Grey County Update: Order and Health Through | 1being

Grey County Update: Order and Health Through | 1being

Grey County Update: Order and Health

Through you honourable Warden Matrosovs,

I really appreciate how Grey County Warden Matrosovs follows Roberts Rules or Order and states the motion before calling for mover and seconder. Really helps with government transparency for people watching, so they know what is being voted on. Also appreciate the new committee minutes review in council of the whole.

In terms of Councillor Eccles query regarding healthcare, wondering what are the options of alternative healthcare provision. I seen to recall Joel mentioning they have something in Grey Highlands, there is the South East Grey Health Centres perhaps some variant of that in West Grey would work.

Also is the option of AI based healthcare supports, as people used to say "Doctor Google" though nowadays maybe doctor Grok, or ChatGPT or what have you. I made one that specialized in spiritual causes and remedies here: Of course due to open sourcing of many models it is also possible to host your own such large language model at municipal or county level and load it up with the relevant health information preferred.

Otherwise will be meeting with even more international scientists next Thursday: I'll demo the 25 year plan in 10 years presentation for them, and then present to the county. Sneak peak is that at least until 2030 we will be in a plateau or slow decline phase, so could have relatively low food inflation, perhaps even less than the 2020-2025 period, though only if things stay relatively uneventful, and feds restrain spending. Much of the 2020-2025 inflation seems to have been caused by excessive federal spending to prevent deflation (which benefits the poor), because they prefer inflation (which benefits the rich). China is only country in recent history bold enough to allow deflation to occur, and it had led to very cheap food and other products, improving quality of life for Chinese people.

Don't know if we will have such benevolent fiscal policies as allowing deflation in Canada going forward, but hopefully at least we will not have a repeat of the fire hose level spending of the Trudeau years. We did benefit from at least some of the splashes in terms of getting tools and machinery for the Maker Space funded by the Feds, so there was at least some long term benefit.

That said since these next few years are looking like they will be the "calm before the storm", it would still be prudent to get a few things ready. More on that next time.

As the Confederation says: 2006/04/16: "It is not that you shall die when this energy wanes from third density. It is that the vibrations will be simpler and will not contain those energies that mount, spiraling upward. Therefore, life shall be sustained, and those who come into the environment having already graduated, as many of those born now have done, will carry with them that energy of graduation and will not need to be concerned at the end of their third-density existence. Those to whom we speak now, however, for the most part have yet to graduate. Therefore, we speak to you, not with a sense of urgency but with a desire to share the information that will help you make skillful choices in your present and in your near future."

May you be blessed