We All are One Being Blog

Quiet Minds, Open Hearts: Q’uo on Meditation and Spiritual | 1being
Quiet Minds, Open Hearts: Q’uo on Meditation and Spiritual Nourishment How much time do we Earthlings devote to meditation or spiritual growth? A seeker poses
Keywords: quo, meditation, study, silence, heart, mind, whether, quiet minds
The Power of the Pyramid: Q’uo on Visualization | 1being
The Power of the Pyramid: Q’uo on Visualization in Meditation Ever wondered if picturing a pyramid in your mind could deepen your meditation? In a recent Q’uo
Keywords: quo, pyramid, visualization, meditation, focus, tool, mechanism training, attention
Choosing Your Path: Q’uo on Purpose and Polarity | 1being
Choosing Your Path: Q’uo on Purpose and Polarity in a Transforming World In a world buzzing with routine and distraction, how do we awaken to our deeper
Keywords: quo, service, they, purpose polarity, self, choice, each entity, opportunity
Hearing the Creator’s Call: Q’uo on Finding Your Service | 1being
Hearing the Creator’s Call: Q’uo on Finding Your Service Path Feeling a nudge from the Creator to step up and help others, yet unsure of the specifics?
Keywords: quo, meditation, creators call, themes, service, synchronicity, theyre, finding
Shining as the Creator’s Light: Q’uo on Purpose | 1being
Shining as the Creator’s Light: Q’uo on Purpose and Service For spiritual seekers, few questions burn as brightly as these: What’s my highest purpose? How can
Keywords: quo, highest purpose, others, both, illusions, seekers, journey itself, creator
Election Issues Through you Honourable Speaker Greg | 1being
Election Issues Through you Honourable Speaker Greg Fergus, Modern elections aren't really decided by policies, but by emotions, and how the public feels
Keywords: they, he, people, pierre, way, food, spending, candidate
Land Reform Done Right: Why Ladejinsky Succeeded | 1being
Land Reform Done Right: Why Ladejinsky Succeeded Where Others Failed Land reform sounds simple on paper: take land from the powerful, give
Keywords: land, he, families, taiwan, others, land reform, ownership, people
Aligning with Your Starlight: Q’uo on Purpose and Service | 1being
Aligning with Your Starlight: Q’uo on Purpose and Service What’s your highest purpose? How can you serve others to the fullest? These timeless questions echo
Keywords: quo, others, seekers, creator, starlight, purpose service, they, moment
Seeking Love in Every Moment: Q’uo’s Guidance | 1being
Seeking Love in Every Moment: Q’uo’s Guidance for the Third-Density Maze Life in the third density is a rollercoaster—some days, love shines brightly in every
Keywords: quo, love, seekers, view, heart, desire, unexpected places, self
Below is a blog post based on the February 8, 2025, Q'uo | 1being
Below is a blog post based on the February 8, 2025, Q'uo session, with quotes clearly marked using quotation marks, a clear title, summary, and points
Keywords: quo, they, seekers, thoughts, love, february 8, summary, one
Guiding Little Souls: Parenting with the Law of One | 1being
Guiding Little Souls: Parenting with the Law of One Parenting is one of life’s greatest adventures, filled with joy, challenges, and countless opportunities
Keywords: law one, child, them, quo, parents, children, parenting, unity
Title: Embracing the Shadow: Self-Acceptance and Dark | 1being
Title: Embracing the Shadow: Self-Acceptance and Dark Humor on the Spiritual Path Summary: Explore the challenge of accepting parts of ourselves that seem
Keywords: quo, dark humor, love, humor, spiritual path, shame, seekers, self acceptance
Integrating Catalyst: A Path to Healing Physical | 1being
Integrating Catalyst: A Path to Healing Physical and Emotional Pain Thank you for your heartfelt query about physical pain stored in your body, its ties
Keywords: quo, meditation, body, acupuncture, pain, physical pain, catalysts, catalyst work
Gratitude as a Gateway: Serving Others Through the Heart | 1being
Gratitude as a Gateway: Serving Others Through the Heart of Love Summary Gratitude is a transformative practice that enhances our ability to serve others,
Keywords: gratitude, others, love, creator, creators love, ability, doorway, service
Emotional Alchemy: Managing Emotions for Spiritual Growth | 1being
Emotional Alchemy: Managing Emotions for Spiritual Growth Summary Emotions are a vital part of the spiritual seeker’s journey, and Q’uo offers profound
Keywords: emotions, them, they, quos words, emotional body, magician archetype, heart, managing emotions
Here’s a blog post crafted in response to your query, | 1being
Here’s a blog post crafted in response to your query, styled similarly to previous examples and based on Q’uo’s guidance
Keywords: angelic realm, agent, higher self, they, query, someone, angelic energies, unexpected shift
