Guided Meditation: Walking the Path of the Divine Gardener | 1being

Guided Meditation: Walking the Path of the Divine Gardener
Welcome and Settling In:
Begin by finding a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, where your body can fully relax. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in, filling your lungs completely. Hold the breath gently, and then exhale slowly, releasing any tension in your body. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more relaxed and present.
Allow your breathing to settle into a natural rhythm. As you breathe, know that you are in a safe and sacred space, ready to connect with the divine within and all around you.
Entering the Garden of Trust:
Now, imagine that you are standing at the edge of a beautiful, abundant food forest. The trees are tall and strong, their branches filled with fruits, nuts, and leaves. The air is fresh, and the ground beneath your feet feels warm and grounding.
Take a few moments to walk along the path, noticing the abundance all around you. With each step, feel yourself connected to the earth, just as the trees are connected to the Creator. Pause here to breathe and observe.
You understand, as the gardener did, that all provision comes from the Creator. There is no need to worry about what is to come. All is given in perfect time.
Surrendering Worries:
Now, bring to mind any worries or uncertainties you may be carrying. Perhaps it’s a concern about the future, or something in your life that feels out of your control.
As you continue walking in the forest, imagine yourself gently placing these worries down at the base of a tree, offering them to the earth. Take a pause to fully release those burdens.
Feel the weight lift from your shoulders. Just as the gardener trusted in the Creator’s provision, so too can you. Trust that the divine knows your needs and will provide in the perfect way.
Recognizing the Divine Within:
Place a hand over your heart and feel the warmth within you. As you breathe, imagine that this warmth is the light of the Creator, the divine spark that lives inside of you. Pause for reflection on this divine connection.
You are a beloved child of the Creator, just as the gardener knew he was. This divine spark flows through you, and through all creation. Take a moment to acknowledge this, knowing that you are worthy of receiving divine guidance.
Respecting Free Will:
As you continue walking through the forest, imagine that you come across others—family, friends, or colleagues—walking their own paths. Some may walk with you, while others may move in different directions.
Recognize, as the gardener did, that everyone is on their own journey to the Creator. Pause to offer a silent blessing to each person, sending them love and acceptance for exactly where they are.
There is no need to control or change others. Respect their free will, knowing that they, too, are expressions of the divine.
Speaking Truth with Kindness:
Now, imagine that you have something important to say, something true to your heart. In this sacred space, there is no need to force your truth upon others. Instead, you can speak from a place of kindness and love.
Pause to visualize yourself sharing your truth gently, without attachment to how it is received. Know that your words, spoken with love, carry their own power.
Trust that the right people will hear your message, and allow those who do not resonate with it to follow their own path.
Meeting the Creator with Love:
As your walk through the forest comes to an end, imagine arriving at a large, ancient tree—the tallest tree in the forest. Its branches stretch toward the sky, and its roots run deep into the earth. Sit beneath its shade, feeling the peace and love that radiate from it.
In this moment, reflect on the gardener’s journey, who trusted, forgave, loved, and accepted all beings, just as they were. Pause to reflect on your own journey, and how you can carry that same trust and love in your heart.
Imagine, one day, meeting the Creator with this same love and peace. You are ready, just as the gardener was, to greet the Creator with kindness for all creation in your heart.
Returning to the Present:
Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, begin to slowly return to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, feeling the earth beneath you once more.
When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying with you the peace, trust, and love of the gardener’s journey. Know that, just as the gardener lived in harmony with the Creator, so too can you walk your path with faith, trust, and love.