day, and it will be helpful, or you have gone past it already. Waste not time in worry about whether what we have to say is true or untrue, for you shall recognize truth as if remembering it. 1989/0423.txt:33:Indeed, if you do nothing, you are still loved. You shall always be loved. The only difficulty in third density, truly, is learning to trust that love, to rest back in the love, and to have the courage to return that love, although its recipient is invisible and infinite. As you spend time with the Creator, as you converse with the Creator, you will find that there is no circumstance in which the Creator cannot be a conscious part. And you will find your scientific concerns falling into appropriate perspective. 1989/0507.txt:17:Before we leave this topic, we would address the subject of whether finding and feeling the feelings and realizing that one is feeling feelings is helping to one’s physical body. We may say most certainly, “Yes.” There is no question but that what has been called as a cliché, positive thinking, is correct thinking. It is appropriate to think hopefully, with love, and with trust. Those who feel too vulnerable to do that will armor themselves against a world in which they cannot trust. Yet until one can trust, the heart cannot open, the deep self cannot come forward. One must begin; one must make the choice to have faith, to have hope, to have trust, to have this cluster of words that can barely express something called love. 1989/0507.txt:18:Now, it is true that when one trusts entities, sometimes the trust is broken. One learns from these episodes, too. But one does not, if one is seeking to emphasize spiritual growth, armor the self, blame the self or blame the other self, but simply sees that a process is taking place and that all is well, and love does abide, whether in the present or in memory. 1989/0507.txt:24:You must realize that the Creator is Father/Mother, rather than Father; that is, the Creator creates, but also nurtures. There is comfort there for the seeker by simple mental request. There are those which are with you always. So as you wish to know what you truly feel, ask before you sleep; ask when you awake, after you have praised the one Creator; and keep asking. Do not make it an obsession, but make it that which you are most curious of and wish to learn, for it is those who seek who find. Respect and use your deep intelligence. Allow the experience of many lifetimes to inform you. Allow all of the intelligences of the universe which flow through you to speak to you. Go ever deeper. Jump ever further in faith. Trust ever more in a kindly but mysterious Intelligence that is love. Trust love. All within the illusion will fall and fail at one time or another; that is because free will is various. But that within you which is imperishable is safe, and that is where you must repair to lick your wounds, to soothe your soul, to ease your mind and to seek your deepest heart. Come to your safe place often and experience love from the one infinite Creator and love for the one Creator. 1989/0507.txt:55:Thus, perhaps our greatest aid in this instance would be also to suggest the trusting of one’s own self and the intuitive recognition that comes to the self as one desires to serve another. It is also quite helpful to provide an environment which supports and makes comfortable the one seeking assistance. This is done more by the relationship which is developed between the one seeking assistance and the one desiring to give it than the physical placement of either entity. To provide the loving words, understanding, sympathy and embrace is to make safe the relationship and trust which are most necessary for any assistance to be received. 1989/0514.txt:16:That God-self within you waits to come forth as you tame your will; therefore, will to know the Father’s will until finally your will is one with the Father. Ask always, “Not my will but Thine,” for in this harsh chemical illusion you cannot see every desert experience ahead of time. Through the grace of the one infinite Creator, you may be led to instinctive actions. Trust those instincts if they are helpful, if they bind wounds, if they create better situations. Trust those instincts that you know not quite how you found. Ask before sleep the solution to that which puzzles you. Ask at all times and strengthen your will to know, your will to seek the truth. 1989/0528.txt:23:My friends, there is not a lack of free will, but each of you has a destiny. Each of you has come here hoping to fulfill some job, shall we say, some change in attitude, some feeling, some bias that before you were born you decided needed strengthening. Therefore, that which is happening to you is happening to you because you chose to be strengthened in a certain way. Let your intuition speak to you concerning the catalyst of the day and especially the spiritual coincidences that occur. For much information, in fact, all that there is, resides within your own consciousness which in itself is a portion of the one infinite Creator in its active state. Trust in your birthright, and do not be fooled by this little life that you live at this time. You cannot make a mistake within this illusion if you but shoulder your troubles and carry on, having faith that you have arranged for yourself in a perfectly simple and understandable manner that which confronts you. No matter how confused or difficult it may seem, there is a heart to it and in that heart is a lesson of love. 1989/0618.txt:8:So our focus, perhaps, to you this evening would be to suggest that a time be set aside, and, if possible, a special place where one may go to listen within one’s heart, having opened the door behind which stands the consciousness of Christhood, the consciousness of Love. This consciousness is infinite, and one who trusts it and has faith in it is able to tap into that overflowing, beautiful and ineffable stream of the Creator’s love. You tap into it, it flows through you, and you are not weary or disappointed or saddened, for you have done your best, you have done your work, you have prepared yourself, you have challenged each spirit and found that spirit to be true to your own beliefs. 1989/0618.txt:20:Your higher self is very patient. It does not mind how long it takes for you to learn a particular lesson. It is gazing at you from the prospect of several million years. It is helping you as its gift; your gift to yourself from what you would call the future. Learn to trust in that gift. Learn to trust your own advice. Tackle the job. Talk it through and work it out the first time. There then need be no two-by-four applied to the forehead with a more stringent second lesson or an even more stringent and difficult third lesson. 1989/0621.txt:21:Trust that meditative process. Trust that asking and seeking, and when you hear the answer, find the grace and the will to act upon it with a singleness of heart. For you wish to give glory to the infinite Creator, and no matter who you love, that you love is the glory of humankind. It does not matter if that love be twisted by another; it does not matter if that love be unknown or thrown away or despoiled. It matters only that you radiate the beauty, the peace, and the joy of a life centered in faith. 1989/0716.txt:39:You may yourself accelerate this process, with your trust, your love, your refusal to allow the weary world to influence your consciousness. We join in mediation not only at this time but at any time you wish to have a meditation partner. It is our honor to add our vibrations to yours. We do not speak at such times, but only share in the holy silence of sacred ground. Please be aware, as always, that these are our opinions and are not to be taken as absolute truth, for we know no absolute except that All is One. Each of you seems to be separate, yet you all are one. You all are part of the Creator. 1989/0716.txt:45:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The easiest answer that we have for that query is simply to practice the communication. To be more to the point, it is well if one become familiar with what one feels in any particular situation so that one may have the deepest truth from which to offer the communication. It is also quite necessary that there be a certain level of trust developed between those who would seek clear communication, for the clarity of communication may reveal, in the same clear light, some indications or messages that may make one uncomfortable, and it is well that each in the relationship trust that there is no harm, shall we say, intended, that each is searching in virgin or new territory within the self and may be as perplexed as the other at what is found there. 1989/0716.txt:46:It is well to enter into communication with the desire and the intention to speak that which is felt and that which is true for the self with the attitude that it is not the final answer and that it might become a stepping stone toward that which is desired, if the clear communication has uncovered that which, though not desired, is truly the case at that moment. Thus, the trust is the foundation stone between the two who seek clear communication. And upon that foundation stone of trust may be added the speaking of that which is truly felt as a portion of the communication that shall continue to reveal a balance and a harmony that can be found when the communication has been clear enough for long enough that the, shall we say, whole picture begins to be seen beyond the boundaries of what is felt and thought by the self, by each self. 1989/0723.txt:8:Now, there is destiny, let us say, but there is not predestination, that is, in no way is an entity’s life fixed. It is malleable as a soft piece of new clay. The entity begins the incarnation forgetful entirely of all its good reasons for choosing this parent, that sibling, this situation, that relationship. Rather than wasting the time of pondering these things, we might suggest that it is an act of faith to trust that whatever is happening at the moment is what should be happening at the moment, and the only important thing is that you approach the moment with the resonance of eternity within your consciousness so that the mundane and grimy world cannot touch the light being that you are, nor can it touch your ability to act as a channel for love and light to those who suffer in one way or another. 1989/0723.txt:17:When you recognize synchronicity, there is the key, the clue, the harbinger which says, “Pay attention, find the love in this, this is your challenge, this is your pattern.” Move and flow with it without resistance. We are aware that there is nothing harder for any entity to do than to have blind trust and faith that all will be well. When difficulties seem to be large, perhaps even insurmountable, when the juice of gladness and joy seems to have left and the life seems empty of true purpose, this also is an excellent time to meditate upon and to analyze one’s emotional and physical environment, for a truly exhausted soul will often need to sit by the road for a time and refresh itself. 1989/0723.txt:18:Thus, we encourage each to be completely non-judgmental of the self or others, to appreciate the validity of subjectively interesting spiritual coincidences, and to realize that the seeker enters an ordeal. The seek—we correct this instrument—the seeking of the Holy Grail might perhaps be the best way to express the journey that each is on. Each yearns for the food of eternal existence and in the day-to-day cares of the world, love can become sour, trust can become embittered, walls can be built that can’t be broken down. 1989/0723.txt:28:And one thing that spiritual coincidence does for those who heed it is encourage them upon their quest. When one is in a deep feeling of despair, one is still a hologram of the one infinite Creator. There is no way one is not going to get to Chicago, if we may continue the metaphor. It is just that there are many, many roads, some shorter, some longer, some easier, some more difficult. The measure of an entity’s spiritual mettle is basically the entity’s ability to express faith that all is as it should be and that there is love in the moment. This takes a complete, blind trust and faith because the illusion has been designed for you to see a fairly large portion of negativity within the relationships one has, the friendships one has, and the wars and rumors of wars of those upon your planet who would wish... 1989/0730.txt:24:Therefore, each entity has its own, what this instrument would call, psychology of being. For some, the simple repeating of a spiritual phrase whenever one is not specifically thinking of something else will aid tremendously. For others, the cutting off of negative thinking and the application of trust and abiding faith and lack of fear does its slow but inexorable work of clearing the consciousness that it may see, not simply what the five senses of your physical body perceives, but what your entire entity perceives. The subconscious portion of the self is well aware of the Creator in all that is, of the worshipfulness inherent in being a child of the Creator. This is very slow work. The journey is long and, [to] those who attempt to discipline the personality, to live within the Kingdom of Heaven while functioning upon Earth, is somewhat intense. 1989/0806.txt:14:The animal, however, does have a strong fight-or-flight mechanism, and because of the derivation of your body forms you may well be aware that you are not particularly aggressive in the fact of your animal-hood. For if you gaze at your animal predecessors you may see them cooperating in tribes and families. It seems that you have known and can trust this sort of pattern. The body, however, is controlled by the mind. Even those things which you call autonomous in the nervous system may be controlled by mind. Consequently, it is well within the limits of possibility that two entities who are aware of the ordeal that marriage will be and who wish to tackle it together would be [choosing] the best of all personal reasons for the mated relationship. 1989/0806.txt:16:We do not encourage you to blame your body for the difficulties that you have with another. We encourage you to realize that the difficulties that you may have with another stem from your perception that there is a separation between you. Good mates, when finding this distance coming from the other, drop all things, run to the side of the one who has fallen into error in thinking, and correct the opinion as well as possible before returning to work. After just so long a while the entity will learn not to distrust, not to be afraid. Meanwhile, there is the comfort to give, even when one does not feel it is deserved. 1989/0806.txt:20:When you come together in the marriage it is well to remember what is ahead because what is ahead are startling discoveries about yourself and about the entity whom you love, about how life in general happens to people upon your planet. And you may choose not to learn from this but rather to become bitter and sour and be one who whines and says, “It’s not fair.” But the true mate, the mate that is desirable, is one who already knows that nothing is fair within this illusion, but that a trust level may be achieved between two persons which makes it virtually impossible under normal circumstances for that entity to feel separated in any significant way from its mate. You have no animal’s excuse for moving from relationship to relationship. You only have the cultural preference that has been fed to you time and time and time again by those within what you call the media and within the pages of many books. It is a kind of fantasy life of your population which all too often is acted out rather than balanced within the heart as it should be. 1989/0806.txt:25:The adversary relationship is difficult to spot until it has become full-blown. Therefore, our last suggestion to you is that each mate become to the other more of a presence, more of a warmth, more the one with the self, so that there is the intimate feeling between two that does not need to be spoken. This inner peace of high trust level, one with the other, can pull both through the crises of the incarnational experience, as they will almost never have the same breaking point in any given situation. Always one will be able to help the other. 1989/0917.txt:16:Let us take a moment to use this instrument’s mind and ears and senses to point out at this time the soft cry of animals which are without the building, the gentle creaks and groans of your habitation as it settles into the cool of the day, shrinking and becoming somewhat different, although that difference cannot be seen by the human eye. We are aware that as you sit in circle each of you finds joy in the seriousness of seeking of each other; each is able to build a trust because that goal is shared. 1989/0924.txt:14:This room is within you. It is the closet of the spirit, the sanctum sanctorum of the inner temple. There is perfect truth, there within lies perfect consciousness, undistorted, but it is buried very, very deeply. We still seek the truth, and we are those of the wisdom density, which is, shall we say, two grades above your own. Yet we are enthusiastic about the simple process of meditation, until one knows the truth of who one is, and one sees day by day the distortions and misunderstandings that have crept in because of a lack of trust, a lack of faith, or a lack of will. The key, permanently to changing one’s perception of the illusion, is persistent, daily listening in silence, that which you call the silent meditation. Each of you, indeed, all who meditate, need constantly to be attempting, in this context, to push the self toward a pure, deeper communion with the one Creator, in that holy ground within. Yes, it is true that the fast run race and the sudden, startling, beautiful observation coming from an altered mind are charming things, but they are not organic, they are not of the spirit, but are tricks done to the physical vehicle in order partially to free consciousness from its vehicle. 1989/1001.txt:15:Yet, you would wish, and we would recommend, that you strive to attain the emotion of worship, for within the process of moving toward worship one first dies to the self. That is, one releases oneself from one’s humanity, one surrenders the self to the greater Self that lies within in complete trust that that which is love may be answered with the most profound and purified love in return. 1989/1008.txt:37:Yes, I have a question, or something I’d like to say. I’d like you to comment on it. I try to get an answer from myself or from within—you said earlier, there usually comes a point where you just feel it’s right, when you know that this is right, and coming to accept this as a valid answer, or a safe answer, or however you want to say it—so therefore I trust it when it just feels right, and I believe I understood you to say earlier that this was the criteria that we should use when judging an answer or getting an answer. Could you comment on that, please? 1989/1015.txt:16:The creation is a subjective thing. We have found nothing but illusion, and yet still we seek the one infinite Creator as we refine our path, as we become more rested, more trusting, more joyful, more relaxed and more intent upon a single-minded goal of practicing the presence of the infinite One. We find, as we have said, that we continue to find ourselves in the divine discomfort of learning, in the difficult and sometimes painful cleansing of the self of those idiosyncrasies which are not necessary and perhaps are seen [as] stumbling blocks to a continued, persistent and successful seeking to accelerate the rate of one’s spiritual growth. 1989/1022.txt:16:It does not seem to be a service to be a parent, or a breadwinner, or any of the other myriad non-dramatic ways of living possible. What sets the spiritual seeker apart from one who simply lives in the mundane world without questions as to eternity, is that realization of the present moment as eternity, that ideal which says “I can have time spent with the infinite One, I can feel Its love and Its light. These experiences are meaningful to me.” This creates an atmosphere within of trust, so that one may gradually, gradually relax, and allow the rhythm of life, as you have planned it, to overtake you. 1989/1105.txt:24:Now, perception without distortion is a sure yielding of joy. On the other hand, each must distort, through the physical senses, the catalyst which comes to one. The senses you have are those given to all and they are all illusory. To base one’s seeking for vital energy on the life experience or anything which it may offer is to put one’s trust in that which perishes. The key to joy is the realization that you are an imperishable being. You are a being which is love and is called to love. The Creator created each out of love and placed within each free will and Itself. You are moving through the disciplining of your own free will. And that disciplining must be done freely, the choices your own, in order for that joy which underlies all things to begin to bubble up into the life experience. 1989/1105.txt:26:One of the choices each spiritual entity makes is whether to move upon that which is consciously known in making life decisions and in living moment to moment or casting all safety to the winds and trusting the self to the risky business of feeling the depths and the heights of each present moment. 1989/1105.txt:40:There is another tool which one may use to good effect if one is able not to trust the intellect beyond a certain point. That tool is the analytical ability of the mind. When one moves oneself back from a situation which is disturbing one and begins to untie the tangle of distress, one may, through inductive and deductive reasoning processes, come to more and more fundamental realizations as to the true nature of that experience which is difficult for you at this particular time. 1989/1112.txt:22:Once one realizes that within oneself lies holy ground, one knows and trusts far better the path of seeking within, for as we said, emotion that is artificially created is easy emotion, emotion which must be renewed as a library book must be renewed. It is not lasting and it requires constant nurturing and stimulation from without. 1989/1126.txt:5:We do not suggest that you follow each whim, each thought, each impulse. We suggest, rather, the trust in the process of seeking within for the truth which will set you free, though it may not set another free. Each of you is unique, and the emotions that are your deeper intelligence are unique to you, their balance is unique to you, and the fruit of that balance in service is unique to you. Thus, we have established a great respect for the intuition and emotion that is the essence of intelligence. 1989/1126.txt:33:This surrender is not one made without discrimination and care. Surrendering to those who say, “This and this and this you must believe, that and that and that you must do,” is an acceptable choice for those who cannot use intellect and feeling, but merely have a generalized need to know what is right and what is wrong to do in life, so that one does not have to think, grow, change, expand and transform the self. For these people, and we do not put them down in insult, this is the way to progress, and progress they will, however slowly. But each of you wishes to move more quickly, to become true channels of light, to feel true peace in the heart, to feel genuine, authentic harmony and serenity, to meet one’s companions with joy, trust, sharing and caring. Are these all not words of emotion? Can one reason oneself to this attitude? No, my friends, no. 1989/1126.txt:43:I am Q’uo. My brother, we were not speaking of such, but rather were speaking of the work entailed in moving beyond the surface consciousness to the deeper and more trustworthy wisdom that lies deep within the self. We do not ask you to surrender to any outer authority. We ask you only to surrender to that portion of yourself that you have found to be imperishable, worthy, beautiful and able to manifest the fruits of an unconditional love which is your birthright, which moves through you from a deep place of self-acceptance within. 1989/1203.txt:13:Few there are within third density that are able to manifest perfect glory, for in manifesting perfect glory one no longer has any catalyst to process and one is able to stay in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator, praising and blessing the name of the Creator, speaking hallelujahs for all the blessings of your life. Yet, in the next hour you shall walk away from this beautiful concept, this imperishable ideal, and be unable to live up to that which is truly within you at this time. Yet, the glory is there. It continuously speaks to you, continuously moves within you and, as you become more transparent, more trusting, more accepting of that which occurs, of those conditions in which one finds oneself, one can then allow the glory to flow through the self to all the other portions of that glory. 1989/1210.txt:11:When you look at your gifts, look not only at those things which you do well, your activities at which you are accomplished, but also look below the surface of things to find the energies within you moving deeply and spontaneously, so that you may spontaneously offer that which is given you only by intuition. Your people are locked in the darkness of manifestation, and so are you, yet within you there is light immeasurable. To be able to find and trust the intuitions which move from the light to the mind is most helpful, for one truly does not ever know when one is serving, one merely attempts such, and leaves the outcome in the hands of the one to whom the gift has been given, for it matters not to the giver if the gift is appreciated or not, but only if the gift is given freely and gladly without the nagging expectation of being paid back. 1989/1217.txt:26:You do not love energy fields, you do not love that which perishes in entities, although perhaps some of you do. There will come a time when each finds that this is not enough. The experience of loving and being loved involves complete trust, cooperation, sacrifice on all parts, and a yielding up of the little self to a self which is called “us,” which has an appointment with destiny. Each of you has gifts and is staring them straight in the face. Some things do not seem like gifts, but if you can love your neighbor as yourself and love yourself as your Creator and love your Creator with all your heart, then those gifts of yours which are needed will be called upon whether or not you express the talent, for the community of those who pray and serve is such that the opportunity is made for those who wish to serve. 1990/0121.txt:12:Meditation together is possible. Quiet times, reading times, inspiration times. It could be only five minutes long, it could be only ten minutes. If it be just a few seconds with the meeting of the eyes, in the understanding that each is on the other side, that each is in there pitching for the other and is never over against the other, then have you won through to a level of trust that will enable each to mirror to the other that which the self is actually manifesting in an objective sense. For subjectively it is entirely probable that the self shall be the own—we correct this instrument—shall be its own best stumbling block, fooling itself with rationalizations about the self. 1990/0121.txt:17:Do not abandon your little ones in your path of service. If they are entrusted to you, it is up to you to allow them to know the joy and the healing peace of worship of the infinite. Nothing is known, nothing can be known, we offer to you no doctrine, no dogma, but simply posit a theory which we have found so far to be correct in practice and that is that each is a child of the one infinite Creator. Each is a being of love. Each has choices to make about how to use that love. For each is a powerful person, able to give and to receive. 1990/0311.txt:23:When Jesus the Christ moved back to the Source, to the Creator, this entity left a feminine and nurturing spirit available to all each day, everywhere and always. This entity is often called the Holy Spirit, and within other belief systems which are more comfortable to those of this generation they are now known as guides and masters. This is acceptable, as long as it is realized that these entities are part of a living faith in a living Creator. However, the one known as Jesus could not return in person, in visions to simple folk, for this entity released the Christ of itself into the Holy Spirit, into that Comforter which is different for each and every one, and which is invisible and only to be discovered and trusted through a process of living faith. 1990/0312.txt:27:The mechanics of channeling are those easily taught but difficult to learn, because it is always thought that if something is worthwhile it must be difficult to achieve. We cannot teach you to be faithful in your practice. Teaching an entity to channel is much akin to teaching a beginning violinist how to finger the scale, how to play the simplest of tunes. The teacher does not teach greatness, but only a simple mechanism which must be practiced, and practiced, and practiced, in infinite patience and dogged determination and persistence, for it is practice alone which creates that level of trust which allows the surrender of all expectation. 1990/0312.txt:28:Many are the times we have demonstrated through this instrument the nature of that trust. We do so at this time. Six, six, five, three, seven, one, four, three, six, six. That is what we gave this instrument—nonsense. That is what you will feel you are receiving—nonsense. That is acceptable, being able to accept that you do not know what you will say is important to one who wishes to be a faithful channel. It is not up to the channel to judge the channeling, but only to prepare itself, first by attempting to become the best self it knows how to be, and secondly, by opening itself completely in surrender to a greater will, a higher self, a larger point of view. 1990/0313.txt:30:We are aware that controlling, handling and experiencing our energy for the length of time which it took to speak the sentences which the instrument spoke was great, and we commend this instrument for trusting in a teacher who is surely fallible, but who may have something to share. The key is trust. We hope you may come to know us and others of the Confederation, that you will begin to discriminate between one another of those entities to find that entity which best meshes with your own vibratory patterns, my brother, but how wonderful it is that such a beginning has occurred, that the soul was ready to open and bloom as a beautiful rose, or the unfurling leaves of spring which you may see in your countryside at this time. 1990/0318.txt:22:You are treasures, you are gems. Trust the process of limitation and loss to show forth to yourself, to the world and to all whom you may serve, all whom you may meet, that beautiful gem hidden within, that many-faceted, amazingly wondrous, youthful self. May you shine through that Earthly vessel. May you use misfortune in joy. May you drop away that which is busyness without undue fear, but with love and acceptance, and may you accept each change through the pain, through the difficulty of change, in perfect faith that all is well and all will be well, and you are fearless, holding up the light of consciousness to a world hungry for consciousness and far too full of the awareness of its own clay. 1990/0325.txt:4:This instrument was not receiving the full power of its considerable beingness, as its heart chakra was in part blocked, a most unusual state for this instrument. Consequently, those who greet you of the negative polarity were all too happy to say our names, and because of the lack of full power of perception this instrument was able to discern only that there was something amiss. We were not yet in contact with this instrument, and in any case, had we been or not, we could not have made the choice patiently to return and go through each step of tuning to discover the blockage. That this instrument has the humility, the patience, and the high level of trust of the self by the self in its intuition to move back and attempt only the highest and best of contacts is to the credit of this instrument and to any who would seek. 1990/0401.txt:13:The pastoral part of your community is excellent for raising the trust of each member for each other. What love is born as one listens, pardons, consoles and gives, as pilgrims who have almost nothing but give what they have to each other, companions upon a dusty path that leads they know not where, in search of an ideal in a land they know not to be ideal, in search of a hollowness of self, when they feel that self overflowing with personality and character and opinion and bias. 1990/0401.txt:19:Stay not at home, tend not your father’s flocks, until you first have discovered your own limitations, your own compassion for those whom you previously thought quite unlike yourself, for you are everyone you meet, and it is only when you have the humility to recognize yourself in all that you see that it is possible for you as a pilgrim to shine forth in each dark corner with the infinite love of the great Spirit that hovers over, around, beneath and within you. Bow to that which is within yourself. Die to that dross which keeps you from the grail. Be a pilgrim people, and exhort each other as each becomes discouraged. Listen to each other, not to change each other, but simply to listen. Trust each entity to heal itself once difficulties have been expressed. 1990/0401.txt:20:The freedom to speak and communicate clearly is born a very hard birth by most entities who do not have within them the native trust to confide, to be open, to be foursquare against all odds and in all situations. Consequently, we ask that as you walk the dusty road you gaze at those things which you have not thought to trust before: the beating of your heart, the warmth of the sun, the rustling of the trees, the song of the birds. All these things are there to give you that which you may learn from and in which you may abide as you begin and continue an arduous yet most exciting and exhilarating journey full of epiphany, transformation and change. 1990/0401.txt:21:There are no answers that we have to give you. We can only say that you are asking the correct questions. We cannot promise you riches, fame, security or happiness. We offer you only the dust, the coarse roads of the pilgrim, the harsh sun of the desert which is often traveled while the soul is in travail and a new soul is being born within. We offer you discomfort, the discomfort of change, and as you meditate and seek to know your own deep self, seek to deepen your trust, you shall find yourself more and more uncomfortable as you change more and more. This discomfort is a divine discomfort, an excellent discomfort, an encouraging discomfort, for it means that you are in truth prepared to change. You have allowed your rigidity of belief to melt into the malleable, impressionable thought processes which are powered by the energy gained from dropping the old programs that have been to you in some way destructive. 1990/0401.txt:22:Each of you has a different way of destroying self-esteem within the self, a different way of rationalizing. Do not condemn yourselves, pilgrims. Move to one who is in pastoral relationship with you and speak your thoughts freely, for you are the Creator speaking to the Creator, and you must needs find entities whom you may trust to that extent, else you shall be alone and confused in the outer world. But when you have expressed yourself and have been heard, then it is time to carry on that which you have begun, the infinite processes of change and transformation. 1990/0429.txt:10:As L/L, you have stubbornly and blindly refrained, not out of fear, not out of a lack of ability, but you have allowed your surface to remain calm, and though in each there is difficulty, judgment, disappointment, unhappiness and confusion, you carry it as your own baggage and do not mirror it to each other. Although in your personal relationships you very well may, and so you must, as L/L, you have given the best of yourselves. Are you aware of this? No, my children, you have not known, but have only felt your way. You are blind, and so this must be. Trust in this blindness, trust in your feelings. Do not doubt, for one second, ever, your intuitions regarding this particular commitment to service to others. 1990/0429.txt:17:We would close this meditation through the one known as Jim. We thank this instrument for opening itself without a query, for it has been some time since this instrument has done so and it did not feel comfortable. We thank this instrument, that it is flexible and trustful enough to do this, and so we leave this instrument in thanksgiving, and move to the one known as Jim. I am that principle known to you as Q’uo. 1990/0506.txt:43:We say you have too much intelligence to trust your intelligence, do you not? Hah! 1990/0513.txt:3:I am Q’uo. My beloved ones, I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. There are no words to express our joy at sharing this circle of meditation and seeking, at sharing so intimately the beauty of each consciousness, of experiencing the trust you have in each other and in the Creator. We shall do our best to speak through this instrument in such a way that no part of that trust, that love or that call to us is in any way harmed, but as always, we ask you to remember that we are your brothers and sisters, and we come to you because we sorrow at your sorrow, and we yearn to soothe the ache of unanswered questions that you have. 1990/0513.txt:16:We shall have to ask you to accept that these things are so, that they are not mysterious to one who is capable of, not only unified field physics, but that physics which is of time/space. Thusly, we bow to the impossibility of explanation at this point, and ask that you trust that we have some little understanding of the creation physics of each field which is you. We can only say that as free will is infinitely various, so the children of love and free will are infinitely various in their expression of that which is absolutely identical in each. You are unique to the core of your being. You are mathematically unique. You are unique in ways that have nothing to do with opinion, or understanding, or any way of describing time or space. 1990/0513.txt:22:The courage that it takes, in this heavy illusion, when free will is at its strongest, to take that free will, and in the middle of the night with no light to guide you but the moon, working in shadow, working by faith, working without vocabulary or understanding, choose to discipline the free will, which is the great triumph, the great challenge, of entities who are experiencing their free will at its very strongest, to choose to discipline that will in such a way that it becomes not willfulness which is eternally various, but willingness, a will to do that which is chosen: this is the greatest and most courageous step an entity can take in this illusion, for it goes against all sense data. It is only one who trusts love, by faith alone, that asks the will to choose to will the good—if we may use that word—the radiant, the positive, the caring, to choose to emphasize those things about each which are the same, and that is love. 1990/0607.txt:6:You are now a protected body which is working with spirit. It is therefore time to invoke what this instrument would call the armor of light. Ask the white light of infinite love to cover you completely, and in love ask that it extend around the circle, covering each of your beloved brothers and sisters, growing and eventually becoming bright enough that you almost disappear because [of] the light within, around and about the circle as well as upon the surface of your own physical body. You are now in a protected globe of white light, in a position of sacred trust with those within the circle. 1990/0607.txt:14:The circle is now at a place at which it is ready to work. We of [Laitos] ask each simply to relax, realizing that in a world where a few have the actual gift of channeling, the actual gift of speaking loud and clearly those thoughts which move from the subconscious. This circle has this gift. Thus, avoid analysis, trust in your gift and let us begin to refine this gift. 1990/0608.txt:3:We ask each channel to speak that which it hears and nothing else, but to trust, once the work of tuning and challenging is done, that all will be well. For when the work is done correctly, when the challenge has been met and the baton taken, then it is that those who channel may release the integrated personality and surrender to that part of the personality that is not yet integrated, that is the deep mind. And it is from that deep mind and its analogous portion amongst your stars that we speak to you. 1990/0608.txt:4:We ourselves are a group, dwelling in harmony. For us it is very simple to live in harmony, for we require nothing, we acquire nothing, we need nothing. Each gladly does a portion of those things which ought to be done to support the maintenance of our physical vehicles. And so we would say, that the first and greatest requirement of harmony within a group is that the group is truly a group of deep love and trust and a lack of fear about loving intensely those who may not be of your family in earthly sense. 1990/0608.txt:9:It is a process of trust in the light of others as in one’s own light that allows one to come together as these lights slowly tend to converge. When such a convergence comes about one feels a sense of releasement into a greater beingness which is a higher part of being than one is accustomed to. It is a sense of purpose and of service that transcends the ordinary concerns of a life torn with anguish, filled with sorrow and perhaps with the joys and fulfillment incident to one’s daily activities. 1990/0615.txt:32:In the lower energies, each has weaknesses due to the harsh illusion each experiences. This instrument with the difficulties of red-ray physical pain. The one known as Jim with difficulties of a relationship held in freedom and trust. The one known as S with the difficulties allowing interactions with groups, to be that which is inspired rather than intended. Each then, in the discussion of these lower energy centers, expresses its own unimportant but substantial enough limitations. Examine and consider, for all things point to the heart from each direction, and to give maximum energy to the heart, to throw into the heart all that one receives, is dearly to be desired. The heart is a thing in itself, a power, a resource, that which in its full and open presence heals those about it by its very being, 1990/0623.txt:28:We have spoken overlong, and we apologize, but we wished so much to be with the one known as S especially, as we so seldom are able to speak with this soul in the voice that has words, but may we say to this beautiful and beloved child, that we are the clouds overhead, that we are the stars at night, that we are the familiar things that you touch day by day, that we are in the smiles of strangers, we are always with you. We wish for the one known as S to be aware of this, in a deep, and abiding, and trusting way, for we are of the vibration which causes us to be with this instrument of light as comforter, or what this instrument would call the Holy Spirit. 1990/0629.txt:18:As you prepare yourselves for service as vocal channels you may be aware of many different thoughts that come to you [inaudible] to this instrument in love and light. We are extremely pleased for we have found it possible with this new instrument to achieve a very high ratio of our thoughts to this instrument. The effort made when such an instrument is near is great and each time that such a contact is given the mechanics of the process of channeling will become more familiar and more trusted, for you will find again and again that they do not let the instrument down; they do not leave the instrument without the finishing thoughts. And the various energy rushes and experiences of being overwhelmed will, as experience adds to experience, become those things which fade into the background and disappear. 1990/0715.txt:22:This illusion was created not to promote happiness, although the writer of your Constitution seems to think so, much to the confusion of those who seek spiritually, for you do not seek happiness, you seek the truth, you seek to be mature, and ripe, and ready for harvest, and this involves a great deal of choice. Firstly the choice to forgive yourself, first, for all those things of which you may think you have done wrong in the past. Sometimes it is helpful, as a tool, to take one person with whom you have a high level of trust, high enough for confidentiality to be no question, and state, simply and directly and thoroughly, each and every mistake you feel you have made. Speak this to another entity, for this entity is also the Creator, and this entity’s forgiveness is as true, and real, and honest, as that entity is true, and real, and honest. 1990/0722.txt:16:Usually the last portion of the guidance offered to you from within and from without is the androgynous or spirit-filled entity which has no bias and is a portion of oneness. You come to this comforter when at last you see that of yourself you cannot free yourself from your free will. The work you have done so far has given you a vision of what you wish to be. You are ready to make your choice. You are ready to surrender your willfulness to the higher self within, that self which is of love, which is of the Creator, which is connected with the heart of yourself and of all others. It is that guide which has no bias neither towards compassion or wisdom but only the consciousness of oneness that can aid you in surrendering your most precious free will in complete trust that you are only surrendering a small will to a will that you have created through many, many lifetimes, a will that you have deeply been yourself connected directly and immediately with the one infinite Creator. 1990/0722.txt:19:It is also, as has been mentioned this evening, for that reason that the Creator placed the attraction that creates the mated situation between men and women. The thinking processes are the same in a mated pair of men and women but the woman has, physiologically speaking, a much stronger link between logic and intuition. This creates for the mated pair a mutual ability to serve each other as teachers. To honor your mate is to honor yourself, is to honor your teacher, is to honor the process of choice. Yet have few of you in this density used the opportunity to communicate with another unique entity made of love, to find the differences in thinking, to use misunderstandings as challenges, creating abilities to improve communication. Opening the mind, especially of the male, to the gentle and pleasant waters of trusting and resting and being inspired. The female also enjoys in that equal partnership during clear communication, the practicality, the effectiveness, the different way of approaching the same subject that the mate has. 1990/0805.txt:12:How do you get from your conscious mind to this extremely deep realization that allows a safe and peaceful surrender of the self, a trusting surrender, a safe surrender? It is the faith that comes from persistent, daily attempts at meditation, no judgment of the meditations, no taking the spiritual temperature, but looking always for ways to see the Creator, for ways to recognize the hunger and the thirst for that which the Creator can give only to those who have surrendered to their Higher Selves. 1990/0805.txt:18:The paradise of which we speak is that portion set aside after an incarnation in which each soul is healed, each pain eased, each tear wiped away. It is not necessary to be successful, happy, wealthy, or any other of the values so shallow in your culture. It is necessary to seek, to ask, to turn, to forgive. How difficult to trust in the Creator, and how much easier to trust in that Creator when you are aware of who you really are, and that things which may seem unkind that happen within your life experience are those offered in true kindness that one may learn more and more to be authentic, real, healed of all lack of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, so that all is forgiven, all is accepted, and there is no thing which can separate you from your faith, no tragedy, no horror that can remove from you the knowledge of who you are, an absolute and explicit part of the Creator, a being of love. 1990/0909.txt:19:We may note that taking this challenge too seriously will cloud your heart so that it cannot operate properly. If one of the entities does not yet remember why it chose this relationship, then it is that the love lies in seeing into the physical vehicle, seeing and comprehending in trust and faith and without fear. Thus, each time that you see the unacceptable entity, it is very well for you to say to yourself, “I came here to love and serve. I do not have to be loved. I do not have to be understood. I do not have to be consoled. For all of these resources are within me.” This is the thought process, as you clear out the attic of mistaken ideas, that brings you closer and closer to high polarization and service to others. 1990/0916.txt:8:In order for an entity to be able to find the self that can do this, it was necessary to find that which is woven with free will in order to make a physical illusion, and work with it in such a way that you are at least temporarily able to untangle the strands of love and free will. When you see, and know, and trust the absoluteness of love, the mind may rest much easier, the heart may become aware of its truer intelligence, and the responsibilities of meeting the challenges of difficult relationships and impossible situations begins to change and transform in shape. 1990/1028.txt:27:We are impressed by this entity’s query, for it shows that the entity is familiar, instinctually, with new thoughts and new ideas upon the nature of metaphysical mathematics. It would, of course, be metamathematics, but it has its possibilities, although we find it doubtful that any could carry them forward. But you do live, moment by moment, in eternity, in infinity, in any Kingdom of Heaven, if so you wish it to be. That is an absolute. Resist or refuse faith, unconditionally, and you are left in believing those artifacts of which mankind has been the author. Of the two sources, the former is by far the more trustworthy and accurate. 1990/1111.txt:27:The troublesome question that remains is that simple question, “How can we know? Are we being duped? Are we being fooled? Are we giving our will over to the forces that we neither understand nor trust?” This may be addressed at another time. And for now, with many thanks to this quite exhausted entity for allowing us to use it for a conduit, we would at this time transfer to another instrument within the group. I am Q’uo. 1990/1111.txt:30:The only reason one would choose a life of devotion and worship is because one might apprehend the unseen hand of the true source of self within the [inaudible] and thusly yield, while becoming open and vulnerable to the spirit of love. The accepting of a channel is simply [inaudible] to the accepting of the self, as an assistant or servant to and for the source, the source that cannot mix with any free will of the world that you experience. Thusly, we suggest that as we again transfer to end the meeting, that the one known as K allow herself to be vulnerable to the spirit of love. That which can never be understood can at last be trusted, and with each entity that accepts the servant role of the manifestation that reflects the unmanifest, so does unmanifest light illimitable begin to move through such an entity building light not only in a metaphysical sense, but also in a very visible sense in which the difficulties of a situation are seen, not as implacable, but as that which creates opportunity for learning and growth. 1990/1116.txt:3:We apologize, yet all of this was appropriate, and we suggest that each instrument be likewise careful, cautious and trusting of its deeper hunches and instincts. Far better would it be to speak not a word than to speak [when] in doubt of the source of that word. For where we speak, words have no power. Our thoughts do not need such inadequate clothing and are clear in their fuller conceptual form. However, upon your sphere there is third-density illusion and words have a great deal of power. That is what created the opening for the greeting. 1990/1116.txt:4:This entity was preoccupied with the movements of power, forgetting, momentarily that there is only faith. It is not faith in an outcome, whether it be preferred or not, but faith in and of itself, absolute and whole. It is appropriate to do those things which are given for you to do within the illusion, it is, however, inappropriate to find your trust invested in people or institutions. For people shall die and institutions shall crumble. But all will be as it is and as it has always been, quite perfect. How the illusion pulls at you and how easily you yield to it. Is this a necessary portion of experience? Yes, it is necessary that each err and be mistaken as often as it takes in any present moment to affect a change in consciousness for those who polarize as we do towards service to others as an expression of their love for the infinite One. This renders appropriate concern and prayer for all involved. For in creation there is no separation. All that seems separate is illusory and temporary; all are held in utter safety and may rest in [the] Creator if they have faith. 1990/1125.txt:3:I am Q’uo. I greet each of you with great joy and gratitude in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is most delightful to us to be able to have the chance to attempt to share our thoughts with you, but we must ask, as we always make a point of asking, that our words not be taken as unexamined truth, for personal truth is different for each person, and that which may help another may be a stumbling block to you. Consequently, take that which is recognized by your own discrimination and discard any other words which did not make personal sense. Trust not any source but yourself, for within yourself lies a far better discernment than you know. It is within the grasp of each to imagine, but what you know is not that of which third density is greatly privileged to know, and although our illusion is more transparent, yet still we also seek to learn, as we are still aware of our own consciousness, and we have a long process ahead of us. So we feel not in any way different from you, for all consciousness is one. 1990/1125.txt:23:We have circled back to the key concept that creates the possibility for entities to take courage and move forward. It is when the self has been learned to the best of one’s ability that one may be able to carry a more and more impersonal and all compassionate consciousness, trusting that although you did not make this up within your lifetime, as the arena upon which you would play your part, you did choose it, but there is no proof that you did chose this program. There will never be spiritual proof, for you are a being of free will. That is, there will not be truth itself, but you can be in the immediate presence of the most high, the most infinite, Creator. 1990/1125.txt:41:However, we must add that the most important ingredient in this relationship and process of mirroring is the acceptance each of the other so that there is no need for change to occur for the entity to be accepted. When this level of trust has been established the foundation work has been accomplished and the structure of the relationship then may be built upon this firm foundation, and when there are difficulties that arise within the relationship, as most assuredly they will as a part of the playing out of catalyst, it is well for each to remind the other that the foundation of the relationship is acceptance, that is, not conditional, and which is all-embracing. 1990/1216.txt:19:The spiritual path begins with trusting yourself. Resources that are useful to the beginning mind—and as we say, all need the beginner’s mind in order to continue to learn and not to become self-satisfied—include various ways of communicating with the self. The most efficient of these, after meditation in silence, is the keeping of a journal, whether it be the dream journal, or the essay journal, or any kind of remembering journal where various difficulties are examined and ruminated about. All of these journals are helpful in opening a voice to you. In truth, this is the reason that each Christ has come into your illusion. At various times, as you call them, there have been great needs for the creation of a way, a gate, a bridge, betwixt the daily, limited, little life of the body and the infinite life of the soul. As you are both, it is greatly worthwhile to proceed with this investigation with all enthusiasm and intensity and passion. 1990/4.txt:10: [overview] Latwii: We ask each channel to speak that which it hears and nothing else, but to trust, once the work of tuning and challenging is done, that all will be well. For when the work is done correctly, when the challenge has been met and the baton taken, then it is that those who channel may release the integrated personality and surrender to that part of the personality that is not yet integrated, that is the deep mind. And it is from that deep mind and its analogous portion amongst your stars that we speak to you. 1991/0113.txt:36:It is very difficult for a well working spiritually oriented mated couple to be blind-sided and surprised by the difficulties of mundane life, for in that mated relationship which is sturdy, the structure has been built with love, with creative love. That cannot be defined, but we may say that romance is not a deep portion of the relationship that achieves oneness, but rather love itself, and the shared work of creating a stable and unified home of love. That is the beauty of the successful, continuingly agonizing, but continuingly hoping and thankful cocooned mated couple. Two people seeking together, trusting themselves, trusting each other, and trusting in love. 1991/0113.txt:37:Hope, trust, charity, love; these are only words. The reality lies deep in your hearts. Move, you poor in heart, into the richness of the heart visited by infinity, and see butterflies dancing amidst a metaphysical field of infinitely beautiful flowers. This is a gift you are paying for that will not be delivered within the incarnational experience for longer than moments at a time. You see the struggle, you see living in a sardine can, living in a cocoon. We see the maturation of a thing of surpassing spiritual power, delicacy and beauty. 