Angels Among Us: Understanding Their Presence and Purpose | 1being
Angels Among Us: Understanding Their Presence and Purpose Summary Q’uo explains that angels are primarily beings from the inner planes who act as guides
Keywords: angels, they, them, prayers, physical form, time, quo, inner planes
Grey County Update: Order and Health Through | 1being
Grey County Update: Order and Health Through you honourable Warden Matrosovs, I really appreciate how Grey County Warden Matrosovs follows Roberts Rules
Keywords: they, healthcare, them, inflation, deflation, grey county update, order health, honourable warden matrosovs
Title: The Spiritual Power of Anointing with Oil: Q'uo's | 1being
Title: "The Spiritual Power of Anointing with Oil: Q'uo's Insight into Ritual and Symbolism" Summary: In this enlightening discussion, Q'uo offers
Keywords: oil, seekers, quo, chakras, symbolic practice, physical act, path, title
Title: Unlocking Your Path of Service: Q'uo’s Wisdom | 1being
Title: "Unlocking Your Path of Service: Q'uo’s Wisdom for Seekers Feeling Lost and Without Purpose" Summary: In this heartfelt guidance from Q'uo,
Keywords: she, heart, quo, seekers, synchronicities, meditative state, path, trail
Title: Exploring Time/Space for Healing Past Trauma | 1being
Title: Exploring Time/Space for Healing Past Trauma Summary: According to channel Q’uo, healing through time/space can be a powerful approach for addressing
Keywords: timespace, love, seekers, healing, quotthere, exploring timespace, healing past trauma, summary
Understanding Time/Space: A Reflection on the Q’uo | 1being
Understanding Time/Space: A Reflection on the Q’uo Material In exploring the concept of time and space as presented in the Q’uo material, it becomes clear
Keywords: timespace, quo material, timespace realm, spacetime, time, reflection, concept time space, everyday experience linear time
Title: Love as the Breath of Unity: Discovering Oneness | 1being
Title: "Love as the Breath of Unity: Discovering Oneness in a World of Separation" Summary: Q’uo explores how love emerges from unity through two
Keywords: love, seekers, unity, faith, quo, separation, illusion, title
Clearing Your Lower Energy Centers: A Path to Spiritual | 1being
Clearing Your Lower Energy Centers: A Path to Spiritual Transformation In our ongoing quest for spiritual growth and alignment with the divine, we often
Keywords: quo, light, centers, lower energy centers, path, challenges, unity consciousness, process clearing
Here is the summary, title, and key points based | 1being
Here is the summary, title, and key points based on the teachings of Q'uo regarding crystals, their use with man-made medicines, and the potential
Keywords: quo, crystals, medicines, intention, healers energy, crystal, title, spiritual healing
Subject: Dealing with Money Laundering Cartels in Canada | 1being
Subject: Dealing with Money Laundering Cartels in Canada Through you Honourable Speaker Greg Fergus, Firstly I would like to congratulate Team Canada
Keywords: canada, land, enough land, money, provinces, policies, worth, they
Title: The Purification of Desire: Embracing the Unlovable | 1being
Title: "The Purification of Desire: Embracing the Unlovable and Unveiling the Self" Introduction: In our journey of spiritual seeking, the role
Keywords: reflection, seekers, desire, confusion, desires, they, both, blockages
Title: The Infinite Mystery of the Creator: Octaves, | 1being
Title: "The Infinite Mystery of the Creator: Octaves, Beginnings, and Eternal Presence" Introduction: In the vastness of existence, there lies
Keywords: reflection, seekers, light, creator, creation, eternal cycle creation, coalescence, everything
Title: The Forgotten Civilizations: Lessons from Earth’s | 1being
Title: "The Forgotten Civilizations: Lessons from Earth’s 75,000-Year Cycle" Introduction: In the grand timeline of Earth's 75,000-year master
Keywords: reflection, seekers, civilizations, unity, atlantis, quo, lessons, opportunities
Title: Earth’s Journey Through the Densities: | 1being
Title: "Earth’s Journey Through the Densities: The Creator’s Infinite Exploration" Summary: Explore the spiritual evolution of Earth as described
Keywords: seekers, lesson, unity, wisdom, earth, love, primal elements, first density
Technocracy or Plutocracy in Canada? Through | 1being
Technocracy or Plutocracy in Canada? Through you honourable Greg Fergus, Recently PM Trudeau has effectively appointed his successor of Mark Carney, Much
Keywords: he, they, mark carney, none them, land, anyone, experience, trump
Blog Title Activating the Pineal Gland: Practical Steps | 1being
Blog Title Activating the Pineal Gland: Practical Steps to Awaken Consciousness Blog Summary The pineal gland, often referred to as the "third
Keywords: pineal gland, quo, practical step, self reflection, insight, creator, one infinite creator, process
