Title: Awakening from the Sleep of Polarity: A Call | 1being

Title: Awakening from the Sleep of Polarity: A Call | 1being


Awakening from the Sleep of Polarity: A Call to Reclaim the Mind


In the message from March 11, 2004, the Confederation offers a perspective on the long-standing patterns of polarity, war, and destruction that have characterized human societies. These patterns, while instructive, have led to a repetitive cycle that has quarantined the planet in a suspended timeline, delaying its evolution. The call is made to awaken from the distractions and polarizations that keep the mind asleep and reclaim the direction of consciousness towards unity and love.

Key Points for Seekers:

  1. Recognizing the Cycle:

    • Humanity has been trapped in a cycle of polarity and destruction, repeating patterns that delay spiritual evolution. This cycle is not without purpose, as it offers valuable lessons, but it also has a limiting effect on the collective growth of consciousness.
  2. The Seduction of the Dark Side:

    • The lack of clear guidance on polarity has allowed the "dark side" to gain a seductive appeal. This force thrives on distraction, polarization, and keeping the mind asleep, away from the pursuit of unity and love.
  3. Suspended Evolution:

    • Due to the repeated engagement in these patterns, the entire society has been placed in a form of quarantine, as if time itself has been suspended for humanity. This suspension is a reflection of the spiritual stasis resulting from the inability to move beyond destructive cycles.
  4. Reclaiming the Mind:

    • The path forward involves taking back control of the mind from forces that seek to distract and polarize. This requires a conscious effort to move away from old patterns and towards a new way of being that prioritizes unity, love, and the collective evolution of mind, body, and spirit.
  5. A Global Call to Awakening:

    • This message is not just for one nation but is a global call. It invites all people to awaken to their potential for spiritual growth and to contribute to the collective shift towards a more harmonious and enlightened world.

Seekers are encouraged to reflect on their own lives and recognize where they might be trapped in repetitive cycles of polarity or distraction. The invitation is to reclaim their inner power, awaken their minds, and consciously choose a path that leads to unity and love, thereby contributing to the greater evolution of humanity.