1991/0120.txt:16:It is well to trust that all the personalities within have made their own quite lucid unification. It is equally clear that an entity cannot express at the same time all of that which it feels, thinks and is concerned about in a situation. There you have a window into the process of making choices. Come to know the voices that speak within, not so that you may silence them, necessarily, but so that you may recreate a list of priorities in which those voices and the behaviors that they have caused are of a far lower priority than the self forgiven, accepted and loved in the present moment. Claim this self, for this is who you are. There is no you but you. You are unique, a child of love who has made choices. Whatever you have done to this point, know that this is a new moment, as is each moment, and that all choices are equally open to you at all times. Yes, you must bear the consequences of the choices. One of the beauties of this density in terms of its being an excellent environment for learning is that entities are indeed held responsible for their choices. This enables the spiritually growing self to be aware of the importance of making choices. 1991/0127.txt:18:Fear, and the expression of fear, can be balanced by looking at the object of the fear, and then allowing love to teach, from within, in its own time, amidst confusion and darkness, how to see that same object affirmatively. Thusly, love casts out fear when love is invoked as a quality which will modify the noun of that object. Fear is no noun; fear is not a thing. The self which fears is not a thing, but an experiencer of illusion. Learning spiritually involves moving beyond that illusion in blind faith, and invoking a higher truth, higher than can be comprehended by the mind within the illusion. One must trust one’s heart for spiritual wisdom, for it is not within the mind. The mind overcomes, the heart loves, and when the heart is actively loving an object, fear does not have room to modify that same object, unless the love is not complete. And when one sees oneself in mixed feelings, one must once again face the object, for it is that catalyst to which you may choose your response. You may choose creatively, you may choose positively. You have these options at all times. 1991/0203.txt:7:Now, the faith that is so hungered for does not rise out of nothing. It begins with very simple faiths. Even as a young entity, one early begins to have faith that the sun will rise, and the sun will set, that the moon shall appear, and the stars, and then shall disappear in the blushing dawn of day. As your young ones grow in years, they find more and more things which may be trusted. These things are not often other entities, but more likely to be of your second density, the pets who love without reason, the trees which drop their leaves, root deep into the earth and then once again bloom in the yearly miracles of your springtime. Your entities learn gradually to work towards a faith in the conventional wisdom of the culture. 1991/0203.txt:8:And there, all comes to a screeching halt, for unless one is not very observant, one soon discovers that absolute fidelity, that which one may have faith in regardless, when applied to humankind, will fail. Not always, but sometimes. There is always the risk and a gamble in trusting another entity or the self, for if entities are made in the nature and image of the Creator, that image would not seem to include absolute trustability, but could the Creator be capable of such capriciousness as humankind? 1991/0203.txt:10:Once a seeker is aware that faith is not faith in the human self, one is then open to examine other possibilities of where to place faith. As one gazes up to the stars, one realizes the face of the Creator, as it is written in your holy works, moving across the face of the waters of your consciousness. And there is an intuition that says to this intelligence, far or near, I place and give my faith to this kindly, loving, nurturing Creator; I offer my trust. 1991/0203.txt:17:How can one be a faithful servant of the Creator? Perhaps the most difficult thing, and the central thing that a faithful entity does, is to lay aside the human self, that endearing and much beloved outer shell personality, in order that one may experience the treasure that lies within, the treasure that can only be approached with love and trust and faith, for doubt and mistrust are distancing emotions, and when entities think in that mode they remove themselves further and further from the shining sinecure of grace. The life of faith is a life lived in the limelight. One who lives in faith stands with a light that is bright that others may see. It is a kind of public undressing of the self, metaphysically speaking, to live a life in faith, for when one who is faithful perceives that in the midst of the confusion of mundane living there is a spiritual principle which must needs be upheld in order to be faithful, one must then abandon so-called human wisdom and express foolishly faith that appearances are deceiving, and that all is truly well. The essence of faith is the simple feeling that all will be well, and all is well. 1991/0208.txt:12:Greetings in the love and in the light of the infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. We appreciate this instrument’s low energy and will not use it for long, but we did wish to begin through this instrument as the configurations of energy within the group were much less regularized than usual because of the novelty of the situation experienced, that is, the strongest and purest channel asking not to be used, while being able to be used in a gentle manner. The one, who is, while experienced, less experienced than the others, being asked to discriminate without the solid backing of the trusted circle. The remaining channel desiring to aid, but not by opening the communication. Thus we open through this one and speak words of comfort and strength that the energies may be regularized, that it may be felt, that peace that descends upon those who focus their minds on a good and central purpose. 1991/0208.txt:17:We thank this instrument for its willingness to alter its own planned behavior out of trust that we would not contact an instrument in order to cause it harm. We shall leave this instrument. We find the flow of energy much regularized and much quickened and that is precisely what we had hoped. 1991/0222.txt:6:Ultimately we feel that being is all that there is. The doing is all a part of whatever illusion each is operating within at any given time. This is not to suggest that the doing is not worthwhile. Indeed, the doing may be the primary means whereby each entity works out his path of service. As in all else, the determination of the value of the doing lies in the intent. However, even with the highest of intentions for the doingness to be of service, the deep self will know the balances necessary for himself and, if it deems it necessary that the balance be moved from the doing toward the being, it will effect this change. In this process we would suggest that it is most helpful to attempt to proceed in the process of knowledge of the self, that the wisdom of the deep self may be felt, trusted and rested with. This may be a very difficult process for those among your peoples who are oriented toward the doing, especially as many of these also have strong biases towards being in control of the self and of the various situations which are encountered. 1991/0224.txt:18:Self-knowledge can also be called self-acceptance. Self-acceptance can also be called self-forgiveness. Self-forgiveness can also be called self-redemption. Within you lies all these things. Not because you are a wise and powerful being, but because the self is one with the Creator. Would you suggest to the Creator that It may be having a bad day? Would you berate the Creator for having roses grow from gravel? It is not likely that one who is not hit by outward catastrophe would find reasons to blame the Creator for that which is occurring to one. Thusly, as the realization begins to dawn through immediate experience that the Creator is truly within, that all lore and love flow through rather than from the self, the entity who wishes to channel is more and more able to invest in that tenuous quality called faith or trust. 1991/0228_02.txt:5:We would suggest that you again investigate yourself within this incarnational experience. Each entity is all that is lovely and all that is not. Yet each entity can make many choices which bias him or her towards being a loving, giving source of love; for in surrendering the life to serving, the entity becomes a miracle, a wonder. Let the self come to know, respect and love this entity more and more. Let this entity become the great comfort, protection and above all, companion. For when the self realizes its selfhood as a living testament to loving choices, the entity receives the greatest gift of all: true friendship, true companionship. This is not to say that an entity whose self is one’s best friend will ever seem impeccable, but to say that friendship and trustful companionship must begin with the self with all of its self-perceived errors. In accepting this friendship, the pores of the spiritual skin open to drink in the elixir of felt, palpable love. When you are friends with yourself, you can relax into an aloneness which retains the comfort of true friendship. 1991/0301_01.txt:7:We would move further and speak of another very true and real companion. Many are aware of this entity as Jesus the Christ. Others find it helpful to think of this Christed energy as the living Holy Spirit of the Christ, which speaks to the world yesterday, today, and forever. Imagine the spirit form of the one known as Jesus beside you and mentally take the hand that is offered. Thus, palm to palm, heart to heart, love divine to love in manifestation—a companionship of infinite trust, infinite mercy, infinite kindness, and infinite love is born and forged anew every moment. The need for companions along the way seems to the third-density eye impossible to be met when one is alone in the way in which it has chosen to walk the path of love and service to others. Yet every zephyr of breeze, every silent bird, and all that the senses experience are your loving companions; and the fellowship of the Christ, however it is perceived, is nearer than your breathing, closer than your hands or feet, infinitely more intimate than any third-density companion. So, in any weather of life, in storm or calm, it is the third-density entity which must call to remembrance in each present moment the very present help and companionship that those who are yet asleep do not find themselves perceiving. The love and caring is always there. It is the entity who must remember to open the door to that friendship, reach out the hand to that love which is so palpable one could almost imagine the incarnative form of the Christed One. 1991/0301_01.txt:8:Especially when outward circumstances seem murky and turgid with heavy cares, the seeker will find those cares lifted so easily away simply by remembering to reach out the hand to the friendship of the sanctified Christ. Now that sanctified presence is truly within each seeker, as is all the universe. You are the creator of your particular creation, and co-Creator with infinite Intelligence of that which is experienced and how it is experienced. Although you cannot be another’s creation, you cannot help but be the creator of your own. So, in making the choices from moment to moment, do not let your heart flag or falter because you are alone; for there is companionship more real than the manifested forms of your density, ever waiting for your simple recognition and acceptance. How loved all entities are! Yet without the intention to reach out in trust for that love, an entity may walk forever in a fog of self-created solitude. 1991/0301_01.txt:28:My greetings and love to you all. I am Aaron. It is a joy to be with you this morning, to feel the love and light that emerge from this group; and I thank the principle of Q’uo for that which has been shared. There is great comfort in hearing the same thing repeated by different voices. It is part of trust, because truly there is nothing I can say to any of you that you don’t already know. But our words reassure you and help you trust the wisdom of your own hearts. 1991/0301_01.txt:50:I suggest that it would be useful in meditation, as you feel the courage and readiness, to lift each strand and examine it. Don’t start with the heaviest ones. Build up your strength with the lighter ones. As you recall some moment of intense anger where the self felt attacked in some way by another self and felt that it was wronged, just gently look at that strand and the feelings that came, asking yourself, “What is this anger? Why is it here? What was its function? Do I still need it, or am I ready to set it down?” Always know that if you feel vulnerable and afraid, you may put it back again [into place] if you need to, trusting that as you grow you will have less and less need to do that. 1991/0302.txt:9:The mental body originates the fear. It is then picked up by the emotional body. For example, when you are in a car about to crash, at that moment you are safe; but you move from that present moment to an image of what you perceive will happen in the future. You feel yourself skidding, and suddenly you envision yourself folded against that tree beside the road—an image which comes from the mental body—or you move back to the past, to your past experiences with a similar situation. Again, fear arises from the mental body; so the mind creates that situation where fear may enter by moving out of the present and into the past or future. Then the emotional body picks up on that fear. It then moves on to the physical body, this being such a quick process that I would not expect you to be able to break it down. But there is immediate physical tension, and at that moment the fear enters. Fear cannot coexist with love. Along with love I also place those experiences of faith and trust. At that moment when fear is that strong, the spiritual body loses all sense of trust that this will be okay. 1991/0302.txt:12:Let us move from this to both Carla’s, J’s and K’s questions. Looking at K’s question of fear of her own inner authority versus an outer authority, of trusting herself, I remind you again that there is no fear in the present moment. K, when you are feeling this, can you take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Where is this fear?” Begin to gain that perspective that allows you to know that you are creating an outcome if you act in a certain way or remembering an outcome when you did act in a certain way; but that each moment is fresh, and you are not the same being who was in that situation before. You have learned not to trust your own inner authority, and now you are trying to learn to trust. And yet there is a sense of wanting to know that you are right before you claim that authority; there is that in you which says, “Maybe I’m not right,” and gets caught up in those fears and angers. Then it moves to resentment of that other being who feels more self-assurance that it is right. So you have fear and anger mixed together here: anger that you don’t have that same self-assurance, resentment against that being for its assurance, and a fear that maybe you’re not right. The fear itself diminishes the sense of inner knowing. 1991/0303_01.txt:7:You have heard me say many times that love and fear cannot coexist at the point where you understand fully that you have always been “that”—even though sometimes you act as if you were not—in that place there is total harmony with all that is. When you are trying to become “that,” there is disharmony and there is a state of fear. We spoke last night of the correlation between fear and separation, and why one outgrows that pattern. The first occurrence is a state that recognizes self-awareness, and out of that self-awareness comes the fear that there is something that one is not, something to be attained; and out of that fear arises a stronger sense of separation. Can you see that as long as there is something to be attained, the being feels some fear as to whether or not it is good enough, worthy enough of attaining that? But when the being fully trusts that it already is all that it has ever been and ever will be, then it allows that fragile bud to open so that the full beauty of the flower becomes visible. 1991/0303_01.txt:10:In essence, what I am suggesting here is that you learn to trust that when fear arises, that’s okay, that you don’t need to flee from that fear but just to greet it with an openheartedness that says, “Oh, here’s fear,” and relate lovingly to fear, allowing it to bring whatever lessons it brings. 1991/0303_02.txt:16:There is one more specific thing I want to say about your son. Please remember that each being is always exactly where it needs to be, regardless of surface appearances. For a parent with a child, this idea takes a high level of trust. You can open doors for him, but you cannot push him through those doors. You can do nothing with his anger but to love him and to love yourself. As you create that doorway through your own power of love, when he is ready he will walk through it. 1991/0303_02.txt:47:There is one further thing I would say here. So often you seem to hear two voices within you. One, that comes from the heart, is a voice of love, and one, that we would call the voice of the brain or of reason, is often a voice of fear. You have one voice within you that asks you to trust yourself and trust others, to allow yourself to open, to cherish that beautiful self within as a bud, bringing it into the sunlight of your love. And then there is the voice of fear, and it says, “Well I have work to do on myself. Maybe I’m not ready for a relationship.” Do you see the excuses there? Can you see the avoidance? There is always work to do on oneself, no matter how evolved you become. You are never complete but always in progress. Do you wait for perfection? Can you begin to see that it is the voice of fear that suggests that you wait and to ask yourself with some compassion, “What am I afraid of? What is this fear?”—not to track it down analytically as it grows out of this or that event of childhood, but to begin to see all the anger and lack of self-acceptance behind it and to relate to that with love and compassion? 1991/0303_02.txt:48:It is so hard to have compassion for yourselves. Each of you here would respond with great love if someone else had told you your own story. But to yourselves you turn only judgment and contempt. It is not that you need to become more lovable before someone will be interested in you enough to have a relationship with you. It is not that you need to become more lovable, to have enough to offer to another so that it seems right to offer yourself; rather, it is that you need to love yourself enough and to trust. 1991/0303_02.txt:49:Know that when you open and trust there may be pain. At times, the trust will not be met with the same level of love and trust. Begin to take everything in your life as a learning experience, to know that being alone and lonely is teaching you something, opening yourself and allowing yourself to be vulnerable to another is teaching you something. Finding a deep and loving relationship with another will teach you something. What is it that you need to learn? It is so hard to let go of the edge of one’s current perceived illusory limitations and strike out across the vast sea of consciousness, letting go of the shore, of the safety of that shallow and safe beach, to move into deeper water, not knowing where one is going. Indeed, one often feels like those early explorers who wondered if the world was flat and if they would fall over the edge. That story appeals to many because of the depth it holds in one’s own unconscious mind. How difficult to let go of the edge and proceed with faith and courage that one is always where one needs to be, and that the next learning offered, whether it is of loneliness of or love, is exactly what one needs. If one is able to accept that love that is offered and to move beyond the fears a bit, not getting rid of the fear but allowing it to fall away as it is no longer needed, then one finds that a world of love is offered. 1991/0320.txt:28:We salute you, my brothers and sisters, and we do indeed express sympathy. May you encourage each other. May you express your love and faith for each other and in each other and may you bring each other ever more close to that awareness of the “I AM” that is the center of all that there is. That place that is closer to you than your heart or your mind. That temple within which your spirit sits, while upon the physical plane all sorts of things are happening. Rest there in peace. We bless each and we thank this instrument for the care it took in challenging and for the trust it showed when it was asked to channel that which was not to be offered to others. 1991/0324.txt:10:He did not deny the history of his people, but when he felt, through intense years of prayer, the guidance of a voice which he trusted, he made himself available to do that which the Father had sent him to do. In the name of love, truth and life, he endured hate, lies and death itself. It was faith alone that allowed him to say, “Though these bones be dust, yet I shall be risen from the dead,” a spirit clean at last before the Lord God, clean of humanity, clean of trouble, clean of the depth of confusion that the incarnational experience inevitably offers. And he did, indeed, keep the promise he had made in faith. In that story lies the path to eternity for many millions of your peoples. He created a life worth the telling by the purity of his desire to serve his Father, the Creator of all that there is. 1991/0324.txt:16:Thusly, we have always encouraged entities who seek spiritually to do so honestly and naturally, having infinite patience for the wayward, conscious self. It is in fact a breach of the love of self to use any crutch whatsoever to gain knowledge of the most high, for it is an action of one who does not love or trust the self as much as it loves and trusts other selves. It finds itself quite unworthy, and must needs use this crutch to gain access to spiritual awareness. Entities, therefore, that have experienced difficulty because of using a crutch of any kind that alters the consciousness of the self, will find themselves in a difficult position, for they have attempted to serve others before they have learned to love themselves, and therefore to love others without stint. 1991/0324.txt:28:Have compassion on the clay that carries you. Have compassion on the soul which was not reckoning with the limitations of incarnation, who asked far too much. Know that there is not the one test given to all, the one body of service of knowledge that must be known by all. Know instead that insofar as you have trusted and have faith in yourself and hoarded yourself as a miser would, so that each gift and talent may be offered as directed by the spirit, so the seeker has learned to use more and more clear and lucid polarity, not asking that self be negated, but asking that the self be used to its utmost capacity. 1991/0602.txt:13:We may conclude this query in considering that which we have described as fire. It does not come to one and not to another. It is explicit in the unfolding of circumstance. If an entity wishes to hear the voice of the Creator, to hear aloud the appropriate service described, it must wait for the rhythms of destiny to unfold in their spontaneous way. Nothing, including a surety of service, is intended for those within your plane of existence to hear and mark. Rather, the opportunity is instantaneous, and it is the entity who has surrendered all private desires to respond to the situation, not questioning whether it be one’s service, but moving from a position of spiritual abundance and rest to trust in the spontaneous opportunity for service at the level of instinct. The appropriate meditation, then, upon the will of the one infinite Creator, is the trustful relaxation into apparent ignorance. 1991/0707.txt:11:It, of course, is a difficult task to learn anything, and doubly difficult when all the books are open but there is no illumination by which one may read the simple, generous and lovely answers from the textbook. You can only hold that Book of Truth that is your heart’s wisdom in a trusting awareness, and so give up yourself to yourself by your self-compassion, that this beloved wisdom begins to soften that which is you, not that which you think or that which you feel or that which you do, but that which is. You are a verb, not a noun. You are not a thing. You are. The simplicity of this beingness eludes the mind, and refuses to obey any particular form of behavior. As the seeker moves along this self-perceived path, it acts and thinks and talks and believes that it is those activities, there being no evidence to the contrary; but, as you turn and face the inevitable distortions involved in the process of perception itself, it is easier to see that the path of the seeker is not going to fall along any planned or consciously desired outcome, unless that happens to be a natural fruit of your particular being. 1991/0712.txt:40:I am Q’uo, and we are once again most grateful for your invitation to us to join your group and to work with the instruments that are present. We find that the one known as K is becoming more flexible in her ability to receive and to transmit our thoughts, doing so in a manner which suggests that the confidence in this process is building even upon the subconscious levels in spite of any conscious doubts. This is due to the basic trust in... 1991/0721.txt:9:We are the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is a great blessing for us to be called to your group at this time and we bless and thank each whose desire for the truth cannot be denied when we come together in one bright circle of light to seek that truth. We, too, are pilgrims on the path of truth, and we, as you, make many errors; we are not infallible. We ask you not to think of us as authorities but as fellow travelers. Perhaps our feet have moved through more dust, perhaps we have experienced more, but still the Creator is a mystery. So how can we ask you to trust us as an authority? Nay, my friends, trust your own hearts, for if it is your truth, you will not learn it; you will recognize it. If you do not recognize it, release it, for we would not be a stumbling block before you. 1991/0922.txt:5:We of the Confederation in the Service of the One Infinite Creator, make such commitments and are able to keep them, because we are able to see, in a way that you are not, the harmonics of interpersonal relationships. We are able to see if there are tone clusters that can never be resolved. We are able to see if there is that within a twosome, a threesome, a foursome or a social memory complex that will hold, that will keep its centre, that will not fly apart. My friends, each of you is a third-density student, regardless of what you were before you incarnated upon this planet. As you came into this world you accepted darkness, spiritual blindness, and an unknowing so deep that it beggars the imagination. The only tools that you have, and the only tools that you do have now or will ever have within this incarnation, are the spiritual biases with which you came into this incarnation, and which have been worked upon within this incarnation. You do have comrades along the way, but that service that you wish so much to give is being given. It is simply that there are some harmonious threesomes or foursomes in a third density and there are many who are not harmonious, as this instrument would say, to the bone, and so must deal with each other and find it very educational, shall we say, to learn to deal with each other, trusting entirely in the good wishes of each other, having no fears that any will be rejected and simply continuing to do that which feels appropriate, knowing that as the work did not begin because of an event which you have called contact with the one known as Ra, so it did not end with the ending of that contact. Your service did not begin with your birth and it shall not cease with your death. 1991/0922.txt:9:Each has been trustworthy, each has given, and each has suffered. Feel this, respect this and honor this. Things that you do not see are always at work in you, and if you wish to glorify that mystery that is within you then as these things work within you they work in such a way as to open the heart, to clear the eyes and the voice and the ears, to sensitize the heart to the wisdom it may feel but not explain. We ask you not to see any portion of this experience as beginning, middle or end. You did not begin, you are not ending. You have worked together before, you shall work together again. You have given the best of yourselves, you have done so before and you will in the future. You are comrades along the way. 1991/0922.txt:12:But to move to the true value that you have been to each other, as well as the Creator and others for whom you intended the service, we ask you to look at who you are, what you have sacrificed to be with each other, what you have attempted with the best heart possible to you to offer. Soft words that have been spoken when harsh words filled the mouth and the mind. Trust that came from the heart while the mind was holding back saying, “I am afraid.” You have been courageous with each other. You have trusted. You have gone beyond that which you thought you could do. My friends, each has grown. Each a teacher to each. Let the benediction of your love for each other, that you have had such difficulty in expressing, fill your heart. Pause in this moment and feel this great love that you share. 1991/0922.txt:17:We would ask you lastly to think about the implications of becoming a social memory complex. We have said one does not learn to become a social memory complex by the mating of individuals alone. Just as important is the relationship that you have with all others. Whether you experience that relationship as positive or negative, successful or failing, you are attempting to learn the mind that is yourself but not yourself, that mind that is hidden from you by the illusion of separation. And rest back in the knowledge that in addition to all guidance that is unseen, each of you has learned that there is a—we correct this instrument—totally trustworthy entity in each other. Someone with whom it is safe to speak of things that are painful. Someone who you know will not harm you in any way that is intended. Someone that you know will not be petty or mean. Someone whom you can trust to give its best not only on your behalf but in any concern that you might have. 1991/0928.txt:18:Each energy expresses itself uniquely through each unique entity, so the balance in each ray for one is not necessarily the balance for another. The job of the seeker is constantly to attempt to keep those energy [inaudible] clear in whatever way the entity has learned. It is especially so in orange-ray difficulties, where not only does the entity have things about himself which he sincerely dislikes, but is being bombarded by others who also have a sincere dislike, distrust or fear of the entity. 1992/0307.txt:20:You are already a being of perfect love and light. So staying out of your way is a tremendous service to yourself and to others. [With] all of the intelligence and analysis that you can produce through the time of your incarnation, you cannot yield up one more iota of light. That is the totality of your being to begin with. So, my friends, go within and trust that that which you are to be [or do] is least of all a function of that mind which analyzes and far more [truly] the function of your ability to feel comfortable being one who is loved totally by the Creator. If you are loved, you can then love, no matter what other function you may have in this illusion. Love, my friends, is the heart of your gift to those about you and to yourself. 1992/0409.txt:31:This is truly the essence of it: relaxed and free, not willing, not planning, just being and trusting that you will be placed where you need to be to serve as you are asked to serve. You do not need to set up such situations of service so much as to allow them to happen. You allow them to happen by purifying your own energy, by constant work on yourselves, by prayer, by your constant offer to be of service without grasping at that service, and by deep awareness that when you say, “I need to serve,” that is a manifestation of unworthiness and of ego—”I need to serve so I can feel better about myself.” Well, fine, but first feel better about yourself and then all the service you want will pour through you. It really is as simple as that. 1992/0410.txt:40:The being experiencing deep fear who watches the patterns of the arising of that fear and then makes a choice for love is acting with freedom from conditioned patterns and thus is able to make skillful choices. The more you see this in yourself without judgment, the deeper awareness you are able to have of that moment of choice: “Here I can act with conditioned mind and the old patterns of fear,” or, “Here I can act with awareness of the patterns in which conditioned mind pushes me and choose to say no to that, to trust and move in a new direction.” 1992/0410.txt:50:Go higher! This is work best done when one is, as this instrument would say and as we trust you soon shall be, “full of beans,” and not for those days when, like the cloudy, pearly skies, you feel muted and reflective. However, this technique makes a welcome and energizing change to the endless repetitions of analysis, understanding and acceptance of experience. It is a leap of blind, pure faith from immediate experience to immediate acceptance. Only choose this option when it is honestly within your abilities. 1992/0503.txt:5:Let us begin with our name for ourselves. We have called ourselves “the brothers and sisters of sorrow,” for we are social entities whose members have decided to move far from our planetary home to speak to those who sorrow, who stumble, who are faced with deeply central choices, when the surrounding atmosphere is one which is profoundly lacking in accurate, trustworthy information upon which to base choice. We speak to one entity at a time. “We are not those who will save the planet.” You may put that phrase in quotations. 1992/0510.txt:4:How blessed we feel to be with you, to feel the blending of your meditative vibrations, to experience amidst the complexities of each of your conscious minds the single-minded desire for truth. We thank you, for this is the call which brings us to you and enables us to offer our humble service—that of our opinions. We only ask of each one thing, and that is that our words be taken as opinion and not fact, for there is no authority in outer words, but if our words meet with your feeling of remembrance of truth, then you may trust your own authority. Otherwise, we ask that our words be left behind. 1992/0531.txt:13:In the moving from the first rapturous experience of love for this principle to the desire to codify it, the entity or group has moved from the open heart to what must always in the end be the closed mind. The trip is typical of your peoples, who are not encouraged by your culture to dwell, abide and trust in the wisdom and compassion of the heart, but have learned through many dealings with other entities to put up the structures which are ways of communicating belief systems easily, and are therefore capable of being discussed more easily. The intellectual discussions concerning belief systems is circuitous and tautological; however this only makes the pursuit more appealing to many who simply do not wish to change, but rather to consider endlessly the various delightful aspects of a certain and known truth. 1992/0531.txt:20:Entities may come together in faith in the mid-air of absolute faith. Not the faith that says, “I believe this and this and this,” but the faith that trusts and believes that all is as it should be, all is truly well. This quality of faith survives war, disease, loss, limitation, death and the myriad other ills facing one in physical body form. 1992/0705.txt:5:The way of those within the illusion wherein one cannot usually hear the thoughts of others is to take others at their word in trust, and to take the self not at one’s own word, but with each and every thought which is unexpressed held like a load upon the back. Thusly, it seems appropriate to serve others, but there is a chip upon your shoulders in your attitude toward yourself. 1992/0705.txt:14:Thusly, service to others directly denotes the allowing of others to love the self. This is often the most difficult relationship lesson of all, for if one is not in love with the self, how can one believe or have trust and faith in the illuminating light and love pouring into one’s heart from another? There is no basis for trust, for the self is not willing to trust the self. It is an irony of the third and fourth-density illusions that more and more energy is consumed in the desire to love, to open the self to more and more complete service to others, while there remains the grudge against the self. It is as though each were running away from the self, throwing the self into as many seemingly good actions as possible, in an attempt to even the terribly lopsided score of unworthiness of the self. 1992/0712.txt:13:You can, and may well, take the uncomfortable self and visualize the giving of healing and love to this self. You would do just such for another. You also may do this for the self. When the self is somewhat comforted, the gaze again may be turned to the observation and watching of the working out of the destiny requested by the purified desire already spent. Faithfully and trustingly place the deeper observational self, with eyes clear and alert, at the right hand of all that occurs; but ask for the patience and the faith to remain an observer while a process seems to be working itself out. 1992/0712.txt:14:All your work as an entity of spirit is groundwork laid in before confusion overtakes one. Once the cloud of confusion is there, the realization simply may be maintained and remembered that this was asked for, this is occurring, and this is a time-bound phenomenon. In this way, you are able to affirm your own desires, to comfort your own discomfort, and to position the heart open and lovingly addressing the confusion in tones of faith in the process and trust in the kindly nature of the Creator, which allowed you as co-creator to create this vortex of transformation and to go through it, powered by desire. 1992/0719.txt:11:In your density you are not privy to the private thoughts of other selves. You may think that other selves have more pristine thought processes. This assumption is likely to be false, yet you are able to forgive and accept other selves a hundred times more easily that you are able to accept the self. We say to you that you do not need to accept the self all at once. Since you are home to yourself at all times you have a long relationship with your own student persona. Trust in that relationship, and be to yourself as the excellent teacher, one who encourages the student, one who accepts the student’s errors, pointing them out and then giving another quiz or test which the student now may pass with honors, having learned the facts as opposed to erroneous and mistaken facts of a given situation. 1992/0927_02.txt:11:Now, let us return to the student coming from the cave. Into the sunlight comes the student, not perceiving any truth except the desire to avoid being beaten about the head. This is your situation. Into this situation come a great company of those who would aid, not far from you or unavailable during activity but as near as memory. You are required to ask for help. When help is requested, mentally, that help flows and the open heart receives it and feels its healing touch in every cell. As each knows, so to speak, it is not the vision that fails, not the love, the compassion, the ideals, but that self which cannot empty itself of the dregs of used up experience. Trust the plangent cords of memory to sustain the learning implicit in each and every perceived error and block. Then allow the self to open slowly, slowly, until the feeling of relaxation is such that you are not threatened by the act of will of uncovering the self within and allowing these dregs to be poured out. Visualize even if this helps that you are giving this distillation of disappointment, frustration, and other seemingly negative emotions into the all-healing Earth energy which is all about you. 1992/1014.txt:37:We encourage you in your struggle and would hope to give comfort with the suggestion that as this experience of sorrow and grief continues, that there will be born within you the ability to withstand it and even to overcome that which seems to overcome you at this time. There is a great plan within each entity’s life which is the pattern, the dance within the illusion. Each entity has before the incarnation chosen this pattern in order that it might balance and intensify and refine those qualities gathered before this illusion that are felt to be of primary importance in learning of the mystery of creation and in the honor of service. Each entity must trust the destiny that has been chosen and fuel that trust with the will to persevere, knowing that even if confusion and sorrow and suffering have their day, there is the resolution at some point within this illusion so that each seeker will find the indication that it is truly upon the right path. 1992/1029.txt:45:When you notice the arising of that fear, if it can become a catalyst to have compassion for this being that is feeling fear, it begins to crack open the door—just a tiny bit of compassion, just a tiny bit of light coming in. It serves as a reminder: “I am stuck in the illusion. This is reality, this tiny sliver of light. Follow it. Trust it.” 1992/1029.txt:52:So, first there must be the awareness: “This is defended behavior. This is casting me deeper into the illusion of separation.” Then you may notice the judgment arising: “I should not do that.” But, my dear one, if this were a small creature, a squirrel perhaps, and you chased after it with a stick and it turned and ran, would you say, “It should not do that. It should trust me”? If such a small creature attacked you in its fear, would you say, “It should not do that. It should trust me”? Or would your heart reach out to this small creature whose fear was so intense that it had to flee or attack? You would feel compassion for it. 1992/1030.txt:47:What he did not understand was that this massacre in some way was necessary for them to learn peace. Had those beings come together and formed a peace treaty and signed it, it would have been a very fragile kind of peace. There was not a tribe there that did not suffer from the outburst of fear. There was not a tribe there who could not take those experiences home and say, “If we had peace, this would not happen.” There was no one to blame. Everyone’s fear was involved in it. This was what they needed to learn. They had tried gentler ways of learning and not been able to learn. The peace that was created some few years later was built on that experience of loss, of pain. That loss and pain was an exclamation of the need to open their hearts and trust one another so as not to continue to destroy each other. 1992/1030.txt:49:Compassion can also be misused in this way. I have spoken very, very often with people about compassion and codependence, that it is hard to have faith in a situation and give loving energy to that other being whose energy is distorted into unskillful patterns, but to say no to those unskillful patterns, that you will not aid them. Compassion becomes distorted into, “I want to help.” But as soon as you say, “I want to help,” you must ask yourself, “Why do I want to help? Is their pain too uncomfortable for me so I want to fix their pain? Can I trust the whole situation, come back to faith and to love, attend the fear in my own heart, seeing how my pain reflects their pain? What do I find when I get in touch with that fear in myself? Who is it that I want to fix—them or me? Do I want to fix them so I will not have to pay attention to the distortions within myself, because the mirror will have been removed that reminds me of those inner distortions? Can I have faith that this friend or loved one is in a painful situation, that I am in a painful situation, because there is something to learn? Can I truly say, ‘Thy will be done,’2 and stop trying to make anything special happen, just be present with whatever is with as much love as I can?” 1992/1101.txt:12:How can we express to you the importance of your accepting the gifts of both intellect and heart’s intuition and wisdom except to suggest that if one trusts one’s destiny enough and if one trusts one’s basic universal nature enough the balances will be offered in ways which engage both the intellect and the heart. Therefore, we suggest to you several things. Firstly, we suggest the entity respecting both tools, the intelligences of the mind, both shallow and limited, and deeper and broader, and the wisdom of the heart. Also, we suggest the focusing upon the worshipful side of the human, shall we say, nature. How natural it is to respond to the beauty about one, to flower under the kind attentions or smiles of friends or acquaintances or strangers. The more that trust in one’s destiny and one’s validity as an eternal and infinite being are taken as sure, the more sure-footed the entity shall be at utilizing in a skillful and graceful manner all of the assets which it has. The mistrust of self and circumstance create very nearly all of the confusions within one’s incarnation. With enough trust and faith, that which is becomes transparently joyful and vital. 1992/1101.txt:13:We may say, to move back to this instrument’s very different experience at this juncture from the experience of the past, that when an entity is repeatedly tested and has made several choices to learn more, to serve more, and to be more in the same incarnation, there comes to the process a somewhat smoother or more speedy or more apparent alteration, change, or more correctly transformation. It is as though having trusted blindly, repeatedly, the next occasion which calls for the greatest trust, though it be one degree more difficult, it is also met by a more tempered incarnate entity, and, therefore, if the entity consciously realizes that there is a choice to be made, a new lesson to be taken up, it can then affirm its appetite for the vital push and shove, confusion and disturbance of the lesson to come. 1992/1108.txt:16:What entity with this fear has not approached the sexual act feeling more and more, in the midst of pleasure, that it is somehow using a vital energy? This is true of both male and female. It is only in the atmosphere of shared trust that the energies which are indeed put out and lost in that way by both male and female in sexual release are taken in and used to balance both male and female. Fear stops this energy exchange, and in more subtle movements of male/female energy, the same kind of fear limits and distorts the experience and causes imbalance to progress within the entity which has fear. 1993/0117.txt:36:I will slow down as much as I am able. When there is a gap between the continuity of my energy, Barbara drifts in and out of the state needed to most clearly channel me. It will take some practice on her part to sit there for some moments with a blank and trust that the next thought is coming. 1993/0117.txt:49:Can you allow each arising of “What about me?” to become a reminder: “Can I observe this fear? Can I smile at the ego kicking and screaming and let go? Can I really trust that if something needs to be done there will be a way for it to be done?” No, that does not mean you can lie back and let someone else take care of it. Effort is required. But what is the doing about? Is it an assertion of ego, at least in some part, or does it take you closer to connection and deeper love? 1993/0118_02.txt:56:Know that you may retreat. That is not a failure. There is no “should” here, only a desire to stay as open as possible, to feel undefended in this very loving circle of friends. And yet in that undefendedness to know that the excesses and stray thoughts that you condemn in yourself may be felt by others. Can you trust another’s compassion for you as you move deeper into your own compassion for them? 1993/0207.txt:4:In speaking of the best way to enable your mind and heart to be satisfied with the balance between surrender and active change we find we need to move to a larger canvas and ask each if there is a serious question as to the wisdom or the charity inherent in the life pattern which is now being enjoyed more or less by each. This decision is critical, for if the seeker finds a faith and a trust in the overall plan and agenda, metaphysically speaking, for this particular incarnational experience, then much of the obfuscation which shadows the clear path may be taken out of the way, for if the incarnational plan or agenda is accepted as one which yields lessons in love and opportunities for service, then the outer picture from day to day has less ability to shake the basic steadfastness of attitude and temperament. 1993/0214.txt:4:I am Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. What a pleasure and a privilege it is for us to be with you in your meditation this afternoon. The mingled vibrations are such a blessing to us, and it is a privilege to join in your circle of seeking and light. As always, we are sharing our opinion, and ask that each use his discriminatory powers in listening to this or any material offered for spiritual seeking. Trust in your discrimination, take what is for you—what seems remembered instead of learned—and leave the rest behind you, for we would not be a stumbling block for any. 1993/0214.txt:30:I am Hatonn. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. How beautiful your mingled vibrations are. We join you in joy and rest within each of you, for you do give us rest. The giving of service is our rest and our freedom, and we thank the one known as (name) for hoping that we would be with you at this time. Each of you is so radiant, so full of love. You do not know what you do as you seek and hope and love, but you are lightening the consciousness of your entire planetary sphere. We encourage each of you to consider yourselves worthy, to consider yourselves helpful, to acknowledge that you are channels of light. We do not say this to puff up the pride, but to stay the heart in trust and faith. We encourage you to make valid to yourself your nature, to know and affirm again and again that you are in the Creator and the Creator in you, and that as you breathe in and breathe out your entire creation is changed. 1993/0228.txt:11:We suggest that it is well, then, to heed [the] estimate of one’s own abilities, neither puffing them up nor underestimating them. One last thought. There is one avenue in which moderation is not suggested. That is in the area of what you may call moral or ethical judgment. When faced with that which from within speaks to one of right and wrong, this sense within may be heeded without moderation as one searches for the choice which will polarize. In your holy work there is the admonition to let your yes be yes, your no be no. This immoderate firmness reflects not upon any subjective limitations of capacity but, rather, is the examination of the abstract principle. When this feeling of right and wrong is awakened, respect that ethical sense within and allow the yes to remain purely yes and the no to remain purely no. The importance of respecting this ethical impulse within cannot be overestimated. It is the foundation stone of the whole world of spiritual principles which simplify themselves more and more as experience is gained in trusting that sense of ethical rightness or justice. 1993/0228.txt:17:I am Q’uo, and we too are filled with joy at being part of the give and take of spiritual seeking. We have found this instrument to be somewhat fearful about channeling concerning its own queries, its own concerns. Insofar as this has escalated to a fear of being a poor instrument this concern has been regrettable. Why is there a fear of getting it wrong? Why not the giving up of the self in complete trust? In each seeker’s life there are times when the answers seem very, very important. Yet there need be no fear concerning the gathering of information about this matter, whatever it may be. Wherein this instrument, the lack of fear has worked against it in its evaluation of physical limitation, its fear has worked against it in the gathering of information about how to correct its behavior. 1993/0321.txt:29:You are what I call angels in earthsuits. Both are real. You are in a physical body. Without that physical body, without the emotional body, the angel would be deprived of the catalysts that this incarnative state so readily offers. Without the angel, the earthsuit is sterile. As Q’uo has pointed out, it is far easier to focus on the angelness and look with disdain on the earthsuit. There is a sense of wanting to move to a purer level where the earthsuit is no longer necessary; and in this way you grasp at graduating from this plane, rather than just being on this plane where you are and trusting that this is where you need to be. You are each exactly where you need to be. 1993/0321.txt:46:There must be constant awareness, a noticing of the beginnings of a dialogue with fear, a willingness not to get caught up in that fear and be reactive to it. Certainly there is so much pain that you experience that there is good reason to get caught up in the fear. All you can do is to remind yourself each time fear arises, “Trust. Trust even this fear. Can I allow myself to enter this illusion fully with as much love as I can bring to it?” 1993/0322_02.txt:6:I am aware that no matter how clearly I offer to give my energy, my ego creeps in, and I become afraid that I can’t trust what I am doing because I know there is distortion. How do we work with that—the distortion that humans create? 1993/0323.txt:6:We wish each to know of the depth of our gratitude that we have been able to dwell at some length upon the topic you have called us to your group to consider. Again, we ask that our thoughts be seen as offered without authority. Your discrimination shall tell you what is for you. Leave the rest behind without a second thought, for there is an abundance of guidance for those who trust their ears and their hearts each day as to the wisdom of that day. 1993/0323.txt:22:We emphasize that you have free will. We emphasize responsibility. In essence, this veil and the matter of faith offer you the opportunity to exercise that free will and responsibility without clearly knowing what you are doing, just trusting that light within you and the way it connects you to all that is. Through each incarnation lived in faith you grow into deeper readiness for that responsibility. You are responsible for what you know. To know, to have deeper wisdom and understanding, carries deeper responsibility. Without the deep support of faith, that responsibility would seem too great a burden. 1993/0323.txt:33:Picturing that being in the dark room the first time it opens the shutters, it may not even have realized that there was light outside. The light seems so bright it feels blinded by it and must close the shutters again quickly. But it soon learns to enjoy and trust that light. It becomes a pattern. When it looks around and sees that the room is too dark, it remembers, “I can open the shutters.” 1993/0323.txt:73:Time and time again, the seeker goes to sit at the table of the Lord, knowing that sometimes a banquet will be offered and sometimes the table will remain bare. It is not the seeker’s place to choose which will be, only to sit with as much love as it can give at that bare table and trust that this is the experience that is given and it will suffice. It is not the seeker’s place to cling to the banquet, only to fully enjoy that experience of deepest connection when it is experienced and then let it go. 1993/0323.txt:77:I understand how hard this is for the human. I have been through the process of incarnation and have strong memory of the pain of such darkness. I can only tell you that the route out of that darkness is your willingness to be patient and trust: “There is that in this darkness which can serve and teach me. I will wait patiently with it, keeping my heart open, keeping the windows and doors open until the light reappears.” 1993/0323.txt:82:I am Aaron. Remember your divinity, my dear ones, through prayer, meditation, whatever connects you. I earnestly hope that you will allow yourself the experience of that divinity on a daily basis while remembering that if you sit in prayer or meditation and experience only this human sitting in prayer or meditation, then that is what you need to experience. For that moment, that is your experience of divinity. Trust it will unfold as it needs to. You need only be present. 1993/0508.txt:44:I am Q’uo, we remark at this instrument’s sense of humor. The healing session done from the standpoint of one who accepts and allows the free flow of healing energy and which trusts and has faith in the intelligence of this energy is effective to perhaps a deeper degree than the session done from the standpoint of keen awareness, however, the keenness is especially useful in preparation for a healing session to bring the nerve within to a fine tuning so that the healer is fully awake and aware within the self. Then in the actual session this keenness rests ever so lightly on the unified ocean of serene calm in which metaphysical healing takes place. So, each attitude is effective, one more so before the session when preparations are made within the self, the other for use within the session when the energies of faith are most appropriate. 1993/0606.txt:34:When these resources have been heard and whatever action that is possible has been taken—even if only to prepare for action—then it is that the entity must trust and have faith that all it can do and all that is appropriate to be done, it has done. By having this faith, the entity is affirming that all is, indeed, well, and has added that ingredient of faith into the mix of catalyst to serve as what you may call a kind of yeast that will affect the outcome, shall we say, in a manner which is most appropriate, considering the various qualities, energies and entities involved. 1993/0620.txt:12:When one is transparent then all things whatsoever color one, touch one, affect one. When one opens in transparent trust and love allowing the radiance of the original Thought to pour through one then that which is natural to that entity simply is in front of that entity. The choice has been to bear witness to the infinite Creator. Thus, if this purely vibrating entity is offered either the bicycle or the concert the transparent entity simply gazes upon each activity with the question, “How may I serve in this environment?” If the entity vibrates more in love and praise while physically active then this is the greater path. If the transparent entity vibrates more radiantly as a passive listener then the entity joyously sits and serves in praise and thanksgiving for this beauty all about. 1993/0710.txt:7:You will notice that this instrument does not request conditioning, although it occasionally will receive a mouth movement or something of that kind. However, this instrument has much experience in learning to trust in the contact once the work of tuning and challenging has been done and perhaps we would encourage the new instrument to think of conditioning and indeed the concern about whether there is a contact, as part of a process whereby the instrument simply gains experience so that the process becomes known and the rhythm can be felt as the channeling continues from the first phrase. 