Blog Title Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: A Journey | 1being
Blog Title Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: A Journey of Unique and Shared Experiences Blog Summary The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Keywords: quo, transformation, jesus, darkness, growth, unity, sacrifice, quothellquot
Blog Title The Journey Beyond: Exploring the Transition | 1being
Blog Title The Journey Beyond: Exploring the Transition from Life to Light Blog Summary What happens when we pass from this life? Across spiritual
Keywords: light, transition, quo, spiritual traditions, love, each soul, journey, journey beyond
Blog Title The Merkaba: A Spiritual Vehicle for Unity | 1being
Blog Title The Merkaba: A Spiritual Vehicle for Unity and Infinite Exploration Blog Summary The Merkaba is more than a geometric symbol; it is a spiritual
Keywords: merkaba, seekers, quo, harmony, infinite possibilities, universe, spiritual vehicle, geometric symbol
Blog Title The Plasma State: A Gateway to Infinite | 1being
Blog Title The Plasma State: A Gateway to Infinite Consciousness and Unity Blog Summary The plasma state, a flexible and expansive state of consciousness,
Keywords: plasma state, seekers, quo, indigo ray energy center, pineal gland, seeker, creator, eternal present moment
Blog Title Activating the Stargate Within: DNA, Light | 1being
Blog Title Activating the Stargate Within: DNA, Light Codes, and Spiritual Expansion Blog Summary The journey to connect with stargates—mystical portals
Keywords: quo, pineal gland, stargates, seekers, they, love, journey, energies
Blog Title Stargates and Ascension: Portals to Unity | 1being
Blog Title Stargates and Ascension: Portals to Unity and the Infinite Journey Blog Summary Stargates, mystical portals connecting realms of existence, play
Keywords: stargates, quo, love, light, seekers, portals, fourth density, others
Blog Title Exploring the Infinite: Galactic Colonization, | 1being
Blog Title Exploring the Infinite: Galactic Colonization, Extraterrestrial Wisdom, and the Journey Within Blog Summary Human history is a tapestry woven not
Keywords: quo, earth, chris oconnor, seekers, journey, humor, cosmos, blog title
Blog Title: Embracing the Path: Wisdom for Navigating | 1being
Blog Title: Embracing the Path: Wisdom for Navigating the Spiritual Journey Summary: The spiritual journey is a rich and transformative experience, filled
Keywords: seekers, spiritual journey, quo, path, each moment, journey, lessons, blog title
Ancestral Healing: Transmuting Trauma into Light Across | 1being
Ancestral Healing: Transmuting Trauma into Light Across Time and Space Summary: Ancestral healing is a profound practice that enables individuals to transmute
Keywords: ancestral healing, quo, self, lineage, intergenerational trauma, seekers, practice, way
Blog Title: Embodying Higher Frequencies: Navigating | 1being
Blog Title: Embodying Higher Frequencies: Navigating the Sensory Responses of Spiritual Growth Summary: As seekers evolve spiritually, their third-dimensional
Keywords: body, higher frequencies, seekers, quo, awareness, higher vibrationsquot, energy, blog title
Blog Post: Sending Love and Light Amid Life’s Transitions: | 1being
Blog Post: Sending Love and Light Amid Life’s Transitions: Insights from Q'uo In the face of life’s most profound transitions, the role of love and light
Keywords: quo, body, soul, love, they, work, love light, seekers
Grey County Update: Jan 9 meeting & Ecological Footprint | 1being
Grey County Update: Jan 9 meeting & Ecological Footprint Through you Honourable Warden Matrosovs, I must admit the committee discussion was rather
Keywords: they, people, canada, county, 2030s, meaford base, ontario, self
Morality, Divinity, and the Simplicity of Unity | 1being
Morality, Divinity, and the Simplicity of Unity The Confederation’s teachings and Jesus’s message center on the recognition that all beings are expressions
Keywords: morality, love, creator, others, they, can, confederations teachings, pitfalls
I think I do have a follow up, as it is confusing too | 1being
I think I do have a follow up, as it is confusing too
Keywords: self, reactions, selves, question, quo, something, they, response
Blog Title: Navigating the Line Between Confidence | 1being
Blog Title: "Navigating the Line Between Confidence and Arrogance in Spiritual Growth" Introduction: As spiritual seekers deepen their understanding
Keywords: insight, discernment, self, they, humility, quotit, differences, arrogance
Blog Title: Addressing the Ego and Shadow: Pathways | 1being
Blog Title: "Addressing the Ego and Shadow: Pathways to Wholeness and Spiritual Growth" Introduction: On the journey of spiritual growth, seekers
Keywords: ego shadow, insight, heart, self, aspects, integration, selfquot, quotwhat
