L/L Study: The Veil of Forgetting

Andrii Zvorygin yN-PH2196 mtH2a1 & GPT4
attender of Glad Tidings Fellowship, Tara, ON

November 10, 2023

1992/0816.txt:10:It is much more difficult to look for the heart of the dilemma. To gaze not at the topology and chronology of the disharmony but rather to penetrate the illusion to move by faith alone through the veil of forgetting. And to by faith ask for help from the world of the spiritual on the level of those things which are not seen. The workings of the heart are not seen. The self-acceptance or lack of it is not seen. The love or hunger for love in relationships is not seen. Circumstances only are seen. There is, my friends, a reason for this. The design is to so baffle, frustrate and confuse the intellect with all the data of the senses that the student will be forced to move the center of investigatory energy from the intellectual mind, which is a creature of this illusion only, to the wisdom of the deep mind, which is vastly more informed and which resides in what you would call the heart energy center. This center is the gateway center wherein, when the lower energies have been cleared, the gate becomes opened so that you can effectively focus the heart’s wisdom upon the situation you

so that you can effectively focus the heart’s wisdom upon the situation you wish balanced within you.

1993/0925_01.txt:29:These illusions to come are far different than your rough-andtumble moment of choice. There is not the suffering, for there is not the veil of forgetting betwixt the conscious incarnate self and the deep Self that is aware that all harmonizes into unity. In your brave illusion, you face the dragons of darkness, rage, pain, war, starvation and all the dark and monstrous forms of dread, fear and ignorance because you cannot clearly remember that these illusions are only that. It is intended that you become confused. You are supposed to be knocked completely off of your intellectual mountain. And in that momentous fall into the abyss, in midair, you pluck faith, undimmed by any objective proof that there is anything to be faithful to. You choose to live your love.

1995/1029.txt:15:Were you not dwelling behind this veil of forgetting these choices would be easily made. Within this illusion, however, the choice to give, the choice to make expressions of love, especially in the face of a perceived notlove is precious, for choices made in the darkness, in the absence of knowledge, go very deep. You are working upon that core vibration more efficiently, shall we say, within this illusion than you ever will in all of the illusions that follow, for once you have graduated from this third density the veil of forgetting shall be lifted and you will know that you are one with the infinite One but that all others are one with that infinite One and with you, and there will be the strength of the group who together seek that shall aid greatly in the basic awareness of a more solid illusion, shall we say, one more filled with light. Today at 12:05 PM 12:05 PM

2000/1001.txt:33:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The experience that is had by those who have moved through an incarnation and who are in the time/space equivalent of the space/time illusion in which the incarnation was experienced go through a process which is most informative to a mind/body/ spirit complex totality. However, many of these experiences taking place on the, shall we say, other side of the veil are of a nature which is difficult to access during an incarnation. However, there are some few who are able to do this. The number, however, is quite small, smaller even than those who feel that they are aware of previous incarnations. And we would suggest that the number of entities who are aware, in an accurate sense, of previous incarnations is much smaller than is believed. For the experience of remembering a previous incarnational experience is one which has a certain attractive glow to it, shall we say. It is in fashion to remember previous to the incarnation.

We would suggest, however, that very few do remember a previous incarnation in an accurate way, so that the ability to remember an incarnation previous to this one, or the experience between incarnations previous to this one, is quite, quite rare. For each entity wishes that the veil of forgetting will, indeed, do what it does, and that is to make a complete block of all experience previous to the present incarnation in order that the present incarnation might be the sole focus of attention at this time. It is in such a situation that lessons are more purely and efficiently learned. If incarnations were able to be mixed so that memories of various incarnations blend through into the current incarnation the lessons and catalyst of the current incarnation would be diluted in such a fashion such as to reduce the efficiency of learning.

2000/1119.txt:55:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Though words fail to give a clear description of that which is beyond words we shall attempt to speak to this subject. Within the fourthdensity experience the veil of forgetting that is so important within third density is removed, for no longer is there the need to make the choice of how to pursue learning and service further, the choice having been made in third density. Without the veil of forgetting the experience of each entity is much broadened and intensified for if you can imagine the ability to know the mind of another and to share that mind and the abilities in that mind and multiply that ability by the number of entities within the culture, within the race, and within the planet then one may begin to approximate the kind of consciousness that one may call a planetary consciousness that one may share with all others, for at this level of experience in the density of understanding and love there is no desire to hide any portion of the self from another.