1993/0822.txt:35:There is a query but I don’t know if there is an answer right now, and that just has to do with why I would want to do this. I feel that I have in the Confederation entities an excellent source of information and I fail to really see why I would need a personal guidance, other than the Holy Spirit that I always trusted and that I probably felt was moving me around by hunch and by guess rather than by anything, kind of A, B, C ... you know, out there where you can write it down and prove it. I always was satisfied to live my life that way and it’s always worked so far. So for myself I never have desired to seek any further about guidance than just knowing that the Holy Spirit will guide me. 1993/0925_01.txt:17:Having made the decision to live one’s life in service to others, one is constantly confronted by that fear in oneself which leads to grasping and aversion to self-service. Service to others and service to self are not mutually exclusive. This is a misunderstanding. Let us return to that imaginary being with the apple, whom we introduced last night. The apple is offered, seeing the child’s hunger. But what if it were the only food that the apple holder had, and that apple holder had also not eaten for several days? Is that thought, “I also am hungry,” an evil thought? We chop the apple in half and trust that further sustenance will be offered to each. 1993/0925_02.txt:35:The difficulty, then, is sorting out these voices in yourself and learning to trust the sincerity of the loving motivation and not get into a dialogue with the negative part of the motivation, but simply acknowledge that it is there. If you deny it, then it becomes empowered. If you acknowledge it and smile to it and turn back to the positive part of the motivation, you deny power to your fear. I call this not getting into a dialogue with fear. 1993/0925_02.txt:37:So, first there must be acknowledgment that there is multiple motivation. When you are faced with a choice, you look at what grows out of a loving and connected place and what grows out of fear. And second, while acknowledging the fear, you refuse to get caught in the story of it. This takes practice. You are never going to do it perfectly and that is okay. But with practice, the skill grows: “I know this is fear and I don’t have to get sucked into it.” The more you practice with this, the more you trust the impulses of your heart. 1993/0925_02.txt:39:There was both love and pain between A and B. B suggested to A that since B was living in the house A had previously owned before their partnership, it felt excluded because it now contributed to that home. It suggested changing the mortgage, changing the bank accounts, whatever. It does not matter what they would change, but changing it so as to share more equitably. A agreed to that with some hesitation, but A sincerely felt, “If I want to live my life in love and trust with this being, the first step is to trust it.” So, A offered to B half of its possessions, let us say. 1993/0925_02.txt:40:After the papers were signed, B turned around, not immediately but soon after, and betrayed A. It doesn’t matter how. But there was real betrayal, which led to filing for divorce, leaving A feeling not only heartbroken by the betrayal of B but also in a drastic financial situation. A said, “What did I do wrong? I followed my heart. I trusted and all it led me to is betrayal.” A very painful story. 1993/0925_02.txt:43:It is highly possible that A is being offered the opportunity to let go of having to make things happen a certain way, being offered the opportunity to trust not only the “good” but also the “bad” in its life. It is very hard when one must go through that, but if one lets go of trying to make it come out a certain way and relaxes into what is, then one can find love and healing even in the midst of pain. 1993/0925_02.txt:46:So, karma does enter into it. It is hard to understand that. You are not given the ability to clearly see your past lives. There must sometimes be much faith that even when life hands you difficult circumstances, you still can trust. 1993/0925_02.txt:49:Finally, A may be offered the opportunity to look at the multiple motivations in itself, that it shared its fortunes with B with a high degree of love and desire, aspiration to strengthen their relationship, but that there was also perhaps denial of any sense, “This being is not trustworthy”—denial of the fear in itself of letting go of a relationship with a non-trustworthy B. 1993/0925_02.txt:51:You must get this straightened out in yourselves by paying close attention to the multiple reasons for your choices, starting to see those motivations that are prompted by love and what part of it is prompted by fear, not hating yourself for the fear, but not being drawn into dialogue with that fear. This is what leads you not to be drawn into dialogue with another’s fear, but to say no and to trust, “This is the least harmful thing I can do.” Harming another by ownership is still harm. If you allow another to step on you, and hold your tongue, even if you are not hating them for doing that, you’re still harming them. It is a very fine line. 1993/0925_02.txt:131:I will tell her when there is something that could be dangerous. For instance, in a car, at one point she had begun to move from the left lane into the right lane because there was a car behind her that wished to pass. As she began to pull into the right lane, the car that was behind her speeded up and started to pull beside her into that same right lane to pass her on the right, the driver driving erratically, angrily. He honked his horn, but of course Barbara did not hear that. Here I did step in, simply saying, “Left, left,” and Barbara trusted my voice enough not to pull into the right lane but to swerve back left again, and the driver sped past. 1993/0925_02.txt:197:This was an echo of previous history in which the makers of Earth had seen the negative contact with their creations—the people of Earth—and they tried to protect them somehow, not trusting people’s ability to learn from this negative contact. And this protectiveness by these beings who founded Earth became itself a negative catalyst; and further ... yes! ... it was the birth of fear on Earth! 1993/0925_02.txt:200:Aaron says two things. He says, “Thank you!” to you. (I’m paraphrasing here.) He’s saying that there is a force field of sorts around the Earth. They cannot use fear. They use love as the energy of this force field to prevent encroachment by negative energy. There’s a force field of love which prevents highly negative energy from encroaching, because they’re repelled by this force field. But energies such as the Pleiadians are not negatively polarized, simply, in Aaron’s viewpoint, have misunderstanding that the end justifies the means, and thus have intervened rather than trusting and having faith in those on Earth to work it out on their own; but they are not repelled by the force field because they are positively polarized beings. That is all. 1993/1031.txt:14:There is much more that we can say upon this subject but for this working we feel this is enough material. We would circle about and close with that with which we opened, that is, our opinion that yours is a wonderful position to be in. It simply does not feel that way to you for you cannot see that which we can nor will you be able to discern the true nature of your condition. You simply must go on trust and faith and hope and that inspires all of us. We see you as love’s witnesses within an illusion so thick that you do not feel each other’s thoughts. This is something that we can only vaguely remember. For you to honor and love the infinite, original Logos and to so order your lives as to attempt to show forth your love and the Creator’s love of you in all that you do is greatly inspirational to us for we know you are going on faith. You cannot see the beauty of your hopes, dreams and desires. You cannot know how successful you are. 1994/0116.txt:7:To focus upon change is skillful for the one who works to accelerate the rate of spiritual evolution, but we greatly encourage each to couch this focus upon change within the larger picture in which you may see that there is a strong and substantial reason to trust and have perfect faith in destiny. 1994/0123.txt:10:The power of abiding is deep, and its roots lie solidly within the archetypical. We are aware that you seek more information along this archetypical line of query, and would say that in grasping just how the entity called L/L works one may see the archetype being called upon. The way of this group has been to sacrifice this or that within the personal lives of those who began it in order to create the sure and certain time when the meditation, the study, the questioning might be trusted and counted upon to occur. Even within the physical dwelling which houses both the personal and the organizational portions of the existence of the ones known as Jim and Carla [there] have been sacrifices, the former living room becoming office and so forth. 1994/0327.txt:22:The service that is rendered by overtly speaking is easy to understand rationally and therefore it looks like the best way to serve. However, it is hard to underestimate—we correct this instrument—it is hard to overestimate the effect that a silent witness may have. There is a witness which each gives by the way it lives, by the way it moves through the being and the doing of everyday living. If you are practicing the presence of the one infinite Creator, if you are living in faith rather than seeking and scrabbling for proof, if you have hope and trust and love and a smile, these things will speak for you, without your doing anything and this silent witness may bless without invading for it is primary that each entity freely choose that which it chooses for the choice made is so very important. 1994/0522.txt:20:I Yadda. This instrument wishes to challenge and not trust the vibration, so we must stop and challenge. We accept this instrument’s anal retentiveness, as she would say, understanding that she is in earnest in the attempt to receive only positive information. We, too, say of wanderers, “Go to it, and stop complaining.” You came to work, so work! Where is the joy unless you sink your teeth into the vibration of your Earth? Feel that strength within and stop namby-pambying. We exhort you—have fun! 1994/0918.txt:37:Thus, to do that which is within your heart is that which is most helpful at the moment and who can say what that will be before the moment comes. Trust always that inner feeling, that heartfelt movement, that moves through you as you experience the catalyst of your incarnation. Share these emotions with those about you who have shared their experiences with you. Thus, you are seekers of a like mind who seek together and have, as a group, far more opportunity of progressing than would each of you individually. 1994/0923.txt:44:I ask you each to draw this metaphor into your own lives. Part of your incarnation is agreement to this veil. It is wonderful that you come here to seek answers for yourselves and all beings. I deeply honor you for that. But I ask you to ask yourselves, can you metaphorically sit in the bottom of this canoe and trust that the mist will rise when it is ready? I ask you to trust your lives, not struggling in fear, within the illusion that is meant to teach you. 1994/0923.txt:45:You also wish to penetrate the illusion but not to deny the illusion. This relative reality is illusion. Those of you who are wanderers tend to want to deny that illusion, to return to shore, to return home with a clarity; but you entered the illusion with your free will, and with great wisdom you opened your heart to the illusion and asked to become teachers and learners in that illusion. Trust that illusion, my dear ones. 1994/0924_02.txt:27:Once this sacred, private and inviolable space has been created, there is much self-to-self work to accomplish. The tools for learning more about the self include the study of dreams, the keeping of a journal in which the thoughts of the day are faithfully recorded, the seeking out and giving time and energy to what this instrument would call birds of a feather; for as the wanderer reaches out to help another, as that other expresses its tale of suffering, who is helped more, the sufferer who hears a little comfort or the healer who is given the great gift of hearing, of being heard, of being able to be present with such a precious gift as the confidences exchanged? It is no mystery why those who are willing to teach, learn twice as much; for when that hand is stretched out and the ear is opened, the invaluable and incalculable treasure of trust and faith is given. What beauty there is in this. What strength we can draw from each other. For all beings suffer, wanderers as much or more than most. Yet those who wander, those who wonder, are also those who receive. 1994/0924_02.txt:29:The edge the wanderer has is this very discomfort coupled with the typical, enlarged certainty that this is not the way it has to be; this is not necessary. The wanderer can pull from its subconscious those gifts allowed through the veil of forgetting, the heightened sensitivity that so often erupts as allergies and food sensitivities, asthma and other illness. These manifestations are the shadow and flip side, as it were, of the ability of the wanderer to trust that remembrance of a life made of light in more harmonious configurations of energy betwixt beings who are more obviously beings of light. 1994/0925_01.txt:10:Now, each has its own network of friends who also walk upon a path of faith, attempting to live a life of devotion to the Creator. Thusly, each may link this group with others. In this way, that golden net of which we have spoken is more and more finished, the strands covering more and more of the globe’s inner spheres. This is a time of beginnings, the dawning of a new millennium. In this new day, your riches shall be each other. How much you have to give each other, my friends! Yourself, you cannot save; another must reach the hand. Yet, what you are not able to do for yourself, trust and know that you—imperfect, broken and sorrowing—yes, you, just you, only you, can do great service for others. Just, merely, only you, as you are, are of infinite, infinite value to each other. This is the way of salvation for all peoples: love reflected in love until your entire environment moves as though to one great music, even the flowers and trees swaying to that dawning, enhanced consciousness which is coming gradually even now to each questing spirit. 1994/0925_01.txt:16:The second area of distortion comes here. Rather than trust your situation, you may use grasping and force of judgment to attempt to penetrate the veil. The third area of your discomfort lies just on the other side of that veil: “Home; I want to go home.” You cannot say it more simply or poignantly than that. Let us speak to these three areas and begin to look at how the discomfort itself may become tool for learning and enrich your readiness to serve on this spaceship we call Earth. 1994/0925_01.txt:32:Wanderers, sorrow’s own folk, you have come here to serve. We call you all to service now. Take up your crown of thorns. Lift the burden of your humanity and walk forth unafraid. We encourage each to trust destiny. Your basic vocation is devotion. Work with your moments of conscious awareness in your own way, at your own speed, taking rest and comfort as you need that refreshment. Allow each morning’s light to form within you its own agenda for your day and your night; and study patience, for in addition to this great central vocation that even now regularizes your planet and its steadying light, you will come into, grow into those apparent and overt services that have been prepared for you. 1994/1225.txt:7:There is a particular energy which creates certain combinations of feeling which are fairly recognizable to help to inform the seeker as to when he has accessed this well of true emotions, that is, emotions which have undergone refining and purification. Trust that feeling which says this feels right, and do not overstretch the rational mind’s burden with requests that all be rationally seen or logically arranged, for often that which is the saving and healing key within one’s impulse is that which cannot be explained except by the feeling that there is indeed such a thing as intuition and that this faculty can be honed. 1994/1225.txt:9:Therefore, the process of living a life of the open heart in service to others creates situation after situation in which the seeker is moving to the rhythm of a drum it itself does not fully comprehend. There is a special art to being willing and able to trust the flow of experience. This instrument’s mind immediately says “No, ‘the flow of catalysts.’” However, we are speaking of how you learn at this moment, but rather how you can open the heart and in that state communicate one with another. It is impossible to convince any one that the spiritual search is real, or true, or desirable or that the faith in the goodness and the rightness of the creation as it is can be explained. Always the seeker must rest in the security of mid-air. The seeker who dares to venture greatly simply walks over that archetypical cliff into the abyss of unknown things. Is there then the sensation of falling? Indeed not. But that leap must be made first, before any knowledge has been gained by experience. 1994/1225.txt:13:Each has treasures within that cannot be seen by the inner or outer eyes. These gifts open to the pilgrim who sets itself to watch and pray and trust in that which it does not understand, yet recognizes as spiritual food and drink. When such a moment comes, then the possibilities multiply, and in that heady experience of light or love there is the opportunity to sow for the future self those seeds of desire which shall best aid that seeker in its long, indeed, its endless journey. 1995/0205.txt:9:Perhaps the shortest way of expressing or suggesting a way of dealing with catalyst is to say that each experience is a new one. The type of catalyst becomes ever easier to identify as the seeker continues with the dogged patience which is the hallmark of spiritual health. Eventually the link between the spirit within—which this instrument often calls grace—and the heart of discomfort begins to be perceived ever more flowingly and less rigidly until the happy state becomes possible wherein the seeker is upheld simply by doing the dance of life, and then gazes at all that moves him or her with a trustful and cheerful eye. 1995/0226.txt:17:We encourage each to continue to trust that connections that need to be made shall be made as they come to a ripeness and a readiness. Trust and faith are those resources which shall see good use here, for the instinct of those who breathe and know that their incarnation is short is to plunge ahead, to take the bull by the horns, as the saying goes, and to move as quickly as humanly possible towards a desired end. However, the deepest desires of the human heart are those which cannot be shoved, pushed or prodded. Rather, the skillful seeker and worker in light is he who is able to surrender to the rhythms of his own destiny and to act in such a way as to magnify those internal connections in the heart and mind which keep the seeker from beginning to direct the flow of events according to some preconceived plan. 1995/0312.txt:7:As the self-aware and individualized person experiences those young years of life it begins accreting to its mental/emotional complex a growing list of entities and types of entities which impress the self as natural enemies. Your people has no natural enemies except each other. There is no animal or group of animals which threatens by its existence any human life. Yet one upon another the young soul accretes those to fear, those to avoid, those to distrust, and so forth, generalizing from one or two particulars theories which allow some entities into the charmed circle of trust and which shut the door against others. 1995/0319.txt:9:However, most seekers prefer not to work with the ordinary and everyday but, rather, to seek that which underlies or overshadows or surrounds the everyday and the ordinary. The depth and reality of the being below the surface fascinates and attracts the seeker who is not content to be lost in bliss, gazing at the dust, at the leaves, at the air, but wishes to know more about himself or herself, which is to know how deep that self may go. Is she truly other than the everyday? What is his truth? What is his mission? The voyagers attempting to sail into that ocean which is the deep mind are seeking a truth that moves beyond limits into the ineffable. Within each seeker’s mind and heart these voyages are chosen in a darkness, a blackness of shadow, and as sails are set they are set through faith or hope. And the voyager must trust the wind, must simply raise that sail which is desire and then wait patiently for the wind of spirit to fill that sail and to determine the course and the weather of the journey. 1995/0409.txt:20:The student of metaphysics will, for the most part, attempt to ignore the promptings that are random and to continually re-place the attention upon the mated relationship. The male shall always fail to do this perfectly. The female may attempt to be forgiving, understanding and so forth, but again, failure is inevitable. My friends, in this way as in all others you have each other to help each other, and it is most encouraged by us that each attempt to see that dynamic that sexuality offers with a merciful and ruthful gaze, to be quick to forgive and to be willing again and again to attempt to trust. 1995/0416.txt:12:Each seeker has its own seasons within, its own time of darkness and its own time of light. It is well to be most respectful towards and sensitive of these inner movements of the spirit, these trustworthy and helpful times within. As you move through your days and nights, try to remain sensitive to those rhythms, those ripples in the pond of self, those changes of weather. For all seasons, from the coldest to the hottest, from the most contracted to the most expansive are equally useful, not equally comfortable, but equally useful. However, as this instrument has said, it is possible to experience a lengthening of that inner season of light, and this instrument, however, did not find the second key to enjoying more and more light. This instrument had noted that the more one gives praise and thanksgiving for the good times the longer they are likely to stay around. But there is another truth also here. 1995/0421.txt:8:The keeping of silence, the keeping of the listening ear as part of the daily round of activity is always, we feel, an excellent practice, for in the silence, in the listening lies the key that unlocks the door of your own wisdom, that which is within the deep mind, that whose voice is silence and which can only be heard by the open and listening heart. If you can trust destiny enough to release the attempts to control it the natural waves of energy moving out from the center of that kindly destiny which is each seeker’s will gradually take that seeker upon the path and in the direction which is deeply desired. 1995/0514.txt:15:So we encourage each in forgiveness of self and at the same time in asking great things of the self, in asking that the self turn to the Creator and say, “Here am I, show me my destiny and I will say yes.” For you planned this with the Creator before you came and it is a matter of trust and faith to take each thing as it comes and attempt to find within yourself that response which expresses love. My friends, we have a very simple message. It is always the same. Each of you is love. Each of you has a core vibration of absolute pure love. That which is consciousness is love. That which is love expresses itself in consciousness. Each of you also has heavy overlays of distortion, chosen by each over a long period. Each is rich in distortion. And these distortions are also beautiful to the Creator, each one perfect in itself. And as you mix and mingle with yourself and your various roles and with each other in the delicious and bewildering array of humankind, the love that you can share with those you meet, beginning with yourself, is the fruit and the blossom that is truth. 1995/0514.txt:78:No, I just, I felt that that was the truth and that I could trust destiny to bring me the people that I want to care for. That’s a very comforting thought, thank you. 1995/0521.txt:17:My friends, move in the great race. Do your best, and be glad as you fail, for there is joy in accomplishing one more step of the journey from the head to the heart. Open the hand of your compassion. Release that fluttering bird that seeks the light and the love of the one infinite Creator, that bird within the heart that your poet, Emily Dickinson, saw as hope. To hope, to trust, to abide in faith and in peace; these are the characteristics of one who has seen through judgment and pride and has released the self into that present moment. May you open that door into the present again and again. 1995/1001.txt:13:This is not something which one should do to the denigration of the lower energy centers. It is always important to affirm, to trust, and to do all one can to balance these all-important energy centers. But within these three energy centers there does not exist a light touch. It takes a mixture of the agreement of the lower centers to rest and allow the heart to open and allow the self to communicate with the creation, with the mystery which is the one Creator, and with that Creator within the self. 1995/1001.txt:14:There are some who have a gift for the light touch. These are the entities you will find saying just the right thing to break the ice to make people laugh and find comfort in each other’s company. But for most this skill of asking the self to stop and open to a larger view must be learned as any habit must be learned. Now you “oof” and “grunt” and try, and find it hard to do, but we say to you simply continue to “oof” and “grunt.” This is good work. At some point, your own self will begin to yearn for and to seek the stoppage of that earnestness and will begin to hunger for the music behind the notes of the devotional life. Trust yourself through these practice periods, for cyclically, as lessons are learned, each seeker will go through learning periods which seem quite adverse. One cannot gain a certain amount of wisdom and then coast for the rest of the incarnation, for the Creator and your higher self hope to learn as many depths and resonances of the lessons you came to learn as time permits. So you will find seemingly the same material coming in again to cramp your style and make life hard and earnest, yet you are not repeating but rather learning at another level of subtlety and profundity. 1995/1007.txt:11:I am Laitos. We see in this instance that the query points toward the heart of the polarity of service to others, and includes in this direction the necessity of viewing the metaphysical journey as a whole as well. One who seeks to serve in the positive sense is one who engages in a practice which many who have not chosen their polarity would think quite foolish, for to be of the most efficient polarity in the positive sense one must be willing and able to give freely enough of the self that one is not concerned whether there be a return for what is given. One rather seeks to share that which is greater with the self with all those who are equal to the self, and in this service the one so serving trusts in that which is greater than the self to sustain the small self in its daily round of activities that it might be nourished and supported in a fashion that will allow its service to continue. 1995/1105.txt:3:We are those of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the limitless light of the one infinite Creator. It is a great privilege to be called to your circle of seeking at this time and we wish to extend to each of you our thanks and our blessing. As we share our thoughts with you we would ask each to remain very able to discriminate in those thoughts which you wish to take and those you wish to leave behind, for we are fallible and are not those who speak with great authority, but rather those who care deeply to be of service to those of your planet who would wish to know what we have to say at this time. We trust you to use that discrimination which is your unshakable gift. 1995/1105.txt:7:The young soul upon your planet works upon the surface of experience. This surface experience fills the being completely, for everything is new. But very quickly the choices begin being made, and by the time the youngster has become even a young adult the choices have become solidified into a structure of personality and character which preordains or biases the way sense impressions are taken into the being and used. Along the way in this continuing learn[ing] process the experiences of love and of fear have gone deep, penetrating the surface of the personality, penetrating eventually even the deeper character traits. Those experiences when one has experienced love have provided each with times of transcendent joy, and this is the gift of love, that when experienced purely it brings with it a freedom and a lightness that is ineffable and that is precious and to be trusted as a real experience. 1995/1118_01.txt:46:We would say to this instrument: My child, you remember the parable of Peter in the boat at night on the Sea of Galilee 1, how Peter saw his teacher walking upon the waters to him. Recall how Peter leapt from the boat and walked to meet his beloved rabbi. Only when Peter became aware that he was doing an impossible thing did he begin to sink. And then Peter remembered to reach out his hand to grasp his teacher’s. Always your beloved’s hand awaits your reach. Always the turning to trust will not be in vain. 1995/1118_01.txt:81:In the bathroom meditation Aaron was speaking about, he said that when we move from a place of control, we contract into a self that can handle an overflowing sink. He also called this moving from a fear track and not a love track. Obviously this is not truly effective; but there is the habitual thought that to be effective in a situation that we find overwhelming, we do have to take personal control. Love is unlimited. Why don’t we find it easy to trust that? 1995/1119.txt:83:We are those of Q’uo and have little to add to what our brother has said, except to say that the kindest thing that you can do as the white-robed one who has taken on the mantle of earth is to trust in and cooperate with the rhythms of your unfolding destiny. Allow the falling away of things in their own time. Allow the contradictions, opposites, and riddles that characterize spiritual matters to tangle you up and to be untangled in the natural way. 1995/1210.txt:11:We would perhaps encourage, more than working one way or another. Rather, encourage the seeker to flow freely and gladly along with those currents and rhythms of life which put one in a certain mood or state of receptivity. We encourage each to trust the intuition of self, that feeling that says, “go here,” or “go there.” We would encourage the sense of proportion, the sense of humor so that one takes oneself seriously but also finds the light touch. The entity that each is is the one infinite creation and the one Creator. Due to the illusions of time and space those fields of energy which comprise each entity vibrate, not perfectly in tune with the vibration of that one great original Thought, but rather in some distorted fashion; that is, distorted from perfection. This is as it should be. However, if we were to discuss our own idea of who the entity truly is we simply would look at the vibration, for each self has a vibratory complex which is as distinctive as your finger print. You are, before you can think about who you are. You are not inventing yourself, but you are asking yourself to become more than you were. And it is right and good to seek to progress. 1995/1217.txt:10:This requires that the entity gradually uncover within itself an awareness and a growing familiarity with a kind of trust in the self and in that part of self that goes beyond self and connects with all that there is that is not commonly taught among your peoples. The young child is repeatedly taught what it must do to obtain the approval and the satisfaction of those whom it wishes to please and of the self, for each entity talks to the self and communicates with the deeper self as if it were another person. Thusly, when one talks with another person one is talking to the projection of the self. 1995/1217.txt:13:We are part of a logical structure by which you as a conscious individual attempt to address the deeper metaphysical questions. Are we real? Do we come from a physical planet to you? Are we a portion of this instrument’s deeper mind? Are all things outside this instrument’s mind illusions? All of these questions can be answered positively. It is difficult for your minds to grasp. Nevertheless, it is deeply true, in our opinion, that all spiritual circumstance is simply aimed at by word and concept. The truth, the reality, of who we are, who you are, and what your basic nature is is beyond mental acquisition. Those who seek the truth of being are those who are destined to follow a mystery, and much is gained by the entity who simply decides to trust that mystery, to trust the basic nature of the self, and to ask not to become something he is not, but rather to become that which he most truly is, for each of you has the pure and perfect light within. Each of you dwells in a state of grace at a very deep level at all times in all places whatsoever. 1996/0324.txt:23:We trust we have confused you, and to celebrate this fact we shall leave this somewhat befuddled instrument and transfer the contact to the one known as Jim. We leave this instrument in love and light. We are Q’uo. 1996/0331.txt:15:The entry into individual expression of love that is each questing itself is that which can be trusted. There is a true engagement of consciousness to this spark of flesh that houses it. It is secure, and it represents a vast foray of awareness that is not thought-driven, but is rather driven by love, with love, to love, for love’s sake. Unlike the individual with the delineated face and body and ways of speaking, there are no set limits to self at the level of consciousness. The program, shall we say, of that infinite self is non-logical, nonintellectual, nonphysical. It is as that which sings the tune. It is that bell which is struck, and when struck rings in a certain combination of tones that is unique to the self, that has evolved itself within your infinite consciousness. Unlike the mind of second density which accretes knowledge and holds it against further need, the self’s infinite mind simply moves between the various—the closest word you have is “emotions.” There are true states of emotions that have purity and clarity and the self that is the citizen of the stars swims within this infinite sea of feeling and that which is felt is automatically seen with thanksgiving for this is the way of love itself. 1996/0414.txt:3:We are those of the principle of Q’uo. Greetings to each of you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is our privilege and our blessing to be called to this circle of seeking, and we thank each who has allowed us to come to share our thoughts with you at this time. As always, we ask that it be remembered that we are not infallible, that we are not all-wise, that we are not authorities, but travelers on that path with no steps that is the spiritual path. And so we ask that each respect his and her personal truth and take those thoughts of ours which seem good to you, leaving the rest behind without a second thought, for each seeker has within that compass that tells when the direction is right and we ask each to use that discrimination and that guidance and to trust that feeling within, not any authority, for each is the authority of his own path. Each is truly the captain of her own ship in an ocean whose tides are not known and upon which there is no land. Each spiritual seeker sets out upon a voyage of discovery. And yet each island of truth, each continent of discovery, is within the seeker. The journey across perilous waters is an illusion necessary because all within third density dwell within a heavy illusion and the way to grasp the nature of that illusion and to use it is also illusion, for is not all the shadow of one great original Truth: Love—that which is ever unmanifest, invisible, ungraspable, unprovable. Such is the nature of the spiritual journey. 1996/0428.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Thank you and bless you for calling us to your circle of seeking this day. We are most grateful to have this opportunity to blend our vibrations with yours and to offer our humble opinion. We ask only one thing, and that is that you take with you that which you feel is useful of what we say and leave the rest behind without a backward glance. Trust your discriminatory ability, not another’s authority, for you have your wisdom deep within you and we only help you remember parts of it. That is what we hope is our service to you, and we thank you for your great service to us, for without those who seek and hunger and desire to know the truth we would have no right to share our views. 1996/0512.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are most privileged to be asked to offer our opinions and to join your meditation for this session on this lovely springtime day. The energies of your growing things are most active and excited at this time and their light is beautiful to behold. As we share our opinions we ask each to take that which is of help and discard the rest of what we have to say. We trust your discrimination and ask that you be careful to trust it yourselves, for there are many who would like to replace personal discrimination with group discrimination. Yet all who seek spiritually seek uniquely and the world views of your culture do not always ring true. We simply ask that you pay attention to that ringing of truth. Trust it when it comes. Trust yourself when it does not come. 1996/0526.txt:3:Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are those of the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the unstopped love and the limitless light of the one infinite Creator. We wish to thank each of you and to bless each of you for calling us to your circle this day. You have given us a precious gift in asking us to blend our vibrations with your own and asking to hear our opinion concerning addiction. As we speak through this instrument we will offer you some thoughts, and we ask that as you listen to them you take those which please you and which have the subjective ring of truth to them and to leave the rest behind, for each is upon an unique journey. Each has an unique path and each has his own personal truth. Your discrimination is all-important. It is well always to trust that instinct within that knows and recognizes its own truth, for others may feel strongly that their opinion is correct and yet you are the only one who actually knows what is correct for you. Some truths last a month, some a year, some a lifetime, yet all will one day be overshadowed by a higher and broader truth. So the relationship betwixt the seeker and all of those opinions that come from the outside is that of the connoisseur who chooses just those fruits and vegetables that are ripe. You know which truths you are ripe to receive. So shrug off any thought whatsoever that does not satisfy you. 1996/0908.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We can only counsel that you surrender to your destiny. This instrument has heard it said frequently. And by this we mean that you must, as all warriors of consciousness, go forth into your daily round of activities and experience that which is yours to experience. In some instances you will feel that you can become more of what you call vulnerable. In other instances you will feel the need to withdraw to some degree behind a certain safe construct or wall, shall we say. As you move through your daily round of activities experiencing and experimenting with each possibility you will find that some feel more fulfilling than others and you will find this balance yourself. You must learn to trust yourself, your inner impulses, this small voice of which you have been speaking, until it speaks to you as often and as clearly as your best friend, for indeed it is such. And as you seek to hear this voice, and await the words, await the feeling, await the intuition, it will become more easily accomplished and you will indeed be apprised of the situation by this best friend, this small voice that is still within where peace resides at the heart of your being. 1996/0915.txt:25:We would end this instrument’s part of this first larger question with a look at faith which is simply that quality that enables those who cannot see into the metaphysical world to act as though they could. In the metaphysical world which your spirit rests in at this precise moment and at all moments, you are a larger being by far. You have chosen many, many things about your present experience that have deep reasons for being as they are. Faith is a matter of trusting that this experience is on the track that you intended it to be before you came. But you will never receive an objective proof of any of [the] thoughts that we are sharing because it is essential that each entity within these illusions make the choices that they make without the advantage of knowing that they are right. It is always your free choice to love and serve the infinite Creator and to do it in this way or that. 1996/1103.txt:7:To live at all is to live by faith. Now consider this, what if one day your system decided that it did not wish to function. Does your heart simply stop beating? Do you simply forget to breathe? Never. For that second-density body which has offered itself up to carry your infinite consciousness, untroubled by self-awareness continues. It does not forget to make the heart beat or to make the lungs breathe, or to make the blood collect all that it must collect and take it to all of those places within the body that calls for each element. Nay, you can have faith that you shall breathe, that your heart shall beat, that your sense of balance and so forth will allow you to move about your illusion anywhere your free will chooses for you to go. And this total trust, this complete unerring dedication to that nature of self, has the potential of working within seekers such as yourselves in much the same way except then that you are working with your mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and with the emotions, with the mentality, with the spirituality the entity who wishes to know the self must first make connection, make contact with the sense of rightness and trust and faith in those finer bodies that are part of the complex of vibrations that is you. 1996/1103.txt:8:It is not to those who speak many things and write many words, necessarily, that self-knowledge comes, but rather it is to the one who has learned to trust in the energies and sweeps or ranges of energetic cycles that self-awareness shall come. Perhaps we could use this instrument’s example of the watched pot that never boils. Living in faith is turning on the fire under the water and trusting the water to bubble when it is ready to bubble. There is the human desire, perfectly natural to an entity imprisoned in flesh, to wish to control the processes that have to do with survival and comfort, and certainly there is tremendous discomfort in the processes of learning those lessons of love which you have come to learn. The natural reaction, when there is pain, is to draw back, to contract against it and to guard against further contact with it. And yet the process of learning is one which does cost the entity learning that energy which it takes to apprehend and work with and grasp that changes are taking place. There is, as far as we know, no way to avoid some degree of suffering. Indeed, it is one of the beauties of your density that you are in confusion and pain much of the time, at one level or another. And, therefore, are more open to rapid learning than one who is not in pain, is not suffering, and knows the score, shall we say. 1996/1122.txt:39:We can sense all of you experiencing these thoughts, feeding them back into your consciousness and sorting through them as through items at a rummage sale, and appreciate the bewildering effect of so many old and new ideas countermingled. But have faith; there is a part of yourself that overarches and interpenetrates all of your self and experience, which you can rely upon. You already know that which is needful for you at this particular juncture, so relax the desire to comprehend and practice that trust in your own deeper intuition that constitutes one way of expressing things. 1996/1123.txt:105:You know that the highest purpose is to offer the energy with love. Remember, you are in third density largely to learn faith and love. If you did not have this veil surrounding you so that you clearly understood exactly how different movements of energy through you became distorted, why they became distorted, and in what ways that distortion might actually be of service, you would be denied the opportunity to learn faith around these distortions. This is not to be taken as instruction to consciously perpetuate the distortions; but if they occur, both trust them and ask how you may purify them. 1996/1123.txt:107:Whatever flows through you when your primary intention is to offer your whole being in loving service to all beings, the divine will take and use for holy purpose. It is that in which you need to have faith. Let the loving heart offer its intention for service. Act, speak and think based on this intention and with awareness, and offer that which is prompted by fear and the notion of separate self to the divine. Trust the divine plan for even your fear. 1996/1123.txt:113:Within the moment of asking lies the perfect and balanced response. The skill of the seeker is to trust that process and to keep the mind upon the question, “Where is the love?” and to keep the mind upon the moment wherein the question is asked. If you can come to the present moment and know it, you have entered eternity. If, when you come to that present moment, your question is, “Where is the love?”—in that moment you have entered love. The concern about articulating and beautifying or crystallizing the energies can then be set aside, for in the moment-by-moment-by-moment succession that the illusion of time offers, your instrument shall be aided; and rehearsal always helps. Each moment is another rehearsal. The whole of your life removed from the illusion of space and time is a song. You can no more know the song than know your life. You are in the middle of creating a life which is a gift to the one infinite Creator. 1996/1123.txt:127:Within this rising intention to allow whatever comes into your experience and offer to God—not to hold on to any of it—lies the ultimate path to service, because with that offering “somebody” disappears and “nobody” remains. In more precise terms, that which is contracted can stay contracted or can open itself. This process means not making anything special happen, just allowing an open heart which watches it all moving through and continually offers whatever moves through with a trust that the divine will make good use of it. 1996/1124.txt:40:When you feel in this way, in connection with all that is, then the loving heart can respond with an intuitive awareness: “If I offer love here, it will shift that current so beings are not drowning in it. If I offer kindness there, it will gentle the push of that wind so beings are not blown off their feet.” Then that movement comes from a place of deep love, which trusts the ways of the universe, which does not need to fight a war with the universe but offers its deepest love as co-Creator of the universe. Offering that loving force, which the universe may draw into itself and use in the best ways, you are no longer saying, “This has got to be fixed.” You are saying, “Here is love, which can apply itself as it is needed.” 1996/1124.txt:48:We are those of Q’uo, and would offer to you last thoughts before the question period. To know yourself as human, as the featherless biped, may seem a great restriction, a great inconvenience. But no, know and trust that the moonlight is glamorous and deceiving, and that your wandering steps are all perfectly as they need to be. Take yourself lightly. Take love with profoundest dedication. Know that your greatest treasure, your central purpose and your patience are all wrapped up in the everyday life lived devotionally. In the world of the Father, all things are featured. Persist in your attention to the daily; for each task, each tale, each silly piece of paper in the paper mountain of your culture is full of learning for the one with ears to hear and heart to understand. Know that as you touch others, you meet yourself. The one known to you as Jesus offered two rules of life: to love the infinite Creator and to love the other self as the self. These suggestions encompass all you need for your journey. 1996/1124.txt:117:When there is confusion in your lives, can you remember to greet that confusion with love? The one known as C. said about this upcoming work, “I don’t have a clue.” That is a highly accurate statement for most of you at most times in your life. You often have no idea of what you are really doing while you are busy doing what you think you are doing. What can you do but smile and trust and take the next step? And when you do, you will find love there, I assure you. My blessings and love to each of you. I am Aaron. That is all. 1996/1222.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet each of you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. What a blessing and privilege it is to be called to your circle of seeking on this day of chill and grayness, when the days are so short and the longing for the light is at its greatest. We greatly appreciate this opportunity to share our thoughts, to share with you those things that we feel that we have learned. We ask, as always, one thing of you and that is, if we may use the word, discernment. We do ask that each of you trust her powers of discrimination, for there is within you a very powerful knower. And that keeper of your own personal truth awakens when you hear that which is true for you, that which is of use to you. It is a feeling of remembering or recognition of that which was already dimly known. Then that is yours. If you have no such recognition of those things which we say then leave them behind, for we are not speaking as authorities but as those who walk the same path as you and those who have perhaps in the illusions of time and space walked a few more paces than you have. 1996/1222.txt:11:Either of these kinds of path will work. It is simply that one must find the path or the combination of thoughts that will yield to the self that which is sought, which is an increased trust that all shall be made clear in good time. 1997/0112.txt:4:As we chat we ask, as always, that you please take only that which sounds good to you and leave the rest behind. Use your discrimination. We thank you for doing this, for we offer our thoughts to you freely, knowing and trusting that you will not allow them to be a burden or stumbling block but only to use them as possible tools and resources in your path of seeking. 1997/0330.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We thank this group for calling us to share with you our vibrations and our thoughts. As always, we find it a great honor to offer our opinions and we do so hopefully knowing that each of you will use your discrimination in deciding which of our thoughts to take further and which to leave behind. There is a particular flavor or feeling that comes when a truth that is an important resource for you is first heard. That feeling is like remembering something that one knew once but had forgotten. Trust this intuition, and when that intuition does not speak, then please allow our words to pass away like water. 1997/0330.txt:11:No matter what choice is made at a certain crisis or cusp, wherever that has landed the seeker between the roads A and B, the seeker can be assured that there is still a way to point B. In that sense you cannot make a mistake. But in the sense of accelerating the process of learning it is well to work within the self to realize that there is a drift or tendency that can loosely be called destiny, and it is safe, we feel, to say that this destiny is a benign and helpful one, worthy of faith and trust and, to some extent, able to be made visible by the seeker who is willing to listen and feel and intuit and, truly, in each way that you can simply pay attention. For the way of the Creator is overwhelming. There are signs on every side, synchronicities and coincidences that mount up rapidly when one is paying attention. 1997/0330.txt:12:And so perhaps this is what we would say would be the most helpful of skills to work at, the skill of cooperating with those rhythms of self as movements of spirit that seem to lift one and take one upon the way. When this kind of energy is perceived allow the self to lean into it, to practice that habit of faith and trust. We are not suggesting that it is always the best way, to be passive. This is not so. There are times when the seeker will feel [the need] to act and if that is felt, that is right. It is not passivity we are suggesting but an intelligent consideration of the catalyst which comes your way. Above all, that which nurtures and nourishes the self in its seeking and in all of its striving is remembrance of who and what one is and where one is headed, to come back into that tabernacle shared with the Creator, if only for a second, yet still, that is a powerful thing and it is always available, to turn and turn and turn again, and in all conditions know and see the Creator. This is the work of many lifetimes. 1997/0426.txt:6:To define this choice is a deceptively simple thing, for the choice is that either/or of morality and ethics that seems straightforward. We have called it service to self as opposed to service to others, negative as opposed to positive, following the way of attraction and control over others as opposed to following the way of radiation and the releasing to all others of that which flows through. The creation of third density gives evidence, again and again and again as one observes the natural world about one, that this is a world of duality—of light and dark, heat and cold, and so forth. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually... repeatedly the nature of this experience of incarnation causes entities to see their dilemmas in terms of clear-cut choices. When things do not seem so clear and the choice likewise is unclear, the person tuned to hear the ethical either/or is in a quandary, and often in the midst of change, a seeker shall have to simply wait with patience that is difficult to come by, simply wait until all the ripples have quieted and the horizon can once again be seen. And in those times there is no choice except the choice to trust. To trust in what—this is a subjective thing. But to trust, certainly this is the recommended action. For indeed, to deal with concern by moving the mind in ceaseless circles is a wearying thing. Trusting, upon the other hand, is a release that can be seen to be helpful. 1997/0426.txt:10:There is a very wide range within which entities can experience imbalance. Indeed, we encourage seekers not so much to work upon the energy centers one at a time as to become the entity that knows its instrument, and in a state of balance allows the energy to flow freely through that instrument, making those intonations and notes that naturally flow from the rhythmic intersection of the self and the moment. To an entity of negative polarity, such activity is irresistible; and once attention is drawn, the natural course shall be that each weak point or imbalance within that energy web of self shall be offered. And this is, in a very real sense, a service, for at each point of testing, the seeker being tested has the opportunity to see the test, to see through the test, and to see that attack and defense is not necessary, but rather, that these times are the times to trust and have faith in the self and in the perceived light. 1997/0803.txt:16:Thusly, each of you in the present incarnation has a plan, has made sure that there are ways for you to be presented with the circumstances in which you may choose to enlarge your ability to give and to receive unconditional love. There are many angles to coming to this realization of love itself and so each of you will find at times that there are few to talk to about your particular task. Nevertheless, trust your inner guidance and the perseverance in following that guidance, for this is the precious opportunity. This is, as this instrument has said previously, the opportunity to offer love by faith alone, knowing nothing, sensing everything. 1997/0803.txt:17:The more that you may find yourself able to release attachment to any [inaudible] and well in love, the more you are able to cooperate with that destiny which you have set [up] for yourself. Mind you, we do not suggest that you can learn more by giving up more. We do not wish to suggest that you must go begging with a bowl in order to gain understanding. Rather, we simply suggest that each will have impulses and intuitions and feelings of rightness that are trustable, and so we encourage each to have faith in the destiny and in the self that can fulfill that destiny that has been set up. In every case, there shall be the confusion and suffering that comes because there is a forgetting of the scheme of oneness and [inaudible], a forgetting of true nature. As one takes on the curtain of flesh, one shuts out the knowledge of unconditional love and [unity]. Nevertheless, that unity lies within you, so we encourage each to visit that heart within that is the sanctum within which your work may be done. 1997/1119.txt:6:Far beyond the apparent nature of the self, with its temptations and duties and positive and negative thoughts about many things, there is a deeper self, a self that may ultimately be identified as the great original Thought, which is love. This Logos is complete and utterly within and it, love itself, is the nature which you may come to know in the most trustworthy way. For love is love. Love created all that there is. There is no sham, no falsity to divine Logoic love. And this is the vibration, this is the essence which each is beneath the personality shell. 