Title: The Purification of Desire: Embracing the Unlovable | 1being

"The Purification of Desire: Embracing the Unlovable and Unveiling the Self"
In our journey of spiritual seeking, the role of desire is fundamental. It defines our being, fuels our aspirations, and shapes our path. Yet, as Q’uo teaches, desire is both a gift and a challenge. It is ever-present and infinite, but also tangled in confusion, blockages, and aspects of the self we find difficult to embrace. In this blog, we delve into the purification of desire, exploring how the process begins with courageously facing and loving the "unlovable" parts of ourselves.
The Infinite Nature of Seeking and Desire
1. Seeking as a Desire Without End
- To seek the One Infinite Creator is to engage in a process that never ends. Even as co-creators immersed in the Creator, we continue to desire, for seeking and desire are inseparable.
- Quote: “To desire is to be, as to be is to desire... How could desire possibly go wrong?”
- Reflection for Seekers: Understand that seeking is not about reaching a final destination. It is the journey of aligning our desires with the Creator’s infinite love, one step at a time.
2. The Bifurcation of Desire
- Desire is both innate and a choice. From infancy, we are born with basic desires for comfort and survival, but as we grow, we develop the capacity to reflect on and refine our desires.
- Quote: “It is as if desire itself has been split, has bifurcated...desire may not desire to be what has been found to be desired.”
- Reflection for Seekers: Recognize the power of discernment in desire. It allows us to navigate the many layers of our being and choose desires that align with our deeper values.
The Challenges of Purification
1. Confusion and Blockages
- In third density, the veil obscures the true object of our desire, leading to confusion and emotional blockages that can hinder our growth.
- Quote: “Confusion, my friends, is the order of the day... desires are tangled in a knot to the point that I cannot find my way to a clear expression of them.”
- Reflection for Seekers: Embrace confusion as an opportunity for growth. Each knot in your desires holds lessons that, when untangled, can lead to greater clarity and alignment.
2. The Hidden Corners of the Psyche
- Deep within, we often conceal aspects of ourselves we consider unworthy or unlovable. These “forbidden zones” of the psyche harbor desires and motivations that remain unresolved.
- Quote: “No energy is ever willing to remain concealed; it always seeks manifestation, but it will do so in these obscure highways and byways of the unconscious mind.”
- Reflection for Seekers: Allow these hidden parts of yourself to surface. Even the parts you resist or fear are integral to your wholeness and growth.
The Path of Purification
1. Embracing the "Unlovable"
- The first step in purification is to confront and accept the aspects of the self that feel unlovable, unwelcome, or “ugly.”
- Quote: “The process of purification...begins with a reach into the depths where the unpretty elements of the personality have been forced to reside.”
- Reflection for Seekers: Practice radical self-love. When you embrace the unlovable parts of yourself, you create space for healing and transformation.
2. Loving and Aligning All Desires
- Purification is not about eliminating desires but aligning them with the Creator’s love. This involves recognizing and integrating all aspects of the self into a harmonious whole.
- Quote: “Desires cannot be brought into alignment unless they are first given space to reveal themselves, unless they can be felt, unless they can be embraced, unless they can be loved and accepted.”
- Reflection for Seekers: See every desire as a reflection of your journey. Even those that seem misaligned offer opportunities to grow closer to the Creator.
Overcoming the Difficulties
1. Facing Resistance
- The purification process requires immense courage, for it involves facing parts of ourselves that we have rejected or ignored.
- Quote: “What is more difficult to love than that which within the self has already been declared to be unlovable?”
- Reflection for Seekers: Use self-compassion as your foundation. The more you accept yourself, the more you will unlock your potential for spiritual growth.
Final Reflection:
The purification of desire is a profound journey into the depths of the self. It begins with embracing confusion, untangling blockages, and loving the unlovable parts of our being. As we align our desires with the Creator’s infinite love, we refine our focus and move closer to unity with the One.
Let us walk this path with courage, humility, and an open heart, remembering that every desire—no matter how fragmented or misunderstood—is a call from the Creator to know and love Itself through us. May we honor this call, one step at a time, with the awareness that we are both seekers and the sought, both the question and the answer.