1981ra-contact/082.txt:69:Specifically, I am trying to grasp an understanding first of the process of experience in third density before the veil so that I can have a better understanding of the present process. Now, as I understand it, the mind/body/spirit complexes4 went through the process of what we call physical incarnation in this density, but there was no forgetting. What was the benefit or purpose of the physical incarnation when there was no forgetting? 1981ra-contact/105.txt:71:I am Ra. The description which began your query is suitable for the function of the mind/body/spirit or the mind/body/spirit complex. The position in creation of physical manifestation changed not one whit when the veil of forgetting was dropped. 1981ra-contact/intro.txt:42:For all of these reasons this book is dedicated to Donald T. Elkins, whose intelligence, intuition, and experience with the paranormal perfectly prepared him to carry on an astounding conversation with those of Ra, and to Carla L. Rueckert who fearlessly offered her life in service to planet Earth as she served as the instrument for the Ra contact. Don’s wisdom and Carla’s love blazed a trail through the veil of forgetting for any who would become a seeker of truth. 1982/1211.txt:45:I am Latwii. My sister, consider for a moment the existence of the young child. The veil of forgetting has been quite recently drawn across their consciousness, and in a state of mind similar to the amnesiac, who would upon waking discover not only a lack of awareness of identity or purpose in being in a specific location, the young child suddenly realizes the quite uncomfortable sensation of being within an unfamiliar body on an unfamiliar planet. It is quite difficult for the entity in this condition to either receive or express love in your density, for this involves the use of various tools to which the newborn entity is not accustomed. For example, the physical expressions of love on your planet, the kissing, the hug, the handshake, the wave, are all quite obviously gibberish to the newborn infant, and are tools of expression which must be learned. In like manner, the difficulty experienced by the infant with language is quite obvious. 1982/1211.txt:215:May I ask a very brief question with a very brief answer? Are there entities born in which the veil of forgetting—I guess I’m feeling some resistance to my own asking the question. I can’t think of the words I want to use. Are there individuals, are there entities born in which the veil of forgetting is not solid, in other words, it is penetrable by them, and therefore it is as though the catalyst comes from not only external but internal? 1986/1130.txt:57:I’d like to follow up on a previous question. There was a question about that when third-density people went to new planets, would they know that they were on a new planet, or would they think they were still on Earth. And I thought I heard in the answer that there would be some awareness of newness, and I was confused because, who knows, you know, where we were before this, because of the veil [of forgetting] and I would have thought that there would be the same veil on the same feeling that, you know, that this is just the way things are, then as there is now, regardless of what planet it would be on, it would [be] home, you know? And I wondered if you could clarify that for me, because I was a little puzzled. 1986/1130.txt:103:I am Q’uo, and, indeed, this ability—which we may describe as the far-seeing ability—shall be greatly enhanced, and the removing of that which is called—we find in this group—the veil of forgetting, is that which proceeds as a conscious process whereby the veil, having a large tear, shall we say, now allows the movement of consciousness through this tear so that the conscious efforts of an entity may continue in the dismantling of that which seems to separate one from another and the one Creator from the self, so that all begins to be put into a more unified perspective as a result of conscious efforts. 1987/0215.txt:20:If we are to look upon the primary means of perceiving the creation and its meaning for those of your third density, we might take that denial of which you have spoken and describe it rather as the inability to perceive the unity of all the creation, the infinity which is the foundation, the current reality and what you would call a future experience for all those of the third-density illusion. Thus, this inability to see the connected nature of all things, all thoughts, is a denial which, indeed, allows an entity to consider itself separate from and outside the influence of that power which you call God or the Creator. This seeming separation or denial or lack of perception creates a condition in which an entity may learn a variety of lessons which will eventually provide an opportunity for the integrating of each individual lesson with the wholeness of not only the greater self, which resides beyond the veil of forgetting, but the selves of all creatures and things about one in the creation and indeed with the Creator Itself. 1987/0802.txt:10:For many of your years a large portion of the peoples of your planet have dwelt within a system of archetypes which leaves almost entirely out of powerful place the archetype which this instrument would call the High Priestess. As each of you moves in consciousness towards that fourth-density barrier, the other side of which the veil of forgetting shall be lifted from the conscious mind, that veil gradually shall become more transparent. However, the upcoming time of August 16 and 17 is a time powerful in possibility for the declared intention-making of each seeker. 1989/0115.txt:60:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. It is true that each entity between the incarnations sees far more clearly the nature of the self, the nature of the creation and the journey that the self makes through the creation. The entity between incarnations is able to see and assess all previous incarnational experiences, as one of your entities would look upon the courses of study within the school system that has been completed for the entity. The entity between incarnations is far more aware of the unity of all creation and the binding quality of love which holds the creation together. The entity between the incarnations is able to see the purpose of its existence, and is able to see the efficacy of the incarnational experience in that it offers the entity a far more accelerated means of evolution than should be offered the entity if it were not to enter into the incarnational experience, for as we mentioned previously, the lessons which are learned beyond the veil of forgetting, within your illusion, carry far more weight within the total beingness of the entity than the simple recognition of these basic truths outside of the veil of forgetting. 1989/0409.txt:47:This is the means by which one knocks upon the inner door that it might be opened and there might be an exchange of information and experience between the conscious and unconscious minds. The masks, shall we say, that each entity wears within an incarnation are placed as they are by the entity and its free will choices prior to each incarnational experience in order that certain potentials might be offered for learning certain lessons and offering services as a result of these experiences. Thus, each entity has the mystery that surrounds it that offers to it the constant opportunity to penetrate the veil of forgetting, as it is called, in order that a glimpse of that which lies beyond shall inspire the seeker to continue on this journey, finding a glimmer of light here, then there, then here and there, and, putting together these pieces of illumination, might begin to understand the nature of its own being and its connection to all of the creation about it. 1989/0910.txt:17:The so-called L-shaped shift or ninety degree phase shift is an abstract concept difficult to imagine, yet out of each clime comes a certain set of deep feelings among those who have settled there. There are just as many deep feelings in those who are seated here, or any who may hear our words. It is not, in our opinion, a cruel or meaningless thing to drop the veil of forgetting over all that has been past, and over all that one consciously hoped for before the birth. Each lifetime is a fresh start, a blank tablet, and so each of you does work in consciousness, learning how to praise the one infinite Creator, but always there is the feeling, “The Christ before me, the Christ behind me, the Christ to the right of me, and the Christ to the left of me.” 1990/0506.txt:8:We would compare the hunger and the thirst for what this instrument would call righteousness, and what others would call the truth, or love, running throughout all of humankind, moving as does the tide, affecting each, but at a level that is beneath the threshold of consciousness, beneath the veil of forgetting, deeply down within that portion of the self from which all truths are remembered. Therefore, we ask each to retain its own power, to act not at this moment as we speak as a discriminator, for that would hinder the flow of this discussion, but to listen with an open heart, an open mind, and an unruffled consciousness, allowing those ideas which are flowing at this time to flow forth in the natural tide of inspiration and information. 1990/1021.txt:67:However, there is the necessity, in order for the learning to occur in the most efficacious manner, for the entity to pass through that which you may call the veil of forgetting, so that only the most basic remembering occurs within the incarnation. The incarnation then becomes a process of discovery of seeking that which is mysterious, that which is hidden, that which has a price and that which, when discovered, also has the reward, the broadening of the perspective, the point of view, the ability to accept, to love. 1991/0721.txt:22:Thus, your relationship with this physical vehicle need not be one of scorn but one of thankfulness and praise, for this second-density entity could have had a perfectly good instinctual life of its own. The brain, the personality, all of those things which seem to you mundane are things which this animal which carries you about could sociably and naturally do, with grace and even elegance as is the way of things created by the infinite One which do not have the self-consciousness to be awkward, but move with the infinitely appropriate rhythms of growth, blooming, evensong and death. Treasure this entity that carries you about. Nurture it; love it; pamper it. Be a good boss to it, and know that there is a wisdom in every cell of that second-density body that your consciousness, infinite though it may be, is blocked from seeing because of the veil of forgetting between the conscious and the subconscious mind, that veil dropped specifically so you cannot know, and gaze at this creature who asks questions it cannot answer. 1992/0816.txt:10:It is much more difficult to look for the heart of the dilemma. To gaze not at the topology and chronology of the disharmony but rather to penetrate the illusion to move by faith alone through the veil of forgetting. And to by faith ask for help from the world of the spiritual on the level of those things which are not seen. The workings of the heart are not seen. The self-acceptance or lack of it is not seen. The love or hunger for love in relationships is not seen. Circumstances only are seen. There is, my friends, a reason for this. The design is to so baffle, frustrate and confuse the intellect with all the data of the senses that the student will be forced to move the center of investigatory energy from the intellectual mind, which is a creature of this illusion only, to the wisdom of the deep mind, which is vastly more informed and which resides in what you would call the heart energy center. This center is the gateway center wherein, when the lower energies have been cleared, the gate becomes opened so that you can effectively focus the heart’s wisdom upon the situation you wish balanced within you. 1993/0323.txt:20:You know that there are many planes of learning and that this earth experience is a somewhat new experiment insofar as the entire history of the universe. Perhaps the greatest success of this experiment has been the profundity of the way faith is learned, of the experience of faith on this plane. This is a gift, this veil of forgetting. Because of the veil you cannot take your divinity for granted, but must always move deeper into the experience of it, must always work to separate illusion from deeper reality. And yet, no matter how clearly you experience that deeper reality, as human, it still must be taken as a matter of faith. You are not given proof. 1993/0606.txt:6:We ask you to sit for a moment with the sheer inevitability of worrying circumstance. You have come into this density and into this incarnational experience fully aware of and willing to undergo the dropping of the veil of forgetting. Before your present physical vehicle was created, you chose this circumstance and this continuing line of circumstance. What about this was so valuable? The gem which you chose was this very veil of forgetting and the blindness of the choices you would be making within this density and this incarnation. It is to this present worrying moment that you have come, not by mistake or error and not by chance, but step by step you have moved hither in chosen blindness and each issue before you now is faced in this blindness. 1993/0905.txt:38:I am Q’uo, and we shall comment briefly upon your comment. It is so that each seeker shall find an unique pathway through the veil of forgetting, and perhaps shall discover a number of avenues or entrances to the feeling of wholeness and one’s complete and absolute connection to that unity. Thus does each entity channel a life experience distorted in more or less degree, and fashioned by the uniqueness of its own personality. Thus, each journey proceeds apace from every direction homeward to the center of unity. 1993/0925_01.txt:29:These illusions to come are far different than your rough-and-tumble moment of choice. There is not the suffering, for there is not the veil of forgetting betwixt the conscious incarnate self and the deep Self that is aware that all harmonizes into unity. In your brave illusion, you face the dragons of darkness, rage, pain, war, starvation and all the dark and monstrous forms of dread, fear and ignorance because you cannot clearly remember that these illusions are only that. It is intended that you become confused. You are supposed to be knocked completely off of your intellectual mountain. And in that momentous fall into the abyss, in midair, you pluck faith, undimmed by any objective proof that there is anything to be faithful to. You choose to live your love. 1993/1219.txt:22:Thusly, it is well that there be in a seeker attempting to learn new ways the willingness to accept upon—we correct this instrument—on faith alone that the work done faithfully and persistently is indeed creating new selfhood below the veil of forgetting, even though that which appears within the conscious experience may not at all times have the brilliance and clarity which is instinctively felt as the work of seeking revolves and moves the seeker in its orbit of evolution. 1993/1219.txt:59:Above all things, respect the incarnational self. Respect and offer homage to the intransigent and often negatively seeming face of everyday life. The mind turned towards the present moment with respect and charity is that mind which is ever closer to the veil of forgetting. That which accepts and reaches for the conscious life with gusto, though that gusto were for seemingly petty and everyday life, expresses great wisdom. You need not cling to any information but allow the information to travel as it will, occurring and recurring, and when recurred, thought about. 1994/0410.txt:8:Each entity spends much breath upon its own self, perhaps talking out loud even to the self, or if not, certainly carrying on internal conversation. In the attempt to discover the true point of balance that lies patiently within each and every human situation, if we may call it that, there is a kind of solitude native to third density that is never before and never afterwards experienced with the same intensity. That solitude, that feeling of aloneness, is due to the veil of forgetting having been dropped, so that those within your density simply cannot recall the unity betwixt the self and all others. This is the density where teachers are more and more important—those who are able to use their breath to speak support, comfort and challenge to those whom they would aid. 1994/0924_02.txt:22:We shall continue our brother Aaron’s discourse upon mud. You see, wanderers gaze with a more jaundiced eye at that mud because it is not as familiar and it seems unnecessary to that witness within. If the wanderer is fourth density, the mud will tend to be along the lines of what is right and what is wrong, what is moral and what will help. There is a kind of desire to battle the forces of negativity. When the wanderer has come into the cycle of reincarnations from fifth density, the mud is likely to tend towards sticking in the area of life dealing with intimacy, for the wisdom density has the hard-won opinion that the war of good and evil is not necessary. Whereas the fourth-density wanderer will speak in terms of relationship, the fifth-density wanderer will speak in terms of self and Creator, certainly a relationship beyond all others but not a relationship easily practiced upon the family and acquaintances one meets at first glance. If the wanderer is sixth-density, the likelihood tends to be that both of these areas: the right/wrong issue which so often polarizes relationships between entities, and the issue of lack of ability to allow intimacy. These energies of compassion and wisdom are being balanced in sixth density. So the wanderer who comes to the third density to aid brings through the veil of forgetting unrealistic expectation, both in the areas of relationship with others and relationship with the Creator. 1994/0924_02.txt:29:The edge the wanderer has is this very discomfort coupled with the typical, enlarged certainty that this is not the way it has to be; this is not necessary. The wanderer can pull from its subconscious those gifts allowed through the veil of forgetting, the heightened sensitivity that so often erupts as allergies and food sensitivities, asthma and other illness. These manifestations are the shadow and flip side, as it were, of the ability of the wanderer to trust that remembrance of a life made of light in more harmonious configurations of energy betwixt beings who are more obviously beings of light. 1994/0924_02.txt:60:I have two questions. My first question has to do with the frustration of wanderers regarding the veil of forgetting of the subconscious memories of greater unity and of the apparent separation experienced on Earth (in other words, how we humans tend to treat each other), and of course the need for compassion and understanding. So, any comments about that and also any instructions in particular Q’uo might have or perhaps Aaron on penetrating the veil as much as possible: what we do to remember what we are here for or seek guidance. 1994/0924_02.txt:67:I am Aaron. The veil is also a gift of the incarnation. You do not want to become lost in the forgetting; but do not forget, my friend, that you are here to learn faith. If the veil is entirely torn aside so that there is absolute clarity of who you are and why you are here, then your work on this plane becomes more a work of determination and willpower rather than the learning of faith which was your intention. Thus, the veil serves a purpose. Your quest is to punch holes in it, not to tear it aside. You may learn to punch holes in it by paying more attention to those moments when you are truly resting in a space of egolessness, a space of deepest connection and Pure Awareness. Each of you has moments of this: the times when you are listening to a symphony and there ceases to be symphony and listener, no self or object, just symphony happening. You see the sunset; and suddenly there is nobody watching that sunset, just Pure Awareness with the barrier of subject/object fallen away. 1994/0925_02.txt:42:This process of seeking which we have described in our previous words is one which is universal for all third-density entities which live within the illusion of the separation of conscious and sub-conscious mind. To penetrate the veil of forgetting enough to love without expectation of return is a process which has steps, or as you know them, the archetypical images, that reflect the seeker’s journey. 