Angels Among Us: Understanding Their Presence and Purpose | 1being

Angels Among Us: Understanding Their Presence and Purpose
Q’uo explains that angels are primarily beings from the inner planes who act as guides and respond to prayers, offering love and light to those in need. While they rarely take physical human form on Earth, it is not entirely impossible; they may do so temporarily to better understand the third-density experience and enhance their service. Their essence remains tied to the inner realms, suggesting that even when in physical form, their souls are of the angelic nature.
Points for Seekers
For those exploring the nature of angels and their connection to humanity, Q’uo’s response provides valuable insights. Below are key points to reflect on, each paired with a quote from Q’uo to deepen your understanding.
Angels as Inner-Plane Guides
Angels are entities from the inner planes of our planetary sphere, dedicated to guiding and inspiring individuals. They often connect with those who have had positive relationships with them in past lives, even if the person is unaware of their presence.
Quote: "Those who you see and define as angels are those entities, usually of the inner realms or inner planes of your planetary sphere, who have the purpose of serving as a kind of guidance that may or may not be known by those whom they guide. For in many cases, there have been relationships in previous incarnations which have been affected most positively by these angelic forces and have provided inspiration to those beings who called for their assistance."
Responding to Human Prayers
Angels hear and respond to prayers for peace, healing, harmony, or other needs, bringing the Creator’s love and light to individuals or situations. They integrate into the life patterns of those they assist, offering the qualities sought through prayer.
Quote: "Many of your peoples pray for peace, for harmony, for healing, for a new journey, or other concerns, and these prayers are heard by many. Many of them are what you would call angels, and they respond to prayers by moving to the area of concern and sharing their love and light of the Creator in any manner that might be effective in the area that is being prayed for or the person or the situation."
Rare Instances of Physical Form
Angels walking the Earth in human form is highly uncommon, but it does happen on rare occasions. When they take physical form, it is typically for a short time, allowing them to experience the third-density illusion firsthand.
Quote: "As to whether there are angels as you know them, walking upon your planet. This is something which is very rare, though not totally unheard of, for from time to time, it can be felt that an angelic presence may take form for a shorter period of what you call time so that it might learn more itself about the nature of the reality where those who call for angelic assistance are experiencing your third-density illusion."
Purpose of Taking Human Form
When angels temporarily embody in human form, it’s to gain a deeper understanding of third-density life. This experience equips them with knowledge to better serve those who call upon them, though their soul essence remains rooted in the angelic realm.
Quote: "This allows the angelic presences to feel and know and be within your third density in a manner which gives them more information that they can utilize in their service to any within third density that may call for their services."
Reflection on the Query To directly address your question: Yes, angels can occasionally walk the Earth in human form, though this is rare and temporary. Their purpose in doing so is tied to service and learning, not a permanent shift to human incarnation. As for their souls, Q’uo describes them as entities of the inner planes, implying that even when in physical form, their essence remains angelic—originating from and aligned with the angelic realm rather than being human souls transformed into angels. This perspective invites us to see angels as loving, non-physical presences who occasionally bridge the gap to our reality, always in service to the Creator and those who seek their aid. Whether felt as an unseen guide or glimpsed in fleeting human form, their purpose remains one of light and love.