Title: Serving Those with Mental Disorders: Q’uo’s | 1being

Title: Serving Those with Mental Disorders: Q’uo’s | 1being


Serving Those with Mental Disorders: Q’uo’s Insights on Compassionate and Respectful Care


In addressing how to serve those with mental disorders, Q’uo emphasizes compassion, deep listening, and honoring the sovereignty of others. Service stems from seeing all as the Creator, understanding societal distortions, and approaching with humility and sensitivity. Learn how to align your heart with true service.

Key Points for Seekers:

  1. Service Begins with Respect for Free Will

    • Service must be requested to avoid infringing on another’s free will. True service involves asking how you may assist rather than imposing solutions.
    • "Service can only be offered as it is requested." (2024/09/29)
  2. Reframing Mental Disorders

    • Society's definitions of mental disorders often create suffering. Recognize that individuals are whole, even if labeled as disordered.
    • "It is the very definition of the disorder put upon them that can cause this suffering." (2024/09/29)
  3. Seeing the Creator in All

    • Every individual, regardless of their state, is the One Infinite Creator. Hold this perspective to foster equality and love in your interactions.
    • "They are whole and perfect in the ultimate view of creation... bringing them into the heart where all are equal." (2024/09/29)
  4. Deep Listening as a Gateway to Service

    • Serve by understanding the unique needs of each person through deep listening. Be attentive to their moment-to-moment needs.
    • "The needs of the moment will present themselves and communicate to you with their own intelligence how you may serve." (2024/09/29)
  5. Accepting Third-Density Stumbling

    • Mistakes are inevitable in offering service. Learn from them, make amends, and persist in your attempts to help.
    • "Though your intentions may have been towards aiding, your actions may have unintended results... persistence in service is your path." (2024/09/29)
  6. The Oneness of All Beings

    • Embrace the understanding that the person you serve is a reflection of you. Healing flows from recognizing unity and radiating love.
    • "The other-self who you perceive as having a mental disorder is you, and you are them." (2024/09/29)

Quotes for Reflection:

  • "All that is broken will be healed. That all is whole. And that all is perfect." (2024/09/29)
  • "Service requires extending yourself, but not overextending to infringe upon free will." (2024/09/29)
  • "Bringing others into the heart allows healing for you, them, and your planet as a whole." (2024/09/29)

Call to Action:

Approach service to those with mental disorders with love, respect, and humility. Cultivate deep listening and recognize the Creator in all. Allow mistakes to guide you toward greater understanding, and let your heart shine in service to the unity and healing of all beings.