1995/0402.txt:70:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We hope that you realize that this is the topic which can fill volumes, my sister, for it is that which encompasses all that is. The illusion which you inhabit at this time is a reality which is constructed of the energy of love with many forms or personalities moving through the interaction and interplay of the Creator. Within this experience or classroom, shall we say, the emphasis of the Creator is upon the experience that is possible to be gained from those who momentarily create a situation in which they forget the basic truths of being and set for themselves the task with space/time of rediscovering these truths within the veil of forgetting, thus adding great weight of meaningfulness of such discoveries. 1995/0402.txt:75:Am I correct in thinking that our conscious mind is in space/time and the subconscious is in time/space? Is the veil of forgetting what separates the two? 1995/0402.txt:76:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The veil of forgetting is a phenomenon which is occurring and is utilized only within the third density so that a choice of paths might be made at this point in the evolutionary path. Thus, the existence of a divided mind, that which is conscious and that which is below or subconscious, is possible only with the veil of forgetting in place which occurs, as we have mentioned, only within the third density. 1995/1029.txt:15:Were you not dwelling behind this veil of forgetting these choices would be easily made. Within this illusion, however, the choice to give, the choice to make expressions of love, especially in the face of a perceived not-love is precious, for choices made in the darkness, in the absence of knowledge, go very deep. You are working upon that core vibration more efficiently, shall we say, within this illusion than you ever will in all of the illusions that follow, for once you have graduated from this third density the veil of forgetting shall be lifted and you will know that you are one with the infinite One but that all others are one with that infinite One and with you, and there will be the strength of the group who together seek that shall aid greatly in the basic awareness of a more solid illusion, shall we say, one more filled with light. 1995/1105.txt:6:Even the infant begins to differentiate and choose who shall best supply its needs. And as that young spirit becomes familiarized with the illusion, and as the veil of forgetting drops, that infant soul prepares for what we might call a long school year, for your incarnative experience takes place in a beautiful and plenteous classroom, that orb upon which you dwell. At the heart of the new experiences lies a consciousness. This consciousness has many parts. There is a great range of awareness to which each of you is privy and the number of choices that is made by you in even one hour of your existence is vast, for as each dwells in this moment, for example, the senses are being bombarded by the noises the ear can hear, by that light or darkness and the images which the eye can see. There are several different sorts of odors which make up that which can be smelled or sniffed in the domicile which each now enjoys. There are literally unlimited numbers of impressions which enter into the nexus of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being all the time, and far below the threshold of consciousness about ninety percent of that which is taken in does not come into the consciousness mind. 1995/1105.txt:11:But you see, as you came into this incarnational experience you were looking forward to the opportunity to enter into the transforming of the self alchemically with great enthusiasm and gusto, for the veil of forgetting was not yet in place and you saw the incredible opportunity to learn and to serve in the name of love. And like all those who are not in the thick of things you thought it would be easier than it turned out to be and this is inevitable, for does any of us have the strength of imagination that is capable of becoming fully aware of a situation never experienced? 1996/0428.txt:4:You have asked us this day about a subject that is very dear to our hearts, as this instrument would say, for we have been wanderers and have dealt with the experiences of being one who is not native to the vibration of birth. We know the call to serve as a wanderer and we know of the tremendous effect the veil of forgetting has on the young wanderer that [is] so, so far away from any vibration that feels native, and yet we have not regretted in any way our service as wanderers, and we hope that each of you can come to feel that the service that you wish to provide is worth the sacrifice of comfort and the many feelings of difficulty and isolation that a wanderer is almost bound to experience. 1996/0428.txt:23:Community is something wanderers understand instinctively. That much almost always comes through the veil of forgetting that marks the beginning of an incarnation upon your planet in your density. The remembrance of a loving, supportive and steady family. The remembrance of men and women and children that are not only connected by names and by association but also by commonly held beliefs in service make the wanderer’s plight very, very lonely within what this instrument would call the nuclear families of your Earth, for within these families there does not seem to be a constant and steady atmosphere of love, for when faced with challenges of yellow-ray energies many entities, wanderers and natives alike, move back into orange-ray energies and remove themselves from groups insofar as possible, or, alternatively, entities can choose to immolate themselves within a certain group or “ism” that there is no longer the necessity for making personal choices. 1996/0428.txt:26:Now, in fourth density there is the dropping of the veil of forgetting. There is the greater awareness of each as the self. There is the lifting of limitations and boundaries so that each is unique, yet each shares the thoughts and experiences of each other in harmony. This sounds paradisical to the Earth entity yearning for manifestation of unity. Yet we ask each to remember that each density has its own challenges and lessons, so that there is never an end to the learning. There is never an end to challenge. Within manifestation there is always the awareness of self and the awareness of other, and as the densities refine that awareness the consciousness asks with more profundity the nature of oneness, the nature of unity. 1996/0908.txt:6:Your roots lie in eternity. Your hopes for this incarnation lie in focusing that power and strength by disciplines of the personality learned under the conditions which you now enjoy. Now, let us gaze at these conditions. Why would an infinite quality known to itself as a soul leave the full awareness of Self to adopt a personality shell and a physical body and a process of forgetting all that it knows? Why would any of us seek to draw the veil over all of the information that gives us a full awareness of the self? Gaze in mind about you, about your environment, the home, the workplace, the meeting place, the stores, all of the environments into which you walk, with which you interact. All of these environments place you cheek and jowl beside a great many different, equally powerful entities, likewise dwelling in human form, likewise unaware of their true power, and likewise seeking in each his own way to find the just right place in time and in space, each for himself. 1996/1124.txt:11:Your earth-plane experience constantly offers you such lessons because you live with this veil of forgetting. Of course, as you reach a point of deeper spiritual awareness, the veil has holes poked in it. It becomes translucent in parts so that the light shines through. It is even quite transparent on occasion, but as long as you are in human form it will never be continually transparent. 1997/0323.txt:7:When one is experiencing privation or difficulty certainly the last thing that seems a good idea is to fold the hands and say, “This is perfect.” And yet this statement, that is, “This is perfect,” is the deepest truth in any situation. The more it looks like an untruth, then, the greater the part that faith must play within the mind and emotions and heart of the seeker. We believe that in older creations than your own, free will was not so valued and, therefore, third density was offered without the veil, without the forgetting that occurs during the birth process so that each entity who awakens upon the Earth plane is kept from knowing its spiritual identity and the spiritual nature of the surrounding creation. Although the second density continues to speak volumes to one who has the ears to hear concerning the endless generosity of the Creator and the infinite way in which each part of creation serves each other part, the veil being drawn over all existence except that which you are experiencing at this moment creates a situation that is ripe for confusion, and we are not surprised to see that each seeker within this circle has been confused again and again. 1997/0518.txt:6:Before incarnation it appeared to each of you that remembering who you were and why you came would be possible, indeed, might be easy. Such is the attitude of those who gaze upon a thing from the outside. With the first breath taken as an infant newborn into a strange world the veil of forgetting who you are, where you are going, dropped. And the illusion, an excellent illusion, became that which was real. And yet within each of you there was that awareness that this was not quite as it should be, that this culture, this way of being and relating and living was significantly different and substantially less harmonious than each somehow remembered deep within the self. And so was born a divine discontent within each breast, a restlessness with the surface illusion, a desire to penetrate that veil of forgetting and come to an honest and authentic realization of who each entity is. And where each is going. And why. 1998/0524.txt:7:In looking at relationships perhaps it may help to take a step back and to look at the process itself and what we wish to be focusing towards in this process of living in incarnation, behind the veil of forgetting, in the sea of confusion that you call life. To put it in one way that this instrument is fond of saying, third density is intended to be a journey from head to heart. To put it another way, third density is a kind of spiritual boot camp in which one overriding question is put before the spiritual seeker. This question is, “How do you wish to serve?” 1998/0920.txt:9:When each of you is not within the veil of forgetting, each of you is full of faith and power and purity. Each of you has been eons in development. Each of you brings to this moment a tremendous array of gifts. And each has created for itself each and every opportunity that you and your higher self, as forces of soul or spirit, felt that you would wish to have. As the character this instrument calls Clouseau1 would say, “Every move you make is carefully planned.” We say this as we watch you falling over the furniture of your life, tumbling through doorways, bumping up against walls you didn’t see, and walking through the walls that others see. And yet within the confines of the incarnational self, how difficult, indeed how impossible it is to remain aware of who you are. 1998/1115.txt:4:Your query this day is most interesting, for it moves into the heat of that which is perceived as a battle, that running of the good race, as this instrument would put it, from the words of St. Paul. It is in the midst of the illusion that each of you wished to come before embarking upon this incarnation. It is precisely into this self-perceived cauldron of confusion and negative emotional processes that you genuinely wished to enter. You think to yourself, “Now, why would I want to do such a thing?” “Why would I wish to swim in this sea of confusion?” Yet, you must remember the great difference betwixt the place whereon you were standing when you gazed into the possibilities that such an incarnation could offer you. You were not within the veil of confusion and forgetting and illusion. Rather, when you chose to make this particular pilgrimage at this particular time you were gazing at the opportunity to express faith. 1998/1129.txt:7:The third type of entity which is being born to your peoples at this time is that general term of wanderer. Wanderers have streamed in large numbers to your planetary sphere in the last generation and much of the strong spiritual support in the arts that many have noted during these years has come from such wanderers as these. These entities have much more in common with the third-density Earth native than with the entities with double activated bodies in that they are fully under the veil of forgetting. The differences between wanderers and third-density graduation hopefuls is within the area of faith and intuition. The wanderer has more of an instinctive belief or faith in spiritual coincidence, in the aliveness of all things to the molding of a structure of information communication which moves across all lines of language and culture. 1999/0418.txt:6:Let us look at this point, at this issue of the desirability of suffering. Why would a spirit in full and conscious knowledge of the love of the Creator voluntarily place herself within the veil of forgetting and then ask herself to undergo a certain level of suffering and learning and transformation? Why would [you] wish to plunge into the difficult and confused sea of illusion that your Earth plane represents? That which places you within this illusion is infinitely and intimately tied to the Creator Itself and to the free will that has begotten the universe and that calls each spark of the Creator onward to reach once again that source and ending of all. Why would any do this, except for the simple reason that it is the nature of each spark of the Creator to wish to learn and to serve. Now, we come to you hoping to be of service to you, and as we speak to you we find ourselves learning twice as much as each of you may perhaps learn from those things that we say. Such is the nature of any gift that is given, that it comes to bless the giver twice and three times and a hundredfold. 1999/1017.txt:13:We would venture to say that within third density what most often disturbs the spiritual seeker is the veil itself, that veil of forgetting that drops over the infant soul as it enters into the Earth plane. Gone is that knowledge of identification with the Father. Gone is the awareness of other selves as the self and all selves as the Creator. Come, instead, is a world in which people observe forms but not essences, doing but not being. And, yet, this is a school carefully designed for maximum learning. How can one learn when one is so bemused, confused and flustered by this unknowing? 1999/1121.txt:7:It seemed so obvious to you, before incarnation, that these relationships that were being set up and the dynamics that would develop would be helpful. It simply did not occur to you that, perhaps, you might lose your way, that, perhaps, you might become completely overwhelmed by the sea of confusion, that you might temporarily and again and again drown in this confusion and become completely without hope. It was not obvious to you from the standpoint of infinity and eternity that minutes and hours could be endlessly long, that the dynamic of a difficult relationship could be excruciating emotionally, that the pain of living through relationships that were somewhat difficult over a period of time would be cumulative and distressing in the extreme. These things did not occur to the eager and ardent soul that you are in eternity and infinity. Simply put, it did not occur to you that the veil of forgetting would have such a powerful influence upon your awareness of the truth. However, it is just this deadening, numbing forgetting that places you in the optimal position for work in polarizing and sharpening and honing the desire to serve ever more truly, ever more deeply, ever more purely. 1999/1205.txt:5:Let us look at the roots of communication, for it is from the root that the plant grows and much can be understood by gazing at this energy in its beginning state. Each of you is a complex of vibrations. The Creator Itself is a complex of vibrations. The universe, as far as we know, is a complex of vibrations, or more specifically of fields of energy with vibrational characteristics which interact with each other. Therefore, each of you, as a being, communicates by your very vibration, your identity. Those not within the veil of forgetting, that is, those not incarnate within third density, find this information of vibration helpful and much is communicated from person to person as the two entities feel their vibratory complexes beginning to harmonize and intermingle. 1999/1205.txt:6:Also, beyond the limits of the veil of forgetting the communication most usually would not take place by using words but by offering concept complexes or balls of thought, we might call them, which are offered from one to another in a whole fashion so that the other may, herself, draw out the threads of communication that are offered there and see the entirely three-dimensional nature of even a single seed thought. So, the first thing that you communicate as an entity is your vibration, and from it people will take much. They will form an attitude towards you dependent upon how that vibration that is they and that vibration that is you are harmonizing. Neither you nor they may be aware that this subtle bodywork is going on, but bodies themselves are aware of these vibrational characteristics, and perhaps you have had the experience of cottoning to someone and not particularly liking someone else from the very instant of meeting. Often the communication of vibration has done its work before a word is spoken. 1999/1205.txt:57:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We look at this entity, the one known as F and the one known as A who is working with the entity known as F in order that there might be some guidance made available from sources that are, as you have surmised, benign and helpful for the one known as F. This relationship is one which has been established as a kind of rotating honor and duty, so that as one entity is within the incarnation the other remains exterior to it and serves as a guide to the one moving through the veil of forgetting. This relationship is old in terms of this cycle of experience, having begun early within the cycle, at a time when both were incarnate and shared a relationship which was that of what you would call the husband and the wife. The offspring of this mating were not just the physical children that is the usual produce of such relationships but were also concepts of the unity of all things and the creative power of love which each wished to share with others upon this planetary sphere and which each continues to share with those of this population. 1999/1219.txt:5:We would like to take each of you back to that position when you and your higher self and your guidance considered well what you wished to offer, what you wished to learn, and what you wished to share. And with a sense of adventure and creativity you chose those entities with whom you would collaborate, for in each unwise energy exchange and in each instance of blocked energy, not only are you involved and confused but also is the other self in the equation confused, puzzled, at a loss, feeling that there is imbalance and, in many cases, having not even the vocabulary with which to think about what is occurring. When each of you finished the play, set it in place, and entered incarnation, each of you went through what we have called the veil of forgetting. This veil is something that cannot be imagined from the standpoint of the higher self, from the standpoint of the inner planes, or any density but the third. 