Blog Title: Aligning with Your True Purpose: A Path | 1being
Blog Title: "Aligning with Your True Purpose: A Path to Spiritual Growth" Blog Introduction: Discovering and aligning with your true purpose
Keywords: insight, meditation, true purpose, service, quotthere, world, mindfulness, blog title
Blog Title: Unlocking the Mysteries of Sleep Paralysis: | 1being
Blog Title: "Unlocking the Mysteries of Sleep Paralysis: A Gateway to Deeper Guidance" Blog Summary: Sleep paralysis, often viewed as a frightening
Keywords: sleep paralysis, deeper mind, meditation, gateway, insights, moment, seekers, sleep paralysisquot
Corruption vs GovernanceThrough you Honourable Speaker | 1being
Corruption vs GovernanceThrough you Honourable Speaker Fergus, While the finance minister’s office has changed hands, the troubling practice of prioritizing
Keywords: leaders, ministers, decisions, quo, relationships, canadians, people, they
Blog Title: Beyond the Literal: Exploring Deeper Layers | 1being
Blog Title: "Beyond the Literal: Exploring Deeper Layers of Confederation Teachings" Summary: When studying spiritual texts, including
Keywords: action point, material, confederation material, they, seekers, points, reality, words
Blog Title: Embracing Fear: How Concern and Worry Can | 1being
Blog Title: "Embracing Fear: How Concern and Worry Can Serve Spiritual Growth" Summary: Fear, worry, and concern are often viewed as barriers
Keywords: fear, action point, self, quotfear, quo, catalyst, growth, quos insight
Blog Title: Guarding the Inner Sanctuary: Maintaining | 1being
Blog Title: "Guarding the Inner Sanctuary: Maintaining Peace Amidst a World in Turmoil" Summary: In a world filled with fear, anger, and despair,
Keywords: action point, others, inner sanctuary, world, inward, quos insight, such circumstances, time
Blog Title: Lessons from Turbulence: Spiritual Insights | 1being
Blog Title: "Lessons from Turbulence: Spiritual Insights for American Seekers Post-Election" Summary: In the aftermath of a presidential election,
Keywords: empathy, spiritual insights, quo, quos insight, entity, quos wisdom, youquot, nation
The Bright Flash of Awakening: A Pathway to Humanity’s | 1being
"The Bright Flash of Awakening: A Pathway to Humanity’s Higher Vibration" Explore the possibility of a global "bright flash" lifting
Keywords: others, humanity, possibility, quo, humanitys collective ability, unity, predictions, moment
The Dance of Love and Wisdom: Refining Relationships | 1being
"The Dance of Love and Wisdom: Refining Relationships Through Spiritual Growth" Explore how wisdom refines and evolves love in relationships
Keywords: wisdom, relationships, love, quotwisdom, seekers, interplay heart mind, lessons, quotlove
The Sacred Exchange: How Physical Challenges Foster Love | 1being
"The Sacred Exchange: How Physical Challenges Foster Love and Growth in Relationships" Explore the profound dynamics where physical challenges
Keywords: love, physical challenges, relationships, spiritual growth, others, opportunities, creator, quotthe sacred exchange
The Body as a Temple of Light: Navigating Physical | 1being
"The Body as a Temple of Light: Navigating Physical Suffering in Spiritual Growth" Discover how ascending to higher levels of consciousness affects
Keywords: body, growth, quotthe body, quo, physical suffering, catalyst, symptoms, sacred temple
Fall on Your Knees (In Faith and Exaltation) (Key of C, | 1being
Fall on Your Knees (In Faith and Exaltation) (Key of C, 3/4 time) Fall on your knees, in faith and exaltation, Lift up your hearts to God's Light that dwells
Keywords: knees, faith exaltation, hearts, gods light, world, knees faith exaltation, key c, 34 time
Subject: Annexation Crises Through you honourable Greg | 1being
Subject: Annexation Crises Through you honourable Greg Fergus, It is deeply concerning how the toxic English trait of defeatist, derogatory, and disparaging
Keywords: canada, them, canadians, land, they, trade, lack, reality
Title: Prophecies of Unity: The Rainbow Warriors | 1being
Title: "Prophecies of Unity: The Rainbow Warriors and Restoring Harmony with Q'uo" Summary: Q’uo offers profound insights into the Rainbow Warrior
Keywords: love, forgiveness, unity, rainbow warrior white buffalo woman prophecies, prophecies, leader, seekers, glimpses
Title: Is Your Home Alive? Exploring the Consciousness | 1being
Title: "Is Your Home Alive? Exploring the Consciousness of Spaces with Q’uo" Summary: In this enlightening reflection, Q’uo offers insights into
Keywords: aliveness, creator, seekers, dwellings, intentional love gratitude, caves, title, quotis
Title: Navigating Indigo Ray Activation: Insights | 1being
Title: "Navigating Indigo Ray Activation: Insights for the Spiritual Seeker" Summary: Explore Q’uo’s profound guidance on understanding
