Well I plotted locations of settlements in Mass Dreams | 1being

Well I plotted locations of settlements in "Mass Dreams of the Future" study for the 2100 and 2300-2500AD samples. And I have come across some interesting data, in that China goes to space and uses Siberian launch sites, while France, Germany, UK and major US cities turn into "high tech urban" prison colonies. Moscow gets bombed out, and is in survival mode, still at war in 2100. Rustic people are all over place including the Russian Steppe, Tibetan Plateau, Tasmania, Montana, California. And the New Age Sylvan people form a band in the eastern Rockies, from New Mexico to the Yukon. As well as pacific islands, Greece, Spain, Argentina, Peru, Ireland, Egypt, Botswana and by the 2300s even Texas. Another interesting curve ball is that Istanbul goes back to being called Constantinople. But yeah gotta remember that this is timelines that were forecast back in the 1980's. Though Russia and perhaps China seem to be on track.