1999/1219.txt:6:Let us look at the cause of this veil of forgetting, for there is good reason for it. That which entities learn with the book open may make sense for a little while, may enter the mind for the nonce, and an open book test may produce an excellent score. There have been many creations in which the veil of forgetting was not dropped over the third density, and it is from the failure of these entities to accelerate the pace of their own spiritual evolution that later creations decided to use a veil so that entities entering the density of choice would have no memory of the way things actually are upon which they could count to the exclusion of other information. In other words, this darkness of mind, this disconnection between the roots of mind and the conscious mind, was an adjustment made carefully and with measure in order to achieve an atmosphere in which work in consciousness could be done by faith alone and not, in any case, by authority or proof or empirical processes. For that which you most deeply are, that about which your self revolves, is an infinite, eternal, unique spark of the Creator. All that you wish to learn lies now perfected within you. All that you sense as imperfect lies in perfection within you. And, yet, through incarnations such as those as you are now enjoying you have placed yourself in a position to chose, by faith alone. How to proceed with your own spiritual studies? How to assess yourself? How to relate to other selves? 2000/0206.txt:5:So the first thing that we would like to focus upon is the situation, for it is the situation of third density that is at once its glory and its horror. It is seen as a glory for those outside the incarnation looking at the incarnative possibilities in learning and in service for those who undergo the veil of forgetting. It can be a horror when experienced within incarnation, especially when the tempo of confusion becomes so hectic that there is no longer any island of safety for the emotional and spiritual self but, rather, all seems completely involved in a desperate confusion. 2000/0206.txt:10:The third density is the one of which you are now a part. It has often been called the density of choice. The reason for this descriptive name is that this is the density wherein consciousness itself, that is, the soul that you are, takes a second-density physical vehicle and attaches itself within that fleshly temple to experience the limitations of time and space, to experience the first awareness of self by self. In this third density, and only in third density, does the veil of forgetting drop as each soul incarnates into a physical vehicle. This density is full of confusion and is designed that way. And we will come back to this point. 2000/0206.txt:14:The personality shell, you see, has one aspect that can be very difficult to control. That aspect is the mind. The emotions of self, whether instinctual and second-density in origin, or whether of third-density origin, have a truth to them that does not depend upon the veil of forgetting. The feelings that each seeker has are trustable to a far greater extent than that which the mind puts out in the way of thoughts. Let us explain. 2000/0220.txt:12:We would strongly recommend, therefore, that any who wish to connect with their guides do this in the context of daily meditational periods. Remember that although each of you came into incarnation fully aware of all of this that we are saying, during the birthing process the veil of forgetting dropped neatly and usually completely over the consciousness so that within the incarnation the path back to the metaphysical universe must be retraced step by step, and, in addition to the general confusion of the Earth plane, much must be unlearned from the standpoint of the metaphysical universe that is included in the cultural training of young entities. Many are those who have said that adulthood is that period wherein one attempts to undo the damage sustained during childhood. Much needs to be unlearned as the view shifts from the earthly and physical to the non-earthly and metaphysical. In one universe there are things, tables, people, planets, stars. In the other universe there are energies, thoughts, ideals, and as a metaphysical entity you are one who is, as opposed to the physical entity which [is one who] does. 2000/0305.txt:15:May we say that it is often not possible to forgive completely at the time that you would wish that all be forgiven. There are times when the disharmony within an energy center is such that such energy gets jammed and will not, shall we say, go through, much as a telephone call will not go through if the line is busy. Again, this may take time for you to work with. It is easier for you to forgive the other very often, than it is to forgive the self. It seems always that the seeker is disappointed with the self for having any problem whatsoever. It is easy to forget that the reason for incarnation, the reason for entering into a body, and entering the veil of forgetting as you do, is so that you will be confused and puzzled and have many uncomfortable experiences and undergo much suffering. This is difficult to remember when one is uncomfortable. And yet it remains true. 2000/0305.txt:18:We would like to frame this vulnerability in a more positive way, for each of you before incarnation was extremely eager to come into the Earth plane and to offer the life experience as a service and gift to the one infinite Creator. From a position before the dropping of the veil of forgetting you could see that you had an opportunity in the darkness of the Earth plane to live by faith. You knew that a life in faith outside of incarnation was very easy to achieve because you, like all other entities not in incarnation, were totally aware of the plan of the one infinite Creator, of the beauty of that plan, of the goodness of the adventure of attempting in a world where it was not at all obvious that love abides, that it would help your polarity tremendously to come into this darkness and to express a life lived in faith. It looked easier, by far, before incarnation than it does now. We are sure that this is an understatement for each of you. It does not look easy at all from within incarnation to deal with difficult people and situations, challenges that seem to rob you of energy. 2000/0402.txt:34:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Each entity which has individuality and, seemingly, its own separate mind, if it moved deeper into the roots of its own mind it would pass through those greater and greater accumulations of mind such as the racial mind, the planetary mind, the archetypical mind of the Logos, and eventually into that area of the intelligent infinity which you may call the universal or cosmic mind of the one Creator. Thus, each entity, if it is able to move in a conscious fashion past the veil of forgetting which separates your conscious and subconscious mind, it would eventually come to this source of all minds. 2000/0910.txt:6:When the lifetime begins, memory of this process of choosing the basic themes of the incarnation or the basic lessons of the incarnation is removed. The veil descends, and in complete forgetfulness and innocence the physical child is born with a destiny that is, in some way, complete. This, however, does not abrogate free will. For it is the choices that this entity makes as it faces the relationships that it has chosen to offer itself and the catalyst that it has chosen to offer itself that will create the actual distortions that will be followed throughout the pattern of a lifetime. Consequently, the same relationships and the same situations may occur three different times but if the person is in three different states of mind the outcome of the same catalyst can be three different outcomes, and this is basically the structure of change throughout an incarnation. There will be a repeating theme, or perhaps two or even three themes, of incarnational lesson which bring up material having to do with one or another lesson of love that becomes familiar to the spirit in incarnation to some extent. Each time that it repeats it becomes a little clearer. At least that is the process that is hoped before incarnation. 2000/1001.txt:7:And many times, as the members of the circle have discussed, there are missed signals that, when missed result in becoming overstressed and developing injuries, or becoming overtired and developing a cold. We would start by suggesting that it is not considered a mistake by those who are looking at the third density from inner planes or from higher planes for entities within incarnation within the illusion to miss the signals before they move into the body. It is considered to be a normal behavior for third density. What each of you is beginning to sense into and beginning to wish for the self is the kind of facility and skill in reading the energy system that would be available without the veil. So the question becomes how to penetrate the veil of forgetting that lies between the conscious awareness of the intellect and the mind that is the daylight mind and the vast reaches of the mind that lies below the threshold of consciousness and that eventually takes in all that there is and the Creator. 2000/1001.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The experience that is had by those who have moved through an incarnation and who are in the time/space equivalent of the space/time illusion in which the incarnation was experienced go through a process which is most informative to a mind/body/spirit complex totality. However, many of these experiences taking place on the, shall we say, other side of the veil are of a nature which is difficult to access during an incarnation. However, there are some few who are able to do this. The number, however, is quite small, smaller even than those who feel that they are aware of previous incarnations. And we would suggest that the number of entities who are aware, in an accurate sense, of previous incarnations is much smaller than is believed. For the experience of remembering a previous incarnational experience is one which has a certain attractive glow to it, shall we say. It is in fashion to remember previous to the incarnation. We would suggest, however, that very few do remember a previous incarnation in an accurate way, so that the ability to remember an incarnation previous to this one, or the experience between incarnations previous to this one, is quite, quite rare. For each entity wishes that the veil of forgetting will, indeed, do what it does, and that is to make a complete block of all experience previous to the present incarnation in order that the present incarnation might be the sole focus of attention at this time. It is in such a situation that lessons are more purely and efficiently learned. If incarnations were able to be mixed so that memories of various incarnations blend through into the current incarnation the lessons and catalyst of the current incarnation would be diluted in such a fashion such as to reduce the efficiency of learning. 2000/1015.txt:52:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This technique has but limited use within the third-density illusion, for this illusion is one in which the veil of forgetting, as we have heard it called in this group, plays such an important role. This veil of forgetting allows each entity to focus upon the present life experience in a very focused manner. This same ability to focus in such a finely tuned fashion is that which mitigates against the ability to become that which is sought, for to do that one must be able to move through this veil and beyond the veil. The attempt to empathize with those about with whom there is miscommunication or difficulty of any kind has a limited possibility of success, for each entity is aware of its own emotions, thoughts, experiences, dreams and desires and can, therefore, begin to feel for another entity these same expressions of energy. Thus, there is some use in becoming or attempting to become another entity in order to understand that entity’s relationship to the self. However, for other areas of investigation we feel that this is not a technique that would be helpful in your particular illusion. 2000/1119.txt:11:What dies when you as a person die? That is perhaps the first large question. And we would say to you it is the portion of yourself that you would call the body and the personality, for you see, when you came into incarnation you could not bring the depth and richness of your spirit into a personality shell. For within the heart of your being you are the Creator and you are, therefore, all that there is. Furthermore, as a citizen of eternity you are not bound by time, so all of the subtleties and nuances of self that you have developed through the entire octave of densities of this creation have their shadow within your third-density experience. You know things that are out of time. They rest in the depths of your subconscious roots of mind, and only the tiniest portion of this knowledge is able to come through that threshold of consciousness which we have called the veil of forgetting which keeps the conscious mind relatively unaware of the depths of the ocean of consciousness beneath the limn of awareness. In dreams and in visions occasionally a glimpse of eternity will come, and the one known as L was speaking of those times when the plan, the purpose, is very clear and is seen to be adequate, elegant and simple. 2000/1119.txt:32:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As one might expect, the range of success is large and small, for there are many who move into the third-density illusion with the hope of serving not only by their presence in the lightening of the vibrations of this planetary sphere upon which they dwell, but there is also the hope that each will remember that which it came to do, the manner in which it came to serve, and in many cases this is so. And there is great rejoicing at such service well rendered. Others there are who have the same difficulties as do those natives to the third-density illusion in that they become somewhat, shall we say, lost within the great, heavy, chemical illusion that is your world. They seek in circuitous manner again and again to penetrate the veil of forgetting and yet are weighted down by the concerns and worries of this world. And some become caught within the illusion and must move again through the great cycle of being in order that in a future incarnation they might recapture that which was lost. And for some this might seem to be a situation in which there was sorrow at what seemed to be a failure in the service. And yet we say that there is no failure, for all service has it effect. The Creator learns from each entity that which is offered through the life experience, and there is an infinity of what you call time in which services may be offered. Thus, if one time does not produce the fruit, another season and another time shall surely do so. 2000/1119.txt:55:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Though words fail to give a clear description of that which is beyond words we shall attempt to speak to this subject. Within the fourth-density experience the veil of forgetting that is so important within third density is removed, for no longer is there the need to make the choice of how to pursue learning and service further, the choice having been made in third density. Without the veil of forgetting the experience of each entity is much broadened and intensified for if you can imagine the ability to know the mind of another and to share that mind and the abilities in that mind and multiply that ability by the number of entities within the culture, within the race, and within the planet then one may begin to approximate the kind of consciousness that one may call a planetary consciousness that one may share with all others, for at this level of experience in the density of understanding and love there is no desire to hide any portion of the self from another. There is the desire, in fact, to join with others and point the needle of the compass, if you will, in one direction: in the direction of seeking and serving and becoming the one Creator. Thus, entities within the fourth-density illusion undertake the intensive learning of what it is to have complete compassion, understanding, mercy, forgiveness, and that which you call love. For at this level of experience the individual identity willingly blends with those of like mind and heart in the seeking and serving of the one Creator. Thus, the experience within the fourth-density illusion is far more harmonious than that within the third-density illusion where the choice of polarity is made in the fires of experience. As the soul is tempered in these fires then it is able to join with others of similar temper who also seek the One in a similar fashion. 2000/1203.txt:15:Now, each entity looking at the possibility of an incarnation upon planet Earth and an immersion into the illusion of third density was excited in the extreme about the extravagant possibilities for learning and for service that such an incarnation represents. Each in great anticipation set up what seemed to it to be very fruitful potential relationships, very helpful incarnational lessons which would sharpen the polarity of service to others, advance the evolution of mind, purify and discipline the emotions, and further the spiritual evolution of that soul which the personality shell brought into incarnation is only the shadow of. Each of you felt fairly optimistic about being able to penetrate the veil of forgetting. For the truth was so obvious before incarnation, so penetrating, so perfect. How could we truly forget? And, yet, the spirit comes into the flesh. The flesh comes into the world. The voices of the world come into the consciousness of the incarnated being, and confusion begins apace. 2001/0204.txt:29:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Each entity such as yourself that joins this circle of seeking brings many riches in the nature of the variety of experience, the purity of emotion, the passion with which truth, love, etc. are sought so that those of our group may be able to appreciate the difficulties that each of you are able to labor under successfully even though you may think that your ability is far less than successful. When you are able to express a difficult emotion, the emotion, situation, relationship, or other Earthly adventure that is not offered to those of us who are now discarnate, to those of us who live, shall we say, on the other side of the veil of forgetting, then it is that our appreciation grows as you are pulled one way and the other in the struggle to remember love. 2001/0304.txt:56:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Though we do not wish to discourage any from examining carefully each portion of catalyst that comes before the notice, when the conscious mind has finally noticed the catalyst that has come before it much has already been lost to the determination of the proper path to travel. This is merely the nature of the heavy, chemical illusion in which you find yourselves in third density. It is very difficult to perceive clearly those messages which are sent from the subconscious mind and the metaphysical realms, for it is as though a different language were being spoken and the ears that hear this language perceive only dimly that which is intended. Thus it is well to use not only the conscious analytical mind but also wise to employ the intuition, the hunches, those feelings that come through the veil of forgetting and leave the trace of meaning, the—we give this instrument the phrase—the niggle of direction that one may follow as one would follow the trail of bread crumbs in the deep forest, looking again for the path that one took into such an imposing and isolated area. 2001/0325.txt:40:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. And, indeed, this is so for those who have eyes to see. However, as you are well aware, the limit to the sight is the veil of forgetting. 2001/0923.txt:13:The darkness of the spirit is like unto the darkness, the apparent darkness, of the starry heavens. As you gaze from the side of your planet out into your outer space, that thick velvet of infinite space is as are you in your spiritual aspect: an undiscovered country of hills and valleys unknown. And every place is sacred. And every place is full of information. And every place looks to be that which it is not. There is thick darkness and great depth of unknowingness to the spirit within third density. The veil of forgetting is very deep. And the life-giving light, when it falls, yet does it not always disclose truth. And so there is a great peering into what light there is to see beyond the falsity of the complex and intricate patterns of spirit. 