Keywords: love logos, seekers, intelligent infinity, gateway, indigo ray, quotthis, indigo ray activation, title
Title: The Power of Intention in Meditation: Unlocking | 1being
Title: "The Power of Intention in Meditation: Unlocking Guidance from the Higher Self" Summary: Explore the profound insights shared by Q’uo
Keywords: meditation, mind, creator, guidance, intention, spiritual journey, seekers, process
Grey County Update: Warden Matrosovs and EROI Through | 1being
Grey County Update: Warden Matrosovs and EROI Through you Honourable Warden Matrosovs, Congratulations on your election to the servant leader role of Warden
Keywords: they, best, them, discernment, charlie, he, friends, time
Blog Title: Naivety and Wisdom: Balancing Love | 1being
Blog Title: "Naivety and Wisdom: Balancing Love and Protection in the Face of Negativity" Blog Summary: In this insightful discussion, Q’uo explores
Keywords: seekers, boundaries, creator, open heart, love, quo, naivety, service
Blog Title: Serving Without Sacrificing: Balancing Service | 1being
Blog Title: "Serving Without Sacrificing: Balancing Service to Others and Self-Care" Blog Summary: Q’uo addresses the challenge many seekers face
Keywords: others, seekers, they, love, quo, service, care, capacity
Blog Title: Understanding the Higher Self: A Guide | 1being
Blog Title: "Understanding the Higher Self: A Guide to Your Future, Unity, and Divine Guidance" Blog Summary: Q'uo offers a profound exploration
Keywords: higher self, unity, seekers, meditation, guide, quo, each individual, guidance
Blog Title: Overcoming Self-Doubt: Embracing Your Divine | 1being
Blog Title: "Overcoming Self-Doubt: Embracing Your Divine Worth as the Creator" Blog Summary: In this illuminating session, Q’uo addresses
Keywords: quo, seekers, creator, love, self doubt, negative programming, they, opportunities
Blog Title: Balancing Love and Fear in the Face | 1being
Blog Title: "Balancing Love and Fear in the Face of Conspiracy Theories: Wisdom from Q’uo" Blog Summary: In this reflective session from October 12,
Keywords: fear, love, quo, conspiracy theories, they, seekers, illusion separation, unity
Grey County Update: Grey 1 and Rehoming Through | 1being
Grey County Update: Grey 1 and Rehoming Through you honourable Warden Milne, So the "Climate Action Team" (CAT as they used to call themselves) did
Keywords: they, self, others, them, people, human right, canada, cat
Grey County Update: JMG and Property Tax Gratitude Through | 1being
Grey County Update: JMG and Property Tax Gratitude Through you honourable Warden Milne, Recently interviewed internationally famous Peak Oil author John
Keywords: policy initiative, gratitude, tools, property tax, citizens, them, abundance, grey county councillors
5-10 Minute Meditation: Inviting the Confederation Into | 1being
5-10 Minute Meditation: Inviting the Confederation Into Our Heart and Joining Their Oversoul with Respect for Free Will Introduction This meditation will
Keywords: aloud, wisdom, creator, heart, minutes, light, meditation, planets
Title: Shadow Work Meditation: Embracing Light Through | 1being
Title: "Shadow Work Meditation: Embracing Light Through Self-Awareness and Love" Summary: Shadow work meditation is a transformative practice
Keywords: shadow work, shadow work meditation, love, process, compassion, shadows, meditation, them
Blog Article Title: Sharing Spirituality Without | 1being
Blog Article Title: "Sharing Spirituality Without Infringing Free Will: Wisdom from Q'uo" Blog Summary: Sharing spirituality can be a profound act
Keywords: others, self, beingness, wisdom, service, empathy, love, help
During recent podcast Milo had some questions for both | 1being
During recent podcast Milo had some questions for both John Michael Greer and Simon Michaux
Keywords: machines, modernity, complexity, they, milos questions, milo, scale market size, mining
Title: Catalysts of Conflict: Q'uo's Teachings on Finding | 1being
Title: Catalysts of Conflict: Q'uo's Teachings on Finding Peace Amidst Violence Summary: How can seekers on the positive path approach the violence
Keywords: seekers, self, heart, unity, global healing, love, title, catalysts conflict
Title: Serving Those with Mental Disorders: Q’uo’s | 1being
Title: Serving Those with Mental Disorders: Q’uo’s Insights on Compassionate and Respectful Care Summary: In addressing how to serve those with mental
Keywords: mental disorders, service, them, deep listening, creator, heart, quotservice, mistakes
Title: Harmonizing Mind, Body, and Spirit: Insights | 1being
Title: Harmonizing Mind, Body, and Spirit: Insights from Q’uo on Spiritual Balance Summary: In Western cultures, the emphasis on the analytical mind often
Keywords: body, mind, spirit, quo, practices, quotthe body, service, world
Title: The Illusory Self: Unveiling the True Nature | 1being