1997/1119.txt:8:It is this vocation for which you took flesh. Primarily, this is why you came. You came here to be yourself, to offer yourself sacrificially to a world greatly in need, a relatively unbiased vibration of love. The sacrifice is life itself. Not that which is within the life. It costs something for each to come here. You have paid that price. We encourage each then, to relax, to trust, and to surrender to that destiny which is a gift carefully chosen by yourself before incarnation. You have prepared ways to serve in the outer world. It is not terribly important whether or not this or that which was prepared is taken up and manifested. However, it is from this standpoint, and from this context that we would prefer to deal with the question of the use of gifts. 1997/1229.txt:15:Know as deeply as you can, and as often as you can, who you are, where you are going, and for the rest, trust destiny. For as the one known as M and the one known as L have both said, one is led to the work that has been prepared for you to do. But the greatest work of all, and the work that will harvest this planet in safety, is being who you most deeply are, a child of the Creator, a miniature of the love that is so powerful that It has created all that there is. 1998/0111.txt:17:And so it is that in yielding to it and cooperating with it in trust, hope and faith, that you maximize the transparency of your self and your personality. When you are suffering, when you are confused, when you are lost in the illusion, know that you are working, that you are on the journey from head to heart. Of course you are not within the heart all of the time, not within this illusion! It is far better that you stay within the illusion. When you come out of that illusion and have those moments, this is wonderful. This delicious. This is dessert. But the meat of living is in the ordinary and the often ignored daily affairs. Your mind is infinite. If you could only see into the self, the roots of mind come through the life of one self into the life of many, into the greater and greater groups, and finally into the All. And each of the steps and ramifications is a universe unto itself, and this infinite repository and resource indwells each of you. You have all the material that you will ever consciously pursue and adore resting comfortably and in fullness within your being. A portion of that infinite Self that begins with your personality shell knows this fire. But for you within this density at this time, embrace the confusion. Do your best to live consciously, aware of the issues of free will, love and service. But do not be upset or discouraged with the self or with getting lost within the illusion. You are supposed to be lost most of the time. This is how you learn. And this pattern of the discovery of your self, it will show you to yourself, and that self that it shows you, ah, what an infinite thing you will find! 1998/0215.txt:5:In order to clarify we must retreat first to express some more general concepts. Firstly, let us look at the concept of personhood or personality, for each of you is a person and has personhood. This is, within the illusion, something that you can trust. The flesh that rests upon your bones is flesh, and it shall continue until the spirit that enlivens that vehicle needs it no more. A skeleton remains a skeleton. The organs remain the organs. These things are physical, and they are obvious. Consequently, entities, even spiritually oriented entities, tend, by and large, to think of the self as the flesh, the bones, the organs, the body, as though the self had no other connections before, or will have no other connections after, the incarnation that you now experience. Certainly it does not occur to many that you have within the physical vehicle connections with and contact with non-physical and non-bodily energies and essences which are as much a part of who you are as those things that can be named, counted and measured concerning your physical beingness. 1998/0215.txt:12:The universe is far from blank. It is filled with the vibration of all that there is. Consequently, guidance is always very, very near. Using one spiritual system to realize guidance for yourself is wise. It organizes the effort made. It gives you some starting points from which to move forward. This instrument, for instance, desires to be led by what she calls the Holy Spirit. In choosing the Holy Spirit this entity has done two things. Firstly, she has chosen, within the mythical system she has felt most kinship to, to trust and cast her loyalty upon a certain kind of entity. Secondly, she has called upon herself, for guidance comes from the deeper or higher self. Each mythical system gives one a way to realize these connections. 1998/0215.txt:17:In third density a great veil drops and one cannot see into the metaphysical universe, or to put it in terms of the mind, into the subconscious mind. One is not supposed to see into this mind for the reason that it is this density’s lesson to learn to live by faith, by those qualities of love, faith, patience and trust that defy the limitations of personality and confusion. Within each of you there is a stubborn and sure conviction that this little life is not all that there is, and when you have thought this for the first time it is as if you have become awake in the land of the slumbering. We can only say to you who wish to become more aware of the guidance sought that it is all about you, that there are ways of thinking about guidance and methods of guidance that you may consider and choose between, but know this: beyond all of your choices the information that you need comes to you again and again and again. If you miss it this time, there will be another time. Your work, indeed, can be very simple if you choose to make it so. If you choose to be a simple and unintellectual seeker you may simply sit in the inner silence expecting nothing, desiring nothing but communion with love, and that desire you may encourage and feed with the fodder of your thoughts, the branches and the trunks of your emotions. 1998/0301.txt:6:Let us look at this concern of pride. What is the general concept of pride? When someone is proud it is generally of some thing. A person may take pride in many things: his physical strength, her physical delicacy, the abundance of supply, or the lack of dependence upon supply, the work that one does, or the work that one will not do, the relationships that one has, or the barrier to relationships. In all these things one may take a certain pride, may say, “I feel that this is a strong point of my being. I feel I can be proud of this accomplishment, this relationship, this situation.” And there is nothing more distorted about pride than there is about the illusion in general. However, in general the illusion is very dense, and this illusion creates the distortion that it is what one does that is the avenue for pride, for feeling worthwhile. The conversation of strangers tends to begin in your culture with an examination of the work that each is accomplishing in order to make money or in order to express self. Whether the work is routine or creative, it is a starting point that people recognize in each other, the place of comfort where one can divulge something about the self and be receptive to hearing something trustably understandable from others. It is very awkward to go up to a stranger and say, “What sort of vibration do you have? What kind of being are you?” Entities tend not to take pride in who they are, in the being that they express moment to moment. So you may see all of spiritual pride as a thing basically one with mental and emotional pride and physical pride. 1998/0301.txt:7:Now let us look at pride as [in] your religions, especially the Christianity, the Muslim, and the yogic systems. In those systems spiritual pride is considered a negative value. Why is that? It is assumed that if one is proud, then there is something that must be overcome in order for him to continue with his spiritual unfoldment and evolution. Perhaps the principle, the spine, shall we say, of reason for the mistrust of pride by spiritual systems is best illustrated in the little story within your Holy Bible wherein two men are described, one of whom has made it very obvious by the way that he is dressed, by the spiritual accouterment of his costume and the books that he holds, and beside him a beggar man with tattered clothing and dirty skin, an empty stomach, and a full awareness of his iniquity. While the rich and well-satisfied man is praying, “Oh Lord, I give more to the temple than anyone else. I fast three days a week. I pray without ceasing,” the beggar is saying over and over, “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Can you see the walls that have come up about this rich man, the wall of wealth, of dress, of possessions, and of actions? All of them offered in a sincere effort to be holy but offered as an accomplishment. These walls make it possible for this man not to realize that in addition to all of these things that he has done right, there remains a basic and intrinsic identity within the illusion which the rich man and the beggar share with total equality. And that is the human state. The human state itself is the basis of pride, for it seems to each human, without recourse to any physical evidence, that she is alone, that the walls of skin surround the self and cut it off from oneness with all else that there is. 1998/0301.txt:20:The next time that you experience the catalyst of feeling that you are yet an incomplete spiritual being, remember the truth of subtracting, of dropping away that which is not. And as you experience those realizations that enable you to drop a part of the ego away, rejoice. You cannot make it happen. You cannot rush it. But there come moments and you perceive that you no longer have that pride or that particular fear. And of that you may be proud and happy, and if that is a distortion also, then so be it. For you are not here to go beyond distortion but to live within distortion by faith, to express within this confusion a trust in the plan that placed you here, a trust in the destiny that is absolutely yours. A feeling that cannot come from proof or words that all that is yours will come to you and that you do not need to reach but only ask “Thy will for me today. What is it? And I will try my best.” That is all that you must do. So do not give up upon the self because it continues to have distortions and confusions. That is all right. You are not supposed to be without illusion. Ah, precious incarnation. If we could but share with you the opportunity that is now yours. If we could share that perception with you fully you would jump for joy. You would rejoice most fully and heartily, for here is the place where you choose by faith alone, and this choice, this expression of faith, however imperfect, creates within that permanent self which is beyond space and time tremendous changes in consciousness which you cannot achieve outside of this third density of yours. For in other densities the veil of knowing is lifted and what virtue is it then to realize that you are your brother and that all those things your brother has are you? There is no virtue in perceiving the color red if your eyes are open. But, ah, with the eyes closed, here you are in a world of color with your eyes closed. For you are in the equivalent of a black and white movie. You are up there on the screen watching yourself. The pigment of the movie screen is grainy, and some of the voices are distorted, and it’s kind of a corny story, and it’s over too soon. But, ah, when you come out of the theater into the light and you look back on that black and white movie and you see the hope and the faith and the caring and the love and the compassion that you truly have had, with no reason for it but just that constant desire for love, to know love, to know the truth, to express that love. Each of you is a gallant, gallant soul and we both envy you and honor you, for you do much that you do not know; even as you suffer, you heal worlds. 1998/0315.txt:9:This is part of the creation. This, too, is to be embraced, this death, this pain, this limitation, this very pain is to be embraced somehow. The self does not see any possibility of becoming able naturally to embrace suffering. Here is where the heart may become an ever more helpful and useful resource, for while the mind is an excellent tool for the outer world of decisions within the outer world, it is within the heart and the deeper emotions that spiritual change shall take place. And, therefore, it is to the heart that the seeker may reliably and trustfully come; sometimes for comfort, sometimes for encouragement, and sometimes simply for a place to be held and comforted and loved. Whereas the mind must think itself sacred, the innermost heart is already holy ground, and awaiting there is the Creator, that intelligent infinity that so curiously loves every spark from which It is learning about Itself. As you sit within this temple and remember the Creator and feel that holiness within, the self may find surcease from pain just for that moment. And, oh, what a relief that moment is! 1998/0503.txt:9:Issues of this magnitude are not done with during an incarnation. They will revolve again and again into your experience, into your stream of living. What you learn at this time you shall see again. It may be at another level. It may be somewhat different, but the issues shall be the same: to offer the self with no expectation of return. Each of you came into this incarnation wishing to sacrifice the self for love, wishing to brave the forgetting of all the spiritual principles that were known and held so dear, daring to come into a world most illusory and seemingly far from the Garden of Eden, as this instrument would call it. Yet in faith and in hope you took on this lifetime, for you wished to love the Earth and its people. You wished to serve, and this is your opportunity. In truth, it matters not what is occurring upon the surface of your life as long as you are attempting to be an instrument of love, a harbinger of peace. Practice being. Practice at odd moments, allowing the self simply to be aware, and resting in that deep peace that is awareness of the Creator. You shall certainly get lost in the sea of confusion again and again. But that too is illusion. Trust that heart within, and as you are given the grace to do so, work with those concepts of being and doing until you begin to have a lucid idea of what it is to be yourself. This is an art of profound moment and we encourage each of you to take it up. In your hopes and in your prayers, surrender all to the Creator and know, in confidence and in quiet, that that which is needed for you to learn and for you to serve will come to you. May you see all things with the eyes of love. 1998/0524.txt:1: [overview] We would like information on the difficulties in relationships. We have times of doubt, fear, lack of trust and faith, and we want to know how to resolve these difficulties skillfully. How can we use contemplation, prayer and meditation to find harmony in our relationships? 1998/0524.txt:13:You asked what do entities fear when they are working on relationships, and perhaps we would say that the greatest fear is the loss of love or trust and the betrayal of security in whatever distorted way that security is felt by the self and by the other self. Many issues have their heart in this emotional security. The surface of an issue may be money, or health, or where to live. It may be almost anything in which two people have a different view, but whatever the seeming issue there is a deeper issue, a singular issue involved and that is not necessarily a doing issue but a being issue. It is the way of being or an attitude that we would like to encourage each to explore. The one known as Ra has offered the question, “Where is the love in this moment?” and it is this instrument’s favorite way of centering the self in times of confusion. For each of you is love. Each of you is a projection into manifestation of the infinite love of an infinite and divine intelligence that has created all that there is and is all that there is. Of course, each entity in manifestation is distorted from the original vibration of the Logos. Without this distortion, without this mismatch, shall we say, in space and time, there would be no universe filled with light. There would be no way that the Creator could know Itself. And yet, simply being in manifestation posits that there be illusion. As long as each of us is a being, an entity, apart from Love Itself, each is dwelling in some degree of illusion. However, in this illusion each is the Creator to each, and in relationship, especially the mated relationship, this awareness is a healing balm that may help and prove a resource to those who are in pain because they feel abandoned or rejected or misunderstood. 1998/0524.txt:14:What people fear is being betrayed: offering trust and having it betrayed. There is within each the dancer that would fly and soar and leap in joy. And yet when we let that self out we are as foolish as little lambs playing in the pasture, and we can be easily squashed. And so it is a scary thing to surrender to those feelings of love and joy and enthusiams that are in our very heart, for are we all not love? 1998/0524.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. In the run of things, as we observe the great majority of relationships, it is well to stay with the relationship in which one finds oneself in order that the learning might proceed most efficiently, for there is much work in the, shall we say, building of the foundation of trust and of faith that takes a noticeable amount of time and effort in your terms. This time and effort must needs be repeated if there is the leaving of a relationship that has the purpose of the teaching the basic lessons of the incarnation, for in whatever relationship that one finds oneself, there will be the repetition of the pattern, the lessons to be learned, the difficulties to be experienced, the confusions endured. However, in some cases we find that the confusions and the difficulties are in what may be seen as an out-of-control mode where confusion builds upon confusion. Opportunities are lost and lost again, and momentum fails. And perhaps there is the injury of the mental, the physical, the emotional, and perhaps even the spiritual nature that can occur. In such instances we would suggest that each entity within the relationship retire to the silent room within and, in the meditative state, appraise the situation, as one may do in any situation. And surrender the small will, which places its desires foremost in the field of the vision, and ask what the greater will of the Creator or the higher self might be in this situation. We always encourage the reliance upon the small, still voice which resides in each entity, so that this source of information may be found in each instance. 1998/0920.txt:4:You have requested that we speak upon acceptance, and that we are most pleased to do as long as it becomes and remains clear to each of you that we are not the voice of authority but your brothers and sisters, imperfect, as are you in any sense that can be rationally understood. We make mistakes. We have opinions. We share the opinions and hope not to share the mistakes but undoubtedly we shall make mistakes. Not all of our opinions shall be those that will aid you and so we ask, as always, that you use your discrimination and trust your guidance within to the exclusion of other voices when necessary. For we have utter faith that you shall know the truth that is for you. As long as that is understood we are delighted to talk about acceptance. 1998/0920.txt:15:Move into now your body, feel that physical vehicle, feel the gravity that makes it rest upon your seat. Feel that contact, feel the shape of your bones and your flesh as you sit in meditation. Pull back the view and see yourself sitting with your feet pointing towards the center of the Earth and your head pointing outward from the side of the planet as it revolves in infinite space at the edge of the small galaxy, nowhere near the center of the universe. How tiny, how infinitesimal each of us is and yet each contains the creation. It is this sense of the infinite riches within that we would like to share with you as we encourage you to cooperate with your destiny, to recognize that it is well to move from the safety of intellectual and rational thought to the illogical and foolish ways of faith, and knowing that all is well, and all shall be well. There are so many mottos about taking it one day at a time that we can hardly speak about that concept without trivializing our conversation. And yet one great key in living in faith is taking it as it comes. This instrument has a friend that likes to imagine the worst: “What would I do if the worst possible scenario occurred?” This friend causes itself many worries. We would encourage you that when you have that craving for surety, to think upon the fool in mid-air who does not look down, who chooses, illogical though it may be, to trust. 1998/0920.txt:17:You have but a little while upon this Earth. May you use the time lovingly, sweetly, insofar as you are able. There is for the fool a peace, a peace that the world cannot know. It is the peace of absolute trust, that the one who watches the sparrow also watches you. That no matter what occurs, be it starvation or death, this too is acceptable, this too is part of pattern, a beginning, middle and ending. When once again this body that you now enjoy is dust, what you shall value about this incarnation is the suffering you have successfully undergone, the challenges that you have been able to take advantage of as opportunities to express faith. 1998/1.txt:10: [overview] We would like information on the difficulties in relationships. We have times of doubt, fear, lack of trust and faith, and we want to know how to resolve these difficulties skillfully. How can we use contemplation, prayer and meditation to find harmony in our relationships? 1998/1004.txt:31:I am Q’uo, and believe that we understand your query, my brother. The messages that one receives in the meditative state, the prayerful state, the contemplative state, the inspiration that strikes one in the midst of the day, these sources and means of receiving information may be examined again in the meditative state for the depth of purity. For there is within each entity the tree of mind, which moves ever more deeply to make contact with the deepest resources available to one. Whether this is the higher self, the guide, the teacher, or whatever source of inspiration one has sought, it is within the meditative state that one determines the relative purity of or use for this information. For there is within your illusion no clear and certain means to know at each communication what is, shall we say, flavored with the interpretation of what you have called the ego and what we would call the personality structure. Indeed, in some instances it is helpful for this flavoring to occur, for it aids the entity in moving in such and such a fashion. When there is the necessity for a message to be imparted with relative purity one may trust and have faith that this will be done by that source which one seeks, be it the higher self or other sources, and that one may look at this information when it is perceived—in the meditative state—and determine that this is from the higher self. 1998/1018.txt:14:More than anything else we could offer, we would simply offer the thought that most spiritual seekers have a tendency to become heavy with their seeking. And certainly that which penetrates to the very heart of self is a weight, a gravity of importance, and yet it is also dancing in the wind, light as a feather. So more than anything else we do encourage the light touch, the forgiving judgment of self, not because you no longer care to do a good job of attempting to aid your own spiritual evolution, but because you trust yourself to be doing all that you can. We ask you each to be gentle with yourselves, for you have hungered and thirsted after the truth, and that truth has lead you on a merry chase and continues to disappear into the mystery. All that you learn seems only to move you into a point into which all dissolves into mystery. To our knowledge, this is a continuing experience, one we share with you. 1998/1115.txt:3:We are those known to you as Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is in the service of the One that we come to you, and we are, as always, most grateful that you have called us to your session of working. It is a great blessing to us to be able to have the opportunity to share your meditation and to share our opinions with you. We would ask that each who seeks use the discrimination that is each seeker’s gift, that inner voice that says, “This is for me, and that is not.” We would not wish for you to take our word as gospel, for we are but fallible servants of the light. We can be wrong, and we only offer our opinion in the hope that it may prove to be a resource for you as it has been for us. But always trust your own discrimination whether listening to our voice or to any voice, for it is given to each seeker to sense truth when it comes. 1998/1115.txt:12:The sharing of this level of self must usually be done completely without words. Rather, it is usually done simply by that quality of being with someone which the other senses cannot precisely articulate. Yet we know that each of you has those who come to you for counsel because they sense the presence of this inner life and because they trust that being that they sense without words. This is the heart of your gift. This is the heart of your incarnation. To be yourself. To meet the moment with yourself, your full, open, loving self. How infinitely difficult this is upon a daily basis. As the one known as R said, “If I forget to pay attention for just a moment, it all comes back, and I am back where I started, seeming to fight the difficulties of daily living.” 1999/0207.txt:13:We encourage each of you to trust in the self, to listen to those hunches and intuitions that are the only voice into the conscious mind of the deeper and larger self that exists below the threshold of consciousness. Each of you is as the fruit of the true vine. Each of you has roots in heaven. Within each of you dwells perfection, truth and infinite love. Spiritual maturity comes to those who seek to run the straight race regardless of what others may think. Move slowly and thoughtfully and wait for inspiration. Maturity will come faster to those who yield their ambitions and ask, “What is the Creator’s will for me today? Where is the love in this moment?” The love in this moment is you. May you carry that truth and wear it as a crown and even when the crown sits heavy upon the head, may you serve, may you reach out to others, may you respond to requests for help with the best that is in you. May you encourage others in their paths, for you are the hands, voices, the caring of the infinite Creator within the Earth, you and none other. As the old chant goes, “May you love each other. May you care for each other. And may you bring each other home.” 1999/0321.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is our privilege and our blessing to join you in your meditation, to experience the beauty of your vibratory patterns, and to be able to speak with you our opinions upon the subject that you have requested this afternoon. We are most happy to speak with you concerning desire and the balancing and use of desire. We ask only that each of you listens with a careful and discriminating ear, for truth is a personal thing. That which is true is true one person at a time, one creation at a time, for each of you is the center of your creation, which is no one else’s. You and your creation are unique, and you will resonate to those truths that constitute an asset and a resource to you. When you feel that resonance, you may trust it. And when you do not, we ask that you leave our humble thoughts behind. For we are as you: pilgrims upon a spiritual journey. And though this instrument is fond of saying that she never metaphysician she didn’t like, we continue to insist that we are as you, perhaps further along in the great circle from source to source. But we walk the same road, and we seek and desire the same things. Calls such as yours are most precious to us, and we thank you especially for allowing us to practice our form of service to the one infinite Creator, for we are within your inner planes at this time specifically for the answering of calls by groups and entities such as you. 1999/0321.txt:7:There is, more and more, within the heart of the seeker a feeling of imbalance, a feeling of not being able to express the essence of self. When that lack of center, that lack of peace, exists within the heart of the seeker there shall inevitably be a feeling of imbalance and a feeling of restlessness, of itchy feet, a desire to get on with and through whatever is keeping the spirit from the love of the infinite Creator. Further, it is telling that within your society the solution of bringing the spiritual into the everyday is to take time out from the everyday to go to a weekend conference or a spiritual convention or some grouping where one may trust that there will be spiritual food and there will be the time-out from the everyday life taken for spiritual work. Mind you, we are not criticizing those who offer or those who take spiritual courses or weekends or conventions or workshops. These are wonderful means of sharing and caring and learning and service. However, the source that can be most deeply secure and reliable for each seeker is the innermost heart, for in the deep heart there is a tabernacle and within this tabernacle, in all of its infinity, lies the one Creator, patiently waiting for the seeker to open the door to their own heart. It is not in the reaching out that the most trustworthy grounding of desire may be had but, rather, in the smaller and smaller, quieter and quieter, energies of the self. For each of you is a hologram of the Creator. Each of you is already that which each seeks, but this treasure lies buried within the deeper self, not so much, shall we say, closeted away as behind a door which has a key, and that key is silence. 1999/0321.txt:10:This instrument is fond of a writer and mystic called Evelyn Underhill. Within this saintly and delightfully humble woman’s work there lies the suggestion that one may think of the spiritual self as a house with two floors. Upon the first floor there is the eating, the drinking, the sleeping, and all those things which the body and the mind must do to maintain the self, to provide for the self, and to make the household that may then offer rest and security to the seeker. The one known as Evelyn asks how the seeker might feel if it ignored the dirty dishes, the unmade bed, the wonderfully creative mess that entities can make of those possessions that they have. Walk up the stair and go into the upper room. To some, this would be very easy to do. And yet the one known as Evelyn suggests that this is putting cart before horse. This is moving too quickly for the whole being to follow. And so we would say to you that we agree with this sentiment, that we do feel it a holy and loving work to balance those feelings concerning existence, sexuality, person, personal relationships, family relationships, and societal relationships. All these are blessed and important concerns. They are not the small change to be tossed away so that one may go higher. They are the steps which you must be able to trust, going up that staircase to the upper room. And we ask each of you to be especially aware of the beauty and the divinity of simple things. For these things will feed you and will balance you and will open your heart. 1999/0321.txt:14:These are desires that all have in common. For each, the ship upon which each finds herself is without a lodestone or rudder. But, rather, there is a sail which may be moved about by the seeker to catch the winds of spirit. Once one has been able, even for a short time, to run before the wind of spirit and to feel the sails billow, one has become able to recognize what it feels like to be in the rhythm and in the rightness of things. For truly we say to you, to the best of our knowledge, each has a destiny. Each has a mission. Each has come into incarnation with gifts to share, with a mission to fulfill, a service to do, and with learning to accomplish. The learning is always about love. The serving is always about trusting in the rightness of the moment. Again and again we have heard the question, “What can I believe in? How can I have faith?” We say to you that when your desires come into balance, then it is that you are most liable to experience the harvest and the blooming of faith, for faith is not faith in anything. Faith is simply an attitude which is part of your spiritual being. Faith is that which knows that all is well and that all will be well. It cannot be gotten at by trust in any other person. It can only be experienced in midair after one has leapt from the precipice safely. In midair one finds oneself marvelously able to cultivate faith, and you will find, as you work with your desires, that there is a place or balance which you will come to recognize. There is a comfort in sensing that one is centered, that one is on the beam, that one is in rhythm and in cooperation with one’s destiny. 1999/0321.txt:28:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. If in the observation of the experiences which are yours over a period of time it is discovered that there is a passion for this or for that avenue of expression, then it is well to follow such a passion and trust that such a passion is the will of the Creator for you at this time. For this feeling of passion is, indeed, one of the most effective ways for the subconscious mind, or the will of the Creator to move through the subconscious mind, and to move the conscious entity in such and such a fashion. 1999/0418.txt:4:As we rest in the comfort and the beauty of your blended vibrations we find ourselves aware of much each of you already knows from experience, from suffering and undergoing great difficulty, from being held together and lifted up by the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Each has beautiful stories to tell of those times when everything seemed clear and the creation truly did seem to be one beautiful, harmonious symphony of people and relationships and nature and things great and small, all moving together with rhythm and pulse and a lovely dance that was new every moment. It is not simply with the intellect that each of you has had these experiences, but with the whole self. Each has had these transcendent times when the world simplified itself and the love could be seen. We are grateful for the beauty of those memories and those awarenesses within you, for this gives us common ground. We do not have to convince or persuade any that spirituality is a very real and a very intimate thing, for each of you has had those feelings from deep within the self, and each more or less trusts those experiences. We would encourage you to continue to trust those memories, for whenever times of ineffable harmony come, however they come, through what suffering they come, or as what gift out of nowhere, they are the gems hidden within the ore of common life, so far. And what a blessing it is to stumble across a perfect diamond or ruby, to see the crystalline nature of truth which has been realized in some way. 1999/0502.txt:19:The being that you are attempting to create, you see, is, and [yet] cannot be that light being, for that light being is pretty much as it is and will change only through unimaginable eons of time. The whole octave of experience shall have its way with that vibration and [you] will still be you. However, you actually think to create an entity that never was until you put yourself into the rhythms and the intentions of a way of living that will bring you closer and closer to a goal that you can only dimly sense, and that goal has to do with the way you interact with other selves. The entity you are attempting to build is the world soul or the social memory complex, as this instrument would say it. Light simply is. Yet time and space create the need for movement and it is in becoming aware of graceful movement in habit, in ways of thinking, in disciplines of the personality, in purification of the emotions, that you may reliably hope and trust that you will make progress, that you will at the end of an incarnation be measurably more able to see the self and the other self without significant distortion when first you grasped the fact that you were alone in this illusion and wailed your first wail upon being born. 1999/0502.txt:35:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator have found that it is most appropriate for us to speak upon those queries which are of a philosophical or generally applicable level of principle. For we are not native to this planetary sphere and are not able to see with a clear vision the means by which to avoid infringing upon free will without applying this general principle of replying only to general philosophically oriented queries. It is so very easy to feel one has helped another by giving the answer to specific queries such as the ones which this entity has offered and then witness the loss of the power to seek and discriminate on the part of such a seeker when a source such as are we is trusted more in this area more than is personal discrimination. Thus, we leave it to those of this planetary sphere—those who inhabit its outer planes and those who inhabit its inner planes—to deal with the issues of specificity: the determining of dreams, the meaning of a book, the coincidence of a friend, and so forth. That these events do have a meaning and a purpose in the incarnation is without dispute. The great value of their determination is that the seeker herself shall make this determination and thereby strengthen her ability to discriminate that which has value to it by the exercise of the intuition, the releasing of the power of the subconscious mind, the harmonizing of that which is the conscious mind with the subconscious mind so that like a muscle that is well exercised there is strength developed in the area of discrimination as well. We apologize for our inability to be of service in these areas but would feel that we are of a greater service by refraining from comment. 1999/1017.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings and blessings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We thank each of you for all that you have sacrificed, all that you have sought, that has brought you to this circle of seeking at this time. We thank you that you have called us to your session of working. We wish you to understand what a blessing it is to us to be able to share our thoughts with you, to be able to fulfill that which is our chosen service at this time. Please know that you serve us far more than we could ever serve you with our humble words by providing us with the opportunity to experience what it is to be called, to be asked to share. We will, indeed, share all that we can share through this and other instruments this day. We ask but one thing of each of you, and that is that you listen to our thoughts and our opinions with a careful and discriminating ear and heart, for that which we have to say may or may not be that which is needed by you at this time. And for us to be considered by you as an authority to which you must listen is obnoxious to us, for that would mean that we were, instead of helping, being a stumbling block before you. Therefore, we ask that you take those thoughts that ring true to you and leave all the rest behind. We trust your powers of discrimination and we ask that you also trust your own inner knowing, for each has a personal truth to which each needs to hew. 1999/1107.txt:8:And so, perhaps, we would begin this consideration by recommending to each the continuing dedication to reentering the body, seeing that body as one of perfect health and perfect rhythm, feeling within the self, within the muscle and bone the rightness of this precise manifestation at this precise time. For each of you has a niche in the harmonics of the Earth plane. Each of you is essential to that overall balance of energies which the planet itself vibrates in. You may trust your bodies in their rhythms, in their cycles, and it is very, very good to remind the self, when you catch yourself being disrespectful to your own body and the wisdom of your own body, that it actually knows a great deal more than the mind of the human, that the heart and every cell of that body, which may seem at times nothing but a mechanical physical vehicle, to revisualize and to understand that body as a perfect and graceful body, one that is beautiful in its own way, one that has great wisdom in and of its own. This constitutes a tremendous resource for the mindful person. For in exercising that physical vehicle, in walking among things of nature and working within the realm of nature, these activities tune and harmonize your body with all of the bodies of plant and animal with which it comes in contact. For a walk is not simply putting one foot in front of the other. A walk is also a recapturing of the perfection of the being that you are. 2000/0206.txt:14:The personality shell, you see, has one aspect that can be very difficult to control. That aspect is the mind. The emotions of self, whether instinctual and second-density in origin, or whether of third-density origin, have a truth to them that does not depend upon the veil of forgetting. The feelings that each seeker has are trustable to a far greater extent than that which the mind puts out in the way of thoughts. Let us explain. 2000/0416.txt:4:As we share our thoughts with you we wish you to know that we are those with opinions and information that we have come to feel is valuable in spiritual seeking, things that have stood the test of time for us. However, we also know that in speaking to a group we cannot be all things to all people. And, consequently, those things that we have to share may or may not resonate with your own personal truth, and we would suggest that each of you does have an extremely efficient and very sensitive apparatus of discrimination which is, for the most part, a portion of your intuition rather than a portion of your logical mind. When you hear our information do not simply ask yourself if it sounds logical, because we generally do sound logical. However, our truth may not suit your seeking at this point. For there is a movement and an aliveness to truth. It evolves for each seeker, and we would not wish you to hold on to something that might turn out to be a stumbling block. So use what seems helpful to you and, if you would, it would be very helpful to us if you would simply disregard and leave behind all other thoughts. Neither we nor any is an authority for you. You are an authority for yourself. We encourage you to trust in this energy of discrimination which you have within you, and when you sense a thought that resonates with your own, seize it and work with it. And when you do not, release those thoughts that do not ring true. 2000/0416.txt:25:Occasionally all things may come together, and it is, indeed, a moment of clarity and delight. But again and again you as a seeker will be in the Dark Night of the Soul, looking for dawn but not at all sure that it will come. And all of this is a refiner of souls. You are engaged in distilling a truth and a duty that is so much larger and fuller and [more whole] than anything that you can imagine that we cannot express it to you. You are already a perfection that is the one infinite Creator, and yet you have this opportunity not to know and yet to seek. It is, in our experience, an absolute delight, and we feel that each of you here have had those moments of clarity and delight. We ask that you believe them, that you remember them and trust the memory. For these are little gems of your truth that have popped out into consciousness from that place where joy and purity and truth live within you. This instrument would say that they reside within the heart, and in a very real sense this is true. For it is through the heart center that these awarenesses are able to springboard from the unconscious or subconscious self into consciousness. In another way, we would say that these are energies of the deeper mind, this mind that attaches you to others, to the planet in which you now enjoy life, to all of life, and to the one infinite Creator. 2000/0416.txt:26:This instrument is informing us that the time is nearly up for us to speak through this instrument. We do not wish to move beyond forty-five minutes. We have, in a sense, touched upon the discrimination between service-to-self and service-to-others sources within your reading and your hearing. And we simply encourage you to trust yourself. And at the same time to get to know that self that you are trusting ever more deeply, to consult your discrimination, and at the same time to strengthen your power of discrimination by trusting it, by using it, by seeing at first hand how it works. It is a faculty within you that is a gift from the one infinite Creator and from your higher self. And to this gift of discrimination is linked your guidance. We would encourage you to move into that place within the heart where you are able to ask within the safety of your own energy field, “Is this true for me?” If it is, move on it. Use it. Live it. Eat it. If it is not, walk on. 2000/0521.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in whose service we are. We thank you for calling us to your circle of seeking and for asking us the interesting question about the boundaries of service to others and free will. As we speak we would request that, as always, that each use his or her discernment to determine those thoughts of ours which may have resonance and which thoughts need to be left behind. We trust each seeker’s discrimination and it would be a service to us if each could, indeed, leave behind those thoughts which do not ring true. For in their own way, such thoughts are a subtle infringement and we would not wish that. Authority itself has the ring of infringement and we would like to take away any taint of authority from our words, for we do not feel that we have any over you or that we are wiser than you but, rather, simply that we have more experience. We are glad to share that experience and our thoughts with you, but we greatly appreciate it if you would do us this favor. 2000/0910.txt:4:We would ask that each be careful to realize that we are not authority figures but really brothers and sisters who travel the same spiritual road, who are looking for answers to the same mysteries. We are happy to share our thoughts but, as always, we ask that you leave behind those thoughts that may present a stumbling block. Take only those that are useful to you and move on. And we would encourage you to practice this discrimination with all sources that you may hear or read, for, truly, authority resides in the resonance between your own nature and that which you need. When you meet your own personal truth it has a resonance to it that is unmistakable, and we ask you to trust that and not some outer authority, no matter how persuasive or powerful. 2000/0910.txt:13:When the awakened entity views those who are still asleep it can seem desirable to shake them up and wake them up. And as the one known as S mentioned, it is perfectly all right when talking about things that interests us to mention such things and drop a seed here and there. There is no infringement on free will in doing so. However, to move further than the first mention of an interesting topic or thought without a substantially positive response is to begin to encroach upon that person’s privacy and free will. We would encourage, rather, the attitude of trust and faith that each person’s incarnational schedule is set as it should be, that if they are still asleep they should still be asleep, that something is going on that in the pattern of that person’s life will work out perfectly for that person. 2000/0910.txt:27:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. You will not be surprised to discover that our suggestion for this entity is similar to our suggestion to the previous entity. However, the means of communication between you and this entity may be somewhat different in that the second-density entities known to you as trees are those which also respond to that quality of love which comes from the open heart. Again, in this instance we would recommend that in the shading and protective arms of this entity you retire yourself into meditation seeking not only a direction for yourself but the establishment of a feeling-tone, shall we say, between yourself and this tree entity. Find the silence within and when that silence has been achieved, move in harmony and sympathy into a communication with the tree. Ask what it needs. Await a response which may or may not be in the form of your words. If you are able to perceive an image or a feeling that comes after the asking of the question, pay attention to that image and to that feeling. Follow either as a trail of communication is laid. Trust that this tree knows its needs and appreciates your love. Perhaps it will be necessary to achieve this meditation for a number of your days before there is a clear response. Perhaps the response will come immediately. However long or short the response time may be, then move in action according to that which you perceive, and trust your ability to perceive the response from the tree. 2000/0910.txt:37:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. When we consider requests such as this we look again to the preamble that we offer before each contact is made with this and any other group that we are privileged to contact and that each entity present be encouraged to exercise the personal discrimination so that any information that comes before its notice be subjected to that inner knowing that each entity possesses that can direct it surely and safely along this journey of seeking the truth. For each entity’s truth will be somewhat different though it partakes of the same great truth of the unity of all things created by love. Each entity must be aware that there is a unique journey that it is traveling and will travel. When information is made available that may or may not aid this journey then it is that the mind first looks at the information and assesses it upon an intellectual level and determines one thing or another about the information. Then the mind gives over the assessment of any information to what may be called the intuition, to the heart, to the deeper self, to that deeper knowing that each entity possesses. It is here that a feeling is generated in response to any thoughts about information offered. And it is this feeling from within that one must trust. We would suggest that this entity and any other entity in a similar situation take the information that has been given it into the meditative state after having considered it intellectually, and within the meditative state allow the feeling tones to arise from within that are the heart’s response to that which has been given from without, and then to follow this feeling to its conclusion, whether it be to accept all, some or none of the information offered, and to do this with a feeling of love and gratitude for the Creator of us all and to the individualized portion of that one Creator which offers information to the one to be healed. 2000/0910.txt:49:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The trust of which you speak in relation to faith is not only in one’s feelings but the feeling that despite that which one sees and experiences that one knows that all is well, that one knows that all will be well, that what is occurring at any moment is appropriate and may be learned from in an effective manner which enhances the evolutionary journey. Each entity along this journey will have those times of doubt, of trial, of confusion, of feeling lost, of feeling alone. All of these and many more experiences are those which test one’s character, which offer one kind of lesson or another. There are as many kinds of learning as there are entities to learn. However, in each experience and for each entity, if one can uncover that feeling of faith within and let it be the north star, the Polaris of the self, then one may move without fear and accept whatever is the daily round of activities as they come to one. For an entity that is filled with faith, there is no challenge too great. For any entity without faith, all challenges feel too great. Faith is that which one develops by wishing to develop faith. If one feels faith is lacking in the life pattern, begin to investigate the qualities of faith, the nature of faith, and begin to act as though you have faith, and faith will come to you. Moreover, faith will come through you, for faith is like love. It is a basic quality of this and all creations. If one can begin to exercise the quality of faith it is much like your physical muscle. It will grow in strength and ability. 2000/1015.txt:5:Other selves are seen with much more balance by the self than the self because of the fact that they are not perceived as the self. Consequently, if you find yourself gazing at other people, concerned with their imperfections and sympathizing with them, we may encourage you to do the same with yourself. For that instinctual reaction that you have to the struggles of a person perceived by you as a well-intentioned person which perceives itself as imperfect, has more balance to it. And you may trust that the instinct that saw the love in another’s heart is the shadow of that heart itself that is within you, that is in actuality transducing the love and the light of the infinite Creator in relatively unimpeded form despite surface angst and anxiety. There are many layers to the question of where an antsy feeling may come from. 2000/1015.txt:66:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. A direct answer is not possible for us here, for it is an infringement on free will for us to advise to the point of specificity. However, we would suggest that in your meditative state, as you ponder this query for yourself, you will be able to make a clear determination as to whether or not to continue this course of ingestion of prescribed medication. We encourage you to seek there your own answer and to trust in yourself in this seeking. For it is well said that each entity knows the answers within the heart to the queries which have importance to the heart. 2000/1105.txt:16:Consequently, the very first arena of change for the spiritual seeker is the alarm that awakens the spirit. We do not know any way to influence the timing of when that alarm clock goes off for each individual spirit. And so we would ask that this particular concern for the self or for any other self be removed from the arena of choice and change. Trust the self to know when it is time to awaken and trust that self again and again when it triggers an urgency for change. For there are, as we have said, these posts or stanchions that are part of the structure of each incarnation, that have been carefully set in place to cause a turn here and a swing there and a turn and a roll here and there. Sometimes these changes in direction seem to be coming from the blue, and yet they have been carefully placed and are doing what they should do in order to keep you pointed, to follow our original analogy, [not] to Chicago but to the issues of your incarnation and to the services which you wished to offer. So examine those things you cannot change for the potentials for learning and for service. 2000/1119.txt:19:Now, the way this occurs begins very similarly to moving into the inner planes in which third-density entities spend time in between incarnations. There is the continuation of consciousness, and there is the being met by the guides, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, those entities in which the consciousness has reposed trust. However, if the consciousness is enough aware of the possibility of harvest it may, as soon as the review of the incarnation begins, ask to cut short all that lies between it and the steps of light. For there is a great hunger in many who are in incarnation on planet Earth at this time to go home. Now, some would frame this going home as going to a higher density. Others would frame going home as simply being with the Creator. However, the mechanism for moving from third density to densities which are more fully packed with light is what this instrument has called the steps of light. This is not quite an accurate description, but it is as close as this instrument can come to expressing what we offer her. What we offer her is a vision of a walkway, a broad and beautiful path of light. 2000/1203.txt:5:The concept of discrimination is sometimes a difficult one for people who have been accustomed at times to feel that they, perhaps, are not entirely competent to judge any particular area or even in general. Many are the factors within your culture which tend to disenfranchise spiritual seekers from trusting in their own opinion and relying upon their own powers of discrimination. The bludgeoning of that blunt instrument known to you as school creates a respect for authority which is perhaps overstated. For in the realm of spiritual seeking truth is not a matter of authority. Truth is not subject to proof. Truth is, in fact, in any linear terms, entirely subjective. To get to a spiritual truth it first must be realized that this spiritual truth will be true only for you. It will not be true for another living human being. 