2001/0923.txt:14:Even when the veil of forgetting is lifted, even when you ascend into densities which are full of light, yet still that spirit is stubbornly unknown, and layers of misinformation and false patterning will fall away as the densities roll, and we find this still to be true with our selves. We find we still peel away another layer and another layer of that deception of spirit which is part and parcel of the situation which we all enjoy as part of the Creator. It is not that the Creator intends to deceive. It is not that the light means to be false. It is that there is so much of untold riches to the infinite Creator that It is not all articulated. There is much still for the Creator to know about Itself. And yet that seeking is a slow, slow process. For all that the Creator finds out about Itself, It finds out from you, each of you, each of us, each of all of those entities that live and move and have their being within the creation of the Father. 2001/1223.txt:7:Jesus was not a foolish man. He did not feel that all things were good. He felt that some things were sinful. However, he took it to a higher level in each and every case and said, “The past is past. Make a new beginning and you are completely and utterly forgiven.” Would that the voices that surrounded this entity had the same message. Much has been lost of the message because others immediately misunderstood it and felt, during the time that this entity was alive, that this entity should become a political figure and rule a country, a physical country, the country of the twelve tribes. This the one known as Jesus rejected out of hand. So if the one known as Jesus was offering information about the vibration of a social memory complex then the direction that the entities who wish to help form a social memory complex need to go is the direction of forgiveness and love. Forgiveness of enemies. Forgiveness of the self. And the willingness to make a new beginning. These seem finite qualities, but in the metaphysical world they are infinite. The freedom to expand and strengthen light is complete once the soul has pierced the veil of forgetting. 2002/0421.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with opening the heart and the center of love in our daily round of activities. Each of us from time to time has found ways of accessing this energy of compassion. We have insights and prolonged experiences of one kind or another that have let us know that there is an energy there. We would like for Q’uo to let us know how this process of opening the heart is really accomplished by those of us who live here in the third density but still behind the veil of forgetting, still trying to discover the unity with all things. How do we go about opening our heart centers and carrying that love with us into our daily round of activities? 2002/0614.txt:7:We would move back with each of you, backwards in time and in mind, to a point before birth, before the approach into this illusion that you call third density. Each of you had undergone a process of planning and prayerfully, thoughtfully choosing the relationships that would serve to bring forth the patterns of catalysts that were those patterns that would engage the self in very precise and intended ways, with certain key lessons that had to do with love, with learning how to love, with learning how to accept the love of others, and learning how to be of true service and how to accept the service of others towards you. Resting in that very supported environment of guidance and planning, gazing at the incarnation ahead, may we say that each of you felt fairly confident that you would not forget your purpose, your dreams, your goals, your hopes, and your desires for learning and for service within the incarnation to come. From that viewpoint beyond the veil of forgetting it truly looked as though it were going to be enjoyable and all too brief an experience. As this instrument has expressed it, each thought this is going to be fun. And then that point of view was lost in the rush of coming into third density fully, of beginning to breathe in and breathe out, of experiencing the limitations of the physical vehicle that must be fed, and clothed, and comforted with sleep and rest in order that it may survive, let alone be of service. 2002/1222.txt:73:I am Q’uo, and as we find that we have apparently exhausted the queries for this session of seeking, we would again take this opportunity to share our gratitude with those present for inviting our presence in your circle of seeking this day. We are most filled with joy at each invitation, for to share your experiences for but these brief moments is most enheartening and enlightening to us as well, for we see that with which you struggle in your daily round of activities as you move through this grand illusion attempting whenever possible to pierce the veil of forgetting and remember just one small bit more of information and inspiration with which you have propelled yourself into this dimension and these incarnations with the desire to serve and to seek the one Creator. 2002/3.txt:5: [overview] The question today has to do with opening the heart and the center of love in our daily round of activities. Each of us from time to time has found ways of accessing this energy of compassion. We have insights and prolonged experiences of one kind or another that have let us know that there is an energy there. We would like for Q’uo to let us know how this process of opening the heart is really accomplished by those of us who live here in the third density but still behind the veil of forgetting, still trying to discover the unity with all things. How do we go about opening our heart centers and carrying that love with us into our daily round of activities? 2003/0824.txt:17:The question of suffering is indeed a universal question, and the response that we would offer is that each entity deliberately chooses to enter into a physical vehicle and to forget almost everything that the entity is aware of before incarnation. This instrument has called it the veil of forgetting. There are other terms for it, but, as Wordsworth the poet has said, “We’ve come, each entity, into the third density streaming clouds of glory which rapidly dissipate with the onset of breath into the body.”1 Focus upon your own birth cries and remember the first suffering that you felt, the cold air, the shock of having to take breath within the lungs, the loss of the warm darkness and the rude intrusion of life. Suffering begins early within the third density and continues in some form or another for almost all those who are in incarnation as the personality aligns experience to some degree or another. The why of it is wrapped up in the purpose of losing that memory. It is important to lose the memory, to become stupid, and to be quite confused and dismayed and taken aback, because it is that point of deconstruction of the self which is that which sets the stage for transformation. 2004/0112.txt:3:Still, I can be a very confused personality. I have reached into those places which I have so eloquently heard described in your words shared with this group and I have just barely touched what I feel to be Christ consciousness and have had brief moments of feeling what freedom might feel like in an awareness that has penetrated the veil to some extent. I see these places and burn to live an identity from those spiritual altitudes; I yearn to be a representative of what true life is to the people of this planet who only know of it in myth, religion, story and dreams; and desire with all my heart, in moments when I actually feel “all my heart,” to serve as a channel for a higher will, a higher love, a higher light and a higher way to a world that chose to forget their rightful and divine place in the kingdom of the Creator. 2004/0418.txt:5:It is undoubtedly an experience that has not been tranquil, entirely, nor an experience in which the shape of the life [has] seemed at all times appropriate and desirable. It is an experience of artifice and illusion. One could almost call it a day at the carnival. And yet it is a carnival whose every ride has a carefully designed purpose and whose grounds are laid out in such a way as to provide an infinitely responsive feedback system to echo and intensify thoughts and desires that have more than a transitory value. It is an environment couched in forgetfulness. That is to say that a requirement for preparation to enter third density is the requirement to place in safe-keeping the detailed memory of that metaphysical or time/space world from which you came in order to enter incarnation in third density. Regardless of the density from which you came, whether it was from second density into third, or from a higher density, looping back into third density, for more work within that crucible, [the] preconditions of entering third density are alike. That direct knowledge, or as this instrument would say, gnosis of the Creator and of the self as an integral part of the Creator, must be placed aside and the veil of forgetting must drop, so that each entity that comes into third density comes into it blind and without the possibility of sight, in a very specific way; that being that, in terms of metaphysical as opposed to physical process, there is a carefully structured environment in which hints will constantly be given concerning the nature of that underlying ground of being which has been veiled over by the veil of forgetting, while keeping any sort of objective proof from muddying the waters of unknowing. There is a determined bias within the Creator, concerning this particular third density, towards keeping entities as much in the dark as possible concerning the way things really are underneath the appearance of things. It is a recipe that is designed to be confusing, frustrating, maddening and displacing. 2004/0418.txt:9:When an entity graduates from second density to third, it becomes an entity which has not been taken out of a pool of consciousness but rather must stand upon its own very shaky legs of individuality. It is still equipped with the second-density information but with the veil of forgetting over most of it. So in a way it has lost a great deal of valuable ground. Things that were obvious to second-density animals, because there was no conscious mentation in the genetic programming, become not at all obvious to an entity who is programmed heavily towards conscious and individualized thought. In other words, a third-density entity has complete freedom of will built into it. 2004/0516.txt:1: [overview] Today, Q’uo, we have an interest in a couple of areas that might have a relationship. The first one we were talking about was the mirroring effect. In third density, since we have the veil of forgetting and aren’t consciously aware of exactly what it is we’re trying to do in our personal learning, each of us here is able to take advantage of the mirroring effect, where people reflect back to us that which we are attempting to learn. We’re wondering if Q’uo could give us a bit more information about just how this works? Can we consciously affect the way we mirror to other people? Should we even try? 2004/0804.txt:20:The advantages of being a wanderer are that your memories of how things can be are much clearer, much closer to the surface and less veiled by the veil of forgetting than those who are native to the planet and are simply waking up for the first time. You have awakened once, you have done the work once, you are now in boot camp trying to get it back. “Where is that memory? What did I know before that I have lost?” These are the questions you are asking. But you do not have to reach for this knowledge. As with all wanderers, that knowledge is fairly close to the surface. You do remember better times; you do know how to love. It is just so dangerous in the way it feels to be so vulnerable and so open to criticism as to love without expectation of return in a world which is very cruel to those who love in such a way. Be prepared to feel the slings and arrows of those who would be cruel to idealists who refuse to become cynical. Be proud when you are reviled because you are an idealist, because you love when one could so easily judge, when one could so easily move into a separate and safe mental configuration where all is judgment and all is cynicism. 2004/2.txt:6: [overview] Today, Q’uo, we have an interest in a couple of areas that might have a relationship. The first one we were talking about was the mirroring effect. In third density, since we have the veil of forgetting and aren’t consciously aware of exactly what it is we’re trying to do in our personal learning, each of us here is able to take advantage of the mirroring effect, where people reflect back to us that which we are attempting to learn. We’re wondering if Q’uo could give us a bit more information about just how this works? Can we consciously affect the way we mirror to other people? Should we even try? 2005/0116.txt:44:The ways of penetrating the veil of forgetting are limited within incarnation. There is the dreaming process and those who work with dreams are often able to recover memory of past lives as they gradually find themselves in dream landscapes which constitute a different environment that begins to have a reality of its own. 2005/0306.txt:17:Each of you came here very focused on learning and service. And yet you walk through the veil of incarnation and you forget that focus so that as you live your life, you are learning not by rote, not by memorizing lessons that some teacher or authority figure has given you, but by every thought that you have, every desire that you are able to identify. The refinery of Earth is one in which you decide what to refine, what to pursue, what to bring up from the treasury of your own subconscious material and how to mine that material for the jewels that it contains. And it is in this model that we would talk to you about guidance. 2005/0417.txt:15:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. May we say that the nature of the energy betwixt two entities which have penetrated the veil of forgetting and have become able to experience each other as true beings, shall we say, as souls, is that energy which we would call selfhood. It is an awareness of unity. It normally comes wrapped in some clothing and that clothing tends to be partially that of sexuality and partially that of personality. The heart of a connection between two entities that have been able to form a bond that is eternal, however, is one of unity. 2005/0518.txt:29:I believe I am a wanderer from the sixth density. Can you confirm this for me? Please comment on penetrating the veil of forgetting. 2005/0518.txt:30:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We can indeed confirm that you are a wanderer from the sixth density. As to the veil of forgetting, we realize that there are many entities who upon awakening wish to penetrate the veil of forgetting and to discover more about the journey that they have taken up until this incarnation. 2005/0518.txt:32:We have found that in many cases when entities penetrate the veil of forgetting and discover one or more of their past incarnations, these entities then pull themselves back into the patterns of those incarnations to some extent, and that they tend to explain things about their present incarnation in terms of the dynamics of past incarnations. We find this to be somewhat deleterious to the progression of evolvement of your spirit because you move into the pattern that has already been explored in the past life rather than staying carefully within the present moment and the present incarnational experience. 2005/0518.txt:61:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. You asked us, since you came from sixth density to third, upon being harvested, where do you go? Do you go to fourth density or back to sixth? We believe we understand your query, my brother, and we would say that it is unknown to us at this time as to what your decisions shall be once you have graduated. The challenge for each entity that goes through the veil of forgetting and takes incarnation in third density is so to recapitulate the lessons of third density that you are able to clear third density and walk the steps of light into fourth density. For all of those who are able to graduate, that is the first destination, that being the larger life of unconditional love. Once you have cleared the barriers that keep you from moving again to the place of your choosing beyond third density, you shall then undergo a period of reflection and a discussion with your higher self such as you had before incarnation, discussing the possibilities as you see them at that time and where the resonance for you, the place of service for you next seems to lie. It shall not be known or decided until that moment. 2006/0109.txt:14:In essence, this is the truth of each of you. However, within the veil of forgetting it is not at all simple, usually, to see the pattern except by hindsight. And that developing pattern is, with the yeast of spirit, beginning to create its own thought, its own energies, and its own patterns. 2006/0115.txt:25:Much of what we have said to this group in times past about moving into meditation daily is based on our realization of your blindness in this regard. With the veil of forgetting laid carefully upon you, you have no way of seeing into your own subconscious thoughts. You have a limited ability to communicate with your subconscious through the medium of dreams and occasionally you may well get a waking vision, an image, or a quick sequence of visualized events that speaks to you with the authority that you can feel when deeper portions of yourself surface. And those pieces of information are very helpful. But for the most part you must move through this water dance that you do, and we use that term advisably, without full knowledge of what the patterns with which you are working are. Consequently, we cannot say to you that such and such a time is the time to let go. We can only say to you that, indeed, it is part of the art of seeing into your process to trust your hunches and to follow them. 2006/0402.txt:30:We find in this instrument’s mind that she has had other people ask her questions similar to yours, my sister, and she has always suggested to them the following technique if they are unable to break through to their own guidance system in the normal way, which is simply to pray and then to listen and to write down, as you would in a journal the ideas that come to you. Her suggestion has always been this: to find a hypnotherapist and to ask the hypnotherapist, after inducing the hypnotic state with you, to take you back before birth so that you are free of the veil of forgetting and are able to speak with your higher self. 2006/0418.txt:4:We are aware of the query of the one known as J concerning the various entities who remembered facets of their soul stream’s history and are aware that you wish to know more about what you call the remembering process. We would offer some general thoughts before we respond to details of your question. The purpose of third density existence is not to penetrate the veil of forgetting or to know anything of a worldly nature at all. Certainly, there are times when it naturally comes to entities to remember this or that detail of a past life or to get a general impression concerning the background of that entity that you are that has come into incarnation in this lifetime. 2006/0418.txt:5:However, it is unnecessary in terms of preparing the self for graduation from third density to penetrate the veil of forgetting. Indeed, it is far more important, in preparing for graduation from third density, that one come finally to the understanding that one knows nothing and can know nothing of the mystery that is the one infinite Creator. Reaching this level of humility and emptiness offers to the seeking student a peace and a confidence that are lacking when one is striving to know more and seek more deeply into the history of the self before this incarnation. 2006/0418.txt:6:The veil of forgetting was put into place not in order that it may be penetrated but to set up the conditions for a life in which the choice of polarity and the continuing choices of polarity that follow such an initial choice might be played out without any possibility of proof. The choice of service-to-self or service-to-others polarity is intended to be made against the backdrop of unknowing so that one must literally take a leap of faith in order to choose how to respond to the catalyst of everyday life. In each situation where there is a decision to be made that has ethical overtones, the whole point of that veil of forgetting is to clear the canvas of any paint except that which you wish to apply in the present moment. Your choices, then, are made very cleanly—not because you feel there was karma from this or that previous lifetime or because of any other fact that you feel that you have come to know but because, by faith, you wish to choose your manner of being in a way that expresses your heart’s desire. 