Title: The Illusory Self: Unveiling the True Nature of Being Summary: The passage explores the concept of the illusory constructs of identity that individuals
Keywords: them, others, self, illusory self, creator, journey, guide, unveiling
Title: Balancing Ego and Spirit: A Path to Harmony | 1being
Title: Balancing Ego and Spirit: A Path to Harmony in Presence Summary: The seeker's inquiry into balancing egoic and spiritual drives touches on the core
Keywords: ego, harmony, balance, growth, spiritual growth, title, ego spirit, path
Okay well hope that helps put things in to perspective | 1being
Okay well hope that helps put things in to perspective
Keywords: love, wisdom, helps, things, perspective, trap, intelligence, reminder
The following table highlights IQ ranges, typical | 1being
The following table highlights IQ ranges, typical professions, societal roles, and limitations of high IQ tests
Keywords: quotim, individuals, quoti, typical professions, social isolation, society, manual labor, assists
Once upon a time, Canada was a land of great beauty | 1being
Once upon a time, Canada was a land of great beauty but also growing challenges
Keywords: they, people, canada, land, cities, country, harmony, life
Imagine a Canada where every family has a fair shot | 1being
Imagine a Canada where every family has a fair shot at owning a piece of land—land they can work, land they can call home
Keywords: canada, they, countryside, earth, every family, fair, piece land land, home
Timeline of Land Disparity and Oil Production | 1being
Timeline of Land Disparity and Oil Production from the Enclosure Acts to Present Canada 1600s-1800s: The Enclosure Acts in Britain Land Access: The Enclosure
Keywords: access, canada, canadians, production, land, agricultural land, enclosure acts, oil
Here’s a comparative table exploring the Zen Precepts, Ten | 1being
Here’s a comparative table exploring the Zen Precepts, Ten Commandments, Tibetan Buddhist Precepts, and some Related Concepts from other spiritual traditions,
Keywords: quotthou shalt, life, hinduism, refrain, buddhism, ten commandments, tibetan buddhist precepts, honesty
Here's the table sorted from the Root (1st - Red) energy | 1being
Here's the table sorted from the Root (1st - Red) energy center at the bottom to the Crown (7th - Violet) energy center at the top, guiding seekers
Keywords: emotions, visualization, seekers, issues, fear, hips, relationships, difficulty
Title: Activating the Pineal Gland: Q'uo’s Guide | 1being
Title: "Activating the Pineal Gland: Q'uo’s Guide to Awakening the Third Eye and Serving the Greater Good" Summary: The pineal gland, often regarded
Keywords: pineal gland, quo, seekers, center, blockages, body, veil, activation
Title: Embracing the Story of Life: Q'uo's Insights | 1being
Title: "Embracing the Story of Life: Q'uo's Insights on Synchronicity, Surrender, and Spiritual Growth" Summary: In this heartfelt message, Q'uo
Keywords: seekers, quo, reflections, surrender, flow life, surrender control, catalysts, life
Title: Offering Loving Support without Attachment: Q'uo’s | 1being
Title: "Offering Loving Support without Attachment: Q'uo’s Guidance on Service to Others" Summary: When we wish to help others, especially those who
Keywords: quo, attachment, others, seekers, they, service, approach, water
Title: Is Humanity Ready for Contact with Higher | 1being
Title: "Is Humanity Ready for Contact with Higher Civilizations? Insights on Awakening from Q'uo" Summary: Are we nearing a point of spiritual
Keywords: quo, they, humanity, contact, higher civilizations, awakening, direct contact, question
Had a dream that Xi Jinping joined my peak oil chat podcast | 1being
Had a dream that Xi Jinping joined my peak oil chat podcast
Keywords: he, point, dream, xi jinping, peak oil, podcast, translator, language barrier
The creation of the Mujahideen and the eventual rise | 1being
The creation of the Mujahideen and the eventual rise of the Taliban can be traced back to the Cold War, specifically to the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989)
Keywords: taliban, cia, mujahideen, they, soviet afghan war, afghanistan, saudi arabia, soviets
Here table I made of our top Nat Gas reserve countries, | 1being
Here table I made of our top Nat Gas reserve countries, most seems to be in BRICS countries
Keywords: table, top nat gas reserve countries, brics countries, 15 years natgas, russia, iran 133, russia iran combine, 5 times more natgas
Picture yourself, mentally, taking guilt and discarding | 1being
"Picture yourself, mentally, taking guilt and discarding it as you would a piece of clothing
Keywords: quotpicture yourself, guilt, piece clothing, resentment, shining naked self, waters cleanliness, total forgiveness, cleanliness
The Parable of the Two Kingdoms: A Tale of Thought | 1being