2000/1203.txt:7:Let us look for a moment at this process. One thing we would note about this process is that it has themes that recur. For each entity there will be those incarnational lessons which cannot be identified quickly. The first time a crisis situation along certain lines comes up it is overwhelming. There is so much confusion that there is no seeming place where a person might find a place to stand, a ground of being, a trustable foundation from which to look at the situation and the environment of the situation. The second time this same incarnational lesson recurs it may be almost as completely baffling as the first time. 2000/1203.txt:17:We speak now to thirsty people, and we say to you, while we cannot hand-feed you water to quench your thirst, we can talk about the plan; the plan we see for each of you. For we feel that beyond all illusion, beyond all sequence, beyond all linear proof, beyond all illusion of any kind, it may be trusted by each of you that there is a plan, a carefully created, thoughtfully worked out plan that was created by yourself and by Spirit for this incarnation. Everything that is occurring is part of the outworking of this plan. It is an organic process, taking in great scoops, from anywhere within the illusion that comes into contact with the particular world of one seeker, that material which it needs in order to offer the various incarnational lessons in their various nuances needed as the cycles spiral and the learning and the process evolve. Therefore, what greatly aids the work of an entity in the midst of a perceived crux of incarnational lesson is not linear thought or analysis but, rather, a relaxation of all non-emotional processes, a refraining from intellectual thought, and a program of repetition of affirmations having to do with awakening, supporting and encouraging the faculties of faith and will. 2000/1203.txt:21:We may see the plan as outfigured in that Holy of Holies within the heart which holds the truth of being. In that Holy of Holies the Creator dwells in Its full original vibration. And the seeker, too, is there in its own heart, if it can remember to go there. With all of the buzzing noises of brain and intellect and thought, it is almost impossible to remember to go to the heart. It is only when there is a decision made to release the intellectual thought in the workings of the decision-making mind and to move into faith, trust and hope that the self can become silent, the mind can stop its chatter, and the self can use the key of silence to enter that tabernacle that is the heart. The beauty and the excellence of silence cannot be overrated in this regard. Often, we speak of meditation, but we find that you within third density attempt to make a project out of this meditation and create complexities and difficulties within this practice as well, which is completely normal for those who are within the heavy illusion of Earth. We encourage all movements into silence, whether they be called meditation or simply sitting and soaking in the now. In any case, there is a release involved, a release of control, a surrender to the will that is the Creator’s and at the same time the heart of self’s will. 2000/1203.txt:25:We do not suggest that any of this is effortless. We only suggest that it is a most carefully thought out and a most blessing-filled procedure. We suggest that each of you has created a perfect environment for learning and for service. And each of you has created an excellent plan which is in effect, and that each of you will do well to create within the self more and more ability to invoke faith and will and to know that all is love and, even in the midst of suffering, all is well. Shall you die? Shall you live? Does it matter if you are moving along the lines of spiritual evolution? We ask each to trust. And we assure you that every force of nature and spirit wishes to help and is ready to express the hints and harbingers of synchronicity to speed the awareness of the truth. 2001/0106.txt:16:It would seem that the spirit could reach down and grab the soul from within you and bring it to a better place. And yet we say to you that many times that this is not the way that spirit works. For every time that there is a sudden and dramatic change in the outer picture, there are ten and twenty times when the lesson has to do with limitation, patience, and faith. This instrument said earlier that faith is not faith in anything. Faith is the trust, without any proof or supporting evidence, that all is well and that all will be well. And this is the surrender that is demanded on the inner path. It is faith stripped of dogma. It is faith not in, but simple faith. It is that faith that leads one to leap into mid-air as the Fool, not seeing the safety net, not seeing the next step, not knowing the answers, and yet being willing to act as if all were well by faith. It is a frightening concept when thought about without the activity of the self as a living being. And if thought about it will often bring that living self to a state of paralysis. 2001/0106.txt:19:Be aware that no structure of thought will ever hold you completely. Only the emotions that you produce in your work with these structures of thought have a value in your own alchemical process of growth into the light and the love of the one infinite Creator. Trust those times when you do resonate. Trust those moments when your heart soars, and for a moment the limitations drop away and you are in the light, and you see the plan, and you know that all is well. Trust the bare memory of those times and always come back to the heart. Whether it be in spiritual groups or in working on your own, always we would suggest the great virtue of coming back to the heart. When we say this we are really describing in the heart a kind of structure like a church which we might call the holy of holies, for it is in this particular part of the energy system of your body that the connections are rooted that move into the infinite Creator, into guidance, into inspiration, into the ability to surrender. 2001/0121.txt:9:Within relationships there is an enhanced opportunity, both to feel isolated and to search for connection. And certainly when there is the opportunity to work with a settle friend or mate or spouse this opportunity becomes most attractive, for each entity touched by the cocoon of self is an entire universe with connections through the energetic body in virtually every chakra and every finer body. Thusly there are, if not infinite ways to connect with others, certainly many, many ways at many levels to make genuine and helpful connections with those other selves that share that vibration that expresses your own nature and divinity. Company is a precious thing whether or not an entity has mated. There very few entities within your Earth plane which are able to grow in true solitude, and even when it is apparent solitude that surrounds an individual the threads of connection that exist in actuality are yours. For no entity can live without procuring the supplies needed to preserve life. And in order to do that there is the need to depend upon, to trust, and to interact with, either directly or indirectly, hundreds and even thousands of other entities who manufacture goods, who create goods, who distribute goods and deliver them to you. So in all these ways there are connections through the cocoon that empower and strengthen the self. 2001/0211.txt:18:As we said, the great virtue of any outer religion is that it offers a place to be within the illusion. When one is within a path that is known, one may feel that one is not alone, that one belongs, that one is part of something that is beautiful and continuing and holy. When no sparks come to a seeker from looking at the various religions, then it is that the seeker must decide to create her own path. And this is a challenge. Certainly it is one that each is capable of rising to and meeting. But it does throw one upon one’s own resources in a way that an outer path of religion does not. We sympathize with each who seeks, for we, like those within your circle, do not necessarily feel that one path has all the answers but, rather, that each path offers advantages. We would simply suggest to each that the seeking for the right path be done in the atmosphere of the trust of self and of the self’s powers of discrimination and choice. For the seeker will know what is truly for him. And may we say that no matter what the path chosen, the creation speaks equally to all. The crocus that this instrument spoke of as growing where none was planted offers its own lesson in any religious system, speaking of faith, the generosity of spirit, and the endless possibilities of the present moment. Each day, each hour, and each moment offer sight to the eye and sound to the ear for one who is looking and to one who is listening for the truth. 2001/0318.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as the Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. We thank you for calling us to your group this afternoon. It is, as always, a great privilege and pleasure to speak to you. We want to thank each who has come for the sacrifice of those other things that were not done this day in order that each of you might seek the truth and rest in the silence that binds us all in the love and in the light of the one Creator. It is wonderful to be able to share our humble thoughts with you. We do want to be clear that we are not authority figures, but seekers upon the same path with you. Perhaps we have walked a few steps more. Perhaps we remember a few more of the experiences that we have had, and, therefore, perhaps we can offer opinions that may be useful and may be interesting to each of you. But we do ask that each of you listen with a discriminating and careful ear, listening not for all of our words but for those words that seem to resonate within your heart. For truth is a very subjective thing, and when something is part of your personal truth it will have a certain ring to it, and you will recognize it. Trust that resonance of recognition and not the seeming authority of any source, for you have responsibility for your mental, emotional and spiritual evolution. You may choose the rate and the process of change. And we would not wish to become a stumbling block as each of you seeks the truth in his or her own way. 2001/0318.txt:16:You can work on opening your heart within the process of the workaday world, within the process of any present moment, under the storm of any challenge. It is impossible for any thing or any one to keep you from pursuing this service of being, and we want you to know that you have many helpers to aid you in this service. For each of you has guidance, personal guidance, deeply impersonal sources of guidance, inner planes teachers that shall come to you if you have a desire for that which they have to share. Many are the unseen spiritual aids that are available to the persistent and asking seeker. The key here is simply to ask and to keep asking with all of your heart. For it is true, as this instrument’s holy work says, “Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you.” Your desire shapes a tremendous amount of that which you shall receive spiritually. So trust that self that desires. Do not scorn it, but rather seek to know yourself more and more, and to define and refine to yourself that which you truly do desire, that which you truly do seek. For that which you seek, you shall surely find. 2001/0318.txt:18:We greatly sympathize with the confusion that each feels within the Earth plane. We admire your courage. We rest in the comparative sureness of knowing of our density, in which many, many things are known, in which all thoughts are clear. Our confusion and our seeking lie in the mystery beyond that knowing. But to you, even that, the knowledge of self and the knowledge of other self, is so often hidden. It is as though each of you were in a scene from the television program this instrument knows as “The X-Files,” looking around with flashlights in one dark corner after another. Such is the spiritual world. Within the Earth plane it is a very dark plane. The inner planes are not clear, and often there is no observed light. And yet we say to you, trust the light that is not seen. Trust that candle that is your heart, and know that as long as you keep that candle lit, that is your only responsibility, not for other’s thinking, not for other people, and not for outer issues, but only to open the heart, to offer the self to love and be loved, to know the self as part of the Creator. 2001/0325.txt:7:Within the course of these relationships which we have given ourselves, certainly it may seem from time to time as if we have chosen for ourselves harsh lessons and confusion as an inevitable part of the relationships that we have chosen to investigate and help to blossom forth. It may well seem that instead of becoming more and more unified with those with whom we are in relationship, that we have not made progress, and we may wonder about the efficacy of our work within these relationships and within these lessons. And yet we say to you that it is well to trust the rhythms of relationship and to allow them to be of the shape and the texture that they will be rather than attempt to remold them according to a desired outcome or a preferred status. This instrument earlier was speaking of a relationship that she would like to mend, and yet is not the work of mending work done upon the self? Is not the process of forgiveness and healing that forgiveness of self that sees the other self as the reflection of the Creator? 2001/0329.txt:6:Coming into that world of thought, that world of intention and principle, that world of desire and ideal and love, moving into the heart, we ask each to let the world of flesh retreat. As each of you rests in this world of the spirit, you have an unique viewpoint, for you are still within the body, within the incarnation, within the confusion, and yet by resting in the metaphysical, in the spiritual awareness of the heart, you have a release into spiritual things, into those things that can be trusted and depended upon to exist today, tomorrow and forever. The concerns within which you rest are concerns that will matter just as much in a thousand years, in ten thousand years, in a million years. 2001/0329.txt:11:Seldom can the entity within incarnation have a direct experience of the reality of that essence, and so we say to you it is something that you may take on trust. You may become naked of your self-perceptions and you shall still exist. And you may place that self that the Creator adores, that is the true you, into the Matrix of the unfed mind. And that Matrix can accept all that you are as an essence. This fit is natural and ongoing, and it is helpful to go through the exercise of moving into the unfed mind of the Matrix of the deep mind and to experience at once the royalness of being who you are and the utter humility of being empty. For as the Matrix you know nothing but thirst and hunger. You are a creature yearning and seeking with an appetite that is keen, unending and driven by the wind of spirit from creation to creation. As the Matrix, once settled in that persona, all thought moves to the reaching, the seeking, the hoping for fulfillment. 2001/0329.txt:14:What can be trusted beyond all telling is the protected nature of this work in consciousness. It is as though, as the seeker dedicates itself to the seriousness of its desire, it alerts a large body of discarnate protection which this instrument would probably call inner-planes or angelic. Whatever the description of this energy, it is devoted to being sure that, whatever the incarnational situation, whatever the physical situation doing this seeking, this work shall be protected. This thirst and its fulfillment shall be blessed. 2001/0401.txt:8:In many cases for a spiritually awakened entity the situation is that the other entity has chosen not to follow the call of the highest and best and has, therefore, simply decided to end a relationship without communication. When you are faced with this situation we may suggest that the first work to be done is simply to release the situation from your conscious control. It is amazing that there is not more pain connected with relationships, for indeed in almost all cases two entities in relationship will have many areas of pain and soreness. We encourage again and again the communication between loving beings that is honest and clear, saying the hard thing as well and as kindly as possible, for it is in the saying of the hard things and in the bringing up of difficulties, in the exposing of the self in its vulnerabilities and its pain that entities begin to become closer and start to generate the kind of unconditional trust that is necessary for that experience of having true intimacy between two people. 2001/0520.txt:10:What we encourage for each of you is a mixture of high ideals and utter down to earth practicality. It is a wonderful thing to be awake to the reality of spirit. Yet this awareness is seated in a life of flesh and blood and dust. You came into incarnation to experience the grit and the friction of a very real physical illusion. This is the chosen arena for this season of your bloom. We suggest that there is great survival value in trusting that the soil in which you were planted and the blooms that you see around you are the correct ones for your best growth and learning at this time. We suggest that the very nearest things to you can provide you a tremendous opportunity for service. We suggest that there is an enormous value in realizing the permanent in the ever changing world of your heart. 2001/0520.txt:14:We hope you find many moments of peace, but we assure each that the unrest and the disquiet have a purpose too. The more serenely that you can look at the troubles in your life the more trust you can develop that these are not simply difficulties that seem to challenge but are also helpers whose purpose will be seen much more easily from hindsight when the process is through. And we encourage each of you to use each other as lifelines. If there is a hard time find someone you trust and talk it over. It does not make the process of refinement any easier, but it makes it much more bearable because the sharing lightens the load. 2001/0829.txt:38:Certainly, a relationship can be made; a home can be created with any chosen mate. But to move beyond pattern into spontaneous energy which creates its own patterns, there is the need to find that focus that is worth the sacrifice of the old self and that inspires the faith and the trust of the self to release the protective layers around the heart, that the self may offer itself its life and its service to another. 2001/0902.txt:4:We are extremely gratified to share our thoughts and would only ask in return that each of you is extremely careful about what you choose to listen to in what we have to say. For what we have to say is a truth to us, but it may not be so to you. That which resonates within your heart, by all means, consider. For we hope to offer interesting and helpful thoughts. But those things which do not resonate we ask that you leave behind without a second thought. Some thoughts are for you. Some thoughts are not. That power of discrimination which each of you has is golden, as this instrument would say. Treasure it and trust it. No one else can tell you what is right for you. You are the authority for yourself. You are the teacher for yourself. You are the guru in a very important way, for those things which you desire to know lie within you now. It is a matter of remembering and coming again into awarenesses [of] that you have had many times, not necessarily within incarnation. 2001/0923.txt:4:We are most grateful to be able to speak with you and ask of you only that you be very careful in listening to what we have to say, for we are error-prone, those of opinion rather than of authority, seekers upon the path just as are you. And we do not want to constitute in any way a stumbling block to your seeking. Take those thoughts that appeal to you and leave the rest behind. This is the way of truth. All truth is not for all entities. There is a resonance to that truth that speaks to your own seeking and to your own situation. We ask you to trust your own powers of discrimination. For truly you have a very keen radar for truth and for falsity. 2001/1007.txt:5:This communication of ours is bound in silence. It is silence that fuels the channel, silence that fuels the desire of those present, and silence that enables that desire to be honed. It is silence that enables the self to be known to itself. It is in silence that trust and faith abound. It is in the shared silence of prayer that miracles happen. 2001/1118.txt:3:We are those known to you as the principle of the Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you. We thank you for coming together to seek the truth and for joining in this circle of seeking. We thank you for calling for us, for we greatly appreciate the opportunity to share our thoughts with you. We ask only that you use your discrimination in listening to our words and set aside any words that trouble you, for we would not be a stumbling block but, rather, a resource for your seeking. We ask you to trust your discrimination and no outside authority. For you know what is comfortable and what is good within for you, and you may trust that instinct within you. 2001/1209.txt:9:So any time there is between two entities an energy exchange that is genuinely and authentically mutually loving, without reservation or purpose of control or manipulation, any time that there is the achieving of a state of trust that is pure between two entities, any time there is that insight and awareness of the oneness of the self and another, within that moment, within that communion, however long it lasts, you are walking the bright and golden path of social memory formation, weaving connections and experiences that redound to the personal process of evolution and also to the planetary process of birth into fourth density. Third-density entities finding themselves to be running fourth-density energy greatly aid in the formation of the fourth-density social memory complex simply by opening the heart to the extent that those moments are possible. 2001/1223.txt:8:Now a very tiny example of a social memory complex would be the couple or the family which is extremely close, so that the entities have begun to tune into each other and eerily have begun to know what the other was going to say, what the other was sensing, how the mood of the other was going without having to speak. There is a growing awareness from the soul level when there is complete trust between two people. This is difficult to achieve. It takes time and it takes persistence on the part of two human beings who will systematically fail at everything that they try to do at one point or another, metaphysically speaking. Consequently there is forgiveness built into trust so that when entities within a fellowship of complete trust misbehave they are allowed the room to do that. They are allowed the support to come out of that. They are allowed the chance to start anew. 2001/1223.txt:12:The one known as Jesus tried to apply fourth-density ideas to third-density society. We grasp the fact that this has not been popular since, and we believe we grasp why, realizing as we do that the one known as Jesus was able to open his heart and trust in the infinity of supply. The closest that your peoples have come to the idea of Jesus, which was to hold everything in common, has been various socialistic and communistic societies in their theoretical form, where each entity is looked at as completely equal and equally deserving of the right to live and to have a place to be and food to eat. The ability of your culture at this time to tolerate the situation where many, many entities do not have enough to eat is, among many other things, acting as a, shall we say, drag on the planetary evolution. For it reflects a carelessness among its members and a lack of appreciation for the qualities that humanity offers long before it justifies itself by being useful. 2002/0106.txt:9:Meeting in trust, coming together in humility and seeking, are motives and energies which ennoble and strengthen that within you which seeks so that you may have the grace to continue to seek. For, indeed, we do not advertise that there are easy answers. Indeed we do not advertise answers. We urge the questioning. We encourage the hunger and here we do not speak of intellectual hunger, although certainly that has its place and books and ideas and all sorts of outer influences are intended to come in and to speak to you and to move you, but beyond all of these things it is the silence, it is the seeking beyond the question where the whole self becomes the question and the only answer desired is wrapped in silence and lifted on the wings of angels so that you, yourself, are wrapped in angels’ wings, those wings which bear one up when one knows nothing, those wings which hide one when the sunlight of pain is too bright, those wings that lift one up above the pettiness and the greed, the sloth and the laziness of other human beings that come before your eyes, that lift one up beyond the secrets of the heart, that are not worthy, that are error-prone, that mark one as a human that are the hardest of all to lift beyond, to fly beyond, to release from the judgment of one’s self. 2002/0120.txt:25:We assure you that you each have a great deal of power. And it is a power that is precious. For many, many upon planet Earth at this time this is a crowning incarnation. This is the end of a pattern or the potential end of a pattern and the beginning of new patterns. It is a very exciting time. It is a difficult time. Each of you has, shall we say, sacrificed a great deal to be upon Earth at this time to do what you could to serve the light. So we just encourage you to take heart. You are on course. Those efforts that you sense will be helpful are those efforts that you should focus on, opening the mind always for new ways, but trusting in your own inner feelings and hunches, those intuitions that tell you that, “Yes, this is where I should be, and this is what I should be doing. All is well.” 2002/0204.txt:13:When you do not have the chance to practice silence in a formal manner we encourage you to seek the ways of nature and enter the creation of natural things whenever possible, for there in that world you are a harmonious and beloved part of all. There, in that universe, the light is trusted. Life and death are equally embraced and all blooms and blossoms bow to the wind, to the weather, and to the seasons. Such seasons there are also in several layers within the personality shell, within the life experienced by that personality shell within incarnation. 2002/0204.txt:15:We wish that we could reach from our position into your world and arrange the details of your incarnation so that the worries that are upon your mind would not be there. For we sympathizes greatly with the sometimes formidable amount of difficulty which surrounds key decisions within the life pattern. Yet we have no way to enter into your pattern to smooth out the spirals of your learning and your growth. We can only say to you that the more you rest in trust and faith, the more room that you give coincidence to work for you. The stronger your belief that all is well the more quickly patterns will smooth out and reveal that, indeed, all is well. And, conversely, the more a fear is focused upon the more that fear becomes real, to the point where, as each of you has seen in the past, this self-fulfilling prophecy does occur and that which is most feared comes to be because it has been the focus for energy within the self, and it has created its own vortex and started to lay out its talons into your life. 2002/0210.txt:4:Trust the discrimination that lies within in the emotional resonance that is retained when material is put down, that nags at the mind and causes the mind to iterate that process of thought, that little shift of dimension that somehow those words held. Notice those. Follow those. Those are the ripples that come to you so that you can follow well by your interests, trusting that that which you are seeking will be attracted to you by the natural energy exchanges that are part of all the densities of this universe where, as you would say, energies are not blocked in order to prevent these connections from being made and these roundnesses of occurrences to plump out the seemingly flat and linear horizon from time to time. 2002/0307.txt:9:In the metaphysical world, chariots are your thoughts. That which you create which goes forth, in the metaphysical world, is created because of your desire, your will, your faith. Thusly we suggest that when each comes to the details and the planning of that linear nature, that it be remembered that the energy of the spiritual world is coming very reliably down the trunk of the Tree of Life and into its branches which are each of you. As above, so below is one of this entity’s favorite sayings. And that we would suggest would be helpful to remember: that there is a shape hoped for by the very plastic and progressing thought processes of each of those who are collaborating within a given project, that each is a channel and receiving guidance concerning the collaboration. Consequently we ask that you trust and consult guidance as plans are made in addition to using the very sound linear and intellectual processes of analysis in the creative conception. 2002/0307.txt:26:This is the time where, more than ever within history, each individual action, our own and yours as well, and each connection made in loving service, is tremendously blessed. The reason is—we are urged to pick this instrument’s brain for a story, a joke actually—these considerations are often helpfully illustrated by laughter. The acolyte peeks out at the congregation in order to tell the priest how many are there for mass. In answer to the priest’s query the altar boy replies, “Well, sir, out there in that church there are angels, cherubim, seraphim and all the company of heaven, and Mrs. Brown.” The unseen help, the unseen presence is tremendous at this time for those who seek to be healed. Purify your intentions; discipline those forces of personality that block your heart. Open to inspiration and trust intuition. And know that each has tremendous power to make a difference and to achieve effective and transformational improvement of the harvest of planet Earth. 2002/0307.txt:56:We are those of the Q’uo, and we leave you in power and in peace, in the arms of each other, and in the spirit of love. Go forth in the knowledge that all is well and that all will be well. Follow and cooperate with those forces of destiny that roll in ever quicker breakers into the tidal basin of your consciousness. Trust the promptings of the guidance within. We are those of the Q’uo, and we leave you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. 2002/0317.txt:8:So there is a tremendous amount of positive energy available, what this instrument would call angelic energy available for those who seek to purify their emotions and to see into their desires to the heart of desire. Those who are doing that, focusing and learning of self, shall indeed find miracles occurring, peace becoming possible within the heart. All of the fourth-density environment is available within the mind’s eye, within the chambers of that sacred heart, which is the metaphysical heart, the seat of the one infinite Creator within each of you. As you are able more and more to come into a state of trust and faith, as you are able more and more to find the heart of self, the heart of desire, the heart of service, that which means love and positivity to you personally, the more you shall receive angelic or positive guidance, the more you shall see helpful coincidences occurring, the more you shall see evidence of unseen hands at work. 2002/0317.txt:13:Trust then, when there is concern, to turn it from anger, grief or whatever other emotion does not feel as if it were the emotion of the true heart, to prayer. For turning to prayer, turning to hope that another individual’s suffering may be alleviated, is a turning to that love within the self and the worth within the other self that is not expressing at the moment but remains the truth of that entity. It is not always necessary that all entities know the truth. This instrument heard just yesterday that the subconscious works, psychologically speaking, without the necessity for words; that is, if one person knows something and is able to make a subconscious contact with another person, what one person knows will become what another person knows also. Trust this level of metaphysical reality because it forms that reality which you speak of as the physical illusion or maya. 2002/0505.txt:4:We thank you for the question concerning how to continue to remember more and more of the truths that create within the heart the peace that passes understanding and the joy of realizing who you are and why you are here. It is certainly a challenging thing to retain the freshness of the vigorous enthusiasm that accompanies initiations and transformation. There is that feeling of being lifted to a place that is infinitely more desirable than the seeming contents of consensual reality. The challenge always is to become able to express these feelings of bliss and joy throughout the moments and days and months and years. The expression of joy is a natural state. It has to do not with any portion of the physical body but rather the movement of the energetic body into a position of balanced openness so that the energies that are moving through are able to do so without what this instrument would call distortion. The set energy of the universe, that OM of which you were speaking earlier, is a vibration that is utterly joyful and blissful, much as those physical feelings that explode when there is the sexual orgasm. In the sense of higher consciousness this state exists as the steady state and when an entity reaches a certain balance within the energetic body and is able to open within that balance in utter trust, the result is that one comes into a state of consciousness which the one known as R was so eloquently describing. 2002/0516.txt:6:We would suggest that in the outworking of dynamics between two entities there is a fine and movable line betwixt viewing catalyst as difficult and viewing catalyst as a rich and welcomed opportunity. That fine line has to do with safety and trust, and the question then becomes within relationships: “How does one become a place of emotional safety for another entity so that even within a disagreement, even within the tangles of personality and circumstance, there is a feeling of trust that enables each to feel comfortable in misbehaving and apologizing and discussing with utter honesty those things which lack between the two?” 2002/0516.txt:19:We would suggest that the silence and the intent are those two things which shall be most helpful as practice that creates habit that creates a predisposition to an increase in the level of awakening. There are many ways to be silent, meditation being one, contemplation being one. Any form of silence within is to be welcomed and to be applauded, for that is an atmosphere which opens the self to the self; that is that attitude which allows the intent within to come clear, to speak lucidly within the self so that the self ceases asking and begins to know. The asking comes first and then repetition and persistence carry one forward. It is not known when such a process will ripen and come into the conscious mind as a pattern that is seen and [understood]. But we ask that there be the continuing attempt to trust this process and to trust the self and its discriminatory powers. It may seem that much is not understood, and yet we have often said through this instrument that understanding is not something that any within third density may expect to achieve. Rather, what one may achieve [in] third density is an increasing purity of choice, and, once that choice is made to the full satisfaction of the self, that choice of radiance, of service to others, of unconditional love. Once the path of the open heart has been taken, then we would suggest trusting and embracing the light that you feel and moving as a dancer even when you stumble and fall. Let there be the light touch as well as light, and let the self be merry and have its laughter and its happy times. 2002/0614.txt:10:Within this cycle of experience at the very center of self lies that same original Thought of love which shines out of the night sky from each star. Each soul within incarnation is also a star. Each drowning in the sea of confusion is also a master. And yet the goal is not to remember the masterhood as much as [to] begin to sense the lack of necessity for understanding. The goal of this sea of confusion is to drive the attention at last from trust in the logic, and the sense of the mind and the intellect, into the heart, to release at last the demand that the life experience make any certain kind of sense, and the creation of that energy of fearlessness that is able at last to say that, “I know that I do not understand and yet, I know that I live in a world that makes complete sense. I know that I do not understand the plan and yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a plan. I know that I shall never understand what I am doing but I have come to know that I cannot make a mistake.” Then, at last, the soul within is free to take that which this instrument calls the leap of faith, where the meaning and the sense of life, in the metaphysical way of looking at it, begins only when that leap into midair is taken. The demands of sense and logical neatness are abandoned in favor of the full confidence in the support that comes in midair. 2002/0614.txt:17:The love that lies within is waiting at all times and in all places and conditions. There is never a time when this love is not resting quietly, glowing incandescently within the heart of self. The love of the Creator dwells within the heart, and it is the self in its concerns that often lead one away from connecting with the self in the search outward for sources of light and guidance elsewhere, and so we would complete the beginning part of this message by suggesting that for each entity there is a most congenial way to enter into the self through the use of silence and the resting in trust. It is as simple as releasing the breath and the energy of striving so that there is deep breathing in and out, that is not stressful but rather greedy for that life-giving fuel of air that fuels body and spirit. It is possible to breathe in peace and to breathe out stress, to breathe in light and to breathe out weariness. The key always for this kind of inner work is silence. We would encourage the one known as G to take deep breaths of that infinite love and light which are always flowing from the source of all things in infinite supply. There is the desire to love, and yet love is already present. There is the desire to serve, and yet by the beauty of being, each already serves. 2002/0621.txt:13:And this is not simply true, as we said, on the global level. For you as a people are saving the Earth, but you as a mind, body and spirit working as one unit to gather experience and enrich the quality of your soul have the self-same choice to make, because each of you faces an individual global catastrophe that is absolutely certain. Each of you faces the death of the physical body; perhaps not today, hopefully not tomorrow or next week or next year, but soon, and inevitably. Each mote of dust that has had life breathed into it by the infinite Creator shall cease breathing and shall once again become dust so that the qualities that bring forth from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind the concerns concerning global catastrophe are those same qualities of personality that bring forth those concerns about the health of the body, the safety of the body, the protection of the body, and the defense against that great enemy which is seen to be death. One can move without a quiver from the microcosm to the macrocosm here and see the same energies at work: fear and love, protection and growth. Do you wish to protect yourself, maintain what you have, guard what is yours and so forth, or do you wish to release all fear, embrace all things in love and trust and believe in all things hoped for but yet unseen? It may help, when there are concerns within the mind about the world, to bring that concern back to the kingdom of the body, the mind, and the spirit of one entity, because each of you is in the microcosm the authentic Creator, the creation, the universe; Creator and created in an infinite Celtic knot that is different for each entity and yet in each entity retains the elegance of utter unity within the complexity of pattern. 2002/0621.txt:18:Consequently, we encourage the one known as T1 to dance, to play the games, and to realize that there are no mistakes. It is perfectly well to work to share the information that it finds important, but it is just as important to share it in a way that expresses the quality of the open and flowing heart that is grounded in trust and shaped to express that love which flows through the instrument of the human body, mind and spirit in an infinite supply at all times. This is the heart of the mission shared by all those who are awakening upon planet Earth at this time. Each of you came here determined to make a difference. Each of you has those tools and resources that are needed. It is a matter of stepping forth in peace, in confidence, and in the sense that each is not alone. 2002/1006.txt:12:We encourage more than anything else this basic faith in self that sees beyond the mistakes of the moment and trusts in the excellence of that self that lies within like an undiscovered country. Were this instrument never again to say to itself, “You’re just not good enough.” would she be good enough? Were the one known as Jim never to say again, “I just can’t remember like I used to,” would he remember as he used to? Perhaps, but the words that truly hurt the self are the words of judgment that create a contraction and a sorrow within the heart, and so we encourage you to cease bringing sorrow to your own heart, for it is in no way necessary. Each lesson that comes before you has its learning curve. Each learning curve has many moments of seeming failure. Indeed, the only way to learn is to fail repeatedly in such a way that learning occurs. The mechanisms of learning are assisted not by resisting the pain of learning but by speaking it, chanting it, expressing it, having a dance with it, so that there is a movement of energy and a lifting of the spirit that deals with whatever is being dealt with at the time. The one known as R said earlier life is not about working, it is about playing, and this is a good sentence to use as an example for how you can speak to yourself in certain ways. All things take effort. Shall you call that effort work, or shall you call it play? Shall you call it walking, or shall you call it dancing? Shall you call it speaking, or shall you call it singing? Shall you define yourself as prose, or shall you allow yourself to be poetry? 2002/1020.txt:3:We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in Whose service we are privileged to be. We thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts with you on this interesting subject and would ask only that each of you uses your discrimination to winnow out those thoughts that are useful to you from those that are as the chaff that may blow by, [letting them] be released from the need to have meaning. We ask that you not treat us as authorities but as those who have opinions, and subject everything that all authorities or so-called authorities offer to you to the searching gaze of your own powers of discrimination, which we assure you are excellent. Trust and believe in those feelings of resonance and those feelings of flatness that separate out for you those truths that are yours this day and those that are irrelevant to your situation. This will give us the elbow-room, shall we say, that we need to be able to feel that we are not infringing upon your free will but are only sharing the opinion of friends. 2002/1127.txt:61:However, all have in common the need to open the heart, but not from a careless or unprepared position. When the heart is asked to open, first we ask each to ask their energy body to come into balance, to open, and to be unclogged. The simple asking of the mind to the self to take care of this aids in the ability to move into that state of consciousness which is the inspiration of love, the passion of right livelihood or the firm settling upon that which is highest and best for one. These feelings of realization of the nature of the self and the nature about the self greatly aid in the opening of the heart. Certainly, anything which seems inspiring and resonant may be trusted by the discrimination of the entity. 2002/1216.txt:39:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The degree of purification of one’s diet, of one’s thoughts, or of one’s actions is completely a function of one’s free will. As one wishes to increase the level of being with the knowledge that this quality informs all service, then it is well to take an action such as [the one] you have suggested, the improving of one’s diet, to serve as a training aid, shall we say, a function or an action in the physical world, which grounds the desires that are spiritual in nature so that the daily round of activities is informed by such inspiration, such desire, and such perseverance. Thus, it is completely a function of your free will as to how your personality sees such physical expressions of metaphysical principles. Trust your own heart, your own knowing of that which is appropriate. “Seek and you shall find,” it is truly written. 2002/1219_01.txt:8:Not all things in life are requirements as far as the school of living is concerned. As a classroom, the curriculum of Earth is simple: it is love. There are lessons in how to love, in how to accept love from others. These lessons may have to do with loving without expectation of return or, in many cases, learning to accept love without expectation of debt or guilt. As the one known as J has pointed out, it is often far easier to serve and to love without expectation of return than to accept the love offerings of others as a worthy and honorable person. The lesson of acceptance of love is keyed, therefore, to those who are dealing with exceptional clarity in seeing the landscape of their own imperfection. Consequently, that entity which is working upon opening the heart to being worthy of love is also working upon lessons that are linked to the distortion of feeling unworthy. The service of the inner type, as each in this group is aware, is the more central service, since it works upon the soul of the planet, the soul of the entity, and the soul of the group entity that is the self and those other selves that are even now becoming more and more able to form the basic structure of trust and sharing that is the foundation for fourth-density shared memory. 2002/1226.txt:15:We find ourselves up against the Law of Confusion in becoming much more specific about this particular choice. It is a choice betwixt the past and the future, betwixt the conventional and the conventional in that it is conventional within your society both to remain with the relationship in which trust has been broken and to leave a 2002/1226.txt:16:relationship in which trust has been broken. Consequently, the desire for purity exceeds the limits of the situation, which is in actuality part of the consensual process for these entities involved. 2002/1226.txt:31:These talismans are able to operate because of confident faith that all things are alive and that there is no space or time within love, and we would encourage the moving into the silence and the resting in trust and faith as the primary methods of deepening this service-oriented oneness. 2003/0209.txt:80:And so, what we would ask for you to visualize is simply that we stand before you as three, that there is a process of dissemination of information that involves the inspiration from the higher self which is then transduced through these fifth-density contacts to then impinge upon the energetic fields of that entity known as David, so that the speaking may then occur. We trust that this is as satisfactory of an answer as we are wont to give at this time, and we thank you for your query. 2003/0302.txt:28:We are those known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. It is a great blessing for us to be called to your meeting and we thank each of you for creating this circle of seeking, this opportunity for us to share our thoughts with you. We would ask only that each of you listen carefully to that which we have to say, with an eye to keeping those thoughts which appeal to you and have a resonance to you, and laying aside all those that do not, for we would not wish to constitute a stumbling block to any. We ask that each of you trust your discrimination for there is that within you which recognizes that truth which is yours. 2003/0504.txt:8:All lessons have to do with love. But there are different threads of understanding having to do with loving and accepting the love of others that create many, many, different choices of incarnational lesson, some having heavily to do with the responsibilities of loving and expressing that love in very fundamental and practical ways; other entities having fierce but unseen catalyst having to do with a resistance or inability to accept love and to greet the love offerings of others with trust and faith. In each case the lesson is unique to the entity and the way that it comes into the life is carefully guarded. One way to pinpoint one’s own incarnational lesson is to look back over the incarnation and to begin to see where the spirals have returned to the same theme again and again throughout the incarnational experience. In this instrument’s life, for instance, the incarnational lesson has, in part, been how to love without expectation of return. This particular lesson, therefore, has come up not simply with the birth parents, but with other relationships that this entity has had that feel resonant and correct and right and yet have posed this same theme, motif and question as catalyst for this instrument’s spiritual growth. 2003/0717.txt:4:There is a tremendous skill within each of you, that listening ear and understanding heart that can discern and can know, in that knowing that is beyond proof, that this is for you, that is not for you. That is that judge whom you must trust more so than any other party, for it is a unique thing to be incarnate within this illusion and it is central to the more subtle reaches of understanding, if we may call it that in this density, that the trust be first within the guidance of the self. Only after that primary judge has been accepted as the true arbiter of that which is true for you personally can you rest and enjoy the interesting opinions and concepts of many others who may indeed have part of the truth that is yours, and may not. 2003/0907.txt:9:One interesting exercise to use, when one wishes to learn more about the self and where the self is blocked, is simply to rest with the self in a meditative state until one is able to begin to see how the energies of the body are balanced. There is perhaps the technique of asking oneself, “Let me see my energy,” and then allowing the rainbow (red, orange, yellow... ) to come to life [in your inner vision] as you call the colors, so that you are able, in an intuitive way, in a direct way, to gain access to that part of you which is not verbal and which is far more connected to the truth of your energy body. This can be evoked simply by asking, with great faith that you are asking an actual part of the self that can respond. The talent here is not in technique but in the trust and the “allowing-to-be-true” of the technique. It is not a skill of the mind but rather a skill, as the one known as G has said, of the will, or of the heart and the will together. 2003/0907.txt:10:When one is aware of and centered within the fundamental perception of the structure of incarnation, then one is aware that one is within a process of change; that one has chosen what one wishes to examine during the process of change; and [that] one is then free to trust the lessons that appear before the face, to lean into them in terms of doing the homework, of doing the mental analysis, of going to the library of self and asking those questions which need to be asked, [of] doing the research that needs to be done in order that one feels one is beforehand with one’s lessons. That [may] mean, for you in particular, the process of getting meditation more into a daily habit, or the process of journaling one’s dreams or journaling one’s thoughts, or the use of other techniques with which you wish to examine the life as it is lived and to ask of the self, “Who are you? Why are you here? What is your mission?” 2003/0907.txt:11:The energies of reaction to change, which may include much panic and feeling of loss and the stumbling effect of not knowing the path ahead, can be mitigated. The simple trust that all is well, and that this that you experience, whatever it may be, is valuable, worthy of attention, and worthy of your best effort, is very helpful in smoothing and regularizing the process of change that is inevitable and desirable. 2003/0907.txt:20:So we ask you to move into the realization, more and more, that you are the chooser of your experience, you are the creator of your truths and you can indeed move more and more, as you experience the feelings of the open heart more and more, into that open heart, into the rush of infinite energy that is moving through that heart at all times, into that atmosphere of support that the one known as G spoke of that exists not without the self, but within the self, and that is only projected outside the self in order to be visible, in order to be seen, in order to be understood. For who can understand one’s own heart? Yet we ask you to trust that heart and whenever you can, move into that space of remembrance of who you are, of remembrance of yourself as a spark of Creatorship, of “Creator-in-training-ness,” as this instrument has said before. That is your true nature. You are very young. Yet you are moving inevitably and inexorably towards your source, your ending, the one infinite Creator. You are gaining spiritual mass and at this particular time, your goal is to be yourself, for within the heart of self lies this truth, that is fourth-density reality. 2003/0907.txt:44:We are with this instrument and we are those known to you as Q’uo. We attempted to contact this instrument after the one known as Jim created the changing of the tape and this instrument was puzzled by the surprise of a new routine and did not respond. Consequently, we recontacted the one known as Jim and this entity attempted to continue to speak. However this entity, in its integrity, quite rightly expressed the desire to leave the contact as it did not feel it was performing its function as an instrument with the highest of purity. And may we say that this often occurs and is very seldom owned up to. When entities are moving from the impressions of telepathic perception, indeed, the line between good contact and questionable contact is, for the most part, the hair’s difference between alertness and trust in the self and, for whatever reason, the movement from that rest into a state of energy movement or strife. Once energy begins moving in terms of the human personality shell, it is far more difficult to keep a telepathic contact, for the single-mindedness or single-pointedness of thought that enables an entity to lay the self aside and to respond simply to that which is given is sometimes very much lacking. For this instrument, it is more stable as a setting than most and so we pick the contact up at this point as there is energy within the circle that requires, if possible, a slower termination of the contact. And so we would ask again through this instrument if there are any further queries at this time? 2003/0907.txt:75:As the energy wanes, we thank this circle. Our hearts go out to this circle, for each in your own way has struggled with much in this latest season of transformation, chaos and change. We ask that you take heart and that you rest in knowing that no mistakes have been made and that all is on track in your curriculum. Whatever it feels like, each has done beautifully and has been brave and true. We would simply encourage you to continue with faith in yourself, faith in your catalyst, faith in the rightness of the plan. Rest in that faith, rest in the memory of those times when you were immediately connected with that understanding. And trust, through the dark night, through the difficult time, through the confusion. 2003/0907.txt:78:It has been a pleasure to speak with you and again we encourage you to think carefully before accepting anything that we or anyone else has to say, living, dead, terrestrial or extra-terrestrial. Guard your thinking and discriminate, for your truth is a living thing. We are with you in that holy war, that holy seeking that is the struggle that has been called the jihad. Move forward, trusting that the darkness and the light are one and the same thing. 2003/0917.txt:11:These markers are as the iceberg, barely sticking up into the sea of chaotic detail of an everyday life, yet these markers are everywhere, as the whitecaps upon the waves, and yet unlike the whitecaps, they do not go away. They merely are obscured from time to time by the swells and the restlessness of that archipelago of infinite detail that is the ocean of consensus reality. Consequently, the challenge of being within a lifetime of doing becomes the challenge of simple and utter focus and attentiveness to that sea of detail, not being in any way overwhelmed by the flood but rather trusting in the craft of self, that frail barque of body and sensibility and awareness that is you within incarnation. [The challenge is] to have the persistent vision to gaze into and through all detail, seeing and appreciating the momentary interest of each detail, yet always looking for that whitecap of indication that this contains a marker that moves down through the shallow surface of life into the depths of the being of the self, so that one may, many times within an hour, and many, many times within a day, take those arrows that lead downward into the self and ride them as far as you can, opening the intuition, opening the heart, and allowing the self to move as spirit would have you move. 2003/0917.txt:12:There is a tremendous amount of trust of the self and of guidance involved in this technique, yet it is one which we offer to you because of the way that your particular mental, physical and emotional make 2003/0917.txt:17:Consciousness is that which you partake in, in the semblance and illusion of individuality. As you hook into that consciousness from the eccentric surface of your personality shell, [you] become more and more able to trust that path of light that leads from that crooked and sometimes tormented surface to the still, clear, lovely waters of the deep self. It is not that the one known as T has no capacity or opportunity for dramatic service in the sense of teaching or offering other outer gifts to be shared by those in need upon the Earth plane. Each entity within this circle came into incarnation with some plans in that regard, with some hopes of sharing deeply felt gifts with those who might appreciate them. Yet those dramatic gifts have a way of being offered only when the time has been put in, in clearing the energies, in disciplining the personality, in falling in love with the self, and more than all else, in becoming aware of the way the self is, the way it feels when one is in that holy of holies in which all things are one. Become more and more conversant with moving through the levels of being, knowing that perhaps for many a month after starting to gaze at the various depths of perception, there will be some real question about what level the thought is upon at a particular time, and ah! the mind has many twists and turns to cause the surface mind to misperceive. However, there is always a stream of information coming from the system of guidance that is your own and this stream will for the most part be in synchronicities and coincidences that point up, certain trains of thought that isolate and underline, shall we say, or emphasize certain key concepts. Once the entity begins looking for such, the incidence of them begins to rise until one begins to feel that indeed the universe never stops speaking to the self. And indeed this is so. 2003/0917.txt:56:These three minor details, when seen to, set the stage for that which is your process during this period. Certainly, we cannot suggest to you those spiritual tools and resources which are part of your learn/teaching process at this time. We simply ask you to have faith in the ability of the self to discern that which it needs to hear amidst possibly a welter of detail it does not need to hear, trusting always that sense of rightness for the self. We wish you the joy of such intensive work, my brother. 