2006/0418.txt:7:Therefore, while we are glad to speak with you concerning ways to penetrate the veil of forgetting, we do so with a careful warning to those who wish to do this. That warning is that that which you know or feel that you know about the larger picture of your soul’s history and its business within this incarnation creates a heavy responsibility. If you know something, you are responsible for that knowledge. Decisions that you make, then and thereafter, need to be made carefully and with utmost focus upon who you are and why you are in incarnation on planet Earth at this time. Any information you feel that you have gained needs to be carefully remembered and carefully applied, for you have gained in responsibility. 2006/0418.txt:13:Your remaining query had to do with the dangers that might possibly be involved in penetrating the veil of forgetting. We believe that we have expressed a sufficient degree of caution concerning this avenue of exploration. It is entirely up to you as to whether you wish to move forward with this investigation. Certainly it is fascinating to discover details of past lives and to muse and ponder upon the information that you have gained. There are times that spontaneous information will come to you—we correct this instrument—there are times when such information will come to you spontaneously. When it comes to [you] spontaneously and organically, it is part of the flow of your natural process of spiritual evolution. It is an indication that your higher self feels that you are capable of being responsible for this information and putting it to excellent use. 2006/0418.txt:14:If you persist in speeding up the process of penetrating the veil of forgetting, please recall that you need to be very careful to use such information in a spiritually mature way, not judging yourself or spinning tales [of] adhering karma and dire consequences. We ask that you refrain from moving through such judgmental patters. Look at the information that you may have gained as a kind of story that will help you to have a larger and a more informed point of view and remember that it is not what you know that is important but how you respond to the present moment. This incarnation of yours, my brother, is not about acquiring information or wisdom, it is about opening your heart and becoming able to share and carry the maximum amount of light and love as it flows from the Creator to the Earth and through y our physical and metaphysical bodies. If you can open your heart in this moment, you are doing the maximum amount that you can do to serve the Creator and the creation. 2006/0418.txt:25:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query. It is usual in cases of the spontaneous penetration of the veil of forgetting that you will come to the information in a non-threatening manner. This usually takes place during the dreaming portion of your sleep. You will have a dream that seems particularly vivid and it will constitute the discovery of the way a previous incarnational experience feels or felt. Within the dream, you are simply in the other incarnation and experiencing life from that point of view. 2006/0418.txt:30:We are those of Q’uo, and believe that we grasp your query, my brother. The requirements for penetrating the veil of forgetting are a sincere feeling that this is an important piece of information that will help you in your spiritual evolution. If the desire is pointed in the direction of this information, then that activates the process of coming into possession of more information of this type. The maximum degree of penetration of the veil of forgetting is variable. Different entities will be able to bear different percentages of the full weight of the experiences that have been embraced and assimilate by the soul stream. 2007/0211.txt:82:When the time lateral ends and those who are still breathing third-density air upon Earth are still around to pick up the pieces—which you are already doing, my friends—those who were not able to make the transition with you will all have been picked up as they enter larger life through the gates of death and with infinite care, cherished and supported through their own process of discovering what lay behind the veil of forgetting. They will be given every chance to consider their lives and what they wish to do next. They will go to a third-density planet somewhere that is not Earth and they will take up the third-density classroom once again, attempting to learn to make that choice and to set the intention not just for third density but for so many densities to come, all the way through the middle of sixth density. 2007/1013.txt:15:There is, as the one known as R would say, a glitch, a catch, to this infinite supply of unconditional love, and that is the veil of forgetting that divides your mind, so that it becomes preoccupied with that which you can see with your senses, hear, feel, taste and touch. You cannot smell the infinite One as He walks beside you. He is intangible, invisible and usually unheard. Yet unconditional love is your Companion, has been your Companion, and shall be your Companion. 2008/0927.txt:79:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your question, my brother. First of all, the reason for the veil of forgetting is that it is only within the innocence of unknowing that one may choose one’s path in utter free will. There were third densities in which more knowledge of past and future was included in the template of the human consciousness. However, those third densities tended to be inefficient in preparing entities for the choice of service to self or service to others. 2008/0927.txt:82:In third density, each day is a new day; each choice is the beginning of a new life, and this is a very precious and helpful characteristic of being within the veil of forgetting. 2009/0124.txt:11:The veil of forgetting lies heavily over third density. It is not a mistake that each individual self is cocooned within his own flesh and bones. It is the way the school of learning works to [help you] make that choice of polarity. If you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that both you and that other self upon whom you look and with whom you must interact are two sparks of the same Creator, virtually identical in every way, and that you were put here to love that entity, and that entity was put here to love you, there would be no occasion to call upon faith. There would be no occasion to suffer the pangs of isolation. And there would be no reason to go through the fire of catalyst turning into experience when everything about a situation is known. That situation ceases to be catalytic. And although it is hard to fathom within incarnation, this process of catalysis is one of the big reasons that you chose to incarnate and to undergo the experience of having a life on planet Earth. 2009/0509.txt:27:And we say this not as a threat, but only as information that may be useful to you. You are not building a stairway to heaven.2 You are spiraling into the light of truth. As you go, you are learning to love yourself and others and the Creator. You are learning to accept love from yourself, from others, and from the Creator. You are learning to be. And this is the glory of being within the veil of forgetting upon Planet Earth. For when you can move through the mire of that veil and into the light, through faith alone, you have used the harsh circumstances of third density to their very fullest. 2009/0523.txt:15:In a way, moving into third-density incarnation is a type of amnesia, in that the veil of forgetting drops, so that one is veiled from his memories of who he is and why he came here to this interesting but somewhat difficult place called Planet Earth in third density. This overlay of memory can indeed create within the incarnation of the wanderer a heightened tendency towards an inability to cope well with the surrounding environment of Planet Earth. 2009/0523.txt:47:M writes, “It is understood that the veil of forgetting is necessary in order to make the free will choice to polarize to the positive. Yet as a wanderer who has made this choice in the past, I observe that the veil persists within myself. According to my reading of your words, the veil persists within myself because if it were to be removed, it may infringe upon the free will of others who have not yet polarized. Yet I do not understand why this is the case. It would seem to me that it is possible for me to be fully conscious of both third density and fourth density simultaneously without infringing upon the will of others who choose to remain unconscious of fourth density. Please explain why the removal of the veil in one who is polarized would infringe upon the free will of one who is not yet polarized.” 2009/0523.txt:50:Have you had to claw your way into an increased awareness of what lies beyond the veil? We think not. We believe that the moments in which you have penetrated the veil are many and they are to be appreciated. Nevertheless, my brother, were you to dwell without effort beyond the veil of forgetting within third density, you would immediately obviate the advantages of living by faith alone. When you choose within this veil of forgetting to turn towards love, to live love, and to be love, you have done so against resistance. And in meeting and working with this resistance, you have tempered your soul and have done the work which you came to do. 2009/0906.txt:20:In addition to this anchor of your guidance system, many of you have the oversoul, shall we say, or the group soul, of the group of entities with which you came to this planet when you decided as a group to come in as wanderers, incarnate into the veil of forgetting, become mortal in third density, and join the human race in order to serve the light. This also is an entity that is powerful to aid. 2009/0926.txt:11:Of course, once you have incarnated into your earthly life, the veil of forgetting drops between your waking self and that whole self which, knowing so much more and being aware of so much more than you are within incarnation, saw fit to create this incarnational plan. Many times the catalyst seems highly inconvenient, and yet, were you not to be inconvenienced, were you not offered opportunities for being challenged for suffering, for undergoing testings, shall we say, or temptations, you would not evolve nearly as quickly as if you actively appreciate and move towards each opportunity to take on the challenge of a difficult situation or a relationship that is troublesome in some way. 2010/0213.txt:40:It is the combination of your free will as a seeker and the veil of forgetting that creates within you an implicit unawareness of the primacy of love that sets the shape of his path for the pilgrim. Each of you may be aware of the book called Pilgrim’s Progress by the one known as John.5 In that figure of the pilgrim and his progress, there is an excellent analogy to the purpose of the veil. As one wins one’s way through life upon the King’s Highway,6 every choice-point comes through one’s veil. And it is that pilgrim who prays for clarity and who asks where is the love in this choice that shall create within this density a bias toward service to others, towards love, towards radiance, that shall have tremendous impact, not simply upon this density now enjoyed by all of you, but upon the next two densities to come. 2010/1023.txt:29:It is, when one is not behind the veil of forgetting as you are in third density, very easy to see what thoughts are leading and how the personality, in a larger sense, is shaped. Consequently, if anything, individuality is stronger when one is part of a social memory complex, because all the other entities involved in the social memory complex have no axe to grind and wish only to support, respect and honor you as a unique individual. And you feel the same towards all those around you. For you see their suffering and their happiness and all of those things that they experience. You see their desires and their dreams and their hopes. And all of these things warm your heart and teach you. And you in turn teach them. So there is a very good atmosphere for being yourself in a social memory complex. Nothing is lost when you join a social memory complex. You simply focus upon desires that you have in common and, as is the way of collaboration, you are more skillful and effective as part of a group than you were by yourself. 2010/1225.txt:85:We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. My brother, the principle of free will is the first distortion of the Law of One. It is a principle of ethical concern that motivates us tremendously and we offer it as [a principle] which might be considered as a resource for motivating you in your ethical deliberations when you come to choice-points. It is not an entitlement. It is a principle. You were given free will by virtue of being born into an atmosphere which has this heavy miasma, the veil of forgetting, in order to regain your memory of how things truly are and what the situation truly is. 2011/0212.txt:13:As so, you choose to take on the challenge of third density as a person who is awake, aware and conscious and attentive and you make of your life a beautiful pattern, a pattern of learning and service, a pattern of responsibilities taken and manifested, and as you get to know yourself, you begin finally to forgive yourself for being human. And in the fullness of time you fall in love with yourself. And from that point on, your incarnation is easier, for the harshest critic is always the self. Yet there is no end to the challenges of life behind the veil of forgetting. 2016/0102.txt:8:However, for the great majority of the population of this planet, there has been the inability to focus the inner energies of inspiration and intuition, those basic qualities brought into the incarnation from those areas where pre-incarnative choices are made, hopes are built up, and dedication is made. And once again the veil of forgetting is drawn as these hopes and dreams and inspirations must find a way to be realized within the third density illusion—this heavy, dense, chemical illusion which seems to shade and shadow so much of what you see and feel. 2016/0102.txt:12:Your path within the third density illusion is the most difficult path that you shall ever travel for only the third density illusion has the veil of forgetting. Only in this illusion is it not completely apparent at all times that you are part of the One Infinite Creator. Because this veil is so thick and so prevalent, it offers you the opportunity to make great progress if you are able, consciously, to penetrate any portion of this veil; it takes effort, it takes conscious effort, it takes inspiration and motivation, it takes persistence. 2016/0116.txt:7:Thus, each soul begins with a portion of the One Creator as his guiding star, that which leads the way through the third-density darkness that must be experienced as you move through the veil of forgetting, that veil which that allows you to forget that you are one with all, that love made you all, that light guides you all. Outside the third-density illusion these qualities are quite readily apparent and learning takes place at a much slower pace because there is no doubt concerning these qualities. However, within your illusion, it takes a great deal of what you call faith, of hope, of motivation, of inspiration to continue upon the path of seeking; for as you know, understanding is not of the third-density illusion, you cannot prove what you are doing to anyone else; however, to yourself, that still small voice within (that some call intuition, or some the voice of God), will lead you forward if you but feed it your desire and your will, and continue in a daily fashion to practice those rituals, you might say, of prayer, of contemplation and of meditation; to speak to the Creator and to listen to the Creator and to see the Creator everywhere. 2016/0402.txt:72:Your efforts at seeking and of serving are a great inspiration to us, for you seek within a difficult circumstance, and you serve in the same. The third-density experience is one which is most difficult to navigate, for you must begin in some fashion to penetrate the veil of the forgetting that is ever with you, and ever blocking you from the full knowledge of your nature as the One Infinite Creator yourself. Thus a portion of that One Creator in your personality moves in the murky waters of the third-density experience and does a great service to all of us who observe this movement as you ask for our assistance, as you continue your own movement, and as you are so carefully focused in your efforts to seek love and light within all that you see, within all that you are, and with all that you serve. 2016/0416.txt:14:You enjoy, at present, an experience in which the sense of remove from the great original thought is just about as strong as it ever will be, for you all have undertaken a series of lifetimes that have involved the veil of forgetting. The first effect of forgetting is the loss of the sense of who you are as a being connected in love to the whole. And it is for that reason that, for you, the experience of love itself generally involves an overcoming of a feeling of being unloved, and it often involves a feeling of engaging in activities that are not themselves of a loving nature. But, we would assure you that in the broader sense, in the sense which many of you are now remembering, love is all that is, and that is what is entailed in the realization you come to as you open your hearts–as you open your hearts to one another, as you open your hearts to the entire Creation around you, as you open your hearts to your innermost being–and find there that subtle whisper of a greeting from the one original source, that subtle whisper of “hello” from the Infinite Creator, reaching down through the illusory frameworks of space/time and time/space. Why, you might ask, are these illusory frameworks even in place? Why, you might ask, is there a distinction between what you have called space/time and what might be called time/space? And we would answer in this way: we would suggest to you that space/time is a framework in which you are able to achieve a great deal of focus in working with energies of a very finely developed nature, and by working in this focused way, you are able to gain a kind of penetration into what we would call the unknown frontier of the Creation. 