The Parable of the Two Kingdoms: A Tale of Thought and Conflict Once upon a time, in a land of vast plains and towering mountains, there were two neighboring
Keywords: they, girl, thoughts, she, two kingdoms, quo, them, love
The Parable of the Luminous Lamp: Once upon a time, | 1being
The Parable of the Luminous Lamp: Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between two mountains, there lived a young seeker named Liora
Keywords: she, liora, lamp, smoke, inner lamp, thoughts, ripples, parable luminous lamp
Subject: Amazing Grace of Canadians Through you honourable | 1being
Subject: Amazing Grace of Canadians Through you honourable Speaker Greg Fergus, Canadian politics is a very fascinating topic, full of intrigue, deception
Keywords: they, pierre, governor general, them, poor, everyone, food prices, justins term
Title: Embracing Earth’s Challenges: Q’uo’s Guidance | 1being
Title: "Embracing Earth’s Challenges: Q’uo’s Guidance on Navigating Collective Inconveniences" Summary: In this insightful session, Q’uo addresses
Keywords: seekers, collective catalysts, earth, others, faith, title, earths challenges, quos guidance
Title: Letting Go with Love: Q’uo’s Guidance on Stopping | 1being
Title: "Letting Go with Love: Q’uo’s Guidance on Stopping Support Without Pain" Summary: In this profound session, Q’uo addresses the heartfelt
Keywords: others, seekers, love, quo, wisdom, title, go, quos guidance
Grey County Update: Water and Oil Through you honourable | 1being
Grey County Update: Water and Oil Through you honourable Warden Milne, As the indigenous say "Ho'oponopono" or "I'm sorry
Keywords: they, own food, people, prices, screenshot 20241010, year, urban areas, grey county update
Here’s an updated breakdown of how individuals | 1being
Here’s an updated breakdown of how individuals in different IQ ranges could contribute to a technocratic society like the one you describe, based on Superior
Keywords: they, remote meetings, individuals, role, shcn society, best, connection, technocracy
Title: Embracing Anger and the Dark Side: A Compassionate | 1being
Title: Embracing Anger and the Dark Side: A Compassionate Path to Opening the Heart Summary In this passage from October 6, 1996, the Confederation discusses
Keywords: anger, them, they, compassion, others, darker emotions, yourself, heart
The Anthropogenic Origins of the Amazon Rainforest: | 1being
The Anthropogenic Origins of the Amazon Rainforest: Evidence of Indigenous Food Forest Practices Recent research has increasingly highlighted the profound
Keywords: amazon, indigenous peoples, evidence, plants, preeuropean civilizations, ancient cities, terra preta, indigenous practices
Title: Urban Stress, Energy Decline, and the Charter: | 1being
Title: Urban Stress, Energy Decline, and the Charter: How Canada’s Land Policies Threaten Security and Equality Amidst Global Resource Depletion Summary Since
Keywords: access, agricultural land, food, means, security person, critical resources, ability, energy decline
Guided Meditation: Walking the Path of the Divine Gardener | 1being
Guided Meditation: Walking the Path of the Divine Gardener Welcome and Settling In: Begin by finding a comfortable position, either seated or lying down,
Keywords: gardener, creator, need, forest, they, heart, eyes, trees
The Gardener and the Creator's Will There was once | 1being
The Gardener and the Creator's Will There was once a gardener who had been called to tend a beautiful food forest
Keywords: he, gardener, creator, heart, him, forest, others, they
Title: Recognizing Your Inner Wisdom: Distinguishing | 1being
Title: "Recognizing Your Inner Wisdom: Distinguishing Higher Self from Ego with Q’uo" Summary: Explore the profound teachings of Q’uo as we delve
Keywords: inner wisdom, higher self, quo, ego, self, practice, title, distinguishing higher self
Title: The Purpose of Wanderers: Understanding Free Will | 1being
Title: "The Purpose of Wanderers: Understanding Free Will and Spiritual Growth with Q’uo" Summary: Dive deep into the spiritual teachings of Q’uo
Keywords: wanderers, quo, earth, everything, help, play, planet, they
Title: Canada’s Path to No-Interest Loans: Leveraging | 1being
Title: "Canada’s Path to No-Interest Loans: Leveraging Non-Profit Credit Unions" Summary: Canada’s existing network of non-profit credit unions
Keywords: interest, interest loans, credit unions, canada, non profit credit unions, they, revenue, public service
The Confederation of Planets' Perspective | 1being
The Confederation of Planets' Perspective on Possibility/Probability Vortices The Confederation offers a profound metaphysical concept known
Keywords: possibilityprobability vortices, vortices, probabilitypossibility vortices, confederation, higher self, growth, balance, entities