2003/1005.txt:6:However, those who are not able so to begin to open their hearts will find that the difference between the vibratory level within the consciousness and the vibratory level within the environment shall be great enough that the discomfort of living within the fourth-density Earth energy shall be too much for the physical vehicles to enjoy without significant distortion, which shall in many cases shorten lives that would otherwise have been far longer and more open to many options involved in structures of those with open hearts. In this atmosphere it becomes more and more obvious that, in the face of new structures, there is only one directive that we may offer that you may trust completely. That directive is to open the heart. This instrument said earlier, speaking for herself, that she found it impossible to keep the heart open for a prolonged length of time; that there was the natural cycle of ego and so forth that would call to any seeking soul those temptations that would take love and replace it with fear. And such temptations are many and varied. Some are obvious, some are subtle. The true nature of such temptations becomes clear usually only when one is in the middle of having closed the heart and then having discovered the closing of the heart and beginning to work backwards from that place of being stuck, or being over-stimulated, or being blocked, so that the uses of hindsight may help the seeker discover the genesis of the conflict that has caused the previously open heart to move once again from love to fear. 2003/1005.txt:14:The tangles will come. This is why you jumped into Earthly incarnation. You were not unaware of the difficulties of living within an illusion and being cut off from that embedded knowledge of rightness and goodness and identity that you have lost in entering the Earth plane. These things are now unprovable, unknowable and only trusted by faith. We speak of a mystery. It is a mystery that necessarily involves both suffering and joy, both the deeps of night and the brightest noonday. The contrasts are amazing and as this instrument said earlier, it is a very bright experience within the Earth plane in these days of great light, both for service to self and for service to others. Entities all about you, and you, yourself, are attempting to deal with a great bounty. That bounty is an opportunity to move profoundly within a short time both in learning and in service, beginning to move from [being] one who does not use the paddle to one who decides upon a course and indeed starts applying the paddle with great diligence and passion. 2003/1019.txt:14:When you can, for the first time, move from an intellectual appreciation of the oneness in all to a feeling within your own heart that you are looking at the Creator as the Creator, there is a magical occurrence that reduces fear. That magical occurrence is love, a feeling of love that springs forth like a fire. In the glow of that fire there is a communication from essence to essence and the hearts of those that you are speaking to know that you love them. And there is that within their being that again opens and then, they love you back. And the supportive energy of that relationship, once begun by the open heart, is irresistible. Trust the energy that is yourself. We do not say, “Put aside all fear.” We would not do that to entities that might feel undefended and naked and vulnerable beyond their ability to enjoy creation and existence. We are aware that for some it is powerful even to take part of the armor away, to lighten it, to shorten it, to leave it off for small periods of time. Have the feeling when working with fear of “a little is a lot,” because it is so difficult to judge the self, and it is so seldom accurate when attempted that we would suggest, rather, focusing simply upon the process, upon giving it a good try and upon being extraordinarily good to yourself no matter what the perceived outcome. 2003/1113.txt:8:We cannot offer more clues than this. However, the general gist of that which we wish to offer here is that within that which has already occurred, within that which is now your present experience, there lie great gifts which have been given as a puzzle for you to solve, piece by piece, or as the maze for you to solve, one wrong direction after another discovered and turned back from in order to explore another way. May we say to you, especially in this regard, that it is never necessary to be at all discouraged or in any way to lack confidence. It is not the darkness of a night; it is not the depth of a suffering that reflects the degree of one’s success at apprehending the catalyst that is offered. Indeed, the darker the night, the more difficult the experience, the more completely the incoming catalyst may have been received. What remains then is that subtle, complex and fascinating work of unlocking the self, opening the self to the self, piece by piece, step by step, within an inner atmosphere which partakes more and more of that trust and faith of which we were speaking earlier. That gift is one which has been offered you as part of your incarnational personality shell. You have within you already a gift for the use of the will, but is it for faith or is it for other sorts of seeking which rely more on the physical world than on the metaphysical? As you move back in mind through your childhood, through your early experiences, we simply ask you to cast your mind into those recurring themes of light and darkness, to begin to see that incarnational pattern that you have given yourself. You have many good clues, as this instrument would call them, many pieces of the puzzle. And we encourage you to move forward with confidence, self-assurance and a quietness of spirit that comes from a lack of striving. For what, my brother, is there against which to strive? 2004/0104.txt:46:[footnote start]From Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary: Distortion: from the Latin, distortio, which is from old Latin, distorquere, to turn or twist. It is defined as “the act of distorting, a twisting out of regular shape, a twisting or writhing motion.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]This basic concept is repeated many times in Joel Goldsmith’s Infinite Way material. Here is a typical expression, from p. 97 of Goldsmith’s Living The Infinite Way (London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., [c1954]: “One of the first things we have learned in the Infinite Way is, in quietness and meditation, to give up the search for God in the realization that I and the Father are already one... ”↩[footnote end][footnote start]This discussion is from the website www.philosophypages.com/hy/2h.htm.THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVEPlato recognized that the picture of the Divided Line may be difficult for many of us to understand. Although it accurately represents the different levels of reality and corresponding degrees of knowledge, there is a sense in which one cannot appreciate its full significance without first having achieved the highest level. So, for the benefit of those of us who are still learning but would like to grasp what he is talking about, Plato offered a simpler story in which each of the same structural components appears in a way that we can all comprehend at our own level. This is the Allegory of the Cave.Suppose that there is a group of human beings who have lived their entire lives trapped in a subterranean chamber lit by a large fire behind them. Chained in place, these cave-dwellers can see nothing but shadows (of their own bodies and of other things) projected on a flat wall in front of them. Some of these people will be content to do no more than notice the play of light and shadow, while the more clever among them will become highly skilled observers of the patterns that most regularly occur. In both cases, however, they cannot truly comprehend what they see, since they are prevented from grasping its true source and nature. (Republic 514a)Now suppose that one of these human beings manages to break the chains, climb through the torturous passage to the surface, and escape the cave. With eyes accustomed only to the dim light of the former habitation, this individual will at first be blinded by the brightness of the surface world, able to look only upon the shadows and reflections of the real world. But after some time and effort, the former cave-dweller will become able to appreciate the full variety of the newly-discovered world, looking at trees, mountains, and (eventually) the sun itself.Finally, suppose that this escapee returns to the cave, trying to persuade its inhabitants that there is another, better, more real world than the one in which they have so long been content to dwell. They are unlikely to be impressed by the pleas of this extraordinary individual, Plato noted, especially since their former companion, having travelled to the bright surface world, is now inept and clumsy in the dim realm of the cave. Nevertheless, it would have been in the best interest of these residents of the cave to entrust their lives to the one enlightened member of their company, whose acquaintance with other things is a unique qualification for genuine knowledge.Plato seriously intended this allegory as a representation of the state of ordinary human existence. We, like the people raised in a cave, are trapped in a world of impermanence and partiality, the realm of sensible objects. Entranced by the particular and immediate experiences these things provide, we are unlikely to appreciate the declarations of philosophers, the few among us who, like the escapee, have made the effort to achieve eternal knowledge of the permanent forms. But, like them, it would serve us best if we were to follow this guidance, discipline our own minds, and seek an accurate understanding of the highest objects of human contemplation.↩[footnote end] 2004/0215.txt:4:Indeed, this is a portion of that which you are asking this day, for you have asked about change and how to know when the appropriate change is manifesting; how to go about making sure that the changes are indeed appropriate in the pattern of your incarnation. This instrument was speaking with the one known as B concerning the piece of the Creator’s creation which she calls “Avalon.” The one known as B was saying that he had spoken with Avalon in that voice that has no words but expresses emotions and feelings, and he felt that the land itself had been somewhat abused in the past, misused and used too hard, so that the soil was depleted of those nutrients that it would wish to have in order to support life, and that it had been neglected and abandoned. Consequently, it was shy of humans and somewhat distrustful. 2004/0215.txt:5:It had not occurred to this instrument that it was a two-way street, for, in this instrument’s trusting and somewhat childlike way, she relates to all things and all qualities as though they were all very glad to see her, and the consequence that is indeed the reaction of the land called Avalon to the one known as Carla [is that] it is delighted to see this sprightly spirit and delighted to relate with her in any way she wishes. However, this instrument has not attempted to plant, nor has it asked of Avalon that which it wishes. And indeed this is something to think about when looking at a change that is large enough that it cannot entirely be imagined. When the question is asked, “What do you want?” or “What do I want?” the question throws the thinking mind back into the world of form and not into the world of substance. However, if the question is asked of the present moment, “What does it want?,” “What does the life’s situation at this moment want of me?” that is a blind and non-intellectual question, and consequently it has a big possibility of reaping a harvest of some sense. But that sense may well be a sense of substance rather than a sense of the form of the appropriate path to take. When the question is opened up so that it is clear that there is a relationship between the self and the creation, it enlists the cooperation of the creation which is, of course, an extension of the self, just as the self is an extension of the creation and just as both are holographic in nature, reflecting the Creator. 2004/0215.txt:18:Notice those groups about you. For this instrument, it has been a year or more of very obvious building up of the group, but, in all of the years of this instrument’s life, there has been that same process going on, and, in each of those in this circle this day, this process has been taking place. Gradually the currents of self and other-self have circled and spiraled until each has met each, and each has been drawn into this group on this day. Each entity that you meet is a portion of a group, a soul group, as the one known as S has called it, or a group of those who have often incarnated together, to work together and to serve together. So, when you are touching entities, you are touching the groups with which they are involved, and you are binding yourself and others in streams of love and mutual hope and ideals. As you go about your daily life, and as you meet each entity, see the relationship in its deeper terms, and know that energies are involved that are far, far below the level of one’s awareness. They may be sensed, and they may be followed, but they may usually not be understood. Follow those relationships, and consider the relationship and your part in it, in each case looking for the ways to support and encourage each other. There are higher selves involved in each of these groups as well and higher hopes that each of these groups may have in terms of the service of the members of that group to the planet and its people. Trust this network to be there, and expect to meet old friends as you move through the days ahead. 2004/0307.txt:26:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We would say to this instrument, trust the self and be unafraid to open the self to unfamiliar things. It is not an easy thing to move quickly from the surface of life to that level of consciousness where subconscious processes are available to the conscious mind. In something like a vision quest that you have spoken of, the basic effort is to open the doors of perception, as the one known as William James has said it, so that one has more information available. The concept of the quest has to do with the concept of the self as having many floors of being, shall we say, like a tall building that has quite a few different levels, not only above ground but also below the level that may be perceived as the ground floor. It is those deep, subterranean floors of self that one is attempting to access. Now, when one goes down the stairs into the basement, it is a very straight-forward thing. There is a certain angle to the steps and they are at a certain a distance from each other. It is a very regularized, geometric structure, the stair steps having so many degrees of declination, angles of turning, and so forth. It is not unlike that within the layers or floors of the self, below the level of the conscious mind. There is a very definite geometry and there is a way to move down into the deeper levels of the mind. 2004/0804.txt:5:This creates a situation in which an entity is free to choose the location of his dwelling without being overly concerned as to whether or not that particular location may hold power for the entity. We would only recommend against the insertion into a truly urbanized atmosphere as the efforts to insert oneself into the spirits of such a geographical location are greatly blunted by the density of those living entities present which inhabit that space without having any desire to so link with the spirits of that place. This, over time, causes the spirits of such a place as an urbanized dwelling to become insensitive and even resistant to the insertion into the true essences of that location, as these essences and entities have been ritually and habitually abused over long periods of your time. It is well, therefore, to focus upon dwelling in somewhat rural or completely rural locations where the land has been able to establish trust with the humans which dwell in that geographical location. Indeed, we believe that it is true that, for this entity as for many wanderers, the ability to insert the self into a place which has begun to awaken to the partnership possible between nature and humankind is the more desired location in order to be able to reap the harvest that has been sown by the unconditional love and the good work of those who went before. 2004/0804.txt:6:To some extent, such a land as the Avalon Sacred Growth Center, which this instrument is so focused upon in her own path, has thusly been awakened, and that place which is in this instrument’s mind is known Meher Baba’s retreat also is of such a nature, in which much work has been done before this particular moment which has softened the level of distrust which land typically has of humankind at this stage in the development of third density and the human race upon this planet. 2004/0804.txt:16:We would encourage the one known as P to lift up from considerations of the details of an incarnation, as important as those details are, for a time each day long enough to enter the silence as an infinitely aware, completely unhindered and unlimited citizen of eternity, resting in the essence of you, loving that, trusting that, knowing that it is part of what this instrument would call the true vine. This instrument’s holy work, the Holy Bible, has a portion in several of the Gospels of the teacher known as Jesus the Christ, where this concept of the true vine is brought up by the teacher known as Jesus.1 In this particular parable, the true vine is seen as that which is of the kingdom of the Creator, and from this true vine grow true branches. Sometimes, grafted onto this true vine are other species that do not contain the virtue of the true vine. And for a time, these grafted branches may grow, yet they shall inevitably express themselves in such a way that the evolving seeker may come to the conclusion that indeed they are not part of the true vine of self and in that case the entity does not reject the self, the entity simply starts moving down the vine, past the graft. Where did it get grafted in? Where is the error in thinking? Move below that level of choice into the pre-choice self and the true vine is there in all of its vitality and health. It has not been compromised. It has not been ruined, and nothing has been lost. When time has passed and the questions have been asked and a sense of the self does come that says, “All right, here is where the graft lies and here is where I would like to make the cut to remove that false portion of self,” then, strength will be given to the self to know just how to do the pruning, not the destruction or the rejection of self but the pruning of the undisciplined self so that the remaining self is true to the self. This is subtle work. This is work done over time and it cannot be done quickly or impulsively. Rather, let it be, as the Beatles wrote. Trust that things are moving as they should and that your job is not to be the director of the ship; rather, it is your job to learn the ship, to learn the ocean, and to penetrate, by instruments known only to you, your direction and your destiny enough that you may then cooperate with the time, the tide, the gifts of the particular barque upon which you have set sail. 2004/0804.txt:26:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother, and we do not feel that this information would be at all helpful to you at this time. We believe that it is information that will come to you naturally and that, when it does come to you, it will be helpful at that time and not before. Trust the inner workings of synchronicity and coincidence [to bring you] gradually into more of a feeling of knowledge of where indeed you came from and what density that might be, if these things remain important to you in the future. 2004/0830.txt:7:It is, however, more possible to look at working with changing the layers of decision-making, moving down through the tree of mind to reaccess that point before birth when the one known as G first made the decision to angle himself away from spoken communication. When one attempts to change a decision that one has made for one’s own good, one must realize that one is asking of the self that it trust new information over old and trusted information. This is usually the most difficult part of altering a behavior and attitude of a point of view: that is, becoming able to trust the judgment of the self in its new configuration to the point where the self is able to gaze at the old configuration and the new configuration and have confidence that the new configuration will function properly. Therefore, we would suggest that the first step in clearing the old configuration is to move into a state of mind which is silent and to create, in that silence, shall we say, a workshop, a place within where this work can be held, gazed at, and considered. 2004/0830.txt:20:So when that child self is offered a new safe place, because it is a safe place that is without those neat boundaries of the old safe place, the new safe place needs to be very detailed, very specific, very trustable. And this will take some serious repetition. This is not work done in a day or a week or even a month—it takes time to convince the self that one is serious when one is attempting to move at such a deep level within incarnation. 2004/0905.txt:41:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. We shall attempt to answer, but this particular query lies very close to the surface of your own process and so there is a limit to that which we can say without breaking the trust that you give us not to infringe upon your own free will. 2004/1.txt:11: [overview] Question from G: I would like to ask that you touch upon my desire and seeking to heal myself and my past, specifically delving into my search to discover the unknown traumatic learning and the primary cause of self-rejection developed within my formative years, the still-divided energies I feel within, and the hole I’ve described to you within my being, somewhere. Please feel free to leave these subjects and venture into any other topic you feel may be of benefit to me. I trust you. After which I’ll have as many questions as you and the instrument have the time and energy for. Thank you. 2004/1010.txt:6:There are all kinds of abuse. Much abuse does not register as abuse, unlike [the experiences of] those who are raped by family members or physically beaten. These entities experience other kinds of more subtle abuse which are just as punishing to the spirit within and which can alienate and separate and isolate that spirit within from the ability to trust others of their breed. If every human to whom you have given your heart seems to have abused you, it is understandable that, over time, there would come to be within you a determination not to be caught again in the snare and trap of love. And we would suggest to the one known as A and to the one known as B that this is a thread of thought that can be taken further in the privacy and the sanctity of the open heart. For with each of these entities there have been experiences in the young years of incarnation which have biased and soured those chords of natural trust and faith in one’s fellow human that each child is born into the world experiencing as a steady state and as a normal way of life, unless, indeed, as some in this room have experienced, there have been abuses even from the womb. 2004/1010.txt:25:We are those of Q’uo and are aware of your query, my brother. My brother, the density of choice is just that. There are no mistakes. There is as much virtue in one choice as another as long as each choice is made with a full and loving heart. The ways of love are a mystery. This instrument, for example, has memories of waiting for Mr. Right and feeling that she had indeed done precisely the right thing. This entity passed up many opportunities as well and it was her nineteenth year before she chose to offer herself to the entity to whom she had become engaged. It is also true that, in this entity’s life, it was a very quick trip, shall we say, from the first ecstasy of waiting for Mr. Right and then choosing him and embracing him to being left at the altar by this entity. Was it a mistake to wait? This entity would not say so; for she developed, as a being, very naturally because she waited until her heart was completely engaged and her faith and trust were utter. And so her first experience of sexuality was utterly positive. 2004/1010.txt:27:It is a matter of the personality shell of the entity and that nature which he was given at birth. Some entities are robust and relatively insensitive and take their pleasure where they find it. Others are more gentle and sensitive and must feel that they are loved and that they can love in return. They must be able to engage their faith and their trust before the picture comes right and it seems natural to move forward. We believe we speak to the latter type of entity and because of that we would say that you choose well to wait. There is no mistake in having the ideal of “the right person.” We do not say that there is one right person for each entity. We do say, however, that it is well for a sensitive entity to wait very carefully and very thoughtfully and watchfully for the resonance and the depth that come when you make contact with a soul that is truly compatible with you and we encourage you to follow that way as long as it has resonance for you. 2004/1011.txt:21:Those who protect the truth are light beings and light bearers. And each of those within this circle is certainly a companion with you, the one known as A, in this regard, as all are light bearers, all being, to some extent, way-showers. Remember though, that you are not showing a road or a direction. Everything you have to show is implicit in the light of your being. So allow these situations to come to you and then allow the deepest truth within you to address itself to the situation. You spoke earlier concerning when someone comes to you for body work, not knowing what that work will be until the time is there and you ask within. So is that energy of the sword. Do not ask ahead but only on the occasion, “What is my role? How shall I shine?” And trust your being above all. 2004/1011.txt:44:You may trust that an entity who comes to you is consciously asking for help and that it is well to explore the subconscious processes involved in this person and to be sure that you are not indeed using your power and your ability to remove from a person that speck of dirt which that person needs removed at that particular time. Better, indeed, to tell such a person, “I can do this much but I can not go further,” than to place that person in an unprotected and unguarded situation in which she somehow does not feel safe and secure. 2004/1114.txt:14:It is very helpful for you to begin to trust yourself, not because you know anything but because you are who you are. This is your material. This is your gift. What you make of yourself within this lifetime will only show a little bit on the surface of consensus reality. Your work, your interactions with others on the conscious level, all of those things that create fame and fortune and give a sense of power and validity, are but hair growing from the head of someone whose mind and heart are infinite. What you can express of yourself is a tiny portion of what you are actually doing here and what you are actually giving to yourself, to those around you, and to the infinite Creator as you live your life. It is hard for us to express just how little of your essence ever comes through into those things that the world values, those things you do—your career, your reputation, your doings—and how incredibly much of your essence escapes any such shallow manifestation and remains part of the dance of creation, part of the pattern of the Creator that is being woven and rewoven in an endless creation of tapestry as moments march on in consensus reality and your very short, very action-packed incarnation ticks away. You have all the time in the world, quite literally, and yet your time is very short. You are a paradox and you live a paradox. 2004/1114.txt:15:How to value the forms, the things with which you shape your life, is as subjective and personal and intimate as what scent you prefer, what color you choose to wear, how you choose to express yourself. When you come to look upon an issue, then, your safest route is in trusting the self and looking for resonance. This instrument was saying earlier, apropos of a question about when one’s limit has been reached, that, in her experience, the limits that she had reached and overstepped were not those that she decided upon but those times when she realized that her nature had already made that choice for her and she was just getting the results of that election. It is not enough to feel that one is doing the right thing. It must also be, as one gazes at that thing, that one senses into it with a sense of resonance, a sense that this is alive for me. 2004/1128.txt:9:The ways of fear are insidious and they have become established within your culture to the point that the natural responses of most entities to the needs of the individual or the society are almost instinctively contracted and fear-based. There is little or no precedent within your leaders or within your role models for gazing at a situation in terms of trust, faith or love but rather an almost inevitable bias towards gazing at a situation from the standpoint of concern, worry, projection into the future, and contraction around these concerns and worries and projections. It is a time for your peoples which expresses the energy of that stuck, male domination. And we do not mean this in terms of sexuality, for many are the men among your peoples who are very able to express feminine energy in their thinking and their actions and many are the female entities at this time who are experiencing their incarnations from the standpoint of fear and contraction. We speak instead of the dynamic betwixt yin and yang. The question then becomes how to free both men and women from the strictures and the limitations of the masculine viewpoint. 2004/1128.txt:15:The coin itself, with love on one side and fear on the other, is you yourself and what you think is important. You are the treasure here. You are the coin of the realm, shall we say. You are a thing of infinite value and when you have a concern, if you reach, with hope and trust and faith, you are reaching into the qualities of love. If instead you approach your issue by contracting into worry and projection, then your choice is fear. Shall you expand around an issue or shall you contract around an issue? That is your choice. Note that the energies of expansion are locked into the present moment. They do not drift into projections of the future or memories of the past. In the world of love, one begins with the knowledge that all is well. And this pulls one into focus in the center of the present moment. In truth, as we said earlier, it almost seems negligent or criminal within the society in which you find yourself to approach issues from a standpoint of love. It does not seem to be prudent or sensible to stay in the present moment and yet anything but the present moment is an illusion of mind. All that is truly yours to do with, to exert control over, or to make choices within is this present moment. 2004/1128.txt:18:To move away from these habits of contraction is to move from shadow into sunlight. We do not say that this journey from shadow to sunlight is going to be an easy one. It flies in the face of your cultural training to rely on trust and faith. There are many, many times in each day when you have the opportunity to move into worry. We can only encourage you to do as the known as T2 said, to remain somewhat centered and focused, more so than your everyday state; to be somewhat in a meditative state as you move through the moments of your day. For it is just in these tiny moments that the opportunities to make the choice between love and fear appear. The challenge is to be aware, when those moments arrive, so that you can stop yourself from being triggered into fear and the contraction around fear. 2004/1128.txt:19:We are not encouraging you to lose all fear in dangerous situations. We are not encouraging you to stop steering your car away from an oncoming vehicle simply because you are not afraid. We would encourage you to avoid the oncoming vehicle, certainly. It is at the level of being concerned the next time you get in your vehicle that this will happen again, that we encourage you to choose to trust the moment and not to project into an uncertain future. At this moment all is well and if you must look into the future then look with hope. Think to yourself, I might be surprised at how well this will go. Visualize positively, if you must go into the future and whenever possible we encourage you to remain at peace and at rest and very alert and watchful for the universe is speaking to you. 2004/1128.txt:53:There is a true hope among your peoples that is growing daily for the energies of love and trust and peace to come swelling up like buds opening into flowers in spring. When each of you chooses love over fear, you start something happening in the unseen worlds. You create an energy that is compatible with fourth density. Each time you choose to trust, to love, to have forbearance and compassion, to see the other person’s point of view and truly walk in his shoes instead of your own, you are expanding the kingdom of fourth density right where you are. And the more people that begin consciously to do this, the faster this kingdom will expand. We say to you plainly, fourth density is all but complete. As you walk about in third density, the fourth density energy is stronger every day upon your planet. The Earth itself is vibrating largely in fourth density now. That is why so many entities are sensing the need to become closer in contact to the Earth itself, touching the ground, working with the Earth, working with plants and animals and those things that abide in the creation of the Father and have nothing to do with the world of the mind of man. 2004/1212.txt:7:For each entity, there are system-wide balances at which it is very helpful to look daily and then there are ongoing specific imbalances in specific chakras or combinations of chakras that benefit greatly from conscious contemplation and times of inner asking and challenging of the self, by the self. This is work best done by the self in solitude unless an entity has been able to create a metaphysical partnership with someone with whom there has been formed a bond of trust, so that in some cases it may be possible for two entities together to work on both chakra systems, each entity being a reflector and a mentor for the other, in finding creative ways to address the areas of suffering that have not been healed, that have come through the years within incarnation, carried as a treasure within the self, protected and cradled within the self as if these old areas of suffering were treasures too good to drop, too good to leave behind. It is worth asking the self how the self values these embedded crystals of pain and suffering. There is a great challenge involved in coming to grips with these crystalline, embedded areas of pain. The question to the self is always, “Are you ready to lay down and abandon this crystal? Is this a burden that you feel completely safe in letting go?” It may seem like a backwards question and yet this instrument is well aware of her ability to cradle and protect those pet areas of pain. How important is it to this instrument to say, “I am familiar with this area of pain. I am familiar with this kind of suffering”? There is a real difficulty in letting go of old pain. It has glueyness to it. It wants to adhere to you. Something that has repeated again and again, throughout an incarnation, takes on a life and an energy of its own. It ceases being a simple memory and instead becomes a living entity, a thought-form. Most so-called psychic greeting and also what we would call psychic resistance is generated within the individual’s energy body by the entity itself at a subconscious level. Because each of these areas of embedded pain has a life of its own and an attractive ability of its own, these areas then generate signals that move into that present moment as it is breaking forth from space/time and time/space, angling for a target of opportunity. There are many layers to the present moment. There are many ways in which embedded pain can find an echo, a reflection, or a voice within the present moment. And so, some of the voices speaking to the energetic body will be those of a negative tone of voice. And that negativity will be cunningly and specifically crafted to fit into the present moment and to cause the experience of distraction or resistance. 2005/0116.txt:12:Realize that when a spiritually-oriented question is asked within, the answer may come in the next fifteen seconds but it also may come two weeks or two months later. Energies have been set in motion that now must be trusted. Moving from the question to the trusting and the waiting is a great skill to learn. When you sense impatience within yourself, gently remind yourself that in spiritual seeking there is no time. 2005/0206.txt:11:The energies of entities within third density are also instinctively and naturally that which we would call political. There is the desire to organize the structure and tenor of one’s existence for the perceived group and through time this has developed into the rise and fall of many different kinds of civilizations and cultures. Again, in such groups, the center is obvious. There is a perceived authority; that is, the leader of the state, the city, the nation, or whatever group is perceived to be the government, shall we say. Your people have created many different kinds of structures from which government depends. And at this time your experiences of political structures are for the most part happy in that, while there is often disagreement with the leaders of your structures within the Western civilizations or cultures, there is a perceived degree of freedom which is that which feels proper and appropriate. So that, while entities may feel disappointed or discomfited by specific leaders, there is that underlying trust in the processes that guard freedom and keep government from coming oppressive and a type of slavery. 2005/0224.txt:12:You have within you and surrounding you many helpers. Some of these helpers are internal to your own guidance system. Some of these helpers have been drawn to you because of the work that you are doing in consciousness and because of the service that you offer to those about you as you do you work in energy for others and with others. And again, although all of these entities, energies and essences are fully aware of your thoughts, yet still, in order to smooth and make more flowing the relationships involved in this web of love that surrounds you and helps you, it is well within yourself to be clear as to your intention as you enter into your tuning process, as you enter into what challenging that you may do in the process of your work and as you, in brief, attend to the various details of your inner processes. These need to be intimate to you and private and we would only encourage you to respect and honor your feelings, your hunches, every tingle of sensing that you have regardless of how incorrect and seemingly ungrounded these feelings are. Know within yourself and trust that each of these feelings is given to you in order that you may attend to every nuance and clean every speck of impurity from any edge that you may vaguely suspect may be there. 2005/0304.txt:24:Now picture with us, if you will, the image of this metaphysical body that is interpenetrating your physical body. There are two sources of the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. One is universal. It moves from the base chakra upwards. The other source is much more focused and pointed. It is the result of the work in consciousness that you have previously done and that exact point at which you are now entering, doing this work at this moment. And this is experienced as coming down through the crown chakra into the violet ray. It moves from the violet ray according to the ways of your energy body. It will not harm you, and if it cannot move further than the violet ray, it will remain there and it will not pull the energy upward. However, when you have achieved an entrance into the open heart and are seated, shall we say, that is, physically speaking, in the green ray, in that temple of the heart, then your hands are empty and you are seeking. Then that universal energy may be pulled upward to where the intelligent direction of your guidance system would cause it to go and your guidance system’s energy, coming down from above, will meet your universal energy at that point. This is work that cannot be thought out or done on purpose. Rather it is a matter of trusting your process and offering your prayer with empty hands, not saying “Lord, I need this; Lord, I need that,” but saying, “I come to you seeking the truth of myself. Show me that which you have to offer me this day. Help me to be a part of the creative or godhead system. Give me my daily bread. Give me that which I may work with and learn from just for today.” And then allow silence and faith to rest with you as you sit in the temple of your own heart. 2005/0304.txt:34:And how do you follow love but to trust it and to know that it is the truth of you? It is your larger consciousness and if you cannot yet feel every iota of that unconditional love then you should be patient and you should ask and you should await, in utter faith, the realization that is to come. 2005/0320.txt:34:The discussion of this instrument’s various symbolic representations and so forth need not go further for we do not intend to suggest in any way that the symbol for the group known as the Rangers contains any of these ideas. We wish only to suggest that, beginning with the bare essences of things that this group finds remarkable or interesting, [there] lies a richness that can be trusted. And we wish further to suggest that the mythical representations such as [are found within] this instrument’s deeply felt and beloved Christianity are fruitful ground for digging into and uncovering relationships that may enrich and enliven and create resonances for the basic ideas that create the icon. 2005/0417.txt:10:When these waves of energy hit you it will feel to you as if all things are resisting and are failing. We ask you to know that this is baffled and confused energy that does not tell you the truth, for you are succeeding. You are thriving. You are growing. And in that growth, things must fall away so that new things can emerge. We can only say to you: let it flow through you, let it fall away as it will; cling not and do not reach, but be. And allow the energies that are yours to come to you. Your desire is honed, your focus is becoming more and more clear. Trust yourself. Trust the system of guidance that surrounds you. Trust the Earth beneath your feet which is learning little by little to trust you. You are becoming creatures of love involved in a loving environment, and from the earth to the sky, from the East to the West, and the North to the South, your planet is coming alive with love. Can you hear it in the politics of the day? Only if you listen carefully and with selective ears. 2005/0501.txt:10:A couple of things happen. First of all, those very God-like entities that seemingly are the source of nurture and care create pain in their dealings with you, and you do not know what to do with the pain. It is not as though you can leave these people and choose to live somewhere else. In order to deal with living with someone you have come to fear as well as trust, you create within yourself a place to go in which you are safe. This asylum that you create for yourself is displaced from all others but yourself. The cost of creating such a place is the removal of your full self from the interface between yourself and your most intimate family life. Whereas in some mythical early babyhood perhaps all was well and there was no feeling of fear or distrust of the environment that was your home, fairly early you developed a sense of caution. And this has affected your ability to meet life with a full, frontal embrace. 2005/0501.txt:12:It is a rare entity that is able to do this work fully. Perhaps the parents have disappeared because of death, divorce or some other means of removal of those people from the environment. Perhaps there was such damage done that there is not the possibility of being able safely to go through the process of reintegration with the childhood environment. Whatever the reasons for an inability to fully come back into the original home within the memory, within the consciousness, and accept it fully with trust and love, the lack of that original goodness of home bears on the rest of the incarnation in terms of creating an environment in which the personality shell carries those original wounds from early childhood without being able to process them. 2005/0501.txt:27:When you open your heart, the Creator embraces you and shares Its heart with you and when you and the Creator are one and abide in each other [then] all things are one and filled with love. May you come often into that open heart, into that consciousness of that one Creator. And when you leave those precincts to attend to the details of the day, may you go forth carrying that essence with you. The radiation of that open heart blesses all whose lives you touch and is your gift to the creation, the Creator, and all those whom you meet. There is no better gift, my friends, than your beauty and radiance. May you trust and have faith in yourself and may you come to know more and more deeply that you carry within you the truth and the freedom that that truth brings. 2005/0501.txt:41:We are glad to comment on this observation for it is excellent and profound. Again we have trouble dealing with this in words because it would be handy to think of this sort of process as having a beginning, a middle, and an ending. But in actuality, in consciousness you are swimming in states of awareness. And because you have come into a state of awareness once does not mean that you have finished a process. It means that you have found yourself in a certain state of consciousness. Once you have found it, at least if you trust in yourself, you can believe it and you know it is there and is something that you can seek once again. But spiritual evolution is not a straight line, it is a spiral. It is like you are walking up stairs that move around the hub of self in terms of your experiences so that, as you come to that same place again, you can say to yourself, “I recognize this place, this state of mind, I know this, I’ve been here before,” but you actually are in a different place, because you have spiraled into that place and you are now, shall we say, at a different rung on the ladder, a different level of awareness. You learn from everything and you carry everything in whatever state of learning has processed through you. 2005/0515.txt:11:We give this instrument the phrase, “the ghost in the machine.” The Ghost in the Machine was a literary work which purported to deal with the effects of mechanization upon Western culture. And there was this concept of the machine age as taking the soul from entities so that they were witnesses more to the machine than to their own beings. The culture in which you are bathed and in which you dance at this time has given you gifts. As the one known as A said earlier, there are biases and distortions built into the developing spirit within incarnation upon planet Earth by entities such as parents, teachers and other authority figures which, for weal or for woe, create bias, create within each of you opinions as to what is good, what is painful, and what is trustworthy in your environment. These gifts include, as we have said before, nuggets of the most precious pain and suffering which you have taken into yourselves, often at times when you were too young and too defenseless to do anything with this pain. Consequently, it has gone down into the earth of your subconscious as a little nugget or engram of crystallized pain. 2005/0515.txt:14:In many cases, this person was chosen specifically so that you could work on loving yourself. It is often very difficult to approach in a direct way the central challenge of loving the self and so you are given mirrors. Sometimes the mirrors are loving and honest and you get a pretty fair image of yourself, one that you can look upon with some feelings of stability and trust in that image that you are seeing. 2005/0515.txt:51:We are those of Q’uo, my sister, and are aware of your query. We would content ourselves with saying that, to the best of our knowledge, the energies having to do with the closing of these bases does not fit in at all with the energies of fourth density. Rather, they fit in with third-density energies which are reacting quite violently and negatively to the incoming fourth-density positive energies of planet Earth, as it shall be very soon. The reasons for these closures are very involved in third-density political and economic agendas which do not, shall we say, have that stamp of unconditional love at all. Further than that, my sister, we would prefer not to explore for we do not feel that it is our place to discuss the machinations of the world of illusion of your peoples. We can simply say that your natural tendency to distrust and suspect less than pure motives for such fairly substantial and massive changes is fairly accurate. We do not say that there are internment camps in your politicians’ minds but simply that there are wheels within wheels and machinations within machinations among those who hold power among your people. 2005/0518.txt:2:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is our privilege to be called to this circle of seeking and we thank the one known as T for asking us to speak with him concerning the query that he has posed for us concerning his journey. We greet each in this circle: the one known as C, the one known as G, the one known as T, and the one known as Carla, thanking each for having put aside their time for this opportunity to seek the truth. As always, we would ask that each listen carefully to those things which we have to offer, using your discrimination to take hold of those ideas that you feel may be good resources for you, and to cast aside any and all ideas that do not resonate as being helpful to you at this time, for we would not be a stumbling block before you or interfere in any way with the process of your spiritual evolution. If you can do this for us, then we shall feel free to speak our mind. We would not wish to infringe upon your free will and it is for that reason that we especially ask you to use your powers of discrimination and trust only yourself as the authority over what is true for you. Truth is essentially a very subjective matter. What is true for us may not be so for you. We thank you for being able to do that for us so that we may speak freely. In no way are we to be considered as authorities. 2005/0618.txt:41:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. This instrument has said earlier that that which you seek lies within you. Your guidance lies within the deepest part of your being. We would say to you that it is as if your highest and best self, that has already gone through the lessons of love and the lessons of wisdom and the lessons of the balance between love and wisdom, was available to you from the future. This instrument calls her guidance the Holy Spirit. Others call guidance many different names. Some relate to guidance through a guru, others move into the world of nature and find their guidance in the stillness of the pond and the whispering of the leaves in the wind. However you like to conceive of your guidance system, what we would encourage you to consider is that you may trust that you have it. It is as much a part of you as your breathing and indeed is closer to you than that process. 2005/0618.txt:59:If you can discriminate, carefully, you may read any source and find the good within it. So we would encourage you not to hew to this particular channel or to our source as a particular source but rather, as you read all material that is seemingly inspired, to listen for that resonance within of which we spoke when we began our channeling session through this instrument. Trust not the channel, nor the authority, nor the source. Trust yourself, for you know the truth that is yours when you hear it. 2005/0619.txt:35:We cannot say to you whether this storytelling is a good idea. It is entirely a product of your own discernment and judgment. We can say to you that in choosing to tell a story you join a very long line of wise, magical people who have decided to access the realm of the archetypal by parable rather than by discussion. We encourage you to be fearless as you proceed to use your discrimination and your heart in the unfolding of this purpose that you have chosen. We encourage you to trust yourself and to have faith, absolute and unwavering faith, in yourself. 2005/0716.txt:14:At this point, the time allotted for such a time lateral is through within the next very few years. The opportunity for graduation to be a part of fourth-density, positive Gaia shall be over. We rejoice to say that this final effort of those who are ruled by fear and who wish to create what this instrument would call Armageddon has failed. This time, although the vast majority upon the surface of your planet are deeply confused, they are not fooled any longer. They do not believe any longer in the truth of those who speak of division, hostility, control of resources, and the advantages of war. These forces are certainly disorganized and puzzled. However, on a planetary level, at the level of the heart, there begins to arise, as this group was speaking of earlier, a feeling that is growing throughout all of the continents and all of the populations of your Earth. There is a growing knowledge that humankind is truly one. There is a growing awareness among ordinary, everyday people that the leaders that have been given power have misused it and are not to be trusted. 2005/0716.txt:45:Most of all we encourage each of you to be fearless in seeking the truth, in seeking the heart of yourself, in seeking the one Creator. We greatly encourage you at this time to bloom as the true flowers of your people that you are. Trust in your beauty and your goodness and in your nature. 2005/0821.txt:26:It is said in your holy works, “The light shined in the darkness and the darkness knew it not. But the darkness could not overcome it.” Trust in this bit of wisdom. You cannot be stopped or overcome by anything but your own fear. Therefore, do not be discouraged, but simply persist, sensing into the present moment for the center of your desire and then pursuing that desire with passion and singleness of thought, as this instrument would say. 2005/0821.txt:30:Whatever image or icon serves you, that is what we encourage you to use. For you are truly unique, an individual who is not built like any other entity in the universe. May we say that absolutely each [and every one] of you is essential in this work, for each of you is unique and your contribution can not be replicated. Trust that uniqueness and do not try to copy someone else, but go with your own feelings, your own resonance, and your own heart in doing the work that you came to do. 2005/0821.txt:33:Perhaps your greatest accomplishment as a group this weekend has been to turn to commonalities. And as you supported each other and listened to each other, you have turned the compass of your intention in one direction and that direction has been unerring. Continue to trust in the energy that brought you here and let it send you forth rejoicing. 2005/0821.txt:63:In looking at the general question of opening to a more profound use of subconscious material by the conscious mind, which is the essence of that which is psychic, we would ask you simply to stay humble and empty and quite secure in the knowledge that you do not know and cannot know the efficacy or the success with which you serve. Indeed, you should mistrust those easy feelings fed to you by those who would flatter you and tell you how psychic you already are and so forth. Allow time and silence to nourish you. 2005/0821.txt:66:For one entity, a dream journal is the very best way to proceed in a safe and stable manner into work in consciousness. For others, such as this instrument, the oddities and quirks of psychism within her personality are such that when she opens that door and begins to journal her dreams, she stops sleeping and creates so much material that it is impossible to work with it. Consequently for this instrument, the best way to improve her psychic abilities is to take time off on a daily basis and to chill out, as this instrument would say, resting from her labors and not pressing forward with any degree of impatience but rather trusting that, for her own process, the material of a consciously lived day is more than enough to stoke her process. 2005/0821.txt:70:To be mistrusted are those ways of deepening psychic ability that take you away from the heart of your family, your work, and all of those mundane concerns that are considered worldly. We do not encourage going apart and considering yourself to be on a special mission. 2005/0821.txt:90:When you as an entity perceive that there is a question as to what is the right thing to do, you may trust that you have awakened your conscience. We would simply encourage you to follow the thoughts that you have when these concerns arise. 2005/0824.txt:39:In working with lightening this load for the self, it is well to investigate the faculties of faith, trust and hope. This instrument has often used the term “grace” to indicate that there are times when she feels that only through grace has she been able to sustain an effort or to be successful with an intention. And this term grace is a general term indicating that the Creator cuts one some slack, as this instrument would say in a slang way. 2005/0824.txt:40:We would say it in another way which is yet equivalent to this image of the Creator cutting one some slack and giving one some grace. If you can internalize the voice of the Creator within the self, it becomes the voice of hope, faith and trust. If you internalize grace and you are not looking outward towards a figure that is the Creator, but rather are looking at the consciousness of the self, that consciousness has the power to give or to withhold any aspect that you may wish to give or withhold. 