2016/0416.txt:15:The forgetting has been particularly useful in this regard for there are elements or features of the Creator that have come to light only in view of what has transpired in the realms in which the veil has been operative. You will note that prior to the advent of the veiling–which was itself a possibility that had to be discovered–there were no entities which had undertaken to polarize to the negative; there was no concept of being able to serve exclusively the self, for there was enough of a residual awareness of being connected in the primary energy of love that the complete sense of separation was not even felt as a possibility. So to have not only the possibility but the actualization of a way of expressing the Creator’s love as love of self exclusively was a piece of news, shall we say, brought to the Creator reflecting on a sense of itself that it had not previously had. 2016/0416.txt:38:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed this is so, for in the higher densities you no longer must deal with the veil of forgetting. The veil of forgetting is very helpful for the third-density entity, for it allows you to have experiences that would not be as likely to have in the higher densities, for in the higher densities you are quite aware of the unity of all Creation, of the love that is the energizing force of all Creation, but in that particular type of environment, it is oftentimes more difficult to find a reason to move from the perfection in which you exist into new expressions of your own being. Thus, the third density, where you forget that perfection offers you the opportunity to move into more intense polarization, shall we say, more intense expressions of the love vibration as you respond to the difficulties in your own life experience. The problems and the challenges of your life experience are those gifts that allow you to call upon the spiritual nature of your own being in order to solve them, to balance them, and to internalize the love and light that you find all about you. Yes, you shall find the higher densities offer you more experience within the spiritual realms, in the metaphysical realms, but forget not the great offering and treasure of the third density, for it allows you to find that which is the pearl of great price within an illusion which seems to contain very little of beauty for many at this time. 2016/0904.txt:41:I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my brother. Yes my friends, you have the veil of forgetting that separates your conscious from your subconscious mind, in order to make the unity of the creation more difficult to perceive, in order to make the love that made all things as difficult to perceive, and the light in which all things are made, again, another mystery to penetrate. This veil of forgetting is your great friend; though it hides that which is the great jewels, the treasury, the pearl of great price within your illusion, hides it from you on a daily basis, yet if you are able to utilize both that intuition which is available through your subconscious mind with the mental faculties of analyzation, and with your spiritual desire to move forward in your progression in unity with the one creator, you will find it possible to penetrate the veil, in some degree, greater or lesser according to the faith and will that you exercise in this process. You will be able to make more clear that which is not clear, you will be able to make available to you that which seems hidden from you, for there is much that is hidden in this illusion as you are aware, due to the presence of this veil. 2016/0904.txt:59:Q’uo, I'm sure I speak for the whole group when I say thank you for joining this circle of seeking today. The final written query says: It's difficult for me to imagine "work past third density." It seems if the veil is lifted, things would obviously be all one. With disharmony removed, it seems the work would be dauntingly slow. And it seems you would know what lessons you should want to approach, and it seems with the veil lifted, one would be able to instantly heal, learn, etc. Can you discuss the type of work done in densities past third, and how it differs in time without the veil of forgetting? 2016/0904.txt:63:So yes, the learning is much slower there, but learning does occur, for each entity in the positive choice of service to others joins with others of its kind to form a group mind/body/spirit complex, which those of Ra have called the social memory complex, so that the experiences of each entity in the complex of all incarnations is available to the entire social memory complex. And with all of this great library of information available, the choice is made at all times to be of service to others, especially those within the third-density illusion, who yet exist within the veil of forgetting, the veil of darkness. Thus, the third density provides an opportunity and a service to those of the higher densities. By being confused, you are providing a service, my friends. Take heart; even in confusion you are of service. Thus, entities within the higher densities seek to serve others as well, those of sixth may serve fifth or fourth when they have questions concerning unity and the balancing of love and wisdom. There may be planetary entities that are difficult in their evolutionary process that have some sort of problem perhaps with a sun that is old and not functioning correctly, or the tectonic plates upon the planet that are misaligned and need some sort of assistance. There are various ways of social memory complexes to be of service, but as you correctly surmise, it is a much more patient learning, it is a much more elongated learning, it takes a great deal more of what you call time, though time is not perceived in the same sense in the higher densities. Time is more, shall we say, fixed in an eternal present so that all past present and future experiences are available in a simultaneous fashion. Thus, the experiences don't seem so, shall we say, drawn out to the higher density mind/body/spirit complexes as they would to your own. 2016/1015.txt:8:This is not an easy lesson, my friends, as obvious as it is before incarnation, as you pass through the veil of forgetting, indeed there is a forgetting of the basic truths of all of the Creation, that you are all part of the One Creator, that the Creation in which you move and live and have your being is made by the power of love, and is formed of that which you call light, the photon vibrating at various levels and angles of vibration. All of this is obvious before incarnation; afterwards hardly supposed, dimly surmised, hopefully discovered at some point. 2016/1119.txt:33:Oftentimes, entities are aware that certain lessons have been difficult in previous incarnations and have programmed these to be repeated in the upcoming incarnation knowing that there will be a time of trial and testing, and will require additional energies. Thus, when one passes from this material illusion into the world of spirit, there are oftentimes a variety of entities that may greet the departing soul. Most often, this is one of the spirits that overlook such souls progress within the incarnational pattern. Each entity within the third-density illusion has three guides: one of a male nature, one of the female nature, and one is what you would call androgynous. Depending upon the entity’s type of lessons and progress in learning the lessons, will one or other of these guides be summoned to greet the entity as it passes through the veil of forgetting and enters into true life—that which is without illusion. 2016/1217.txt:4:You have come into this illusion to learn, to grow, to serve others, and to seek the One Creator in all. Why would you come here to do such a thing? Where you were before you came here it is obvious that all is one, that the Creator exists in all things, in each entity, that love is the power that made the Creation, and that the Creation is made of light. There is joy from whence you come; there is purpose; there is power. So why would you enter an illusion of darkness in which you must place the veil of forgetting between your conscious and your subconscious minds. Why would you risk forgetting all of the truth that you know in your very being, every cell of your being? You wish to learn more than can be learned in such an environment of seeming purpose, power, direction, unity, for in those realms of the exalted nature of Creation, progress is far more slowly made, for there is little against which to push, little reason to exercise your spiritual muscle, shall we say. Yes, growth does happen there, but it is far slower than is possible within your third-density illusion. 2017/0107.txt:10:For it is that time now, within your third density experience, that the harvest comes nigh. It is the time that many feel is a darkened time, a confused time, a perilous time, a dangerous time, and yet, my friends, we tell you it is said truly that it is darkest before the dawn—and my friends, the dawn does come. It is slowly appearing now within the hearts of those such as yourselves that speak of these things, that seek these things, for it is that which is meant to be. All cycles end and new cycles begin. And thus, you are upon this planet at this time ending the third density experience that has been for the purpose of providing each a choice, a choice of how to seek the Creator beyond this third density. You have weathered the difficulties of existing on the other side of the veil of forgetting, not being able to see with clarity the unity of all Creation, the power of love that has formed it, the light out of which it has made it. And yet you have prevailed, because with this veil of forgetting you are required to make an effort to seek that which it hides, and you have made that effort. And that effort you may see as growth of a spiritual sense, a polarization in your consciousness that would not have been possible to make as effectively without that veil. Though it may seem to stand between you and that which is most beloved, it is that which gives you the opportunity to realize the beloved in your own life, and in the lives of those about you. 2017/0121.txt:6:Your illusion is as unified as is any illusion within the Infinite Creation, and yet, because of the veil of forgetting separating your conscious mind from your subconscious mind, you are not able to perceive all that is before your eyes, both your inner eyes and your outer eyes. For if you could but remove that veil right here in the third-density illusion, you would discover the unity of all things. And yet, within this third-density illusion, you would still find those who would not appreciate your unified view that would see them also as the Creator, for this is such a foreign concept to most upon your planet, that to consider it would require that they completely change their philosophy of life, their point of view, their means of seeing that which is before their eyes and around their heart. 2017/0520.txt:22:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. You asked about those entities that are known to this group as those of Ra. These entities were able to find their beginnings upon the planet within this solar system which you know as Venus. This solar system is governed, shall we say, by a sub-Logos, a creative entity of love that you would see as your sun body. This sub-Logos has utilized the second density form that you would call the “ape body” to invest with consciousness of the self—that is, with self-awareness—so that all entities within this solar system that have been able to move from the second to the third density have utilized this body of the erect ape form that walks upon two legs, and has two hands, with the opposable thumb, which is the salient feature of this particular form of life; for the grasping thumb then, is able to cause the entity to use tools, and this use of tools further aids the entity in being able to speak the language, rather than intuit the concepts as in the telepathic type of contact. Thus, this allows such entities to move through the third density experience in a much more rapid progression, so that the means of discovering the other self nature of all entities surrounding such entities is enhanced. Thus, those of Ra, as with those of planet Earth, the planet previously known as Maldek, the planet Saturn, and the planet of Mars, have all hosted third-density beings which have been able to utilize the veil of forgetting that exists between the conscious and subconscious mind to enhance the spiritual seeking.1 2017/0903.txt:51:If the entity is not yet consciously aware of the seeking process within the third-density illusion, these lessons are given a form and likelihood of being appreciated as they are encountered within the third-density incarnation. There is the sharing of this information upon the total level of the conscious and subconscious mind of the seeker. Thus, as the seeker moves about within the third-density illusion, on the other side of the veil of forgetting the subconscious mind can aid the entity by biasing the catalyst that the entity experiences in each day’s menu, shall we say, of experiences. Thus, a number of entities may see one situation of catalyst, and each view it in a different fashion, because each has different lessons pre-incarnatively programmed, and pre-incarnatively biased by the subconscious mind. Thus, the entity then has a slight, shall we say, advantage, in being able to open the self to the recognition of that which has been chosen before the incarnation. 2017/0916.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, a very thoughtful query. The vulnerability that is felt by a positively-oriented entity is that vulnerability which has been pre-incarnatively recognized, shall we say, for your third density is one which, as we mentioned, is pursued on the other side of the veil of forgetting, and yet, each soul which enters third density is aware that it will forget the perfection of the creation, the love in every moment, and the light which forms each portion of the creation. Thus, it willingly takes on this vulnerability that has the function of allowing it to learn lessons that may, shall we say, involve trauma, the vulnerability being exposed and utilized by the nature of the third-density illusion in which there is the feeling of separation and the need to explore this feeling of separation in such a way that there is a growing sense of unity that results from the seeming opposite. Thus, the positively-oriented entity willingly exposes itself to the vulnerable situation in each incarnational experience in order to gain the increasing knowledge of the sense that all is well, the sense of unity that is, indeed, the nature, the true nature, of reality. 2017/0916.txt:34:However, upon the negatively-oriented path this sense of vulnerability is not utilized by the individual who may be its subject or its victim, shall we say. It is utilized by those which would enslave the negatively-oriented entity that is vulnerable, for this is the nature of the negative path: separation. That seeming separation exists for the positive entity for only as long as it is unable to penetrate the veil of forgetting. The negatively-oriented entity, therefore, seeks the separation from all other selves, and the control and domination of all other selves, and will use any vulnerability that any other self might express or exhibit as a means by which this domination and control might be effected. 2017/1104.txt:6:The negative entity, on the other hand, sees its path within the one creation as that which shall be used to enhance the self and its journey of evolution, and its ability to share energies with others is the reverse of the positive entity’s abilities, in that other entities are seen as that which shall be controlled or manipulated in a certain way so that the negatively oriented entity is the one who benefits. There is much of interaction within your third-density illusion of both the positive and negative polarities at this time, and the seeker of truth upon the positive path is well advised to look carefully within its own heart as to the nature of its intentions and motivations in order that they may remain pure, for there are many missteps that are possible within the dimly lit path of the third-density illusion that exists on the other side of the veil of forgetting. 2018/0217.txt:5:We would confirm to you first of all, that this is quite true. You are not all of an individual origination, you are here in groups, families, clans: those who are, shall we say, of a spiritual heritage that goes back many, many lifetimes within this illusion, and far more many lifetimes in illusions before this one. Many of you are from elsewhere, as it is said, having come to this planet over the previous many thousands of years, others more frequently, and frequently returning again and again to aid this planet in its transition to the fourth density of love and understanding. We have knowledge of this type of experience because we are aware that there are many of you who are portions of our own being and who have gone forth through the veil of forgetting to join others of like mind and kind to serve the One in the many within the Earth planes. 2018/0217.txt:25:So, there is a balance my friends. There is that which is of the nature of an intelligent anticipation, is the way we would describe it, and there is that which has the capacity to be blind to what you might, in hope, anticipate being, a fateful meeting with those with whom in a deeper way, you do belong. No one here, my friends, has kept every possible rendezvous. It is almost unheard of that every piece of catalyst, every opportunity is fully realized in third density, for the veil is a very, very powerful instrument of forgetting. Having said that, we will also say, that if you trace out the intimate connections, the apparent serendipity of one event or another that has led you to meet, and to make contact with, and to begin to co-mingle your energies with, others of like mind, others of similar spiritual bent, you will see the workings of these deeper mutual longings come to fruition. 2018/0303.txt:31:Q’uo, I would like to ask: those of Ra told us that there were around 60 million wanderers on Earth in 1981. In the last channeling session, those of Q’uo stated that many of you are from elsewhere to aid this planet in its transition to the fourth density, and that those of Q’uo have knowledge of this type of experience, because many of you are portions of our own being, and have gone forth through the veil of forgetting to join others of like mind and kind, to serve the one in the many within the Earth planes. If you are able to tell us, roughly how many wanderers are there now in the Earth’s population? 2018/0512.txt:7:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Within this illusion that you now experience that has been created as it is because of the existence of what you call “the veil of forgetting”, there is, indeed a choice that can be made, and must needs be made, if entities are to be, shall we say, graduated into the fourth density of love and understanding. This choice, as you are aware, is that which is to be either of service to others or service to self. Now, upon the surface of it, it would seem that there are, indeed, two distinct choices in this condition that has resulted because of the presence and the implementation of the veil of forgetting by those Logoi who have been, shall we say, able to prosper or benefit from the earlier Logoi who had no such veil and had some difficulty within the third-density illusion of shepherding the flock through the third density because of a seeming lack of choice. 2018/0512.txt:10:[In] the situation that existed before the veil of forgetting it seemed that there was not so much free will available to third-density entities, yet these entities in themselves were each capable and free to make choices regarding each aspect of their spiritual journey. However, it could be said that because there was no veil, there was no opportunity to proceed as quickly as was later possible after the implementation of the veil of forgetting, for when it is not easily apparent to a third-density entity that it is the One Creator, that all of the facets of unity of love and of light that belong to the One Creator and each of its portions are not obvious, then it is that the entity in third density must work in the conscious sense to exercise its own will and faith that such possibilities are true and can be realized by each entity. This is an arduous process, my friends, taking many, as you know, incarnations in order to accomplish this polarization in consciousness, which is actually the action of each third-density entity after the veil of forgetting was implemented. 2018/0526.txt:23:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. This is a statement which is somewhat veiled itself, which suggests that as the veil of forgetting becomes more permeable in these last days of your planet’s third density, then entities are able to see light in those darkened areas of the fertile soil of their own being as well as the planet’s being. This was a, shall we say, metaphor not meant to point directly at the dirt, shall we say, but at the fertile circumstances that are everywhere present but frequently unused by entities who are unaware of the possibility of growth that is possible when the fertile conditions of one’s being, and the spiritual surroundings of the planet itself, are utilized for the purpose of making the harvest, or opening the heart, shall we say. Thus, the soil is that which has been unused within the environment of many third-density entities, the environment in which they live and move and have their being. 2018/0915.txt:42:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that this instrument has a good deal of information upon which we may draw for a response to this query. We are aware of the entities that you speak of who have engaged in the life-between-lives hypnotic regressions. In these regressions, you will note that there is the possibility of achieving the realization of the information that we spoke of in our previous query—the ability to determine pre-incarnative choices, the ability to look at how this programming has been chosen, and for what purpose it has been chosen. If entities are able and willing to be hypnotized to the degree that they are able to move into the deeper portions of their own unconscious minds, and call upon those forces which are available to guide them—the higher self, various guides, and angelic presences—then there may be light thrown upon the pre-incarnative choices so that they may be revealed to the seeker undergoing the hypnotic regression. This is a means by which to aid the memory that has been dimmed or cut off from the subconscious or unconscious mind by the veil of forgetting. 