There is the desire, in fact, to join with others and point the needle of the compass, if you will, in one direction: in the direction of seeking and serving and becoming the one Creator. Thus, entities within the fourthdensity illusion undertake the intensive learning of what it is to have complete compassion, understanding, mercy, forgiveness, and that which you call love. For at this level of experience the individual identity willingly blends with those of like mind and heart in the seeking and serving of the one Creator. Thus, the experience within the fourthdensity illusion is far more harmonious than that within the third-density illusion where the choice of polarity is made in the fires of experience. As the soul is tempered in these fires then it is able to join with others of similar temper who also seek the One in a similar fashion.

2001/0923.txt:14:Even when the veil of forgetting is lifted, even when you ascend into densities which are full of light, yet still that spirit is stubbornly unknown, and layers of misinformation and false patterning will fall away as the densities roll, and we find this still to be true with our selves. We find we still peel away another layer and another layer of that deception of spirit which is part and parcel of the situation which we all enjoy as part of the Creator. It is not that the Creator intends to deceive. It is not that the light means to be false. It is that there is so much of untold riches to the infinite Creator that It is not all articulated. There is much still for the Creator to know about Itself. And yet that seeking is a slow, slow process. For all that the Creator finds out about Itself, It finds out from you, each of you, each of us, each of all of those entities that live and move and have their being within the creation of the Father.

2001/1223.txt:7:Jesus was not a foolish man. He did not feel that all things were good. He felt that some things were sinful. However, he took it to a higher level in each and every case and said, “The past is past. Make a new beginning and you are completely and utterly forgiven.” Would that the voices that surrounded this entity had the same message. Much has been lost of the message because others immediately misunderstood it and felt, during the time that this entity was alive, that this entity should become a political figure and rule a country, a physical country, the country of the twelve tribes. This the one known as Jesus rejected out of hand. So if the one known as Jesus was offering information about the vibration of a social memory complex then the direction that the entities who wish to help form a social memory complex need to go is the direction of forgiveness and love. Forgiveness of enemies. Forgiveness of the self. And the willingness to make a new beginning. These seem finite qualities, but in the metaphysical world they are infinite.

The freedom to expand and strengthen light is complete once the soul has pierced the veil of forgetting. Today at 12:33 PM 12:33 PM

2016/0102.txt:12:Your path within the third density illusion is the most difficult path that you shall ever travel for only the third density illusion has the veil of forgetting. Only in this illusion is it not completely apparent at all times that you are part of the One Infinite Creator. Because this veil is so thick and so prevalent, it offers you the opportunity to make great progress if you are able, consciously, to penetrate any portion of this veil; it takes effort, it takes conscious effort, it takes inspiration and motivation, it takes persistence.

2016/0904.txt:59:Q’uo, I’m sure I speak for the whole group when I say thank you for joining this circle of seeking today. The final written query says: It’s difficult for me to imagine ”work past third density.” It seems if the veil is lifted, things would obviously be all one. With disharmony removed, it seems the work would be dauntingly slow. And it seems you would know what lessons you should want to approach, and it seems with the veil lifted, one would be able to instantly heal, learn, etc. Can you discuss the type of work done in densities past third, and how it differs in time without the veil of forgetting? 2016/0904.txt:63:So yes, the learning is much slower there, but learning does occur, for each entity in the positive choice of service to others joins with others of its kind to form a group mind/body/spirit

complex, which those of Ra have called the social memory complex, so that the experiences of each entity in the complex of all incarnations is available to the entire social memory complex. And with all of this great library of information available, the choice is made at all times to be of service to others, especially those within the third-density illusion, who yet exist within the veil of forgetting, the veil of darkness. Thus, the third density provides an opportunity and a service to those of the higher densities. By being confused, you are providing a service, my friends. Take heart; even in confusion you are of service. Thus, entities within the higher densities seek to serve others as well, those of sixth may serve fifth or fourth when they have questions concerning unity and the balancing of love and wisdom. There may be planetary entities that are difficult in their evolutionary process that have some sort of problem perhaps with a sun that is old and not functioning correctly, or the tectonic plates upon the planet that are misaligned and need some sort of assistance. There are various ways of social memory complexes to be of service, but as you correctly surmise, it is a

much more patient learning, it is a much more elongated learning, it takes a great deal more of what you call time, though time is not perceived in the same sense in the higher densities. Time is more, shall we say, fixed in an eternal present so that all past present and future experiences are available in a simultaneous fashion. Thus, the experiences don’t seem so, shall we say, drawn out to the higher density mind/body/spirit complexes as they would to your own.