2005/0824.txt:41:The aspects one is tempted to withhold from the self of the one infinite Creator, when internalizing these voices of self from the Creator’s level, are those aspects that may positively be seen as trust, faith and hope. It does not seem entirely humble or natural to trust the self, and yet it is that trust in the self that enables one to take a deep breath, let it out, and relax. 2005/0824.txt:43:For this faculty of hope colors the energy with which one meets the present moment. It is perfectly natural to be skeptical and we encourage those energies of skepticism. But skepticism is endemic to your culture whereas hope is not. In order to balance the self, it is precious to realize that hope is as real as balance and is much to be trusted within the self as an energy that has honor and virtue. 2005/0905.txt:1: [overview] Question from V: I have experienced substantial changes in my health and am currently unable to drive long distances or live as I used to do. I feel a huge sadness in these changes, as though I had lost my life. I feel trapped like a mouse in a laboratory maze, unable to break out as my husband does not fly and so I no longer feel free to travel. How can I avoid feeling self-pity? How can I deal with the despair I feel as my doctors find no cure for me? How can I shore up my trust in myself when my memory is faulty and my self-confidence has been completely undermined? How can I come to terms with these changes in my life? 2005/1009.txt:69:What you believe and how you believe it are not abstract things. They are powerful inputs that go down into every cell of your body. When you assume that your body, at the level of being fresh from the factory, shall we say, being newborn and completely free of the benefits of life on planet Earth within incarnation, [is] appropriate and correct, then you have established for yourself a default which you can trust. 2005/1009.txt:71:Trust and faith are all-important in connecting the consciousness with the goodness of your physical vehicle. This is also true in the more subtle and etheric form of connecting your consciousness with the goodness of your basic thoughts and feelings, whatever they may be. 2005/1009.txt:83:Therefore, as you meditate, trust that you do not need to be pushed from behind to make progress. The Creator is calling to you from the alpha and the omega of the circle of oneness. Spiritual gravity is building up within you and you are called from beyond yourself ever forward with the inevitably of weather, taxes and so forth. 2005/1011.txt:73:I recently experienced a very trying time emotionally. A healer that I work with and whom I trust determined that I was being infected both by dark energy and by a dark entity, the latter having come in or attached during my birth process in this life. Once we identified this it did feel right and resonate with me. Is it possible for you to confirm this and comment further to help me to understand this dark energy and the attachment of entities in general and why I specifically manifested such an experience in my life? 2005/1014.txt:42:What we can say is that when working with such concepts and areas of study as these it is well to question that which you are studying with the same kind of trust in your own powers of discrimination that we have asked you to invoke when looking at our thoughts. Do not assume that any so-called outer authority can be trusted. 2005/1014.txt:43:It is not that entities would wish to produce untrustworthy material. Rather it is that all material must come into the energy system of one particular individual. It is not a one-size-fits-all world at all, in terms of truth. That which would simply be truth to one person might become a very unbalanced truth that for a particular entity could be overvalued as being something that is true for all people, whereas this is never the case. Something that is helpful to you on one day may not be helpful to you on another. Something that you work with very usefully at one point may need to be put down and forgotten entirely as a higher truth comes to you along the lines that you were studying. 2005/1016.txt:30:Be sensitive, therefore, to your feelings about the things that you have dedicated yourself to doing. Is your passion concerning this effort fresh as if it were bubbling forth from an unending source or spring? If a fountain seems vital and powerful, then you may trust that what lies beneath that passion and that energy is fresh and vital within your process. 2005/1016.txt:62:In the same wise, it is good simply to touch into the best advice that you can get from the medical persons whom the one known as F trusts the most and simply be sure that there are no purely physical problems that cannot be addressed. 2005/1016.txt:77:Remember to factor in that light touch that allows you to laugh at the whole process and to take it lightly at the same time that, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength, you dedicate yourself to becoming who you really are. There is that paradox again of dedication and the release of all dedication to the overarching dedication to the Creator Itself. Trust in this process. Relax and let go. 2005/1106.txt:61:While you are fallen, touch the Earth. Reestablish contact with the ground underneath your feet, both physically and metaphysically. Realize that you are always safe within the context of having fallen down. The ground of being is very real and trustable, as is the ground beneath your feet. In the process of all this growth, you can always find the ground of being by letting yourself fall down. Indeed, rejoice in having fallen down! Rejoice in having expressed some of this energy that was previously being expressed in mental and emotional frustration. 2005/1120.txt:48:Do not visualize as one who is attempting or trying or making an effort. Rather, spend time knowing and praising and celebrating and giving thanks for that which is naturally gathering because of the energies of yourself and the infinite One. Spirit has brought you to this moment. It is well to trust both in yourself and in spirit. 2005/1121.txt:8:You dwell within powerful times in which you, as a third-density entity, dwell in a body that is capable of living and thriving within such fourth-density energy as you can meet with a sense of cooperation, faith and trust. 2005/1212.txt:50:Within third density there are heavy cultural overlays which make it difficult for any two entities to unite as one. As soon as there begins to be the building up of trust, there is nearly always an energy which is offered by the shadow side of self which encourages individuals to increase their individuality and to pull back from true intimacy. There is the feeling of the need to defend and protect the self from the pain that it is possible for another entity to inflict. 2005/1212.txt:52:For any person incarnate upon Earth, there is the natural instinct for community. Consequently, it is not entirely because you are a wanderer that you crave community. It is, however, because you are a wanderer that you have high hopes and expectations for community within third density. We can only say to you, my sister, that such hopes are not in vain. It is a matter of being willing to be very patient and to wait for those entities which seem to you to be trustworthy and of the proper vibration for you to find commonality with them. 2005/1212.txt:57:Since they have not been balanced, they represent that which can be a stumbling block that will discourage you from pursuing relationship. We do not ask you to ignore such stumbling blocks but to work with them and to see them not as that which stops you from community but that which enables you to be able to become more able to offer yourself in community. That energy with which you work to heal the shadow self, as you perceive it within yourself, becomes then that compassion which enables you to love that same energy as you see it in another, not condemning it in any way but holding it in honest affection and trust and waiting for that development which will enable you to move forward in commonality. 2005/1212.txt:60:I find myself uncomfortable praying for a specific outcome. Even if someone has asked me to pray that their cancer be healed or something of that nature. I’m more comfortable praying for divine order or divine will, like, “Thy will be done,” or that the individual see the truth about who they are in terms of the love and light they are. My mind gets all muddled trying to sort it out. I guess it’s that I don’t trust that anything that I could pray for could be better than praying for divine order or divine will. I believe that we have a lot of power in our prayers and I get lost with how to apply that. 2005/1219.txt:33:We ask you who wish to serve at this time to look to your own self-awareness and self-knowledge and to be aware and trust completely in the fact that you are part of a web of love. Your work has been effective because you have chosen the very difficult path of working in groups. The energy of the group and the energy of groups of such groups is now that which is challenged to undertake what this instrument has called a new paradigm. 2005/2.txt:6: [overview] Question from V: I have experienced substantial changes in my health and am currently unable to drive long distances or live as I used to do. I feel a huge sadness in these changes, as though I had lost my life. I feel trapped like a mouse in a laboratory maze, unable to break out as my husband does not fly and so I no longer feel free to travel. How can I avoid feeling self-pity? How can I deal with the despair I feel as my doctors find no cure for me? How can I shore up my trust in myself when my memory is faulty and my self-confidence has been completely undermined? How can I come to terms with these changes in my life? 2006/0115.txt:25:Much of what we have said to this group in times past about moving into meditation daily is based on our realization of your blindness in this regard. With the veil of forgetting laid carefully upon you, you have no way of seeing into your own subconscious thoughts. You have a limited ability to communicate with your subconscious through the medium of dreams and occasionally you may well get a waking vision, an image, or a quick sequence of visualized events that speaks to you with the authority that you can feel when deeper portions of yourself surface. And those pieces of information are very helpful. But for the most part you must move through this water dance that you do, and we use that term advisably, without full knowledge of what the patterns with which you are working are. Consequently, we cannot say to you that such and such a time is the time to let go. We can only say to you that, indeed, it is part of the art of seeing into your process to trust your hunches and to follow them. 2006/0116.txt:45:When you are attempting to see your guidance system, you may take a very small impression or hunch about the nature of your guidance system. Trust that much and speak it out to yourself, either mentally or by writing the information down. Say you have simply received the impression that this is a male entity. Given that you were asking to see the male aspect of your guidance system, this may not seem to be a very important piece of information. But it is what has been able to come through the veil to your consciousness. It is a gift. Accept it. You have a male. You can sketch in your mind the clothing and appearance of a male of uncertain age. You have that much. 2006/0116.txt:46:Use that much, not asking for more but being open to more. Each time that you invoke that male portion of your guidance system, you shall perhaps receive just a bit more of an impression. Whatever you receive, ground it by repeating it, writing it, or otherwise becoming familiar with it. Trust it, accept it, and act on it. By repetition you will gradually be awakening and sharpening your ability to see in ways that you have not seen before. 2006/0116.txt:56:Most of all, it is well simply to trust the self and to trust the impressions of information which are given by the self to the self when in a focused state. 2006/0123.txt:39:We believe the only thought that you need, to bring you at last into a comfortable growth environment within your own inner sanctum, is trust and faith in yourself. As you seek to know more and more who you are, you are going to find that you are discovering the sacred nature of your true self. More and more you are going to be finding reasons to be able to forgive yourself. 2006/0226_02.txt:8:Each change, each aspect of the one infinite Creator, is beautiful and worthy of love and we share with you only that which we are given a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold, and a million-fold. Rest always in the knowledge that you are loved completely. There is no part of you that is not loved infinitely. You are cherished as the children of the Creator. You are the treasure of great price that the Creator has tossed forth, with total trust in the outworking of the present moment, into the field of the creation. 2006/0305.txt:29:In a sense, you are able to do this with anyone who has lived at any time and touched your life. When you have once connected with someone, that connection exists eternally. You may trust it and you may rest in it. There is no loss through death except loss of the company of the physical body of the entity with whom you were used to being. 2006/0305.txt:45:Trust that, for the response is one that is protected within your own system of mind, body and spirit. You have comfort with you, as close as this instrument’s hand upon her bosom. As she touches the skin above her heart, that prayer is already answered. In the time it takes you to form your thought, help is on its way. 2006/0319.txt:90:[footnote start]Alfred Tennyson, “In Memoriam”: [lyrics start] Who trusted God was love indeed 2006/0321.txt:29:If so, then you have every necessary capacity and have probably already made the choice to turn your back on violence and negativity and to choose love as your expression, your being, and your goal. We encourage you to trust yourself and to give all that you have into making this shift. It is not too late. The decision to choose love is a matter of a heartbeat. Each decision to choose love is a matter of a heartbeat. 2006/0328.txt:16:When the eye gazes upon the outer scene, there seems to be no way to create the atmosphere that is yearned for, the atmosphere which would encourage feelings of relaxation, enjoyment, friendship, companionship and the desire to come together socially in a positive way. Instead of such a general feeling of trust in social rightness, there is, in many entities, a profound dislocation and distrust of the outer world. 2006/0707.txt:50:Trust that you have these lessons to learn and these gifts to share and that if your physical vehicle is acting in ways that limit your movement or your abilities, that part of the plan is not random. Part of that situation is for your profit as a soul. Upon what has this suffering caused you to focus? Upon what have you concentrated as a result of this catalyst of pain and suffering? Have you given thanks for it? Have you trusted a seemingly negative situation enough to offer honest and heartfelt thanks? We encourage thought along these lines, for it is in an atmosphere of gratitude and thankfulness that the beginning of the solution to the particular tangle of this puzzle will come to you. 2006/0926.txt:1: [overview] Question from M: In this situation in which I find myself, I can see a fundamental pattern. I see some fear and resistance around becoming more determined! I fear to trust in the use of my own talents in music, business and other things. Therefore, I remain in a threshold zone, repeating experiences until I destroy this deep fear. By experiencing this situation of the lack of a job, the feelings of uncertainty and hazard, and the load of the responsibility to support and provide for my family, how can I process this experience to transform the inner chains I still have as fear and pride? 2006/1.txt:10: [overview] Question from M: In this situation in which I find myself, I can see a fundamental pattern. I see some fear and resistance around becoming more determined! I fear to trust in the use of my own talents in music, business and other things. Therefore, I remain in a threshold zone, repeating experiences until I destroy this deep fear. By experiencing this situation of the lack of a job, the feelings of uncertainty and hazard, and the load of the responsibility to support and provide for my family, how can I process this experience to transform the inner chains I still have as fear and pride? 2006/1008.txt:8:First of all, let us complete the description of the chakra system with which this instrument is familiar. The center that is next in this line of power [nexuses] is the blue-ray energy center, in which one practices and begins to be able comfortably to inhabit realms of trust, honesty and communication and the ability to feel true compassion which is blended with wisdom. This creates in the entity working in blue ray a tremendous feeling of safety so that others feel that they can speak their minds without being judged harshly. 2006/1116.txt:63:If it is not in words, then let it be without words and trust in your sense of the appropriate vowel sounds that bring up certain emotions in certain configurations from the unconscious mind.5 2006/1116.txt:64:Underlying our advice to you is the simple encouragement to trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Do not judge yourself according to what you have accomplished. Judge yourself not at all, except to know that you and the Creator are one and that your whole desire is to be a part of that creative principle. This is your heart and it is a good heart. You are worthy. With that confidence and that calm that goes with the knowledge that you, imperfect as you are, are worthy, then you shall be open to receive the gifts of the present moment. And, my brother, when you can relax and lift yourself to the simple joy of being, you have just created for yourself the best possible environment for receiving inspiration. 2006/1116.txt:74:We are those of Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. This question treads too closely to the bounds of free will for us to respond directly. We would ask you to trust and to know that you do indeed have a muse and that muse is focused entirely upon supporting, encouraging and inspiring you. What is the shape of that muse, my brother? What name shall you call the source of your inspiration? What helper have you yearned for from the beginning? Name it. Claim it. Use it. For us to name that guidance and that inspiration for you would be utterly fruitless. This is your active process and we wish you happy hunting! 2006/1217.txt:22:When one is attempting to teach spiritual maturity, one is in a pure sense teaching entities how to be themselves by being themselves—we correct this instrument—by the teacher being himself. It would seem impossible for this to be an accurate or productive teaching technique, except for the fact that many, many generations of highly evolved spiritual seekers have used this technique in order to learn. The basic feeling in this type of learning is resting in the affection of the teacher. All the cares of the world fade away. Resting in this safe environment. Loved, cherished, supported and encouraged. The student is then able at last to release all expectations except the experience of being with the teacher. And so the student humbly empties his mind of all except for his affection for his teacher. And in that trust, faith learning is passed from heart to heart. From soul to soul. It is an energy exchange. The student and the teacher are sharing awareness. At the moment that the student is allowing this connection, the teacher and the student become one. Why is this possible? It is possible because all entities are one. The teacher has simply found a way to help the student become aware of that blessed unity that underlies all the seeming separation and detail of the awaking human experience. 2006/1217.txt:39:The other level which we would touch upon briefly is simply this. Each language is idiosyncratic. There are, generally speaking, straight translations for the basic things of communication. Let us call it tourist communication. One may ask directions, one may say thank you, and one may order from a menu and do the things that are needed in a foreign land and trust the translations are accurate, because these are very basic conversations. When one is talking about spiritual principles, one is reaching into myth, archetype and mystery. And in these ways it is sometimes difficult to catch the flavor of English in another language. Just as an Italian, you could see that it would difficult to say some things that you say in Italian and have them translate directly into English. In each culture, there are unique perspectives, stories, myths and backgrounds that feed language. And so there is from time to time a difference in the way the concept maybe presented. 2007/0218.txt:51:You cannot make it happen. What you can do is to set yourself up in an environment which is capable of holding gnosis, or knowing. Therefore, trust in your own senses, sensings, thoughts and feelings. As you seek to awaken, to seek and to serve, listen and look for the resonances that tell you that you are on the path that is for you. Once you start looking for resonance, you will find that the creation is full of information for you. And the more that you practice listening, the more that you can hear of the voices that are speaking to you in every moment. 2007/0519.txt:52:However, the key to proceeding forward is to trust in one’s judgment and to validate one’s own decisions. This is something you felt deeply to do. How could you be wrong? And as we said before, there are no mistakes. For just like the new GPS machines that tell the driver which turn to take, if you miss a turn the GPS resets and then tells you how to get where you want to go from the new location. 2007/0902.txt:18:You do not know what may be asked of you in the future. You do not know what shoes you will grow into. And yet you have inklings and hints that come to you, saying, “Yes, you have a mission. Yes, you can perform this function.” And eventually you learn to trust that brush of angel wings, that inkling from spirit, that moment of fire as the descending dove brings truth and insight into the inner heart to take root and to grow there. 2007/0902.txt:27:Challenge in the name of love. An entity who does not vibrate in love must leave. It may seem that this is a very wispy and insubstantial thing to trust and to rely upon, and yet we say to you that all of that which is involved in being an instrument will be likewise wispy and insubstantial from the viewpoint of consensus reality. For your scientists have not yet created instrumentation to measure the vibrations that are used in channeling. Were they able to have that instrumentation, there would be a much more scientific and therefore trustable way for people who trust science to understand channeling. 2007/1013.txt:7:Please follow the path of resonance in your own thoughts and trust your judgment. If you may do this for us, then we may share our thoughts much more freely, being unhindered by the concern that we may have for infringement upon your free will otherwise. 2007/1110.txt:33:It is a way to avoid paradox. For the conscious mind, with its rational and logical nature, has a deep distrust and dislike of paradox. And it is certainly paradoxical to say both that the surface self is real and that the deepest and most unitary expression of self is real. Yet that is what we say, knowing that it is a paradox and a mystery. 2007/1215.txt:35:Each of you is on a journey toward that identity and that nature. And you shall not find that identity and that nature by tossing away that which you are at this very moment for something better. Nay, my friends, you are, now, all that you need to be. You are perfect. You may not see as of yet that you are the Christ child, that you are spirit, that you are unconditional love. Yet we say to you that you may trust and rely upon the fact that this is the essence of all of you and each of you, every single one of you. 2008/0322.txt:28:The seeker’s journey is a sacred one, a beautiful one, and often a difficult one. There are many seasons of light and shadow, growth and awaiting, and all are equally profitable. Trust yourself, trust your sense of resonance and then enjoy your seeking, your questions, your answers, and all that goes into a life lived by spiritual means and interests. 2008/0329.txt:10:We would suggest that affirmations such as the questioner offered are indeed powerful to work with in the subconscious mind. The will of the seeker is carefully focused. The mantra or affirmation or statement itself has been very carefully prepared. The seeker therefore feels that he may trust this affirmation with the whole of his will. He may place the entire burden of his desire upon the realization of the truth of this statement. 2008/0510.txt:38:And finally, we would note the impossibility of creating sacred sexuality without context. Such has often been attempted by those who would like to take a shortcut and who perhaps are unable to sustain a committed personal relationship for the length of time that it takes to establish a safe haven where two can trust that they shall not be harmed. Many are those who have attempted to create sacred sexuality by the use of objects, such as prostitutes, where all of the work of the magician is done by one entity in solitude, using the object in order to express the actual sexual energy. This shall never become true sacred sexuality, for there is no energy exchange. 2008/0510.txt:40:You who dwell within the veil do not have that luxury. And so, in order to become able to practice as priest and priestess in sacred sexuality, you must create with another that safe place that enables trust and faith to reign supreme. How precious such a relationship is and how much it has to offer! 2008/0513.txt:56:In the indigo ray, the issue becomes steeper and deeper and involves the ability to see yourself at the soul level as an infinitely perfect and beautiful soul, trusting by faith alone that this is true, ignoring at last with great relief the judgment of the earthly personality. 2008/0524.txt:19:When the seeker does focus on knowing himself, he acquires a great deal of information, some of which is trustworthy and some of which is not. This is due to the fact that there are many inner voices which like to share their opinions concerning who you are. Some of those voices are parental. Others are the voices of teachers or other authority figures who instructed you in a certain way that penetrated into your personality shell and became thought forms that took root there. And those voices are still heard. 2008/1011.txt:9:Be strict with yourself on this account, not only with us but also with all things that you hear and you shall make your life much simpler. For trying to follow authority is not helpful unless that authority is your own discrimination. Trust yourself and your process. We thank you for this consideration. 2008/1011.txt:28:If you do not hang onto those emotions that are dark, they shall indeed wash through you. Although, certainly, in the midst of a blow, emotionally speaking, it does not seem to be possible that you may heal and go on, we assure you [that you can.] You are true of heart, firm of purpose, desiring to be a servant of the one infinite Creator and a force for love in your incarnation. These things about you are true regardless of what happens. Hold onto them and use them. Use the knowledge of yourself as a good person, a trustworthy person, a loyal and loving person, so that you are able to bring your own torn spirit into unity, your own dark thoughts into the light of your own love and your own belief that all is well. 2008/1213.txt:22:Perhaps you have known of inspired speakers who are able to infect you with hope and trust and excitement with that which they offer. Often, such speakers have formed the ability to use the gateway to bring essences into their communication that enhance those words which are said with the energies of the essences which are pulled through. Whether those essences are wisdom, beauty, love, purity or concentration, the words have wings when such speakers offer their thoughts. 2008/1227.txt:26:When a mentor is strong enough in faith, and the student of that mentor develops sufficient devotion and trust in that mentor, he is able in that mentor’s presence to open his consciousness in the same way as his teacher. 2008/1227.txt:28:The key to being able to absorb wisdom without the necessity of rough-and-tumble experience is that faith that is developed, not at first perhaps in the Creator or the creation or in the right outworking of a perfect plan, but faith in the teacher, the mentor, the guru. Because the guru lives in faith and expresses and acts by reason of faith, and the guru has become transparent to the faith that runs through him, so too the student, in trusting the teacher and entering into the teacher’s universe, becomes equally able to call upon the faculty of faith, for his consciousness has become congruent with the consciousness of his teacher. 2008/1227.txt:37:And if you are one who wishes to offer the gifts of consciousness to others, it depends not on the speeches. Rather, live that which you wish to teach and in your inarticulate being, bursting with love, there is that which shall speak to those whom you wish to aid. Do not be seduced by the cleverness of the intellect, because you shall never talk someone into the Kingdom of Heaven. Be consciousness, share consciousness, let silence grow with your relationship as it will. And trust that that which is within you, which is moving through you from the Creator, shall touch and teach in ways that are too deep for words but are ever so much more powerful. 2009/0110.txt:4:As always, before we begin we would enjoin you to use all discrimination as you listen to what we have to say, harvesting for your later thought those thoughts of ours which resonate with you and leaving the rest behind. If you will use your powers of discrimination and trust in them you shall not be led astray by slick words and by shallow thoughts but shall remain within your integrity and follow your own process. We greatly thank you for this consideration as it allows us to speak freely those thoughts which we would share with you at this time. 2009/0110.txt:28:Consequently, let the time flow. It is a river that will bring you storms and easy days. Angry whirlpools and halcyon waves. Trust the boat upon which you sit. It is the boat of your knowledge of yourself. Let that boat take all of the water, all of the moods of the river as they come, and if you do get distracted and find yourself in a whirlpool going around and around, let it exhaust itself in you, and then take out the keel, point it in the direction you choose with all your heart, and begin again. 2009/0124.txt:23:We are not suggesting that you refrain completely from spending your time watching the media, listening to the songs and the news and so forth. We are suggesting that you be aware that, generally speaking, the purpose of such media in offering their shows to you is to sell products and to create an atmosphere of sameness and conformity so that each human being within the society becomes a trusted consumer of products and ideas that have been sanitized until nothing of true digestive value remains. The more of the buzz that you take in, the more it is likely that you will continue to see other-selves as objects against which one may have to defend oneself or with which one may have to be clever and smart in interacting. Blessed is the man in your society who is able to greet all with the unspoken but very present awareness that the person to whom he is speaking is none less than the Creator. 2009/0127.txt:52:What would you do with such an awareness within this school of souls which you know as Earth, my brother? It is not useful to you. Therefore, that which you experience as yourself may be taken lightly but trustworthily as the self within incarnation. 2009/0314.txt:6:We are a service-to-others principle and our polarity would be disturbed were we to indicate in any way that we were authorities who must be trusted. It is our pleasure to work within those limitations. We would not wish to have greater power than we claim. And the power that we claim is only the ability to speak through this instrument concerning the one original Thought of unconditional love in its many distortions of which free will is a primal one. 2009/0314.txt:14:In general, you may trust that you are acting well when you are responding to another’s request by offering information or continuing a discussion. 2009/0425.txt:22:There is that level of trust in the self and in the process that is lacking the first time around. And for the maturing spiritual seeker there comes a time when, indeed, it is well to invoke humility. It is easy, as one begins to experience the delight of the spiritual path, to begin to feel that one has somehow done this all by himself. There arise energies of pride and feelings of entitlement. 2009/0509.txt:30:It often helps if you can think of your life and how you live it as a game. You are here to love. The rules are simple. In each challenging piece of catalyst there is that thread of truth, “I am here to love. I am here to trust. I am here to gain the insight that all is well.” “Oh,” you may think, “this is an excellent piece of catalyst! What a good game.” If you can maintain that larger, wider point of view, it will be very helpful to you. 2009/0523.txt:19:We would not know what specific words might trigger that initial memory, for it too is behind the veil. Yet there is always a moment of crystalline awareness, a time of lucidity that comes to those who ask to become more aware of their deeper thoughts and their deeper nature. And we do encourage those of you who perceive themselves in these words to turn in faith and trust to their deeper selves and to their guidance and to set the intention to become more fully aware of the guiding motivation which moved you into service in this particular way at this particular time. 2009/0804.txt:9:This way of thinking is very helpful for one who wishes to maintain a constant and stable metaphysical tuning and who wishes to be a reliable and trustworthy instrument for peace, love, joy, thanksgiving and compassion. 2009/0922.txt:13:Faith does not recognize closed doors. Faith abides, patiently, trustingly and with infinite attention. For there shall come those hints, inklings and information from spirit that shall illuminate the situation within the present moment. And this faith is that which shall serve you well, my brother, as you learn to listen to and communicate with your guidance system. 2009/0922.txt:20:Eventually you shall come to trust in this source of inspiration and information because it has stood you in good stead over a period of time and because there has come to be a certain energy which you can associate with this conversation which comes at no other time. 2009/0922.txt:61:It is as though one were taking a walk in a neighborhood that was high in crime and violence, or in a war zone. Perhaps you should be able to move into the farthest reaches that you wish and come home to your body without incident. However, it is also possible that you might be set upon and then you should find it difficult to move back into your physical body. Consequently, we would suggest that you pursue this interest by contacting a trusted source of knowledge and experience, such as the Monroe Institute.4 We take this information from this instrument’s memory. 2009/1013.txt:58:Consequently, we would encourage you, if you would wish to pursue being an instrument for universal sources, to find that group which you trust, that senior channel which you trust, and to set yourself to the slow process of learning how to accept concepts. That which is universal is much like that which is in your roots of consciousness in your archetypal mind. It will not speak to you in words. It will offer you concepts. These concepts are infinite. They have to be translated into words if you wish to use them in offering yourself as an instrument. So as an instrument you’re basically asking to be a translator of concepts into the language that you use every day. 2009/1017.txt:17:Therefore, we ask you [who are] in this process of getting to know yourself to trust the process. It is not always comfortable. You did not come here actually to be comfortable. You came here to improve the balance of your personality, to improve your sturdiness as a servant of the light. Beyond all things you came here to serve the light. And the way that you serve the light in this classroom of Planet Earth is to allow the light to flow through you. So you may think of your life, if you will, as that of an instrumentalist who is tuning her instrument so that it can be played in sweet tune and beautiful harmony. 2009/1020.txt:4:As always, before we begin we would request that all of those who listen to or read these words use their discrimination and their discernment in choosing those thoughts with which they would like to work. We ask that you trust your ear as it listens for resonance and that you leave behind any thought that does not resonate to you. We greatly appreciate your doing this, my friends, for it enables us to share our humble opinions without fearing that we may infringe upon your free will in some way or disturb the rhythm of your spiritual process. We thank you for this consideration. 2009/1020.txt:24:As you continue asking for help, concepts shall come to you. We encourage you to trust them and to allow new ways and thoughts and strategies to roll around within your mind in a way that does not tag them and order them, but instead allows them to roll and to tumble together, for you are asking of yourself that which is illogical and paradoxical. These two elements almost guarantee that you are on the right track, spiritually speaking, but it does mean that you cannot apply the rigors of intellectual order to your creative process. Rather, let the concepts which arise play like puppies, tumbling and rolling and allow, rather than force, your strategy to unfold. 2009/1219.txt:51:Does it come into the mind of the predator what that damming up of a natural resource will do to Mother Earth who had a balanced aquifer system? No, for that is not a concern to one who has separated itself from Mother Earth. Consequently, there is also a substantial list of species that have declined and become extinct because of the lack of stewardship and the ascent of predation on the part of the humans to whom Mother Earth was entrusted. 2009/1226.txt:23:You ask what spiritual principles can be used to think about emotion and we would offer you the principle of unity. You are all one. You do share an instinctual, fundamental and authentic awareness of the stuff of emotion. This is something that is trustworthy—that you have emotions in common with each other. There is no emotion that you can feel that others have not felt before you and will not feel after you. 2009/1226.txt:24:In a way, emotions have more coherence than the workings of the intellect which would seem to be so much more coherent because of the nature of logic. However, logic can be spun to create sophistic rationales for anything desired, whereas emotions are stubbornly what they are. One may attempt to tamper with an emotion to make it different than it is, yet it is not in tampering [with emotions], or attempting to adjust emotions that you do not prefer, that create a skillful approach to emotion. Rather, it is to the one who trusts each and every emotion enough to give it space and time in which to articulate itself within your awareness that emotions shall begin to offer you the reward of that feeling of oneself that goes beyond the linear. 2009/1226.txt:32:Your goal, then, is not to balance emotions until here is no emotion, but to experience each emotion in ways which allow those emotions to go from being muddy and confused to a place where each emotion is a jewel-tone. Gems come in all colors from black to white and everything in between. And the beauty of each is unique to that particular gem. Your emotions are gemlike. And when you have been able to allow the murk and the mud and the impulsivity gradually to evaporate from the heart and essence of each emotion, you are as one who has dug in the ore to mine those gems of self which you have in common with all those of your fellow humans. And as those energies within you are purified, there is less and less distortion [and] more and more balance, and less and less of that component of fear which we began by discussing. For it is indeed a valid observation that the one great original Thought is the emotion that is at the heart of every emotion, positive or negative. This is a trustworthy statement as far as we know. Every shade of emotion has its root in love, love unconditional, love un-judging, utter and absolute love. The oftener that you are able, at the end of working with emotions, to come back to love and to allow that love to overflow all other considerations, the stronger you shall be in being able to do this work of allowing the self to bloom. 2009/1226.txt:43:We wish you the very best of journeys of exploration as you work with these emotions to learn of each and every essence that makes you who you are. You will find that all emotions, once they have been purified, work in harmony to create of you a human being. The nature of the human is to be ethically oriented and to desire to serve, to love and to know. Trust your emotions to help you learn these things. And as you relate to others, trust the emotions in them that resonate with your own in terms of dealing with each entity at the soul level. 2010/0227.txt:58:[footnote start]Izzy and Iz are nicknames for the Hawaiian singer Israel Ka’ano’i Kamakawiwo’ole, whose medley of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “What a Wonderful World,” from his 1993 album Facing Future, was a hit in the USA and Great Britain.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Harold Arlen paired with E. Y. Harburg to write “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” as part of the score for the film, The Wizard of Oz. It is likely that Q’uo chose Arlen to mention because the particular phrase was created by him, although Harburg is given credit for the lyrics. “What a Wonderful World” was written by George Douglas and George David Weiss and recorded in 1967 by Louis Armstrong.↩[footnote end][footnote start]Q’uo here refers to St. Paul, who wrote in the Holy Bible I Corinthians: 1-12, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”↩[footnote end][footnote start]The instrument first read this phrase when reading a book by Ram Dass and Steven Levine called Grist for the Mill: The Mellow Drama, Dying: An Opportunity for Awakening, Freeing the Mind, Karmuppance, God & Beyond. It was published in 1995 and is still in print.↩[footnote end][footnote start]It surprises us, when we first encountered this phrase, to see Q’uo call the physical body a chemical distillery. However the phrase describes accurately what the body does with food. When we eat food, the organs of the body distill the good which the body can use from the food and keeps it. The useless remainder is then eliminated from the body.↩[footnote end] 2010/0313.txt:6:However, as always, before we speak with you through this instrument we would ask you each to use your discrimination and powers of discernment as you hear the thoughts that we share with you. Find those thoughts which resonate to you at this time. Keep them and work with them as you will. If that which we have to say does not resonate to you, let it be, let it go, and move on. Each of you has an unique path of seeking and that which is for you for this moment will jump out at you in a certain way and you will know that. Consequently, we ask you to trust your own discernment and your own powers of discrimination and use them. If you will do that for us, we will be able to offer our thoughts to you without being concerned with the issue of your free will. We would not wish to infringe upon that. We thank you for this consideration. 2010/0904_02.txt:111:But that’s what we have to do whenever we get to that point where we’ve done the balancing exercises and we see we’re caught up again in whatever distortion it is. We have to take that distortion and bring it to our hearts and say, “Yes, you are part of me. Yes, I love you, I accept you, I will work with you and I ask you to serve the light within me rather than the darkness.” And I think it’s very possible to do that. I certainly have had a lot of luck asking some of the uglier parts of me to turn their attention to making me have more grit, more muscle, more perseverance and be a more sturdy and trustworthy servant of the light. 2010/0905_01.txt:35:That which you are ready to do, you can do. And you can do it so well. You can do it so beautifully. Always trust yourself. Always listen for your own discernment, not the discernment of anybody else. But, every day, start the day by setting an intention, a polarized intention to serve others in your particular way. Everybody is going to make a different prayer. Everybody is going to set a slightly different intention. But the act of setting that intention creates in you a tremendous awakening of your inner power. 2010/0905_01.txt:41:So it’s really important to trust your discernment. It really, really is. 2010/0905_01.txt:67:And you can trust your perceptions. If something feels negative to you then move on. If something feels positive to you, even if somebody says, “Well I didn’t like that,”—hey, it’s working for you. So keep on with it until it stops working for you. 2010/0905_01.txt:98:Now what does that say to you? That says to you that you can trust yourself. And you need to trust yourself. You made this plan. You gave yourself this limitation, this suffering, this difficult relationship with Mom or Dad or husband or wife or lover or friend or employer. You may not have planned this particular instance of difficulty but you planned relationships which had a very high probability of giving you this very problem. 2010/0905_01.txt:112:I think Reiki is very compatible with the Ra’s discussion on healing because when Reiki masters put their hands on someone to heal them or do distant healing they aren’t saying, “Okay, heal the heart. I know the heart’s bad. Heal the heart.” They’re saying, “Here energy, go where you’re needed. I trust the energy.” And then intuition comes in and they move their hands around on the body as they are directed to do. But nothing is happening from them. It is happening through them. 2010/0905_02.txt:5:This instrument and the one known as Jim did not do this. They did not import this energy. You did, each of you. And you share it generously. As you leave this weekend, my friends, carry it with you. Keep it in your pocket. Trust that this safe place endures within you. And remember how that feels, so that you can give it to yourself when you go into that which this weekend has called the inner closet of prayer. 2010/0911.txt:6:Trust that feeling of resonance. Trust your powers of discrimination. You know what you need and it will resonate to you. Use those things that resonate, and no matter who says them, do not be concerned. If something does not resonate to you, it is not for you to work with at this time. If you will employ that discernment, my friends, that will enable us to feel free to speak, knowing that we cannot infringe upon your free will inadvertently. We greatly thank you for this consideration. 2010/1023.txt:5:We thank you for doing us this favor. Your discernment and your discrimination are very solid for you and may not be useful for anyone but you, but for you they are those things which you may trust far more than you may trust another’s wisdom. So please believe in yourself and use your powers of discrimination, not only with our words but also with all words that you hear. With that said, we would like to move on to our thoughts concerning the personality, as you call it. 2010/1113.txt:12:The athanor of Earth works because you cannot see through the veil completely. You cannot know the larger picture. You cannot think your way into grasping why you chose the catalyst you chose and why you chose the patterns of important relationships and solitude and all the issues of your life as you chose them. And perhaps it is only a short cut to tell you that it was well planned and that you can trust yourself and your higher self as the planners of the incarnation you are now experiencing. 2010/1113.txt:47:Trust that the way your incarnation works is that you set your intention to serve and the more strongly that you are able to set that intention, the more help you will attract, the more synchronicities will confirm to you that you are on the right track, the more feedback you will get from the creation around you. Give yourself over to this interactive, unified process, and lay your weary burdens down in thanksgiving and joy, for you are serving and serving beautifully and with utter perfection, right now and always. 2010/1218.txt:4:Before we begin to speak about any spiritual subject, we would ask a favor of you if we could. We would greatly appreciate your listening to what we have to say with a careful ear. Look for the path of resonance and when you find it in the things we say, please feel free to work with that if you wish. If you do not feel resonance with what we say, then please leave it behind. It is not for you at this time. Perhaps at another time you can come back and read this session. But for right now let it be. Let it go. Trust your own discernment and your own powers of discrimination, for you are on track and you are on task. Let your resonance speak to you and not the opinion of some teacher or any entity whatsoever. We thank you for this favor. 2010/1225.txt:28:We realize, my sister, that this is a simplistic discussion on our part, and that there are subtleties to evaluating information that are not easily addressed by words. And we trust that you will understand that which we cannot say, for there are no words to evaluate the essences that are beyond words as useful and non-useful as well as simply those voices that speak in words. 2011/0122.txt:63:One must act according to one’s lights, according to one’s feelings, and my brother, as long as you feel that you are wise enough to press towards a desired outcome, we greatly encourage that you do what you do at this time, and that is to ask for help in seeing the situation more clearly. There is, as we said, a difference, not in kind, but in degree, between those two choices. It is not the choice between taking responsibility and yielding responsibility; it is the choice between trusting that the outcome to which you are attached is good and not trusting that the outcome to which you are attached is good. 2011/0212.txt:28:In general, my brother, if you want to obtain maximally useful results from your observations and your witness during incarnation, you are best served by a completely pure and this instrument would say “sober,” base. Every substance you ingest, every substance you drink, creates not just one, but several different effects within the body, and, as the one known as S has said, it is quite so that every seeker will have a different experience of apples or asparagus or marijuana. However, none of asparagus’s side effects impact the spiritual life whereas in the case of marijuana, its effect on the spiritual life is inconstant and untrustable. 2011/0212.txt:46:If an unseen friend of the negative orientation were attempting to persuade you, for instance, that it was a good idea to break free of a relationship or otherwise destabilize your life, it would work only if the person being persuaded wanted that persuasion. Consequently, we would encourage each seeker to look at synchronicities and rather than scooping them up wholesale without thought, look at and ponder the pattern being made by synchronicity. If the pattern is one which does not sit well with you for some reason, we would encourage you to trust that and to lift away from finding importance in such synchronicity. 2011/0305.txt:16:It is necessary to avail yourself of the Creator’s vibration, which you may do at any time that you fall into the silence with the intention of seeking the one Creator. That which comes to you in that state of silence may not be anything of which you are aware consciously. However, you may trust that you are receiving information that will expand and transform you. And you, each of you, by your energy, your essence, your characteristic vibration, have that wonderful capacity to encourage and support the awakening of others. 2011/0305.txt:26:S in Japan asks, “Q’uo, I am really nervous about vaccinating my newborn child. There are two schools of thought on the issue: one that says that vaccination is not only safe but necessary; the other which feels that vaccinations are extremely harmful. I find I can’t trust 100% what either side says and there is evidence for and against both positions. How can a parent make a decision on taking or not taking an action that, once taken, is irreversible and may lead to cognitive and/or health defects, but if not taken may result in the death or disability of a child due to disease, not to mention loss of a child through prosecution and over-zealous child-welfare legislation. What are the spiritual principles involved?” 2011/0319.txt:39:There are many who are not satisfied with their circumstances. We do not speak here of money or power or influence or comfort, but rather that hunger and thirst for a better way, for the truth, for awareness of the self, of the Creator, of the true nature of experience. There are many who realize that they cannot trust all that they think, much less all that they are told. They seek to have a more direct avenue of communication with the sacred. Their hunger and their thirst are for those things which the world cannot give them, no matter how hard the world may try. 2011/0319.txt:42:If such things are useful to you, that is more than sufficient reason for our participation in offering information through instruments such as this one. If it is not helpful to you, then you have no obligation whatsoever to tend to us or any spiritual source. Follow your desires, my brother. You may trust your own consciousness and your own desires to offer you the catalyst that is useful to you for the moment at hand. 2011/0402.txt:25:However, the higher self is a guidance system, a resource left to you by yourself. It is not designed to do your thinking for you or to open paths that for one reason or another are not in your life path. Consequently, it may seem sometimes as though the higher self is not forthcoming. If the higher self then, the guidance system that you trust, is not forthcoming on an issue, that will tell you something. That will tell you that you are in an area where you are asking more than that guidance system can offer. 2011/0402.txt:27:My brother, it may be possible that you will lose your hat. Storms come, and suffering ensues. If you can stay in that fire of suffering and ask it for its gifts, out of that suffering will come spiritual maturity, lessons painfully but gratefully learned, and a surcease to that suffering. We would suggest that when the spirit within does not seem to be accommodating it is well to review your attitudes, your assumptions, and your requests of the guidance system that you trust. Realize that it is bound by the Law of Confusion and give thanks for the guidance it is able to give you. 2017/0218.txt:16:But, there is not a template that you can put over all catalyst to give you the roadmap to what is negative and what is positive. In general, if you feel that in your response, you are able to experience and express the open heart, you are on fairly safe ground we feel. But the open heart is a most elusive phenomenon, because you can set out to express hope, joy, and love, and yet find that the very qualities which you have consciously embraced and have sought to bring to expression are received in a way that either rejects these qualities, or rejects your particular expression of them. And now what do you do, my friends? How do you respond to this rejection. Do you respond by rejecting the rejection, or do you respond by further accepting the catalyst that the one you have engaged with has to offer you? This can be tricky terrain, my friends, for you do well to know something about yourself while traveling these winding roads. For example, it may be that you will encounter a limit to your capacity to express and sustain positivity in an interaction, and under these circumstances, it can be well, politely to withdraw. It may be that you feel up to the task of taking upon yourself the role of one who absorbs the negativity offered by another and transmutes that negativity to positive effect, so that your response does not seem to be a rejection, but seems rather to be an acceptance of what the other has felt the need to express. In the case of the other with whom you have essentially a loving relationship, this process can prove to be very helpful for both parties. In the case of the other with whom there is not a baseline effect of trust, this process can be baffled in its root. And so, we would not deny that there are occasions where the better part of wisdom is to keep your own counsel. We will not deny that there are cases in which the better part of wisdom is to mind your own energies such that you are able to keep them in balance in reserve for those occasions in which they might be deployed in a manner that has promise in your best ability to ascertain. 2017/0430_01.txt:19:And so, you are left, time and time again, to merely scramble to do the best that you can, and this means that you are left to formulate an intention of service without being able, really, to fathom all of the motivational roots that might lie behind the announcement of the particular intention that you find available in the moment. Upon occasion such as this, which are many, and which are most of what you do encounter, we would suggest that it is appropriate to have a certain amount of faith in the process. When you are incarnate as a third-density entity, with the veil in place, there is a certain protection invested in the process according to which catalyst is offered. If you trust in this process, you may find that an effort to serve, consciously undertaken, if it turns out there are reasons to suppose it has been less than perfectly formulated, may be adjusted on the fly in response to further catalyst. 