2018/1215.txt:7:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, the journey that each of you takes within this third-density illusion is a journey fraught with what seems to be difficulties, dangers, and doubts, for there is much confusion within this third-density illusion. The veil of forgetting works quite handily to shield each entity from the true knowledge of the universality and unity of all creation, the love that forms it from light, and how each is a portion of the One Creator. If these facets of truth were available to each at all times, your journey would be much easier, and yet would not produce the results that are possible when you delve into the difficulties of misperception, of misrepresentation, of confusion, of anger, and of the problems of everyday life which pound upon the consciousness in a certain fashion that makes it seem that understanding cannot be had, that harmony is an elusive possibility, that you cannot move your foot without tripping somehow upon another. 2019/0209.txt:8:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Grief is a quality that is inescapable within your third-density illusion, for within this illusion, it is not possible to see the complete unity of thought that binds all things and all people together as one being, the One Infinite Creator. The veil of forgetting does its work well as it hides from you the completeness of all beings, the wholeness of all beings, the appropriateness of all experience that is to be had within your third-density illusion. 2019/0330.txt:39:This type of exercise of free will that produces confusion, that offers catalyst, that offers further direction in the seeking, is a process which is predominantly undertaken within your third-density illusion so that the choice of polarity may be made, and the polarized choice for service to others or service to self may then be promulgated in higher densities. Now, the higher densities do not have the veil of forgetting, so there is less likelihood that there will be as much confusion in the exercise of free will in those densities, as there is in the third density. However, the higher densities do still utilize the exercise of free will that produces in its own way, a kind of confusion that offers a need for examination for further growth in the inner sensing of the way to unify with the One once again. 2019/0420.txt:83:And we thank each once again for inviting our presence in your circle of seeking this day. As always, we are most gratified to join you, for we learn from you as much as you learn from us, my friends. Your third-density illusion is a great challenge for any entity to undertake. There is so much that is unknown that lies beyond the veil of forgetting, and we are most cheered and feel such great appreciation as each of you fearlessly move forward into the great unknown that, as you come to know it, you see as yourself, and all other selves combined to be the One who is all in all. Blessings on your journeys, my friends. We are those of Q’uo, and we shall leave you now in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai vasu borragus. 2019/0518.txt:32:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The veil of forgetting is that feature which enhances the feeling of what you call fear or anxiety, or the knowing of that challenge which is to come, that may or may not be possible for the self to meet successfully. Thusly, we who live beyond the veil do not have this quality to provide us with fear, for we see clearly the energies at hand, and are aware that we have many times utilized these energies which are merely a part of our greater self and a part of your greater self. However, within your third-density illusion, the veil of forgetting provides a much more efficient means of making the discovery of such energies and such opportunities meaningful to the seeker of truth. Therefore, the anxiety is merely a sign to your deeper self, or we should say a sign from your deeper self, that you are about to embark upon that which is the heart of your journey, the purpose of your incarnation, the destination that each seeks. 2019/0901.txt:10:The nature of self-forgiveness is one which sees those actions that have been difficult to accept within the self, and thus tainting the self, shall we say, that are a challenge to understand, or to grasp, for you are those in the third-density illusion that exist within the veil of forgetting. You do not see that there is much more to you, to your mind/body/spirit complex, than you are aware of in your journey of seeking in this incarnation. You are, in fact, as you hypothesize and believe, the One Infinite Creator. However, as an aspect of that One Creator, you have chosen to express various distortions within this illusion that allow you to further progress upon your spiritual path. These distortions are those qualities that need what those of Ra have called the “balance” in order that you may become aware of the totality of your beingness in some fashion. 2019/0928.txt:52:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. My brother, within your very query is the answer to it, for the great desire, the intention that is expressed in your being and reflected in your query, is that which is of the greatest importance in determining the nature of your desire to serve others and to move forward upon your spiritual journey. The third-density experience, as you are well aware, is not one of understanding, for there is the veil of forgetting that separates the conscious from the unconscious minds, and from the greater nature of reality that is the true reality in which we live and move and have our being. However, within the third-density experience, this veil of forgetting makes it impossible to know or understand for sure what will be the product or the result of one’s efforts in service to others. What one can know is one’s intention, one’s desire, the strength of the desire to be of service, to be a loving entity, and to seek the One Creator within each experience, is that which will lead one forward upon the path of service to others, and increase the positive polarity according to the strength of the will and intention to serve. 2019/1102.txt:13:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The service-to-self oriented wanderer is much less likely to be in existence because of the great amount of danger that there is in the forgetting process, for each wanderer who wishes to be of service, whether to self or other selves, upon any third-density planet, must-needs then go through the forgetting process, passing through the veil of forgetting, so that its true identity is not known to itself and it must discover that identity as a process of its enlightenment and engaging in the service to others portion of its incarnation. 1 Thus, many wanderers have come to this planet of a positive nature and have had difficulty in remembering the reason for the incarnation, and the path that they had chosen previous to the incarnation to take when here. That does not nullify their effort, nor depolarize their polarity, but removes from them the opportunity to be of the service they had hoped to be. 2019/1102.txt:14:Thus, the negatively oriented wanderer, well aware of this potential, is quite cautious in making any type of a movement through the veil of forgetting. 2019/1102.txt:37:[footnote start]This paragraph is quite confusing in the contrast between service to others and service to self, and the effect of the veil of forgetting upon wanderers of both polarities.↩[footnote end] 2019/1116.txt:34:I am Q’uo and am aware of the query, my brother. The soul, or spirit, of each incarnated entity may be seen as that environment of a spiritual sense of unity with all that there is, that produces the incarnated entity that each becomes beyond the veil of forgetting within the third-density illusion. Before the incarnation is entered, however, the soul and the higher self, oftentimes with the assistance of guides, aid that entity that will become the conscious experiencing mind/body/spirit complex in the preparations of preincarnative choices that are the lessons that the entity has been advised and agrees needs to be learned in order for further steps to be taken upon the path of harvestability to the fourth-density illusion. 2019/1123.txt:7:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. This is a query which is most salient for each third-density entity within this illusion. You are, indeed, within an illusion in which there seems to be separation of one from another, and all from each other, and the path that all travel within this illusion involves the ability to integrate the various portions of the illusion into one’s being, so that you become that which you seek: the One Infinite Creator. However, each of you, within the third-density illusion goes through what is called “the veil of forgetting,” so that you forget that you are already that which you seek, and that you have come here to explore more avenues of traveling the path of the One Infinite Creator to the One Infinite Creator. As each entity within this illusion enters the illusion and begins at an early age to be taught by those around it—the parents, the siblings, the friends and teachers, and so forth—each of these groupings of entities may have a more or less distorted or undistorted vision of the unity of all creation, and as the teaching process goes on for each young entity or soul within this illusion, there are oftentimes admonitions that are given to the young entity demanding that it not do this or that, that it not think this or that, that it not say this or that. Thus, there is an accumulation of those admonitions to reserve or to not experience or express various portions of its own being as this beingness comes forth in its evolution into maturity. 2019/1123.txt:76:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, we find the one known as Edgar was quite well-informed by his ability to penetrate the Hall of Records and to discern from these records of the evolution of humanity upon Planet Earth. [He saw] that the incarnations available within the third-density illusion, beyond the veil of forgetting, were an opportunity not only within each incarnation to become transformed or initiated or to become more and more one with the Infinite Creator, but that each moment, each day, each observation by the seeker of truth had the ability to transform the entity in a manner similar to that of initiation. As the seeker of truth becomes more and more aware of the journey of the seeking of the One Infinite Creator within itself and within all of creation, it discovers that there is the chance to become that which it seeks in every moment of its existence if its point of view is broad enough, and travels down to the roots of its consciousness and to the heights of its beingness so that it is able to perceive in a manner which is enhanced and imbued with the love and the light of the One which it seeks with every fiber of its being, in every daily round of activities, so that all becomes the oneness for such a being, becomes the Christed experience for such a being. At some point, this type of desire to seek the one in all gains a kind of spiritual momentum and reveals to the mind, body and spirit complex, that it is, indeed, that which it seeks, and this realization, or illumination, then, becomes to be manifested more and more fully, so that illumination becomes communion, and communion becomes union with all that there is. 2019/1228.txt:8:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that this is a most salient query in the process of seeking within the third-density illusion, for the process of reverting to, or depending upon, speech instead of telepathy, or concept communication, is a means by which the veil of forgetting is strengthened. The speech that you so joyfully, and occasionally carelessly, utilize in your third-density experience is a means by which the seeming illusory separation between you and all of the creation, and especially the One Infinite Creator, is enhanced. 2019/1228.txt:21:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, as you have observed, the ease with which telepathy is available to some people—those who are conscious seekers of truth—is an indication that at this time it is possible for those who are aware of how they are advancing their own evolutionary progress, may begin to notice the thinning, shall we say, of the veil of forgetting for them, and for others like them, who seek with the same purity and intensity. Thus, the quality that is most helpful in being able to transmit and receive thoughts from another being is that this activity be accomplished with another entity that shares your sincerity and depth of devotion to seeking the spiritual evolution of mind, body, and spirit. 2019/1228.txt:46:Thank you, Q’uo. Only one further question relating to this entire discussion. Will many of us be moving toward more communication such as this on the higher level as we move more and more towards fourth density, and in such way the veil of forgetting is being thinned in this way. With more openness and connection there is more knowing. Is that a correct assumption? 2019/1228.txt:48:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. In general, we would agree that you have correctly summarized the situation. The veil of forgetting, in general, as we have mentioned, is beginning to become less and less thick, less and less able to restrict the vision of those who consciously seek to penetrate this veil, for one reason or another. 2019/1228.txt:49:Many spiritual seekers have, within their hearts and souls, the greatest of desires to move into unity with all entities about them, and with the One Infinite Creator within all that there is. This great desire, then, is that which can utilize the thinning of this veil to further thin it for this particular type of entity. It is the spiritual determination and perseverance that are the qualities that move the seeker of truth beyond the veil to see, for the first time, the vision of unity that awaits all on the other side of the veil of forgetting. 2020/0104.txt:79:The wanderer has, as does any entity moving through the veil of forgetting, preincarnative choices that have been selected in order to provide the service that it wishes to offer, as well as personal opportunities for growth. These choices are manifested for the wanderer as they are for any other entity within the third-density illusion as the proceedings of the life experience, so that any entity, wanderer or otherwise, may look at those occasions of catalyst that come in the daily round of activities, as being that which is predestined, shall we say—predestined to provide opportunities for growth and service. 2020/0111.txt:42:I am Q’uo and am aware of the query, my sister. If we perceive the query correctly, the positively oriented third-density entity then would be looking upon fourth-density experiences that are supposed positive experiences but see them in a negative fashion. We would suggest that this is possible for a positively oriented entity that has a misperception of the fourth-density experience that is perceiving, for the third-density seeker is within the illusion of the third density beyond the veil of forgetting, so that there is the difficulty of seeing through this veil and clearly perceiving any experience of a fourth- density nature. 2020/0125.txt:45:For the incarnation of each entity within any illusion, most especially the third-density illusion where the veil of forgetting plays such a significant role, is the behavior which removes from the entity (that is, shall we say, killed) an entire incarnational experience that may have been many, many years long, had the power which was used in a terrible fashion not been so used. 3 2021/0414.txt:48:We believe that it is not necessary to fully grasp this nature. And indeed, in some ways, it was not expected by the self to fully understand and come to terms with this true nature of the self but instead to awaken to the biases and the distortions brought with the wanderer through the veil of forgetting. For the wanderer who has not awakened to their true nature, they may yet still sense that nature in an indistinct way and still feel called to perform the mission. And in some cases this lack of awakening to the nature of their wandererhood serves to allow them to integrate more fully within your society and your cultures and allow their true nature as the Creator to shine even more brightly. 2021/0414.txt:64:Using the example of the wanderer who incarnates from a higher density (in which they are a member of a social memory complex) into the third density (becoming a member of what you may call the dormant social memory complex of the third-density population) we find that this entity is still very much plugged in and in tune with their native social memory complex, yet the veil of forgetting and other systems and distortions accepted by the wanderer dim the awareness of this social memory complex within the mind of the wanderer. The more that the wanderer engages with the group mind of the planetary population, that native third-density social complex that is a social memory complex awaiting activation and cohesion, the more the wanderer may gift the beingness of their native social memory complex to the third-density social complex and merge these two seemingly distinct minds. 2021/0414.txt:74:This great distortion or illusion is the vehicle for experience of each form of consciousness within it so that it may partake more and more fully of the One Creator, as it travels his journey back into unity with that one from which it has come. As we look now upon the level of illusion that is experienced within the third density, there is, of course, an added feature which is most effective in aiding both the Creator in knowing Itself more fully and each entity within the third density who must work within what you have called the veil of forgetting. This great experiment in polarization is that which offers to each third-density entity a greater level of seeming reality which must be penetrated in some degree in order for experience and progress in polarization to occur. 2021/0512.txt:71:We would respond by suggesting that within this third density illusion, which is nested beyond the veil of forgetting that intentions are everything. For you do not know or understand the nature of the reality in which you inhabit. It is of the One Creator. It is completely imbued in every iota of its existence with the One. And yet, this basic fact of unity is concealed for most of your third density companions. And each, as it becomes conscious of the seeking process, desires, intends, wishes to be of service to others. And as you say, many times this results in what indeed seems to be service to others, to the outer eye, to the inner eye, to any observer of the process. And yet, at some point, it may be that such service is just as strongly desired and yet results in what to the inner eye, the outer eye and any observer, seems to be that which is disharmonious. 2021/0527.txt:5:You asked today a question that is so very pertinent to the third-density illusion in which you inhabit at this time. For the third density is one which is surrounded by a veil of forgetting—forgetting that all within it are portions of the One Creator, that all within it know that love of each other is a given beyond the veil (though so much of a forgotten fact within the veil), and that the light that the creation is made of shines within each entity. For oftentimes in your illusion, as you have mentioned in your question, this light seems to either shine in a method or manner which is difficult to perceive or unable to be perceived at all. For there seems to be so much division and disillusionment, separation and anger, that is the food for many who exist with you at this time within your third density. 