The Confederation of Planets offers a nuanced perspective | 1being
The Confederation of Planets offers a nuanced perspective on prophecy and divination, emphasizing their potential distortions and the importance of focusing
Keywords: prophecy, present moment, confederation, they, love, distortions, tools, prophecy divination
So been noticing how annual heat related deaths | 1being
So been noticing how annual heat related deaths are getting up to half a million, so did some projections
Keywords: air, ac, annual heat, deaths, projections, best realistic scenario, over 2 million annual heat deaths, peoples air conditioners
Grey County Update: English Status Seekers Through | 1being
Grey County Update: English Status Seekers Through you honourable Warden Milne, It is interesting how our democracy works, that ethnicity of councillors often
Keywords: they, them, people, land, canada, english, strangers, room
Class Title: Steps to Graduation: Awakening and Balancing | 1being
Class Title: "Steps to Graduation: Awakening and Balancing the Energy Centers for Fourth-Density Ascension" Summary Blurb: In this transformative
Keywords: graduation, quoti, original quote, lovequot, each relationship, friendships, beings, class title
Timeline Summary of Events Related to Atlantis Based | 1being
Timeline Summary of Events Related to Atlantis Based on Law of One Ra Contact mentions Pre-Atlantis Period Prior Experiments Before Atlantis Reference:
Keywords: atlantis, atlanteans, 1981racontact010txt81, 1981racontacttimelinetxt67, egypt, 1981racontact014txt20, 1981racontact027txt7, wanderers
Sent the following email to Ontario and Canadian | 1being
Sent the following email to Ontario and Canadian Government as well as judiciary: Subject: Housing Reform: Strategic Solutions for Ontario's Future Through
Keywords: ontarios, ontario, subsistence, they, land, food, canada, people
Well I plotted locations of settlements in Mass Dreams | 1being
Well I plotted locations of settlements in "Mass Dreams of the Future" study for the 2100 and 2300-2500AD samples
Keywords: locations settlements, quotmass dreams futurequot, samples, interesting data, china, space, siberian launch sites, france germany uk
Title: Dissolving Timelines and the Journey Toward | 1being
Title: Dissolving Timelines and the Journey Toward Graduation: A Reflection on Spiritual Challenges Summary: In response to a query about the feeling
Keywords: growth, seekers, spiritual challenges, feeling timelines, timelines, potential realities, both, opportunities
The concept of plenum as explored in the Confederation's | 1being
The concept of "plenum" as explored in the Confederation's teachings is rich with spiritual significance, representing the idea of a space
Keywords: plenum, consciousness, space, time, seekers, concept quotplenumquot, confederations teachings, spiritual significance
Title: The Spiritual Significance of Multiple Timelines: | 1being
Title: The Spiritual Significance of Multiple Timelines: Navigating the Vortices of Possibility Summary: In a response to a query from the Taiwanese Law
Keywords: they, timelines, probabilitypossibility vortices, entities, seekers, vortices possibility, existence, individuals
Title: Awakening from the Sleep of Polarity: A Call | 1being
Title: Awakening from the Sleep of Polarity: A Call to Reclaim the Mind Summary: In the message from March 11, 2004, the Confederation offers a perspective
Keywords: unity, mind, patterns, mind asleep, seekers, polarity, title, sleep polarity
Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR), who led the United States | 1being
Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR), who led the United States through the Great Depression and most of World War II, exhibited a Service-to-Others (STO) orientation
Keywords: fdr, others, sto orientation, united states, charter, peace, him, world war ii
Okay so I've updated my graphics for STS, STO, and Neutral | 1being
Okay so I've updated my graphics for STS, STO, and Neutral leaders, and updated the quote for STS
Keywords: sts, ive, graphics, sto, neutral leaders, quote, me, god similar
Timeline (2024-2100) with Historical Parallels | 1being
Timeline (2024-2100) with Historical Parallels and Population Decline 1
Keywords: description, historical parallel, they, neutralclueless majority, self individuals, others individuals, collapse, oil
As part of prep work for writing a book on Jesus | 1being
As part of prep work for writing a book on Jesus Discipleship have made these tables comparing the seven rays of God's rainbow and gifts of the holy spirit,
Keywords: spirit, isaiah 112, part prep work, book, jesus discipleship, tables, seven rays gods rainbow gifts, sacraments
We All are One Being Blog
This blog we bring together spirituality and politics with love.
Keywords: blog, politics, star siblings, love, kindness