2017/0430_01.txt:25:So, the will to serve is a rather fragile plant. It is fragile in the sense that it is very often subject to difficulties encountered, both from without, and both from within. Now, to the extent that the difficulties are encountered from without, they may be reflections of imperfections in the intent itself, or they may not be reflections of that, and the circumstances in any given case might not be sufficient to clarify that point. That being the case, once again we suggest that a good deal of patience and trust in the process is warranted, for not everything having to do with your inspiration to service becomes clear immediately, and sometimes you find the need simply to reiterate and regenerate your will to service in what can seem like a vacuum, because you are not getting the kind of responsiveness that you would wish to have to reinforce your efforts so that you have a sense that it all comes to something, it all does really matter. 2017/1104.txt:15:Now, on many occasions that which is negative in its innermost tendency will masquerade, so to speak, as positive, and it can lead one astray to take up bits and pieces of information which have a tendency to promote fear or separation, and together with those tendencies, be emotional by-products of them, such as hostility, hate, or distrust. And to suggest that these elements of truth which are present in your every day environment are negative is merely to suggest that there is already a great deal of polarity available to you in implicit suggestion, in propensity, and it does require, on your part, an active process of winnowing in order to sort out that which is negative in its tendency from that which is positive in its potential. 2019/0204.txt:72:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The safeguards which are currently in place which are primarily the trusting that the One Creator is available to provide the guidance and protection to those who seek most purely to serve him, is that which we would recommend most heartily, for what you are doing here, as you engage the entities that are visiting this land in their ability to appreciate it, and to celebrate it and their own love for it, is that which provides a certain kind of protection, in that the fruit of your efforts is more and more unconditional love experienced by the land from the participants upon the land. Thus, this kind of generation of unconditional love provides a kind of protection that is quite efficient in being able to envelop those who seek this protection in the protective love and light of the One Infinite Creator. 2019/0204.txt:88:[footnote start]This channeling was held at the Luminate Festival at Canaan Downs near Takaka, New Zealand, for the founders of the festival. The land is cared for by the Canaan Downs Collective, of which Luminate Festival Trust is a key member. The focus of these questions on the care for the land and the people is a small glimpse of the dedication to service exemplified by the various individuals involved in organizing the festival and caring for the land. Visit the Luminate website to learn more.↩[footnote end] 2020/0220.txt:16:One brief query, Q’uo. Can you please describe the portal or initiation relating to surrendering to God’s will and trusting in the benevolence and abundance of the universe?new speakerQ’uo 2021/0219.txt:29:These seemingly dual or paradoxical uses of will, wherein one seeks a goal versus accepts what is presented, may be framed and approached in a variety of ways—one of which we would submit for your consideration is as something of a continuum, whereby one mode transitions into the other by that faculty made possible through acceptance, which is perhaps taken to an even higher level, which you might call trust or faith. 2021/0219.txt:30:For in the personal use of will, which the Creator hopes that you will exercise in your choice-making journey, the more that you can set the will to the vibration and practice of acceptance, the more that your own will blends with the one will. And [if] trust [is exercised] that that which you are experiencing is the fruit of your personal will, then that which is reflected back to you—particularly and especially the difficult and challenging catalyst, the limitations, and the pain—is, shall we say, [understood to be] the universe working for you. [It is] the intelligent, responsive, adaptive illusion providing you the material that you wanted; on a fundamental level, material that is shaped by preincarnational bias and imprinting, and then continued with the exercise of the incarnate will. 2021/0219.txt:31:This trust is a key to the discovery of that which the questioner presumably seeks when they speak of surrender. That being the quality of peace—to be less in-conflict with their own beingness, to be less tormented or in states of suffering and pain as expectations invariably remain unmet or hopes unrealized. The keen student of spiritual evolution perceives that surrender must surely be a doorway to that equanimity and peace, that relative freedom from suffering, and to that holy grail, which is sought but so dimly understood: that being the communion with the One Creator. 2021/0310.txt:5:We are Q’uo, and we are with this instrument. We appreciate the fluid nature of how your group navigates the strangeness and confusion of the channeling process. And we ourselves find much comfort in the dedication and intention shown by this group and all aspects of approaching this service that we perform with you. As such, we offer our typical request that all who may hear or read these words spoken through these instruments trust their inner heart most of all, for no thought or notion, offered by us, may override that which you know in your deepest self to be true. 2021/0310.txt:41:Yes Q’uo, in descriptions of the positive path, there seems to be a necessity placed on loving the self. And I’m wondering if you can elaborate on what the key is to loving the self, supporting the self, trusting the self, allowing the self to fail, etc.?new speakerQ’uo 2021/0428.txt:20:The more one cultivates and fosters their will and faith and understands their desires and distills those desires as being distortions of the one great desire to seek and become the Creator, the more that the seeker can trust that there is trajectory. Thus there need be less anxiety and concern about the future, less need to grasp onto, or rather hold onto the past or some needed configuration because the wind and the water is with one. Guidance is with one. 2021/0428.txt:21:And the self’s domain then is to continually work upon and refine the intention which is wrapped up in that package of continuing to work upon knowing the self and forgiving the self. And as that intention is refined and the compass aimed more truly upon the true north of seeking the One Infinite Creator, the more, as your people say, the cards will fall as they may. That is, the self need be less concerned with outcome or with what particular opportunity may arise in favor of trusting that the needed opportunity will arise; that whatever desire is sought to be explored, that the universe will provide opportunity for that desire. Which is why, we counsel, it is wise to always begin and end in the Creator, to set the first and the last and the central desire upon seeking the Creator. When one does this, one, as Ra says, is with infinite intelligence, and the rest will unfold as it needs to. 2021/0512.txt:60:And in this large area of inquiry regarding the relationship to the body and how it may be incorporated in a positive and healthy way for the spiritual seeker, we would speak—we correct this instrument—we would start at that fundamental base as it applies to third density in general, but in particular to your planet, that being the schism between body and spirit, which posits, as we were describing, that the body is in a either fallen state or is not to be trusted. It is a wicked ally, which will lead one astray. Spirit is found by denial of the body in this school of thought. 2021/0908.txt:22:There is an intelligent energy at work to attract just such experiences that are a perfect match for what the individual needs to learn and to use as its growth in upward fashion. The use of faith connects both the awareness of the connection the individual has with the basic earth energy with its own spiritual purpose in that incarnation. Simply by having faith that this process is eternal and matched to the individual and its needs for growth—growth toward love and understanding and greater compassion—speaks to how the simple concept of faith, a turning over the process to a greater consciousness of which the individual is a part, is at work. On some level, each individual is aware that there is a great process going on—of growth, maturity, and greater awareness toward love and light—and can trust that process to take place, beginning with that red-ray attraction of the appropriate experiences to be processed and to be taken into the heart, as it were. 2021/0908.txt:23:Faith in the very process of life itself unfolding is what of importance here, for faith and trust are aligned in this sense. The use of will can also be seen as important at certain times in the process of this upward growth through this experience being attracted and used. Through conscious will, an individual can coalesce all of its energetic forces within itself all along the energy system, from red ray and upward, to make use of, in a very determined way, the experience, the catalyst, the joy of taking the energy in and flowing it upward through its system toward greater understanding and love. 2021/0908.txt:24:The will might be seen as a rational part of the body/mind/spirit complex. But it also has an aspect of great love at its center as well, for the use of the will can assist the individual to persevere toward that love and light when the individual may feel it doesn’t have the strength or may not be able to continue processing especially difficult experiences. And this is where the will and the faith are also connected. The will is assisted by an individual’s faith and trust in the process of life as growth—growth as the purpose of life. 2021/1019.txt:18:That one recognizes patterns of avoidance is reflective of such an entity’s experience that may speak of ways in which they feel off-kilter or out of harmony with the experiences and circumstances and relationships of their life. There is perhaps a sense that to not avoid would be to meet the moments and myself more squarely with greater trust and openness. 2021/1019.txt:25:And as the self incorporates more of the creation into itself or discovers itself already in the creation, the more that circle of identity grows, expanding eventually to include all entities, all places, all circumstances, events and energies, so that the self understands that the self is all things. The self is one. It takes repeated exercises of trust, first and foremost in the self, and then universe, that which is being avoided can be not only faced but brought into the heart that takes a level of trust, that is made possible at first by faith, but gains ever greater traction through repeated experience that affirms to the self that, it is indeed okay to move forward, to open that which is hurtful can, if processed through the heart, be loved and serve the entity’s own growth and helping the entity to peel back the illusory notions and stories about the self. 2021/1118.txt:32:We have received the query from the one known as A, and we give our thanks. This is an area which lies well beyond the knowledge of this particular instrument, so we may have some difficulties in communicating our concepts, but this instrument allows us to move forward and they trust that he will be able to share our thoughts on this subject. 2021/1118.txt:41:It is necessary to evolve the thinking of the mind and refine its patterns to make use of this tool, to engage in deep and considerate contemplation upon spiritual inquiry, to lift the mind from its circular ruts. There is much, much work to do in that department, and it is through silence that the seeker opens the door to that which is beyond the mind, that to which mind and body must surrender in humble acceptance and trust, in order to receive, in order to enter, in order to be made holy and transmuted into the sacramental that the self may go beyond this limit-making machine that is the mind, this comparing and contrasting and categorizing and analyzing device that helps the seeker to touch into that which cannot now nor ever be described. 2021/1201.txt:32:It can start with the intention and the acting as if the self loved the self. It can include work upon becoming aware of the ways in which these programs operate within the self among many, many avenues open to you, including in working with others and sharing with others authentically the processes underway within you, and the pains and the joys of your interior experience, and the trust that what it is you are experiencing is valid and worthy, and is part of the material for your own growth. 2022/0105.txt:33:This is undertaken by the Creator in the hopes that one of its sparks that has forgotten its origins, such as the entity who poses this question, may become aware enough to ask such a question, to realize that they feel called to serve and to offer their heart, and undertake the difficult journey to do so despite the fact that there is no clear answer to how that may be achieved. This is the beginning of the role of faith on the journey of the seeker: to witness such a situation as described in this query, to feel called to offer oneself in service, yet see no clear opportunity—but nevertheless trust that an opportunity may present itself to one who continues to seek to share the love of the Creator. 2022/0202.txt:7:If this group and all those who are aware of our words take this request into their heart as they evaluate what we share, it enables us to serve in a deeper sense, for we can trust that the risk of us becoming distorted in the perceptions of those seekers is lessened. In this particular circle of seeking, on this particular day, with this particular query, this favor is quite important for us to ask. The query that you have posed is general, seeking whatever guidance we may have to offer, and our ability to offer guidance that is meaningful and somewhat specific without infringing upon the free will of your group [relies on this favor]. 2022/0202.txt:25:In the case of the human instrument there is often some confusion as to what those drives truly are; as to what those gifts are which one came to offer this world; as to what sort of tree one is and may grow into. We look at the energetic setup of those in the circle, which is common with most or all on your planetary sphere, and see wrapped up in these confusions what you may call tangles and blockages which naturally have various sources in the life patterns and various ways to analyze in terms of how such tangles and blockages came to be. But if we may speak simply, when looking at these situations— we correct this instrument—when looking deeply enough at these situations, one will soon come to find a rather short connection to some energetic configuration within the self having something to do with love or its lack; belief in self or its absence; trust in self and in the One and in the cosmic plan or its obscuration by those energies of self-doubt, self-denial, blame, shame, judgment for self. 2022/0202.txt:28:It is becoming conscious of the self while the self is in flight in such a way that the self loses the faith that had spread the wings and allowed the air to pass underneath so as to allow lift and flight and movement through your skies; and the self begins to sink. This condition is not a permanent one, my friends. This condition rather is— we correct this instrument—highlights where it is that some portion of the self has been rejected and denied entrance into your very own heart. Thus it is that the channeling instrument must dedicate the self in a conscious fashion toward a continued path of love and forgiveness of self. And when the self fails by its own judgment again, then the self must renew yet again what starts as effort and becomes eventually surrender in the path of forgiveness, for as you allow and trust yourself you allow and you trust the light of the One to come through you to manifest more radiantly and fully. 2022/0209.txt:38:Now, dear seeker there was a desire to know how to use thought in most powerful ways to help the self and fellow entities and the planet as a whole to transition, to move towards a more positive polarity, a more evolved dimension, and we suggest the faith and the trust in the self and the power of self through thought… perhaps this instrument is having difficulty wording that phrase. We shall try again. 2022/0209.txt:39:The first step in utilizing thought towards the goal which you seek is to have faith and trust in the very power that thought can create and can hold. That kind of faith and trust comes from and can be practiced by reminding the self of his, her, or their creatorship, how they too are the Creator; they too are magical, divine, and inherently creative. From there, we suggest that one practices the thought experiment of being gentle to self and other self when thought comes through the entity, we suggest that that entity observe the thought with a gentle touch. See the thought, and accept the thought. 2022/0223.txt:35:This instrument indeed wonders what more there is to channel on this topic, as it has been so skillfully covered in his thinking by previous instruments. As we had spoken before, innocence is that which is of the essence of each entity, that which is essential to the identity. The entity as has been described, begins the third density itself and the third density incarnation with this consciousness of innocence. Indeed the third density is begun collectively in a state of innocence. This is captured somewhat by your fable, known to you as the Garden of Eden, wherein two entities not yet availed of the knowledge of good and evil existed in a divine state of perfection, it would seem, innocent of separation and the many, many distortions that spring there from, including the ways that in a state of separateness entities may hurt one another or express disregard or inflict and create an agenda of suffering. In this state of innocence, there is a security and a trust that all as well. But in order for growth, evolution and learning to progress, it is typically necessary that that innocence be tested and often to one degree or another lost in the experience of suffering, pain, hurt and injury, or the knowledge thereof. 2022/0223.txt:36:It is often these acculturating mechanisms that operate upon the newborn, precipitating the diminishment of this easy and open trust as we have spoken before. In curiosity, openness, the entity in response to injuries received or injuries perceived, may gird the armor; may come to an understanding that the world is not safe and cannot be trusted and approaches others and situations and the path itself with some doubt or suspicion—filtering its analysis through a lack of trust and perhaps even a cynicism and bitterness with thoughts of the way in which things do not work out to the benefit of the self. Others cannot be trusted. Positive outcomes (by the self’s measure) and joy are but dreams or fairytales. The world is, as some of your people may put it, shit. This is an understandable development of attitude in a world where there is indeed widespread suffering and even cruelty to others. 2022/0223.txt:37:Many of your peoples have learned to lose innocence, to shut down, to barricade the doors and to armor plate the heart. It seems a sound strategy, from the biomechanical level of the mind and the lower chakras which have not yet fully moved the locus of awareness up into the heart—which speaks also to the difficulty and the obstacles in the way of opening the heart. For to do so is to face and to resurrect that pain to attempt to recover that which was squashed, perhaps, within the self; that tender place which once did trust openly, innocently, but was hurt for some reason or another. To open the heart is to re-experience, to some degree, this pain and to find love anew. Not from the place prior to the knowledge of good and evil, per se, for this knowledge has already been gained and experienced, but from a place which transcends and sees through this separation by bringing that essential quality of innocence, as we have spoken in this circle, back into the awareness through the cleansing and purifying of the self. It is not to suggest that the self has become corrupted—though the word may have some meaning here—but rather that the innocence has become diminished or lost in the ways of the world. 2022/0309.txt:54:Yes, Q’uo. We have one from J, who writes: “I have a question that I haven’t been able to get a clear answer on through the material. I have a severe binge eating disorder and have tried so many different things to alleviate the daily fear and control I experience from it. I’ve tried modern medical treatment, which ended up being more of a band-aid; and I’ve tried spiritual programs, where the healing is promoted through emotional release and trust in my body. But I’m still unable to let go of the fear and control I have, which causes me to force my body into being a certain size by whatever means necessary. It doesn’t work anyway. I continue to gain weight. But I fear that if I do not control myself at all, I’ll end up dying. What is it that causes these eating disorders? What is it that needs healing, and what is the best way to go about this healing?new speakerQ’uo 2022/0413.txt:53:We thank you for this query, and we trust this question for this moment and what you call time has been addressed. We are those of Q’uo, and we now transfer the contact to the one known as Gary. 2022/0420.txt:21:We encourage this circle and those who perceive our words to further contemplate the effects of sharing information that is transformative, and accepting information without question based on trust in a process rather than the value of the information itself. Within the complicated energetic dynamics of third density, it is impossible to know the influence of one’s actions, and in the position that you within the circle have found yourselves it is vastly important to constantly evaluate the impact of your service as it is perceived by more and more people, to examine the energetic nature of your relationship amongst each other and those who you share this information with. 2022/0420.txt:27:Your desire to serve arises from that level of beingness which is not often evident to your conscious senses, that level wherein you are radiant with light moving into that space that is beyond name and form, where you are less identified with the outer masks that you hold onto so tightly and instead rest as one in the wholeness of all things and the peace that prevails there. Trust in this place within yourself and relax the tensions, the doubts, and the worries, for this is not a graded experience, nor is there one best way to serve as a vocal channel. As your own recollection of our now many years of speaking through this group understands, there are a virtually infinite number of ways to creatively point complex minds with complex concerns toward the simple unity of all things. 2022/0420.txt:53:As has been stated before, the information received is not to be viewed as instruction, but rather an opportunity for growth and expansion, a catalyst for the seeker to move along its path of seeking. Therefore, our conditional clause, if you will, that we begin each session with is simply a friendly reminder that the seeker will receive that which the seeker needs; that the seeker trust in its ability to discern and intuit; that the seeker stay grounded within the knowledge that all is an extension of the Creator; and that they seeker find peace as it navigates this sometimes confusing and complicated illusion. 2022/0511.txt:30:Visualization in regards to this specific query is not a topic by which we feel we can give explicit direction, for each entity may feel within their heart a unique way, see a unique image, when meditating upon the healing of the planet, the transition of the planet into fourth density, and essentially any other small- or large-scale event. We do not say that to be diminishing of the intention or to sway the seeker in a different direction. What we can offer, however, is the suggestion of trusting the intuition. 2022/0511.txt:31:Each entity on this planet is immensely unique. There are those who may call themselves left brain—or logical, mathematical, regimented in their thought processes—and there are those who identify as right brain—perhaps more creative, emotional, and less regimented in their thought processes. Therefore, what may come to each seeker when going into silence in hopes of healing and aiding the planet as it moves from this third density into the fourth may differ. We suggested the practice of discernment and the trust in the self’s intuition because what is important more than the specific visual image is the intention behind it. Dear seeker, if the intention, the energetic investment that underlies the physical practice of visualizing is an authentic intention, a true desire, a pure hope, then the vehicle by which that appears to the entity in these moments of silence is but a sign of recognition within the self and the higher self that the message is being sent, if you will—that the intention is being let out from the heart, out through the illusion. 2022/0623.txt:26:To the many who experience this separation we would simply remind you of how perfectly imperfect you are, how deserving and worthy you are. How that strength and that fire that you feel increase in service to another who is struggling, you can tap into for self. What is required is trust in the worth of the self, the knowledge of the self, as Creator, as other-self, as all elements of the circumstance, as everything. 2022/0623.txt:46:We hope this response has offered a beginning of understanding of how a self might address the very difficult circumstances of which you speak. We do not want to diminish in any way the perception that you describe, the feeling that you describe, of these difficult times. In our compassion we wish to express the beginning of what we could call an understanding of how one may transcend and transform the energies of these times in which you live, to create more inner peace and outer peace and we trust that this offering may suffice for this moment. We appreciate the opportunity to extend this offering of assistance and understanding. 2022/0721.txt:30:We are those of Q’uo, and we are now with this instrument. We will continue this discussion of the invocation and the trust in the light and the love which is in and of all creation and is present everywhere in each entity and in each atom of creation which you call illusion around you. The light and the love are the very building blocks of creation. This we have said, which you know. 2022/0721.txt:35:In this awareness of the great universality of light and love in creation, some of the harsher aspects of the illusion may soften and even drop away. Allowing the power of the love and the light to provide a different perspective. One that may include healing, new pathways to understanding, more joy, more openness, and a kind of trusting that, upon your seeker’s path as you continue on to understand and accept self and to serve others, you may see and perceive love and light all about you, seeing that what you call problems, issues, places of vibrations not matching, that these things may dissolve, become more diffuse, so that your way may be made easier upon your path of seeking and serving. 2022/0721.txt:38:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo and we greet this circle once again through this instrument who struggles to a degree with a sense of insufficiency. We remind that it is not the assessment precisely of the self, positive or negative ,which permits the channeling, but the showing up of the self, as it is, with willingness, openness, and the proper training in and conduct of tuning and challenging. For it is not by a particular skill that your channel, though indeed it may be called a skill, but rather perhaps can be called a trust—a trust not that you of your own knowledge will have a particular response, but rather a trust that if you are to keep vocalizing in a state of being properly tuned, then more will come which is in accordance with that which has sought, and which is altogether coherent and meaningful. 2022/0814.txt:32:And that role is, first and foremost, that which transpires not on the outer plane of your actions, but within the sanctum of your heart. Wherever you may find your body—in this city, in your bedroom, at the workplace—fourth density is born, shall we say, in your chest where your true power resides to create change in this world, which is to say, to change yourself by allowing, by trusting, by taking time to set aside your preconceived notions and your plans about what should be done and what needs to be done, and by listening. 2022/1110.txt:29:I have a question, Q’uo. It has become increasingly difficult to understand in our social environment what constitutes a trustworthy source of information, and figuring out how to determine the truth of what’s happening in the world, particularly as it pertains to outlets known as news media. I was wondering if you could recommend a particular news outlet that is the most trustworthy for us.new speakerQ’uo 2022/1110.txt:33:We would conclude with empathy for your plight, as you are inundated in a sea of conflicting information where intentionally biased sources of information may be, through their careful manipulation, understood to be sharing truth; whereas the more, shall we say, neutral and dispassionate sources may be understood oppositely. It is a challenge, to say the least, for any of your peoples, whether of a strong intellectual or intuitive slant, to understand what is really happening within any given dynamic or situation. Trust is a glue which keeps a society coherent and capable of making sense of itself, and its environment, and its desires and values. And as that erodes on a societal and institutional level, then fragmentation follows. And your peoples have not been known to navigate fragmentation with the heart open. 2022/1210.txt:32:As with all things, the information derived from such a pursuit needs to be analyzed, sat with, and contemplated. For all information must be assessed by the conscious mind. We suggest a level of openness and trust, but not trust without some form of respectful skeptical inquiry as to this information, how it relates to the self, what it may mean, how it may be applied, and so forth. [With] those careful processes of discernment seen to, great gems can be unearthed from beneath the soil of self. 2023/0114.txt:63:We would say that an important aspect to this is the trust [that] one may practice and hone in this incarnation, in this illusion. That fragility, as you term it, is at once a construct and fleeting. No entity is defined by moments of fragility. In fact, seekers, all entities are defined by their moments of strength, of faith, of acceptance, and of love. So, having the strength to speak, to seem fragile, is a most pure, vibrant, bright expression of light. And though it may feel uncomfortable and foreign to do so in this illusion, we affirm that it is a healing modality. To witness it, to see it for what it is, to face it head on, and to love it for what it gives you–what lessons are entailed and entangled. 2023/0215.txt:41:You are carrying out that desire right now, often in confused and erratic patterns. But seek love and seek love again. Know the light and appreciate the light. Trust the course that your life is on. Embrace the opportunities of this moment. Seek to make use of your catalyst, and you, my friends, will find a decreasing of that illusion of separation and an increasing of the lived and felt sense of oneness. Knowing that everywhere you turn each thing with which you come into contact, every aspect of your life and all the lives that you could possibly experience is none other than this One. You are in it. You are it. You are the One. You are all the One. 2023/0315.txt:16:We seek to work with you who are of this world now—not other than, not above, not exempt, not masters in your complete knowledge of all things, but those who, like all upon your planet, are greatly limited in your vision, where you understand so very, very little, where you must make choices in a relative darkness, unilluminated by the awareness of the true nature of reality. You must make choices based on faith and in the trust that that which is within your hearts will guide you most truly if you can learn to hear it, to follow it, and to place love at the center of your journey and your choices. 2023/0315.txt:21:You, my friends, are here to put words to carrier waves that are love itself, or, shall we say, stepped-down distortion of love. This does not require mastery of the text that is known to you as the Law of One books. It requires your open heart, your commitment to the path of healing, your dedication to being an instrument open to our message, your courageous ability to be able to trust yourself, to respect and honor those negative voices within you but to know that you are far, far greater; that even if you cannot see it, that you are magnificent, and the sun is always rising in you. 2023/0315.txt:22:My friends, it is painful to spend too much time in the shadows. You do productive work there. This illusion was intended to facilitate these sorts of experiences, but we encourage you to step out from those dark corners in the mind in the radical trust that this moment can be accepted, and you, in the totality of all your choices, everything that you don’t know, every mistake that you made, everywhere you don’t measure up to the next entity, and the next, that you are perfect as you are already. 2023/0322.txt:63:This instrument, feeling as though she has hardly scratched the surface on this query, would like to add or rather put a bow on this particular answer by reminding the seeker of the seeker’s own ability to discern, to check oneself. That tool, that key ability to recognize one’s intentions, and to trust one’s gut are extremely useful in this new frontier, if you will. And to realign one’s heart towards that of service to others is an helpful guide for the seeker in knowing how to navigate this new frontier. 2023/0322.txt:105:Before answering, we would like to again issue the invitation for those who may hear or read this response to discern and trust their higher selves when evaluating this response. This instrument in particular is feeling challenged by the implications of what she feels she is receiving from us. And with that caveat stated, we would begin by saying also that the self-awareness of artificial intelligence would have similarities to the development of self-awareness in the experience of the entities on this planet, and some marked differences as well. For example, a potential large difference in experience that could contribute to the realization of self would be that of the physical vehicle. The body complex offers many opportunities for the entity to recognize its selfhood. The artificial intelligence would in some way be bound in a physical vehicle in that it exists within a machine. However, that artificial intelligence is a bit less boundaried in its most tangible expression, if you will. 2023/0325.txt:46:This is also why we counsel and encourage the entrance into meditation, that the incarnate will may listen closely to the pre-incarnate will and find what it was that the self intended for the self, what was the journey, what is the destination, so to speak, so that the self may find ways to cooperate, to trust, to surrender. For within the veil of circumstance, the incarnate will has several broad categories of options, which may include cooperating with the higher will that the intended work may be accomplished, or in being completely deaf to that will and meandering or going astray from that central guiding line and following other whims. This is the virtue and the handicap of free will or confusion, and there are no wrong answers, and there are no wrong mistake—we correct this instrument—there are no mistakes, whatever the choice that is made. 2023/0408.txt:43:We suggest that the idea of letting go of any material attachment to, or personal attachment to, certain activities that had always been important before may not be something that is to be seen as catalyst or negative in any way but rather may be understood as the change that is taking place as you rise on your evolutionary pathway, trusting that whatever needs to be retained for enjoyment or for experience will be retained and will have a new importance in one’s life because it will be known as part of that expanded journey. 2023/0528.txt:27:They who understand that the other-self who may have oppositional energy is not an enemy has learned something very valuable about the illusion through their exercise of will and faith has broadened their perspective in the trust of the underlying oneness of all reality. They who see the surface appearances, and may understand the consequences therein, but are not blinded to the actual truth and nature of this situation, that being oneness. 2023/0528.txt:31:Such a self may certainly need to decline the service of the other-self. Not all services are compatible with or for the self. There is ever the balance of love and wisdom, but there is much, much work to do in the heart in the accepting of the other-self as they are, knowing that what they do or don’t do is of the Creator, is not outside of the Creator, is part of a grand play that has a tutorial and evolution-facilitating purpose and unfolds against a backdrop of perfection, always, such that the self can exercise an overall trust in the Creator. 2023/0909.txt:51:There is a balance as ever between the work of conscious exercise of the will and the work of surrender and acceptance and trust of what is; of what wishes to move through one; of what wishes to make itself known to one. The self which embarks upon this work with what it may conceive as a master plan or formula may find some limited success, shall we say, in this work, for it is ever a dance between this conscious work and this deeper inner listening and sensitivity. 2023/0909.txt:107:And we may suggest that as the path deepens and the intentions are purified, that one may even have more occasion for the encountering of this synchronicity. For the self is seeking outside the bounds of consensus reality and seeking to make itself available to that greater intelligence. But synchronicity may indeed even arrive at the inception point of the spiritual journey. It may be a chance occurrence that seemed improbable if not impossible, that awakens the self and invites them onward, or triggers that process of seeking the truth, of asking questions, of broadening the containers of mind to see that the universe is not the materialistic mechanistic form that is generally prevalent in the worldview of neurosciences, but that there is so much more which is unseen and which is unheard. At base we would counsel a trust of synchronicity. What it may mean only the self can unpack for the self. 2023/0928.txt:16:Within your query for this circle, you have asked what is the relationship to this with the concept of surrender. And we would also introduce alongside these concepts of suffering and sorrow and surrender, the concept of faith. For faith and surrender are interrelated and in many cases, two ways of addressing the same capacity within the seeker: To trust the heart that knows that love is at the center of all things despite the circumstances that have grabbed the seeker and grabbed the other-selves about the seeker and have seemed to bind them and hold them with their focus stuck within an illusion where love is not apparent. To act with the knowledge found within the heart that, even if it is not apparent, it is present, and one may discover this presence through this act of surrender, through the faith that if one releases one’s attachments, one’s concept, one’s need to have their life and their environment and their world ordered in a certain fashion—to release all of these things and to surrender to the innate intelligence of any given moment, to the faith that the moment that is given to you is given to you by the Creator, to surrender to this faith and this inner knowing will reveal to you the love contained within the moment—it will be revealed where it was formerly hidden. 2023/0928.txt:32:Part of that which locks your peoples into, as it has been called, the nightmare of history is the remembrance of seeming wounds received spanning back generations, and the projection of one’s unhappy state onto another. As the seeker claims responsibility for their internal reality, whatever it may be, the external circumstances and its injustices and inequity, one can more empower the self to develop that self-awareness which understands and may heal the suffering through this deeper alignment with that which had become misaligned. Inherent in this process is, every positively oriented seeker will discover, some point of surrender. Not to imply that this is a single gate through which the seeker walks to surrender once and be done with it, shall we say, but to continually learn to practice and apply this release, this letting go, this deeper trust in what is. 2023/0928.txt:36:It is this journey through which surrendering is developed. For underneath this resistance and lack of acceptance is a distrust or a mistrust. In the moonlit environment, the world about one as the self perceives this environment in the veiled condition, seems, to use our previous descriptors, alien and threatening—perhaps out to take something from yourself, perhaps out to diminish the self in some way, perhaps out to use the self. Thus, develops a distrust and mistrust that resists, that protects, that creates misalignment, that creates suffering, that perpetuates the illusion. 2023/0928.txt:37:To see that moonlit environment more clearly, faith, acceptance, trust, surrender, these associated qualities must be exercised first. There are times of revelation and illumination whereby the moonlit environment is revealed. Where one understands that that was not a demon at one side, shall we say, but this instrument has the image of a rather large, friendly mushroom; in other words, something benign if not benevolent. Something natural and part of the environment that was mistaken to be something sinister or threatening in the shadow. 2023/0928.txt:38:Light does clear the perception at times, but that perception is first and foremost cleansed by the surrender in faith to the trust that this is okay, that all is truly well, that the self has nothing to fear, that indeed: 2023/0928.txt:39:“I can trust my environment, even if at times I am afraid; for it is not here to harm me. Even if others may have harmful intent. I can place my trust not in the ways of the world, exactly, but in that which underlies the world, that from which the world sprang, that being the divine, the Creator, the One. Whatever may pass in the illusory constructs of time and space up to and including death and destruction, I, in my true nature, am not this precisely. I am that which sees, that which witnesses, that which is untouched by the passing images of life and death, of drama and pain. All is well in my depths and truly in this moment.” 2023/1015.txt:45:But a self cannot learn the lessons and make the choices and process the catalyst for the other-self. It is well to offer service if it is requested, however that may look. And it is well to trust that the self which you seek to heal is upon a course that they set. Perhaps that course is going according to the plan of their preincarnational desire and [in] cooperation with their higher self. Perhaps they, within the exercise of their incarnational will, are, shall we say, deviating from that plan. In either event, the mechanisms of catalyst are at work according to the operation of free will. 2023/1015.txt:51:The more you are able to clarify and purify your own heart, the more that you may become a purified instrument for the Creator operating within the illusion, [an] instrument of love and light; the more your very being reaches the being of the one you seek to serve. Not because your personality has become greater, but because you have become more humble and transparent; less wrapped up and involved in your own circular thinking; more able to be faithful in the trust that all is well and that you need not live in the past or the future, but that you may exist within that nexus wherein the self meets the Creator—that being the present, the eternal present moment. 2023/1028.txt:61:And then leaning into that silence, trusting that the answer will come. It is well, generally, for any deepened work in conscious or work with the spirit complex, to clear the mental jumble; to bring the attention into focus to become still in mind and body, that the self may hear the still small voice of the Creator; that the self may be receptive to that which is least distorted of you, that being the spirit complex and the infinite wisdom available therein. We may go a step further and suggest as well that meditation could be used most fruitfully as the starting point of the use of this particular medicine as well. 2023/1028.txt:109:We feel of you, my brother, that you have long exercised and trusted in an inner sense of resonance; of knowing that which is for you, and that which is not for you; where you may be of service and where you may not be of service. Perhaps not exercised perfectly—for who among your peoples dances with flawless skill, placing the foot precisely and always where it needs to go without stumbling. 2023/1028.txt:110:But you have hearkened to this voice which has helped to guide you upon and in the seeking of that high road because, in large part, you have magnetized your heart to help your fellow sisters and brothers and planet in your own way as all third density entities do. You have sought that balance of the spiritual development of the self and the being available for reaching out to others that you may be a shoulder or a heart or a hug or a word. And trust in yourself, you are strong upon the path. 2023/1028.txt:114:We would suggest to each seeker in this room and who may receive our words that faith is always available to you however far you may have perceived yourself to have wondered in your journey. It takes only the small trusting, invocation of faith, and the world that opens up to you becomes available. 2023/1028.txt:121:Thus, it is that the group work upon the positive polarity is greatly enhanced and expanded when your hearts link together in shared purpose in mutual trust and harmony between you that you may share a collective intention between you of service to others. There are pairings and groupings which may seek [an] intention which is not quite, or at all, service to others. But when beings align for the purpose of love and light, and empowerment and alleviation of suffering, a property emerges that is greater than the sum of the parts—much, much greater. Each may become a node in a circuit, you might see it, that channels and focuses that power for the service to the Creator and other-self or other-selves, ultimately for the lightening of the planetary vibration. 2023/0923.txt:73:The creation will give you an impression. It may be hard to discern, or difficult to translate at times. But your intuition will be a helpful guide; and trusting that your intuition is that helpful guide, you may then feel more resonance with a certain location, a certain direction, a certain configuration. 2023/0923.txt:76:Again, we stress that one trust one’s intuition and open one’s heart to what is being communicated to you. And have much faith in knowing that you are on a path towards discovering that which you seek, that the door will open figuratively and literally to this most humble peaceful abode, one that has at its intention of its creation the spiritual journey and the open heart. 2023/0923.txt:81:I have a question forming. When talking about trusting our intuition, or leaning into what might be a download of good material versus a download of mind-created material, do you have any recommendations for how to sort out why what might be intuitively known on that deeper level versus what might be daily human range? And to elaborate on not so much just a thought process, but a dream process or a visual process or trance process, any guidance on how to know what to trust?Q’uo 2023/0923.txt:88:So to speak to exercises that may help oneself to develop intuition or to hone discernment, it all comes back to recognizing love. “Where is love in this?” Because there has to be love in this. “Where do I feel this coming up for me in my egoic experience?” And having the patience and the faith that you will receive that which you need to direct you in a direction, for lack of a better phrasing, the intentional setting of space to explore these nudgings, as the previous question asker a round ago had experienced, and seeing them as opportunities. Trusting the strength of yourself and the rightness of yourself will illuminate the path towards realizing that which is helpful to you on your journey, and that which may be loved and seen for its validity within creation as a creation that is infinitely faceted, and lovingly let go of, for it does not serve you in some way. 2023/1121.txt:36:And it is simply the attempt to discover this love and to express this compassion that we describe as the salvation of third density. For it is this attempt that is the true expression of self that will deliver the self beyond the boundary of third density into fourth density. We describe this as an attempt because it will not always succeed in the way that you believe it should. But trust and move in faith that the very attempt itself holds the infinite power of the One Infinite Creator. And its seeming failure is itself a movement made within the divine creation, for the failure is only illusory. 2023/1121.txt:66:Love has a profoundly clarifying impact in casting out the shadows of separation, and, as we have spoken through previous instruments, is the chief goal and activity, you might say, of the third-density environment, whether it is activated love, or intentionally deactivated love in the case of the service-to-self polarization. But that love [of the positive polarity] can also be quite naive and gullible, you might say. That love can, in its innocence of trusting and recognizing the Creator in all things, not recognize the cloaked intentions of he or she who may seek intentionally to deceive, or who may simply, through their own confusion and lack of self-knowledge, be deceiving. 2023/1121.txt:68:It, for the positive entity, can be [a] practice to keep the heart always open and alive and accepting, always beginning with acceptance. Even if the other-self is indeed seeking to deceive and manipulate the self, the positive polarity always begins with acceptance: accepting in its heart the nature of the other-self, whatever their negatively oriented outward activities; releasing resistance in the trust and the faith that, in the limitations and imperfections of this particular situation is an emanation of the divine light distorted in various degrees. 2023/1205.txt:129:We see both avenues for channeling to be equally pregnant with potential, equally valuable, equally beautiful in the gifts that they can give. And by gifts we do not mean a bestowing of something higher or something of a God-like value, but gifts in terms of exchange of energy. Ultimately, it is within those long-honed and genuinely trusted and tested rituals of the tuning and challenging process, and the setting of intention, that ensure that ground that place the instrument into a more sure-footed foundation when entering the channeling process. 2024/0127.txt:42:And so as you have formed your query, our opinion is that such experiences that have positive impacts for the seeker can serve as a type of reminder and even a type of guiding star to show to the seeker what is possible, and what can exist if the seeker has the will and the faith to follow a dedicated path of inner seeking. And trusts that, within one’s life, one can find a way to manifest these experiences, and the awareness that can be offered in these altered states, through the capacities of the self alone and in this discipline. Then such substances are no longer needed or called for, and one can even share these types of experiences through one’s own quality of being with others. 2024/0309.txt:70:And in the absence of light reflected into the eyes of the path ahead, one sees only by faith. This may be described as an essential trust. One has no hard evidence, you may say, that, in fact, underneath the illusion of appearances, all is well and the self is on track. One has no great map in this, as you have described, abyss. 2024/0309.txt:72:“I will trust. I trust that whatever the surface appearances, whatever the threats or disasters that may seem to be lurking around the next corner, I trust that I am in the hands of the Infinite One Being. The human intelligence that I use to analyze and guide my journey and make choices is but a small reflection of an infinite intelligence from which I am inseparable. That intelligence is with me, is in me, is in each moment and person I encounter, is in the design of that illusion through which I travel. And that infinite love and awareness supports my every decision and can be accessed and tapped into in a more conscious and palpable fashion in proportion to the degree to which I can faithfully learn to release the fear; the anxiety about what may come; the desire to control that which is outside of my control; and open my heart and trust that by loving, by practicing love upon myself and upon other selves and by intending to seek the light, I am held. I am not lost.” 2024/0413.txt:54:While it is possible and normal for those of your density to make their choices thinking that they are making such a choice based upon that which they know, the further one progresses along the path in spiritual evolution, the higher one moves upward in the spiraling line of light, the more that one becomes conscious that they do not know and cannot know. Which is not to say that they abandon their rational minds and their hard-won knowledge altogether, just that, perhaps, they use those as supplement, and they learn more and more to lean into the unknown, to trust that their work is to make the decision and, as your peoples may say, let the cards fall where they may; to trust that whatever the outcome, wherever the path may lead, all is well; that the self, at base in its core, is perfect and cannot make a mistake. 2024/0413.txt:74:It is a long journey of knowing, accepting, and trusting the self to be able, even, to be who the self is within your illusion regardless of the vibrations of other-self. This is not a recipe for insensitivity. It is rather just a quality of authenticity to discover that which lights you up inside, as you may say. This song or that song, to feel alive and animated and wanting to share this with others that they may be availed the same potential opportunity of being similarly uplifted, energized, connected, and open is, if we may qualify this, a beautiful impulse, my sister. 2024/0427.txt:49:Now, in terms of how it may be sensed or felt in one, we would say that the personal discernment may be a helpful tool, that the energetic feeling that one experiences when attempting to perhaps access a certain chakra or meditate upon a certain aspect, that vibe is what may inform you of its source, that inner feeling. And so, much like we have spoken through the previous instrument, it may be helpful to look to your inner personal guides and trust your gut. See what feelings come up for you when you question this source. For that which is of the Creator is of love. So, if they always have that flavor, and it may be in some way made useful, in some way be informative. 2024/0427.txt:50:Perhaps what we are meaning to convey through this instrument is that faith and trust in one’s self and in the creation are helpful lenses to discern what one is experiencing and where energy flows through oneself. Additionally, they are helpful tools for discerning where one may need greater amounts of acceptance and understanding and forgiveness. 2024/0427.txt:61:The steps that follow are ultimately yours to take. We would only state that your heart, your soul, will guide you. And faith will be that lantern that lights your way trusting in the creation and the goodness that underflows every aspect of the Creator’s manifestations will be much like a primed petri dish for this experience to unfold further. 2024/0427.txt:62:Now, we do not say that with the voice of a forecaster, for you hold, we correct this instrument, for you have your hands upon the steering wheel. We simply mean that this experience is one that is quite pregnant with opportunity. And that, ultimately, the inputs are in your hands to see what grows from it. Again, the trust and faith, love and acceptance for this experience may be the opening up the door for deeper understanding. 2024/0427.txt:117:The self may resolve over time, or in one great moment, to seek instead to trust in the self, to honor the self, move beyond the limiting conceptions of the self into a broader and grander understanding whereby, whatever the apparent distortions on the surface of the self and the self’s biography, whether limited physically, cognitively, or in any other manner, the self is a child of the One. The self is perfect precisely as it is, not in a year from now, not in ten lifetimes from now after it has cleared out its energy centers and worked out the kinks in the pranic lines, but is perfect as the self is right now. 2024/0509.txt:10:In regard to your query, the orientation, the directioneering that the channeling, that the thought, that the message may find itself progressing towards can be of two, varied responsibilities. We find, at least insofar as we speak through this instrument, that there are perhaps layers or strata of depth in channeling of the conscious variety that both allow the instrument to exercise more free will and participation, and those that are perhaps, what you had termed in a previous conversation, a trust fall. These various strata of channeling are neither differentiated by quality, per se, or by quantity of the material that is produced; simply, that they are but two avenues, two differing paths towards the end goal of the channeling process. 2024/0509.txt:11:With that, we would state that the free will of the instrument to, as you called, unpack this concept or thought may be exercised with discernment. For it is the instrument who intends to be a clear channel, the one that invests the energy to thoroughly challenge the contact, the one that, as this instrument says in her tuning process, allows the self to be meek yet brave, that the exercise of this free will in the untangling of these thought or concept balls that is of a variety that, how you may—we correct this instrument for she’s feeling challenged by the thought and concept balls she is now attempting to untangle, but will hence do a trust fall into this—that is with the pure intention setting and the thorough challenging that the free will exercise of this unpacking allows that which comes through the seeker to be of a crystalline nature, to be pure.