2021/0707.txt:9:I’m Q’uo and am now with this instrument. Just as each mind/body/spirit complex progresses through its own journey throughout the octave, so too does the sub-Logos or sub-Logoi partake in their own progression. The query presented today speaks to the perhaps most formative point upon the progression of the sub-Logoi as they evolve and learn, taking the light and love of the Infinite Creator offered to it through the Logos, and refine this light to offer an experience to the further sub-sub-Logoi. This formative event is that which defines your journey within the third density, and that is the implementation of the veil of forgetting. In more relevant terms, this implementation of the veil may be said to be the making complex the mind, allowing for the potential of a conscious and unconscious portion of this primal aspect of the self. 2021/0819.txt:6:These are the prime building blocks, shall we say, of a life pattern. So when you are criticized for not living up to the best of what you are able to do, or should be doing in another’s eyes, it begins to shake the foundation of one’s being, until one must contemplate the basic quality that constitutes one’s being. And we would suggest to you, my friends, that you, and your other selves of the family, are portions of the One Infinite Creator that has placed itself in every portion of the universe around you, in every entity that you know, and have ever met, or shall ever meet, or shall never meet, for the Creator is within all things for the very purpose of coming to know more about itself. And you, as representatives of this One Creator, carry out this same mission under the most difficult of circumstances, with the veil of forgetting hiding the basic nature of the creation as being that of unity—hiding it so effectively that you are easily convinced that there is something other than the One Creator that is the foundation of your being, that you are providing the Creator with ways in which it might know itself better with more intensity, and variety, and purity. Whatever your choices that you make, you cannot fail in that responsibility, the ability to respond as the Creator. So, how do you make the most effective response to those criticisms and allegations that suggest that you are less than what you should be—less than the Creator? We would suggest that within each entity’s heart, the green-ray energy center, is the ability to tap into the wisdom of the heart, which we would suggest is that type of love and acceptance of others that does not place any condition upon freely giving that love. 2021/1006.txt:14:This is an important aspect of this query, for such a question arises only when the true nature of reality is hidden by the veil of forgetting and the underlying connection between one individual’s thoughts and those things that may be manifested from those thoughts is hidden. In order to examine this mysterious dynamic, one may, in meditation, find the silence of the mind and begin to question the nature of the self that seems to produce thoughts. In this examination of self, it helps to begin with the notion that the self is but an illusion, and the distinction between self and other-self, and between the creation about the self is on the most fundamental level of creation the product of this illusion—and especially, within the third density, the product of the veil of forgetting. Yet this illusion is truly important for the evolution and the experience of the Creator. For without the ability of the Creator to conceptualize itself as individual parts, and for those parts to adopt an identity that is separate from their origin within the Creator, [it would not be possible] for the Creator to have any experience at all. 2021/1019.txt:9:In the process of realizing one’s own personal desire to seek the Creator in the most efficacious manner possible, it is well to take into account the many distractions that each seeker of truth encounters in the daily round of activities, and in the experience of your third-density illusion. For beyond the veil of forgetting, there is not this type of distraction that causes one to lose the focus upon the basic nature of all creation, including the self that is unity with the One Creator. Thus, you are facing what we would call a challenge within your third-density illusion as you seek to find that will within yourself to know the Creator, to be able to feel the Creator moving in your meditative state into a manner of communication that you may perceive in a variety of ways—whether it be words, images, inclinations, thoughts of joy and inspiration. 2021/1019.txt:12:This is a natural process that is experienced by all entities that are in the, as you would say, inner planes or higher densities, in both cases, so that they are in this state of consciousness at all times, to some degree. You, having the veil of forgetting to move through in a more or less clear fashion, are challenged by that same veil so that your effort of focusing your attention on seeking the One Creator in all things carries a great deal of weight of, you may call it, success or union or victory over unconsciousness. This ability to finally focus your attention becomes your great tool of inspiration and evolution, as you are more and more able to reach that focus in meditation, and then carry with you the bounty of the open heart that you have reached in meditation with you when you come out of meditation. This allows you to see with a clarified vision that you inhabit an illusion with different portions of the One Creator who are also seeking to know more firmly and fully, how they also are the same as you, your other self, the One Creator. 2021/1019.txt:55:We do not mean to make light of what is generally a difficult and sad experience for the seeker, but only to share that it is a unique aspect of your density that allows for this experience–that aspect being the veil of forgetting that allows the seeker to be blind to the fullness of creation, for the light of the Creator to be hidden and thus requiring the seeker to do as its title implies—seek that light and find it within the creation. This need not happen by some great service or ambitious work. 2022/0126.txt:6:This is more easily said than done. For within your third-density illusion, there is that known as the veil of forgetting that makes the personal and powerful recognition of each other-self as being the Creator more of an intellectual activity rather than one which is experienced within the heart of one’s being. The great challenge of the third-density illusion is to be able to, in some manner, pierce this veil of forgetting so that you may see and experience the reality of the other-self and yourself as being one in all your interactions. This is the ideal manner of seeing the proper use of wisdom, and the light that makes wisdom powerful as an interior experience that reflects to the exterior world. The balance of the love and the wisdom then becomes a result or a product of the ability to see the other-self, and yourself, and all other-selves as being one Creator that has individualized itself in whole in all portions of the creation and, with it, in each entity within the creation. 2022/0420.txt:15:When examining how our disclaimer within these channeling sessions may be evaluated by the seeker, this is a key aspect that we wish to instill by making such a disclaimer. We may share ourselves as freely and openly as we can in the context of a circle such as this, yet we cannot know how our words will be received. We may intend to convey certain ideas in order to bring about certain contemplations or transformations within the reader or the listener. Yet these may be placed within the self in ways that we could not predict. And so, when we ask the seeker to utilize their own discernment in evaluating our words, we are honoring the fact that, within the third density, all truth is filtered through a personal lens fortified by the illusion and by the veil of forgetting. 2022/0511.txt:5:I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of the query my brother. You have asked a query which is fascinating to us, as it is the path of the martyr, the path of the one who lays down his life for those that are in darkness, and whose need to see the light. This entity is what you would refer to as a wanderer who has incarnated many times upon many third density planets for the purpose of sharing, most especially, the love of the One Infinite Creator with those whom it sought to teach and to become a way-shower, for through many incarnations that it chose as a specialty of its beingness. This type of service is somewhat unlike what most wanderers offer as their own particular specialties when they answer the call of a third density planet to serve in some manner, to provide more light, more love and illumination to the population of that planet so that the veil of forgetting, of the third density experience, may be in some fashion penetrated and allow more of the nature of the unified creation to be perceived by those whom the wanderer seeks to aid if it is able to remember its mission within the troubled times and nature of the third density experience. 2022/0608.txt:6:You have asked this evening, how any seeker of truth may use what Ra described as that great conduit to the Infinite Creator, the will. Each of you, my friends, has a will. Each of you has the desire, each of you has those ideals of the spirit, of the mind, of the emotions, of the body that you may utilize in some fashion, to move forward on your spiritual journey of seeking to be of service to others and the One Creator. With each of your words, each of your thoughts, and each of your deeds, you have this great desire within the third-density illusion in which you have the veil of forgetting that makes it a challenge to realize the nature of the reality through which you move, the reality towards which you move, and the nature of your own being. 2022/0608.txt:22:The will referred to within your query is indeed the same as this desire that may be kindled within the heart of each entity, starting from the first density all the way to the completion of the octave within the eighth density. This desire is made more powerful within your current density, thanks to the advent of the veil of forgetting. Prior to this veiling, entities within the third-density were aware of their nature as the Creator, and thus the will of those entities was automatically tuned to the Creator so that their beingness garnered little charge and manifested little of the original desire of the Creator to experience variety and more intensity. 2022/0623.txt:9:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query my brother. This query contains within it the key to becoming the One Infinite Creator. Each entity that is a conscious seeker of truth and wishes to discover the Creator within, for within each entity does the Creator now and forever reside. Your third-density illusion is one which has the veil of forgetting permanently in place so that each entity is not aware that the Creator is within, that the Creator is all that there is in this creation, and that each entity has access to the Creator through the utilization of what you may call the catalyst of its daily experience, the grist for the mill the food that feeds the spirit. Thusly, you may see all of the experiences within your incarnation as having a certain flavor or potential to feed your spiritual growth according to how you have preincarnatively determined the lessons that you have to learn. 2022/0721.txt:7:Now this is also true, though not well understood within your third-density illusion, for within this illusion you must operate within the veil of forgetting, forgetting all that we have just said; needing therefore, as you move through your incarnation one after another, from time to time to begin to utilize these qualities of love and light for various purposes on your spiritual path. There are often times for the spiritual seeker, those seeming difficulties of thoughts, words, and deeds of others who may seem to be a threat or a problem of one kind or another for the spiritual seeker, providing catalysts that may or may not be well understood and processed by the spiritual seeker. There may be difficulties that are provided by other selves that are incomprehensible in their origin, yet more obvious in their effect, so that it becomes apparent to the spiritual seeker of truth that there must be invoked some kind of protection from entities that threaten harm at one level or another of one’s mind, body, or spirit complex. This oftentimes is necessary in order to provide a space within the mind, in the heart, to begin to perceive a means by which there may be the restoration of clear communication, harmony, and interaction with the other selves or situations in which the seeker feels distress. 2022/0729.txt:12:At some point, this spiritual attunement is that which is the last of the features of the child to be energized or manifested, shall we say. The spiritual features contain more of the pre-incarnative choices, so that the child may begin to ask questions as to the nature of its own being, the nature of the parents, the nature of its environment, its house, its yard, the greater world around it. This is a process of continuing to expand the experiences and understanding of the child, so that at some point in, what you might call, the pre-teen years there is the potential for the beginning explorations of the spiritual qualities of the child itself, of its perception of the world around it, and its purpose in being within the world. This is what you might call the ideal situation. In many cases within your third-density illusion, which is bounded by the veil of forgetting, this process of maturation of the mind, the body, and the spirit may be more or less effective, depending upon the understanding of the parents, and any other entities with whom the child experiences interaction on a regular basis. 2022/1210.txt:54:We are most inspired by all of your efforts at traveling your spiritual journeys. The third-density illusion in which you now exist is one of which the veil of forgetting does its job well. So easy it is to forget that we are all one and we are made of love and light. That our journey of seeking is to open our hearts in love to each other. For when we do that, we open our hearts in love to the One within each other. And the love that the One Infinite Creator flows through freely carries us on our journey even further and more effectively. 2023/0225.txt:74:That this is the nature of your being. You look beyond the seeming separation. You look beyond illusion. You look beyond the veil of forgetting. You pierce the obstructive and obfuscating qualities of the illusion around you and within your mental complex, and move thereby into your spirit, and look there to find the true nature of your being. Is there a further query my brother?new speakerG 2023/0311.txt:48:It is easy to be knocked off this balance in this illusion, for you have the veil of forgetting here that causes you to see that which seems separate as being separate. Thus, you would take the experience—and these, we may say, are primarily in the first three energy centers or chakras—and be able then to expand upon the experience to let it become as difficult or as confusing or as jealous or unknowing, whatever the distortion, and let that become larger in your own mind, so that you intensify it. Then, as we said before, visualize the polar opposite. If you were impatient, visualize patience, if you were patient, visualize impatience, and then let that quality become larger and larger in your internal experience, so that it equals the original experience which has brought about the need to balance. 2023/0315.txt:36:This emotion and perception of self is unique to the third density, for it requires the illusion precipitated by the veil of forgetting, allowing each entity to perceive the self as anything but perfect, and as existing in any capacity besides to that entity’s fullest potential. 2023/0419.txt:5:That you exist in this third-density illusion with the veil of forgetting makes the concept of how to be of service to others perhaps somewhat more difficult to perceive at times, more difficult to truly evaluate your progress. Your desires, your abilities, your opportunities—all of these go into the mix of possibilities of being of service, of utilizing your great desire to be more than you are now, in, what you might call, an illusory sense. 2023/0419.txt:7:And this we applaud, for we also have the same desire, yet we do not operate within the veil of forgetting, so we have more of the sense of completion and satisfaction in knowing that there is only so much that any entity of any density can do to be of service to others, for the seeming limitations of the self—in the definition of the self, the abilities of the self, the desires of the self—are those which do not hold sway as much in our expanded reality of the nature of creation, as being that of unity. 2023/0419.txt:22:Now that you, our friends, exist deep into the experiment of the veil of forgetting, you are greatly susceptible to this pressure. You who are sensitive, which speaks to many, many upon your sphere, wanderers and spiritual seekers included, feel it all the more acutely; and in this nexus of your planet’s evolutionary journey where a new world is being born and seeking to be born, that pressure may push in upon the walls of your mind and create a squeezing, a great worry, an anxiety in such a way that clouds your vision and your peace and locks your conscious attention within the stream of time. This, again, is why we frequently counsel the activity of meditation. In meditation one can learn and, in a very real way, practice disengaging from these mental patterns that obscure and narrow the expansiveness of being, that separate oneself from that infinite wellspring of worth that is always rising up from within the heart of self to spread and radiate outward. Tasting this experience opens one to the understanding of their true magnificence, helps one to stand back from that small self which is wounded, vulnerable and maybe even frightened by the world, so that so-called small self may be nurtured and brought into the heart, listened to and talked to. 2023/0528.txt:5:This is a third-density illusion that has gone further than most in finding the seeming separation of the One Creator to be that which seems to be quite real, each then seeing itself as being somewhat separated, one from another for a variety of reasons. So there are those which seem to be enemies and seem to be that which one might not wish to accept for many of your peoples. For there is little feeling within the heart as to the nature of all beings, being of the One Infinite Creator; being, as those of Ra have said, your other self; being that which is the same as yourself, the One Creator, that exists within each entity—thus, deserving the love and light of each other entity. However, the veil of forgetting within your third-density illusion works oh-so well so that this is not even beginning to be apparent to so many other peoples at this time. 2023/0528.txt:14:To explore this notion, we would go back to a point in time in the evolution of the Creator within this octave before what you know as the veil of forgetting was discovered. The entities within the third density during this period of evolution of your octave experienced the free flow of love and joy similarly as you have experienced here. And it is a state that we are honored to exist within [in] our density, for we do not have the gift of the veil of forgetting. 2023/0528.txt:16:And so as the sub-Logoi progressed in experimenting and offering the love and the light of the Creator to their own creations, the veil of forgetting was discovered. This precipitated the most significant and important development of your octave, and the Creator began to experience itself in a more essential and meaningful way. And it is because of this development that you can even begin to conceive of any other-self as an enemy, that you can even begin to consider that any entity is more difficult to love than any other entity. This may seem more of a curse than a gift, as we have called it. However, it is because of this challenge presented by the veil of forgetting that the love discovered within such a state became significant and struck to the heart of the Creator, because this love was found without the knowledge of the Creator. And so it was as a new discovery within the creation, and this is the experience the Creator desired. And it is this desire that spawned the creation, the entire reason the Creator cast itself out and created what you experience as the creation—so that this essential experience could be discovered as if it were new, as if it were fresh.